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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: The lake, camp site
Interacting with:@BeautifulSnow Vanessa, @Damo021miranda

connor's eyes flashed violently, the response shocking him as anger flooded through him. He was not a violent man. He didn't let go, the flash of emotion disappearing under a cool mask of self control. "I apologize for startling you, that was not my attention. Vanessa merely looked unwell, and as I have had similar symptoms, I merely wondered if she knew why. You see, it's symptoms I've had since my fathers death a little while ago, and I sometimes wonder if they are not connected. I don't know what attacked my father, and when I saw...Vanessa exhibiting similar things to me, I became overwhelmed, thinking perhaps I would finally get answers" he spoke calmly, but right then he wanted nothing more for the girl to disappear, so he could get the answers he so desired.

"you ought to be a fire, for it will be dark soon, and it's a lot harder to start a fire at night then in light" he hoped the girl would take the bait to leave, but somehow he didn't think so. Nor did he think Vanessa would wish to discuss things in the open like that.

Frustrated, Connor used the only weapon he truly had, his power for observation. "perhaps you'd like to calm down. I'm aware that having feelings for someone, even the intense confused feelings of a crush, can cause someone to act irrationally, but I'd rather not get into a jealous attack." Connors words were not meant to hurt, yet he knew they would.

He let Vanessa go, but he still wanted answers. He cursed the girl silently for interrupting, thinking he might finally have some clue as to what had happened, those weeks ago. So he returned the girls look of no fear, wishing he could make be disappear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von strong

Location: At Camp, later in the woods

Interacting with: Riley @Nallore, Connor @Caits and Miranda @Damo021


Vanessa looked up as she was suddenly grabbed by her arm and dragged up from her seat. Connor? She frowned when he asked her something and before she could answer his question she was 'rescued' by Miranda. The young women looked at the girl and gave her a soft smile.

She listened to what Connor said and without much trouble she freed herself from his grip. "turn around.." she hissed to the young male. And when he didn't listen she turned him so his back was facing her and she pulled his shirt down. "shit!" she said and let go of him. "Miranda.. Easy on him.. he didn't hurt me at all and I am strong enough to deal with things" she said, it sounded a little harsh she knew but she was in trouble and with Connor being bitten, the whole camp was in trouble. She looked at both girls. As also Riley had also came closer to them. "Connor... Woods now.. then you get your wanted answers... Girls.. Gather everyone and keep them in camp." she said and then it was her time to firmly grab Connor his arm and drag him away from camp.

When they were away, quite some meters, she let go of him. "you were bitten... By a werewolf" she said straight without waiting for him to ask more. "I am one too.. And this means trouble because tonight it's a full moon" she said. "But what you just did.. Or say to a miranda was wrong.. And be glad I got other things to do or else I wouldn't stand here as a women.. But as a wolf, ready to hurt you the way you just hunted that girl" she said and looked very serious at him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

The Wolf Mauling Begins!

While everyone at the camp has been having fun, partying drinking, maybe even hooking up with someone a few may have heard or seen glimpses of a wolf throughout their time since being at the camp. This wolf has been stalking everyone since they have arrived and with the cover of darkness, there was a sudden and very loud howling that would catch everyone who was at the campsite's attention and then suddenly it came out of the woods that was taller then the average human with white fur. It's first target was Riley the wolf charged right for her and knocked the girl down onto the ground, and sank its fangs into the young girl's shoulder. Vanessa to her the scent of the wolf may have been very familiar to her during her time in China, once the wolf finally finished. The wolf quickly headed into Kim and Alyssa's tent and easily tore through the entrance then it pounced on both of the girls biting into them as hard as it could before letting go.

Then it's next victims were the Brooks twins, tackling one of the boys onto the ground then biting onto his leg before switching to the other, and attacked him as well. Then one of them hit it in its snout before backing off, to then attack Miranda and tackled the woman to the ground as well and bit into the woman's arm. It then set its eyes upon Charlie and launched itself at him. The wolf spotted Cassandra and pounced on the girl as well sinking its sharp teeth into Cassie's side as well, when the girl stopped struggling. Once most of the campers were either in to much pain to move or unconscious the wolf then turned towards Vanessa snarling its teeth at her and went in for the attack.

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake Campsite.
Interacting With: @Zhaliora@BeautifulSnow@Damo021@ChaoticFox@Anima@BlackPanther@smarty0114@Caits@Meiyuki

Riley looked at Vanessa with a concerned look in her eyes she was really worried about her friend she had never seen her look like this before and when she was told to warn the others about the wolf. She nodded as she quickly headed back towards the camp, seeing everyone doing their own thing she quickly yelled out to everyone. "You guys I saw a wolf out there!" She yelled out, then she froze when she heard the very loud howling sound, then she slowly turned to where the howl had came from. Riley looked in horror as she saw a giant wolf and suddenly screamed when the wolf charged after her and tackled her onto the ground.

Riley suddenly would let out a very loud cry and scream in pain as she felt the wolf sinking it's fangs right into her shoulder, its powerful jaws crushing and breaking the bones within her shoulder. The pain was so intense that she completely passed out from the pain and laid on the ground unconscious.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake
Interacting With: @lydyn@Maria 127@DragonKingUk@The One

Anastasia felt her phone vibrate and looked down at her phone and smiled and giggled slightly at the word of teens doing their own thing up there. She waited quiet awhile until finally she heard the door opening and saw Gloria coming into the café and smiled brightly seeing her new friend as she approached her and pulled up a seat in front of her. "Yep, I did I got quiet a bit unpacked already, sorry that you felt alone up at the lake by yourself.." Anastasia said softly as she tucked a few strands of hair out and away from her face and behind her ear and smiled at the cute girl in front of her.

"Glad that you finally came over I thought I was going to be eating all alone by myself. Also if you ever need help unpacking I could always come over to your place and help you." Ana said with a soft smile as a waitress came over and looked at the two lovely women. "What would the two of you like to have?" The woman asked. Anastasia leaned back in her seat for a moment and thought about what she wanted to eat. "I'll just have some steak and some water please." Ana said as she looked over towards Gloria. "My treat by the way." Anastasia smiled winking at the cute woman in front of her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The twins

color codes: yellow=the mom (Sheryl) red=the dad (Phil) orange=when both are talking pink=Gage green=Aron
Interacting with: anyone nearby, riley @Nallore

Before anymore fun times could be had both twins heard a scream. Both darted out of the water, but before they had time to fully react, Gage was attacked. Strong jaws tore into his leg causing for him to yell out in pain, blood pooling out. Aron freezes before reacting. As the wolf turns it's attention on him, he slams a fist into the wolf's snout with all the force he could manage. The wolf managed to tear into Aron's shoulder before backing off.

