Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 3 days ago


Heath: 600/800
Mana: 100/800

Interacting with:


They were doing this. The Legion of the Wolf was fighting their first boss and from what Reylan could tell, they were winning. That realization did nothing to soothe the absolute sick feeling he had deep in his stomach, as if a single morsel of food would make him throw-up his entire lunch. His very skin felt uncomfortable at the moment but he was not going to let these hindrances stop him, not this time. Reylan cringed as Fenrir's Herald smashed into Polak, bringing him down below 50% of his max HP. A small amount panic and urgency shocked through him to get Polak back into fighting shape. That was when out of nowhere, a third previously unknown player appeared seemingly out of the blue.

Her bubbly attitude and over-flowing energy took Reylan out of his concentration for a moment, the newcomer quickly eclipsing Dirk's enthusiasm. A quick shake of his head snapped him out of wondering where this girl came from and back to the real issue at hand. There was a part of him that felt envious of the other's ability to fight up-close, but Reylan knew that being a mid-to-long range attacker allowed him to give better orders. His silver eyes scanned the battlefield once more as he mentally kept track of everyone's numbers and constructed his next set of commands. They couldn't let up yet.

The guild-leader cleared his throat before issuing out his orders "Karma, get Polak and the new girl healed up right away!" Nothing else was as urgent as their health, especially if they were going to be fighting on the front-lines. "Paralyze and Solace, flank Fenrir's Herald from the right! Shiba give him a back-stab! I'll take care of the Lycan!" He shouted across the battlefield, there had to be a better method of giving out orders but he hadn't the time to figure it out now. Different from before, Reylan quickly notched an arrow in his bow and let the projectile fly towards the Wolf-kin Guard on the right, utilizing both his Power Shot action and his Sharp Eye passive. There was no room to miss this time "Polak and Chari, finish him off then go after the Herald! Lahariel, please give them a hand!" He had taken the time to look at her name, it would be tedious to keep calling her 'new girl'. All that was left was Dub and Alisea, both whom he expected were eager to start working on the boss "Alisea and Dub, bring your fire-power down on the boss. Give him any de-buffs you got! Keep totoro on the guard Dub." That only left Aster and Dirk, who had done a very great job of mostly keeping the boss from interfering with the others "Aster and Dirk, just keep it up! Dirk, you shield Aster and let her do the majority of attacking!" With Dirk on defense and Aster on offense, they made a scary duo.

A gut feeling told him that it wasn't going to simply get much easier once the guards were dealt with. Bosses in games nowadays often had different phases, something that Reylan was actually waiting for. It time he started chipping at the boss's HP bar himself so he raised his bow once more, sliding another arrow onto the taut string and pulled back with all his force. His left hand held the arrow and his right held the bow, his right eye closing so he could line up the shot better. Finally he released the arrow, the feathered fletching blowing in the wind. He hoped that the power shot would land, these enemies had proven themselves far more than capable of dodging their attacks. He wasn't about to let up so he loaded two more arrows and fired them both in succession with an overly serious look in his eyes.

Polak's health drop had scared him greatly at the time. It wasn't just because his bar got very low, it was also because he made the realization that he might be faced with a situation in the future where he would have to decide who lives and who dies. He deeply hoped that he would never have to make a choice like that. Reylan didn't even know if he could ever make that decision. His feelings were very similar to Dirks. All the people that were here fighting beside him...he wanted to protect all of them and make sure they live through this. Simply by fighting together through these past days, he felt a connection to each of them. Life here would not feel the same with one missing.

-Gives orders
--Polak, Lahariel, Chari, Totoro, Edelweiss: Attack Wolfkin Guard 1
--Paralyze, Solace, Shiba: Flank Fenrir's Herald from the right
--Karma: Heal Polak and Lahariel
--Alisea and Dubstepp: Fire at Fenrir's Herald
--Dirk & Aster: Dirk shield Aster; Aster focus on offense
-Shoots Power Shot(100MP) at Wolfkin Guard 2 with Sharp Eye(Passive)
-Aims and shoots Power Shot(100MP) at Fenrir's Herald and two normal shots
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Mana: 315/1500(-200)


The struggles continue within minutes/seconds the two lackey's of the Fenrir Herald soon found their hit point reduce to near 1/4 of what it was once was, and one of them was on death door ready to finish off Soon the group attacking the second Wolfkin Guard 2 will be fighting the Fenrir's Herald in a matter of seconds.

Karma could help but turn widen eye when the Herald yelled out something about magic beginning evil before he turned his attention to Polak, knock him down, and threw him across the room which sent a shiver down his spine. Karma gulped at the sight and before moving to a new position to heal Polak. Karma then pointed the end of his metal staff at him, channel his spell before shooting a light green beam of energy at the tamer that would restore his health. "Are you okay?" He asked the guy before turning tot he Fenrir Herald to see if the Herald would target him. If he does Karma would try to use his Sprint Action to try to escape the from the boss until his teammates could draw his aggro away from him.

On another note there seems to be another newcomer who happens to wander into the room in the middle of the boss battle, this one seems like another mage judging from her equipment. Reylan ordered him to heal her, though she wasn't missing much health the fact that the boss hate magic means she could be targeted at any time. so he nobbed at him. "Roger!" Karma told Reylan before he begins running to the left side so he can line up a shot. Karma then told her. "Hold still." before firing a light green ray that would envelop her an in greens glow and restore her health. "My boss ordered me to heal you." He told her.

Use Healing beam on Polak
Use Healing beam on Leet
Prepare to run from Herald using the action "Sprint" if necessary.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AGenericUser
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lehariel Leet

Health: 900/900 (+300?, was healed)

Mana: 450/1100 (-200)

The battle between man and wolf-man still raged on, with weapons and magic clashing against the sheer might of the werewolves. It was definitely dangerous... though, Lahariel had no intention of losing, not in the slightest. It'd been a while since her last scuffle, so losing this one was definitely out of the question.

However, it seemed as if the other fighters, her current allies, came prepared. In particular, a silver-haired man had issued orders to the others. Lahariel assumed that this was their leader, something that was certainly supported by him giving an order to Lahariel herself. An order to attack one of the Wolfkin Guards, one that Lahariel had dubbed 'Wolfkin Guard 1' in her head. She'd been keeping good track of it, for defeating it first would ease up the rest of the battle. Lahariel wasn't the biggest fan of commands usually, but this command was spot on - the absolute best move for her to take, at least in her mind.

