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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sicaria Velinian

In life, there was very little that Sicaria regretted. In fact, the only thing that she could recall feeling this way about off the top of her head was her first boyfriend, but she had a new thing to add to that list: Asking what happened with a Geth in the room. Instead of a simple, one sentence answer, she got the exact course of events that had happened since the arrival of the unit to the area. While it must've been an interesting series of events, she decided it would be a better use of her time to take in the faces of those around that she would be fighting with soon enough.

So, while the AI spat back what had happened in the last five minutes, the Turian took the opportunity to formulate some opinions of her new squadmates. Some were harder to make guesses on, and some had unsavory opinions formed on them, but everything was subject to change at this point. For example, when the Geth apparently known as Phalanx finally stopped his explanation, she got a better idea of who it was. On the other hand, she noticed that the lone asari in the group was probably at least a little crazy. Sicaria could also feel the eyes of the human in the pitch-black suit boring into her, causing her to shiver slightly. It was like the man was pouring ice water on her neck, but she refocused when the human Spectre called for everyone's attention.

He addressed everyone individually, which was a nice touch, though he made the mistake of saying that she could go back to slumming if she refused the offer. Rather than blow up on him immediately, she decided it would be a better idea to wait until the end of his briefing. Come the end of that, she spoke up with a little more than a hint of bitterness in her voice and her arms crossed over her chest. "I'm willing to join, but I'm far from a slummer. Vetia and I've done well for ourselves there, and we're looking at an apartment closer to the Presidium. Anyway, let's get moving, I don't like the idea of Cerberus sticking around the Galaxy." At that moment, she felt someone push past her, to which she raised her Phaeston at, then slowly lowered it as a Drell uncloaked and introduced himself. Seemed like a somewhat reasonable character, though something did seem a little off about him. For now, she dismissed the feeling for jumpiness of a mission coming up.

By the end of it, Sicaria was satisfied with the team Anderson had put her in, and only had a single question to ask. "I know you have freedom of speech here, Citadel Space has it, but the Terra Firma party stands directly in the way of progress. Why keep the crosshairs off them?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aegon considered it for a moment, "I see no reason not to. It could catch them off guard, give us even more of an advantage once we hit them. Take point. You're big, you can draw their attention while we maneuver into position. But don't stray too far and don't fire before I throw a flashbang, that'll be the signal to attack." He left it unsaid that having Ellis in front would give Aegon a clear view of his back should the former Cerberus agent prove to be treacherous. And that even if he wasn't he'd be an excellent bullet sponge, being both durable and expendable.

He decided to ignore Vella's borderline infuriating grin. It was clear the Asari still didn't take him seriously. That had to be rectified, and soon, but now wasn't the time. Perhaps she'd save him the trouble and blow herself up during the mission. If not, he had to get her to start acting like a professional. Aegon answered Rykarn's question, "You're right. We can't drag that many people along during a firefight. I have binders, but if you get a hold of someone without me there; feel free to get creative. Shoot a kneecap, break a leg, tap them on the head, whatever it takes. Once it's over, some Alliance MPs will help us round up everyone and transport them."

Aegon gave Sicaria a once over, his expression inscrutable. Her record had been good, both parents had been decorated. But she deserted, merc'd up. Abandoned her post, abandoned the cause, and turned criminal. She only came back when the Reapers were ravaging the galaxy. In the Hierarchy the penalty for desertion was demotion at best. In war, it was death. She was lucky the Citadel government and the Empire had bigger concerns than two deserters, but Sicaria and her partner were still technically fugitives. He didn't like deserters much, but he had had to enlist a few for help. He didn't like deserters that had a mouth even more; but this wasn't the military and she could be given a little leeway; as long as she didn't start blowing things up and nearly killing her teammates. Aegon decided to let her behavior slide for now and at least try to be polite, "Policy isn't our domain, what the suits do is their business. But from a practical standpoint, it's better to let dissidents talk then try and shut them up. Doing so only gives them more credibility. But once they start picking up arms, then we can take them down. Hence this mission. Now I believe that's all the bases covered. Does anyone else have anything to add? If not, we move out."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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PrivateVentures Purveyor of the Finest Exoskeletons

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Partinax approved of Ellis' idea. He would allow Ellis to spearhead the effort. Ellis had requested this for several reasons.

The first reason was obvious. They'd be less prepared to shoot at Ellis Taevon, than, say, Aegon Partinax, or Ja'Far Balak.

The second, only slightly less clear: he wanted to show them he was the good kind of traitor. They looked at him as though he, himself were a Reaper. Ellis wanted that to change.

The third reason was secret to all but Ellis. He was very, very eager to kill the first target.
No one else has the right.

Those were your colleagues-

My colleagues, my kills.

That's right.

He supposed the primary reason Aegon approved was for a free human shield. Little did he know, Ellis was no shield. Ellis was a human battering ram. Ellis knew how Cerberus bases were traditionally set up. One main entrance, one dock for vehicles, two small exits, one hidden, one public. At least, that's how Cerberus set up their temporary HQs. After all, its possible they changed their tactics.
Changed tactics... Without a CO?

They wouldn't...

They couldn't. No leadership-

Means no progress.

Ellis wondered about their communications. Could they call for help?

If they did, who would answer?


If you truly think they can easily and quickly get Cerberus boots on Earth-

I see your point.

But how did they get this operation solidified to begin with?

Ellis recalled hearing of a certain Earth bird that could live hours after the severing of its head. Perhaps Cerberus was that way without the Illusive Man. What was that bird again?

Forget about the bird. You'll be in combat soon.

But what was the bird called?


Ellis looked over his team again. When his eyes passed over Sicaria, his heart skipped again.

That's arrhythmia. Too much of that, and you'll die. For a common Turian.

This won't kill me.

You don't know that.

If I could die looking at her, that'd be just fine.

DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF WHEN YOU SPEAK? You smitten fool, she's an abomination! She'll only get you killed.

I'd die for her anyway-


Ellis looked away. He knew that even trying to pursue these emotions would only ruin him, and so he vowed to protect her- by disregarding her. His heart ached already, and he hadn't even had a single conversation with her.

You don't even know how to have a normal conversation.

I do. Shut up.

Is that how you'd start the 'conversation'?

No. Shut up.

And what would you even have to talk ab-

Shut up. I'm not talking to you anymore.

You mean you're not talking to you anymore. And yes, you are. And you always will, you fucked up freak.

And still, he could hear his father singing, just like he was while he stacked up cases of product, just before the Turians boarded.
I'm a dead man walking here,
But that's the least of all my fears
oOoo Ooo oOoo
Underneath the water...
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I take it you have never dealt with an angry bureaucracy, have you?" Vella said jokingly towards Sicaria, tilting her head playfully as she eyed the turian lady, yet her eyes seemed to betray a deeper intent as they spied her person.
"Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat whose papers are spilled... or something along those lines. In short, they can make your life a living hell!"

Vella added as she eyed the turian, studying her with a brief but intense stare. Sicaria, as she was called, was an odd thing. She could sense somewhat of an inner paradox with her, a side of peace, and a side of chaos, that seemed to constantly vie with each other. It became evident the way she looked, the way she walked; harsh, aggressive movements intertwined with moments of unusual calm.

It was exciting, Vella thought. Sicaria felt like a storm that could blown either way, all depending on how events took place!

"Does anyone else have anything to add? If not, we move out."

Vella would pause to look over at Aegon, raising a black glove.

"What sort of personnel do we expect to meet? Pencil-pushers, mall-security, or elite combat personnel? Do we expect them to soil their pants the moment we open the door or fight till the last man/woman/thing, sir?" Vella asked as she cast a glance over at Aegon, curious what sort of resistance they would expect.

If someone told her there would be 200 enemies waiting down there, it did not matter much if they were underpaid security personnel who would surrender the first moment someone kicked in the door and shouted harsh words at them and hurt their feelings.

It tended to be a good idea to know your enemy, at least to a degree, whether you were going up against a bunch of part-time thugs or a dedicated death-cult or somesuch. She had heard rumours of the Cerberus indoctrination; capable of turning a peace-loving anti-war carebear into a relentless, unstoppable killing machine with zero emotions and unable to understand even the very concept of ´surrender´; and all in the matter of hours!

"The name is Vella by the way!" Vella suddenly said, suddenly nodding her head at Sicaria with a coy smile that did not match with her aggressive war tattoos at all!
"Or you can just call me Vel, heh."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 20 min ago

Salissa stood among the rubble in the now ruined London. As far as she knew this was where the worst fighting had happened at the end of the war. So much death, so much pain, so much sacrifice and all for what? The warped ideal of a now vanquished race. The Reapers... hah... what a joke existence was. All of the galaxy was left in ruins at their wake, but they still lost... but had they really? Salissa frowned as she walked down the road that passed through the shanty town that had been erected in the once great city. What she had seen since her boots stepped on Earth once more wasn't what she wished to see. Instead of unity and cooperation after the near extinction event, it almost appeared like humans had regressed back into the xenophobic ways that had no place into their current time. This bore the marks of a certain organization's handiwork, but was it really possible? She knew they had supposedly destroyed Cerberus before the united fleets stormed Earth.” Rats will always find a way to survive...” She mumbled, now walking through the ravaged streets and basically improvised housing.

Now more than ever she wished to venture out towards Asari space and seek out one of the mythical Justicars. She wish so much to learn about their ways... She lacked biotic prowess in any form, but her heart wished to learn their way and follow the path of justice in it's most simple form. In fact she had followed similar ideals since she first was discharged from the military. Based on one of the medieval knights' oath of chivalry. The sun was settling behind the horizon as darkness was quickly engulfing the place. She was wearing her military armor, but on top of it she also wore a big tattered mantle like cape that covered most of her body. It was mostly in place to hide more easily into the ruins and well she had to use a modified armor because of her bulky cybernetic limbs so it was pretty clear something was off about her body. The cape made things easier so people don't go stare or ask curios questions. She had a schedule to keep if she was going to figure out what this.. suspicious message was all about. Hell she almost missed it because she received it just before heading way beyond the town's limits into a patrol sweep of what could be considered the wilderness now.

