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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location - The Forest

His vision was blurry. The wolf had bit him right in the side of his stomach and there was blood. Lots and lots of blood. He could hear Gage crying, and sirens approaching. The sheriff was there. That was good. He was crying. He hadn't noticed before but he was crying. And his side hurt, a lot. He put his hand over the wound, pressing down. Apply pressure. That's what he'd gotten from all those Thursday nights, watching Grey's Anatomy with his mom. And he'd thought it would never be useful. He smirked at the thought, despite the situation.

He could still hear sirens as he was lifted off the ground. His vision was still blurry, and there was a blackness on the edge of his site. Someone was talking to him, saying something. Something he couldn't quite understand. He was looking up at a bright light. Not heaven. It wasn't a very heavenly light. No. He was in an ambulance. Which meant he was going to the hospital. Which meant he was going to make it out of all this. He was going to live. He smirked before losing consciousness.

Location - The Forest
Interacting With - Sheriff Colton(@Lord Zee)

Avalon had to say, that seeing a bunch of people she'd just met get attacked by an oddly methodical wolf, was a first for her. She'd watched, helpless as it had gone after almost all of these kids that she'd come to call friends. And then she'd watched as that older woman, the one who owned the restaurant, turned into a wolf. That was when she'd fainted.

When she awoke, she was convinced she'd been dreaming, but it all felt too real. And the bodies all around didn't help. She rushed over to the sheriff as he arrived, a worried look on her face. The paramedics began to arrive and were quickly loading people into ambulances. She was crying. Sobbing really. She was scared, which wasn't common for her. Everything was happening so fast and this was too much. She looked up at the sheriff and, tears streaming down her face, she asked a question. "They're going to be fine? Right? Please tell me they'll be fine."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

Interacting with: emts

Gage nods to the law enforcement and tries hard to focus on staying awake and occasionally lightly tapping Aron to keep him awake. Both were in major pain and shivering. However, their eyes lit up with hope when the ambulances started showing up. With the amount of injured teens it will take a lot of them.

It took four paramedics to get each twin onto a stretcher. Both still having a minor case of shock. As they are wheeled into seperate ambulances they reach for each other. "you'll be okay. "y...yea...y..you too" they get loaded in and start their journey to the hospital.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: camp site
Interacting with: @Caits@Nallore@BlackPanther@Lord Zee
*Jamaal Kirk Maddison*

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a girl struggling against what Jamaal assumed to be pain by the look in her face. He turned to her and was about to tell her to stop moving and try to stay awake. When she spoke to him. He nodds confirming that he understood before rushing into the RV to grab some blankets. At first he only grabbed two, one blanket for each of the twins with which he gently draped the blankets over them before grabbing an extra two and wrapped it around the two girl's shoulders, before asking cassandra "where are you hurt?" he asks hoping that her could help her with is first aid kit. There was nothing more he could really do for the four that were near the RV except to try and keep then as comfortable as possible as they wait for the ambulance to arrive.

Jamaal saw someone walk onto the campsite but earlier he heard police sirens. As the person got closer he noticed that it was the sheriff. He spoke to him so Jamaal responed with "will do sheriff."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: The Hospital
Interacting with: Herself mainly and @LokiLeo789 Ravi via text

Sophie sighed softly and hung up the phone, then placed it on the nightstand next to her.

Just when Sophie thought she would fall back asleep, she over hears the rushing of footsteps and a couple of the nurses saying something about a wolf attack on the bunch of the kid that went on the camping trip, and that they were going to be busy. Her eyes snap open. If they figured out that she was here, there would be questions that demanded answers. She couldn't let anybody else know about her, and she wasn't about to let that happen. It was time for her to leave.

Sophie slowly and carefully sat up without hurting herself this time, thankfully, then got to her feet. She placed one hand gently on her damaged ribs and the other on the nearest wall to support herself. Wearing nothing but her pajamas, she limped to the exit without being really sure as to where she was going to go; hoping she wouldn't be caught by the nurses or be seen by the injured kids when they arrived, and leaving a text to Ravi apolozing for leaving, should he ever arrive.

To: Ravi

I'm sorry but... I can't wait anymore. I have to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: The Hospital.
Interacting through text With: @Ace of flames01

Billy strode into the hospital, not really sure what was going to await him. He always did worry to much and the thought of going into a hospital late at night just felt strange to him. However, when he did arrive, he was surprised to see that there was actually a lot of stuff going on. Nurses and other staff were busy running around, he heard bits and pieces of what they were saying, something about a wolf attack but that was about it. It looked like the wolf actually got someone this time, that was actually really sad to think about. Hopefully they would make a full recovery, but since the place was in a bit of a ruckus and no one was really paying attention to him, Billy simply found a nice hallway and sat down in a chair, reflecting on the nights strangeness.

So deep in thought was he, that he almost failed to notice someone exit a room close to him, wearing, what looked like pajamas. His eyes snapped over to the person, and he saw a girl. It looked like, Sophie Fairchild but he couldn't tell for sure. Billy never really talked to her but from the looks of it, she was hurt as she leaned up against the wall as she walked. Feeling a bit brave and worried at the same time, Billy started to follow her. He wondered why she was there in the first place, shouldn't she be at the camping trip? Then he remembered, she never went on the trip.

It looked like she was going for the exit so Billy spoke from behind her, "Hey there. You're Sophie right? Umm, it's me Billy. Billy Swanson. Uhh, it looked like you were hurt and I just started to follow you. Not in a weird way or anything like that, but as a concerned individual! I, uh, was just wondering what you were actually doing?"

Billy was never really good at talking, especially to girls. He just hoped he didn't come off as a complete creep.

Sheriff Colton

Location: The Campsite
Interacting With:@smarty0114

Blood. So much blood and it was everywhere. Sure, Dave had seen blood before but not like this, this was something else entirely. It was brutal, unthinkable and of course, it happened to innocent teenagers. That's what made Dave's stomach turn, it always seemed to be good people that got hurt. But this also was the reason he did his job, to help people and prevent these tragedies but this time, he was far too late.

