Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Seeing everyone split up and head into and around the bank Nate steps to the side and bends light. Taking a moment to become two, nate and nate quickly discus a quick plan. "I'll head right as we enter, you go left. Step lightly and stay cloaked till we encounter someone." Nate prime says to his dupe.
Nodding to himself as he quickly dresses, Nate and Nate head in the front door, bending light to be cloaked. As they turn left and right and take another step each direction their combine weight of over one thousand pounds makes the floor creak then scream then with a crash and the great sound of wood, metal and tile being torn apart, the flood collapses, doping the invisible duo into the basement. Stunned the two lay in a pile of rubble, wondering where they can get an Armani suit like the one the man who turns and heads up a stair case down the hall form where they lay.
"Kinda hot down here isn't it?" Nate asks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana put on the charm. She stood up and walked to him. She gently touched his arm. "Of course darling." She flipped her hair. "I have quite the inheritance that I came into recently." She became legitemately sad. "My entire family was slaughtered by a most biggoted man." She wiped the tears from her eyes and composed herself. "I need you to show me all the best security options."

Rose Mary was quietly standing in line. She was looking around at the others around her. She noticed quite a bit of sweat building up on the others. She noticed she was bone dry. She thought to herself "Just great my mutant power saves me from a hot day exposing me to all these potential bigots." She excused herself to go to the bathroom, there was a woman in there who was clearly nauseous and on the verge of puking. The woman said something about not having anything since the previous night. Rose Mary became concerned, she tried to concentrate on what could cause this. She splashed her face. The water had a faint and unplesant odor. She turned to the woman and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You should probably head to hospital." Rose Mary waited for the lady to leave and got on her coms. "Booker I believe there is something seriously wrong in here. People are sweating and it's not really hot in here, one bank lady is nauseous and hasn't eaten since yesterday, assume that is either a diet thing or a medical testing thing. Any clues?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Christopher Harris

Christopher peered at his peers, moving cautiously into the bank. The floor immediately worried him, and he took a deep breath - lightening himself to the point where his steps were more for show than anything else. Taking a pamphlet He walked over to a seating area that really left one wanting. As he perused the gibberish dreamt up by some or other marketing department, he recalled the fanfare his father would always be subject to, should he ever deign to visit the local banks. This utter disregard was something new. It was something that Christopher found himself liking. His eyes lifted from his reading, and looked over the room. Nothing of much note. Small, probably specialising in micro-short-term fiance. Obviously having seen better days - his eyebrow raised at the floor once more. Understaffed, minimal security - probably never actually had a theft before. Looking over the people - their clothes and styles - community dependency leading to communal policing? interesting. One main entrance, few windows. He stifled a snort as he looked at the other's in his group, trying to be inconspicuous. Hopefully, they were more obvious to him because he knew they were trying not to be. Flinging the Pamphlet to the side, he got up from the uncomfortable chair as the paper fluttered onto a side table next to him.

Rolling his shoulders and neck, he started towards the Inquiries counter and flashed his best smarmy grin at the lady - ignoring the sounds coming from the restroom. With a raised eyebrow and squared shoulders, he addressed her in a lower register than normal, channelling his father - and succeeding with alarming accuracy.

"Greetings, My name is Christopher Harris. I've recently immigrated to this country - Purely for academic purposes of course, and I find myself in a bit of a pickle - I have just now spotted the most beautifully restored 59 Corvette Roadster. Naturally I need it, and the owner ran up the price before ceding. As it is, I need to move and then withdraw - cash - from Travel account before end of day. You can manage One Fifty right? I am willing to pay to expedite the process." He smiled at her once more, and rose an eyebrow.

It should take a while for her to get permission to move that much on such short notice, and then of course she will need to organise it with the manager - before there will be a waiting period for the RSA bank to okay the transfer. All in all, a good few hours secured. The lady clearly did not expect this, and asked him to wait while she inquires whether or not they will actually be able to help him, or offer him a referral. He sighed, as she scuttled off.

