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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vega7285
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Name: Honoka Oda
Codename: Diva, Nightingale (or something similar, I am willing to change it by suggestion)
Color Scheme: ffdae1 and 68375e
Age: probably like 16 or 17
Gender: Female
Honoka is bright, cheerful, and energetic. She tries to always stay positive and look on the bright side of life, no matter how bleak the situation might get. Her attitude can border on the carefree at times, much to the chagrin of her more serious peers. She tries to keep morale high among her allies, despite any friction between them it might cause. A bit of a klutz.

She takes her self-appointed idol status seriously, referring to her ops as “lives” and otherwise behaving more like it’s some sort of performance event than a life and death battle. She is not, however, a complete idiot. Being a talented mage lends itself to some amount of actual smarts, and she does a lot of work developing her abilities, both in and out of school. Her dedication to practice keeps her working hard at anything she believes is important to her future. If only someone could convince her that marksmanship and other combat training was more important than dance and voice lessons…

Short Biography:
Honoka lives with her family in a fairly ordinary apartment somewhere in one of the middle-class districts of Neo Babylon. She attends a Thremont school, where she focuses on improving her magical abilities, and other schooling. She’s quite talented, but not a perfect, model student.

At a fairly young and impressionable age, Honoka fell in love with the city’s entertainment sector, particularly the young pop idols who populate a certain segment of it. She has decided that she will be an idol, one way or another. Her attempts to break into the industry proper so far have ended in failure, but she will doggedly keep trying, and continues to train on her own. She works on singing and dance lessons, writes songs and routines, and has essentially set herself up for all of the overworked lifestyle and none of the payoff. Her first attempt at just doing a guerilla concert was also her last.

Honoka’s first encounter with the Cleaners was one of coincidence. She happened to be at the site of an...incident when it happened, because she had planned to just do some sort of pop-up guerilla live show. She was brought in for debriefing after the action was over, as most would be. Her initial curiosity about the organization was rebuffed, but she was never the sort to let that stop her, and persisted in harassing any known agents, or worse, trying to find more active operations against Nightmares, wherein she could interfere and assist. Eventually, she won out by sheer stubbornness, and is now a proud Cleaner herself.

Magic Style:
Diva’s magical style is focused on song. She claims her spellcasting is fueled by her “idol spirit” and as such, she must sing to create her effects. Where the accompanying music comes from is anyone’s guess, though it may be a simple ancillary effect to her magical methodology. Each of her songs generates a single effect, although some are flexible enough that she can change some details (a spell granting energy resistance could be selected for a different energy type on every cast, for instance).

ELEMENT_FIELD - Enhances Honoka and her allies, providing greater resistance from a specific form of energy (fire, cold, electricity, etc.) as well as adding it to their attacks.

PRIMALTHUNDER - Damages all enemies within the area of effect, with greater damage the closer to Honoka. She can fine-tune who, specifically, is targeted.

PURGER - Binds spirits and similar immaterial Nightmare entities and forces them to manifest in a physical form. As long as the song’s effects persist, materialized creatures are vulnerable to mundane attack and cannot dematerialize except by escaping the area of effect.

MAGE_DISRUPTION - Disrupts the ability of others to use magic in the area, by essentially filling it with magical “chaff” or noise. Honoka’s own will reinforces the area around her, and reduces the overall effectiveness of enemy (or just all other) casters’ spells. A sort of countersong, if you will.

LIMIT_BREAKER - Enhances the physical ability herself and allies in the affected area. They’re stronger, faster, and have sharper senses and reflexes. Generally, this translates in an overall increase in combat effectiveness, even for the primary focus on ranged combat in the modern era. Creative uses for these improved abilities are, of course, up to the individual.

PRISM_RIOT - Creates a dazzling light show,not dissimilar to a laser show or stage pyrotechnics. The end result is it’s difficult to perceive and track anything in the area of effect, with all the conflicting shadows and extra illumination.

EMOTION_MATRIX - Magically influences the emotions of targets in the area of effect. Usually just for uplifting spirits and inspiring good energy and a near-irresistible want to dance, cheer, ignore other things in one’s surroundings. Honoka could sing a sad song and instead make people sad, or angry, and so-on, but why would she want to do that. Can be used to cancel or clear negative emotion effects, such as fear, etc.

