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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raizin
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Raizin Dick Grayson is best Robin

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Day/time:day 1/morning
Location: the meeting spot in the main lounge of the greased oak
Tagged:Open Mention: @Bright_Ops@Halvtand@Ashevelendar@Vec

Reavus had just been listening for the most part. Except for when the orc knight came in. He had been holding back his laugh at her last sentence like his life depended on it.'Really? Wetter of panties?' he thought while listening to Seth announce teams. 'this is the most oddball party I've ever heard of'. Though he had to admit everyone seemed like they could handle themselves. If anything they'd probably think I was a liability looking like I haven't worked in month, which I haven't. Then the magician known as Keith offered to take the role of party 2 leader. he definitely worked better than most our party only other person who at least looks leader material is P4NDA who didn't seem that interested. Now he was just waiting to get to work.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Alexander Salzar
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - Entrance => Meeting spot
Tagging: @Halvtand
Mentioned: -

A special mission? For him already? He felt honored. Then again, how special could it really be? He was new, inexperienced and not yet matched into a party. It was probably more of a solo mission he didn't really require back-up for. But he couldn't complain. Money is money. He couldn't be picky about these things. Not yet. With a curd nod he acknowledged Seth and walked up towards him. Casting a look over the newly found guild. Things would have to be upped a notch in professionalism according to Alex. He reached Seth and started with: "I'll rather take the solo mission unless the second group feels they require back up. More tasks completed mean more gold and resources for the guild." he wasn't really considering sharing everything. Maybe 1/4th of whatever he earned? Or free alchemical services. It didn't matter for now, though he might want to inform the Guild Leader of his skills. "Sir! I mean Seth. This is just a heads-up really. But if you happen to come across some herbs, please take them. You never know which potion I might cook up." Or rather which potion he could cook up in the distant future when he got the herbs identified and got a recipe for them. But still, having a small stock couldn't hurt? "So what is this mission?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: P4NDA | Level: 1 | Cleric | Day 1 / Morning | Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern - Main Lounge table.
Tagging: @Bright_Ops, @Halvtand
Mentioned: @Legion02, @Raizin, @KoL, @Cyrania, @Fetzen, @Ayemdar, @Holy Soldier

Kai glomped the last piece of pie in his hand as he watched the magician performing some quite impressive shuffling tricks with the deck of cards, before approaching the gnome girl and talking to her. "No..." Kai's eyes widened at the thought, and just like he imagined, the girl gave out a yelp before holding up a card, Kai's card. "Oooohh~" Kai exclaimed and started clapping profusely. One had to admit, the man knew his craft well, so why not applause?

"Sure enough, that's the ace of diamonds alright!" Kai said enthusiastically and gave a thumbs up when the magician asked him if that was his card. He was about to go introduce himself to the two when a loud shout followed by hurried thumping could be heard from behind Kai. He turned back and watched as a furious No descended the stairs and practically lunged at one of the girl's working at the tavern. Kai frowned as No started accusing the girls of robbery and was about to intervene, but was cut off by a young, female elf before saying anything. The elf proceeded to scold No, and Kai sighed, wondering if there was any way her scolding him would work out. Fortunately, it seemed that she had her way with words, and No could not refute her logic at all.

When he released the tavern girl, Kai relaxed a bit. That was when he realised that he had sensed a faint, but familiar energy emitted from the elf girl. "Oh, a fellow healer eh?" Kai was pleasantly surprised to realise that the elf was a healer just like him.

At the gargoyle's sly remarks, Kai turned his head towards No, but what he witnessed would be forever etched in his brain as comedic gold. A 6 something, 300-pound muscular man wearing a pink apron and holding a broom, glaring at everyone. The gargoyle might have managed to hold on, but Kai couldn't. The moment he laid his eyes upon No, Kai burst into a fit of laughter, and could not stop even as everyone else had already started talking about how to organise teams. It was only when he heard someone else calling him by name that he calmed down. He wiped the tears from his eyes. "Y-haha-yes! I'm here boss! *pff* " Kai giggled.

