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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dr. Light broke out of a storm drain near the fighters? "Ok, I was still rescuing people. Didn't know we were fighting now." He slipped three pieces of paper into his pocket, but the bottle of vodka he is holding can't be put away. He lands beside Bluebird. "Want to make a molotov?" he offers the bottle of vodka to her. "I don't really like the stuff, but the bar tender I found insisted."

He fires a few beams at the techno-zombies, easily killing them. Well, this is just too easy. he thinks. He was hoping for a battle that would impress the ladies. So far, the only ladies he'd impressed were the three strippers he found with the the bartender. That wasn't a challenge, though. All he'd had to do to win their favor was fly them out of the infected area, and had even got vouchers for free drinks and food at club when it reopened.

He looked over at Kid Flash, noticing that there was a good battle over there, against a former Justice League member. He took off and landed on the opposite side of Cyborg as Kid Flash and shoots him in the back with a laser blast. "Let's see if my Light blast beats your Sound blast" he said.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The drones were moving in, but between Bluebird's bullets, Superbeast's claws, and Wonder Woman's fists, there weren't many left. With the tower being handled by Marvel and Superbeast, and these drones proving no challenge for a combined super-team, the mission seemed almost too easy. Bluebird began humming to herself, as she reloaded and shot down another couple drones. Looking up, she saw Static soaring downward on his silver disk, plummeting toward the drones. She readied her aim again, but paused when she saw her comrade tumble from his metallic mount, into the horde, before immediately climbing his way back out. Her brow furrowed, as she wondered what the hell he was doing. This was answered when he sent an electrical charge through the crowd, magnetically locking the drones in place. She had underestimated this kid. Clearly, he was well educated in some form of military strategy.

Raising her guns to her now immobile targets, Xiu made a mental note to question Static about his technique. She sang quietly to herself as she knocked them off one at a time. She locked her eyes onto her target's head, lined up her pistol for the shot, and fired.

"Yao cheng weeeei, locked", *BANG*, "Nan zi haaaan, locked", *BANG*, "bu ren shuuuu, locked, aaand locked", *BANG*, *BANG*, *click*, *click*.

She sighed, her revolvers were out, but she wanted to take advantage of the immobilized targets while she could. With a playful spin around her fingers, she holstered the two magnums at her hip, before reaching into her coat and brandishing a jet-black semi-automatic. As the freakish drones gazed at her with their eerie green eyes, she scowled.

"Locked", she mumbled to herself, as her grip tightened around the trigger. The bullet landed dead between the drone's eyes, and the abominable creature slumped over, head-first into the concrete. By the time its head struck the ground, Bluebird had already lined up her next shot. Xiu was using her eyes separately, so while one eye lined itself up with her gun, the other eye swung itself around, searching for the next target. This made dispatching drones a very quick process.

*BANG*, *BANG*, *BANG*, *BANG*. The human-esque shells stared blankly at Xiu, before dropping to the ground like flies, the green glow fading from their haunted eyes. Suddenly, a sharp shiver ran down the young heroine's spine, forcing her to pause for a moment. There was something wrong with killing these things. Something inhumane. It didn't sit right with her. They had a certain look to them, like deer facing down an oncoming car. Xiu stared ahead at the bodies of her dead victims, hoping Wonder Woman would be able to finish off the last of them. Something had shaken her, and she wasn't entirely sure what it was.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

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Wally was panting, but noticed Dr. Light was covering him while. Maybe Light isn't such a douche, then again he's only doing it to keep the world alive so he can rob banks and stalk women. Wally looked up, "I'll distract Stone. Light, can you hit him from behind?" Wally asked. He then pulled his red goggles back on, and streaked off. A red blur and yellow lightning flew around Cyborg like a tornado. Wally knew most of his attacks wouldn't do much to 'Chrome Dome'. Cyborg went flying up, but then turned on his jetpack. Flying into the sky, out of Wally's vortex reach.

"Crap...!" Wally said, as the former Justice League member fired at Wally. "Could use a freaking EMP right now!" Wally went tumbling, trying to dodge the blast radius of Cyborg's white sound blaster. A techno-zombie walked slowly to Wally, Wally got up and scooted back and back. He then got up in a instant and phased his hand through the grotesque bot's head, and pulled it out. It's green eyes dying out.

