Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Cara O'Brien & Henry Peterson III

Collab between Taterz and Roze

Her hand slipped down into the sweet bowl, securing a small gummy sweet before lifting it and casually popping it into her mouth. It occurred to her, during her excellent attempt at fitting in, that he had turned and something had caught his attention about her. She wasn't quick enough to catch his features and outright staring at him would be much too rude. She had to play it strategically.

Batting her eyes up to him, she was about to open her mouth for some polite meaningless words when it hit her that there was something both familiar and foreign in this stranger. Eyebrows kneading into a frown, she was tempted to challenge him when his hips bumped into her and her rather small centre of mass was thrown sideways. She knew she was going to fall and she wouldn't deal with that embarrassment so her claws sunk into his arms and she dug in. She had somehow managed to quiet the small shout of surprise but that didn't stop her wheeling on him, voice quiet yet shrill. "Who the hell do you think you are!?" She was about to give this stranger a plateful of abuse when he turned on her, his features coming into full view. Her anger faltered, then died away entirely, and in that moment, her defences fell away like water.


In a moment, she had rebuilt the wall around her head and her angry frown returned with a vengeance.

Where the hell did you go!?"

Her claws released his arm but that didn't stop her poking a not-so-threatening finger into his chest. At this distance, he towered above her but that didn't stop her cutting into him.

"And why the hell are you here!? And why didn't you write!? Do you know how mind-numbing it was having to deal with all those rich cu-" She cut herself off but she demanded answers nevertheless.

He grunted in an attempt to keep himself from yelling at the claws being sunk into his arms. He clenched his teeth, the pain radiating up his arm. He lifted his free arm to scratch the back of his head sheepishly as she finally realized who he was. He lips were perked into a smile when she suddenly unloaded on him.

After a moment of shock from being yelled at, he chuckled. Lifting an arm, he placed his hand on her head and ruffled up her bangs, semi-careful not to mess it up too terribly much. "Sorry Fitz. I haven't really had a chance to contact anyone, really." He started, sending her an apologetic smile. "I uhhh... missed you?" He continued, chuckling at himself.

He popped another sweet into his mouth, smiling at her. He turned around to glance around the room, his eyes pausing briefly on a particular princess. He sighed. It was only a moment but soon, his smile was back and he was turned back to Fitz. "Things just sort of... happened. Who could have guessed my father was the king of another country? It wasn't like I had much say in the matter either." He explained and popped another sweet into his mouth.

"What about you? I could ask the same of you, Miss Fitz. I never received any letters from you either." He asked her, suddenly turned her direction, trying to ignore his betrothed for now. "Not that I received any from anyone else either." He added, his normally life-filled eyes suddenly glazing over with hints of depression.

She watched, eyes looking ready to kill as his hand ruffled through her hair. That softened her a little and she crossed her arms over her chest to make sure she didn't poke his eye out. "You missed me?" Her eyes narrowed and she gave him a cold look. "You disappear for years without even informing me if you were alive and you miss me?" Rolling her eyes at him, she sighed and ran her own nimble fingers through her hair.

"And it's not Fitz anymore. They changed my name to O'Brien and put a crown on my head because apparently that was exactly what I needed." Grumbling in annoyance, she watched as his eyes scanned the room and almost suddenly, he found a flaw in it. It didn't last for long, his eyes only hitched for a second before they moved again. She tried to follow them but she got nowhere.

Letting her eyes scan the crowd, she recognised all of them and even though she should have felt alleviated from knowing this new stranger, she couldn't help but feel that she was personally digging down into the grave of old feelings that should have remained buried. Henry was the only one ever there for her. He was her friend and only a year or two before, she would have followed him to the end of the Earth but now, she had misgivings.

Allowing her head to drift back around to him, she caught a glimpse of that pain and sadness he had locked up, caught a glimpse of that momentary hesitancy in the surety of his world. He was a sweetheart and now? Well, now he was a hot sweetheart. She frowned to get rid of that thought and, through no fault of her own, her anger faded away and she lit up with a soft smile. "Well then next time leave me a clue! I would have found you fairly quickly if you left me something to go off!" Reaching out, she feebly punched his arm.

It suddenly occurred to her that she still hadn't been told who she was marrying. A spark of hope suddenly lit fire to her heart and for a moment, she was almost entirely convinced that they had promised her to him. The King and Queen of the Consortium weren't the brightest but they were compassionate and if they knew her feelings for him, they would have did all in their power to organise a marriage. She straightened her back suddenly and reached up to brush her hair to the side in a silent move. She wondered if he felt the same way. If he was in the same position. If she asked, it would be too obvious and they would both know so she bit her tongue.

"So what are you doing here anyways? And who in God's name is your dad?" She had seemed a little lost in thought so she quickly covered it with a few questions. That would give her time.

He thought about the clue bit for a moment. He probably could have given her a clue but what? It wasn't like he really had much to his name then to leave behind. Maybe a letter? But even then, he didn't have enough time to write even a small letter. What he'd had time to write wouldn't have made any sense anyway.

He might have been able to leave like an old shirt or something but where? He didn't even have time to go back to the school before his father's men came to get him, leaving everything behind. What else could he have done? He decided against arguing with her, though. If she hadn't change she'd argue him to death over it.

"But, if I'm being honest here, calling you Cara sounds weird coming out of my mouth." He told her, grinning playfully. He chuckled when she asked him what he was doing here.

"What else would I be doing but my father's bidding? I certainly didn't come here by choice." He explained, now watching his betrothed as she spoke to others. He sighed for a moment before answering her next question. "Henry Allen Peterson II." He spoke quickly, as if the name alone left a bad taste in his mouth. "You'd have thought since we shared a name, we could have pieced it together but mom made it out like my father was humble and kind. I never would have thought a king would be that way." He explained further before popping yet another sweet into his mouth, still staring at Feora.

"What made them choose you to be the crown princess?" He asked, looking her over. "I mean, not that you aren't fit for it... But then again, I don't think either of us were really brought up to rule a country." He added, trying to cover his tracks. He knew she looked very strong and confident, but he also knew that beneath that was a girl who desperately didn't want to be here, no matter how she tried to mask it to others and to herself. She, like he, wasn't meant to live in this kind of world.

That is Princess Cara to you." She added with an uncharacteristic giggle which she quickly covered with a smooth turn to face the main ballroom. Only two years previous, they had both been too young and naive to realise that the world had finally put its crosshairs on them. They enjoyed the little things, the big things and the stupid things and now it felt like all those things had faded like the autumn leaves. They were both facing off against the most powerful people in the world and the responsibility piled on their shoulders was back-breaking.

It only took her a few seconds to realise the reality of the situation. Her eyebrow arched, her breath a beat shorter before she corrected it, her eyes clouding. Feora Swinth of Wulfswinth? Her heart briefly leapt up to her throat before gravity caught it and it came plummeting back down to her stomach. So this is how it feels.

Her posture sharpened, eyes focused and within a moment, she was the old fiery-eyed Cara that regarded the room with a cool indignity. She still didn't know who she was going to marry. The whole Henry incident had been pushed to the back of her mind already. "I ask myself that everyday. The rest of the candidates had wonderful ideas, I suppose, but an idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all."

Turning, she lifted another sweet from the bowl and popped it into her mouth before turning to regard the room with him once more. "You should go to her. The poor girl looks lost."

He smiled at her response to his question. "You aren't wrong, Fi- Princess Cara." He told her, correcting himself with a playful smirk in her direction. "I would like to agree with you completely, however... I would prefer if you kept yourself out of harms way." He told her. He started that statement with a smile, but it melted away into one that showed more concern for the red-head before him. He knew that she'd get herself into trouble somehow and he didn't know if he'd be in any position to get her out of it. He was very limited in his ability to help her in any way, not that he wouldn't try.

He visibly sighed as he looked from Cara to Feora. He didn't say much else as he simply nodded and walked off in Feora's direction. He could feel his heart sinking and a tightening feeling in his stomach began to grow. He suddenly felt pity for most everyone in attendance. He felt badly for Feora, Cara, and himself. None of them asked for this.

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he walked up to Feora and the group surrounding her. As he did, however, he was stopped by a stranger.

"Henry Peterson III of Elaniel. I am Kapil and by order of Prince Casimir, I am to serve you to the best of my ability." he introduced himself, bowing. Henry blinked for a moment, staring at the bowed figure before hurriedly trying to get him to stand back up.

"There's seriously no need." He told Kapil as he made him stand. "The best thing you can do for me right now, is go... I don't know..." Henry rubbed the back of his neck, trying to come up with something for Kapil to do, "Go find my room or something. I think my things should be arriving shortly if they haven't already." He explained. He took out his phone and pulled up his butler's number. "Call this number and ask for Alfred. He'll help you figure it all out as he should be arriving shortly as well." Henry explained further. Kapil nodded and walked off, apparently having memorized the number.

Henry stood there for a moment, eyebrows raised in amazement before he continued his walk over to Feora. "Greetings." He spoke, feeling all kinds of awkward. He looked down at the plate in his hand which still contained some sweets and then back up at Feora. "Would you like a pastry? They're rather delicious..." He asked, smiling at her.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Interacting with: @ReaptheMusic & @HylianRose

Feora returned a kind smile to Mai before her attention was distracted by a loud voice sounding above the murmur of conversations. Her eyes widened slightly when her gaze landed on the shirtless Prince Casimir Antik D'strad of Ortha. His choice of attire, or lack thereof, was certainly a bold choice, but given the circumstances, she found it indecent. She grew wary when he announced his gift of personal handmaidens and men. It seemed like a potentially convenient, albeit intrusive, way for Ortha to gather intel. Hopefully she was wrong and that it was just a kind gesture, but one could never be too careful. She already had enough people in her life that she kept secrets from, so she didn’t particularly want to add any more. Besides, she didn’t even require much of the handmaiden she already had.