About halfway into the campsite, he slowed down when a girl was quickly heading in his direction. The crying girl, she looked scared beyond belief, and so Dave did the thing that came natural to him. He placed both of his hands on her shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes, and in his most relaxed voice that he could manage he told her, "Your friends are going to be just fine. Everyone is going to be just fine, I promise you that. They will be in good hands soon at the hospital."

The sheriff quickly paused to look her up and down, she did not look wounded, thank god, but she was probably in shock and there was no way of telling how bad the physiological damage would be, so he decided the best course of action was to get her to an ambulance. "Come on, lets get you to an ambulance. By the way, my name's David Colton, but you can just call me Dave." With that said, Dave wrapped his arm around her small shoulders and started to walk her over to an ambulance.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: camp grounds
Interacting with:@Maria 127@BlackPanther

"You gotta hold on, hold , Take my hand, I'm standing right here You gotta hold on..." the few lyrics rolled out her mouth, a little sluggish, raw and her voice trailed off as she watched the twins be loaded in. She looked to the officer as he wrapped a blanket around her, blearily. "I don't now. My arm. It hurts. So much blood" She blinked, and looked about, "So much...How can we survive?"

She started to cry. What if she was already dead, and this was merely all she had? A replay of it, over and over again. She didn't have the strength to wipe away her tears, instead they mingled with the blood and dirt on her face, stinging with their saltiness, and she wasn't aware of being tugged up gently, but when they tried to lead her away, she let out a cry, refusing to move. "My guitar!" She cried out, refusing to move until it had been located.

And then she went peacefully, but refused to leave until she knew the others were being taken care off. Even if she was dead, that wouldn't stop her making sure her friends were okay.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Patricia Isaac

Location: The RV

@Nallore Riley

Riley Walker

Pat froze as Riley woke up with a cry of pain. She was not too used to treating wounds like this. She treated bruises and cuts, but nothing had prepared her for the scene that was in front of her. She placed a hand over her mouth as the smell and sight hit her. She was feeling sick. As if she was going to throw up.

"It's all right Riley..." she spoke softly and gently caressed Riley's cheek. "Everyone is safe now. The wolf is long gone." Pat was shaking, shivering. When Riley passed out again Pat turned around and ran into the RV bathroom and threw up into the toilet. "Uhgghh..." she cleaned off her mouth and face and used some antibacterial before walking out again.

"Here goes nothing...." she entered the little 'bedroom' and closed the door behind her and locked it, or at least as close to a lock as the thing had. She shook her head and took out a scissor from the medical pack and started cutting off the top and bra to cause as little pain as possible.

She blushed and shook her head. "This is not the time for that," she said before placing a blanket over Riley's bosom. She leaned in a little bit closer and kissed Riley before starting to clean the wound with water and disinfectant.

Riley slowly opened up her eyes letting out a quiet groan as Patricia treated her wound her body tensing up the moment she felt the disinfectant was applied to the wound. Her breathing was very heavy and she was wide awake now, when Patricia got up she headed over towards the bathroom and could easily hear the all too familiar sound of vomiting in there. Then Riley turned her head slowly and got a better look at the wound she could easily see the broken bone and torn muscle. After seeing that Riley quickly turned away and tried to focus on something else other than the pain.

Then Patricia came back into the room to gently cut away more of her shirt and bra, Riley's heart skipped a beat again as she felt Pat's lips on hers. Which seemed to help her focus away from the pain and shyly started to return the kiss, while Patricia was treating the wound Pat if she was looking would slowly see the muscles mending themselves and the skin slowly closing up.

Pat was doing her best not to cry. All the lost blood. The broken bones and torn shoulder. This was probably going to slightly paralyze Riley forever, or so she feared. Her face was awash of emotions and expressions, mirroring her heart. This was bad, really bad.

She sighed and turned to the side and removed the cloth she had used to dry away the blood when her eyes went wide. "The wound..." escaped from her lips and she stared at the shoulder. "I might not know much about medical, but THAT is not normal!"

Pat stared at the wound. She could see bones mending slowly, muscles attach themselves back together. The skin was growing back. Pat's eyes went wide in horror and fascination and leaned in over Riley. Her hand traced along the shoulder until it traced along the ever closing wound.

"D-does it hurt?" she asked, turning her face towards Riley only to discover them being too close for her senses. She blushed and turned her face away and looked at the wound once again.

Riley's eyes slowly met Patricia's for a moment still the pain was excruciating for her, she bit her lower lip for a moment and winced letting out another low moan in pain as she felt Pat running her hand over the wound still oblivious to what was actually going on. "It hurts like fucking hell.." Riley said as she tried to bat away Patricia's hand. "How long till help arrives?" Riley asked softly.

"Sorry..." Pat removed her hand as quickly as she could. "Ehh....I don't know....but from the looks of it....you won't need any..." Pat was stunned and looked at Riley with a curious face before reaching off to the side and getting a mirror and placed it so that Riley could look at her shoulder. "That's not normal Riley; and it's freaking me out!" she said in an almost shrill voice as her eyes once again looked at the wound healing itself.

"What do you mean?" Riley asked she was completely confused to what Patricia was even saying then Patricia reached over towards the mirror and looked at her reflection in the mirror for a moment. And then that's when she noticed something very weird she could see the wound healing itself still the blood was there. Then the black and purple bruising around the site of the bite slowly started turning back to her normal color, Riley winced slightly as she sat back up and then turned to look at Patricia with a terrified look.

Pat looked at Riley with an equally horrified expression before handing the mirror over to Riley. "This is going to sting a bit.." she said and put some medical alcohol on a tissue before applying it to the wound. She gently held Riley with the other hand before her eyes glanced down towards Riley's bosom and she blushed before averting her eyes. "Might want to cover up again..."

She cleared her throat before placing a bandage over the wound. "Even if it's closing itself...it's not good to leave it exposed to the air." Pat was ransacking her mind for any explanation as to why this was happening. She recalled Vanessa saying something about werewolfs.

