Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Aron felt a wave of nervousness as he waited for Cody to say something. He kept looking up at the ceiling not really wanting to see Cody's face in case he saw anger or an answer he really didn't want to hear or see. He felt Cody move and waited for heartbreak, but instead he was kissed. Relief and happiness swept through him causing him to kiss Cody back with equal enthusiasm. Then Cody said yes...and not just yes but that added part that really made his heart leap in joy.

He burst into a smile and kissed Cody again before pulling back somewhat. "you won't have to" another brilliant smile and another kiss before Aron simply held Cody close. He was far more happy then he had been in quite awhile. "I don't want to move from this spot" his voice laced with bliss and humor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The pure happiness enlightening Aron's face pleased Cody, even as if stabbed at his heart. He hasn't seen Aron this happy before, and indeed both twins after seemed down-due, Cody was sure, their adoptive mother, and father given what he had seen of her. He wanted to bundle Aron up, to keep him safe and happy, away from that toxic environment. He wanted to protect him, he just didn't know how! He hugged Aron close, returning his kiss, and decided he would do whatever he could, to ease his boyfiend's-boyfriend! burden. He'd figure out a way of getting both brothers out of that house.

"good cause it's been a hellava long wait" Cody said, his tone sweet as he held Aron just about as close as he could-forgetting that Aron was still shirtless, blushing when he remembered "uh. Well. We can. I've got some food here and everything..." he said, once he was sure that he could speak without spluttering too much, as he smiled.

There was a lot that Cody wanted to do, to say, but he was relishing the time alone with Aron, in a setting that not many people knew about. It was, essentially, perfect.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake
Interacting With: @rivaan Valencia.

Riley watched as Valencia suddenly became very active and started stripping down to her underwear, causing her to blush slightly as Riley stood there staring at Val's body for a moment as she started to notice the various scars, claw marks, burns she started to wonder where and how her friend got all of those scars. Riley as much as she wanted to go and swim she didn't want to yet that would be for tomorrow when all of them were at the campsite together. Once Val had finished up her little swim and then the little fishing moment she could see the fish flailing around on the edge of the blade sticking out of the pour little fish. "Nice job there Val!" Riley said with a smile as she headed back into the RV where there were indeed some towels.

Riley came out of the RV and tossed it over towards her friend as she ran a hand through her red hair and sighed softly as she looked out towards the lake. She always liked to come out to the lake when she had the free time to do so, and enjoyed the peaceful quietness that the lake provided. Riley even some nights would come out to the lake and stare up at the stars that were clearly visible, since there wasn't any light pollution unlike the major cities and towns you could see just about every star out in the night sky.

"So I have to ask, uhm what happened?" Riley asked as she gestured to all of the scaring that was on Valencia's body which she wondered who had actually done it to her. She stared at the fish which made her hungry as she decided to make a small little campfire which a small fire pit was already there due to past trips up to the lake. Riley started to gather dry wood and then pulled out a lighter and gestured towards Val to put the fish into the fire so that they could cook it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kaylee and Cassandra

“Tim Tams… but you American’s don’t sell them. I swear to God, you guys have no idea what you’re missing out on…”

Frowning slightly at the mere thought, Kaylee took a moment to herself before eventually, her dark gaze tore away from the shelves to instead come to a rest on the girl that had chosen to speak, and to offer her help- the girl was cute in her own right… dark hair, sweet smile, gorgeous eyes… but even so, she just couldn’t help the way her mind once more seemed to wander back to the guy that she had run into earlier. There was seriously just something about him…

“Sorry; didn’t mean to sound like a bitch or anything. Your grocery stores… they don’t stock any of the things that we’re used to; I mean, I don’t even know what half this stuff even is…” Sighing out softly, she shook her head lightly from side to side, being sure to shoot a quick glance over at her mother to make sure she hadn’t lost her before she turned back to the shelves, reaching out so that she could grab a few packets of pocky, “..everything’s just so… different here…”

Cassie was slightly taken aback by the way the girl spoke-they didn't really get a lot of tourists from other countries, and this was something new for her. She smiled, “I think I've heard of them. There's a city a few hours away that sells that stuff I think, but unless you want to load your car up every couple of weeks, there's not really anything around here”

She glanced about them, then back to the girl, “We might have some of the same stuff under different names. Maybe you could describe them to me and I could help?” She gave a soft laugh before saying “I'm sorry, I'm Cassandra. Are you here for a visit or to stay in Red lake?”

”Stay.” Turning her head back around, Kaylee once more met with the girl’s gaze, seeming to size her up, or look her over for a bit before she decided it was time for her to answer the question a little more than she already had, “We just moved in today. My dad got a job here; and mum’s opening up a bookstore somewhere in the main street.”

Turning her body slightly so that she was facing the girl a bit better, she shifted the boxes of pocky into one arm, her other hand lifting up to brush some of the stray strands of her long dark locks back off her face and behind her ear before she dropped it back down, her weight shifting and resting over to one side as she slipped her hand down into the back pocket of her denim shorts, unable to help the smirk that played over her lips as she quirked her brow, “Why, that obvious that I’m not from here..?”

Cassie gave a laugh, “Oh, just a bit. Well, Red Lake has a lot to offer. I'm sure you will get use to it eventually” the girl had to be close to their ages, chances were she'd be in their year. She gave the girl a smile, glancing back to see if Syleste and Gage were coming before looking back to the girl. “You probably have a lot to do, but a bunch of us are going camping tomorrow, if you'd like to come with us. It's never too soon to make friends right?”

She seemed to think a moment, before grabbing another box of pocky, and looking back to the girl, a little hopeful.

“Camping..? Oh… I, uhm…”

Turning her head back so that she was able to glance at her mother once more, Kaylee caught her mother’s eyes, the encouragement behind the gaze only added to by the fact that she was nodding her head and motioning for her to go for it; to take that leap of faith.

Hesitating she tore her attention away from her mother, letting it fall over the girl’s shoulder to where she could see a young girl with pink hair hugging a guys arm close against her, the powder-puff’s cheeks a bright shade of red as she let her head rest gently against his shoulder- she was only going to assume that these two were also going to be on this trip. It would be nice… to have some friends… and it wasn’t as though she couldn’t control herself after years of dealing with the full moon…

“..oh, what the hell. If it’s not gunna cause you guys any trouble, I’d love ta come.” Unable to help the way her soft pink lips turned up in a smile, she brought her attention back to the girl stood in front of her in the aisle, her eye sparkling slightly with excitement as she nodded her head, “My brother and I used to go camping all the time with the, uh, ‘pack’- almost every weekend we were out, surrounded by the bush. It’d be great to get to know the area, and meet some new people.”