The chill in the air was getting bigger as her hair and her cloak were being blown in the settling night's wind. Shouting and curses were coming from the town around her. People weren't happy with the situation and the frustration was getting the better of them... of everyone. She really wished things will get better soon, maybe after the civilian government was finally reinstated it would all settle down and would calm people. Maybe... hopefully...

Suddenly she heard a sound that was quite different from the usual irritated shouting or displays of anger. It was a cry.. a cry of a child to be exact. From the sound of it a young boy. She followed it until she reached the source. The boy was sitting on some rubble, underneath one of the working streetlamps. His leg appeared hurt, the streets were getting darker and people didn't really want to hang outside much now.

“Hey, little fella.” She said softly with a smile, crouching by the sobbing boy.” What are you doing out here all alone?” Salissa asked, throwing a look at his bruised leg. It actually seemed like the injury had started to heal already, probably just got hurt when he fell while playing with his friends or something like that.

The boy looked at her with surprise, noting her strange cape, but saw the collars of her armor and recognized the small Alliance insignia. His eyes lit up like candles and he stopped crying.”I... got lost... we were playing and they all went home. I headed home too, but … I ended here...” The boy replied and she smiled.

“Can you tell me anything about the area where you live?” She asked and the boy quickly started talking, didn't take her much to recognize the place. She smiled, this message was interesting, but this boy was a priority for her.” Want me to take you there?” She then asked and the boy quickly nodded.

Salissa smiled.' You shall give aid to those who seek it.' Ran through her mind as she stood up, slowly reaching her hand as the cape slid around it, revealing it's mechanical nature. At the light that currently was and for those who didn't know much about armor, it would seem like she was well wearing armor on her hands also. The boy seemed really impressed as if he had seen something totally cool.” Come, let's go.” She added as her also stood up and took her hand. Without waiting much she scooped him up and for his surprise put him on her shoulders.” The view's better from there, isn't it?” She asked as they started walking.

Getting the boy to his home and his parents was a rather rewarding experience. They seemed really worried for him and the joy they expressed when he stepped through the door was really something Salissa would cherish for a long time. They even invited her to stay a while to repay her with a dinner at least, but she had work to do. She still had to go to that message, so she politely declined and started heading over to the indicated place.

This strange event truly had her curiosity picked. To be meeting down at the abandoned metro tunnels. There were rumors for wandering husks down there, but she hasn't met one there just yet. Maybe because she only patrolled the ones around the current inhabited town. The first thing she noticed when reaching the entrance was the fact that the metal bars were opened... with force.” Guess it's not a birthday party...” She smirked and pulled her revenant rifle, switching on the exploding rounds.

Slowly she made her way through the tunnels until she heard sounds and voices. She took aim and then started advancing. A anti unity rally of those Terra Firma idiots? A trap? She didn't know, but she wasn't going to get jumped on.

As she got closer her steps got more careful, her dark cloak actually allowing her to stay hidden better, before she finally pulled around the corner aiming her rifle.”NOBODY MOVES!” She called moving her hand so the Alliance insignia is clearly visible.” Alliance, state your intentions!” She stated her affiliation and demanded answers, noting the well frankly absurd number of council aliens at one place. Wait was that a drell? And a Geth?! No way this was Terra Firma operation going on here, but that didn't mean they were to no good and noting how armed everyone was, if they were to no good, she had to stop them here. Good for her her exploding ammo would tear the tunnel behind her apart and make it cave in if need arose for it.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Phalanx nodded to the Turian Spectre, a organic way of showing signs of agreement. "Affirmative." it said in its robotic tone at the answer to its question, though its metal flaps lifting and shaking slightly in what one could possibly perceive as joy, or anger. Probably the first considering the Geth hadn't been hostile for now. When the Spectre's referred it in female pronouns. Filling in some information the organics required for Phalanx to wander around freely, considering Geth usually didn't have personal files, the Geth program had put female as it's 'gender' simply because... well it seemed right. Body frame was more fragile compared to more heavy built platforms like the Geth Prime or Geth Juggernaut and its original Creator was indeed female. It was a choice that seemed... accurate. Even if it wasn't logically so. After all, logically, it was only just a robot.

Looking to the Baltarian as he spoke, Phalanx considered his words, processing them within its system. It made sense that simple study wouldn't really provide Phalanx with goal it sought for. A reason it had joined on this adventure on a actual crew. Indeed, it could be destroyed, though a bit harder compared to the fleshy creatures. But it would probably get answers if it worked together like. With so many varieties of people. Indeed, it was looking foreword in having this 'companionship' as it were. It was a rare chance it got considering most organics avoid it.

"Affirmative. I shall attempt to understand this companionship in order to further my knowledge. I am... looking foreword to working with you, friendly Ja'Far Balak." Phalanx responded, flaps opening and closing in a steady manner. Mhm. There was something in its circuits it was sensing again. Like the unending curiosity it had discovered it felt after the Old Machine war. It was... light. Like it didn't carry the weight of its sniper rifle or shotgun. Or that it got zapped with a power boost. Was this another emotion? Which one was it? Well, it must not be negative, for it liked this feeling.

Phalanx listened curiously as its new squadmates asked questions and received answers. The Female Turian deciding to join the crew as well, classified as Sicaria Velinian. Pausing as it... seemed something was off, the Geth Platform turned its flashlight head down the dark corridor. Just in time to see a human female shout out a order. Scanning her over, it appeared she was part of the Human Alliance. It seemed she was suspicious of them, and Phalanx found another gun pointed in its direction. On the bright side, the human female did not fire first and ask questions later. So slowly, the Geth platform holstered its sniper rifle on its back then raised its arms again in commonly humans show a sign of peace and surrender. It took a few steps foreword in order to help block line of fire from the rest of the group.

It was the only robot, gunfire upon it was preferred on it rather than its fleshy teammates. Plus, it did not wish for them to get hurt. It was about to blurt out a whole speech again on what was going on but remembered the correction Ellis Taevon made and recalculated. "Greetings. System 42009874563001 reporting. Call Sign, Phalanx. Classified, Infiltrator. This group has no intention in causing harm to the citizens of Earth, Human-Alliance. We are undergoing a Spectre class operation to detain possible Cerberus extremists. I request you to refrain fire and lower weapon, this platform would become almost useless if destroyed into pieces." Phalanx chirped in its robotic tone, the flaps mostly flat against its head, though shaking ever so slightly. Blue glowing optical glass eye watching the human female curiously.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<I hate you Double Post>
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

... In other news three men have been seriously injured at London’s Gatwick Spaceport after getting into an altercation with a Krogan. The Krogan, Urdnot Raze, currently in Systems Alliance custody and awaiting trial, said that he spotted the three men assaulting a Quarian female who had been trying to purchase transport back to her home planet of Rannoch, and had initially tried to calm the men down, but they had reacted with violence, prompting Raze to respond in kind. None of the three, one identified as John Murphy, the owner of a local mechanic’s business, have been able to comment in their own defence due to being in intensive care. Claims that the attack had been racially motivated are being investigated by the London Met.

During Sicaria’s defence of her home life the Lieutenant Commander made a noise at the back of his throat, partway between a snort and a laugh, though said nothing else. His eyes fixed her once more though, retaking her measure. Maybe she might be less of a flake than he’d initially suspected.

Aegon stepped forward to field the groups questions, Anderson backing off to give him his space, and make it clear to the others that this was the Turian’s show for the moment.

Anderson still wasn’t sure what to make of his Turian counterpart. Officially Partinax was his mentor, supposed to be tutoring him on the finer details of Spectre-hood, though the impression Jake was getting was that his presence wasn’t entirely welcome. Aegon hadn’t said it outright, but he didn’t seem to enjoy being shackled with a comparative rookie, nor one who was still technically his equal. If that was the case, then Aegon was just gonna have to learn to live with it. They had their orders, so like it or not they were stuck with each other for the foreseeable.

Still, the other Spectre’s professionalism made working with him a relatively simple prospect. He’d found that as long as he was doing his job, and doing it right, Aegon left him to his own devices.

Anderson only piped up once during his partners Q&A, though even that one interruption might put him in the Turian’s bad graces. He didn’t seem the type to enjoy having his authority challenged, but Jake couldn’t in good conscience keep quiet here. Not when the group was talking about wilfully harming non-combatants.

“Aegon’s joking of course. There will be absolutely no shooting of kneecaps. Do what you can to disarm and restrain them, but we will not be causing any lasting harm to these people. They’re misguided, not malicious. There’s enough of us in both parties that once we’ve cleared a room of hostiles we can afford to leave a member behind to sit on them until the MP’s arrive.” Jake didn’t look at Partinax as he spoke, unwilling to make this look like any more of a challenge to his comrades authority than it had to be.

The N7 operative had never had to deal with having a war crime on his conscience, and he refused to start now, but when Partinax supported a more ruthless course of action, and held just as much sway over this team as he did, it would ultimately become a case of the men and women gathered here following their own moral compasses, and taking whichever action suited them best, whether that was keeping whatever hostages they managed to capture docile by hurting them, or if they treated them peaceably and chose to watch over them until help arrived.

He just prayed that they made the right choice.

The awkward situation was somewhat diffused by Vella of all people. Anderson was silently grateful for her distraction, and pounced on it with both hands.

“Again, intel is limited, though we can confirm that there is at least two rotating squads of Cerberus commandos, as well as over three dozen LOKI mechs. One of our recon droid operators who has been scouting the tunnel systems claims to have spotted a YMIR, but the footage he provided was sketchy, not to mention it would be almost more effort than it’s worth getting a machine that size down here to defend a base that they have no reason to suspect has been compromised. Still, keep your head on a swivel, because the fact of the matter is we can’t confirm just what they’ve packed for us until we’ve undone the ribbon.”