In pain, but having enough adrenaline, Aron goes to his brother's side. "Gage...gage focus, i need to stop the bleeding before I get you out of here" Thinking quickly, he pulls the drawstring out of his shorts and ties it tightly above the wound. Then, aron helps his brother stand. "Agh, aron...wh-what about you""Shoulder...im okay, lets go." The twins make slow progress, knowing the wolf is near Aron gets his brother to the RV...luckily its unlocked. "Im going to try to help the others. Ill be back." "No do-" Gage is cut off by the door shutting.

Aron makes his way back, knowing he is likely to only be able to help one more person. He finds riley and picks her up causing extreme pain to his shoulder. He rushed back to the rv and puts her in it as well before closing the door and passing out from blood loss. Gage does not seem to be in any better condition as he starts going in and out of consciousness with his own blood loss.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: The lake, camp site
Interacting with:@BeautifulSnow Vanessa, @Nallore

Connor had probably been on an unstable ledge since his fathers death. Never allowing himself the chance to grieve, but rather to find answers-the pursuit of knowledge had been embedded into him since he could understand words. It wasn't something easily forgotten. Not one to normally give into his emotions, Connor couldn't see that he was acting out, and had lashed out to Miranda, seeking unconsciously to hurt, and to perhaps escape the looming pain of grief that had threatened to over power him for weeks.

Vanessa's words were like a whip. Not only were they not possible,there was no scientific merit to them, as there were no such things as werewolves. He could not deny that his father had been attacked by some sort of animal, having seen and experienced it himself, but a werewolf?

And yet...

He had healed. He had survived where his father hadn't. How? The snarling of a wolf distracted him, his head whipping around to the sounds of an attack, and without even thinking of it, without thinking that he would probably be offending Vanessa, he swept her behind him, instinct making him do so. It had long been known that men in particular had a primal urge to protect females, going back to the days were the female of the species was perceived as weak. But Connor wasn't thinking of that. There were no thoughts that perhaps Vanessa would be more effective, just that primal need.

He didn't think as the wolf charged, but reached for the first thing he could, seeking only to do damage and defend. The large rock was in hand and as the wolf attacked, he swung up his hand, the rock clenched in it.

"get out of here!" he didn't know if he shouted that at Vanessa or the wolf. He knew he was probably being foolish, but He had survived one wolf attack, why not another?


Location: camp grounds
Interacting with:@Nallore

Cassandra was meters behind Riley, and as the wolf attacked the other girl, Cassie froze in shock. Before she could even formulate a plan of attack to get the wolf of Riley, it was gone, bounding away. Rushing to Riley's side, Cassie froze again. Seeing that it was attacking others, she cursed the fact they hadn't got a fire going. She had nothing aside from a Swiss Army knife on ber and what could would that do?

And yet as the wolf charged her, she flicked it out. It didn't help, and for a moment Cassie laid stunned as the wolf mauled her. Fearing that if she didn't do anything it would kill her, she willed her arm to move.

She didn't know if the attack landed, her consciousness fleeing into her subconscious, darkness covering her like a blanket. When it came back, all she knew was pain, but there was a fear. They weren't the only ones in the woods-hadn't Gloria told her she'd be in the woods as well? Her mind hazy, she blinked at the image of the older woman sitting in Riley's B&B only a few days ago, writing.

Movement told her someone else was awake, and Cassandra rolled onto her stomach, grimacing at a wave of pain as she sought to get her feet under her, her hands out. Seeing the bloodied mess of her arm, she had to fight a wave of nausea. Closing her eyes, she gritted her teeth, and rose. Seeing Aron carrying Riley, Cassie felt immense relief. If Aron was up, chances were Gage was okay as well. Or at least not dead.

Biting her lip as if that small pain could distract her from the rest, she went to the destroyed tent. A cool, sticky weight told her the knife was still in ber hand, or maybe she had grabbed my. She slashed an opening to the tent, wondering almost vaguely if she would hVe to replace the tent. How odd.

She spied one of the girls, she couldn't tell if it was Kimberly or Alyssa, "are you two awake? Don't make me carry you. I might faint"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Location: The Hospital
Interacting with: Ravi @LokiLeo789 and Charlotte @ChaoticFox

Sophie groaned and slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times before slowly sitting up. A sharp pain shot through her chest, causing her to let out a small broken scream and fall back down onto her back. She layed there for a few moments to catch her breath, recover from the pain, and relax a bit. Carefully, she looked down at her chest and saw the bruises and the occasional bump from broken cartilage bulging out of her skin. It was grotesque and horrifying to look at, to say the least; thus, she covered herself back up. "I must've cracked a rib and broken some cartilage when Charlotte revived me... I guess I won't be going to work for a while.... Crud!" She then turned her attention to her surroundings and immediately knew where she was, judging from the smell of disinfectant and the sounds of the medical equipment that she was hooked up to; she was at the hospital.

Sophie turned her head to the night stand next to her, when her note from Ravi, her phone, and her other items were placed. She carefully read the note and sighed softly, then dialed the number. Once Ravi answered, Sophie would be the first to speak. "Hey you're Ravi, right? The guy I met earlier? This is Sophie. I just want to say before you start blaming yourself, that it isn't your fault for what happened earlier. It was bound to happen sooner or later, and you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. If anything, I am the one who is sorry. I am sorry for yelling at you, you did nothing wrong and I overreacted. So don't worry about it, OK? And if you don't mind, could you please come visit me at the hospital? I would rather we speak in person, than on the phone, if you don't mind. " She said, her voice was soft and tired.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Location: Red Lake Cafe
Interacting With: @Nallore's Anastasia
Date: August 2nd, 5:04 PM

Gloria smiled shyly, biting her lips, mostly listening until Ana had finally ordered her food as well. She felt a bit too bashful to be talking on a more private level while the waitress was around. A soft blush crossed her cheeks at the wink, causing her to give the woman a pouty face and finally letting out a light sigh. "Um.. I mean.. if you want.." she replied in a cute, meek tone, looking down as she kicked her feet a little. "But yeah, I'm glad we could keep each other company..." She paused for a moment and looked back up to Ana with a thoughtful expression. "There was one of the girls though - I didn't see her up there however. It's kind of a shame... we met at the bread and breakfast once.." Gloria bit her lip again, giving a quick thought to the teenager before clearing her throat for a moment, unsure if she should tell Ana about her lifestyle just yet.

"Either way, I'm off work for a bit," she explained with a cheerful tone. "I'm a personal accountant - remember the town I came from? Yeah, I still work for some of the clients. Just normal rich ones," she smirked amusingly. "I end up working like a mad dog for like two weeks every three months and then pretty much have the rest off. It can be a little tough, but I enjoy it... and I don't know why I'm rambling." She blushed softly again and gave Ana a bashful smile. However, she suddenly got this strange, vague feeling as she looked at the desk in front of them, almost looking nervous. For some reason, her thoughts went back to the camp site and quietly wondered if Cassandra was okay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

interacting with; @Nallore@BlackPanther & anyone else still at the camp site.