Lahariel had her next move planned out, but before she could even initiate it... someone, clad in apparel that gave off a mage-like vibe, came over to her - and even healed her! This was pretty spiffy, for sure.

"There's nothing like the adrenaline rush of being low on health, really gets ya going." Lahariel spoke. "Didn't really need a heal, but thanks anyway! Heals are always good, eh?" Lahariel uttered to the person who'd healed her.

'Well, I'm not gonna admit it, but that heal... it really helps me out. I can afford to take a few more risks, and hey... it's not like I'm some juggernaut! I can't take many hits, so I've gotta make 'em count. So, with that in mind, I'll unleash my combo attack!' Lahariel thought to herself, as she readied her wand - only for her hand to begin trembling.

"You!" Lahariel pointed towards the Wolfkin Guard 1, and spoke with a determined voice. "I hope you're ready for a beating, because my other self is telling me... it's telling me to unleash the secret combo technique, Shadow Breaker on you!"

Lahariel pointed forth with her wand, while holding her other hand over her right eye, obscuring it completely. Then, she utilized one of her attacks - Nether Pull. "Get over here!" She exclaimed, as dark energy pulled the Wolfkin Guard to her.

On its own, this didn't do much, and in fact, seemed to be an awful move. But this was only the beginning of Step 2 of Lahariel's Special Technique... to prepare for Step 2, Lahariel quickly swapped weapons, from wand to axe. "You know what time it is?... that's right, it's beatdown time with Lahariel Leet! Time for you and this axe to get acquainted on a personal level!" Bringing her axe down on the Wolfkin Guard with all her strength, Lahariel quickly swapped weapons once again, to her wand. It was time for the final step, and that final step was none other than a Nether Push, which launched the Wolfkin Guard away from Lahariel.

"How'd you like my combo? Stylish and effective... just like me, Lahariel Leet! The mage who makes battling look real good!" Lahariel boasted, evidently impressed with herself. "Anyway, I'm passing my combo on to one of you from here. Make it look cool, alright?!"

Nether Pull (Wand) on Wolfkin Guard 1
Regular Attack (Axe) on Wolfkin Guard 1
Nether Push (Wand) on Wolfkin Guard 1
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Health: 300/500
Mana: 1128/1600

Reylan's order was to attack the boss. Truthfully, Alisea had some sharp misgivings about that. She wasn't sure how many other people had heard him, but Herald had just announced a violent distaste for magic users. Given where she was at, Alisea wasn't eager to draw his attention.

She wasn't eager to have yet another new face, either. Especially not such a noisy one. But the girl(?)'s antics did present a smooth chance to opt out of going after Herald just yet. When Lahariel--already closer to the front line than a typical mage--began a dark magic spell, Alisea caught on to her intention. It was a crazy intention--but in the best way possible. Sure enough, the newcomer tugged her prey a few steps closer and took a swing with an axe. Then she pushed him off again.

Alisea was ready. At the same time Lahariel cast Nether Push Alisea invoked Nether Pull. The wolf veritably flew over the ground, never a chance to regain his footing. As he reached Alisea she cast Ice Lance and shoved both hands into his body. Ecstasy flowed up her arms as the ice pierced the beast's hide. She smiled a sincere smile that tugged just the corners of her lips up. She met its eyes and let it see the ice in her gaze. 'Howl for me,' she thought, giving the icicle buried in its stomach a twist before it disappeared. Drawing back her right hand, Alisea struck the wolfkin with a Palm Strike and a Stunning Punch in rapid succession, savoring the sensation of impact with each blow.

Whatever repercussions she faced for drawing the wolf close, Alisea had no complaint. Chari had the right idea; battles weren't meant to be sober. Even now she was unrepentant; rather than step back from the wolf, Alisea began invoking Fire Burst. From this close, she couldn't miss. In stark contrast to the noisesome, white-haired mage, Alisea didn't say a word. Her thoughts remained unvocalized, but her grin said much. 'You hold us captive?' she thought derisively. Alisea wasn't sure if what she was feeling was anger at their hubris or pity for their ignorance; in either case, the wolf was a prime target. And after that, the boss it died serving was the next candidate.

And the last of her first set of spells had just finished its cooldown. Alisea's grin deepened.

Nether Pull on Wolfkin Guard 1 (chained off Lahariel's Nether Push)
Icicle Lance on Wolfkin Guard 1
Palm Strike
Stunning Punch
(suffer retaliation if that wasn't enough to incapacitate the wolf)
Fire Burst on Wolfkin Guard 1('s corpse if others have contributed damage)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
Avatar of Scarescrow

Scarescrow Sociopath

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: none
Health: 1710/1900
Mana: 200/600⇛ 150/600

Day 3, the fight with the boss.
It is not enough. Just not enough.

Even after that throw and the furries of punches, I could still feel nothing. My heart still beat normally, despite how real this fight is. I could not sweat. I could not even feel gasping for air kind of sense like those documentaries had said about fight or flight moment. Even now, as I begin to think back. It was gibberish, the sense...

The sense of something heavy strike my chest and take away a few of my heart beats. The body runs cold as I heavily touch the ground with my chest. My lungs were as heavy as a pair of rocks, refused to take even a stroke of fresh air as the armor crushed against my flesh. I could feel death as if he is just right there, standing in front of me. He was looking at me, senselessly watching me died. And what did I do? I was looking at his bony feet, simply observing it. I was afraid, too afraid to even look up at him. But my heart and body showed no reaction of being afraid. And I was afraid as if I was one of those , a refugee in this alien body that I thought it was mine in the beginning. Each second passing by is a torture of itself, a constant reminder of my uselessness and fear of whatever is happening in my eyes. And I hated that sense.

But then, the vision changed. And the wolfskin remained there, replace for Death. Well, the rest is self-explanatory.

But even by now, my mind is still in this anger and frightful state and my heart shows no sign of speeding up. Have I gone mad?

Paralyze stands up from the ground, seemingly unaffected from whatever the wolfskin had caused to him. Without any words to say, Paralyze headed straight to Fenrir and tackled it. The ground trembles and cracks under the weight of two. But it was just the beginning as Paralyze unleashed a furry of heavy strikes, aiming for every weak spot of the Fenrir. The ground cracks further and begins to shape like the spider web with Paralyze and Fenrir at the center. Paralyze's strikes were slow, but bear an unimaginable amount of strength in it. And he shows no emotion as he brutally striking his enemy. But only Paralyze knew, how he would… would truly react to what he is doing right now.