Luckily, Cyborg wasn't paying much attention to Wally anymore. Since Dr. Light was blasting at him, Wally punched a techno-zombie multiple times, too fast for an eye to see. It sparked and stumbled, then went down. Another monstrous drone came at Wally. He took it down easily with a quick and strong right hook to it's ugly, ugly face.

Wally was getting drained pretty quick, he couldn't keep up with these things. They didn't need stamina, they didn't need air, they didn't need anything. Wally coughed, panting.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

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The Flash did what he could to gather his team, but most of them had already stumbled upon the action. Somehow the techno-zombie drones of Brainiac couldn't get close enough to the KO'ed Raven to enslave her. It could have been the mighty sword of Saint William. Possibly the speed of Kid Flash, or even the light blasts of the resident ex-con. But the heroes fought hard. Dr. Light even managed to find a few survivors and it was no surprise there were more females than males. Flash hit eight hundred miles per hour breaking the speed of sound and clotheslined the head of Cyborg clean off his robotic body. The rest of the machine man dropped to the ground and the head began constructing legs or something underneath itself to get back to the body.

"I'm gonna clear a path for us and start getting the civilians out one by one. With Raven down I may need to get the rest of you guys out of here too so stay close..." instructed the Flash as he bolted back and forth with the half dozen or so civilians the team rescued.

Across town....

Batman was in and out of the cracks of the machine city like a bug. The dark knight got the info he needed. Not all of the survivors still in the city were scattered, Brainiac's forces have several hundred in a prison below the surface, just under what was left of the Daily Planet building. The detective dipped out of his present location and began making his way back to Wonder Woman and the others. The founding Justice Leaguer was impressed, a drone generator was completely fried and there were less than fifty techno-zombies in the general vicinity.

"Wonder Woman, I think I may have found where they're keeping some of the survivors..." Batman commented swinging down beside the Amazon and wielding three batarangs between his fingers like claws and attacking a nearby drone.

"Static made quick work of the turrets, but we need to get out of here soon. I could keep going but the rest of the team is starting to show signs of fatigue." Wonder Woman said in response slicing at several drones with her sword.

As the drone generator melted from the top down after Captain Marvel cracked it's exterior, the building itself began to give.

"C'mon Marvel! We'd better get off of this thing quick!" Superbeast shouted now shifting into the bone serpent and slithering down the side of the tower.

"Get ready to fall back team!" Batman screamed from the ground, "Wonder Woman is clearing a path!" he continued as the Amazon warrior flew at top speed taking down any remaining drones in her path.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

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Taking a moment to admire Marvel's handiwork, Virgil was quite glad he wasn't land bound.

However, among his group, he did start to wonder about those who were. Batman was probably fine, of course. It was Batman.

Bluebird on the other hand...

Glancing over, the horde he'd pinned had been mostly thinned between her and Wonder Woman, but there were still more than a few dozen.

Taking advantage of the gap in her fire, Static flew back down, hands flaring with lightning, striking the two closest with two bolts, stunning them momentarily. As the continued to move, however, Virgil blinked. Guess it would take more than a taser to take them down.

Not really in possession of the time to experiment a bit with the power of his attacks, instead he shot a few small bolts, electrically charging the ones closest, before giving himself a matching charge, though it only slowed their walk slightly. He'd have to expunge more charge to full on repel them. Instead, he shifted to one side of his saucer before extending a hand to Bluebird, asking, "Join me? I promise, no thirty year old movie referen-" The drone generator gave another groan, Virgil wincing at the echoing noise.

@Jotunn Draugr
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

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With a great many creaks and rumbles, the drone generator and the attached office building buckled under their own weight, and began lurching and leaning directly over the group of heroes. The thought, and imagined sensation, of being buried in rubble occurred to Bluebird quite quickly. She shoved her pistol back inside her jacket, and began looking around for the quickest route away from the oncoming catastrophe. After a quick glance around, the dreadful realization hit her, that she wouldn't be able to outrun the collapse, no matter the direction.

Just then, Static, standing proudly on his shining metallic platform, swept through the air toward her. Lurching to a halt just in front of Bluebird, with a juvenile grin, he extended his hand.

"Join me? I promise, no thirty year old movie referen-"

The drone generator gave a tremendous roar, as its outer shell stretched and compressed under the weight of several stories of concrete, forcing themselves onto the compromised facility. The shadow of oncoming death grew, as the great structure swung itself forward with a titanic lurch. Xiu swung her arm forward, and clasped Virgil's hand with a frantic determination. With his help, she hoisted herself up onto the small disk.

