Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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“This is Master Obi Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic, have fallen with a dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi. Trust in The Force. Do not return to the Temple…that time has past. And our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged. Our trust. Our faith. Our friendships. But we must persevere. And in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always.”

The Clone Wars have raged across the galaxy for several years, the battle of CORUSCANT signalled a turning point in the war, the death of COUNT DOOKU starting a cascade of events that would lead to the SEPARATIST ALLIANCE losing ground. However, just when the end of the darkness appeared to be in sight the treacherous SHEEV PALPATINE, also known as DARTH SIDIOUS, leader of the GALACTIC REPUBLIC executed an order that would change the galaxy forever.


You sensed this, even from deep within the outer rim. A scout vessel working for the Jedi Order and the Republic to find long lost artifacts and hyperspace routes in the far reaches. The pain of the Jedi being wiped out couldn’t be avoided, it reverberated through the ships from the master aboard - Azure down to the youngest Padawan. The call to return to the temple was received, however long before the Reclamation could return to Coruscant a new message was sent out, a warning to stay away from the Jedi Temple, and the Republic. Now they must decide what they should do, formerly heroes of the Republic, now as enemies of the Empire they must enter Exile…


The current canon we will be using is what's known as DisneyCanon, or the current canon of the media being published as we speak. A list of canonical articles that are likely to be referenced in this RP are:

Elements may also be taken from other canonical sources. In terms of the Legends/DisneyCanon debate, I will always take the DisneyCanon side if it exists, however I do not mind people using Legends canon and even twweaking it a little bit if necessary so long as it is tasteful and works.

RP Lore:

More will go here in the morning when I am not exhausted.

1. While I am open to Input, like many RP's GMs word is law.
2. No killing off other player characters/Important NPCs with just one hit. Discussion needs to happen OOC and agreements need to be made that said...
3. If you do something incredibly stupid, such as putting your character right in the way of a turbolaster blast. They're probably going to die, while I want to avoid having anyones chars/npcs die when they don't want them too, try to act logically with them to preserve their life.
4. Please keep faction growth realistic, if you are in charge of a faction.
5. No Metagaming/Powergaming.
6. This Roleplay is going to contain some slightly more mature themes, blood, gore and swearing is allowed however should be kept tasteful (no doing it just for the sake of doing it). Anything in regards to what you are doing to that alien hooker, we don't need to know.
7. Keep Collabs SHORT. Collabs should be used for rapid pace fight scenes/dialogue between characters in order to prevent short posting, however they should not run on and on and on as this limits other players. Post it regularly so that if someone else wants to join in they have the opportunity.
8. Like Star Wars.
9. Respect eachother.
10. Have fun.

Character Sheets

Currently open roles are: 2x Jedi Knight, 3x Jedi Padawan, 1x Pilot, 1x Chief Engineer and 1x Co-Pilot.
I encourage you to take liberties with this template.


Disclaimer: I am tired. This will be edited in the morning. It's just I have gained enough interest to fill all roles, so I may as well throw up an OOC.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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So as a note to everyone, I'm not going to review these sheets in a traditional sense where I point out things I do and do not like/want. I'll expect all players in advance to be able to do that for themselves, I hate making it a competition but I am being very strict about my player cap.

I'll close applications at 23:59 GMT, 19/12/17 and post who is accepted the following day.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gerrigen

Gerrigen The Dreamer

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Working on two separate sheets, if that is acceptable, and will utilize whichever one fills the needed slots. Will have it up after the game tonight. Incredible premise, very excited to see it move forward.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Gotta go to work. W.I.P



"Our physical bodies are short lived, but our existence in the Force is endless."
SHARD 200 Years Old

