Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Heidi silently followed Shawn to the Elevator, then used the otherwise wasted time in there to double-check her gauntlet. She thought about saying something, but any advice such as 'Don't fire a bolt in the direction of the pool, if you have to use your power for any reason' would be patronizing, and her well of conversation starters was a muddled mess of second-guessing herself as usual. So silence reigned.

The moment the doors opened, Shawn bolted out, and Heidi followed, keeping up easily and showcasing how much her daily training was paying off. Shawn shouted to Chrys. Great. Now all we had to do was catch up. She saw Shawn raise his hand. He must just be about to point. There's no way he would actually...

And then he fired a charge at the tree, setting in on fire. Heidi stopped running, grabbed Shawn by the shoulders and turned him round to face her. She just looked at him incredibly, shaking her head. "That was really quite reckless! You could have at least given Chrys some warning first! After all, you did that so just he'd absorb the plasma, right? If you did it to get his attention and weren't thinking things through properly, then I was right in my assessment that nobody on our team is ready for the field yet. But seriously, though! Did you see the other members that have been gathered? What's going on here?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Chrys scowls and looks over, most of the noise buffered by the water he's in. "You know... You could have just yelled..." He shifts out of the water, grabbing his towel from the duffel and quickly drying off. "I'll meet you guys in the hangar." Chrys shifts himself and the duffel to the locker rooms in ths hangar and changes into his gear, a black shirt, a custom made black demin and carbon steel jeans, a ballistic resistant jacket with a white skull motif on the back amd grabs his bow and quiver, checking that he has his arrows he puts it on his back. He grabs his knives and puts them on his belt. He checks himself before pulling on his mask, another skull motif and heading out to the hangar, shifting there with a single step.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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With Chrys gone and presumably down to the hangar, Shawn flashed Heidi a smile and pointed his fingers to his head, as it firing a gun. When it "fired", but head tilted sharply, his lips making the firing noises as it happened.

"You don't see it yet, Braniac?" He chuckled and walked back inside, making sure the tree was dry of plasma before he left. He didn't want to start a real fire. "Mr. Smith's got all the crazies and problem kids on the team. You think too much, need steadying. I hardly think when it counts, and I can't even remember anything well past a few years ago. We all have problems that would make for a best selling novel." He shrugged. The only remotely normal one was Jacob, the Hive. He didn't seem to have any problems that could be identified out in the open, but Shawn believed he was digressing.

It was Booker's test as much as it was a test for the students. Something in the past must have happened for Booker to take such a personal job with students, now he wanted to move over to something more, or back. Shawn wasn't completely sure. All he knew was that when he first arrived, he saw the professor a lot to help clear up some memories, but apparently, not even the great Professor X or Jean Grey could help his muddy mind, whatever that meant. Now he just saw Booker for management. Things stirred around him. He tried to focused as best as he could, but he felt like he was sometimes missing bits and pieces of what he should have been seeing and hearing.

Once down the elevator, Shawn smiled once more to Booker and Emma. He could see Booker counting off the heads one more time, with Emma nodding to him as that indeed didn't forget another one.

"Alright everyone!" Said Booker, stepping up to the transport. "Climb in, and Sage will give you the rundown of what's happening."

The The three adults were the first to enter the transport, waiting and watching as the students eventually filed in before going on. Booker took the controls, Emma sitting next to him, and Sage sitting in the back with the students.

Sage looked at each and every one of them with a careful eye. If certainly was an interesting group that Booker picked out for himself. "Okay, trainees." She stated in a crisp and firm voice. "Listen here. Right now, there are a plethora of banks being hit all across the city. All of the incidents were recorded at nearly the exact same time, so we can assume that this is a planned attack. Salem Center's own Greensend Bank is one of the few to not have been hit just yet. Other teams and staff members are being moved to the other banks, you'll be guarding Greensend in the event that it gets hit too.