"Go!" she exclaimed, wrapping her hands around the young hero's torso, and doing her best to maintain balance.

With the continued collapse of the skyscraper, the shrill shriek of a hundred broken windows filled the air. Large shards of glass filled the air above them, and began their terrible dissent toward the Justice League members below.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

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Finn felt his adrenaline boiling as he hacked away at the zombies and his attention was brought to Kid and Dr Light. The two of them appeared to have combined their efforts. He moved closer to them deciding that staying closer together would increase their chances for success. St William had to slice his way through several techno-zombies to get to his teammates. He performed a sweeping motion with his blade and slew three of Brainiac's minions in one swing by beheading them.

What William found surprising was seeing Flash take off Cyborg's head with a high-speed blow. He had thought that the Scarlet Speedster would not do such a thing to a former comrade. Maybe it was because in the end there was no real hope for freeing their fallen teammates and they would have to destroy them. He then saw that the enslaved league member's head begin it's process to try and reattach itself to its body. St William wondered if it would be a smart move to put down Cyborg before he caused any more trouble. His thoughts were interrupted by Flash telling them that he was going to create a path for them to keep moving and help find more survivors. He didn't like the idea of having to get out of here if it meant they would no longer be able to fight against these mechanical monstrosities.

"I think that all of us should stick together since we now don't have a means of an instant getaway. Also someone needs to get Raven out of harms way so that she doesn't become a slave to these mechanical demons" he said to the three of them as he bisected a techno-zombie coming right at him. These horrible creatures didn't seem like much of a challenge and St William wondered how the other team was doing with those towers. Surely this wasn't the extent of Brainiac's power, it didn't even seem like much of a challenge for the power of the Justice League and it made him wonder just the villain was able to gain control of Superman and the others if these things were so easily repelled.

"If this is the full power of Brainiac then I wonder how he could have enslaved so many metahumans, he doesn't seem like much pf a threat" William said to them curious to hear their impute into this whole idea.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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"I think that all of us should stick together since we now don't have a means of an instant getaway. Also someone needs to get Raven out of harms way so that she doesn't become a slave to these mechanical demons" he said to the three of them as he bisected a techno-zombie coming right at him.

"I'll get right on that." said Light as he took off, landing beside Raven. He held up a hand and shot a beam of light into her. For a normal person it would have just heated them up a bit and knocked them on their butt. He hoped that because she was a being of Darkness, it would cause her enough pain to wake her up.

"Get up." he yelled. "We've got to go get these civilians out of here and someplace safe. You're our best bet."

He couldn't wait to see if she was awake though, as one of the techno zombies was attacking them. He shot it with a much more powerful beam and created a shield around them, firing through tiny holes he was creating.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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The wielder of Shazam beat down upon the tower with the strength of Hercules and the power of Zeus in an attempt to bring down the power supply for the drone generators. Eventually the mechanical construct came toppling down on itself as the inside melted into nothing and a smile was brought to the divinely empowered teen.

"Whew! Almost broke a sweat there. Bringing down buildings and beating on the artificial dead is tough work. Am I right, or am I right!" Billy exclaimed as he flew down beside his heroic compadres as they followed Wonder Woman through the city.

Captain Marvel took this as an opportunity to bash through a few un-dead foes in his way, tearing them in half thanks to his speed and strength. He was genuinely having a good time like he did on most missions, though he was sad that all these zombies had once been innocent people and were now nothing more then mindless Brainiac drones. So long as there was air in his lungs, Billy would fight for all righteousness and good in the.. suddenly his thoughts were cut short as he bashed into a building and tumbled to the ground.

"I'm good! All good over here!" the crimson clad hero yelled back to his comrades as he got up and dusted himself off.

He was about to get up and fly off once more when he heard a small whimper coming from behind an overturned table.

"Hello? Anyone in here? Donde es tu?" Billy called out in the direction of the table, approaching it slowly, surprised as he took a 12 gauge to the jaw from a frightened citizen.

"C-Captain Marvel?" said the middle aged man holding the shotgun, "I'm so sorry! I thought you were one of those things!" the man stuttered as he lowered his weapon.

"No problem mister, isn't the first time its happened. I've taken a bullet to the face a few times now. How about we get you outta here and somewhere less infested with he living dead?" Captain Marvel asked nonchalantly as he scooped the man up in his arms and flew out of the hole Marvel had made in the building on entry.

