Hidden 6 yrs ago 3 yrs ago
Zeroth Post


Corsairs' Special Invitation


By random drawing, you have received a special invitation in the mail to the very exclusive Corsair Club courtesy of Knight Enterprises and Knight Hotels for tonight’s game. Always one to court the locals where his construction projects are underway, Marcus has personally authorized a select number of passes that will allow access to the upper level for unlimited food and drink while the game is played. Enjoy lounge seating, Diamond-level service and watch the giant awning retract as you take in a warm summer night of baseball.

Miami Rebellion guitarist, Levi Campbell will be leading off the night with the national anthem along with a flyover from Navy Squadron 31 and first pitch thrown out by the mayor. Rumor has it that the rest of the band will be in attendance though how they mix with the mayoral entourage should make for an interesting evening.



Hello sports fans and Delta Dwellers tonight is an fantastic night for the ball game at Diamond Stadium. Skies are clear and the beers in the concession stand are the only thing cool on the coast tonight.

Delta City does not get better than this. Enjoy!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 16 min ago

Marilania (Romus), Olympus

(double barreled, somewhat a name she hides)

Age: 27

Appearance: fairly Athletic, long straight Blonde and with a penchant for skirts she remained in good shape after professional sports, though now is quite abit off her competition times. Always wearing a silver necklace in the style of 3 moons linked together gifted from an old friend, and a fair sized diamond ring that belonged to her grandmother which she values above all other things.

She has a distinct knife wound scar on stomach she tries to downplay and looks much like her mother but has eyes nearly identical to her father in a fairly cold grey.

Sometimes seen in more normal clothes, other times wears a flight suit with range of patches from a few airlines and UK flag for work and vintage aviators picked up on her travels. Otherwise favours UK/European clothing brands and styles.

Distinct English Accent despite travels

Height: 5’5

Weight: 130 pounds


Driving, Mostly SUV and off roaders.
Exploring old ruins and local towns
Awful movies
Rock music


Crash landings
being a passenger
Deceptions, lies and intriques
Ultra packed locations
Cold weather/places
Long term ties to where she lives
Being judged for her Family name/appearance

Zodiac Sign: TAURUS

Special Talent: Able to make a Chocolate filled pancake with chocolate between two layers of pancake,

Very quick to adapt to new cities.

Profession: qualified pilot and Co Crew on a local cargo. Helicopters and short haul airline flights respectively. (also works in there small inner city office when not flying cago's and does general paperwork related to aircraft)

Bio/Personality: Daughter of an English wealthy family, her mother Maria raised her alone after her father Vesarian a captain and owner of a shipping enterprise involved in several less than above board jobs left her before she was born.

Raised on the family estate she was taught for her younger years quickly learning to be fluent in both Latin and English as an old family tradition dictated. Sent off to a private academy when she was barely in secondary education, she soon found her skills after an injury on running track in the swimming pool and won multiple awards in various championships. Though this time was not all easy, being away from family for so long, being abandoned as a child and a lack of a “home” took its toll and made her distant and also reserved.

Things turned round when she took a flying lesson for fun as part of the academies extracurricular programme; she soon took to it and passed her full license just before she was 18.

Returning home to her family, the manufacturing business was turning nasty and a rival firm moving meant her happy reunion was shortlived soon sucked into the internal battles, rivalries internal and external that had plagued the family for decades. Worse still when a mugging went wrong left her with a now scar she hides on her stomach she decided to try and find her own way and escape her family’s internal pull down into its darkside of wealth.

Meeting her step sister Victoria and her father just before she left was the final straw and headed off and worked for a mix of local airlines, helicopter taxi and other jobs before now taking a role at the Sol city Daedalus Airlines and settling down into a smaller but well-furnished top floor apartment in one of the outer districts.

Recently arrived into the city she has not got many ties to the place, renting everything out of habit from a pre furnished apartment, to an offroad SUV (land rover Discovery) on short term leases, never wanting long term ties to a place.

(Had to leave anchorage after a news article linked her father to legal arms trade in Africa and her and his name where linked by a investigative journalist. Headed to Sol city to take up a new work contract for local air freight company.)

Personality wise she is fairly confident, flirty but also takes a while to warm to people having moved about so much. Fairly easy going, slower to trust though and less willing to forgive. Not always wanting to get very close to people as less to deal with when she moves on. Maybe the new city will change her outlook or just be another stamp on the passport.

Caring but again takes time for that to happen after many moves, and too many people. Generally takes time for true self to evident.

Has very few personal effects with her bar the named jewellery as had been pretty nomadic since she was 18 ish, 9 years or thereabout.

Your character's favorite song:

The following is not required, but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.

Tell us about yourself:

*Your age: 27
*What part of the world are you from? United Kingdom
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: 1-2 years offsite, 3 months on guild
*How often do you have time to post? Fairly Regularly, 2-3 times a week, maybe more at weekend
*Anything else you want to mention? Tea loving office dweller, i paint, do photography and self confessed a bit of a nerd on some things. I also collect wargames models.

"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Name: Joel Nicolosi

Age: 32

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 185 lbs

+Conspiracy Theories
+Talk Radio

-Cold Weather
-Bad Grammar

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Special Talent: Legendary Alcohol Tolerance

Profession: Mechanic/Owner Apex Designs, a small, single-door garage, tucked away on the industrial Southside end of town with enough room for about three cars inside.

Joel is a man who views himself as someone not necessarily doing what they want to do in life, but doing what they're good at. He enjoys repairing the automotive woes of many of Sol City’s wealthy clientele. However, even though his work is considered some of the best in the city, he’s often equally known for his lengthy vacations and costly invoices. Additionally armed with a business degree that he earned off of an only briefly offered scholarship in his youth, he very carefully balances work, play and sometimes outright laziness. He keeps no set schedule and can be found in his shop sometimes at the most bizarre of hours.

Outwardly, Joel has a very arrogant aura that often turns off others. He’s been told that he’s “unapproachable” and though he likes the thought of being intimidating, sometimes he does feel a genuine desire to have deeper conversations. He enjoys flirting and being in some social venues, but often feels bored and out of place. He doesn’t consider himself extroverted. Interestingly, he tends to talk non-stop while working on vehicles and has his own crowd of conversational regulars, often the bored and retired older men of the city, that stop by just to see what he’s working on.

Joel is very aware of his eccentricities and has a warped sense of justice. He enjoys watching people that may have wronged him or refused his advice “get what they deserve” to the point of comedy. He likes that some may look down on him for his chosen profession, but at the same time wishes he was doing something else. He’s never satisfied for very long.

Favorite Song:

Tell us about yourself:

Age: 32
What part of the world are you from?: VA, USA
How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: Around 17
How often do you have time to post?: Usually 2-3 times per week, maybe more depending on my work schedule/other things.
Anything else you want to mention?:
I actually work a pretty cool job, but it does demand a lot of time out of me sometimes. I'm married and have three kids. Roleplay/Writing is one of my few surviving hobbies in adulthood next to working out and reading a book occasionally. I usually only have time to write one game at a time here on the Guild so this is it for now. I'm going to my level best to make sure its a winner. I try to take care of my players, so if you're reading this and thinking about joining, we'll be glad to have you.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Robo27
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Robo27 Long Live the King!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Kei Kinzo

Age: 21


Height: 178 cm or 5'11"

Weight: 82 kg or 180 lbs

Likes: Kind people, video games, cold weather, anime, manga, talking to people, technology, cars, fun activities, girls, cooking, good food, living comfortably, keeping things simple, guns, glasses.

Dislikes: Bad people, boring people, overly deep water, liars, school, unneeded details, cigarettes.

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Special Talent:
Kei doesn't have any extraordinary special talent, but what he is good at is video games, cars, and cooking. Aside from those three things he is about as average as a person can get in terms of other talents.

To avoid having to work for the rest of his life Kei decided on taking a job that would allow him to both have fun and make tons of money on a day to day basis, as such his profession lies in day trade, whether it be stocks or foreign currency he trades them all and makes a good amount of money doing it. Despite having an honest to good job, every now and again he is an arms dealer that lies within the grey area of legality.

Kei is probably an overly outgoing guy, he was always this way since a young age, he really didn't care who someone was or what kind of person they were as long as they were kind he was able to get along with them with ease. He is a simplistic thinker and hates when things are made overly complicated since there is no real reason for things to become harder than it already is. As such he does his best to simplify every aspect of his life without compromising his interests. While yes he would love to live as a god and not have to worry about bodily functions, but he would not go and get special surgery to get bodily functions removed. A trait that usually goes hand in hand with outgoing, is being kind and helpful. Kei does not lack that trait in any way you can say he is the epitome of a kind and outgoing guy even to a fault. Aside from all that Kei is the type of guy to try and get to know a random stranger in the street and hopefully become friends with said stranger for a lifetime, he cares that deeply for relationships.