"Werewolf...?" she said quietly to herself, but then dismissed it. Such things did not exist. But slowly her mind started processing what had happened before. The wolf had spoken. It had turned human. Vanessa had turned wolf, then human.

Pat raised her gaze and looked at Riley with a forced smile before kissing her cheek. "Even if you are..........I still love you...." she said with a smile and bit her lower lip.

Riley bite her lower lip and groaned out loudly in pain as she felt Patricia applying the medical alcohol, she closed her eyes as Patricia applied a bandage to her shoulder. Then she laid back down on her back letting out a soft sigh as she felt the pain slowly starting to subside she was glad that Patricia was there to help her. "Thank you.." Riley said quietly as she ran a hand through her hair.

Then what Pat had brought up was something that sounded so crazy, but then again her wound had just literally healed on its own rather quickly which she didn't even know it was possible. Werewolves were just myths she only saw glimpses of what had happened but she didn't even know what she saw. "I don't know what the hell is going on. " Riley said quietly.

"Neither do I Riley..." Pat said quietly and smiled softly before removing her own top and handed it to Riley. "Here, might want to put that on. Even though it would be lovely, we can't have you walking around topless; can we?" Pat chuckled and smiled. "I think we might need a chat with Vanessa after this though..." Pat said, her expression serious once again. "She seems to know more about what's going on.."

"I bet you would like me topless." Riley said with a soft giggle as she gently took Patricia's top and slowly started to put it on, she sighed rather loudly as Riley went back to laying down on the bed her eyes going back towards the blood stained sheets and bit her lower lip. "The owner of the RV is going to probably think someone was murdered here or something." Riley then looked back at Patricia again as she mentioned Vanessa, she did have a point and she may have known something. "Sounds good to me.." Riley said as she looked back at Pat once more.

Pat blushed deep crimson at the comment and could not help herself from nodding slowly. She averted her eyes and unhooked the lock to the door. She did not open it straight away. Instead she turned towards Riley and walked up to her and kissed her deeply once again before grabbing onto her hand. "Let's go out there and find Vanessa. The other wolf is dead...besides the police seems to be here now.." she said as the sounds of the siren came closer and closer.

Riley smiled seeing Pat blushing at her comment and slowly rubbed the back of her neck as Pat got up and unlocked the door before coming back, Riley shyly returned the kiss which felt good and weird at the same time. Riley could hear the sirens coming up and knew that help would be coming, but it was also very dark out now. "I don't think it would be safe to go out at all with what had just happened and Vanessa could handle herself out there..." Riley said quietly.

"I guess you're right..." Pat said and looked at the bed, then to Riley. She shook her head. Now was definitely not the time for that. Her face was blushing once again as she walked back and sat down on the bed. "What do you want to do then?"

Riley slowly looked towards Pat for a moment and bit her lower lip for a moment and started to think about it and shrugged slightly as she slowly reached forward and wrapped her arm over Patricia's neck and pulled her into a loving kiss. Riley blushed deeply for a moment and stared into Pat's eyes. "Thank you for picking me up by the way.." Riley said quietly.

"N-no problems..." Pat said in a shocked voice. It was the first time that Riley had taken the initiative. She wanted to jump around and squee. And much, much more. But the sound of talking outside drew her back to reality. She leaned in close and kissed Riley softly on the cheek. "I guess we should wait until the ambulance comes, unless you want to ride with me home..." she said quietly and shyly.

Riley blushed softly at the offer to go to Patricia's place once the ambulance arrived but she thought it would be best for her to go and be with her friends. "We can go to your place once uhm we are fully recovered from the hospital I guess." Riley said softly as she looked into Pat's eyes once more, she was still trying to get over the fact of what happened the past several hours.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: The Hospital
Interacting with: Herself mainly and @Lord Zee Billy

Sophie froze up. She was aware that somebody had been behind her, but she didn't realize that this person was actually following her. Then the questions started coming. Her mind raced for ideas as to what excuse she could give for her being here, but no logical explanation came. She would have to tell the truth and the very idea of it made her freeze up with fear. She reconsidered her options, thinking of any possible lie that could get her out of this situation, but none could explain why she was in her pajamaas... Or why she wasn't wearing a bra.

The hand that she pressed against the wall moved over her chest in a desperate attempt to cover herself up. Sophie then took a deep breath and a slowly turned around. She visibly relaxed when she realized that her follower was only Billy, and smiled gently at him. She paused as she took a quick moment to notice Billy's nonathletic build. This gave her an idea. She could run. Or at least, she could certainly try. "Ah, um, thanks for worrying about me but I'm ok, really. But, uh, could... Could you please not look at me? .... I... I'm not wearing a bra..." Her voice lowered to a whisper as her cheeks turned a bright red from embarrassment. Sophie took a few steps back before continuing. "Sorry but... I gotta go. Could you please not tell anyone that you saw me here? Please? Keep it a secret from everyone else. Even your closest friends. Please..! I beg you..."

However, before she could even attempt to run, she fell to her knees as a sharp pain shot through her chest, one even more painful than ever before. A small, exasperated, and broken scream of pain escaped her. "Get a nurse..." Sophie murmered. "GET A NURSE! PLEASE!!!" She repeated, this time screaming and crying.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Miranda Burke.

Location: The Lake, Campsite

Interacting with: Vanessa @BeautifulSnow, Conner @Caits before attack. Colton @Lord Zee and anyone else still outside After the attack.

After Miranda's 'Rescue' of the woman she had a crush on, The blonde listened to what this guy had to sat for himself, It was quite a sad story really hearing what happened to him but Miri got the feeling he didn't want her around but she was not just about to abandon Nessa. He then turned his attnetion to Miranda more, saying some things that were hurtful to her weather he meant to or not and it showed on her face, The felling of just running away from everyone was tempting but not as much as liking the idea of slapping the man in the face, That was until Nessa reassured her she was safe and could basically handle herself, It sounded a little harsh but Miri nodded in understanding to the woman, trusting her, When Riley was near, Nessa told the girl to get everyone close to camp and together, Miri had a bad feeling about this.

