Just a heads up (again); I'm using Dave Franco as my fc. Feel free to use James if you wanna make a twin :3
(steal him and i will find you)
(steal him and i will find you)
"She lived with hurricane eyesand he fell in love with the waythe waves collapsed onto her cheeks."โChristopher Poindexter
N A M EJessica Ashlynn Rieger
N I C K N A M EJess โ Definitely the most obvious nickname for a girl named Jessica, it's not even creative. It is however, short and sweet just like her. A lot of her friends probably haven't called her Jessica in months, actually. It's just Jess.
Jessie โ While Jessica is extremely flexible with nicknames, titles, accolades, whatever you want to call her or tack onto her name, she despises being called Jessie and will not stand for it. She is not a Jessie whatsoever, and the only people she tolerates it from are from little children, namely her toddler cousins.
B I R T H D A T EMarch 16th, 1999
A G ESeventeen
G E N D E RFemale
S E X U A L I T YBisexual
R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U SIn a relationship
S E X U A L L Y A C T I V EHell yes, life is too short to waste away by being proper.
T E A M C O L O RPink all the way!
Team captain this year โ watch out bitches
Y E A R S A T C A M PFour![]()
A P P E A R A N C EAt first glance, Jessica doesn't seem very formidable. Her height of a mere 5"2 is often overlooked in a sea of people. But don't worry, it's incredibly hard to miss her. Jessica's vibrant exuberance and loud personality ensures that she'll be recognized quite easily. You know that stereotype of how small girls are terrifying? Well, this holds true. Because she's so short, Jess is used to climbing up shelves to reach the top, or using makeshift stools to aid her. She won't hesitate to climb up someone to grab whatever it is that they're holding over her head tauntingly, and smush their face while she's at it. She is determined to actually bring some color to her pale, delicate skin this year, but it's obvious that she's going to burn.
Oh, and this is the first year that she's dyed her naturally brunette hair, blonde. Doesn't it look hot?![]()
H A B I T S & Q U I R K S
- Jessica says harsh, biting comments when she's uncomfortable as a defense mechanism. She does it to take the attention away from herself by throwing shade to something else.
- She does a lot of dramatic eye rolls and heavy sighs, remnants of her rebellious teenager "whatever" phase.
- Jessica hums to herself a lot while tapping her foot, even when she's not listening to music. It's within her, and it's not unusual for her to be complaining about a song(s) stuck in her head.
- She always, always, always has a nail file on her. She has had bad experiences with her nails breaking painfully or tearing, so Jess is ready to file it down should that ever happen again.
- Jess plays with the strands of hair by her face a lot, whether it be because she's trying to be flirty, or she's nervous, anxious and needs something for her hands to do.
- Gossip
- Personality tests
- Coffee. Lots and lots of coffee
- Debates and mock trials โ basically anything with arguing
- Poetry slams and dramatic readings
- Spicy snacks, and sour candy
- Driving fast with the windows down, and blasting music
- Pickles
- Bad drives โ it goes without saying that Jess has intense road rage
- Sunburns and peeling skin
- Piercings in strange places
- Being bossed around
- Sap on trees
- Prickly grass that hurts to sit on
- Needles โ always take the nasal spray over the shot
- Aging and/or adulting
- Outgoing
- Determined
- Tenacious
- Charming
- Blunt
- Doesn't have a filter for her words
- Not empathetic
- Pushy and demanding
P E R S O N A L I T YIf you're looking for an entertaining person who's literally a walking blob of sass, look no further than Jessica Rieger. Jessica is the owner of a devastatingly biting sense of humor and a sharp tongue. Being speechless is something that's completely foreign to her. She always has something to say, and damn the consequences, she's going to say it. Jessica has a silver tongue. Words flow from her mouth very naturally. She's flirty too, and has the best pick up lines and comebacks.
