Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Feeling the door to the pit start to shift as his weight causes the hinges to bend, Jake quickly scrambles up out of the shaft. Seeing Shawn quickly freed, Jake moves between Shawn and the worst of the drones, shifting the light in the area to make it hard for the drones to scan them. Jake also puts up a barrier around them. Should stop lasers, reflecting any shots back at their owners.
"You ok man?" Jake asks Shawn.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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He had done as instructed, pulling back as Heidi pulled on the cuffs to free Shawn. The cuffs broke in two, freeing Shawn's hands for movement. As soon as he had the chance, he shot a bolt of lightning at the incoming drones. However, he was quickly stopped as Jake set up a barrier of some sort. He didn't know how his lightning would interact with the barrier, and he decided not to test it out now.

"Yeah." Shawn nodded. It wasn't too very strange for someone younger than him to be saving him in the danger room. Some kids got their mutations earlier than others, some came to the school earlier, and some were just better prepared for combat. Shawn's own upbringing, as blurry as the memories were, was simple and happy. He lived in a small, mutant-loving town where he was not frowned at when he learned of his abilities. He had a lofty life from what he could remember, as opposed to what some of the others have been through.

Heidi and that other girl with the gun seemed to be handling themselves well enough. Shawn began charging lightning in his hands again. This time, he didn't bring them together. Even though the cuffs hung around his wrists, Shawn could still generate electricity. It was only the cuffs that weren't affected or damaged by electricity, and didn't stop his powers at all. He charged electricity into his feet as well, hoping to float above the metal floor without hurting anyone. Maybe he'd be able to glide around and knock some robot heads together.

But a thought occurred to him. He needed to keep everyone together, working together and taking out the enemies together. Alone, the masses of drones and traps could easily overwhelm them, but they stood a better chance as a team.

He shot small bolts at more drones, just enough to make them drop to the floor and short circuit. Not all of them, though. "Heidi!" He called out. "I need one of you to shoot me with your gun!" It was a horrible idea. An absolutely terrible one that would hurt him and waste ammo if it didn't work out like he wanted it too. He just hoped that the energy rounds from the drone guns would be enough to give him a bit of a charge. If they were, he could use that to hopefully make himself invulnerable to energy shots. If only he could generate electricity on his body fast enough to block and absorb the shots coming at him, then he'd truly be a beast against such enemies. However, robots were all he had to worry about right now.

"The fact that you are aware of your tendencies, coupled with you being well aware that you need to work them out is exactly why you need to be in this facility." Emma Frost spoke to the troubled boy. She got a name out of him. It was little trouble to look at the name tags that almost seemed to float over everyone's heads as she stood in the room with them all. Jacob, Christopher, and the other one. Her name, her mind, was something of interest. She couldn't help herself from trying to take a peek at the wild and almost animalistic mind that resided within. So bestial, but she could sense fully sentient thoughts, human thoughts, floating around, even if she couldn't exactly see them at a first glance. Ayita, she finally found a name after a little prodding. Many thoughts and other things kept Emma from investigating this Ayita further, for now.

She turned to the Christopher. "Everyone can be offended by anything. If you came all this way to be assured that someone would find you uncomfortable, even to the point of them being offended by your presence, then this would be a well wasted trip." She tilted her chin up and shifted her shoulders in an attempt to look even taller and stronger than before. "You get invited to one of the most prestigious mutant academies in the world, and your only goal is to find out if people like you or not? You are here to learn. To better yourself, to understand your mutation, and to help push society to a point where being mutant or not doesn't matter in the slightest. Friendship is all well and good, but relations with your schoolmates and staff comes second to personal achievement and satisfaction. I don't think you'd want to travel all the way back to Joha-"

"Emma." Booker finally stepped in. He knew what she was doing. He had read Christopher's file, and it seemed like Emma had gotten all of the reading that she needed in a matter of seconds. Booker smiled and turned his head to Christopher. "Emma is a little drastic, but she is right." He let her have a little moment, but even that little nod of hers told him that she was well aware that she was overdoing it. "You came all the way here, only to turn around? You haven't been here a full day or even unpacked your things. I implore you to give it some time. And remember, I'm always here to talk things out and help if you ever need me." He created a little door in the wall he made, just Christopher sized for him to leave if he wished. "Or, you can stay here and talk things out a little more. Get comfy with your roomy and your, rather funny, assailant." He cracked a smile and looked back to Ayita, who had now shifted back into a human. A sight like that was never not unsettling. "I'm sorry, but can you tell us what you may have seen? What had happened from your eyes?"

