"XXX" is literally his name. The user was unable to find a screenname that wasn't already taken and so out of frustration, the user typed in those three letters and surprisingly the name worked. It might have triggered a glitch in the system for usually three character names were not allowed. Other players have called him ridiculous nicknames such as "Triple X," "Porno," and his most preferred name besides his epithets, "Chains."

• The Undying - Chains is renowned for being quite the tank and bruiser in combat. His breaker allows him to survive in a fight longer than most and venture into quite the amount of dungeons without need for a full team. As far as his PVP career goes, no player has ever seen him lose. This doesn't mean he can't lose just no one has ever seen or heard of him ever losing, so he might have lost in secret once upon a time [Open for Character Rivalry if another player wants to fit in his past history]. Short story shorter, Chains health bar is deemed to be broken.
• Cerberus - There's just something about his fighting style that players can't seem to figure out, but many have reported that it's like fighting against three different weapon skills.
• Beelzebub - He is even named after his favorite greataxe, Beelzebub and for good reason because his weapon is quite the nightmare.
• Grey Wolf - Due to the fur that lines his armor.




Chains is a tall (6’3”) man who dons heavy fur-lined armor, a trademark armor that is wolfish in appearance. His silky black hair grows from his scalp in blade-like layers that brush his brows and the shells of his ears. The sides of his head to the nape of his neck are buzzed and bristly to the touch, leaving the hair on the crown of his head as the longest by 3 to 4 inches. His eyes are a bright silver, and in contrast with his dark features, stand out as one of his most attractive qualities. His right brow cosmetically has a scar splitting through it down his cheekbone and a second thinly going across the bridge of his nose beneath his eyes. Cosmetically, beneath his armor, are several Norse/rune-like tattoos that go down his strong arms and behind the swells of his muscled back. From the edges of his jaw down to his chin is rough stubble that creates the shadow of a goatee. Chains's overall appearance and demeanor is of a wild and untamed man that when he grins, some envision him with fangs.

Beelzebub is a boss drop from «Beelzebub» a secret boss Chains found on accident when exploring. The devil was a sadist who fed off the health of players for the duration they remained in his realm. Players with average health points quickly succumbed to the devil’s leeching attacks but because of Chains’s breaker, he was able to survive long enough to vanquish the creature.
Beelzebub is a greataxe that is just as diabolical as the boss who dropped it. The weapon is just as much a glutton, relishing in the pain and anguish it happily dishes out to enemies in bursts. The axe deals an increased amount of critical damage also known as burst damage for it is designed to take down heavily armored enemies. It saps 10% of the enemy’s HP (and heals its wielder for the same amount) for each successful strike, and can randomly inflict the status effect
Delay if an enemy were to sustain too many successful hits from the crippling weapon. A final buff the weapon grants is only activated when Beelzebub successfully strikes an opponent. The weapon grows excited from the taste of blood and pain and will increase the user’s attack speed by 10% for each successful strike made, stacking up to 5 times but only for that specific adversary. If Chains were to switch enemies, then his attack speed resets to normal. If he stops attacking the enemy he has the stacks on for 60 secs, then his weapon will rest and his attack speed resets to normal until he lands a successful strike again.
The length of the greataxe is 7.5 feet and its total reach is 10.5 feet if swung from the base. The weapon is bound to the account and cannot be sold, traded, or dropped by the user.

• Two-Handed Battleaxe
• Battle Healing
• Fighting Spirit
• Heavy Metal Equipment
• Parry

Chains’s breaker is an unseen one but just because it’s unseen doesn’t mean it isn’t noticeable in combat. What players see is a 2H Axe user, and in battle, they see the character swinging around a greataxe; but there are some motions that don’t make sense for an axe-wielder to perform such as thrusting or reaching further than what the character’s arms allow. In Beelzebub’s case, the reach of the axe is roughly 8 feet depending on Chains’s hand position, and even though the axe will stop at 8 feet, the weapon will still somehow strike a target standing 10 feet away. Chains will even be seen moving his hands closer to the axe-head for close-quarters combat and wield his axe like one would a sword. What the players cannot see are what the user sees, three character clones sandwiched together in a horrendous crotch-to-ass cluster: one wielding a one-handed sword, one wielding a two-handed axe (the one that is actually visible to other players and should be the actual character model), and one wielding a polearm. The damage inflicted by these weapons is the same as the damage inflicted by whatever weapon the real Chains is wielding at the time. These two extra men have also granted Chains a drastic increase in his total health, which is why most players who battle him in PVP claim he is Undying, “hax!” or his health bar is broken. The enemy is actually fighting three opponents in one, taking down three health bars with the same passive abilities as the main user, thus the Cerberus complex — lop off one head and there are still two more. Reducing one of the extra man’s health to zero will make Chains’s health bar instantly drop to 0, leaving the true status of his health unseen to those with the ability to see it. While logically, he still has two health bars left, it can’t be determined how much health he has left after the first man is murdered. As long as the main character survives, then the other two will resurrect with healing over time.
This breaker grants him a great amount of survivability that he uses to tank for his party and to survive mobs when soloing dungeons. He isn’t afraid to be the initiator in combat, jumping in first to draw the enemy’s attention while his team gets into strategical battle positions.