And then it happened, Despite the warning from Nessa to get back to camp, it did not seem to matter as a wolf from out of no where after howling before beginning it's attacks and maulings of her friends right before her eyes, tearing ligaments and seeing blood going everywhere like it was a Jason movie. First Riley and then her other girlies Kim and Lyssa, Miranda was doing her best to raise the alarm to the others yelling at them to get to the RV, thinking more about her friends safety than her own.

Soon enough the wolf had pounced on her by surprise and tackled her to the ground, despite her best efforts of trying to push the animal away it had sunk it's teeth into her left arm, it's pure force tearing into flesh and muscle with surprise ease and blood was shooting out as she let out a vicious scream of pain, She struggled on more until she felt her bone break, the pain being excruciating and it pulled left and right and it back before letting go of the teen for a moment as she struggled to move more, Tears streaming down her face.

Unfortunately the wolf came back for seconds seeing the fight still in Miranda, The blonde was only trying to pull herself away with one good arm but she couldn't do it, the pain to much as she looked ahead to see the wolf staring straight back at her, looking into the girls eyes, fear stirking her. Before Miranda could try to move away again the wolf run at her and clamped it teeth into the top of her shoulder right at the collar bone and she cried out " No!, No!." After that there was no more struggle as the blonde could do nothing but feel her flesh and ligaments get torn once more, She wanted to scream more but nothing seem to come out as the wolf ran away leaving her lying on the ground.

After that moment nothing seem to properly register to the blonde as she lay there staring up at the night sky, it looked so peaceful from here even if it felt dark and cold, She lost track of how long she was lying there, not hearing the screams of others or anything for that matter, She was scared, dying and alone losing or lost a lot of blood she could not tell, her whole body felt in pain, Thoughts raced about her parants more than anything else along with the state of her friends, where they alive? didn't anyone manage to escape and get help? She didn't know she had slipped in and out of consciousness a few times.

For now though she continued just laying there, current concious for the moment, tears in her eye still as all she could manage was a little whimpers despite screaming for help inside her own head, Fear of death was set in and it showed on the bloodied blonde eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: Woods, Then back at the camp.

Interacting with: Connor @Caits, Cotton @Lord Zee, Jamaal @Maria 127. Every one else too!


Vanessa let Connor do as he did and gave him a rather playful bump with her head and then got on her four legs again. She then heard the sirens from far and knew she had to go back. "You will have to run on your own Connor.. I must return to the others.. If you think you can change back do so, get dressed and meet me tomorrow at Jake's Cafe.. It's mine " she said to Connor and did a few steps away. "Run until you can't anymore.. you will most likely run until dawn and then change back.. don't be scared. It will all happen naturally. I just won't be close because you will be naked and that will be really awkward" she said and then ran away.

She went back to the camp, saw Jamaal and a new person. Another police officer.. This was bad.. She saw Jamaal his dogs and knew they had seen her already. She got as close as possible without being seen, being a black wolf worked mostly at night.

She got close enough to her own tent and changed back. She kept hidden and grabbed a little pebble, with a lot of luck she threw it towards Jamaal and when he would look up she would show her face so he knew she was back. She then hid as she was naked... Slowly she moved towards her tent closely and grabbed a dress. Underwear would come later.

She putted it on and then walked out of the woods. "What happened here?!" she asked and her acting skills where marvellous. She walked up to some of the kids and checked their foreheads and saw the wounds. She then looked at the Sheriff. "Sheriff Colton right? I'm Vanessa.. I was here with these kids.. I just went away for.. a little privacy and now I come back to a blood bath.." she said and saw Miranda laying just outside camp. Actually she had smelled the girl first. She looked at Jamaal. "Are you here to help?Cause.. Over there lays another girl..." she said and walked over to Miranda. "This is Miranda.. I can't carry her.." she said and walked over to the girl and waited for Jamaal to be there as she looked at him with a very serious look in her eyes. "This means trouble.. He is gonna search for a wolf and if you say it was a white wolf you will be laughed at.. White wolves don't live in this part of the USA.. And if you say it was brown, you will bring a friend of mine into danger... He just changed for the first time tonight and is running to get his muscles to work. If we put him on this attack, he will be found probably and killed... You saw what happens when you kill a werewolf... They become human again " she whispered and paused. She let Jamaal carry Miranda and walked back on her bare feet to the Sheriff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Connor had absolutely no intention of running, although he doubted he has any idea how to "change" back. What if there was a wolf still around? Unlikely, or Vanessa would be worried about that, but neither had she said anything about there not being any other wolves about. He sat watching her run away, back towards the camp site.

He wasn't scared. Merely frustrated that he couldn't figure out just how this was possible. He sat there for a time, tilting his head at the faint sirens of ambulances, and then began to move. He stalked back towards the camp, giving it a wide berth, he settled just far enough to still be able to see the ambulances, but not close enough to be seen.

He could still smell the blood, but his mind set on a goal, it didn't overwhelm him like it nearly had before. The dogs might be a problem if they caught his scent, but Connor did not doubt he could run faster then them. He shifted, deliberately so that the wind wouldn't carry his scent far.

He knew that this was a risk, but how would he feel if there was another attack? At least he could prevent that happening, by sticking with the ambulances via the trees until they reached town.

So it seemed he would be running after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

in collaboration with @Anima

Alyssa & Kimberly



Flirting was an art, and Alyssa was just starting to realize how woefully uneducated in the subject she was. Small half promises, witty remarks, suggestive gazes and words. It was fun sure, but it was also driving her heart a little crazy. Maybe that was the point though, she was just wondering in mild awe at the ease with which Kimmy flirted.

She laughed at her own introspection suddenly. "How do you do this so easily? Everytime you open your mouth my head gets a little fuzzy, and everytime I respond I swear I'll turn purple!"

