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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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@Lord Zee@Cuccoruler@Sarcelle Renard@Karos @narcotic dollie

Octavia's eyes had softened when Lucius had dropped the sword and smiled softly. For a moment, the conflict had seemed to be over. "Thank you for sparing him... And for coming for me." She had whispered softly.

However, the tender moment had quickly disappeared. All time had seemed to stop as all Octavia could only watch as a giant beast came up from behind him and smashed him into a tree. "No... No, no, no, no, no, NO, NO! Lucius!" She screamed in horror as she rose to her feet. This isn't what she wanted! She just wanted the fighting to end, she didn't want to see Lucius become something he'd regret! She didn't want to see anymore people getting hurt! This was all of her fault. If she had just ran when she had the chance instead of coming back to help the witch, then none of this would have happened. If she had never existing to begin with then this would have never happened. Nobody would have to get hurt!

Before she could run to Lucius, however, Octavia was stopped by the witch. She offered a potion that could replenish her magic and, more importantly, give her the strength and time to help Lucius. Octavia didn't hesitate to check if it was poison, she was a goner either way. She downed half of the potion and gave the other half to the demon at her feet, immediately feeling it's effects. A second wind washed over her. The pain had subsided and she felt a new strength arise in her chest. She exhaled then grinned to the witch. "Octavia. My name is Octavia. Thank you. I promise I will repay what you have done. Should I survive this, that is!" She replied to the witch with a slight laugh.

Octavia rose to her feet again and drew her dagger. "STOP! STOP HURTING PEOPLE! " She screamed at the beast as she ran and dug her dagger into its mid back. She was doing a fools errand. One more hit and she was done. She wouldn't be waking up again if she was hit by the beast's claws. Octavia removed the dagger and stabbed him again and again and again, until she was out of breath. She removed the dagger and backed up a few feet. Hopefully, her attack had done something, or at the very least, got it's attention. She continued to back up a bit more, but not far enough to not strike it again, should it continue to advance towards Lucius.

Octavia wept bitterly and grit her teeth at what she had done. She had not wanted anyone else to get hurt. Yet here she was, attacking some unknown creature.

Octavia was breathing heavily. She was in no condition to fight and this was most definitely going to come back to bite her back really hard. Yet she had to try... Even if it meant she was going to die in the process.

" Keep this guy busy, understand?! " She called to the young prince as she circled around to to Lucius. She knelt down beside him and placed her hands on his chest. A warm light, this time brighter than before, glowed from her hands. The light soaked into Lucius' body and headed directly for his broken ribs and collapsed lung. " Hold still, my great Knight. I will not let death take you from me just yet." She said to him softly and reassuringly.

The light could be seen glowing from the inside of Lucius' chest as it healed his ribs and lung. Soon Lucius' breathing stabilized and the pain had subsided altogether in his chest. However, his leg would still be broken but at least his life was no longer in danger. "There. Now don't move, alright? Just rest. I will protect you. I promise. " She murmered to Lucius with a gentle smile as she rose to her feet, then turned to the beast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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@Lord Zee@Karos@ace of flames01

Mozu was hit to the side by the monster. There was a loud yelp as she was hit to the side. She didn't hit a tree but she did the ground rather hard. Mozu struggled to get up again but did none the less. Mozu then saw the angel again. At this point Mozu was starting to piece everything togeather. Lucius was here for the angel, yet she stopped him from killing. Mozu herself was starting to get angry at this. As she got to her paws she aimed her growl at the angel telling her to back off. "You caused this didn't you?" Mozu barked at the angel. "This is all your fault isn't it? You angels are always causing problems! And now your killing one of you own! Just disappear you awful traitorous creature!" Mozu barked at the Angel.

Though she started to wonder about a way to help him. If she bit him, would he gain the regenerative abilities of the werewolf and not die? Mozu was not sure entirely about how werewolf-ism worked. But it may be a chance to save him. The Mozu remembered the attacker infront of her. She ran at the creature now and jumped, aiming to bite and rip it's jugular out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RiverMaiden
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RiverMaiden Protector of the Stream of Time

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Aurora blinked. Then, she blinked once more. Wow, she did NOT expect that. She had just been holding 'Basil' in a grapple, smirking at the vampire whose nose she had broken, then suddenly a bright flash appeared infront of her eyes, momentarily blinding the faerie. When her vision came back, all the brunette saw was 'Basil' smashed against a tree, a burn mark on his shoulder. Lightning magic, and a good spell, too. As Aurora stared at the singed body of the vampire, she suddenly realized that her head felt really light, and the world looked a little dimmer than before.

