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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lucius had not even left the throne room when the screaming started, memories flashed before his eyes of a time not so different then now. A time when he was younger, when his own village became raised by those who only sought darkness. Slightly panicking, he looked around the room for Rida or Octavia but only found the princess jumping out the window. He quickly ran to the window, just in time to see the angel get shot by an arrow. As Octavia fell, he became horrified at the thought of the angel dying just after they had rescued her, barely a day ago. Fear overcame him as he lost sight of his princess, who had just saved his life and was now all alone... or worse..

"N-No no no NO!" shouted Lucius as hatred overcame him. His face contorted into a frustrated glare as he strode away from the window. They would pay for what they have done. He noticed a dog had begun to look at him but that was besides the point.

The air became statically charged with each new step he took. Lightning was always his favored weapon in the field, he always liked how it fried his enemies to a crisp before they could touch him. Now it seemed, he would have great satisfaction when anything dared to get in his way. Before he could do that, there was something he had to do first and his heart sank.

He marched over to the king, bowed and spoke with sadness in his voice, "My K-King... Princess Octavia has fallen, shot by an arrow on her escape. I-" His voice was caught off by one more powerful then his own that echoed throughout the room. Magic was definitely involved and by its words, it was most likely a phantom. Lucius was incredibly annoyed, he could now no longer leave the room without having to confront the creature outside and time was of the essence.

When it finished the Knight of Angels looked back at the King, "We do not have time for this my king. We know not their numbers or how many of our own they have already slaughtered and we most certainty have no time for a phantom. You and I both want the same thing, so all I ask is for something, no, anything that can help us right now! Think of all of your children, but most importantly, think of Octavia. Please my king!" Lucius spoke with serenity, a few tears rolled down his face. he did not want the same thing to happen here like his village and he most certainly did not want to loose Octavia.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Caezel heard the battle begin as he was walking, but still followed the phantom. When it stopped in front of a pair of rather important looking doors, Caezel suddenly got the urge to look out the windows. When he did, he saw something that surprised him: demons combating with soldiers of Light. And the general from the day before himself between them.

A strange week indeed. It did appear the demons had grown spines... or wings. Uriel not applicable, of course. Unfortunately that meant he was going to be right in the crossfire as every soldier of light in the area would swarm the area in minutes. And whatever the phantom was yelling at the door about would probably attract equal attention.

He caught sight of the angel being shot and falling from the sky into the forest. That intrigued him.

Hmm... fight the defenders of the castle and fall in a blaze of glory with a less than sane phantom? Or explore the potential for potions form what is most likely a still living subject?

Hardly a question. He turned and briskly walked back the way he came, passing through the empty halls as he sped up. They would be filled soon. He saw soldiers come near the entry he came in from, but he doubted they would do very much, especially if he was so helpful as to open the door for them...

@Gate Keeper

Long walk/run out the gate later
In The Forest

The affair went quite smoothly, he thought. Let the soldiers in, have them come inside the castle, wreak chaos. For once in a thousand years something was going right for Caezel.

He walked through the forest, going between trees, following a growing scent of angel blood and - he wrinkled his nose - a fairy. He'd be happy to tear a fairy apart. That would make his day. Take an angel and kill a fairy. He was in a decisively good mood as he slowly walked through the forest, following the scent of the angel and fairy mixture. He came in the direction of the small skirmish just to see a wraith blown through the trees not far from him. Hmm. That might be a little more complicated than I thought. He continued to move towards the place where the angel had fallen, but mindful enough to not attract attention to his movements.

@Ace of flames01@Sarcelle Renard@Karos@Meiyuki
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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It seems the child of Fae did not even think of retreating. As the spell exploded up high, Uriel quickly looked down to avoid being blinded. It was still bright even if it should've been harmless, and bright is not something a Child of Darkness is used to. It would also be trouble if the Soldiers of Light themselves saw that and then came. His legion may be strong but a whole army would be able to bring them to the ground.

As Aurora prepared to strike, multiple soldiers turned to face her but Uriel stopped them. He took the shield and placed it on his left hand. "Let's dance." He said in reply before successfully blocking the attack from the left with his shield. He then attempted to use the shield to bash away the left axe and if that is successful, he would continue to strike with his sword, aimed at anywhere in the body of the fairy.