Appearance: Azures physical form currently inhabits a repainted Guardian Police Droid, painted a more neutral grey and rebranded with the logo of the Jedi Order his true self is a collection of blue crystals that lies within the chest compartment of the droid. He has had several bodies within his life, however with the exception of some of the longer living JEdi this is the one that is associated with him the most. Virtually no Jedi have seen his true form.
Equipment:Lightsaber, Commlink, Datpad with navigational data on it.
Durability: His droid body is more durable than that of Organics, and also feels no pain.
Endurance: Droid bodies can undergo a vast amount of effort without failing or breaking, meaning he can fight for longer and run for farther without getting tired.
Astrologer: While his Jedi senses aide him to find safe hyperspace routes through space, his calm and calculating nature as well as age have him well versed on the study of the stars.
Long lived: While he is not in a combat discipline, or has taken part in the Clone Wars with Age comes Wisdom.
Sight: His species sees in an electromagnetic spectrum, and he can only see objects (Without photoreceptors) based on how this field interacts with them.
Subtlty in the Force: While many species find that raising their arms helps them visualise the Force moving objects, Azure doesn't need to do this as he has relied on moving things with the Force for most of his life due to his natural body. Thus he has a greater degree of subtlty when using the Force.
Farsight: Azure can extend his physical natural sight, as well as those of his force senses for considerable distances. This couple with his natural ability to see electromagnetic fields allows him to plot courses through space in a way that other species can't.
Plant Surge: Azure in a bid to getting closer to Organic Life has spent time learning how the Force interacts with organic entities. As such Azure can make plants grow at rapid speeds in whatever way he wants.
Comprehend Speech: Meeting alien species for, potentially the first time, requires the ability to communicate with them. As such with the use of telepathy he can gain a rudimentary understanding of alien tounges.
Telepathy: He hasn't really decided to hone this skill, seeing it as an invasion of privacy however he is versed well enough to be able to use it to assist in the comprehension of alien languages or for understanding the intent of different individuals.
Telekinesis(Advanced): Due to his bodies inability to be altered with the Force to aide in combat or simple movement, Azure has spent a lot of time honing his ability in the telekinetic field of using the Force. To the point where he can even glide his high control over objects and can even perform flight for a short period of time. Most importantly he can move around his crystaline self if his body becomes too damaged to sustain him.
Inorganic: Azure has no sense of what it is to be an Organic being, so finds it hard to sympathise. He has managed to learn how to deal with plants, but he still struggles with complicated organisms.
Crystal Body: Azures body is an immobile crystal, while he can move himself with the Force that isn't really practical and as such he relies on a droid body. He has no real sense of touch, colour or sight in a way that regular organics do.
Fragile: His true body is fragile due to it's crystaline nature.
Slow: While many moons ago the thrill of having a moving body was a lot for Azure, he was considered to be impatient. Now the opposite is true, he has returned to his original nature where he will spend long amounts of time planning out a course of action in accordance to the Force.

Azure wasn't raised on his homeworld, in fact he didn't know where his homeworld technically was until he was already within the Jedi Order. He was grown on Coruscant of all places to two crystals. In other societies these would have been his parents however Shards don't necessarily have childhood stages. Just a stage where they are slightly smaller than other crystals. It was a Jedi passing the place where they were kept that recognised them as sentient beings rather than just ornaments, freeing them from the man who had been using these growing crystals for years in order to make jewelry.

It just so happened that Azure was the reason the Jedi had found them, apparently he had called out with his mind and having access to the Force gained the Jedis attention. A device was made to allow the two to communicate, the Jedi revealing himself to be a Jedi Master Djinn Altis. A Jedi skilled in technology, and who sought to intersect the Force with technology. Once they could communicated Master Altis took Azure to be his padawan, Azure for the longest time having no name. It wasn't a traditional relationship however the Jedi remained wary the council did not step against the decision. When Altis and Azure found his homeworld, and they found that the people there had found a way for Shards to gain control of mechanical bodies the council even allowed Azure (now in a body) to undergo the gathering. During which Azure found the purest azure blue crystal one could imagine, seeing the blade for the first time Azure named himself after the colour. Feeling that it was fitting.