Cassie smiled cheerfully, and she said ”Oh, great! I’m sorry, did you tell me your name? I don’t think i caught it if you did” Cassandra was sure she had given the girl her name, but if the girl had given her her name, Cassandra hadn’t heard it. She continued speaking, ”We normally go up to the lake and camp there, and we meet at Riley’s place, generally” She said, giving her the address, she would have offered to pick the girl up, but she was sure she’d be picking Syleste up, and her little bug would be loaded with stuff. ”I can give you my number, to make things easier”

“Alright; so meet up at the bed and breakfast in the morning… got it.” Smiling softly at the mere thought of going camping… of making friends, Kaylee nodded her head lightly up and down, her dark eyes lingering on the address written on the piece of paper now held in her free hand- her brother was not going to like this… and there was no way her dad was going to be able to take her… maybe her mother could drop her off..? Hell, she’d run if she had to; either way, she’d figure something out.

“Well, I guess I shouldn’t keep you any longer; looks like your friends are waiting for you.” Turning her head around as the sound of a trolley approaching caught her ear, she let her gaze meet with her mother’s for a few moments before she nodded in understanding, taking the opportunity to drop the boxes of pocky into the trolley with all her biscuits before she began to follow, stopping only long enough for her to be able to glance back over her shoulder at the girl, a warm though still playful smirk playing over her lips as she grabbed her attention.

“Oh; and the name’s Kaylee Evans. Seeya tomorrow, Cassandra.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Valencia Jackson

Location: RV then Campsite
Interacting with: With: @Nallore Riley

“Thank you~!” Val replied as she finished getting out of the water. Streams were running down her body. Despite that and the lowering temperature as the night was approaching, Valencia was in a rather great mood. She got to swim a little, got to catch a fish! Got to hang about with her friend some more so all was great when it went great!” It's been a while since I've had to/had the chance to catch a fish by hand. It's a lot easier than it looks once you know the trick to it! You should try it when we come here tomorrow! I'll teach ya.”

“Ahhh great~” She whistled as she caught the towel in midair with one hand, the other still holding the knife with the fish. This was not one of her special knifes. That one was hidden in her belt. This one was ordinary steel knife. So while she was using the hair to get rid of the water around her torso and what she could from her hair, she also walked over to her clothes, just in case.

Val wondered what to reply while her friend was preparing the small campfire. It seemed tonight they were going to have a little bit of a dinner under the stars in advance! Great, Val preferred to have some time with her new best(first best) friend. They just seemed to get along so far, a thing Val couldn't say for most people she had met so far.

Finally as the fire was ready, She put the knife with the fish over it and handed it over for Riley to hold while she started putting on her clothes Her underwear and hair were still wet, but it didn't matter much as she had leather jacket and leather pants.

“My parents...” Val started, suddenly turning quiet for a moment searching for the words.” They were in the job of bounty hunters more or less. Some of these were gotten from well them training me to take the family business eventually. Some were from then, some were from the time I got into bad crowds around 2 and a half years ago. Some are actually from a street dog that attacked me. Heck I have even a cut scar from a case about an year ago when a guy tried to mug me with a knife and then there was this one...” She said and ran a finger across the small scar on her lower lip.” This one was well... I got into fight with my sister... It was at the time I got into that bad crowd I mentioned. She basically beat the heck out of me, the biker gang I hang about with and pulled me back home. After that I focused back on writing and started my first book which I published already as you know.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Riley Walker

Location: Red Lake
Interacting With: @rivaan Valencia.

Riley would gently take the knife from Valencia's hand as she held it to the fire as the fish started to cook, she would wait to gut the fish once it was done cooking. Her eyes would look over towards her friend as she started to actually open up where she had actually gotten all of those scars from. Which she actually wasn't expecting an author like Valencia to actually get into the wrong crowd, or the weird family business that she had. It seemed a bit personal so she decided to go against asking more about it, the young girl ran a hand through her hair as she leaned forward until the fish started to blacken somewhat. She then took the knife and started to slowly gut and cut the scales off of the fish. "I'd like that a lot actually." Riley said with a soft smile as she finished gutting it and then cut the fish in half to share.

Riley's eyes would then wander over towards the sun setting as she saw the sun shining off of the lake which was always beautiful to see as she looked over at her friend. "We should head back home before it gets dark." Riley said as she quickly finished up eating her fish and handed the knife back towards Val and started to head for the RV to make the drive back towards town.

It is the day of the trip for the young teens as they wake up, gathering up their things that they had packed from the night before. However there was yet another news story that had happened during the night while everyone was sleeping, there was another wolf attack several actually. Three different farms near the sleepy town of Red Lake where the cattle had been killed by the wolf, the people of the town are more alert now in fear of the wolf getting bolder and started attacking those in town.

All of the arrangements for the trip have already been made as the group of friends were starting to gather up at the Bed and Breakfast where the annual meet up was at. It is about 10 o'clock in the morning, everyone in town is either waking up or simply just enjoying their cup of coffee and going on about their day the meet up at the Bed and Breakfast is in thirty minutes.

Riley Walker

Location: Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting With: Riley's Parents.

Riley slowly opened up her eyes and started to let out a rather loud yawn as she looked out of the window seeing that the sun was already shining through her room. She was already excited as she quickly got up from her bed and started to get changed, Riley stumbled slightly over her suitcase and camping supplies that were laid in her room. Riley sighed softly to herself as she tried to relax she was excited to see her friends even though she saw them regularly. Riley was mainly excited for the trip and not have to deal with their parents at all for three whole days.

Of course there was always someone who would smuggle some booze onto the trip, which did make things a little bit more excited and interesting. Once she had changed into a simple tshirt and a pair of shorts, Riley grabbed her bags and camping supplies and started making her way down the stairs. She could already smell her dad's cooking as she went into the kitchen seeing him cooking some breakfast for her, she approached him and gave her father a loving hug. "Hey dad, how are you?" Riley asked as she went over and sat down on the table, it was a pretty slow day no customers yet which she was glad she didn't have to deal with.