She carefully hid her emotions behind a placid exterior as Casimir approached her and Mai. She felt uncomfortable listening to him speak to Mai in an almost intimate manner. Everything about him screamed cockiness, and it irked her to no end. She kept her hands close to her sides, seriously hoping he wouldn’t kiss her hand as well. She then took a small step closer to her guard. It would be better if Fitzroy deals with this rather than me because I feel the desire to give this guy a good punch in the face. That certainly wouldn’t go over well. She had to focus hard on keeping her facial expression neutral when Casimir turned to speak to her. She was afraid to even smile politely and risk him thinking that she was interested in him, when in fact she found him abhorrent. She was relieved to say the least when the pink haired Princess Isobel caught Casimir’s attention.

Feora’s eyebrows shot up when she heard the exchange between Princess Fareeha and Casimir, regarding her blatant refusal of his gift. “We need to keep an eye on those two. They’re bound to start a fight,” she whispered to her guard when Casimir was no longer in hearing distance. He nodded his head in reply. Just then, the handmaiden gifted to her made an appearance. “Hello, Princess Feora. I am Urnala Nummoa, and it is my honor to serve you. How may I be of assistance?”

She was about to say that she currently did not require the servant’s assistance when it occurred to her that she had yet to hear from her stable hand. “Actually I do have something you could do. My horse and stable hand are supposed to arrive sometime today. Could you please go to the stables and see if they have arrived? If they have not, could you make sure that a stall has been prepared for my horse?” she asked.

“Yes, of course,” Urnala replied with a polite curtsy. Feora watched as the handmaiden left before her gaze drifted around the room. She suddenly heard a “greetings” off to her side. She turned to fully face the person, but she wasn’t prepared to see who stood before her, her betrothed Prince Henry Allen Peterson III of Elaniel. Her green eyes widened slightly and her breath hitched in surprise. She followed his gaze down to the plate in his hand which had some pastries on it. “Sure,” she replied to his question, her voice sounding stronger than she felt. She hated that she felt so vulnerable, and she blamed her father for putting her in this situation. She was glad that her hands weren’t shaking as she delicately plucked one of the small pastries from Henry’s plate. As she ate it, her gaze slowly drifted back to his face. He had a nice smile, and she noted that they were similar in height. With the heels she wore, they were about at eye level. As she tried to come up with something suitable to say, she realized that she didn’t know a whole lot about him. In her stubbornness, she had neglected to do much research.

What was she supposed to say to him? Hi, thanks for ruining my life. Yeah, that wouldn’t be an appropriate way to start a conversation. She opted for the typical greeting that been engrained in her all these years. She did a small polite curtsy before speaking, “Hello, Prince Henry. How are you doing?” She gave him a small smile, though her heart wasn’t fully in it. She felt numb to the world. Her father’s betrayal had cut her deeply and now her heart and soul were more heavily guarded. Her fiery spirit itched to break free from the constraints that had been placed upon it. She hoped that this man would not be a hindrance because she was done being controlled and broken down by others.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Prince Edwin of Britannia

Edwin grimaced at Liviana's rattling cough, taking a handkerchief from his pocket and offering it to her. He quickly changed the expression to a friendly and reassuring smile. He had heard that she had been a sickly child - no doubt her stature was a result of her poor health as well - but he had not expected her to still be so ill from it all. It was foolish of him to be so naive as to believe that she might have recovered, it should have been obvious that her sickly childhood would taken its toll.

"I suppose Aciras is to my liking though I do find myself slightly homesick. That is likely a result of this occasion rather than any dislike of the place itself. I wonder, is it to your liking?" Edwin asked with a small frown, looking around the room quickly "As for the trip, it went well enough though I confess I could find no comfort in coming to this occasion."

Edwin paused as he and his betrothed were approached by a pair of young woman, some of the servants Casimir had decided to gift during his extravagant entrance. With a small frown he turned to look at the girl who had approached him, nodding awkwardly as she curtsied and went to introduce herself.

“My name is Ashi Astillo, your grace. I will be in your service for the next three months by the order of Prince Casimir. How may I serve you?” She said with a smile. He took a moment to examine her; She had long dark hair, tanned skin and startlingly vivid green eyes; Her facial features were slightly marred by a crooked nose though he would not consider it to detract too much from her appearance. Certainly, she would be considered attractive - though perhaps not beautiful. (He couldn't help but note that both of the servants were taller than his bride to be.)

Edwin blinked a few times, glancing to Liviana as she bumped into him from the side, apparently startled at the sudden appearance of the two servants. He couldn't help but smirk at her repeated apologies and in turn he assured her that no harm was done. Once Liviana had dispensed with her servant on an errand to fetch her personal items, Edwin snapped his attention back to Ashi and gave a small wave of his hand.

"Hm. Well, it would be best for you to help the other servant- Asavi, was it?- to move Princess Liviana's belongings. She could do with your assistance more than myself at this moment."

"As you wish, your grace." Ashi replied with another wide smile, spinning on her heel and hurrying off after her colleague.

Edwin waited until the girl was out of an earshot before he spun around and leant in towards Liviana, speaking in a quiet and slightly concerned voice "Perhaps I am being paranoid on account of my nervousness but don't you find that to be somewhat - suspect? A gift of servants who no doubt will be in close proximity to the royals and whose loyalties almost certainly lie with Casimir- I am ill at ease with it, they could all too easily be passing along anything we say. Perhaps it would be information that is comparatively inconsequential given what I hear of him - But all the same, I am not sure I like the thought."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 2 days ago

Serafina 'Ariel' Gray of Norden

Interacting with: Fareeha @OfWindAndRain

Ariel returned Fareeha’s smile. ”Uh, yeah sure thing. I’d like to know you a bit better as well,” she replied before the other woman began to explain about her snake. Partially truth, partially lie. While Fareeha seemed interesting, to say the least, Ariel wasn’t sure how she felt about getting to know other royals before her betrothed, which she had just recently spotted dancing with Isobel. What an interesting sight… Caismir had yet to introduce himself to her, but was instead dancing with her country's major trading partner. How… interesting.

Habi, she thought. Such a pretty name. Then again, you would want a pretty name to go with a pretty animal, such as this one, she supposed. Though Ariel found snakes to be quite frightening, she had to admit there was a certain grace seeing them interact with human beings. How a snake was a symbol of protection, she had no idea. Why wouldn’t they just wear a tiger skin or something around their neck, instead of something that could potentially kill the beholder? Perhaps it was a stupid question, but Ariel could not help but to simply think of it. ”Ah, the Eye of Horus,” she repeated. Again, another beautiful symbol from Fareehas country. Her eyes widened at the mention of the Hyena. Such a wild animal to be tamed.

At the question of petting the snake, Ariel could feel her face go slightly pale. Actually touch the snake? Touch the snake? Like… pet it? Like she had the townsman's dogs? Pet the snake. Ariel quickly swallowed, forcing a small grin on her face as she gently reached out to touch the creature as Fareeha extended her arm towards her. Gently running the tips of her fingers down the creature's back, she slowly relaxed, feeling the scales under her fingers. Maybe.. Just maybe snakes weren’t as bad as she thought. That was until it flicked its tongue, making Ariel's arm quickly come back beside her body. She cleared her throat. ”Thank you, Fareeha, for letting me pet her. Really, you must introduce me to your Hyena sometime. I’ve always seen pictures of them, but, of course, never in person. Tell me, why don’t you have a simple dog,” she asked jokingly. Perhaps the last comment wouldn’t offend the other girl, but at this point, formal words and social anxiety was about to kill Ariel.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 12 days ago

Sergi & Abiza

Interacting With: Each Other

Sergi had walked off quickly at Elizaveta's instruction, wishing the duchess wasn't as blunt as she was at times but figuring it was better that she was that way instead of easily put off kilter. Making his way through the palace he found Elizaveta's quarters and unlocked the door, moving inside quickly and closing the door behind him. Glancing around at the luggage that needed to be unpacked and the numerous dress bags that were hanging up around the place he chuckled to himself. It seemed she had packed for each and every last situation that could have arisen. He couldn't fault her, she liked to be prepared.

Opening the case he looked at the jewels that her betrothed had given her and nodded in admiration to the work. It was familiar and he turned, walking over to another case and opening it. Smiling to himself he pulled out a few pieces and compared them to the one Elizaveta had been given. It was not the same but there was a similarity there he could not deny. Checking the notes that were hand written by former Czarnia's with some he coupled a few pieces together and set them out for Elizaveta. With the gift he suspected that she was going to change her plan for the evening, it was just how she was.

Turning he left the room and secured it once again before making his way back through the palace. Cocking a brow as he saw Elizaveta standing there with her betrothed and speaking with Prince Leon. He hadn't expected her to be speaking with him already but he wasn't surprised the two were speaking, even if her betrothed was there. Turning he noticed as Abiza came over to him and introduced herself before explaining what had gone on while he was gone. He nodded and thanked her. "I see, it does not surprise me," he said with a small smile as Abiza mentioned that Elizaveta had stopped to clean up some spilled champagne. "That is how she is. Now, tell me, what is it like where you come from?" he asked as he kept an eye from a distance on Elizaveta, listening as Abiza spoke of her home lands and her life until this point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OfWindAndRain
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OfWindAndRain Memelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fareeha Amari

Fareeha Amari wasn’t unaware of how pale and tense Ariel was when she offered to let her pet Hadi. It was understandable, even if it saddened Fareeha a little. However, it was progress when Ariel reached out and touched Hadi, even relaxing a little bit. Until Hadi looked at her and flicked his tongue out.