Jessica's personality is rather polarizing; you either love her or you hate her. There's seldom an in between. A lot of people enjoy her sassy wit and entertaining comebacks, while other people find her blunt, direct ways rather off-putting. And Jessica doesn't really mind that. As far as she's concerned, if you can't appreciate her, she doesn't care. Sarcasm and sass is a huge part of who she is--if you can't handle that, it's no skin off of her back.
But like everyone else, Jessica is a human being. Sass and wit and cutting remarks aren't representative of her as a whole (even if that's what most people notice about her.) If people manage to stick around and really get to know her, they'll find that maybe she's not the most ideal person to have as a friend, but she tries her damn hardest to be one. She's fiercely loyal to whoever receives her hard-earned trust. She's never going to be able to completely tone down her sassy ways--in fact, they increase when she's more comfortable with someone--but she does make sure that they always know that they're loved and appreciated.![]()
H O M E T O W NSacramento, California
H I S T O R YCandor. That's Jessica's life in a nutshell. Her philosophy of life is, "You might not like the truth, but at least I straight up stabbed you, rather than sneak around and stabbed you in the back." Yeah, Jessica's had some bad experiences with backstabbing and betrayals with people that she thought were her friends. It was inevitable, really. Jessica has always spoken her mind, even daring to voice the bad things that no one says with ease. Of course, teenagers don't really appreciate the blunt truth, especially with cliques that are extremely catty.
Jess would never admit it, but there were times in which she would have no one to sit with at lunch. It was okay, she would rather be by herself than be surrounded by fake friends, but it did get rather lonely. That's where Camp Liberty came into play. She found friends that accepted her for who she was, and she really did need that at the time. Her self-esteem skyrocketed after befriending people at camp her first year, and it gave her the strength to work things out in other aspects of her life too.
And now she's back, determined and strong-willed as ever. With her as the captain, team Pink is sure to be victorious.
E X T R AI like tinkering with things like gif making, video editing, photo editing, coding, even if I have no idea what I'm doing. I also mindlessly watch netflix for hours at a time, but I can't commit to a two hour movie because it's too much.![]()
no one take purple leader pls I'm halfway done with him ;3;
Just a heads up (again); I'm using Dave Franco as my fc. Feel free to use James if you wanna make a twin :3
(steal him and i will find you)
"Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don't know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car." โ Michael Scott, The Office
Blank Space - Taylor Swift Irresistible - Fall Out Boy ft. Demi Lovato I Took a Pill in Ibiza - Mike Posner
"But you'll come back each time you leave "You know you look so Seattle, but you feel so LA "You don't ever wanna step off that roller coaster and be all alone
Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream" And I love the way you hurt me You don't wanna ride the bus like this
It's irresistible" Never knowing who to trust like this
"I'm coming for you and I'm making war You don't wanna be stuck up on that stage singing
And I still love the way I hurt you" All I know are sad songs"
โบFull NameโAlexandria Ellie Novak
โบNicknameโAlex; she doesn't have an issue with her full name, she just finds the traditional shortened version to be quicker and easier
โบBirth Dateโ04.04.1999
โบRelationship StatusโSingle
โบSexually ActiveโYes
โบTeam ColorโBlue
โบYears At CampโOne and a half
โบIn Depth AppearanceโAlex has a mousy type face with small and gentle features. Her eyes are a big and vibrant green that look amazing emphasized by eyeliner and mascara. She has a nose that is slim and long, coming to a small point at the end with thin lips. Relatively pale, her skin tone compliments her looks by contrasting with her light brown, naturally wavy hair. Usually Alex will leave her hair down in messy tendrils since it's medium length and doesn't get in the way very often. She is of average height, standing at 5'5 and very slender. However, she doesn't feel self conscious about the size of her assets; porn stars have the supposed ideal body type, models are small.
