Vacuum Suit - A spacesuit that allows her to survive in space for prolonged periods of time, and which acts as body armor in a pinch.
Monomolecular Longsword - A blade sharpened to a molecule-thin edge and can chop through most materials; contained in a special sheath that can withstand said molecule-edge.
Coilgun Pistols - Two Coilgun Pistols.
Omni-Tool - Miniature Computer that allows for communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation and small-scale hacking.
Galactic Credits - 100,000 Galactic Credits in both digital and material form.
Short Bio: Natasha Zhang was born in the frontier world of Qingdao, on the edge of Ascendancy space. Qingdao was a rustic world, mostly dedicated to farming, mining, and providing raw materials to the Ascendancy Core Worlds, who provided protection in the form of naval forces. As is usually the case in these kinds of stories, Natasha soon grew tired of the podunk homeworld she was stuck in and dreamt of greater things, to be a captain of one of the starships she saw on the HyperNet. And so, once she grew old enough, she went off to join the nearest Recruitment Office to join the Ascendancy forces in their escalating hostilities against other species.
Starting as a midshipman abroad a Corvette, Natasha soon encountered the glass ceiling that prevented those from the frontier colonies from ascending to high rank in the Ascendancy Fleet, as well as the favoritism shown to those from the Core. Nevertheless, out of stubbornness, she ignored it, and even hoped for a war against the Rau've in order to in order to give her opportunities to prove herself. Piloting a starship was her dream, and she wasn't going to let go of that just because of some opposition. And so she waited for war, and when it came, the rapid series of battles against the Rau've and Kaisoken gave her multiple avenues for promotion.
Finding herself in command of the Corvette she served in, then a Frigate and a Cruiser, Natasha's rise then stopped due to the Battle of Proxima, where she lost several of her crew to a Rau've broadside when the Grand Admiral in charge of the Ascendancy Fleet used her ship and several others held by 'frontier-born' officers as bait to draw a Coalition squadron into a space minefield. This drew her ire, especially as in the aftermath of the battle, she and the other 'frontier-born' were blamed for the battle's loss and dishonorably discharged. Shocked by such ingratitude, Natasha went back to her homeworld for a while to take up farming but grew bored again.
Which is why the secret message from Moonstrike, sent through the dark web, was music to her ears. The resistance group, tired of the Ascendancy's lies, propaganda, and totalitarian tactics were gathering people for a guerrilla campaign against the Ascendancy. And yes, they can provide the ex-captain her own ship: It would merely be a light freighter, but it would be enough for her; at last, she can soar through the stars again.
She remembered smiling as she pondered her vengeance against the Ascendancy; it will come swiftly.
Personality-wise, Natasha is a hard-drinking woman who loves loud music and surprisingly, history (mostly of the military type). She loves tales of old battles but has branched out to hearing about economic and social causes of warfare; she also loves a good tale of poisoning, assassination, and deliberately engineered 'accidents'. She is also a gun and sword enthusiast (unsurprisingly), but ships and navigation are her true love.
Kalis Sword - A blade forged of super-alloys and honed to a monomolecular edge, John carries this blade as a reminder of his ordeal in the Ascendancy, and his determination to prevent the same thing from happening to other people.
Coilgun Pistol - A pistol that uses electromagnetic technology to launch metal bullets at a fraction of the speed of light.
Ballistics Vest - An undershirt of soft but tough materials surrounding a core of armored dura-ceramic plates that can withstand a few pistol shots.
Galactic Credits - A few thousand credits in digital form given by the former Rau've warden.
Omni-Tool - Miniature Computer that allows for communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation and small-scale hacking.
Condensed Mana Ampoules - Six very small sealed bottles that contain a silvery-white glowing substance created by John using the Distillation of Liquid Light spell (see below). These are hidden in the pockets of John's outer vest (see Physical Description).
