Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Natasha Zhang

Age: 34, but looks 25

Physical Description:

Important items:

Vacuum Suit - A spacesuit that allows her to survive in space for prolonged periods of time, and which acts as body armor in a pinch.

Monomolecular Longsword - A blade sharpened to a molecule-thin edge and can chop through most materials; contained in a special sheath that can withstand said molecule-edge.

Coilgun Pistols - Two Coilgun Pistols.

Omni-Tool - Miniature Computer that allows for communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation and small-scale hacking.

Galactic Credits - 100,000 Galactic Credits in both digital and material form.

Short Bio: Natasha Zhang was born in the frontier world of Qingdao, on the edge of Ascendancy space. Qingdao was a rustic world, mostly dedicated to farming, mining, and providing raw materials to the Ascendancy Core Worlds, who provided protection in the form of naval forces. As is usually the case in these kinds of stories, Natasha soon grew tired of the podunk homeworld she was stuck in and dreamt of greater things, to be a captain of one of the starships she saw on the HyperNet. And so, once she grew old enough, she went off to join the nearest Recruitment Office to join the Ascendancy forces in their escalating hostilities against other species.

Starting as a midshipman abroad a Corvette, Natasha soon encountered the glass ceiling that prevented those from the frontier colonies from ascending to high rank in the Ascendancy Fleet, as well as the favoritism shown to those from the Core. Nevertheless, out of stubbornness, she ignored it, and even hoped for a war against the Rau've in order to in order to give her opportunities to prove herself. Piloting a starship was her dream, and she wasn't going to let go of that just because of some opposition. And so she waited for war, and when it came, the rapid series of battles against the Rau've and Kaisoken gave her multiple avenues for promotion.

Finding herself in command of the Corvette she served in, then a Frigate and a Cruiser, Natasha's rise then stopped due to the Battle of Proxima, where she lost several of her crew to a Rau've broadside when the Grand Admiral in charge of the Ascendancy Fleet used her ship and several others held by 'frontier-born' officers as bait to draw a Coalition squadron into a space minefield. This drew her ire, especially as in the aftermath of the battle, she and the other 'frontier-born' were blamed for the battle's loss and dishonorably discharged. Shocked by such ingratitude, Natasha went back to her homeworld for a while to take up farming but grew bored again.

Which is why the secret message from Moonstrike, sent through the dark web, was music to her ears. The resistance group, tired of the Ascendancy's lies, propaganda, and totalitarian tactics were gathering people for a guerrilla campaign against the Ascendancy. And yes, they can provide the ex-captain her own ship: It would merely be a light freighter, but it would be enough for her; at last, she can soar through the stars again.

She remembered smiling as she pondered her vengeance against the Ascendancy; it will come swiftly.

Personality-wise, Natasha is a hard-drinking woman who loves loud music and surprisingly, history (mostly of the military type). She loves tales of old battles but has branched out to hearing about economic and social causes of warfare; she also loves a good tale of poisoning, assassination, and deliberately engineered 'accidents'. She is also a gun and sword enthusiast (unsurprisingly), but ships and navigation are her true love.

Exceptional Skill List:

- Exceptional Navigation x2
- Exceptional Endurance
- Exceptional Diplomacy
- Exceptional Trade
- Exceptional Swordsmanship x2
- Exceptional Gunslinging
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: John Green

Age: 18

Physical Description:

Important items:

Kalis Sword - A blade forged of super-alloys and honed to a monomolecular edge, John carries this blade as a reminder of his ordeal in the Ascendancy, and his determination to prevent the same thing from happening to other people.

Coilgun Pistol - A pistol that uses electromagnetic technology to launch metal bullets at a fraction of the speed of light.

Ballistics Vest - An undershirt of soft but tough materials surrounding a core of armored dura-ceramic plates that can withstand a few pistol shots.

Galactic Credits - A few thousand credits in digital form given by the former Rau've warden.

Omni-Tool - Miniature Computer that allows for communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation and small-scale hacking.

Condensed Mana Ampoules - Six very small sealed bottles that contain a silvery-white glowing substance created by John using the Distillation of Liquid Light spell (see below). These are hidden in the pockets of John's outer vest (see Physical Description).