Oh jeez, this really wasn't what she needed at all. Aurora knew that she had been running on fumes the past few minutes, but she seriously didn't expect to be passing out so soon. Quickly pulling the dagger from her wing, blood spurting out of the now unclogged wound, the brunette tried her best to sit up and pull herself to a tree, visibly wincing as her adrenaline started to fade and pain receptors screamed at her brain. After a few long seconds of struggling, she finally brings herself over to a nearby tree, opposite to the currently stunned vampire, and ripped at the cloth on her sleeve. She then used the material as a makeshift bandage around her wing to atleast assuage the bleeding, working as fast as she could before she blacked out. Her eyes slowly starting to close, Aurora took her last moments of consciousness to reflect on how fucked up this day was.

Woke up to an angel falling out of the sky, then saved a large group of villagers from running into a company of Dark Children. Later, she fought the general of said Dark Children, having a shield blow hit her hard enough to numb her hand, and keeping the fight at a standstill until reinforcements arrived. Right after, she zoomed around the dead forest across the border, searching for previously mentioned angel, only to find a new playmate: 'Basil'. Chased the vampire around for a while, then engaged with a wraith that pretty much took away her left main wing and her left leg. Finally, she tried to carry an unconscious angel to the border, only to be blindsided, stabbed in the other functioning main wing, and literally blinded by a flash of Lightning.

...Man, what a day. The last thought that ran through the female's mind, as darkness overtook her vision, her hand still clenching the blade that had been embedded into her wing, was whether or not the angel got over the border to the King.

@ArenaSnow@Polaris North(Hale)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Perhaps that worked all too well. The elf was quite sure that it would hit considering the vampire's position but she was still surprised that it worked. Ah well, no need to dwell over that. She jumped off the tree, rolling as she made contact with the ground as to avoid breaking her legs. She stood up and then inched her way closer to the fairie. She seemed to be struggling for consciousness. Hm, that didn't work it seems. She began examining the body of the fairie. Nothing seems to be wrong with her body save for a few injuries and maybe some broken bones that she couldn't see but she surely was injured and yet Hale couldn't place a finger on it.

Nevertheless, Hale got to work. She lowered her hood and then placed her hands firmly above the injured wing. Her hands began to glow and the healing magic began. The wound began to slowly close before it looked completely fine and she was sure that it would feel fine as well, like it was never injured before. She then did the same with the other injuries she had seen on her physical body. When she seemed all patched up, she then picked the fairy up in a piggy back, and then heading for her home. Her eyes went to the vampire, however, and then thought about taking him as well. But it might cause unnecessary fighting inside her household. Besides, the lightning bolt shouldn't hurt that much. He'll be fine.

Hale felt that this fairie was somehow associated with what was happening inside the Kingdom of Light. Frankly, Hale wanted to know more about it. If she was a warrior, Hale might be in trouble since she was technically a traitor, hopefully, this fairie harbored some sense of gratitude towards her. She would arrive at the house. It was in pristine condition, rivaling most common houses. Surprisingly, she made these out of spare resources that she found on either sides. It was directly on the center of the border so her house seemed to have two sides. She entered carefully and then looked around. Okay, no one went in to kill her or scavenge her food. Good. She then headed for the infirmary of the house and then placed Aurora there and put a blanket over her. The elf then went back to the kitchen to make some food for herself. Rabbit stew sounded delicious.

@Ace of flames01@Narcotic Dollie@Lord Zee@Karos@Sarcelle Renard@Cuccoruler

The general was more or less astounded by the sudden appearance of a giant bat-like creature that seemed to be the combination of a thousand nightmares. Or perhaps not but he simply assumed it to be. It huge, easily towering every living being that stood in the clearing. It only seemed to follow the wraith's instructions but even then, it seemed to have a mind of its own. Uriel practically glared at the wraith, oh if only she could see under the helmet. This posed a danger to every single being in the vicinity, the prince and the other Children of Darkness included. But it seems to still be distracted with the Children of Light.

His dark spears dissipated when the beast struck the human mage. He was sent slamming into a tree. Even the general could feel that. It probably would've broken some bones if not more than that. The princess screamed when she saw it happen before her eyes. Of course she would, they were lovers weren't they?

They were, weren't they?

But whatever, that seemed irrelevant to the current situation. He then saw the witch offer a potion to the two and the angel quickly downed half of it before charging at the beast. Uriel was about to say something against her but then decided to not say anything at all. He then saw the wraith heading for the downed prince. Of course, they were all worried for their beloved prince, the general admitted that he was worried about his superior as well. But he literally wouldn't be able to do anything right now besides watch since he couldn't procure a potion like the witch can.