It didn’t look like there was any more questions forthcoming, so he was preparing to give the order to move out, when a voice raised in anger sounded from down the entrance tunnel. A female voice at that, identifying herself as being part of the Alliance. They’d only reached out to one other Systems Alliance operative, making this individual Salissa Fortia. Unlike when Vella had brandished her weapon, this soldier could be said to be following protocol, and at the very least hadn’t opened fire. Anderson was about to talk her down when the Geth platform stepped forward, looking like it was attempting to use its body as a shield, placing itself between the revenant rifle in Fortia’s hands and the rest of the group. But that couldn’t be the case, could it? Phalanx was just a machine, no way it would be risking its life for a group of people it had just met. He wasn’t sure what to think of that development, but at least he could deal with the other issue. He stepped forward, gently easing Phalanx back, revealing his N7 armour and Alliance insignia in the process.

“At ease Phalanx, I’ll deal with this.” He murmured softly to the machine, before turning his attention to the marine in front of him. “You can holster that weapon soldier, and listen up, because you’re late and we’re on the clock … ” He gave Fortia the rundown the Spectre’s offer, and just what they were asking of the team for their first mission. “So now you’re all caught up you’ve got a decision to make. You follow us down these tunnels and join our mission, or you turn around, go back up those steps, and forget you ever saw us. Don’t worry about working with us interfering with your Alliance duties, as I’ve already spoken to your superiors. If you follow us, you will still rank in the SA hierarchy, but you will officially answer to me.”

“Make your choice quick though, because we’re not waiting around any longer. If you decide to follow us then you’ll be with Aegon for this mission. You follow his orders like you’d follow mine.”
He felt momentarily bad for the rush job he had to inflict on the woman, but consoled himself with the fact that it was really her own fault for being late. Hopefully that wouldn’t conspire against her. Anderson didn’t have any more time to worry about her though. Time was a’wasting.

“Ok people, you’ve got your orders. Let’s get going.” He glanced at Aegon, and briefly considered wishing the Turian luck, though decided against it. He didn’t seem like the type who believed in luck, and would probably take insult at the implication that he’d need it. Instead Anderson settled for a nod, then set off, gesturing for the selection of the team assigned him to follow.

He led them down darkened tracks, the footing precarious and the lighting terrible, for almost half an hour, before turning down a side passage that had once served as a maintenance tunnel. It quickly became apparent why neither of the two Krogan, or Ellis for that matter, were on Anderson’s squad. The tunnel was a tight squeeze for the 6’2” tall Spectre, so it would have been damn near impossible to get even a small Krogan down here. Their journey took them along rusted steel walkways where they were hedged in by rotting, long disused pipework, the constant drip, drip, drip of falling water playing accompaniment to their soft footfalls.

Aegon, showing a surprising grasp of human history and mythology, had dubbed this team ‘Task Force: Katabasis’, and the further Anderson went, the more he realized how apt a name it actually was.

After several more minutes of journeying he finally found what he was looking for, a crack in the wall just large enough for a full-grown man to crawl through. He pointed it out to his squad.

“We stumbled upon this when we were scoping out the Cerberus installation.” He was whispering, aware of how far sound could travel in these tunnels. “We think it opened up due to orbital bombardments during the Battle for Earth, though can’t be sure. Might just be wear and tear. Whatever the explanation, Cerberus don’t know about it, and it’ll take us right to their back door. From their I’ve got a man on the inside who’s gonna let us in.”

“From here on out things run the risk of getting messy. Weapons out people, but remember, you only fire when I order it, or if your fired upon first. I see anyone committing a ‘Vella’ and it’ll be hell to pay.”

He led the way through the crack in the wall, at one point worried that he’d gotten himself stuck half-way through, but with some vigorous shuffling and struggling, finally managed to work his way clear. It was with a very real sigh of relief that he finally made it to the other end, and into another, and slightly newer and more maintained looking, section of tunnel. Give him incineration by Reaper fire any day over the slow death of starvation stuck inside a concrete wall. He helped the rest of his team through, before directing their attention to a section of wall about fifty feet away. At first glance it was made from the same worn concrete that the rest of the wall was constructed from, but on closer inspection a set of seams witch depicted the outline of a small door became apparent.

“Our door.” He whispered, leading the team forwards. Cerberus surveillance wasn’t an issue, as they’d had their own specialists set the installation cameras onto a loop. There was actually relatively little defence infrastructure here. The compound’s greatest strength had been its secrecy, and now that it had lost that it was vulnerable. Anderson glanced at the clock on his omni-tool. They were just on time. “Open Sesame …”

No sooner had the last syllable left his mouth that was the door in front of them sliding open. Standing outlined in the open portal was a tall and lithe Turian female.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this here is Alria “Angel” Vicrinus. She’s with us. Good work Angel.” Anderson had met Angel during his time running N7 Special Operations during the Reaper wars, and when he’d heard that he’d be running this Task Force she was one of the first people he had wanted at his side. Luckily Aegon had signed off on her. They’d sent her ahead earlier to disable as much of the installations security as possible, and it looked like she’d done her usual sterling work. No time for handing out medals yet though.

He led the team just inside the installation, which with its reliance on steel grated floors, high beam work lights, scattered grates, and eggshell painted walls, could have been the inside of any other Cerberus base in the galaxy. When those guys paid for architects, they got their monies worth. The Staff Lieutenant darted down several corridors, working from memory of the blueprints he had studied with Aegon, and relying on his quick reflexes and senses to warn him if any Cerberus personal were near bye. This section seemed to be empty though. Eventually he found what he was searching for.

The corridor he had been working his way down opened onto a large, wide hall. He ducked behind a stack of crates to peer into the hall, taking in the wide open central space. The wall opposite him, some thirty feet distant, housed a whole system of databanks. Between the databanks and his position was a large raised dais, about three feet off the ground and home to six rows of heavy desks, computer terminals sitting atop them. There were what looked like Cerberus scientists working at those terminals, but thankfully they all had their backs to him and his team. Around the perimeter of the hall was a walkway of raised balcony’s, fifteen feet high with ladders leading up to them just next to the doorway he was spying the room from. Other than the door he was hidden by there was seven other entrances into the room, three on this level, four on the one above, one door in each corner. He spotted at least six LOKI Mechs dotted next to the databanks, set in their off position for now, but liable to change soon.

“Ok people, we’ll hunker down here until Aegon’s team cause their diversion. Raye’s when it comes I want you to hack those data backs. Velinian, and Angel you move up and support him, keep those LOKI’s off his back. Rol, you and will hang back here, keep our avenue of escape open in case shit turns sour. Phalanx and Balak, see if you can’t set up a sniper position on that walkway above us. If everything goes to plan we wont actually run into any trouble, but I don’t want to take any chances.” He settled back to wait for Aegon’s attack to come, his heartbeat already quickening at the thought of the action to come.

I hope you’re watching Dad. I hope I make you proud.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alria Vicrinus
Location: London Ruins

Alria had been busy as can be working her way through tight spaces and damp ducts that snaked and wormed all through the underground. Good thing she didn't suffer from claustrophobia or any fears of the dark. Regardless, she had her mission and she'd see it through to the end and just as her time came around she hit the switch to the door she was sent to clear, opening the way for Anderson and the band of misfits he had assembled.

Alria looked a bit cutting, having her equipment hanging along her tactical mesh that lined her black and grey full bodied armor. Though despite wearing a full suit, it was incredibly thin, making her figure show through it. Even her head was covered by what appeared to be a very form fitting helmet that fully encompassed her dome. The gently glowing V-Visor giving off a soft blue light giving her a sleek and smooth edge that just added to her tight figure.

At Anderson's introduction Alria raised her right hand to flash the peace symbol since her visor had obscured her face preventing her from offering a warm smile to the crew. Following his kind words of praise she chimed in to speak as they walked down the hallway, "No problem boss. Security was as you said and I ran into no complications." Just as she said no complications the group walked past a dead Assualt Trooper who's neck was still gushing blood. Alria taking a glance down to the collapsed and partially hidden body paused only for a brief second before saying, "He was in my way, armed, and looked mean..." Once again pausing briefly she held her helmeted head up almost snootily before ending her statement by saying, "It was a clean kill and I'm not apologizing."

It was then they passed the vent Alria had used for her entrance which in turn meant they were heading into a space Alria had not yet cleared or traversed. This meant she was back on guard with her pistol drawn and ready for action should anything spring up.

It was at that stage they entered to the large server room and hide behind a series of crates obscuring the gang from view of the probably hostile sentries. Alria listening to the boss-man she soaked in her orders and prepared for her role in this event, nodding to him in silence to show she understood her task. Also glad that Anderson pointed to each member of the team as she had yet to learn anybody's names given her advanced role in this mission.

In this moment of peace Alria took her chance to at least get familiar with the two members she'd be spending some time with. The first being this Raye character. A quarian with a lot of dark layers that helped him stick to the shadows a bit better. He didn't really look like he was packing much firepower, but that didn't mean much given her own armament. Beyond that he didn't look so bad, or at least she thought he didn't. It was hard to tell through all those layers, not to mention the blue gas filled mask.

Next was a fellow Turian and a woman at that. A bit taller than her and certainly packing more firepower with her assortment of guns. Unfortunately, none of her armaments appeared to be suppressed which meant that once she went loud that would be it. Despite this it left Alria with a different sense of calm knowing that she'd have some actually support with her. Beyond her weapons she did appear to be rather toned and fit to fight, which was always a good thing.

With her quick visual inspection done Alria commit to the waiting game, ready for the signal to go so that she'd be able to get to work once again...
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just when the situation seemed to calm an Alliance soldier came in with a Revenant and a snarl, asking what their business was. With her nonstandard armor, weapon, and facial features; Aegon quickly knew that this was Salissa and that she was late. Temper strained as it was, a number of impulses flashed through his mind and were discarded. His first initial thought was to reach for one of his talons and flick the dagger into the Marine's left eye, burying the blade deep into her brain. At this range, it was very doable. But Aegon recognized that this was not a logical decision, it was one borne of frustration, and immediately dismissed it. He then thought of berating the Marine but knew that she was still acting within reasonable SOP. His next impulse was to rest his face in his palm in exasperation but knew this would solve nothing and he could not demonstrate any weakness in front of this gallery of cutthroats.