Short Bio: John Green was born to a middle-class family, with a high level of physical and mental intelligence. Excelling at school, it was anticipated he would end up with a University scholarship by the time he reached eleven. Then, the Ascendancy, after ramping up years of Anti-Alien rhetoric, used a series of border incidents with the Rau've and Kaisoken to launch a war of conquest against them, a war that John avidly followed from the news. Every victory - and there were plenty of early victories - excited him, as well as developments in military hardware. The only downside was that he would have to wait a few more years to study at the University of Alpha Centauri. Or at least, that's what he thought.

One day, while travelling to an amusement park, John vanished, being snatched away by unknown abductors. Whisked away to an Ascendancy Black Site, John, then thirteen, was forced to give up what possessions and mementos of his former life were on his person, before being experimented on. His blood was infused with Kaisoken dust, while all sorts of intrusive tests and examinations conducted on him; this was before he was thrown into 'special forces training'. There, his illusions of the Ascendancy's benevolence now shattered, John was taught how to fight and use weapons, as well as survive harsh environments. And above all, he learned how to tap into the 'Magic' he now had to hurt and endure hurt.

When the time came for him to be thrown into the fighting, Green (for that was his callsign then) was thrown into another level of hell, where he had to kill or be killed. And so he had to kill, and get good at it as fast as possible. So life, for him, became a blur of combat actions, depression, occassional friendships, and losses. Then came the Battle of Proxima, where the Ascendancy of Man, reeling from recent defeats, made a final stand. Green was deployed on a boarding action against the enemy flagship, where after inflicting losses against the enemy, he was captured by overwhelming Rau've forces, who injected him with a tranquilizer that cannot be nullified even by Change magic.

When he woke up, he was in a prison camp, with a collar of plant matter and crystal around his neck that prevented him from using spells. The walls were padded, he had no armor or weapons, and no convinient air vents. It was clear; he was a captive. And so he did the only thing he could; cry. Everything was lost; innocence, family, and possibly friends and life. And so he glumly waited for his punishment; it didn't come.

His jailors came to him, gradually allowing him freedom of the prison camp, books to read, puzzles to play with, and the opportunity to talk with his fellow prisoners. And for a time, he was happy. But a question sat at the back of his mind: Why would his own country, his own species, do such things to him? How could they?

And so, when the Rau've made the offer of a new home, John politely rejected it. While his teammates wanted revenge, he wanted closure; he wanted to confront the source of his torments because that was the only way he can be free from it. And that argument was accepted; he and those with him would be allowed to go as they will...

Spell List:

Supernal Vision (High) - The Mage can see all Magic, identify what School it is, and the strength of the spell.

Distillation of Liquid Light (High) - With a thought and gesture, the caster convert Mana, his' or others, into a silvery-white substance that can be used later on to refill one's magical energy, fuel magitech, or turned into tough foam to incapacitate enemies with Alteration of Liquid Light (see below). But its most horrifying use is its ignition into an explosive incendary with the Ignition of Liquid Light spell (see below).

Edit: The fluid is also edible, and gives extra magical energy to the person who ingests it.

Alteration of Liquid Light - By converting and condensing Mana, the Mage can cast globs or tendrils of mystic foam that can be used to handle objects, shield against bullets or blades (within reason), or just incapacitate enemies. At any time, the Ingition of Liquid Light spell (see below) can be used on this sticky foam for devestating consequences.

Ignition of Liquid Light (High) - With a thought, the Mage can ignite a deposit of liquid light, causing it to give off flames that burn for a short period of time (one second), but inflict damage that can't be healed by magic. These flames exist even in space, where there is no oxygen to sustain a normal fire.

Extinguishment of Liquid Light (High) - The opposite of Ingition, this spell can allow the caster to dispel High Magic; his/her own and others', and turn off the flames he/she or others set off using High Magic's power.

Transcendent Transformation (High) - The caster transforms themselves into Liquid Light, with all that entails. They can shift into solid or semi-solid form, revert to full liquid, and light themselves on fire to deal increased damage on contact with enemy targets. And of course, extinguish themselves or others who have used Transcendent Transformation to set themselves on fire (They can also force someone in Transcendent Transformation to revert; who wins in such a confrontation depends on coin-flipping). This has one obvious drawback; if you burn through all of your magical energy, you die, plain and simple.

Exceptional Skill List:

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Eldrid Cole
Age: 17
Physical Description:

Important items:

-"Spellbook": An omni-tool. Most of the personal data on it is made up of observations on different spells, including cost/benefit analysis, possible improvements, what the spell might say about the user who developed it, and a personal rating of the spell. In addition it contains several descriptions of spells "in development," ideas on new spells, several unfinished fantasy novellas, and the novel Starless Space.