So he stepped out into the clearing and then stood like a wall between the beast and the prince. He looked at Asher, knowing that Octavia left something for him to do. "Your orders, Prince Asher?" He asked. Uriel's hand tightened on the handle of his shield. He seemed prepared to do anything. From taking down the beast, to retaking the angel. It seemed like he was willing to risk his life to fulfill his order.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Don noticed the light and shielded his eyes as the usual human would probably do in the situation he was in. He decided to play the human role for a bit more and walk backwards away from the light tripping over a vine and falling backwards. "Ahh!" He shouted as his eye site become more clear and his view better. The once dark woods was now lit by a small light. Don believe the human game was now over and the survival of the fittest game has begun. He quickly opened his palm his scythe instantly appearing by his side. "Damn! Almost had yah too! Looks like I have to kill you know!" He laughed floating in her direction swinging his scythe aiming to decapitate the fairy. "I'll give you a chance to surrender before you realize your fighting a losing fight!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Asher took no pleasure in hearing his adversary break against a tree. Although the man had brought him within an inch of his life, it was clear that the angel shielding the demon had broken the loyal man’s heart. Not to mention the scream that came out of the angel made that odd and awful feeling he felt earlier that day return with a vengeance. You don’t even know the creature’s name. Why are you getting so invested in how she feels? he wondered as he took the potion from her mechanically. A useless feeling flooded him as he could only watch in horror as the fool then proceeded to charge the abomination that Livia had brought forth.

Naya’s potion tasted about as awful as one would expect from something so useful, but Asher downed it without a note of complaint. The effects were almost unreal, as he felt a surge of magic jolt through him while his scorched insides felt like they had been plunged into cool water. He knew full well that his wounds were still in the same sorry state they had been in moments ago, but now he could at least move his body. The prince got to his feet just in time to see the princess relentlessly stabbing at the Varghulf, a being that Asher knew to be the stuff of nightmares from his studies, dancing all too dangerously on the line between being brave and being suicidal.

"Keep this guy busy, understand?!" the strange creature yelled at him, as if she was in any position to be giving him orders. The notion bothered him to no end, but she was already off to heal the mage before he could say anything. Not to mention something like a Varghulf was not an entity to be taken lightly and had already become the prince's primary concern. There was a reason the Dark Children did not keep them around, as they were simply impossible to control for extended periods of time. Something that he would have thought a wraith like Livia would have known full well.

Thankfully he did not have to track the wraith down, as Livia approached him on her own. Asher regarded the incorporeal being coolly, his expression one that commanded authority. “That beast needs to be put down,” he ordered simply, his eyes fixed on the Varghulf, “While I do not doubt your ability to control it, that beast will devour everything if given the chance and you just destroyed the one thing that could contain it.” His tone was matter of fact and offered no room for argument. While the prince wasn’t the most well versed in necromancy, he had read enough of his people's history to know that trying to keep a primal being like a Varghulf bent to one’s will always ended in tragedy.

Before Livia could respond, Uriel arrived on the scene, asking the prince for his orders. With a deft motion, Asher picked up Balmung once more with his less destroyed hand before turning to his general. ”They are simple, we are going to go end that monstrosity,” he replied, gesturing at the Varghulf with the point of his blade. ”Any questions?

Even though he had no time for such distractions, there was still a persistent thought the prince could not quite shake. So it's Octavia then. Huh...

@Ace of flames01@Narcotic Dollie@Lord Zee@Karos@Polaris North@Cuccoruler
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01@Narcotic Dollie@Lord Zee@Sarcelle Renard@Cuccoruler@Polaris North

Livia's eyes surged with blue flame as she heard the princes' orders, kill my own brother she thought… no she shook her hooded head. She'd studied too long for this, the centuries of waiting, the alignments she'd waited for that only she knew of, the incantations only she could pronounce. No, the Varghulf was strong, its will surprisingly so. But the plan, the plan would still work, every test had confirmed it.

Livia reached inside the folds of her robes and pulled out a glowing gemstone. It was about the size of an apple, blood red in colour with grey lines criss-crossing it. She studied the figures around her, deciding the general to be the stronger she offered it to him. 'You won't be able to kill my brother, you're in no fit state to even try. But you can help me control him. Think of it, such a devastating beast of war finally mastered and put to use by the children of the dark. It would be glorious.'

The stone was the result of at least two centuries of work and study. One of the few corporeal things she could touch due to it's powerful magic, she'd had to use other various constructs to make it. The gem was ancient older than her that was for certain, it had been her mother's. I guess it still is she thought, her, father and all of those other damned fools that locked him away now sit in the palm of my hand. The souls screeched to her as she held the gem, they knew what they had to do, they hated Livia for what she'd done, but they knew the stakes.

'Take the gem' she offered it again, 'press the stone against him and he shall be mine. His mind restored and bound to me.' Her whispering voices were somewhere between giving orders and begging for help. She knew that if the figures refused she'd have no choice, she couldn't stand by and let him die… no Al… no, not after all this time.