Marvel figured everyone was long gone by this point so he took off towards the safe zone at a reasonable speed so that his passenger wouldn't get sick and throw up in the wind and all over the hero. Billy would drop the man off then try to catch up with the others ASAP.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

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Wally couldn't keep this up. He was drained, a techno zombie stumbled towards him. He punched the drone in the face, knocking it down. "Gotta speed up...." Wally said in a weak voice. What would Barry do in this situation? Think, Wally, think! Wally realized there wasn't a shortcut out of this one for him. He had to suck it up.

He streaked into the techno zombie, phasing through it and destroying it. Three more came at him, he easily speed punched through them.

"Come on, give me your best shot...!" He yelled, expecting more to come. He straighten up, trying to look strong, not weak. If he showed his weakness, they could possibly notice and gang up on him.

If they were programmed to think like that.

Then one scratched him from behind! Wally yelped, and fell on his knee. More got closer and closer to him.

Welp, Barry better tell Iris that Wally died fighting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

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Wonder Woman ripped a light post out of the ground and used it to help her clear a path for the team. It was something of an easy task for the Amazon, with the others following closely behind. Dozens more techno-zombie drones flowed into the general area coming from behind the team, getting blasted by the heroes with the particular types of powers to do such a thing. The guns of Bluebird pierced several, with the electro-magnetism of Static keeping them both above ground on his flying disc. Starfire took a few out from a higher altitude as well. Captain Marvel had got separated from the group but managed to find a few survivors.

"I think I can give you a hand, Wonder Woman!" Superbeast shouted transforming into his t-rex form and using his massive cranium to make several smaller structures give way and provide a bit more of a distraction for the team to put more distance between themselves and the enslaved drones of Brainiac.

Within minutes the group was back behind the safe zone.

Across town...

Raven was still out cold, and the jolt from Light didn't really help. With more zombies coming into the area, the ex con was caught off guard. Saint William questioned how Brainiac could possibly take down Superman and enslave a city, while Kid Flash tried to keep up to speed and take down as many drones as he could. Suddenly the Flash sprinted back onto the scene and scooped Wally up in his arms.

"Getting you out of here first... be right back..." the Flash commented after setting Wally down next to Captain Marvel and the rest of Batman's team.

"I'm gonna take Raven back to the safe zone, you're next Light!" Barry said dropping Raven off in record time and returning for Light.

Saint William was the last, as well as the heaviest with all of his armor. But the fastest man alive couldn't help but think he missed someone.

"Wait... the Wanderer! Has anyone seen Esa?" Barry asked lifting William, "Damn, you're heavier than you look..." he continued.

After dropping off the last of his team, the Flash had a few words with Batman and bolted back into the city. Another ten minutes later he returned empty handed with a look of guilt on his face.

"I couldn't find him. The Wanderer is MIA..." Flash responded with a sigh.

@AgeTea @TheUnknowable @Pacifista @Jotunn Draugr @Weird Tales @rocketrobie2 @Angel Vicky @CallMeChaotix

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

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Electrical charge pinning both Static and Bluebird to his saucer, he wasted no time in getting up and off the ground, avoiding the debris. A few magnetic deflections here or there didn't hurt anything either.

Following the charge after Wonder Woman, he kept altitude low enough and his flight steady enough for Bluebird to keep pressure on.

After some minutes, the chaos quieted down ,the team arriving in the safe zone. Moving towards the ground, Static landed his saucer, releasing the charge. Wiping his forehead, he let out a sigh of relief before cheering, "Hey, we did it!"

Turning back to look at the technofied Metropolis, he was briefly overwhelmed: he couldn't even spot where the tower they'd just taken out had been, and it was no doubt one of many.

Recalling the original goal, he called, "Hey, what about the others?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Wally was saved right in time by his mentor, the Flash. "Thanks, Flash!" He said.

Next thing he knew, he was with Batman's team. He looked around, and grinned. Barry had brought the team to the safe zone.

He looked at his teammates, and they looked as much as drained as him.

Braniac was going down, his minions don't stand a chance against the Justice League. He then thought about it, this is like, possibly the first Young Justice and Justice League team up! This was awesome! Well, besides the fact that Braniac took over Metropolis.

