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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Camp Halfblood: Return of Heroes

Note: This RPG assumes that the Camp and characters alive at the end of the Last Olympian are still alive and that the Camp is still intact ten years later.

This is a revival of JUL's RPG last site, and JUL, if you're reading this... PM ME AND JOIN GOSH DARN IT XD I'll cede the game to you, if you want. All chars from that game are still valid, though if you have a story you want to keep (I'm looking at you, Somewere :P) talk to the people involved. New players: Just join! I promise this won't be hard to keep up with, almost all of the original players are gone.

The ice quest is postponed at least until we have the main participants back.

With that, we get to the meat of the OOC.

1. Be cool.
2. This RPG will remain open, hopefully. In the event we get entirely swamped new people will be closed off, but if someone quits their slot will open.
3. For now, only one child from each of the Big Three. However, you can't reserve them. First to have a profile done (and make it good) gets it.
4. There ain't no chosen one.
5. Roman demigods are allowed, but they must have a reason for being at camp. Yes, the inclusion of the Romans allows there to be six children of the Big “Three.” That should be plenty.
6. Respect the Manlycore.

Profile form:

Picture (Realistic Preferred):
Godly Parent:
Years at Camp:
Fatal Flaw:
Special Abilities (Limited to 2):
Other (Background information, etc.):

Locations: Instead of making a long list of locations, here is the wiki article: http://camphalfblood.wikia.com/wiki/Camp_Half-Blood

My profiles:

Name: Alexandra Smith
Age: 15
Picture (Realistic Preferred):
Godly Parent: Hecate
Years at Camp: 6
Weaponry: A sword, named Runeweaver, covered in runic markings. It has very specific capabilities, as detailed in the special section, along with being bound to Alex. She can be separated from the blade, but upon touching it can cause it to vanish into thin air, to reappear when she summons it again.

The blade itself is pure black Stygian Iron, with glowing purple runes written on it.
Fatal Flaw: Alex is fine with people, until they challenge her ability.

Then she seeks to prove it.

Essentially, she rarely lets a challenge go unanswered, and this can be easily exploited by enemies.
Special Abilities (Limited to 2): She has an encyclopedic knowledge of power channeling runes, which she inscribe on objects with the tips of her fingers. Where this is all leading up to: she can channel magic through previously inscribed objects, such as her sword. Her magic's forms mostly pertain to magnetism and temperature control, though they are limited to her blade or whatever object she has inscribed.

Living things are immune to inscribation.
Other (Background information, etc.): She's lived at the camp most of her life, and anything before that is a mystery. Her sword was taken off a child of Hades a few years after she came to the camp, the price of a wager she made when challenged to a duel. She inscribed it using a more permanent method than most, heating it up and ignoring the pain as she bound the magic to the weapon, impossible to separate.

Unfortunately, the magic repels the essence of monsters. Ordinary creatures will be absorbed by the blade, but a stronger monster (particularly one of magic inclination) is pushed away, to Tartarus.

Since, she's developed a reputation as a loner around camp, trying to stay out of squabbles unless she's specifically asked to join in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 28 days ago

Well, I'm back for round two. Hopefully I can stick around this time. XD

Name: Abraham Martin
Age: 16
Picture: http://images1.fanpop.com/images/photos/1500000/Daren-Kagasoff-the-secret-life-_-american-teenager-1578471-440-270.jpg
Godly Parent: Nike
Years at Camp: 2
Weaponry: While some campers carry with them only a weapon or two, Abraham finds such behavior illogical. Almost as illogical, in fact, as wielding oversized weapons, or weapons outside of their intended purpose. No, in a fight what matters is winning, not how one looks while doing it. As such, his primary weapon is a rapier of celestial bronze with a basket hilt, disguised as, of all things, a small metal bookmark. It reveals itself when Abraham places his thumb on the embossed symbol on one end. It is not uncommon for him to have a dagger tucked into a hidden sheath on his leg, or a stiletto hidden upon his person. What is a certainty, however, is the Swiss Army knife he keeps in a pocket. He had it modified his first year at camp to include a small blade of Stygian iron among its tools. He doesn't elaborate on where he got it, but based on the size of the blade, his supply must have been very small.
Fatal Flaw: Abraham's fatal flaw, though one would be hardpressed to identify it correctly, is his own self-doubt. More specifically, his belief that he's never quite good enough. Though he was always one to remember his own failings and try to improve on them unceasingly, this tendency was aggravated by somethng shortly before his arrival at camp, something he has buried deep beneath his calm facade and never talks about.
Special Abilities: When one considers his ancestry, one does not think that Abraham would have much in the way of an ability. After all, wasn't victory an end in and of itself? But what many don't see is that defeat is unavoidable, and the path to victory is to come back from those defeats stronger than before. This is the very essence of Abraham's ability. Whatever his foe uses against him, provided it is not instantly fatal, he will begin to adapt to, find ways to overcome. And the more it is used, the more he can adapt to fight back. For example, when fighting something far faster than he is, his reaction times might increase to compensate. Or when fighting someone stronger, his speed might increase to avoid their blows. Or if one attempts to use supernatural charms, his perception would slowly begin to cut through the haze. He cannot control how he adapts, nor is it likely to be the same every time, and it takes time, but he has found it a very potent skill. Few at camp are even aware of its existence, as it appears so infrequently, and he has few half siblings.

