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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tonaka Hokama

@Rune_Alchemist - Speaking to Miné
@Zeroth - Noticed Tatsumi | Listening to Mr. Matsumoto

As the girl snarled at Tonaka, his face became a little taken back as he tries to act a little extra innocent. He really didn't want to piss off another person today, let alone get into a pissing contest either.

"Sorry," the Junior apologizes to the girl as he tries to act naturally and friendly as possible, "Mind if you scooch your legs down for a little bit? I'll be sitting over there."

"Whatever," She replied. "Keep quiet and don't annoy me, and we won't have any problems. Got it?"

"Uh sure," Tonaka replies, "Whatever you say..."

But before she could let him get in, both heard a scoff behind them. Tonaka simply looked behind him curiously, simply wanting to maybe see who did that, while the girl promptly flipped the guy off. That also wasn't really nice in his opinion, but if he says anything about it, he'd probably get scolded by it. Then the girl finally removed her leg from the chair, and placed her foot on the floor.

"Thank you." Tonaka replied with both a friendly smile and nod as he makes his way to the chair next to Miné's footstool.

He was thinking on making a friendly conversation to maybe loosen up the girl a little bit, just so she won't be that mean, until he heard the opening presentation finally begin. He didn't listen much to it, but did respond once they would all be divided to other parts of the auditorium by grade level.

Freshmen to the left.

Sophomores to the opposite.

Juniors over here.

Seniors over there.

Blah blah blah, etc, etc. Tonaka knew the drill. His teacher happened to be Mr. Decaman, as did all the rest of the juniors. He had to be honest, from what he heard about that teacher, he was apparently quite... macho. Some say egotistical, some hard-ass, some weird, it really varied from student to student. But overall, he wasn't sure he was going to like him so much. As the three other groups moved outwards, he and the juniors stayed in the middle area, eventually heading outside to a stadium like area. He remembers this place. He personally doesn't like P.E, but regardless he still gets good grades in this class... save for freshman year due to his Dark behavior.

"This, is the Brave Court! Out here is where you'll do most of your real Hero training!" He gestured, then began fiddling in his pocket until he found his smart phone. The object was tiny in his hand, and he had to carefully use his pinky to swipe something and then input some kind of code. "And now I'll show you how!"

Suddenly, the circle split into four pieces. The flower gardens and trees turned out to be perfectly symmetrical within their frames, and were unharmed as the grassy field began sliding further and further back, until only four corners--each with a flower bed, tree, and bench--remained. Then a new floor rose up, this one a square of solid, packed dirt with the familiar white markings of a track and sports field on it. Yup. This wasn't just some ordinary track n' field we're talking about.

"Congrats, Juniors!" Decaman said, spreading his huge arms wide. "You get to be the first this year for the Quirk tryouts!"

"Oh goody, goody, gooooooooody..." sighs Tonaka to himself as he rolls his eyes. He really didn't want to do this today. Maybe tomorrow or next week, but really not right off the bat.

"I'm sure all of you remember your physical tests and the field days from elementary school! It sucked not being allowed to use your Quirks, right?! Gwahahaha!" A little robot shaped like a trashcan with treads rolled out from somewhere, and as Decaman held his hand out, a softball with a measuring device shot out of the robot's head and into his grip. "Well, today, you finally get to see just how much your Quirks can help you in the different events here! Before we clear out and let the other classes have a go, I want you all to move to the various locations and do the softball toss, the 50 meter dash, the long and high jumps, pushup and situp tests, balance tests, the grip test," He finally stopped to take a breath...then continued. "Sustained side-jumps, toe touch stretches, a punching meter, whack a mole, and finally, clean-and-jerk weightlifting!"

He looked absolutely hyped.

Tonaka really wasn't...

"Changing rooms are over there! LET'S DO IT!"

Welp, time to get dressed. After Tonaka gets dressed in the dress-room, he comes back outside and tries to pick a station he wants to do first. Say... maybe he should try the softball toss? He shrugs to himself as he picks up a ball and tosses it at a wall with a target board on it. The first time... wasn't too good. Second time... better. Third time... eh, not so well. Damn was he really rusty at this? When was the last time he threw one of these balls? Getting a little angry, he allows the dark side of his to seep just a little for some extra strength, making him a taddy bit greyer as it barely changes his color a little. He then issues another throw, this one getting bullseye on the target! He issues two more times, the first being a little off center, but the next one being dead-center again. He really felt proud of himself.

Oh well, time to go to the other events. He then walks towards the 50 meter dash and prepares to run with all the other students who happened to be there...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 5 days ago

Dallas Grenier - Whore of the Orient

Morning, sunshine.

After so long being smacked in the ass by increasingly early sunsets in Europe...there was something peaceful about the Land of the Rising Sun. Like from here, mornings couldn't possibly come earlier. It was solace - like when you start feeling better under torture because it can't get worse. Or the ten minutes after you come where you feel Zen enough to do your calculus homework.

Was there calculus homework at this place? He couldn't imagine that a place where they would be learning to master their bodies, stop evil in its tracks, and pull kittens from trees would care much about putting letters in their math. And if they did, well...God gave everyone the right to come for a reason, Dal guessed.

He rose unsteadily on the plastic-wrapped couch, rubbing his bare neck with a loathsome wakefulness. Part of being comprised of maybe 30-50% clocks was that you were never, ever, ever going to miss a goddamn deadline. Between Dad's schedule and his Quirk, the last time he'd slept in was the last time he could still get his ass beat for coming home from school with one out of five behavior stars. Back when he still needed a reason to get his ass beat.

They were the best of times.