Location: leaving cafe to go to the camp site.
*Jamaal Kirk Maddison*

As Jamaal waited for his food to arrive he people watched for a little while. He watched as people came and went from the cafe, he thought that if he did this he would have a better understanding of other people's routine. When his food finally arrived he ate quickly, he didn't eat it all as he saved a few of the sausages for his dogs. He paid as soon as he was done and gave a generous tip of $5.

As he left the cafe he would rustle the box indicating to the dogs that there was food in the box for them, to which their response was over excited tail wagging and panting.

He would then break one of the sausages in half and give each dog a peice. Jamaal then untied his two wolf dogs and began to walk in the direction of the forest trail that leads to the camp site. He would then follow it to the camp site. What he saw there shocked him beyond belief.

He noticed large amount of blood here and there all around the camp site, slightly concerned he warily pulls out his pistol as he he scans the field looking for anyone who would need his help and soon puts the pistol away as he saw no imidiate danger. He soon noticed a RV and walked towards it he opens the door and sees two boys who seemed to be twins. Jamaal would quickly look over their wounds before taking of his back pack and taking out a first aid kit.

He would apply antibacterial solution to both wounds before wrapping them up in temporary but tight bandages which would help to lesson the bleeding. Having sorted out the the words to the best of his ability he promptly called an ambulance to notify them of the twins situation, where they were and how he had treated the wounds and their symptoms.

After that was done he would firmly smack the unconscious boys face a bit in an attempt to get him to wake up before doing the same to the one that was sliding in and out of consciousness. "Can you hear me you two. Stay awake..."
If none of them showed that they could hear him he would flick a little bit of cold water onto their faces before turning around and yelling into the camp site. "Anyone else here, anyone injured!?"

The ambulance wouldn't take too long to arrive but he wanted to stay close to them in case what attacked them came back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The twins

color codes: yellow=the mom (Sheryl) red=the dad (Phil) orange=when both are talking pink=Gage green=Aron
Interacting with:@Maria 127 @Nallore

Upon closer inspection it would be clear that Gage's wound is worse then Aron's. Gage's leg resembles swiss cheese with the large holes going to the bone. Along with that, there appears to be a long deep gash where the wolf was distracted enough to look away. The bandage quickly starts to get blood soaked as he slides in and out of blackness. His manages to wake up more when the antibacterial is put on his wounds, a resulting groan, wince and various pained expressions are given to the man trying to help him. In massive amounts of pain, Gage struggles to sit up. "r..riley" He manages to weakly point to the unconscious girl tucked around a corner. "W...w...wolf attack" He winces and overall does not look very good. "O...others...hurt" His eyes land on his brother and he starts struggling to get to him. "Aron...g..god...nno" With more struggling he pulls his brother's head onto his lap, which actually might help lessen the bleeding.

Aron's wounds consist of deep gashes in his shoulder. Honestly, it is a miracle he was even able to move it, let alone carry a person to safety. Aron seems to be knocked out cold from pain, causing Gage to have silent tears start flowing down his face. Gage looks back at the officer, the boy showing that he is still young...young, scared, and having flash backs to the car crash that killed his parents. He starts trembling slightly. He looks down at his brother and starts whispering. "It's okay...y-youre okay"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: woods / campsite

Interacting: Connor @Caits, Gage @BlackPanther, Jamaal @Maria 127, Riley @Nallore, Everyone else and Victoria. (The wolf)


Vanessa felt the moon even before it complete was up and she turned around seconds before they all heard a scream. "Riley!!!!!" she screamed and felt anger roll over her. The moment Conner grabbed her and threw a stone at the wolf she did a few steps back.

Yet... Before she could change she heard someone close by, smelled two wolf-dogs and knew this was a bigger problem when she saw a guy, her age walk into the camp. The white wolf, Victoria, saw it too and first seemed to ran of but Vanessa knew better. She looked at Connor. "Start running... You will eventually change tonight and that will hurt.. it will make you crazy from the pain but I will go search for you later.. I need to handle things here first" Vanessa said and then ran towards the camp.

She saw the dogs and stared at them, getting them to sit down and eventually lay down. "Hello.. Officer" she said. Vanessa was calm and scanned the area. "You really have a bad timing and I know how this all sounds but get in that RV.. And keep the door locked" Vanessa said as she looked at Gage. "No worries Gage.. You will live.." she calmly said and picked up Miranda. She laid the girl also in the RV and moved Riley to a bed. "I am so sorry this had to happen to you Riri... You are my sister.. I should have protected you" she said. Then she looked at Jamaal. "What ever happens.. Do not start to fight" she said and then heard a growl from outside.

She jumped out of the RV and rolled with her shoulders and growled back. It wasn't a human growl, it really came from a beast inside. "Finally found you.. Now you will pay for killing my Alpha" the wolf thought. Vanessa shook her head. "You attacked innocent human beings.. Everyone knows that I will have to kill you Victoria" Vanessa said, she still was a human but not for long. Jamaal would see how Vanessa rolled one more time with her shoulders and then charge for the white wolf, during her run for the wolf she changed in a huge black wolf herself.

Vanessa first tackled Victoria and then she bit the white would in her shoulder. "You attacked my sister and her friends.. This is my new territory and you are not only trespassing but you also attacked my pack" Vanessa thought and Victoria growled. For Jamaal it would go really fast, Vanessa got bitten in her hip and let out a loud whine. Yet didn't gave it up. "They were humans.. That can't be a pack" Victoria thought. "Yes it can.. People you love and live for becomes your pack.. Wolf or not" Vanessa thought and then jumped at Victoria's neck. She bit the white wolf and Victoria would let out a last loud howl. Vanessa tore her neck open, and Victoria would bleed to death. Right after her last heartbeat Victoria changed back to a human. Vanessa fell down and changed too.

Both females where naked and covered in blood. Vanessa's leg was bleeding and the bite was healing already. Vanessa looked at the officer and her breath was still going fast. It took a lot from her to choose to kill the girl. "Y-You are safe.. W-We all a-re" Vanessa said and closed her eyes. "I.. I.. Don't know if you have cuffs but they won't work... I can break trough them without even a lot of strength... And I saved your life... Give me a change to get dressed and explain" Vanessa said and got up. Jamaal would see a bit of her naked body but actually Vanessa cared less for it. She walked to her tent and put on a bikini top and bottom and a sweat pants. She lifted the left leg of her pants so the bite could heal better.

