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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 2 (mess hall)--->building 7

Niesha did her best to find what was needed for Sophia to do...whatever it was she needed to with the grease trap. What even was a grease trap, except to...catch grease? Jeez, such simple measures that now seemed...exotic after the three years since all hell broke loose. She shook her head, and for a moment she had to wonder...if things had been normal, would she have found Sophia? It seemed a moot point, and yet...Niesha swallowed, and decided that that would just lead to a headache. it didn't matter. All that matter was that they had each other now.

After searching for a time, she returned to Sophia.She felt quite helpless in this sort of thing, always just taking it for granted...the small things, the things that had made their generations the best, and the worst, were just...gone, and they had to make their way through a world that was a shadow of its former glory. Pondering that thought for a time, Niesha approached Sophia.

She smiled suddenly, at the imagine she portrayed. Reaching up, Niesha had to go slightly on her toes, she wiped the grease of Sophia's forehead, although she was sure both of them would be covered in it before the nights end. "Miss Sally doesn't know where glue is, so i'm going to go with Meg, see if she knows where any is..." She told her, not wanting to simply leave Sophia waiting, and wondering where she was, before she hurried off to find Meg in the rec centre, deciding she didn't really want to risk going to the infirmary. Every time she went in there, she tended to tick someone off in one way or another.

She approached the rec hall, entering it, and looking about for Meg
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 5 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

"You're just sayin' that," Jack chuckled, kissing the top of Tatiana's head, as she rested it on his shoulder. He couldn't help but hope that his shoulder wasn't too bony. One of his old girlfriends had complained about that, but it was before he had put on some muscle due to his police work. He toyed with the idea of carrying around a pillow in case his shoulder was incredibly uncomfortable, that way Tatiana wouldn't have to deal with an uncomfortable resting spot.

He spotted the ring on her finger as she curled her hand, and his grin widened once a more, remembering that yeah, that happened. It was a goofish pride to him, knowing that he wouldn't die alone, that he would be able to enjoy some fashion of married bliss, even with the world gone to shit with walkers and people destroying everything he held dear. Tatiana seemed untouchable to him, invincible even, protected from the horrors of reality. And she was a damn good Monopoly player. What more could he want?

Jack was, of course, slightly curious as Tatiana and Meg stepped off to the side, having what appeared to be a private conversation. It reminded him of an old high school debate he and a friend had--it was over what exactly girls talked about when no guys were around. He couldn't imagine Tatiana discussing the dirty topics they had suggested back in high school, but as he glanced at Bazhooli, he realized there was a conversation of his own he could ask.

He was getting married. And from all of the chick flicks Jack had seen, he knew that he'd have to have a best man. He wanted to make the wedding as close to perfection as he could get it, even if the guests had to be armed, just in case walkers came in. There was a mental image he had of an entirely fortified church, with the priest dressed from head to toe in camouflage print. Glancing at Bazhooli, he wondered partially how to ask a stranger to be his best man, with the only reason in Jack's mind for it being that Tatiana seemed comfortable with the man.

"Wanna be my best man?" Jack asked, his voice low enough so Tatiana and Meg couldn't hear, but that Bazhooli could. There was no foreplay to the question, he just sort of blurted it and hoped for the best. Jack didn't even consider the fact that the question likely made no sense. Not too many weddings happened during the end of the world.

Édouard Riviere

Location: the Field

"Penser Ă  quoi?" Édouard asked, playing dumb. It wasn't exactly hard for him to pretend to be stupid, as that was, broadly speaking, his talent. As Lyon hinted that he was talking about Sana, Édouard forced a laugh. Anything he could do to create the impression that he thought of Sana as being lower than a dog in social standing, he would have done. "Moi? Tu penses que j'ai le bĂ©guin pour elle? C'est fou. Mon cƓur est Ă  la mer." Pausing in his digging, he pulled down his left shirt sleeve, revealing a ship tattoo. Although it wasn't his first tattoo, it was by far his favorite one. If he had bothered with a will, he would have asked to be put to rest at sea.

Shrugging a bit, Édouard pulled his shirt sleeve back up, and grabbed the shovel once more. He continued on with his work, whistling to himself a sailing tune he had learned in Cyprus. The tropical island had been a welcome change from his dreary home in Grenoble, with the exquisite halls void of any life or feeling. His family might have been distant and cold, but Édouard had always had his head in the clouds, searching for some grand quest or adventure.

"Peter Pan?" Édouard mused for a moment, a smile playing on his lips. "Je prĂ©fĂ©rais le Capitaine Crochet." Though, he paused in his work as he considered Lyon's question. FĂ©lix came to mind first. He could hardly remember the expression of his bodyguard/boyfriend's face, as he abandoned him to the living dead. There had been others, he was sure, that had died because of him. He never paid much attention to it, but sometimes, people near him would vanish. FĂ©lix or Angelo, one of them, would tell him not to worry about it. They had taken care of something.

But Édouard mused that those deaths would have happened no matter where he went. FĂ©lix was the only one that had been a direct result of his actions, but it hardly moved him. He shrugged at Lyon's question, figuring that if he lied, he'd be beaten, and if he told the truth, he'd be beaten. And besides, he had hardly been playing. He was finding himself. There had been more meaning on board a ship than he had ever found in his home, in his studies, or in his family.

"FĂ©lix est mort," Édouard answered. "J'adore faire de la voile," he mused.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

At the scream, Amelia jolted in slight surprise and initial momentary panic. There was a brief fear that it might be a grave danger, but it seemed maybe that was not the case. Finally she calmed a little at Mike's reactions.” Alright...” She replied as she stood up, dashing after Mike. She didn't like the idea of being close to someone, just in case problems arrived. The safety in numbers and all. Her initial decision quickly came to a reevaluation when she noticed a certain certain frenchman appeared in her field of view.'DRAT!' She thought, still staying behind and following Mike thought. Ed was not going to try anything while Lyon was around him... she hoped.

