N o t h i n g G o l d C a n S t a y
R o b e r t F r o s t"
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay."

There is no doubt that Anna-Michael is a beautiful girl – she has glassy, reflective blue eyes that ooze soul and compassion and lips that are not too full but not too thin; her skin is smooth with freckles and beauty marks dotting it like stars and her body is thin with flared hips. Her brown hair is thick and a bit unruly, with snares and tangles that Anna-Michael can’t be bothered with, and her face shape is angular and with the right amount of softness in the cheeks and chin. Anna-Michael is beautiful – but she is not unique, natural appearance alone. In the moment, when someone looks at her, they know she is pretty, but once they look away, it’s hard to remember exact details about her because nothing stands out. Not even her height or weight is that unique, she stands at 5’6” and weighs a healthy 132 lbs.
In order to express herself, and more likely to make herself more rememberable, Anna-Michael tends to wear heavy eye makeup and little to none lip makeup. She’s street grunge with her ripped jean shorts, black sleeveless band tees, and her beat-up dr. martens. Her ears have three piercings each, with the right one having the cartilage pierced, and her belly button has been pierced as well. She has a
tattoo of a dead tree with crows perched in it that curves from the side of her waist to her shoulder blade, a
tattoo of a iphone music ribbon on her wrist, and a
tattoo of two flowers on her left thigh.
When it comes to how she moves, Anna-Michael moves fluidly – not so much gracefully, but as if every joint in her body moves in unison. Because of her love aromatherapy, Anna-Michael smells like vanilla and eucalyptus trees and candle smoke. Despite being pretty, Anna-Michael has an unruly look about her, as if she doesn’t really care about her appearance – her hair is usually snared and tangled, her makeup typically smudged and remnants of yesterday’s layer lurking visibly underneath, and her clothes torn and wrinkled. On the underside of her thighs, she has angry red stretchmarks and on the underside of her belly are pale, glinting stretchmarks that blend into her skin unless you look really closely.

Probably not anyone’s first guess, but Anna-Michael is rather mild-mannered, though her appearance will have you think otherwise. She’s always been of the quiet sort, preferring to be alone instead, and was rather withdrawn from the world around her. Even as a child, she felt disconnected from everyone – disjointed, almost. Everyone around her moved in a fast pace, a hustle – they had plans and ambitions, events and spontaneous hangouts. They all had a future they imagined in their head, murky or not. While everyone sprinted through life, Anna-Michael was at a standstill.
Aimless. The brunette couldn’t picture a future for herself, an ambition, something to look forward to. Instead, the idea of a future felt like a chore to her. Anna-Michael preferred to stand still, in the quiet, under the tree, with a book, solitude. She liked it. It soothed her. Thinking of people, of careers, of decisions – it made her oh so anxious. Not the simple nervousness that some might experience, but a panicking-hard-to-breathe anxious that caused acidity to gather in the pit of her stomach and invisible hands to press into her chest.
Either way, Anna-Michael didn’t think there was much to make out of her future – she was not the smartest when it came to school, even when she tried, so she gave up. She gives up rather easily, you see.
Anna-Michael does a lot of other things easily as well. Stress is quick to get to her and stick to her, for instance. And when Anna-Michael gets stressed, she doesn’t work harder, but shuts down – like a computer – and stops. Stands still. Anna-Michael becomes easily overwhelmed by people. The eighteen-year-old avoids crowds like the plague and tends to try to get out of those fancy parties that her mother is so fond of. She also falls in love quite easily. Anna-Michael is quickly enamored with the simple qualities of humankind – Anna-Michael has lost many relationships because of cheating, though she never meant to hurt anyone, but rather wanted to love everyone. Because of her predilection towards love, Anna-Michael lives a polyamorous lifestyle. So she can love everyone.
When it comes to her outward personality, people tend to see Anna-Michael has deadpan. Her voice comes off rather robotic and emotionless, though she doesn’t mean to do it, and she has quite a lot of emotions to express, her voice just doesn’t agree with her. It’s the same with her face – she has a hard time portraying her emotions through her facial expressions and voice inflections, so she attempts to show it through actions. Though, most admit that her deadpan personality is quite amusing when dealing with stupid shenanigans. Anna-Michael is not very affectionate, and shies away from physical touch. It’s not anything personal, she just finds it awkward and uncomfortable when someone gets into her personal space. Anna-Michael can also be a bit hot-headed at times – her temper is quick to evoke, but just as quick to cool down after an outburst. When mad, Anna-Michael has a hard time putting it into words, and instead likes to walk off to cool down – typically, during this time, Anna-Michael will find something to break or throw (when she was little, Anna-Michael liked to throw all the books on her bookshelf to the floor, though she hated picking them back up).
Though many wouldn’t guess it, and Anna-Michael will deny it, Anna-Michael is indeed the “mom friend.” Though she doesn’t like to show it, she excessively worries for her friends when they are doing something dangerous, and she usually is the voice of reason among them. Furthermore, her friends always look to her when they wish to talk. Anna-Michael almost never judges someone without knowing the full story and is rather compassionate when it comes to other people. But at the same time, she is brutally honest and blunt, and always says the truth as she hates lying.
Anna-Michael’s sense of humor is rather dry, though she doesn’t talk or say jokes much, a few of her inward sarcastic quips escape. A lot of her humor is softly self-deprecating, not because she is insecure, but because she finds self-deprecating humor easy to deliver when done right. She feels uncomfortable sending barbs towards other people, and when her friends insult her good-naturedly, Anna-Michael half-asses comebacks so as to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings.
Anna-Michael is dispassionate and it is rather hard to work her in a frenzy over a subject – though she does enjoy classical literature (she doesn’t understand it, though, so she often reads the sparknotes) and is fascinated by philosophy and sociology. Anna-Michael is curious about humanity and other people – she wants to know the inner workings of others and why people do the things that they do. Her overall outlook on life is rather optimistic, despite her situation at hand.