Growing up Kei was always intelligent and methodical about everything he did, this carried all through his life even to now. That's one of the reasons he decided to become a day trade and arms dealer. He wanted a life of relative ease and comfort. While he does hate the idea of school he understands that somewhere down the line the diploma and education will benefit him and as such he is putting himself through school something that his parents always struggled to do as they could never afford to get him in, but with Kei coming into a fortune due to day trading and arms dealing, he has no problems affording the tuition costs for school, as such he puts himself through it all. While yes Kei is indeed richer than most people, he does not like to show it off because then he feels he is being a horrible person for doing so.

Your character's favorite song:

*Your age: 20
*Region: United States
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: 4-5 years
*How often do you have time to post?: Pretty much everyday unless stated otherwise
*Misc: I do attend university so sometimes the work load from that may cause me to go MIA for a day or two, but I will always give a heads up!

"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Desparadina
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Desparadina bɹoqɐqlʎ pǝɐp

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kebari "Kebi" Carmen


Perhaps one too many acquaintances of hers have made allusions to Kebi looking like the "Asian' version of Velma from Scooby Doo. Of course, their words and not hers, suffice to say Kebi looks like any average girl her age, but she prides herself on looking or at least trying to look a little cuter. No one has ever gotten her real age correctly, and most still think she's some teen trying to illegally gain access to clubs around the city, and maybe it has something to do with her lack of driving skills, but the police have no trouble pulling her over and then asking for her 'Learner's License' as if she wasn't embarrassed enough. Kebi stands at at a fair 5'2 which really adds to her youthful persona which she has been trying to abandon for the last 5 or so years to no avail. Her hair curls just at the ends, whether it does that naturally is something Kebi will debate with you on if asked, and her glasses are almost always a mainstay of her appearance. Kebi will often say that she's one of the few who actually makes astigmatism look cute to some degree. Kebi is on more of the chubby side seeing as how she won't stop herself from overindulging in cute but small snacks, and she's a frequent customer to your local sweets novelty shop.



Video Games
The Internet
Riding her Vespa around town
Horror Movies

Long Movies
Big Dogs
Being mistaken as a teen
Social Media

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Special Talent: Kebi is quite the writer, even knowing that means...virtually nothing in this country's economy it was indeed the one thing that outlasted her beyond high school. This ties into her current profession as a journalist for a local paper (while also working part time as a retail associate), for her writing has been a passion since she was old enough to tell stories. She also works as a freelance writer when time allows, however her freelance writing can range from humorous short stories to erotic novels none of which she has to be ashamed of since it's all under various pseudonyms that can't be traced back to her. Ultimately, she hopes her greatest achievement is a full length fictional novel or some kind of investigative books that get her TV interviews and some actual acumen other than quirky underpaid columnist.

Profession: Columnist/Retail Associate/Freelance Writer/Blogger

Bio/Personality: Kebi is the obsessive type, always behind a computer screen or phone, and consistently observing the world around her. One might mistakenly see her as meek and quiet, however, she has a a keen eye for the world around her, that's she feels makes journalism a more pursuant career choice than that of anything else. Kebi is actually just....neurotic, a nervous ball of energy one moment, fixated on some small detail the next moment. She's secretive and elusive, never letting people in any more than she wants them to. Kebi has a vast array of knowledge at her disposal and is never without her phone or some odd quip about a particular subject. She can hold a conversation quite easily, it just seems that she always chooses her words wisely as if she'd suddenly be taken as an idiot or something.

She likes talking and she likes being around people, anxiety has never really been a problem for her as long as she could get in with the right people. There's a certain casual tone to her voice that makes it easy for other to talk to her, and she an incredible amount of dry and witty sarcasm to boot. However, most people will note that when it comes down to her profession, Kebi is absolutely unafraid to press the uncomfortable questions, she can needle into others heads quite easily, and knows how to examine and observe the character of another person.

She has a strong drive for order, and a stronger one for truth. However, that may be just what caused her to move halfway across the country and alienate herself from anyone she used to know. Above all, Kebi is obsessed with gossip and the value of public opinion. Back in high school she was most assuredly the one keeping tabs on who's who and what could increase her social acumen. She became a social pariah of sorts where even her half truths were taken at word. For a girl who had been mostly shy and ignored in middle school, the influence given to her in high school was just enough to get into her head.

Long before then she became wrapped up in internet fame, the type that came from silly prank videos, and being as vacuous and bone headed as possible on sites like Youtube. That fame may have only been internet lived but it was as real as it got for her. It gave her confidence, it made her who she was today. Often she would stir the pot with her own rendition of petty drama through internet communities. She wasn't seen as anything other than a troublemaker, and it got to the point where she was more concerned with starting drama to feed her fanbase than to have anything actually important to do or say.

Eventually, this all came to a halt, one joke a little too far, and one friend from the same posse that got her famous died by the hands of someone else during a supposed one of their pranks. Of course, law enforcement got involved and she was told to do nothing but sit pretty and act if she hadn't seen or known what had happened. It was one of those enlightening moments when she learned what the world really thought about her. She was just some lonely girl from high school who picked up some make up tips and had puberty work out for them, that everyone just saw her as some lummox who would eventually be fame hungry enough to do anything they asked.

She soon confessed, and that was just enough for her to completely escape conviction, after which she was content to erase all evidence of her existence on the internet and move far away from her hometown. Life has been hard since trying to survive on her own, but she's had a chance to reconnect with who she used to be, and quite honestly she's lucky enough not to have had any stalkers or threats against her since then.

Nowadays, she works under the name Kebi Carmen which is a pseudonym for her real Korean name. She hopes above all that no one recognizes her and that the internet has largely forgotten the girl with big glasses and the weird hair.

Your character's favorite song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCXsRoyFRQE


*Your age:

*What part of the world are you from?

*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: 6 years???
I was on the Guild before it went down one Christmas, then I forgot my password to my old account so I just made a new, then I kinda quit for a few months earlier last year cause of some personal things.

*How often do you have time to post?
My schedule is pretty open I mean I can post consistently, the problem isn't time for me but motivation.

*Anything else you want to mention?
I like drawing as well, altho I wouldn't say im good enough to draw any OC's I make for RP's but if you ever do want to see my works just ask. I work a pretty lowly part time job, nothing to really say about it. I used to be a Graphic Design major in College but switched to Web Design lol, so I know a bit of Photoshop.

This character was inspired by all the damn Youtube drama videos I was watching today lol just gotta be honest with y'all lol
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 10 days ago

Max Sylvester Summerson

Age: 28, just.


Height: 5'11

Weight: 145 Ibs

Likes: Cigarettes, Cigars and Malt Whiskey; Fast Cars and Slow women; Coffee and Morning Mist; Working under the wing on a sunny day; Flying the plane in stormy weather; Lobster Thermidor and Pot Noodles; Letting off steam and Buckshot; Keats, Burns and Chaucer; Risk, Monopoly and DnD; Batting off of the wing of his plane; Big Dogs and sweeping up the runway; playing music loudly in a traffic jam.

Dislikes: Paying Taxes and Government Plane Inspectors; Large Airlines and Traffic Control; Electric Cars and Counting Pennies; Other Pilots and Other Mechanics; Daedalus and PanAm.

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Special Talent: Mental Arithmetic

Profession: Commercial Passenger/Cargo Pilot

Personality: A bit on the quiet side, when Max says something his voice demands attention, that said he's not an attention seeker by any stretch of the word. Despite that he is a fun loving, and creative individual when you've been around him enough, with a very genuine sense of life and openness. As of recently however he has become more irritable and moody, with the decline of his company and the loss of his one other employee. He lives his life in a state of barely satiated boredom, having relied on his own entertainment as his circle of friends is fairly scant. But when he is with people, people he likes, he likes to take part in good hearted mayhem. Max doesn't feel like he is above anyone, and that comes off in the way he speaks to people, this doesn't mean he won't speak up if he knows he's right.

