Natasha Brinne

Character Summary
Name: Natasha Paige Brinne
Aliases: Tas, Tasha, Doc Glacier
Age: 26
Birthday: April 14th, 1990
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Half Russian, Half American
Birth Place: Chicago Illinois
Apartment Number: 12
Gender: Female
Major/Minor: Biochemistry/psychology
Occupation: Trauma Surgeon
Languages: English, Russian(fluent in both) - Hindi(learning)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 115lbs
Build: Lean
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brunette
Skin Tone: Fair
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Ears pierced, line of a scar that can only be seen at the base of her skull when her hair it pulled back into a ponytail. The scar is long and jagged, running up into her hair line and looping back around.
Personal Style: Tas is a beautiful young woman with striking features; bright almond eyes, high cheek bones and a slender body. She has pale skin but it can make her look overly tired if she is not careful and she tries to conceal the dark circles under her eyes with either heavy make-up or glasses.
She does not so much have a style of clothing but more of a lack of style. If she is not in her scrubs or sweats she will usually just be in various t-shirts or tank tops and jeans with worn out tennis shoes. She refuses to wear dresses and if she has to attend a formal event for the hospital she will wear a pant suit or tux just because she wants to. She was once gifted a pair of heels, they were quickly chucked out the window of her apartment.
Her hair always seems to be a mess, even when she spends hours styling it; which she rarely does. Most of the time she just tosses it up in a bun or ponytail and runs with it; figuring she can better spend her time doing anything other than messing with her hair, like binge watching the last three seasons of Game Of Thrones in one sitting.
Abrasive * Compassionate * Scrupulous * Opinionated
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: To say that Tas is a driven and complex individual would be a gross understatement. Once she puts her mind to something there is nothing to stop her, except for herself. A loving person under the cold surface, she feels far too much and usually only expresses it in the worst possible ways. She will do everything she can to help someone but tends to be a bit too blunt when voicing her opinion; especially if she sees someone doing something she knows is the cause of their own heart ache.
Tas grew up quickly, never really going through that rebellious teenage years since she was so focused on her studies. This has led her to be somewhat immature when it comes to emotional things, hardly ever having dated when she was a teen or since. The few relationships she did have ended badly, quickly breaking up with anyone she felt deeply for; too afraid to grow close to anyone in fear they would one day leave. To her, it is better to be alone than lonely; sadly she is both these days.
- Bites her nails
- Quotes Movies/Tv in general conversation; whether the line fits or not
- Can't go to sleep without crossing her first two toes first
- Cracks her joints constantly
- Only drinks coffee at room temp, hates it hot or chilled
- Tae Kwon Do
- Building Music Playlists for Every Occasion and Emotion
- Smoking
- Binge Watching Tv/Movies
- Cooking
Fears: 3 real fears that make your character unhinged
- Icy Roads
- Death
- Failing Her Patient's
- Heights
Likes: 6 minimal
- Most All Music
- Coffee
- Rainy Days
- Fuzzy Socks
- Smoking
- Riesling Wines
- Halloween
- Corny Movies
- Tv Dramas
- Food Glorious Food
- White Lillie's
- Dark Chocolate
Dislikes: 6 minimal
- Country Music
- Religion
- Politics
- Over Cooked Food - Serve her a well done steak, she will throw it at you
- Lemons
- Anything In Her Coffee
- Movie Remakes
- Cold Weather
- Vaping
What brings you to India: After Natasha finished up her residency at UCSFMC in April of this year she decided that she needed to take sometime to discover who she was and what she wanted from life. Thanks to her mentor Dr. Joshi, she was able to get hired on at the Apex Hospital in Jaipur for a six month stent as part of an exchange program. She works in their ER as well as does traveling medical for the hospital to smaller out of the way villages who have no way to reach medical facilities.
History: Tas was born in Chicago, Ill to Everett, professor of history, and Anna Brinne, a housewife. Life was simple and wonderful until Tas reached the age of eight when her mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. For a year she watched her mother quickly fade no matter how much radiation and chemotherapy she went through. Tas adored Anna and didn't know how to cope with her mothers passing. Her father wasn't much help in the situation, distancing himself from his daugher after his wifes death; Tas looked too much like Anna for him to be able to deal with the loss. They drifted apart and Tas turned her feelings inward, focusing at a young age on her studies to try to take her mind off the problems at home. Her father enrolled her in Tae Kwon Do in middle school to try to help her come out of her shell but it ended up doing the opposite. Not having to deal with a team and only having to focus one on one helped draw her even further into solitude; one good thing coming from it; it gave her a way to vent her frustrations.
When she reached High School she made the decision to go into medicine and focused all her time and effort to getting into Med School. She did well enough and graduated high school with honors. Thanks to her fathers position at University of Illinois she was offered a full ride. One which she turned down, the last thing she wanted was her college years to be tainted by her fathers presence on campus. She was accepted into UCSF medical program and quickly packed her bags, moving to the west coast.
