Can I join? I can't find anything about needing to PM the GM (Say that three times fast). So I guess here's my character. I think I did this right, just tell me if I need to change anything.

"You guys wanna hear a joke? Hey are you going somewhere? I want to go too!"
Standing at 5'8" Andromeda isn't a particularly tall girl, nor is she imposing. She has long auburn hair that reaches her shoulder blades and bright green eyes.
Andromeda prefers to dress in simple clothing and doesn't care about fashion at all. She isn't opposed to wearing girly things but she isn't one to run around in them all the time. Normally she wears a pair of pants and a t-shirt, although she switches to heavier or lighter clothing depending on the climate and weather. The only thing that remains constant is the satchel that she carries with her everywhere. She keeps everything in it, from food and money all the way up to random objects that she picked up alongside the road.
Basic Info
Name::Andromeda Stellae
Nickname/Alias:: Andy
Gender:: Female
Age and date of birth:: 15, October 26
Guild:: Harpy's Wing, Guild sigil is on her right forearm
Rank:: B although she's being evaluated to become rank A
Personal Information
Personality:: Usually a very happy kind of girl, Andromeda enjoys meeting new people and making them laugh. She likes adventure as much as the next mage and can never wait for the next job. She loves having company of any kind and if there's no one around then she'll go to find someone.
Andy always takes jobs seriously and will do everything she can to accomplish a given task whether through violence or through talking, although she prefers peaceful methods first.
History:: Andromeda was born at night during a meteor shower while the moon waxed full overhead. It was a small farming village far from Luna and these particular omens were viewed as blessings by the village elder, who decreed that Andromeda was favored by the gods.
The young girl's life was good during her childhood, with the village doting on her and gladly paying attention to her no matter where she went. She was given gifts and toys, candy and friends, all because of the circumstances of her birth.
It was when she hit the age of ten though that Andromeda's life turned the opposite direction and became one of hardship. It was during another full moon and Andromeda was outside watching the bright orb in the sky like she enjoyed doing. She wasn't tired and didn't want to go to bed so she would sometimes come out and watch the stars or moon, always feeling a kinship with them.
During that night some terrible twist of fate brought doom upon Andromeda's family when a meteor came out of the sky and smashed into her home, destroying it and her family in one massive explosion.
Andromeda tried to save her family and when other people showed up to see what had happened it was to find the young girl with burns, trying to dig through the burning rubble.
The farmers wrestled Andromeda away from the rubble and managed to soothe her enough that she finally fell unconscious, the weight of what had happened overtaking her.
The next day the young girl was given to another family but it wasn't to last. Stricken by grief Andromeda ran away, trying to understand why the stars hated her. She didn't want them too and after much thought decided that the only logical thing to do was learn magic.
The logic held up to a ten year old at least, and she went in search of a wizard who could teach her to control the stars themselves. Andromeda journeyed a long way, hitching rides on wagons and stealing food if someone didn't offer her any, until finally she heard of a wizard who could control the heavens above.
It took another month to reach the wizards home, and after hearing Andromeda's story Thilda Vanel took the young girl as an apprentice. During this time Andromeda learned to come to terms with her grief and even be happy again. She enjoyed using the magic of the stars and after five years she had finally mastered it.
During that time Andromeda had listened to Thilda's stories of belonging to a guild and of the adventures that came with such a thing. So after mastering her magic Andromeda decided that was what she wanted to do as well and left Thilda with a big hug before heading to Luna Crescente having heard of the guilds there, specifically the Harpy's Wing guild where anyone was welcome.
Now Andromeda has a family again, control over her own fate, and adventures to go on. How things will turn out is anyone's guess, but she is confident that the future is a bright one and should be greeted with a smile.
Magic Name:: Heavenly Body Magic (would use celestial as the name but that's already a thing)
Description:: The ability to control small solar bodies as well as being able to conjure starlight into beams of energy.
Known Spells::
Meteor Strike: Imbues a stone with the explosive force of a meteor, then fires it at an opponent.
Star Light: Creates beams of energy from her hands.
Solar Flare: Brings down a large beam of burning light at a large target area.
Hard Light: Can create objects out of starlight for short periods of time which are as solid as stone (Although they aren't unbreakable.)
Possessions:: The one possession that Andromeda values the most is her satchel which used to be her father's. It's plain leather and cloth with a few decorations from Andromeda's adventures. Though it isn't worth much monetarily it means the world to Andromeda and she will do anything to get it back.