- Gollet Gourd: A war trophy taken from the hut of a Gill warrior. Made from the fruit of the Gollet vine native to the gill homeworld, these exceptionally hard gourds are typically hollowed out and used to transport alcohol underwater. Gollet Gourds are so hardy that they have been found in pristine shape after being lost for years at a time. This one is about the size of a large backpack, covered in inscriptions of the Gills family history, and had been enchanted with a a weak flight spell to make it easier to carry. Currently filled with water.

- Flack Jacket: As much as Eldrid dislikes ever having been a soldier this is just a practical fallout defense. Worn under his clothing.

- Coil Pistol: Same as above, a fallback weapon in the event he runs out of energy. Practices with it every day, even if he dislikes it.

- Makeup kit: A personal item. For use in looking like a proper wizard.

Short Bio: Eldrid wrote his bestseller at 12, on a dare.

The bet was simple. Eldrid had been writing for a small circle of online friends for years at that point and a discussion came up about whether "fantasy" could be accepted in this day and age. Most of them contended that wizards and interplanetary romance was too outdated in a world where aliens and magic actually existed and Eldrid strongly disagreed, arguing that the "essential essence" of such stories was timeless and universal. Things escalated until a ultimatum was given: if Eldris was so sure a book like that would be taken seriously, maybe he should write one himself.

Eldrid was back in three months with Starless Space, a moving exploration of the human spirit in the face of an unfathomable doom that was also filled to the brim with fight scenes, magic, and loving descriptions of how little the characters outfits left to the imagination. At least that was what the reviews said later, after his friends urged him to send it to a publisher.

He was taken soon after the book became a best seller. Maybe they'd read the book and thought maybe he'd have a knack for the magic. It was stupid, in his opinion very little evidence to go on in regards to kidnapping someone for a magic super-soldier program. It didn't help that they turned out to be right. He took to magic like a duck to water. Took to it a little too well. While everyone else was driven to the brink of anxious nervous breakdowns from the harsh training and cruel conditions Eldrid leaned hard into the study as a coping mechanism. He would watch other kids, trying to pick out the flaws and weaknesses of their magic, and would readily discuss the principles and mechanisms of magic with any of the adults who would give him the time of day. This quickly lead to a reputation, not entirely unearned, of being a suck up, a rat, and a collaborator that he's never managed to shake even to this day. As such he was kept at arms length by any squad that he was assigned to, which may have inspired how strictly utilitarian his magic is as he was essentially operating with little to no support through most of his "career."

As opposed to this philosophy he began dressing loudly and provocatively after they were freed by the Rau've. They say you should dress for the job you want, and now that Eldrid is free he will accept nothing less that "Universe Greatest Wizard." It is to that end that he follows along to fight the Ascendancy. After all, they were never going to hand over the research that went into them willingly. Eldrid wants to know everything about what his projected limits are, so when he flies past them it will be more satisfying.

Spell List:

- Enchantment (High): As an enchanter Eldrid can weave magic spells into mundane objects.

- Arcane Shot (High): A silvery projectile made of pure magic fired from the middle and index finger. Stronger than any bullet it can be fired either in individual shots or a single concentrated beam.

- Flight (World): Eldrid can manipulate gravity to allow himself to fly. He tries to keep it to a normal running pace, as the faster he moves the ore energy Flight uses up.

- Veil of Seas (World): Eldrid calls upon nearby water, pulling it up to form a curtain around him or another target. Maximizing the essence of water that allows it to "Erode" and "Refract," this curtain will erode sold bullets away and refract lasers fired at it around the person it is protecting. The amount of punishment it can sustain is dependent on the amount of water used to create the curtain. While Eldrid is present the curtain can be moved and even open up small holes to act as "gunports." He uses this spell instead of a more conventional magic shield because it cost less energy to manipulate something that already exists than to form something new, and water is common on the sort of habitual worlds he would be fighting.

Earth Soldiers (World): Eldrid calls upon the earth to create up to twelve human sized from the ground around him. Special attention is paid to the shaping of their hands, so that they might use the enemy's weapons. Earth Soldiers can can be either directly controlled by Eldrid or follow simple, one sentence commands. He uses this spell for much the same reason as Veil of Seas: no matter where you're fighting there's probably always going to be earth under your feet.