"Booker, we don't have time for this. We need you and your kids down at the hangar, right now." It was Sage again, ringing loud enough for everyone to hear her. "I thought you'd wrap this first one up nice and fast, but I'll key you in in a moment."

Booker looked down and sighed. Of course Sage could make his phone answer itself so she could just talk with him without his choice. "Send Rurik and Raven the message. Most of my picks are in their classes right now."

"Micromanaging your possible team already? Booker, not even Scott is this weird."

"I'll be there." He smiled and shook his head, turning to Emma and dropping all of his constructs. "Care to join us?" She nodded silently, and Booker looked to the three students before him. "Ayita, Jacob, Christopher. No more time for therapy and situation-figuring-out. Get down stairs and get ready in the hangar. It's time for a field trip."

With the exception of Christopher, who had just only arrived, the other two had already been somewhat briefed on the plan. Months ago, they had been asked by various staff members what kind of battle suits they'd like, and how it should be tailored to them. All X-men candidates were asked such questions, but Christopher and maybe even Jake would simply have to use one of the basic stock suits for the moment.

Suddenly, all of the drones in the danger room stopped attacking, and the traps and drones put themselves away. Even Shawn's cuffs broke into pieces, no longer attacked to his wrists. Shawn groaned in annoyance, and looked up at the little window where Forge and Mystique could see them all working.

"Shawn, Jake, Heidi, Tatiana." Raven spoke through the intercom. "Mission time. Suit up and wait for Mister Smith to brief you in the hangar."

Shawn smiled and nodded. He looked at his fellow students and made a mad dash to the exit doors, gliding across the metal plates with ease.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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Her eyes gleamed as Ayita stood slowly. Moving to pick up her discarded bag. Her eyes glanced away at Booker's question. She didn't want to answer. Didn't want to admit the tiger had such a hold on her. Still, she felt the need to take to the wing. Grimacing, she gave a growl far more like tiger than most would be comfortable with. Shifting nervously, she began to pace. "The tiger got a hold of me. Followed his scent, tried to warn him." Her voice was something few had heard. Quiet, clipped with a grumbling undertone. The delivery of her sentence was quick, trying to rush through the embarrassment that she caused herself. Brushing strands of fur from her clothing, she eyed the barrier. Looking for some escape as like as not.

Ayita felt the need for wings, for open sky. It was so very stressful right now. Better to be far away into the open air, into the wind and sky. Where you could collect the shiny objects that caught your fancy and dive with the flock on unsuspecting victims for your jests. Shaking off the wind and sky song. She glowered at Christopher. "I am hardly some mere beast and I do not have fleas." That was not so much a simple growl as a offended woman mixed with a growl. A very dangerous combination. Casting a lone dark eye at them she sighed. It was a defeated sound. "I hate humans. All the same." Ayita muttered softly as she felt the raven form take over. She didn't wish to talk. Gripping the bag, in sharp talons she hopped a few feet to jump onto a table with a flap. This form was much more comforting. Ayita preened her feathers into shape with a quick run of her beak. She was indeed a beautiful raven, or so she thought. Giving an annoyed squawk, she fixed the two with a much more lofty glare. Mostly for trapping her with barriers she didn't approve of.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Christopher Harris

Christopher stood still for another few moments. The words Frost had directed at him stung - it showed and highlighted the cowardice that he had been trying to hide since his youth... more-so she also highlighted his desperate need for approval. He could only hope the others did not notice, or would not understand her less than subtle quips. He turned and looked to her - taking in her power stance, and finding it quite lacking, when comparing it to what he would always consider more dangerous examples from his elder brothers and father. "I guess you are right... with all the horrible things -some- of our kind have done in the past, we all must do our best to further some form of sociopolitical dignity for the mutant cause." He raised a single brow slightly, grimacing slightly as he raised his bleeding finger to his lips and sucked on it lightly. He then looked over at the rest of them, lingering on the Raven - "I am sorry for what I said. I am sure you do not have fleas." He looked to Booker - "Shall we be off then?" He directed the other to point where they were to go - while taking out a handkerchief and trying to remove the blood stains from his hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana rarely used her mutant powers in front of others. Her vampiric powers she was more than happy to use in public. Tatiana walked into a secluded area to change into her mission suit. She didn't wear clothes, her mutant power provided her clothing needs. Her usual school clothes changed into a skin tight costume that was predominately black and grey, the coloring changes based on local to provided the most stealth. She made her way to the hangar and waited for Mr. Smith, she didn't like him.

