Saria M. Calderson:
Saria (S-are-ee-ah), Warden, Devil's Mistress
25 years old:

Saria is not the type of woman who has the time, nor is willing to take anyone’s mouthy attitude. She is a strong and independent individual who does not need approval unable to care about anyone’s perspective but her own. Those who have a problem with her need quickly find they must either change their viewpoint or confront her head on, the latter not being a wise decision. This closed-mindedness is a character fault that derives from the world scorning her leaving nothing but deep rooted hatred and bitterness. They say that anyone can change; however, the likelihood is so insignificant one should not hold their breath. Her tough and determined demeanor allow her to intimidate most into either staying out of her way or giving in to her desires.
One thing that is undeniable is the fact that while Saria can be cruel, snarky, and manipulative she is an honorable woman; evil, yes, but her word is kept though be wary of loopholes because she will find them. She is very old-fashioned and while she appears a lady she is far from it at heart. In the kindest fashion possible, Saria is very much the Devil. If one expects to break through her hard outer shell to find someone warm and cuddly they will be bitterly disappointed. The world has burned her and she locked away her childish dreams of a ‘happily ever after’ long ago.
From her bad attitude and snarky-conceited ideals, her personality is a definite turn off, when she isn't charming her way into following her orders. And while many want to punch Saria in her egotistical-flawless face, everyone respects her in their own way knowing she has their life in her hands. Very cunning, her twisted intelligence exceeds even the expectations of those around her. She does not like to dabble in gossip and finds it to be an immature waste of time. If you come to her with information unless it is backed up by hard facts she will not listen. She is the head of this institution, being the only one with outside connections to the world though no one can actually pin her with anything. Dead and tortured souls can’t speak from an isolated forsaken island, much less without their tongues. Leader-wise, she is very blunt, quick, and wise always playing the cards in her favor. She’s a trickster and often is teased with the title of a female Loki.
When the moment arises Saria is a very dark, calculating woman with little regard for the well-being of those around her. She has the remarkable ability to almost switch off any humanity and compartmentalize her emotions to be a quick and efficient killer and fighter, one of the reasons her role as warden has never been contested. What she lacks in strength she makes up for with skill. She hates to lose and has an unquenchable competitive streak. All in all, don't go after Saria unless you're incredibly strong, calculated, or very stupid. She knows how to control her facial expressions and emotions, but is very easy to piss off.
There are three things Saria will never do though; beg, cry, and actually smile. She'll smirk sure, and she'll force a smile, but she hasn't actually since the loss of her family. She's an incredibly good actor; to the point where it's almost scary. Only those who really know her can figure out what she's truly feeling but even that can be difficult if she doesn't want you to know.
Psych Condition:
Underneath it all though, Saria suffers from PTSD, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Sociopathic tendencies. She hides her anxious behavior and loneliness underneath her devilish nature. Saria is truly frightened by the world around her and grew up learning how to control and conquer this fear. She will never be free of it, but forces it to hide in the back of the mind, tightly locked in a dark box. She suffers from emotional detachment from her history leading to anxiety and stress disorders. She has a deep-rooted hate for ‘gifted’ humans and guilt left over from every death she's caused. Unlike many people, both normal and cursed, Saria does not deny that she is or what she has done. She accepts it and then learns to live with it.
Saria can manipulate charged electrical ions in order to produce impulse of varying degrees ranging from the feeling of static electricity to rendering the victim unconscious or worse. However, she must physically touch the person or object in order to emit these ionic waves. There are several practical uses including subduing a patient or even touching a socket being a human generator or killing the electricity in the building.
Her second ‘gift’ allows her to break the bond between a user and their ability causing a momentary loss of it. Nevertheless, this will only last for a maximum of 20 seconds at a time, only being able to be release three consecutive times before Saria will lose consciousness from pure exhaustion.
Saria was five years old when she discovered life’s cruel tendrils wrap around her happiness like savage claws, ripping all she knew from her own grasps. The images come to her in pictures, like scenes in a flipbook. One moment she listening to her parents talking, taking away the toy bear she had stolen from the store…she still remembers the anger boiling inside of her like a geyser. Tearing at her insides until spilling over as hot tears. She did not know at the time that her eruption would lead to her demise. She could feel the atmosphere around her static and alive. She ripped the bear from her mother’s hand, while simultaneously pushing her father aside.
The next scene she remembered was the relief she felt as the electrical impulses disappeared, the air becoming calm once more. Saria didn’t notice that her parents were on the ground at first. The little girl too focused on the bear in her hand and the elated feeling in her heart. Bliss is a fleeting bird, only to be experienced for a moment.
Realization set in and the rest can only ever come in flashes like nightmares in the night pigmenting her black with the pungent truth. The bear was on the ground. Saria shook her parents over and over, unable to wake them. The air was so heavy. Her sister! Her sister would know what to do! Little feet ran down the hall flinging open a bedroom door. She shook her sister’s arm. Pressure fell…and she was gone. Everything was gone.
