
Location: Room 12
Interacting With: Each Other; Mr Clops - Special Mention to
When no one answered from the other side Tasha rolled her eyes and groaned as she stood up and hobbled over to the door, swinging it open quickly and about to snap someone's head off with one of her classic blow ups. That was until she saw Ananya standing there. She smiled slightly but that smile quickly faded as she heard a clop against the hardwood floor. Her eyes trailing downwards until they fell on the goat. The goat that knocked her on her rear-end earlier.
"Oh hell no," she said but it was too late. Mr. Clops darted from Ananya, the rope coming loose and Tasha was hit right in her mid section and went flying back across the room; landing on her bed, toppling and rolling over until she hit the floor to finally come to a stop. Mr. Clops tore through the place and then darted back out and down the stairs quickly. Ananya couldn't do anything but stare before darting off after the animal that Tasha wanted to turn into the next meal for the residents of the hotel.
"Keep that beast away from me or I swear to god I will use him as a cadaver for my residents to practice on!" Tasha screamed as she crawled over to her door and slammed it shut. Leaning back against the wall next to the door she grumbled to herself and hissed as she tried to stand back up. This day was getting to be a bit too much and she really just wanted to get some rest. Looking down at her tummy as it growled she huffed.
"Oh shut up, there is no way I am getting down to the dining room tonight," she said to her stomach.
With everything prepared, Dominic headed onwards with his latest adventure, narrowly avoiding Mr Clops he arrived outside the door just in time for it to be shut in his face.
"Tas? It's Dom, everyone's going out tonight. Assumed with everything today you weren't, so I brought cold American beer, Cera's lemon slices and Emilio Estevez" What was he doing? Why was he doing this? Fucking Murphy and Cera planting idea's in his head. Dom looked at the door and wondered what thoughts were going on behind it. What could Tas be thinking? It was obvious. Of course she would just ignore him or even worse she would yell at him. The Ice Queen had a temper like an avalanche, that shit was impossible to stop and you just had to go with it. Dominic had been very lucky to avoid it so far during his stay at the Best Exotic but the night was still young.
Tasha perked a brow when she heard Dominics voice and swallowed a bit. What was he doing here? Looking down at herself she groaned. She was still a mess, hadn't had a chance to clean up and now she was sporting two more injuries thanks to Mr. Clops. A bruised ass and stomach. Reaching up she figured it was for the best to at least answer. She did owe him, big time. Slowly the door opened to Tasha's room, her hand still clinging to the knob before she let go and looked up at him from the floor of her apartment. She was still sitting there, leaning against the wall a bit. She forced a half hearted smile to him.
"Do you think you could help me up? That fucking monster knocked me on my ass.... AGAIN," she grumbled as she pointed over to her bed. The mattress had been knocked off to the side of her box springs.
"Come on, lady. Let's get you up" Placing everything he had brought with him onto the floor, Dominic took Tasha's soft hand and picked her up again. This was becoming a habit. He then proceeded to fix her bed as well.
"Didn't want you to spend the night alone after everything today, so I thought I'd stay in with you. I've got The Might Ducks Trilogy, Breakfast Club, cake and beer. If that doesn't convince you to hang out with me tonight, I honestly have no idea what will" Charm wasn't Dominic's forte, he was a man who portrayed everything with just a look; he didn't do words good.
Tasha sat down on the edge of the bed as Dom helped her over and took a look at what all he had brought up to her. She couldn't believe he had taken the time to do all this for her, she found it rather endearing. She couldn't help but smile, a soft grateful smile as she looked back over to him.
"Hun, carrying a woman out of a mine shaft is reason enough to spend the evening with you," she said with a smirk.
"But seriously, how can I say no now? I mean really! You've got me cornered, injured, afraid to leave my room because of a goat, and are waiving Estevez in my face. Now, hand me a beer and let's get our triple deke ready." she said holding her hand out and giving him a bit of a wink. Tasha had calmed down at least from the goat attack and she was showing the side of her others rarely saw; the relaxed and happy Tasha.