Rose Mary was in her math class not any attention to it. Her math teacher took his copy of the text book and slammed it on Rose Mary's desk. "Miss Mary I asked you to solve the equation on the board. This is the fifth time I caught you day dreaming. If you are not going to pay attention to the lecture then don't bother coming to class." Rose Mary hated Rurik always calling her Miss Mary like that was her last name. "Rurik My name is Rose Mary. I am not Miss Marry, Rurik." She knew this uptight bastard didn't like students calling him by his first name. "Go see Mr. Xavier." Rose Mary gathered her stuff. On her way up to the front of the class she studied the equation. When she got to the chalkboard she grabbed a piece and wrote the answer and drew a hand giving Rurik the finger. She then left and headed to Xavier's office.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Heidi dropped the makeshift gun, and relaxed her body, before doing a few warm down stretches. She silently made her way to the changing room, picking up her yellow and aqua jumpsuit. As she was putting it on, she spared a glance at a box she had placed in her locker. Would today be the time to test it? She decided it would. She opened the box, revealing a sophisticated looking golden gauntlet. She slipped it on her arm, and switched it on, relieved to see it light up, fully functional. Tony Stark was wrong about nobody being smart enough to emulate the tech of the Iron Man suit...

She made her way to the hangar, flexing the gauntleted arm a few times. The decrease in dexterity may be a problem, but some field testing would determine whether or not it would be that big a deal. Heidi stood at the edge of the group of students and didn't talk to any of them, more by habit than design.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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While Rurik was not completely happy with the situation at hand, he only grumbled and looked at the message appearing on his phone. "Wait." He looked at Rosemary as she was leaving. "You'll speak with the Professor once you return. You and Nate will be reporting to the hangar for an excursion." He looked at the possible copy of Nate and motions for the boy to head to the door. "Miss Rosemary will escort you to the hangar. Mister Smith will be waiting for you both."

Shawn rushed back up to the main mansion to grab his suit. After many personal modifications and deviations from the normal suit, he felt that it was about time for him to be sent off for a little field testing. It was supposed to be in the changing room down below, but Shawn needed it on hand as he tested and played with it little by little. He didn't even bother changing into it until he rushed back down to the changing room.

The suit itself was heavily modified. In the four years that he had been at the mansion, he had messed around a lot with it. The standard suit was underneath what seemed to be even further modified motocross equipment, laced with lights, or something to make it light up as the suit stuck to his body. Inside the suit, sensors upon sensors were set inside the suit, powering the lights. He just needed to channel a little electricity to make them activate. For the moment, it looked like a black and yellow suit with more padding and necessary.

Shawn thought that the padding was required, though. He had a good feeling that his up close and personal style would get him hit a lot. The lights, more or less, were to help with any excess energy that he might radiate when in the heat of combat. He had a little problem with only using as much as he needed, so having something to take in all of that extra energy was a bit help to him. The lights were also build into his helmet. Another flashy addition back when he thought he was going to be doing more vigilante work then missions, but he still liked the idea to help with his lack of control. There was also the whole avoiding head trauma thing, but

When he walked into the hangar, he had his helmet underneath his arm. He looked as to who would be joining him. So many familiar faces, it was almost funny. He waved to Heidi, then to Nate. "Fancy meeting you here." He cracked a larger smile, setting his helmet down on the ground and waiting patiently for Mister Smith to begin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jake runs after Shawn yelling, "Hey teach, anyway to get me out of math while your at it?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Christopher Harris

Christopher had followed the others to the underground area - which had not been in the brochure - and peered at the yellow and black combat suit. He could feel the side of his mouth lower, but did not offer any disparaging comments. Taking the thing off the rack, he took off his blazer, put on the suit over his normal clothing - making sure to lower the zip across his breast just enough to show the tie and collar below - before putting on his blazer again. As it covered almost all of the yellow, the black leather and tweed seemed to work curiously well together. He sat down and carefully put on the combat boots - his beloved custom Lobb placed caringly in his locker. When done, he stood up and stretched his shoulders, looking over at the others in the area. While the others were still getting busy, and made his way around the area - taking in all of the things in the room, waiting for them to finish and tell him what the hell was going on...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Grabbing one of the suits, Jake quickly dresses, then looks for a duffel bag and starts to put a second one inside. No need to have his dup naked for the engagement. "Anyone have a clue what we face?" Jake calls out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

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In the hangar Tatiana opened up a locker and pulled out a belt and wrapped it around her waist, she put her knives in it. She then pulled out a shoulder harness and put her guns in in that as well as several clips of ammo. She assumed a meditation pose in an upside down.

