“All warfare is based on deception.”

In a world where humanity has evolved alongside all manner of mythical creatures, Santa Somabra is a sleazy, crime ridden city in the American West; a filthy metropolis caught in a seemingly unending whirlwind of gang wars and criminal activity. Cars splutter past, and gawking passers-by shamble aimlessly down grimy roads, as unseen mob bosses plot to destroy one another. Santa Somabra is a bleak, soulless city, where the strong pray on the weak, and those who have been spat out by civilized society turn when they have nowhere left to go.
The great crime families and ruthless gangs dominate Santa Somabra, with the law enforcement sat comfortably in their pockets –either brought or scared into submission-. The bloodthirsty criminals of Santa Somabra launch skirmishes against one another in a desperate attempt to seize another scrap of land, or a crate of guns; all cogs spinning away in the twisted machine of death and debauchery.
Those who make it in Santa Somabra do so by leaving all laws and moral codes in the dust, and stomping on whoever they can to climb up another crooked rung in the twisted social ladder.
The Year is 1953. The Korean War has just fizzled out, yet the nation is still recovering from the blows dealt to it eight years ago, during World War Two. Tensions are rising between the Italians and The Hanged Men, as the city braces itself for a seemingly inevitable gang war.
Whilst the Italians have the numbers, the citizens of Santa Somabra are petrified with fear at the stories that are spoken of the Hanged Men, which gang leader Judas is using to utmost advantage; terrifying his weaker rivals into submission.
On top of that, a surprise endorsement from the Nyctari Family places the Hanged Men in a position where they pose a very real threat to the Italians.
The City sits poised on the brink of all out war, whilst the rest of Santa Somabra looks on in terror, waiting for the criminal underworld to start tearing itself, and everything around it, apart.

The game takes place in a dreary noir setting, incorporating elements of the crime drama and fantasy genres, with the players able to choose from a wide roster of different mythical creatures, or play as a human character. Players may choose to take on the role of any member of society, be it a lowly thug, officer of the law, or a simple shop owner caught up in the struggle of getting by in Santa Somabra.
The gang war between the Hanged Men and the Italians is about to kick off, with player characters caught slap bang in the middle. Regardless of the player’s direct involvement, the bloody conflict is sure to touch every single corner of Santa Somabra.
The previous two games can be found here, and here.
Useful bits of information

• Magic is a risky and unpredictable business, with most preferring to use physical means to get their dirty work done. However, a few occult groups exist within Santa Sombra, giving sacrifices to otherworldly beings in return for demonic powers, and the occasional down-on-their-luck gambler will pray to some obscure trickster god in an attempt to fix a poker game. The most common use of magic is in distilled manners, such as placing charms on weapons to increase their lethalness, or reinforcing bank vault doors with protective wards.
• Large mythical beasts (Dragons, Gryphons, giants etc) tend to stick to more rural areas, and are very rarely found in large urban zones.
• Whilst real-life drugs exist in this setting, many fantasy-based illegal substances are prominent in Santa Somabra. Fairy Dust, Demon’s Blood, and Runez are a few examples.
• Whilst dabbling with demonic entities has always been a taboo subject, the Nazi’s use of hellish magics in World War II cemented the world’s view of witches and warlocks as being something to be shunned and hunted.
The Factions

The Rats- A combination of different street gangs, the Rats have no specialized area, and make their money from selling a wide variety of different guns and narcotics. Notorious for using the vast sewer networks beneath Santa Somabra as a means of moving their goods back and forth, the Rats are only a real threat in the more poverty-stricken parts of the city.
The Italians- A coalition between the Martovanni and Santoni families, the Italians are one of the most fearsome up-and-coming crime syndicates in Santa Somabra.
The Hanged Men- In times gone by the Hanged Men were written off as boogie men, as stories to frighten children, but in recent years these perverse cutthroats have caused far too much bloodshed and chaos to be mere fiction. The Hanged Men are comprised of only the most sick and vicious members of the criminal underworld, and are known for their prominence within the Snuff industry. Rumours suggest that the induction ritual into the Hanged Men involves necrophilia.
The Chinatown Tong- A confederacy of Chinese street gangs, the Chinatown Tong hold complete and utter dominion over Chinatown; having strict say over who comes and goes through their territory. The Tong is fiercely loyalty to its members, whilst holding a deep mistrust of all outsiders.
The Hunters-Seemingly a group of feral homeless people, when the moon is full the Hunters reveal their true, savage nature. The werewolf community of Santa Somabra tend to stick to the outskirts of the city, only traveling inwards to organize their monthly hunting sessions, where they chase their pray throughout the cracks and crevices of Santa Somabra.
The Antediluvians- Called simply “The Jews” by most, the Antediluvians are a powerful rabble of smugglers and gun runners, who came to prominence off of the back of prohibition. The Antediluvians are comprised almost exclusively of humans of Jewish descent, but keep a few orcs and ogres around for extra muscle.
The Nyctari family-An ancient society of vampiric aristocrats, the Nyctari family have existed since the earliest days of humanity. Evolving alongside mankind, the Nyctari have spent an eternity praying on their weaker cousins; using the “inferior” races as thralls to further their malicious goals. In the modern day the Nyctari are a strictly organized crime syndicate, using their dark powers to extend their reach over Santa Somabra. The Nyctari control the red lights district, and the majority of the city’s human (and nonhuman) trafficking operations.
The Worker’s Militia: An extremist terrorist cell, made up of the forsaken and downtrodden, the Worker’s Militia have become infamous for their brutal methods and ruthless tactics. The militia fights for equality amongst the people of Santa Somabra, and has no moral reservations about how it achieves this.
Drugs and narcotics

Fairy dust- A bright yellow/gold powder, fairy dust induces an incredible high, which floods the nervous system with a euphoric flying sensation. Sending the user into a temporary comatose state of unageing, prolonged use of the drug can result in a permanent comma, with the victim entering an endless sleep-state.
Runez-Injected through the neck, Runez grant the user the ability to unstably shift in and of a corporeal form, and to teleport short distances. Whilst incorporeal, the user becomes invulnerable, however there is no way to control or regulated the effects of this strange drug. Runez junkies are characterized by the eerier tattoo-like marks that spread across their skin after prolonged use of the drug, which have a bright blue hue to them.
Demon’s Blood- A thick, dark red liquid, Demon’s blood is ingested by drinking, or being injected straight into the bloodstream for a more potent high. Bolstering the user’s strength, speed, and agility, first time users become practical super soldiers, whilst also experiencing an overwhelming sense of greatness and self-importance. However, over time the prideful sensation is replaced by an intense rage, as users begin to hear the whispers of otherworldly beings in their ears, usually drawing them into a state of extreme paranoia.
This is not a definite list of every mythological race that players have the option of portraying, although if you do wish to play a species that isn’t listed then please run it by the GM first. Humans are also a viable option, and make up the majority of the population of Santa Somabra.
Character Sheet
To begin with, each player may submit one character sheet. Once they have ‘proven’ themselves (by engaging in roleplay, being active OOCly etc) they may apply for a second character. You may play up to three characters.
Race: (The species of the character you wish to play)
Appearance: (Short, physical description of your character/picture/both)
Personality: (A couple of paragraphs to describe how your character behaves, and what drives them)
Bio: (A brief synopsis of what got your character to this point, and where they fit in to Santa Somabra)
Other: (Any other notes, pieces of information, etc that you wish to include)