He returned back to the table and sat down on his seat, as everyone else kept blabbering about who would be the leader. At that time, two more joined their little meeting, and Kai greeted them with a smile and a nod. He was especially amused by the orc's words. "Wetter of panties, heh..."

"Party 2; Keith, Reavus, Raven, P4NDA and Shama." Seth called out five names. "So we're the second party? Hmm..." The cleric looked around, eyeing his future comrades. It was all fun and games until they entered the battlefield, and Kai knew that well. His job as the healer of the party was considered important, even though he himself was somewhat lazy. Unfortunately, gold didn't grow on trees, and thus, he would eventually have to work to earn his living. Kai stood up and walked towards his fellow party members, who were starting to group up in order to figure out who would take the leader position.

"I'm Keith... I'm happy to take over for group two." Kai looked at the magician from head to toe with a surprised look. Although Kai had a good impression of Keith, he didn't think that he would be the guy to take up a leadership position so eagerly. Nevertheless, when one looked at the rest of the party members, they would realise that there weren't many good options to pick from anyway. Kai was lazy and he knew it, so it would only serve to drag the party down if he became a leader. The pie guy seemed your average happy-go-lucky guy, so he becoming the leader was off the table as well. The thief girl? She seemed uninterested. As for the orc...

"It seems that we'll be in your hands then," Kai said, smiled, and patted Keith on the back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 5 days ago

If he should be relieved about the constellation of the party he was in or not, that was a split decision yelling out for a tie breaker.

On one hand it had turned out that Seth was their leader - though he was human, he had already proven that he certainly wasn't the worst one available here. Kerylun decided that he, extrapolating from what he had seen so far, could live with Gwendolyn. The elf was a bit trigger-happy perhaps, but that didn't really disturb him unless her bow would be targeting him. Lizzy... well... even if she had an annoyance level similar to that of No written in her personality... She was tiny - probably a wizard that didn't need much of a body. It could serve as an alternative means to unleash her personality on the party, but then at least it would likely be more creative and intelligent than what No was doing... The gargoyle remembered that he wanted to talk to her later on when this meeting would be over. Elel, another elf... she would reveal herself over time, hopefully.

On the other hand: They had No in their party. But wait a minute.... 'Eye of the Storm'. The chosen name made Kerylun burst into a fit of giggles. "Erm... isn't the Eye of a storm always the calmest part of the entire thing ? I don't see much potential for calmness over here... The creature didn't point towards the dragon (of which it, at this point in time, didn't know that he indeed was an imprisoned dragon). It found it unnecessary. His fit came to a sudden stop when the two chairs he was sitting on started emanating cracking noises beneath his shaking body. Uh oh... Now it looked like he was frozen in place - obviously he didn't dare to move even a single hand anymore.

"Gwendolyn ? Since you appear to be using a bow like me, do you think that we could team up ?" Speaking of which... why did such a high percentage of people carry all of their weapons and armor with them even if they seemed to have rented a room here ? Wasn't this horribly uncomfortable ? Or wait... maybe it was all stuff born by microtransaction, absolutely weightless but with the ultimate demand of being presented to other people ?
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: No
Level: 1
Race: Dragon
Class: Barbarian
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Post ends with No cleaning
Tagging: Open, Everyone Mentioned: @KoL

No pretended not to see the snerks, smirks, and smiles as he walked around the room in his pink apron, cheeks ablaze in embarrassment as he swept dust into neat and surprisingly organized piles. He kept his golden eyes on the floor. He was like a volcano ready to erupt, fuming silently. The rest of the guild better not have been looking down on him. He was a warrior! He was a dragon! Most of those beings he could break in to. The smallest one…well…all he had to do was sit on her, and she was finished!

He pulled a chair out and swept underneath it, no longer thinking about his humiliating ordeal. He was deep in thought, imagining the quests the guild leader would put him on. Why, he was the MVP! The party couldn’t go into battle without a warrior, and he was the best one! They wouldn’t have been able to complete any quests without him. He snorted, a few chutes of hot steam leaving his nostrils as a firm frown tensed on his face.