Bio: To understand Max, one must take a trip back in time, to a time before he was born. Max's grandfather had emigrated from Germany to the United States in the Mid-30s, under his new, anglicized name Simon Summerson (previously Simone Zimmersonne). He had worked for Dornier as a technician at one of their engine works, and so had experience with motors and planes, as his engines went into Dornier's planes; the rise of the Nazi Party, however, convinced him to leave Germany. Quickly Simon found that his German Marks were worthless, and stuck in Britain as a young man with no credible references, he had to do petty work for petty cash. Once the war started however, he was drafted into the Airforce as a mechanic, and during desperate times he himself was forced to pilot fighters.

After the war, decorated and an ace, Simon made the final leg of his journey to America. There, on the cramped boat, he made the acquaintance of one Axel Suhlhoff (Anglicized to Axel Suhl), a German Catholic who managed to escape in the final months of the war to Spain. Both being native to south Germany, they stuck together; Axel had not come alone however, he traveled with his wife and children. And his sister, Mira (whom Simon later married). Upon arriving the group continued to travel together, and found a place to settle in Solaris County. There, with what funds they had left, opened a machine shop and worked on tractors and crop dusters. It was in the summer of 51, when the government was surplusing DC-3s, that year Summerson and Suhl entered the business of actual flying.

By the end of the 50s Suhl had passed away, but the company was in strong financial shape, the fleet had tripled to 9 planes by that time; making numerous flights every month under contract with state government. Summerson and Suhl continued to preform strongly for decades, hauling goods, mail and passengers and into and out of state. Plans for an air traffic control were drafted up and Martin, Simon's son, was acquiring finances when news arrived that Pan-America was opening a division on the west coast. Daedalus. Those plans of opening a terminal and getting the contract to traffic surrounding airspace were quickly put aside as an up hill battle ensured. Backed by the wealth of its mother company, Daedalus had established a large regional airport that quickly became international, state shifted its contracts with the newer airline and business began to dry up as a result of uncompetitive pricing of Daedalus deals.

During this time Max was being raised, his father had insisted Max and all his children go to public school, despite his considerable wealth. Max didn't do particularly well, nor did he do particularly poorly, he was an average student by all accounts, only really excelling in maths but not algebra. Max was considered one of the cool kids, but his choice of company never really expressed it. He tended towards hanging out with the "nerds", going so far that people called him King of the nerds, a title he begrudgingly accepted. In this time he got into bored games and maths championships, skipping out on parties and dating for a night of DnD or CoC. Not to say he's never had experience with with the other gender, but his experience is lacking. Upon graduation his father's connections easily found him a place in the state university, where mostly he kept his head down and did his work, all the while training to be a pilot. It had seemed as though he was the only one of his father's children who had any intention on joining the family business.

S&S slowly began to decline, and as did Martin's health, the once large fleet had to be sold off to cover medical expenses, and Daedalus tried numerous times to buy out the company to no avail.

Max assumed control of the company a week after his father's passing, by that point it was him, and one other pilot. And 9 silent DC-3s, the planes that his father had instructed him not to sell no matter what. Loyal customers continued to be loyal, keeping the company barely afloat, but the company never really operated at full capacity. Recently the other pilot left for a more lucrative contract at Daedalus, and Max carries out contracts very rarely, coasting on the money he was left by his father and his degree in Civil Engineering. Max resides in the large house that was once his family home, his siblings had all grown up and left, and the house was empty but for a few rooms. His mother continues to live with him, quietly assuming her duties as head of the house.

Your character's favorite song: youtube.com/watch?v=KVi1EOtWECo

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by aladdin_sane
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Sasha Zhenya Kuznetsov

Age: 26

Height: 175 cm or 5’9”

Weight: 57 kg or 125 lbs

Likes: Beauty, Fashion, Painting, Opera, Film, Luxury, Racquetball, Gossip, Being the Center of Attention, Drinking, Fighting, Clubbing

Dislikes: Getting Dirty, Boredom, Manual Labor, the Criminally Unfashionable, his Russian Accent, the Family Business, Responsibility, Pity, Consequences

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Special Talent: Sasha has been described as being Silver-Tongued and with effort is able to coax others into aligning with his cause. He can also convincingly turn on the waterworks when he needs to ask his Uncle for more money.

Profession: While Sasha would describe himself employed in the Warholian sense in that he’s more or less a figure of a public repute, he is technically employed in a more traditional manner by a subsidiary of Vencorp International his Uncle’s multi-billion dollar company and Sasha holds the title of “Central Solutions Synergist”. What exactly his responsibilities are remain a mystery as while it is known that while he does draw a hefty salary the local tabloids contest that he is quite averse to showing up at the office or doing anything resembling actual work.

Personality: Sasha is rather vain and places great value on one’s personal appearance. He is quite flamboyant and is known to be vindictive to those that cross him. He is also averse to even well-placed criticism and surrounds himself with people that do not challenge him in the slightest. Like many isolated by the walls of privilege Sasha he never really exerts himself and relies on his Uncle’s money to solve all his problems. Sasha worships the proverbial cult of the individual and cares little for those outside of himself.

Bio: Do to the economic hardship that followed dissolution of the Soviet Union Sasha the youngest child amongst nine siblings was born into a life of abject poverty; during the heyday of Communism his father Kazimir Kuznetsov a low ranking party member was able to provide a relatively comfortable life for his family, however as the market economy was gradually reintroduced into Soviet society the family fortunes plummeted. Kazimir drifted from job to job as in the early 1990’s salary delays were extremely common and sometimes pay did not arrive for months. He was an extremely bitter man unsuited for the pressure of a competitive work environment who took his frustrations out on his wife Lilia and children beating them severely for the slightest transgressions (real or imagined). Sasha remembers little of his father other than his unkempt appearance and harsh demeanor. Despite the stereotype of masculine looking Russian woman Sasha recalls the gentle beauty of his mother, how she radiated kindness and compassion.

While her husband was away at work or off drinking Lilia would lead the children down back alleys and side streets to plunder the garbage bins of their village, looking for metal (iron, copper, aluminum, and so on) that they could sell or trade for extra provisions. This was Sasha life from birth to around age six life with inadequate food, exposure to the extreme cold, and hard labor was bad enough, but young Sasha came to hate the dirtiness of it all. In 1995 when he was four years old his mother and other families in his hometown managed to arrange a trip to Moscow which was around 1000 km away; there was no pretense regarding the trip it was to dig through the trash of slightly richer people. It was there amongst the refuse he found a crumpled advert for a ballet being performed at the Bolshoi Theatre, the sheer beauty of ballerinas made him weep as he realized his own inadequacies; he was deeply ashamed of his unkempt hair, his dirty finger nails, the repugnant odor the emanated off his person, his ignorance, and the look of pity people cast upon him. He vowed to himself to become one of the beautiful ones, a person to be looked at with reverence rather than sorrow. It was a childish notion to put such an emphasis on beauty, yet Sasha was still a child in a harsh world.

Most never escape the vice-grip of poverty and should his Mother have never gotten sick Sasha would have been doomed to the same fate. When Sasha was six years old Lilia was on her deathbed due to an untreated case of pneumonia, despite her husband’s express wishes she contacted her brother Aleksey Matfey Petrov and begged him to take the children. While for most multiple mouths to feed would be a burden, Lilia knew her brother could handle it. Aleksey heavily benefited from the era of privatization and founded Vencorp Kredit which was the fourth largest Russian bank until the financial crisis of 1998. Aleksey tried in vain to help his sister’s family in the past, but his efforts were rebuffed by Kazimir who considered the upstart to be a traitor to ideals of Lenin. It was snowy December day, when Aleksey along with his current wife drove the 1000km from Moscow in his 1996 Bentley Brooklands to collect his nieces and nephews. Per Kazimir’s implicate instructions each of his children were to rebuff their decadent Uncle and decline his invitation to live with him. All of his siblings perfectly echoed their father’s rejection, but Sasha enraptured by his relative’s elegance embraced them and accepted their offer much to his father’s chagrin. Upon reflection Sasha thinks was the happiest he ever saw his mother. He never saw his immediate family again as his mother passed away a few weeks later and the rest never kept in contact with him.