@pyroman (I am assuming that you will speak for the help)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Burning Kitty

Chrys hits his comms. "It could be diet based, but you say the people are sweating a lot? That doesn't make any sense... Hold on... I'm gonna shift in." Chrys steps off the roof and shifts into the entrance. "Something isn't right here... I've seen something like this before... Just don't remember where..." Chrys checks around and scowls. He heads to the bathroom, noti v the state of the floors and walls. "Rose, can you tell me what the water looks like?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 9 days ago

While others went into the bank, Ayita wandered the streets. It was by ducking into the shelter of a alley way she was able to shift. Soon a Raven was perched on a lamp post. Looking about with a fluttering of wings and call of greeting to others of the winged shape. Several did pass by, not recognizing the stranger in their territory. But they found no interest in one who wasn't taking a ideal nest or food. Satisfied some feathered bully-body wasn't going to knock her from the perched, the shifter turned her attention to the bank. People came and went, noting what the others were doing. With a clack of her beak she flipped her wings up, she parched on a sill of a second story window. Fluffing up her feathers and gaping her beak in admiration of herself. A useful cover to peer into the building. Though, with a preen of her beak, she did find herself a very attractive bird.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rose Mary turned the faucet on. "The water looks like water. It's not like we are in some old NYC apartment building with brown sludge coming out of the faucets." She rolls her eyes. Her body's exposure to radiation initially made her resistant to it but her concern for others was shifting her body into absorbing the radiation. She groans in pain over the comms. "Whatever the problem is here my power is reacting weirdly, I don't look human anymore." She gets in one the stalls. "I can't go out there looking like this it will cause a panic."

Tatiana was lead to the basement where they kept the safety deposit boxes. The guy was going on and on about whatever she wasn't listening to him, he was prey she was looking for a predator. She was beginning to feel the effects of the radiation. "You have got to get your air conditioning fixed. This is just rude to your employees making work in heat like this. How a business treats their employees says a lot about them and you sir are failing." She gets in his face. If these employees are not compensated accordingly for their service today you will not only lose my business but OSHA will be hearing from me." She began to walk away. The guy was trying his best to salvage the situation. He opened a door and screamed. Tatiana turned and rushed over. There she saw Nate. "Seriously you call this safe there is a giant hole in the floor above us and a kid fell through. I am definitely calling someone about that. Now help that poor kid up and pray to the Goddess that he doesn't sue this bank for everything it is worth."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Where both of the invisible Nates have been standing, the floor gave out from just beneath them, sending them plummeting into the basement of the bank, and getting those still in line to look at the hole that had just formed in the ground. It was a worrying sight, especially since they only saw the hole and heard the screams. More people left the line and the bank altogether. The day was just completely uncomfortable, not to mention strangely hot for so late in the year.

Back in the ship, Booker looked back to Emma and Sage. Sage, who had her eyes on a rather interesting counter shook her head. They would be fine, their suits, even the custom ones, would keep them safe from most radiation. As long as it was just faintly in the air, and not physically hit by it, they'd be fine. For a few minutes. Booker wanted to answer Rosemary, but Emma had taken the Comms unit out of Booker's hands.

"Dear." Emma's voice was clear. "Find another exit. Windows, anything. Something is not right with the building." She switched the channel to everyone's comms units. "I repeat. Stay as far away from the center of the building as you can. Sage's geiger counter is picking up radiation levels higher than normal. You all should be fine for a few minutes, but I do reccommend the upmost of caution and care. Escort everyone outside in a calm fashion."

"Yeah, I've noticed." Shawn had taken one of the windows to sneak around the backs of the building. "I can feel... something. I guess it's the radiation, but it's screwing with my powers. I'm fluctuating more than normal." It was hard to keep his powers under wraps. The lights in his suit were going crazy, and he was picking up small traces of energy here and there that didn't feel right in his system."

Down below, the man stammered and looked at Nate. "I-I'm sure we can arrange something to compensate for this horrible situation." He apologized and bowed several times over. He walked over to one of the fire alarms and stood there for a moment, contemplating the sitaution. He could easily hush up the boy and the young woman, even if it did put another dent into the bank. Everyone else would just think that the floor fell through, and would leave when the police arrived. His thoughts were only half baked, but he pulled on the fire alarm anyways, the water system dousing out the imaginary fire.

"Please, if the two of you will come back after the police and the firemen have left, we will be able to further negotiate terms. Both on your account, miss, and something to apologize for the floor and any injuries you have, young sir."