He would then back away and then twirled the sword in his hand. This fairy was quite bloodthirsty, rivalling one of his lieutenants. The lieutenant of his would go out of his way to try and kill the Children of Light and cause mass havoc. He could practically hear his howls right now, there was no doubt that he's trying to chow down on some humans. He then turned his attention back to his current opponent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

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The two loyal warriors of their respective kingdoms clashed, Aurora's steel axe impacting off of Uriel's shield. The attack had more power than one would expect from a child of the fae, making the two instruments of battle create a harmonious ring from the impact. Uriel used the contact to try and disarm the brunette of her weapon, but the soldier of Light held strong, barely wincing as the shield smashed into her left Axe. Aurora quickly flitted away, her wings carrying her away from the general's follow up sword swing. Seeing the general take a step back to collect himself gave the young faerie her own moment to recover from the short engagement.

The armored warrior in front of her was not to be trifled with. He had an obvious defense and strength advantage, as well as a longer reach to make matters worse for her. The only thing she had over the Child of Dark was speed, and lots of it. Thankfully, the general had apparently wished for their fight to be a duel, and not a slaughter, keeping his own soldiers back so he could fight her all on his own. That was fine with her. She could destroy the rest of them after she killed this one, her earlier fears of being overwhelmed lost in the throes of excitement. Using the magical energies inside of her, she imbued her weapons with the power of lightning, the silver duo crackling and fizzing from the added element. Her maniac grin widening even further on her face, she flew forward as if to strike from the front again, only to quickly swerve around the soldier of Darkness instead, her two pairs of wings stopping and moving once more on a dime and bringing her behind him.

Flipping her axe into an upside-down grip within her right hand, she sent an uppercut to the general's helmet. If the hit landed, the axe's blade would smash straight into the area where helmet met body armor, either cleaving through the helmet itself, or only pulling the head covering off of her opponent if he leaned or stepped forward. No matter what though, the electricity would jump from her weapon to the armor, being conducted by the soldier's protective gear. This time, her left axe was the one that would defend her from any retaliation. Depending if her move failed or not, she would flit away once more to dive at his right side, using the left axe in a left to right diagonal chop into his flank. No matter his rank, the armored warrior would fall. She would make sure of it.
@Polaris North
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Fleur looked at Octavia. The spell the angel had cast would hold the wraith, for now, but surely others were on their way. Fleur wove fog behind them as she followed Octavia through the forest, she hoped the angel knew where they were going, Fleur was to busy trying to make them harder to follow.

Ahead of her Octavia's footsteps came to a halt. "The arrow in my wing, please... Pull it out. "

"Sure thing boss, I'm Fleur by the way, in case one of us dies." Fleur handed Octavia a lash of wood to bite down on. "I wish I could tell you this won't hurt, but it's going to."

Fleur pulled the arrow from the angel's wing as gently as she could, follwing the shaft with healing magic to repair any damage caused. She should have done this earlier, but she had feared the rest of the woman's wounds had been to grave.

Once it was done. She asked quietly. "What's the plan?"

@Ace of flames01@ArenaSnow@Sarcelle Renard
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Strong and fast. Uriel thought as he continued to look at the fairy. He wasn't quite sure one what would happen from here on. He had felled many foes in battle but those were just mere soldiers forced into the field. This fairy was different too. She was not one for fighting until she held them off to protect the angel, it was more like she was fighting just to kill them. Fear would most likely strike those who were forced to meet such an opponent, but he stood firm on his ground.

Lightning was the first thing that caught his eyes when she collected herself. They were imbued with the axes making it more dangerous than before, especially to him who was wearing metal out of all things to protect himself. It would be very bad if it would touch any of the things he held. The fairy charged but then stopped and then swerved towards his back. Her speed took him by surprise and then the attack connected, successfully taking his helmet off. It would reveal something almost no one has ever seen before. He had messy silver hair and bright green eyes. Like all Children of Darkness, he was actually pretty attractive. He would stumble forward. He quickly recollected himself, eyes reflecting the pain he was feeling from the electrocution. He could take some hits before he would pass out, that was for sure, but it was still painful.