"So the rules of Emilio are very simple. Every time the Estevez appears on the screen, you shout EMILIO! and take a drink" Dom laughed as he sat down next to her and offered her a beer. Taking it she twisted the cap off and tossed it into the trash across the room.
"Two points! Score!" she laughed before taking a drink and sliding back on the bed, relaxing down a bit. He reached over and placed the first disk into the dvd player before cracking his cold one open and taking a sip.
"I must warn you, you will be fully loaded before you even see Goldberg." It was nice to be chilling with someone else for a change, Dom was so used to being by himself he had forgotten how good company could be and his adventure with Tas earlier that day in the ancient mine reminded him of that fact.
"So Mr. Mason I shouldn't hold anything against you if you say or pull something tonight?" she said in a sultry voice as she looked over to him, her fingers trailing along her thigh. She could only hold the look so long before she burst out laughing as her head tossed back and her hand covered her mouth. She had never been the girl who could turn on the sex appeal in her own mind and the very thought of how she might have looked right then cracked her up.
"Sorry, sorry, couldn't resist," she giggled as she waved her hand in front of her face. Sitting up she scooted over next to Dom and clinked to the mouth of her beer to his.
"To ducks."Dom burst out in laughter, an unusual thing for mountain man.
"I'm sorry that was the most unsexy thing I've ever seen in my life, woman what is wrong with you?" He smiled and watched her for a few moments.
"Hey I can get a lot more unsexy, just you wait," she laughed. Of course Tas was sexy, just look at her! But damn she could not act it for shit! There was a goofball hiding behind those icy eyes and it made Dom grin to think he might be one of the few people in the world to actually see it.
"To the ducks, may they always fly together" Dominic leaned back as the film began, this certainly wasn't how he saw his evening turning out, not that he was complaining, god was he not complaining.
Tasha smiled over to him as the movie began and got comfortable. Thing was with Tasha, if you watched a movie with her you got a bit of a show. God help anyone that watched a movie she had seen and they hadn't. She sat there saying a lot of the lines from the movie along with it. And it seemed like she had seen this one a lot more than she would probably admit to anyone. As Goldburg was at the goal and the pucks were flying at him she looked over to Dom, as she came up to sit on her knees; one hand with a piece of cake in it, the other her beer; her arms out as she acted along with good old Emilio.
"Goldberg, you're the goalie. It's supposed to hit you!""I AM GOLDBERG, THE GOALIE!" Dom joined in with Tasha's running commentary of the movie as he too was often guilty of this fact. She was more like him than he had realised. Pulling out his cell phone, Dominic quickly snapped a picture of Tas in her goalie position and chuckled.
"I'm totally putting this on snapchat by the way" The yeti burst out in laughter once again at his companions continued and increasingly drunken antics.
"It's nice to see you smile"Tasha's eyes widened as he said he was going to put it on snap chat. She shoved the remaining bit of cake in her mouth and reached over him, snatching the phone out of his hand.
"How do I delete this?" she laughed as she tried to get rid of it but it was no use. Tasha wasn't the best when it came to gadgets outside the ER. She ended up mistakenly taking a picture of herself and Dom, her face covered with powder sugar and posting it to snapchat.
"Fuck I made it worse," she said tossing his phone into his lap and wiping the sugar away from her cheeks. Looking over to him she couldn't help but laugh.
"I'll get you for this, " she teased before taking another drink of her beer.
As he told her it was nice to see her smile she lowered her drink and gave him a shy smile. It wasn't often she heard a compliment about her smile, granted she didn't smile a lot.
"You to, who knew you had all those teeth," she said playfully as she poked his cheek with her finger.
"Not many people, my sister JD once hit me in the face with our dad's golf club and knocked two of my teeth out" Dom chuckled before bowing his head. Tasha smirked and pointed to the back of her jaw.
"Junior hockey league, knocked my molar clean out with a slap shot." She leaned back on her elbow and chuckled. She was having a lot of fun right then, who knew getting injured could lead to such an endearing night. Maybe she should get hurt more often?
"Oh, movies over, toss in Breakfast Club would you? You know poor me, can't get out of bed," she said pointing to her leg and pouting.