"You called the ambulance right? Lucky this roads are hard for them to drive over so I have some time" Vanessa said. She first piled up some wood and got herself some leaves and a match. She lit it up and made a fire.. "What you just witnessed was a Vendetta between two werewolves.. We btw have a new pup running the forests too so I don't have much time... All I ask from you now iso a good place to burry Victoria and that you come tomorrow evening to Jake's Cafe so I can explain it all better for you.. Because if I don't get to Connor.. He might hurt innocent people.. The first change is horrible" she said and looked at the Officer. She was still covered with blood and didn't care about it
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Patricia Isaac


@Nallore Riley

Pat was having a horrible dream. There was a wolf attacking, fighting. Riley had been attacked as well. Along with everyone else. Her head was sticking out from the opening to the tent. She was staring at the scene in front of her. The good thing about dreams though was that you could wake up from them. This however, she could not wake up from.

She watched in horror as the others were attacked. She wanted to scream, shout at them. Tell them to run away. She was the wounds appear, blood squirting out. Death was coming for them all. Death in the shape of a wolf. She could not scream. She could not shout out a warning. Her fear was too great.

The wolf came close and she rushed back into the depths of the tent. Pat started praying. Asking for God's help. To protect her. The wolf's snout came into the entrance of the tent, growling at her.

Suddenly though it backed out again. It turned towards the RV and growled before making distance from the tent. Pat was shivering, terrified. She heard a second growl before paws on the ground and talking. Then fighting soon ensured.

She slowly crawled out towards the entrance once again and saw two wolves fighting. Her body was as frozen. She was movement within the RV, humans. She had seen one of the twins carrying Riley in there.

"Riley...!" Slowly her body started to move as the fight was coming to a close. Her eyes were unfocused, hazy. She barely registered Vanessa talking as she slowly walked towards the RV.

Pat pushed the door open and stared at the scene inside. Blood was everywhere. The twins were bandaged up, but those were not her main concern, nor was any of the others in there. She slowly made her way over towards where Riley lay.

"Riley...." Pat's eyes were empty. She looked around before she saw the medical kit on the wall and tore at it with shaky hands, spilling it's contents. She fell to her knees while crying before managing to get some disinfectant and bandages and rushed back to Riley.

"It's all right....I'm here now...Riley..." She gently shook Riley's unconscious body before pulling off her top as gently as she could and began treating the wound on her shoulder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: The lake, camp site
Interacting with:@BeautifulSnow Vanessa, @Nallore

Connor stood there for a moment, and his expression was perhaps akin to what a computer would have during its processes. The order to run, while the logical option, wasn't one Connor could follow. He heard the struggles of the campers as they sought to survive, and he watched Vanessa run off towards the camp. He wanted to follow, yet he couldn't make his legs move. Vanessa said it would be dangerous for him, but that wasn't it. It seemed that, after escaping such an attack again, Connor was imbolised with fear. He stood there, unable to even process the fact that fear held him in its grip. But he still knew that Vanessa was going into danger, and what kind of a man would he be if he let her go by herself? He was just about to take a step, when he froze for an entirely different reason to fear. His eyes were drawn to the moon, and he shook. At one time he would have considered the moon beautiful, but now it seemed a thing of terror.

Something seemed to overtake him, and he stood there in horror that he could feel something happening within him. His body shook, and it didn't seem like it was his own. Whatever force overtook him, it propelled itself through his body, leaving needles of pain. It was almost as if his body was rearranging itself. As if it was allowing itself to...change.

Everything he knew told him that this shouldn't be possible. But it was happening, so didn't that mean it was possible? what was he doing, just standing there, when people had been attacked by a wolf, when Vanessa was charging into that danger? For one brief moment, his strength of will seemed to overpower everything else, and he took a step towards the camp site, before it all washed over him again.

He fell to the ground as his body withered, seeming to contort itself impossibly. As the pain grew too much, Connor screamed, but it came out as a howl. It simply wasn't possible. Humans did not have the ability to manipulate their cells. No creature did. The simple physics involved told him it wasn't possible. He should have been crushed. Or horribly mutilated. As his mind sought to understand this, to figure out what was happening, Connor howled again, long and mournful.

In seemed in this form, Connor was able to deal with the grief of his fathers death, although the grief he experienced wasn't the same, different somehow.

The smell of blood was a lure, so strong and potent. And close. Instinct thundered through him, until all Connor knew was the urge to pounce and lap at that scent. So strong was it that he didn't even know he was walking, all four limbs seeming to work in unison in a one two motion, tail twitching and ears laid flat as he snarled. He crouched, eyes roaming over the destroyed camp site, the scent of blood everywhere. A growl escaped him, and he padded closer, using the trees as cover.

Vanessa covered in blood drew his eye, and the order to run again seemed to wash over him. She had told him to run. Didn't that mean she had a reason? What was he doing? Stalking something like he was an...animal? He howled again in frustration, and turned, fleeing back the way he had come, he followed familiarity, moving towards his truck, already secluded from people. The scent of blood followed him, hauntingly tantalizing, but the image of his father being mauled made him cringe, and his will prevented him from turning around again.


Location: camp grounds
Interacting with:anyone, Collab with Lydyn between Cassie and Gloria as a memory

Cassandra felt woozy, and faint. Was she hurt anywhere else? She didn't know. Her body felt...weightless, and it wasn't until darkness edge across her vision that she realised she was going to pass out again. It happened too quickly for her to do anything, and the darkness overtook her once more.

It was mid-morning when Gloria finally came downstairs, dressed in a cute black outfit, and carrying a small notebook in her hands. She paused for a moment to look around the dining room of the building and shrugged to herself, not spotting her new chatter box acquaintance - Riley. She smiled softly to the girl's mother before taking a seat at one of the tables and asking her, kindly, to make her a white only egg muffin with some apple juice.

Not paying much attention to anything else at the moment, she looked down as she opened her notebook and started to take notes - looking as if she was concentrating on something important, however it definitely wasn't a personal journal or a book she was writing, making it easy for someone to be curious about it's contents. Keeping her focus on the notebook, she nearly jumped as the food was placed next to her, giggling softly and giving a soft, "sorry," to Riley's mother who obviously dismissed it. Putting the small book down, she started to munch on the egg muffin she was given, idly looking out the window.

Cassie hurried towards the B&B, intent on finding Riley before she left, to see what she wanted snack wise for the camping trip, or what other things Cassie could bring. Preferring to walk, Cassie had her guitar or her back, the strap slung over her shoulder, and had a small back, out of which a notebook poked. She practically crashed through the door to the B&B, and composing herself, she looked about, but couldn't see Riley anywhere.