At no point was he at all intimidated by the huge machine gun that could have ripped him apart. Instead he elected to let Jake handle it; he was Alliance and was more of a "people person", Aegon was surprised when Phalanx stepped in front of the group and made a mental note to add the odd behavior to the Geth's dossier. The Council would want to know about this. Jake handled the situation very professionally, talking down the Marine and getting her up to speed. Aegon appreciated that. But he didn't quite appreciate Jake's attempt to undermine his authority. He meant well Aegon was sure, but he was also proving to be naive. Jake would have to learn that being a Spectre meant making hard choices.

There was also still Aegon's sneaking suspicion that Jake was keeping an eye on him for the Council. Aegon and the Council often disagreed, and it would be perfectly in character for them to saddle him with a partner so they could know what he was up to. Not to mention they would know that he didn't particularly like having to mentor a junior operative who actually could countermand his orders. He wasn't sure but the whole thing could have been both an insult and a ploy. However Aegon didn't let any of his displeasure show, rolling with Jake's statements. Whatever disagreements they might have, it wouldn't pay for the team to be aware of it. He had to focus on the mission first. Besides being a test run for this team, this mission would also give Aegon a chance to see how his partner measured up.

Aegon only tersely motioned to Salissa to join the squad before returning the nod to Jake, appreciating the fact that his partner spared him the human platitudes. He motioned to his own fireteam and they were off. Aegon took point for now, leading them through tunnels choked with dust and debris. This path had been more accessible than the route the infiltration team took and it showed. The Reaper War had sent many resistance fighters and refugees scurrying to the underground for shelter and the evidence of their presence was keenly felt. Discarded rations, burned out fuel cells, empty crates of supplies, drained medi-gel syringes, more than a few shapes that suspiciously looked like corpses. During the final battle, the Underground had proved to be a life-saving shelter for many when the assault buckled. They could barely take a step without coming across what some civilian or soldier had left behind.

Half a mile from their objective, Aegon held up his fist and gathered the team into a huddle, speaking quietly, "We're almost at the front entrance. There will be sentries there, disguised, you won't see their arms or armor; but they will have them make no mistake. They may have automated defenses so keep an eye out. Ellis, you're in front. Distract them as long as possible while we get into position using all that debris as cover. Rykarn, Skarr, Salissa, you'll be the vanguard after Ellis. Try not to get spotted and once I give the signal, rush in and do your best to disable them nonlethally. If you need to, wipe them out. Same for you Ellis. Cerberus probably learned from the Reaper War and will have their troops outfitted with kinetic barriers, but they won't stop a fist or a hammer if you can get in range. Either way, soon after we attack, the doors will open and more of them will come, you heavies will get their attention while get the drop on them." One Krogan on the frontlines was bad enough, add another who happened to be a Battlemaster, a biotic powerhouse with heavy armor, and a Marine with an Omni-Shield and you had a nightmare of a vanguard element. He almost felt bad for the Cerberus soldiers.

"Vella, Tiberius, you'll be our biotic artillery. Stay at a distance and support the forward element as best as you can, do your best to put them down without killing them but don't put yourselves or the team in unnecessary risk. Giles, you're on overwatch with your sniper, take out anyone that poses a threat and can't be taken down with non-lethal force. I will be mid-ranks, putting flashbangs on them periodically and hitting them with concussive rounds. We hold the door and beat back the first few waves before moving deeper and keeping the pressure off of Anderson's team. You were all given blueprints. Ellis will have point once we go in, Tiberius you'll cover our six. We clear out all resistance cleanly and methodically with minimum collateral damage." He said the last with a pointed glare at Vella.

It was basic but it was solid, with room to adapt on the fly. And it kept the more troublesome members of the team where he could keep an eye on them. Once that was done he gave the order to move out, letting Ellis take point. Besides for Ellis, the team maneuvered quietly, well as quietly they could with two krogan. They stayed in the shadows and ducked between alcoves and debris large enough to serve as cover until finally they reached their destination. It was a wide open tunnel, almost as spacious as the one the team had met in, but more cluttered with junk to let the distraction team take cover. Fourteen men and women in shabby coats and rags huddled around fires, rubbing their hands and speaking in low voices. Several crates were spread around the group, too regular to be random junk. The space ended in a large wall seemingly no different from the rest.

Their coats were large but a trained eye could catch the telltale bulge of armor and weapons beneath them. Their posture was too rigid and their eyes were too alert. These were killers. And they all clocked Ellis moving forward with his bulky armor. All of their attention was focused on Ellis, and none of them saw the team taking up positions. Aegon loaded a flashbang into his rifle and waited as Ellis strolled up to the group. They were surprised, their eyes widening in shock then recognition. They evidently didn't take his presence too well as they all threw off their coats, revealing the telltale white and yellow Cerberus armor. Helmets snapped into place over their heads as they drew their guns and the crates, six of them in all, unfolded to display turrets which were still not yet erected. They shouted at Ellis telling him to raise his hands. One of them held a hand to his helmet and shouted urgently into his radio.

Knowing this was the only chance they'd get, Aegon keyed the team's comm channel thrice and wheeled around the corner of his crate to fire a flashbang square in the middle of the group, hoping Ellis was quick enough to shield his eyes. The Cerberus troopers were all instantly dazed and Aegon started shooting at the undeployed turrets, trusting his team to take care of the troopers while he focused on the turrets. They knocked on the door, now they would see who answered.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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Leos Klien A gun to kill the past.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Giles - Operation Katabasis; Assault team.

Gilvert listened to every word the spectres had to say, including what they said about him being under control or rather controlling the artist; something he had been trying to do for quite some time, with varying results of success and failure.

Giles took the time where questions were being asked to look at his teammates, and form some thoughts on them at first glance, one thing he did note pretty quickly was just how small he was in comparison to most here, 5'8 was average height for Drell, their race not being known for their physique or bulk but instead their agility and athleticism - it was almost comical however that he was going to be with the "tanks" massive 7 foot Krogan.

The most stand out one was the machine; not the Geth, oddly enough that seemed more human than this Ellis did - ex-Cerberus and the threat of him being indoctrinated still existed made him quite the conundrum of a pick for the Spectres.
Gilvert knew himself that mental instability was a curse, you had no idea what your own hands where capable of, but this "man", if you could call him that was clearly a liability, Gilvert had some measured control over himself, and whilst the Artist had his own motivations he never killed teammates, apparently he viewed them as an audience to witness his artistry, although he has on multiple occasions shot at his squad, he's yet to kill someone who is an ally.
Hopefully it will stay that way.
Otherwise, Gilvert would keep an eye on this one, Cerberus were scum, leaving their group doesn't change that about you.

Next was the Asari named Vela, she was... eccentric, nothing like the Asari that he knew himself Dianlya was very calm and had quite a stern demeanour although she loosened up a bit around her friends.
Gilvert was quite attracted to Asari, on multiple occasions both he and Dianlya had almost began something, but it was apparent that would be both unprofessional and dangerous, as such they remained good friends.
This Asari though didn't really stir anything in him, she wasn't it the least bit like Dianyla and on top of that she was a bit too... hyper, almost as if she had infinite energy, other than that she seem'd okay, maybe in time he could get to know her better.

The Batarain was intriguing, Gilvert had met a lot of their kind on Omega and had made several friends and acquaintances, as well as Arias second in command whom he and his former merc band typically spent some nights out with; they were like a hybrid of humanity and Turians in the way they acted, they could be very regimented but needlessly cruel.
Batarians have suffered massively because of the war, and they lost their home planet, something Gilvert sympathised with them a lot, this particular Batarain was troubled, and tired by the looks of it, it seemed as if he had lived several lives in one.

Inevitably Gilvert was brought from his thoughts and personal evaluations of his teammates when the Spectres began splitting the group up into two teams.
Gilvert was to be with the Frontal assault team, comprised of Aegon, Ellis, Rykarn, Skarr, Salissa, Vella, Tiberius and himself - an extremely daunting and powerful combination, 2 Krogan, a mechanised human, a 6'8 Asari...
Death was knocking on Cerberus' door.

The teams split up with nary a word spoken and Giles along with his tank like team headed down onto the tracks and into the long since abandoned tunnels, although evidence of use was clearly littered all around it, most likely from the war.
No words were spoken, and they trotted forward in silence, quick but quiet, like a true and professional squad of commandos.
When they did stop it was for roles to be allocated in the assault, Gilvert was assigned as a sniper, to provide cover; something he could do fairly easily, with explosive rounds this rifle of his would not take long to reducer anything in its way to nothing but dust.

When they fianlly reached the outpost the team all set up in their positions, Gilvert at the back furthest away and with the greatest vantage point as to allow him the clearest shots possible.
He kneeled down behind a piece of debris and drew his rifle, caressing it as he did so, this rifle was special to him, it was one thing both he and the artist shared, they loved this weapon and would care for it like a child.
The soft clicks and beeps initiated its withdrawing out of its small and compact state to behold its glory, a massive 60kg weapon... no, cannon that could kill basic infantry with incredible ease.
He loaded a lift grenade into his omni-tool and placed an explosive round into his rifle - and peered through his scope down below.
A fair number of people, which complicated matters, this rifle could realistically only be fired twice in this firefight.
He'd have to make each round count.

When they spotted Ellis things got worse, they equipped armour and he seen barriers active, as well as at least 6 turrets being activated, it appeared however that they were indeed fighting remnants of Cerberus.
Gilvert smiled, he was happy that this was the case, he could kill these scum with no reservations, and in the most gruesome way possible, for that was what they deserved.

Then the firing began, the operation was in full swing and a Flash bang grande detonated -as planned releasing a blinding white light in the tunnel as well as a deafening bang that clattered off the walls and made the noise sound 10x louder; Gilvert had covered the scope for that few moments as to not blind himself but not his poor ears.
Gilvert knew that when he fired this rifle, he would be in a lot of pain, as the sound made by this in this tunnel would be far louder than that grande was.
Removing his hand he focused his sight upon one particular Soldier, the angle he was at meant he could get two with a single bullet, as well as damage anything nearby from the ensuing explosive round detonation.