"I'm good, and you?" He asked as he laid the plate in front of her, and Riley quickly started to dig into her breakfast as she looked up at him and smiled. "I'm good thanks." Riley said with a soft smile as she finished up eating her breakfast, she moved over and gave him a loving hug. "I'll be outside." Riley said as she made her way towards the front door, she took out her phone and decided to send out a mass text to her friends.

"Hope to see all of you guys very soon meet at my place like usual! <3 RiRi."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins
@Nallore[all others]

Gage and aron slowly walked out of the house of horrors. Aron wearing sunglasses and gage wearing a baggy shirt. He had a mix of emotions in his eyes as they silently left before their....personal demons were awake. They did not have their usual energy as they walked. Aron even less so. They slowly made their way to the meeting both clutching their almost matching large duffel bags. They did not even speak to each other as they went.

All happiness from the day before seemed to be wiped from their faces. They finally made it and stood from a distance. Both were silent avoiding any eye contact with as of right now just Riley. Aron's voice was soft as he spoke. "Hey Ri..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Outside Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting With: Riley Walker (@Nallore), Aron Brooks and Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther).

“Now, you have everything that you need..?”

Smiling brightly as the light from the sun flitted in through the window and down onto her skin, Syleste nodded her head lightly in response, her eyes closing as the warmth of the rays spread through her body, helping to keep her relaxed and content rather than the both excited and nervous mess that she had been the night before when she had finally been dropped back of home by Cassandra and Gage- but then, how could she not be like that..?

Not only was she going camping; but as far as they’d managed to discuss, she now also had a… well, a boyfriend. At least, that was what she thought Gage was to her now, “Yes mom; I’ve got everything.”

“Cell phone..? Plenty of clothes..? You did grab the extra food I made for you all, didn’t you..?”

Unable to help the way her soft bell-like voice fell out through her lips in a gentle giggle, the young pink haired girl turned her head back around so that she was able to look over in the direction she could hear her mother’s voice coming from- she couldn’t blame her for worrying the way that she was… it was the first time she was going camping, let alone the first time she going anywhere without her mother. But with the fact that her friends were going to be there looking out for her, she knew for a fact she had nothing to worry about herself.

“Heheh; yes mom, I have everything I need… and I put the food you made into the picnic basket; it’s on the backseat.” Turning her attention back towards the door as she felt the car slowing to an eventual stop, she waited until she heard the gearstick shift and the hand break to be pulled before she hurriedly clicked her seat belt, barely waiting for it to retract before she was opening the door and climbing out of it, the sweet young girl practically bouncing gently upon the balls of her feet causing the light and airy see-through cardigan of her outfit to flair slightly as she made her way to the back of the car, collecting her backpack and slipping it onto her back, she reached in once more, taking up the picnic basket and closing the door as her mother hurried to catch up, stepping out of the door just in time to watch her daughter make her way over to her friends.

“O-Okay then… Have fun, sweetheart; and be safe..! Call me when you get there..!”

Though she heard exactly what it was that her mother had shouted after her, Syleste didn’t respond, instead carefully stepping up onto the curb before practically skipping over to where she could hear her friend’s voices coming from, the young pink haired girl slowing to a stop before lifting her hand up, using her fingers to gently brush some stray strands of her long locks back before neatly tucking them behind her ear, “Hey Riley; hey Aron…”

Pausing for a moment, she lowered her arm back down, holding onto the handle of the picnic basket with both hands as she bit down softly upon her lower lips, her cheeks turning a soft shade of pink as she swung her body lightly from side to side- if Aron was here… it meant that Gage was there too. Gage was here, and it was the first time they were going to be able to really spend quality alone time with each other… maybe…

“..heh… h-hello Gage…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Cody woke quite happily, his gear packed and ready, and he had a hurried breakfast, giving his parents a hug goodbye, before he jumped onto his motorcycle. He was looking forward to a little bit of time with Aron. He zoomed through the streets skillfully, towards Riley's. He parked his bike, laying his pack on the seat, and taking the helmet off. Seeing Aron, Cody was about to give an enthaustic welcome, perhaps with a kiss, before seeing both twins deamnor. Cody could feel his blood grow cold, and he approached Aron, still slightly intimidated by Gage. As Syleste appeared, however, Cody felt a little better, as she approached Gage.

He stopped in front of Aron, wanting to reach out, to touch him, to hug him, to simply bundle him up and tell him it would be okay. But...he didn't know if he could take it if Aron flinched away from him, if he resisted Cody's advancements.

"What happened?" He asked, almost desperately, wanting to protect, but not knowing how to. He hesitated, hating not knowing what he could do, as he stood there, knowing something was wrong, knowing that it had happened to both of them, and knowing that if he could, he'd do anything to simply get a smile out of Aron.

And then he simply engulfed Aron in a hug, wanting to comfort. "You don't have to tell me,but I am here..." And he was defintely going to do all in his power to at least make Aron smile, even as he thought of ways that he could extract both twins out of their house.


Cassie checked out the fridge, made sure she had all the meals prepared, and marked, before she went to say goodbye to her aunt, having spent the last half an hour shoving things into her car, namely the snacks that she had brought, her guitar, and her packed bag. She gave her Aunt a hug, gave the fat gray cat Galahad a stroke, and grabbing her keys, she started out. Cassie was looking forward to her time with her friends-opps, better check that she had packed the pocky-and was sure that it would be a spectacular weekend. As she left, her Aunt called out "Be on the look out for wolves! there's been a lot of attacks" Cassie gave her Aunt a wave of acknowledgement, before she get in the car, and started it.

Before leaving, Cassie made sure she had the satelite phone-goodness knows what Syleste's mother would do if she found out Cassie had left the phone behind, and the pocky-because she wanted to see if they could get the pocky game going. Chuckling to herself, Cassie started on her way to Riley's, singing softly under her breath, she checked her phone as she pulled up, to see if she had anything from Kaylee, the girl she'd invited-oh damn, she'd forgotten to tell Riley that...-not seeing the girl there.