Alex dresses for the weather. Since it's summer and it's hot, she wears tank tops and short shorts. However, she much prefers to wear her mini skirts or summer dresses. She has a few pair of jeans and leggings in case the mosquitoes are feeling extra vicious on certain days. Alex only brings a few pairs of shoes for camp: two casual slip ons (Vans and Sperrys) and a set of tennis shoes that probably won't be used too much. She also loves rings and wears an abundance of diverse bracelets on her right wrist which look nice on her slender, long arms and fingers.
โบHabits & Quirksโ
- Cussing
- Flirting
- Singing
- Making sarcastic quips
- Snorting
- Being overly dramatic for the rush it gives
โบLikes & DislikesโโคParties
๏ฟฝBeing disagreed with
๏ฟฝFake deepness
โคGiving nicknames
๏ฟฝHorror (movies and stories)
โบFears & Phobiasโ
- Snakes
- Being alone
- Ghosts
โบGood Personality Traitsโ
- Loyal
- Independent
- Brave
- Easygoing
โบBad Personality Traitsโ
- Dysfunctional
- Shallow
- Naive
- Evasive
โบPersonalityโWhat do you get when you mix a frat boy and a histrionic diva: Alexandria Novak. The girl is the strangest mix of femininity and masculinity all wrapped in a nice looking, empty package. Very concerned with her outward appearance, Alex will spend any amount of time to perfect how she looks and check that it stays in that state throughout the day by looking into any reflective surface every chance she gets. It's not that she could spend all that time on something more important, like helping her team win, she just figures that her beauty is important, at least to her and to someone with extreme selfishness and delusions of grandeur, that's all that matters. Judgmental, hypocritical, and overconfident to the point of downright arrogance, there aren't a lot of people who would venture to say they're the slightest bit fond of Alex.
Alex is dysfunctional almost to the point that the only main factor in making decisions is how exciting what she is thinking about doing is. Even for her young age, she's quite immature with her simple mindset of how she feels in that moment and her unwillingness to analyze the potential consequences of her actions or her own flaws for that matter. However, there are a few positive byproducts of Alex's constantly moving lifestyle. Although the brunette would say a lot of things about herself, one thing she truly believes and takes genuine pride in is her bravery (at least by her definition). Observant enough to pick up that a lot of people want something or desire to take action but are held back by their own worries or social constructs, Alex is glad she has this characteristic that won't place her in a situation of regret of not even trying. But perhaps it isn't complete bravery or she just hasn't found something important enough to her to not take the risk of potentially losing because she didn't think things through.
Even though some people might not see it as a positive attribute, there are nice consequences to Alex's carefree attitude. If people can get past the girl's rough, offensive face value, they'd find a surprisingly funny person who can get over themselves and put others first if they mean something to her. Of course there's some responsibility on Alex's end but she's too self-centered and greedy to attempt to change for others just yet. Even though she isn't aware of it herself, Alex has an unique ability to place others at ease with her demeanor. Although her attempts to connect and sympathize might fail (she has difficulty understanding her emotions herself), the fact that her guard is down and she's so genuine in trying and still optimistic gives those feeling down a little bit of hope.
Perhaps it's because she has mommy and daddy issues (to which she would respond to with who doesn't) and wasn't loved enough but Alex has an unhealthy need for attention. Luckily she's gained enough social experience that her actions aren't cringe-worthy, just harshly criticized by those that already dislike her. Interestingly enough, she has a paradox in her personality where she's fiercely independent to the point she doesn't care if no one likes her and will manage without them but has an extreme fear of being alone and uncared for.
โบPlace Of OriginโBellevue, Seattle, WA
โบBackgroundโAlex's personality and attitude illustrate everything there is to know about her past; only child, pampered princess, oh so ignorant to the way the real world works. Her parents were never really home due to their constantly busy careers. Her father is a coach for the Mariners and her mother is a neurologist. With her father gone for six months traveling the country and her mother coming home late from shifts from the hospital, the house was very quiet when Alex would come home. However, it wasn't like it was any different during the rare occasions all three were actually together. There wasn't much to talk about since it had been so long since anyone knew what the other was doing. That was one thing Alex would never have to worry about: her parents splitting up. They were good like this; content and stagnant.