She looked at Ed, but barely a glance really. She didn't want to keep her eyes on him for long for if she did, she'd start getting the urge to take a swing at him with her bat again. That wasn't exactly the best of things to do right now, so she just tried to focus on Lyon, while keeping a slight attention on Ed just in case. Still she did feel the urge to poke at him about how his jewels were feeling, but somehow managed to keep herself from mentioning that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver @FantasyChic @Nallore @Morose @Rivaan - Well Franklin is all a buzz. Sana helps Ciel to lay down carefully before nodding over to Tiffany. "I have them, you get help," Sana says quickly before running over to Raymond and wheeling his bed over to Ciels, wanting to keep both of them within arms reach. Keeping one eye on Ciel she gets to work on elevating Raymonds leg. "This is going to hurt," she says as she wraps a cord around his thigh and then tosses it over the top of an IV stand and pulls to hoist the leg up at a dramatic angle. As Lyon gets word that Sana needs his help he drops his shovel and grabs Ed. "You're lucky day, Sana needs help," he says in French before dragging him along as he follows Rodger back towards the the Infirmary area. Lyon gives a quick nod to Amelia. "Don't worry, won't let him hurt you," Mike says as he reaches out and takes her hand, keeping her close as they head towards the infirmary and making sure to keep himself between Ed and Amelia.

People clear the way as Lyon and the group run through the school. Running into the room with Sana and the two men needing help Lyon stops and starts speaking quickly in French, reverting to his native tongue as he speaks to her. "What happened?" Lyon asks. "He needs IV fluids but I haven't learned that yet. Right no trying to get this one to stop bleeding," she replies before looking over at Ed and grabs his hand, pulling him over and then pressing it against Raymonds stub. "Please, just hold the pressure while I get bandages." Everything in French until Lyon remembers not everyone in the room speaks the language.

"You, grab the IV out of the third drawer on the right," Lyon tells Tiffany as Mike goes to steady Ciel.

"Don't worry little mate, Lyon will take care of you," Mike says giving the boy a smile. Sana rushes to grab clean dressings and such before shooting a look over towards Lyon.

"When is Medic getting back?" she asked quickly in English.

@Sigil @Morose @Nallore - The guys standing guard of Bazhooli just stay right where they are at, neither one willing to head off or hand anything over. They'd seen what happens when Ashes orders were disobeyed, they were not about to be shoveling shit for the next month. Tatiana smiled nervously over towards Meg. "Jack ask marry me. Knov anyone vho can do ceremony? or even help with dress?" Tatiana asked timidly as she stood there. She knew it was a lot to ask but she wanted to at least have something looking like a wedding. She figured Jack had earned it and had she. Not that they had earned it with the community as of yet but maybe the show tonight would be a start of that. Meg would know though that Ash being Military and a Captain, if the world was still running he could perform such a ceremony. Now the dress, that might actually be more easily done than said. There was a bridal shop in Newnan, just two blocks up from the outer wall. Doubtful anyone had raided it for supplies, but maybe it would have just what Tatiana needed.

@Nallore @Caits - Things are getting messy with the leak, more and more grease getting everywhere and spurting out every so often. Meg will be able to know where some rubber cement is in the supply building but it will take a few minutes to retrieve and get back over to the Mess Hall.

@Sigil - Astrid had actually expected nothing less from Bridgette than to come with her. She knew Bridgette wasn't going to stand by as she went off to some place with an unknown group alone. Astrid figured she would be coming up behind her in just a moment as she headed back towards the gate. Looking at Ash as he shook her hand she smirked a bit. "Careful Captain, people might think you would miss me," she said before hearing Bridgette coming up and pulling her hand back from Ash. Beni just looked at the two women for a moment before chuckling. "Keep an interesting group of people around here," he said before giving the okay to Medic that the other girl was joining them. Beni didn't think two women on horseback could really pose a threat, granted he didn't know Astrid and Bridgette. "Let's go," Astrid said before turning her horse and heading over to Beni's group and looking down at them from Edgar. "Lead the way," was all she said before the group took off down the street. The motorcycles moving slowly at first, that was until Astrid rolled her eyes and dug her heels into Edgar, sending him into a a steady gallop. Seemed she wasn't about to take all damn day to get anywhere. The bikers sped up, Medic looking at them as the group caught up to her and went ahead a little bit. It was the first time in a while she was able to let Edgar get a good run, she wasn't going to waste it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Everyone's voices sounded very far away and seemed to echo in Ciel's head. The medicine Sana gave him prevented him from continuing to vomit, though at this point there was nothing left to bring up but acid and bile. He felt himself get gently pushed down onto the bed, and heard another bed get wheeled closer to his. He couldn't parse most of what was going on in the room, but it sounded like a few more people had entered, one of them saying something about bleeding....

Dark spots started to appear in his already blurred vision, and every breath he took required effort. Knowing he was very close to blacking out, the eleven year old started to feel panic set in. He'd only fainted on a few other occasions, most of which being asthma related. He'd never actually felt himself grow too weak to stay conscious, and it was frankly terrifying. The last thing he registered was a blurry figure saying "Don't worry little mate, Lyon will--" Then the boy went limp, his eyelids falling shut.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia groaned loudly to herself as more of the grease from the trap started to leak out, she grabbed the bucket that Ms Sally had laid under to prevent anyone from slipping she went to the sink and poured it out before going back putting the bucket under the leaky spot. Then she turned around seeing Niesha approaching her, she smiled and blushed slightly when Niesha wiped some of the grease off of her face and looked into Niesha's eyes for a moment. "Thanks Niesha, I'm pretty sure Meg knows where everything is, I wouldn't since I've been in the infirmary for the like last month." She said with a light laugh, she watched as Niesha turned around and headed back out of the kitchen Sophia turned to the task at hand. At least it was old grease and not hot at all, if it was then she would most likely be in a whole lot of pain even trying to clean it.

In the mean time Sophia would go over and grabbed a wash cloth putting it up against the leaky joint and held it there with her right hand, she closed her eyes and sighed slightly. She thought for a moment and how things could have gone, she was glad that she bumped into Niesha when they met each other in that school. She didn't regret saving Niesha from that man that Niesha was struggling against, her eyes wondered down to the stump she hated that now she would need help to do a simple job. Sophia's eyes wondered over towards the grease trap there wasn't much else to do right now, the leak was the first priority before going to the clog, which she would need Niesha's help removing the pipes to try and remove with whatever is clogging it.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

When Meghna heard Ash's voice over the radio, she just realized she had overstepped her bounds and sighed slightly to herself. "Sir, yes sir. I'll get right on it now.." Meg said, she looked towards the escort for a moment she would go and grab some food for him her attention quickly went towards Tatiana and smiled at the Russian girl. It wasn't everyday when you find someone there was barely anyone that you could truly trust in these times. "I'd have to bring all of this up with Ashton, I can go and talk to him about it. The dress maybe a little bit harder to get though, there is a bridal store here in Newnan however it's two blocks outside of the outer wall. I can set up a run in a few days and we can check it out if you'd like?"