- Begins to write diary
- Tackle Fenrir:

    + Strike 1 and 2 aimed at the head
    + Strike 3 and 4 aimed at the spleen, or where the spleen should be located.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Haruhi43
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Haruhi43 A Clever Fox

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Health: 710/1000
Mana: 18/600


Chari grinned with delight as the Wolfkin Guard turned to face her "So you want to play big boy?" She spoke with amusement, that was before the creature closed in with a speed she struggled to keep up with. It came at her with a forward strike, the large blade smashing heavily into the ground where she once stood. A second late on her dodge and she would have been caught underneath it. Her feet carried her backwards as her opponent pressed the assault, quickly adjusting the grip on its blade and swinging in a skyward slash. There was no time to moved out of the way of this one, she moved her kunai to intercept and barely managed to deflect the momentum of the sword. Unfortunately, the parry had left her wide open which the Wolfkin Guard wasted no time taking advantage off. The beast managed to plant a kick right in the center of her chest, knocking her off the ground and several feet backwards as the air in her lungs quickly vacated. She had been sure that the monster would follow up on its successful attack but Totoro had intervened at the perfect time. Adrenaline pumped heavily into her veins, and she could feel its effect. A quick glance at her health bar notified her that it had dipped about 90 points and was now a yellowish-orange. Her father had told her to never let anyone slight you and get away with it "You're going to need to do better than that to take me down." A strong smirked crossed her lips as she taunted the monster. It was one of the few lessons of his she took to heart, and now she was going to return the damage done by the beast's kick twice over.

A new player had entered the field shortly after Chari had gotten up, her personality reminded her strongly of someone who tried very hard to be cool and interesting. She quietly laughed to herself at the performance Lehariel gave, at least she through all of her energy into it. The two of them would absolutely have to got monster hunting together later, a person that expressive was always loads of fun to get into mischief with. Chari decided to see what this person's next move was and she was not disappointed in the least. Chari moved herself into position as Lehariel cast her spells, ready to pounce when it became unbalanced. She barely listened to the orders of old chief, she had a score to settle with the creature in her way. It shouldn't have come as a surprise when her new friend Alisea decided to get her hands dirty herself, moving into figuratively smack the hell out out of the Wolfkin Guard. Chari broke off into a sprint as soon as Alisea used her palm strike, and threw two shurikens at its back before smashing her kunai into its spine. Her hands twisted and pushed the blade deeper to inflict as much damage and pain she was allowed. If it still stood after their assault, she would stab it until it perished.

She audibly laughed after dealing with their target, turning to both Lehariel and Alisea with a bright smile "Now that is what I call girl power." Her gaze shifted to Fenrir's Herald briefly and returned quickly back to them "So new girl, you got some of that 'Lehariel Lighting' for the boss?" She teased giving a short wink before running off to get into the engagement, using the current chaos of the fight to get into one of Herald's blind spots for a critical strike. She hoped that the dude who got thrown would be alright, it would be a shame if he died before she got to know him better. He wasn't that bad of a fighter. This whole group was now a rainbow of characters, kinda like a bag of skittles she humorously thought.

-Throws two shurikens at back of Wolfkin Guard 1
-Stabs Wolfkin Guard 1
-Reacts with more stabs if Wolfkin Guard 1 is not finished off.
-Talks with Alisea and Lehariel
-Sneaks around Fenrir's Herald into one of its blind spots
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Theodore Smith

Health: 1560/2000
Mana: 50/500

The slash, as expected, was meager. It was far more wise for Theo to focus on defense, just as Reylan soon called out. The slash had hurt considerably, but Theo was prepared - he had expected it since he casted aggravate. Unfortunately, Aggravate only worked for a few seconds - after it was done, thee beast leaped towards Polak and rag dolled the trainer. Theo glanced at the blue bar in the top right of his vision, seeing that only 100 MP remained - a sight that worried him slightly. How long would that last in aggravate time - 20 seconds? 10? Theo knew that the party could survive the fight, but he needed to learn a new aggro gathering spell or action soon...

Reylan was still letting loose shots from his bow, but he clearly could have fired off more had he not been directing everyone. Somebody needed to direct the group, and Theo was glad that someone took that up - especially considering this was their first boss. Karma, meanwhile was running low on mana - with such little stores left, it was good that the guards were going to die soon, and that Theo still had 75% of his health left. Theo had to talk to the rest of the mages in the party about getting at least Healing beam in order to lessen the stress placed on Karma...

"Be careful - Karma is pretty low on Mana!"

Theo, of course, was unaware that Karma still had a blue and red potion, and was becoming nervous that the only healer was running out of their second most important resource (right after their health). Because of his focus on the Herald, Theo did not notice Alisea and Paralyze attacking the first guard - Theo did notice Paralyze begin to mutilate the herald, however.

Theo quickly moved in front of Aster, who took a large hit from the Herald - Theo didn't have much more health than her, but he had significantly more armor. She was agile, and would surely be able to attack and retreat behind Theo's ironclad defense.

"C'mon big guy - If you don't like magic that much, attack the guy that's taunting ya with it!"

Quickly, Theo cast Aggravate once more - his second-to-last casting of the spell. He braced himself for the expected hit, and continued to brace himself for the hits that followed.

Should the herald attempt to turn his attention to the others, however, Theo would quickly use the gift he was given by the admin - he would don the Abyssal Mask, and make the Herald realize who the real threat here was.

Move in front of Aster.
Cast Aggravate.
(If Herald continues to attack Theo after Aggravate is over)
Continue Guarding.
(If Herald does not continue to attack after Aggravate is finished)
Use Abyssal Mask to scare Fenrir's Herald.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mopsock17
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Health: 910/1400
Mana: 50/400

Despite taking careful measure of keeping an eye on Fenrir's Herald, Polak did not expect the big werewolf itself to snarl an apparent disdain for magic and was caught off guard when it suddenly turned its gaze on him. Regardless of the three other party members occupying it, it simply swiped at them and went straight for Polak. The wolf threw a forceful punch that knocked Polak over then grabbed him by the leg and sent him flying across the field.