To take care of their daughter as best as they could since they were not around, Alex's parents supported her through the money they were making. After all, that was the whole reason they took on their jobs, right? She went to the best schools, got whatever she wanted, and became spoiled rotten. A lot of kids in her school were in the same type of situation and not one to sit still and just do nothing, Alex got to know them and made a name for herself in her small school. With that, she was invited to parties and go to experience the enjoyment of the finer and funner things in life.
However, it came at a price. Despite her parents not being that involved in Alex's life, they still wanted her to be successful and get to a good college and the starting point of that is high school. So they knew that if their daughter continued to spend her nights at her friends' and these parties, she wouldn't have much of a future. So instead of giving her three months of doing whatever the hell she would do from sunrise to sunset every day, they sent her to Camp Liberty after she finished her freshman year, managing to secure a spot even though it was halfway through the program. Sure it wasn't an educational extra curricular like they had hoped but it was better than what she would have been doing at home.
The second she heard the idea and arrived the first few days, Alex absolutely detested where she was. It was hot, there were rules, and they were making her do physical activity. Eventually she got in her groove and found her people who she surprisingly connected closer with than her friends back at home and had been going back every summer since.
โบExtraโsleeping & eating
This sheet was constructed by @HushedWhispers, herself. Any plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. And if need permission to borrow, please just ask.
she's back and even worse than ever :D
<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>
Yes. I'll have to make a chart tonight.
I was waiting until we had enough characters. LOL.
<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>
I know the question isn't adressed to me, but I'd read somewhere that she'd be providing a character relations sheet when we had enough players. ^ยท^
@HushedWhispers I hope you didn't mind me answering.
king is finished and added to the CS tab~ anyone looking to bang? cause he will do you no matter what ;;;;DDDD
@HushedWhispers Heeeere's Markiplier Jolly Jenson!
My girl comin' up soon.
โBetter a witty fool than a foolish wit.โ โWilliam Shakespeare
โบFull NameโJenson Caleb Brady
โบNicknameโJenson introduced himself as Caleb because the name is much cooler, y'know?
Jolly Jenson references his bright jokey persona - personally he's not a fan of that nickname
โบBirth DateโDecember 24th
โบRelationship StatusโSingle as a pringle (unless someone wants a piece of him)
โบSexually ActiveโNo (but he's not a virgin either)
โบTeam ColorโTeam Green~
โบYears At CampโAlmost five years, been there since 13.![]()
โบIn Depth AppearanceโAt first glance, people notice Caleb's wide as fuck grin, and shiny teeth. It's not his fault that's he's always seen wearing that same shit-eating grin and with a corny joke or pun up his sleeve - ready to crack it at any opportunity. He's known for his wild, tousled dark hair that fall past his ears in tangled waves, often covering his eye unstyled.
Caleb is part Korean and part American - inheriting the best (as he likes to say) of both his parents. He took after his mother with his facial structure and her dark, warm eyes that always seem like its similing, with the jawline and body shape all thanks to his father. Caleb is around 1.78m (5'8") with a lean, somewhat muscular figure.
Clothing wise, Caleb prefers anything thats both cheap and comfortable. He can always be found wearing either flannel shirts of various colours and designs. He can also be wearing jeans - mainly black, but sometimes wears blue when he's feeling like it - along with comfortable shoes.
No tattoos yet, but he's hoping to get a sleeve tattoo on his left arm eventually.![]()
โบHabits & Quirksโา Laughing nervously
า Messing with his hair
า Wearing odd coloured socks
า Addicted to ramen
า Always wears a large pair of headphones around his neck
โบLikes & Dislikesโโ Jokes
โ Making people laugh
โ Hot tea
โ Ice cream in Winter
โ Dogs and other domesticated animal
โ Nachos
โ Video games and gaming
โ Being lonely
โ Beetles
โ Giant store mannequins
โ Waiting for longer than 5 minutes for food
โ Ostriches
โบFears & Phobiasโฯ Being left alone/forgotten
ฯ Ostriches - sometime during his childhood when he visited a zoo, his finger was bitten by an ostrich as h attempted to pet it. To this day, he still has the scar around his right index and middle finger.