Quickly, in case Kaylee appeared, she got out, and glancing about, seeing Syleste, the twins, and Cody already there, she left them for the moment to their own devices, but frowned slightly, before approaching Riley "I forgot to mention, there's a new girl in town, and I invited her along. She seems really nice, She's Australian-kinda obsessed with their Biscuits Tam Tims or whatever, and I think she'll be in our year. Thought it a good idea to invite her"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

Gage was clenching his jaw and seemed to be lost in thoughts. He heard Syleste and turned. He made his way to her and hugged her for once needing contact. Needing it to where he seemed to melt as he hugged her. "Hi it didn't have its usual sure of himself tone. It sounded cracked...almost...scared.

Aron heard Cody before he saw him. He shook his head but then got his own hug. He started to shudder as if he was barely holding himself together. "I....I don't know how to tell you right now..." his voice sounded more broken then his brothers. He kept shuddering in Cody's arms but did not push him away or even try to leave it. He held Cody back as if he was drowning and Cody was a life preserver. Underneath those sunglasses one eye was bruised blackened by some form of blunt force. There were small scratches around his eyes and the other eye...while in better shape...had a long cut near it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Outside Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting With: Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther).

The sudden embrace… it almost caused her to drop the basket in her surprise, though she did her best to keep it held tightly within her hands. His hug… it was so warm, so comforting, so-… so needy..? Leaning her body over and placing the basket down beside them, Syleste once more righted herself in front of him, her hands (albeit with but a moments of hesitation) both lifting up until she was able to rest them gently against his chest, her touch so soft… so delicate as she slid them up, following the natural curve of his pectorals… his collar bone… until eventually, she brought them to a stop against his shoulders.

That tone of his voice; the way that he was speaking to her… she didn’t like it. This wasn’t him- this wasn’t her Gage. He was always so cool, so confident, so outgoing; and right now, he was none of that. He almost sounded-… He almost sounded scared…

Something was most definitely wrong…


Her voice was soft… almost inaudible as she called out his name, her own tone worried and giving way that she already knew that something was off as she lifted her right hand up from where it was rested on his shoulder, placing it gently against his cheek, her thumb brushing lightly back and forth over the skin just under his eye for what felt like a lifetime before she finally seemed to make up her mind, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink as she leant in, her thumb seeking out and coming to a rest at the corner of his mouth as she closed the gap between them, her soft pink lips eventually ending up pressed against his own in a soft and loving kiss.

It was as though her cheeks were on fire, her heart beating wildly within her chest but really, she didn’t care. He needed her- Gage needed her right now, and she was going to be there for him no matter what happened. Her eyes fluttered to a close, her hand slipping from his cheek to instead once more rest against his neck, her fingers curling to match the natural curve as she slid it back, holding him close and causing her cheeks to burn brighter than ever before.

It was only the second time they had kissed… but by God, it felt so nice. If this was what it was like to be in a relationship- what it was like to be in love, then she definitely couldn’t wait for what was coming next for the both of them.

Slowly and rather reluctantly pulling herself back from him, Syleste kept her body encircled within the comfort of his arms, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly and unseeing eyes opening so that she could look up in the direction she could feel his warm breath fanning out over her face- oh, he was so perfect… Gage was everything that she had ever wanted; and thanks to their forced time together the day before (she would both have to go through, and thank Cassie for it later) she now knew that she was something that he wanted as well.

“..it-… it was her, wasn’t it..?” Shaking her head and causing her hair to fly back and forth over her back, she leant closer into him again, her eyes closing as she buried her head lightly into the nape of his neck, gently nuzzling up against him in an attempt to comfort him as best as she possibly could, “..I-I never liked her; I’m sorry, Gage… I just-… she makes me so mad..! She’s just so mean to you...”

Lowering her gaze slightly, she let her sentence trail off into nothing, unsure of what it was she was supposed to say, or really do now that she had just gone and blurted out the fact that she didn’t like her boyfriend’s mother… And how could she..? The woman was nothing more than a meanie..! Always pushing both of the boys around; just like she had done the day before when they had been in the café.

“..I-… I have a first aid kit in my backpack if you want…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Cody kept Aron in his arms, not letting the hug go, as he felt Aron shuddering. He help him tight, waiting to...to make him feel safe, and cared for. Slightly taller then Aron, Cody managed to see the bruised eye, the scratches, the cut and he hissed, enraged that anyone would do that to anyone. With a slight glance at Gage, it was obvious the other twin had suffered the same fate, in one way or another. Cody held Aron, as he tried to figure out something to say, to do. He wasn't going to allow Aron to go back to that house, and he wondered briefly for a moment what his parents would do if he came home with the twins.

They wouldn't mind.

He shifted just slightly, so he could gently kiss Aron, under both eyes, and then softly on the mouth, before pulling back, just slightly, so he could say "I'm here, Aron" it seemed to be the only thing he could say, and yet it didn't seem to be enough, as he just about refused to let go of Aron.

He lay his forehead against Aron's, not caring what they must look like to their friends, simply wanting to make Aron feel better. And to reassure him that no matter what, Cody would be there. He needed to reassure his boyfriend-and wasn't that a wonder to be able to say?-that he wanted to make things better.

He kissed Aron again, softly, gentle, loving and caring.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Twins

Gage felt himself melt with every touch from Syleste. He kissed her back and felt himself melt even more. No matter what...he had a light in his darkness. It just happened this light was more pink. He then felt his jaw clench. He seemed to wait an eternity before responding. "Unfouruhatly my....punishment....was by Phil" his voice was soft and there was a hint of anger but also a small amount of frustration. So many emotions. He then kissed her forehead finding strength in having her in his arms. "Don't be sorry....they....are terrible" he slowly nodded again knowing her hand was there so she could feel it but managed to speak even softer. "My back is the worst."

Aron felt safe in Cody's arms...a safety he was thankful for. Though when Cody hissed he nearly leapt out of his skin his heart beating fast reacting as if he still wasn't over what had happened. He managed to calm down and focus on the embrace...figuring Cody was more mad at what had happened to him then at him. Those words seemed to make it 100 percent better. He exhaled and nodded. "thank you" his voice was soft and barely audible but it was there. His eyes shut as their foreheads touched. Then they kissed. He was able to return it and his mind managed to go numb from everything bad for just a moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alessea, Quinton and Abigale

Quinton watched his daughter. It was always hard on the full moon. While Quinton was strong, able to resist the moon's temptations, there were a few hours where he simply had to shift. And he was well aware that there were dangers out there on full moons, that he needed to protect Abigale from. Especially now, with the unknown alliance wolves in the area. This first moon in the town, Quinton would spend it ensuring that no stray wolves got in.