The alarm could be heard outside, even loud enough to hear from inside the transport. Emma quickly stood up from her seat and began to walk out. Emma knew that she would last the longest in terms of fighting radiation. Maybe Booker could somehow funnel out the radiation, but she knew without a doubt that her diamond form would keep her from being effected by the rads.

Both Booker and Sage knew this. No matter how much they wanted to stop Emma, they knew how well she would be in this situation. Booker would work from a further distance, but Sage would have to stay in the transport, like a Handler should.

Emma tossed the Comms unit back to Booker, letting him call the group one more time. "Are there any casualties? Emma's going in to get that sick person, I'll look into them once they get to the transport."

She walked on and into the bank, striding as gloriously as ever, with that look of power and majesty. "Rose?" She called out, looking about. "Rose Mary?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tatiana was beginning to feel the effects of the radiation. The radiation was making her lose control of the illusion of her clothes. It began fluctuating sometimes part of her would be completely naked. Once she got upstairs she ducked into a some banker's office and took a trench coat. She walked out to where Booker was, she had to sit down. "What the hell is in there? I feel sick." By this point the only thing covering up her naked body was the trench coat. She gave up trying to maintain the illusion of clothes and was trying to keep herself from vomiting.

Rose Mary was not fond of the idea of walking out there looking like radiation absorbant material. "Are you sure I should leave this bathroom? I am pretty sure my powers have turned me into some kind of absorbant material for whatever is making people sick. If I get on the plane with others I could continue to make people sick. On the other hand once the bank is empty I could still absorb whatever dangerous thing is in here. Either way someone needs to find out how I can get rid of what I have already absorbed." She heard someone calling out for her. She grabbed a mop that was left behind and used it keep the door closed.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Today was potentially the worst day for Bonny to misplace her plush fox.

She had everything else gathered and packed, from necessities such as clothes and toiletries to even more important necessities such as coffee and… more coffee. Her bag was packed with at least a few containers of instant coffee, along with a few changes of clothes (at the insistence of her grandmother; there was no way that she would allow her grandchild to bring only one change of clothes and PJ’s to the institute), toiletries, a handful of plushies and child's toys, and her asthma puffer. Just in case. Oh, and a hairbrush. The utter bane of her knotted haired existence.

But something more important had replaced her spiteful thoughts toward the brush- her precious fox was nowhere to be seen. She had the pegasus, lizard, bear, and even had the little plastic butterfly toy she kept in the corner of the room. All toys she loved since she was a kid, and all ones that she had fond dreams of. She had more, of course; a whole closetful of friends that would come to life inside her dreams and out. But alas, there was only so many toys she could fit in the bag. The rest would have to hold down the fort and defend the home from evil dust bunnies while her favorite, most valiant companions joined her to give her pleasant, non traumatizing dreams on the occasion she chose to sleep. She’d need them, seeing she was going somewhere knew.

But she couldn’t find that silly little /fox/

She flipped over bedsheets, went through drawers, and rummaged through her closet past a dozen times, but the sly little fox was nowhere to be found. It had to be hiding from her or something; after she deduced that she would need assistance tracking this bugger down, she poked open her bedroom door and called down the hallway of the single story house. “Grandma?! Did you see my fox? Small one, really annoying grin, probably hiding like an annoying little jerk?”. There was a few seconds of silence before she got a response. “Didn’t you leave it out back when you were playing earlier?” the voice responded, causing Bonny to run through the events of the last day in her head. It was hard running on very little sleep, but she managed to vaguely remember sort of playing with the fox out in the front. She was pretty sure someone looked at her weird for playing with a plush toy at 16, so she moved to play in the backyard instead. The memory in her head, she left her room to check out back.

She slid open the sliding door to the back, scanning the backyard. It was far from fancy- just a small lot of grass, a shed, and some chairs with a table for eating lunch outside. The previously mentioned fox culprit was rested on the tabletop, and she headed outside and snatched it from it’s spot. “There you are, you dork” she muttered, scooping the plush back up in her arms. The fox was always rather mischievous, and always ended up in weird places the next morning. With her pressing matter of the fox ending, she headed back inside to her room and put the fox in her bag, zipping it up and hoisting it off her bed. She stopped for a second, looking at the mess of a state her bed had been put in before sighing and plopping her bag back down. She did tear her room apart searching for this fox; may as well put it back together.