โบGood Personality TraitsโLight hearted | Good willed | Approachable | Open to try new things
โบBad Personality TraitsโImmature | Somewhat annoying | Impatient | Loud
โบPersonalityโThere's a saying that Caleb follows religiously, the saying that "one can never be too happy" is something that he internalises, and follows without a shadow of a doubt. True to the saying, Caleb Brady is a bundle of joy - often out in order to please others. He's a jokester, loves to have a laugh and is very pleasant to hang around - if he's the sort of personality you can deal with.
It may be hard to believe, but Caleb was - and still is, to some degree - a shy individual. It took him years to come out of his small bubble, to walk up to others and to make friends rather than waiting for someone to come along to understand him. Sure, today Caleb is much more open and acts like the most confident man in the planet, but strip him down of his bubbly personality, and what do you have left? Caleb's considerate of others, and usually never partakes in pranks - especially those that could harm the victim in any way possible.
Some consider Caleb to be immature and a complete idiot, and while it may be true to an extent, Caleb likes to believe that he's a funny idiot and that's enough for him.![]()
โบPlace Of OriginโOrleans County, New York
โบBackgroundโCaleb, born Jenson Caleb Brady, arrived into this world at mid-day Christmas Eve, kicking and and screaming and an absolute pain in the arse. The jolly season should've been the clue, in hindsight, to the personality the bright baby boy would take years later. Caleb's upbringing was as normal as it could get: two working parents, a comfortable house and food always on the table. Nothing more, nothing less.
Simply mundane.
Growing up as the only child of the busy Brady household, Caleb never had the chance to grow as a person, to interact and gain the social skills necessary to be deemed the cool kid of the block. Instead, up until the age of ten was Brady a recluse and with 0 jokes to tell off the top of his head. The introverted-ness worried both Mama and Papa Brady, which caused them to decide on Caleb's thirteenth birthday to send him to camp that following summer to make some friends.
Despite being a lonesome creature, Caleb grew much better than both anticipated - instead of being shy and lonely, Caleb came back after camp begging to go again, and since then, the Jolly Jenson was out.![]()
โบExtraโdoes making CS's for rp count?
This sheet was constructed by @HushedWhispers, herself. Any plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. And if need permission to borrow, please just ask.![]()
N A M EAiden Lewis Phillips
N I C K N A M EAiden is a rather simplistic name with not much room for a nickname. If anything, some people call him by his surname for some reason. He doesn't mind.
B I R T H D A T EJuly 8th
A G EEighteen
G E N D E RMale
S E X U A L I T YPansexual
R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U SSingle
S E X U A L L Y A C T I V EYes
T E A M C O L O RPurple team leader
Y E A R S A T C A M PFive years
A P P E A R A N C EAiden is a man that carries himself with confidence. Purposeful long strides, a head held high, that cocky smirk that seems to be a trademark of his are always present. Standing at six feet even, Aiden towers over many people, and he has a tendency to use his shorter friends as an arm rest. He's been blessed with defined features: a sharp nose, sharp cheekbones, and a jawline to die for. He always seems to be at ease and in control no matter what, and it's rather rare to see him in a state of panic or disorder. It's almost infuriating, at times really. He gets that glint in his blue eyes that just looks like he knows something that you don't, and he's enjoying seeing you flounder for it. There's a teasing lilt to his manner of speech when he's feeling mischievous, which is the majority of how he talks. When he's upset or angry however, he's more than capable of having a steely edge in his tone.
