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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 29 days ago

Location - The Lake
Interacting With - Anyone at the Lake

Avalon hopped in the RV with Riley, and spent the ride listening to some music and thinking about the best way to hook up with the twin, Gage. To her, seduction and sex were a game, one where she didn't have to work hard at to win. She figured it wouldn't be that hard to do it, and she smiled as she considered all the possibilities the weekend held.

Five Hours Later

Finally, everything was set up. She hadn't had much to set up, seeing as how she'd "forgot" to pack a tent, but she'd helped the others set up their stuff. She'd gotten to meet everyone else that way, which she didn't mind at all. There was Charlie, who'd tried to flirt with her to no avail. He was definitely too much of a man whore for her. Then there was Cassie, who seemed nice enough, although she was kind of shy. Morgan and Alex made a cute couple, and they were nice enough, although Avalon hadn't spent too much time with them. Third wheeling wasn't her game.

She hadn't spent too much time with the adults that had come on the trip but she figured there'd be enough time for that. When Riley had jumped in the lake Avalon decided she'd take a dip as well. She changed into a pink two piece in the RV and then began her walk towards the lake, dropping her towel off at the shore. She watched as Gage and Aron cannon balled in and a grin spread across her face. This was going to be fun.

Location - The Lake
Interacting With - Anyone at the Lake, The Twins (@BlackPanther)

Charlie jumped in his car and began following the RV to the lake, sighing a sigh of relief that he'd escaped with minimal interaction with Miranda. It wasn't like he thought it was her fault, it was definitely his fault. He just wasn't very interested in owning up to his mistakes. Classic Charlie Elwood. He followed the RV all the way to the lake, blasting his music along the way, the only things on his mind being hot girls, and how much fun he was going to have.

Five Hours Later

Charlie wasn't a huge fan of setting up tents. For some reason, they didn't seem to enjoy him, and refused to cooperate. Luckily, he had some help from the new girl, Avalon, who was very very fine, if he did say so himself. She didn't seem that interested in him, in fact from what he'd seen at the B&B, she'd been more than interested in Gage, which gave him a very grand idea. I'm going to get Gage laid, he'd thought, gears spinning in his head. He got around enough as it was, but he figured that Gage could use some help, and Charlie was fully prepared to be the best wingman he could be.

The after he'd set up his tent and gotten everything prepared, he'd put his plan on the back burner, as his thoughts became preoccupied with trying to figure out why Billy had suddenly bailed. He was curious as to what family thing was going on, seeing as how he'd been pretty pumped to go. He shook his head. As much as he wanted to do some prying, he refrained. Billy was his best friend, and he figured if there was anything weird going on, he'd let Charlie know when he was ready.

Charlie's plan from earlier was made ten times easier when Avalon came out of the RV and went straight for the lake. He quickly changed into a dark blue swimsuit and jumped in next to the twins, splashing them. Looking around to make sure Avalon was still by the shore he looked at Gage and grinned. "So, you going to hook up with the new girl? he asked, smirking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Anima
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A collab feat @Meiyuki and @Nallore

Alyssa Riley Kimberly Thatcher

Alyssa went about setting up her tent. It was a simple design, so it probably wouldn't take her too long. She really should have done it earlier, but she'd gotten caught up in the sun and swimming. Standing back she surveyed her work. Turning to Kimberly she grinned. "What do you think? Small, but it'll serve I think!"

Her hair still damp from the earlier journey into Red Lake, Kimberly had an oversized shirt on as she went about helping with pitching the tent. There wasn't too much to do on her end except stake the thing. Alyssa handled the creation. She made sure the darn thing wouldn't blow away in the wind.

Checking the last of the stakes, Kimberly came stand next to Alyssa. Appraising the small tent with an artisan's eye, she shrugged. "It'll do just fine," she said. "It'll be a little cozy. That's never been a problem though. I don't think anyway."

Alyssa nodded enthusiasticly. "Not for me anyway." Stooping she removed the tree climbing gear from her bag. In all the excitement she'd forgotten to build her rope swing. Slapping her head she laughed. "Damn... forgot about this entirely. I don't suppose it's too dark yet for tree climbing?"

Looking at Alyssa's rope swing, Kimberly glanced briefly at the sunset. "I think we got some time! Wanna scope out a tree near the lake? Find a deep spot? That sounds kinda fun!"

Riley had been swiming in the water for the past few minutes now, she looked over towards Alyssa and Kim as her two best friends set up their tent. She dunked her head under the water for a bit and swam closer towards the shore before coming back up for air. "Hey you two should come and join me in the water, its great!" Riley said waving the two of them over to join her.

Before they could get too far on the topic of the rope swing, Kimberly turned and saw Riley waving at them. "Why don't we do that later? Let's get wet!" Taking the rope from Alyssa's hands, Kimberly placed it on the bag before dragging her little lady towards the lake.

Taking off her shirt, Kimberly was already dressed in her swim suit as she walked right on in. The water was still a touch cool. Not uncomfortable, but she'd need to keep moving about for warmth.

"Surf's up Ri!" Kimberly said as she submerged herself in the cool water as she brought Riley down with her. Just as quickly as she entered, she came back up. So much for nearly dried hair she thought to herself. "Totes great. The water...! Come on Lyssa!"

Alyssa hesitated before peeling off her top and pants, the bikini had looked cute in the store....but was entirely to revealing for her liking. Setting her clothes near a tree she called out. "It better be..." She waded out into the cool lake, it was a touch cold for her liking, but not too bad.

Once she'd gotten out to waist depth she grinned mischievously. Submerging beneath the water she swam towards Riley, once she'd arrived she began tickling her poor victim.

Riley smiled as she saw Kim walking over seeing her holding Alyssa's hand which she never saw her do before started to make think something else was going on. Then she yelped slightly as Kim brought her down into the water again and then splashed Kim back playfully. She then saw Alyssa getting into the water as well and quickly swiming under the water.

Riley suddenly started giggling and quickly clinged onto Kim tightly as Alyssa relentlessly started ticking her. "Kim make her stop!" Riley said giggling loudly.

Kimberly laughed as she witnessed Alyssa's onslaught. Did it make her a bad human being to not want to come to rescue Riley? No. Maybe a little. Swimming towards the two, Kimberly positioned herself behind Alyssa. Without warning, she poked Alyssa's sides.

Alyssa squealed rather loudly, fortunately she was underwater, so no one heard the decidedly embarassing sound. Surfacing she still had the traces of a giggle on her face. Turning to Kimberly she splashed her lightly. "Hey! You were supposed to help me not her!" She laughed. "Oh well, at least the water's nice huh?"

Kimberly stuck her tongue out. "I could've helped you, but I couldn't stand poor Riley getting mistreated so!"

Riley playfully splashed Alyssa back the moment she resurfaced and quickly went behind her friend and playfully grabbed her boobs and squeezed them before letting go and laughed softly. She looked over towards Kim and smiled towards her friend gratful that she stopped the tickle torture. "Thats pay back Lyssa, and yes the water is really nice." Riley said softly as she started to float on her back.

About to splash Riley, she already beat Kimberly to the punch as she asaulted Alyssa. Kimberly laughed and spun around in the water. She dipped her head underwater and brought it back in time to see Riley grab Alyssa's boobs. She rose an eyebrow. "Wow!" she said. She sent a splash over Riley's way whe she floated on her back. "Riley going in for the kill!"

Riley quickly shielded herself from the splashing that Kim gave her and laughed playfully as she quickly got back to her feet again. "Hey its better then pulling the bikini strings to her top off in front of everyone right?"

"I-I'll say!" Alyssa was still beet red. Riley and her gropes had given Alyssa no small amount of grief over the years. "Don't really want people seein' my boobs. They haven't bought me a drink after all." She laughed.

Kimberly scoffed. "...Yet," she said more so to herself.

Relaxing in the water she floated onto her back, her arms listlessly stroking back and forth. Alyssa sigh contentedly. "Man... this has been a long time coming huh?"

Allowing herself to flow with the lake's ever so subtle current, Kimberly nodded. "It ... I can't believe this might be the last time we come up. For me anyway," she said. "Red Lake might be small, but it's got a hell of a view."

Riley swam over towards Kim lightly patting her on the head and looked up towards the setting sun for a moment and sighed slightly to herself. [colot=lightgreen]"Yeah your both gonna be searching for schools next year right?"[/color] Riley asked looking over at both Kim and Lyssa.

"Searching might be a strong word." Alyssa laughed. "I'll just pick the shiniest of my hopefully numerous scholarship offers."