I’m probably going to be first pick, No thought with a long and egotistical smirk stretching on his face. Who wouldn’t want a dragon on their team?

The dragon was convinced that he had nothing to worry about and he continued to sweep.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Gwendolyn
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: White Mage
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern -the meeting table in the main lounge.
Tagging: @Fetzen Mentioned: @Ashevelendar

The white mage chuckled with the gargoyle, "Yes, the name is a bit ironical under present circumstances. But it's a serviceable one and should be apt once we actually fight on quests." She tactfully ignored the creaking chairs, no sense embarrassing him. Besides, Gwen wasn't sure if anything she could do to help would be welcome. So she answered his next query with a nod, "I would like that. Partners in archery, so to speak."

Then Gwendolyn noticed the knight that was suppose to lead them leave the inn in a rage, seemingly flustered about something. " I guess we're down one tank," she said. "Wait a minute. Tank? Where did that term come from?" Then the elf shrugged her shoulders, whatever it was, it seemed an apt description of what would have been Seth's role in the party. A role No could play to some extent but not very well. Gwen surveyed the crowd and spotted the orc woman. Said her name was Shama Molokai, hadn't she? She hadn't been assigned to anything yet since she had arrived late, she seemed nice, and something about her screamed the mysterious word "Tank." Then the elf turned to Kerylun, "Maybe we should ask Shama to join with us? We need somebody to keep the targets in our long range and she seems nice and the fighting type to fit the bill."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Archer
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Main hall of the Greased Oak
@Holy Soldier

A room lit up by the sunlight traveling through the rags hanging in front of the window, sheets lying on the ground with at the back of the wall a shadow of a girl undressing from her pajamas. Dust lightly wavered through the air of the room as the sound of the girl changing continued. Outside on the street you could hear the bird chirping and carriages strolling by. Not many people were busy outside yet so it was rather quiet on the streets.

Chino pulled a skin tight sleeveless t shirt over her head bringing it down to her waists. As she did she lightly shook her head to get her hair well and good again. Then another layer of cloth which was also sleeveless but a bit prettier and looser. Knee socks, gloves, shorts and a small cape with hoodie. After her morning ritual she was ready for her daily job. Hunting for goods and the likes to get money for shelter. On her way out she got a small shoulder bag and her bow and quiver while walking and left her room.

A small walk later she tilted her head at the sign of the Greased Oak. Has she ever been inside? Probably not, she didn't remember. It made her a little curious however. Well what had she to lose and she could always run away if she didn't like all the men sitting there now drinking booze and gambling. With a slight heavy push of the door she went in. She didn't look particularly anyone in the eyes wanting to get in any trouble. She knew how it worked in these kind of places and that she was too powerless to get in any fights here.

She walked in for a bit and took the second bar seat she found. With a climb she got up on the chair and looked at the menu card for a minute to see what they had. Chino didn't waste any time and got the attention of one of the staff members in pink apron cleaning this mess.

"Can I order a black coffee from you sir. You look like the type to make good coffee."

Chino gave the man a relaxed smile and waited for him to get her coffee. He looked quite good in that apron. She didn't know it was this type of tavern.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bridge Rat Infestation Quest...

This quest can only be activated by the party leader. Once activated, those members in his/her party will be transported to an alternate timeline to carryout the quest. Failure to complete this quest will result in the consequences becoming an actuality in the main game verse. Completion of this quest will purge Bridgewater of the plague and bestow the rewards mentioned in the quest scroll.

GM Note: This scroll can be removed from the wall. Highly behoove the party leader to gather the individuals he's taking with him on the quest and activate the scroll outside the Greased Oak. As soon as these actions are completed in game, then the quest will start. In the meantime, no hurry.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Name: Keith
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Warlock
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak
Tagging: @Holy Soldier@liferusher@JackalopeLove@KoL@Raizin@Ayemdar@Vec@Zelosse

Since there did not appear to be any objections to his power grab (And even a few voices supporting him), Keith rolled his shoulders a little before he stood up and walked over to the 'Quest' Board. Looking over the possibly tasks that he could take on, he hmm'ed a little as his gaze landed on a scroll that spoke of some kind of plague outbreak caused by rats... monstrous rats... with rumors of something bigger working behind the scenes to cause the outbreak of both plague and rats.