Nonetheless, she smiled softly and told her, “Salam, Ariel, peace. Rwh Hadi has only ever bitten me once, and pythons don’t even have venom. Hardly even hurt, and Hadi was just doing it because she was nervous. You’ve nothing to fear from me or my pets. Well, some of my pets. I didn’t bring any that I didn’t trust, though. Normal dogs are normal pets, and aren’t very well suited to the desert- and besides, no one else here can say that they’ve slept next to a lion or played with a king cobra.”

This was the one time that she gave the girl a smile- talking about her animals.

“Feel free to speak as freely as you want, Ariel. If you are terrified of snakes, and don’t wish to see Hadi, that’s fine- there’s no reason for you to talk to me while you are afraid.”

Niklas König

Finally! Everyone had arrived and he could head inside. He’d been standing out here too long- he didn’t like not moving, just waiting. Social niceties, of course, the norms of being royalty. Terribly boring, but it had its uses, and despite being so boring, he didn’t really mind too much.

So with all that done, he spun neatly around, as per the style taught back home, gave an encouraging nod to his friend, Raven Willow, and then marched inside to get to know some of these people.

He had taken a dozen steps into the large, spacious, opulent room, and stopped, surveying the crowd and studying everyone. That One Casimier, strutting about with a small group, Princess-soldier Scary Amari, talking to the Princess Ariel, servants here and there talking to each other or bustling about, the polar-height-opposites of Edwin and Liviana ‘socializing’ with each other, and more.

Ah, politics and diplomacy! So many interesting characters, and he was sure he’d get to beat up one of them in the near future. He’d make sure of it!

Then he caught sight of Mai, and vice versa. They lcoked eyes for a brief moment before he made a snap decision. Candidly and easily, he started towards his betrothed, and when he reached the woman, he bowed.

“Princess,” he said by way of greeting, “I see that both natural or artificial lighting both do nothing but agree with you. How do you think of this… selection of royalty, thus far?”

He gestured around vaguely, before continuing- “The Peacock, the Snake, the Raven, the… hm. I’ve no idea what animal could represent Liviana.”

Trailing off in thought somewhat, Niklas stared into the crowd of royalties, lost in thought as he tried to figure out what animal Liviana would be. Tactical attempted to offer some suggestions, but he just silently vocalized a negative for each of her suggestions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
Avatar of Kyrisse


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nikolai, Elizaveta & Leonard

The formal and not so formal introductions going around was not something new to Niko. For years he had been trained to be polite and gracious. While he would have just gone around, introduced himself briefly to everyone and then silently slip away to a library or somewhere quiet, he knew it was important to stay and do idle chat with possible allies. Idle chat was something he wasn't particularly fond of but like jewel appraisal, it was something he was raised to tolerate. "I have heard a great many things about you and Krieg-Königreich as well," he acknowledged Leon. "The next few months will certainly prove to be interesting. I have high hopes that we will become good friends and perhaps allies," he spoke straightforwardly. It was, after all, the whole point of this political gathering. Acquire a permanent alliance through a fixed marriage and establish more through, perhaps, friendship or a mutual understanding.

A gentle smiled played on Elizaveta's lips as Leon kissed the back of her hand, pulling it back lithely as he released it and resting it over her betrothed's arm. "Now that the introductions are complete, perhaps we could skip the idle chit chat and such my good gentlemen," Elizaveta stated in a genial voice as she looked between the two of them. "We have all done our due diligence and perhaps studied about each other more than we would like to admit; I have no doubts that among any information gathered about myself or my nation there is a splattering of darkness to it. Let me be the first to open the door and show you something behind the Iron curtain. As much as I would adore friends and many allies by the end of this endeavor we now find ourselves in my truest goal and perhaps most difficult task is to eliminate speculation that I will allow history to repeat itself; so please if you have concerns voice them freely. I am not one to avoid such confrontations." Elizaveta's voice stayed calm as she spoke, a certain firmness to her voice as she drew to the end even though it remained laced with an airy elegance.

Leon was honestly quite pleased that the two royals in front of him were speaking to him as if war wasn't a major thing for his kingdom. He had expected most of the royals would either avoid him or only talk to him about his thoughts on war. "Grand Duchess Elizaveta, I have to say that despite your father's history I see no reason to assume you'll be the same. From what I know you are a great help to your people. Until you show signs of something like that happening I see no reason to even bring up the topic. I hope that Prince Nikolai thinks similar to me when I say that I simply won't allow things of other people's actions and the past to affect my thoughts on someone else. You are not your father so this whole topic you brought up is mute. I will apologize if I am being blunt, but that is just the way I see it. However, if we are on the subject of possible 'speculations' what are each of your thoughts on war. I'd like to know."

Niko nodded his head in agreement to what Leon said. He looked at his wife to be. "Sins of the father lays heavily on his children's shoulders. While his blood runs in your veins, Veta, you are not your father," he said simply as he laid his hand lightly on her hand that was resting on his arm. He turned his attention to Leon again. "War is senseless. A terrible wasteful act that lays waste to lives, lands and livelihood. Reviewing history, wars were born from a desire to claim what belongs to others and the need to protect what is yours. My ancestors have taken great effort to avoid war but I fear that this effort may have sparked anger and animosity towards Anduin."

"Please, never apologize for being upfront and honest on your opinion or thoughts. There would be far less misunderstandings in this world if people were less veiled about the truth," Elizaveta said in a reassuring voice towards Leon before looking over towards her betrothed and smiling softly. It was good to hear that neither seemed to hold her father against her but only time would tell if the words matched the actions; for the time being though she trusted that they spoke the truth. She had no reason to believe otherwise.

As talk of war entered the conversation, Elizaveta turned her attention back to Leon and spoke freely on the subject. "While War is a horrific fate to fall upon any land the truth of the matter is that war is sometimes a necessary evil and in some cases a blessing. We as humans are not perfect, some far less ideal than others in their morals and ethics. Yes, war can bring great travesty but without war where would we be in some cases? Would be in a world of peace or a world of slavery? Until humanity can truly embrace altruism it is the duty of those in power and those not to fight for what is right and just. I will take words over war if I can, for words are far more powerful, yet I will not hesitate to go to battle to protect my people if that is what is needed of me." Elizaveta knew the devastation of war well, it had torn through her empire from within; yet without the revolution and the uprising to take her father out of power, where would her nation be now? Looking back towards her husband to be she gave his arm a reassuring curl of her fingers. "We all have a choice in our lives if we are brave enough to see them. Choosing to remain out of a war should never spark anger. Some time's it takes far greater courage to remain on the sidelines than to jump into the fray."

Leon was pleased. He didn't hear one remark from either of them on his kingdom when speaking of war. At the very least he felt that he could be real with these two and that they weren't shallow in their ways of thinking. "I believe both of you are correct. While war is an abhorrent vile creature that should be avoided at all costs it is still necessary at times. All people that go to war tend to for different reasons. I like to think of war from the viewpoint of those who fight in them. Some go to war for fame. To be looked up to as a hero. Those people tend to be the ones with no one close to them. Typically arrogant from those I've met. Others go to protect the ones that they hold dear to them. They will give everything they can to protect the ones they love from both foreign and domestic danger. Then there are those who love their homeland so much that they'd sacrifice their well being to keep it from changing."

Leon paused for a moment to let the two think over what he had just said then began again, "In my kingdom we have a saying. 'We make war that we may live in peace.' Any sensible person desires peace. Unfortunately, there are many who are not sensible. I believe that even if no war was happening throughout the world right now, and the world was at peace that we should still be prepared for war. Because sooner or later someone will come around that doesn't cherish that peace. They will want something and they will lose their senses. The world is in a horrible loop that I don't believe will ever end. The only people who truly see the end of war are those who have passed on. War is a horrible thing, but it is unavoidable in order to grant peace to the ones who come after us." Leon looked between the two then said, "I do believe it is your turn to come up with a topic of discussion Prince Nikolai."

Niko nodded thoughtfully as he listened to Leon's and Elizaveta's thoughts. War was a familiar topic he often discussed with his father. He was pleased to note that the thoughts of the two young royalties coincided with his. It also gave him a good insight on Leon. He may come from a military focused kingdom but he seemed like he had a good head on his shoulder. War will not be so carelessly declared with him at the helm. Elizaveta's words were strong and full of conviction. There was no doubt on where she stands on the matter. Or at least, those were the impression he got from the current conversation. Words are different from action. One can speak something and act differently. Three months would give him chance to observe and make conclusions later on.

Niko turned his attention to Elizaveta. "Some may see our rejection of war as an act of cowardice and rebellion. Particularly from kingdoms that have shown desire for an alliance with us when we were still a kingdom of blacksmiths and weapon makers," he said as his mind drifted to Svalbard, the only kingdom that had refused to sign the peace treaty with Anduin, Vale, Celeste and Svearike. He looked distracted for a second before he turned his attention back to Leon. "A topic of discussion," he repeated, a small smile crossing his lips. He should probably bring up a lighter topic as is customary for a first meeting like this one. But he veered to a direction he preferred and asked about something he was always curious about. "Anduin is a small kingdom compared to Krieg-Königreich and Noslainia. I expect some would see us as inconsequential. It matters not how others view us but I wonder what your thoughts are."

Glancing over towards her betrothed Elizaveta shook her head slightly and gave him a comforting look. "As once said; the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. In that respect I would say that Anduin has performed most admirably to be able to continuously have peace and avoid war," she said in a kind voice with a lithe weaving of respect for her soon to be husbands lands. "Those that would think that any nation is inconsequential does not truly understand the importance of any nation. Each country brings with it something that has set them apart enough to be of their own independence. While your home may no longer be a nation of blacksmith's and weapon makers; you are one that now clearly shows the progression of the human spirit. Knowledge of crafts that could bring such death and destruction now turned into art and beauty? If only all nations could achieve such progression."