Kimberly nodded at Alyssa. "What she said. University's kinda freakin' expensive. Even with the hours I've put in at the hospital," she said. "Whoever gives me the best deal, I guess."

Standing she splashed her two companions. "Enough about that though huh? We'll still have summers off right? I'll be kicking around this camping trip for years to come." Alyssa flashed them her brightest grin. "No moping eh?"

Yelping slightly from the splash, Kimberly sent a wave of her own back at Alyssa. "Well, you just killed the moping mood!" Kimberly said. "But ... I wouldn't mind making a little pact in coming here every summer. It's become a bit of a tradition, hasn't it?"

Alyssa nodded. "That is has."

"It's always has been our little tradition I originally just did it with my parents till I was old enough to start the camping trip on my own and invited you all." Riley said as she splashed Alyssa back playfully and then dunked her head under the water.

Alyssa wiped the water out of her eyes still grinning. "A pact it is!" She drew an X over her chest. "Back here every summer, to familiar faces and places."

Kimberly pulsed happily. "A pact I'll most certainly take to the bank!"

"A pact it is then! And you guys better stay all summer with me." Riley said with a playful smile.

"What do you guys wanna do? Get some music going? I could hang my rope swing if we want." Alyssa looked back and forth between Kimmy and Riley.

Pouting ever so slightly, Kimberly shook her head. "I'm already soaking wet. Might as well enjoy it," she said. She looked over to Riley. "What do you wanna do Ri Ri? Something that doesn't involve getting outta the water would be preferable."

Riley thought for a moment she didnt really want to get up and leave the water just yet, but then she did want to help Alyssa with setting up the swing as well. "I'll stay in the water a bit longer."

"The whole point of the rope swing is to swing into the water silly." Alyssa rolled her eyes grinning. She made her way back to shore. "I'll be back in five or so."

Riley watched as Alyssa got up and headed back towards the shore and waved goodbye to her. "See you whenever you get back." Riley said and then quickly turned to look at Kim. "So whats with you and Alyssa lately?" Riley finally asked.

Seeing Alyssa trudge out of the water, Kimberly dipped underwater again and resurfaced after a few seconds. The nice thing about Red Lake was that it wasn't that touristy. No motor boats either. Those were kind of rare in the big cities she assumed.

About to ask Riley about camp fire detail, she felt her face burn ever so slightly from the question. "Well we're kinda besties? All three of us are, aren't we?"

Riley crossed her arms over her chest and slowly shook her head. "I know the three of us are besties, but yesterday I saw you two walk out of the diner. And I saw the two of you holding hands before meeting me in the water. AND you usually ride the RV with me instead you two drove together. So whats really up?" Riley asked.

Biting her lip, the question was whether to lie or come clean. Except of Alyssa, Kimberly didn't want her 'thing' gettin spread about. "Well, I had a freak out at the diner. Alyssa followed just to talk. Hand holding? I was kinda dragging Lyssa into the water. The RV? Well, there were more people this time around. Thought we could make space... "

Riley shook her head seeing Kim biting her lip at the question. "C'mon we have been friends since we could barely walk, you know you can trust me."

Rubbing the back of her neck, Kimberly glanced over at Alyssa. She could tell Riley, right? No! She really couldn't. Riley had a crush on both of them. Her mean 'dare' question answered that right off the bat. "I ... don't know what to tell you..."

While Alyssa was over by the tree something was silently lurkingently lurking in the trees and there was a rather low growling sound, before it quickly stopped. Alyssa's head turned quickly. She'd heard rumors of wolves in the area, Emilly wouldn't shut up about it. Surely a wolf wouldn't attack a camp the size of theirs though right? Shaking her head she continued towards the RV. She'd be sure to keep her hunting knife close tonight.

Riley bit her lower lip for a moment as she looked at Kim, she wasnt sure what was going on between her two best friends. Since last night it was slightly akward she still wanted to say it again but instead Riley leaned forward and gently kissed Kim on the lips and held it for a few seconds before pulling away. "So does it mean you are avaliable?"

What happened next stunned Kimberly to the core. She knew Riley had a crush on her, but never did she think Riley was that bold. Letting the kiss linger ever so slightly, Riley finally pulled away. Her thoughts were jumbled as she took a little step back. "Yes! But ... no!"

Alyssa had arrived back at the shore just in time to see Riley kissing her girlfriend. Her heart sank, Kimmy really did have... so many options..."Uh... Sorry for interrupting!" Dropping her rope and weight she turned and ran towards camp, tears streaming down her face.

Looking back at the shore, Kimberly's eyes widened in horror as Alyssa stared at them. She wanted to say something, but Alyssa already ran back towards camp.

"W-why did you do that?" she asked Riley. Holding herself together, she moved towards the shore. "Just ... I'll ..."

Once she'd arrived back at camp she immediately beelined to her tent. Curling up in her bedroll she desperately tried to calm her temptuous thoughts and thundering heartbeat. 'What was that? Why did it happen? What does it mean?' Closing her eyes Alyssa took deep breaths and waited for it to pass.

Not sure what else to say, Kimberly followed Alyssa's trail and saw her enter the tent. Thinking about following her in, Kimberly stopped. She pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. "...Fuck!"

Riley quickly turned her head to look at Alyssa and then over towards Kimberly, she instantly felt very back for what she had done. She had no clue at all that Alyssa actually had feelings for Kim as well, it was the last thing that she wanted to do to her closest friends in town. Riley bit her lip again as she watched Kimberly quickly following behind Alyssa.

"Nice fucking job Riley.." She said to herself as she quickly got out of the water and followed shortly after Kim, she kept her distance she didnt want to make anything worse then it already was.

Taking another deep breath, she'd been through this before. Helping calm Alyssa down. What was different this time - which never happened before - was that the problem wasn't some stranger or some event. The problem this time was Kimberly. Maybe Riley. She was still try to piece together what'd happened.

Looking back and seeing Riley having followed her out, she frowned ever so slightly. "I'll ... be back. We should talk."

Riley looked towards Kim and nodded slowly. "I'll be in the RV when you guys are ready.." Riley said as she turned and headed for the RV and opened the door and closed it behind her and went to sit down on the couch.

Making her way towards Alyssa and her tent, she tapped the tent's flap. "I'm coming in. And no. I'm not going to piss off."

Still wet from the lake, Kimberly unzipped the flap as she saw Alyssa curled up on the bed roll. Closing the flap, Kimberly knelt beside her Alyssa. She placed a hand on her shoulder. "Breathe, dear. Talk when you're ready."

Alyssa hadn't noticed Kimmy entering the tent, so taken with her inner turmoil as to be essentialy deaf at the moment. She started slightly as she felt Kimmy's hand on her shoulder. "S-sorry, I... uh... Shouldn't probably have seen that huh?" Putting her knuckles to her temples she rubbed them slowly. "W-what was that...?"

Dreading the silence, Kimberly promised herself not to speak until Alyssa did. That's how this worked. Kimberly didn't want to play the 'know it all'. The better way to describe her was a mediator. She'd hear Alyssa out, then give something back in return. It'd worked so far.

"There was nothing to hide," Kimberly said. "I have no idea what that was. It happened really fast. I'm ... pretty sure it had something to do with what she told us last night in truth and dare. And ... we haven't told her about us. Which is totally on me ..."

Sitting up Alyssa let out her pent up breath as Kimberly's words dispelled the majority of the knot in her heart. "Ok...Ok..." Suddenly her eyes widened, with that display how could Riley not figure it out? "As if she doesn't know now! Shit...I'm sorry Kimmy..." Alyssa ran her hands through her hair, gripping slightly. "I'm gonna need to get better at this stuff... "

Kimberly frowned. "Yeah ... that wasn't really subtle. I'm pretty sure everyone saw," she said. "... It's not your fault though. Nor Riley's. This one's on me, dear."

Alyssa's face was contorted with stress and worry as she turned to Kimberly. "What now?"

What now was the right question. Kimberly didn't really know what to do. Depending on who heard or saw what'd happened, rumors would probably spread. Either Riley was gay or she was. Or bi. Or maybe just two girls messing around. Kimberly hated rumors the most. Too much fuss about nothig.

"...We have to tell Riley," Kimberly finally said. "There's no snowball's chance in Hell we can leave it like that. But ... are you okay Lys?"

Standing Alyssa shrugged. "Who knows? I'll examine that in the rearview, for now we've got some damage control to do don't we?" She pushed her way out of the tent and made her way towards the RV. Looking around she ensured no one was in earshot before she continued. "At least Riley will know, that will make things easier right?"