For a boss fight, it was going pretty well, Polak thought as he laid flat on the ground. A new and enthusiastic arrival came to hasten their victory. Both guards were already below half health with one about to fall over from a stiff breeze. The Herald, although it did send him flying, barely dealt 25% of his maximum health with two attacks. But to be fair to his adversaries, the guards were probably there as fodder and the Herald had a trick up its sleeve; another phase or a new attack at a certain HP percentage. Then there's also the Lycan's Howl he was worried about; it posed great threat to some of the squishier party members and Edelweiss was already low enough to die in the next cast. Polak needed to silence the beast and prevent it from casting that infernal howl... but he couldn't do that while laid out on the floor...

'As much as I'd love to sleep now, I should get back to the fight before I get too comfortable...' a disappointed Polak thought, starting to stand back up. As he stood, he felt rejuvenated as Karma cast Healing Beam on him. "Are you okay?" the concerned healer asked. "Better now, thanks." Polak gave a thumbs up towards Karma and then turned towards the battle. Although every bit of extra damage counted and Edelweiss had 100 MP left, he did not want to gamble and cast Unsummon on Edelweiss. Err on the side of caution, as the saying goes.

With his pet safe and sound, Polak ran back to battle as soon as possible. He thought that the ladies were already doing a great job bullying the half-dead Wolfkin Guard and so focused his attention on the main course: Fenrir's Herald. He started observing the beast, looking for attack cues, weaknesses, and the like. Then not forgetting about Lycan's Howl, Polak prepared to use Charge on the Herald at a moment's notice if it looked like it was going to howl.

Lie down for a bit
Unsummon Edelweiss [-50MP/-50HP]
Run towards Fenrir's Herald
Observe Fenrir's Herald further
Use Charge right before it casts Lycan's Howl
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 day ago

Shiba: interacting with, none

Shiba turned his head when he noticed that the guard was nearly dead and he heard from his guild leader to perform something he never thought he could preform in the real world, a backstab. In the real world people would despise him for liking the idea of performing such a despised move but that was just part of Shiba. He was born to be the assassin in this game so this was a good way to practice. He disengaged from the wolfkin guard ands gree used his superior agility to get behind the Herald.

Thanks to the fact that he was aggro he wasn't focused on Shiba giving the opportunity he was looking for. Shiba ran as quickly as he could before he jumped high and pointed his katana downwardas he forced his katana deep aiming for where the spine was meant to be. He knew if this was a normal fight he would hear a loud crack as the werewolf became unable to move. This was a game however so he hoped it would at least cause critical damage.

However Shiba didn't stay on long, once he dug his katana deep he knew it would be dangerous to stay on. He pulled out his katana ands kicked himself off the heralds back and he pulled out his shuriken and threw 10 while he was still close knowing no matter how bad his aim was at close range he wouldn't miss. Once he threw them he moved back ready to run in case he aggro the Herald.

Performed backstab with katana aiming for heralds spine.
Jumped off throwing shuriken as he was in the air
Stood a few feet away from the Herald ready to run
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by HueMan
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HueMan Talrae Admin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

✧ DAY 5 - Dungeon, "The Hill's Sorrow", Boss Room ✧


That was it. All the guardian Wolfkin were brought down, their bodies shattering into light after taking fatal damage.
"Glory to the Lycans..." One whispered in a gruff tone as a powered arrow dug into its chest.
"Live... forever!" The other was brought down by a combination of blades and magic, its freedom of mobility completely surrendered due to shadow energy that moved it around. However as a last act of desperation, even as it was being stunned by a strong punch and blinded by a miraculous shuriken throw, it managed to wage a final strike against an offending mage. All 5 of its claws dug deep into her, dealing massive damage.
It seemed as though Fenrir's Herald was also being taken care of rather easily. Before it could attack the Paladin drawing its attention, it was slammed backwards by the Trainer in plate armor. Taking heavy damage from a gang of players, it was forced to take backward steps, after savagely pushing Polak out of the way.

"My brothers!!!"

The Herald roared mightily; the grass around it shook. Suddenly, you see a status change on Fenrir's Herald's icon. It's name and color of the tag changed from "Fenrir's Herald" (Green) to "Fenrir's Herald Enraged" (Orange). An orange aura surrounded it and burst, pushing everyone near Fenrir's Herald back. The empowered monster emerged from the aura of light, revealing it's new form.

"Arrogant insects!"

The beast moved quickly, as if all status effects on it were removed with the transformation. First it punched the Paladin with a mighty fist. Despite being well-armored and weighed down, the Paladin flew across the field towards the back of his party, crashing into the silver-haired Archer.
"You call that insignificant toy a fear-giver? I am the fear!!!"

Next was the Marauder. A mighty enemy as he was, Fenrir's Herald was more powerful. With a roar that shook the ground, it lashed out with its right arm, enacting Feral Strike on the Marauder. Immediately afterwards, it followed up with a Savage Slasher; the Herald seemingly disappeared into thin-air as it moved faster than an eye could track. Everyone around the Herald was slashed.

Fenrir's Herald Enraged


- Fenrir's Herald took 180 damage from Reylan's Power Shot and 80 damage from normal shot. 1 normal shot misses.
- Fenrir's Herald takes 50 damage from Polak's charge. It is stunned.
- Fenrir's Herald takes 60 damage from Shiba's attack. 2 out of 10 Shuriken misses, 8 shurikens deal 100 damage.
- Fenrir's Herald took 330 from 3 of Paralyze's attacks. 1 misses.
- Fenrir's Herald took 180 damage from Solace's normal attacks.
- Fenrir's Herald took 170 damage from Aster's normal attacks.
- Fenrir's Herald took 140 damage from Dubstepp's 2 Darts.
- Fenrir's Herald is Aggravated by Dirk.

- Wolfkin Guard 1 took 70 damage from Lehariel's attack.
- Wolfkin Guard 1 took 220 damage from Alisea's Icicle Shot, 15 damage from Palm Strike, 20 damage from Stunning Punch and 80 damage from Fire Strike. It is on fire.
- Wolfkin Guard 1 took 60 damage from Chari's Shuriken; it crit strikes for double damage, dealing 120 damage.

- Wolfkin Guard 2 took 100 damage from Reylan's Power Shot. Auto-hit.
- Wolfkin Guard 2 took 30 damage from being on Fire previously.

- Fenrir's Herald regenerated 300HP and 200MP.

- Alisea takes 280 damage from Wolfkin Guard's last strike.
- Polak takes 30 damage from Fenrir's Herald's push.