Meg then heard the door open and saw Niesha there and looked over at Tati. "I'm gonna get some food for our guy, if you want to come with?" Meghna then started to approach Niesha and waved at the girl and motioned her to follow. "What can I do for you Niesha?" Meg asked as she started to leave the Rec Hall her attention turned to Baz and Jack. "I'll be right back you two." Meg said as she started to leave the Rec Center and towards the Mess Hall.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond's eyes slowly moved towards Sana as she came into the room that he was in, and felt the bed starting to be wheeled over towards the room that Ciel was on. Breathing heavily as Ray let go of Tiffany's hand and held the sides of the bed as tightly as he could, Ray couldn't help but let out an excruciatingly loud cry in pain as Sana elevated his leg and tied off a cord to stem the bleeding. He closed his eyes tightly and started to breath heavily as the remaining part of his leg was held by the cord and over the IV stand. Ray started to slowly pass out from the pain as the people started to surround him, their words started to become very muddled to him.

Ray then cried out in pain when Lyon got Ed's hand and held it to the stump he looked over at the young boy on the bed next to him as the kid laid there and then the other kid that had broken his leg. They were in way better condition then he was, these people were complete strangers to him and yet they were trying to save him. He would be a liability to everyone taking up their medical supplies and even if he survived he wouldn't be able to run anywhere if walkers came into the school somehow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


building 7---> Following Meghna

Niesha followed Meghna as she began to move, not wanting to bother the woman, when it was clear that she busy doing a lot of things, and Niesha was going to add to that burden, if only for a few moments. She quickly explained what was going oh, at least to the best of her ability, as she managed to keep up with Meg. "The grease trap thing in the kitchen is leaking or something, and Sophia says we need a glue that will hold, if you know where some is, I can quickly grab it. It seems important" She hoped that Meghna knew what she was talking about, and that she could help.

There was so much that Niesha could learn that could be beneficial, if she was in anyway inclinded to even understand the mechanisms of such things as Grease traps. She looked to Meghna, hoping she wasn't making things harder for the other woman, and also wondering what she'd do if there wasn't any glue around to be had, how'd she go back to Sophia without anything.

That simply wasn't an option.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmary

Tiffany didn't want to leave Ray and when the man grabbed her hand she felt every twinge of guilt, but it was better he get the necessary help he needed if he wanted to stay alive. She patted his hand for reassurance before he let go and she ran to go get Lyon.

The man was easily found and they ran back to the infirmary. She grabbed the IV he asked for and followed him to the young kid's bed. She followed whatever instructions were laid out in front of her as these people worked tirelessly. She would steal a glance at Ray as Sana worked on him, making sure he was ok. She couldn't take his screams of pain, but she knew it would be a struggle that was well worth it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

It had been a very strange day. Strange, but quite hopeful. Just this morning, The Great Bazhooli had been traveling down a stretch of southern railway via handcar, little ammunition and zero food, his only companion for quite some time being a fuzzy, orange tom cat that came and went as he pleased. He had lost much. Not necessarily moreso than anyone else, but the hit had come more recently. His group - family and friends for as long as he could remember - were wiped out, a long way up the tracks north and west of this particular haven. The shock had long receded, but profound sorrow, plastered over by optimism, remained.

What he did know was, being with a big group of likeminded people for his entire life within which he held a position of high regard, The Great Bazhooli did not know how to be alone with much proficiency. He had hated being by himself. That little cat had no idea the amount of mental stability it lent him in what was probably the worst few weeks of his life.

Day One in Newnan, a community that did not exist (so far as he was aware) when last he came through this area, and he was already given food, a basic but welcome place to stay, and was being introduced to some truly interesting people, one of whom was a member of the old Russian Ballet. Were it not for the fact that she was already spoken for, Bazhooli would have most certainly set his sights on the young lady's affections. Of course, here she was engaged. And more intriguing, the groom-to-be had just asked him to be the Best Man. Hadn't known the guy but for a few minutes, and he's Best Man material. He'd never been one before, not in the traditional sense. Oh yeah, today was a very strange day.

The Great Bazhooli regarded the man with the funny accent with some seriousness. It quickly cracked, replaced by a jolly, sideways glance and a voice colored with Happy. Stretching his arms wide in anticipation of an emotional moment, he spoke in a cheerful voice. "Da! Of course I vill be Best Man! One day, I hope you do same for me, yes?" He pulled the man into a great, masculine hug, lifting his feet off of the ground and thumping his back several times.

What the hell? Maybe he just found a new best friend. Even if not, it was a worthwhile undertaking. Of course, finding the proper tux might involve ninjaing about the rest of former Newnan, possibly dispatching both the living and the dead with munitions and knifepoint introductions, only to find out that the groom lost weight over the past few months and his sizes were no longer accurate. Why, oh why couldn't a proper tailor had survived? Part and parcel with living in the world today. Being the Best Man may have just been upgraded into a contact sport.

"So many things to do, Mr. Jack! There's... da, and then there's..." whether he was actually verbalizing his thoughts on the matter, his brain was going through a multitude of organizational chores (that they likely wouldn't need), the acquisition of a proper tuxedo of course, and decent shoes (again, might not need, but it would be best to get anyway), and the biggest duty of all...

"Bachelor Party. Da." The almost mischevious look on his expressive face said it all. Of course, The Great Bazhooli would need to get to know a lot of the people around here very quickly, in order to arrange what was needed. Several elements made up a good one. He was going to have to see what this lace offered, and what he had to exit the Walls to procure.

"Bachelor Party."

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Following Astrid

Bridgette was going to follow that stoic bitch wherever she dared take them. Even if it was off with bikers, away from the only safe place they'd found in a great long while. Though not blood, she was a sister nonetheless. And it's not like Astrid had never tagged along for one of her rage and hate inspired forays into blood and violence. Sometimes, the tall lady was dead certain that her sister enjoyed it as much as she did. Maybe even a bit more, some of the time.

What surprised her, however, was her treatment of Ash. She wasn't sure why she hadn't picked up on it before, but in the moment before she edged her Edgar from the gates, Bridgette believed that she was actually flirting with the man. Not hardcore, but for someone who knew Astrid, it was a definitive change in her usual manner of treating people. Sounding in the back of her mind came the thought, "Holy shit! Astrid's got the wet crotch for Walldick! This is news!" Granted, she couldn't tell anybody. And she had to confirm first, before she went off half-cocked (which she had a tendency of doing exactly). But in the moment before they all took off toward wherever the hell they were going for their Mission of Mercy, Bridgette absolutely HAD to mess with Ash. And his new friend.