Flash forward several years, Saria is raised by a scientist who teaches her how to control her powers. She learns to hate who she is personifying the ‘gifts’ as beings who killed her parents. At some point along the road she received the opportunity to work as a Warden on Mooncrest Island. The first patient there was a boy by the name of Asher. His own parents sold him out of fear to what he may become. Saria was able to push all of her hatred on to the boy with eyes like her older sister. Her hatred became so uncontrollable that she was the one responsible for his blindness. She left hit to rot in darkness only releasing him eleven years later, long after they had many other patients.
N/A (She is the Devil)
She is more likely to be hostile to any patients who remind her of the members of her family. She attempted to remove many of the patients’ memories for much of the same reason. She is jealous of Asher knowing he has the ability to see the dead, all of her loathing deriving from his refusal to allow her to talk through him to her family.
Played by: Midnight Howl
Asher Kyle Moorington:
Asher, Ash, *Some say Blind Kid*
20 years old:

Asher can be seen as a guy with many masks. Often confident in his strengths as well as abilities, once he makes a decision he is sure to go through with it. This can be seen as a direct result of his strong will which sometimes can be a downfall: there is little changing his mind. Nevertheless, he actually calculates all possible outcomes before taking action and can seem cold when in reality he is lost in thought. He has a joking side, but it is mostly filled with sarcasm and the sincerity is extremely dependent on who he is around. He is essentially a closet softy. His caring side can generally be overlooked through his own attempts to mask it with said sarcasm. His thoughts are like the ocean, the minute you think you’ve figured him out, you’re shut off by walls and oblivion.
Aside from his spells of seriousness (mostly the cause of his upbringing), he can be a little cocky. He has his shy sides and does not usually like to say what is on his mind. When irritated he does not like to argue, rather giving the silent treatment so he has time to think or going for a walk to clear his mind. He has only yelled a handful of time and physical actions are not common, but are not impossible. Moral of the story, though he can seem like a pushover do not attempt to take advantage of it. He has a long fuse; do NOT underestimate him, it just means a bigger bomb.
Asher is a quick thinker and a very good liar. He knows just how to sweet talk himself into or out of any situation. He isn't a big fan of following the rules and he certainly doesn't like being told what to do or what he can and can't have. If he's told to do something he doesn’t want to do, he'll let his dissatisfaction be known through his actions. He's relentless when there's something he wants and he won’t stop until he gets it. He tries to pretend that nothing affects him but everyone has their weaknesses. He isn't as tough as he thinks he is and he's a lot easier to read once you get to know him.
When he does get close to someone, which doesn't happen often, he lets his guard down a lot more. He can be gentle and considerate when he wants to be and if you are someone that he cares about he'll do his best to keep you safe. It's his passionate side coming out again.
Behind the shell of "Whatever you say won't hurt me" there is the caring, scared Ash. The Asher that is kind to his friends and people he cares about, and would protect them with every ounce of his strength. Similar to a guardian angel to the people he cares about, he thinks more of their life than his. He is incredibly loyal and very sweet. If you need a shoulder to cry on, he will be there for you. If you are upset, he with either cheer you up and be by your side until he knows it’s okay.
As a result of his abilities he can tell when someone is upset, scared, happy, or even lying. Regrettably, taking on too many emotions at once can severely damage his health. He also tries to ignore his own emotions leaving him unstable. When he takes on too much it will often leave him bedridden for days.
Psych Condition:
As a result of seeing spiritual forms the doctors tried to convince Asher he was suffering from Schizophrenia dealing with breaks in him psychologically. The voices he was hearing stemmed from his underlying paranoia (consequentially caused by his insecurities of his blindness) to how others perceived him. Similarly, this is why he assumes he knows the emotions of others. Unfortunately, Asher still retains his memories therefore refusing to believe what they tell him. For now he is pretending to be none the wiser.
Asher has the ability to both speak to and see the spiritual forms, dead and alive. Though he can see the dead his actual sight has been damaged by the doctors in this asylum leaving him physically blind. Through the manifestation of the spiritual forms in living people and auras he is able to make his way around. However, though the spirits and react with items physically, Asher cannot touch or harm the spirits. Needless to say some of which have evil intent and torture his mind.
He also has the ability to read the emotions of others. This requires physical touch but he cannot manipulate these emotions. Also, though he knows what they are feeling he won't know what as he is not telepathic.
*See OOC*
There is only one priority above escaping the asylum and that is to find the medicine that will return his sight to him. Asher harbors fears that if he is unable to escape the life of only seeing the dead that he truly will go insane. The only thing lead he has to go on came from a preteen girl stating it was somewhere in Saria’s possession.
Played by: Midnight Howl
Lunafreya Nichole Thompson:
Luna, Lune, Lunes
19 years old:

Luna is a kind soul with a big heart. If there's one thing she isn't too good at, it's being serious and solemn. It's hard for her to rein in her emotions, to restrain herself. She's warm, friendly and very affectionate. She likes to make people laugh as much as she likes laughing herself (this is limited though, as it is hard to find joy in an asylum.) Still this is all she has ever known and is determined not to let it completely ruin her. She has a comfortable aura. People warm up to her quickly; however, Luna is actually very shy around people she doesn’t know. Nevertheless, there is a more playful and flirtatious side to Luna that's comes out when she feels comfortable. While it's important to be serious when the situation matters, she also thinks that it's good to be optimistic and enjoy what is possible. Otherwise, what's the point? In a place such as this if you give into the depths of despair there is no return. You've got to make the most of what you have.