Kimberly nodded. "Damage control. Yeah, we gotta do that." Following Alyssa out of the tent, they began the long trek to the RV. Kimberly was so not looking forward to this conversation. "I just wish she didn't have to find out like this ... We should've told her last night ..."

Knocking on the RV door, Kimberly opened the door as she stepped in. She found Riley sitting on the couch. She waited for Alyssa to walk in before closing the door.

"Hey Ri," she said as she took a seat on the couch. "So ... that talk..."

Riley sat on the couch with her knees up to her chest and her head burried in her arms, when she heard the door open Riley looked up to see that it was Kim and quickly burried her head back under her arms. She felt like she had hurt both of her friends and she wasnt sure if they could fix it or not.

Eventually Riley took in a deep breath and looked over at Kim. "I'm really sorry Kim I didn't know that you two had a thing together.."

Arching an amused eyebrow was all Alyssa could manage at the moment, she felt enervated. "That was easy, cool. We're all good then? No harm no foul?" Sighing she took a seat on the other couch.

Kimberly shoot a somewhat annoyed glare at Alyssa. "Riley. Don't be sorry. I didn't tell you. You couldn't have known. I ... I just don't want this getting out. I don't want this coming between us either," she said. "... This is all my fault ..."

Riley looked between both Kim and Alyssa she still felt guilty for doing that, even if she didnt really know anything she sighed softly and rubbed the back of her neck. "You know I wouldnt tell anyone, the both of you are my closest friends in this town." Riley leaned back slightly wiping away some tears out of her eyes. "Just tell me, are you two dating or not?" Riley asked finally looking between the two of them.

Kimberly's vision blurred. Again, it took everything that she was to not loose her shit. "I was just scared Riley ... I didn't mean to hurt you," she said. When Riley asked the question, Kimberly bit her lip. "...Yes."

Alyssa placed a reassuring hand on Kimberly's shoulder. "I..don't really know what to say Riley, other than I'm sorry I lost my shit back there. My bad." She sighed relieved. "You gonna be ok RiRi?"

Riley smiled softly at Kim. "It's okay." She said and then looked towards Alyssa and nodded slowly. "I'll be fine, I want the two of you to be happy. I will find someone eventually." Riley said as she wiped her eyes once more.

Scooting a bit closer to Riley, Kimberly pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry you found out this way. And not for telling you Ri," she said. "This ... whole thing's awkward for me. Three people know about my ... 'preference'. Morg, you, and obvious Lys."

"You'll find somebody great Riley, I know it." Alyssa smiled softly at her best friend. "It'll come out of nowhere, even if you've give up."

She nudged Kimmy a little laughing. "Worked for me it'll work for you too after all."

"Kim, your secret is safe with me, just tell me straight up both of you." Riley said and looked at Kim and returned the hug sighing softly and then turned to look at Alyssa and smiled at her. "Thank you." Riley said as she got up and grabbed her jacket. "I'm gonna go for a bit of a walk, don't worry i'll be fine." Riley said as she got out of the RV and walked along the shore of the lake.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The twins

color codes: yellow=the mom (Sheryl) red=the dad (Phil) orange=when both are talking pink=Gage green=Aron
Interacting with: Charlie @smarty0114

As soon as that question came out of Charlie's mouth Gage turned red. His mouth opens and closes a few times until he ends up just slowly lowering himself into the water until just his eyes are visible.

Aron snorts. The laughs earning a glare from his brother turned sea monster. "Ah man Charlie you broke my brother...now I'm not going to be able to return him" That causes for gage to emerge enough to push Aron more into the water...which does not seem to phase him very much. Rather it seems aron can no longer hold back the laughter erupting from him.

Gage turns to charlie and turns red again. "...dude....I mean...I don't even" He rubs his face and looks rather hopeless. He slowly sinks back down into the water. Aron catches his breath and looks at charlie. "He likes the girl but has no idea how to deal." Aron looks down at his brother who is still half submerged and glaring then back at charlie before shrugging.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: camp grounds
Interacting with:@Nallore's Riley

Cassie was watching her friends in the lake, as she strummed a few random notes together, and so she saw Riley kiss Kimberly, and looked up as Alyssa ran off, clearly disturbed and upset by what she saw. Cassie had seen enough that day to know there was something between Kimberly and Alyssa, the former of which seemed taken aback at Riley's forwardness.

Cassandra watched, unable not to even if it would give them privacy, for she knew there would be pain in one for or another for one of her friends. She sighed softly, and went back to her guitar, leaving them be for now.

She was no longer surprised about people's sexual preferences, even in this town, where she knew teenagers had been harassed for it. While she didn't like to assume, it was obvious there was something between the three. The only surprising thing was that there was so many same gender attracted people in her friends, although perhaps that wasn't so shocking. Could they be drawn to one another, sharing the same secret? While Cassie wasn't ashamed that she was attracted to both genders, she didn't let it be known, for the simple fact that kids were cruel.

She looked back as Riley came out the RV, hesitating, but it wasn't a hard choice. She rose, and setting her guitar aside safetly, followed after her friend. "Riley!" she couldn't say what triggered her to follow Riley, only that she knew you could be lonely even in a group for of people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa Von Strong

Location: In the woods

Interacting with: Connor @Caits


Vanessa was carrying some nice pieces of wood already as she then heard and smelled a new person close by. She looked around and saw a boy she didn't know near her, gathering wood.

She didn't smell a wolf sent on him so she didn't feel tense but she was curious about who he was. She kept searching for wood and got closer with every step she took.

She then spotted a nice piece and walked over to it. She theneeds bumped her head against the unknown person and she looked up. "Oh Hi.. you wanted this piece?" she asked. She had a little forgotten to hide how strong she was and was holding two rather big pieces under one arm and in her hand she held some thicker twigs. She gave the boy a smile. "Well, you can have this one I guess.. You will need a good fire to keep away the animals.. They seem to go nuts lately" she said. "Btw.. I am Vanessa" she said with a smile. For now, she didn't know what to say more so she kept quiet and took the log from the ground, single handed and offered it to him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake Campsite.
Interacting With: @Caits's Cassandra

As Riley left the RV she looked towards the RV for a moment, still in her mind she felt she had done something wrong that hurt both of her closest friends. But she wanted to see the two of them happy even if it hurt her in the process, she wiped away a few more tears as she started to make her way towards the woods to clear her mind. Riley managed to get towards the trees and then she heard Cassandra's voice calling out her name.

Riley froze for a second and saw her friend Cassandra coming up towards her Riley made a few more steps just so that she wasn't in earshot of anyone else other then Cassie. Riley leaned herself up against the tree and closed her eyes as she took in a deep breath before turning around trying to be her perky bubbly self again. "I'm fine Cassie really.." Riley said softly as she looked back towards the RV once more as she thought about what had happened and were they all still going to be friends even if it was still a mistake that she did. "Whats up Cassie?" Riley asked softly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: The lake
Interacting with:@BeautifulSnow Vanessa

Connor heard footsteps, assuming it to be one of the campers, he ignored them for now, yet as they got closer, Connor stiffened, glancing up warily, he couldn't say what put him on edge, but something did. The woman that approached him was beautiful, and seemed friendly, but Connor didn't know what to do. He studied her, appearing serious in this. there was definitely something strange about her, given that she was carrying a rather heavy load of wood. Of course, that could easily be explained by the girl doing strength training, but Connor was wary. He took the wood she offered, wondering why she had approached him.

People were normally wary of strangers, weren't they? Or was that just him? As she mentioned animals, Connor flinched as if he had been hit, a monstrous scene flashing before his eyes, and he seemed to hear his fathers screams and the blood thundering in his ears, seeming to grow fainter. Pulling himself out of this vision, he blinked and shifted the wood under his arm. "thank you. I've heard such stories about the animals, and realised a fire would be good. I'm Connor. Do you come from the town?"

Connor knew there was a town just a little ways a way, but the thought of entering a new town, and being an anomaly for however long he was there had been a tiring thought. Hi truck was his home now. He knew he was fleeing from what happened, and that eventually it would catch up, but he would face that when it came to it. Almost hesitantly, he said "I have heard that the wolves here are quite wild right now, and that there have been some attacks"


Location: camp site
Interacting with:@Nallore's Riley

Cassie jogged the last few steps, seeing the Riley was trying to control herself, she let her speak. it was quite obvious that she wasn't okay. cassie waited a moment, before saying "Nothings up. I just thought you could use some company. Sometimes just someone being with you makes things better" She said, giving Riley an easy smile. "You don't have to tell me anything. I can do the talking" Cassie wasn't sure what to do. It seemed it was easy to comfort the boys, but when she tried to comfort any of her other friends, it was harder.