The fact that the conversation was going so well brought a genuine smile to Leon's face rather than a fake one. He quite enjoyed just being able to talk openly for a change. Maybe it wouldn't be as difficult to become friends with the majority of the royals here than he had previously thought. "There is no such thing as an inconsequential kingdom no matter how one looks at it. Any who say otherwise just don't fully realize what they would be saying. All kingdoms bring something or another to the table. If they didn't then I don't believe they would even exist. I will say I do believe some may be more significant than others, but that always depends on who you are speaking to. I feel one can get something out of everything in this world. Hopefully the majority of the others here feel similarly and don't look down on anyone. However, I highly doubt my hopes will come to fruition."

"Hope can be a double edged sword, but it is one of the few things with humanity that we need perhaps more greatly than anything else other than compassion," Elizaveta said thoughtfully towards Leon with a gentle smile on her features.

"It seems like we all share the same sentiments about the matter," Niko said. It was at that moment when Arush, Casimir's 'gift', came back with Niko's coat draped on one of his arm. He waited for Niko to finish speaking before he politely interjected. "Pardon me, you Highnesses," he bowed his head low to all three royalties. "I have brought back your coat, cleaned and pressed, Prince Nikolai." he held out the coat for the prince to put on.

"Excuse me for a second," Niko courteously excused himself from both Leon and Elizaveta before he turned his attention to Arush. Elizaveta nodding slightly and pulling her arm from her betrothed's as Arush tended to him. He gave the man a smile and allowed him to assist him in putting on his coat. "Thank you, Arush." Arush smiled back, happy to be of service to his assigned prince and proud that he had not been turned away like most of the others. He looked at the leather bound journal that the Prince was holding in his hand. "Would you like me to put the journal away in your room, sire?" Arush asked, eager to be of service once again.

"No need," Niko replied as he tucked the journal into the inner pocket of his coat. The Grand Duchess couldn't help but smile to herself as Nikolai kept a hold of the journal that she had given him instead of letting Arush take it away for him. "I would rather have you take your leave and enjoy yourself in Aciras. I'm sure this nation is different from your homeland." At Niko's words, Arush's face fell. He was being dismissed. "Don't misunderstand. I appreciate your assistance." The Prince glanced towards where his bodyguard was standing. "You'll find Anthony by the Greek sculpture. Coordinate with him so that I may call upon your services if need be. If not, you may join me later and tell me about yourself and about your homeland," the Prince's smile was kind and it surprised Arush. In all the years he had spent serving, he had never come across a royalty that asked to get to know him. His lips curved up into a big smile. "I will not stray so far away then, Your Majesty," he bowed his head several times before he turned and headed towards Anthony.

"I do believe we both have thrown our respective attendee's for a loop my dear by letting them take some time for themselves while they are here," Elizaveta said as she slipped her arm back through her betrothed's. "Though I think that poor Abiza was completely perplexed when I tended to the floor before she could," she added with a sight hint of glee in her intonation. Back home her employee's would have thought nothing of her antics, they were used to seeing her do what many considered menial labor but she had been warned by her grandmother, Sergi and others that here it could be received with mixed reviews and looks. Pushing the thought out of her mind and glancing around for a moment she then turned her attention back towards Leon. "Have you had the opportunity to speak with your own betrothed as of yet?"

"I suppose they expected to wait for us to order them around. That is their commanded function, after all. None hoped to be turned away," Niko chuckled. "Yes, I saw the look of surprise and confusion on Abiza's face when you tidied the floor. I believe it might take her a while to fully process the thought." He turned his attention back to Leon as Elizaveta addressed him.

"I actually don't yet even know who my betrothed is. My father wanted to keep that knowledge a secret from me. I do know a few who it cannot be due to knowing who they are betrothed to. I believe that my parents planned to tell me later this evening who it is that I am to marry. They must have some reason for it, but I just have to wait and see." It was at this time that Bartram came up right beside Leon and whispered, "Your mother has just left for the palace. She should be here soon." Leon nodded and took this as an interesting opportunity, "Prince Nikolai, Grand Duchess Elizaveta, this man here is my closest friend Bartram. If we are to be friends you will most likely see more of him for he is the man in charge of my defense." Bartram staggered in his step at Leon's introduction. It wasn't entirely unexpected, but this early was a little off putting. The man bowed and said, "It is a pleasure to meet both of you." Leon couldn't hold back the smirk of messing with his friend.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
Avatar of Sugar and Spite

Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 2 days ago

Caterina & Shawn

A collab by: @Neno 1445 & @HaleyTheRandom

Interacting with: Each other, Sade @mskennedy615

Shawn, after giving a wave to Ariel, was now standing over by the sweets bar, curiously evaluating every selection. Finally, he decided on a chocolate to the right of the table. Popping it in his mouth, he would discover that it was filled with caramel. He mentally decided that he had made the right choice. Turning, to see if anyone was paying attention to him, he would find his eye caught by a brunette girl dressed in a dark red dress letting down her hair. Shawn couldn't help but let the word stunning cross his mind. Tearing his eyes away he would turn to put another chocolate in his mouth, catching a glimpse of her coming his way out of the corner of his eye.

Caterina's steps didn't slow down despite the anxious knot growing in her stomach. The way she moved caused her hair to move with ease, framing her face once again. She stepped a few steps before her betrothal, scanning him carefully. Why hadn't he approached her to that moment? Why was he just busying himself eating chocolates although she was quite sure he was staring at her just moments ago? Did he already dislike her? Well good news to you Prince Shawn. I don't like you either. She thought as she inwardly rolled her eyes. She pushed her hair off her shoulder and stepped behind him. She tapped his shoulder softly, and once he turned to her, she gave him the same autocratic smile she always wore. Barely flattening her full lips or narrowing her eyes. Barely friendly. The air around her was still the same of confidence, strength, yet femininity.

She extended her hand to Shawn, slightly titled, of course expecting a kiss on the back of her hand and somewhat a friendly, or a flirty, response. '' Good afternoon. I'm Princess Caterina Frenandaz Versini Of Svearike.'' She greeted, her stance was still poised and screamed of confidence and self-content, yet with her hair down and the figure-complimenting dress. She looked effortlessly attractive.

Feeling the tap upon his shoulder, Shawn would turn to see the girl that he was just staring at moments before, right in front of his face. Struggling to swallow the food that he was currently chewing, he offered her a warming smile. Taking a closer look he would notice the confidence that she held herself with. This was something that Shawn admired almost immediately. With an ego like his, and the confidence of her, they were bound to have fun, he supposed. The slightest thought of who his betrothed was to be, he shook her hand, politely, not seeing any idea for being overly formal here. "Nice to meet you, Miss," he responded. "I'm Shawn Adam Hunter of Avalon. Can I interest you in one of these chocolates, perhaps?" He knew it was most likely the wrong thing to say, but he seemed to be running out of things to say already.

Miss?! He called me miss? Oh God help me. Not even princess, and I am his betrothal! Caterina thought mockingly, confused at his choice of words, even more when he introduced himself. Of course she knew who he was-- And what he was to her, and she expected him to hold the same knowledge. She raised her perfectly arched eyebrow slightly as he even shook her hand and dropped it almost instantly. His slight struggle to swallow the chocolate he was currently eating caused one side of her lips to lift slightly, greatly entertained by how he reacted to her. She blinked a little as he offered her chocolate.

'' Are you aware of who I am, Prince Shawn? '' She asked smoothly, although she was slightly offended that he may have had no idea of who and what she were, she showed no sign of that in the way she spoke or her face expressions. She simply held herself with the same confidence and slight smile.

Oh Lord, what have I done? Shawn thought, hearing her words and seeing the arch of her brow. Surely they haven't met before. He quickly scanned his memory the best he could, trying to remember such a pretty face. Caterina...Caterina, he repeated the name over and over in his head, coming up empty for any information except a few facts about her Kingdom. Who could she be? Taking a few moments to continue thinking, a nagging suspicion that she could be the one that he was looking for became apart of his thoughts, but he was not so quick to assume.

He blinked quickly a few times, shaking his head, an innocent look upon his face. "I'm afraid not, Caterina. Tell me, have we perhaps met before?"

Caterina's eyes widened only slightly in shock, but she quickly went back to her composed features. He seriously had no idea-- Hadn't his advisers readied him for this meeting? Told him anything about her? She wouldn't be shocked if he knew everything, but nothing?! She stared at him for a few more moments before breaking into a gentle giggle that could be mocking, but it was more surprised and shocked than anything. '' Have we met before?'' She repeated his question as she slowly crossed her arms, which had only done wonders to her figure. She raised an eyebrow, almost challenging him to think harder.

'' No, we have not met, Prince Shawn.'' She added; it was obvious in her tone that she was slightly entertained. '' I'm your betrothal, Shawn.'' She explained, his name rolling off her tongue beautifully of course.

She rested back against the steady wooden table that held the platter of chocolates, dropping her arms and slightly leaning over her hands as they rested on the table. She gave him a slow grin. '' I am surprised they have not told you about me. ''
With the corner of her eyes, she could notice Casimir and Isobel dancing. She inwardly raised eyebrows in surprise. I knew the stay here would be nowhere near boring.

Well, they hadn't met in the past. At least he needn't worry about the possibility of forgetting her. That would have been embarrassing. But no where near as embarrassing as this. Why hadn't his advisors told him about her? She seemed nice enough, and even if her personality didn't work out.. her figure; hot damn! He could feel the slight look of shock on his face before he managed to get his self composed. "Why, me too. Can't see why they wouldn't. I must apologize for not greeting you properly."