- Dirk takes 210 damage from Fenrir's Herald's punch.
- Reylan takes 15 damage from flying Dirk.
- Paralyze take 380 damage from Fenrir's Herald's Feral Strike -> take 200 damage next turn as you bleed out.
- Polak, Shiba, Solace, Aster, Dirk, Chari, Lehariel takes 200 damage from Savage Slasher.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
Avatar of Ithradine

Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 3 days ago


Heath: 585/800
Mana: 100/800

Interacting with:


Reylan observed with brief satisfaction as the Wolfkin Guard fell to his guided arrow. That was one less threat that they needed to worry about and allowed Paralyze and his posse to strike the boss. By the time he turned his attention to the other Lycan, Alisea had already rushed forward into close combat. His heart felt like it shattered as he saw the Wolfkin Guard strike her, plummeting her HP bar lower and lower "Alisea!" He screamed out instinctively as the bar switched from green, to yellow, and finally red. A sliver of her bar remained. It took every ounce of his will power to push through the strong, sick feeling deep in his stomach "Karma, Alisea needs healing NOW!" He quickly ordered the healer, urgency clear in his voice. The hand now holding his bow tightened tightly into a fist as he gritted his teeth, his worry now combining with anger. That idiot... he thought to himself. If Alisea had taken just 20 more points of damage...the thought just made his anger that much stronger. It was not the time for this, he had others to worry about as well.

He had to put aside his feelings for the moment to turn his attention to the boss, who just cried out for its loss kin. A fierce determined look replaced all of the subtle insecurities that had been previously expressed on his face. Bring it on beast. You'll be reunited with them soon enough.. He held up his hand at the intense light that emanated from Fenrir's Herald, dropping it as the boss emerged with new-found strength. Reylan did not falter in the face of this new danger, the scare from Alisea nearly dying had steeled his nerves for the moment. Rage boiled underneath his calm surface, rage at Alisea for making such a foolish attack and rage at the Wolfkin Guard for nearly taking something away from him, all this concentrated anger culminated in a firm resolve against the boss. His silver eyes scanned his comrades scattered across the battlefield doing a quick assessment of their statuses. He should have payed more attention to the boss, if he did he might have been able to react to the flying paladin currently on collision course with him.

The weight of Dirk and his plate armor toppled the archer onto this back, slamming him against the hard ground letting out a quiet sound of pain. A dazed glance at his HP bar told him he had taken 15 HP of damage, though the impact felt like more than that. Reylan recovered quickly and rose to his feet, making sure that Dirk got up as well "We need you back in there, Dirk. Get his attention any way you can. You are the Legion's shield remember!" He had been inclined to make a joke about Dirk's weight, but figured the situation demanded greater attention. With the full force of the Legion of the Wolf now bearing down upon it, Fenrir's Herald would know absolute defeat "Right, it's time to finish this." He spoke quietly to himself, the only ones who might've be able to hear it were Dirk and Dubstepp.

A quick crack of his neck and he was ready to get this ordeal over with "Wolves! It is time to show what we're made of!" Reylan called out with vigor, there was no way in hell they were leaving anyone behind "Paralyze get in as close as you can and bust its head in. Dirk and Polak, keep it bogged down and focus on blocking its attacks! Solace and Aster, press the offensive and knock it off balance! Chari and Shiba, work together and start doing hit-and-runs! Lehariel, fall back and focus on spell casting!" There was a difference in his voice, his tone more assured of the orders he gave "Dub and Alissea, keep striking from range!" The boss had a preference for doing damage to magic users, so even though Lehariel could deal damage up close it was dangerous to do so "Karma, heal up Chari and anyone who falls bellow 500 HP." He did not need to yell with Karma being so close, with the unpredictability of the boss...they couldn't afford to fall below that margin if they wished to be safe.

In the end, there was no way for Reylan to make them follow his orders as of yet. He simply had to hope they listened and that his orders were the right ones. That was enough thinking for now, he needed to contribute as well to end this quickly. He felt like he was getting quicker retrieving the arrows from his quiver, but that might have just been his perception, as he loaded the first arrow in. This first shot he aimed carefully and released, praying that some archery god would help him out here. This went the same way for the second and third shots, he was holding off on his last 100 points of mana for a guided power shot for guaranteed damage should this assault not take him down. It was difficult as it was trying to hit the monster when he was moving so quickly.

After this ordeal was done with and the rewards from the dungeon given out, Reylan needed to to spend a day decompressing and relaxing. The others could simply get lost in the excitement of combat but he had to keep track of anyone else and worry about their status. For a person with anxiety, this was a very taxing ordeal. Everyone deserved some R&R after this victory, even if he was getting ahead of himself.

-Orders Karma to heal Alisea
-Gets up from Dirk knocking him down
-Sends out orders
--Paralyze to keep bashing the boss
--Polak and Dirk to block hits and slow it down
--Solace and Aster press the attack and throw it off balance
--Chari and Shiba engage in hit and run
--Karma heal Chari and anyone with less than 500HP
--Dubstepp, Alisea, and Lehariel use ranged attacks from a distance
-Fires three normal arrows at the boss
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by demonspade64
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demonspade64 Your Friendly Neighborhood Hellraiser

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Mana: 1300/1500(-100)(Restore back to max)(-200)


luckily Karma was able to keep everyone heals without drawing arro from the boss or his underling, with was a reliever. Maybe the enemy would only single out and attack magic use if they use a damaging spell on them, in which case was good news for Karma. So far everyone was going well in this battle; perhaps gooding too well. For two of his fellow mages decided to join the melee and combo the last underling. "Wait what are they doing?" Karma asked himself before he looked at Alisea's health. That when he remembered that Alisea was a glass cannon with only 500 hitpoints to work with. "Is she crazy?" He remarked before he aimed his staff at her and begin lining up a shot.

But before he could one of the underling in his final moments deliver one last attack...Karma could only watch in shock as Alisea health bar begin decreasing and decreasing.

210 hitpoints
157 hitpoints
90 hitpoints
20 hitpoints
20 hitpoints?

Karma was so shocked that he could even think let alone move. The Legion of the Wolf almost lost someone today, and it was because of him...

