Cara O'Brien & Henry Peterson III

Collab between Taterz and Roze
Her hand slipped down into the sweet bowl, securing a small gummy sweet before lifting it and casually popping it into her mouth. It occurred to her, during her excellent attempt at fitting in, that he had turned and something had caught his attention about her. She wasn't quick enough to catch his features and outright staring at him would be much too rude. She had to play it strategically.
Batting her eyes up to him, she was about to open her mouth for some polite meaningless words when it hit her that there was something both familiar and foreign in this stranger. Eyebrows kneading into a frown, she was tempted to challenge him when his hips bumped into her and her rather small centre of mass was thrown sideways. She knew she was going to fall and she wouldn't deal with that embarrassment so her claws sunk into his arms and she dug in. She had somehow managed to quiet the small shout of surprise but that didn't stop her wheeling on him, voice quiet yet shrill. "Who the hell do you think you are!?" She was about to give this stranger a plateful of abuse when he turned on her, his features coming into full view. Her anger faltered, then died away entirely, and in that moment, her defences fell away like water.
In a moment, she had rebuilt the wall around her head and her angry frown returned with a vengeance.
Where the hell did you go!?"
Her claws released his arm but that didn't stop her poking a not-so-threatening finger into his chest. At this distance, he towered above her but that didn't stop her cutting into him.
"And why the hell are you here!? And why didn't you write!? Do you know how mind-numbing it was having to deal with all those rich cu-" She cut herself off but she demanded answers nevertheless.
He grunted in an attempt to keep himself from yelling at the claws being sunk into his arms. He clenched his teeth, the pain radiating up his arm. He lifted his free arm to scratch the back of his head sheepishly as she finally realized who he was. He lips were perked into a smile when she suddenly unloaded on him.
After a moment of shock from being yelled at, he chuckled. Lifting an arm, he placed his hand on her head and ruffled up her bangs, semi-careful not to mess it up too terribly much. "Sorry Fitz. I haven't really had a chance to contact anyone, really." He started, sending her an apologetic smile. "I uhhh... missed you?" He continued, chuckling at himself.
He popped another sweet into his mouth, smiling at her. He turned around to glance around the room, his eyes pausing briefly on a particular princess. He sighed. It was only a moment but soon, his smile was back and he was turned back to Fitz. "Things just sort of... happened. Who could have guessed my father was the king of another country? It wasn't like I had much say in the matter either." He explained and popped another sweet into his mouth.
"What about you? I could ask the same of you, Miss Fitz. I never received any letters from you either." He asked her, suddenly turned her direction, trying to ignore his betrothed for now. "Not that I received any from anyone else either." He added, his normally life-filled eyes suddenly glazing over with hints of depression.
She watched, eyes looking ready to kill as his hand ruffled through her hair. That softened her a little and she crossed her arms over her chest to make sure she didn't poke his eye out. "You missed me?" Her eyes narrowed and she gave him a cold look. "You disappear for years without even informing me if you were alive and you miss me?" Rolling her eyes at him, she sighed and ran her own nimble fingers through her hair.
"And it's not Fitz anymore. They changed my name to O'Brien and put a crown on my head because apparently that was exactly what I needed." Grumbling in annoyance, she watched as his eyes scanned the room and almost suddenly, he found a flaw in it. It didn't last for long, his eyes only hitched for a second before they moved again. She tried to follow them but she got nowhere.
Letting her eyes scan the crowd, she recognised all of them and even though she should have felt alleviated from knowing this new stranger, she couldn't help but feel that she was personally digging down into the grave of old feelings that should have remained buried. Henry was the only one ever there for her. He was her friend and only a year or two before, she would have followed him to the end of the Earth but now, she had misgivings.
Allowing her head to drift back around to him, she caught a glimpse of that pain and sadness he had locked up, caught a glimpse of that momentary hesitancy in the surety of his world. He was a sweetheart and now? Well, now he was a hot sweetheart. She frowned to get rid of that thought and, through no fault of her own, her anger faded away and she lit up with a soft smile. "Well then next time leave me a clue! I would have found you fairly quickly if you left me something to go off!" Reaching out, she feebly punched his arm.
It suddenly occurred to her that she still hadn't been told who she was marrying. A spark of hope suddenly lit fire to her heart and for a moment, she was almost entirely convinced that they had promised her to him. The King and Queen of the Consortium weren't the brightest but they were compassionate and if they knew her feelings for him, they would have did all in their power to organise a marriage. She straightened her back suddenly and reached up to brush her hair to the side in a silent move. She wondered if he felt the same way. If he was in the same position. If she asked, it would be too obvious and they would both know so she bit her tongue.