But there is an extension of this ability; his rapier. In its default form, it is as described above. But the longer a battle wears on, the more it changes, like its wielder. It can never completely change what it is, ie go from a sword to a mace, but it is quite capable of changing from one type of sword to another over time. Like his own adaptation, Abraham has no control over this, though it will most often change to work with the changes his body is making.

However, these abilities have an obvious drawback; in order to adapt, he has to be hit in the first place. As such, it is something of a desperation maneuver, as the more strikes or abilities connect, the more he adapts.
Other: All things considered, Abraham had a fairly normal childhood. Raised in the relatively secluded northern United States, few monsters ever came his way, and the few that did rarely gave his family much trouble. He began reading and learning at a very young age, with a particular fascination towards historical accounts of war and tactics. Where others played action based games, Abraham grew up with a fondness and skill for strategy games, ranging from chess to Risk to Civilization.

In middle school and high school, he joined the fencing team as well as any clubs having to do with strategy games. When he was fifteen, he came to camp for the first time for reasons he has not felt the need to elaborate on. Much of his first year was spent in the background, studying and learning everything he could about the camp and its inhabitants. The only real blip on the radar was during one of the later games of capture the flag, when a small strike group was defeated through guerrilla tactics, a defeat they claim was dealt by a camper matching his description. But few believed them, and Abraham never spoke up, so the event was quickly forgotten. He spent the rest of the summer flyig under the radar, making few friends or lasting impressions.

Now, his second year has begun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Name: Seth Halver

Age: 17


Years at Camp: 6-7 years.

Godly Parent: Hecate


1. Magic- A broad, inclusive power which all children of Hecate share. Seth's abilities are more attuned to the darker path of magic, allowing him to create a variety of curses, mystical runes (used for traps and conjurings), and powerful offensive spells. His spells typically take on the forms of a malicious black energy or sturdy, jagged crystalline structures through which he can use as conduits or "batteries" for his magical powers. The crystals are solidified magic energy, and can be converted back to their natural state at Seth's command. If damaged or completely destroyed, they can repair themselves over time.

2. Resilience against things originating from the realms of the Big Three- Since Hecate was given authority over the three major realms, Seth has a passive yet notable ability of being tougher towards the creatures and powers drawn from these realms.

Weapon: Seth typically fashions himself a red crystal sword infused with mystical, black fire. Like his other crystal constructs, the sword is solidified magic and is therefore harder to even scratch than it looks.

Fatal Flaw(s): Ambition, Audacity, and Pride.

Other: Personality and backstory will be developed throughout RP.

You know I'm up for this anytime!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 28 days ago


Ahem. I mean;

Hello, Krein, good day to you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Good to see you to man! How's everything?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 28 days ago

Pretty good, actually. Kaithas roped me into coming back by mentioning that this site was more or less starting over, and so when he said "Hey, we're bringing back Halfblood", I went "Oh, cool, maybe I can actually do something there this time", and one thing led to another so here I am. XD

Midterms suck, though, so I'm hoping things don't get too crazy around here for a few more days.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ugh, now to find my years worked on CS in my notes on my phone. And I will be in contact :p
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smilies
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Kellen Elias

Age: 16

Picture (Realistic Preferred):

Godly Parent: Hephaestus

Years at Camp: 3

Weaponry: Crossbow. Her arrows are coated with the hardest metal known to man, carbon steel, which is also magnetic. She uses these magnetic properties to retract the arrows back to her for reuse after firing.