"I'll put it in now my dear" Quickly switching the discs over, Dom leaned back and cracked open another bottle, handing it to Tasha before getting one of his own. Tasha took the drink and have him a nod as she held it up.
"HEY HEY HEY HEY, OOOOOOO-OHHHHHHH" Why Dominic was singing the theme to Breakfast Club already he had no idea, maybe he just really was in a good mood. Tasha just joined in with him as he sung. Why let him do it all alone. It was one of her favorite songs to cool down to after a run. Unknowingly he had moved as close as possible to Tasha by this point, their arms and legs touching as they watched the tv.
Tasha felt him getting closer and found herself biting her bottom lip slightly. Normally if a man got close to her like Dom was she would have moved over but she didn't want to. She was enjoying his company. There was a lot about him she hadn't known until today but she was very grateful she knew it now. She found her eyes wandering over to him from time to time as they watched the movie before she had to force herself to look away.
"Oh, hey, I can do that, I can do that," she exclaimed as she sat up and reached across Dom to her nightstand and grabbed her lip gloss.
"Watch this and prepare to be amazed!" She looked as if she was about to perform a magic trick.
Pulling the top off her lip gloss she wedged it down into her bra and giggled, she couldn't believe she was doing this in front of him. Lowering her head for a moment before tossing it back and smiling over to him. She had applied it without using her hands like the
princess in the movie.
"See, kissable lips, no hands."Dom's laughter was succeeded by a quite moment of reflection. As a man he had two options right now and he was conflicted, he had no idea which path to take. For once in his life, the mountain would not plan ahead and allow impulse to take over. Tasha looked at Dom oddly as he inched closer to her, what was he doing? He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Tasha's now painted ones. Resting his hand on her cheek he wasn't sure if what he was doing was right or not. She felt his lips against hers and her face warm under his touch as his hand cupped her cheek. Her eyes drifted close as she leaned closer to him, her lips pulsing against his.
Did it classify as taking advantage? Shit what was he doing? Why wasn't she decking him and tossing him out on his rear-end right then? She couldn't think, all she could do was feel his kiss. Dominic you idiot. He pulled away slowly and sighed. As his lips pealed away from hers she let out a trembling breath, her eyes slowly lifting to him as she bit her bottom lip nervously. She could still feel the blush on her cheeks.
"Sorry" He was apologizing, Tasha wondered why.
Say something woman! her mind told her.
"No..." she choked out before clearing her throat.
"It's okay, it... it was nice," she admitted before looking away nervously and taking another drink of her beer.
Yeah, it was nice, really damn nice.Dom necked the rest of his beer and placed it down into the empty box they had been using as a trash can. What had he done? Dominic you fucking fool. You have probably just ruined what semblance of a friendship you had. Now what should he do? As a thousand thoughts raced through his beer addled mind at once, he kept coming back to staying or leaving. He had no idea what the best course of action was, for once in his life he hadn't planned an escape route. He did it when he went up mountains and into caves all the time, he checked everything in advance, prepared for every eventuality. Fuck Dominic!
"Maybe I should go"Tasha put the cap back on the lip gloss and sat there fiddling with it as silence seemed to come over the both of them. As he spoke up her eyes shot to his and her face sank. She didn't want him to go. Did he want to leave because she hadn't minded the kiss? Taking a deep breath she looked around a bit, biting down on her bottom lip nervously.
"If you want," she muttered half-heartedly as she gave a bit of a shrug with her shoulders. Looking down she picked at the fuzz on her comforter.
"But um, if you leave who's going to help me cheer on new ducks and old ducks as they take on Iceland?" she said with a nervous chuckle as she looked back over to him.
Dom's hazel eyes glanced over at Tas as she talked of the Mighty Ducks. Of course he wanted to stay, it was all that was on his mind. Leaning back against the wall, he picked his beer back up. What happened next was up to her. It could go any way and his nerves had suddenly picked up. What happened next would define the rest of their relationship. Mountain man Mason took a swig from the cold Budweiser bottle and turned to look at Tas once more.