Booker, Emma, and Myself will be coordinating the operation, and will also act as your safety net. If things prove to be too much, we'll step in. We'll be there in ten." Her announcements were given. Hopefully they were all listening. She sure hoped so, as she would not be going over the current situation again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Christopher Harris

Christopher sat down in the ship, his face conveying the rather large amount of worry flooding his mind. He had barely known these people for an hour, he had no combat training whatsoever, his gross motor skills were lacking due to his sedentary lifestyle, and his powers were very erratic. he knew that there was some kind of mindset that when in, he could control it rather easily, but then again - he did not know how to always get into that mindset, and then there was the fact that while in any other mindset he had little to no control over his powers. This was going to be a massive shitshow. He could just feel it. He peered over to the girl who had tried scare him off with her teeth. Was it normal for many mutants to have some or other feral mutation? fascinating.

"So... Uhm... is this normal... for a field trip?" He looked around at the others, while trying to keep his voice level. "I am just wondering, because I have yet to update my life insurance." he gave a few enthused laughs before he became quiet again, looking between everyone for an answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"I've been in fights before. Warzones, actually." Chrys takes a seat. "This is a vacation compared to most of them..." When it came to it, Chrys was a string fighter and was offered a chance at OCT when he was old enough. He turned it down stating he wanted to have a normal life for a bit. He sets his bow next to him and straps in. "If you get overwhelmed yell and I can shift you away. I'll take the middle line. I work best not always fighting."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

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(And this one too...)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

(ignore this too...)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

(ignore this)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 17 min ago

Heidi was quiet in thought as she followed Shawn and Chrys back, got into the Blackbird, and strapped in. It wasn't until Chrys and the new kid started talking that she snapped out of her trance. "Would you two relax? They wouldn't send a bunch of young first-timers who haven't even mastered control to anywhere actually dangerous. We're just guarding a bank, and it's probably one of the banks least likely to be hit," she reassured, though not even fully convincing herself. There were a myriad of possibilities for this ensemble being called to this mission, though no notions she actually wanted to entertain even for a second.

In truth, Heidi was scared. She may be a living supercomputer with a body far fitter than the average woman five years older than her, but she was still a timid fifteen year old girl emotionally. Breaking down in tears would have a negative impact on the state of mind of the rest of them, and that thought was all that was stopping her from breaking down. She was heading into the genuinely unknown and it could be life-threateningly dangerous. She didn't want to die...

Despite all this going on inside her head, her exterior was as silent, stoic and reserved as ever.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana approached Booker. "You know my special dietary restriction. After my last class my daily dosage from the nurse is not going to cut it today." She stared at the veins in his neck momentarily. She shook her head. "I was wondering if you brought more." She thought back to the mutant blood she got a taste of in class, her mind subconsciously activated her ability to mimic appearances and she became an exact duplicate of Heidi.

Rose Mary was glad she didn't put one of those silly jumpsuits you can't hide in those things in a bank if you want to catch a thief. Plus they all looked incredibly ridiculous. She took a seat closest to the pilots. She didn't really care about the banks being robbed they were insured by the federal government. As long as people weren't getting hurt or killed it didn't matter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Slipping into a seat, Nate studies the faces of each of his classmates, noting the different variety of excitement, from the calm but tense readiness to strait out fear. Being the result of mom and dad's upbringing, Nate's emotions were detached, his analytical process kicking in. A shift next to him called his attention to the spare duffel bag being opened and a spare set of clothing was set inside. There was a rush of pure energy, followed by the extra memories of his other self as they merged. It was always better to travel as one when in a hurry. The plane shifted as the extra weight disappeared. Time for a short nap as Nate's two selves fully integrated.
"Time to rock." Nate murmured as his head slumped back and he was quickly snoring, part of his mind analyzing the group he was running with.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 9 days ago

Feathers dotted the floor as Ayita shifted, taking the seat farthest from the mass of people. Her hair falling partly into her eyes as she kept her gaze to the surroundings and not the people. Shoulders hunching as she shoved her hands into her pockets. Crossing a leg to let her ankle rest on the opposite knee. This entire thing confused her. Confounded her. The law of nature was that the strongest, cleverest and such survived. Those that were not, did not. It was so very simple. It was simply how she lived her life. So now this entire group was setting out to save some foolish notion. Though she could see and did know the use of money and such. But why did that matter when all she wanted was to fly north and into the deep forests and lakes. To the cold reaches. Rolling her neck she sighed. Yes, the northern reaches of the world would be where she'd end up. She knew them well. Looking about her warily, Ayita chuckled when Christopher spoke of a field trip. Though a flash of confusion past over her face. "Life insurance? Assurance of life?" She gave Christopher a blank look. "Life is never assured."