Fatal Flaw: Cowardice and Paranoia

Special Abilities (Limited to 2): Kellen is gifted with the art of metal bending. Though she can't manifest metal, she can manipulate nearby metal easily. She is also gifted with a general knowledge of how to use most to all weaponry, and how to build them.

Other (Background information, etc.): Kellen suffers from severe social anxiety, caused for the most part by her disfigured face, inherited from her father. Her right cheek appears to have a sort of burn mark that travels from her lower lip up towards her ear, though she never received any burns as a child. She is extremely paranoid of others, earning herself the general label of a nut job of sorts. She's often seen talking to herself, or rambling at the world. She's a diagnosed schizophrenic who suffers from extreme psychosis. She would rather be on her own crafting a new weapon than talking to her peers. Kellen only speaks when absolutely necessary, or when enthusing over her passion of weapon/technology forgery. She is extremely crafty and can create genius innovations, however, she is extremely limited by her failure to perform under pressure and under the expectations of others, and even herself. In battle, Kellen prefers to keep her distance, a classic coward. In a fight or flight situation, she would definitely prefer to take flight than to fight her way out of conflict. Though she isn't brave, Kellen is actually very loyal to those she's bonded with-- and, as a result, clingy-- and will undoubtedly go back to help those few special people.
Kellen's mother, a diagnosed schizophrenic, knew of Kellen's demigod status and metal-bending abilities, but nobody believed her because of her condition. Kellen couldn't control her abilities as a young child, afraid to touch metal objects like silverware, because the objects would contort and bend in Kellen's grasp. However, Social Services deemed Kellen's mother unfit to raise a child when Kellen was 10. A knowing Social Services worker that was actually a disguised satyr sent Kellen to Camp Half-Blood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

All approved, just don't autohit one of a kind weapons with the bending. (i.e. Riptide if it comes back in this game)

this is so awesome

Oh, also, an explanation. Technically I'm the Manlycore and Krein is the Puffy Kreithas. Respect them staff XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smilies
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kaithas said
All approved, just don't autohit one of a kind weapons with the bending. (i.e. Riptide if it comes back in this game)this is so awesomeOh, also, an explanation. Technically I'm the Manlycore and Krein is the Puffy Kreithas. Respect them staff XD

Definitely ^_^ thank you!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phloem
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Phloem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hi there! Could I possibly make a child of Deimos?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sure, I suppose. I'm trying to keep this more freeform.

Just keep in mind that your char will be in the Ares cabin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jeroukoo
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jeroukoo Coolest Cat on the Block

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Jason Steelflex
Age: 17
Picture (Realistic Preferred):

Godly Parent: Aphrodite
Years at Camp: 0
Weaponry: Jason prefers not to fight, and in doing so is only well versed in a few weapons. From entertaining his friends at parties, Jason has impeccable aim with darts. Being forced to learn some close combat weapon, Jason knows basic sword play and would pick up a short sword if he had to, but would surely be bested by anyone who had any other sword training.
Fatal Flaw: Really REALLY vain
Special Abilities (Limited to 2):
Charming Presence
Jason's godlike beauty radiates around him and soothes even the most deadly of beasts and humans alike.
Jason has an aura that captivates most mortals and keeps demigods relaxed, preventing petty squabbles or making people more reasonable to agree with. Once per day, Jason can increase the potency of this aura for 10 minutes.
With A Face Like This
"I mean, why would you even consider trying to mess up perfection?"- Jason, referring to his face.
Jason can stop an enemy attacking him by charming them. (A flex, a pouty face, puppy dog eyes, etc.). The attacker stops what they are doing, puts their weapon to the side, and let's out either an audible "Aw..." or stands there jaw dropped for a couple moments. This effect is ended after about 3 seconds after the lowering of the weapon, when the target is attacked themselves, or if Jason himself breaks eye contact with the target. This ability can only be used within 5 minute intervals of himself.
Other (Background information, etc.):
Jason cannot touch a weapon, due to his peaceful transfiguration ability.
Personality- Jason is a cocky, charming, and vain person who can rarely been seen not admiring himself in anything that can show his reflection. He rarely looks out for others but he does not search to exclusively undermine them. In his perfect world, all he would have would be a mirror and himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago



I honestly have no idea how to react to that profile.

So I'll treat it serious. The flex power is a little op but pretty much okay apart from ridiculousness. The touch power on the other hand...