Truth be told the opportunity to do a bit of looting... maybe even some grave robbing if the pickings were slim ran through his mind (Or better yet, let other people do the dangerous work of actually looting the graves before cutting out the middle men) but they were quickly replaced by a more important concern; If he let this plague run rampant, people would abandon the city in droves and he would be forced to relocate much sooner then he had intended. Granted it wouldn't be the first time he had ever had to leave a place on short notice but it would still be a major personal inconvenience... and if some people disappeared in the aftermath clearly it would have to be the plague's fault, right?

Taking the scroll off the wall, he turned and walked back to the table before looking around at his party. "Alright people, we've got ourselves a job. Gathering your shit and come with me... We've got some vermin to kill."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Fat King Quest...

The Messenger

The door to the Greased Oak opened, and a man with brown, short and moppy hair stepped into the room to stand before the group that was gathered. From his belt he removed a scroll and unraveled the red thread that bound it. He unrolled the parchment and held it before his hazel eyes as they motioned from left to right over the intricately scribbled ink. He announced:

"M'lord King Willy Bridgewater requests the aid of three brave warriors. There will be a reward for any who volunteer and comes to his aid."

The messenger closed the scroll and looped the thread back around it as he explained: "I cannot go into detail about what m'lord wants for this environment is not safe. Any who wish to accompany me please do. He only desires three."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: No
Level: 1
Race: Dragon
Class: Barbarian
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Post ends with No cleaning
Tagging: Open, The Messenger @liferusher Mentioned: @Bright_Ops

Can I order a black coffee from you sir…

No had just pushed a chair in after cleaning beneath a table and was in the middle of moving to the next table when he realized something…

You look like the type to make good coffee.

The dragon paused, his blonde brows crashing together. He peered over his shoulder to see a little girl smiling his way and a startling chill shot up his spine, causing the scales on his back to stand on end. He stared back forward, hiding the rage that started to contort his face. He closed his eyes, his lips twisting as he gradually presented his fang-filled mouth in a grit of rage. The broom handle creaked within his ever tightening grip as he twisted it in anger.

The corner of his mouth twitched as No turned his head back around, presenting to the girl the creepiest and fakest smile.

“What makes you think I work here?” the warrior asked, his voice quivering with pent-up emotion.

Alright people, we’ve got ourselves a job. Gather your shit and come with me…We’ve got some vermin to kill.

No dashed the broom upon the floor and grasped a wad of the pink apron to rip it free. He cast the pink garment upon the floor as the cool air brushed along his bare skin. His face went blank for a moment as he realized he now stood in the tavern in nothing but his tighty-whities.

Shit! he cursed to himself. His steel armor blinked onto his person as he reequipped his gear. Blushing, he arrogantly scratched as his nose and smiled.

“Heh, woah, sorry about that ladies. I didn’t expect to unveil the curtain so soon.”

By then the messenger arrived, announcing about a king’s request. The dragon’s brows immediately raised.

“Did you say king…and reward?” he questioned.

A sly grin cracked on the warrior’s face as he briefly glanced at Keith and his stupid rat extermination quest..pft! Kings had gold…tons of it. No started over to the messenger.

“If the king will have me, then he won’t need three. I’m the greatest warrior there is,” No declared.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ashevelendar
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Ashevelendar Linde Service Desk

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Shama Molokai
Level: 1
Race: Orc
Class: Knight
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern => Meeting spot
Tagging: @Holy Soldier, @Ayemdar, @Cyrania, @Vec, @Raizin, @Bright_Ops, @Halvtand, @Fetzen, @JackalopeLove, @KoL@Legion02