A big grin hidden by a sultry expression on her face, Bridgette looked down from her horse to Ash, and in a clear, husky voice (for the benefit of Ash's company, naturally) said, "Don't you worry, sweetie. Me and Astrid'll be back real soon to keep you warm. We'll wake you up later, hmm?" She licked her lips and gave a quick wink, implying more to the statement. Then she was off, ever the Warrior Woman, looking quite the part of her once notable title of "Shield Maiden of Fairburn".

Her horse, Cadence, seemed thrilled to open up his speed like this. Depending upon need, he could be classified as either a Charger or as a Destrier. Cadence was a horse bred for war, a rare thing this day and age. But maybe it didn't have to be. It was a thought for another time; she had to make her charge to cover the remaining distance between Astrid and herself, settling into a gallop about a length behind her sister and off to the right. Bridgette looked over to her sister, catching the side of her face every so often, and a smile would come over her. They had a bit to talk about, after this emergency was over.

Ash Holloway

Location: Main Gate -> Building 1, Infirmary

Ash was mortified. A little scared, even, though it didn't show on his face. There was a small glimmer in his eyes that seemed to threaten murder, mixed with some humor. But mostly murder. He didn't dare turn to his guest, Beni, until both Valkyries were out and the Gate had come to a close with all parties inside.

Refusing to make comment on what everyone had just witnessed, from both women, Ash instead directed the conversation toward business. "I will show you to our medical facilities, sir. Introduce you to our Doctor, and let him take over the logistical end of our conversation. If you would please, this way."

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

Member Seen 5 days ago

Jack Hudson

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

At first, Jack felt a little at unease. Judging by the serious expression on Bazhooli's face, he figured that the Russian wasn't too keen on being the Best Man of a stranger. He supposed that he could ask the happy looking doctor as well--or maybe the angsty military captain? The names were escaping him slightly, and he nodded slightly as Meg left, only to watch as a curious transformation undertook Bazhooli.

And then, in the most manly of fashions, he found himself swept off his feet and wrapped into a gigantic bear hug, as Bazhooli wore an expression of utter joy and pure folly. His back went pop pop pop as Bazhooli, again with great masculinity, thumped him during the hug. Of course, Jack was no stranger to the bro hug. As a cop, they would embrace with great manliness all of the time, usually followed by a quiet exclamation of no homo, bro. It was perhaps fortunate that that was one of the few R's Jack never dropped. Calling his brothers in the police force his beau might have been a little awkward, and ruin the great macho-ness of the embrace.

"That's wicked great!" Jack exclaimed, thumping Bazhooli back on the back during the embrace. His goofy grin showed no sign of vanishing, and as Bazhooli requested that Jack do the same for him one day, he nodded. "Damn straight I will," Jack promised.

As Bazhooli more or less set him down, Jack's eyes widened at those mythical words. Bachelor party. He had only seen them in the movies, and he couldn't help but doubt it'd work in the apocalyptic world they lived in. Besides, this was all for Tatiana. He'd rather they spend the efforts throwing a party for her, showing her how much he treasured her, but also, how much he was certain everyone else in Newnan would come to.

"You don't have to go to all of that trouble," Jack said. "I mean, I doubt walkahs make good strippahs," Jack joked, despite only seeing strippers through his work, as his division was sex crimes. The law generally didn't get too involved in rating the merits of those they arrested, as well as the clientele.

Édouard Riviere

Location: the Field ---> The Infirmary (Franklin)

"Je n'ai pas de bĂ©guin pour elle!" Édouard half exclaimed, half pouted. His usual nastiness towards having to be sent off on yet another errand was curiously absent, perhaps because he rejoiced slightly when he got to throw the shovel down. However, he didn't see why Lyon was insisting on holding his hand. FĂ©lix hadn't even been able to do that too much, and Édouard resented the elder Frenchman all the more for it. He wasn't a toddler--it was ridiculous that he, Édouard Gautier Riviere, had to be escorted around like an infant!

However, as they returned to the infirmary, Édouard rolled his eyes. Hadn't he just cleaned this place? Truthfully, he couldn't remember his way around Franklin all too well, merely not bothering to remember where was where. For all he knew, the room of death and decay Lyon had forced him to clean was located on the Moon, and they had taken a rocket ship when he wasn't looking.

AmĂ©lie? Édouard thought, noticing the redhead in the room. A bearded man was holding her hand, and Édouard rolled his eyes again. He supposed that perhaps she and Svetlana were parasites, though the Russian belle was curiously absent. Perhaps AmĂ©lie had murdered her, Édouard considered. The redhead would pay for...Well, he couldn't quite remember what, but he knew that she had something to answer for.

Feeling someone grab his hand, Édouard huffed slightly, figuring that it was Lyon. But seeing that it was Sana, his eyes widened. He hadn't been paying much attention to what was going on, and he threw a look at Lyon, as if to once again declare that he didn't have a crush on the woman. However, he let her put his hand on the bloodied stump, and rather than walking away, he did put pressure on it. It wasn't out of any sort of moral obligation. It was more that he figured if the stumpy man died, Lyon would make him clean up the mess.

That sounded like a lot of work--far too much effort for him.

His ears winced slightly as he heard them switch back into English, and he let out an almost miserable sigh. It had been nice, those few moments when everyone made sense, and everyone spoke properly. But now, now it was back to the mangled mutt language of this inane country. Oh why, why did the world hate him so?

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver @FantasyChic @Nallore @Morose @Rivaan - Over in Franklin Lyon got to work on setting up an IV on Ciel. It took a while to find a vein that would take IV; he was so dehydrated it took finding a decent one a while for someone that was not a medical professional but he eventually was able to get it going. It was really all he could do right then until Medic got back. It was the basics. "Tiffany, can you grab some blankets from the closet down the hall and then we can move Brian, the little boy in here as well. We need to keep them all together until Medic gets back," he said to her. Ray was loosing blood, blood he couldn't afford to loose but at least Ed was keeping the pressure on. Sana rushed back over to Ed with more gauze and padding. "Okay, pull your hand back on my count," Sana said in French and then counted down. Once his hands were away she added more to the stump only to grab Eds hand as soon as she did and place it back where it had been. "Good. Keep the pressure," she added in French to Ed and gave him a slight smile as she adjusted the tension on the make shift device that kept his leg elevated. "Thank you," she told Ed as she gave him a light pat on the shoulder.