A little bit put out, Cassie decided she'd just have to text Riley later, which she would have already done, if she hadn't left her phone home. Sighing softly, Cassie glanced about the room, seeing someone writing in a notebook. Curious enough, not merely because the woman as cute, Cassie approached her. It took her a moment to speak, having to force herself to do so. "h-hello? Um..." Cassie didn't seem to be able to say anything more

"Huh?"[/color][/b] Gloria was snapped out of her daze to hear the voice of a young woman, looking up and seeing Cass standing over her. She couldn't have been older than eighteen, but she was surprisingly pretty, considering how shy the poor girl seemed. She thought it a tad odd - the pretty ones were always full of confidence from all the boys hitting on them, usually. Instead of dwelling too much on it though, she beamed a friendly smile and put her muffin down, perking slightly. "Hi!" As Cass stared at her for a couple of brief moments, Gloria couldn't help but smirk slightly. Not entirely sure why the girl decided to approach her, it was still obvious she had been interested in talking to her, for some reason.

"Um.." Gloria bit her lip for a second. "Do you want to sit down?" She wasn't exactly sure what else to say either, but it sounded like the right thing to do. Usually you came up to strangers like this only when you wanted to introduce yourself and have a nice chat. Gloria certainly wasn't opposed to it. "I'm Gloria... kind of new in town," she explained, trying to give Cass more grounds to talk and open up.

Cassie couldn't say what had prompted her to approach the woman, but she was already wondering if she should have indulged in the impulse. She shifted, feeling awkward, knowing she really should be on her way, but...some part of her felt like she should stay, talking with Gloria.

"oh, well, I don't know...um. Well, The B&B is a good place to stay, my friend Riley, her runs it...I was just...what were you writing?" Cassandra was intrigued by the notion that anyone now a days choose to write physically instead of electronically, and perhaps this was why she felt the need to speak.

Cass wasn't really sitting down just yet, but she was just standing there, talking to her. It was actually kind of cute, how shy she was being, and she could sense the conflict going on in Cass' eyes. Gloria honestly felt flattered. She had never caused someone to stop what they were doing, just to talk to her, but she liked it!

"Riley, hehe, yes, the little chatter box," she smirked amusingly. Gloria then looked down at her notebook and back up at Cass, smiling softly. "Oh, this.. yeah, um.. heh, try not to judge me too much but I practice Wiccan witchcraft. So, it's just my notebook trying to study spells and the like... you know, the whole four elements, the Goddess of the Moon? Well, a lot of Wiccans kind of have their own views on things... it's not nearly as organized as Christianity or something." She opened the book to a page with a mock circle with zodiac symbols, however it also seemed to have some math equations, for some reason.

It amused Cassie to hear Riley described as a Chatter box, for her friend was indeed talkative, perhaps because Riley herself was just so bubbly.it sometimes seemed that Riley wanted to make everyone happy with her mere presence. Cassie wondered why Gloria would think she would judge her for her beliefs. Cassie found it intriguing, and she say to see the book better.

"cool" Cassie said, her eyes roaming over the equations, having no idea what they could possibly mean. "I like the aspect of the elements, and religion shouldn't be organized. Why would a diety feel the need to hVe such a structure? It seems like an interesting religion"

And Cassandra never really believed in God. What God would leave a child orphaned and trapped in a car with her parents dead body?

Gloria blinked, adorning a very obvious surprised expression on her face for a few moments, before smiling widely at Cass. "... that's exactly my thoughts!" she exclaimed cheerfully. "If a deity was supposed to care and love us, then all these traditions and doctrines don't make any sense. We should be able to live the way we want, so long as it's not harming anyone." Gloria seemed extremely pleased by Cass' response and relaxed a little in her chair, putting her book back down. "What your name anyways, if you don't mind, that is - and I'm not keeping you from anything, am I?" She felt like she wanted to get to know Cass more now, with how she had reacted. The girl was intriguing and interesting and Gloria wondered what was under that bashful shell of hers.

Gloria seemed to be shocked that Cassie had such an opinion. Cassie returned her smile, nodding as Gloria spoke. The fact that someone else thought In similar way was quite amazing.

She blushed as she realized she hadn't given Gloria her name, "oh! Sorry, I'm Cassandra" she said in a hurried way, feeling quite bad that she hadn't mentioned her name. "no, no! I just thought to get some supplies for this camping trip I'm going on, before work"

"Cassandra? That's a pretty name..."[/color][/b] Gloria smiled softly, taking note of Cass' reaction with amusement before nodding. "Ah, right, Riley mentioned that a couple times. I might be up there... just because it's a nice place to relax and concentrate. I mean, I bought the abandoned house on the edge of town, but sometimes it nice to see nature, y'know?" She paused. "And it might be nice to meet some new people... where do you work, by the way? I'm a personal accountant for some richy-rich clients in another city." That's when Gloria tilted her head a little bit, taking true notice of the guitar on the girl's back, then pointed to it causally. "Are you a singer?" she asked, seeming very interested.

"my mother thought so. My aunt told me she named me after someone special" Cassandra became passive for a moment, before shaking out of her stupor, looking back to Gloria. So Gloria wasn't merely visiting, but had a place. That was interesting to know.

"I work in the cafe, playing music, and sometimes I help with other things, but I'm not a good waitress though. Too clumsy and people scare me."

As Gloria asked if she sang, Cassandra remembered she hadn't taken her guitar off. "oh, uh, yeah. I do. Music...gives me peace"

Gloria listened patiently, pursing her lips quietly in thought before taking another bite of her muffin, finishing the bite as Cass got done talking. "Scared of people?... but I don't scare you - or at least I hope I don't." She smiled gently. "I mean, you seem like a really sweet girl and really fun to talk to." Gloria was trying to encourage her, giving another soft, sweet smile. "Regardless, I think the name suits you. You seem to be like a special person..." She had said it without thinking about it much, flushing a light red as she realized.

"U-um, anyways... uh... it would be nice to hear you play sometime? I'll have to drop by maybe on a night you are. If it helps, when you are there and I'm hungry, I can ask for you specifically? At least you'll get some respite from people, right?" Again, Gloria seemed to give Cass a sweet smile, though a bit more thoughtful this time.

How could Cassie explain what she meant? Perhaps it wasn't that she was afraid of people, but rather afraid of forgetting some social nicety, or if making a fool of herself. "not all people scare me...I just...it's hard to talk to strangers..." which was clearly not being demonstrated right then. "no, I just...I found it intriguing that you were actually writing, and not typing at some machine" Cassandra trailed off as Gloria said she seemed special. And blushed.

"oh. I play generally every day for a few hours, but Sophie can probably tell you if I'm there or not" she said after a moment, "I just play what I feel mostly..."