He frowned suddenly. After three years of not having an Alpha, Quinton seemed to have forgotten the unspoken… guidelines. So it would be a transition for both Abigale and himself. Interesting. He would have to provide a good example for his daughter. So, it would be wise to speak with Alessea, at least to see what she knew of the town, and its typical… supernatural life in Red lake, during the full moon.

He could go to Alessea, before dropping Abigale off at the bed and breakfast. Spending a little bit of time with his daughter, Quinton ensured that she had her things packed, and slipped in a bar of chocolate- something he tended to save for special occasions. He would imagine her surprise, and delight at it.

Finally, he rounded her up, and started towards Alessea’s, holding Abigale’s hand, he had to wonder if she had managed to track down a wolf-dog pup. He imagined it wouldn’t be particularly easy. Following the same path they’d taken yesterday, Abigale chatted excitedly about her new raccoon friend.

“Miko..! Kupata nje yake..!”

Scrunching up her face, Alessea threw the dirty rag over at the young raccoon who seemed far too interested in the container of Italian food she had ordered for lunch, the action scaring it enough that it scrambled away, only managing to steal one of the several pieces of garlic bread she herself had been nibbling on for the last five minutes while still working, “Ah… you stupid racoon…”

Rolling her eyes, but still managing to chuckle lightly at the animal’s antics as it scurried up to the top of several boxes filled with car parts, its nose twitching a few times as it glanced about before finally digging into the garlic bread it held within its tiny paws, “..hope you enjoy it; cause you aren’t getting anymore.”

Approaching the garage, Abigale squealed, and slipped out of Quinton's grip, which he allowed, as she ran forward, calling out to the raccoon, charging forward as if she hadn't a care in the world, but stopping at the door, pouting slightly, waiting for him, or to be allowed in. Figuring that Abigale had made enough noise for the both of them, Quinton didn't call out this time, figuring it would just be overkill, and he hoped that Abigale hadn't caused any problems.

Sometimes, she was just so willful. He couldn't deny her that, when he could be himself, and her mother certainly had been. Quinton glanced about.

Both catching a familiar scent, and hearing a familiar voice squealing out in excitement from somewhere behind her, Alessea tore her gaze away from where she had been watching Miko on the boxes to instead glance back over her shoulder in the direction of the door, her soft lips both turning up in a smile as her dark eyes came to a rest upon the youngest member of her pack before lifting to meet with that of her father.

“Abigale… Quinton; welcome. Please, come in.”

Lifting her arm up from her side, she motioned for the both of them to come inside before she moved over to the counter her food was resting on, being sure to wipe her hands clean before she picked up a fork and one of the containers, a small wince crossing over her otherwise soft features as she turned and leant back against the counter, peeling the lid off of the pasta so that she could begin to eat, “So aside from the smell of garlic and grease, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit..?”

Abigale entered, and began to look about her, hunting up Miko, she trotted about the place, now considering herself invited, she didn't snoop about, but rather made her presence known as only a child could. Quinton kept an eye on her, glancing over to her every so often to make sure that she wasn't getting into trouble, as she made her way to Miko.

Quinton looked to Alessea, and returned her smile, but appeared questioning at the wince, yet thought it might be rude to ask. "Well, usually on the full moon, I spend a few hours ensuring that there is nothing dangerous that could be a threat to Abigale, but I thought you might know the supernatural life around here?" He said, glancing back towards Abigale for a moment, before glancing back to Alessea.

Pausing for a few moments of thought, Alessea took the chance to have some of her pasta while it was still warm, her chewing slow as she thought on his words- he was right… she did know of the supernatural’s in Red Lake; as the alpha of the only pack in town, it was her job to know what was lurking about on her territory… whether it be good, or bad.

Nodding her head lightly up and down in answer to his question, she took another moment to herself to swallow what she had in her mouth before answering out loud, “..there are a few supernatural’s here in town… Actually, you will be teaching two of them once you start your new job; though there is one in particular that I would ask for you to keep a close eye on if you do not mind…”

Frowning slightly, she twisted her body, putting the container down instead swapping it out for a piece of garlic bread instead, “I speak about a girl called Syleste Vos; she is… visibly challenged if you will. She’s the only siren I have ever come across, but I do not believe that she is aware of this herself… There might be another girl, Jayne, you will teach; her and her older sister, Seraphina, are also both supernatural’s- angels to be precise. But keep in mind, they are flight risks; extremely jumpy when in the presence of other supernatural beings.”

Falling silent for a spell so that she could take a bite out of the piece of bread she held, Sea thought a few moments longer, searching her mind for the others she knew of, “..we have a blood sucker in the picture; she works at the hospital, and be aware, their kind is not to be trusted… and there is a damphir on the loose; she is a pain in everyone’s ass, but right now she is harmless. Again, I do not think she knows what she is.”

Finishing off the piece of garlic bread she had been holding, she brushed her hands off on the front of her pants, ridding herself of the crumbs she had gotten over them while she had been eating it before she turned her body, lifting up the side of her baggy grey singlet top so that he was able to see the list of names tattooed onto her body, “As for the rest; well, this is the pack…”

Quinton listened as Alessea spoke. A siren? Certainly a rare being indeed, Quinton had never come across one either, before this girl at least- when he’d met her. Angels tended to be flighty beings, yet Quinton had met one before, not an experience he particularly relished repeating, yet perhaps that was just an odd case. Vampires, and Damphirs… both potentially dangerous, yet not alarming on the full moon, unless the vampire chose to take advantage of it. It didn’t seem like he had much to worry about, yet the the unknown wolves could pose a challenge, especially if they were young.

”A strange collection, and a large one for a town this small” he said, thoughtful. Was there something to that, or had many supernaturals decided they liked the small town life better? Quinton had certainly chosen the town, once he was sure they had been safe, for its small town community, thinking it a good place to raise Abigale, after everything they had been through. He looked to the tattoo, wondering just when she would have had time to add their names to the list, given that they had only joined the pack the day before.