@Sigil @Morose @Nallore @Caits - "Da! Dank you!" Tatiana exclaimed and gave Meg a big hug. It was the first sign of normalcy that she had shown towards the people of Newnan but she was just excited that there was actually a chance of a real wedding dress and someone to Marry them. Looking over at Neisha she nodded and stepped back, opting to keep quiet and see if she could help them. She would tag along to the Mess Hall with Meg and Neisha. Walking over to Jack real fast she gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I be right back," she told him before heading out with the two women. She wondered just what Bahzooli and Jack were speaking about but she figured it had something to do with the show, it never even crossed her mind about some sort of bachelor party. Over in the Mess Hall the leak was still leaking, and it was starting to smell, most of the people of Newnan opting to take their dinner with them and eating elsewhere that evening.

@Sigil - "Those are two very different but interesting women," Beni commented to himself but loud enough for Ash to hear him. Shaking his head he chuckled slightly. "Seems you have a lot of strong women around here, haven't seen much of the men. Not that that is a bad thing, it is amazing to see what I was taught was the weaker the gender growing up come into their own. Sad that it took such an event for women to come into their own fully," he mused a bit before shrugging to himself. "So, to this man of yours, would like to make sure we have all this medicine stuff straightened out and ready to go by the time they get back."

@Sigil @Morose - On the road Medic kept glancing up at Bridgette and Astrid on their horses. He was surprised to see anything like them around here but hey this was the end of the world. They traveled for a bit in silence, making their way back towards Franklin when something caught Astrids eye and she pulled her axe from her side. "Over there," she said quietly towards Bridgette, Medic coming to a stop and looking off into the woods where Astrid was pointing. It took him a while to actually notice anything but then he caught the movement up in the tree limb line. Over in the woods, there was a woman hanging by her ankle. Tryke had been caught by a hunting trap and was swinging back and forth. Astrid nudged Edgar over towards the tree line her eyes darting back and forth. "One of yours?" Medic asked as he got off his motorcycle and walked into the forest line with his gun drawn. "The trap, probably. The girl, no."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

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Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

The IV seeping fluids back into his system stabilized Ciel enough that he at least seemed to be able to breathe properly, but he was still out cold. His head was tilted to the side, his platinum blond locks falling over his face. It was actually rather good that he'd passed out in this position, lest he start to vomit again. Choking on one's own stomach contents is not a good way to go by any stretch of the imagination.

After a few seconds of slowly rehydrating, the eleven year old's light blue eyes slowly blinked open, flitting left and right as his vision slowly swam back into focus. His stomach was still cramping violently and unfortunately the IV fluid did nothing for his dry throat, but at least he was conscious. He didn't risk trying to sit himself up, feeling dizzy just lying still. He weakly turned his head over to face the oldest patient, a man of between 30 and 40 years of age who was missing most of one of his legs. Ciel cringed just looking at the gruesome injury.

The Frenchman, Sana, Lyon and a few others had gathered in the room to tend to the two of them. Sana said something in French to the younger man. Ciel didn't know enough French to catch what she said. He normally wouldn't have cared much what they were saying, but right now he was a bit worried that he might be dying. At least he wasn't the only one, he thought, looking at the man with the missing leg...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia groaned slightly to herself as the smell started to fill the entire kitchen, she could feel the grease sliding down her arm as the cloth didn't do much to keep the thing from leaking. She got up and pushed another bucket down over the leak and moved over towards the sink and started to wash her hand, Feeling the slimy grease over her fingers as she did her best to get it all off. She looked over towards the Mess Hall where she could see the ones who were eating opted out to leave the building to eat their food elsewhere. And Sophia couldn't blame them, it was probably just as bad as rotting walkers outside of the walls of Newnan. She moved over towards a closet in the kitchen and pulled out a mop.

Sophia awkwardly moved the mop towards the sink and started to get the mop head wet, if someone came back into the kitchen she didn't want anyone to fall on their ass even though it could be funny to watch. But she didn't want anyone to get injured, once the mop head was wet enough she tried to wring it out as best as she could one handed. She then moved towards the puddle of grease and started to mop it up pushing the mop back and fourth a few times. She then looked out towards the Mess Hall once more seeing Meg coming in, and started to grab a plate putting a slab of the smoked deer and started to head back out.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> (Rec Center)

Kristina looked over towards the kitchen and started to wince slightly at the stench coming from the kitchen and assumed that it was the leak that Sophia was trying to clean up. She looked over at Ms. Sally for a moment smiling at the older woman for a moment. "I'm gonna head over towards the Rec Center, i'm not sure if I could be of much help back there. And the smell is getting really bad." As Kristina was getting up to leave the Mess Hall Kris had grabbed her crutches and started to make her way towards the door where she saw Meg coming into the Mess Hall with Tatiana and Niesha. She smiled at the three women before heading out towards the door along with the other people who were in the room started leaving the Mess Hall.

Kris looked up at the setting sun for a moment as she slowly started making her way over towards the Rec Center, Kristina moved down the sidewalk and up the street until she made it at the Rec Center. The pushed open the doors and entered the room, she looked over towards the guard in the room and then turned her attention towards Jack and Bazhooli smiling at the two men. "Hi there." Kris said with a soft smile as she looked around for a place to sit down.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center) -> Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Meg smiled at Tatiana she was glad that she was able to make someone happy, there was some ideas now coming into her head for a little bachelorette party with some of the other girls in Newnan with permission from Ashton of course. "If you'd like we could set up a little bachelorette party for you, also give you a chance to get to know some of the others here as well." Meg turned her attention towards Neisha asking if there was some sort of glue for the leaky grease trap. "There should be some in the supply building." Meghna said as she headed into the Mess Hall and then grabbed herself a plate of the smoked deer and handed it over towards Tatiana and smiled at her. She then headed over towards where the supplies were being held.

As she started opening some drawers and cabinets she started to search for the rubber cement that she knew where they were being held, Meghna turned over to look at Tatiana for a moment. "If you can could you hand that to the body guard for Baz? I know he is probably starving by now."

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond started to feel very lightheaded due to the blood loss as he slowly moved his head to the side as he heard the others in the room talking, but to him the voices sound very muddled to him as his vision started to get blurry and darken. Raymond would let another very loud groan in pain when Ed and Sana removed the hand holding pressure to the stump, and then applying more bandages to the stump. As well as the tightening of the makeshift device holding his leg up in the air.

