Ariella "Ari" Lindholm

Appearancce: Ariella stands a whopping 5'3 with a very slim build, nearly devoid of muscle. Her eyes are an icy blue, her skin rather pale and she has long ebony hair.
Age: 19
Kingdom: Adlan
Goddess: Persephone
Occupation: Handmaiden to the Princess of Adlan
Short Bio: Ariella grew up as an only child in the kingdom of Adlan, with a loving mother and a father whom she adored. Ariella had been blessed with her family, especially considering she was one of the few well off people in the kingdom (which isn't saying much in comparison to other kingdoms, but Ariella didn't know the difference back then). Her father was Adlan's most skilled blacksmith and often received contract orders from people all across the globe which supported their family. Her father worked tirelessly while her mother took care of everything at home. Life had been wonderful until the year Ariella turned 7.
Her father had finished a large order for a merchant in Vespora and had left on a fairly long journey to deliver the goods. They payout was supposed to be incredible, which is what made the travel worth it, but then two months went by without any contact from her father. Normally during these journeys he would write to them, but they had not received a single letter. Another two months passed by and the town started talking - Petrich Lindholm was either dead or he had abandoned his family for his riches in Vespora. Ariella and her mother couldn't bare to believe that he would have abandoned them, so they had to come to terms that he must have been ambushed and overtaken on the journey. It was devastating.
Her mother had been with Petrich since she was 16 years old and had no work experience. As they ran out of reserves their father had left them, Ariella learned what it meant to be truly poor. They survived for some years with her mother working her fingers to the bone as a seamstress and Ariella doing what she could as an assistant to a shopkeeper, but it was never enough. The money could barely keep a roof above their heads and food was scarcely available. Ariella's mother, the nurturer that she was, always gave Ariella more than her fair share of food. Ultimately it killed her. The year Ariella turned 12, she found her mother dead in her makeshift bed. She had gone to sleep that night and never woken up. The poor thing had been skin and bones by then and Ariella supposed her body had finally given up.
With no where to go and not enough money to pay for the house, Ariella became homeless for nearly a year until the royal family of Adlan took pity on her. Luckily for her, the eldest Princess was about the same age as Ariella and was in need of a handmaiden. Thus, the King assigned Ariella to his eldest daughter and let her take refuge in the servants quarters so long as she did her job.
Damon Eredel

Appearance: Damon has dirty blonde hair, steely grey eyes and stands at 6'1 with a fairly slim but muscular build.
Age: 23
Kingdom: Eredel
Occupation: Prince of Eredel, heir to the throne
Short Bio: Life has always been easy for Damon, Eredel's golden boy. He's had a fantastic education, the money to buy anything his heart could have possibly dreamed of, the social status to get away with murder and the good looks that has made him lucky with the ladies (though that could have been his social status too). Truly, the Prince as never worked a hard day in his life.
Being born with a silver spoon in his mouth, it is difficult for Damon to imagine the poor circumstances of others, especially seeing as how most of his kingdom is very well off. Though he tries to be as polite as he can to people he does not know, he can sometimes unintentionally come off as stuck up or ignorant to the emotions and feelings of others.
Aside from his tight regimen of sword training and war tactic lectures with his father, Damon can typically be found flirting with beautiful women and playing practical jokes on servants or his younger siblings. His stern father often looks at him with pure disappointment in his eyes while his mother brushes everything off with a "boys will be boys" phrase. He's always been the playful type and somehow the strict nature of his upbringing had no effect on his spirit.
Nonetheless, the time to pick a suitable wife and future Queen is quickly approaching. To Damon's chagrin, his parents have forced him to meet a new option nearly every week for the past year. None of them have struck him as particularly interesting, much less as someone he would tolerate for the rest of his life. Disappearing would be particularly appealing to him at the moment.