Sasha lived with his relatives in their opulent Moscow estate for until he was eighteen where he engaged in all the splendors that only money could buy. Expensive tutors supplemented the years of education of the young boy missed, he quickly became fluent in both Russian and English. As his Uncle could not deny his nephew anything, at his bequest experts were brought to him from as far as Paris and Milan to cultivate his personal beauty, whilst also teaching him about the rigors of being fashionable. He travelled the culture capitals of the world with his Aunt and Uncle blossoming his love for art and opera. For Sasha’s thirteenth birthday the Bolshoi Ballet dedicated a performance in his honor and as the multitude of people assembled at the theater clapped for him the boy’s outlook was changed for the worse. You see for the first few years living with his relatives Sasha was appreciative of the opportunity presented to him and yearned to help others…. make the whole world beautiful, but sitting above the assembled masses he came to the realization that only a select few truly deserved admiration and he was among those privilege few. Narcissism engulfed Sasha and he became quite a spoiled brat.
The family emigrated to the United States in 2009 and took up residence in Sol City. Aleksey Petrov was behind the privatization of much of the city’s public utilities. Vencorp has its fingers in many proverbial pies across Sol City. At age eighteen Sasha through no merit of his own entered the prestigious Yale university and it is probable that his Uncle paved his way for his nephew’s acceptance through a generous donation or two. It is here that Sasha meet a group of likeminded individuals and formed what the tabloids dubbed “The Perfect Posse.” The Perfect Posse is comprised of the sons of men of privilege who despite having the perfect starting point to achieve greatness choose to squander their unearned wealth by consuming copious amounts of illicit substances and liquor, dressing in only top tier designer clothing, being for the most part generally good looking, exuding toxic masculinity, and always being at the center of some controversy. Other than Sasha the other ne'er-do-wells are.
Lupe Amor Asís: Described as looking like young Fidel Castro if he was obese this son of a prominent Florida senator is best known for his Instagram where he flaunts the benefits of his father’s wealth or beats up less fortunate people then himself often with the help of his bodyguards. He single-handily derailed his father’s 2016 presidential bid when he appeared on CNN drunk and wet his expensive tracksuit in an incident dubbed Pissgate. Much to the embarrassment to the Cuban-American community Lupe also has almost as many criminal charges as he does Instagram followers, but it is speculated that his father’s political clout would prevent any actual punishment from being delivered if a trial is ever convened that is; he has yet to be convicted of any of his offenses.

Khorshid Dana Charmchi : Once dubbed the dumbest man with a degree, this son of a famous Indian oil magnate gets by only on a wink and smile as despite his good looks and the amount of money his father pours into his directing/acting career, he directs and/or stars in nothing but flops that are routinely mocked by Youtube based critics the world over. Khorshid is also derided for his esoteric beliefs and lapses in common sense. For example, he believes that gravity is a conspiracy, an all air diet can help one safely lose weight, Robert E. Lee was a great president, and that meditation is a viable cure for HIV. The fact he holds dual citizenship is derided by many late night talk show hosts especially after he failed a basic history test on Kimmel. All things considered he was at least a half decent Yale cheerleader.

Sasha graduated from Yale University in 2014 where he majored in art and moved back to Sol City with his cohorts in toe. They all co-own a sprawling penthouse on the 91th floor of a luxury apartment building that overlooks the park, the 8,255 square feet is comprised of six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, two powder-rooms, a library, a grand piano, and other amenities. A private elevator leads to the room.
While they are often jet setting across the globe the Perfect Posse finds themselves stuck in Sol City while Lupe currently wearing an ankle monitoring device deals with the fallout from punching a paparazzi in the face at a local nightclub.

Your character's favorite song: youtube.com/watch?v=O-zpOMYRi0w

(OOC) Tell us about yourself

Your age: 24

What part of the world are you from?: United States

How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: I started playing D&D when I was around ten, but I did not branch out to online roleplaying until I was around thirteen or fourteen. Started out with character roleplay profiles on Myspace and let’s say I am extremely thankful that those early sessions have never been archived and the profiles are long deleted. While, I undoubtedly learned much in terms of writing from those initial forays into the digital realm I am glad they are distant memories as the large majority of that stuff was just unadulterated cringe. Though I would be lying if I did not admit that upon reflection I still find moments from that period that can make me smile.

How often do you have time to post?: Fairly often. Probably 2-3 times a week.

What you do for a living?: I suppose I dabble…you know jack of all trades master of none. Currently running the rat race.

How much do you work a week? 40+ hrs.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Furiosa
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Furiosa "Out here, everything hurts."

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

ℛen 𝒲hite

Age: 21


Height: 185 cm / 6’

Weight: 78 kg / 171 lbs

Likes: Coffee, lots of it. Drinking – he loves to forget all about who he is, but hates being vulnerable of spilling his thoughts to other people. Arguing, and being right.

Dislikes: Nosy people. Annoying people. People who think they’re better than him. Going to bed - Ren loves to sleep, but hates lying in bed alone with his thoughts.

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. Birthday: November 1st.
Strengths: Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend.
Weaknesses: Distrusting, jealous, secretive, violent.
Scorpio likes: Truth, facts, being right, longtime friends, teasing, a grand passion.
Scorpio dislikes: Dishonesty, revealing secrets, passive people.

Special Talent: Ren was taught to play the piano as a child, and is really good at it. Not that he wants anybody to know. He is also surprisingly good at dancing.

Profession: Studying to become a doctor at the most prestigious university in the city.

Bio/Personality: Ren is the only child of a rich family. His father inherited a successful pharmaceutical company from his father again, earning them a fortune. Growing up in a big mansion Ren had lots of servants and maids around him, but rarely his parents - who were busy working. He has few friends and big time trust issues. He’s snarky, short tempered, grumpy and sulky when he doesn’t get his way. He’s smug, arrogant and believes himself to be better than most people. Secretly he just wants to be accepted for who he is instead of what he has and who his father is. He envies people who makes friends easy, and though he will never admit it he is drawn towards such people. Ren is struggling with his sexuality, not knowing what he identifies as. He tries to forget this by studying in most of his free time. As his father wanted, he’s in Med. School studying to become a doctor, unsure of this is what he actually wants to do with his life.

Your character's favorite song: Written in the Water by Gin Wigmore. If you bring this up Ren will turn beet red and utterly deny ever having heard of the song.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Xia Alexander
(First name pronounced: See-ya)

Age: 25

Appearance: She's basically slim and athletic built with plump lips and skin tone to match her African America, native American, and Caribbean roots.

Height: 5'8

Weight: 140 lbs

martial arts
Italian, Jamaican, Chinese, Greek, and greasy ass southern food
pastries (her weakness)
Meeting new people
Helping others

Boring people
being alone
disrespectful people
creepy dudes

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Special Talent: Natural athlete, quick learner, and I guess...you could say she's talented in sex?

Profession: Physical Therapist/personal trainer and part time Massage Therapist

Bio/Personality: Born to an African American/ Native American father and a mother from Barbados, Xia was originally born in the Virgin Islands where she spent the first 3 years there as a child. From the time she was born and through her life, Xia was quite a rambunctious one since childhood.

Usually in fights and in trouble, Xia was never afraid to stand up for herself. Going from fighting girl and then to guys who picked on her and then having a bit of a temper, she was a bit difficult to deal with. Her father was in the navy, mostly having to move around to different places her father was stationed. This allowed her to see different cultures such as Hawaii, Japan, and even Puerto Rico.

Despite her behavior problem as a younger child, she eventually got better with her attitude and began maturing a bit. She have big heart for people and very caring towards the children. To match her aggression, she took up sports, Capoeira, and MMA to channel that aggression into something positive.

When her father got injured from a car accident and the injuries caused him to not have a lot of mobility along with constant muscle pain, Xia wanted to take up physical therapy and massage therapy to try and help treat her father from his pain. Even with an outspoken nature, she is a sweetheart deep down.

She's had a few relationship problems through her teens. Most of her boyfriends cheated on her or just tried fighting her. She lost her virginity at 16 but then dumped a week later after being used by him. Since then, she's had many more relationship issues and at one time, dated female.

With all that she's been through, he mother noticed all the stress she's had living at home trying to help her father, dealing with relationships, and just being unhappy in general where she was living. As a suggestion, her mother offered that she should move away and start brand new and that's where Sol City came to play.

It have not been long since Xia moved to Sol City, maybe a month or more now and she is currently still getting used to such a lively city. No friends yet but she keeps herself busy while looking to find new work in her profession so to make the money she'd like. She have no idea what's to come but she will make the best of it.

Your character's favorite song: (Song has a long intro so you may have to skip a minute and a half to get to the actual song) youtube.com/watch?v=PeonBmeFR8o and this: youtube.com/watch?v=yGYpMyDx5Es

The following is not required, but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.

Tell us about yourself:

*Your age: 31

*What part of the world are you from? FL, USA

*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: about 6-7 years

*How often do you have time to post? Eh...damn....when I have time *shrug* lol. Mostly once or twice a day. may miss no more than 2-3 days. if it's longer, I will let the group and partners know.