Dallas swiveled into a sitting position, hearing his slim legs drag on the plastic with a squeak that made him wince. There were plenty of advantages to living in an unused apartment in the center of a floor of unused apartments - cheap utilities, place to sleep, no need to decorate - but the sleeping arrangements made him wonder why he even tried to get his usual three or four hours of beauty sleep anyway. He might as well have parked his lithe ass on the coffee table in his quest for z's. At least he could move around without squeaking like a hinge.

He took a deep breath through his nose.

Let it out, Dally boy. Nice and slow. Layers can always be torn right off, you know that.

He blinked.

Smiled as awareness seeped in. Today was the day. Brave High. He'd finally weaved a lie good enough to weasel his way in. Admitting a shallow con or two usually took people off guard enough to drop the big one. People always believe the truths that come out the most reluctantly, and this was the big one - a past that was real enough to get him into the school of his dreams.

He was gonna be a superhero. In a year, they'd be slapping posters of him over Nightwing's. In three years, Wonder Woman's. Goals.

And as much as he'd love to fight crime in his Calvins...

Today, I'm going to be presentable.



Oh God.

Why did he try this.

Everyone was so reserved here. All that anime had lied to him - people didn't do shit for dick in the way of socializing here! In Europe, they said hello with three words, a kiss on each cheek and a healthy game of grab-ass. And Dallas loved grab-ass. Shit, he would even kill for a good old fashioned American-style traffic jam in the hallway, at least it would make him think these Imperial shitheels liked talking to each other!

And these desks! As soon as Dallas walked into senior homeroom, he knew something was wrong. Granted, he had never stepped foot in a high school - and had been thrown out of middle school faster than a handsy art teacher - but he was pretty sure that the "student desks" were supposed to be ergonomic, re-purposed from days on the set of torture porn movies. The second he sat down and tried to push his chair back from his desk, only to find with horror that his seat was hooked to the preacher's-dick-tiny square table in front of him by a thick metal beam, he had to suppress a panicked scream.

He felt like he was in Silence of the Lambs, trying to get comfy in this thing. And he didn't even eat people.



It's the greatest of men who can realize their mistakes the earliest...and right now, Dallas Grenier was feeling pretty fucking great.

Hero school.

How did this sound like a good idea, again?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

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@Great Sogeking

"Mhmm," Matsuri muttered with a nod, backing off a bit. She was a bit surprised though, and even more so when she was captured by the arm of some girl, eliciting a gasp! That fell apart when the orientation began though, Matsuri getting her butt square in a seat alongside those other two.

The orientation was...surprisingly normal. She managed to stay awake during the speeches, and she didn't know the school song, but by the end of it she wasn't quite sure.

Getting up to move was nice, at least, but Matsuri was certainly a 'little' ball of energy, as it looked like she was pretty runty as far as the first years went, which led to her buzzing around trying to get a nice view as the year was taken through the halls. The teacher's voice was plenty audible though, but Matsuri tuned out what she heard about the dorms: didn't matter none to her!

As she tuned the teacher out, she tuned the rest of her year in. There was some chatter among all the nerves, but Matsuri was just as curious as every about everyone's superstuff. Catching a certain brown haired ponytail that had accosted her earlier. Rubbing elbows, Matsuri inquired, "Hey, you from before, who're you? Oh, I'm Matsuri." Thinking of the way she approached earlier, Matsuri raised her arms, wondering, "Ya got a 'handy' Quirk? And what's yer hero name and stuff gonna be? Huh, huh, huh?" She flapped her arms excitedly as she waited for the answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sou mentally noted the names of the two other students who sat next to him. Then the orientation began, it was overall pretty average; an introduction to school, what the students would be doing and its eventual processes. Sou could hear the other students talk about the teachers, and he kept an open ear for that. The speeches then began, each teacher giving a short speech of sorts, and that was that.

"Sophomores over here, if you please!"

The teacher, formally known as 'Snow White', called out. Apparently being the teacher for them, Sou found out he was a sophomore when he had read the acceptance letter, which was odd to say the least but he rolled with it. Soon they moved out of the auditorium.

They were lead towards one of the looming towers, introduced as the 'Class Tower'. Sou had already mentally noted that the place was immense and expansive. It contained the obvious classrooms where everything lesson will be taught. The library was the next thing they were led too, and it too was humongous. Books as high up as the eye could see, mixed in with different labs for all the classes, including art rooms. Finally the spare rooms where club activities would take place.

Sou also glanced around, what would be now, his new classmates, and made mental note of three of them before walking and petering slightly behind the crowd of students. Well, he didn't really like the claustrophobic nature of being stuck in a crowd, although he didn't really know what to say if someone noticed this odd behavior.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 4 mos ago

It was the usual first day. On your first day at Brave High, you were to perform at a quirk assessment. Now that this was her fourth third day Namari found herself rather relaxed. She slumped into a chair by the window, that was always where the protagonist sat, and observed the rest of her class lazily for any newcomers. There was speedyquick, or Kazu, sexy guy – that one was new, and a few other familiar faces that she brushed over. Sexy guy had caught her interest though.

She wasn’t really a big proponent of going up and encouraging conversation with others. In fact, one could say that she hated it. So instead of going up and drumming up a conversation with whoever sexy guy was she simply waved an arm. It wasn’t very effective…

She sighed and lifted herself up off the ground, accidentally cracking the tile beneath her. She wasn’t having very good luck with that kind of thing today. She sauntered over to his desk that he seemingly caged himself in and crouched to meet his eye level. The strings of her hoodie and her ponytail bouncing due to her quick motion.

“You’re not one of those guys whose obsessed with heroism and what it truly means to be a re…” Namari stopped and covered her mouth, ushering sexy guy to give her a second. She looked up to the ceiling and yawned loudly. She slowly came back down, chewing the air and relaxing her jaw a little before starting back up.