He aimed his sword towards the fairy. He wasn't known for his use of magic, but he indeed knew how to use it. Spirals of darkness started to form over the sword and shot out, forming what seems to be black spears, and aimed for the fairy. It was faster than the arrows shot out through the bow but one could still dodge it if they were fast enough. But it didn't stop there, he summoned the darkness once more to cover his shield and sword that would cancel the conductive abilities of the lightning should it ever strike the weapons. The armor was could still conduct it though and electrocute him if the two weapons connected. "Tell me, Child of Fae, might I know what your name is?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rida bit her thumb watching as the undead soldier walked to the throne room. "Protect the king Lucious! I'll go help the princess! I'm sure you and the other knights can handle this." Rida said in a hurried pace before flying out the window and after the princess. Rida came onto the princess with her fairies behind her. A few of them took to the shadows and stayed hidden, taking whatever opportunity came their way to attack.

As Rida approached she noticed Aurora in battle against another child of darkness. Many of the fairies surrounded the battle while hiding in the darkness. "Strike!" Rida yelled, within 2 miliseconds rays of light shot out from the trees to disperse the spirals of dark magic. The magic was followed up by spears of light aimed at Uriel.

Rida landed next to Aurora with her dagger at the ready. "You look like you needed help. In future though, try to call for back up before you start bluffing." Rida added as she held a hand upfront. Rida started to chant some sort of spell as a magic circle appeared below Uriel. "What are you here for?" Rida asked as the magic circle started to sprout tendrils of light from the ground to hold Uriel in place.


Mozu in the meantime looked up at Lucius with curiosity in her eyes, then forward at the intruders. For now she growled at them, though she wouldn't be surprised if one of the dark worlders could tell that she was werewolf. Though she was one of unusual breed as she took the form of a chow chow dog instead of a wolf. She was still a very powerful fighter when she needed to be. Her physical strength far outmatched most dark worlders.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

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The moment she saw the spires of darkness, her fears started to rise up again from within her. She really, really, really, hated the dark. Not only the Kingdom or it's Children, but darkness itself. However, unlike her hatred for the Children of Darkness which can be sated by their deaths, her hate of darkness itself was unquenchable, so much that she actually began to fear it. Her arms started to shake at the sight of the large pillars, unconsciously clenching her fists in rage. She didn't have time for fear, the general was still there and kicking, but not for long. As she readied herself to intercept the dark spears the soldier of Darkness had aimed at her, something surprising but highly expected happened. Bright rays of pure light stabbed straight through the darkness, dispersing it and leaving the general without active magic.

A follow up barrage of light flew towards Uriel, but she didn't see the result as Rida appeared next to her, the brunette widening her eyes at the sight of her commanding officer. "You look like you needed help. In future though, try to call for back up before you start bluffing." The older fae remarked to the soldier, magical power channeling through her body and aimed at the general. When Rida asked what the Children of Dark were here for, Aurora quickly replied before they could give some kind of lie. "Ma'am, they are here to capture an angel. They had not obliterated me on the spot, and are not specifically aiming at any of our defensive structures," she explained with a serious tone, none of her usual spunkiness within it, hoping that the redhead would believe her. "These soldiers are just a diversion, the angel was injured and knocked out of the sky. We need to send forces to assist them and get them to safety," she ended her report with a smile and a salute, visibly happy from the presence of the older fae. Her next words didn't sound as serious as before, containing the vibrance that one would usually hear from within it. "It's so great to see you again."

She looks towards the general, and was surprised by his beauty. If he wasn't a Child of Darkness, she would have probably been blushing right now. Sadly, he was, so she had no further interest. She didn't even answer the demon, believing that the faerie company would destroy him like all the rest. @Cuccoruler @Polaris North
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

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The scene from the sky was not a pleasant one. Chaos bled through the streets as civilians ran desperately to safety as soldiers on both sides crashed into one another. The once peaceful city was now fully engulfed in the war that had only been at their border a day ago. Asher had known full well that his plan would require bloodshed, but he did not take any joy in knowing that he had dragged countless non-combatants into the fray. Hopefully this will be the end of this nonsense, he thought solemnly, getting ready to descend upon the angel’s crash site.