Membership: Fairly new. Probably no more than a year.
Specially-made idol uniform: Of Honoka’s own design, this stage outfit is made out of bulletproof fabric, and is specially treated with a super-hydrophobic outer coating to resist staining and liquids. As armor, it’s extremely light, but it does look nice, and offers some level of protection.

Pinpoint Barrier System: Built into parts of Honoka’s outfit, specifically jewlery and other such things, this advanced piece of Thremont-manufactured magitech can produce a barrier-like shield to deflect or stop incoming attacks. It does, however, have an operational limit before saturating and becoming useless.

Courlandt Pulsar: A taser which fires darts containing wireless capacitors. Not as strong as some self-defense weapons, in terms of overall kick, but non-lethal, and effective primarily in case “fans get too unruly”.

Honoka owns no “real” weapons, and even the taser is probably something she has to keep well hidden.

Relationships: Forthcoming
Character Impressions: Also forthcoming
Theme Song: Other than the ones for her spells, probably this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 7 days ago

Long time no see? I do recall you from something in the past, but I could be wrong.

CS is simple and sufficient. Interesting workaround for breaking the speed limit. He's accepted!

Looks good. Diva as a codename sounds perfect, as there really aren't any other idols/singers/etc in Cleaner society, so the "perfect name" would be up for grabs.

Her background ended up being very likable. A refreshing entrance from what's been seen so far. She's accepted!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 1 day ago


I though the days of this rp being a dark magical girls show was over, but you have single handily turned us around and made it go full Symphogear.

That is amazing and I love it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 7 days ago

We full weeb now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vega7285
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


I though the days of this rp being a dark magical girls show was over, but you have single handily turned us around and made it go full Symphogear.

That is amazing and I love it.

A little Symphogear, a little Ar Tonelico, and a little Macross Delta. No front-line battle armor and combat prowess like Symphogears all are.

And Relationships/Impressions. Or something close to it, in draft form.

End: Diva wants to be friends with her, but her attempts are probably less than successful. She considers the older woman to be something of a mentor and trainer.

Voice: Nice codename. While not the sort to actively show it, especially to a person who remains cheerful in the face of adversity, Diva pities and worries about Voice. She doesn’t know enough to make any real comments on cyber-rejection or whatever else, though.

Advent: The Doc’s a nice enough person, but all that stuff she makes is a little creepy to downright disturbing. Diva would probably trust herself to Advent’s care, though not for experimentation purposes.

Warthog: The guy’s old enough to be her dad. She doesn’t know the details of his past, but he’s got a solid moral compass and his heroism is something she can easily appreciate. She respects him for his age and authority. That gun of his is too goddamn loud.

Zer0: Diva is quite friendly toward Zero, being that they’re both about the same age. She’s probably tried to drag her into joining the idol charade.

@Psyker Landshark
Runner: His smoking bothers her, and she avoids him when he’s at it for her own health (got to protect that throat and all). Beyond that vice of his,she finds that they generally line up in attitude more than she’d care to admit.

Hex: Friendly rivalry. If not as an idol, at least as a mage. She’s heard Painstakers are supposed to be, like, super-bad news, though. And that monster thing following her around is freaky. At least she customizes her armor.

@Click This
Arsenal: She owns, like, the coolest stuff. Kind of a jerk, though. And the sort who could probably just sit at home and participate in a whole op from there, with a little support.

Echo: She’ll happily egg him on to greater heights of showmanship at any opportunity, and push herself in kind, if he plays along. That power of his can make it a little cold for her usual outfit, though.

Blitz: He’s too cold, but he can fly. How cool is that?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Oh right, relationships and stuff.