She is way too nice at times and it can be problematic as this attribute is abused. She realizes this and she knows she needs to work on it (but she also knows that if someone needs help that she will say yes). She just cares a lot. About everything and everyone. She's almost like a mother figure to those around her. Still, there are often times when she is the one that needs comforting and protecting and in those moments she is childlike and sincere. A little vulnerable too, though she doesn't like to admit it.
She's always eager to help if she can but Luna has little patience for unpleasant people. She believes that a bad attitude can taint those of the people subjected to it and she hates it. She's not afraid to point out if someone is in the wrong and she'll speak her mind freely. Despite usually being so sweet-natured, if something ticks her off you will see a very different side to her. She's not afraid to say what's on her mind and has a rather sharp tongue once she's all riled up. She's not a violent person...for the most part at least.
Lunes’ patience can be thin at times but she is also stubborn and passionate. She is fiercely protective over what or who she cares about. She will not give up on something she has started if she knows that it is possible for her to finish it. She doesn't like to fail others, or herself and her determination is often contagious. She's not a perfectionist but she will always give her best when she can.
When it comes down to it Luna highly values three traits; loyalty, honesty, and sarcasm. Loyalty isn't blind or completely steadfast, but she feel's safer knowing that her friends have her back and are willing to stand up for her. Honesty is crucial to any relationship in her mind, though she will stretch the truth if necessary; although she is a TERRIBLE liar and when she tries to tell a large lie her voice will go up an octave. Sarcasm though, is just something she greatly enjoys, so if you can't handle it and dish it out in return, you likely hate her.
Even so, no one is perfectly happy all the time. Luna can be embarrassed relatively easily and if she is bullied she will take it to heart. She carries around a lot of doubt of herself deep down and does her best to hide this major flaw. She tries to ignore her anxiety and fear in the idea of being stuck in this place forever. She’d rather lock emotions up and do her best to be happy. Unfortunately, every now and then, these fears escape in the form of hot tears in the solitude of the night. If these feelings don’t stay hidden Lune worries she will lose herself.
Psych Condition:
She sometimes finds herself anxious and afraid of the dark due to nightmares of being chased by shadows. The doctors tell her this is a result of PTSD caused by some sort of childhood trauma and the darkness throws her into episodes. The fear of these episodes causes her anxiety. Luna has never questioned this but she can’t help feeling there is something else.
Luna has the ability to manipulate shadows into a physical form that are under her control. The forms have the can actually touch and harm others, unable to be touched themselves. Luna cannot make shadows, only able to use what is readily available. Therefore, if there is too much light in the room, removing shadows, or if the room is pitch black she will not be able to use her ability. She can cause a sort of shadow possession only able to exert herself for short minutes at a time.
Similarly, she has the ability to conjure up light. (Think candlelight or magelight from Skyrim) However, this is only an illusion ability. Her light ability can aid in shadow’s limitations if the room is too dark, but her range will still be limited. If she emits too much light she will be too drained to use the shadows. Also, the light cannot be used for a physical attack. At most it could be a diversion, blinding them for just an instant.
Luna has little to no memory of her life before being admitted to the asylum. She only has one memory in her bank at the moment and it was of her mother telling her how she was named. Well, you see you were so tiny, I couldn’t help being fascinated by those little hands of yours, and your skin was like ivory. You were born in the dead of night; there was a new moon outside so it was very dark. Lunafreya could almost feel the warm hands her up, setting her on a firm knee and pulling her tight. She would always ask, “And mommy, what happened then?” little eyes fixated on the soft face, clingy to every word, sent back in time by the mesmerizing voice. Well, you were so beautiful, it was like you were radiating your own light. That’s quite silly isn’t it? But you reminded me of the moon, so I named you Lunafreya.
Lunes first appeared on the island when she was nine years old. She will never forget walking through the gate, a strange woman in a suit while wearing shades holding her hand. Her heart wouldn’t quit beating and she wanted to cry without really knowing what she wanted to cry about. As the two made their way through the bolted metal door, entering the threshold of the building she met Saria for the first time. Luna could never forget the fear she felt when those eyes full of hatred met hers. Her firm hand grabbed the girls shoulder and she never knew what happened after that.
She was later given a physical and had to take counseling until they gave her the diagnosis. PTSD. Luna has been here for the last ten years, slowly ending up with more questions than answers. Did her mother give her up? Why was she crying so hard that first day? Who is she; where are her memories? She does not know what to think anymore these days.
Though she can control shadows Luna is actually extremely terrified of the dark and when traveling down hallways at night she often has to resist the childish urge of reaching out to grab someone’s hand. Unrelated to her past she is a talented artists with sketches posted all over her room. They make her feel as though she is not alone nor trapped behind cold white walls.
Played by: Midnight Howl