Rose Mary waited for Nate in the hallway, she hoped he knew the way because other than the rooms she normally went to she had no clue where anything was, especially a hangar. She heard it was under the pool, which made no sense to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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Chrys closes his eyes. It's nice and quiet. No need to rush around like the Base. And no major stress beyond schooling. "It's almost paradise. But we'll have to see about working to that..." Chrys lets out a sigh. "Should have brought my swim trunks... It's a beautiful day to go swimming..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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"Wait." Emma looked at the lot before her. Certainly they all seemed to have their own individual styles, with the exception of Nate and Christopher, but She had prodded Booker's mind enough to know that something was off. "You're missing one." She stated rather flatly to the man beside her.

"Oh?" Booker glanced at her, looking over his students. Shawn, Heidi, Jacob, Ayita, Christopher, RoseMary, Nate. Who was he missing? "Oh!" He stated one more time. It was Chrys, the Paradigm Shift himself. He already knew that Emma was looking through his mind, trying to help him find that missing one. Maybe to help sort out Booker's own memories, maybe to get a look at the missing boy to look around for him. Whatever she chose to do was her own business.

It took a second, a much longer second to Emma than anyone else in the area. She had located Chrys, waiting around by the lake at the side of the Mansion. "I've found him." She nodded. She relayed the location to Booker through telepathy. The two nodded to each other, seeming to have a full conversation without even speaking.

"Shawn." Booker finally spoke up, getting the attention of the young man. "Go topside, get Chrys at the lake. Do what you need to, but just don't kill him."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Heidi looked around at the rest of the students that had been asked to gather here. The rest of her Danger Room class was here, of course. Shan, the electromancer. Nate, the light-bender. Tatiana, the Damphir. There were also several interesting picks from elsewhere. Ayita, the shape-shifter. Jake, the silk-slinger, Rose Mary, the adapter, and the new boy from earlier. A fairly volatile combination. What were they planning to do with this group?

Chrys was the last member. Heidi had to double check her memory to make sue she heard that right. This was beyond volatile now. This group was straight-up not ready for the field, and that included Heidi herself, being the youngest person in the room.

Shawn had been sent to retrieve Chrys, with the instructions 'Don't kill him'. That was not very reassuring. Heidi quickly caught Emma Frost's gaze, and put her intention to follow Shawn at the forefront of her mind. Waiting a second and receiving no instruction to stop, she left the room and followed Shawn.

"I'm coming with you. You might need the help." she spoke at him once she caught up, in that authoritative, confident voice that she had also used during the exercise. It was a really jarring contrast to how shy and uncomfortable she was when she was trying to have a normal conversation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Mary was standing around not really paying attention to anything. She did wonder why they had sent Booker to head shrink her when they had Emma Frost. She put it out of her mind. She began using the tip of the knife to clean under her fingernails. She would glance up at Emma every once in a while, trying to be inconspicuous. She wished she could dress like Emma so provocative and alluring, other girls would look like sluts she didn't. She never felt comfortable in anything but sweat shirts and baggy jeans. She also never tried or had any other types of clothes, until she was given this skin tight jumpsuit, she felt like she was dressed like some kind fetish whore.

Tatiana was still meditating in the corner upside down, she often wondered if that came from her vampiric heritage and their supposed relationship to bats or just the blood flow to the brain. She flipped forward. She took stock of the group. She hoped she wasn't following them into combat. She noticed Rose Mary glancing at Emma numerous times, Tatiana made sure not to think anything about it around the mind spy. She learned a trick to keep them out, didn't help if they really wanted to probe deep. She began playing black jack in her mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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Hover for a bit on her black wings, Ayita peered about for a suitable perch. Well balanced and preferably one that didn't move overly much. A nice swaying branch in a storm was one thing, and the fact there was no storm meant she did not need to put up with such things. Spreading the wings to hover closer she landed on the Emma Frost's shoulder. She didn't seem like she was about to start bouncing about haphazardly. Giving a "krok" for a raven's call, she shuffled her wings, preening every feather back into it's proper place. If she was one thing, it was vanity with her raven's form.