”I typically leave Abigale with a baby sitter- in this case the delightful woman that runs the bed and breakfast- and roam a bit on the full moon.” He looked to Abigale again, then said ”Although I worry about leaving her alone”

“I suspect this town is a beacon for the supernatural… it is how I ended up here in the first place. I felt a pull when I first moved to America. Wound up here with-… well that really does not matter…”

Shaking her head lightly from side to side, though not missing the curious look shot towards her tattoo and their names now permanently plastered into her flesh, she let go of her top, letting it drop back down to cover her body as she reached back, holding onto the counter behind her as she once more relaxed her body back against it, her head tilting lightly to the side and her eyes meeting with his once more as the two of them continued their conversation, “She will be fine; besides, she will be looked after. A wolf will not turn on one of its own pack; it is hard to control a pup without constant dominance… they rarely ever listen…”

Sighing softly to herself, Alessea motioned over towards her office where the door was closed, a small smile playing over her lips as she gave way to the information that she had been able to keep her word from the day previous, “I got what you were looking for; quite the fluff-ball too. And as for your curiosity; you are not a cat, you have my word it will not kill you.”

”It's not the pack I’m worried about, it's everything else.” Quinton said, frowning over the comment on the place being a beacon for supernatural. That could very well bring hunters… And he wouldn’t allow what had happened before to happen again. Perhaps it wasn’t simple coincidence that brought them to Red Lake, which did worry Quinton somewhat. Yet there was nothing to be done about it now.

Glancing over to the closed door, he smiled, although he still wasn’t sure the house could take an energetic girl, and a growing pup, he knew it would make Abigale happy, and she had so rarely asked for anything the last few years.

He looked back to Alessea, ”Thank you, but when did you have the time, you seem to have had a busy afternoon. I hope it wasn’t too much trouble, I know such dogs can be a h-...” but he had forgotten to keep his voice down, and Abigale gave a small cry, ”Dog? There’s a dog?”

Unable to help the laugh that passed through her lips as Quinton seemed to give up the secret before he really wanted to, Alessea shook her head once more, her body pushing away from the counter so that she could take her time wandering over to the closed door of her office, “No… no, there is no dog Abigale… Apologies, I could not get one; however…”

Turning her full attention back over to the door, she opened it slightly, her body crouching over and her face scrunching up as she felt the course tongue of the wolf-pup attacking her face as she turned and made her way back over to where she had left Quinton standing, the fluff-ball of a pup moving about excitedly as it saw the other people in the garage with them, “..I did manage to get a pup… is that alright..? Because if it isn’t, I can always take it back and keep looking…”

Abigale watched Alessea curiously as she approached the door, something like hope and excitement on her face, squealing as the pup was revealed, almost shaking with her enthusiasm. As it began to move about, Abigale excitedly approached the pup, staring at it, she couldn’t help but look to her father. ”Is he mine?” She asked hopefully, wide-eyed. Quinton smiled, and gave a nod, resulting in another squeal from Abigale, who closed the remaining gap to the fluff-ball, going to pat, hug, stroke, and just generally touch the pup.

”Oh, I think it’s safe to say it’s alright.” Quinton said with amusement, watching his daughter for a moment, ”Thank you.” Quinton might come to wonder just why he had thought a dog would be a good idea, but right then, Abigale was happy. Safe. And acting just like a child should over a puppy. And that filled his heart with joy.

”She’s going to name it something completely odd, just wait.”

“Oh, I know…”

Chuckling lightly, Alessea leant forward, allowing the young girl to take the wolf-pup from her so that she could hold it herself- she was so excited… it was a sweet thing to see. The last time she had seen that look on a child’s face was when her niece had been given a beautiful parrot… the naming had not gone as smoothly as the child’s mother had hoped, and had ended in quite a lot of confusion and laughs, “..my niece is about the same age as Abi; when she got a parrot for her birthday, she chose to call it ‘duck’ of all things…”

Abigale plopped onto the ground, the wolf probably weighing close to what she did and Quinton was reminded once again of how large a breed they could be. Abigale didn't seem phased, hugging the pup close to her, burying her face in his fur and sending him into wriggles of ecstasy with her pats and strokes. She just about ended up rolling around with the pup, and Quinton said a silent prayer for the bed and breakfast.

He gave a laugh, “Ah, but at least a duck is still a bird!” He said with amusement, taking his eyes off Abigale for a moment, to give Alessea a smile. “I wish there was something I could do, to thank you. Being able to give Abigale that much happiness? It's worth more than anything in the world to me.”

“..she has a habit of naming everything ‘duck’ though…”

Closing her eyes, she shook her head lightly from side to side, a gentle chuckle falling out through her soft lips at the mere memory of having taken her niece to a petting zoo for the first time; it had been more confusing than when she had been given the parrot. Relaxing herself back against the counter once more, though not without another slight wince thanks to the tattoo she had updated just the day before, “Listen, you do not need to do anything to thank me. We are familia now; and I would see her smile any day.”

Being familia didn't negate the fact that Quinton had a lot to be thankful to Alessea for, yet he didn't argue. He would figure something out. As she said about seeing Abigale smile any day, Quinton couldn't help but smile almost shyly. He was grateful that as Abigale grew, she would have a female figure in her life. God knows Quinton had no idea how to talk about feminine stuff.

He looked back to Abigale, now giggling like a mad thing, as she chased the wolf-pup around, the fluff-ball a little wobble and definitely not graceful as he ran. "Re-e-e-e-mus!" Quinton rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. Perhaps he had let her watch too much Harry Potter. Ah, well. A wolf dog named Remus. Not as odd as he thought she'd choose, but still.

He glanced about to see what had attracted the pups attention.

“..heh, Remus..? Someone really likes Harry Potte-…”

Turning her attention around at seemingly the last minute, Alessea’s dark eyes widened, her arms both lifting up and shooting out as she pushed away from the counter, the woman getting there just in time to catch one of the heavier boxes as it fell towards the young girl’s head as she ran past in chase of the pup, the sudden weight along with the sensitivity of her freshly updated tattoo causing her to wince heavily in pain, “..-Harry Potter… What the hell..? Miko..!”

Of course it was the raccoon… How could it not be..?

“Miko..! Freeze..! No, no..!” Shutting her eyes tightly as the furry grey thief came running towards her with a new piece of garlic bread in its mouth, she braced herself for what she knew was coming next, the claws of the raccoon hitting first the box before hitting her face, leaving several scratches behind as it scrambled up and over the top of her head in an attempt to get away from the pup chasing it.