He then heard that The Wanderer was MIA. He hoped Esa wasn't dead or infected. He can't be, right?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Both teams had finally made it back to camp outside of Metropolis city limits. Esa, the Wanderer was never found. Batman, the Flash, and Wonder Woman all stepped away from the rest of the group and started discussing what all went down, what Batman had found, and what the next course of action should be. You could cut the tension with a knife. A look of failure was all over the face of the Fastest Man Alive. Barry Allen took full responsibility for Esa's disappearance. After running back into town he returned still empty handed. Where could Esa have wandered off to? Was he enslaved or did he find more survivors? There were still so many unanswered questions.

"Brainiac is keeping survivors in a prison type cell under the Daily Planet and using them for raw materials and labor. The techno-zombie drones we've all been facing are just duplicated of Ditto..." Batman began saying.

"I thought most of them seemed a bit too similar. I think the total number of survivors saved was around sixteen or seventeen including what Marvel flew in. The Wanderer is still MIA though..." the Flash commented looking down afterwards.

"It's part of the job, Barry. Don't beat yourself up..." Wonder Woman responded putting her hand on the Flash's shoulder, "We did a lot of good today, took down one of the drone generators, and I heard one of the kids say you took down Cyborg?"

"Clotheslining my friend's head clean off his body doesn't make me feel any better Wonder Woman. We're fighting a losing battle and the nanobots just keep spreading." the Flash responded to the Amazon.

"I also discovered Nightwing is still alive. I'm going back in. Tonight." Batman said to the point.


Several feet away...

"You see the way Cap and I took down that lava lamp looking drone tower?!? Once we defeat Brainiac I bet I get offered League status!" Superbeast boasted giving his red clad friend a high five.

Many of the members of the teams were getting a little medical treatment for cuts and such they gained fighting drones. A tent was set up for Raven to recover, still knocked out from earlier despite her teams best efforts to wake her. The team could use more help now than ever, would anyone answer Batman's call?

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bluebird stood off to the side of the group, cell phone in one hand, lit cigarette in the other. Taking a long drag, and pausing to exhale a thick cloud of white smoke into the air, she glanced down at the screen. Cycling through her contacts, she found the one she was looking for.

Lawrence Zhang, owner of 'Burlington Guns and Outfitting'. She hit the name, collected her thoughts, and began typing. "L, it's GR. Remember that thug I sorted out a couple years ago? I need to call in that favor, and quickly. I'm in Metropolis. I'm sure you've seen the news. I need a shipment of your best, the bigger the better. Send it to 743, 2nd Ave. Williamsport. 17701. Overnight shipping if possible. Text to confirm."

With that, she tucked her phone away, and took another puff from her cigarette. All Xiu could really do was hope Vermont hadn't already been hit by Brainiac's forces. Letting out a sigh, she stared at the ground and thought. This attack wasn't without its losses, but the rescues were successful, and a blow was stricken. Still, it didn't seem like one facility and a few civilians would slow Braniac down at all. With any luck, the League had a plan for something bigger.

She took one last drag, before tossing the butt on the ground, and stamping it out. Breathing out again, and glancing over her shoulder, she saw Static. Now was as good a time as any, to learn more about her allies.

"Hey hotshot. That was some good teamwork back there", she said, walking over to him, "Where did you come up with that crowd-control trick? Locking all those drones to the ground made my job a lot easier."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

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Taking a breather, Static couldn't help but overhear Superbeast and Marvel celebrating. Static would have joined them normally, but something was eating at him.

Sure, on their end of things, the mission went well, but that wasn't right. They'd been the distraction, hadn't they? Yet it was Flash's team that had the most casualties and resistance. But maybe that was just how things were with the League? This was Virgil's first mission afte-

"Hey hotshot. That was some good teamwork back there."

"Huh? Oh, hey," Static responded. A smile coming to his face at her compliments, Virgil was reaffirmed that he didn't do too bad.

"Oh, you mean that little thing?" Snapping his fingers, discharging a bit of electricity, Static recalled, "Well, the name is 'Static'. Heck, when I first got my powers I woke up with a bunch of metal junk stickin' to me. There were a lot of those zombies, so my normal go-to might have been to chuck a car at them or something else heavy, but there wasn't one on hand and I had backup, so it just came to me. I still need to figure out how much juice it takes to zap one of them though: normally I keep it about taser level..."