Dozing off for the past few minutes, the sleepiness faded when Alyssa laughed. Kimberly looked over with an eyebrow raised. She inched a bit towards Alyssa. "It helps when there's chemistry," she said. "Otherwise? Having a wonderfully infectious personality never hurts."

Alyssa grinned, turning towards Kimmy. "Chemistry huh? Is that the cause of both nervous butterflies in my stomach, yet strange sense of comfort? Crazy stuff." She sighed happily. "You do have a way of keeping everybody smiling, something I've always admired."

"Super crazy," Kimberly said. She laughed. "You admire that I'm the center of attention? It's nice when you're with a ton of people. You know me, I thrive in crowds. But you know? It sucks when noone's around. Extrovert struggles. Doesn't help that sometimes folks think you're flirting on them. Still trying to find that line. I wish I was more in the middle of the spectrum. Extreme's suck."

"Extrovert struggles huh?" Alyssa laughed and rolled onto her back. "I'd just be happy if being surrounded by people didn't feel like drowning. I do suppose I handle isolation better though, keeping myself company and all that. I just think it's awesome how you can handle the attention of so many people and not get overwhelmed, even thinking about something like that makes me a little sick."

"See? I couldn't fathom being in a space all alone. It sounds ... lonely. People never really scared me off. How do I put it? Everyone I talk to is like a reenergizer. That doesn't mean I don't get nervous though. I figure everyone's a touch nerved when talking to stranger. I suppose that's what keeps everything 'controlled' for me."

Turning her head towards Kimberly she grinned. "As for people thinking you're flirting with them, has it ever occurred to you that you might be a shameless flirt?" She winked.

Kimberly laughed and shook her head. "But I'm not! Well, not intentionally anyway. I'm just really friendly? Friendly affection," she said. Moving over, Kimberly rested her head on Alyssa's stomach. "I'm only ever intentionally flirty with a certain someone."

Alyssa's mouth opened several times with the start of a witty reply. These were days of realization for Alyssa it would seem, as the thought that she might haunt her girlfriend's thoughts as much as she did her own occurred to her suddenly. It was a strange thing to be held in such a regard, stranger even than someone else's face at the front of your heart. It was on one hand invigorating, and on the other limiting. She wondered if Kimmy felt the same small pressure to live up to her expectations as she did.

Everything had a price though. For these moments, and all the ones to come the worry and restrictions were a small price to pay. Alyssa's hand found Kimmy's, intertwining their fingers happily. "How'd you get to be so perfect Kimmy?" She said, simply voicing her feelings at the moment.

Giving Alyssa's hand a gentle squeeze, Kimberly rolled her eyes at Alyssa's comment. "I still have my flaws too, Lyssa," she said. "Plus, perfect would be kind of boring anyway."

She tilted her head to shift her focus from the tent's ceiling to Alyssa. "You ever think back to when we first met? Good lord, I still remember the quiet angry girl I stumbled upon. Not really sure how it happened, but you really changed. Alot." Pursing her lips, Kimberly really had no idea where she was going with this. No idea whatsoever. "Stranger to best friend to girlfriend. What a progression. Honest truth? I wasn't comfortable with you at all when we first met. Now? Super comfy."

Still trying to piece together where she was going with this, maybe there wasn't a need to have some grand logic behind it. Maybe it was okay just to spew the nonsense.

Alyssa laughed. "I still am a quiet angry girl most days. I just have more to smile about now. Besides, you might beat me up if I get into too many fights." She sighed. "I certainly wouldn't have blamed you, I wasn't comfortable with myself much back then. I'm getting there though, slowly but surely. I have you to thank for that, you just keep taking me places I never expected I'd be. From a friend to a girlfriend."

Kimberly blushed. "Let's see how you feel about that when constantly fight block you. I'm sure you'll go completely mental," she said. "But I'm always here for you Lyssa. Just like back then. Just like now. Yes?"

The silence between them didn't last long. A howl came from outside followed by a cacophony of screams. The atmosphere ruined, Kimberly sat up and looked towards the tent flap. Her heart hammered against her chest. She wished she had her hunting rifle with her. Even with the freak accident, the wilderness felt just a tad bit safer with her long arms than without.

Before she could say anything, the tent entrance was ripped open by massive claws. Raw, virulent pain surged through her body as the massive wolf bit into her shoulder. Kimberly screamed. The smell of something coppery becoming more potent as the wolf's sharp teeth sunk in ever deeper.

Alyssa's first thought was to flee as the wolf clawed its way into her tent. She'd never know what the second was, as Kimmy's scream catalysed a strange alchemy in her mind. In the space of a heartbeat Alyssa's fear boiled away into an insensate rage. Scrambling to a crouch she launched herself at the beast, her mind clear of anything other than muderous intent.

When Kimberly thought the pain couldn't get any worse, she felt the wolf's grip shift to the side as it tore deeper into the mixture of blood, muscle, fat, and whatever else was in there.

She was no longer screaming as her body dulled the pain. Instead of intense pulses of agony, it turned into an ache and flaired whenever the teeth changed positions.

Feeling a claw against her chest, the pressure from the wolf's bite disappeared as something sharp racked across her abdomen. Falling back, she stared upwards to the tent's ceiling. It hurt to move. She stayed as still as possible.

Alyssa continued her assault, gazing on in horror as blood pour from fresh wounds on Kimberly's flesh. Her fists pounded against the wolf's side impotently as it seemed to ignore her in favor of continuing to maul Kimberly. 'Find something vulnerable' she told herself, even the voice of her inner thoughts sounded like it was coming from another room.

Her thumb found its way to the wolfs eye, pressing down with the intention of gouging it out. That the beast did not seem to like, finally rearing back from Kimberly and turning on Alyssa. There was a moment when their eyes locked, it hung in the air for what seemed like minutes, but was more likely even less than a second, before it launched itself at her.

Somewhere far away, Alyssa noted that she was in pain. A mild itch came over her arm as the wolf's teeth sunk in. She'd read somewhere that you were supposed to push into a dog's maw if they bit you, to prevent them from doing so again, so she did. All the while her other fist continued to batter her foe's head and snout.

