Jason Lucis
"I can anyone you want for the night and the right price."

Jason was raised from a young age to care about his looks more than anything. His looks are extremely important so he spends a good deal of time trying to look his best. He has no visible scars or nicks on his body since most people didn't want a guy like him to look beaten up or rough. He stands at a respectable 6'3" and weighs about 220 pounds. Jason seems to be quite skilled at the arts of seduction mainly using his body.
Brothel Employee/ Owner
Short Bio:
"Everyone always expects the story of the Brothel worker to be a tragic tale of a fallen man reduced to selling his body to the night for his bread . My story is not even close to that as I like my line of work. It is amazing what pillow talk can get you. It does have it's tragic parts but it does not get as tragic as you would think and I like to think I am a success. I suppose I should start at the beginning."
"I was born in the Rich Quarter of Eredel to an Eredel merchant and his Vesporan wife. My parents made a killing off the trade between Vespora and Eredel and they expected me to run the family business after them. Expect I most certainly did not have a mind for numbers or trade. I did have skills in two subject matters: Pleasure and manipulation. Neither of those were useful in the slightest for a merchant's son but I spent most of my days sleeping and drinking my way through the city. My parents never could get me under control and eventually they had enough. After I slept with the wrong person at the age of 16, by accident of course, my parents decided to disown me and throw me onto the street. They expected I would lay down and give up while returning to them with my tail between my legs."
"I was never the type to give up and I knew I had a few useful skills that I already could use. My years of sleeping my way through the city had given me a few contacts that I could call on. One of them was a friend at a local brothel in the slums called the Silken Flute. Most people see that kind of work as the lowest of the low but I like to think of it as a needed service. Everyone has stress and someone like me needs to be able to let it all out. I managed to rack up a large and loyal clientele who were all coming to the Flute for me. Since I always wanted control, I decided to use my list to run a coup on the owners of the Flute. They were pimps who treated their employees like garbage. So I had to do something. It helped to have the Captain of the Guard as a client when you wanted someone arrested. With a few bribes and whispers into the right ears, I managed to get ownership of the Silken Flute after only four years working there. I can't take all the credit since I used my loyal friends. "
"As soon as I took over the Flute, I instated a few changes. I turned one of the worse brothels in the city into one of the best in the Kingdom. I could draw nobles and high end people My employees were treated with respect and kept safe by hired mercenaries who I could control. Most people saw a Brothel owner but the intelligent ones saw me for who I was. I was the one who had the ear of some of the most powerful men in the kingdom. People knew they could come to the Silken Flute to lose their worries for a night or two and we welcomed anyone who could pay. Men or woman were invited to indulge and I always kept an eye out for talent. My "talent scouts" search the kingdoms for promising talent for the Flute and my employees may leave whenever they want. I try not to try them poorly since we are all in this line of work together. "
"I have always been a follower of Aphrodite. In my line of work, it pays to keep the goddess of Love on your side. Priests of the goddess always got discounted rates to keep my brothel in her good graces. I enjoy my little kingdom of pleasure and I do hope no one ruins it for me."
- He's quite a charmer when he wants to be even without any help.
-Gender is merely a word to him though he does prefer men over women.
-He is more than a pretty face: There is a mind in the body of this pretty mister.