“Anyway, you’re not too into this are you?” She asked tiredly, eyes half open. Truly she didn’t care all that much but she would rather make some friends than stay relatively on her own, but she was pretty picky with how she spent her time. Napping was of course the priority, and Kazu and Namari had become pretty close acquaintances spending the past couple years together. They had a sort of, unspoken relationship. They orbited each other frequently. Sometimes they’d end up eating at a diner, they had even gone to a movie once. The strangest part about that friendship is how little they had to speak or plan.

It went something like ‘Movies at 7?’ ‘Sure.’ And that was about it. It was a good movie. Conversation wasn’t much though – that was probably the best part of the night. Either way, it’s always a bigger party with three. So here she stood, pestering the new kid. Hopefully he didn’t have a temper.

@Krayzikk - Mentioned frequently
@Plank Sinatra - Speaking to
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 5 days ago

Dallas Grenier - All of the Shawshank, None of the Redemption

@Write - Evaluating



He had company. Fuck! The switchblade he was discreetly using to saw away wooden desk from metal chair stopped scraping as discreetly as could be managed. Dallas flicked his wrist under the desk and pocketed the knife before leaning back and tousling the blue-highlighted bangs in his dark hair. She was crouching down to serve at his eye level, instead of plopping down. Dallas had been on the streets too long not to surmise it had something to do with the fact that she'd cracked the tile just by pulling herself out of her chair. Jumping rope probably caused Richter scale fuckery on an enhanced scale. Status: do not fuck. Potential for planetary pole reversal.


Status is currently undergoing appeals process.

"I don't know, I kind of like the idea of being a superhero. All the movie deals these days, who knows? I got a face for the screen. I got to have input on my own super suit, ain't nobody gonna have a reason to complain there. Besides, maybe heroism's hella my speed and I just don't know it yet. Beating up the rich. Stopping the dastardly. Volunteering with the elderly. Sounds titillating." Dallas tilted his head at the newcomer and finally smiled lazily. "I'm Dallas. Quoi de beau, Happy Feet?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 17 days ago

Yosumine Kazu: School's Not Out For Summer

Brave High was exactly five miles from where the Yosumines lived. A substantial walk, for most students. Even at ten miles per hour, a speed only obtained when at least jogging, it would take half an hour to arrive. Far enough away that anyone who needed to reach school in a timely fashion would ride a bike, take a bus, or get a ride with someone who could drive. Yosumine Kazu eschewed these manners of transportation in favor of her own two feet.

After all, it was only a ten minute warm-up run. People really needed to exercise more.

Not, that said, that it didn't burn quite a few calories. If Kazu failed to rise from her slumber to enjoy a breakfast of five slices of toast, three eggs (scrambled), one omelet made from six eggs (bacon, two types of cheese, onion, mushroom, corned beef, and tomato), two bananas, and a glass of orange juice then she had to make a stop somewhere on the route to school. Fortunately, several coffee establishments existed along the route and a couple of their larger baked goods yielded a similar number of calories. She just had to eat more at lunch since they were, as her mother constantly reminded her, empty calories.

But they tasted so good.

Nevertheless, this was in fact the case upon this particular morning; her father's insistence on brushing up on boxing technique, and her mother's on the finer points of speed control the night before, had led both to her sleeping in and running behind schedule when she awoke. Not so much that she would be late for school (though anyone else would be), but enough that she did not have time to prepare for breakfast.

Such was the reason that, when she decelerated in the hall outside of the senior home room (startling a few freshman confused by the individual moving at 30MPH through the hallway) it was with a box of coffee, a box of a dozen donuts in her hand, and a muffin box balanced precariously on top of that. Though now that she was not moving she could stop supporting them with her other hand, and instead focus on smoothing her hair back out while she stepped into the classroom. Normally she sat a row over and two seats down from Namari (a very, very deceptively massive girl that Kazu might, on her good days, call "friend" rather than "acquaintance") but given the abundance of food in her hand, and the presence of very hungry teenagers, she was in need of a sentinel.

This was accomplished by taking the seat next to Namari and setting a donut on her desk, ensuring that the her classmate would be inclined to safeguard Kazu's stash of food from the ravenous horde. With the boxes carefully set on her chosen desk, Kazu took a moment to push her sunglasses up her face and to the top of her head. This served the dual purpose of keeping them handy, and helping keep her admittedly somewhat wind-disrupted hair in place.

While Namari went off to speak with the new kid, Kazu busied herself with a muffin, a donut, and the filling of her first mug of coffee. She wasn't really alert enough to be friendly, so she elected to simply observe the proceedings. The two weren't very far away, only a desk or two, so she could chime in if she really felt the need.

Which, at the words 'Happy Feet', she did.

"I'd be careful. Those feet can make anyone else unhappy real quick."

@Write@Plank Sinatra
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Totally inconspicuous and innocent student, Natsuki Enoki~

@Write - Saying bye

As much as she would have liked to continue this idle conversation, it seemed time was not on her side at the moment. Soon enough, the soiree she had invited herself too had gotten underway. Honestly, the entire thing was rather boring. She couldn't help but to yawn several times throughout the entire speech. The most courageous and strongest? Well, that remained to be seen, in her opinion. Many things defined what 'courage' was, and beating up so-called villains was not the definition of 'courage', nor did it make one courageous. Though, she admittedly rather enjoyed singing the school song, though she mostly lip sang the words since she had no idea what they actually were.

Still, this proved to be quite the...enlightening experience. As soon as the students, representatives and various teachers made their entrance...she immediately put faces to names and memorized them to the best of her ability. Oh certainly she could have likely found such information much easier, especially on the more public heroes. But well, the more public heroes weren't going to be her target for the moment.

No no. That would spoil all the fun.

An hour later, the assembly seemed to be finished, with the students being called out by year to...whatever they went to after this. Likely some sort of Quirk and power assessment, if she had to hazard a very well educated guess, as well as a tour of the campus. Hmm...a tour of the campus wouldn't be half bad to attend...well, in any case this would likely be a good time for her to make her exit.