*Anything else you want to mention? What you do for a living? How much do you work a week? What do you enjoy doing besides writing? Put as much as you want. I work Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm but am able to post and talk during that time when things are slow. I love to eat and watch/collect movie and show series. I collect comics and read manga as well. And...I'm pretty open so, if anyone wants to get to know me, feel free to PM me :).
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TwelveOf8
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TwelveOf8 The second apostle is mine.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

James Cobalt

Fun fact: Cobalt is his least favourite colour.

Age: 28

Height: 185cm or 6'1"

Weight: 84kg or 185lbs

Likes: Working out, clubbing, dancing, flirtation, video games, coding, art appreciation, mystery novels and language learning.

Dislikes: Politics, having lack of control over ones life, working late at night, hot and humid weather, forced conformity, neediness in others and people who create drama.

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Special Talent: Pattern recognition and a generally good sense of direction.

Profession: Digital nomad and brogrammer. A digital nomad is a programmer who makes a living by working alone on his laptop. They have the freedom to move around and live wherever they like as long as the can support themselves. A brogrammer is basically a slang word that means someone who takes part in non-geeky pastimes who also happens to be a programmer.

Bio/Personality: A man of few words but many stories. James Cobalt has always been of the quiet sort. Unbeknownst to all but a few though that quietness hid a wild and adventurous side. Growing up in Auckland, New Zealand, James always felt that he never truly belonged. Sure, people were nice enough to him but the lifestyle and mentality of a typical New Zealander was always hopelessly banal to him. Support the local rugby team and drink a few choice brews with the bros. It was all well and good for most people. Such a prospect though quickly grew stale for James. Many people considered him a pretentious douchebag and perhaps they were right but the life of a pretentious douchebag suited James just fine. To be able to both enjoy a a wide range of food and music whilst learning something new about the world appealed to him greatly. This love of the what is different and new fueled his wanderlust to an unquenchable level.

Sol City was everything James wanted in a city. It had culture, class, sophistication, cool bars and clubs, many young people and a love of liberalism. It was perfect. And so with that in mind James decided to leave New Zealand and move somewhere more hip and happening. Being a creative and independent loner was a hindrance when it came to forging long lasting relationships with people but it did have its perks. It allowed James to forge a skill set that made it possible to work with others distantly over the internet with no supervision at all. Such a level of freedom came at a cost though. Uncertainty and a lot of extra work came with the territory of being a digital nomad but James wouldn't have it any other way. With his unique skill set and his independent loner type nature it didn't take long for James to uproot his life in Auckland and transplant himself seamlessly into the exciting and glamourous backdrop of Sol City.

Apartment hunting proved to be quite a lengthy process. Thankfully in the end, James was able to find a nice enough single room apartment for himself in the Western Shore area of Sol City. It was nowhere near as hip and as happening as he hoped but the area, as far as James could tell, was relatively safe. The rent there wasn't too stifling though he still had to budget like a miser. It was worth it though to live in the same city that the legendary programmer Markus Hughes first began his successful career. With the promise of an adventure over the horizon and many a nice young lass to meet, James Cobalt eagerly set off into the neon wilds of Sol City to realise his destiny.

Your character's favorite song:

Tell us about yourself:

*Your age: mid twenties

*What part of the world are you from?: Australia

*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: Technically I have been a member of this site for like three years or something but I've only been roleplaying for a year though.

*How often do you have time to post?: It depends on how busy I am and how lazy I feel. At least once every three days. At most one post a day.

*Anything else you want to mention? What you do for a living? How much do you work a week? What do you enjoy doing besides writing? Put as much as you want: I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma and dipped in a dream.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 16 min ago

Why ya think?

Victoria Darya Romus “vika”

Name: “Lady” Victoria Darya Romus “vika” "Lady De Winter"

Age: 23

Appearance: Once athletic like her half sister she suffered from a rare condition, though she survived this has left her weaker and noticeably her skin tone like fresh snow and is a fair bit shorter than her sister. She relies on walking stick to walk and is fairly slim build.

Long white haired with a detailed platt weaved in (like deneris Targerian, Got) , the extremely pale skin and lighter hair can be a little bit disconcerting to some people, shares matching grey eyes with her sister. They both look like related but not identical.

Height: 4;9 to 5’0

Weight: 95 Pounds


Warm weather but not heat waves
Geeky fun
Loyal to family
Laptop and digital in general.
Sweet tooth


General fitness freaks etc
Cold weather
Those who treat her as helpless
Intense sunlight, she burns easily.
Having to rely on others too much if she can help it.
People staring
Overly spicey foods
Betrayal and false friends.
Those who treat her like she is helpless despite needing help at times.

Zodiac Sign: Aires

Special Talent: able to perform a near pitch perfect lara croft impression and has a knack with fixing a wide range of digital devices that at times defies logic.

Profession: Works from home, App and digital coding, also supported by a allowance from her father as her illness left her unable to work full time.

Bio/Personality: Born to Vesarian after he left Maria , her mother was killed in a accident when she was young and seeking a redemption for leaving his first daughter he vowed to never let down his second.

Her life was fairly normal to begin with bar her father being away alot as part of his job and often was in care of a nanny or other relatives around half the year.

She was a normal confident teanager before the condition hit her and was a promising track athlete, even attracting attention of the county scouts. All that was to come to end when she began to weaken, her skin went pale as snow and soon things looked dire.

Her father who had made his money in the shipping industry working on jobs regardless of the moral aspects and high on the financial reward soon plowed every resource he had into finding a cure for the condition and rapidly made a large dent in his fortunes he had earned.

The recovery took several years in which she was often stuck at home or hospitals and soon began learning to code apps and other digital systems. Plenty of time to learn she soon mastered it and found she enjoyed it, also meaning she could work from home and avoid some of the stares she got in public.

Though she began to regain her confidence she never was going to regain her skills and fitness she had. She eventually regained contact with her half sister and the two soon formed a strong bond once they got to know each other.

She ended up at Sol city after her father's business arrangements when exposed in a documentary on armaments shipments to Africa. With less friendly attention growing back in England she decided to move in with her sister and start afresh over in Sol City where she was just another young woman.

Her title stems from her father, much like her sister but the family wealth and estate was spent and gone several generations ago and all their current wealth was built by her father.

Her personality and confidence slowly began to recover after her illness and also earning her own money after years of being supported by her father or others. Though still needing some support she has began to regain her independence and moving in with her sister was the best option available.
and though slow to trust and warm is very loyal once her friendship is earned.

Working in coding and digital systems has meant she can escape the office and work from home, not tied to a county she was able to carry on her work even when forced to move countries. Both her father and half sister have been very protective of the youngest member of the family, despite her desire for independence she has long realised she does need some support day to day.

Your character's favorite song:

The following is not required, but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.

Tell us about yourself: Ctrl C… lol.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Matsuri
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Matsuri procrastination station

Member Seen 9 mos ago



N A M E:
Aya Kagamine

A G E:

A P P E A R A N C E:
A skyscraper of a Japanese woman, Aya stands at around 5'9. Her hair is soft and thick, and her eyes are quite thin and sharp. There's also a small beauty spot at the bottom of her lip. Funnily enough, her eyebrows are quite thin, something her friends usually tease her for.

H E I G H T:

W E I G H T:
132 lbs

L I K E S:
Spicy food
Scaring away flocks of pigeons (when there's no one around, of course.)
Taking walks in the park
Playing with her trusty guitar/keyboard
Chewing gum

D I S L I K E S:
Beaches (or more specifically, sand)
Sweet food
Heavy rain
The deep end of the swimming pool (or the fucking sea)
Getting lost in the middle of nowhere
Lettuce (there's a story behind that)
Writing that's way too small to read

Z O D I A C S I G N:

S P E C I A L T A L E N T:
Aya can play the guitar and the piano very well. Also, force her into a karaoke night and she'll destroy any singer who dares to cross her path.

O C C U P A T I O N:
Aya is a barista at The Café Pot. Every other week she'll even perform on the weekends with her trusty guitar, playing simple tunes to liven up the café and earn herself some extra cash.

P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Although her job requires her to be as sociable and well-mannered as possible, Aya is a generally aloof person in other social situations. She appears to be the calm and level-headed type, but she is, in reality, a firework waiting to be set off. Stubborn and having a no-nonsense and blunt attitude, Aya doesn't really attract much positive attention. She has a very sarcastic sense of humour and usually comes off as unapproachable and intimidating, even if she's really doing her best not to. And of course she knows that getting mad at the slightest things or the stupidest of peoples isn't always wise. Sometimes, it just sort of... happens.