Shama stood silently through all the meeting just watch people talk and do magic tricks. When the messenger arrive and asked who shall aid , she stood up from her seat and said " I'm in. I'll take your job to help this monarch of yours. Let is not be said that Shama Molokai stood idly when a monarch needed her arm. *she made a pause* Her help , not her arm. I still need my arm to fight evil ! Kerylun and Gwendolyn , let's save the king. Maybe we will get his daughter's hand and half of his kingdom ? " Shama with a grin on her face. She stood idly for far too long. She had to save a princess or do something good otherwise she would go insane with all the evil in the world !
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Gwendolyn
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: White Mage
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Bridgewater - Greased Oak Tavern -the meeting table in the main lounge.
Tagging: @Fetzen @Ashevelendar

Gwendolyn smiled as she rose from her seat, "Well Kerylun, looks like a quest awaits us. A first challenge for this team. We may as well heed the call. You have your stuff, right?" Then the elf walked to the orc and the king's messenger, "I'm ready. My friend should be coming along shortly."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 5 days ago

The gargoyle acknowledged Gwendolyns words by nodding. Not that he was a very social creature, but sometimes even he felt just better with having someone on his side. This was especially true if one's life was at stake.

People kept arriving. Hell, how large was this guild going to get ? The Eye certainly would not be a calm one... It made it even more important to gather some friends around oneself and do some networking. So far Kerylun's attention had been divided up between No and the persons that had gathered in the closest proximity to the table, so he had not been able to keep track of everyone coming in entirely.

And then it happened... No turned himself into Wears-No-thing... Or at least he tried. The 'success' was sufficient for the gargoyle's cheeks to balloon up to an almost painful looking extent while he desperately tried to vent the internal overpressure while at the same time pressing his lips together as tightly as he could. His elbow landed on the table and he started to facepalm. Or... should one say... faceclaw ?

Suddenly, Kerylun heard an unfamiliar voice call out his name. A damn needed distraction! He turned his head around. Instant thought: Wow, that was a tough lady... Maybe an Orc could act as a bit of a diversion for himself. The gargoyle lifted himself up to his full height and stepped towards the messenger. "Well No, I think you could be right about this. When you show the same quality of making a mock out of yourself on the battlefield as you did here, enemies will explode into laughter, damaging nearby foes and thereby causing a catastrophic chain reaction. However I think that your behaviour is not very... how should I say... courtly ?" The gargoyle's tone did not lack a noticeable bit of conceit before turning normal again. "Gwen ? Shrima ? I'm your man... erm... statue... erm... beast."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: No
Level: 1
Race: Dragon
Class: Barbarian
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Post ends with No cleaning
Tagging:@Fetzen@Cyrania@Ashevelendar Mentioned: N/A

No heard all the chiming in for the king’s quest and that was when the dragon turned around to face the three heroes that had copied him as he would interpret. He waved a dismissive hand at them.

“Woah, hey, your help is unnecessary,” he told them. No then grinned back at The Messenger. “I always insist on going on these missions alone and others insist on following me.”

When the gargoyle thudded over, No could feel how heavy he was through the floorboards, the dragon frowned, one bottom-jaw fang poking out of the corner of his mouth while he glared at the stone devil.

“The only mockery is the worthless excuse for a doorstop standing before me,” the dragon jeered. “What would a church piece know anything about courts? He isn’t asking for manners. He’s asking for a strong warrior to help him with his problems, and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do!”

No whirled back around to face The Messenger. “What do you want? This walking statue who’d be more useful sitting on a fountain pissing water, this bitchy elf, this green woman whose in denial about her sexuality, or the most powerful dragon that ever terrorized this land, me?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Fat King Quest...

The Messenger

The messenger was staring wide-eyed at No. Completely amazed at how much ego was emanating from the warrior. It was like standing next to a bonfire and it made his heart anxiously race a little. He wanted to believe him that he was as strong as he confidently believed he was, but then he felt too afraid that the king would be displeased if he brought only one hero back to the castle.

Clearing his throat, the messenger pointed passed the dragon, pointing to each of the heroes that had stepped forward: Gwnedolyn, Shama, and Kerylun.