After a painfully long (okay, not that long) tidying up of her room, she grabbed her bag again and left. She ran through a mental list of all the stuff she had in her bag, making sure that she didn’t miss anything. Plushies, clothes, cookies… wait, cookies? Her thought train skidded to a halt when the smell of cookies hit her nose, and she headed into the kitchen to find her grandmother making… lots of cookies. There were a few trays of them on the counter cooling off, and more in the oven. “Uh, Grandma?” she asked, putting her bag down at the entrance to the kitchen. “Are you okay? There isn’t a shortage of cookies in the universe, you know. You can calm down.”

Her grandmother looked over her shoulder for a second before focusing back on the baking that Bonny could dub some form of a cookiepocalypse. “Very funny, dear. These are for your classmates and teachers. Be sure to share, and not eat them all yourself.” Bonny cocked a brow at this news. “Grandma, I don’t think there’s enough people in the city to eat this many cookies”. It was an exaggeration; there were a few dozen cookies finished and cooled, and one last tray that would be cool in only a moment. The only work left was cleaning. And, of course, the challenging trial of Bonny trying to sneak a cookie. She made her way over to the treats, reaching to snatch one before her hand was swatted away by her grandmother. “No snacking on the cookies, Bonny. C’mon, help your grandmother pack the ones that have cooled”. Bonny frowned in defeat, pulling out the Tupperware from the drawer. “Fine, fine. Can’t blame a girl for trying.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nate shakes off the stunned feeling, wondering at the slow sickness that seems to be flowing over him. Apparently his bend light trick has failed, seeing as he is being the center of Tatiana's rant at the man she is with. Looking over at his twin, Nate rolls to his feet, being mirrored my Nate. "Anyone get the number of the train that hit me, or know where I can get a couple good suits?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

To whom it may concern :Crotalus. 5'6", well built. Dark hair and handsome features. Currently wearing an Armoni suit, that's seen better days. Enjoy!!!

As the ceiling crashes down, Crotalus pauses long enough to see if anyone is in the rubble. Seeing only a distortion, he strides back to the stair well, passing the manager and what looks to be a rich woman. Imitation, minor confusion and rubbing of face to clear off dirt "Must keep her in mind for contingency." He murmers. As he strides past the bathrooms, Crotalus pauses hearing a voice from inside the woman's restroom. He stands just to the side of the door and listens. As a lady steps out of the restroom, Crotalus grabs her by the throat, quickly crushing her windpipe, then catching her arms as she tries to flail at him, he slings her over his shoulder and quietly walks to the base of the stairs and lays her down, just out of sigt to the side of the stairs.
Heading back to the restroom, he places his hands on the door and saturates it with a burst of radiation."Give 3 min this door will become too hot to touch, 5 min and there should be enough power built up to cause a neat little explosion." Crotalus muses quietly. Then he heads back up stairs, noting the reactions of all the people inside. "Interesting that most of the people seem to be afraid, but a few scattered around seem to not be scared, but to be looking intently for someone." Crotalus muses to himself as he assumes the panicked facade.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Chrys grunts. "I can handle a few hindred rads. I'm going to look cor the source. I can shift out if it gets to dangerous. Um... i don't have a gieger meter on me but if i start feeling anything, which i don't right now, I'll get out. If i find the soirce, what should i do with it, or them?" Chrys looks around and decides to head to the center of the building, shifting people to earby exits and scanning the place.

This wasn't anything different than the mission he went on withhis father to Chernobyl....

'The one good thing about our mutation, Chrys, is that we can go places normal people can't.' Dad pointed to the signs all around. Chrys couldnt read them, but the nuclear symbol was easily seen. 'Know your limits. For me, thats around 300 rads. For you, with how strong is... I would say stay below four fifty. That's where some serious damage can be done.' He checked his counter. 'We're at about eighty now. For humans, 1000 means death. For us, we could push that. Now, make sure you stay away from the water. It soaks up radiation... Damn!" He nods to one of his men. 'Target is indeed a mutant... He's obviously rad resistant... Probably feeds off it. Alright, Chrys stay with Metro, he's good at absorbing energy....'