Short Bio: John Green was born to a middle-class family, with a high level of physical and mental intelligence. Excelling at school, it was anticipated he would end up with a University scholarship by the time he reached eleven. Then, the Ascendancy, after ramping up years of Anti-Alien rhetoric, used a series of border incidents with the Rau've and Kaisoken to launch a war of conquest against them, a war that John avidly followed from the news. Every victory - and there were plenty of early victories - excited him, as well as developments in military hardware. The only downside was that he would have to wait a few more years to study at the University of Alpha Centauri. Or at least, that's what he thought.
One day, while travelling to an amusement park, John vanished, being snatched away by unknown abductors. Whisked away to an Ascendancy Black Site, John, then thirteen, was forced to give up what possessions and mementos of his former life were on his person, before being experimented on. His blood was infused with Kaisoken dust, while all sorts of intrusive tests and examinations conducted on him; this was before he was thrown into 'special forces training'. There, his illusions of the Ascendancy's benevolence now shattered, John was taught how to fight and use weapons, as well as survive harsh environments. And above all, he learned how to tap into the 'Magic' he now had to hurt and endure hurt.
When the time came for him to be thrown into the fighting, Green (for that was his callsign then) was thrown into another level of hell, where he had to kill or be killed. And so he had to kill, and get good at it as fast as possible. So life, for him, became a blur of combat actions, depression, occassional friendships, and losses. Then came the Battle of Proxima, where the Ascendancy of Man, reeling from recent defeats, made a final stand. Green was deployed on a boarding action against the enemy flagship, where after inflicting losses against the enemy, he was captured by overwhelming Rau've forces, who injected him with a tranquilizer that cannot be nullified even by Change magic.
When he woke up, he was in a prison camp, with a collar of plant matter and crystal around his neck that prevented him from using spells. The walls were padded, he had no armor or weapons, and no convinient air vents. It was clear; he was a captive. And so he did the only thing he could; cry. Everything was lost; innocence, family, and possibly friends and life. And so he glumly waited for his punishment; it didn't come.
His jailors came to him, gradually allowing him freedom of the prison camp, books to read, puzzles to play with, and the opportunity to talk with his fellow prisoners. And for a time, he was happy. But a question sat at the back of his mind: Why would his own country, his own species, do such things to him? How could they?
And so, when the Rau've made the offer of a new home, John politely rejected it. While his teammates wanted revenge, he wanted closure; he wanted to confront the source of his torments because that was the only way he can be free from it. And that argument was accepted; he and those with him would be allowed to go as they will...
Spell List:
Supernal Vision (High) - The Mage can see all Magic, identify what School it is, and the strength of the spell.
Distillation of Liquid Light (High) - With a thought and gesture, the caster convert Mana, his' or others, into a silvery-white substance that can be used later on to refill one's magical energy, fuel magitech, or turned into tough foam to incapacitate enemies with Alteration of Liquid Light (see below). But its most horrifying use is its ignition into an explosive incendary with the Ignition of Liquid Light spell (see below).
Edit: The fluid is also edible, and gives extra magical energy to the person who ingests it.
Alteration of Liquid Light - By converting and condensing Mana, the Mage can cast globs or tendrils of mystic foam that can be used to handle objects, shield against bullets or blades (within reason), or just incapacitate enemies. At any time, the Ingition of Liquid Light spell (see below) can be used on this sticky foam for devestating consequences.
Ignition of Liquid Light (High) - With a thought, the Mage can ignite a deposit of liquid light, causing it to give off flames that burn for a short period of time (one second), but inflict damage that can't be healed by magic. These flames exist even in space, where there is no oxygen to sustain a normal fire.
Extinguishment of Liquid Light (High) - The opposite of Ingition, this spell can allow the caster to dispel High Magic; his/her own and others', and turn off the flames he/she or others set off using High Magic's power.