Her father was against the move, not wanting to loose his daughter completely but he admired her drive and supported her on the surface; promising to pay what she needed until she finished her residency. Tas enjoys the west coast, having found a place to live, a place to practice and a place to learn; all without the harsh Chicago winters nipping at her toes. Tas finished her bachelors degree a year early, opting to attend during summer semester so she would not have to return to Chicago during breaks. She recently completed her internship at UCSFMC and instead of taking the job offered to her as attending, with the help of a friend, she hopped a flight and has been in Jaipur for the last 3 months.
Character Quote: "I'm tired of defending my character. I am what I am. What you see is what you get." - Dana Plato
Theme Song: My Transition - Amaranthe
Anything Else: April Fools
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Natasha Brinne

{"Is there a doctor in the house? ....fuck..."}
☯ Acquaintance ║ ✿ Friend ║ ❅ BFF ║ ♡ Infatuation ║ ☣ Frenemy ║ ☢ Dislikes ║ ☠ Loathes
☯/✿ Cera Thomson ✿/☯
"The bitch can bake!"
Tasha really didn't speak much to Cera until the woman started showing up with baked goods. They say food is the way to a mans heart, that ain't got nothing on Tasha. She still doesn't talk to that much but they talk from time to time; especially now that Cera figured out that anything lemon will gets Tasha's attention. They have a friendship building; at least until the lemon cakes run out.
"The bitch can bake!"
Tasha really didn't speak much to Cera until the woman started showing up with baked goods. They say food is the way to a mans heart, that ain't got nothing on Tasha. She still doesn't talk to that much but they talk from time to time; especially now that Cera figured out that anything lemon will gets Tasha's attention. They have a friendship building; at least until the lemon cakes run out.
☯ Alcander Mires ☯
"Not sure what to make of him."
Tasha really isn't sure what to think about Alc. They really don't talk much and he seems to try to aoid her if he can. There doesn't seem to be any malice between them just silence if they are the only two around. They don't have really any common ground but only time will tell if they ever give the other one a chance to actually have a conversation; that is if she'll ever put that cigarette out.
"Not sure what to make of him."
Tasha really isn't sure what to think about Alc. They really don't talk much and he seems to try to aoid her if he can. There doesn't seem to be any malice between them just silence if they are the only two around. They don't have really any common ground but only time will tell if they ever give the other one a chance to actually have a conversation; that is if she'll ever put that cigarette out.
☣ Tempest Fullem ☣
"I don't know whether I should knock the shit out of her or buy her dinner. Maybe both?"
These two have relationship as complex as their respective personalities. They are so similar in nature that they tend to butt heads a lot when it is just the two of them but if anyone pipes in they are like that crazy couple and instantly have each others back and turn their respective rage on the person. It's like bitch fusion - LOOK OUT!
"I don't know whether I should knock the shit out of her or buy her dinner. Maybe both?"
These two have relationship as complex as their respective personalities. They are so similar in nature that they tend to butt heads a lot when it is just the two of them but if anyone pipes in they are like that crazy couple and instantly have each others back and turn their respective rage on the person. It's like bitch fusion - LOOK OUT!
✿/❅ Ananya Sharma ❅/✿
"The girl can cook! Plus she's like the closest thing to a best bud I've got."
Tas enjoys being around Ananya; especially when she is in the kitchen. Tasha is known for sneaking behind the curtain and snatching food between the hotels served meals. They both help each other with their languages and medical stuff but the girls really bonded over food. Ananya is kind enough to keep skim milk and corn flakes tucked away for Tasha for breakfast each morning. It's a comfort thing for Tasha and Ananya indulges her.
"The girl can cook! Plus she's like the closest thing to a best bud I've got."
Tas enjoys being around Ananya; especially when she is in the kitchen. Tasha is known for sneaking behind the curtain and snatching food between the hotels served meals. They both help each other with their languages and medical stuff but the girls really bonded over food. Ananya is kind enough to keep skim milk and corn flakes tucked away for Tasha for breakfast each morning. It's a comfort thing for Tasha and Ananya indulges her.
✿/♡ Dominic Mason ♡/✿
"He's a handsome teddy bear, big, I mean big teddy bear!"
Tasha looks at Dom as if he is this just this huge teddy bear. He's quiet but really sweet underneath that mountain of a man stature. She likes hanging out with him from time to time and playing street hockey when she has the time. Though she won't admit it, she is rather attracted to him but she sucks at vocalizing it.
"He's a handsome teddy bear, big, I mean big teddy bear!"
Tasha looks at Dom as if he is this just this huge teddy bear. He's quiet but really sweet underneath that mountain of a man stature. She likes hanging out with him from time to time and playing street hockey when she has the time. Though she won't admit it, she is rather attracted to him but she sucks at vocalizing it.
