"Your level of passion does little to prove your point...facts do not care about your feelings."
| NAME: |
Nikolas Tulley (Nik)
|AGE: |
Age Appearance: 30
Actual Age: 22
School of Magic: Light/Energy
Augmentor: A plain metallic ring
Skills: Nik has the ability to create and manipulate light and the energy that comes with it. This inherently gives him the ability to use complete darkness as a tool as well as he is capable of creating of areas that are not just lacking light, but are completely void of it.
-Light/Energy Beams: He can create and focus light into concentrated beams of energy. This is conveyed in a physical sense
as intense heat that is able to burn through most materials he comes across as well as his enemies. The beams originate from his
-Globes of Darkness: He can force light out of a given area, creating space that is void of all light whatsoever, rendering
all who are within it temporarily blind/disoriented. The spell area can range from a small globe around an enemies head to hiding
an entire group of people.
-Flash: His most powerful ability is a full body flash. He concentrates energy around his entire body before releasing it in
a single explosion like wave of light. Those who dont turn away are blinded and disoriented for a couple minutes as well as flung
backwards. This is used as a last resort to escape or to combat those within melee range by blasting them back several feet.
Nik is a self proclaimed intellectual. No matter the area of study he is fascinated by the science of the world and spends his spare time researching anything he deems worthy. From the environment, to magic, to the way the world works in general, Nik is driven by curiosity to discover the many mysteries of life. Unfortunately he is a man of few words and his personality can best be described as detached, perhaps even binary. He is a man who sees in black and white, cause and effect, and sees any grey area merely as a situation lacking evidence. He shows little to no emotion because he genuinely feels that way. His matter of fact take on the world keeps his life rather simple, despite the complex subjects he busies himself with. He sees himself and other Clairvoyants merely as a cog in the machine and assumes the feeble minded of the world are the ones plagued with being emotional. That being said, he is not altogether heartless. He acknowledges his role as a protector of humanity and will selflessly defend the weak, perhaps even more willingly than most as he doesnt fear death, but rather sees it as an inevitable next step in the cycle. On the rare occasion he lets a thought escape his mouth it is generally a bit of dry humor or remarks coated in sarcasm, both of which are seemingly directed at himself as he rambles on. It should be noted that while he has a modicum of tolerance for those who are emotional, he has little patience for those he deems stupid and will likely make it known. He has no qualms about leading if the situation calls for it but prefers to give precise and appropriately timed advice and letting the cards unfold as they will. In the event that he has to let another take the reins, he will not follow or go along with anyone or any plan that he views as unintelligent or ignorant. Acting without knowledge or facts is a sure way to lose his allegiance to your cause. Once his trust is earned, however, he is a fearless ally who can be depended on.
Nik slid through the gravel with relative ease, his body finally stopping with a thud against a nearby tree stump. The road was abandoned this time of night and the ominous forest on either side did little to encourage travelers of any kind. He heaved a sigh and pushed himself up from his stomach, looking back to the direction from which he flew. He squinted as he desperately tried to focus his vision, spitting out blood as he continued to push himself back to his feet. His head whipped around as the area near him filled with the sound of motion, taunting him to take a step. He closed his eyes and chuckled to himself, seemingly amused by the fact that he couldnt focus enough to even see straight."If im not mistaken...im outnumbered. Are there two of you left or seven? I seem to have lost count..." he chuckled, his breathing clearly labored now. A faint gust of motion later and a rough, raspy voice whispered from behind him, crawling up his neck and into his ear. "Humor...a sign of arrogance...or ignorance?" it hissed. As Nik opened his eyes he once more found his vision swirling, barely able to make out faint shapes that now approached his front and sides. Sensing that this was likely the end of his stroll for this evening...or perhaps the rest of his life, he simply shrugged, continuing his now exaggerated breathing as he focused on gathering what precious energy he had left. He keeled over and closed his eyes again, tapping his ear as if asking the voice to speak up. A snarl ensued as the voice continued. "What a coincidence that I would be the one to find you Mr. Tulley...although I had hoped you would put up more of a fight than this." Fists clenched and wasting no time, Nik let out a scream as the voice finished, releasing the rest of his energy he had left with a blindind flash, sending shockwaves from his body that echoed through the night. His cloak rippled and the gravel underneath him exploded outwards from the blast, its booming noise audible from hundreds of feet away. The flash was impossible to describe, an unnatural explosion of light that pierced through the dark of the night with ease, like a blade through flesh. Afterwards Nik crumpled to the ground, lying on his back as his vision began to darken. He smiled weakly as he felt blood run down the back of his throat. "Ta da..."