"Nothings ever so bad that we can't find a light in the darkness" She said, almost thoughtfully.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Patricia Isaac

Location:Campsite, the woods

Eavesdropping on @Caits Cassandra @Nallore Riley

Pat was cleaning her bike with a big smile on her face. Everything was going well so far. The bike was mostly clean, Riley was dressed up in a cute, yet sexy outfit... She shook her head. The thoughts she was having... She should never had come here... Pat dropped the sponge into the bucket and splashed her face with water.

She had to calm herself down. This was going nowhere. She turned around and sat down, watching the teens in the water. It was soothing somehow. Watching their youthful manners. Alyssa walked off and Pat looked at the remaining two. "An intense discussion.." Her mind was focused on the two. "Is she...?" Pat's heart sank the more they talked. "She likes her; dosn't she?" A tear fell down her cheek. She knew those signs too well. She tried to be brave, be happy, but it all vanished when the two kissed.

Pat got up and walked to the nearby tent, tears running down her cheeks. She had been delusional. Thinking that her old self was any match. She reached in and got her flask before walking off to the woods. "What was I thinking...?" she said quietly and took a deep swig.

"What a fool I am..." another mouthful went down her throat. She started hearing footsteps behind her before hearing a voice call out for Riley. Pat froze. It was not the voice of Kimberly or Alyssa. She turned and looked at another girl coming up to her.

She could feel the buzz in her head. Cassie? Pat could see tears in Riley's eyes. What happened? Pat tried to make herself as small as possible, hiding behind a tree while listening in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dexter and Daisy

The twins weren't at school today and so the two decided to treat themselves as they had saved enough pocket money between them to get a lovely meal at the local cafe. They walked close together towards the cafe and while they did they looked around the town as they passed through. Once they reached the cafe the two went inside and got a table to sit down together. The looks that the two got were very amusing. While Dexter looked through the kids meal Daisy looked through the bigger meals. They spent about five minutes looking through all the different options and discussing what they wanted to eat before calling over a waiter. When a waiter finally decided to come the two ordered the same meal for the both of them which was a small portion of chips, chicken nuggets with a small chicken leg on the side with some added peas and carrots for a healthier meal topped by gravy. Once the meal was ordered the twins began to wait for their meal to cook and arrive. While they waited they began to talk among themselves. "So what do we do after this Daisy? We don't have to be back at the orphanage for a while yet." "I don't know really. Maybe we could just go exploring and see if we can find something to do? We should make sure we don't go too far away from the orphanage though we don't want to get lost or anything." Dexter gave a little nod at that before looking around to see who was here but Daisy was more concerned that their food wasn't here yet and people were still staring at them and honestly she didn't like being stared at she felt uncomfortable and uneasy about things.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 19 days ago


Rip Hunter

Rip walked along the street casually, hands in pockets, leaning back and all while not caring whatsoever. He whistled as he walked but stopped for a second when he saw a gun stop. He slowly walked up to notice that the gun shop was closed for the moment. He gave a quick nod, deciding to make a note on the location of the shop. It would be rather fun and interesting to have a look around. He was actually headed in a specific direction as he whistled he kept his eye on the road. He soon came to a halt in front of a café, staring at the building for some time before eventually deciding to wander in.

"A café huh? Interesting choice of place, Rip."

He spoke quietly to himself almost as a whisper. He sat down at a table and then looked around at everyone. His gaze came to a sudden stop as he stared Anastasia for a minute or two. He watched her carefully, not even blinking before a waiter came up and spoke to him in which he snapped his eyes to her. He laughed a little talking quietly to make sure nobody other than the waitress could hear him.

"Oh, sorry I am not ready to order yet."

He watched as the waitress bowed before leaving. With that he looked to Anastasia again, before deciding to look around at everyone else. It seemed there was nobody else of importance, or was there? His eyes stopped at the final table where a group of children sat. He stared at them before letting out a small smirk.


He spoke softly then gave a few chuckles before looking at the menu. After a few minutes of staring at the menu he called the waitress over again. He smiled at her pleasantly before looking at his menu once more.

"I'll order the large meat deal, with lamb, chicken, steak and pork, with a large portion of chips topped up with gravy and red hot sauce, pepper salt and vinegar."

She nodded and then walked away, he then placed the menu down and looked at Anastasia before looking at the children again. That meal would allow him to stay a while while he sat back and relaxed. He listened in on the children's conversation as he did. It seemed they were orphans with nothing to do, he felt sorry for them but after his meal he was sure he could help them see the light of day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jamaal Kirk Maddison

Location: Café
Interacting With: Anyone at the café. @The One @DragonKingUk
Jamaal had recently graduated and was now officially a police officer he has never been in a real crime scene before but he had helped others solve some crimes during his training, of course it was double checked and he was assessed on it at the time. He had often been told that he had quite the eye for crime scenes. He just had a knack for seeing the weirdest or sometimes the most obscure piece of evidence.

Today however was his day off but in a way he was never off duty. Deciding that the day was good enough in terms of weather he began to pack his things. He put all the things that he needed in his small backpack that was on his shoulder. His messenger bag hung from around his neck and contained a sketchbook and some essential drawing tools, Camera and his wallet. He sighed gently as he was happy to get a little freedom. First off thought the Café.

He looked to his two wolf dog hybrids, he looked into their intelligent eyes and said to them “I’m going to the café but you two will have to wait outside for me.” The two dogs looked at each other then at Jamaal and made what sounded like a dog version of a sigh. Jamaal shook his head to himself as he grabbed the leads and placed them around his neck, “Come on.” He says to the dogs as they follow him out the door. He locks the door then briskly walks to the café, a pistol strapped to his waist and concealed by his long coat. When he got to the café he paced both dogs on the lead and tied them around a lamp post close to the café. They would curl up together and take a nap. When Jamaal walked into the café he quickly sat down and browsed the menu as he waited for a waitress to get to his table. When a waitress did arrive he would order a cup of tea with a bacon and cheese sandwich with a large side order of chips.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

in collaboration with @Anima

Kimberly Thatcher & Alyssa Paige

Kimberly Thatcher

Alyssa Paige
Interacting with: Alyssa @Meiyuki

Alyssa watched Riley's back as she exited the RV. Once she'd slipped outside Alyssa started rubbing her temples. "God... that was rough."

Watching Riley go, Kimberly let out a sigh and leaned against Alyssa. The talk went better than she expected, but she felt ... like a jerk. It still ate at her that she didn't trust Riley with her little secret. Riley of all people! What she told Riley about herself, however, wasn't easy either. Though Alyssa was a special case, it took Morgan forever - with some damn fine guessing - to learn her little secret.

"At least she knows now rather than later," Kimberly said. "We ... I should've told her sooner..."

Alyssa shrugged before tossing an arm around Kimberly's shoulders. "You did the best you could hon, I'm sure she knows that. It's not like this was easy for you." She yawned. "All this worrying and swimming is tiring."

Comforted from Alyssa's touch, Kimberly reached up and stroked Alyssa's hand as she stared at the RV's window. "You don't think this'll ruin our trio, do you? She was really chill about it, but ... I'm worrying," she said. She smirked at Alyssa's yawn. "Too much excitement?"

"By far I think... I'd rather run windsprints all day." Alyssa stretched out her legs and leaned on Kimberly. "I don't think we've got anything to worry about, Riley'll be fine, we're fine. It might be rough for a bit, but everything will settle back just fine."

Though not entirely convinced, only time would reveal whether or not Riley was truly fine or not. Pulling Alyssa's hand towards her lips, she kissed it. "It's not everyday you get to comfort me. It's kinda nice. The role switching," she said. "So ... we still got time before night. What do you wanna do?"

"Hmm..." Alyssa wriggled her eyebrows suggestively at Kimberly before laughing. "I've got a couple of ideas you'd slap me for... besides that? I guess I just wanna get tucked in and chat for a while before passing out." She stood with a small groan. "And I enjoyed it too. Being on the other side was nice for a change, you might have to get used to it."

Kimberly laughed. She playfully slapped Alyssa's arm. "Does said ideas have any connections to Em's little ships? But if you're too tired, we can talk about that later" she asked as she winked. "I could get used to that Lyssa ... I really could."

Pursing her lips, Kimberly poked Alyssa on the forehead. "If I hadn't come in to talk to you, you wouldn't have done something stupid, right?"

Pulling Kimberly into a hug Alyssa giggled. "Of course not, although sometimes it does seem like my life is just a long string of stupidity." She sighed and buried her face in Kimberly's hair. "I'll get my feet under me soon, it's been a hell of a couple days for my poor heart, the best ones though."