Ray continued to watch the movement around the room before his vision completely clouded and then he finally passed out once more from the pain and blood loss.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Tiffany Lyle

Heard County High School - Infirmiry

Tiffany went to go get more blankets. Was that all she was good for? Retrieving the necessary items and watching over sick people? Sure, she cared about Raymond's well-being and she liked kids, but now there was yet another body she would have to watch. At what cost? She wanted to sleep too and go out and be useful. Instead she was a glorified gofer. She should be over this, having been a gofer for her internships before, but it still stung.

She got the blankets and made it back. Lyon seemed like a kind man, the French guy with him, the one that rode over with all of them, rubbed her the wrong way though. Regardless, she handed the blankets over and sat back down with Raymond to make sure he was ok. He passed out from blood loss, which was both a bad thing and a blessing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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building two

Nodding, but having hoped that Meg might help her find the glue, Niesha trotted off to the supply building, leaving Meghna in the messhall, she wished she had thought to look in the supply building first. She was wasting precious time. Jogging towards the Supply building, she hurriedly began her search, trying to be thorough while trying to search fast. it wasn't a good combination, and it probably took a few precious seconds she didn't think she had.

Stopping for a second, she drew in a deep breath, closing her eyes, and letting it out slowly before opening her eyes once more and starting to search calmly. She soon found what was needed, and hurriedly trotted back, dashing into the mess hall, and towards the kitchen, moving around people heading out-and she couldn't blame them with the smell that assulted her sense.

Grimacing, she skidded to a halt, "I'm sorry" She said quickly, "What do I do?" She didn't seem to notice the grease splattering her shoes, the edge of her pants, in a slight panic and feeling guilty that she had taken so long.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Amelia Payne

Location: Heard County High School

Amelia smiled and nodded as she was led towards the infirmary by Mike. She felt quite a lot safer knowing someone was actually going to look out for her for a change. It was great, though the nice feelings were somewhat dulled by the fact an emergency was going on. Suddenly turned out people were getting to the worst. She really hoped Ray was going to survive, if for no other reason just to spite Ed who was a self-centered bastard. Though she had to admit Ed seemed surprisingly eager to help for some reason. Still the other person in great emergency seemed to be a child. That was a thing that made Amelia feel rather bad and sorry for him. Children shouldn't be in such condition!

Suddenly Amelia felt something... yeah she noticed Ed had looked at her and the girl really didn't like him. 'You lucky sob.' She though moving a slightly to the side to put another person between her and Ed, just to not be in his line of view. She was going to have to deal with him eventually... somehow. Maybe when he tries to take vengence on her, she'd get her chance to dispatch of him? Hmmm...' No! Not here and now, push those thoughts away for the moment!' She thought to herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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The Great Bazhooli

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

So, this was to be his first big "proving yourself" moment, if that guy in charge ever came back by to give him a hopeful thumbs-up, or a regretful thumbs-down. Naturally, there would have to be more mundane tasks to earn his keep, but stringing together a Bachelor Party in the middle of the apocalypse would be like the world's awesomest scavenger hunt. Of course, instead of finding several everyday items, The Great Bazhooli would have a list of nigh impossible tasks to perform, such as locating a tuxedo, suitable alcohol, yummy tidbits of things (leeway there would be required), music possibly, and how the hell do you scavenge a stripper?

Oh yes. This would be a great project to work on. Now, all The Great Bazhooli had to do was fully figure out what the Groom-To-Be was saying. His accent had a hair of local charm, not unlike his own. "Walkah..? Ah, the Returned. Dead people on legs. No no, ve not get. Maybe there is someone here, vould not mind? Lot of pretty girls, Newnan. Saw blonde, tall. Vears metal? Vould need thing for trade, I think. Ah, vill come to me. Meantime, I varm up! Have not juggled pins in vhile."

The cheerful performer started out slow, a simple three. Just to warm up. Just to get a feel for them. After a little bit, he called out, "Hey! Someone toss me four and five, yes?"

Bridgette Vinters

Location: Following Astrid

It felt good to get Cadence out in the open, riding fast and free in the soft light of the day. Granted, the last time around, she wasn't afflicted with the sound of motorcycles roaring down the highway, nor the sight of them in front of her. She would have preferred to lead the way herself. Seeing as Bridgette had no idea where they were going, aside from west at any rate, she supposed that she would abide the fuel exhaust and incessant motorized farting sound that was unavoidable when dealing with those machines.

Not that Bridgette really had anything against bikes. Hell, they looked kind of fun. Not to mention that she had fond memories of the Jousting team at one of her old blacksmithing gigs getting piss drunk and running the lists on Harleys. Some guy she was seeing (if you can really call the nature of their relationship "seeing", or even "relationship", for that matter) wound up breaking an arm, not to mention denting up a fair portion of her more artistic armorcraft in the process. You see, a horse has the sense to try to keep its balance on its own. A motorcycle does not. Maybe if they had used Big Wheels instead of actual bikes, Bridgette's armor wouldn't have gotten dinged up, and the poor bastard wouldn't have been urinated upon as he slept later that evening. Perhaps if they had used trikes...

But those thoughts were immaterial to their present situation, amusing as they might be. Astrid and herself were surrounded by strangers who seemed polite enough, despite occasionally staring at her. Maybe it was her haircut. She tended to braid, and shaved the sides. Not exactly usual, though the concept of usual could be argued at length, anymore. Of course, it just might be the fact that she and Astrid looked like they stepped out of a Made For TV Movie about the life of Lief Eriksson, running around in the worst global disaster ever to befall mankind since that Bieber kid recorded "Baby Baby Baby Ooh".

Bridgette's irritation ebbed for the most part, replaced by caution as Astrid called the low hanging peoplefruit to her attention. She didn't recall hearing anything about Newnan putting hunting traps out in the surrounding woods, and sure as hell didn't recall any groups tasked with checking or collecting from them. Leaving traps out unattended for any length of time was foolish these days; the Biters would make short work of anything left out there for long. If this was an honest attempt for someone to gather food for themselves, they were foolish, desperate, or very nearby. Or maybe this Eden group fucking with them. Something didn't seem right with this scenario. The warrior woman found herself readying for a fight; helm and shield, spear and sawed-off in their usual, pre-bloodshed hands.