"And that leaves me with the seniors. Hurry it up."

"Ah, I suppose that is me then. It's been a pleasure my friendly little heroes." She softly laughed as Sou got up and left. "Wow, rude...still, hopefully we meet again. Perhaps we'll have some...field exercises together in the future." She grinned at this as she stood from her chair and gave a brief wave of goodbye to the two kids, before making a move to follow the Seniors out. She of course though, she didn't follow them all the way out. It was quiet easy to get lost in a crowd when no one was looking for you. Even then, it was easy - especially if everyone was wearing the exact same thing. Really, uniforms just made losing pursuers much easier.

First rule of getting into some place with no questions asked - looking like you belonged. If someone asked what she was doing, she'd tell them she simply felt unwell and were going to visit the schools nurse. She walked in the opposite direction, back towards the main exit, and slipped out of the same doors she had walked in earlier. If someone saw her, it wouldn't really matter - it wasn't like they could stop her from leaving - running was always an option, and it was one she was going to be taking quite quickly if she was and she was certain she could...with a little trouble. All she had to do was lose them, anyways, and she could do that quite easily...

Soon enough, she had waltzed right out of the school grounds, heading right back to wherever it was she lived.

She had some things she had to take care of~

~Miné Onoda~

@Lmpkio - Largely ignores, but offers a small challenge.

Miné...well, didn't listen to anything. Almost as soon as the presentation started, she was out, completely missing anything that might have been said. Even through the singing of the schools song, she was sleeping, arms folded against her chest and head leaning over the back of the chair. When it was finally over, she woke as soon as students started filing out of the room. She barely heard the teacher she was supposed to go with, but that was fine. That loud, obnoxious Decaman. Well...this was going to be fun. With a grunt, she shoved her hands into her pockets and stood up, following the rest of the juniors and that giant-muscled annoyance out.

Ugh, she'd really rather be anywhere but here...

For most of the tour, Miné zoned out most of the time, walking and moving purely on autopilot. Something about towers and something about hanky-panky and don't touch the opposite gender in any fun way whatsoever. Library, boring. Cafeteria, loud. Dorms, full of annoying people. Basically, so far she hadn't heard anything about this school she even liked. At least she could tolerate the Gym. She'd probably spend most of her time here, if she could. That or outside working out somewhere quiet, with as few annoyances and distractions as possible.

And then, the final stop on their little tour it seemed. The 'Brave Court'. She rolled her eyes. Such a stupid childish name...She watched with clear disinterest as Decaman did his thing with whatever he was doing with the field. He listed the various physical tasks he'd like all of them to accomplish while here, assisted by their quirk.

Well...that was something Mine wasn't entirely opposed to. Decaman's annoying enthusiasm and loud voice aside, she always enjoyed a good work out. So, she immediately headed to the changing rooms and quickly changed, oddly looking forward to getting some blood flowing in this work out, taking her only a minute to get changed. She headed to the softball toss right behind Tonoka, and well...was less than impressed with the other kids results, though he did fairly well after warming up a few times.

She didn't need to really warm up, though.

She stretched her arms, rolling her shoulder and getting ready to throw one of those balls. She picked one up, and taking a stance like a professional pitcher might, she launched the ball right into the target. Not only was it fast, it hit the bulls-eye right in the middle of the target. A second one was less than accurate, but her fastball was still just as fast - slamming right into the edge of the target. A third, had similar results. She didn't bother with any more, after that, and instead, ended up following Tonaka to the fifty meter dash.

She gave him an almost challenging smirk as she lined up with where the dash started. Why not make a small competition out of this? Heh, it'd be funny to mess with the guy if she did better than him in everything.

Her Quirk really wouldn't help her here like it did with the softball test. At least, it wouldn't really improve her time any. She didn't see any way it could, so instead she decided to do this the old fashioned way.

She launched herself forwards, speeding across the course...and clocking a rather impressive time of 5.43 seconds. She didn't even feel out of breath at the end of it.

With that done, she set off for the next test - the jumps. Well, this should be easy. She wasn't exactly a very good jumper...but well, that was that, and she'd do her best regardless.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago


@Dead Cruiser - Tatsumi bumps into, then speaks to Luca
@Pacifista - Noticed
@Great Sogeking - Noticed

As the freshmen group listened to Mr. Matsumoto go on about all the rules and regulations--the guy seemed to be a real stickler--Tatsumi noticed the pinkette from before and the other girl already seemed to be making fast friends. He looked away, somewhat embarrassed at his lack of social ability--he hadn't gotten either of their names. He focused instead on trying to take everything in; he had to be a good student this time around, and he'd have to learn the layout of this place so that he could make his way around...

With a start he realized he was getting too caught up in the scenery, and was falling behind. One hand on his beanie, he jogged down the hall after Masamune's fading voice. He caught up quickly and tried to slip back into the ranks, but in doing so he bumped into a smaller figure, one that he hadn't even seen until it was too late.

"Shi--I mean uh, sorry bout dat, l'il guy!" he said. The kid was kind of delicate looking, smaller than others with platinum blonde hair and wearing a bulky hoodie over his uniform. Tatsumi wondered for a second if the kid was hot under that thing, considering the weather was still rather warm, but then thought that perhaps he had a Quirk that required him to stay warm, or changed his body in a way that he was embarrassed about. "You a'ight?"


@Rune_Alchemist - Interaction with Bonesaw

As the disguised villain slipped through the crowd and made her way out of the building, she found no one on the grounds--all the teachers were too busy getting the rest of the building ready for the tours, or preparing their own lessons. No one had noticed one lone girl slipping out by herself, and if they had they might have assumed she was going to a bathroom or had gotten lost. Only when it was clear that she was leaving school grounds would suspicion have been raised, and by then it would have been too late, as she ducked down the streets and between the buildings.