Chrys focuses and closes his eyes. He feels for the tickle of radiation, barely enough to damage him like the others, but he wont risk it. He brings up the building layout in his mind. 'Shifting the building would be bad... Its ng the radiation... So, when we find the person... Think... I saw a clearing somewhere... Concrete helps block it...'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Heidi has started to feel sick suddenly. She rests against the wall, visibly sweating. This wasn't natural. She knew that much. Something that she was very susceptible to was making her very quickly ill. By process of elimination, considering things from food poisoning to a deadly virus on the loose, she comes to one conclusion; radiation. And considering the difficulties and processes of smuggling radioactive material into a bank without highly suspicious equipment, or any notable affects to oneself, it must be a mutant. She switches on her comms equipment.

"Booker, it's Heidi. There's radiation in the bank, and I'm pretty sure it's a mutant. I'm going to search for the culprit. They're probably in the main foyer, as that's the least suspicious place for a non-staff member, and a crowd's probably the best place to hide without standing out. They might be hiding, though. Is there any way we can utilise Cerebro?" Heidi studied everybody's faces as she talked. Everybody looked concerned and panicked, so whoever it was must be acting, and acting well. That ruled out the possibility that the culprit was merely out of control. Then they'd be looking around, very guilty, and twice as panicky as usual. No, the culprit here knew what they were doing. The other possibility was the mutation had just developed and they weren't aware, but everyone in that crowd was too old.

She put out her hand and grabbed one of the support beams. Her enhanced senses were making her doubly affected by the radiation, though she wasn't in more danger than anybody else physically. Her skin was pale and clammy, however, her eyes bloodshot and her sweating was getting more severe, as well as her breathing becoming heavier. She had to concentrate, and try not to believe she was this ill. The mind was a powerful thing, Heidi's mind doubly so, and if she wasn't careful it could trick itself into believing she was absorbing twice as much radiation as she was.

A possibility came to her; to stay and watch the crowd. The culprit wouldn't suffer any radiation sickness and would eventually be the only person with a healthy complexion, regular breathing and not feverish. She just had to wait, despite every cell in her body screaming at her to get out. This was a difficult situation. She really wanted to evacuate the Bank, but if she did, the mutant responsible would escape in the throng. With this method, she'd catch him before any lives were in danger but exposing any civilian to radiation for longer than necessary just felt wrong. Sometimes the overall right thing to do involved a few small wrong things...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lightning in water was weird, Shawn knew that. He tried his best to wash up whenever he was alone, and never took a dip in the lake because he knew how rampant his powers were. As he lurked through the back halls of the bank, probably monitored by security, he presumed, he was ably to faintly hear a crash of some sort up ahead. Now he was regretting bringing his flashy suit. He needed to keep the waterproofing up, since anything more than a sprinkler system would cause some problems for the people around him.

And then it started. The indoor rain hit Shawn as the bells in bank began to ring. He groaned as it happened. He really needed to focus on keeping his powers down to a minimum, but that radiation was hitting him in ways that he never felt before. It made him dizzy, nasueous. The only thing he could do was release it faster than the rate that his body was absorbing it, surrounding him in a blue gas of some sort. If he released it any quicker, though, lightning would start. Right now is was just gaseous plasma. He felt a little clearer now, but he had to check his comms. The radiation alone would start effecting radio waves. Shawn's own communicator was custom to work even with his own static and radiative interference, but the added thickness of the building would make it harder for the others.

He came to a realization. It might be a little dangerous, but he believed that he could turn himself into a geiger counter. He could feel his body picking up the radiation, so maybe he could use that to zero in on their perp, or at least get a general idea of where they were in the bank.

Emma had found Rosemary by listening to her voice, presumably talked to Booker on the Comms, she wasn't quite sure. It sure did help though to be a telepath. Both she and the woman who was not doing to terribly well were found in the women's restroom. Emma couldn't quite reach Rosemary, though, as the door was barred on the other side. "Rosemary? It's Emma. I'm here to escort the poor woman to safety." It was rather quite convenient that Rosemary was acting as a radiation sponge. Maybe someone else on the team could absorb the radiation from her and dispel it safely?

Sage had been monitoring the Bank from the transport ship ever since they arrived. She had seen the hole that the Nates had made, the woman in the bathroom emptying her insides, Tatiana trying to talk up poor old Sloan. She wasn't particularly surprised when Tatiana had showed up suddenly, naked underneath a trench coat. Her little headpiece kept her connected to the comm channels at all times, and was just loud enough for her to hear both Tatiana and the radio chatter.