That was of course until a bright flash of light damn near caused him to fly straight into a tree. The prince thankfully managed to recover in time and avoid the tree by a hair’s breadth, but a surge of apprehension surged through him. The amount of power left behind the light show little doubt in his mind that it had originated from the angel, but that meant that not only was she able to move, but that something was after her. None of his men should have been this far into the woods, which meant that a stray child of darkness had stumbled upon her. Asher knew full well that his people held no love for angels and that most would kill them on sight, but she was of no use to him dead.

From his bird eye view, Asher could see that the angel’s crash site was abandoned, with only a small trail of blood telling him that chances were that she somehow managed to get away. An unnaturally thick fog prevented him from seeing where the trail led though. ”Magic." The realization made Asher curse under his breath. It was very hard to believe that his prey would have the strength to do all of this on her own, but again, there was no time to waste thinking about it. The prince increased his altitude, attempting to look for the origin of the fog.

Thankfully, Asher did not have look far. In different circumstances, he would have counted himself lucky that the fog had not yet had enough time to disperse more through the woods. From the air, the fog spilling silently through the woods resembled an arrowhead, telling him exactly where he needed to go. With a quick burst of speed, the demon managed to overtake the fog and landed in the forest, landing with barely a whisper. Moving as quietly as he could, Asher approached the fog, just barely able to make out the faintest of noises.

Asher grasped his sword tightly, his expression devoid of any hesitation. Indeed, it was time to end this nonsense.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 4 days ago


Uriel had a moment of shock when his spears of darkness disappeared. He then saw a familiar face. It was the fairy who had been with the princess. Wait, he had no time for that, he was being attacked right now. He placed his sword on the ground, summoning his dark magic which resulted in a dome of darkness, defending him from the spear of light and those that tried to trap him in place. It dissipated leaving Uriel defenseless again.

"Hm... Perhaps the prince would have a better answer for that." He replied to Rida showing a small shrug. He then managed to let out a laugh as Aurora replied. "We may be the Child of Darkness, but it no way would I lie." He wasn't offended by the thought but he wanted to put it out there. He watched as Aurora managed to single out what the prince was thinking but other than capturing the angel, Uriel still didn't know what the prince had in mind. He frankly didn't care. He looked at the hopeless battle in front of him. He knew that he wouldn't win against a whole squadron of fairies and his legion was currently busy with others.

"Now is there any other thing that you need from me?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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@polaris North@RiverMaiden

Rida took a closer look at the general. She then widened her eyes as she realized who he was. "I owe you a bit of a favor after you let me, the princess and Lucius all go. Leave here now, and I won't let them kill you." Rida said as she flew closer to Uriels face. "I don't like owing people favors. Take this chance and leave now. Next time I see you here though I won't be as merciful." Rida said with a look of what seemed to be pity in her face. As much as she was a rouge she didn't like attack defenseless people. She had some ethics after all.

"We need to find the princess anyways. I sent a few scouts to look for her." Rida said before leaving. She would start looking for the princess again. However sadly her sense of direction in this fog wouldn't exactly help her. Especially since she seemed to be endlessly circling five different trees.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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@Lord Zee@gate keeper

The king chuckled softly. " 'Octavia', hm? You speak her name so casually and informally for someone you had just met a day prior." The old man laughed. His expression then turned solemn and grim. "Though I am the creator of all beings of light, I'm no god. I am sorry, Lucius, but this is one miracle that I cannot perform. We must wait and hope that other soldiers of light reach her before the enemy does. Do not fret, lad, Octavia is indeed a frail child, but she is a fighter. She will not die easily."

"ah yes... Kelvin. A loyal and passionate former soldier of light when you were alive. You had served me well. You wish for words? Then speak them! I am listening! " The King's voice boomed to the phantom.


@Sarcelle Renard@Meiyuki@ArenaSnow@karos

Octavia let out another hoarse, short broken scream of pain as the arrow was ripped out of her body. Blood splattered heavily onto the ground and poured profusely from her wound, dripping from the tips of her wing. Her vision blurred and she swooned, faltering slightly but quickly catching herself. She looked at Fleur with her one good, glazed over eye and smiled weakly. " 'Flower', huh...? T-thank you... My name is Octavia.. Pleased to meet you. Fleur.... I have a request for you... Please... Go to the castle and protect my father... I will stay behind and hide. Please... Please do this for me. Please protect my father... " Octavia replied her voice growing softer and softer as another pulse of pain shot through her body.