Melting into Alyssa's hug, Kimberly sighed contently. "Some stupidity's good. Some though. Otherwise thing'll get boring," she said. Feeling Alyssa nuzzle her hair, Kimberly chuckled. "Look at you being all adorable! You let me know how I can help that poor heart of yours, dear."

Pulling back enough to plant a kiss on Kimberly's cheek Alyssa winked. "And I'm not nearly that tired."

Feeling Alyssa's lips grace her cheek, Kimberly rose an eyebrow. "A little risque gets the gears churning, hm? Good to know." Kimberly leaned over and kissed Alyssa on the lips. "Now that's better... We, um, should probably get back out there."

Alyssa smiled brightly as the sweet and soft sensation of Kimberly's lips filled her head. "Mmm...I suppose we probably should...but you know my vote." She winked and gave Kimberly one last squeeze before releasing the hug. "My sister would explode if she knew any of this."

Laughing she turned towards the door. "Bit late for swimming don't you think? The tent? Or the campfire? Your call hon."

Joining in on the laugh, Kimberly was pretty sure she knew how Em would react. She'd probably ship the two harder in her little works of fiction. Not that Kimberly would mind. Though it was a touch weird to think about. Just a touch though.

Getting to her feet, Kimberly pointed at her swim suit. "Camp fire. First, I'm going to get changed. I'm not sitting near naked around the fire," she said. "Not really the attention I want ... We better make smores. A camp fire without smores ... Madness!"

Alyssa nodded and dug through the bag she'd left in the RV for a - you guessed it - pair of yoga pants and a tank top. Sliding them on over her swimsuit was a simple enough task, and once she'd finished she turned towards Kimberly. "Maybe they'll have the stereo running, I'm in a dancing mood at the moment."

Kimberly's eyes gazed over Alyssa's body as she got dressed. Why didn't she leave her stupid bag in the RV? Well, she wasn't figuring she'd be drying off and having that conversation in here for one. Two? Well, there wasn't a second reason.

Even when Alyssa turned to face her, Kimberly wasn't modest about her staring. She returned above sea level soon enough.

"See something you like?" Alyssa blushed for what felt like the thousandth time in the last couple days. Its not like she minded Kimberly's gaze, but it was something she'd have to get used to.

Smirking at Alyssa's blush, Kimberly winked. "A lot of it," she said. "I'm going to get my clothes. I can meet you there...?"

"I can walk you over if you want. I thought I heard a wolf earlier, might not be a bad idea to not split up."

Arching an eyebrow, whatever flirty fairy was flying around in her brain was replaced with worry. "A wolf? Well, that isn't too weird out here," Kimberly said. Getting to her feet, Kimberly wrapped an arm around Alyssa. "Safety in number?"


Alyssa's phone light lit the darkened path back to their tent. It had been a long, and wonderful day. The water was warm, the sunset beautiful, and the smiling faces of her the friends and aquaintences she'd made over the years were bright and unimpeded. Tomorrow would bring more of the same, and draw their annual celebration to an end.

At the moment however she had other things on her mind. Alyssa had spent countless days and hours alone with Kimberly over their several year friendship, but now that they were dating she seemed hyperaware of her movement and expressions. Alyssa didn't expect anything to happen tonight, but her heart was thudding against her chest nonetheless.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Alyssa giggled briefly, diffusing the small tension in her chest.

Surprised how quickly the sun set, Kimberly followed Alyssa back to their tent. If were any other time in the past, she wouldn't have paid a second thought to sharing a tent with Alyssa. From their years of friendship, Kimberly slept over at Alyssa's place and vice versa. In hindsight, they were really freaking close. But now that closeness had a different feeling. A different dynamic.

Smirking at the comment, Kimberly stepped into the tent. "Tis' a comfy abode," she said. Going straight for her bag, Kimberly pulled out another one of her fabulous over-sized shirts and slipped it on. A cartoon kitty was centered right on the middle.

Alyssa smirked and poked the kitty's nose. "Adorable."

Pulling a hair binder out from a side pocket, Kimberly tied her hair up into a ponytail. She looked over at Alyssa and model posed for her. "Rawr."

Alyssa fell into a faux swoon onto her bedroll. "The beauty... it's blinding." Giggling she sat back up. "You look excellent as always."

Kimberly blew a kiss towards her lovely dove. "This is only for you, Lyssa. Everyone gets a wink."

Catching the kiss and planting in on her cheek Alyssa smiled as she pulled the oversized flannel button up she intended to use for sleepwear that night over her swimwear - which had mostly dried by now - as she let her hair down. Rubbing her cheek on her sleeve she grinned. "I love flannel... why can't I just wear it all the time?"

Kimberly laughed when Alyssa wiped at her cheek. Kneeling at Alyssa's side, Kimberly poked Alyssa's face. "You're more cat-like than my shirt you big dummy."

Alyssa laughed. "Am not! Cats are cute, and rarely seem bothered by stuff." She poked Kimberly back. "If anyone here's cat-like it's you!"

Growling, Kimberly pounced and pushed Alyssa down on the bed roll. "You're cute though," Kimberly said. Her smirk grew wider. "Try getting out of this one miss fighter."

Alyssa's cheeks colored slightly. "Alright, let me show you my most secret technique." Grinning her hands went to Kimberly's hips, where she began tickling relentlessly. "How's that huh?"

Kimberly flinched as she jumped and screamed at the same time. "You little gremlin!" she said before holding up your hands. "What comes around goes around, dear."

Going in for the kill, Kimberly fell back onto Alyssa as she poked and prodded relentlessly.

Alyssa tried - and failed - to hold in a cascade of giggles. Squriming underneath Kimberly she lifted her hips, along with her girlfriend, into the air and rolled over. Suddenly on top Alyssa pinned Kimberly's wrists gently against the fabric of the bedding. Leaning forward she grinned devilishly before blowing a rasberry on Kimberly's neck. "Ready to give up yet? I've got more where that came from cutie."

Feeling the table's turn, Kimberly shivered. Though Alyssa had her 'pinned', her girlfriend was gentle about it. It was funny yet sweet. Well, she had context to miss Paige.

Leaning forward, Kimberly pecked Alyssa's lips. She winked. "Not at all ... What else you have...?"

Alyssa was suddenly extremely aware of their positions. Her face turned pink as her heart thudded against her chest in what seemed to be an escape attempt. "You'll find I have quite the imagination Kimmy." She lowered her head for another kiss, lingering this time she allowed herself to savor Kimberly's soft lips as much as she'd like.

Moaning as she returned the kiss, a warm pressure filled Kimberly's chest. She unclenched her fists as her legs rubbed together. This was something that was definitely missing when she dated that dude from way back then.

Pulling away, her whole entire body burned. It wasn't from the heat.

"Done this before, Lyssa?" Kimberly asked.

Alyssa giggled and planted a peck on Kimberly's forehead. "Nope! I'm a quick study though!"

A smirk spread across her lips. "So this imagination of yours ... care to share?"

Alyssa's blush deepened. "D-do you want me to tell you...?" She shyly looked away and lowered her voice. "Or s-show you?"

She was straying into unfamiliar territory. Biting her lips, Kimberly looked at Alyssa's lips then back up at her eyes. Kimberly wanted to keep pushing and see what would happen, but she didn't. Would Alyssa think less of her if she didn't? What a stupid thought. Alyssa had been nothing but patient with her. At the same time, Kimberly didn't want to be slow. Lots of her friends got dumped cause they were slow. But this was different. Right?

Losing her speaking confidence, Kimberly shied away from Alyssa's gaze. "I-is it something out of Em's little ships?" she asked trying to alleviate the intimacy.

Sensing Kimberly's hesitation Alyssa worked to calm herself. She'd already decided that she'd 'go all the way' at the earliest opportunity, but Kimberly had said she wanted to go slow. As much as her body might protest that Alyssa certainly respected the sentiment. She dismounted Kimberly and laid next to her, tucking her head into her girlfriend's shoulder.

"Em's not the only one with an... active imagination." Alyssa giggled as she traced circles on Kimberly's stomach. "I've got my own ideas I'd like to try with you... whenever you're ready."

Wrapping an arm around the cuddled Alyssa, the pressure slowly faded albeit reluctantly. Kimberly hoped to God she didn't just ruin something good. She just wasn't ready. Her and her damn teasing.

"... You're not angry with me right? Not wanting to, you know ... yet?"

Alyssa shook her head laughing. "Of course not hon. We'll take it at your pace ok?" She playfully poked Kimberly's nose. "Just let me know, and I'll share my creative talent whenever."

