♤ ♥ ♦ ♧ Kaitlyn Rhodes ♠ ♡ ♢ ♣
"If you think you can sum yourself up in a single sentence, you're probably not thinking hard enough. At least, I hope so."
║ Camper Name ║Kaitlyn A. Rhodes
║ Birthday, Age, Gender ║» 06/23
» 17
» Female
║ Address ║1190 Fairway Rd, Lake Oswego, OR, 97034
(this is some actual house I pulled off Google, so apologies if by sheer chance any of you live here)
║ Allergies ║Pollen, mild.
║ Medications at Camp? ║Over-the-counter allergy kind of stuff. Nothing revolutionary.
║ Activity Restrictions? ║Nada.
║ Emergency Contact ║Elizabeth Rhodes, mother, (503)449-1593
║ Nicknames ║Kate, Katie (mostly the former).
║ Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status ║Lesbian, no serious relationships.
║ Appearance ║Kate stands at about 5'7, weighing ~125 pounds. Her hair, on the longer side but well-maintained, is a brownish sort of auburn, almost always either kept in a ponytail or allowed to fall where it will. Her eyes are brown with thicker-than-average lashes, face more or less normal. In general, she wears a bit of light makeup; nothing revolutionary there. Her ears are pierced and usually fitted with generic silver studs. She abhors the concept of tattoos, and fittingly has none.
As far as clothing is concerned, Kate generally tries to strive for as casual as is reasonably possible in the setting. This usually means a plain shirt, jeans or leggings, and some basic accessories. Once every week or two she might be inclined to wear a skirt or dress.
Oh, and she's pretty attractive overall, but let's be honest: this is a probably-expensive ten-week summer camp in northern California. Everyone is attractive.
║ Personality ║ The Positive:- Determined -- she has a reasonable work ethic and often achieves what she strives to do.
- Charismatic -- when she wants or needs to be.
- Intelligent -- above-average but certainly not a genius.
The Negative:- Judgemental -- just in the quiet, keep-it-to-yourself way instead of overtly.
- Self-conscious -- pretty much constantly, much as she tries to hide it, and especially in hindsight. The sort of person that tends to replay a list of their past gaffes in their head every night.
- Sense of humor -- she has exactly two kinds: sarcasm and mediocre puns. It's like a 1:10 ratio of actually good to completely flat.
More in depth:
Kate is a little bit to unravel, but then again so are most people. She has lofty ambitions and strives her best to live up to them, with reasonable confidence in the end outcome, but tends to stress over most of the immediate steps on the way, from tests to driving exams to college applications. She's an introvert but not of any extreme kind, perfectly able to hold her own in conversation or public-speaking as long as she doesn't have to do it for too long. She alternates between having too much of a filter to her words and pretty much none at all, correlating almost perfectly with her frustration or anger at the time.
In most social situations she is more or less average: she occasionally can be brought, by herself or others, to take initiative, but generally hangs back a little bit. The back is, after all, the best place to judge people, and Kate is a pretty judgey person. She doesn't do it to be mean, but buried somewhere in the self-consciousness is a little bit of an ego that she likes to think is better than a good portion of the rest of the world. It's probably some sort of a coping mechanism, if we're being honest -- just like the sarcasm and the dry humor, but she tries not to think about that too hard.
She speaks passable French, gleaned from four years of classes, and is also a terrible artist. Not a single fine arts class taken since she could get away with it, and for good reason. She is not religious.

"The perfect is the enemy of the good." - Voltaire
║ My Dreams ║She's got them all worked out. A degree in poli sci from a good university (minor in history!); congressional aide; state government; senator; second or third female president. If there hasn't been at least one by the time she's thirty-five, Kate reasons, heads are going to have to roll.
From there? Empress and/or democratically-elected president of the world.
║ Fears ║- Insects -- anywhere but the outdoors, where they belong. If it's visible and a bug, that's jusification enough to squish it. If it's large, or flies, or especially both, total war is the only recourse.
- Heights -- to a degree. She doesn't freak out, usually, but once she gets high enough the blood certainly starts pumping faster, and not in a good way.
- Embarassment -- fairly self-explanatory. She's mostly fine with the between-friends part, but the idea of actual public humiliation is nauseating.
║ Likes ║- Reading -- short stories especially, science fiction short stories especially-er.
- History -- she's definitely a history buff, bordering on history geek. It's something she tries to keep slightly quiet, but that doesn't mean that AP Euro junior year wasn't her lifeblood.
- Electronics -- computers, phones. She likes them, she uses them.
- Exercise -- she doesn't get enough of it, in her opinion, but she enjoys it. Jogging, swimming, and every couple of weekends some fencing. Certaintly not at a competitive level in any, but it's fun stuff.
║ Dislikes ║- Rude or mean people -- hopefully this doesn't need to be explained.
- Being dirty -- the hands especially. Any kind where you can feel the texture as you do things.
- Advanced math -- Algebra, sure, easy. Most calculus she can begrudgingly accept and work at. Anything past that is witchcraft.
- The arts -- having to do them, that is. She can appreciating a painting or orchestra as much as anyone else, just don't ask her to pick up the brush or violin.
║ Brief History ║Kate was born nearly eighteen years ago in one of the richer suburbs of Portland, Oregon, the only child of a well-off family. Her father had made a small fortune in a tech startup, lost most of that fortune trying to play at stocks, and won half of it back when he actually got good at the whole stock market thing. Her mother was a professor of economics, though on a limited schedule so she could raise the brat.
Kate's upbringing was, to sum it up in a single word, normal. Her parents were good people, and she did well enough in (public) school. She might've appreciated a bit less attention, being the only kid, but there are certainly worse things to complain about. The only place where Kate lagged behind a bit was socially, but she was perfectly happy with a small group of friends at the medium levels of the ladder of popularity. Where she managed to really hit some sort of stride, though, was high school, where she finally managed to develop some real ambitions. As a freshman with the collective experience of a few months of government class, Kate crusaded to establish a school mock-government, and managed to violate the twenty-second amendment by winning mock-president for all four one-year terms.
Meanwhile, Kate was doing fine in her classes. She took an avid interest in history in particular, and joined the school's quiz bowl team as Official History-and-Government-Knowing Person(tm). With this incredible title to her name, she mostly managed to coast away from other extracurriculars, though she did take up some fencing as an occasional hobby. When senior year (from which, at a slightly young age, she is now exiting) came around, she took all the requisite tests and did pretty well on them and was accepted into a good college.
Kate realized relatively early into her teenage years that she was gay, a fact that she kept mostly-private while she worked through
it. As time passed, her guard lowered and the casual trysts with "definitely just a close friend, mom" were hidden less and less
vigilantly, until eventually Kate gave up the ghost entirely and let her parents know (not that they hadn't guessed). They took it in
stride, or at least seemed to, but that didn't change the fact that the next time Kate was once more found in flagrante was only a few weeks before her parents announced the mandatory ten-week camping trip. No fingers are being pointed here, nada, no siree.
║ Suit Assignment ║Fill this out when we give you a suit: Hearts, Clubs, Spades, Diamonds. That will determine your cabin assignments and teams for the ten weeks at camp
║ Do you want to be here? ║Eh. A week would've been fun, Kate reasons. Two, pushing it. Ten? That's more of an exile than a vacation. She'd wanted to get a job over the summer, to pay for college stuff.
║ Extra information ║All pictures are couretsy of twenty minutes spent delving through royalty-free stock images, so I assume there isn't much to be claiming or infringing on. Color: let's go for #800020, it's burgundy.