“You three, please come with me,” he beckoned before he turned to quickly take his leave into the streets before he faced any sort of protest from the supposed-dragon.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: No
Level: 1
Race: Dragon
Class: Barbarian
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Post ends with No cleaning
Tagging:@Fetzen@Cyrania@Ashevelendar Mentioned: N/A

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 5 days ago

"Better a statue that's pissing something actually useful than a guy who is leaking verbal crap so badly..." No's constant efforts to hammer out as much arrogance and self-confidence in the most negative sense as possible were starting to annoy the gagoyle. "So tell me... why don't you look like a dragon ? Shouldn't you have tapped into your true form and exploited its power minutes ago to destroy the whole damn city in a fit of rage ? It would suit your character."

Kerylun didn't immediately leave the tavern. That messenger wouldn't leave without him... The gargoyle glanced back to No. "I want to see that dragon's strength that you bear inside your body. Grab my waist and lift me off the floor..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: No
Level: 1
Race: Dragon
Class: Barbarian
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: Post ends with No cleaning
Tagging:@Fetzen Mentioned: N/A

While kneeling in the sympathetic defeat of his pride, No listened to the smack the gargoyle tried to drop on him. His sharp teeth came together in a frown and a rumbling growl rolled from his chest.

So tell me…why don’t you look like a dragon? Shouldn’t you have tapped into your true form and exploited its power minutes ago to destroy the whole damn city in a fit of rage? It would suit your character.

“A piece of ****ing curb don’t know me,” No hissed.

His imprisonment was always such a sore spot. If it hadn’t been for the mage, then he might have burned down every city to include the damn rocks like Kerylun.

I want to see that dragon’s strength that you bear inside your body. Grab my waist and lift me off the floor…

“You dare test me?” the dragon snarled.

Small flickering flames appeared within the golden rings of No’s eyes. His pupils thinned into hair-thin slits and his hands curled into large fists upon the floor. His arm muscles swelled with strength and with a barbarous bellow, No pushed off the floor. His arms stretched wide open as he rushed the gargoyle in an attempt to grab hold of his stony form. If No proved successful, then he would lock his arms about him, hands grasping the back of his thighs for better purchase, and drive his feet into the floor as he attempted to lift with all of his legs' strength.

No immediately realized that the gargoyle was not a lightweight. He figured that he wouldn’t be, but he didn’t expect him to be that heavy. The effort the dragon was putting forth made his eyes nearly bulge and his every muscle tremble in the struggle.

“You…son ova’…” No rasped out, spit sputtering from his mouth in his desperation to prove to the gargoyle that he wasn’t entirely weak. He wasn’t this weak. He couldn’t be. Not even for a human. He was a dragon! His eyes shifted a crimson-red and the warrior roared in his determination:

An inch! He was able to lift the gargoyle an inch from the floor before a combination of the gargoyle’s weight and No’s balance began to waiver. The crimson swiftly left No’s eyes when he felt the gargoyle’s weight rocking in his gradually weakening arms. He couldn’t even keep him steady. His heart leapt when he felt the weight rock toward him, fearing to be crushed and he attempted to shift the gargoyle’s weight forward so that if he did drop him, it would at least be away from him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Kerylun was obviously astonished when No actually managed to lift him, though obviously only by a single inch, for a damn short timespan and with all the strength he could muster. Noone had achieved - or just even dared to try - that before. Yet the constellation of a 310 pound warrior and a gargoyle that made the former one look like a small feather was doomed.

Kerylun felt that No was trying to move him to a more suitable position for the incoming crash, but in the instant he doubted that the strange man's remaining strength would suffice to achieve this in time. The gargoyle thrusted his arms forward above No's shoulders and next to his head. His hands were wide open, ready to receive the impact that was bound to come.


He didn't land on the imprisoned dragon, but instead Kerylun looked like as if he was in the middle of a pushup. He had stopped his fall with his arms before No could get crushed, though it had been more barely than anything else. He shifted backwards into the direction his feet were pointing, compensating for the difference in height between them. Now his head was directly above No's, large amber eyes staring at those of him. A somewhat amused grin appeared on Kerylun's stone grey face: "You struggled!"

Kerylun started to laugh, thereby unintentionally showing that he didn't lack his own arsenal of teeth as well.
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