Waiting for the perfect moment Giles pulled the trigger and thunder stuck inside the tunnel, the unbearable bang unleashed by the rifle in this tunnel made Giles instinctively cover his already pained ears, the noise was tremendous it was as if someone had just fired a rifle right next to his ear drums, but the bullet landed, square in the soldiers chest ripping through barrier and armour alike, his chest seemed to compact and his armour ruptured open in a mess of blood and viscera as if he had been blown up from the inside- when the bullet exited its occupant it exploded in a mess of gore painting anything in a radius behind his corpse in a crimson red.
Then the bullet hit its second target, piercing the shields again and exploding with a massive explosion upon impact, also reducing that body to nothing but bits and pieces of metal, bone and flesh; the explosion would have damaged anything surrounding it, lowering the effectiveness of shields and even possibly destroying them of nearby entities.

Giles took a few seconds to gather himself before beginning to load his second shot.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 14 days ago

"Bogeyman, usually spelled boogeyman in the U.S.; also spelled bogieman or boogieman is a common allusion to a mythical creature in many cultures used by adults to frighten children into good behaviour."

The hardy Batarian had nothing else to add to the Q&A, just happy to get this show on the road. Of course, he would never admit it but he was shaking with excitement and anticipation. This would be his first field mission in over a year now. Ever since the end of the Reaper war, it was day in and day out of monotony. There was no revolution to stifle, no politician to kill, no destruction to be wrought. He used this time wisely with meditation and training of course but he had missed this. He nearly forgot the true weight of a weapon in that one moment before you pull the trigger. He nearly forgot what it felt like to have people telling you what to do, he was almost at a loss at what to do after his taskmaster died. There was no one to shout orders, to lead the team. Sure, he had some talent in leading and his previous squad referred to him when the taskmaster was gone but he never felt too comfortable in such a position.

The former Legionnaire glanced at the human Anderson he was led by. Soft was his first thought, brought up by an Alliance military family. Survived through hardships in the war yes, through the fields of the Reaper war and other tough missions. But he didn't seem to have faced true horrors, not enough cynicism in his character, a paragon of a soldier. The interjection in between the Turian's own speech only confirmed his theory, this human's stance against cruelty was welcomed however. This was not going to stop some of the renegades of the group to not follow orders, thus rendering his little side note slightly useless. Inexperienced in leading a team popped into his head but he ultimately chalked it up to just being an overall nicer person than himself. He had no doubt about his abilities, he was a spectre after all, merely assessing his group leader.

'I guess that comparing his repertoire to miń own shalt be called unfair.' He mused, thinking back to all the horrible things he had to do when he proudly called himself as Hegemony dog of war.

The unending shame and guilt that came when he did so was unpleasant but necessary. Never forget. Ja'Far remembered his team's old motto, what carried them through the horrible things they committed, to prevent them from succumbing to madness. Never forget the faces of those you killed, paint a mural in your head for every child you slaughtered. For every father, brother and son you killed on the battlefield. It was a team tradition, many of the Hundred had such things. Some all-Batarian teams prayed to the Pillar of Guidance, others merely lit a candle and stood in silence after every mission. For his own, they had grouped together and repeated their motto behind the current priest's back. They were certain that the taskmaster had caught on and probably dismissed the little ritual. It didn't affect their performance during mission time after all, it only cleansed their minds.

It was this motto that Ja'Far used to keep on living. Never let their faces be forgotten to forgotten history, he was the living embodiment of every kill and sin that the Hundred committed. The Batarian Boogeyman. He closed his eyes for but a second, thousands of faces flashing through his mind at once, before he opened his eyes again, one last face lingering longer than the rest. Siarus. Blood. Blurry face. Running away in tears. Then nothing. He grimaced, he needed to get in control, the red vision ebbing at the corner of his eyes fading away.

He was brought away from his thoughts by a new arrival. He blinked in surprise as the human had the gall to point a weapon at a room of highly armed and potentially dangerous individuals (he silently made the point that she was quite beautiful, a fact that he would not address until later). It was brave, to the point of stupidity some would say. That kind of confidence had it's merits he supposed. His hand never inched towards his gun, instead opting to watch on with crossed arms as Phalanx stood in front of the group. With it's arms raised, it mimicked a gesture of human nature before telling the Alliance soldier that they were indeed peaceful, defusing the situation before it got out of hand. 'Heh, a robot after miń own heart.'

Spectre Anderson showed his credentials, further proving that the unknown human was foolish in her brash thinking. It was a decisive decision made under pressure and that he could understand. He could also appreciate that she didn't apply pressure on her trigger finger beforehand, killing everyone in the room with that deadly gun of hers. The M-76 Revenant was not a sniper rifle but he could appreciate a fine piece of as- hardware when he could see one. He blinked once then twice. He was looking at the gun, wasn't he? He coughed into his hand, taking out the three cigars before putting them back in, distracting himself from whatever thoughts he just had. The sweet tobacco smell filled his nostrils, a soft smile on his lips as he closed his eyes in a small moment of bliss. This was much better.

"Ok people, you've got your orders. Let's get going." Ja'Far came to his senses, taking the cigars out of his mouth and throwing them in the muddy water on the tracks next to them. This was business time, the start of the mission that would start it all. He gave Anderson a nod and activated his recon hood, it's scary black visage covering his entire head. He fixed his large shoulder plate, checking that it was secure before drawing his Carnifex pistol. This second descent into the darkness of the tunnel worried him slightly, as it should every religious Batarian. He stuck with Phalanx, eyes darting left and right as the group followed the spectre towards their designated destination.

It would not be the first time that Ja'Far has had to be in a dark place, nor did he think it would be the last, but a small prayer never hurt anyone. Barely audible to Phalanx who was the nearest to him, he began to mutter under his breath, the dripping water adding to the atmosphere of the situation. "Hail! Holy Goddess, Mother of 'Sari, miń life, miń matriarch and miń hope. To thou do we cry, poor banished children of thine making. To thou do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this tunnel of fear. Turn then, O most gracious advocate, thine holy eyes of mercy toward ús; and after this our exile, show unto ús the promises of thine second coming. O clement, O loving, O sweet goddess Athame! Pray for ús, O holy mother of 'Sari. That we may be worthy of never ending life. Amen."

Athame worship is a husk of what it once was, replaced by the much more popular siari religion. It was unfortunate for Asari of his same faith, as they were under constant scrutiny by other Asari for not following the norm. Alas, most Goddess worshippers held steadfast against any criticism, not falling into the traps of peer pressure. Siarus was the same, she had told him stories of when she was little, bullied for her faith. She warned him not to be so ignorant as them, to be understanding of others' differences rather than shun them for it.

Ja'Far and the rest of the infiltration team in Taskforce Katabasis were led through the ruins. They were informed by Anderson to take their weapons out and about a man in the inside, a contact. He was slightly impressed at his forward thinking, to have a fellow infiltrator with more knowledge of the inside would be useful. He stowed away his Carnifex, switching weapons. He brought out the full length of his Incisor, new and without a scratch. He checked the mechanisms of the rifle, the inside of the scope lens for any dust, feeling the weight of the weapon in his hands. He smoothed his breathing out, slowing it down to a deep, calm pattern. His heart thumped in his ear, slowed down for the upcoming battle.

He was led through into a crack in the wall, opting to stay back to let others through, coming in last. This led to a part of the tunnel that was in stark contrast to the part they were just in, a newer and more maintained look to it. A door was at the end of the hallway, identified by the seams on the seemingly solid concrete wall. There, they were lead into a room where another Turian female stood. 'Angel huh?' He took note of the corpse on the ground, a "clean" kill as she said and indeed it was. A single cut on the throat, nothing flashy or overly brutal. He assessed her as "useful" and as someone to look out for.

Ja'Far followed into the proceeding databank-filled hall after a series of corridors, eyes immediately drawn to the walkways elevated from the ground floor. He listened to his superior before nodding, eyeing up the Geth next to him then moving his gaze towards the mechs.

Somehow, the Geth gave away little noise as it walked even though it was seven feet high. He decided to ask a question before they moved up, letting the others hear on in the conversation. "Phalanx, dost thine capabilities include hacking as a Geth? May I prithee that thou use such skill this situation, we may be able to make use of such mechs to aid us in the coming firefight, such as either the leftmost or rightmost ones? I believe it to be common sense for us to do such a thing, no? I may be wrong in assuming that you or others have such capabilities. I merely suggest, for orders only come from thou." He gestured towards the spectre before climbing up the ladder.

Ja'Far crouched down a few meters away from his point of entry on the balcony. He prepped his rifle's stock against his shoulder, making sure it remained snug to nullify any recoil. He rested his cheek against the gun, keeping his breathing in check as he set his sights on the mech nearest to the scientist. When that was down, it would decrease the chances of any friendly or hostile rounds from peppering these poor misguided people. He listened to his heart beating, finger on the trigger.

Distant gunfire signalled the start of the operation but he waited. For that flash of light, the signs of an activated mech through his scope. Even as the scientists muttered worriedly in front of him, he paused. A flash of light. Inhale. A squeezing of the trigger and the round went loose, hitting the mech square in the chest. Deciding that it was not enough, he fired again, another round piercing it's head. The LOKI fell to the ground, more lifeless than it was before. He exhaled, prepping another shot as it all went down.

"Praise be Athame and the Pillars."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Operation Katabasis; Infiltration Team

Phalanx dropped its arms as the human spectre approached, giving a order to stand down as he'd deal with this new development. The Geth of the group worded a "Affirmative, Anderson-Spectre." before taking a few steps back and returning to stand with the others as it listened to Anderson's brief explanation and ultimatum. Afterwords, Jake Anderson was quick to give orders to move out. The 7'0 platform followed its new commander's lead, delving deeper into the dark tunnels. Glancing around with its illuminating blue eye, Phalanx scanned its surroundings and fellow operatives. Footsteps quite against the cold moist ground, despite the size, this platform was built solidly for infiltrating. It was possible for Phalanx to be in a different platform that was created for specific purposes, but Phalanx found that it favored stealth and sniping. Quite, quick and powerful. Plus, appearance wise, it was the least intimidating, but enough to give possible enemies pause. Perfect for traveling.