Her caution called for a touch of privacy, indicated by a change of language. Her loyalty was with her battle-sister, so much more than the people with whom they traveled. "Felle for alle, eller bare for oss, Astrid?"1 But there was a flaw in that logic. Astrid had volunteered to return with them, and Bridgette had decided to follow at the last second. "Jeg liker det ikke. La oss gjĂžre dette raskt og kom deg ut herfra.2

Bridgette remained on her horse, slowly moving toward the swinging form. She eyed the situation as carefully as possible, noting the trees and other plant life deeper in. Not too close and not too far, she decided to embrace the twin virtues of Diplomacy and Tact. Speaking to the human pinata, she opened with, "Is this some yoga bullshit, or do you need help? You need to answer quick."

Ash Holloway

Location: Main Gate -> Building 1, Infirmary

"Right this way, sir." monotoned Ash, leading Beni and armed escort back up the main thoroughfare, and into the Inner Wall. From there, it was very almost a straight shot to the Main Building, wherein resided the heart of Newnan, including the Infirmary and their very own Doc Froggy.

But before they got there, Ash felt compelled to respond to Beni's observations of their resident Medic and Metalworker. Metalworker, because "Pain In The Ass" wasn't an official job title in the Newnan Community Charter. "Different and interesting. That is a very diplomatic way of putting it, Mr... Um, Beni." It was in that time that Ash realized he hadn't gotten a full name back from this man. If this was merely a temporary meeting, perhaps official last names weren't quite as important as they would be otherwise. Brave new world, and whatnot. Stumbling over it might very well be the opportunity for the man to extend the courtesy of his full name, but it was not imperative. Right now, they could help each other, and that seemed like enough. Any new meeting that didn't turn into bloodshed, point of fact, seemed like enough. Putting the thought aside, he continued his thought. "They walk a different path. Probably the nicest way to put it. But they are very good at what they do, make no mistake. I honestly don't think the Apocalypse made them any stronger; it just gave them a bigger role to fill."

Ash noticed the familiar face of James Grady exiting the Courthouse, pushing a wheelchair in front of himself. Closer examination showed a green, college ruled notebook in the seat, sitting top a second. As he was on official business, Ash kept conversation light. "Mr. Grady." he extended as a basic greeting. "That for Zoie?"

"Oh yessir, Cap'n. Yes it is. Ceptin' them notebooks, Boss. I'm wanting to do what you done, writin' stuff down?" While not a question, James' intonation was that of one. The intent was to inquire as to whether he understood the scope of his statement. Ash certainly did.

Not too horribly long go, after much death in the community of Newnan, including his very much loved Alicia and potential Father-In-Law, Caesar, not to mention his Commanding Officer, Ashton began to question mortality very seriously. To ensure a smoother transition if his time came soon, he wrote down the entirety of his knowledge about distilling various products and supporting knowledges (as it could be argued that Newnan ran on alcohol), and his plans for the various civil engineering projects that were completed, underway, planned, or merely brainstormed for the future of the people under his care and command. The last thing was a Will. In the very dark place Ash had found himself, death almost seemed like a sweet release. But he still wanted to make sure his people would be okay. James didn't want to bring it up directly.

Darker thoughts aside, it wasn't a bad idea. Pragmatic, even. Building a library of useful skills, written down and learnable by any interested in reading it, was one of the first really good steps in securing their future. James was an Agriculturalist, among other things. He started their crop and livestock projects. His specific knowledge on the present and future food needs of Newnan was invaluable. Not to mention the tasty goodness he put together every so often, as the situation allowed for it. If he had a heart attack from too much of his homemade bacon, someone would have to be there to continue the work. Right then, no one else was remotely as qualified in their group.

"Good idea. Keep looking after our girl, as long as she lets you."

"Aight, Cap'n. Best believe I'm on that." Not being a military man, James didn't salute as many might have in Newnan, instead giving a warm smile to the man, and a quick nod at their guest, Beni, before going on his merry way.

Within the next minute or so, Ash, Beni, and their escort found their way into the Infirmary proper. Introductions were in order. "Beni, this is our Medical Lead, Dr. Victor Bonheur. Doc, this is Beni, the man you have been hearing about on your radio. He has a recent amputee inbound with Astrid, maybe more soon that requires an experienced hand. Meantime, there is a little horse trading to be done. He's got meds we might find useful. Epinephrine, Captopril..." On that last medication, Ashton locked eyes with their Doctor. He squinted ever so slightly, giving Froggy the smallest of nods. Not that he would have known what the meds did unless it was explained to him by Astrid, but now that he did know, he sure as hell wanted Froggy to acquire it for himself. Hopefully, the serious but minimalist expression (outside of Beni's direct field of vision) would be noted and accounted for in their discussion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Oliver @FantasyChic @Nallore @Morose @Rivaan - Well don't we just have the cozy little situation here. On table number one we have Ciel; starving but can't eat, on table two we have Ray; bleeding but won't die, and on table three we have Kevin; resting and isn't gonna wake (for now) - Lyon makes sure that Ciel is covered and that the IV is secure. It isn't going to help much to start, it will take time for the fluids to get within him. (Hours minimal) - Lyon glances around and then over towards Amelia and Tiffany. "Can you two go with Mike over to the Cafeteria and tell them I need clear liquids for the three here?" Lyon asks of the three of them. It would only take one but the place was crowded enough with everything going on. "Sure thing boss," Mike said before looking at the women. "Shall we ladies?" he asks as he steps over to the door and holds it open for them. Sana just keeps working on trying to get Ry stable until medic gets back, the blood is slowing down but with so much lost earlier and now even more, it isn't looking good.

@Nallore @Caits @Sigil @Morose- Meg is able to to find the rubber cement she needs. Thing is though, until all the grease is cleaned out of the trap and the metal is cleared of the grease residue it won't help. It won't be able to form a seal. (Sophia with her history will know that) - so time to get to work cleaning that out fully and dumping the stuff somewhere, anywhere. (Well not anywhere, Ash will have a specific place for used grease to be dumped and recycled most likely.) Tatiana nods and takes the plate before not even waiting to get out and away from the smell of the Mess Hall, gagging slightly as she gets outside. Shaking her head she makes her way quickly back to the rec center and hands over the extra plate of food to the guards before wrapping her arms around herself and heading over to Jack and the others. "Hello," she says timidly towards Kris before glancing around wondering if she needed to help Bazhooli or just to get back to her dance.