Twisting her head, she surveyed the others about her. Careful as to not tighten her talons to be a danger. Tilting her black head, she gave a croak. "Where? Go?" Sounding more like " 'Ere? Oh?" than what she was meaning to say. Curious as to what was going on, and where they were going. Twisting her head back she tugged at a stray feather, plucking the damaged plume from her wing. Turning back she croaked the question again. Flapping her wings, careful to not buffet the woman's head. Though she was not the largest of birds, Ayita well knew her wings were stronger than a solid punch. Strengthened by the near constant use in flight and stoops. Settling them along her side, it was impossible not to see the pride she took of the ebony wings.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Christopher Harris

Christopher had been standing around the room, looking at all of them. Most of them seemed to be comfortable enough with one another. It made him feel slightly ill at ease to think that they had all formed at least some level of Comradery, while he was very much the odd one out. At least in so far he was concerned. He stepped forwards and looked at the remaining group - Shawn? and Heidi was it? Having left. Perhaps the one who had been upside down? He was often upside down... perhaps she had a similar power than he? He cleared his throat and straitened his tie. "Greetings. I did not catch your name. Christopher, I am new here - though that must be quite apparent. Charmed." He smiled at Tatiana, trying very hard to make the smile authentic. It was so easy to fake niceness for him, that sometimes it became a chore to realize when he was actually trying to be nice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana sized up this Christopher. She pointed to his tie. "You chose your attire very poorly. If we are going to be doing what I think we will be doing, then that will increase your chances of death greatly. I suggest you ditch everything but your basic clothes, shirt, pants, shoes. Just not those dress shoes. Combat boots would be better." She didn't know a thing about him beyond his name and his fancy clothes and his name, but she dislike him immediately. This child she doubted if ever been in a schoolyard fight. "The name is Tatiana." She gave a big toothy grin making sure to expose her fangs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

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Chrys thinks for a moment. He shifts his duffle bag over to him from his bed. "Everything here... good. Would be bad if I lost something in transit..." Seeing no one around him he changes into his trunks and heads into the water. "Mmm... Nice and cool." He swims around and practices his diving. 'It's so peaceful here... A stark contrast to how I used to live... I wonder if Dad would have liked it here..." Chrys floats on the surface, watching the clouds.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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"Well, I guess there's no point in driving you away." Shawn shrugged. Even if he did, it wouldn't really change anything. Maybe Heidi was just worried about Booker's little jab towards Shawn's powers being near water. Not that Shawn was take any extremes anyways, especially in his fancy prototype suit. He went up the elevator rather quietly. He knew that Heidi was a little more talkative in her 'mission mode' than when just standing around at the mansion, and he could easily see why. When out, all that mattered was the mission, and keeping everyone alive. Those were the only two things to focus on, and he assumed it was probably what kept her from being so anxious while training.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Shawn darted out of the shaft and took off for the lake. If Chrys was there like he was told, then finding him and bringing him back wouldn't be a problem at all. "Chrys!" He shouted as he left the building. "We're getting called for a mission! Come on!"

He found Chrys in the water and knew exactly what to do. His hands shot out into the air, lightning shooting out and thunder cracking as he hit a nearby tree. Whatever fire would have been there was immediately put out by one of Shawn's other mutations, the ability to absorb all forms of plasma. It was rather handy, and he could store a lot, in whatever measurement of volume it was, but there was a limit. Fortunately, he wasn't there yet, but he knew that if mutants were causing trouble, he might have to make use of his emergency flush.

"Booker. Your team is staying in the city. Multiple banks have been hit simultaneously, and we're almost sure that ours is going to be the next one." Sage's voice echoed throughout the hanger. It was different this time around. There was no static ring to her voice or anything. Before long, she made her grand appearance by stepping out of a small transport ship. It wasn't a blackbird, but still rather sleek and mobile looking. "You'll be taking one of the transports. It's only a short distance to your destination, and I'll be personally overseeing this mission to ensure success."
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