Caterina shook her head, dismissing the topic of why his advisers hadn't told him about his own betrothal. It was a little odd because she made sure to be on top of everything, so to attend such a huge meeting without knowing her own fate would make her greatly wary, but not to Shawn apparently. She gave him the same smile she always held. '' It shouldn't worry you. Too much. '' She said, playfully, obviously feeling a little at ease around Shawn, but that didn't mean the air of confidence or self-content dropped. Not even for a second, it probably even managed to grow bigger.

Shawn paused for a moment to give her a smile. "Excuse me for being blunt, but you are absolutely gorgeous, Caterina."

At his next words, Caterina's cheek heated quickly, quickly becoming a deep shade of pink. She blinked a couple times slowly. Caterina was quite aware of her good looks, she made sure everyone else knew that as well, but to actually get someone-- Her betrothal especially-- comment on it caused her to grow a little embarrassed. '' Oh-- Thank you. That is kind of you. '' She said as she straightened up a little. '' You are not too bad yourself, Shawn. '' She said with a slightly wider smile.

"It's my pleasure," he replied with a smile of his own. "And thank you, by the way." Shawn, too, knew he was good looking, though did not make Caterina aware of this. He wanted to be a gentleman around her, no matter how wild he may be. Seeing Isobel and Caismir dancing, he couldn't help but ask: "I know it's strange to ask this, especially at this time, but what exactly is your opinion of the betrothals?"

Caterina continued scanning the ball room; Not much had happened so far, everyone was in their little quiet chatter or bubble, except of course Casimir and Isobel. She turned to Shawn as he asked for her opinion. " Honestly? Bluntly? It's absolutely horrible." She said with a slight shrug. " Not like I, like most ladies my age, dreamt of a fairytale happening for myself. But I think arranging it so-- formally is bound to cause problems. Not like I mind. It's after all for the sake of both our nations, correct? So win-win."

Shawn nodded his head, slipping his hands into his pockets. "Win-win is one way to put it, but I couldn't agree more. He gave her a slight smile. "For what it's worth I've never been that big on fairytales anyway." Why he had asked the question wasn't for any particular reason, but as she answered, Shawn realized that he did have a reason. He wanted to make sure that his bride-to-be wasn't feeling forced into anything and already hated him for the fact. The way things were looking at the moment, depending on how he acted, she could end up hating or falling for him. Either way he supposed would work.

Caterina watched Shawn carefully as he took he looked at her with a slight smile; She wasn't sure if he was reassuring her that it could work out and it could be fine, or was he, himself, needing reassurance? She blinked before straightening up, throwing her hair off her shoulder. She softly and swiftly wrapped a hand around his arm, stepping a little closer to him. "We shouldn't be lurking in a corner, hm? Let's get to know some of our lovely company. " She suggested as she gave his arm a soft squeeze of reassurance.

She glanced around and noticed Sade. " I really want to get to know her." She said as she nodded slightly in Sade's general direction.

Shawn was happy, in a way, that she had taken his arm by herself. It saved the awkwardness of the whole offering/accepting of a bodily limb to hold onto scenario. He glanced over at Sade hisself, her clothing choice by which he was slightly intrigued. It wasn't a bad dress, just something that he wasn't necessarily used to seeing. "Why, of course. Whatever you want," he responded. He walked towards Sade at a comfortable pace, stopping when he was just a few feet away from the girl, Caterina still by his side. "Greetings," he started off. "I'm Shawn Hunter of Avalon, and this is my bethrothed, Caterina Frenandaz Versini Of Svearike. It is a pleasure to meet you," he added, extending his hand to her. He silently hopped that Caterina didn't have a problem with him introducing her.

Caterina didn't necessarily feel comfortable or odd grabbing into Shawn's arm. She was aware that in the next few months, possibly even years, she was to be by Shawn's side, so she was completely neutral. Neither loving it or loathing it. She nodded as she walked by his side toward the dark skinned beauty. Caterina smiled softly as she scanned the young woman-- She connected with her in a way, or so she thought.

Caterina raised an eyebrow at Shawn as he continued on to introduce her. A bit of distaste could be seen in her eyes, but she disregarded the issue. What was the point in getting in a quirrel in front of another royal? She smiled at Sade, the same autocratic, yet somewhat gentle smile.

" It's a pleasure to meet you. I have been esctatic to approach you. " She said as she extended her hand to shake Sade's.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Liviana Traianus of the Lusitanian Empire

Liv couldn't help but turn a bit pink as she took the handkerchief from Edwin. She'd been too stupid and proud to think to tuck one into her purse, and well. It was Quite embarrassing to be caught without one. She mumbled a thanks as she dabbed at her mouth, rather too embarrassed to look up at him again. She folded the handkerchief and tucked it into her purse, supposing that Edwin wouldn't exactly want it back... Plus she kinda needed one for the evening.

At least Edwin was polite enough to not draw further attention to her sickness. She flashed a soft smile as he spoke, drawing some comfort from the fact that he admitted to being nervous, though she couldn't see any evidence of that in his stance or speech. "Aciras is very different than Lusitania. I give myself headaches in attempting to see it all." She winced, her words trailing off at her grammatical difficulties. Gods, he must think her an idiot, or an overly poetic idealistic fool. Or both. "But I suppose it is to my liking, yes." She finished softly, again flushing a bit while cursing her clumsy tongue to the darkest corner of Pluto's realm.

During the whole exchange with the maids, her face retained the slight flush, internally replaying Edwin's words. His words had a definite tone of laughter in them... Oh gods, he must have thought her a silly little child. Like everyone else did.

At his words about not trusting the servants, she raised an eyebrow. The suspicion was a good one, of course, though there seemed to be very little that could be done about it. "I can understand watching what is said around them, but would it really cause harm for them to be rummaging around in my belongings? It isn't as though they will find anything noteworthy in my bags, other than a number of boxes of small figurines and a good amount of child-sized clothing- though that at least is hardly surprising." she gave a rueful half-smile at that. "But if we were to assign them entirely pointless tasks or dismiss them, would it not seem as though we had something to hide? Or just blatantly distrust Casimir and all of Ortha. Perhaps Britannia can afford to anger them but Lusitania cannot...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Henry Peterson III

Interacting with: Feora @mnkee

He smiled as he watched her response to his sudden intrusion of her space. He was glad she'd elected to take up his offer of the pastry. At least she seemed calm in all this. That would be easy to work with. She stood at eye level, something Henry wasn't necessarily used to and for some reason, he thought it only made him respect her more. Not only did she figuratively stand on equal ground with him, but she also did so literally as well, ignoring the heels. In fact, she probably stood, figuratively, higher than he did. At least she wasn't branded a bastard.

For whatever reason, he found himself staring at her lips. They seemed almost perfectly sized and held in a position that was neither a frown nor a smile, necessarily. His brows furrowed as he felt the strange urge to see them stretch up in a smile, a real smile not the sort of smile most made in these moments. The sort of smile that warmed your heart and made you feel at ease because you knew the person smiling felt the same with you.

This urge only intensified as she greeted him as if a record. He knew then that she was falling back on training, on cookie-cutter phrases she'd learned to curb the fear, the discomfort... He simply stood for a moment, staring at her face, her lips, and her eyes which looked almost lifeless if it weren't for the hint of a spark held there. He probably looked rather silly, standing there silent after being greeted but for some reason his mind was racing, trying to think of someway to break the ice between them.

"I'd be better if I didn't have to pretend to be something I''m not." He told her, opting for honesty. "How are the pastries?" He asked, smiling softly, as genuinely as he could manage. "They make me miss my mother's cheese-cakes. You know, she made one for me every birthday even though she knew we couldn't really afford it." He explained to her, standing off to the side of her as to let people pass should they want to. His eyes darted over to Cara before returning to Feora.

Cara knew about his mother and was probably the only one in the room who understood his feelings about it all. Still, he wanted a friend in Feora and he wanted her to know exactly where he stood in all of this.

He leaned over to her, to whisper something in her ear, "Never feel obligated to smile for my sake. I promise, I'm not worth it." He pulled back and gave Feora a wink and a smile. "What about you, Princess Feora? What's your favorite food? I might feel the urge to make it for you one day, not that I'm any good." He asked her, this time much louder as if trying to cover up the fact he'd just whispered into her ear.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by OfWindAndRain
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OfWindAndRain Memelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Niklas König of König der Welten and Mai Mei of Liang

Collab in between @OfWindAndRain and @ayzrules; interacting with [@darkwolfsomenumbers] and @RomanAria

As Mai strode away from Casimir, she flicked her gaze around the spacious ballroom once again. There was Caterina Versini of Svearike, sauntering in the opposite direction of Elizaveta Romonova of Noslainia and Nikolai Johanseen of Anduin; Isobel Martinez of Trelins dancing with Casimir; Yu Liang of Weifang coming in late-not fashionably late, mind you, just plain late. Even later than Yu came Talya Krasnoff of Zeassa-accompanied by three wolves of all things (and Mai had thought that the ball python Fareeha Amari had curled around her wrist was a little extreme!)-while the aforementioned Fareeha made conversation with Serafina Grey of Norden. Liviana Traianus and Edwin Drakewine stood together, their height difference extremely noticeable, even from Mai's distance, as Elizaveta and Nikolai approahced Leonard Fords of Krieg-Königreich. Mai's eyes drifted towards the tables lined with food, where Cara O'Brien of the Celtic Consortium and Henry Peterson of Elaniel conversed before Henry located Feora and began walking towards her. Finally, Raven Willow of Aciras, their host, and Niklas, her betrothed, entered the cavernous ballroom.

Mai took a moment to listen to what Raven had to say, her expression arranged in one of polite curiosity. After the brown-haired princess of Aciras had finished speaking, Mai turned to approach Niklas, only to find a young woman no older than she was with skin the color of caramel and bright hazel eyes standing before her. "Princess Mai, my name is Ayreesha. I have been assigned to attend to your needs by Prince Casimir for the duration of your stay," she said by way of greeting, dipping her head slightly.