Surprised, the wolf rose its paws to claw at Alyssa's lower stomach and hips in an attempt to escape, opening up long jagged wounds along the girl's lower body. Its head shook side to side, fighting to break free. With a loud crack the strength faded from Alyssa's arm, and the beast finally pulled away. With a snort her blood sprayed from its maw as it turned and fled back into the night. Leaving the girls in various states of disrepair.

'My arm's broken, that's gonna fucking suck' Alyssa spoke to herself again internally as she turned apprehensively towards Kimberly, who had fallen eerily silent during the attack. "K-Kimmy...?"

Cognizant of Alyssa's struggles against the wolf, Kimberly had the mental capability to understand or track what was happening with her girl. Instead, Kimberly continued to remain still and not say anything. She tried to inch her body into moving, but it only exacerbated her wounds. The bite and claws dug deep. In her mind that was.

Hearing her name, Kimberly's eyes roamed over to Alyssa. There was something wrong with her. She was bleeding and her arm was ... odd looking. Feeling the blood continue to trickle out from her stomach and shoulder, she forced herself to reach towards a nearby cloth.

"The ... bleeding," she said as she took deep breaths. "We have to stop ... your bleeding."

"Huh?" Alyssa took a glance down at her stomach and hips. She cringed as she saw the long, weeping wounds. "I-I don't..." Tears formed in her eyes as panic nearly overwhelmed her.

She grew pale and shaky as the adenaline fled her limbs. Suddenly she could feel burning, ragged pain in too many places to track. Her arm was almost numb, but for a throbbing ache that flared every time she attempted to move it.

Alyssa took deep, labored breaths as she fought to calm herself. Retrieving the scraps of her shirt she layed down next to Kimberly. Pressing half over the wound on Kimberly's shoulder, she applied steady pressure. The other half she draped over her own lower body, resting her ruined arm over it and hoping for the best. "Can you reach your cell?"

Cringing from Alyssa's pressure on her shoulder bite, Kimberly whimpered. She knew she wasn't the only one hurt. Alyssa's arm was probably broken, her arm bitten by that crazed animal, and her side was shreaded. Compared to her, Kimberly could live with that claws on her stomach. Her shoulder though? All she could think of was losing all chances of an athletic scholarship. It was such a stupid thought.

Forcing herself to reach into her pocket, Kimberly took out her cell phone. "No service ... out here. Remember?"

Alyssa shivered. One look down told her that her hope for the best strategy wasn't going all that well. "Damn... " She shook her head against her deepening fatigue. "We've got to figure something out... don't we?"

Dropping her phone to the ground, Kimberly went back to her vegetable state. Even the smallest movement hurt. As bad as it sounded, she preferred getting shot to the wolf beast's assault. Bullets were localized and clean. Unless they splintered. The wolf? Not local, not clean, and jerked like a rave dancer.

Still cognizant of the blood trickling out of her shoulder, a lethargic calm overcame her. Kimberly wasn't sure if it was from the blood loss or the shock. Either could be responsible as far as she was concerned.

"We ... why don't we just wait for someone," she said a bit slurred. "Someone will come ..."

"That doesn't seem like much of a plan." Alyssa struggled to gather her thoughts. Kimmy's voice didn't sound right, and she'd been too quiet for too long. She increased the pressure on her wound. "Kimmy? Stay with me ok?"

Kimberly tensed her jaw when the pressure increased on her shoulder. "Still here ... still here." She offered a strained smile. "Sometimes doing nothing is the right thing ... I'm tired..."

Seeing light spider around Alyssa's tall, strong frame, Kimberly tore her eyes away from her wounded guardian angel to the source of the light. A man stood at the entrance. She recognized the uniform. EMTs. She saw them every day at the hospital.

She raised a hand. "... Help ..."

Alyssa'd never been so relieved to see another human being in her life. She turned and flashed him her brightest smile, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Thank god, please help her." She continued to apply pressure.

Staring at the two girls, the EMT looked towards his colleagues and called them over. Not wasting any time, he took out his emergency pack and began to take over. "Don't worry, I've got you," he said to the two. "Just hang on."

When the other EMTs converged on the tent, Kimberly felt herself lifted onto a stretcher after whatever emergency stuff they did. Before she completely left the tent, she tapped the hand of one of the EMTs. "Alyssa.."

"Someone's got her dear," said a female EMT. "You'll see her at the hospital. Promise."

Back at the tent, the first EMT stared wide eye at the wound, the definite broken arm, and the bite on the arm. Another stretcher was quickly brought over. Another EMT and he helped Alyssa onto the stretcher.

"Relax," he said. "We'll make a short trip to the hospital and get you patched up."

"Relax? I think I can manage that." Alyssa's... everything was catching up with her. "Kimmy's fine right? I... I'm gonna sleep for awhile I think. That... sounds nice." Her eyes fluttered closed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: The Hospital.
Interacting through text With: @Ace of flames01

"O-Oh I'm really sorry!" Billy said as his face got slightly red. He promptly looked away from Sophie and at the floor. He listened to her, a slight frown formed on his lips. Why would she be so afraid of someone finding out she was in the hospital? "I don't really under-" Before Billy could finish he saw movement out of the corner of his eye and when he looked up Sophie had fallen to her knees and she looked really bad.

He instinctively started to walk towards her but then she screamed at him to get a nurse. Billy absolutely agreed with her but he hesitated slightly, should he really leave her? It wasn't like he could do anything to help her, but find the people that could. He ran until he found a couple of nurses and after a very brief explanation, they arrived back at the scene with necessary tools to get Sophie back to her room.

Billy would have followed, perhaps he would have even waited in her room but he didn't want to get in the way. From the inside the hospital, just outside of Sophie's room, he heard the blaring of sirens coming ever closer.

Sheriff Colton

Location: The Campsite
Interacting With:@smarty0114 @BeautifulSnow @Damo021 @Meiyuki

After Colton placed the girl into an ambulance, he went back out into the camp, just in time to see Alyssa being stretched away. He paused to look at her and his face went grim. She was hurt, badly and it beat him up even more. The sheriff just stared as she got loaded up and taken away.