Master Altis continued to be his master right up until the time that Azure underwent the Trials of Knighthood. Passing all of them Azure almost instantly moved into the field of exploration, he still felt a need and a pull to experience new things throughout the Galaxy. Working with Altis to repair an old Training Cruiser that would later be called the Reclamation Azure would spend the next few decades aboard this ship. During this time he interacted with worlds in the Outer Rim who hadn't seen Jedi in decades, he discovered settlements that had fallen of the grid and helped others. Many came and went from his crew, some came seeking spiritual enlightenment while others came looking for secrets that he was nearing. Reclamation was a place of growth and healing, and Azure was proud of the symbol that it had become. Of Hope. Several times he has taken a Padawan, though he tries to avoid it for he feels that his lifestyle is very much a personal choice, choosing a Padawan is essentially making your life theirs for at least ten years of their life. He could never do such a thing.

Instead now these days he acts as a teacher to everyone aboard, however when Order 66 occurs and he feels the shockwave through the Force it shakes him to the core. Obi-Wans following message would have torn his heart in two had he had one. Now, he sits patiently in meditation looking to the Force for guidance on their next move.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Fury Panda
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Raz Uuma



Raz Uuma stands 4'6", somewhat small for his age, with light orange skin. A re-breather covers his face, goggles over his eyes. A brown hood hangs over the top of his head covering most of his natural Kel Dorian features, a long braid of silka beads falls on his right shoulder hugging the inside of his hood. Underneath his goggles, his silver eyes shine, a sure sign of his force sensitivity. A poncho wrapped around his body covers his arms and torso.

A yellow bladed lightsaber with a grey hilt. A Kel Dorian rebreather and goggles. A silka bead braid. Brown Jedi garb. Basic Communication Unit. A training bot to help him practice harnessing the force.

Force Move: Raz can move small objects quickly through the air.

Force Enhance: Raz can focus the force throughout his body allowing him to jump higher and hit harder.

Raz is naturally athletic and spends most of his free time in motion. He has the skill to wield a lightsaber, but has not gained the intuition needed for real battles. Raz was well liked among the other Jedi younglings, but has been seen as abrasive by most other more matured padawans as he has held onto many of his childish behaviors.

Healing Trance: Raz can cure minor wounds over time through meditation.

Weather Prediction: Raz unwillingly can tell the weather forcast of any planets atmosphere he enters. This was one of the few and only skills the Baran Do Sages had taught him before he was taken.

Raz has never had the strongest connection to the force. He struggled to create his lightsaber, and only just graduated the gathering.

Raz never wanted to leave Dorin, but has learned that what he wanted is irrelevant. He rememberes little, flashes of a time long past. The Baran Do Sages sent him to Coruscant to become a Jedi. The universe was in trouble, "the darkness threatens to swallow us all." they would say. He thinks that he tried to resist as he was chosen from the group. He remembers being with his family. He meditates. "There is no passion, there is serenity." he repeats to himself. A personal mantra. A small piece of the Jedi code. But, Roz was not a Jedi, he was a padawan. In the middle of his training no less. He thought about this, how he had trained for the past 10 years, how he had put so much into being a being one with the dark side. How it seemed to all fall apart now...and.. his father yelling, his mother reaching out to him "He needs time." He meditates, "There is no passion, there is serenity."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Any Padawan who wishes to work on their sheet based on Azure being their master, or second master, is welcome to do so. Just hit me up.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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As the only three who have expressed interest in Non-Jedi. @Heat, @Perpenheimer and @Dusty are all accepted. Non-Jedi Roles are now filled.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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@Lucian@CaptainBritton@Enalais@Zarkun@EliteCommander ~Accepted. Now the fun of placing Masters/Jedi with one another begins.

For anyone who feels slighted, feel free to PM me and I'll give you a critique of your sheet, and reasons why it was accepted. Never fear however, for there are going to be chances down the line to join. Not necessarily in the same way, but they will exist.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Komager
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Komager Back from the Dead

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@Sep I'm assuming looking at the thread there's no more spaces going here at the moment?
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