"That is radiation. As Heidi pointed out, probably caused by a mutant. Right now we have a girl soaking it up like a sponge through adaptation, and a boy who is soaking it up and using himself like a compass to find our man. " She explained it like she did with everything else, crisp, clear, and powerful. "I've seen a few suspicious people, especially one suited man who seems to be lurking about. Emergency services will be here in about a minute to evacuate the last of the people. We'll tell them what's going on, and have the area locked down to apprehend whoever's caused this."

Booker was talking back to everyone through the radio, Sage simply listening in and pointed Booker in the right direction. "I don't know how busy the professor is right now, but I'll try and talk to Ms. Grey Hopefully she's still there." He began working on that connection, getting word back to the mansion that they needed Cerebro so help draw out a mutant.

Remy LeBeau was having an interesting day.

It had been several months since anyone from the X-mansion had contacted him. The last time Xavier and his buddies had spoken to Remy was when they needed a favor to personally deliver a letter of invitation up in Canada. Why it couldn't just be mailed, he didn't know, but he was paid handsomely for it, and he stopped asking questions there. However, he didn't complete his task to the letter. He simply set the letter on the footstep of the house it was addressed to and rang the doorbell before rushing off. Something strange kept him from opening that door and talking directly to the recipient, but it was obvious that they got the letter.

Now he was being paid once again to escort that person from Canada to America in his own, Gambit-y way. It was quite the flight, though. Louisiana to New York, then there to Ontario, Canada.

When he arrived in New York, Remy had borrowed a plane from Xavier for the flight into Canada. Nobody was screaming after him to give it back, so he assumed that it was not a large problem at the time. Now, there he was, returning to the house he had been to months before to pick up the young woman who he delivered a letter two months ago.

He was at the doorstep, actually. Remy had been standing there for at list five minutes trying to knock on the door. Something felt strange. he could hear an old woman speaking from inside he house. It made him feel odd.


He cooled his own jets and put on a coy smirk, knocking in the door carefully as he stood in his tall glory about a foot away from the door. As soon as the door opened, Remy turned his nose up and smirked.

"Bonny Bonavide." He spoke, his voice as smooth as silk with his French-Cajun accent. "I am here to escort you to the Xavier Institute for Mutants."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Miss Frost you might want to stay away from the door. I don't know how or how I know but it's primed to explode. I have been trying to soak up whatever it is but I am not exactly sure how to do it or if just being here is doing it. I do have a theory on how to deal with this stuff I am soaking up based on how my powers reacted after I became concerned about that woman but I would prefer to be somewhere isolated to test my theory, Chernobyl maybe a good place."

Tatiana was beginning to feel better. She looked down seeing the scars on her legs she quickly shifted her appearance to her normal attire her most used appearance, it required the least amount of concentration. "Radiation, I hate that stuff. I remember when they forced me to train around that stuff. Shortly after I was forced to have my appendix removed, not saying the two events are related."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tickout
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A knock at the door sounded as Bonny packed the last of the cooled cookies into the container. What excellent timing. “I’ll get it” she said, trying to snatch a treat from the still warm cookies as she left. It seemed that this time, she was able to outfox the master of cookies and steal one under the watchful eye of her grandmother. That, or she just let her get away with it. Either way, she was nibbling on her superb baking treat as she made her way down the hall and over to the front door. She was pretty sure it was her escort, but it could have coincidentally been a door to door salesman or something. Ah well, she could just tell said potential door to door salesman to scuttle off if it came to something like that.

She opened the door to find a man that held such an air of confidence that she was half tempted to just close the door on his face. Fortunately, she waited at the door and listened to what he said- he was the escort sent to bring her to the institute. She stared at him for a second with what could be taken as a passive glare, gears turning in her sleep deprived brain to pop out some sort of an answer. Heavens that look on his face was bugging her, though. After a few seconds of quiet after the fanciful introduction, she chose to make her own; and luckily, it had nothing to do with his face.

“Sup, I’m Bonny. You want a cookie first?”. She mentally gave herself a pat on the back. Nailed it.