The little girl was crying again. She was sat in a tall tower now, there was a knock at the door. An elderly servant dressed in grey robes shuffled into the room carrying a large stack of books. He placed them on the girl's table without a word and shuffled out of the room. The little girl shot off her bead, grabbing a candle as she did so. Several hours later she'd read half the volumes, but they'd given her more questions than answers, however, there was hope in the books. Hope that one day she might be able to save him, to make him whole once again.

Livia snapped back to the present and watched as the dog launched itself at her brother's jugular. Blood already seeped from his back where the foolish angel had stabbed him again and again, he seemed to be ever so slightly peeved by that. That was until the dog hit home, the Varghulf screeched as the flesh was torn from its throat, but it didn't fall. It swung its colossal head to face the creature, then looked back to the mage who was now being nursed by the angel. The beast lumbered towards the wounded warrior and the beast that had attacked it. Again it raised its right forelimb, claw pointed down ready to skewer either of the two figures beneath it.

Livia seeing this thrust the gem forward again, her chorus was a moanful screech this time,'If you want that angel alive soldier, and believe me you do! Take the gem and move!'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

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"How could you do this!" a fair faced youth shouted at a much younger Lucius, the reflection between them was startling. Of course it was, the lad was his brother after all and he was confronting the young wizard who had most of his possessions with him in a knapsack.

It was a another bright and sunny day, just like it always was in the land of light, yet this time there was a stain of darkness that Lucius could not avoid. They were on a porch of a house, a long dirt path was the only way to reach it through the dense patch of forest that it inhabited. Behind the house sat a small pond with a rope swing.

Sir Lucius, as he would one day be called, was incredibly torn. His younger brother had never wanted him to join the army, had never wanted him to leave home where he was safe and he was going anyways. Pride for his country was propelling him to make the jump in the war, he needed to prove to himself that he was capable of never letting his family get hurt again. But the irony was there, he was hurting them by leaving.

His younger brother cried out, "Think of mom and dad! What about them huh. What about me and our little sister, Clarissa! You can't go, not yet, it's too soon!"

The words stung Lucius over and over again. "I have to do this brother," he said while placing a hand on his shoulder, "This is the only way to protect you all, the conflict is now in a distant place but that does not mean it couldn't come here. I have to go to learn, to train. One day you will understand."

Lucius let his hand drop to his side and backed away from his new home and family. He had already said goodbye to his parents, who now waited in the doorway to see him off. His brother's face was blank as he spoke, "Goodbye Lucius."

Lucius spoke, the words were hard to say, "Goodbye, Orion."


That was eight years ago, he visited his family as often as he could but the rift with his brother that had began that day slowly grew. What shocked him the most was when Orion joined the army as well, not three years since he had. Seldom did Lucius see his brother after that, he only knew that his talents were being used to full effect all over the world.


A warm feeling fluttered over Lucius as he lay dying in the cold. His eyes had been shut soon after he had given up trying to move and waited for the end. The warmth gradually fixed his broken limps and to his astonishment, he was able to breath properly again when his lung also began working again. The only pain he felt was in his arm and leg and of course the killer headache he had going on.

He cautiously opened his eyes to see Octavia healing him. A wave of utter astonishment came upon him, she should have just left him to die and save her precious prince instead. Why bother saving the likes of a human, when the demon was by far more important to her? He grimaced as she spoke of protecting him, when in reality she should have been saving herself. She should have healed herself and flown out of there but no, she had healed him in some twisted display of gratitude.

"You should have just left me to die in peace, princess." Lucius whispered vehemently.

With sudden realization, the words that had been spoken by the phantom back at the capital echoed in his mind. He had almost died alone, but at least he would have been at peace. His family would have grieved for a time but at least they would come to accept that he died for King and Country. Lucius was strangely alright with the idea of death, it was not his first time after all.

But it seemed his wish would be answered after all, the monster was back and its hand was raised for the killing blow. Octavia could only help herself, not the both of them. It would leave Lucius finally able to die, alone and at peace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Sarcelle Renard@Lord Zee@Cuccoruler@Karos

Octavia seemed unfazed by the dog's words as she started to concentrate light magic from the inside of her chest. "I'm sorry but... I simply can't allow you to die... Not here... Besides... If you were to die here, it would not be in peace. You hate me for what I have done... Don't you? That's fine. Hate me as much as you like but that will not stop me from saving my Knight, understand?! I made a promise that I would protect you and protect you I shall!" Octavia replied raising her voice. She turned to Lucius. "Lucius, my Knight of Angels, my final order to you is this; you are not allowed to die until you have been given my permission! Until then you are to continue living your life, find true love, and to find true happiness! To live when both realms are at peace with each other and look back upon this moment and weep tears of joy, for you were able to live to see that day!" She said in an ordering tone. "Should you fail to obey my orders, you will be a traitor to all of the light kingdom and her people! As such, you will be stripped of your title and you shall be imprisoned in the depths of hell!"