But as she entered one lonely alleyway, there was an odd sort of sound--like something thick, some kind of jelly, plopping down from up high. Then, long green tendrils suddenly dropped down in front of her. Perhaps she might have brushed them aside--had it not been immediately noticed that steam was rising from where they touched the asphalt, and some roadside trash was quickly melting away into sizzling goop.

Behind her, more of these amorphous bars dropped down.

"L'il early to be's goin' home, ain't it?" Corrosion smirked from his place above her, the Acid Pads on his feet allowing him to stick to the wall and stand horizontally. His arms were stretched out, and the long Acid Whips trailing from his fingertips were the bars on the girl's makeshift cage. "If ya gonna play hooky...minds lettin' me play witcha?" He grinned, a single golden tooth shining among the pearly whites.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Speaking to - Miné (@Rune_Alchemist)

Guwah. This wasn't a good start to the day. Not at all. The second she had walked - or rather, rushed - into the back of the auditorium, everything, including Kaoru herself, was just… screwed up. Well, it was at that time that she realised she had screwed up. Completely. It wasn't that often that she acted so jagged and jittery, but after waking up late from the many night hours she stayed awake and hyped up, quickly shoving cookies into her mouth as she sprinted down as fast as she could towards her new school, and almost tripping over one of the spare chairs as she entered the auditorium with a few too many people watching, it was clear to Kaoru and maybe the people watching that she had screwed up.

Things were just beginning to move too fast for her that she didn't even have time to zone out or anything. She didn't have time to utter a word, or think of any words to utter. Still having a small crumb on the side of her mouth, Kaoru tried to let that awkward entrance slide. The teacher who was about to take them to wherever probably had a much more odd entrance towards the newcomers like herself than when she stumbled into the student filled area. Which gave her a weird sense of relief.

She would continue to trail behind awkwardly with her new junior class, as she was completely new to this whole system and this whole school. So seeing this gigantic outdoor stadium in this gigantic hero school split up into a gigantic athletics tracks was spinning Kaoru's mind into a confused cluster of fucks. Honestly, everything was moving too fast for the girl that usually moved at a snail's pace.

And, according to this muscleman teacher, they would be the first to display their Quirks. Whether she wanted to feel happy or hesitant about it… Kaoru had no idea.

However, it wasn't like she could actually use her Quirk effectively in a majority of these tests. That was unless she managed to think up of some sort of plan, which she was why she was standing around as the rest of the students had gone off to do their own thing. Realising that she had drifted off for far too long, Kaoru scuttled away in a random direction.

And this direction had led to the… softball toss?

There was no getting help from her Quirk in this one. So Kaoru would just throw like she normally did, just like the not so regular person she was. Physical Education wasn't her forte, but that didn't mean she was crap at it either. On the third try she had managed to almost hit the target spot on, so hopefully now she didn't look like a complete fool. She didn't do too bad on the 50 metre run (shockingly) either, pacing past the majority of the racers with her goddess legs. But, there was an even faster girl who had dashed ahead of her as if she was racing for a fresh batch of once in a lifetime cookies. Sighing, Kaoru was immediately reminded of this morning's ‘school late race cookie fest'.

Maybe she would follow the girl. Or maybe she wouldn't. Kaoru didn't have to look up at the girl - in fact, the two would probably have their eyes locked on each other if they stood on opposite sides - but there was something about this person that made Kaoru more alert and cautious than usual. But maybe the girl wouldn't be as bad as she thought. Maybe her hunch was false. The only way to find out would be to, well, actually speak to her.

“You did quite good on that run,” Kaoru complimented as she slipped towards the runner, with the most deadpan face and deadpan voice. “You're very fast.”

That was all Kaoru could really say, and that was all Kaoru could muster up the courage to say.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Great Sogeking
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Great Sogeking King of Snipers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nina Aiza


Nina was quick to follow into the appropriate seats alongside Matsuri and Tatsumi. She had her arms folded as she quietly listened to all the heroes make their introductions, but the moment they got into the actual orientation bit was the moment her attention started to drift. These kind of things were always so boring… It’s a shame that hero school didn’t make it any livelier. Unlike the other two she was sitting by, Nina pretty much immediately dozed off until it was over.

During the tour, Nina’s attention was still adrift, especially as Mr. Matsumoto started to explain the whole deal with the dorms. ”Yeah, yeah, boys in one lane, girls in another,” she thought to herself as she stuffed her hands in her blazer pockets, ”Don't matter to me. We gonna see anything cooler?”

A nice distraction from the snoozefest came in the form of the pink ponytail she bumped into earlier. Her disinterested expression immediately brightened when Matsuri came up to her, but before she could answer her first question she was interrupted by a second and third. Matsuri’s ball of pep made her chuckle, prompting her to raise her own hands up for her.

”I’m Nina. You can say my Quirk’s pretty… handy. She punctuated that by activating her Quirk. Granite encased her right hand from the wrist up, and her left hand seemed to morph into sand right before Matsuri’s eyes. Grinning, she clapped her sand hand against her granite hand, ”I was thinking of calling myself Sand Stone. What about you?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Class: Senior
Location: Senior Home Room
Mentions: All @Krayzikk@Plank Sinatra@Write

Home room…was that it? Dirk was already feeling senioritis and the year had just started. The last year of every school always seemed like a waste of time. Junior should had been when they had all graduated for good for usually senior year was accompanied by drawn-out business for the sake of drawing out the year and keeping the teachers paid.

The Devil Guy as he was known around the school walked through the door that was conveniently left open. Over the years, he had gotten used to his strength simply just by not touching anything. Was it strength or just not being accustomed to touch? Whatever. He had gotten better at it.

He raised a hand in a short wave and greeted to those who were currently present, “Hows’it.”

