Thankfully, when they were teleported into the room, Kiku had had her mask on. The full white would've disoriented the poor girl, she instead was sending chakra to all her other senses and assessing the situation based off of her teammates emotions. Hearing the wall open, and her teammates move forward - she let out a softer click and it lightly painted a watercoloured picture of the small hallway. Allowing everyone to go in front of her so she could listen for their footsteps, and just follow suit.
She heard Shizuka's comment about writing down the runes, but of course this girl heard everything - she just lifted up her mask on one side and made a mental note. Her memory was pretty decent, especially from mapping out rooms and really navigating based through memory until she used echolocation again to remap the world in real time. It was interesting living the life of a semi-blind ninja, especially one who forced herself to fight blindly in some small attempt to probably feel adequate enough, or something else subconsciously. Anyways, she had been studying the signs, and then noticed she was alone momentarily as the rest of the group moved forward
"What!?" She jumped and quickly jogged forward, proceeding to act as if she didn't just get left behind.
Upon entering the room, this is where Kiku had felt her brightest, when she was on the floor examining it - she could feel the metal make the tiniest sounds. A small squeak escaped her mouth as she was now almost floating the air watching the platform descend quickly under her. No worries, her butt firmly planted on back to the metal platform as they still soared down. Her wildly long purple hair was waving furiously as they continued to soar down. She was sitting with her legs bent and out to the side, her hands planted in front of her on the ground listening for a change. She felt and heard Kurin hit the floor with her, and the Jakuuna as well. Her teammates emotions were all different at the moment, calm, irritated, surprised. She herself was becoming more tense, a small sense of anxiety washed over her at the realization that this was truly the beginning of her exam now.
Her head popped up as if looking at Shizuka, her mask still on, she felt his energy again. This time he wasn't as abrasive, but a different kind of persona was about him. Kiku unsure of exactly what he was doing so close. She gave a small smile, but her lips then pursed upon her given nickname. Kiku then looked back down to the ground, bringing a thumb up to her mask, the second it slid under the material light filled her view and slightly startled her. Her hand immediately withdrawn its move, and went back down to the ground. Her nostrils suddenly filled with a smell that triggered a memory from her visit to Suna. Simple delivery mission from the Academy, nothing notable. But the smell nonetheless stuck itself to that memory firmly.
She sat there on the ground, giving off a few soft clicks and her world painted around her again after they stopped moving. But it wasn't very detailed. The room was so vast that the sound wasn't fully coming back to her, she hadn't really encountered this problem too many times. Upon this moment of realization, and irritation - Shizuka showed himself again, placing himself next to the girl as her fingertips were studying the etchings on the contraption that sent her on her ass.
"Here let me try" She raised an eyebrow under her mask, and suddenly her hair was flying straight up in the air again. She almost thought they had fallen again, and this time was rocked back by a force of air. As she fell back, her dress happened to lift and she quickly grabbed at it pushing it back down and sitting on her knees - hiking the dress down farther. Again, her face swelled with red - but it quickly subsided as the room became vastly alive. She thought she'd have to cover her ears for a moment at how loud the sound echoing back to her was. She raised up, still on her knees and smiled,
"Whoah," everything was so vastly detailed. Every sound wave had made it ways back to her ears, completely painting the room she was in. She reached over and grabbed the boys arm,
"Thank you," giving a small squeeze to his forearm. Suddenly, her hand retracted and she stood up quickly - staring in a particular direction.
Kiku began walking away from her team, she made a quick hand sign
"Kusarijutsu," she mumbled - extending her hands outward palms facing the ground and fingers outstretched. Two identical daggers rose from the ground, and long chains followed suit. Kiku turned her face back to her teammates, her demeanor had changed - a small hot faint wind blew lifting her hair slowly.
"There's...beings..though I don't believe they're alive. I cannot myself sense any chakra," She looked to Kurin, and then towards the directions of the beings,
"Can you? I believe they're just....statues maybe...." Going on her own intuition, she began to slowly walk in that direction, the chains of her daggers dragging on the ground behind her. Kiku stopped for a moment, her head turning around as she navigated the room painted in her mind. Shizuka's sonic wave had perfectly detailed this room for her, she could easily lift her mask and see it for herself - but this gave it a new depth. The falling ruins, and dusted symbols intrigued her greatly. She waited on her team to assess her question about the statue's by mentally examining the room herself, standing perfectly still as she moved in her mind.
She could hear the others moving forward, and stayed in her spot. Something was bothering her, and it was probably the rather large golem that was standing beyond all the smaller ones she was apprehensive about. Her face was in the direction of the rather large being, studying the area around it. It hit her like Shizuka's gust of air.
"Wait!" Kiku called out, and raised one of the daggers tips to the Golem's lifted arm,
"Look...." Her hand lowered, the sound of the chain readjusting on the ground,
"It's arm is raised". Her tone had become more serious, and she was far more short - now entering her logical phase as she usually did during missions.