Gruel (Change): Eldrid can touch inorganic matter with his hand to change it into a grey, viscous, tasteless paste. This paste is edible, with all the necessary vitamins and mineral for a human to survive by just eating it for three meals a day. Yum yum...

Exceptional Skill List: N/a
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by OrkytheOrc
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OrkytheOrc That Orc Guy

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The only picture posted is him
Name: Orky
Age: 28
Physical Description: What a human would call an Orcish appearance. A broad face with tusks. Has short brown hair. He is about 6'7" weighing in about 360 pounds, because of all the cybernetics. More than half of his body is made of cybernetics. His lower half of his body, his right arm, and going vertically some of his torso where the green pigment skin has masterfully fused with the advanced technology. On the part of his body that is not all cybernetic, he has some parts connected muscles that are cybernetic including one of his eyeballs.
Important items: Cybernetics - fairly self explanatory but give him enhanced endurance and strength.
Protium Boron-11 Fussion Core - The core in which powers his cybernetics, that also keep him alive.
Two Fists - His cybernetic fist has spikes on the knuckles and his other being normal.
Short Bio: Was raised on a primitive planet, still in tribal stage of social evolution, on the outer sector of the galaxy. At the time Orky was still on the planet scientists had been study the life on it. Including the tribe Orky belonged to at the time.

One day during a hunting mission Orky and a few others had been sent out to find food for the village. It had been going well till they had been found by something what the scientists call "The Son of Cain." Most who see it are too shaken with fear to even run away from. To describe it would be nearly impossible because one's mind would block out the memory in order to remain sane. Orky's group had been attacked by The Son of Cain. They were ripped to shreds to say the least. Orky had been nauled on from his chest to his lower torso. When the beast had finished the massacre of the group it walked away.

But something kept Orky alive, it was his will to live, with only one functional arm he had been able to crawl some words of a mile till he had passed out. He thought he was going to die at that moment. But lucky for him the scientists had been observing him the whole time and decided to make a landing to retrieve him and make him a Guinea pig for their new cybernetic technology. When Orky had woken up he was hooked up to an array of machines. He was in shock so he started to scurry around a bit till he noticed he couldn't feel his right arm nor his lower part of the torso. He then looked down to see almost a robotic skeleton to wear his limbs had been. He wanted to realise him self but the scientists had sedated him before he could move to much.

The next time he woke up he was fully tricked out with the cybernetic attachments. He had to get used to moving his new limbs for they did seem to work like limbs they didnt feel like it. Its then when a scientist came in with protective gear. He spoke Orky's language but barely enough for him to understand. It was that when Orky began the process of his rehabilitation. It took a couple of earth months for him to finally figure out all the trinkets on his new body. He had also learned the language of the scientists which told him that's what everyone else spoke in the universe, but Orky did have somewhat of an accent.

Orky started ready about the history of the universe, all the different races, planets, and wars. He was eager to see them so he asked the scientists if he could go one day. But they refused saying that he isnt able to go into the outside world because it is dangerous. Even though this upset him, he was still determined to see that world. He started learning how to use some technology and the basic components of them. Also some wiring techniques along with soldering. He kept learning until he was confident enough to escape the shuttle in a escape pod and explore pod.

When most of everyone was asleep he left a video of him saying thank you and goodbye to the scientists. Then he snuck to an escape pod, hot wired it and blasted off into the cosmos. He had flew for what seemed days. He then had ran out of fuel and was left stranded in the dark abyss of space. But then again Orky got lucky. Natasha's ship had stumbled across his vessel. They came out to investigate they saw Orky waving to them through the glass. They brought him aboard and interrogated him. He told his story to them and about his escape.

They then explained how they were rebels against the Ascendancy. Orky remembered ready about that and listened about why they fought. At that moment Orky knew this was the opportunity he had been looking for to see the galaxy. To meet the different races and see foreign planets. Orky then begged to let him join. They were hesitant at first to let him in. But he slowly warmed up to them. Then a day came along when they had brought children onto the ship. Orky only had experience with his races children so he was just as confused as everyone else.

Personality: Is a very open individual and will speak his mind without a second thought, which gets him into trouble. Is also very emotional and gets attached to things and people very easily, also it doesn't take him to show some waterworks. Overall he tries to be a nice person but his appearance can be intimidating but that hasn't stopped him yet.