@Almosegosum @pyroman
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Christopher Harris

Christopher looked at her, his face contorting. She was the tiger from earlier. She seemed to be channeling some kind of pseudo-enlightened naturalist position - something he did not appreciate. It was all good and well to feel sorry for insulting someone you had just met - but when they continue to challenge your ire then perhaps that initial dislike was more well founded than anyone might have realized. He rose an eyebrow - plastering a smirk on his mouth. His eyes flicked between the other's, noting Heidi's words, and her reserved distress - the teleporter whom he still felt a little bad about insulting earlier, before finally fixing on the animorph once more. There was no reason for panic. Everything might go wrong, but then again - most likely, it won't prove fatalistic. Their caretakers were professionals after-all. "Hardly, all experience can be boiled down to reactionary systems within the observable world, and the statistical variants that govern the outcomes of these reactions. Very few things are assured, I grant you - but then again, the things you do claim assuredness of are merely your expectations of these phenomena and your internalized comparison of past similar situations. Therefore yes, life is never a surety, but our assumptions as to the continuation of life need not be. An entire field of mathematics and finance could attest to that. So no need for your fatalistic dramatics." He sat back and took a deep breath. Everything was going to be fine. He just needed to relax and learn from this experience.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nate laughed, "If i didn't know better id say you two were a couple." Focusing on the shiftier, "How many different creatures can you become? Can you assume only animals, or can you shift into inanimate objects as well? If you become something armored does your skin harden also? Do you realize how amazing all that is? Does your mind and instincts shift as well as your form, or do you keep your own self?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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Sage cast a shifty glance to both Booker and Emma. Booker was too busy flying them out, but she was almost compeltely sure that Emma was listening in on the conversation. Normally, Sage would have been rather proud to see that most of the student were worried about the operation. It certainly wasn't anything standard, but this was not her mission to lead. She needed to lead them further to a good place, just until the op was over and they were back home.

"This was in a long time coming." Sage explained. "Christopher, you were picked for the team as soon as Mr. Smith read your file. You're no last minute addition, even if you think so."

Booker didn't look at Tatiana as she approached. He recognized her voice and nodded to her request. "I have it, but be careful. Consider this... a mission only item." He smiled, but couldn't help the sigh that escaped from his lips. "I've had to do a lot of work for this, Tatiana, you won't get this kind of dosage often."

The look that Emma gave Booker was rather worrisome, but she complied with his silent request. Out from a bag beneath her feet, Emma pulled out a bag filled to the brim with blood. It was only labeled with an 'M', and was handed to Tatiana with careful hands. What in hell's name was going to happen when the Dhampir drank Mystique's blood?

"Alright!" Booked called to the back. "We're entering the area. remember, we're guarding the area. Please try not to break much. If we do encounter anyone, stick to your training.Once the doors open, you're free to work as you see fit. Pick a leader, make a team, do what you think you should be doing."

Both Shawn and Jacob nodded in response to Booker's words. The craft shook a little as it hit the ground, but nothing so bad that it was worrying.

Shawn smiled at Heidi. "Good luck out there." He stated just before the doors opened. He was one of the first to step out, followed by the strangely silent Jacob.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@Calabon2437 @Almosegosum

Ayita kept her eyes flickering about the craft as Nick and Christopher spoke to her. The lofty youth's wording left her head throbbing and rather annoyed. She was hardly fatalistic dramatic, she was a survivalist and her thought was based on that. Life was never assured and life insurance was something the shifter found foolish. Glancing in Nick's direction she gave a slight shrug. "I can become creatures that I know. Their minds, their bodies, their instincts." The Alaskan gave a short cough that sounded a bit more like a crow. "I'm them. I may look human, but I'm them." She was indeed them, wanting to snatch the shiny metal about her and fly it to a safe nest or give it in favor to the leaders of the local flocks. She could feel the wind under her still, and the need to soar and joust with the youngesters. Proving her strength and her skill. Her pride in those black feathers that still clung her her though they were no longer anchored. Behind that laid the echo of stripes and jungle. The feel of earth and the hunt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana took the bag and pondered the M for the briefest of seconds. She practically purred at the sight of it. She sat down next to someone she didn't even notice who, she buckled in. She bit into the bag and slowly consumed every drop of it allowing none to escape her lips. She couldn't tell what type it was, which was unusual, at the moment she didn't care all she knew it was from a mutant, it was so sweet and rich like an expensive dessert that left you feeling stuffed. As she drank she returned to her normal appearance. She resisted the urge to rip the bag open and lick it clean.