Kimberly rolled on her side and kissed Alyssa's forehead. "Thanks, dear," she said. "But ... really. What would you do? I'm curious..."

Alyssa's face turned pink. "Well... I'd want to touch... and taste... and stuff." Her face had turned beet red by the end of the short and halting sentance. Burying her face in Kimberly's shoulder she groaned. "You get the idea don't you? Are you really going to make me describe it in detail?"

Her eyes widened as Kimberly tried to stiffle her torrent of giggles building. Feeling Alyssa burrow deeper into her, she traced her fingers against her sides. "You know I have a terrible imagination, dove. So .... maybe a word teaser, hmmm?"

Alyssa returned her gaze to Kimberly's face. Her eyes narrowed in mock anger. "Ok, word teaser then?" She thought a moment. "Vagina, clitoris, nipples, tongue. And that's just for starters, can you think of how you could put those together love?"

Kimberly couldn't contain herself any longer. The giggles rocked her body as she tried to breathe. She wiped the tears from her eyes. "Sorry dear! Those are just ... parts to me," she said. She kissed Alyssa's forehead again. "Help me put them together?"

Alyssa was starting to get the idea that Kimberly's ignorance might be born of some nefarious end, rather than actualy ignorance. "Kimmy. You... really!?" She groaned again. "Fine, alright. So, you take the... first parts, and you... uh... touch them with the... last... bit." Alyssa's face was on fire, she pulled her flannel over shit over her head.

"If you need more than that you have the internet!" She exclaimed from her hiding place.

The giggle train roared yet again as Kimberly's body rocked hard. When they tapered off, she settled back on the bedroll. Seeing the flannel over Alyssa's head, Kimberly wrapped herself around the flannel bear and stayed there.

"I couldn't resist. Sorry dear," she said. "But, um, some of that was informative. What do you wanna do, Lyssa? Wanna go out to the fire or ... stay here and chat?"

Alyssa's heart warmed as she was embraced in the darkness of her 'hiding place'. Poking her head out tenitavely. "Well... let's see, if we go to the fire you can't tease me... as much anyway." She tilted her head. "On the other hand, I'd have to talk to people wouldn't I?"

Kimberly nodded sagely before kissing Alyssa's cheek. "Benefits and cons to both, dear."

Sighing she leaned back into Kimberly. "Up to you. You've successfully fried my brain, my decision making abilities have fled me."

Kimberly chuckled. "Only takes that much, hmm?" Look at the tent entrance, she shrugged. "The others might get nosy, if we just disappear. We don't have to go yet, but we should soon-ish?"

"Only that much!?" Alyssa laughed. "Ok then missy, why don't you get your phone out and read one of Em's fics aloud?"

Looking at Alyssa, Kimberly traced her hands against her cheek. "Or the torment can commence yet again?"

Grinning Alyssa tilted her head. "Now I'm kinda curious how you could do anything worse than you've already managed.... Choices choices."

Kimberly rose an eyebrow. "Touche missy..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Location: Red Lake Camp Site
Interacting With: No One
Date: August 2nd, 4:03 PM

Stopping mid-drawing, she caught the scene between the three teenagers. It started with Riley kissing one of them and then the other running off in tears, not before the one being kissed ran after and so did Riley. Gloria raised a slight eyebrow and pursed her lips. It was obvious it was a scenario with broken hearts involved, though she thought it was a shame that they couldn't all share. Then again, most people didn't really think that way, did they? It wasn't long until Riley had exited and was making a break for the woods.

She might have been inclined to go after Riley to see if she was okay, but as soon as she saw the other girl run after, she thought better of it. She didn't want to interrupt and end up feeling awkward and forced. She had never been the forward type anyways - she just hoped Riley would be okay. Drawing ing a sharp breath, she looking over the lake and watched as everyone had fun and interacted with one another, giving herself a weak smile. It was really hard leaving her previous home, where she had friends and support. Here, like most of her life, she was no one. She was so used to it in fact, she wondered if Ana had just been nice and really ever intended to go on more than one date with her... maybe she felt pity? Who knew. Gloria slowly opened her book to the page the number had been written in and sighed. Even if it was out of pity, she wished she could have some company right about now...

(Sorry for tagging you two; Caits & Nally)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa von Strong

Location: The woods, then camp

Interacting with: Connor @Caits and anyone in camp :D


Vanessa smiled at the guy and listened to what he said. She could clearly see that he was not a 'people person'. He seemed a bit wary and she smiled. ''That's a nice name.. And yes, I am from Red Lake. Though I wasn't born there'' Vanessa said and looked at Connor. When he said something about the wolves she slowly nodded. ''Yes.. Something is clearly wrong.. Maybe too much people have tried to feed them or they are ill.. I hope the rangers can do something about it'' she said.

She then looked back at her camp. She slowly started to feel a little weird and she blinked a few times, a headache was coming up slowly. She gave Connor another smile. Totally not realising he was thinking it was weird for her to carry those loggs so easily. ''It's time for me to head back.. We need a fire soon and you better make one soon too'' she said. ''If something is not right around here, just call out for me.. I will come to your rescue if needed'' she then said and smiled. Vanessa started to walk back to her camp. She was close when her head ache started to dig in more and she regconised the pain very well, but she didn't understand one thing...

She dropped the loggs in the middle of the camp and walked to her tent, there she grabbed her phone and checked her full moon app. Right away she got a notification saying: Dear user, because of a error in our system the moon app showed the wrong dates.. The next full moon is: To night. Vanessa dropped her phone and she got up. She looked around and started to feel dizzy. This was bad! This was so bad! She felt how she started to heat up some, she wiped away the imaginary sweat she felt on her forehead.

She took a deep breath and those who were in camp, could see her tense up. She started to look around. She didn't just know what kind of smell that was, she also knew Who was roaming this woods and being a danger for people. She swallowed and then sat down on one of the big logs. She sighed and let her head rest on her hands. What could she do?!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Location: The lake
Interacting with:@BeautifulSnow Vanessa

"There are not wild packs around here, though, are there?" Connor said slowly, almost purposefully, seeing that Vanessa wasn't being entirely honest, the young man shifted the wood he carried, watching her seriously. As Vanessa seemed to have some sort of turn, Connor's eyes were drawn to the sky, frowning slightly. "Vanessa. There's something not quite right around here. You should get your camp packed up and leave" He said suddenly, looking back to her, but Vanessa was already leaving. He watched her go, frowning, not letting her out of his site.

He didn't know why he was concerned, but he had high intelligence, and he could follow a pattern easily enough. Some part of him had been following the pattern since his fathers death. He couldn't say why he knew something was going to happen, but he did.

Unconsciously, he reached up to his left shoulder, imagining he could feel the rip and tear of meat, tendon and flesh as teeth tore into it, and impulsively he marched into the camp without thinking he was intruding. Dropping his wood, he grabbed Vanessa's arm, and pulled her up with an ease that suggested he wasn't merely skinny.

He leaned in close and said in barely a whisper, "What is happening to me?" He didn't know why Vanessa would have the answers to what had happened, but there was definitely something strange about her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Ravi King

Location: Red Lake Cafe

Interacting with: @Ace of Flames01 @ChaoticFox

The onslaught of events and emotional ups and downs had Ravi in sheer disarray, unable to function on a normal level, but was stuck on an high that could not be achieved with a drug. Ravi wandered over to the stool that he had sat on the first time that he had gotten here, trying stay calm and collected. All this commotion from a laugh that seemed to trigger a chain reaction of events that sent this whole great morning tumbling off a cliff within seconds.

First Sophie disappeared only to have a seizure, the a woman cam running in, found Sophie in this state, questioned him, and then had a nurse run to the cafe (had she teleported). Only to have Sophie go unconscious and use a defibulator to revive her? Ravi wasn't to knowledgeable in medical practices, but that seemed more dangerous than helpful. Within another few minutes Sophie was taken to a small makeshift hospital in the Cafe parking lot, although he was sure that the town a built a hospital to avoid things like this.

Ravi raked his hands through his hair, before he knew it everything was quiet and Sophie was gone. If a small town was as hectic as this, were could he go for some calm and quiet. All he could do was wait he assumed. He didn't wasn't to disturb Sophie, but at the same time he wanted to avoid the doctor lady, who seemed to supernatural to be human.