But past events haven't just shaped her into the woman she appears to be today. Aya's had her not-so-good moments, and right now she seems to be in the midst of a very big one. She's confused, she's stressed, and the only way she's able to handle it is to bottle everything up and end up acting like an ass to everybody. She doesn't necessarily want to act like this towards her friends and other people, but sometimes, just like her short temper, it just sort of happens.

Aya may be a bit difficult to understand and talk to, but she's just looking for people she can rely on and people she can be happy with. It's going to be hard to get her out of that awkward, angry shell of hers, but even Aya is seeking to change that for the better.

B I O:
Ever since not so little Aya was born, her single mother had always been struggling to keep their lives together. From their apartment to their bookstore that was barely standing on its feet financially, the first few years of Aya's time walking on Earth was a hard time for her mother. However, not wanting her child to be affected by such things, a smile would cover her stress, and laughter would conceal her sadness. Aya was still young then, so she never really noticed.

Then, in her first year of high school, her mother fell ill after overworking herself. It would take about a month or so for her to fully recover, but that month would be the time where Aya realised what her mother had been going through the second she was born. It was painful to discover such things at a time of bleakness and distress. It was the first time when Aya had felt like such a great burden, and she wanted to do anything that would stop her from being one.

Aya had a deep passion for writing short stories, and an even deeper passion for creating her own music ever since childhood, but the realisation that those music lessons and idly daydreaming about new story ideas was taking a toll on her mother's health, their money, and her own school grades was boiling an inner conflict within her. All that time she could have spent doing something productive like getting a part time job or putting more effort into studying more academic subjects, wasted. At that time, it seemed that Aya had been chasing her dreams of becoming a writer or a musician without considering the negative consequences at all. Would it be enough to fill Aya's pockets when she desperately needed it? Going for a much more 'praised' job would have been, well, better, right?

Then, the time finally came for the two to part ways. Aya would have to make her own breakthrough into the real world, leaving her mother behind with extra space in the house and more money to spend and leaving herself filled with worry concern. Weekly phone calls would become a thing once Aya had moved in elsewhere, and the only thing the woman hoped for was that her mother would pick up every single time she called.

I'm a roleplayer from the UK who's been writing for about 2 years on site, but the whole roleplaying thing started a few years before. Depending on how busy or motivated I am I can usually get around 2-3 posts out each week, maybe more depending on post lengths and if I have the free time. I just like to write about pretty ladies, I guess.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Monacho
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Monacho t h e  / w o r s t

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Olin Ingersson Holmström


For the most part people do just use 'Olin', however it's not uncommon to hear 'Lenny' or 'Oli' instead. Her close family calls her by 'Bruno' at times, as this is derived from her Name Day*.


18 (July 17, 1999)


Olin's appearance would best be described as... 'Androgynous'. She has a short, blond undercut that's usually pinned back on a side, and almost enthralling cerulean orbs. This combined with her close to pale skin tone is what she considers 'burdens of ancestry'. Her frame is slender and athletic, which is a puzzle to those that see exactly how often she poisons her body. She has a few non-visible tattoos: 'EST. IN 1999' sprawled against her chest in script, a Japanese-styled tiger in front of cherry-blossoms just a little below her collarbone, and the date '05 / 15 / 2015' on her left, upperarm.

According to Lenny, she's tall. And super muscular. Don't forget the muscular part.






Having fun/living in the moment
Reading - If you ask her, this isn't true.
Being alone - Although Olin enjoys being around other's and the majority of her life revolves around it, there are times in which she craves isolation.
'Physical-activities-involving-more-than-one-person-at-home' And lots of it.


Goody-two shoes
Boring people
People who tell Swede jokes

Zodiac Sign:


Special Talent:

She considers herself to be a pretty good nuisance if she feels it's necessary.

Olin can also become an extremely manipulative person if it involves attaining something that primarily leads to her satisfaction and/or happiness. She attributes this in part to her parents' occupations and sees no qualms in using it if she can get away with it.


Olin bounces from occupation to occupation often. She dislikes being held in place for too long and at a cost of her hedonistic lifestyle tends to work unconventional hours. Currently she's a cashier at an 'odds-and-ends' shop in Sol, but without a doubt that's due to change.


Olin was born in Stockholm, Sweden to Inger and Lova Holmström, two extremely popular journalists. Due to the nature of her parents's jobs her family had the ability to move around quite often. They ventured throughout various parts of Europe, such as England, Germany, Wales, Ireland, France, Poland, only setting up shop for a few weeks or months at a time. This led to Olin falling in love with travel and living a nomadic lifestyle. However, at nine her parents made the decision to permanently settle in the 'States after continuously growing tired of moving and the fifth pregnancy of Lova.

At first the decision caused a ripple within the family as-well with their extended half. Some of her uncles, aunts, and cousins so it as a foolish pursuit of the American Dream. In her young mind it was simply unecessary. To this day she can't quite explain how it felt to step out of the Logan International Airport, and getting her first glimpse of the American lifestyle in Boston. It can only be compared to a first love. An ignition of feelings and a new part of you you're unable to understand, yet you try hard to do so. Regardless of previous apprehensions, by ten she could recite the Star Spangled Banner and dreamed of going into the Marines. Her mind was clouded with the need to excel beyond her native peers to prove her worth.

At twelve it was winning the regional Spelling Bee or petitioning to create a debate team at her school. Thirteen she'd read the vast majority of the Classics and could recite Shakespeare with enough emotion to beguile symphonies. Then came her Freshmen year and a lack of tests on the refrigerator. Her grades began to go downhill. The thought of going to school was enough to cause her stomach to wrench. There wasn't a program she didn't get kicked out of, leaving her parents to scramble for an answer to her abrupt fall. It wasn't in time enough for her current school to even think of inviting her back, nor to save her from the crowd of 'delinquents' and 'rebels' she'd fallen into.

Shortly put, all of her desires and accolades were gone. Olin began to resent the conformity and patriotism she at first loved. Her mind was focused on making her own decisions based on her own happiness without much care to how it impacted her. Their precious Bruno, in short, had begun a road towards self-destruction. By sixteen her days consisted of drinking or doing drugs or having sex or doing anything to just stop the constant restlessness in her veins. She used people. Threw them away. Couldn't go a day without getting into a fight with her parents. After increasing concerns of her behavior spilling into her youngest brother, Sigge, grew much more pressing, Inger and Lova's only choice was to kick her out as soon as she graduated.

Luckily they weren't 'monsters' and gave her enough to survive a month or two off of. And they made it clear that if she ever needed more, they'd always pickup the call. Plus to her it was more of a gift than anything. Hell, most seventeen year-olds salivated at the thought of being on their own. She jumped on a Greyhound to anywhere it'd take her. Chicago. New York. Memphis. Orlando. Los Angeles. And in-between the way she learned how to scrape money together. Make a network. Enjoy life. Engage in somethings nobody her age should ever know about, and other-days, it was like dancing to a broken record in front of the full moon. Thoughtless. Thoughtless.

So what brought her to Sol City? Eventually she did need to crawl back to her parents for help. And at that time it just happened to be in a shoddy bathroom in an equally as pleasant club just outside of the city's outskirts. She remembers slipping into a stall, off something that made it feel as if she'd drifted into a polaroid. There she sucked up all of her pride along with some rainbow colored salamanders. Of course her they picked up their call, like they said (Was there ever a Swede to not keep their word), but that wasn't before a catch was added.

Needless to say the next morning Olin threw on her best clothes before strolling down to the nearest community college. This of course happened to be in Sol. Surprisingly she lasted just a little under four months before sleeping with the wrong guy or girl - it was a bit blurry, as there were many others that had gotten acquainted with her figure that night - and was forced to break a few of their lovely partner's ribs. That 1.) Ended up crashing the house party and 2.) Bringing up a pretty interesting story to her academic adviser. Of course that's not what got her kicked out. No. That was being on campus obviously intoxicated and forcing them to expel her.

Since she's considered Sol to be a temporary home until she can afford to hit the road again.

Your character's favorite song**:

* A Name Day was at first the Swedish equivalent to a birthday. Now, it is more-so just a name associated with your birthday. However, if your name is a Name Day, some still have a mini-celebration on it.

** Because someone like Olin could never listen to something like Jazz or Classical... Right?

What part of the world are you from?:

Southern U.S. Sadly I am waiting to acquire my 'country' accent.