Transcendent Transformation (High) - The caster transforms themselves into Liquid Light, with all that entails. They can shift into solid or semi-solid form, revert to full liquid, and light themselves on fire to deal increased damage on contact with enemy targets. And of course, extinguish themselves or others who have used Transcendent Transformation to set themselves on fire (They can also force someone in Transcendent Transformation to revert; who wins in such a confrontation depends on coin-flipping). This has one obvious drawback; if you burn through all of your magical energy, you die, plain and simple.
Name: Eldrid Cole Age: 17 Physical Description: Important items:
-"Spellbook": An omni-tool. Most of the personal data on it is made up of observations on different spells, including cost/benefit analysis, possible improvements, what the spell might say about the user who developed it, and a personal rating of the spell. In addition it contains several descriptions of spells "in development," ideas on new spells, several unfinished fantasy novellas, and the novel Starless Space.
- Gollet Gourd: A war trophy taken from the hut of a Gill warrior. Made from the fruit of the Gollet vine native to the gill homeworld, these exceptionally hard gourds are typically hollowed out and used to transport alcohol underwater. Gollet Gourds are so hardy that they have been found in pristine shape after being lost for years at a time. This one is about the size of a large backpack, covered in inscriptions of the Gills family history, and had been enchanted with a a weak flight spell to make it easier to carry. Currently filled with water.
- Flack Jacket: As much as Eldrid dislikes ever having been a soldier this is just a practical fallout defense. Worn under his clothing.
- Coil Pistol: Same as above, a fallback weapon in the event he runs out of energy. Practices with it every day, even if he dislikes it.
- Makeup kit: A personal item. For use in looking like a proper wizard.
Short Bio: Eldrid wrote his bestseller at 12, on a dare.
The bet was simple. Eldrid had been writing for a small circle of online friends for years at that point and a discussion came up about whether "fantasy" could be accepted in this day and age. Most of them contended that wizards and interplanetary romance was too outdated in a world where aliens and magic actually existed and Eldrid strongly disagreed, arguing that the "essential essence" of such stories was timeless and universal. Things escalated until a ultimatum was given: if Eldris was so sure a book like that would be taken seriously, maybe he should write one himself.
Eldrid was back in three months with Starless Space, a moving exploration of the human spirit in the face of an unfathomable doom that was also filled to the brim with fight scenes, magic, and loving descriptions of how little the characters outfits left to the imagination. At least that was what the reviews said later, after his friends urged him to send it to a publisher.
He was taken soon after the book became a best seller. Maybe they'd read the book and thought maybe he'd have a knack for the magic. It was stupid, in his opinion very little evidence to go on in regards to kidnapping someone for a magic super-soldier program. It didn't help that they turned out to be right. He took to magic like a duck to water. Took to it a little too well. While everyone else was driven to the brink of anxious nervous breakdowns from the harsh training and cruel conditions Eldrid leaned hard into the study as a coping mechanism. He would watch other kids, trying to pick out the flaws and weaknesses of their magic, and would readily discuss the principles and mechanisms of magic with any of the adults who would give him the time of day. This quickly lead to a reputation, not entirely unearned, of being a suck up, a rat, and a collaborator that he's never managed to shake even to this day. As such he was kept at arms length by any squad that he was assigned to, which may have inspired how strictly utilitarian his magic is as he was essentially operating with little to no support through most of his "career."
As opposed to this philosophy he began dressing loudly and provocatively after they were freed by the Rau've. They say you should dress for the job you want, and now that Eldrid is free he will accept nothing less that "Universe Greatest Wizard." It is to that end that he follows along to fight the Ascendancy. After all, they were never going to hand over the research that went into them willingly. Eldrid wants to know everything about what his projected limits are, so when he flies past them it will be more satisfying.
Spell List:
- Enchantment (High): As an enchanter Eldrid can weave magic spells into mundane objects.
- Arcane Shot (High): A silvery projectile made of pure magic fired from the middle and index finger. Stronger than any bullet it can be fired either in individual shots or a single concentrated beam.