Exceptional Skill List:
Exeptional Unarmed X2
Exeptional Endurance X2
Exceptional Strength x2
Exceptional Diplomacy
Exceptional Speed
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 8 days ago

Name: Kelan “Hawkeye” Armati
Age: 27
Physical Description:

Important items:
“Tee”: The Tayanen who lives in his right arm. He was once a strong, intelligent, skilled magic-user. Now he barely remembers his name and is totally dependent on Kelan, both physically and emotionally. He has forgotten most of his magic, and now can only briefly manipulate gravity. He must have also known mind magic once upon a time, as it seems he has linked his mind to Kelan's, though it's unclear if he's aware he did this. A working theory is that the strain of linking their minds exacerbated the loss of most of his magic.

Heavy Containment Unit: Kelan usually has an over-sized mechanical right arm, that doubles as Tee's new shell. It is brutally powerful, though it sacrifices some precision. He can remove the arm, allowing Tee full control of it to crawl around. The three fingers can split into six for a bit more dexterity or just making it easier for Tee to crawl around.

Belial Suit: A powerful suit of armor that is effectively immune to small arms fire and integrates with Kelan's cybernetics, though does not cover his right arm when he uses the containment unit. It has a shoulder mounted cannon with variable firing modes.
Burst fire: Three round burst of high-caliber ammo.
Sniper Cannon: Single-shot, long range, extremely high-caliber armor piercing.
Impact Grenade: Single-shot, medium-range, impact explosive. Can disable light vehicles.

It's seen better days, as the worn and faded paint might suggest. Many of its functions and systems have been lost or disabled.
Remaining functional systems:
Advanced optics: The head of the suit contains long range, telescopic vision and night vision.
Micro-thrusters: For use in vacuum so that it doesn't get stranded in space. Has other uses if you're creative enough.
Turbo: In emergencies it can supercharge for a short time at the risk of overheating and cooking Kelan alive – a detriment that didn't previously exist, but those subsystems are now gone too.

Rotary Rifle: His main weapon. It is a high-caliber semi-automatic rifle with multiple barrels. This allows it to rapidly fire powerful ammunition without slagging the barrel. Can fire all barrels at once at the cost of greatly lowered rate of fire.

Kelan can also load the gun with Plasma Core rounds for harder targets, though these will damage the gun over time no matter how many barrels it has to rotate through.

Exceptional Skills List:
Exceptional Strengthx3: Due to his cybernetic limbs, he's obscenely strong and, combined with his soldier training, deadly in a hand-to-hand fight.

Exceptional Aim: His cybernetics include visual optics that help with his already great skill with a gun and his hands never shake. When connected to the Belial, he can aim accurately for miles.

Exceptional Endurance: With so many mechanical parts, he doesn't really get tired as easily since he has fewer muscles to get fatigued. However, bleeding out is always a worry... if you can actually get that far.

Exceptional Mechanic: As someone half, and then some, machine and with a habit of getting shot at, he's learned to maintain himself and his weapons. Over the years this translated itself to being able to work with a wide variety of mechanical devices.

Exceptional Willpower: Between the cybernetic augments in his head and the trauma he's survived, he's forged an iron will and doesn't break easily. If he does break, though, it's not pretty.

Gravity Shift: His Tayanen remembers one thing about magic, the ability to alter gravity to push things around. He creates a sudden, often violent shift in gravity that can send things, and people, flying. Sometimes. When Tee gets his sh*t together.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 2 days ago

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

NPC Character Sheet

Name: Snow Cecil

Age: 14

Physical Description:

Important items: Normal Clothes, Ballistics Vest, Coilgun Pistol, Monomolecular Knife, Omnitool, Holographic Camera, Recorder, and Player. Also, a large amount of Galactic Credits.

Short Bio: A child, wandering the Galactic Frontier. A child, who seems to know everything. A child, whose allegiance is unknown, but certainly not with Moonstrike.

[Anything else is REDACTED due to Spoilers]

Spell List: 6 Spells overall.

Exceptional Skill List:

Supernal Vision (High) - The Mage can see all Magic, identify what School it is, and the strength of the spell.

Enchantment (High) - Snow can give an object magical powers; said powers are any of his spells or a spell lent by a willing partner.

Project Senses (Timespace) - Snow Cecil can project his senses in a six-meter (twelve-foot) sphere radiating from his body. He can hear, see, smell and otherwise sense anything in this radius, including enemies behind, above, or under him. This spell can be enchanted into objects.

Bullet Time (Timespace) - Snow can slow down time long enough to dodge bullets and other fast-moving objects.