"You guys wanna hear a joke? Hey are you going somewhere? I want to go too!"
Standing at 5'8" Andromeda isn't a particularly tall girl, nor is she imposing. She has long auburn hair that reaches her shoulder blades and bright green eyes.
Andromeda prefers to dress in simple clothing and doesn't care about fashion at all. She isn't opposed to wearing girly things but she isn't one to run around in them all the time. Normally she wears a pair of pants and a t-shirt, although she switches to heavier or lighter clothing depending on the climate and weather. The only thing that remains constant is the satchel that she carries with her everywhere. She keeps everything in it, from food and money all the way up to random objects that she picked up alongside the road.
Basic Info
Name::Andromeda Stellae
Nickname/Alias:: Andy
Gender:: Female
Age and date of birth:: 15, October 26
Guild:: Harpy's Wing, Guild sigil is on her right forearm
Rank:: B although she's being evaluated to become rank A
Personal Information
Personality:: Usually a very happy kind of girl, Andromeda enjoys meeting new people and making them laugh. She likes adventure as much as the next mage and can never wait for the next job. She loves having company of any kind and if there's no one around then she'll go to find someone.
Andy always takes jobs seriously and will do everything she can to accomplish a given task whether through violence or through talking, although she prefers peaceful methods first.
History:: Andromeda was born at night during a meteor shower while the moon waxed full overhead. It was a small farming village far from Luna and these particular omens were viewed as blessings by the village elder, who decreed that Andromeda was favored by the gods.
The young girl's life was good during her childhood, with the village doting on her and gladly paying attention to her no matter where she went. She was given gifts and toys, candy and friends, all because of the circumstances of her birth.
It was when she hit the age of ten though that Andromeda's life turned the opposite direction and became one of hardship. It was during another full moon and Andromeda was outside watching the bright orb in the sky like she enjoyed doing. She wasn't tired and didn't want to go to bed so she would sometimes come out and watch the stars or moon, always feeling a kinship with them.
During that night some terrible twist of fate brought doom upon Andromeda's family when a meteor came out of the sky and smashed into her home, destroying it and her family in one massive explosion.
Andromeda tried to save her family and when other people showed up to see what had happened it was to find the young girl with burns, trying to dig through the burning rubble.
The farmers wrestled Andromeda away from the rubble and managed to soothe her enough that she finally fell unconscious, the weight of what had happened overtaking her.
The next day the young girl was given to another family but it wasn't to last. Stricken by grief Andromeda ran away, trying to understand why the stars hated her. She didn't want them too and after much thought decided that the only logical thing to do was learn magic.
The logic held up to a ten year old at least, and she went in search of a wizard who could teach her to control the stars themselves. Andromeda journeyed a long way, hitching rides on wagons and stealing food if someone didn't offer her any, until finally she heard of a wizard who could control the heavens above.
It took another month to reach the wizards home, and after hearing Andromeda's story Thilda Vanel took the young girl as an apprentice. During this time Andromeda learned to come to terms with her grief and even be happy again. She enjoyed using the magic of the stars and after five years she had finally mastered it.
During that time Andromeda had listened to Thilda's stories of belonging to a guild and of the adventures that came with such a thing. So after mastering her magic Andromeda decided that was what she wanted to do as well and left Thilda with a big hug before heading to Luna Crescente having heard of the guilds there, specifically the Harpy's Wing guild where anyone was welcome.
Now Andromeda has a family again, control over her own fate, and adventures to go on. How things will turn out is anyone's guess, but she is confident that the future is a bright one and should be greeted with a smile.
Magic Name:: Heavenly Body Magic (would use celestial as the name but that's already a thing)
Description:: The ability to control small solar bodies as well as being able to conjure starlight into beams of energy.
Known Spells::
Meteor Strike: Imbues a stone with the explosive force of a meteor, then fires it at an opponent.
Star Light: Creates beams of energy from her hands.
Solar Flare: Brings down a large beam of burning light at a large target area.
Hard Light: Can create objects out of starlight for short periods of time which are as solid as stone (Although they aren't unbreakable.)
Possessions:: The one possession that Andromeda values the most is her satchel which used to be her father's. It's plain leather and cloth with a few decorations from Andromeda's adventures. Though it isn't worth much monetarily it means the world to Andromeda and she will do anything to get it back.