She gestured for him to enter the house, not quite waiting for a response. She did need to grab her bag and finish packing the cookies. And who in their right mind would refuse biscuits? She headed back inside without checking if he was following, finishing off her cookie and going back into the cookie chaos she had escaped from for only a brief moment. “Grandma, the escorts here. When these cookies are done, I’m gonna head out.” She tried to sound as nonchalant as usual, but it was fairly obvious that she was at least a little bit sad. The odds of heading back up north just to see her grandmother, at least for a while, were slim. She’d miss her.

Bonny banished the thought, shoving it into the corner of her mind as she grabbed a small plate from the cabinet. Best to be hospitable to the person who had to wait. She snagged the spatula for removing cookies, picking up three and sliding them onto the plate. Three should do. And a secret fourth she’d snag for herself when the time was just right and no one was looking. A plate of cookies primed for the guest, she went into the dining room. By dining room, she meant the simple little table in an open space beside the kitchen that they ate at. The kitchen was quite literally only a few steps from the table, so it took her no time at all to reach it and place the plate at the head of the table. Perfect. A dessert fit for a king.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GrizzTheMauler
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GrizzTheMauler a real bear

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Chrys lets out a grunt. "Got it, Sage." He looks around and heads to the back, ready fot anything. 'This radiation is pretty mild compared to Chernobyl.. Just gotta watch out for the guy. I can assume he is able to produce radiation quickly, but energy is energy. He's bound to run out..."

Chrys heads to the bathrooms. "Hold on, I'll get the door out of the way. With my shifting the state of the door won't change," Focusing om the door, Chrys snaps and ahifts it into the men's room, after he checks that no one is in there first. "There, hows that?" He doesn't wait fir an answer and heads to the stairs. "Checking the upstairs... I'll shout if i see anything..." He takes the stairs two at a time, checking for movement.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Calabon2437


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Studying the people carefully in the foyer, Crotalus notes the woman who is talking into some kind of com, staggering against the support beam. "A good starting point as any." Crotalus mumurs, walking over to her in a round about way, then covering the last ten feet in a blur of movement, coming up to her from behind.
"Miss you seem a wee bit out of sorts," Slight Irish accent Placing a hand on her shoulder, releasing a great burst of pure heat strait into her shoulder. Human subject should pass out from pain, if not cease to be, at 300 degrees farenheit. Mutant subject should be more resistant.Crotalus muses silently. Imitate concerned look
Crotalus absorbs the radiation from the woman, leaving her shoulder a scorched ruin, but her body radiation free. Placing his left hand on her chest he launches her strait through a nearby window.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Emma noted the door that kept Rosemary and the woman inside the resthroom. She could faintly hear the sirens outside, the minds of the Firemen, Paramedics, and Police Officers hollering to one another. Booker was certainly trying to take control of the situation, probably make sure that everyone who had evacuated the building was safe.

It wasn't the time for that, now. With Chrys at her side, shifting the irradiated door into the other restroom, she could now help Rosemary and that poor woman out. "Thank you." She nodded to Chrys as he went up the stairs, to where Shawn was. If Chrys could handle radiation, maybe he'd be safe around Shawn for the time being.

"Services are here." Emma stepped into the restroom and looked around for the two other women. Shifting into her diamond form, she reached out to the irradiated woman. "Let's get you some help," She then looked to Rosemary, smiling and once more. "And thanks to you as well, keeping her safe and calm. Stay on the main floor for now, I'll be back so-"

She couldn't say much before she was so rudely interrupted. A man, tall, slender, and certainly handsome, made an attempt on Heidi, who was having a problem with the radiation down in the lobby of the bank. He seemed to have just appeared from nowhere, not even his thoughts were noticeable until just now.

Emma watched as the man set his hand on Heidi, hoping to burn her, or at least effect her somehow. She shifted back into her normal form in an attempt to see through Heidi's eyes. The brief mental connection she tried to make with Heidi resulted with Emma feeling some of the pain that Heidi was going through. Emma's shoulder burned, but her head and body felt clearer. It was obvious that he was the perpetrator here. "Rosemary," Emma yelled. "He's the one who set in the radiation. Focus on him while I escort this woman." She went back into her diamond form and carried to woman off outside. She picked up her own Comm system once safely out and used the open channel to everyone else's units. "We found our man. He's in the Lobby."