He's adept at hiding his emotions under a cool mask of "Yeah, I know what I'm doing." If there's one thing Aiden hates, it's showing vulnerability. Even when he's not with the advantage, he sure as hell will act like it. Hey, fake it till you make it, right?![]()
H A B I T S & Q U I R K S
- A tendency to arch his right eyebrow
- He's one of those people that seem to have an impulsive need to crack their knuckles
- There is always, always, always a smirk on his face
- Seeing people's reaction for a variety of things
- Shamelessly flirting and seducing people
- Teasing, teasing and more teasing
- People of all shapes, sizes, colors, and personalities. Everyone has an interesting story (or reaction) to tell
- Playing guitar
- The staggering amount of contacts in his phone โ but they're all important! Really! He can't delete any of them
- Auctions
- Being left in the dark about things
- Losing, or anything that results in a wounded pride
- Angry birds
- Being forgotten or unacknowledged
- People getting to know him too well
- Confident
- Charismatic and adept at dealing with people
- Persistent
- Easy-going and friendly to most
- Self-deprecating
- Arrogant
- Enjoys messing with people far too much
- Doesn't like to express a lot of his emotions
P E R S O N A L I T YIf you had to pick a role for Aiden in a movie, he would most definitely be the protagonist. He loves being in the spotlight, and it helps that he's charming and charismatic. He's very used to interacting with people and it shows. Aiden isn't phased in nearly all social interactions, having been through it all. Awkward silences are rare around him, he always seems to know just the right thing to say to get the conversation rolling again. Decades of hitting on guys and girls alike have resulted in him nearly perfecting the flirting game โ he's smooth, chill, seductive and can somehow pull off the cheesy things without seeming that cheesy.
If there's one thing that Aiden loves more than interacting and flirting with people, it's getting a rise out of them. He can often come off as an asshole because he pokes and provokes people. He's not doing it to be malicious or mean (probably), he simply enjoys seeing the way people react to him. Just because it's not malicious however, doesn't mean that it's nice either. He has no shortage of snappy comebacks and witty insults, and yes; it can be mean. It's even worse if you dislike him because he flirts while he does it too.
Flirtatious bastard.
Underneath all of the sly smirks and occasionally arrogant attitude however, lies an Aiden Phillips that he himself isn't aware of. Despite leaving behind a string of lovers, and having numerous people he can call friends, he's never really felt love, or undying devotion quite yet โ if such a thing exists. He's a bit cynical, not quite believing in things like "true love" or "fate." Stubborn as hell, he refuses to believe that something like fate or destiny exists and that everything he does is pre-written. He forges his own path dammit.
Oh, and he doesn't like showing vulnerability, emotions, or letting someone else get the upper hand.
H O M E T O W NManhattan, New York
H I S T O R YFirst things first, let's just establish that Aiden is a really smart guy. He's easily above average in many fields including athletics, academics, and other kills. However, when you're born into an exceptional family with a lot of older siblings who are already famous and brilliant in their own ways, Aiden paled in comparison. The Phillips family owns a large company, successfully clawing their way to the upper class. His parents are aloof, distant, and brilliant. His older siblings were also born exceptional, molded into fame by their parents who accepted nothing less than perfection. Aiden is considered a failure in their eyes, and that weighed heavily on his broad shoulders.
Camp is amazing. The entire summer, away from the toxic relationship of his family. It's the one place he found that he was allowed to be himself, without being brushed aside and without the watchful eyes of the elite scrutinizing his every move. He gets to leave home, and his parents don't have to deal with him. It's a win-win situation, really. Most of the people at camp don't know that Aiden comes from a wealthy family; he prefers it that way. For one season, he can pretend that he's living a normal life, and make friends that aren't concerned with who everyone's parents are, and what designer they're wearing.
Blue team is going down though, Aiden isn't letting victory slip out of his fingers again.
E X T R AI wrote it all out on Jessica's CS, I'm really not that interesting enough to have it in two CSs