Basil Floros
Basic Profile
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen
Physical Traits: Basil is an adolescent Mediterranean male of average height and weight. He is a pleasant looking person, with dark black hair that is neatly trimmed around his ears, which contrasts nicely with his olive eyes. He is clearly athletic, and in excellent physical condition, more than likely due to a strict workout routine which has granted him a muscular form with a strong jawline. His face and body are well proportioned for the most part, with the only outlier being his slightly oversized ears. Overall Basil is quite proud of his visage and appearance, and maintains his better features semi-religiously.
Hometown: Corinth, Greece
Academics: If it wasn’t for Basil’s decent comprehension for mathematics he would be a below average student, faring poorly in most other subjects, especially writing and English. His grasp of the language has improved dramatically over the years from what it was, and he only struggles to find the right words occasionally.
Personality Traits
- Patriotic
- Happy-go-lucky
- Proud
- Independent
- Laid Back
- Vain
- Arrogant
- Lenient
- Impulsive
- Egotistical
Gifted Youngster
Call-sign: Reveille
Costume: Usually Basil’s clothing is shredded or lost when he uses his powers, which was understandably unfortunate for him. After a clever bit of chemistry from another mutant however Basil was gifted several outfits made of a material that dissolves and reforms much like Basil does. His typical uniform is a pair of grey boots which Basil straps on using latches instead of separate laces. A pair of blue cargo pants, and a yellow tank top with a white undershirt beneath that. Basil’s belt is the key to the entire outfit’s reformation, the star doesn't dissolve and acts similar to Basil’s brain, in maintaining a connection with the clothing particles and recalling their exact formation allowing for them to come together once more.
Basil’s body isn’t made of the same carbon material as most of humanity. His physiology is far more complex than even the already multifaceted intricacies of the human body. His X gene is centered on the production of hydrogen, electric sparks, and non-Newtonian matter and elements unknown to the periodic table. All of which come together to grant Basil a varied arsenal of mutant abilities including, shrinking, expansion, explosions, and liquefying and solidifying transmutation.
Liquid Transmutation Due to his natural physiology the majority of Basil’s body is made up of a non-Newtonian non-flammable matter, which reacts to electric currents and hydrogen gas similar in part to liquid sand. Through concentration Basil can secrete hydrogen gas throughout his bulk causing his body to bubble and transform into a liquid-like state, which can be controlled through electrical currents sent from his brain. This state is not a pure liquid however, and can only be stretched so far before it is torn and damaged resulting in severe physical trauma in Basil’s normalized form. His liquid state is malleable like soft putty, and can reform after receiving piercing damage, and is generally disgusting to look at. The only part that remains entirely intact and solid is his brain, which can be moved around to any part of Basil’s liquid body at will. The liquid transmutation can be total, or partial and can happen almost instantly. Basil can also preform the opposite, reversing the effects by removing any traces of hydrogen and making his skin stiff, and harder than a rock. This allows Basil to let high projectiles such as bullets to pass right through his invulnerable liquid form while pounding a target with fists like stone.
Expansion/Shrinking Through complex electrical signals from his brain, and a serious amount of concentration Basil can grow to about thirty feet tall, stretched to his max, or compress to less than five inches. He remains his standard weight and keeps his original mass meaning his is either a very light air-inflated giant, or an incredibly heavy mouse-sized man. The smaller Basil is the harder he can hit through mass and force conversion, however he can also form himself into a large wave of crushing liquid or reach high up shelves in the kitchen using his giant form.
Hydrogen Explosions Hydrogen is highly explosive, reacting to even small sparks with an immense sound and a fiery yield, (think Hindenburg Catastrophe) and Basil can produce cubic tons of it. The intense sound these blasts, and the fiery aftermath was what drove his parents to sending him across the world to enroll in Xavier's school in the first place, with his family hoping he would learn to control the dangerous ability. This fact, when combined with his naturally loud personality led to his alias, Reveille. His years of accidental explosions soon passed however and he became adept at directing dangerous explosive attacks towards nearby targets followed by the generation of a larger then normal electric spark, resulting in a deadly fireball which Basil can launch on a whim with ranges up to thirty feet and a max yield of one half gigajoule of energy. Not only that but he can form an even larger explosive cloud around his body without fear of killing himself due to his natural resistance to heat and flame, if not the concussive blasts themselves. As long as he maintains a thick shield of hardened matter around his brain Basil has little to fear from his own weapon.
Advanced Movement/Forming Only Basil’s brain cannot be liquefied but it can be compressed, so as long as it would fit, he could squeeze the entire rest of his body through any opening. He can also reform different aspects of the human body which are lost during total liquefying. Such as eyes, ears, a nose, hands, feet, an elephant’s trunk, or octopus’s tentacle, anything Basil could imagine. And he can make as many of them as need be. For just a moment imagine a giant flesh colored blob covered in eyes and tentacles with thousands of tiny centipede legs crawling across the floor and you could begin to understand the horrifying potential here. If, by chance Basil is knocked out, falls asleep, or simply ceases to release any pure hydrogen into his body he will swiftly melt, grow, or in some manner reform into his usual human self, with all the pain, physical damage potential, and bodily functions that come with it.