A new voice got Colton's attention and he spun around to see a women come out of the woods. If a wolf attack was odd, this was even stranger as she told her tale. "Vanessa, is that right?" Colton asked slightly suspicious of the women. What was she doing in the woods all alone. Something wasn't right but it would have to wait for now. "What happened here? It seems these kids have been attacked by a wolf. An awful thing by any account, and most of them are horribly injured. You haven't seen the animal that did this I take it? Any leads right now would be the most helpful thing I could ask for." He finished with a sad sigh.

He looked at the other girl from a distance, laying there on the ground. Another victim.

David looked back at Vanessa, she wasn't even wearing shoes. Everything was odd about her it seemed. "As it stands, we need to get you out of here, I don't trust this place."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: Campsite

Interacting with: Sheriff Colton @Lord Zee, Connor (Though just by following him with her eyes) @Caits, Jamaal @Maria 127


Vanessa knew that he was suspicious of how she returned there. She looked around and listened to the Sheriff. "Sheriff, with all the respect of the world.. I've travelled around the world on my own.. This is bad but I can manage. The wolf is gone, I saw it run away" she said.

She knew that right now she would have to come up with the best lie ever or else she would be arrested or something. The wind changed and she had already heard him, but now she also smelled Connor. That boy was sure one that didn't listen! She looked around, spotted him and saw how he followed the ambulance when it drove of. She smiled. Protector!

Vanessa then focused on the Sheriff again. "I know that this is bad and weird but believe me sheriff if I tell you that no other attacks like these will come to Red Lake." she said. She had so much on her mind so she turned around, forgetting about the wound on her leg where Victoria had bitten her. It was a clean bite but not healed completely yet. Vanessa looked around. "I guess that I'm not allowed to take my things with me.. Crime scene and such" she said and gave him a smile. She looked at Jamaal.

"Can you drive me back to town? My car is covered with blood too. And even though I like to walk.. walking back to town on my bare feet is not something I do for fun" she said and gave Jamaal a little smile. His white dog walked up to her and started to lick the bite wound on her calf and she looked at the dog.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

interacting with: @Beautifulsnow @Caits @everyone else in the camp site.
*Jamaal Kirk Maddison*

Jamaal watched as the twins were loaded into am ambulance, he was glad that they now had a better chance of survival. Hearing cassandra say something he crouched down next her to listen to her more closely. He quickly noticed that she was singing. He didn't recognise the song. After Cassandra had sung a few phases she answered her question. "do you mind if I take a look? I could apply some disinfectant and clean the wound for you."he says to her. It was then that he noticed her suddenly panic as she looked around before yelling out the word 'guitar'. He glances around. He was unsure what her guitar looked like but he could go look for it once he was done helping as many people as he could. 'Besides how many guitars could there be in a camp site' he thought to himself.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed his two wolf dogs sniffing the air. The two dogs were very special to him they weren't just tools to be used when ever needed they were also his companions. So he watched their behaviour carefully he wanted to learn from them. One of them would make a playful barking sound drawing attention to them for a few seconds as they began to play, those actions seeming to lessen the tension in the area. What Jamaal noticed however was that their ears were up. To him that ment that there was something or someone close. They weren't as relaxes as they seemed. Because of his close relationship with his dogs no one else would pick this up they would just assume that they are playing.

He began to slowly and subtlety scan the area but was caught a little off guard but a pebble moving in his direction. He looked up slowly and soon caught Vanessa's eye. He smiled slightly in response before pretending not to see her and continued to scan the area, before returning his gaze to his dogs.

After a few minutes Vanessa revealed herself to them both. Jamaal was quick to understand why Vanessa asked him to help, she wanted to talk. He raised an eyebrow at her but followed her to a girl called Miranda. Before he could say anything Vanessa looked at him seriously before she spoke in hushed tones. He went and picked up Miranda. Jamaal spoke quietly to Vanessa "I have no intention of putting you or any others in danger." after saying that he would take Miranda to one of the ambulances before going back to the group.

"sheriff, if it is a wolf it is probably one that is ill, as a wolf never attacks for no reason even so they they are smart I doubt it would stay here after this." he says indicating that it has probably left the area.

He then turns to face Vanessa " I would, but unfortunately I didn't travel by car. I actually walked here. I was planning on doing some camping in the Woods." he says slowly "So we may have to walk back." Jamaal says to Vanessa as he noticed his white wolf dog licking her wound. "I can bandage your wound for you though." he had noticed that his wolf dogs seemed to be very fond of Vanessa.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: The Hospital
Interacting with: Billy @Lord Zee and @LokiLeo789 Ravi via text

Billy left Sophie, only to return with a couple of nurses. They then proceeded to move her back to the room and scold her for leaving her room in her condition, though she mostly ignored them as she has heard the same thing from the nurses multiple times before. They hooked her back up to the various medical equipment that stood around her bed. As the nurses left, Sophie asked that she is to have no visitors aside from her family.

Once they finally did leave, Sophie got on her phone and texted Ravi again.

To Ravi:
Sigh... never mind... I was caught in my little attempt to escape. Anyway... you should probably not visit me... the wolf attacked the kids who went on the camping trip. I wouldn't want you to get hurt. You should find a safe place to stay for the night."

After she finished up and sent her text to Ravi, Sophie set her phone on the night stand and turned her attention to the fellow outside her door. Sophie sighed softly, then covered herself up with a blank. "Hey Billy...? Are you there...? You can come in if you want to." Her hoarse, tired voice called over to him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location - The Hospital

Charlie was aware of some shouting. Some shouting right in his ear, people yelling. "Move! Get out of the way!" Well, that meant he wasn't dead. His side still hurt like a bitch though, it burned. Were wolf bites supposed to burn? He wasn't really all that sure. He wasn't exactly an expert on wolf bites. But even now, as he was lying here, something felt off. He could feel something changing, he could feel his wound, slowly but surely, healing. That couldn't be normal. Not by a long shot.