He grabbed a napkin and found a pen behind the counter and left a note with his number, an apology, and to call him when she felt better, that way he could talk with her more and explain himself, as of now, He couldn't bring himself to look at her, he felt responsible, so he left it with the nurse the watched over her, and gave her instructions to give it to her when she woke up, Ravi grabbed his keys and entered his car, slowly feeling the calming effects that his engine usually had on him, and drove off, back towards the campsite.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Patricia Isaac

Riley Walker


Location:The woods, then campsite

Interactions: Talking with @Caits Cassandra @Nallore Riley

Riley listened slightly to Cassie, she sighed softly and rubbed the back of her neck she looked back over towards the campsite the RV mainly where she had left Alyssa and Kim. It would feel very awkward now being around the two of them for what she actually knew, but Riley wasnt going to tell them that they were a thing now and she wouldnt want to hurt her two best friends more then she already had. "Have you ever kissed your best friend then and only to find out that she didn't feel the same way?" Riley asked as she took in a deep breath and wiped away a few more tears. "I fucked up really bad.." Riley said softly looking towards Cassie.

Cassie frowned, it wasnt that she hadn't figured out what had happened from watching, but rather that she couldn't answer the question. "No" She said softly, "I haven't, but mainly because I've never risked letting anyone in, in fear of losing them" She said softly, hesitating before enveloping Riley in a hug. It was quite true, and perhaps that was why she didn't know how to offer comfort. "Nothing's ever so badly fucked up that it can't be fixed" She said "Best friends are that for a reason, and it means never having to ask for forgiviness, just knowing that its there. Things will work out." She felt lame saying the words, as if she was just trying to speak for speaking's sake. "It will be okay, Riley"

Riley sighed softly as she felt Cassie pulling her into a hug and returned it, she still wasn't sure that it would be the same if she was around the two of them and they were doing couple things she would end up feeling very jealous. "Thank you Cass.." Riley said softly, maybe it would work out in some way, she hoped that things would be normal around Kim and Alyssa she hated herself for just doing that and hurting Alyssa the way that she did.

Cassie sighed, seeing that her words hasn't helped and feeling like she was a horrible friend because she could offer comfort. "In the end, Ri, it's better to have experienced feelings, even if it hurts." She had Riley a sad smile, "after all, there might be someone else out there, waiting for you to see they like you. We will all make mistakes, fall for people who like someone else, or fall for the wrong person, but that's what life is. Searching for the right person, and stumbling over wrongs, almost rights, people we think are right but aren't. Some of us are just lucky to find that early. There's someone out there for you, Riley. Why wouldn't there be? You smart, funny, an amazing person. Alyssa and Kimberly will be okay, it's just hard seeing someone you like being approached by someone else, but I'm sure she'll understand once the shocks warn off" there was a strange sort of emotion in Cassie's voice, one she could quite figure out. Was it hope? Fear? Longing? A mixture of all three? She didn't know.

Pat lowered her gaze into the ground as she listened. "So...it did not work out...." She did not know if she was supposed to be happy or sad about it. She was not sure of anything any longer. Pat could not help but laugh sadly at the situation, taking another swig from her bottle. Her hazy mind registered what she had done, but it did not matter as she leaned her back up against a tree. "That's what I told myself before as well. Know what? Things don't get better." Pat looked up at the sky as she talked before turning her gaze towards the other two. She looked at them for a few moments before once again looking up at the sky, sighing sadly.

Riley smiled softly at Cassie she was right and she did want to have her friends be happy and she would eventually get over the whole deal and she would just have to deal with both Kim and Alyssa being together Riley's gaze then turned over towards the woods and noticed Patricia there. She blushed slightly and wondered how long that her friend and teacher was there the whole time, how much did she actually knew of the conversation. Riley rubbed the back of her neck slightly as she turned to look back at Cassie and smiled as she pulled her friend into another hug. [color-lightgreen]"Thank you Cassie for making me feel better, and you know talk to me anytime you need to since you have been there for me."[/color] Riley said as she turned back to look at Patricia again and waved at her, at this point she didnt care who was listening in on their conversation.

She glanced over at Pat as she spoke, frowning at the other woman. "You're aware that I was five when my parents died. I didn't think things would ever get better then, but they did. You just have to want them to get better. If you don't want that, then of course things won't get better. I strive everyday to pull myself out of the whirlpool of sadness, anger and fear a child can feel, and I still do every day. Things do get better. You just have to be open to seeing it." She smiled at Pat, hoping she hadn't sounded anything but compassionate. "Sometimes, you just need a friend"

Hoping she hadn't misjudged, Cassie held out a hand, an offering of companionship.

Pat laughed quietly as Cass spoke. "You might be right. But my path towards the better is a forbidden path. A path that leads to ruin." She slowly made her way up to her feet. Her legs were wobbly and felt like wet noodles. She had been drinking much more than what she had thought. She slowly made her way over towards the two girls, leaning up against trees as she walked. "I'm a weakling, unlike you Cass."

She was feeling nausious. She could tell she was at the edge of her tolerance. She was supposed to be their teacher damn it! Supposed to be a role model for them. Not a drunken slob like she was. Riley had helped her come out of her drinking habit. She had helped her live when she was on the edge. She walked straight up to her, or at least as straight as her legs allowed her. Pat grabbed onto Riley's shoulders before planting a deep, slobbery kiss on her lips.

A sigh escaped her lips as she moved back a step. Her eyes went wide as she brushed against a branch and started falling backwards. She reached out for Riley as she was falling, trying to grab ahold of her.

Riley watched as Patricia approached them more she noticed the woman stumbling forward and closer towards them, she could also smell alcohol on Patricia had she been hitting the bottle again? She looked at Patricia with a concerned look on her eyes before she instantly turned a bright red when Patricia suddenly leaned in and planted her lips upon hers. Riley's heart started racing as it happened right in front of Cassie, she could easily taste alcohol while Patricia kissed her, when Pat finally broke away from the kiss Riley still wasnt sure what she thought about it. Then Patricia tok a step back, Riley noticed Patricia was about to fall, and quickly reached out to hold her hand but Patricia being much older and weighing more then her Riley fell down as well with Riley falling on the ground first with Patricia on top of her.

Pat looked down at Riley's face. She stared blankly for a few seconds before leaning in closer. Their noses brushed together before she closed the last distance and kissed Riley again. She wanted to do more, feel more, have more. She ran her hand along Riley's side when her senses came back slightly and she looked towards Cass. Her mind blanked. Cass was here. Cass had seen her. Pat pushed off from Riley and crawled backwards, fear in her eyes. She tried to stand and got up about halfway when her legs were moving away. She tried to run, but only came a few steps before falling. Her head hit a tree trunk and she staggered, falling again.

Tears streamed down her cheeks along with some blood from a cut she got from a branch. She had scrapes, cuts and bruises all over her legs. It started coming back to her. What she had done, what she was doing. "I'm sorry Riley," she said between her sobs. "I'm so sorry..."

Casie watched the scene, a little bit shocked, but she instictively reached out to grab Pat, but Riley has already done so. Cassie stood there, feeling stupid. Did everyone act on their feelings, and she was just too reserved? Did nobody like her? She watched, feeling like she was intruding.

As pat became aware she was there again, Cassie took a step back, which may have been a mistake when Pat turned away with fear.

It came to Cassie that people didn't know how she would truly react to same sex couples. Bemused, Cassie crouched, examining without getting too close the cut. "That needs to be cleaned. You are weak, Pat. You just haven't found you're strength yet. But you will. Why do you run from what you feel, when you act? I'm not going to stone you for like girls, cause then I'd have to stone myself too"

Riley's mind was going a million miles a minute as she fell onto the ground and looked up at Patricia her face was a bright red again the moment Patricia's lips landed onto her's again the kiss was passionate her heart started racing faster and faster as she felt Pat's hands sliding along her sides. Then Patricia finally snapped out of it, Riley quickly scrambled back till she was resting her back up against a tree, Patricia was way older then she was and the woman was their high school teacher. The trip this year was certainly an interesting one now, Riley's eyes looked between Cassie and then Patricia. "W-what was the kiss for?" Riley asked softly her face was still a deep shade of red.

Pat followed Cassandra's instructions hazily and started cleaning her wound, wiping it off with her hand and some moss. Her head was pounding like a bitch. She could barely think straight from the combined might of alcohol and hitting her head hard. She turned around and looked at the two girls. "It's not that Cass...." she said and looked at Riley with an expression somewhere between despair and blush. "I'm your teacher.....I'm way older than you..." She averted her eyes. [color=fff79a]"You really are dense aren't you?" She chuckled sadly and looked at Riley again. "Because I love you, that's why!"

She tried to stand once again and started searching for her bottle, finding it after a little while and took another sip. Today was just getting worse and worse...