Octavia's aura intensified greatly as she said this. Suddenly, the light she had been storing in her body, escaped through her chest as a large, concentrated, dripping ball. Angel's blood infused with light magic, an incurable, quick killing poison in it's purest form. Octavia extended her arm towards the beast and the ball of light shot into the beast.

The effects of the poison were immediate, as the Angel's blood attacked the beast from the inside out. The monstrosity screeched in agony and pain as it arched upwards, then ran about wildly, crashing into trees. A smell of burning flesh and blood curdling screeches was all that came from the beast as the poison continued to attack it's body. Now they had a good chance at defeating the creature.

Octavia turned back to Lucius and kneeled down beside him once more, in a protective stance. Once the beast was dead, she would heal his leg and arm with the last bits of magic that she could muster.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Asher took the gem, temptation making him waver for a moment. The immense power of the Varghulf would indeed swing the war in the Dark’s favor, as the thing would be damn near unkillable once it started to feed. The peace Asher had longed for his people would be within reach and all he had to do was give the reins of this beast to Livia. Hadn’t he just been incredulous earlier that day at the notion of feeling bad about how peace was achieved? How was this any different?

The Varghulf was in pain from the angel’s attack, but in its pained rampage it threatened to trample her and the mage. Before it got the chance to do just that, several spears of darkness slammed into it with enough force to topple it. ”You forget yourself Livia,” Asher said plainly. ”You are my subject and I am your prince. Do not think that you are in any position to order me.” Another wave of dark magic surged through the prince has he pinned the beast to the ground with the same spell that had backfired so spectacularly earlier. The potion had done wonders for replenishing his magic and getting him moving, but the wraith was right that he was in no condition to kill the beast before him. Still, he would not back down.

The prince’s eyes lost their coldness as he looked back at Livia. ”I don’t know how your brother was taken from you, but he is never coming back from this. You are enslaved by the chains of his memory and I will free you from them,” he promised with all of the confidence in the world. Asher turned and started to approach the beast, the sword in his hand already feeling heavy and the replenished magic already starting to slip through his fingers, but he still walked with the same confidence. ”Besides, I haven't forgotten your question. I may not know what waits for us when we do achieve peace, but I refuse to get there by allowing any of my people become monsters in the process." In the end, the price of the Varghulf was too steep. There was no way his people would be able to use such power without giving in to the bloodlust that the beast would inspire. "If you follow me, we can find out together.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Ace of flames01@Narcotic Dollie@Lord Zee@Sarcelle Renard@Cuccoruler@Polaris North

The gem Livia had been holding glowed brighter as the varghulf roared as the poison ravaged its body. The creature moaned pitifully as it crashed around the clearing trying to relieve the pain it felt only to be confronted by spears and then to be rooted in place.

Livia floated silently, memories flashed in front of her… each more painful than the last…

Three children ran through the stone walls of a castle, two girls chased by a boy many years their senior. The boy roared pretending to be some dreadful beast as he chased the two girls down a long corridor. They giggled and screeched as they ran, dashing past guards and courtiers who gave them reproachful looks.

The memory faded to blackness inside Livia's mind, and another burbled up to replace it. Snow buffeted the castle, her younger self was wrapped up in a thick cloak and stood atop a castle battlement looking over a grey plain. Then she saw them. Riders, 10 of them riding across the plane towards the castle. Her heart soared, and she ran for the stairs racing the riders to the gate house.

Another memory barged its way in, Livia found herself in her tower. She was stood with her back to her door trying to hold it shut. Fire and smoke filled the room, loud shouts and screams pierced the night. Then she felt it, a thud, then a crack. 'We've got her!' called a voice, then more banging on the door. The little girl terrified began to scream 'Al, Al, help!', her voice was terrified and fearful. Then she heard the screams, the clash of steel on steel. Then a knock at the door. 'Al?' asked Livia tentatively absolutely terrified… then a calm familiar voice replied in-between ragged breaths. 'It's… it's alright Livia, they're gone, let me in would you?' the little girl sprang to her feet and slid across all the bolts letting the door swing open.

Stood in the doorway was a handsome young man. He was tall and well built, and had grey eyes that seemed to match the stone walls, his long black hair was the colour of jet and fell ragged about his ears. He wore heavy steel plate and had and elegant cloak draped from his shoulders. He held a sword in one hand, blood dripped from the tip of it, but Livia didn't notice. Then it happened… a sudden crash behind Livia, splintering wood, Al'Hazred shot forward and slammed into something behind Livia. He gave a growl of pain and Livia turned to watch as her brother wrestled with a beast that had its jaw clamped firmly on his neck.