Cassandra had played pretty much for everyone at one stage or another, but the thought of someone she had just met coming specifically to hear her sing was a bit intimidating, but she gave Gloria a smile "I'll only be at work today and tomorrow; then the camping trip. I'll be back on after it"

"Well, I'm a bit busy for the next couple of days, but maybe sometime after the camping trip.. or maybe I'll bug you on the trip one of those days or something about it.."[/color][/b] Gloria's tone had clearly gone a bit more shy, but she powered through it regardless, biting her lip for a moment. She took one last bit of her muffin and sipped a little apple juice to help it go down. "Sadly, I have to get back to work. The client's finances won't do themselves, but... yeah, if you see me, don't be afraid to come up and say hi or something. I'll do the same for you..." Standing up and grabbing her small book, she paused again, giving Cass a shy grin.

"I'll see you around, okay? Cassandra - still a pretty name.." Gloria was never normally quite this forward, but something about the teenager really sparked it in her, or least more confidence somehow - she knew if she was to be really forward, she'd likely flirt with the girl a little more, but it just wasn't her style to just be so blunt with things. Strangest thing that she already felt so interested in Cass, having only talked with her for like ten minutes. She mentally shook herself of the thoughts and gave Cass a wave and a friendly smile before heading back upstairs.

Curious at Gloria's tone, wondering what this bright, clearly confident woman had to be shy about, but she didn't dwell on it long. "oh, well, I'll probably be playing at the camp site too. Noise carries well in the wood, so maybe you can come on over if you hear music" she said, rising, making sure nothing had fallen out her bag, and that her guitar was secured.

She nodded, and returned the smile. "sure thing, stay safe, okay? There's been reports of weird things with Wolves lately" oblivious to the forwardness, Cassie blushed at the mention of her name being pretty, and she watched Gloria go, before hurrying out the B&B, only realizing as she was halfway to the cafe that she should have asked Riley's mother to get in contact with her.

The memory was welcome to Cassie, and she wanted to dwell within it, to escape the pain, as her mind slipped into consciousness. She wanted to sink back down into that blessed pain free world, but she couldn't seem to.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: Campside, Lake then Woods

Interacting with: Mostly Connor @Caits.


Vanessa heard the howls from a changing wolf and it almost was like she could feel his pain. She knew it was Connor and she heard him coming closer until he saw her standing there, covered with blood, he turned around and she was happy about that. Yet also she wondered how he could ignore his instinct during his first change.

Most pups, as that was how she called new werewolves, followed their instinct and had gone crazy by the feeling of their body completely change.

She lookEd one more time at the officer and then grabbed Victoria's body. She walked to the lake and dumped the body into a fast going stream. Then she walked to the lake itself and walked into it. She had seen that it wasn't a long swim to where Connor was. She howled, but this wasn't a howl to show she was in pain or that she was fighting. It was a howl that told him help was coming. She then started to swim and in five minutes she was at his truck.

She climbed out of the water and looked around. "Connor?" she asked and looked around. She saw him and smiled. "There you are.. Hey.. It's okay.. Look, I'm clean again... And still Human I know. And I also know that you can understand what I say. So come here. I understand that it is scary and weird but trust me... You will have so much things back for it... A friend for life is one because if you let me, I would like to help you controle yourself.. The moon can do crazy things with you" she said. Vanessa was calm and talked with a soft and soothing voice. Not like the way you're talking to a child but more like she was talking to a wounded animal that was wild. "Come on Connor.. You need to stretch your muscles so let's run... If you don't mind me staying human... Because if you change back now, you will be naked... And I down want to tear trough another set of clothes this night" she said and suddenly she started to smile.

She walked to him with no fear and laid a hand on his head and then started to run. "Come on buddy! Catch me!" she yelled and ran away from the campsite where all the blood was. Instead she ran more into the forest, more towards where you could find wild animals. She wasn't scared and wanted Connor to not be scared.

Pups needed a leader and if she had to be that, well... Then she had to be that and with all the other changes she knew that she had a lot of work. She then decided in a jump over a tree to change and once changed she waited for Connor to come. She laid down on a fallen tree and as soon he would see her, she would simply wait for him to come closer. She wouldn't attack him and she was relaxed. She wanted him to see her wolf side, because it kinda was a matter of trust to show each other your wolf side. ~Don't be scared or something now that you hear me in your head.. This is how we can communicate but only if we both are wolf.. You could understand me but now you can also talk back~
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Ravi King

Location: Campsite

Interacting with:@BeautifulSnow @Caits

Ravi drove in silence, speeding down the towns road at neck breaking speeds just to make himself feel better, less guilty. Unfortunately, he couldn't find comfort from pushing to car to its maximum, the town was to small anyway. Ravi sighed, growing tired of the constant flashbacks, constantly rewatching Sophie have to be revived by a defibulator, which wasn't a pleasant sight. Ravi had moved here for the quiet, although he was used to being involved in stress inducing situations like that, none emotionally affected him like this.

Ravi turned onto the dirt road, his loud engine echoing throughout the empty stretch of dirt. He hoped that the scenery that he admired when he first got here would provide his with much needed comfort.


Ravi's phone burst out in sound, alerting him that he was receiving a call. Frowning, Ravi grabbed the phone and answer, keeping in mind that it was a unknown number.


Hey you're Ravi, right? The guy I met earlier? This is Sophie. I just want to say before you start blaming yourself, that it isn't your fault for what happened earlier. It was bound to happen sooner or later, and you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. If anything, I am the one who is sorry. I am sorry for yelling at you, you did nothing wrong and I overreacted. So don't worry about it, OK? And if you don't mind, could you please come visit me at the hospital? I would rather we speak in person, than on the phone, if you don't mind. "

Ravi couldn't respond as Sophie rattled off, all he could do was listen and drive, turning on the head lights as the darkness grew.

He was grateful that she was awake, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to see her at the moment.

"Um, ya, I'll be there in 30….

Ravi's jaw fell open in shock, his body froze up and a shiver went down his spine as he slowed to a stop in front of the campsite parking lot were a group of teens were settled. Unable to move his mouth, he inadvertently hung up, exiting his car to get a better look at what he was seeing.

Bodies were strewn all over the campsite, claw and bite marks could be clearly seen from his place next to his car. Most were moving, others were withering, convulsing, he wasn't sure. He stood frozen, unable to move or speak, this wasn't what he wanted when he moved to here. Just 2 days in this god forsaken place and he already witnesses an attack.

"Breath." Ravi mumbled to himself despondently as he walked into the campsite.

"Is there anyone alive, anyone who can talk?" Ravi said as he walked among the teens. Before one could respond to his call, a blur of red and brown ran into the forest after another girl. Ravi took off after them, ignoring the nagging voice in his head that told him to run the other way, he was no hero. Withing seconds after running after the two, who seemed to be running at inhuman speeds, he caught after the two, finding the woman sitting on a log, with what he assumed was a giant wolf stalking her. Right before his eyes, the girl transformed, becoming a black wolf just as large.