Upstairs, Shawn continued to wander around. He made it to the stair case that led down to the lobby before he ran into Chrys. "Hey man." He smiled at Chrys from behind his mask. "What's the situation like down there? It's safe to say that they second floor's been cleared. We just need to set up a solid perimeter here, on the ground floor, and in the basement. Maybe they drove a drill car." He chuckled at his own little joke. Either way, nobody was taking charge, and everyone was just walking around aimlessly. Maybe Booker was waiting for someone to step up, maybe that's why he and the actual super spy in the transport were doing so little to actually help. "You're shifting mutation can help us a lot, get us around places, make combat fun-"

It was then that Emma Frost spoke up and into the comm system, alerting Shawn of what was going on. He listened in carefully, but was not too happy that she said so little. Again, it was up to the students to figure this one out.

"Chrys, shift me down there. He's got radiation, I should be able to suck up at least some of it." He picked up his little comm unit and spoke into it. "Tatiana? Nate? Head down to the lobby as quick as you can, we need some expert fighters to pin him down. Heidi, any ideas?" Shawn cursed himself. They should have been talking a lot more, keeping tabs on everything, letting everyone know when something happened. He shouldn't have waited. At the same time, though, he didn't want to be a pushy show-off. Anyone that knew Shawn knew that he was an X-Men Hopeful. This was his life, and now he had the chance to live it.

After a second of thought, he looked back at Chrys. "Wait, hold on. I'm way closer, get Nate and Tatiana if you can." He said back to him, picking up the comms again. "I need locations, and we have no idea how tough this guy is. Rosemary, What kind of hits can you handle? I'll need you to hold him off till I get there to help out. Heidi, any ideas? Tips? We could use anything right now." He didn't like it a whole lot, especially since nobody talked over who was going to play leader, but Shawn believed that someone needed to bark orders.

When the door opened and Remy got a good look at the young woman he was escorting, he chose to sit in his pose for a little bit. He waited patiently for her to speak back, but got tired of waiting and rested in a normal standing position. Something, maybe the passive glare, told him that she wasn't too amused by him. He wasn't completely surprised, though. Not everyone fell for the LeBeaux charm.

When she did speak, however, Remy did cock an eye brow and toss his face into a smirk. Oh the millions of dirty jokes he could slide right in there with the cookie comment. He read her file, though. She lived with her grandmother, and the jokes he had were not for elderly ears.

She didn't quite wait for him to answer before walking back further inside the house, a motion that Remy understood as a free invite to come in and help her with her things. He'd try and deny that cookie, though. Not because he was against baked goods, but for other, homier reasons.

"Your things, Miss Bonavide?" He followed her further in, tilting his head. He could understand that she was going to miss home. He didn't like being away from home much either, but she was getting the ticket of a lifetime by being invited to the Institute.

His eyes did glance at the plate of three cookies set down just for him at the little table in the kitchen. Who was he to deny such an offer? He certainly wouldn't he able to say no if Bonnie's grandmother were to offer him one, so he would just save him embarassment and snag and eat one in the blink of an eye.

It was good, he wasn't afraid of admitting. However, he did feel bad about downing it so quickly. He took the second one, gingerly and carefully, eating it and savoring the flavor. That unsettling feeling came back to him. Bonnie was going to miss her Grandmother, he was sure about that.

"Miss Bonavide?" He asked again. "I'll get your things, why don't you talk with your grandmother while I do?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"As far as I understand it, I can take any hit that my body can adjust to. But controlling it isn't my specialty it just reacts. Whether or not I can continue to absorb radiation and whatever else this guy can dish out at the same time is another story I may only be able to do one at a time. No time like the present to find out." She had no idea what they expected out of her though she had no formal training beyond her training with her father and she hadn't used that since she paralyzed her dad. She didn't remember much of it. She came to one conclusion and rushed the guy Emma pointed out and hoped for the best. Time to see if getting her ass kicked knocked loose any of the Krav Maga memories.

Tatiana was beginning to feel better. Due to her vampire like hearing abilities she heard Emma talking about the culprit over Booker's comms. She was beating herself up over her inability to take the radiation. She grabbed her knives and went in to take out the son of a bitch. She saw Rose Mary rushing she would use Rose Mary's attack as a distraction to give her the opening she needed.
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