"So what are you doing here anyways? And who in God's name is your dad?" She had seemed a little lost in thought so she quickly covered it with a few questions. That would give her time.
He thought about the clue bit for a moment. He probably could have given her a clue but what? It wasn't like he really had much to his name then to leave behind. Maybe a letter? But even then, he didn't have enough time to write even a small letter. What he'd had time to write wouldn't have made any sense anyway.
He might have been able to leave like an old shirt or something but where? He didn't even have time to go back to the school before his father's men came to get him, leaving everything behind. What else could he have done? He decided against arguing with her, though. If she hadn't change she'd argue him to death over it.
"But, if I'm being honest here, calling you Cara sounds weird coming out of my mouth." He told her, grinning playfully. He chuckled when she asked him what he was doing here.
"What else would I be doing but my father's bidding? I certainly didn't come here by choice." He explained, now watching his betrothed as she spoke to others. He sighed for a moment before answering her next question. "Henry Allen Peterson II." He spoke quickly, as if the name alone left a bad taste in his mouth. "You'd have thought since we shared a name, we could have pieced it together but mom made it out like my father was humble and kind. I never would have thought a king would be that way." He explained further before popping yet another sweet into his mouth, still staring at Feora.
"What made them choose you to be the crown princess?" He asked, looking her over. "I mean, not that you aren't fit for it... But then again, I don't think either of us were really brought up to rule a country." He added, trying to cover his tracks. He knew she looked very strong and confident, but he also knew that beneath that was a girl who desperately didn't want to be here, no matter how she tried to mask it to others and to herself. She, like he, wasn't meant to live in this kind of world.
That is Princess Cara to you." She added with an uncharacteristic giggle which she quickly covered with a smooth turn to face the main ballroom. Only two years previous, they had both been too young and naive to realise that the world had finally put its crosshairs on them. They enjoyed the little things, the big things and the stupid things and now it felt like all those things had faded like the autumn leaves. They were both facing off against the most powerful people in the world and the responsibility piled on their shoulders was back-breaking.
It only took her a few seconds to realise the reality of the situation. Her eyebrow arched, her breath a beat shorter before she corrected it, her eyes clouding. Feora Swinth of Wulfswinth? Her heart briefly leapt up to her throat before gravity caught it and it came plummeting back down to her stomach. So this is how it feels.
Her posture sharpened, eyes focused and within a moment, she was the old fiery-eyed Cara that regarded the room with a cool indignity. She still didn't know who she was going to marry. The whole Henry incident had been pushed to the back of her mind already. "I ask myself that everyday. The rest of the candidates had wonderful ideas, I suppose, but an idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all."
Turning, she lifted another sweet from the bowl and popped it into her mouth before turning to regard the room with him once more. "You should go to her. The poor girl looks lost."
He smiled at her response to his question. "You aren't wrong, Fi- Princess Cara." He told her, correcting himself with a playful smirk in her direction. "I would like to agree with you completely, however... I would prefer if you kept yourself out of harms way." He told her. He started that statement with a smile, but it melted away into one that showed more concern for the red-head before him. He knew that she'd get herself into trouble somehow and he didn't know if he'd be in any position to get her out of it. He was very limited in his ability to help her in any way, not that he wouldn't try.
He visibly sighed as he looked from Cara to Feora. He didn't say much else as he simply nodded and walked off in Feora's direction. He could feel his heart sinking and a tightening feeling in his stomach began to grow. He suddenly felt pity for most everyone in attendance. He felt badly for Feora, Cara, and himself. None of them asked for this.
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he walked up to Feora and the group surrounding her. As he did, however, he was stopped by a stranger.
"Henry Peterson III of Elaniel. I am Kapil and by order of Prince Casimir, I am to serve you to the best of my ability." he introduced himself, bowing. Henry blinked for a moment, staring at the bowed figure before hurriedly trying to get him to stand back up.
"There's seriously no need." He told Kapil as he made him stand. "The best thing you can do for me right now, is go... I don't know..." Henry rubbed the back of his neck, trying to come up with something for Kapil to do, "Go find my room or something. I think my things should be arriving shortly if they haven't already." He explained. He took out his phone and pulled up his butler's number. "Call this number and ask for Alfred. He'll help you figure it all out as he should be arriving shortly as well." Henry explained further. Kapil nodded and walked off, apparently having memorized the number.
Henry stood there for a moment, eyebrows raised in amazement before he continued his walk over to Feora. "Greetings." He spoke, feeling all kinds of awkward. He looked down at the plate in his hand which still contained some sweets and then back up at Feora. "Would you like a pastry? They're rather delicious..." He asked, smiling at her.