Octavia collapsed onto her hands and knees, then onto her side. She found herself feeling heavy and no longer able to move her body. Her good eye was glazed over and struggling to stay open. " ... Protect my father... " She repeated one final time her voice no louder than a whisper. She could no longer keep her eye open. Her body fell limp and she closed her eyes as her mind finally fell into the dark, empty plain of unconsciousness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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Lillian-Rose had followed the small party back to the border, keeping close enough to see them but far enough to not be recognised unless they turned around. She almost yelp in glee as she reached the border, frost lining her coat and her body as cold as ice. She doubted she could spend another minute in that place without becoming an ice statue. The warmth felt wonderful on her skin. She followed the group slightly longer as she regained her bearings and upon discovering where she was she head straight back to her little inn room and sent a messenger to inform the general and the king she had fallen ill and would be around to hand out weapons and assist with adjusting them the next day.

The bells signified the becoming of a new day and Lillian-Rose was already up, the cart she borrowed off an old family friend stacked with the crates of well-crafted weapons. She slipped onto the strong back of the strong black stallion which she the directed toward the town's centre.

The ride did not behold anything of interest but a small bittersweet smile crept on her face as she remembered her first visit to the palace. It was a couple of centuries ago now yet so vivid in her mind. The young elf couldn't have been any older than 11 at the time as she proudly carried her bow, which her father had recently made for her and taught her how to use, everywhere. Lillian-Rose remembered that giddy girl who assisted her father in handing out weapons, talking with soldiers. Then king had even had a small talk with her before he had to attend other duties, of course, he'd probably not remember her in his many years of life, much more than Lillian-Rose. The brunette elf sighed as came closer to the palace to have a large group blocked her path. With the advantaged height the stallion gave her she was able to just see over the top of heads human, elf, fairy and angel alike to see the end of was seemed to be a knighting. She gave another small smile for the man, he recognised him from the prior day but she did not stay to watch anymore as she redirected herself to reach the side of the castle where a servent-girl, human, probably no more than 17, what her stallion and heavily-stocked cart and a couple of guards checked her over for any concealed weapons and informed her the consequences for using her bow, not that she had any arrows handy but her bow was like a symbol of good luck, a symbol of her. He had taught her how to make such things and he was with her in the momentous experience. The guards then walked with her to the throne room where they awaited the king's return.

That was when a messager ran in.
"There's an attack on the king and princess!!!!" She yelled. Quickly the guards raced out of the castle, Lillian-Rose in tow, toward the attack
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aurora, so very smug from the position that the general was now in, was slightly surprised and highly disappointed that Rida didn't have him executed on the spot. But, she would follow her commander's orders. That's how the chain of command worked. Walking up to the general, she knelt next to him and stared him in the eyes, memorizing his face and committing it to memory. She gains a wide smile, this one not so maniac as it was friendly. "You got really lucky today, Child Of Darkness~" she said cheerily, her posture not very threatening at all compared to how she was a few minutes ago. Then, a small hint of the killer from before leaked through her smile. "End up on this side of the border again, and I'll personally end you. Damn your rank."

With that, she stood up and started to walk away, stretching her wings in preparation of flight. As Rida took off into the sky, the brunette only had one more remark for the loyal soldier of the Dark, "By the way, my name's Aurora. Remember it for me, okay?" She finished with a cheeky grin, making her own take off into the sky and following Rida to the forest. Her commanding officer has the WORST sense of direction, seriously.
@Cuccoruler @Polaris North
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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"I should have a more reliable team next time then." Uriel said, shooting a look at the soldiers in the streets before bellowing out an order to retreat. The legion looked at him and then proceeded to carry on the message before stopping the full on attack to move back to the gates and regroup. He would get a lot of questions later. "Oh and I have to say, there was another Child of Light who went towards where I suppose your princess is. And think about it, I doubt the prince is just going to hold your princess captive; I bet it's negotiations he's after." He explain to the fairies as they flew away. "And mind is Uriel." He said before taking his helmet and placing it back on.

He then called a phantom to go to Prince Asher to alert him that they're falling back. Hopefully it would go faster than the fairies. However, some of the princes' entourages started shooting at the two fairies so that they could not reach the prince. Sadly, Uriel has no power over them so they let him be.