"Alisea!" Karma said rushing over to her side running close to her side. Karma then cast a spell on her "Healing beam!" Karma then restored her health back up 370. "Alisea i'm sorry i forgot you do not have that many hitpoints." He said sounding worried. sounding like he thought it was his fault, for it was his job to keep everyone alive. However, Karma didn't have enough time to lament the issue for the boss sudden went through what seems to be a second phase where he begins to glowing orange with an orange aura. He was seemly quick and faster than before, knocking the group Paladin into there archer before he disappeared and slash 7 of his party members in the blink of an eye, leaving Chari in need of healing...


It was about damn time to use that Taliman. Karma then made the wooden talisman around his neck glow before a blue glow enveloped his body as his mp was restored back to his cap. "Chari you're to come close to me for a second, Polak i recommend you get in one this too, Alisea stayed near me. I about able to do that thing i did before he started the fight so if anyone needs the thing then i suggest you get in while it's free." Karma told them trying to be somewhat being cryptic about it so that the beast wouldn't try to stop him.

Once Everyone was in he wanted to be formation Karma then raised his staff and made the end of it glow light green before slamming his staff on the ground causing the ground below them to glow a bright green as everyone who wanted healing would have their health restore by 300 points. All this was thanks to his ::Restore Vitality:: spell.


Used Healing Beam on Alisea
Used Wooden Taliman to restore mana
Used Restore Vitality on Alisea, Chari, probably Polak, and anyone who wants it.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Health: 500/500
Mana: 828/1600

Everything hurt. A bright, burning pain lit up her chest, spreading a dull throb up to her head and all the way down to her feet. Looking down, five bright lines painted her body. Small drops of light spilled out from the tears that reached through clothing and armor and into her rendered skin.

'It should probably hurt more than this,' came the thought. As intense as the pain was, having her torso ripped open should have been worse, the magess was sure. Then again, thinking about that right now was probably more strange than how severe the pain was not.


Reylan's scream snapped time back into motion. "Karma, Alisea needs healing NOW!" he continued. Alisea wasn't about to disagree; and yet...

Alisea turned around to see him. She caught his eyes. His teeth ground together--anger. His eyebrows were furrowed--anger. His eyes... His eyes were screaming--fear. 'I almost made Reylan sad,' she thought. That was bad. And yet...

She smiled back at her friend. There was no fear, no worry, and not even a hint of the pain flooding her chest, contained in that gaze. There was only happiness. Alisea felt happy, a strange joy she couldn't recall feeling before. Her eyes sparkled like the moon's reflection on a frozen lake. 'Don't be sad,' she pleaded silently. There was nothing to be sad about now.

Karma's healing beam overtook her, the light dancing around her body as it set to work mending her injuries. The tears across her front shrank until they disappeared altogether, smooth skin covering where glowing light had spilled out. The throbbing was replaced by a euphoric rush of heat, filling her body for the duration of the spell; as it faded, only a dull ache in her chest and head remained. Alisea looked to Karma, intending to thank him. Her eyes were noticeably hazy, almost glazed from the combined rush of pain, adrenaline, and healing all in so short a time. "You can hit me with that any time," she purred.

Her attention turned toward the last standing enemy. "You, on the other hand, cannot." Karma wanted to gather those in need of healing several steps back from the frontline. That was fine, so long as big, bad Herald stayed back, too.

Alisea brought her hands together as she summoned her magic. "Fire," the magess commanded, sending a Fire Strike at the large lycan. By now Karma had all those gathered he would, and another wave of heat flooded through Alisea's body even as the surge of her gathering mana flowed the opposite direction. A shiver coursed down her back. "Shadow," was her next order, sending a Nether Push at the giant before he could consider coming any closer. Shadows picked up and swirled around Alisea's body once more--a presence she enjoyed having, making it a pity she had no darkness spells that did damage she could use more often--and she dropped back into casting a third spell. "Ice," she declared as the spell concluded, and a shard burst from her raised hands.

Healed by Karma
Cast Fire Strike at Fenrir's Herald
Cast Nether Push on Fenrir's Herald
Alisea becomes Hidden in the Shadows
Cast Icicle Shot at Fenrir's Herald
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Theodore Smith

Health: 1050/2000
Mana: 50/500

With a single slash, the guard nearly killed Alisea - Theo's blood ran cold as the massive gash spread across her torso. He promised to protect them, and one of them was dying fight in front of him... Luckily, the health stopped just as it hit 20 - Reylan noticed immediately, as did Karma. Thankfully, the healer raised her back up almost immediately - and as her health rose, so did Theo's anger. Why the hell was she thinking, bringing the enemy close to her?! In no game had Theo seen a character with so little health want to be so close to an opponent - it was ridiculous. And to think, she was the one who was angry at Dubstepp for lying about his class - at least Dubstepp didn't do something so risky during a boss fight. He was going to have to talk with her after they made it back to town. With her health back in the green, Theo turned his attention back to the boss - just in time for a fist to smack him in the face.

The punch completely knocked the wind out of him - how could it not have? He was knocked all the way across the arena, and only stopped when he hit Reylan. The impact didn't really hurt Theo all that much, and he was honestly more worried he hurt Reylan when their healer was already so low on mana. As Reylan and Theo made it to their feet, Reylan ordered Theo to go back and be the damage sponge.

"Don't gotta tell me twice..."

The only problem was that nothing he had could do anything. Status effects didn't work on the thing, and Theo sure as hell couldn't out pace the others in damage enough to gain the aggro... Still, he ran back towards the boss.

Some of the others were being healed by Karma, but Theo knew that they should start buckling down on damage - the longer they spent licking their wounds, the more the herald could lick his own. And he was a hell of a lot better at it. Three arrows passed from behind, shot off by Reylan when he finished his orders. From another direction, fire and ice flew towards the creature. With so many projectiles flying, it wasn't safe to tackle the monster... And there was no easy way to gain aggro. To minimize the damage to others, Theo did something he had just chastised Alisea for - he did something risky.

Even with 1050 HP, he didn't feel comfortable doing what he was about to do. It would drag all the attention onto him, and the Herald was an incredibly heavy hitter - there was a chance that it may be able to finish him off. Still, it would protect the others long enough to get damage in, and Karma had just gotten all his mana back - By distracting the enemy, even if he had to run and be healed, the battle would be over very quickly - Karma would only have to heal Theo if the plan worked.