For the most part, the trek towards their destination was quiet, however the synthetic life form did recognize some audible words coming up beside it as the walls closed in on them that made Phalanx's journey a little less preferable. Glancing toward the Batarian, Ja'Far Balak, Phalanx attempted to recognize and process the words. It did not appear he was speaking to anyone in the group, as his vocals were too quiet. So perhaps it was to himself, but for what purpose? Perhaps it was what organics called a 'prayer' for those who have religious beliefs? Phalanx wanted to ask several questions. What did Ja'Far Balak mean? Who was this higher power he worshiped? Why did his speech consist of one that was mostly lost in history? Still, this was not the time or place for questions. They had orders and a mission to complete. There would be time for questions later.

Soon enough they reached a crack in the wall, and the human Spectre gave a explanation how this was found and theories on how it came to be. Orders were then given. Weapons ready but do not fire unless ordered or fired upon. "Affirmative. Orders registered." it spoke, the volume turned down low in order to be quiet as possible. Phalanx watched as Jake Anderson struggled through the crack, wiggling like a worm. Deciding to let the others pass through first, the synthetic lifeform analyzed the crack. If the platform it chose was a Geth Hopper, this would be a lot easier. Still, after everyone attempted to get through, the synthetic being upholstered its sniper rifle and shotgun to hold one in each hand. Lifting them to hold at its sides so it didn't make the platform even wider. Slowly and calculatingly, the Geth made its way through the crack. Going slow to avoid loud scraping of metal.

After getting through, Phalanx holstered its shotgun then followed towards a section of a wall, watching as the Spectre opened a small hidden door with a code word. A small lithe female Turian-Unit with stood there, face obscured by her helmet. Jake Anderson introduced her as Alria “Angel” Vicrinus, and in return she raced her hand in a gesture that some human logs have stated it meant peace. Briefly, Phalanx scanned the corpse that this Female Turian-Unit had disposed of. The synthetic being had killed and seen plenty of corpses, though over the passed year, its sensors felt slightly off. Probably just a miscalculation within its programming. Following Jake Anderson within the installation and through corridors, Phalanx kept scanning the area for possible threats, but for the most part it seemed quiet.

Following the spectre's actions, Phalanx ducked behind a crate as they reached a more open wide hall. Scanning the area, the Geth turned its flashlight head to Jake Anderson as he gave the team the orders. "Affirmative. Will take overwatch position." it answered, though before it could follow the orders given in moving, Ja'Far Balak asked a valid question. It didn't take long for the synthetic lifeform to answer of course.

"Affirmative, this program is able to utilize hacking skills. Possibility of hostiles able to track source, 5%. Recognize suggestion as a useful tactic." Phalanx chirped, agreeing that this could pose useful. Turning its flashlight head to its commanding officer, the Geth platform posed the question.

"Anderson-Spectre, permission to hack and commandeer a LOKI mech for assistance?" it questioned, waiting for a answer before tactical cloaking and moving to its designated position on the walkway above the group. Its steps about soundless as it traveled, crouching low and positioning its sniper rifle, scanning the area and ready to fire. Currently equipped with Disruptor Ammo in order to damage shields and shut down weapons.

One good thing of being a robotic being, was that it didn't have the distractions that often caused a sniper to miss the most. Breathing, heart rate, eye watering.. basic organic reactions. The Geth Platform position was still, precise, unmoving other than to scan around. If it shot, it was highly unlikely Phalanx would miss.

The distant gunfire could be heard, noting that the Assault Team had started the distraction. It seemed to have worked as the residents here have begun to seem a bit more worried and panicked. As one of the mech's flashed on, Ja'Far Balak sniped it with two shots before it lay broken and useless. Phalanx on the other hand, didn't fire and watched carefully. It scanned all possible hostiles, detailing weak points that would take them down as quick and as nonlethal as possible. Besides the Mech's in which if they fired upon the group, the less sentient robots would get shot, their systems disrupted by the disruptor bullets. For organics, if any spotted and fired upon fellow teammates, they'd be shot right in the thigh. It wouldn't kill them, but it would swiftly take them down enough for the others to detain if necessary.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 20 min ago

“Hmmm...” Salissa made a questioning sound as she listened to the Geth unit try to explain the situation. It was kind of adorable the way it was trying to act like human and use human mannerism in order to defuse the situation. She narrowed her eyes, her finger pulling away from the trigger just a tad more as someone else intervened. Salissa's eyes locked on the N7 armor right away (mostly) convinced her this was not a terrorist cell or anyone planning to cause panic... at least unjustified one.” Yes sir... Also Phalanx, you are adorable.” She replied and slowly flicked the safety on her Revenant. It quickly folded as much as it was able to and she put it on the magnetic buckle on her back.” I had perfectly legit reason to be late...” She replied , listening to the quick explanation she was given about the task and the situation. It didn't take her much to reach a decision as she right away stepped forward.” I'll join the operation, sir.” She stated, her body relaxing just a tad as it was now again covered by the entire cloak. Seems like this Aegon fellow was going to her commander for this task. Good enough, she wasn't really picky as long as certain things were followed. Things such as morality.

As they were getting closer and closer to the task at hand, Salissa took a moment to study all the people present here. Two krogans, this very suspicious person in that frankly suspicious armor, the asari was cute as most asari were, Giles the drell was curious as she had not met many of them and then there were the two turians. She didn't really have any special feelings towards Turians in general, but these two struck her as good warriors. A thing that was indeed good as in battle one needed as many great fighters as you could get your hands on.

Great... there were 14 of the Cerberus's soldiers and those creates... those blasted crates! She could recognize the things even in her sleep! Those were god damned turrets! She'd recognize turrets now even in the worst situations... being torn up by those made you recognize the little automated buggers everywhere! As Ellis made his approach, Salissa wondered who exactly he was. She had the feeling she had heard of something like him somewhere, but her memory betrayed her for the moment as she couldn't exactly remember where. Anyways the approach went as well as it could be expected when the cerberus operatives put on their helmets and readied their weapons. This was going to escalate into a fire fight pretty quick.

As the flashbang was shot away, Salissa made her charge, protecting herself from the flash with her cape for just a moment, she was ready to engage. The Aegon fellow started shooting at the turrets before they were activated, good way to deal with them. Now they had to deal with the soldiers also!

A shot rang across the tunnels with extremely deafening sound. High powered sniper... the drell had joined the battle. He also must be quite the shot because Salissa noticed two people fell from that shot too! She smiled as she charged at the nearest Cerberus soldier who was still into confused state from the grenade. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" She shouted, being mostly hidden until now by her cape, her cybernatic augments quickly showed their strength as she punched him in the head strong enough to throw him into the nearby wall, before she followed with an elbow strike to his head again. Taking two strikes like that were enough to throw any human be it in armor to the ground from the shock alone if not kill him if the armor was cheap. In a brief moment then a light flickered before her omni-shield deployed as she charged towards the next closest cerberus operative. He was going to learn why they called her fortress... and why it felt like being hit by a wall. She was going for the non lethal way as Aegon requested, but she was ready to switch to the rifle in the moment's notice.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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MechonRaptor Recuperated!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

While Rayes could have thought of a worse fate than being put on the human Spectre's team, it was a far more comforting role than going where the Turian's would go. They were the grunts, the muscle so to speak, of the operation, while Anderson's team was more of the brains. Not to mention he got to work with the other Quarian and the Geth! And while he wasn't exactly elated about some of his other squadmates, overall it was as if luck was on his side today. He had helped another Quarian attempting to return home for her Pilgrimage, having screwed over some bosh'tet mechanic in the process, and was now going to put the better portions of his skills to good use. It even got better since he knew their first mission now was against Cerberus.

What disgusting people they were. Rayes’ understanding of Cerberus was next to minimal in terms of what they did, the only thing that kept him from entirely despising them was how a part of the blame could be given to the Reapers. Otherwise, all of their actions made Rayes sick as if he had taken off his envo suit… Or was that actually happening? shit what if it… No, no I’m just overreacting. This suit has been upgraded on countless occasions ever since I came back to the Migrant Fleet from my Pilgrimage, and extensively done with the assistance of the Geth. There’s no way I’m getting sick. He thought to himself, breathing in a sigh of relief as he followed the others.

Though, looking around, he felt among one of the few who wasn't strongly combat ready. Strapped to his leg was a holster for his arc pistol whose design was made by Admiral Daro'Xen. From Rayes' limited experience with such a weapon, he found it to be quite versatile. He could rapid fire the shots that can suppress targets or take out those without many defenses. However, he learned that the shots could be charged to do extensive damage, but when charged on a consistent basis, it is slower than any other pistol he has tested. He also liked how it uses a nonvisible laser to ionize the air and create a path for a high-ampere electric shock. Unfortunately for Rayes, all he had other than that was his Omni-Blade from his Omni-Tool, and he's never really attempted to use that. So, he took it upon himself to stay silent, listening to what the others had to say and doing his best to stay calm. The sight of various mechs made him interested in what was to come, but once more he decided not to say much about them due to a slight fear that they'd be caught.

“Ok people, we’ll hunker down here until Aegon’s team cause their diversion. Raye’s when it comes I want you to hack those data backs. Velinian, and Angel you move up and support him, keep those LOKI’s off his back. Rol, you and will hang back here, keep our avenue of escape open in case shit turns sour. Phalanx and Balak, see if you can’t set up a sniper position on that walkway above us. If everything goes to plan we wont actually run into any trouble, but I don’t want to take any chances.”

What a relief it was to hear such words. Hacking was something he could especially do, bringing back memories of his misguided Pilgrimage... He shook his head slightly to push those thoughts aside and cram them into the darkest recesses of his brain to be mildly forgotten. Now was not the time to think about such a horrid time, he told himself, now was a time of patience. The sounds of gunfire, however, did not help him in feeling as comfortable as he wished, but he was thankful that they weren't directed at him. It would be a simple mission, he told himself over and over, and besides, what good was faith without a bit of doubt?