He was wheeled through the halls of the hospital, past rooms of all sorts. He could've sworn he passed by Billy but he figured that was a delusional hallucination. Why would Billy have been at the hospital? He was wheeled into the OR, and that was where he passed out. Or was put to sleep. He wasn't quite so sure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cassandra wasn't at all too sure what was happening. Everything, after having seemed to go so slow after the attack, seemed to be going so fast now. Split from her friends, she didn't know what was happening, to them or to her. It seemed that there wasn't quite as much pain, but rather a burning...or stinging sensation, in her wounds. That wasn't normal, was it?

Her head was spinning, as she imagined her mauled arm having to be chopped off because it was completely destroyed. She gave a sob, and received sympathetic looks from the nurses, which just made everything worse. Panicking, she couldn't make her eyes look at her arm, but she flinched at a pinch on her uninjured arm, and then the cool spread of whatever medication they were putting in her, as a doctor leaned over her arm, placed on a metal table, and asked her if she was still in pain.

She shook her head and wished she hadn't as it spun, making her feel sick. The doctor reassured her that everything was okay, as he began to carefully stitch her arm back together. Another son as she thought on the scars that would be there. Just another set to add to the scar under her eye. How would anyone like her, scarred as she was?

A nurse gentle dabbed at the claw marks on her chest, wincing in sympathy at the large scratches, but it didn't seem that they needed stitching, as the doctor finished what he was doing to her arm. They bandaged it and her chest, before proceeding to examine her for an other injuries, but it didn't seem like there was anymore.

She wondered if she should ask about the burning, the feel of her skin actively joining together, but something made her stay quite about it, instead she asked about her friends, hoping that they were all alive. She mentioned the fact that Gloria had said she'd be in the camp grounds, and asked desperately if they had been the only ones attacked, and then asked if she could see her friends.

She was disappointed when told she couldn't, that she was pale and needed to let the intravenous medications and fluids go through, to prevent her losing consciousness or becoming dizzy when she stood. She couldn't argue, feeling sick to her stomach. She asked if she could call her aunt, and was relieved when she was given the okay for that. She spent the next little while telling her aunt that she was okay, that she'd been hurt, but that she was okay and had been treated. Then asked if she could come and get her, that she didn't want to spend the night in the hospital, and that she just wanted to be home.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The twins

Interacting with: mostly hospital staff

Aron and Gage arrived at the hospiatal rather quickly and were wheeled into the hospital to be taken care of. Both had suffered heavy blood loss, tendon damage, muscle damage, and bone damage. The only difference was the locations. As they were being taken care of, they started screaming.

They both had an odd burning sensation, but even odder they were feeling each other's pain. It was awful. Their care was sped up to try to help. Thankfully, the staff was quick and they were able to knock out the twins and get them taken care of, bandaged, and put into a room.

Both twins remain passed out in the room with various tubes and machines hooked up to them. They looked pale and generally not good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Hospital Time!

Well looks like everyone has been attacked by their lovely wolf, and now it was killed by Vanessa and the EMT's finally had arrived to the campsite a lot of the teens were badly injured during the attack. Well now they are going to be going to the Clinic back in town where they shall make a full recovery eventually! But for the teens the wolf had left them a little gift, or curse if you want to call it that. Their wounds have slowly started to heal though not completely just enough for them to survive the night! All of the teen's parents have been called and now they are all rushed to the hospital! The lucky few who have not been attacked, they either were given the okay to go home or if they wanted to they could stay with their friends and make sure that they are still safe and sound of course you all are gonna be poked and prodded by needles so enjoy that!

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake, then the Red Lake Clinic
Interacting With: @Damo021@Meiyuki@Zhaliora@smarty0114@BlackPanther@Caits@Ace of flames01@Maria 127@BeautifulSnow

As Riley laid there she could hear the EMT's coming into the RV and saw them looking over towards Patricia and held onto her hand for a moment as she was slowly lifted up and then taken to one of the many ambulances that had come up to the lake after hearing news of the wolf attack. Riley could see her friends slowly being carried or put onto gurneys and put into the ambulances, she couldn't help but feel like it was all completely her own fault she should have postponed the event then none of this would ever happen.

Riley couldn't help but wipe away some of the tears away as she started to wonder if any of her friends started to make it, once she was inside the ambulance Riley and the others were quickly driven back towards camp leaving their campsite in shambles. Once Riley and the others were quickly taken to separate rooms Riley had a room luckily with her best friends, Miranda, Kim and Alyssa. Riley looked over at them Riley winced seeing their injuries Riley wasn't sure if any of them were actually awake and reached out towards them. "Guys?" Riley asked softly, then she instantly could hear her mother's voice as she came rushing into the room and saw her father there as well. "Riley are you all okay?!" Riley's mother asked with a lot of concern on her face, Riley nodded slowly as the medical staff then quickly started to get to work on their newest large group of patients that the town has ever had.

Riley bit her lower lip and nodded slowly at her mother and father she was still very much worried about her friends all of them of course she wanted to get up and make sure all of them were alright. "I'm fine mom really.."

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake Café
Interacting With: @lydynGloria Winter

Anastasia looked towards Gloria and smiled softly at her friend as she started to talk about the new girl named Cassandra and nodded then Gloria brought about her preference. "Hun I've been around for awhile now so i'm totally fine with that, as long as its something that this Cassandra is into. I'm fine with sharing." Ana said with a soft smile as she ran a hand through her hair as she quickly finished up eating the last bit of her meal. Anastasia looked over the menu as she started to think about some desert that they could have together as she turned the desert menu over to Gloria.

"I was thinking we could share a sundae or something like that, what do you think?" Anastasia asked as she started to hear a swarm of ambulances driving down the street heading towards the Red Lake clinic and started to wonder what all of that was actually about and raised an eyebrow this town certainly started to become very interesting. "And after that, maybe we can head over to your place and just hang out? Or did you want to call it a night?" Anastasia asked with a soft smile.
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