@Sigil - "The one in the dress seems reserved but the other... Different, and colorful," Beni said before shrugging. Following Ash and keeping quiet while Ash and James spoke. He had to wonder who was Zoie but he didn't ask. He didn't want to press his luck and make it look like he was digging for information. Continuing on their way he smiled slightly towards Victor and nodded his head. "Pleasure to meet you Doc," Beni said holding out his hand to the man. "Oui, nice to meet you," Victor said before looking over to Ash, seeing the look and nodding. "Well, then let us talk. What are you wanting in trade?" Victor asked before holding up his finger. "One moment," he said before stepping off to the side and asking Ash to follow him. "Please tell me Astrid didn't go alone."

@Sigil @Morose - Astrid smirks over to Bridgette and simply nods as her questions in their appeared native tongue before looking over at the girl hanging form the tree and tilting her head to the side. "Going to cut her down?" Medic asks as he steps up to them. "Not yet," was all Astrid would say as she stood there with her hand resting on the beard of her axe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location - Franklin, Heard County High School

Ciel lay pale and languid on the bed, unable to do much more than occasionally tilt his head to look around the room. At least he was conscious, which was more than could be said for the man on the next bed over. Ciel only looked like he was at death's door...the other patient probably was, given how much blood was on everything. The young boy coughed weakly, his parched dry throat causing him discomfort almost as much as his empty, cramping stomach. He tried to move his arm, but the IV prevented him from doing so. Ripping the tube out of his arm wasn't a good idea, as that was the only thing that was keeping him conscious.

The boy continued to silently watch the occupants of the room, trying to focus on something other than his pain. He had kind of hoped to learn a few names, but as it stood the only people he knew by name were Sana and Lyon. The other so far were just the girls, the bleeding man and the rude Frenchman. He felt his vision start to blur again, so he stopped moving around so much, lying still as if asleep and forcing his eyes to close. The last thing he wanted right now was to faint again. The problem with unconsciousness was that you easily lost track of time. While unconscious, minutes and hours and days and even weeks seem like mere seconds. Though he kept his eyes closed, he bit hard into the inside of his cheek to keep himself awake. God knows when he'd wake up if he allowed himself to sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✹Krakoan Princess✹

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Jack Hudson

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

It took Jack just a second to figure out who Bazhooli was talking about. Bridgette, the Viking chick he had helped with the wall. Remembering her final comments, Jack grimaced slightly. That probably wouldn't be the best idea. And the thought of bribing girls to strip for them hardly made him comfortable. "Let's not have any strippahs, maybe," Jack suggested. They didn't need strippers to have a good time, after all.

He tossed Bazhooli pins as he asked for them, and as the door opened and Tatiana walked inside, he couldn't help but beam again. There she was, perfectly fine, and looking more and more adjusted to life in Newnan with each minute that passed. From what Jack could tell, she'd made friends with the other girls, and he nodded at everyone who entered the Rec Center, but it was clear who he was looking at.

Édouard Riviere

Location: The Infirmary (Franklin)

Confused. That was one word to describe Édouard at the moment. Despite all of Lyon's teasings, here Sana was, giving him careful instructions in French and moving his hand around. It wasn't as if he wasn't able to respond--he was able to do things, despite popular belief. Breathing was something he excelled at, for example. And there had been some sword injuries in Cyprus, it hadn't seemed to difficult to him to put pressure on a wound.

But that wasn't the source of his confusion. No, he felt confused when Sana put her hand on his shoulder, when she gave him a smile, and told him thank you. What was that all about? However, his thinking was cut short by Ray's groans of pain. Édouard rolled his eyes, tempted to kick the injured man, for interrupting his thoughts. "Tais-toi!" Édouard snapped.

What did it all mean? He kept thinking over that as some left the infirmary, off to do some task that he couldn't care less about. He noticed that Ray was losing blood, and he figured the man was likely to die. He remembered hearing once that organ harvesting could be done when people died--perhaps they'd make Ray's kidney into stew? It was a disgusting thought, but Americans did rather strange things. And it wasn't as if Édouard bothered to properly understand them.

"Il va mourir," Édouard said plainly, still doing as Sana asked him to. "C'est inutile."

Tryke Lockley

Location: the Woods

As Tryke dangled like a piñata, an appetizing snack for the next group of walkers to come near, she tried her best to practice the noble virtue of patience. If there was anything the young engineer wanted to do, it was the struggle and attempt to get free from the trap, but it would have been a fatal effort. It would only call more walkers over, ensuring her death. This wasn't the way she expected to go. She thought, back before the world had decided to show her how fucked up it could really get, that she'd die because of her asshole boss. He was a real piece of shit, and likely would've insisted on her doing something that would get her killed.

But here she was, dangling from her ankle. "Fuck me," Tryke groaned, able to spot where she had stashed her meager supplies, her bat on the ground. She had gone off the main road in order to camp, as well as make some minor repairs to her bike. It was in fairly good condition, but she wanted it to be even better. And of course, just when it looked like she was catching a break, karma decided to bite her in the ass.

Still, she wasn't too bad at climbing. Eyeing the branches of the trees, Tryke let herself swing more. If she got enough momentum, she figured, she'd be able to catch the branch and haul herself up. And if the rope or the branch snapped, maybe she'd be lucky and crack her skull open. Tryke and the world were having a bit of a hate-hate relationship lately, anyways.

"Please don't be cannibals," Tryke muttered under her breath. "Please don't be fucking cannibals." Entering the woods, she saw three people, in perhaps the oddest grouping ever. It looked like something a fantasy-apocalypse nerd would have come up with, the very people Tryke spent her time working with, before this happened. The girls looked like they stepped out of a Viking convention, contrasting with the dark skinned man with the gun.

And of course, one of them was holding a fucking axe. Tryke shut her eyes tightly, hoping that when she opened them, this all would be a dream, and she'd be back in the "garage" with Tristan breathing down her neck constantly. But when she opened her eyes, the Vikings and their friend still were there. She tried not to scoff at the notion of yoga bullshit, trying her best to keep her temper. At least they didn't seem to be cannibals.

"Yes, yes, I need help," Tryke said, trying her best not to get angry. She had always been a bit short fused, but truthfully, getting cut down before any walkers came was a good enough reason to keep her temper in check. Besides, she didn't feel like being shot or chopped into pieces with an axe. However, as she heard one of the women say they wouldn't cut her down yet, she felt her temper flare a bit. "I'm an engineer, I can fix your shit if you cut me down?" she bargained, thinking that perhaps they'd need a service performed for the favor.
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