Not to mention that the gunfire was his signal. He watched as a majority of the LOKI mechs had started to move away towards the fight. He felt his adrenaline pumping, his last fight or sense of danger being during the Battle of Rannoch. “Hacking the terminals will be easy, so long as I’m protected… I am moving out now.” He told his team, beginning to move forward towards the opposite end. His only real cover would be the desks where he could only assume scientists were located.

He wasted no time in arriving to the databanks, having went around the raised platform of desks and behind the LOKI’s. So long as they didn’t turn around, he thought, he would be golden. Several seconds of investigation revealed a terminal that he could access with his Omni-Tool to snatch the precious data that was stored here. Well, he didn’t know what was exactly stored in it, but it must have been important enough that a team of Spectres would want it. And since he hadn’t been given specifics… It was time for a motherload of data to be stolen.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PrivateVentures
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PrivateVentures Purveyor of the Finest Exoskeletons

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I ain't goin back
To Barton Hollow,
The Devil's gonna follow me
E'er I go,
Won't do me no good,
Washing in the river,
Can't no preacher-man save my soul.

Ellis approached calmly, raising his hands when ordered. They had guns on him. One of them seemed to be reporting to his superiors. He must be their commanding officer. High priority target. He noticed several of them carrying white versions of his own Talon, dangerous in close quarters. Four high priority targets. The other eight bore standard armaments, and no special markings. Low priority if he'd ever seen them. "Hello, Samuel."
He caught the flash of recognition in their Centurion, and the man took his hand of his radio, and drew his baton. Lightning arced. Lightning that could kill Ellis' suit if hit hit in the right spot.
"Fuckin' Taevon."
This was it. Ellis began spinning his servos, faster and faster, to overclock velocities. They would never see this coming. "NERO, private channel. On my signal, pump my external volume to full. Switch to squad channel. Cover your ears. This is gonna be good." Ellis charged his barrier and fortified it, a violet haze becoming an egg around his body.


Ellis snatched the baton away, electric charge weakening his grip slightly, but not nearly enough, and swung, snapping it half on the Centurion's helmet, taking his head off with pure blunt force, as though it were a club of epic proportion. Orange sparks flew as it scraped across the titanium oxide coating of the troop's armor, and blue ones as the baton broke into two jagged halves, one half catching fire as it bounced off of Ellis' armor. He laughed, the sound approaching stadium levels in the tunnel.

The staccatto of automatic weapons. Shouting. Lots of shouting. The CRACK of a high powered rifle. And Ellis laughed.


He caught sight of white metal in a nearby crate, and shot his left hand into it, fingers grasping something short, thin, angular, and pulling- A GENERATOR!



When the generator blew, a cloud of fire and smoke and shrapnel tore across the tunnel. Ellis' barriers sparked as he laughed.


He whipped off his sidearm with his right hand and opened fire. His left backhanded a fleeing Assault Trooper, throwing him into turret fire.

Did that full moon force my hand,
Or that unmarked hundred grand,
Oooo oOoooOoooo
Underneath the water.
It's not Alabama clay,
That gives my trembling hands away,
Underneath the water...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rithy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Artillery. ARTILLERY??!?"


The loud noise of metal being bent and twisted could be heard, as a random pipe imploded on itself right behind Vella when she was given her orders, the Asari's fist for a moment clenched into a murderous ball! The usual unfocused cheer of her face had suddenly been switched with a singular, burning focus as she stared at Aegon with two burning, yellow eyes.

If looks could kill, Aegon would by then be very, very dead!

"I am a dedicated Shock Trooper! A SHOCK Troop! This is just as bad as being put in the back with logistics!!!"

Vella hated the job! She had no objections about artillery in general. If someone had offered her to take part in a concert of a dozen or so city-leveling guns, she would be ecstatic to join. But this was just biotic artillery support, not anywhere near as exciting nor as loud nor as destructive or general mayhem-causing!

"Yes sir... " Vella eventually admitted, figuring that trying to reason with a Turian would be like trying to have a conversation with a wall!

"At least if the vanguard gets wiped out by Cerberus, I might get to save the day!"

Vella thought to herself privately, trying to make the job sound more okay. After all, if she tried hard enough, maybe she could use her biotics to destroy at least a block. Even if that was not the primary mission.

Vella trudged along with the party, hiding most of her displeasure by putting on her solid monochrome helmet as she stuck close to Tiberius. At least if there were enemy snipers, the super-tall Tiberius would serve as the sniper magnet!


The fight ensued, a cacophony of gunfire, shouts and voices erupting, amplified by the closed confines of the underground!

She had to give credit to Cerberus. Despite the sudden and coordinated ambush, they did not flinch, nor did they panic. Without as much as an exchanged word, their personnel with into a systematic defense, as if they had practiced this a thousand times before they had even arrived. Each of them rushed to their own cover, and immediately began to return fire, displaying an almost mechanical precision in their tactical movement!

She saw Salissa charge in like a madwoman, Vella noted. Charging into a team of Cerberus operatives with turrets about to be activated meant that Salissa had already developed full trust and confidence in her team; believing they would have her back; or she was just mad.

Personally, Vella leaned more towards the latter possibility...

"I probably should help deal with the turrets."

Vella thought as she noticed the turrets, about six of them which were quite heavily armored. They could definitely withstand a lot of punishment, possibly even long enough for them to bring their heavy firepower and computer-perfect targeting system online - something that was a threat, even to the Krogans!

The enemy personnel had just become a second-level threat. She knew that if those turrets were allowed to fully activate, there would be casualties on both sides!

Salissa was too close for Vella to use her Missile Launcher, and she was not sure if she could put enough shots down range with her Apostle rifle to neutralize the turrets in time before they shredded at least one party member. However, one curious detail Vella noted was the optics on the turrets, located slightly towards the protruding bulge at the top of the turrets.

"I got an idea... " Vella suddenly mentioned, throwing Tiberius a fun grin from behind her helmet.

Reaching out, Vella used her biotic powers to grab two of the random trash bins and barrels lying about, lifting them up into the air above the battlefield, before she suddenly slammed them down on each of their own turret, causing two of the turrets to suddenly swirl around in confusion, unable to track any targets as their optics were blocked by the barrels!

"Go for the optics, the armor is too thick!" Vella shouted to Tiberius, realizing that there were still turrets about to come online!

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Deos Morran
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Deos Morran I am the Adorable!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alria Vicrinus
Location: London Ruins

Alria watched as the team began to disperse. The Geth taking the first move to cloak and navigate away, however she couldn't tell where it was going due to her inability to see things that were literally invisible. Regardless, it was safe to assume that it was following it's orders. After all robots were good at that, or were they... Really she had heard of the Geth gaining some sentience and some more from the fall of the Reapers, but at the same time she never really encountered any to know any better. For her it was no different from the LOKIs she was about engage.

Speaking of action and engaging though, loud noises and banging could be heard from deeper into the complex which could only mean one thing. The party just got started and it had been awhile since Alria got to dance. That was when she heard the first shots from inside the room she was in. The Batarian had opened fire and swiftly dropped one of the LOKIs that remained in the room.

Still waiting for her moment she overheard the Quarian who liked scarves chimed up to say he was moving in. In that very instant Alria was ready and she swiftly turned the corner on the boxes half jogging up to the terminal that the Quarian had in mind, walking wider from around it to give him a clear path, but mostly to give her free rein to deal with the scientists. Taking the advantage of surprise that the Batarian had given her she holstered her pistol and ran for the scientists. They didn't look much like fighters and she was sure not intending to show any mercy.

Leaping over the desk she swung a armored boot for the chest of one, using her momentum to give her power and then the scientisst to cancel said momentum by making a strong thud to his body. Committing to her actions she ducked her head and upper body down, swinging her rear wide to sweep her left leg around to strike with a shin sweep. Aiming to capatilize on that strike her body twisted around the opposite way to give her hands a chance to grip the scientist by the collar, using her abs to snap her body straight, yanking the scientist straight to the ground and straddling him before giving him a firm fist to the face to hopefully knock him unconscious. From there Alria swung her leg behind her back, curling her right shoulder to roll right back to her feet from her previously kneeling position. At that stage there was already another scientist within arms reach and Alria wasted no time is lashing out like a bolt of lightning for his throat, chopping it firmly and while he reached up to grab his throat she tucked her body under his hunching frame to sweep an arm around the scientist's waist. With that position made she twisted once again to take him off his feet and put him on his back. To finish him she gave a shift kick to the temple to stun him.

It was at that stage one of the egg heads had chosen to try and take her on swinging a lamp like a baton to try and hit her. ALria, ready for this ducked back and tilted her body deftly dodging the first swing, then teh second, and at teh third she reached out, grabbed his wrist and yanked him arm to her, stretching out his arm before making a hard swipe with her other arm, slamming her metal braced forearm into the man's elbow so hard that she broke his arm. Swiftly pulling back her striking hand she took a second swipe at teh scientist's head using her elbow. Strking him hard enough to make him drop. Thankfully to because he was just starting to scream in pain and that was not good for Alria's ears.

From there she turned to the rest and said firmly, her previously soft voice going cold, "Surrender and stay down." Feeling those words were enough to get her point across. Then she turned to look and see if the Quarian was settled and he was in fact. Already working faithfully to accomplish his task.

Now it was just a matter of making sure he stayed that way, so with her attention returning out into the room Alria drew her pistol and waited for any targets to get too close. If they did they'd be in for a swift and deadly surprise. As well as trying to maintain control over the scientists through fear of getting their arms broken like their friend.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 3 days ago

Considering the amount of jittery and high strung personalities that were just being reigned in, having yet another volatile newcomer waving a fuck-off huge Revenant at the group at large was a miracle in the sense that she wasn’t immediately unloaded upon by the previously noted jittery personalities. What the human was hoping to accomplish by confronting the team alone, even with considerable firepower, was anyone’s guess, but had she run into people with slightly worse intentions and temperament, she wouldn’t have had time to learn that this was apparently the same team she was enlisted upon. Rykarn met a sideways glance with Partinax, the latter offering a heavy shrug. It was becoming something of a miracle nobody died yet.