Mai sighed inwardly. She was immediately wary of such a "gift". After all, this would be the perfect opportunity for Casimir to gather information about the other royalty in attendance. As much as I enjoyed Casimir's company in the past, I must not let his outwardly friendly demeanor fool me into complacency, Mai thought to herself. She would have liked to believe that Casimir harbored no ill will against anyone, especially against her, but unfortunately, politics were politics. Mai couldn't afford to blindly trust other people, even if she genuinely liked them.

Nevertheless, Mai was not going to be so rude as to reject Casimir's "gift". She smiled warmly at Ayreesha, and impulsively decided to clasp the other woman's hand inside her own. "Ayreesha, it is an honor to meet you," Mai replied pleasantly, scrambling for a suitably harmless task for Ayreesha to perform. "Would you be so kind as to bring a bowl of cherries and a vase of roses to my chambers for me? Oh, and if you could find calligraphy brushes and have them brought to my chambers along with the cherries and roses, I would be much obliged." Mai flashed Ayreesha another friendly smile.

Ayreesha bobbed a curtesy. "Of course, princess," she murmured before hurrying off. There, Mai thought to herself, satisfied. She mentally made a note to be extra careful about her bladed fans, parasols, and hairpins, as well as the small daggers she had hidden deep within the folds of her ball gowns. With Ayreesha around, Mai would have to be even more cautious than she already was about her potentially incriminating belongings.

Once Ayreesha was taken care of, Mai glanced once more around the ballroom. Her gaze fell on Niklas, and their eyes met. He fluidly made his way to the crowd until he was standing in front of her.

“Princess, I see that both natural or artificial lighting both do nothing but agree with you. How do you think of this… selection of royalty, thus far?” asked Niklas. He then went on to assign animals to some of the people-Casimir, Fareeha, and Serafina, Mai guessed. Casimir as a peacock? Oh, that's perfect. It's absolutely perfect.

Mai couldn't help but smile at how genuine Niklas was. A part of her whispered that it could be all for show, that he was faking his sincerity in order to earn her trust, but another part of her desperately wanted to believe that he meant everything he'd said to her thus far.

"You're not bad-looking yourself," Mai replied teasingly, a coy smile slipping onto her face. It brought a smile just as friendly as hers was coy to Niklas's face, and he gave a slight bow of the head in recognition of it.

Mai leaned in closer and lowered her voice, a mischievous glint in her dark eyes, Niklas's own finding hers and returning it with a curious, playful glint of his own. "Between you and me, though, Princess Liviana of Lusitania reminds me of...of a mouse, or a shrew. I do not mean it in a derogatory way-quite the opposite, in fact. People tend to underestimate rodents, when they are actually quite intelligent. How else would they survive in this world?" Mai paused to gauge Niklas's reaction, cocking her head to the side. Genuine people tended to like it when others were genuine with them. If he truly is as "real" as he comes off as, he will not think too much of my comment, she thought to herself, as Niklas began nodding in reply.

A shrew sounds about right, Niklas thought to himself. The word itself didn't sound as attractive as what other animals might sound like, whether naturally or via connotation. With thanks, he smoothly replied, "That does sound about right, M'lady Mai Mei. Shrewd people are of the likeness of a shrew, no?" He chuckled slightly to his own little connection- shrewd and shrew. Should've been more obvious to him, he figured.

Mai gently took Niklas's hand and placed hers on top of it. "But enough about everyone else, hmm? I want to get to know you. Tell me, Prince Niklas, would you rather live in a bustling city or in the peaceful countryside?". Mai gazed up at him through her mascara-coated eyelashes, a soft expression on her face as she waited for a response. Niklas, likewise, stared affably down at her, silently remarking to himself that she was far more beautiful than any strutting peacock. A certain allure surrounded her and every word she said- and the mere realization of it both enhanced it and made him wary of it.

"Well there's not all that much to me, Princess Mai. Although, if I had to choose..."

Niklas paused, then, momentarily stumped. He turned his head to the side, searching his own mind for answers. Countryside, or city? Lonely peace, or bustling civilization? It took him a minute or two to come to a full answer.

Gently turning his hand over to, even more gently, grasp Mai's hand, he stared down at their hands between them before answering her.

"... I think I'd stay home, in my own city. I've little experience in the countryside, but I've plenty to plenty of cities. I wouldn't want to stay in the vast majority of them, but home... it's home. I love the people, the coziness, the comparable sluggishness of my home compared to this place, how everyone's always up for a bit of a chat, even on the sidewalk. I don't have too much experience out in the countryside, so it's not an entirely fair decision- but one nonetheless!"

Pausing for several moments, he added, "I wouldn't mind taking time off out in the country, though. Even more so if I had good company."

Mai listened as Niklas answered the intentionally harmless question that she'd asked him, parting her lips slightly as she considered his words. His own capital city, hmm? I cannot blame him for that. I would rather be in Liang than here, but I suppose that's the same for everyone. We're most comfortable at home. Niklas finished speaking, and there was a momentary pause as Mai absorbed his words.

Niklas stared at Mai for a moment, his smile slowly turning into a thoughtful twist of lips. After a moment, he spoke his mind.

"Princess Mai Mei of Liang- I know your history, let's not dance around with it, just as you know mine. I know your past with certain types of people, notably soldiers, and I assure you that myself, my people, and the soldiers that serve for my people, under my command, and myself as a soldier, are good, honorable people. We are true warriors- protect the weak, protect our own, and hold our own against any foe that threatens them. Our former isolation from the world of politics was considered the best way from involving our men in questionable conflicts, that might mean a confliction of our duty. I wish to clear the air, and assure you, directly, of my intention and purpose."

The plans that him and his father had drawn up, and were working on implementing- they might be seen as terrible, or barbaric, but they were exactly according to their sworn duty. They would protect and support their own, and the weak.

Mai was mildly surprised that Niklas would decide to address the one thing dividing them so directly, and on their first meeting at that, although she should have seen it coming. Blunt honesty seemed to be a constant with Niklas, and his word choice left her no way but to address the issue head-on as well. And, of course, one could not ignore the fact that Niklas most definitely knew of her history and had made his own inferences about her based upon the information he'd been provided with, which, considering Konig der Welten's technology and military sectors, would have been quite an extensive amount.

Mai let him speak, her expression arranged in one of polite curiosity the entire time, even as her mind raced forward to come up with a suitably vague yet sincere answer. As Niklas talked, Mai studied him discreetly. Niklas was the type of person that commanded respect-sharply dressed, friendly yet authoritative, honorable yet deadly. Mai didn't know how he could come off as both honorabe and deadly at the same time, but somehow, he did it. She supposed that was better than what most Liangii nobles came off as.

Niklas finished speaking. Mai smiled gently. "I am glad that neither of our backgrounds will be a source of disagreement, now that you have...informed me of the way that real soldiers act, Prince Niklas," Mai answered carefully, her voice unwavering. She let her eyes stray over Niklas's face until they found his, before glancing down at their clasped hands. "I would hate to have any of division in between us that would impede our marriage in any way, shape, or form," Mai continued softly, looking up and holding Niklas's gaze this time.

Niklas shook his head, after a moment, gently.

"Not our marriage. I don't want any barriers between us, just us, as individuals. The marriage is only symbolism- but you, I would, at the least, have my friend. If not ally, if not wife- friend. I'm not entirely selfless in that, though- having a stunning beaut such as yourself as a friend would be nothing more than an endless pleasure, especially with your intelligence and abilities."

Mai took a minute to let the weight of Niklas's words sink in. She tried to remember the last person who had been so unashamedly sincere with her besides her uncle or Zhou, and the only one she could think of was Casimir, though Mai seriously doubted that he gave any second thoughts to the words that slid off his honeyed tongue. Niklas can be sweet if he wants to, I'll give him that, Mai thought coolly. But as much as she wanted to fall for his charms like a princess in a fairytale, Mai just couldn't, even if she tried to forget politics and diplomacy and alliances and everything else that was her life, that was her. All the naivety in her had been scoured away by loss and betrayal and fear.

Of course, Mai could always act flattered. And in a way, she was. If Niklas truly does want us to become friends, everything will be much easier, she mused to herself.

Mai lowered her eyes, a demure smile playing at her lips-a smile that was entirely different from the coy one she'd allowed to slip onto her face earlier in the conversation. "You flatter me, Prince Niklas," Mai murmured, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear with her free hand. She looked up again. "I must say that I have the same hopes for our marriage, no, our friendship. And I must say the same to you-I would be very much interested in learning all there is to know about your home and your people, and I am absolutely certain that we will have much to discuss in terms of, well...everything." Mai's chocolate-brown eyes sparkled with amusement as she finished speaking, a hint of playfulness lacing her words.

Holding their gazes to each other, Niklas nodded and smiled- wider.

"I look forward to it. And much as I'd prefer your company, we still must mix with the rest of... well, everyone. And, having taken stock of everything, it appears that most people have formed groups and are already in conversation. Anyone in particular that you'd like to talk to?'

Mai gave a small, lighthearted laugh in spite of herself. She didn't know why, but the suggetion seemed so absurdly normal that she couldn't contain herself. Mai surveyed the grand ballroom, looking for anyone whom with at least an acquantaince with would be beneficial. Her eyes wandered from Caterina Versini and Shawn Hunter (who seemed to be complete opposites, Mai noted) to Nikolai Johanssen, Elizaveta Romanova, and Leonard Fords (who were engaged in an engrossing conversation, from the look of it) and to Henry Peterson and Feora Wulfswinth (who were meeting for the first time, if Mai's judgement could be trusted). Finally, Mai picked out Edwin Drakewine and Liviana Traianus, of the Empire of Britannia and the Lusitanian Empire, respectively. The two were making conversation with each other. Mai mentally winced. Even from this far of a distance, she could tell that the conversation was most likely horribly awkward, which was accentuated by the fact that Edwin was, what-a foot? A foot and a half?-taller than his betrothed.