Anna-Michael de Sauveterre was born February 13, 1998 in Jupiter Island, Florida. Her mother was Melody de Sauveterre from the very wealthy, old money de Sauveterre family. The de Sauveterre family had inherited a sizable wealth that their ancestors first generated five generations ago. Since then, the de Sauveterre family has been making its wealth from investment. Anna-Michael’s father, Emanuel de Sauveterre (originally Emanuel Brown, but changed his name in order to keep Melody’s blue blood history alive and well) was a simple accountant when starting out and was born into the middle class, nothing special. However, Emanuel ditched his accountant job and took over his father’s restaurant,
Brown ‘n Burne. He expanded the small restaurant into a chain of restaurants across the US after a while and then expanded his business into owning multiple chains of restaurants and fast food places – including, but not limited to,
McDaniel’s, Pizza Shack, and
Nacho Bell. What he doesn’t make from his fast food corporation –
Munch!, Inc. – he makes from investing and stock.
Growing up in Jupiter Island was stifling for Anna-Michael – her parents were overly strict or anything, rather the opposite. Emanuel, though an understanding man, pushed Anna-Michael to dream big like he did once and be successful, though Anna-Michael didn’t particularly have any dreams she wanted to accomplish – it made her feel undeniable pressure growing up and like she was going to disappoint her father by not achieving anything spectacular as a grownup. On the other side of the family, Melody was overbearing and clingy, constantly concerned with Anna-Michael’s public image. Melody always made it a point to brag about Anna-Michael and would often pressure Anna-Michael into doing something she didn’t want to do for the sake of the family’s image – such as joining the cheerleading squad when she was twelve. The worst part was the parties though!
The parties! Melody loved to throw lavish parties and it was mandatory for Anna-Michael and her older brother, John-David, to attend. The parties were mainly for bragging purposes, mind you.
When Anna-Michael was fifteen, after receiving a lecture from her father about her grades, she packed up everything she bothered to care for and ran away from home. She wasn’t mad at her parents or upset with herself, Anna-Michael was just sick of the rich and wealthy life and wanted to know what it felt like to not have money to fall back on. She went to Miami, Florida, where she spent the first six months homeless. She made ends meet by getting shady jobs and being paid under the table – most of it was waitress jobs, though there was an odd Wal-Mart job here and there. Eventually, she made friends and moved from apartment to house to garage to apartment, living off of her friends like a leech (something that she wasn’t quite proud of, but didn’t bother to correct, either).
Mikey was in a couple of relationships here and there – most of it was with only one partner that she ended up inadvertently cheating on and was subsequently dumped. It wasn’t until she met a slightly older couple when she was sixteen: Marylise and Carter, both eighteen years old and both women. The three of them were in a relationship together, Mikey eventually moving into their apartment with them. It was blissful for a while – of course they had a couple of fights here and there, but it was eventually settled. However, eight months into their relationship, Mikey left due to feeling neglected by the duo and instead sought another relationship with her ex-girlfriends’ neighbor.
After several relationships had gone through, Mikey supposedly met “the one” or, more accurately, “the ones.” Though, it won’t do well to bore with details. The most important thing that occurred because of this relationship was Mikey discovering she was pregnant at the age of seventeen, while homeless and bouncing around friends’ places and spending nights at the park. It was then Mikey knew she had to return to her family.
However, whenever she returned to their home in Jupiter Island, it was occupied by another family. Upon investigation (aka asking them what happened to the people that lived there before them), Mikey learned that her family moved to Lakewood Summit, California, a year after she ran away. Knowing that, financially and probably emotionally, Mikey could not support her child on her own, she began to hitchhike to California. It took a while to get across, due to insufficient funds and multiple backtracks (including drama with her exes), and Mikey ended up having her daughter, Noah de Sauveterre, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Unfortunately, Noah was born one month too early and had some breathing difficulties. Though Noah was released from the NICU after a day and a half, Mikey stalled leaving Santa Fe until she was sure Noah was strong enough to travel. As she waited, Mikey lived with a preschool teacher she met and eventually received a ride to California from.

Unemployed. High School dropout. Previously homeless.