Heh heh yeah that's kinda way powerful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krein
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Might as well put in my two bits as Co-GM. I'd suggest a bit of a revision for the character, mainly the abilities. Charm Flex is a bit too ridiculous for its own good, and Peaceful Transfiguration is way too OP considering it can basically turn anything being used as a weapon into something like a fruit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Adrian Myers

Age: 17

Picture (Realistic Preferred):
He is about 6"9', a beast of a guy that easily towers most of the kids in the camp. He likes a tight orange camp shirt, showing on his buff body with a black jacket over it, black basketball shorts or under armor pants when wearing armor. His eyes are a dark brown, his right eye having a grey cast to it from a injury. The scar starts in the middle of the right side of his hair line, though his right eye, hitting the edge of the right side of his mouth, giving him a permanent scowl. It ends at his chin. The scar causes him to be a bit blind in his right eye. His right side is heavily scared and he has specially made metal armor to protect his right side better. Otherwise he wears the normal leather. His legs are just as strong as his upper body, giving him speed despite his size.

Godly Parent: Ares

Years at Camp: 5( I think...)

Weaponry: a large sword and shield

Fatal Flaw: blind in right eye

Special Abilities: strength and ability to handle any weapon he touches

Other (Background information, etc.): Basic rundown because I CBA to copy and paste and edit the background. At 12 years old he came to camp half blood. After winning his first fight there he was set apart as Are's son. He became one of the best fighters. When he was fifteen he went on his first quest. During which a monster caught him with one claw, effectively blinding him. He taught himself to fight with one eye. During the quest he grew to talking to Alexandra because she didn't back down when he fought her, gaining his respect. He is dating Alexandra, and she is really then only person that can effectively calm him down.

He has a horrible temper and is angry most of the time at something. Around Alexandra is the only time he is a decent human being. Other then that he tends to think he is one of the best and has a large pride and isn't afraid to fight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yay adrian! You're approved, somewhere. Maybe one or two more approvals and I'll put the IC up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 28 days ago

Hey, are we assuming a reboot of the last game? Since the data doesn't exist anymore I feel like that's what we'd do, but I wanted to ask.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smilies
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I think the charm flexer is... Interesting :P In The Lost Hero, Piper had the charm speak ability without being too OP, and her charm speak could actually influence people to do things instead of just stun them.

(( omq I just really want this guy in he would be awesome comic relief and the interactions between him and Kellen would be priceless ))

I mean basically this guy can't do anything offensively because he can't hold a weapon, and he would be extremely vulnerable to bullets, arrows, etc. Maybe he could only use the weapon-nullification ability on melee weapons, and only when he touches them with his hands. So like if he was snuck up on and somebody held a knife to his throat, he would be vulnerable. It's hand to hand combat with swords, daggers, etc., that he can protect himself, but he can't actually make offensive movements himself. Also, perhaps he could only use the ability on weapons harming him, so that he can't go around turning every sword into roses.

Just some ideas?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Seitsukiyomi


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It's been a while since I've read any PJO or THO, but I'll try! (I do have Mark of Athena on my shelf, but I've been too lazy to read it orz)

Deuce Paxton
Godly Parent:
Years at Camp:
It's not exactly a weapon, but she has a pocket mirror on her person at all times.
Fatal Flaw:
Deuce is a bit of a perfectionist as well as a procrastinator. She gets extremely OCD when things don't go according to her plans. She takes her time in finishing the work she is responsible for. She is also pretty forgetful, and when asked to deliver messages between friends - being a daughter of Iris and all - Deuce almost always messes up. She has a sort of height complex, too.
Special Abilities:
It's not much of a 'special' ability, but Deuce excels in sculpting, making statues that could almost pass off as a person at a glance. She can also bend light to blind others or conceal herself, but only if she focuses hard enough.
Deuce is more an artist than a communicator. As a child, she would build small models of Greek gods and monsters. Almost everyone around her were creeped out by her figurines and secluded her. There were only a few who appreciated her work and befriended her. When she was 11, she entered an art contest along with her friends and set out to sculpt a life-sized Pegasus. During the contest, Deuce was 'kidnapped', though she was actually escorted to Camp Half-Blood without explanation. She was taken to safety before there was a chance to attack her. Her father understood what had happened and did his best to explain to those associated with his daughter that Deuce was going to study abroad. He then moved to another city and kept her existence a secret. Deuce contacts him from time to time through Iris Messages. At the camp, she has since been known for starting art projects at random intervals, finishing them months later. Deuce is 4'11" and weighs 110 lbs. She doesn't take kindly to comments about her height, but she does try to ignore them.
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