How many years have you been writing/roleplaying:

I'm not exactly sure. I have been through at least 3-4 wipes of this site (old account), and think I began RPing in 2010. Yet the thought of it being seven years since I first started is mindboggling, plus it's been an on/off thing for me. In contrast I've been writing creatively pretty much ever since I could pick up a pencil. I first fell in love with poetry, yet that's something I've had a fall-out with for the past two years.

How often do you have time to post?:

At least twice a day at most. At least, five times a week.

Anything else you want to mention? What do you enjoy doing besides writing?:

My biggest enjoyment besides writing is possibly listening to music. It's been a huge part of my life since I was little, which has also led to me thinking over making a project sometime in the future. I also enjoy working-out, giving my dog stomach rubs, and other things I can't really think of as of now.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RoccanIronclad
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RoccanIronclad Blacksmith Of / Micelmeras

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Milo Ventri

Name: Milo Ventri
Age: 29

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 200

Likes: Drinking, smoking, seafood, big band and swing, Hema (historical european martial arts), Smithing, fishing, boating.

Dislikes: Gambling, shouting unnecessarily, pop music and those that love it, kendo, computers.

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Special Talent: despite his age he is a skilled longswordsman, as well as a somewhat accomplished blacksmith.

Profession: Milo is an old world Blacksmith by trade, he works out of a small workshop that he owns and lives in The Old Harbor part of the city.

Bio/Personality: As a child, Milo was entrenched in the world of iron. His family, living in a large steel producing city, were all part of the industry and so he was constantly exposed to the sights, but he chose to take a different approach, he chose to be a Blacksmith. Fantasizing about knights in armor, warriors clashing swords, he began to forge blades, and soon he began to use them. Milo soon began making a name for himself in his city on the tournament circuit, and with every win, new customers followed after seeing his own blades used in competition. This was surely the life he wanted and the one he was going to lead, all until he was involved in a car accident. With his leg badly damaged there was little hope of competition, but he could still practice and fight to an extent, the doctors all gave him hope that maybe someday, maybe he could compete.
Milo soon fell into a deep depression and began to drink heavily, but soon he was given a gift, a small workshop on the dockside of Sol city, his dream home, a new beginning, and maybe and solid chance to come back from his injury, a chance to make his name relevant again.

Milo tends to be a stubborn mule when it comes to most things, however, when he has been drinking you can get him to bend with a smile and a kind word, though be prepared for payback for taking advantage of him when he sobers up. Milo is very competitive and will fight to the bitter end with no sign of quitting even when he starts losing, now made more intense ever since pulling out of his depression, now that state is the fire that drives him.

Your character's favorite song:

Tell us about yourself:

*Your age: 24
*What part of the world are you from? USA
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: on and off for seven years
*How often do you have time to post? I can post everyday
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 5 days ago

Hannah Kathleen Rosewad

Age: 20

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 126lb

  • Music - particularly rock
  • Tea
  • The cold - particularly rugging up
  • Sweet foods
  • Joking around
  • Comedies
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Casual drinking
  • Reading

  • Hot weather
  • Spicy food
  • Snobby people
  • Maths
  • Fake people
  • Snakes
  • Sports

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Special Talent: Hannah has a certain knack for music. Not particularly in performance, although she does have a noteworthy singing voice and instrumentation skills, but more in the knowledge of theory and how to make songs work. Her ears are very attuned to the world around her and she can pic up on even the small things in music.

Profession: Intern at Solace Recording Studio. Hannah's hoping to work her way up to eventually become a music producer, perhaps even own her own record label, but every big dream has a first step.

Hannah is an extremely outgoing and funloving person. She does not find it hard to make approach strangers, make friends and put herself out there. Hannah has a certain kindness to her outgoing personality that tends to make others around her feel welcome and accepted, however, that doesn't deprive particularly shy or introverted people from the clutches of awkwardness he loud and out-there nature may put them in. Hannah tends to be very loud. This tends to get worse when she's excited, which is rather often. She's very much an open book. Although she will keep secrets for her friends, she has a tendency to be straightforward and say anything on her mind which can lead her into big trouble at times. Hannah is a vey loyal and caring friend, however, her career goal means the world to her. She'd happily embarrass herself, push herself too far or give up nights out for a friend but she wouldn't jeopardise her career goal for anything.

Although Hannah tries to keep an open mind she is very strong-willed, so when her mind is set on something talking her out of it is not an easy feat. It's safe to say she's not the brightest bulb in the packet but she's not particularly dim either, however, she does have a certain persistence and drive to push herself when it comes to things she finds interest in. Hannah sometimes tries to push the social limits of her less sociable friends. As being someone who hasn't really ever been shy or introverted she tends to go a little too far at times.

Hannah was born second of four children in a smaller town quite a while away from Sol (about a day's worth of travel). Growing up there's little of too much interest to be said about Hannah's life. Her family were rather average both financially and relationship-wise. Unlike Thomas, her older brother, Hannah never showed huge promise in academics, nor interest in such things, and generally only valued the social aspect of her education. That was until Hannah was introduced to music and drama. The only subjects Hannah excelled at were music and drama, picking up both with absolute ease. Neither of her parents were musically gifted so it's still a mystery where that talent came from but she found her fondest memories in those experiences.

Through her tween and teen years Hannah joined a theatre group and seemed to soon be involved in production after production, some through the company and some just from around town. Particularly in her last few years of her teens she snagged quite a few leading roles in local productions but her highlight in her theatre 'career' came when she was 16 when she got chosen from thousands of teens to play Liesl in semi-professional production of The Sound of Music that toured her state over the Summer holidays. It was during this time she was starting to learn about the sound part of the arts industry.

During her production she became close with Connor, the sound engineer on tour, who happened to work in a recording studio when he wasn't touring with musical theatre acts. Through him Hannah learned the basics of working with sound on tour and even assisted in some of the sound checks. Connor even taught her the basics of producing music and found herself falling in love with learning things along that line. As much as she adored musical theatre she quickly found her passion lied more behind the scenes and although she continued doing amateur theatre she cut back a bit and focused on her goal.

While she was touring Hannah found she loved the cities particularly and found herself convinced to move to Sol, one of the places she performed at, but city living is not cheap. Instead of moving fresh out of school, Hannah stayed with her parents and worked for a couple of years to earn some money. Eventually, she applied for an internship at Solace recording studio. She got accepted, which brings us to now. Only a couple of days into her job and new residence, Hannah is still adjusting to her new life but does enjoy it.

Your character's favourite song:

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Kuro ʟᴜᴍᴇɴ ᴀᴅ ᴍᴏʀᴛᴇᴍ / ɪɴ ᴛᴇɴᴇʙʀɪꜱ ꜱᴇʀᴠɪᴍᴜꜱ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Winter Everdale.


Winter is an unimpressive sight, indeed. Stuck in what appears to be the visage of someone in their late teens, Winter doesn't seem to have passed over to adulthood in any notable, or visible manner. The young man possesses a youthful face, for sure, and his scrawny body offers no favors in that regard. Needless to say, if he is to enter a bar, Winter better have that identification ready.

He does seem to lean towards a more rugged appearance, wearing baggy if not somewhat torn clothes. His hair is thick and hugs that slender face quite well, black like the feathers of a raven. Though he offers no notable amount in caring for it, Winter's hair finds home in a shape considered fitting, for most part. The last time he brought a brush, or a comb, to the strands of his hair was a scene where his dear mother forced a regal appearance unto an ever younger son.

Winter leaves much to be desired in the more sought after male in media and at the bar counter. He stands at a meager five feet, and five inches. His weight doesn't reach above ninety measly pounds and this takes into consideration a blatant lack of muscles upon that rather pale skin. In way, he appears somewhat ghostly with raven features added to an otherwise pale shape.

Converse shoes, cargo pants or torn jeans, hoodies and a pair of headphones fitting those fingerless gloves, Winter blends into the surrounding with ease. It isn't a hard feat to notice those large black eyes fixed on the ground as he walks, music blasting into his ears otherwise hidden behind a thick mane of hair. It is safe to make the assumption of his thoughts lingering in a space far from reality, where he appears more comfortable.

If approached, Winter will manage an awkward personality at best. Social endeavors do not appear to be his forté, and despite a myriad of attempts at seeming sure of himself, the young man fails miserably, which could be considered cute or pathetic, depending on the eyes viewing this peculiar spectacle.