Tasha didn't know exactly what to do about the silence. Sure he was quiet but not usually around her. Was he only staying because he was being polite? If he didn't want to stay she didn't want him to feel like he should. Sighing slightly she looked down before reaching into the small fridge she kept by her bed and pulled out a couple of bottles of water. Righting herself she took the beer from him and set it down on the nightstand, replacing it with one of the bottles of water. Scooting over next to him and Tasha rested back against the wall, blowing her hair out of her face as she fidgetted with her own water bottle. What was she supposed to do now? Did he regret kissing her? A thousand questions ran through her head and Tasha finally did what she normally did, she blurted out the first thing that popped into her head. God help her.
"If you want to go, don't stay just to be polite. If you thought it was a mistake, no harm. Just you know, let me know. I'm a big girl, but I want you to stay. I liked the kiss. Hell, I wouldn't mind if you did it again. I like you. You're.. different but hey I'm a bitch. I won't hold it against you if you want to hightail it out of here," she blurted out and then cringed inwardly. Maybe that was a little too blunt.
"I'm staying because I want to, Tas I really really like you. I have for a while and today...well it kind of just made it everything come out at once" Dom had seen Tas the day he moved in and was smitten from the get go, how could he not be? Had you seen her? The woman was dazzling. Then as time passed and he got to know her, his feelings only exasperated and grew. Taking Tasha's hand into his own large wall climbers.
"It's..." Dominic let out a small sigh as he worked up everything he could speak, the usually quiet mountain man struggling to find his words
"....it's not easy for me to.....talk about what's going on in my head...or my heart. Words and talking to people aren't my strongest suits but around you, all that just vanishes and I feel something I don't often feel around anyone, I feel comfortable"Tasha looked down; lacing her fingers with his as he spoke. Her icy eyes trailing up to look into his. For once the doctor was rendered speechless for a bit. She hadn't ever thought that he had a
thing for her, not in the slightest. He just always seemed to be nice to her but he was nice to everyone even if he wasn't very vocal about it. She nodded in understanding, she knew how he felt in that regard; talking about her feelings unless it was in anger usually wasn't something that Tasha did. Tick her off and the words came out like the Hoover Dam had broke. Anything else and she clammed up. She had had a bit of a crush on him for a while now but had built up one heck of wall thanks to her ex. One it seemed that the mountain man climbed right over.
She bit her bottom lip nervously, feeling the butterflies flittering away in the pit of her stomach.
"I would have never known you were the strong silent type," she said as the corner of mouth curled to a cheshire grin as she tried to break the tension. Keeping her hand in his her other reached up; fingers running through his yeti beard.
"So, this means I can kiss you anytime I want right?" Leaning close, she didn't wait for an answer, brushing her lips gently against his; a soft lingering kiss. If she had bothered to pay attention to the movie she might have burst out laughing as on the TV Emilio pulled Ally close for their one screen kiss.
Dom leaned in, shocked but not by Tas's kiss. He placed his free hand on her cheek and deepened their emotional embrace. This certainly wasn't his intention with their little movie night tonight but he definitely wasn't going to complain about it. Breaking their kiss for only a second, Dominic looked into her eyes and smiled
"You can kiss me whenever the hell you want, Dr Brinne" He chuckled before resuming the kiss with her. Everything had suddenly flew out of the window as the Yeti became consumed by the moment with Tasha and her soft, tender, beer and lemon tasting lips. It didn't matter that they had Breakfast Club in the background, it didn't matter that they were both drunk or that they had spent the day inside a damn mine shaft, all that mattered was that in that moment, they truly understood one another, maybe even for the first time.
Tasha could feel herself quiver as the moment deepened, her mind was swimming as they grew closer. For once she was not fighting to push someone away, to keep them out. She wasn't worried and even though there was some fear, just like when they were in the mine, he seemed to be able to make everything alight. His strength was all she needed right then as she pulled herself closer. Despite the alcohol swimming through her veins everything about him was clear as crystal; the way he felt, the way he tasted, the way he made her heart race. She couldn't help but smile into the kiss, her skin tingling under his touch, his beard tickling her senses. The day may have started out with a grave emergency but it ended in the profound manner; the realization that there was someone right there before them, they just needed to take the leap to find out they could fly together.