Livia snapped back to the present, her brother's screeches struck her first. The prince… he wanted her to kill him. She couldn't… all these years… the centuries she'd spent, the things she'd done, he was all she had left, what purpose did she have if not to control him? Why continue down the centuries with nothing?

Al'Hazred screeched again and broke free of the magic that had bound him. The beast battered and wounded turned to look at Livia, sorrow and pain marred the creatures features. Then it saw the prince… anger seared across the creatures face and it barrelled forwards toward the prince great lumbering strides covering the distance in seconds.

Livia floated forward in front of the prince, and raised her right hand. Al'Hazred stopped, he screeched reared up on his hind quarters and slammed his forelimbs into the ground in front of Livia. 'Sssh brother' Livia's chorus was shaken, wrought with sorrow and pain. She placed a hand on the creatures cheek stroking the creatures great maw. The great beast cocked its head on one side and peered at Livia. Livia reached up and pulled back her hood. Her long red hair flowed in an unnatural wind and her blue eyes filled with tears. She tried to summon a smile but it faltered on her lips. Al'Hazred whimpered and gestured with one long talon at the prince. 'It's alright brother, it's alright, he's a friend, you don't need to hurt him or anyone else ever again.' The beast looked confused, then surprised as Livia's wraithblade pierced its heart. The wounded creature shuddered, wavered and then collapsed to the ground. Livia fell to her knees beside the beast that had been her brother, her blade slowly faded from view and she looked into the creature's eye as it breathed its last. 'It's alright brother dear, don't struggle, your fight is over. Remember back in the castle? You would always come back and the first thing you'd talk of was rest, but you always stayed up?' tears where dotting Livia's robes by this point and her hands were trembling 'You always stayed up and told me and Helena your stories, and then you'd nod off right before the interesting bits just to spite us' She gave the beast a playful shove, her ghostly hand passing through the beasts colossal shoulder, it sighed quietly and its eyes began to glaze over. 'You rest now brother' whispered Livia's chorus into the beasts ear. Then she began to wail, a high pitched wail first of sorrow… then of anger.

After a few moments Livia got to her feet, she'd not be denied twice, she'd sacrificed everything for her kingdom. Her family, her friends, her soul, her very being was formed around serving her kingdom, and now it had seen fit to take Al from her too. Livia floated towards the prince, her sword reforming in her hand as she did so. 'YOU!' cried the chorus 'YOU'VE TAKEN EVERYTHING! Livia's face showed nothing but rage, her face twisted with loathing as she stared at the prince. 'You are no longer my lord, to me you are nothing but the harbinger of sorrow. You pathetic mortal have no more power over me! What reason have I to live now? You've taken him from me! Livia raised her sword, twin jets of blue flame forming in her eyes once more. 'Now! Now I shall take a loved one from you!' Livia shot forward, but changed direction at the last instance and descended on Octavia sword raised.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Karos@Sarcelle Renard

Octavia looked up at the wraith then glanced at the demon, making eye contact with him briefly before she smiled and looked back at the wraith. No fear was shown in her eyes as her smile grew wider and she started to laugh."Love me? No. I am being in which none can love. Everyone here has made that quite clear that they hate me. I was just a pawn to him. Nothing more. My death will not satisfy you nor will anyone be grieving for me. However, I shall not stop you from trying if you are so inclined. " She replied fearlessly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sarcelle Renard
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Sarcelle Renard How I handle deadlines

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The prince could not even begin to fathom the pain and sorrow Livia was experienced as her blade plunged into her brother. This was not at all what he meant when he said he would free her, as this was not a burden anyone should have to bear. The wraith’s sorrowful cry echoed through the forest, just another failure Asher would have to shoulder. Just like he would bear all of the anger and hate that he knew Livia was about to unleash. And as she approached him, he prepared to submit himself to her judgement.

Truth be told, Livia’s words cut deep. Far too deep to fully keep the pain out of his expression. No apology would be able to return her brother or give her a sense of purpose. Asher had nothing to offer but hope that eventually the war would be over, something he knew full well would not even come close to easing the wraith’s loss. So he listened to her rage and took her words to heart. Never again did he want to feel like this. Never again did he want to put one of his people through this kind of agony. Asher was ready to take any abuse Livia saw fit to give him, but he did not expect him to go flying past him.