Rose Mary watched as Tatiana drank the bag of blood with a mixture of disgust and astonishment. She couldn't remember when she ever ate anything that give her as much pleasure as that blood was giving Tatiana. The way she drank that bag was slow and deliberate, like consuming a fine wine.

On the ground Tatiana grabbed Rose Mary and pushed her out the door. "You're with me today. Good thing you didn't change. Give me a second." Tatiana used her mutant power to change from her uniform to a women's suit. It concealed her weapons underneath. "Mingle amongst the bank customers, act natural like the others customers but keep your eyes open for suspicious people." Rose Mary walked inside and got in a rather long line, she had no clue what the line was for. Tatiana went to one of the investment bankers office. She sat down and waited for him to return. She turned her chair to keep an eye on the floor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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The bank itself was a two, maybe three story bulding from the ground up. It was nice and well polished, with that beige coloring and stone marble that you'd expect to see inside of a bank. The main counter had about ten different sections, but only four of them in the center being manned at the current time. Two women were working at the counter right next to each other, oblivious to anything but their work. Meanwhile, another woman, further down on the counter, had just sat down and began her own work. She wasn't very pleased, especially with the rather loud groaning and near yelling of a man in the restroom. She wondered why he had to be so excessive.

The floor made an awful sound with every little motion, like it'd break into pieces at any second. The others in line before Rosemary were sure to comment about the floor. Some even made the apparently wise decision to simply come back at a later date, shortening the line just a little.

Tatiana herself had entered the office of one Mister Sloan, one of the longest employees at the bank. He was a rather rotund man, happy and jolly nonetheless. He was in for quite a surprise when he saw Tatiana sitting there, and chuckled nervously as he made his way to his desk. "Hello, Miss. Are you another hoping to set up an account with us? A friend of the last man who was here, possibly?" Mister Sloan did hope that the man who was there only minutes ago had sent in good word to his friends. It was even so fast that the man's briefcase was still on Mister Sloan's desk, ready to be opened and put away into the vault for safe keeping.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"I'll scout around. Call if you need me." Chrys heads out and shifts to the top of the building. From the roof he takes a look around and steps off, shifting to the nearest building. He does this in a circle, keeping hidden while he scans the perimeter. "Don't see much..." He shifts to a tall building amd walks along the edge. 'Doesn't seem like anything is wrong... Amd that doesn't feel right...'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 17 min ago

Heidi nodded and replied with "The same to you" stoically as she stepped out and immediately entered the back, and then stood at the entrance simply talking everything in. The lines despite the empty booths suggested they might not be efficiently staffed, which also suggested they had less money than a bank would normally have to pay wages. This may relate to the poor condition of the floor, which was further brought to her attention by singling out several conversations about the state of the floor by people in the queue.

She looked around now at the wires on the walls belonging to the alarm system. She looked at the location, condition and total room coverage of every CCTV camera in the room. She stored this information. If she was being asked to guard a building, she wanted to know how secure it already was. After this had all been done, she started to watch everyone who entered the bank, noting their clothes, facial expression, body language, trying to assess whether or not they were here for money-related issues, or were here for another reason. Two or three people seemed oddly nervous or excited, and she memorized what they looked like and what they were wearing, but there could be multiple reasons for that outwith trying to pull some funny business. Still, every so often, she'd locate them in their lines, and watch them carefully as they got to the clerks.

Having this downtime gave Heidi some time to think about things she'd pushed out of her mind while it was in 'mission mode'. Before they left the craft, Shawn had specifically wished Heidi good luck. And before that, she escorted him to collect Chrys out of genuine concern. Were they...friends now? Yes. This all means that Heidi and Shawn could safely be considered friends now! Heidi had never actually had a friend before outside of her own family, and her sessions with Booker to help her social anxiety. Well, they were clearly paying off if she's made a friend!

She noticed at this point that she's started to shyly smile to herself, and immediately corrected this.
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