Electric Currents While in his liquid state Basil is immensely vulnerable to energy discharges or static spikes. His body is very conductive, especially when he is liquefied, and receives small electric commands from his brain in order to move. If a stray outside electric current is introduced, while it won’t kill Basil, he will lose all control over his body and begin to spaz out until the foreign electrical current is no longer present.
Freezing Basil does not react well to extreme drops in temperature, for obvious reasons. Even in arguably mild frigid environments like Canada in winter, or icy water slows his ability to liquefy, and if he comes into contact with dry ice, it could freeze him to the point where he can’t liquefy at all, becoming brittle and vulnerable to shattering.
Impact and Tear Trauma Basil’s body becomes a liquid, or solid on his command, however, it must remain in some way in contact with his brain. If a hardened limb is shattered through force, or a part of his body is torn away from its whole this damage will correlate with actual physical damage later on when Basil reverts to his usual form. Those cells have to be regrown in their entirety, and although Basil can regenerate, it is a slow and painful process. Also, his brain is highly vulnerable being the only thing that can be properly damaged while Basil is liquefied. Any sort of standard brain trauma could result in Basil blacking out and reverting back to his original form, or even potentially dying outright depending on the severity.
Hydrogen Limitations This might seem silly, seeing as hydrogen is one of the most abundant elements on earth making up more than ninety percent of the known matter in the universe. However, Basil burns through the stuff like it’s going out of style, especially if he’s shooting hydrogen bombs out of his hands. He gathers the element naturally through eating hydrogen rich dairy products or high protein foods, and also collects it from drinking lots of water. If Basil runs out of hydrogen entirely he would die, but fortunately for him his powers no longer work when he reaches a low enough level and he is forced to revert back to his human form, usually parched and with a strong craving for a glass of milk.
Prior to Joining the School.
For the first twelve years of his life there was nothing, Basil Floros for all he and his family knew was an ordinary child. He grew up in Greece, to a relatively poor family. They’d been hit hard in the economic crisis and after a car crash that left his father permanently injured they never managed to acquire a stable income again. That being said, Basil was never a resentful person. Taught to thankful and proud of what he had, and what he could attain even if it wasn’t that much. He probably would have gone on existing just like that, growing up to take on a hard labor job and scrape out a living close to home. At least he would have, if that day that changed his life forever had never occurred. Basil’s powers began to manifest themselves in obscure ways, that his concerned family at first attempted to ignore, even Basil, fascinated as he was with the strange bubbling that would come over his entire body, and the small blasts he could generate remained cautiously aware that this wasn’t normal. As the years ticked by the incidents began to grow more numerous, and despite the Floros’ best attempts to pretend nothing was going on were starting to realize something had to be done. But what? Basil was a relatively good kid, never getting into too much trouble, and he was always genuinely sorry for waking up the entire household at three in the morning with a small blast, or terrifying his grandmother with his bubbling skin.
It was only when Basil learned he could change his body during some of these episodes that his father finally had to put his foot down, demanding Basil cease whatever it was he was doing and forget it ever happened in the first place. Basil’s parents held suspicions that their child was one of the mutants gaining more public awareness across the world, and they feared for him, for Greece was never well known for its tolerance of such people. To protect their youngest son they tried to repress his abilities, hide them from the world but it proved to be a fatal error. Basil felt he had no control over the episodes, and they began to grow worse, and more common. After a particularly bad accidental discharge that nearly burnt his family home to the ground Basil’s father and mother decided something simply had to be done. They scraped some money together, all of their life savings in order to get Basil a green card and plane ticket to America, hoping to send him to the one place where Basil might have a hope of learning to control his “gift”,
Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. Only, Basil didn’t want to go. He resented leaving his family, and he resisted their efforts to console him into believe this was for his own good. He’d never been the best student, and he’d never been really interested in expanding his life outside of his home town, much less his own country. But in the end, his choice didn’t really matter. And at the age of fourteen he was sent with less than a hundred dollars in his pocket to a country he didn’t know, with a language he couldn’t speak, to be in a school he didn’t want to attend.
Basil’s father always taught him to be content with his lot in life, even if it wasn’t what he wanted or what he enjoyed. He set himself to learning English and at least passing his harder classes. He worked hard, and his pride kept him from allowing himself to fail outright. The majority of his focus revolved around learning to control his abilities so that he might one day return home and live a normal life. But if there is one thing being content causes, it’s a companionate love for what one has. Basil eventually became grateful for this school, and its teachings, and he began making lasting friendships. He was a generally happy person, and couldn’t stay resentful for long, even in this foreign land.