The Earth is dying.

It has seemed that way for decades, possibly even centuries, but it has always been so slow that most mortals have simply gone numb to the planets ever fading radiance. There are only few ancient enough remember a world vibrant with life. However, something has happened recently that no one can ignore or brush off.
Winter has long been over according to the calendar, but the returning vegetation hasn't lasted with the Spring season. The great kingdom of Eredel once had thick forest sprawled across their entire territory, yet most of the trees have begun dropping every last leaf as they move closer to Summer. The strong rivers of Haventis have grown weak and some have even dried up completely. Vespora grows hotter each day and what little farmland Adland has won't grow enough crops to feed everyone.
The Gods and Goddesses of Olympus have heard the prayers of millions calling for help and thus they must act, yet they are forbidden from taking physical form on Earth. Zeus has, however, permitted them to each pick a one being of their choice to grant special abilities to in order to find a solution to this ever growing problem. It all seems a game to Zeus, seeing as he knows the answer, but the Gods will play along. They are tasked with guiding these mortals through visions and whatever means they see fit.
Hermes, the messenger God, has been given the responsibility of roping each of these chosen individuals together to form a quest to save the Earth. Zeus permits Hermes to tell this group one helpful bit of information; The key is to find Gaia's Heart. An old forgot legend says that eons ago, when the Titan Cronus overthrew his father from the throne, he also locked away his mother Gaia far away and left her there to die. Finding her could save the planet.
This group of heroes will face things they have never seen or experienced before, realizing that the world has so many magical wonders that they had been previously sheltered from. Although they have the Gods helping them along the way, they must prove themselves worthy and overcome many obstacles - including getting along with their counterparts.
The Kingdoms
The Gods
Notes & Rules
- This is set in medieval times
- You may request another God/Goddess to be added to the list that may not be there already by PMing me or asking in the OOC
- The first ability should not be overly powerful. Eventually our heroes will learn 2nd, more powerful abilities as we get further into our adventure.
- You will not be controlling your God/Goddess much, unless instructed by myself or given approval. They will usually just be used to advance the story or character development.
- Romance is encouraged. Don't be afraid to have certain characters know each other in different ways, either! It'll make the journey interesting.
- No other characters may come from Xivia, I'd like to keep it's mysterious allure for now.
- The general population is currently ignorant to mythical creatures existing. Only when our adventure begins and the
Gods "open the eyes" of our characters will they realize that these things do exist.
- I get we all have lives, so I don't expect you to make multiple posts a day. Lets shoot for at least once a week, though. Please let me know if you'll be going on hiatus as well.
- Please no one-liners, especially ones that don't advance the story in any way. I expect at least 1-3 paragraphs per post, but it's definitely quality over quantity.
- No real pictures please.
- You can either PM me your character sheet application, or post it in the OOC for approval. Don't be afraid to ask questions either! :]
Character Sheet