Abigale chased after the pup that was chasing after the raccoon. The wolf pup- Remus, good lord- skidded to a halt as he came to an effective dead end against Alessea, giving a whine as he slide a little bit, paws scrabbling to slow his momentum, even as Abigale continued to run, just about full pelt, after the pup, not seeing in time Alessea, she didn't slow enough, instead crashing into her.

Quinton could only watch as his daughter got herself- and the rest of them- into trouble. As she crashed into Alessea, falling on her butt, the pup scrambling into her lap once more, Quinton moved faced, catching Alessea and steadying her.

The raccoon, she was used to… the pup, she could handle… the young girl on the other hand, she had not been expecting in any way, shape, or form…

Feeling the girl colliding into her body at such a fast pace, Alessea felt her legs giving way from under her, all balance that she had managed to regain from after catching the box now gone completely as it slipped from her grasp, the heavy cardboard box crashing down onto the counter and causing the food that had once been occupying the space to instead go flying about and onto the floor as she herself began to drop, her fall stopped only as she felt a strong pair of arms wrapping around her body, helping to keep her up and on her feet.

Basically forgetting about everything else around her, she lifted her head up, turning it back so that she was able to look up at the man who had caught her, her soft lips parting ever so slightly from one another as surprise dawned across her features, her dark eyes flicking back and forth between his own seemingly getting lost as her voice became softer, “..gratitude…”

Quinton swallowed, not breaking away, seemingly forgetting that he had her in his arms. And yet, seemingly aware of every aspect of it. It had been so long since he'd held a woman in his arms, and he had to say it did overwhelm him a little bit. And her eyes… Quinton felt like he could just fall right into them. And he could almost close the gap and kiss her.

What was wrong with him?

Clearing his throat, he managed to look away, looking around at the damage. "I don't think gratitude is needed… I'm sorry about the mess..." Abigale buried her face in Remus' fur, and hugged the pup tightly as if fearful the pup would be taken from her. Quinton gave a soft sigh, and helped her up, the pup hiding behind her slightly. "Please, let me at least buy you lunch..."


Seeming to snap herself back to the present as she remembered about her open lunch on the counter, Alessea’s eyes widened slightly, her strained sort of sound falling from her open lips as she hurriedly turned back to what once was a neat workspace, now nothing more than a complete and utter disaster area littered with pasta, garlic bread, oil, tools, and car parts… This was a nightmare; and one that was really going to set her back about an hour or two in her work… and with the full moon tonight; it was clear that a worse time couldn’t have been chosen for such chaos in the workspace…

“..oh mierda..! Solo mire este desorden…”

Lifting her hand up from where it had been hanging down by her side, she couldn’t help but let out an exasperated sigh, her fingers slipping back and running through her long and wavy dark locks before eventually, her arm dropped once more, her eyes flicking about to see just how much of a mess she had on her hands before turning back to her guests, the sight of the little girl not only hiding behind her father’s legs, but then the young pup hiding behind her legs causing her heart to sink slightly- this wasn’t their fault, it wasn’t anyone’s fault… it was just an accident that couldn’t be helped under the circumstance.

Turning back around, she took a moment glance up at Quinton before she crouched down in front of Abigale and Remus, being sure to look them both in the eye as she reached out, her touch soft as she ran her hand down the length of the girl’s arm before eventually, she took her hand in hers, “..do not feel bad about this, okay..? None of this is your fault; either of you. It was just an accident, and neither of you is going to be in trouble for it, I promise.”

Smiling softly at both the girl and the pup, she gently squeezed Abigale’s hand, holding it for a few moments longer before she stood herself back up, her gaze once more meeting with Quinton’s, “..you know what… lunch sounds great.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Cody pulled back after a moment, and holding Aron still, he gently reached up, to remove the glasses somewhat, so he could see the extent of the damage. He wanted to take it away, to make it all better, and yet that power was beyond him. He wished...he wished he had asked Aron to stay, instead of letting him go home, but how much worse would it have been for Gage? He couldn't be so selfish. "You're not going back to that house" He said softly, "I don't want you to, I don't want you being hurt again, by that vile b-witch" he was sure that with their friends, they could figure something out.

Hearing Syleste talk about a First Aid kit, Cody thought that was a good idea, and loosening his hold on Aron so he could take his hand, Cody tugged him gently towards Gage and Syleste, intending to tend to Aron's injuries, and help Syleste with Gage's, knowing that Syleste wouldn't be able to see the damage, and treat the injuries properly.

After that, Cody intended to try and make the trip as great as possible for Aron. And if there was trouble when they got back...Cody would protect Aron as best he could; "I'll help you wit it, Syleste" He said softly, looking to Gage-they were the same height, how had he not noticed that before?-he reached out to clasp him on the shoulder, gentle, almost feeling like he was making the four of them a unit, for a brief second, before he hugged Aron again, saying "Where's the kit?"

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 6 days ago

Syleste Astrea Nioré

Location: Outside Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting With: Aron Brooks and Gage Brooks (@BlackPanther), and Cody Treadwell (@Caits).

“I-… I hate them..!”

Before she even knew what she was saying, the words had slipped through her lips and into the open for everyone to hear, causing her eyes to widen both in surprise and horror at what she had just blurted out. Had she really just said that..? And not just about anyone; she had said it about her boyfriend’s parents..! They were just so… so horrible. All they ever did was bully people, and if they didn’t get their way-…

Well, she had seen them at the café a few times in the past.

If that was what they were like in public, then what exactly was it that happened behind the closed doors of their home..? She couldn’t bear to think of either Gage or Aron in that type of situation- how they had gone this long like this-… Tightening her hands over him, she shook her head quickly from side to side as though doing her best to try and rid herself of the mere thought of something like that happening to anyone that she cared about- it just wasn’t right…

“You can’t go back there… please, Gage… please, you just can’t…” Shutting her cloudy blue eyes tighter than they had been moments beforehand, Syleste pressed herself closer against his body, her movements still gentle as she lightly nuzzled herself up into his neck, doing everything that she possibly could to try and comfort him… to make him smile again, “I-… We only just found each other… I don’t want to lose you, Gage- I can’t lose you because of them… I-I just can’t…”

“I’ll help you with it, Syleste. Where’s the kit?”