Oh, dear. What a combination.

Mai turned back to Niklas. "I would very much like to become acquainted with the prince of the Empire of Britannia and princess of the Lusitanian Empire. They are quite the couple, are they not?" replied Mai, nodding slightly in their direction. Mai had her own reasons for seeking out the pair. She wanted to take stock of how much the media said about Liviana was true, and the same could be said of Edwin. Edwin at least would make a formidable ally, as well as a formidable enemy. She was not sure if she could say the same about Liviana, but Mai would not be so quick to judge the princess based on her height and past.

Niklas, naturally, gave a mock-serious salute and adopted a super-serious expression- too serious of one to be taken seriously.

"Yes ma'am, bosslady princess. If you'll watch your step- you wouldn't want to be running into any wolves or snakes- I'll escort you over to the Prince and Princess directly."

And escort he did- he offered his arm, letting Mai loop hers through his, before marching at Mai's pace across a portion of the room though he did reach out a bit to snatch two chocolatey goodies; one of which he offered to his bride, who accepted it] to the two oddballs. Mai had to grin at his response to her proposition and delicately took a few bites of the chocolatey sweet, making sure that she didn't smear her lipstick, stain her fingers, or otherwise mar her appearance with a streak of melted chocolate-an art she had perfected long, long ago, around the time that she embraced spiky high heels and beautiful billowy skirts.

And Mai was right- they were almost painfully awkward.

Stopping three or four feet in front of the two, Niklas gave a super-serious bow to the Princess, and then another one to the Prince- though he kept his bow to Princess Liviana slightly, marginally deeper- before declaring, "Greetings Princess Liviana of Lusitania, Prince Edwin of Britannia. My congratulations on your betrothal, and let me introduce ourselves- as you probably know, I am Prince Hooligan from Konigraow der Linen, and this lovely feline is Princess Meow from Lirooow."

This is the most absurd introduction I've ever had the misfortune of listening to, Mai thought. It's probably even worse than anything Zhou could have come up with.

Nailed it, was what Niklas thought at that same moment.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 12 days ago

Interacting With: @Kyrisse @alexfangtalon

Elizaveta could only smile in agreement with her betrothed. She knew that people were not used to someone who was of royal decent to perform such tasks. Though her own staff might be accustomed to it, she knew it would take time for others not to look at her oddly. Then again, perhaps they always would, only time would tell. Turning her attention back to Leon, Elizaveta tilted her head to the side slightly as he explained that he was not even aware who his betrothed was as of yet. It did seem odd to send one to such an event and not even know. Why would his parents wish to keep such information from him? It would seem prudent to have one be prepared as they could be.

"I am sure they have their reasons and I will trust that whom ever has been destined to be wed to you will be most pleased to be on your arm," Elizaveta said in a thoughtful and kind voice. Glancing up at her own betrothed and then back towards Leon she wondered what would have happened if things had been arranged differently. She was not displeased with her betrothal in the slightest. Nikolai was handsome, from a good family and homeland. He was treating her and others well. There was a gentleness to him she was pleased to see and a frankness to him she was glad to hear. She felt they could do well together. Though she did have to wonder, the what if's in life liked to play with ones mind.

Though Elizaveta was not one to dwell on the past but only learn from it; this was not the past. This was the present and was unfolding before them as they spoke. Leon had been on she had personally selected as one she felt something could grow from and here he was with no knowledge of his betrothed. Glancing around for a moment she wondered who could it be or was perhaps there not enough women to go around and become attached? Would that leave Leon alone? Or would be become some player in a game that parents had set into play to see which children could fall in line and which could not? The thought left a horrid taste in her mouth but it was not out of the realm of possibility. All things were possible.

Smiling over as introductions were made, Elizaveta held her hand out to gently shake Bartrams. "It is truly a pleasure to meet you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Interacting with: Henry @HylianRose

Feora noted that Henry was rather quiet following her greeting. However, she took it as a sign that he was similarly uncomfortable in the given situation, which gave her some relief. She let him take his time formulating something to say. She certainly wasn’t in any rush. When he finally did speak, she was pleasantly surprised by his statement. Right away he spoke with sincerity, which was something she both admired and envied. His mindset on the situation that they were currently in evidently paralleled her own. A spark of hope flared up in her that together they could come up with a way out of this arranged marriage, a way that would not be detrimental to either of their kingdoms. Her expression brightened up slightly at that thought, and the corners of her lips started to pull up into the beginnings of a smile. But of course, her hopes were quickly dashed as a new realization struck her. Out of the corner of her eye, she had noted that her guard Fitzroy was watching her closely. It dawned on her that whatever she said would get back to her father via her eavesdropping guards. That meant that she couldn’t defy her father without him knowing about it. It was one thing to challenge him privately but publicly—she didn’t know what he would do then. What punishment would he come up with, marry her off sooner than the allotted three months? Her facial expression hardened the slightest bit, and her jaw clenched as anger and frustration built up in her. My father thinks he has won the game, but the truth is that the games have only just begun. He needs to get out of my way, or I will trample him into the dust.

She quickly tried to change her expression back to something more neutral. Henry didn’t deserve to take the brunt of her anger. It wasn’t his fault that her father betrayed her or that she was dumped into this mess that she called her life. “Good,” she answered simply to his question on how the pastries were. She once again flashed him that small half-hearted smile. When he began speaking about his mother, she felt a pang of sadness. She wished her own mother was still alive, maybe then her life would be more pleasant. The statement that followed momentarily confused her, and she mentally scrambled to recall what little information she did know about Henry’s history. She quickly remembered that he is a bastard child, so he must have been referring to his birth mother. She was honestly surprised that her father chose to have her marry Henry considering his status as a bastard. Not that it really mattered to her. After all, you couldn’t choose who your parents are.

Her breath caught in her throat when he leaned over to her to whisper in her ear. His breath tickled her ear as he spoke, causing an involuntary shiver to run down her spine. Nevertheless, her brows furrowed in reaction to what he said. He then pulled away and quickly, and rather loudly, changed the subject. She only vaguely registered his question regarding her favorite food. Her mind still remained on what he had whispered to her. He’s not worth it…why would he say or think that? She wanted to respond to that statement, but the fact that he had whispered it meant that it was a conversation he didn’t want everyone to hear. Her face flushed slightly at the thought of leaning over and whispering in his ear like he had done to her. However, she felt that what she had to say was important. It took a fair amount of courage on her part to lean over and whisper in his ear, “Everyone has worth, Henry, just not everyone is kind enough to recognize it.” She watched his facial expression, gauging his reaction, as she pulled away. “Now what was the question again…my favorite food? We eat a fair amount of meat in Wulfswinth, so I suppose it would be something along those lines. Maybe beef brisket. Venison is nice as well.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GirlOnMarz
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Princess Sade Magoro of Udawen

Interacting with Caterina (@HaleyTheRandom) and Shawn (@Neno 1445)

Sade carefully walked through the large double doors into the main room; her eyes fixated on her four inch, open-toed heels. Her mother had made her walk around their entire home in them for hours just a few days before, wanting to be absolutely sure that she'd be ready for this day. After all, she'd had very little experience walking in any heel over two inches tall, and it would be very embarrassing if she'd somehow manage to take a spill and make a fool of herself. Once she cleared any stairs, however, she knew that she would be perfectly fine. When Sade finally lifted her gaze, she let out a deep sigh as the tense expression left her face and her usual radiant glow returned. Taking a quick look around the room, she saw that she wasn't the first royal to arrive, nor was she one of the last. Her eyes first fell upon Princess Ariel, who was walking in at about the same time as herself. She looked beautiful, as usual, in her all black attire. Apparently the princess had spotted her as well, because she gave Sade a small wave. A grin found its way to her lips as she returned the wave, and then continued her walk around the room.

"Shoulders back, head high. Think elegant, think graceful. You are a swan." Her mother's words played on a continuous loop in her head as she made her way towards the table of sweets. "You must have an air of grace and elegance, Sade- what did I say about hunching your shoulders? You're a princess, for God's sake, act like one!" Finally reaching the table, Sade picked up a piece of chocolate and popped it into her mouth. The moment the sweet, bitter candy touched her tongue, her nerves subsided, and she forced herself to relax. She helped herself to a few more as she studied the other royals that occupied the room; she tried her best to recall their names.

First spotted was Elizaveta, who'd been there before she arrived. Sade had heard much about her Kingdom, and was very much looking forward to meeting the elegant princess. Next came Mai, who was wearing a beautifully made, crimson colored dress. Her makeup and hair, as usual, was done to perfection; she couldn't help but stare in awe. Next, her eyes fell upon Isobel, whose bright pink hair made her stand out from the rest. Initially, Sade had not been a fan of the girl's odd hair color, but now she'd grown to love it. Walking away from the treat table, Sade called off the names of the Princes and Princesses that she passed in her head. "Henry.. Zhou.. Cara.. Feora.. Nikolai.. John.. Liviana...." By the time she'd made it to the other side of the room, she was confident that she'd identified all of the royals that were in the room. Taking a deep breath once more, Sade stood near one of the walls, subtly leaning against it to ease the ache that was starting to spread from her toes to the inner arches of her feet, as she observed once more.

She immediately straightened up, however, when she noticed two figures approaching from the corner of her eye. Turning her head, she instantly recognized them as Princess Caterina, of Svearike, and Prince Shawn, of Avalon. They approached at a comfortable pace, Caterina's hand wrapped around his arm. Shawn was the first to speak when they reached her. "Greetings," he started off. "I'm Shawn Hunter of Avalon, and this is my bethrothed, Caterina Frenandaz Versini Of Svearike. It is a pleasure to meet you," he said as he extended his hand. Noticing the brief expression on the young woman's face, Sade let out a short laugh before shaking Shawn's hand, her smile brightening up her face.