"So? We can accept men having women potentially fifty years younger then them, why not this? After this year, it won't matter whether you are our teacher or not, and in this world we need to take what happiness we can get, not run away from it." Cassandra said, "I'm not going to tell anyone. Why would I?"She gave the teacher a smile, standing up, she took a few steps back, now feeling like she was intruding

Riley was shocked to hear what Patricia had just said she was still getting over the fact that she had just been turned down by Kim to be with Alyssa, Riley was seventeen while Patricia was thirty though she would be legal in just a few weeks. A relationship would be really bad for Patricia's career. "I don't know what to say.. I mean you have been there for me Pat and I was there for you.." Riley said quietly and then looked towards Cassandra for a moment biting her lower lip and then looked back towards Patricia, she was one of the cutest teachers in the school. "What about your job?" Riley asked softly.

Pat smiled sadly and sat down once again. [color=fff79a]"Yeah...that's where the problem lies huh?" She chuckled. "I guess we could keep it a secret until you graduate. It's just another year." She mused the idea for a while. One year...until they could tell people. She was not planning on losing her job. Despite everything she trusted Riley and she trusted Cass. She did not think either of them would ruin her career. This was so hard for her. She knew what her heart said, and what her mind said. Neither agreed with each other. "I'm willing.....if you are...." She said finally.

Cassie stepped back further, thinking she should just walk away, but she could at least be a guard in case someone else stumbled along.

She fell into her own thoughts, troubled. It seemed her friends were finding partners, and she was still just...alone. Looking away, she looked out over the lake, pondering it.

"Um. I'll just...go over here" she said awkwardly, moving away so that she couldn't hear anything, but could still see if anyone was coming

Riley bit her lip for a moment she had just been rejected and then Patricia came out to tell her that she loved her, she looked over towards Cassie seeing her friend turning around and taking a few steps closer to the lake."I like you to... though can I have some time to think about it?" Riley asked softly, she then heard a twig snapping and then a low growl Riley slowly turned her head trying to find where the noise was coming from since it was dark now she could only see what looked like a silhouette of a wolf. Riley quickly got up and helped Patricia back up to her feet and then grabbed Cassie's hand. "Theres a wolf!" Riley said as she made a run back towards the camp.

She nodded slowly. Even thru her hazy mind she realised that she could not expect an answer directly. However, Riley had not pushed her off, or away, or rejected her. Despite knowing, she didn't know why. They had all lost track of time as darkness was decending upon them when the growl came from behind. Pat turned her gaze and saw something glimmer before she was janked up onto her unsteady feet as they began running back. Pat sighed when they got back. "I'll be in the tent Riley....a wolf should not come around the camp. I need to sleep off the drunk.." Her voice was still slightly slurry as she spoke, but with some determination this time around. She looked around the camp and quickly gave Riley a peck on the lips before entering the tent. In a few minutes the flask was empty and Pat was asleep in her sleeping bag, snoring softly.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Anastasia Beaumont

Interacting With: @lydyn (Gloria Via Text) @Maria 127 Jamaal@The One Rip Hunter & @DragonKingUk Dexter & Daisy
Location: Red Lake Café.

After Anastasia had left the lake several hours ago she had gone into her new house and started to unpack her things and decorate the house, and by the time she was done the sun had already gone down. She could feel her stomach grumble ever so slightly as she headed out and locked her house, Anastasia decided that she could go out and get something to eat and made her way over towards the café. Once she was there Ana looked around before finding a single seat by the window and sat down.

The young woman opened up a menu and started looking through what she had wanted, she looked up as the door opened seeing a man entering the café and took a seat across from her on the other side of the room he stared at her quiet a few times which started to annoy her but didn't say anything at all. She then decided to take out her phone and text Gloria. "Hey did you want to come back into town for some dinner?" Ana hit send just as the waitress came up to take her order she watched two little kids and smiled at them for a moment and saw another man coming in as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Location: Red Lake Camp Site & Red Lake Cafe
Interacting With: @Nallore's Anastasia
Date: August 2nd, 5:01 PM

As Gloria shut the notebook slowly, she felt her pocket vibrating, causing her to jump slightly in surprise. Furrowing her brow just a little, she looked at the screen of her smart phone and smiled slightly, seeing it was Ana. She could feel the softest of blushes cross her cheeks as she opened the text up properly.

To: Me
From: Ana
"Hey did you want to come back into town for some dinner?"

Biting her lower lip, she replied in kind.

To: Ana
From: Me
"Yeah!~ I mean, unpacking can wait and there's just a ton of teenagers ignoring me here anyways. =P See you soon!

She slipped her phone back into her pocket and tucked her small notebook under her arm and glanced over the lake. She hated feeling alone in public like this, it just reminded her of her past too much, but she knew what everyone would think if they knew - they'd blame her for not being more outgoing. Well, at least that's usually what happened and it irritated her every time. Shaking her head of the thought, she got up, dusted herself off, and within moments was slipping into the driver's seat of her car. Before long, she was back in town and pulling up to the only place to eat in town - the Cafe.

Gloria sat in the car for just a couple seconds, spotting Ana and smiling softly as their eyes met. Turning the keys and grabbing her shoulder purse this time, she locked the door and started to head inside. She still felt a tiny bit nervous, hoping she wouldn't scare the woman away by being too clingy or something, like she had in the past. The little bell rang as she entered and didn't bother waiting for the waitress, just walking over to Ana shyly. She hesitatingly slipped into booth across from Ana before glancing back, catching sight of the guy seemingly staring her date down for no reason. However her attention quickly went back to Ana, smiling gently. "I'm glad you texted me... I was actually getting rather lonely out there!" Offering a bashful smirk, she looked up to one of the girls she had never seen before and gave a friendly smile, order a bacon cheeseburger and fries, with a Dr. Pepper. After thanking the waitress, she let out a sigh and looked across the table, biting her lip for a moment. "So... already all unpacked?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Miranda Burke.

Location: The Lake.

Interacting with: Vanessa @BeautifulSnow, Conner @Caits


It had been quite a while since the group had arrived at the lake for the annual trip, for some things might change when i came to school ending, followed with the possibility of where to go next, For Miri she decided to stay at Redlake when her time came, it was her home, She gave a lift to the Brooks brothers to the camp in her Camaro as the numbers seemed to be big enough for some not to fit into the RV that was normally enough, And especially seeing Charlie helped made her mind up of driving there and so offered them a drive to the lake.

Once arrived, Miranda went about unpacking and setting up, she had a two person tent which most had or more, wither way she didn't mind having a tent all to herself although looking over at Vanessa before she left to collect wood, Miri not complain in sharing a tent with her.. After all she red bring those rosy cheeks for her. Once sorted Miranda was planning to go take a dip on the lake itself, She loved doing that so much after all and saw that some of the others where doing the same but was put of when Charlie went in there, She did not want to go near that creep in a lake knowing what flirty things he would like to do, Despite wanting to hang out with her trio of besties she didn't and settled for stripping down to her bikini, grabbing a towel and sunglasses before catching some rays from the sun before it was gone.

Miri did notice the commotion that occured from Riley kissing Kimberly, She remembered how different she reacted and went of with Lyssa from when when she kissed her friend on the cheek a day prior, It was obvious something was going on with trio as it sent all three of one after another, She would of gone with them to see if her girls where alright but they seemed in there own world and neither approached Miri which made her heart sink a little that she not able to be there for them. Instead Miranda got up and decided the sun was not high enough anymore and got changed back into her clothes before placing her towel and glasses back in her tent.

As time got on, Miranda couldn't help but smile when she saw Vanessa had come back to camp, although the smile seem to fade a bit seeing how the beautiful woman was reacting, This worried the blonde no end and started to make her way over to see if she could be of any help to her crush. The woman was sat down, looking tense and with her head in her hands and Miri wanted to go sit with her, wrap an arm around her and be there for her, hopefully find out what is up. Her advanced was halted when some random guy, A stranger walks into camp like he was on a mission and no one semd to notice him, But Miri did. She watched as the stranger be lined for Nessa and grabbed hold of her and pulled her up.

Miranda was not having that and wanted to protect Vanessa, She was protective of her friends so why not her crush right? Storming over to where they were standing, it seemed the guy was saying something to Nessa, god only know's what but one can't just storm into a camp fully of teens and grab a woman in front of them and force her up. Once she was close enough and in arms reach, Miranda went into action. "Hey!" She shouted at the man without thinking. "You Let go of her right now!" She then demanded, She showed no fear as she looked dead at the man with a serious look as she attempted to get between them and without thinking tried to shove the man back from Vanessa without luck, Surely others in camp would see this she thought.
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