Slowing down, Static asked, "Hey, was it me, or did you stop firing for a minute back there? You run out of ammo?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Somewhere outside of Metropolis at a Truck Stop just off the Interstate

It was getting late, as such there were almost a dozen or more 18-wheelers all lined up in the parking area that was reserved for them. Deliveries coming and going from all over the country most likely. Of course, they weren't the most interesting thing in the parking lot, not anymore. That honor almost immediately went to the 1972 Plymouth Duster that rolled into one of the parking spaces meant for cars. It was mostly clover green but had a sleek black racing stripe along the sides, and two wider black stripes on the center of the hood going all the way back over the rear of the vehicle. It had a vanity plate reading "LUCKY" but even all of that wasn't the interesting part. No, the interesting part was the apparent jumble of circular symbols seemingly painted all over the trunk which any car enthusiast would immediately notice and decry as ruining an otherwise beautiful machine.

After the engine was killed a somewhat redheaded man stepped out of the driver's seat. Between his reddish hair, scraggly short beard, and a green car bearing "LUCKY" on the vanity plate it was almost like he couldn't be any more stereotypically Irish, especially considering he was about to enter a bar to get a drink. But sod it, Patrick Shay didn't give a damn stereotypes. He was thirsty, was planning to rest for the night anyway, and so he was going to have a beer or two damn it! This was all well and good, but of course a little voice in the man's head had to go and try to ruin the enjoyment.

"Why the Hell are we going TOWARD Metropolis? You TRYING to get us killed?" the voice belonged to one Alastor, the demon currently occupying the Irish-American's body.

"Bah, quit bein' such a killjoy!" said Shay aloud, but thankfully in a low enough voice for no one to hear, "An' 'sides, with all the action goin' on around here lately who's gonna notice little ol' us?" Shay didn't normally let his accent show, in fact it was only ever at its thickest whenever he got angry or frustrated with something, and right now that frustration was the lack of liquor in his system.

Shay walked into the diner and made his way to the bar area. He didn't attract any looks or stares this time, which was honestly a relief because most of the time he did. The only look he got was from a young and pretty brunette at one of the corner tables. Of course, even that didn't last more than a second 'cause the man she was sitting with gave her look that made it clear he wasn't happy with her staring at the new guy.

The first thing out of Shay's mouth when he sat down at a stool was, "Gimme whatever beer ya got what don't taste like piss." he said slapping a few dollar bills onto the countertop to open up a small tab, and in just moments he had a good mug of beer in his hands and suddenly he was in a much better mood. He could hear some music coming from a jukebox somewhere, some country western song that Shay couldn't identify. Oh well, at least it sounded like actual music and wasn't none of that hip hop shite people seemed to love these days.

Unknown to Shay, the brunette lass from earlier suddenly whispered something in her man's ear. He then got a right pissed look on his face and stood up, barging right quick over to Shay and forcibly swiveling him around on the stool by shoulder, "Just what the hell do you think your doing here?" he demanded, half-drunk and probably not really grasping his own words.

Shay, with the straightest face imaginable, stood from his seat and calmly removed his jacket, the demonic markings on his forearms becoming slightly visible, "Well I WAS 'aving myself a nice drink."

"And now?"

"Now... I'm feedin' ya your teeth!" Shay, without any form of warning, belted the drunk truck driver and actually sent him sprawling across the room and crashing into the jukebox. Humorously, this impact caused it to play a different song, an Irish one actually and the kind of music Shay could get behind. Before he could enjoy himself though, a handful of other truckers got up from their tables and started toward him, as if they were part of some union or league and were sworn to stick up for their fellow truckers or something.

Someone took a swing at Shay, though that proved to be an all but useless gesture. Shay almost instantly recovered from the punch and retaliated by proceeding to grab the man and toss him clover his shoulder onto a nearby table, the person's weight breaking it in half down the middle. From there it was a blur of people trying to punch or grad Shay, but only setting themselves up for trouble as he easily shrugged them all off, all the while the Irish rock song played on the jukebox.

It was almost fun until someone pulled a knife and managed to slash Shay's face. Of course, this too proved useless as the cut pretty much immediately healed itself. Only problem was that it happened in full view of the people here. This was enough to finally make them back down and away from him, no way in hell any of them wanted to pick fights with a metahuman or whatever the hell they thought Shay was. Then he heard the all-too-familiar clicks of a shotgun being pumped behind him. It was the guy working the diner/bar.

"Get out of my diner, freak. We don't serve your kind here." the music had long since stopped, and now it was all quiet. Did the guy just have a fear or prejudice? Or maybe he couldn't be sure that Shay wasn't somehow connected to Brainiac? Either way, Shay's bit of fun was over and it was time to leave. He slowly and calmly picked up his jacket and put it back on. Then he took one last gulp of his beer before walking to the door.