He then turned and headed towards the gate and towards where Prince Asher was. He started following the demon's flight. He did not know where Octavia landed but he just needed to assist the prince as apologies for holding back attack. Besides, there was nothing there anymore. The soldiers of Light were still being held back by another legion. His was just a diversion to create chaos. He took a vampire and werewolf with him as he headed towards where their prince was.

But then, someone approached him. He carried a message that they should fall back to the town. Having no choice in the matter, Uriel and his two supports quickly left the forest and headed for the town where they were all supposed to regroup. Well, he needed to check up on the soldiers anyway and the prince could most likely handle himself. Besides, even with the tracking senses of the werewolf, it was still hard to navigate and find the prince within the thick fog.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

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"Please save my father?" Fleur looked torn. "Seriously? I mean, as much as I really don't want to be beheaded for being a traitor something seems wrong with leaving you out here like this."

Fleur looked around for a good hiding place and did her best to hide the fallen angel. She was hardly a woodsman, but all soldiers learned basic survival techniques. She did her best to camouflage Octavia's hiding place, then went about with some hunter's musk to attempt to mask the scent of the other woman's blood. She weaved a heavy fog as wide and thick as she could.

Satisfied she'd done everything she could short of staying to defend her, which she still felt was what she should be doing, she knelt next to Octavia. "Stay quiet as best you can, and if we get out of this...drinks are on you ok?" Fleur flashed her the best confident smile she could, and then took to the skies again to take up defense of the king.

"Please stay safe." She offered up a prayer to anyone who might be listening.

@Ace of flames01
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gate Keeper
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Gate Keeper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“You wish for words? Then speak them! I am listening!”

Kelvin would have taken a deep breath if he could, and let go of the magic amplifying his voice, pulling the illusion of his past self around himself again, before stepping through the doors. Arrayed in a wide half circle around the doors were a line of guards, some wielding staves and others blades, a scattering of mages among them. He met the gaze of the man directly before his path, time freezing for a moment. The air grew cold, and frost began to collect on the floor about Kelvin before the guardsman turned and marched towards the king, Kelvin following. The people scattered throughout the throne room were horrified, but for one. A mage with a blue staff and electric blue eyes, whose face was wet with tears, though his expression showed no such fear. The guards fell into formation in a circle around the phantom, and they halted as a group a few meters from the throne.

Kelvin slowly drew his blade, the illusion of his ‘living’ body melting under the sheer force of light magic suddenly summoned by the guards surrounding him, each with a grim expression. He could no longer see beyond the circle, such was the light. He held the translucent blade in both hands for a moment. In life, this had been a symbol of devotion. In death, it was a joke. The ghost's fingers tightened for a moment before dropping it. “How dare you.” His voice was choked with emotion, but the spectre fought it down. “You created life, and granted us a world to live in- yet didn’t give us a way to keep it.” He glared through the light towards the king, voice raising in volume. “We were granted enough time to enjoy life, but not understand it. So why is it that the King of Darkness was the one waiting for us in the end?”

The phantom turned, looking into the eyes of the guards, living, and so similar to how he had been in life. “Where were you when my life pooled on the ground before me?” Kelvin looked back in the direction of the king, trying to see through the glare. “And worse still, why have your people condemned ours to hell?” Memories flooded him, of the early years. “I awoke in a world of darkness, surrounded by cold. How could this have happened? Where did I go wrong?” Pain rose, his voice becoming strained. “And when I returned home, to the people I knew- those that I had loved the most… Where was the love, the compassion? What did I do to earn the curses and hatred of my own blood and flesh?”

He went silent for a moment, before resuming with more control. “The Dark is almost filled with those who once called themselves ‘Children of Light’. It is shameful that I had recognized this only moments before my death… but should not an immortal being have seen this from the start?” Anger bled into his voice. “I fought and died against my brothers, because a father could not grant his cast off children just a little bit of land for their sustenance?” Kelvin kicked the ghostly blade, watching it pass harmlessly through the guards and halt before the king’s feet.