End: Well, it's nice to know someone else is also here just because they get a kick out of it. Seems pretty similar to Arsenal in terms of personality though. One's a miser and the other's a hoarder.
Advent: Eh... could do without the Nightmare-lites she stitches together, but she doesn't seem like too bad of a person. He's pulped a few of her creations by "accident" when they've gotten too close in the middle of a fight.
Warthog: A stuffy fellow who reminds Chris of why he didn't join up with the Policus, but otherwise he doesn't have any issue with the veteran. An all around decent fellow he supposes.
Zer0: Pip-squeak shouldn't be on the field. Maybe if she got some actual armor and a weapon that didn't have a retarded design concept, but it's just a matter of time before she gets hurt. And drags some of the others down when they try and protect her.
Runner: Oh, another reason why not joining the Policus was the right choice. His taste in cigs is shit, but otherwise it's a pretty professional relationship?
Hex: Well, at least she uses an actual combat suit. Still... the fact that she relies on a relic to generate a PRF is a bit of recklessness that even Chris thinks is too far. She's got a pair to focus on melee ranges though, even if she's got a buddy to help her out there.
Arsenal: Another interesting person to work with. Between opening portals to let him get readings from a distance without blanking out, or acting as fire control for her in tandem with Zer0. Wishes her personality wasn't as nasty as it was, but isn't otherwise too off-put by it.
Diva: Working with her on operations is rather interesting. It's still a bit touch and go, but he can amplify the volume of her music and songs. It doesn't really seem to boost her magic's effectiveness, but it's good fun on occasion when he doesn't need to sonar things.
Blitz: Not really someone he interacts with. Blitz makes it pretty clear he likes to keep to himself, so Chris doesn't see the point in pushing his presence onto the other Cleaner.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 1 day ago

Arsenal @Click This
One of Courtlandt Holdings’ security personnel was not someone she expected to find in the cleaners. This apparently being the third institution they had both been a part of but Advent is rather glad they did not meet in the prior two, even without Arsenal’s vitriol about Advent’s magic the woman is cold and perhaps a bit full of herself. Then again when you can call in artillery strikes out of thin air you probably have the right to be a bit cocksure. Arsenal, as with most of the others who have an extreme distaste for Advent’s work, are kept at arm's length unless they need put back together.

Echo @Zombehs
Unlike some of the other thrill seekers Echo seems like more of a self improvement and seeking a worthy opponent kind of guy than an adrenaline junkie, which while the distinction is perhaps arbitrary is more to her liking. It might just be because she likes him more as a person, he is more fun than End or Blitz. As another graduate of Thremont lord’s schools and as the kind of person who took up magic because they like magic, though she went further than him by breaking the rules rather than simply pushing their limits. The first two might bring them together while the last may be a point of contention. As a giant living radar he is a nice early warning system and can pick up stuff her sniffer pets might miss, they probably end up working together on actually finding the Nightmares.

Blitz @TheFake
Lawdart armed speed freak, where arsenal is the artillery corps this guy is the air support. Shame it seems like he is kind of a jerk and the guy appears to keep to himself most of the time. Seemingly the kind of guy who can be relied upon to get down to business, but as with End his thrill seeking is somewhat concerning, though this one seems to be more uncaring than psychopathic. Considering her and her pets will end up close to nightmares if she engages them she really hopes the guy understands friendly fire and doesn't let his ally's be caught up in his aerial strafing runs. Darts traveling at up to Match 6 sound incredibly lethal for anyone in the area.

Diva @Vega7285
Despite her age she wants to be here, unlike Zer0, she is also someone who sees the versatility of magic and advent absolutely loves what she has gone and done with. It might not be as efficient as some of the others but it’s certainly the most fun magic she has ever seen and the idea of using music to augment/structure the thoughts used to perform magic is a very interesting (she may need to steal the idea see if it can make simple healing faster). As on the other support personnel she imagines she, Diva and Zer0 will all be sticking together to provide buffs, de-buffs and healing, this she is rather happy with, as she gets a front row seats to Diva’s performance. Diva’s genuine enthusiasm and general cheerfulness are most definitely appreciated, plus her eccentricities make this whole business a lot less stressful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 7 days ago

Post is up! Commence a deadline!

In 3 days I'll post again!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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Traitor under cardiac arrest

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

My b, but I think I'll have to drop out of this. Sorta "lost touch" with the character I created. Been trying to get a post together for like an hour and a half and it's just not happening.

Guess in the end I was the flake.
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