Outside, Shay heard a female voice behind him moments after he exited the diner, "Aww, just when things were getting fun..." Shay glanced behind him to find that the brunette from earlier had apparently ditched the man she was with and followed Shay outside, "...you're even tougher to kill than I'd heard." she lunged at Shay, one of her hands becoming briefly covered in fire and transforming into a horrible set of talons. She didn't get very far.

In an instant, Shay spun around, and in his own fiery display a wickedly jagged sword appeared in his hand just as the clearly demon-possessed girl ran herself onto it. She looked up at her intended target in shock, seeing that his eyes were no longer green as they'd been up until now, but instead more of a scarlet red. The eyes of a demon.

"Oh, I'm sorry, were you trying to kill me?" he asked, without any trace of the Irish accent Shay was known for, "Well, better luck next time... oh wait." black smoke poured from the girl's mouth and ears and seemed to be sucked into the blade of the sword. Soon there was only the dead body of the girl that demon had possessed, "You don't get a next time."

He quickly approached the car and placed his hand on the trunk. The marks on his body seemed to react to the marks on the trunk and as they did he was able to open it, tossing the sword inside and then getting back in the car and driving away, thankfully before the girl's body was found and the police called.

"See what happens when you don't listen to me?"

"Ah, shut it. You know good and well you enjoyed killin' that demon girl. So I'd say we both got to have a bit of sport tonight."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 days ago

St William felt his annoyance at having to leave the field of battle, being carried no less by a fellow league member. The Scarlet Speedster had better not mention this to anyone else, he thought to himself and soon they joined back up with the other team. Finn was in a bad mood and hearing a couple of the others give one another praises didn't help make him feel better. How on earth could they be in a good mood after so many people died and a good portion of the Justice League had been enslaved? It made him almost sick and he decided to speak out.

"This isn't the time to celebrating, many people died today and all because of this sick and evil monstrosity of science. We must wipe out these robotic terrors and them straight to hell as quickly as possible" Finn said with a lot conviction in his voice as his eyes flashed hot white inside his helmet and they radiated his divine fury.

"Once this is over we need to focus on making sure this never happens again and get rid all of this sinful science, this is the devil's work, all of it. A clear path guided by God is the right way to proper healing" he continued and sheathed his sword and then proceeded to take off his helmet. With Superman gone, they would need someone else of noble virtue to guide them through the darkness and Finn was prepared to be that person.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jotunn Draugr
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Jotunn Draugr 人人爱当劳特朗普

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Hey, was it me, or did you stop firing for a minute back there? You run out of ammo?"

Static's words rang through Bluebird's head for a moment. Why did she stop? She'd killed plenty of people before, but there was something different about these drones. She could still see their empty green eyes, staring back at her.

"I, eh-", she stumbled. Why did she pause? After a period of silence, she tried again, "I don't... I didn't... like, the way they looked at us. There's no hate in their eyes. No anger, no fear. They're like-"

Xiu felt as though she had to pick her words carefully. She gave a sigh of frustration. This wasn't how a hero was supposed to think.

"I just don't like looking at them, okay? I want to kill something that hates me. Something evil. Not something... empty. You know?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 13 days ago

Billy gave his red furred compadre a light high five in order to avoid breaking the hero's arm and did an enthusiastic fist pump to celebrate.

"Man, I was all like BLAM! And then you were all like ZAP! and the building just crumbled and it was all like BOOM! That was grade A wicked back there!" Billy exclaimed with a huge smile plastered on his face, his enthusiasm didn't last long as Saint William decided to bring down the group with the direness of the two team's situation.

"Losing the Wanderer sucks, I'm not trying to sugar coat that, and I can only imagine how much it must have sucked to fight Cyborg since he used to be one of us..." the Captain said stepping forward, "...but if we focus on what we couldn't do, who we couldn't help... then how are we supposed to help anyone else? We should be celebrating now that there's not that huge tower to make more drones or whatever it did. And that now Cyborg can't hurt any innocent people. That's not what Vic would've wanted to become." Billy sighed.

"What I'm trying to say is if we act like we're gonna lose then we've already lost. Just focus on the positive and accept the negative. At least that's what I've been doing and I'm still here." the crimson clad hero said, "Of course being empowered by the gods doesn't hurt."
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