Somebody I love…? Asher didn’t understand the wraith’s threat until he saw her darting straight towards the angel. The angel met his eyes for the briefest of moments and there was a tug at the prince’s heart. He couldn’t comprehend the sudden feeling in his chest or why his hand seemed to rise on its own accord, as if trying to stop Livia. ”Don’t do this…” he begged, although the words came out as little more than a whisper. It was painfully clear to the demon that there was more to his plea than simply wanting to keep his hostage alive, but at the same time he refused to believe it was something as preposterous as love.

Almost without realizing it, the prince summoned forth the last remnants of magic Naya’s potion had granted him, hoping to at the very least throw the wraith off course with a wave of darkness aimed directly at her. ”We are royalty,” he said firmly, addressing the strange creature once more. ”We don’t get the luxury to spout such self-pitying drivel. My people need me, so whether they hate me or not I will always fight to survive and for what I believe in.” While the pain was tolerable, exhaustion had finally worn Asher down completely and made him sink down to one knee, knowing full well he wasn’t going to be getting up again without assistance.

”Now then, what say you? Do you want to live or die?” He assured himself that he was only trying to get the angel to fight because she was no good to him dead. And in his current state, there was nothing else he could do to protect her. The prince kept his eyes locked on to the angel's, trying desperately to believe that.

@Ace of flames01@Narcotic Dollie@Lord Zee@Karos@Cuccoruler@Polaris North
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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@lord zee@ace of flames01

Mozu stood up after being knocked off by the creature again. She turned to see Lucius being healed. There was something about this that Mozu didn't like though. Lucius was saying something about how the angel should have let him die. Mozu started to growl at Octavia and moved closer to her. "You are terrible!" Mozu barked at Octavia. Yes this angel saved Lucius, but Mozu would have found a way to save him too. Maybe even make him better. "You give orders to someone who hates you? You are the worst kind of person!" Mozu said growling as she approached the angel.

Mozu was angry and everyone in the forrest was almost invisible to her at the moment. "You don't deserve to be near him! Lucius is a nice man!" Mozu started to foam at the mouth with how angry she was. She was going into a primal rage now, her words harder to understand. "Stay away from him! He no need you!" Mozu said approaching the angel and snapping right infront of her face. There was still blood on Mozu's fur from when she had ripped the throat of the beast out.

As Mozu got even closer she got in between Lucius and Octavia.


Rida dodged the attack from the scythe and came in to attack him where he would have a harder time attacking him. However due to the short amount of time she couldn't prepare an attack and ended up cutting his cheek with a non-enchanted dagger attack. The cut was nothing more than a paper cut though and barely even bled. "I guess we both have the same idea then. Nice to know the children of darkness have people who think like me. I was beginning to think you were all cowards." Rida said with a smile as she bounced herself off of a tree attack his leg this time with an enchanted dagger light attack.

"I have to admit, I really like that in a man." Rida added flirting with him as she tried to kill him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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Caezel stood unsteadily after a minute of sitting, watching without will as a damn elf took his last opportunity away. He would hunt that elf down, but he certainly wasn't in a condition to do so at the moment.

He went to pick up his sword, sheathing it and walking slowly back towards the main source of commotion that was still going on. He stopped when he could hear and to an extent see through the trees, and sat before he could be overcome by dizziness. The farce of a scene that unfolded sickened him even as he felt the ringing headache of maximum magical impact. Damn fairies and disgusting elves got magic while vampires of his generation were left with barely enough to cast book and scroll enhanced spells. He wondered if he was dreaming when the angel attempted to protect each side at once, and when the demon failed to strike at key opportunities. He vaguely recalled the time when a Varghulf had stormed the king's court in his day - obviously the lessons from that had not been earned when one was summoned, and - he was still unsure if he saw that one right - saw the very summoner kill it. "Brother", he heard. His side of the border had once been normal. War was the norm, demons did their jobs. The prince lounged like a lazy elder while an angel made the oddest choices and decisions he had ever seen.

He stood when he had enough balance and strode off to the wailing tune of a wraith, thoroughly disgusted and unwilling to watch the remainder carry out. He would rest, restock and begin preparations for revenge.

Then he would set things right, no matter what means were necessary. But, he mused, a rest wasn't a terrible idea at the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

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@Sarcelle Renard@Karos@Cuccoruler

As the save of darkness washed over, Octavia's eyes locked with the source of the darkness. A feeling of anger and sadness welled up in her chest. "Do you honestly think I want to die?! I want to see the day when I can wake up and think 'no more people are going to die today'! I want to grow up to be the ruler my father would be proud of! I want to find love and happiness and maybe even have children of my own! I want to live!!" She yelled, her voice filled with sadness. A weak smile formed. "....But what would I know? I'm a fool, aren't I? Just a few minutes ago you told me that. You also told me that it didn't matter whether or not I died as long as you were able to end this war. So why do you suddenly decide that my life is so important, hm?" Her voice had dropped to a murmered, yet her eye contact and a smile remained. She laughed again slightly then her smile returned and grew wider. "What a strange creature you are. "
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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@Ace of flames01@Narcotic Dollie@Lord Zee@Karos@Sarcelle Renard@Cuccoruler