Sheathing his sword and moving his shield to his back, Theo grasped onto the Herald's legs - upon doing so, he gripped as tightly as possible. If the Herald wanted to escape, it would have to pry Theo off of him - and even then, he'll be sure to have all of the Herald's attention. With his back faced upwards, the Herald would have to either reach around the shield to hit him, or simply tear him off - and with the Herald's strength, he wouldn't be surprised if it could tear him off. Holding his breath in preparation of the hit, Theo was thankful he was wearing full plate - at least no part of his body was exposed to the monster.

Get off Reylan
Run towards Herald and sheath weapon/shield
Grapple Herald's legs
Hold on tight
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Tybalt Capulet
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Tybalt Capulet Honorable Heretic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Health: 1100/1500
Mana: 100/300

The guild just kept growing. More and more people, most of them wonderfully cheerful, likely hiding their own pain. It wasn't hard to imagine all that they might be dealing with. This place could be a hell of a lot of fun, but it could also be a hell of a lot of... well, hell. Aster couldn't relate terribly to that, but her mind jumped uncomfortably to all the ways that others could.

The benefit of the guild structure was the fact that, for once, Aster could rely on others. That was something marvelous indeed, and as she rushed forward once more to strike at the Herald, Reylan's words ringing in her ears, she nodded once to Dirk, her most common partner-in-combat. She didn't say anything, simply nodded once, then let her pent-up roar rip loose from her throat as she leapt forward and up, at the monstrous creature before her.

Her throat burned from her scream, but her focus was on her hands, gripping the katana loosely, then tightening to strike the creature with a two-handed blow across the chest. Spinning in the air, she pivoted, engaging Triple Strike while she fell, to make the blows rain down on the beat's shoulder and side, opening glowing red cuts that vanished almost as quickly as they appeared.

Her mana was already starting to run out; there was no way she could do more than one more triple strike, and the enemy was far from death. Dammit, she needed more skills. Gritting her teeth, she braced herself, feet planted, for the fall of the monster's next attack, one hand bracing the back of her sword as a sort of improvised, bladed shield.

Summary: Strikes at chest
Strikes shoulder/side with Triple Strike (-100 mana)
Braces for impact.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AGenericUser
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lehariel Leet

Health: 700/900 (-200, was hit by Savage Slasher)

Mana: 350/1100 (-100, used Finger Lightning and Flash of Light)

It didn't take too long for the Fenrir Herald's canine cronies to get creamed by the crew, through a combination of powerful attacks. Lehariel Leet's combination attack, 'Shadow Breaker' didn't exactly do a lot of damage, but that didn't dissuade the young mage at all. It looked stylish, and felt real good! That's what matters, right?

But, unfortunately for Lehariel... the Fenrir's Herald wasn't exactly too thrilled at this turn of events, and, practically faster than the eye could see - it slashed at various people in range, including Lehariel, for quite a powerful attack. It wasn't exactly a weak blow at all, for Lehariel felt pain from it... which wasn't a bad thing to her.

"Finally! You've taken a chunk outta my life... that gets my blood pumping really good! If it's a battle of life and death you want, I'll give ya one!" Lehariel spoke. "I've been holding back, you know... I wasn't using more than 5% of my power. So, now, I'll use 10%. Feel free to be shivering in your boots, wolfie." Lehariel thought this a good time to boast. If it was a werewolf, then it was half man. And if it was half man, then it could understand her, surely.

However, only one more opponent remained for the group. And by no means would it be an easy opponent - it was the Fenrir Herald, and it was definitely not what one would call happy. Defeating its companions led to the beast becoming enraged, and even more powerful.

"The bloody thing's throwing a hissy fit!" Lehariel exclaimed with a grin. "Let's help this baby... simmer down!" Lehariel had her next move in mind - it was ice magic, to go with the whole 'simmer down' line. However, she then recalled something particularly bothersome... she didn't take up Ice Discipline, and instead had electric elemental spells, meaning her ice-related quip went to waste.

Lehariel was following the orders set by the other silver-haired fellow in the group, although begrudgingly - she was just in that melee combat mood! But, striking from afar with magic most foul was also quite acceptable. And a combination of those? Now that's just overkill! And Lehariel lived for overkill, but now wasn't the time.

That aside, Lehariel's next move was to... call out her attack, of course. "Come, lightning of the heavens! Ravage and smite my enemy! Leave nothing behind!" She called out, as she unleashed a Finger Lightning spell. "A real shock to the system, eh? But I ain't done yet...!"

Lehariel's initial plan was to utilize Piercing Light, though there was only a single target. Using Finger Lightning twice would be a little lame... but then, she noticed that her teammates were locked in quite the physical clash with the powerful werewolf known as Fenrir's Herald.

For now, Lehariel was teamed with this ragtag bunch of misfits... so, she reevaluated her choices. Instead of utilizing another damaging attack, Lehariel thought she'd help the others gain their footing in the battle - and her spell of choice in this endeavour was one that utilized the light itself.

Lehariel unleashed another spell, this time, none other than Flash of Light, in hopes of blinding the foe. Due to her passive ability, Luminous, her body glowed additionally - something Lehariel had noticed, though she was unaware of the passive's true effects. She thought this a good moment to reply to the red-haired girl, Chari, who'd spoken to her earlier. "How's that for some Lehariel Lighting?! Actually, don't answer... I know it was pretty dang good! ...Right?"

"That's... that's all I'll do for this turn. I don't wanna use too much mana, all that. That's right, even the great Lehariel Leet has to worry about that bloody mana..." Lehariel added. For a brief moment, she considered throwing her axe at the opponent, but she wasn't sure how good of a move that was. After all, what if one of the others decides to put their grubby mitts on it and sell it? Then she'd have to buy a new one! And that meant less money going towards Lehariel's personal mission. That mission? To obtain every discipline of spell someday.

But, then - a thought came to Lehariel's mind.

"So this guy's a werewolf, isn't he?!" Lehariel shouted. "Then is he weak to silver?! Anyone got some silver coins or something? It's silly, but hey... maybe it's silly enough to work? Right?" Lehariel shrugged, completely acknowledging the absurdity of such an idea. She had her doubts on if it'd work...