Caterina smiled as well before extending her hand, which Sade shook as well. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Caterina had said, "I have been ecstatic to approach you."

"I am Princess Sade Magoro, of Udawen. Ni furaha mkutano wewe," she said, "It is a pleasure to meet you both. You two make a very beautiful couple." Sade took another quick look around before continuing on. "I have been excited to meet you, too, as I've heard many great things about the both of you. Your Kingdoms as well." Slowly but surely, Sade started to feel more comfortable, her nerves disappearing entirely.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nikolai Johanssen

Interacting with: @Lady Amalthea & @alexfangtalon

Niko chuckled at Leon's words. "A secret? Well, that would prove to be interesting. I suppose your parents have their reasons for keeping you in the dark for now. I wish you luck all the same," he said. He looked towards Elizaveta the same time she looked at him and their eyes met for a brief second. He smiled. He had no qualms about his bethrotal to her and have high hopes that they would get along well in the next three months. He liked that she had been thoughtful enough to give him something he would appreciate. To him, it was far more valuable than any expensive memento. While he didn't actually expect to be given a gift, it was a good start for him.

His thoughts strayed back a few weeks prior to this event. While he had studied all the dossier provided for each royal, it did not cross his mind to choose who his future wife would be. He was sure his parents did, his father particularly. Caterina of Svearike would probably be one of his choices since she was, after all, from a neighboring kingdom. A permanent alliance through their marriage would prove useful for both kingdoms. Niko actually half expected it since King Alessandro once brought up the idea after the peace treaty has been signed. Elizaveta and Feora would probably fit as his mother's choices, if she had indeed casted her vote. It would have been entertaining to have witnessed that debate between his parents. He made a mental note to ask the Queen the next chance he got.

He turned his attention back to Leon then at Bartram. The smirk on Leon's face didn't escape Niko's keen sense of observation. The man being introduced really was a close friend. It was the same attitude he showed his own best friend, Prince Alistair Valefour, crown prince of Vale. If Alis weren't already married, it would have been amusing to have him attend this event. He acknowledged Leon's friend with a small bow of his head and a polite smile. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well, Bartram.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Henry Peterson III

Interacting with: Feora @mnkee

Henry watched an interesting mix of emotions in Feora's face and smiled. It was nice seeing at least a small spark of authentic feelings in the girl. At least he knew she wasn't a rich daughter robot. Still, he wondered what the sudden switch from happy to angry stemmed from.

"Just good?" He asked, his eyes widening. They weren't just good, they were pretty amazing. Either she was seriously lacking taste buds, or something was up. He was actually hoping for the latter, he could work with the latter. He was also starting to get used to the half-assed smiles she gave him, though he didn't want to be. He had hope that he could turn them into real smiles given time.

His eyes went wide as Feora whispered in his ear much in the same way he did to her. He felt a spark run down the side of his body, not quite like a shiver, but not a tickle either. He fought the urge to turn his body away from her mouth and tried to listen to what she said. However, now he really couldn't keep his eyes off of her lips, the thought of them brushing up against his ear brought a red hue to his cheeks. He swallowed and looked down the ground very suddenly trying to thinking about how to respond without making it completely obvious how flustered he really was by the entire encounter.

Everyone has worth? That is what she said isn't it? Why would she say that? After a sobering moment of thinking about her statement, he turned to look at her, confusion spread across his face.

He wanted to lean in and respond, to let her know that no one deserved the effort it took her to pretend to smile but he didn't really know how to put it into words so he simply stuffed his mouth with another pastry, a pout on his face. "Maybe you'll have to make that for me instead. My mother was a vegetarian so I haven't had much meat. Even when my father's chef makes it, I can't seem to get it down. Maybe if it's you, I might could get it down." He explained, now grinning at her again.

He already wanted to leave this damn party. Maybe he would later... Say hello to a few others before heading in to find his room...

No. He didn't even want to do that much at this point. He glanced over at Cara, before turning back to Feora. "I think I might leave shortly. Unless you have a reason for me to stay?" He explained, asking for her opinion. "I'm not much one for big crowds like this, but I would feel badly if I left and you'd rather me stay and keep you company. I've never done one of these... 'Grand Ball' things so I'm not accustomed to what is happening and what may happen later. Is there dancing? Dinner? Would it be rude of me to leave so soon before meeting everyone? I'm not sure, honestly. But ever fiber of my being hates being here right now."

He sighed, his arms now crossed, his brows furrowed. "I wonder if there's a library. It might be nice to sit in there and read or chat... Maybe I could convince a maid to bring tea..." He pondered, the area between his brows relaxing.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 2 days ago

Serafina 'Ariel' Gray of Norden

Interacting with: Fareeha @OfWindAndRain

Ariel listened quietly as Fareeha spoke. It made sense why a Kingdom basically set in the desert didn’t have dogs. As the other girl spoke, Ariel couldn’t help but wonder about her upbringing. Did the people in her Kingdom just let their children play with dangerous animals, such as pythons and hyenas? Perhaps. Or it at least seemed that way. Upon hearing Fareehas last words, she shook her head quickly, a look of concern on her face. ”Oh, absolutely not! Hadi’s being here is not that big of a deal, really. I promise.

She’d went and done it, hadn’t she? Made someone feel guilty for something very unnecessary. Shutup, Ariel. Shutup and stop thinking. Making yourself feel bad isn’t how you want this day to go, is it?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Interacting with: Henry @HylianRose

Feora hadn’t intended to make the situation more awkward than it already was. However, Henry’s flustered reaction said she had done just that. Truthfully, the situation left her feeling a mixture of both embarrassment and amusement. She was glad though when he changed the subject.

A vegetarian, huh? Well, that means more meat for me, she thought to herself. “I don’t think I would be any better at making it,” she replied to his comment. She wasn’t particularly proficient in cooking as it was never a skill that her mentors forced upon her to learn. As far as they were concerned, they saw cooking as more of a servant’s job. However, she wouldn’t be opposed to learning. She enjoyed learning new things.

She let out a sigh at his next statement. “I don’t blame you. It is a tedious business building relations; however, I must admit that it is important. These people after all will be the next generation of rulers. It is imperative that we make a good impression on them, for the sake of our kingdoms and keeping the peace,” she explained as her gaze took in the room full of people before eventually returning to Henry. Lucky you, I have been dragged to many of these things, she thought at his statement that he had never been to a ball before. “A ball is a more formal event with a lot dancing and socializing. The men dress in suits and the women wear more elaborate dresses, and an abundance of food is usually provided,” she elaborated for him. “It is really up to you as to whether or not you leave. I won’t stop you.”

Just then, Feora’s guard Maxwell approached them. “Excuse me for interrupting, your highnesses,” he stated. He gave a slight bow to Henry and Feora before addressing Feora, “I wanted to let you know that your horse and stable hand have arrived safely and are getting settled in as we speak.”

“That’s great news,” she replied to Maxwell as a genuine smile lit up her features. “I wasn’t sure how well Frederick would do on the long journey here. Thank you for letting me know.”

Maxwell bowed once again and was about to walk off when she stopped him with her next statement, “Did my tactical suggestion prove worthwhile?” Her smile changed into a sly smirk when he begrudgingly nodded his head.

“Good, then remember that next time you question my intelligence,” she retorted. Her tone of voice held a slight harshness and almost warning like nature to it. She then abruptly turned back to Henry. She worked to return her facial expression to something more neutral, but despite her best efforts, there was still a fieriness present in her gaze. She couldn’t deny the high she got from speaking her mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Leon Fords
Prince of Krieg-Königreich

Interacting with: @Lady Amalthea & @Kyrisse

Once Bartram finished greeting the two royals he slid back to his spot keeping watch over the whole room. Leon smiled mainly because as of right now he felt he could freely be himself. He didn't have to pretend to be someone he wasn't. He didn't have the watchful eye of his father or anyone under his father that would report to the king. Leon looked at Elizaveta, "I do hope that she is as kind as the two of you are. Hopefully, my betrothed and I can get along together just as the two of you have."

Leon began looking over all the attendees trying to see if he could deduce who exactly his betrothed was. This task was harder than he expected it to be. His father was very good at hiding information and keeping it from Leon so he was only able to rule out a few. The two that his father had completely hidden even the name of from Leon were still on the list of possibilities. In all honesty, that frightened Leon. If his betrothed ended up being someone he knew nothing about then what on earth was he going to do. He didn't want to make a fool of himself, but knowing nothing about the girl he is to wed would leave him at a disadvantage. He looked back to the two in front of him and asked, "So, what do the two of you think of the other attendees?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 2 days ago

Raven Aster Willow
Princess of Aciras

Raven, scanning the room with a watchful eye watched the events fold out before her. Caismir was dancing with Isobel. Strange, she thought. If I remember correctly, he is betrothed to Serafina. Her betrothed however... escapes my mind. Everyone seemed to be speaking with one another. Elizaveta and Nickolai seemed to be making the best impression upon everyone. Hand in hand, the seemed to be a perfect match. Nicklas spoke to Mai, another match that seemed interesting. She spotted Shawn offer his hand to Caterina out of the corner of her eye, a half smile coming upon her face before quickly disappearing. It was at that point that she noticed Talya, all alone in a corner by herself. She quickly referred to her training. "A good host always includes everyone," Tessa had always said.

The young princess took a deep breath and approached her fellow royalty, a confident aura to her as she walked across the room. She stopped a few paces away from the other girl. "Princess Talya, if I may," she began. "Mind if I ask how you are liking Aciras so far?
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