Uriel was amazed at the power that was held by that single gem. To control such a magnificent beast, they were dangerous and powerful, yes, but they would be useful in their incursions and frontal attacks later in the war. And this wraith would have her brother back. It was quite a win win situation from the general's point of view. But from his personal point of view, that beast would cause too many civilian casualties. His body jolted when the beast screamed again, he was lost in his own thoughts and he has somewhat lowered his guard. He then looked back at the prince who had surprisingly denied placing the gem on the beast.

As expected, the wraith was angry at the suggestion of the prince. After all, what kind of sister wanted to kill her own brother? But the general knew that the prince knew her pain, or at least felt something for her. But the prince's decision seemed final and he seemed to be intent on killing the beast. But he had no remaining energy left and so the prince was reduced to kneeling.

The wraith wanted to take something from Asher. Something that he loves. Uriel could see that small gesture of looking at the angel. Livia shot forward, towards Asher. Uriel raised his sword and shield when she suddenly changed direction. Towards the angel. Perhaps he should've taken what Asher did seriously. He had not debt to pay to the angel. So he was not obligated to protect her. Yet the prince's mutter reached the general's ears.

"Do not even think of touching the princess, wraith!" He practically ordered, his voice clear, like how he commands his troops. But Uriel knew that she wouldn't even listen. He pointed his sword at the charging wraith. Darkness was still faster than her. Several spheres of darkness shot out to her, aiming to hit her and there would be a small explosion upon impact. It wouldn't knock her out or anything but it should stop her in her tracks or even make her fly to the other direction. Anything to get her away from the angel.

He heard the prince continue, the words aimed directly at the princess it seems, to get her going again. The princess shot something back at Asher. Their exchange meant nothing to change Uriel's decisions. He looked at the prince and once he was sure that he wouldn't be attacked, he charged straight at Octavia side, acting as a wall between her and the wraith. His priorities were all out of whack. Defending an angel first then calming down the wraith second perhaps? Well hopefully he could hold up to one of those. He wasn't all that good when it came to convincing other people but still... hurting another Child of Darkness really wouldn't be quite a good deal.

Hopefully, Asher would manage to convince Octavia to continue fighting. Uriel needed at least some small help with defeating Livia if it came to that. He heard Octavia wallow in self-pity. The general let out a hollow chuckle, indicating the beginning of a joke at the wrong time perhaps? "Then why not do something likeable? Like perhaps helping me with fighting?" He suggested jokingly. He knew that it wasn't time for that but he just couldn't resist. Even a serious soldier like him tends to have these kinds of bouts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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This Fairy was putting up a good fight even if the odds seem to be stacked against her. Although she was probably trained in combat while Don just killed people and fought in a ruthless and careless matter. Which lead to the paper cut sized cut on his cheek. Instead of depending on his Reaper form to gain the upper hand Don went on the defensive and waited the Fairies next attack. "You're a pretty good fighter! I don't like how you're destroying my human shell though!" He shouted referring to his human like skin that was basically wrapped around his true form. Finding the Fairies locations wasn't challenging at all for Don and he even knew what he should block. Like just know light radiated from her as the distance between him and her was closed. Don quickly spun his scythe clock wise either to blow the fairy off track of attacking him or at least deflecting he attack in some way. He really didn't want to revert to using his ugly non tralala having form, but if she harms his human like skin again he's gonna have to use it without a choice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

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@Ace of flames01@Narcotic Dollie@Lord Zee@Sarcelle Renard@Cuccoruler@Polaris North

Livia felt the impact strike her in the back as she flew towards the angel. She was blasted off course and passed through a tree before passing through several feet of ground as well. She rose back to the surface slowly pulling her hood back over her head before turning on the others.

'Betrayer!' screamed the chorus at Asher, 'I have given my kingdom everything and now it turns on me? You are not leaving this clearing alive my prince.' the chorus practically spat the last two words.

Livia raised her free hand and aimed it straight at asher, 'DIE!' screeched the sinister chorus and a hail of ice spikes shot towards the prince. Livia maintained the bombardment firing more and more spikes, she swiftly expanded her range of targets pelting the entire group before her with shards of ice. The missiles impacted all around the clearing, some impaled themselves straight through trees, others split rocks clear in half. Although her focus was in tatters Livia tried to keep the bombardment aimed at Asher alone. She didn't care if she hit the others, she just wanted to do a thorough job.
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