Ravi stumbled backwards, unable to comprehend what he was seeing. Stumbling backwards, Ravi fell to the ground in horror, no longer able to function on the normal level, his mind was fried.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with:@BeautifulSnow@Zhaliora@BlackPanther
Location: camp site.
*Jamaal Kirk Maddison*

Jamaal watched the twins closely and quickly noticed that the one with the leg wound was trying to speak. It seemed the anti bacterial fluid was keeping him more awake. He listened to the kid closely before walking where he said that Riley. Before he could pick Riley up however he heard someone scream her name. The person who screamed was of around the same age as him. It was a young woman, she picked Riley up with what seemed like no difficulty at all and put her in the RV.

He stared at the woman wondering what she could do to a wolf that he couldn't. He couldn't believe that she had just asked him to stay out of it and get into the RV. He was bout to protest to the idea when he heard a wolf growl he turned around to notice a bloodied white wolf. He quickly pulled out a gun and aimed it but did not fire. He stared at the white wolf admiring it's beauty. It was after those few seconds that he heard the woman growl in response. He stared at her and backed away from the two of them and towards RV. Something oddly suspicious was going on and he didn't like it.

Standing in font of the door of the RV he whistled and his two dogs sat beside him. He had noticed that earlier they were growling at the white wolf but not the woman almost as if they who was and wasn't a threat. He looked away from his wolf dogs in time to see the woman change into wolf. He blinked rubbed his eyes and looked again. Hr was shocked he knew that such creatures only existed in fairy tales, yet here one was. Although not how he had expected.

When the the woman changed back he didn't look anywhere but her face."Fascinating." was his first response, although there was fear and shock in his eyes he knew she ment no harm. "I won't handcuff you, I'm not on duty anyway." he would say slowly before coming back with. "Yes I've called the ambulance they are on their way, you go do what you need to but I'm holding you to your promise of explaining things to me tomorrow." he would pause for a moment before quickly saying " your wolf form is beautiful.., I'm staying here till the ambulance arrives. "
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake Campsite.
Interacting With: @BlackPanther@Zhaliora@Caits@LokiLeo789@Maria 127@BeautifulSnow

Searing pain that's all that Riley could feel, she slowly slipped in and out of consciousness as she could see the bodies of some of her friends laying on the ground most of them looked like they were attacked on this trip and it was her fault. Riley slowly moved her head seeing one of the twins was carrying her, she couldn't tell which one it exactly was before her vision darkened again and she was laid on the bed in the very back of the RV. Slowly Riley opened her eyes again as she heard the familiar voice of Miss Isaac as she gently shook her a very low cry in pain left her lips as she was shook every inch of her body felt like it was on fire literally.

"Pat.." Riley said as she whimpered in pain as her shirt was torn off by Patricia she looked out towards the window she wasn't sure if the wolf was there or dead. "Please get help safer in the RV.. get them in.." Riley said she could see the twins outside in the same condition that she was, before passing out once again she was still breathing, while Patricia treated the wound she could see the torn muscle and bone the sheets on the bed of the RV were stained with her blood.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Red Lake
Interacting With: @lydyn

Anastasia took a bite out of her steak as she met Gloria's gaze, she was really cute, she raised an eyebrow slightly when she mentioned one of the girls at the camp and was interested now and curious who she was talking about. "Oh? Who are you talking about?" Ana asked with a soft smile as she leaned forward running a hand through her hair and quickly drank down the rest of her water, then she waved the waitress over for another drink.

"Your job seems pretty interesting and i'm sure that you get a lot of money for it huh?" Anastasia said softly as she then started to cut into her steak again and took another bite out of it. "Also what are your plans for tomorrow?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: forest
Interacting with:@BeautifulSnow Vanessa

Connor tilted his head at the howl, but stayed where he was, crouched by his truck. He watched Vanessa's progress over the shore, quivering slightly as his senses still seemed full of that blood, so fresh. But the thought of doing what had been done to his father, to him was repulsive, and that seemed to overwhelm the urge to turn back around. He gave a whine as Vanessa approached, shifting back from her. How did animal manage to communicate without words? It seemed hopelesslly complicated. He lay his head on his paws, and gave a huff.

Vanessa's words were not a comfort to Connor, whose whole world seemed upside down. His mind was still trying to figure out how it was possible to do this, without being horribly mutated, and he dreaded the change back to human. .It wasn't s much scary as it was frustrating, not being able to figure out how. It was like he had come to a wall he couldn't climb. It seemed he didn't have a choice as Vanessa started to run. Buddy? That made it seem like he was someones dog, and he growled. Before he knew it, he was running, paws thundering on the ground. He ran smoothly, He could see that he was closing in on her, and suddenly it wasn't about running, but rather the chase. But what was the goal? Was it Vanessa herself, or was it simply winning? Winning what? Again before he knew what he was doing, he pounced.

Not putting much force into it, not wanting to hurt Vanessa, he still hit her like a puppy pouncing on a sibling, learning to play. He growled, but it was more for the feel of it then anything else. Without thinking, he licked her snout, before rolling away.

"I'm not scared. Merely trying to process how this is possible. No creature has the ability to show distort their shape. Perhaps I stumbled onto some hallucinogenic plants and this is all a wild vision"" Yet Connor knew it wasn't, yet going through such things, logically, helped him.


Location: camp grounds
Interacting with:@Maria 127@BlackPanther

It was perhaps Cassandra's strength of will, or perhaps it was the simple fact that she didn't want to be helpless again, listening to her fathers noises of pain and his sobs as he realised her mother was dead only t his time it was listening to her friends suffering, and she pushed aside the blackness, and suffered through the pain, struggling up again, swaying. Unable to make herself look into the tent, not wanting to see if the girls were dead or managled, not quite strong enough, she left the opening she had made, and stumbled to Gage and Aron. She fell more then sank to the ground.

"You're in shock" she said to Gage, Cassandra's voice sounded far away even to her. "Blankets" She murmured, once more wishing they had managed to light a fire. "I can't help get him in, Gage, and neither can you." She looked to the officer, and said in a voice that wavered, "There's some blankets in the RV, can you get them? And maybe see if you can get warm water?" the feel of the warm blood flowing down her arm and god knows where else made her sick, and not caring she pulled off the tattered remains of her shirt and pressed it against her arm, weakly. "And there are others in the forest, someone said they were coming up here too. I hope she's okay" now it seemed she was just talking to keep herself awake, not knowing she had lost a lot of blood, and that there were claw marks over her chest, and stomach. The most pain seemed to be coming from her arm and hand. Her eyes were glassy, but she knew if she passed out again she might not wake.