If they noticed already by his features and accent, he was one of those transfers.

As usual, he didn’t bother with the chairs or desks. He could stand for several hours if he wanted to and even sleep standing up. He was what he believed to be a gargoyle. At least his Quirk had made him one. It had been the only creature that he could associate his Quirk with.

One girl had brought donuts to the glass, which his silver oculars rolled down to notice as he walked by. Another girl was already socializing with a guy who he could tell hadn’t been Japanese like majority of the students in the school.

Dirk found a spot next to the window where he could stand and view the outside. He did like scenery or something he could pay attention to instead when the instructor rattled on about common sense.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Write
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Write Currently Writing

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Namari shifted under her feet, keeping her crouched position and laughed a girlish chuckle. “Yeah I suppose being Robin Hood as a living isn’t the worst thing that could happen.” Namari raised her hand and flashed Kazu a thumbs up at the other girl’s comment about her legs making others unhappy.

”Thank you darling.” She said before standing up again and stretching.

“I suppose I just don’t see too much action because if I fight someone I either let them win or kill them.” Namari said with a humourous pout not befitting of the words she had just spoke much at all. She glanced over at the chalkboard, but it seemed the teacher was still readying his things so she decided to stick around between Kazu and Dallas. She outstretched her arm towards the new kid and gave him a grin. “I’m Namari, we’ll be cool as long as you don’t go walking into change rooms that don’t fit your bill uninvited.” She chuckled.

“Don’t worry my arms aren’t as strong as my legs, fact of the matter is - I have lead bones, or mostly lead anyways.” She said giving her thigh a pat as she twirled around a little. “Pretty spiffy I know – but what you don’t see is the spree of minor destruction I leave in my wake.”

She noticed another boy walk into the room and her gaze followed him, she noticed him glance at Kazu’s doughnuts and suddenly, there she was, leaning against the wall beside Kazu and her little powdered treats.

“Howdy partner, keep on stepping. If the girl wants to share, she will.” She said with an accent she had been working on. It was vaguely cowboy, but it also sounded like she was chewing something while attempting to speak. That wouldn’t be too unusual for the girl either. She glanced at the mostly quiet classroom and let out a small sigh, deciding to take her seat she plopped down in the chair and cracked her neck.

“So how was everyone’s summer?”

@Plank Sinatra
@Holy Soldier
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

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@Great Sogeking

Matsuri couldn't help but giggle excitedly, "It really is yer hands how did I know that!? That wasn't even on purpose!"

The question turned on her, Matsuri withdrew, a fist under her chin and her hand on her elbow, face tightened into thought. Realizing what Nina was asking, Matsuri shakes her head, before responding, "Oh, uh, yeah. I found a really good book in a store that had a bunch of ideas for superhero names, so I picked 'Red Staccato'! Staccato means..."

Matsuri's mouth hung open, a raised finger held up as she planned to point something out, but she stayed quiet. Finally, she dropped her hand, before revealing, "I forgot. It was...it was...it sounds cool! I think it's Italian, since I named all my attacks in Italian, like 'Rosso Linea' fwah!" Matsuri punched out in the air in front of her.

Taking a breath, Matsuri went back to her 'thinking pose', muttering, "Sand Stone...Sand Stone..." Looking up to Nina, eyes a bit lidded, Matsuri was more reserved as she asked, "Do you wanna borrow my book?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Miné Onoda~

@Jay Kalton - Speaking to.

Mine didn't really wait to see if Tonaka accepted her challenge. If he did, just more giggles for her to humiliate him. If not, well, whoopdie-fuckin-doo. She was just about to do the long jumps, when another girl waltzed up. Mine's first instinct was to tell the girl to piss off and leave her alone. However, she got the distinct feeling simply from the way she spoke and carried herself, she was the type to sleep more than do anything. Probably wouldn't really get much of a funny reaction out of her if she decided to pester her, if that was the case.

Plus, the compliment did sound rather...sincere. It wasn't often she was complimented, and it made her frown slightly. Usually, people only complimented her when they were just trying to get out of a beating, but...well...

"Yeah, thanks." She began, sounding fairly sincere and offering a small smirk to the girl. The next words out of her mouth though, would probably scare the other girl off. "I'll remember that compliment if you ever piss me off, and only break one of your legs." Returning to ignore the girl, she stretched her legs again. She wanted to make sure she was good and ready for this jump. She could always just...walk over it with one of her barriers, maybe, but she wasn't entirely sure she could reliably support her own weight that well, and she wasn't keen on looking like an idiot if it failed.

"Mine Onoda's the name, and a word of advice - I was being serious. Piss me off, and I really will break your legs." With that, she positioned herself in front of the long jump, and jumped. 181cm. Not too bad, at least. Slightly above average. Her mood for talking had been soured a bit, and she immediately went for the High jump. Might as well get all the tests over with as quickly as she could. She wanted to get this over with, after all. 41 cm, for the High jump. Maybe she should start doing some workouts focusing on her legs, instead of just her standard jogging? That'd probably be a good idea.

The pushup and sit-up tests were fairly easy for her as well, and she was fairly certain she did very well - especially with the pushups. After that, was the balance test. She may not have had perfect balance, but she passed it easily enough with no flaws. She liked to think her martial training helped with that. Plus, well, she may have put a barrier under her foot once or twice to help with that. Nothing so much to strain her weight limit. And lastly, the grip test, which she scored a 37kg on. Just on the upper end of really, really, good.

With that rush of tests over with, she decide to take a fairly quick break before moving onto the Side-jumps, toe-touches, punching meter, whack-a-mole, and the weight lifting. Aside from the side-jumps and toe-touches, she'd probably score fairly high in all of those. Especially the whack-a-mole.