Lehariel uses Finger Lightning. -50MP.
Lehariel uses Flash of Light. -50MP.
Due to using Flash of Light, Luminous activates.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Scarescrow
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Scarescrow Sociopath

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: none
Health: 1130/1900
Mana: 150/600

I am sorry. Paralyze thinks as he looks around him. His teammates were heavily damaged, yet they continue to fight with the boss. He could see clearly the expression of almost everyone from here. From the droplet of sweat that is running down Reylan's eyebrows to the way Aster's muscles contracted after initiating her fancy sword swinging skill, he could see it. Or how Theodore's muscles tensed into something like a block of ice as he prepared to get hit. Actually, everyone is being quite intense. From the mages in the backline that is refueling their mana for the next wave of magic barrages to people like him tanking the hits from Fenrir. Everyone seems to be in their highest state, wanting to kill the enemy that had been using its strength to defy the power of teamwork and friendships. They do this for each other. As the “Wolf Pack" is composed of more than one wolf. And this state of mind was precious, truly was.

But… it was too absurd.

Paralyze could not feel any emotional rush as he looks his teammates rushing in for one another. He can see how determined they are about this idea of sacrificing oneself for one another. He knows what he should execute, wrecking the Fenrir until there is nothing. It is for the good of others and not putting the group as a whole into a danger zone that he should follow what Reylan just said. Paralyze knows. He knows what a man should do. Or hell, what all men should do in this moment. Bravely go into the war zone while stalling for some precious time. But it wasn't there. It just wasn't there.

Clenching his mace as tight as he could, the being headed forward. Its steps were slow at first before picking up movement and headed straight for the Fenrir. It was a reckless action, revealing its chest with almost no form of defense except for its dented armor. But the being seems to be in an attempt to suicide, striking multiple furious blows against the Fenrir. Its strikes were much harder and faster as there is nothing blocking its path but the flesh of the enemy.


    - Thinking about something as his teammates are dying
    - Strike the Fenrir 5 times:
    1st and 2nd strike aimed at the right shoulder
    3rd and 4th aimed at the other leg that is not occupied by Theo
    5th aimed at its heart.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mopsock17
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Health: 1030/1400
Mana: 0/400

Polak panted heavily as his health was brought under 700 once again and the last of his MP used to stun the boss. He turned towards Karma who offered some healing but Polak shook his head and told Karma that he had no time for healing now, then chugged down a red potion. Although he actually would have liked to back off and recuperate further, that would mean him wasting time while everyone else were putting in 110% of their effort; Polak did not want to be seen slacking off. The Herald was at half health itself and with everyone focusing on it, now was the time to take out the other half of its health.

With no MP left Polak, had no other options and continued his attack. Still wary on Lycan's Howl, he thought it would be good to try to prevent it from being cast, so Polak took his spear and stabbed the werewolf under its jaw. But he didn't stop there, he continued pushing the spear with every ounce of his strength and tried to push the werewolf's head up and back; and with one leg being grappled by a stalwart paladin and the other being struck at twice by an angry mace-wielding marauder, Polak intended to push the Herald down on its back.

Use Red Potion for 350 HP
Stab under the Herald's jaw and use the spear to push it down
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Health: 600/800
Mana: 200/1200 >> 1200/1200 >> 1050/1200
Renn: 368 Renn
STATs Tree:

Health: 395/700
Mana: 000
STATs Tree:

Dubstepp froze for a few seconds. He launched two more darts at the wolf hybrid in the middle. The musician did not even put any thoughts toward his actions. This battle was becoming a bit tiresome and difficult. The team had yet to defeat one of the other minions. He watched his rabbit monster's health begin to decrease through every turn of attack. He was not sure whether or not to pull him from the battle.

Using a few breathing exercises, he started to think more accurately about his next idea. He remembered something of vital importance. He checked his inventory and found his wooden talisman. Dubstepp held out in front of his person and yelled out the name of the object: "Wooden Talisman!" As if screaming out the object made it work faster, Dubstepp could feel his mana regenerating to its complete maximum.

After having plentiful of mana juice, Dubstepp put most of his moves into healing his monster.

Dubstepp was satisfied with the progress the team was making. It looked like the others had defeated the guardians. All that was left was the big boy. His ears listened to the words of Reylan. Dubstepp cracked a smile, he acknowledged that this was going to go down easily. This monster wasn't going to be able to withstand the dps of everyone.

Dubstepp prepared himself and ordered Totoro to charge. The rabbit monster did a hefty roar and rushed to the boss monster. It's legs padded on the floor; its ears stood up as he bared his fangs at the boss monster. Dubstepp went along with Reylan's suggestion and began tossing more of his darts. This guy needed to go down and the only way the musican could make sure of that was to never let it rest.

If they already killed it before the guardians, the boss monster might have not become enraged. Dubstepp sighed, not lking the level, health, and mana boost that was given to him. This seemed like a huge false advertisement. More than likely, this was the game devs trolling the first levels.


Dubstepp throws darts at [Fenrir's Herald].
Dubstepp uses Wooden Talisman.
-Throws 1 Dart
-Throws 2 Darts
Dubstepp casts Heal Monster on [Totoro]
Dubstepp casts Heal Monster on [Totoro]
Dubstepp casts Heal Monster on [Totoro]

Totoro attacks [Fenrir's Herald].
Dubstepp throws at [Fenrir's Herald].
-Throws 5 Darts

- 7 darts lost from inventory

Interacting with:

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Haruhi43
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Haruhi43 A Clever Fox

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Health: 810/1000
Mana: 18/600


Chari gritted her teeth as she was struck by the boss's attack and dug her Kunai into the ground to stop her from falling backwards. Her health dropped to 510, it sure liked to flaunt it's strength. Her attention snapped to Karma and the boss man as she heard her name called by them. She wouldn't turn down a heal cause it meant she can kept giving it her all in fighting this monster. She came up to Karma and nodded "This close enough?" she asked with a smirk. A bit of energy felt like it flowed back into her body as her HP bar "Thanks Karma, keep up the good work 'kay?" Then without anything more, she darted back into the fray.

She let the others grab Fenrir's Herald attention while she made her way to Shiba, the other rogue crimson There was a chance for Shiba to respond before she took off after the boss, maneuvering to a blind spot and slicing into its side with a series of cuts before back off, throwing four shurikens as she distanced herself "Shiba, you're turn!" She shouted to her current partner in crime, choosing to observe the fight while the others worked their magic as well. Speaking of magic, Lehariel was definitely a flashy kind of gal. She alone was enough to keep Chari entertained. Now it was time to see if the boss would pull off another one of its tricks or fall beneath their foot.

-Gets Healed by Karma (300 HP)
-Hits Fenrir's Herald with 5 normal strikes
-Backs aways, throwing 4 shurikens in her retreat
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