*Note: Previous case is on day 5/6
Streets Of Cairo: "Get back ya parasites," Rosheen bellowed as she pushed her way through the crowd and over to Mosi. "She will get to ya when she wants. What ya tryin' to do? Scare her out of here? Get back ya lot," she added as she rested her hand on Mosi's shoulder and shook her head. "Surprised they didn't try to mug ya like this when ya where first here," she scoffed a bit before shooting the vendors various looks to get them to finally at least give Mosi enough room to breath but they were far from actually going back to their respective sales fronts.
"Him and her," she whispered to Mosi, pointing out an old couple that hadn't moved from their stall. It was duller looking than the rest and the couple seemed well beyond their prime. Maybe it was why they hadn't come rushing over to Mosi like all the others. They just were too old to move as quickly as the rest of the group was able. "Theirs is the finest in Cairo," she added as the man that ran the stall with Rosheen came over and started speaking in Arabic to the group. A lot of huffs and voicings were made but they eventually went back to their own personal stalls, even if it was reluctantly. "Thank you," Rosheen said and she got a friendly nod from the man before he went back to pushing his own wares.
"After that you will need to eat, give yourself strength for the buying ahead!"
"Allah help me... Enough!" Rosheen snapped and he just chuckled before walking back over to his personal stall and getting back to cooking. "So, what brings you back here?" she asked gently.
Vera, Peter, & George

Location: Egyptian Museum: Vera's Office
The assumption that William had made about Vera having pulled nearly every tomb on the subject of Bastet was correct. Each time William went to find one, it was missing from the shelves. The woman may have been a klutz but she was thorough. Though the longer William looked it would quickly become evident that he was finally starting to pick up where she had left off the night before. The more obscure tombs and translations were still there. It seemed that she had started at the most obvious ones and was working her way through them first. Odd for Vera, she was normally one to start with the out side of the box thoughts and only refer to the common texts as a reminder or last resort if she couldn't find anything else. Had last night really gotten her mind that befuddled?
"Thank you, all of you. It will be a tremendous help in this venture to have your able assistance," Vera said in a polite voice.
"Think nothing of it," Neema said before turning her attention to the man whoms arm she was on. "You will know this museum like the back of your hand within two shakes of a lambs tail. The curators system of organization cannot be beat. I should know, I developed it," she said with a slight snicker and a wink in Nora's direction. "Now, you ladies be off and we will tend..." she began to say as Peter came in. Her voice going quiet as she spotted Peter entering the room. She had not yet met him but from the look that came across Vera's face, it was obvious she knew him.
"Peter? What are you doing here?" she asked as she looked over to him quizzically.
Walking over to Vera, Peter leaned on his cane a bit as his arm slipped around her waist and he pulled her in for a short embrace. Vera returned it awkwardly and it caused him to lean back and look at her in worry.
"To see how my beloved is faring. Are you feeling quite well?" he asked concerned.
Vera straightened herself and nodded.
"Oh yes, just surprised to see you is all." "I do hope it is a pleasant one." "Quite," she said as she smoothed out her skirt and pushed her curls back from her brow.
"Wonderful. I wished to see you how you were holding up and to..." he began as he noticed that Lauren was leaving the room.
"Miss... Miss!" he tried to call out to her.
George looked up slowly and found himself face to face with Lauren. He had expected Peter to be the one leaving the room to retrieve him, had he known another would be exiting he would have kept his head down. He looked away from her as quickly as he could but from her reaction he knew it had been too late. Sighing he shook his head slightly and kept it down now, staying seated to see if Peter would come get him. He was half sure it would be a good time to slip out of the museum but they had come to an accord so he remained planted right where he sat.
"Oh dear, I fear that is my fault..." Peter said as he watched Lauren dart back into the room. Neema rushed over to her and knelt down to try to see if she could calm her.
"Miss, I assure you that he would not harm a hair on your head." "Who?" Vera asked as she looked to the door, it was still left open and while she couldn't see who was out there she could see the very edge of the bench and a shadow that seemed to show that someone was sitting in it.
"George," Peter said frankly.