@Zeroth - Speaking with Corrosion

That had almost been so easy, it was almost boring. In fact, she almost wanted to waltz right back in there and announce her presence to the world in the most theatrical and dramatic way she could possibly manage, just to get their attention. Likely she would need some sort of over dramatic entrance if those heroes were going to notice her. That's just how much of an idiot they all are. Of course, all of those thoughts immediately left her head when something...or rather, someone was began blocking her path.

She immediately knew touching those things would likely be very, very bad for her.

"L'il early to be's goin' home, ain't it? If ya gonna play hooky...minds lettin' me play witcha?"

Ugh. that voice. So vulgar. She almost wanted to cut out its speakers tongue and nail it to a washing machine. More importantly, though it...seems her disguise was a bit too good! Some hooligan likely mistook her for an actual student. Well. He'd likely realize that attempting to trap her here, was going to be a very, very, bad idea.

"Goodness...didn't your parents ever teach you proper manners?" She began speaking in a rather low tone. A small smile was displayed on her face, though he wouldn't be able to see since she was looking towards the ground. On the lower half of her face, a bony carapace began forming over her mouth, the bones forming a toothy, joker like grin, almost looking like her jawbones were on the outside of her body.

"Tibia honest though, I haven't played hooky in well over...eight years? When I was seventeen. I'm flattered, but if you want a little school girl to play with, your better off looking elsewhere. So unless you have business with me, you should go be a pervert somewhere else." She turned her head up to the source of the voice, her mask grinning up at him as it finished forming, covering all of the lower half of her face, leaving only her eyes to be seen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tonaka Hokama

@Rune_Alchemist - Accepting Miné's Challenge and Being Ignored

As Tonaka readies himself for the 50 meter dash, he looks to his left to see the girl from the auditorium come by him. He was slightly surprised at why she was seemingly taking interest to him. Regardless, it probably was just because she wanted to be near "familiar" people. Or not, what did he know. The girl gave an almost challenging smirk as she lined up with where the dash started. So she wanted a challenge huh? Race to the finish? He wasn't sure how fast she was, but to him she surely didn't look like a speed demon. Then again, don't judge a book by its cover. But even he was fairly fast himself, even without the help of his Light or Dark sides.

It's time to find out.

As the alarm blared, both contestants ran as fast as possible towards the finish line. They both got their at around the same time, which did look like a tie. However, the numbers that portrayed on the board said it all. The girl's time was 5.43 seconds. Pretty impressive. Tonaka's time...?

5.39 seconds.

It was a really close race, but in the end Tonaka was just barely able to scrape the faster time by 4 miliseconds. He smirks proudly at himself for this.

"Looks like I win by a clip," he states to the girl, "Good run though. Say, what's your name?"

Whether he'll get the answer or not, after this he quickly goes to do the other tests. Push-ups and sits ups were a breeze, Long Jump was alright, 184 cm, high jump was 50 m, and grip test was 35 kg. He could've done better on the test, but he'd have to get to his dark side which he really didn't want to do right now. After so, he continues to go for the other tests at hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Great Sogeking
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Great Sogeking King of Snipers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nina Aiza


Nina let out another chuckle at how unexpectedly on the dot Matsuri was about her Quirk. She’d tell her later that her Quirk extended beyond her hands, but for now she turned them back to normal and stuffed them back into her pockets. Now on the listening side, she considered theming herself after something cool like a language as well. ”Staccato… Ain’t that, like, a music thing?” she wondered out loud. She didn’t expect that to jog Matsuri’s memory given how… air-headed the girl seemed, but her peppy attitude about it impressed her at least.

She was going to ask her what her Quirk was next, but politely held it in when she saw she had more to say. Some of her politeness went out the window, however, at that jab against her Hero name. She wrapped her arm around Matsuri again, rougher than the last time, and asked her, ”Maybe I do! Maybe I do. What’s your Quirk supposed to be then if you’re naming yourself ‘Red Staccato?’” Her tone was about as casual and reserved as before, but Matsuri could tell that there was some frustration lining it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Online

@Great Sogeking

"Guh," Matsuri grunted as Nina pulled her into another hold. She was forced to stumble along, her balance shifted, but she did so without complaint, eventually adapting and beginning, "Um, my Quirk is like...first I have to not be moving, then I..blast off like a running rocket pchooo!" Matsuri finished, "After that I can run really fast but I can't, like, turn. I figured out how to jump though! Even if it slows me down. But once I get slow I have to stop before I can go really fast again."

After walking a bit more in her stuck position, Matsuri wondered, "Are we there yet?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago


@Lmpkio - Speaking to, Coaching
@Rune_Alchemist - Speaking to
@Jay Kalton - Speaking to

"Come on everybody, put more spirit into it!" Decaman shouted as he walked around the class, watching them go through the events. He noticed, oddly, that very few people were actually using their Quirks to the fullest during the various tests. Their physical abilities were good, but they seemed to be lacking in creativity. "Hey, what's wrong kiddos?! Why's nobody using their Quirks?" Picking one of the students he knew from last year, he pointed and called the young man over. "Hey, Hokama Tonaka, right? C'mere for a minute!"

As the primary physical education instructor, an adjunct math teacher, and one of what even among the teachers was called the "big four" heroes who conducted the Hero Training exercises most often, Decaman knew Tonaka fairly well from last year. He remembered that the boy had a combination-type Quirk, a sort of shadow manipulation and a healing light. However, the power was tied into his moods as well, and as a result he often held himself back from using the darker half of his abilities.

"I know in Freshman year, most of the focus was on control of your Quirk and not harming yourself by using it. And I know some of you are just this year entering the school, so maybe you're nervous or haven't trained your Quirk as much as those who have been here longer." Decaman said, his voice booming over the student body. "But you can't keep holding yourselves back like this, even if you're scared! Now's the time to step up, and start pushing those limits that you learned to recognize last year! Be brave, junior heroes!"