Pressing herself just that little bit closer to Gage as the sound of another voice entered the conversation, she turned her head away, burying her face down into the top of his chest as she thought over the offer that was given to her. Cody wanted to help… but whether or not it was because he thought she wasn’t capable of doing it herself was beyond her, and right now, she really didn’t care… Gage needed to be looked after, and with her not being able to see what was wrong, or what she was doing, that left her out of the running when it came to helping him out with what had happened.

As much as she hated it… this was an area she was completely useless in…

Biting down softly upon her lower lip, and fighting back tears at not being able to do anything to help the guy she cared most about in her life, she nodded her head in response, letting him know that she was accepting his help as she silently took a step back from Gage, her head lowered as she removed one of the straps from over her arm, taking a few moments to feel over the different pockets of her backpack before she found the one that she had been looking for, her fingers working to undo the zip and pull out the first aid kit before she re-did the zip, replacing the bag over her back before finally, she held the kit out in silence for Cody to take from her.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The twins

Gage did not even flinch when she said she hated them. "I hate them too." he lightly kissed her forehead and continued to hold her in his arms. He then sighed. "Trust me I don't want to go back......but I can't go back to the foster care system. I'd lose you" he shook his head. "And I need to be there for Aron....ill be okay I promise I'll be okay" his voice sounded confident but it was clear he wasn't sure about that.

Aron looked at Cody and then looked down. "I don't want to go back but what other choices do I have" his voice was soft and then he was dragged over to Gage and Syleste. He looked at Gage who shrugged.

Gage looked at Cody and nodded. He then pulled off his shirt after putting his duffel down next to the basket revealing what a mess it was. Long scratches that were deep swollen and bruised. The bruises looked angry and it definitly looked like he was whipped with something. He then pulled Syleste to him after Cody took the kit. "This will....hurt." as in he needed her for support even though there were a few scratches on his chest which were no where near as bad as his back.

Aron looked at Cody and shook his head. "This was my fault" Gage snapped his attention up. "Are you happy with Cody?" Aron looked at his brother clearly very close to breaking down. "Yes" Gage's eyes bored into his brothers. "Theb it was worth it....and it's not your fault you know damn well mom and dad would have been fine and probably even invited Cody over. Remember that" Gage then shot a look at Cody. The message was clear. dont hurt my brother
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 3 days ago


Interacting with: @Nallore

When Gabanre woke up, He stepped out of bed. He did his normal routine and went down. He took his stuff he readied yesterday and packed. A backpack, a knife set and some other stuff. He went towards the bed and breakfast from Riley. He did not really know what to expect from the trip and he took a casual approach.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"You have plenty of choices" Cody said softly, "Like...like you could come live at my place...my folks won't mind having you both..." his voice was soft, a little shaky as if he wasn't sure how they would take it. Yet either way, Cody wasn't going to let Aron go back there alone. He took the kit from Syleste, feeling like he'd done something wrong there...he hadn't meat to offend her, in anyway. He'd just wanted to help..."I'm sorry, Syleste, I didn't think...Please don't hate me"

He gave a soft sigh, catching Gage's look. He stared back, passive a moment. What must it be like, to have a sibling you'd do anything for? Cody was an only child. But he knew he'd do anything for his friends. For Aron. "I'm not going to hurt him, Gage, so can you please stop giving me that look that makes me a little, well, terrified?" He gave Gage a small smile, so he'd know that Cody was trying to be humerous. No doubt failing, but still.

Seeing the damage to Gage's back, Cody clenched his hands a moment, "That bitch" it slipped out, but Cody didn't seem to care. He wanted to...wanted to go, hunt down the vile woman, and show her a piece of his mind, but he knew that that wouldn't do any good. Cody did his best to clean up the injuries, grimacing over every cut, every bruise, sure it must hurt like hell, but he knew it had to be done, to prevent infection at the very least.

What had that woman done, whipped Gage?

"You'll both come home with one of us when we get back. Neither of you are going back there" He didn't know how it would all work out, but he knew they could figure it out. He did his best to bind up the injuries to Gage's back, He spied the scratches on Gage's chest, which didn't seem quite so bad, thankfully, but as Gage had engulfed Syleste in his grasp, Cody decided they could wait..."Hey, Syleste? There's a few scratches, if I show you, can you just clean them? I don't think they need to be bound" If Syleste would let him, Cody would guide Syleste's hand to the scratches, figuring that Gage could help guide her if needed. He knew he'd made a mistake before, and he desperately wanted to try and fix it.

Once done, Cody turned back to Aron, gently removing the glasses completely now, he cleaned the cuts, careful not to get anything in Aron's eyes, it was a task to figure out how to bind the slash near Aron's eye, and he spent a moment making a bandage with tape, and a dressing, cutting it to the shape it needed. "There" He kissed Aron lightly once he was done, and hugged him tightly once more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Riley Walker

Location: Riley's Bed and Breakfast.
Interacting With: @Vicier@twannyman@Caits@Damo021@rivaan@Zhaliora@BlackPanther@Eviledd1984

As Riley finished stuffing her supplies into one of the outer compartments of the RV, she turned her attention when she heard Gage and Aron's voices. She instantly knew that something bad had happened to the two of them back at home, she was aware of their abuse and she truly felt bad for her two friends. She then saw Cassandra coming up next she smiled at her friend as she approached Cassie and went over and gave her a friendly hug. "Great to see you Cassie." Riley said with a soft smile, then she wasn't expecting that she had invited someone news. Which Riley didn't mind at all, the more people the better she did hear something about a new classmate coming this year and smiled at her friend. "I don't mind at all, the more the merrier." Then there was another surpise when she saw Syleste's mom and then Syl coming out of the car as well.

"Syl! I wasn't expecting you to come, its great to have you." Riley said with a happy smile then she saw Cody coming over as well, her eyes wondering over to her group of friends, she noticed Aron and Gage, as well as Syl and Gage had just hooked up. Riley bit her lower lip when the abuse of Aron and Gage came up. "If you two want you are more than welcome to stay at my place. You don't have to worry about paying I can pull strings with my dad and have you guys stay for free." Riley said softly as she looked at them all then she saw Gabanre coming up and waved at him.
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