"A dear friend of mine from during the war. He had come to visit me and I do wish for you to meet him. Yet I must prepare you, as I had wished to do before she exited the room. George, he was injured in the line of battle and his appearance can be jarring until you become accustomed to it but please believe me when I say that he is the most kind hearted, gentle, and brave man I have ever had the privilege to know." Peter tried to explain but Vera still looked confused. How badly had the man been damaged to cause such a reaction from Lauren? Maybe it was just because she had been startled. With everything else going on, yes, that had to be it. It couldn't be as bad as all that.
"I see, well then yes of course. Please do show him in. It would be an honor," she said in a courteous voice. She had seen crypts, mummies, and more in her time at the museum. With Reginald being in charge of the barracks, she had seen her fair share of wounded men over the yeas. It couldn't be all that bad.
Peter smiled and nodded before walking over to the door. It wasn't long before he stepped back in with George coming in behind him. George kept his head down and the damaged half of his face turned away from the group. His shoulders slumping slightly as he gripped at his page boy cap in his hands, pulling at the threads nervously.
"May I introduce George Benaszewski," Peter said as he stood there.
Slowly he rose his head and turned in the direction of the group.
"mmm, hello," he said quietly as he looked at them through the one moving eye, the tin painted one just staring off blankly in their direction. Neema looked over towards the man and cocked a brow. Yes, he seemed to be injured and apparently he was covering his disfigurement with some sort of mask that half covered his face but it didn't seem to really affect her that much. She was taken aback at first but really showed no signs that it bothered her.
Vera on the other hand did not react in the same way. As much as she had told herself it couldn't have been that bad, that Peter had braced her, that she was ready to meet whoever this man was, it didn't help. Vera might have been of high breeding and a lady but she was also very skittish at times. Things easily made her jump and squeal. So when her skin went pale, her mouth opened, and she shrieked like a banshee before turning, darting off, stumbling over a stack of books only to half way crawl across the floor and get back up to run off to the stacks screaming like she had just seen a ghost... It didn't surprise Peter in the slightest.
"She had the same reaction last time I witnessed a butterfly land on her shoulder," Peter said to George, trying to cover for the woman whom he was courting.
Vera gasped as she rounded the stacks, trying to hide from what she had just seen. Spotting William she tore towards him as if she was trying to outrun death itself and flung herself against him, wrapping her fingers into his shirt as she clung to him. She was shaking like a leaf at this point and looked completely terrified by what she had seen.
Aziza Tarek

Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks: Stables -> Her Quarters
Aziza smiled softly towards Harry, running her fingers along his cheek for a moment before her hand slipped down to his arm and eventually her fingers laced with his.
"Then let us go so you can clear your mind," she said in a gentle voice before turning with her things, managing them as best she was able and started to make her way through the barracks up and up the stairs to her room. She half wondered where everyone else was but on thinking about it she figured they were all off getting things together. Perhaps it would have been best if she were to check in with the Lord Major and let him know they had returned, or head over to the museum to see if there was something she could help with.
Yet, she kept her path simple and headed towards her original destination. Above all things, Harry was her primary concern right then. She wanted to help him. Seeing those expressions come over his face, how grim they were, it tugged at her heart strings and she wanted to do whatever she could to stop them from creeping back. If that meant listening, she would until the Nile ran dry and the Sarah sprouted a rain forest. Reaching her door, she fumbled a bit but managed to get it open before finally being able to step inside and set her things down. At home she removed her shoes but not here. There were not enough carpets on the rough wood for her to feel safe enough to walk barefooted. Last thing she wanted was a splinter.
Turning back over to Harry she pulled her shawl from her shoulders and tossed it lightly over the back of a chair.
"Come, talk to me," she said as she held her hand out to him.
"What keeps plaguing you?" she asked in a worried voice. She hoped it was not her that was causing this melancholy to keep appearing within his eyes. The last thing she wanted to do was cause him any strife but she was worried she was. With everything that was happening, a large part of her was still very surprised that he was even willing to escort her anywhere. The fact he was showing her kindness constantly and even affection now seemed to be an oasis in the desert.