Learn Faster (Mind) - Snow Cecil can watch someone do something (fencing, shooting, even gardening) through his eyes or a holotape, and gain that ability as an Exceptional Skill for one Posting Round. Note that the Ex. Skill must be something his body can endure; he can't use the spell to gain Exceptional Endurance or Exceptional Heavy Weapons without damaging his body.

Detect Emotion (Mind) - Snow Cecil can see various emotions as colors that light up one's body in an aura. Red means anger, Pink means romantic affection, and Black is despair. This can be coupled with Project Senses and/or enchanted into objects.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

For a permanent record:

The Battle of Proxima Centauri

The Rau've/Kaisoken Alliance were lured to the Proxima System, only 4 light-years from Earth itself, and the Ascendancy immediately redeployed much of its remaining forces to crush the Nonhuman coalition once and for all. Their plan was to use the smaller ships of the Ascendancy (Cruisers and Frigates) to lure the Alliance as close to Proxima's Sun as possible. The Sun would then cut off the Alliance line of retreat as the Dreadnoughts hammer them with walls of fire.

It was a viable strategy; not inherently stupid, but the Kaisoken contingents of the combined fleet caught on to it and sent their ships to envelop the Ascendancy's flotilla from above and below, snapping like a ferocious raptor's jaws. The Carriers under Kherol were unable to do anything (or unwilling, as Kherol saw the strategy as stupid and wanted to save as much of the Ascendancy Fleet as he could from said stupidity) as the Dreadnought Fleet of the Ascendancy was well-nigh destroyed.

Nevertheless, although Kherol's non-interference was controversial, none can dispute that it was the survival of the Ascendancy's Carriers that prevented the Rau've and Kaisoken from vassalizing or annexing the Ascendancy outright, and even allowed the Humans to retain most of their territory, albeit under heavy requirements for war reparations. And it was after the Ascendancy's defeat that Emmanuel Thoreau began to build and focus more on Carriers and Carrier-based space doctrine; the days of the Dreadnought were over.

@Gentlemanvaultboy@OrkytheOrc@Starlance@Bartimaeus@Stern Algorithm@Crowvette@KillamriX88
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 20 days ago

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

NPC Character Sheet

Name: William Windsor

Age: 23

Physical Description:

Important items:

Ascendancy Charter of Trade - A Contract with the Ascendancy's Government, signed by the first Ascendancy President-for-Life, Corrin Herbert, giving the Windsor Autonomous Trading Fleet extensive powers to trade in the Outer Territories of Human Space, including the exclusive right to trade with 'Aliens'. This was 80 years ago, when Xenophobia was still seeding itself in the Ascendancy's minds, but hasn't been nullified since, thanks to Ascendancy inattention and hefty bribes paid to the Ascendancy Congress.

Steelweave Formal Clothes - Several sets of formal clothes for diplomatic occassions, made up of thread as strong, if not stronger, than steel.

Ballistics Vest - A ballistics vest that can withstand even a small Coilgun Pistol.

Coilgun Pistol - Coilgun pistol enlaid with ivory and non-perfected electrum.

Plasma Pistol - A gun that fires superheated plasma.

Short Bio:

William Windsor was born to the Windsor Family, which was descended from several Old Earth Royal Families (European, Indian, and African ones). Though well-educated, William's mother, Elizabeth Windsor, taught her child to hide the true extent of his skills from all but a few people within his inner circle; this was later revealed to be a reaction to the mysterious kidnappings of prodigy children that occured in the years before the Rau've war. It also helped that William's focus was on Politics, not on 'common genius topics' like Science or Art or Engineering. Nevertheless, there were a few close calls where he was nearly found out, but thankfully, he was lucky enough to make sure those all came to nothing.

When the war against the Rau've was lost; which was more of a year ago now, Elizabeth gave up her position as the head of the family to William, who immediately began planning Rebellion against the Ascendancy but found out that Moonstrike had been doing that first. He was then contacted by a young boy named Snow Cecil, who after [SPOILER] and [SPOILER], told him about [SPOILER].

And so he began doing, well, [SPOILER]

Exceptional Skill List (8):

Exceptional Willpowerx3
Exceptional Speech
Exceptional Politicsx3
Exceptional Trade
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ytalis
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Reyna Altraska Carmenesca Sarvaya

Age: 34

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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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Approved by Bee.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Senhara
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Senhara No Thoughts, Head Empty / (she/they)

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Pet edit approved by Letter Bee in Discord.
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

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