“You disgust me.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

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”Please stay safe,” the faerie pleaded. Not wanting to risk a dragged out fight that was sure to bring more unwanted attention, Asher took cover behind a tree and waited for the brunette to clear out. A strange feeling washed through him as he made his way to the angel’s hiding spot. It wasn’t quite regret, but there was something about undoing all of that faerie’s hard work that left a bad taste in his mouth. It was not going to stop him from claiming the angel, but it was certainly something he would have to look into at a later time.

As he pushed the last of the leaves away, Asher saw for himself what his gruesome handiwork had wrought as the redheaded angel came into view. A torn left wing, broken right wing, swollen eye, and cuts and gashes covered her from head to toe. It was nothing short of a miracle that the angel had survived, much less made it this far. The damned feeling came back in force, but this time instead of being curious about it, the prince became inexplicably livid. Asher found it ridiculous to feel bad about finally having the means to stop this 1,000 year war and yet feel bad about how he got there.

The feeling was pushed down deep. His people were bleeding for him right now; there was no room to let his emotions slow him down. Asher bound her hands together. Not that he was terribly worried about her getting away considering her state, but it would make carrying her that much easier if her arms weren’t flailing every which way. Satisfied, he then lifted her into his arms, doing his best not to damage her wings any further.

The fog had become incredibly thick in the forest and with the dead silence that hung heavily around, the place was starting to remind Asher of his homeland. Something about that bothered him, but he didn’t let himself think about it as he unfurled his wings and started to fly. The angel in his arms was frighteningly light and on the brink of death. If the prince was going to use her to end the war, he was going to need to employ the services of a witch. Quickly.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lucius was quite flustered at the hands of the response he received from his King. Sure, he had been informal with her name but he was not really in the right sense of mind for formalities. What startled him more was how calm the king was, how sure he thought that Octavia would survive her ordeal instead of calling for a rescue party immediately after he came forward with the grievance news. But no, he chuckled at how he used her real name and then dismissed the topic altogether, saying he could do nothing, the man who had just created life not three hours earlier.

Confusion swept over him, if this was the kings will then who was he to judge but, at the same time he felt the need to go to her. Octavia needed help now more then ever and if the King would not do anything, then Lucius would. "So be it, my lord." Spoke Lucius with an edge of spite in his voice. He began to leave, but then the phantom came. The air became chilled as the creature came into the throne room but Lucius did not seem to care. Sir Lucius only wanted to leave but for some inexplicable reason, he found himself un-moving as he waited for the phantom to speak.

The Knight of Angels listened intently to the phantom and found himself in sad agreement. He had always felt a strange pity for those that could not pass on and now he realized that it stemmed from knowing what they had to endure on the other side. Nevertheless, he did not appreciate the blatant lack of respect in front of such a holy being.

Lucius did not know what over came him, but he went to pick up the thrown sword with his left hand. When he did, it sent a cold chill down his spine before he pointed it back at the phantom.

"You disgust me, phantom. I have no other words for you other then this; Take back your sword and leave, I have to go protect my people from your brothers, or did you fail to notice that with your coming more people are dying?" he said with jarring arrogance. Lucius really had no time to play around with a sad phantom, so he tossed the sword back at him and started to walk towards the door.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Lord Zee@Sarcelle Renard@Gate Keeper@Meiyuki

"Is that all? Your story; I have heard it more than a thousand times over. But you forget a crucial detail each time you tell this story. It takes two to make an agreement." The king replies stepping forward, seeming unaffected by the phantom's words. "You speak of how your lives are too short and how you are not given enough time to understand it's meaning. You speak of only yourself and how you deserved more. Such a greedy, selfish, and arrogant creature you've become. You will never be able to fully understand the meaning of life as you are now and for that I truly pity you. That is why you are cursed to the darkness and that is why you cannot move on and reincarnate! I disgust you? Then leave my presence! It is because of beings like you that keep both of our worlds from peace! It is not a matter of darkness and light! It is neither good nor evil! It is the lack of love in ones heart and their inability to move on that keeps us from achieving peace!" The king was now directly in front of Kelvin. His aura and mere presence was overwhelming and frightening even to the likes of the phantom. Though his word may have been found irritating, they were the truth. Something that the phantom could not deny.

The old man turned to Lucius. "Lucius, my daughter, I sense she is being taken to a safe place, where the conflict will not touch her. There is no need to fear or go after her just yet."
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