✿ Murphy McManus ✿
"The man is a walking gag."
Tasha is pretty comfortable with Murphy even if he is a bit of a flirt. She works with him as much as she can to better learn Hindi since it has proven to be a bit of a problem at work not fully speaking the language. They can be found in the courtyard most mornings during breakfast while he tutors her.
"The man is a walking gag."
Tasha is pretty comfortable with Murphy even if he is a bit of a flirt. She works with him as much as she can to better learn Hindi since it has proven to be a bit of a problem at work not fully speaking the language. They can be found in the courtyard most mornings during breakfast while he tutors her.
☯ Marcus Sun Lu ☯
"I don't think he likes me."
Tasha really hasn't gotten to know Marcus yet; to her it feels like he doesn't want to give her a chance. She has heard stories about his likes and such from Murphy; who is usually out drinking with him a lot. They seem to have some common interests but nothing has come from it as of yet. Tasha isn't the easiest to get to know and she understands that. Maybe one day they'll be friends but no one knows. She is a little stand offish of him as well, she was hurt by her EX seeming to want to keep her hidden from everyone, even their friends. He was the first she really opened herself up to. Since then she kind of avoids any male of Asian decent. Maybe one day that will change.
"I don't think he likes me."
Tasha really hasn't gotten to know Marcus yet; to her it feels like he doesn't want to give her a chance. She has heard stories about his likes and such from Murphy; who is usually out drinking with him a lot. They seem to have some common interests but nothing has come from it as of yet. Tasha isn't the easiest to get to know and she understands that. Maybe one day they'll be friends but no one knows. She is a little stand offish of him as well, she was hurt by her EX seeming to want to keep her hidden from everyone, even their friends. He was the first she really opened herself up to. Since then she kind of avoids any male of Asian decent. Maybe one day that will change.
✿ Owen Masters ✿
"Get off your ass and do something!"
When Tas isn't nagging Owen that he needs to do something with his life other than lounging in his damn hammock they get along pretty well. She understand he has probably been through a lot because of his previous profession but she wishes that fueled in forward instead of what she feels is holding him back. She will on occasion grab him to help her out with the visits she needs to make to outlying villages, if anything to just keep him from forming a permanent hammock pattern on his backside.
"Get off your ass and do something!"
When Tas isn't nagging Owen that he needs to do something with his life other than lounging in his damn hammock they get along pretty well. She understand he has probably been through a lot because of his previous profession but she wishes that fueled in forward instead of what she feels is holding him back. She will on occasion grab him to help her out with the visits she needs to make to outlying villages, if anything to just keep him from forming a permanent hammock pattern on his backside.
☯ Areum Lee-Jeong ☯
"Don't really know her but she seems alright."
Tasha really doesn't know much about Areum other than she doesn't know her. The two have spoken a few times and there is no malice between them but it is hard to get close and get to know Tasha, especially if you don't have much in common. Even though Tasha holds a high ranking belt in Tae Kwon Do that doesn't bring them together. Areum doesn't seem like much a fighter in that aspect but maybe they just need to talk more.
"Don't really know her but she seems alright."
Tasha really doesn't know much about Areum other than she doesn't know her. The two have spoken a few times and there is no malice between them but it is hard to get close and get to know Tasha, especially if you don't have much in common. Even though Tasha holds a high ranking belt in Tae Kwon Do that doesn't bring them together. Areum doesn't seem like much a fighter in that aspect but maybe they just need to talk more.
Symbol Claire McManus Symbol
Symbol Cassandra Hope Symbol
Symbol Joel Grau Symbol
♡ Lincoln Roberts ♡
"I loved him, I ran because I was scared."
Tasha met Lincoln back when she was a resident and fell head over heels in love with the man. It took a while but it happened and when he proposed she had never been happier. That was until the next day when the reality of the situation sank in. She had lost her mother to cancer, she feared the same would happen to her. She was still trying to finish her internship and residency. She wasn't ready and he was there wanting to take the next step. She got scared and ran. She broke it off and it was hard, she had never cried so hard other than loosing her mother than she had that night once she was home alone. Since then she hasn't had a single decent relationship. In the back of her mind she has always wondered if she should have stuck it out with him.
"I loved him, I ran because I was scared."
Tasha met Lincoln back when she was a resident and fell head over heels in love with the man. It took a while but it happened and when he proposed she had never been happier. That was until the next day when the reality of the situation sank in. She had lost her mother to cancer, she feared the same would happen to her. She was still trying to finish her internship and residency. She wasn't ready and he was there wanting to take the next step. She got scared and ran. She broke it off and it was hard, she had never cried so hard other than loosing her mother than she had that night once she was home alone. Since then she hasn't had a single decent relationship. In the back of her mind she has always wondered if she should have stuck it out with him.
Symbol Amber May Symbol