Winter often possesses the scent of strawberry perfume as a go to, also reaching towards other fruity scents when the mood strikes. Does it fit his more punk like appearance? Not at all, and in a way, he likes it that way. Winter doesn't enjoy pea-cocking much, but there are times where he enjoys seeing the somewhat confused expression donning those communing with him. Of course, in between not being able to look them in the eyes.

Would one ever see Winter without the confines of fabric draping over him, one would lay eyes on the pale figure previously mentioned, with ribs quite easily displayed underneath his skin. He appears to have been spared the touch of facial hair, for most part. In either event, spotting Winter at the pool is a rare sight, indeed.


Ninety pounds.

"It's like...my job."

"Can't really write, without it."

"Don't judge."

"No, I'm not a weeaboo!"

"Look, it inspires me, okay?"

Chick Flicks.

"Think those abs are real? I'd lick chocolate from that ches-..I mean, character development, and stuff..."

"Hades! Get off my keyboard!"

"I'm out of thinking juice, damn it..."

Monster Energy.
"You don't have Pipeline Punch..? How is this store still in business?"

"I'll take you on."

"Hades, kill it! Stop licking your paw!"

"What the hell is this green stuff?"

"Look, I don't know why I was named after the worst season, ever."

The Cold.
"Hello darkness my old friend..."

"This tastes like piss."

"Oh my God, why are you so...dependent!?"

"Shut up!"

His Parents.
Mom, dad? Sincerely, fuck off."

His Agent.
"I am working on it, geez..."

Zodiac Sign


Claire Everdale - Mother, no contact.
Charles Everdale - Father, no contact.
Yuna Everdale - Older sister, close contact.
Miles Everdale - Younger brother, close contact.



Special Talent
Winter appears to be really good at video gaming, enough so to have attended a few tournaments, and won. Lately however, he has spent most of his time trying to work on his next book.

Winter is an author, but 'well known' is a term used for others. He is quite obscure, unpopular and mainly writes dark fantasy.

Personality Summary

Sitting alone in the dark, with large black eyes plastered on a screen, a Monster Energy drink neatly placed on the desk, one would lay eyes upon the most common sight displayed in the apartment harboring the young Winter Everdale. The quiet and withdrawn writer known by few as an acquaintance and even fewer as a friend. Winter is that guy you'd see in a Starbucks corner, sipping from a chai latte while vigorously typing on the laptop placed in front of him.

For those who would choose to crack this exterior shell and mayhaps' pursue that of which lays beyond the scene displayed, Winter will be found to be a rather sweet if not scrambled individual. His thoughts appear to be in constant full gear, his mind traveling in circles more often than not. He would however come off as distant, and acquaintances will often find themselves without contact, unless they take the first step. Winter, while well meaning, has a tendency of forgetting that of which comes to happen around him.

In light of this, Winter will quickly display his attention finding home in a fictional space within his mind. If he isn't thinking about his writing, he's considering his next book. If neither of this is the case, he'll be found reading The Call of Cthulu, or playing Bloodborne in pursuit of ideas.

Now, don't make the mistake in assuming Winter cold and detached. He does in fact, despite denying it, enjoy physical affection. Watching a movie with friends, sitting on a sofa together and having a set of arms draped around him, or perhaps leaning against a dear friend and slowly falling asleep are all scenes he'd gladly be part of. The only thing that's required is to, sometimes, forcefully pull him out of that dark room of his where pale, slender fingers constantly dance across the letters of a keyboard.

Socially, Winter will quickly withdraw to a more secluded space. He feels easily overwhelmed in larger groups of people, and instinctively enters the safety of his thoughts where he will proceed to be less than attentive as to what is happening in his immediate surrounding. He doesn't mind meeting new people, but one has to take into consideration the amount placed in front of him at any one time.

Now then, place a cat in front of him and the young man will immediately vanish into a cuddle with the little furred creature.

Winter's story is one of rebellion. Growing up with wealthy parents he maintains no contact with, Winter knew a life of responsibility granted through disposition, rather than choice. He is the eldest son with two siblings, a younger brother and an older sister, and was expected to follow along the lines put out for him, mainly to join his sister in the family business. This was, as is a tale old and told, not something Winter had put on his to do list. Not to mention his arranged relationship with a girl who's very own parents were close business partners of Winter's. Indeed, not how he had planned his future, to play out.

It would however be foolish to claim that a wealthy background didn't have its perks. Though he doesn't look it, Winter had and is still in the possession of a notable sum, though is known for not being a huge spender. Of course, ever since being disowned, the flow of money did come to a halt. There are the annual Christmas gifts of a few thousand dollars to maintain that ever stable relationship of parents upholding their end of responsibility, but apart from saving face, the three remain a healthy distant from one another.

Refusing the marriage, refusing the position and most of all, refusing the role forced upon him, Winter was eventually met by one option. Coming out as gay offered no favors, as it merely added another layer of intrigue to the pile. Ironically, his parents were never distraught over the fact that Winter preferred men, but rather over the fact that despite this, he wasn't willing to put the family company and of course, business relations, first. He was expected to discard the foolish notion known as a pursuit of love, and rather yield to professionalism. He didn't.

In light of this development, Winter was promptly dropped from the Everdale family. Given a hefty sum of money, he was essentially bribed into hiding his surname to the best of his ability, and was bought an apartment as a consolation prize. While pride told him to throw it all back in their faces, Winter was well aware that the choice was split between taking this insulting offer, or living in poverty.

Favorite Song
There are so many to pick, from. Winter enjoys video game music a lot. He also listens to Madonna to a fault, and also many obscure artists, not to mention anime soundtracks. Also, J-Pop. So much J-Pop. He has to choose one? Alright.

"I shoot em' bang, bang..."
"I want so badly, to be good."
"Come join the party!"

"I stuck to one artist, that's what you get. You pick one song."

Daniel, call me Danny.


Scandinavia, Sweden.

I have been writing on and off, for about ten years. I also pretend to be an author and write novels, on my free time.

I can write a reply essentially every day. The amount of replies is entirely dependent on my job, and my current creativity.

Character Archetypes
I tend to be most at home with more mellow characters, which reflects me, for most part.

Granted my own sexuality, I am only comfortable playing homosexual characters.

Personality Traits
I can be a bit on the nose, so tell me if I am coming off as insensitive. I enjoy gritty settings so you'll find it rather impossible to offend me with anything 'judgmental' in the form of writing. This goes for real life as well, to be fair. I am however easy to offend when it comes to having issues with me that go undisclosed with me. Pride is my vice, as they say.

I am a customer service provider. I work Mondays through Fridays.

I was born in Sweden, with roots in Lebanon, located in the Middle East.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Name: Paige Renee Kennedy (Sometimes goes by Kennedy)

Age: 31


Height: 5'6"

Weight: 130 lbs

+ Animals
+ Scented Candles
+ 80's Music
+ Exercise
+ Golf
+ Ornate Dishes

- Politics
- Modern Art
- Social Media
- Relationships
- Surprises
- Video Games

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Special Talent: Taught herself how to count cards in Blackjack

Profession: Deputy US Marshall, newly assigned to Sol City District

Paige comes from a stone-cold conservative family from Delta City in Central Florida. Her father being a minister and her mother a lawyer and a judge, she was imprinted with an immense sense of morality since she was old enough to comprehend the meaning of discipline. To her the value of one’s word is akin to a blood oath even to the most trivial of arrangements: Give her a statement and she expects the truth. Make an appointment and you damn well better show up on time. She takes her job extremely seriously, but has mellowed some in her years of experience- a sharp edge that has been weathered to deal with the streets. She's learned how to deftly walk the lines between justice, proof and truth knowing the difference in being a law-enforcement officer and lawman (or woman).

Currently, Paige finds herself transferred to the Sol City district where a combined effort between Customs, ATF and the Marshal Service are being prepared for a large operation to counter the importation of drugs and weapons into the city. Paige was selected as she recently participated in an ongoing identical operation in her Florida home district. However, her transfer was amid some controversy. After lengthy investigations and multiple arrests, Paige shot dead a well-connected weapons dealer in a sting operation. A man that could have provided further information to aid in the operation were he allowed to be interrogated. He was known to have participated and set up multiple hits against officers and witnesses alike as well as being point on multiple overseas weapons deals. While many were privately happy to hear of his termination, it was decided that Paige had to be transferred rather than punished. Sol City was a natural choice.

The exact details of the encounter are known by Paige alone as she encountered the man without backup. In her testimony of the events, she simply stated that he pulled a gun on her and she fired in self-defense. There were no witnesses.

Your character's favorite song:

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