"My guitar..." the thought of her guitar stirred her, and she glanced around the camp for it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Location: Red Lake Cafe
Interacting With: @Nallore's Anastasia
Date: August 2nd, 5:04 PM

"Hm?" Gloria paused, staring into Ana's eye for a moment before biting her lip softly. She really should've expected that question. "Oh, uh.. her name is Cassandra.. she's one of the teens that went to the camp.." Gloria bit into her hamburger thoughtfully, chewing as she looked out the window for a bit, debating with herself. Finally as she swallowed and took a drink from her soda. "I guess it's as good a time as any to let you know.. that I'm polyamorous.. so, um.. y'know.. obviously I thought the girl was cute.." She gave a small smile, though she couldn't help but notice the way the other woman was looking at her.

"I hope that's okay?" she offered before adding more. "No plans, really - I mean, I planned on... texting you.. and having this date.. but that's about it." She ended in a shy tone before biting into her burger again, trying to hide her blush behind the idea of her nomming on food. Though she quietly wondered how this would play out - she really did find them both interesting in their own ways and it was a bit surprising honestly. She found herself thinking about them both only after having met them once. Was that strange?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

Interacting with:@Caits
(picture coming soon)

Neither of the twins are looking good. Apparently the wolf had managed to severe major blood vessels when it attacked them and the blood loss for them is massive. Both are extremly pale with Gage trembling, trying to wake Aron up. It is clear by his weak movements that Gage is barely conscious...and doesn't quite seem to be aware of what is happening around him. In his mind he is back at the accident of his youth....and just as scared.

Finally, Gage's feeble attempts seem to work and Aron wakes up. He slowly sits up before looking at his brother. Gage has a massive look of relief. "we....we need to-" an...ambulance....have ta....stay" Aron nods and they touch foreheads as if to give each other strength.

After a few moments Aron notices Cassandra. "Cassandra....you...you need to stay awake....just....stay awake" Aron does not seem to be mobile from blood loss. Upon closer inspection both of the twins lips are pale...almost white...not a good sign.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 18 min ago

Location: The forest, then the Hospital.
Interacting through text With: Himself, apparitions from the past

Billy had been walking for around an hour, with no direction in mind, through the increasingly dense forest. He frequently came upon animal paths that he took, not really caring where he ended up. The pain that dwelt in his heart constantly reminded him why he was out in the middle of the woods walking and that was because of his sister. He relived moments over and over again, and thought of memories good and bad but he began to realize that it would never bring her back. If anything, Billy was the one who was beating himself up. Tears welled up into his eyes again, as he desperately wished he would have been nicer to her the last time he saw his sister.

It had been about a two weeks ago, she was already leaving off to live in her apartment near the university and they had gotten into a fight over something that Billy couldn't even remember. That was how stupid he had been, always teasing and messing around with Emily but something had to have happened for them fight. Anyways, Billy told Emily that he hated her and then she left. Of course, Billy hadn't really meant it, as any sibling would know, those things tended to happen sometimes. But to Billy, it was a constant reminder that it was the last thing she had heard from him.

So lost in thought, Billy managed to trip on a root and fall head first into a tree. As Billy steadied himself, there was a slight pain at the top of his head and his vision was slightly blurry. Even thought he had not hit the tree hard enough to cause any real damage to himself, it still hurt like a son of a bitch. A string of curse words flew from Billy's mouth as he rubbed his head, finally coming back to reality. The sun was quickly setting, but where he was darkness seemed to be encroaching and not a sound could be heard but his cussing, which shut him up. The whole forest had seemed to be listening to him and it was unnerving.

"You shouldn't cuss you know." Came a voice from behind Billy. He quickly turned around to see his sister, standing completely still while wearing a some type of white dress. He rubbed his eyes once more, not really believing what he had seen, but when he opened them again, there she was.

His voice broke, "H-how is this p-possible?"

Emily smiled, "Billy, I want you to do something for me. You have to promise me."

"A-anything. I'll do anything you ask."

"Good Billy, now listen closely. Stop being sad, no good comes when you remain in the past, anchoring yourself to ideas and thoughts that you can no longer change. You can mourn for me all you like, but do not let it consume you. Difficult times are ahead, and you have to be prepared for them but cannot in this state. So please, don't be sad for what happened. Know that I always loved you and mom and dad." said a very demanding Emily. There was a certain coolness to her voice, and she finally began to walk over towards Billy, before dropping to her knees in front of him elegantly. She held his face with her hands.

" I-I will do as you ask, Emily. But I don't understand, how is this possible? How are you here?"

To that, Emily simply smiled before leaning in to kiss him on the forehead.

Then Billy woke up.

He gasped a couple of times before coming to his senses. Upon looking around, he was still underneath the same tree he had hit his head on but Emily was gone and the sun was also quickly fading. Billy slowly got to his feet and looked at his hands before gripping them into fists. Emily was right after all, he couldn't be this sad. Billy then touched the tree once more, before leaving the area and finding himself on the main road leading into the town. The hospital was directly in front of him and as he touched his head again, pain made him flinch. Perhaps his wound was a bit more serious then he thought, or maybe he was just a pansy. Regardless of that fact, he didn't want to end up having a concussion, so he crossed the street. The sounds of sirens were the only thing he could hear in the distance.

Sheriff Colton

Location: Police Station, Then the Campsite
Interacting With: @BlackPanther@Caits@Maria 127

It was well beyond his time to go home, but a sheriff's work never seemed to be done. Colton was really about to call it quits when his radio beeped.

"Sheriff Colton, do you copy? Over."

"Yes, I copy Jackson. What is it? Over."

"An ambulance was just dispatched to the lake sir."

"Alright, so get a couple of guys down there and sort things out. This is all routine anyways, you know what to do. Over."

Jackson's voice then became very grave, "Dave, it was a wolf attack. Multiple injuries have been reported."

Colton quickly put two and two together as he rushed out the door to his car. "I'm already on my way, meet me there as soon as you can!"

"On it boss."

With that said, Colton switched on the sirens and sped out of the parking lot, quickly going at a speed which would get him there in no time. All the while he prayed no one was dead and it wasn't those kids that got hurt. The town certainly did not need anymore wolf attacks and especially on human beings.

As he neared the lake, he searched for the site of the attack and as he found it, his heart dropped. He knew that RV and the people that he found. The sheriff quickly flicked the sirens off, while leaving the lights on and made his way over to a group of people. He instantly recognized officer Maddison, who was standing over three people. The Brooks twins and Cassandra Spencer.

David crouched down and checked each one of them out before turning to look at Maddison "Officer Maddison, stay with these three and keep them comfortable. I'm going to check out the rest of the camp for the others." David then looked back at the three mangled teenagers and said calmly, "Don't worry guys, the ambulance is right behind me, it will be here any second. Just stay awake for a bit longer and everything will be okay."

The sheriff then got up and upholstered his pistol before moving off towards the RV.
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