Well, the night was still young.

Regardless, the orders were clear and the krogan was satisfied. Don’t kill them unless they try to kill you, and don’t break them more than need be, but kill if need be. Simple, straightforward, and to the point. The teams began to move out, heading down separate paths, Rykarn’s Tornado shotgun, a reliable and well-used weapon that was one of the older catalog models one of the turian military’s primary contractors put out into the public market, extended in hand on well-lubricated bearing surfaces. Slapping in a Cryo ammunition mod in the appropriate port, he watched as the newcomer, Salissa, joined the ranks after being given the quick rundown by Anderson. The man probably needed a glass of water by now from talking.

“You don’t really think things through, do you?” Rykarn asked the woman, bemused, as they continued through the tunnel, heading up to the vanguard position, keeping a keen eye out for danger. The tunnels were places he’d walked dozens of times, rarely encountering anything, but all you needed was a husk to jump at you from a drainpipe once to stay vigilant. Approaching the objective, Rykarn huddled in with the rest of the team to listen to their commander, who gave the quick assessment of the situation. From the confident way that Partinax assessed the situation, Rykarn concluded that the two Spectres had at least spent some time doing a reconnaissance of the site. The krogan didn’t really have any way to deal with shielding other than brute force, but at close range, the shotgun would break through just about anything. Moving and shooting would be easier with the spread, and the Cryo rounds would be able to disable targets non-lethally, provided they didn’t take another heavy hit that would shatter their bodies like glass. Checking his omnitool to look over the blueprints one last time, Rykarn nodded that he was ready. His blood was already pumping, and countless millennia of krogan bloodlust was running through his veins. He’d give a show that would be hard to ignore.

After carefully scouting ahead to the kick-off point, Rykarn took note of the 14 figures. He’d walked London’s seediest streets enough to know that these assholes weren’t homeless; it was pretty plain to see they’d been eating and the telltale rank smell of body odour was conspicuously missing. Resisting his instinct to charge in, Rykarn ground his teeth in anticipation, looking away when the first flashbang went in.

When the blinding charge went off, Rykarn was charging in a moment later, Ellis already up ahead as the distraction to have whatever Cerberus was hiding come out of hiding in response to the extremely visible threat. A body had an explosively bloody exit wound from a high powered rifle in Rykarn’s peripheral vision, and Salissa bellowed a surprisingly effective warcry for a human as she charged into the enemy ranks, manhandling the closest Cerberus operatives. A few of the turrets were hit, but Rykarn wasn’t chancing his luck with their targeting systems being down along his vector. With a well-practiced underhand throw, a fragmentation grenade landed under the closest turret’s barrel, detonating a moment later, ripping the machine from its mourning, warping the metal alloy and knocking the gun askew; a second grenade followed up to the one after, landing a bit to the side but still having the desired effect. Rykarn was close enough that shrapnel dug into his shielding, knocking off roughly a quarter of his capacitor’s limit, but certainly not enough to stop his momentum.

Rykarn punched a pressure plate in his forearm armour of his gun hand and he felt the medical injectors jab into the softer flesh between his plates, adrenaline suddenly surging into his system; the world seemed to move slower and the krogan was suddenly very aware of his blood thundering through his ventricles. He brought his shotgun up to bear on the closest Cerberus operative, the weapon thundering in succession as he unleashed three shots, reaching close to half of his heat sink’s capacity, and the heavy spread slammed into the Cerberus guard, staggering him, ice crystallizing over his exposed Hornet submachine-gun, locking its firing mechanism after the first burst escaped the weapon, brushing by Rykarn’s flank as the krogan charged at him, driving his shoulder and hump into the human, the force of an armoured alien weighing three times his weight hitting like a car and sending him sprawling painfully across the concrete. More shots dug into Rykarn’s shield, whittling his capacitor down but not enough to stop his momentum, the blood rage building within him; he grabbed his still-cooling shotgun by the barrel shroud and drove the pistol grip in a wide-running swing into the chest of the next guard, cracking into the poly-ceramic chest plating like a mace, doubling the Cerberus guard over while Rykarn grabbed the next man by the visor, exerting a terrible amount of force to drive the agent hard into the ground.

The krogan roared in jubilant-fury, his vision blurring and his muscles burning like they needed to really hit something. Pulling his Talon from his hip as he freed his shotgun with the other hand, Rykarn let out a hellish laugh as he opened fire on the next clustered group. ”No escape! Stand and die! he challenged, bringing his shotgun into his other hand, aiming the weapon for lower-mass to try and freeze their feet. It was hard to pay attention to the rational side that reminded him he was ordered to keep the rutting pyjaks alive, but he was a professional, after all; he knew what his limits were.

Cerberus, however, didn’t.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sicaria Velinian

Secaria nodded to Aegon's response to her quite hostile inquiry, along with a incoherent grumble. She saw the logic in his words, and it would be more effective to smear the Party before killing it off, but that removed the gratification of destroying what was effectively a political cult. Well, the instant gratification anyway. But if one of them went for a gun, she was taking the head off the poor asshole that made that mistake.

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by a powerful human voice behind her, prompting the Turian to pivot and drop on her left knee while she pulled her Phaeston from the magnet that held it firm to her right shoulder blade. The weapon unfolded with the barrel pointed straight at the intruder, ready to kill if necessary. The Phaeston, while not as powerful as the M-76 Revenant, was far more accurate, and was generally considered the ultimate balance of firepower and hit ratio. Luckily, it didn't come to a shootout as the Geth stepped between them, managing to defuse the situation by what would've been a heartwarming moment had it not been for the possibility of death in the coming moments. Without a word, the Turian cautiously stood up and holstered her weapon once again, giving the human a once-over. From what she had seen beneath that cloak she wore, she had dual prosthesis and had seen better days, but was still tough, or stupid enough to square off with an entire room full of killers. Today would be more interesting than she initially thought, for sure.

Soon after this, the teams departed, Sicaria leaving with Anderson and company to engage in a stealthier approach. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't exactly geared towards espionage, but she was certainly capable of moving quietly. The biggest issue for her was a lack of suppressed weaponry, so she was forced to rely entirely on her omni-blades until something went wrong... which assumed was why she was tagging along here. So for the moment, as the lone armored individual, she brought up the rear of the squadron.

After about half-an-hour of near-silent travel later, the group came upon a fissure in an otherwise solid wall, and Anderson wasted no time explaining how it was believed to get there. The Turian honestly couldn't care less of how it formed, all that mattered was that it existed and it made the mission that much easier for the infiltration team. As Ja'Far and Phalanx appeared determined to be the last ones to squeeze through the crevice, Sicaria decided to slip on through following the Quarian Rayes'Xum. For her, it was a tight fit despite being two inches shorter than the Spectre that lead them, mostly due to the collar that all Turians possessed. After a long moment, she emerged one the other side, her armor only slightly scratched up around her neck from the passage.

In this moment, the insider that had already found her way inside and killed a Cerberus operative was introduced by their commander... and she was something. Alria, that was her name, and she was visibly younger than Sicaria. Not by much, but the thinner and more lithe figure did hint at some gap in age. Not to say that Sicaria wasn't without her charms, but this girl... she was something else entirely. Far more limber, definitely more flexible, and attractive to boot. Her voice also left nothing to be desired, it was like a song as she spoke of murdering that poor guard in cold blood. It's wasn't love at first sight, but it was an attraction for a night of passion, and maybe something that Vetia would get involved in, too.

The Turian shook her head and blinked, snapping back to reality as the team kept moving further into the base, a command being given to have their weapons out from now on. Rather than draw her rifle once again, she swapped to the shotgun affixed to her lower back. The M-11 Wraith was a lightweight shotgun, variant of the Cerberus-made M-22 Eviscerator, and was very much illegal in Citadel space. She had come across it on the black market on Omega and bought it up quickly, and she had held onto it through the Reaper Invasion thanks to how dire the situation was. Now, she had it kept it under another name to avoid its discovery, and it proved fruitful now. Surely a weapon that came preloaded with serrated metal chunks that tore through just about everything was going to be useful on this mission. Given things got seedy, anyhow.

The crew moved into the server room, taking cover and assuming positions out of sight of those stationed here. From what she could tell, the only sizable force here consisted entirely of LOKI mechs, which played to her strengths. Overload one and two would fall, freeze possibly a dozen of them from how close they were all packed together, shatter them with a tech burst from the armor... this wouldn't be overly difficult unless one of the scientists here called for back-up.

The sounds of distant gunfire suddenly started to pepper the ears of all present, and the action started. One of the mechs went down in a quick second by Ja'Far's hand, followed by Rayes moving in and beginning his data collection process. Sicaria was about to follow in his wake and subdue the researchers, though Alria beat her to the punch with a level of showmanship. This was like a master at work... a sexy, almost lewd work that resulted in four of the eggheads on the ground in moments. All the while, the other Turian felt the blood rush to her face and a hot trickle run down from the right side of her nose and stop at her lip. "That has got to be one of the greatest things I've ever seen..." Following that display, she noticed a large number of the mechs had begun to run off towards the main fighting to leave the infiltrators a near empty room with some science-types on the floor.

Remembering her orders, she moved in with her shotgun raised, giving it a threatening cock to those left in the area. As an enforcer for the Blue Suns, she had learned how to influence a crowd with her presence alone and manipulate them into submission, and this situation was no different. "Unless you want a leg cut off, you'll get on the ground and lay still! I see an omni-tool go on, and I'll start slicing fingers off." With any luck, she wouldn't have to follow up on that threat, and these men and women would be easy hostages. Worse came to worst and someone decided to be a hero, she'd shut them up herself if need be.

On a side note, she gave Alria an approving nod, not realizing part of her face was now stained a pleasant blue from the slowly calming nosebleed.
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