Then, turning to Tonaka, he handed him the softball from before.

"The whole point of these exercises isn't actually to get high scores and pass. It's to let you students channel your creativity, and figure out different ways of using your quirk besides the totally obvious. Hokama-kun, I want you to try the softball throw one more time--but this time, instead of just plain throwing the ball, try using your dark blast to shoot it, and see how much faster, how much harder, or how much more accurate you can be with it!" In a whispered tone, he added, "And don't be so scared of your own power. You have to own it. Accept it. Only then can you control it. The more you try to keep it bottled up tightly, the more it will struggle to be free. If anything happens, I'm here. Nothing will go wrong that I can't handle. Give it your best shot."

Patting the boy on the shoulder, he left him to try the exercise again. Then he looked around until he saw two of the new students, two girls. One of them looked like she might have a bad attitude, but the other just seemed sort of stoic.

"And a good morning to you, ladies!" he greeted them. "I know that both of you are new here. I'm Decaman by the Hero trade, but you can call me Mr. Lawson. May I have your names and a brief description of your Quirks?"


@Pacifista - Speaking
@Great Sogeking - Speaking
@Dead Cruiser - Speaking
@Dblade26 - Speaking

"And that concludes the tour of the dorms." Masamune finished, as he led the group back into the main hallways of the school. "Our next stop will be the Brave Court, where Decaman should be finished with the Junior Class's first-quarter Quirk Assessment. You all will do the same, once his group moves on." The swordsman showed them a map on one of the walls, one of many scattered around the school, with the typical "you are here" kind of breakdown of the building, and pointed to the Brave Court.

"Before we get started, since all of you are fresh, new faces, let's take a moment to introduce ourselves and our Quirks, shall we? Once you get on the field, I'll be able to help you that much better the more I know about you."

Tatsumi was nervous at first, but forced himself to raise his hand. As soon as he felt the teacher's serious gaze settle on him, his first reaction was to glare back--but he managed to stop himself this time. Mr. Matsumoto raised an eyebrow as he noticed the boy's dilemma, but called on him anyway.

"M-my name's...I'm Oshiro Tatsumi, 15 years old! My Quirk be a self-enhancement type, and uses adrenaline to make me stronger!"

"Good to meet you, mister Oshiro. Do you know how much stronger you can become?"

"Uh, well, it depends. The stronger I gets, the mo' damage it can do to my body. I can go up 3, 4 times the norm pretty easy, but at 5 times it really tears me up. I got to 6 one...time..." Here Tatsumi's eyes darted a bit, as he was apparently recalling that particular time with unease, but then he continued, "But I blacked outs afterwards and woke up in the hospital."

"I see. Thank you, mister Oshiro."

"T-Tatsumi's fine, sir."

"Who's next, then?" Masamune looked expectantly around at the rest of the students.

Snow White

@Inertia - Speaking to directly, looking at with concern
@Poke - Speaking
@Knight of Doom - Speaking
@Falkon - Speaking

"And now we'll be moving on to the indoor gym, if the seniors have finished their tour in there." Ms. Baumgartner said cheerily as she waved the sophomores to follow her like a hen with her chicks. "By the way, I see some new faces in the crowd! If you don't mind, would you like to introduce yourselves and tell us about your Quirks while we walk?"

She looked over in concern at the one new face she'd seen, a boy with burn marks and bandages. She wondered if it was just from his quirk, or if he'd had some sort of accident on his way to school.

"Would you like to start us off, mister...?" she paused to let the boy give his name.


@Rune_Alchemist - Interaction with Bonesaw

"What the fu--" The dark-skinned man started when the girl looked up at him with a completely unexpected expression, as well as one hell of a quirk. Something to do with her bones, maybe? Then, Corrosion broke out in another grin.

With a disgusting sound, like spit hitting the ground, he let the Acid Whips drop. They burned new potholes in the walkway, but he paid no heed to them as he pulled one leg, then the other, free of their Acid Pads and turned a front flip, dropping down to land on the ground. When he stood up he still towered over the girl with his height and bulk, but his leer had turned from one that promised trouble to one of interest.

"Ain't no l'il princess after all, is ya?" he said, walking slow circles around Bonesaw. "The hell ya think you's doin', just waltzin' right the hell up into Brave, huh? How'd ya do it?"

It seemed for the moment that he wasn't going to assault her after all. Whoever she was, she had piqued his interest--she'd somehow gotten into a nest of heroes and back out without anyone being the wiser. Sure, maybe she was just small enough to fit a uniform and good enough with makeup to look like a kid--now that he was up close, it looked like she'd layered it on pretty thick. But she'd gotten past their security system somehow, too.

And more importantly, if she could do it once, she could probably do it again.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Great Sogeking
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Great Sogeking King of Snipers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nina Aiza


Listening to Matsuri explain her Quirk managed to cool Nina off. Her jab still got to her, but it’s not like she actually put much thought into it in retrospect. Maybe she should… But for now, she just nodded to Matsuri’s explanation and eased up on how hard she was leaning on her. ”So you’re like a bullet train without any tracks?” she asked. It sounded like an apt comparison in her head.

Her attention flew back to the center once she noticed they had stopped, and a grin grew on her face once she heard they’d be next up for Quirk Assessment. Finally! An excuse to put her Quirk into action without getting in trouble! Although… What sort of things could she use her Quirk on? Ah whatever, she’ll cross that bridge when they get there. For now, she listened to thuggy-looking guy she bumped into from this morning.

”Adrenaline rush?” Nina noted out loud, ”That sounds like a pretty hardcore Quirk.” She paused for a moment and then casually raised her hand, continuing, ”Oh, and I’ll go next I guess. I’m Nina Aiza, 15 years old. My Quirk can turn anything on my right arm into granite, and anything on my left arm into flexible sand.”
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