Hans wouldn't call himself a prince by any stretch of the imagination, but to some he may appear quite handsome. Others might think him a bit lazy looking. His hair is well washed but without any sense of groom or control, allowing it to keep it's spiky formation. His facial hair is trimmed, although not fully shaven. For what reason Hans has kept it as such, even he lacks the answer.
His clothing is most definitely unusual, the coat having been a hand-me-down dating all the way back to his great-grandfather. The coat itself is a combination of green and white with ornate stitching and design, combined with a hoodie in the event of rain or if Hans ever needed to hide his face for whatever reason. It's the only coat of it's kind, and Hans treasures it greatly. One could easily mistake it for clothing of the Mist Continent or even Zippangu, although Hans' family hails from neither land.
Name: Hans Weber
Race: Human
Magic/Abilities/Equipment: By himself, Hans isn't anything special, although he's quite acrobatic, able to use his own weight in conjunction with his trained speed in order to dart around the battlefield, sword in hand. He has one form of magic, "Weber Family Art: Speed of the Jackal". Speed of the Jackal essentially is a form of magic that allows Hans to push past his normal human limitations for a short period of time to move faster than a normal human could. The downside to this, aside from Hans' own short mana pool is that constant use of Speed of the Jackal actually softens and damages Hans' skin and organs, so this isn't a move that can be used every minute. For example, one use won't really do anything, but three uses in a row? That would begin to harm Hans' own body on the inside and outside! So he must be careful when applying the spell.
Aside from the one spell he knows, Hans is a decent cook and a better blacksmith, so if you need any swords or equipment made or maintained, you can come to Hans, provided he has a workstation anyway.

As for weapons, Hans has the only weapon he could ever need (Except for sieges, maybe he'd need a cannon or two). The weapon in question is a average long sword complete with a customized hilt for a combination of weight and speed along with what appears to be a form of hook used for travel. The sword itself isn't very special, nor is the hook that's attached to the hilt of any important either. The weapon was found by Hans on patrol near a village one day, complete with a scabbard and everything. Of course Hans would make sure to have it tested in case it was trapped, but it was an ordinary sword through and through, albeit with a foreign design.
As such, Hans has stuck with the sword for nearly four years now. It's not special, but hey, it's reliable and it suits him just fine.
Personality: If you ever met Hans before, you could say there are two sides to Hans. On the surface he appears as a slightly lazy but good-natured man who's always willing to help out a friend or whoever could need assistance, and that's in fact true he is quite nice. But beneath that lies the ambition of a man who could rival even the fiercest of warlords. Hans always thinks two steps ahead and always make sure to have a backup plan to his backup plan.
Hans has the mind of a true tactician and even the demeanor of a kind ruler. He has a picture of the grander scale of things most of the time and always thinks of others first before himself. In fact, one could say the lazy aspect of Hans is in fact a ruse, used to disguise his true nature as a competent and intelligent young man with the ambition to match. Call him naive, noble or whatever you wish, Hans has the drive to do great things.
Also, despite having been in the Order, Hans not against the idea of being in a relationship with a monster girl. He only wishes to have of a say in who he wants to fall for.
Background: If someone were to tell you that Hans was once in the service of the Order, you'd more than likely have a take at the guy, and then laugh at that person in the face. C'mon, this numbnuts? A paladin? Well, believe it or not, yes he was, although obviously the relationship did not last. Hans was born an mostly ordinary boy in a very ordinary town. He hadn't gone through any tragedy or turmoil or anything you might expect. No, he was average in every sense of the word.
In fact the boy's life is a mostly blank note until his induction into the Order. As he entered those great halls, Hans could just think of the grand and exciting adventures he could have, just like his stories! Reality could quickly rush over to Hans and kick him exactly where the Chief Goddess' sun does not shine. What he saw in the Order would change the way Hans viewed the world as a whole. He could see the structure of what was essentially an oppressive regime. You were either with the Order, or against them.
This was shown in full force during an attack on a pro-monster girl village. To this day, that massacre has been itched into Hans' very mind, and showed him the true colors of the Order. A group of warlords pretending to be kings and claiming their actions to be rightful for the sake of "Slaying foul beasts." Hans could argue this, and say and I quote, "I saw literal monster children beg for their lives before being put to the sword, and you wish to say you're the righteous ones?" Hans would never forget the tiny lamia girl look in his direction before her life was snuffed out.
From then on, Hans began to grow to hate the way that the Order ruled most of humankind. Monster girls weren't exactly normal obviously, but it's not as if they meant actual bodily harm to humans. Hans could see these monsters were far different from the raging monsters of old. No no, they were every bit as human as humans were, libido and possible tails aside. They laughed, sung, talked and even loved just like how a human would. And these were just beasts to destroy?
After the takeover of Lescatie and a good three years of service, Hans had finally decided enough was enough. He had been considered missing by the Order although he had unofficially abandoned the organization in it's entirety to realize his own dream. A dream where human and monster girl could live in harmony, without any fear of attacks of predjuice from the Order. To be blunt, Hans sought to overthrow the Order and in it's place, establish an organization to replace it. No more slaughter, no more fighting, Hans would help to create a better world.
Of course there were obvious challenges. The might of the Order aside and the fact that the Chief Goddess could easily mark him as public enemy number one, Hans still had to deal with the fact that monster girls lacked the ability to birth a normal human child. But he could work with the Demon Queen in that regard right? Some would call him naive, childish or a fool with a deathwish, but at the least, none could say that Hans didn't dare to dream.
A year had passed since Lescatie and a good amount of time wandering land brought Hans to a normal tavern and would put him contact with an odd but generally pleasant man if nothing else. Bartholomew was his name and this seemingly normal man approached Hans with an offer. To join his guild of adventurers. Well this would be as good as any to start on the path to a better world. After all you needed friends and coin in order to help take down an organization with an iron grip on the human world, right? Hans was happy to accept and after being the directions he needed, set off on his way.
What would become of the young man or his dream? Would it prosper and allow a new age of peace to come between man and monster? Or would it shrivel up and bite in the dust?
(As for favorite MG, it's hard to choose. All of my favs are in the MGE category so it'd be a coin flip between the shirohebi and a vampire girl.)