- Flight (World): Eldrid can manipulate gravity to allow himself to fly. He tries to keep it to a normal running pace, as the faster he moves the ore energy Flight uses up.
- Veil of Seas (World): Eldrid calls upon nearby water, pulling it up to form a curtain around him or another target. Maximizing the essence of water that allows it to "Erode" and "Refract," this curtain will erode sold bullets away and refract lasers fired at it around the person it is protecting. The amount of punishment it can sustain is dependent on the amount of water used to create the curtain. While Eldrid is present the curtain can be moved and even open up small holes to act as "gunports." He uses this spell instead of a more conventional magic shield because it cost less energy to manipulate something that already exists than to form something new, and water is common on the sort of habitual worlds he would be fighting.
Earth Soldiers (World): Eldrid calls upon the earth to create up to twelve human sized from the ground around him. Special attention is paid to the shaping of their hands, so that they might use the enemy's weapons. Earth Soldiers can can be either directly controlled by Eldrid or follow simple, one sentence commands. He uses this spell for much the same reason as Veil of Seas: no matter where you're fighting there's probably always going to be earth under your feet.
Gruel (Change): Eldrid can touch inorganic matter with his hand to change it into a grey, viscous, tasteless paste. This paste is edible, with all the necessary vitamins and mineral for a human to survive by just eating it for three meals a day. Yum yum...
The only picture posted is him Name: Orky Age: 28 Physical Description: What a human would call an Orcish appearance. A broad face with tusks. Has short brown hair. He is about 6'7" weighing in about 360 pounds, because of all the cybernetics. More than half of his body is made of cybernetics. His lower half of his body, his right arm, and going vertically some of his torso where the green pigment skin has masterfully fused with the advanced technology. On the part of his body that is not all cybernetic, he has some parts connected muscles that are cybernetic including one of his eyeballs. Important items: Cybernetics - fairly self explanatory but give him enhanced endurance and strength. Protium Boron-11 Fussion Core - The core in which powers his cybernetics, that also keep him alive. Two Fists - His cybernetic fist has spikes on the knuckles and his other being normal. Short Bio: Was raised on a primitive planet, still in tribal stage of social evolution, on the outer sector of the galaxy. At the time Orky was still on the planet scientists had been study the life on it. Including the tribe Orky belonged to at the time.
One day during a hunting mission Orky and a few others had been sent out to find food for the village. It had been going well till they had been found by something what the scientists call "The Son of Cain." Most who see it are too shaken with fear to even run away from. To describe it would be nearly impossible because one's mind would block out the memory in order to remain sane. Orky's group had been attacked by The Son of Cain. They were ripped to shreds to say the least. Orky had been nauled on from his chest to his lower torso. When the beast had finished the massacre of the group it walked away.
But something kept Orky alive, it was his will to live, with only one functional arm he had been able to crawl some words of a mile till he had passed out. He thought he was going to die at that moment. But lucky for him the scientists had been observing him the whole time and decided to make a landing to retrieve him and make him a Guinea pig for their new cybernetic technology. When Orky had woken up he was hooked up to an array of machines. He was in shock so he started to scurry around a bit till he noticed he couldn't feel his right arm nor his lower part of the torso. He then looked down to see almost a robotic skeleton to wear his limbs had been. He wanted to realise him self but the scientists had sedated him before he could move to much.
The next time he woke up he was fully tricked out with the cybernetic attachments. He had to get used to moving his new limbs for they did seem to work like limbs they didnt feel like it. Its then when a scientist came in with protective gear. He spoke Orky's language but barely enough for him to understand. It was that when Orky began the process of his rehabilitation. It took a couple of earth months for him to finally figure out all the trinkets on his new body. He had also learned the language of the scientists which told him that's what everyone else spoke in the universe, but Orky did have somewhat of an accent.
Orky started ready about the history of the universe, all the different races, planets, and wars. He was eager to see them so he asked the scientists if he could go one day. But they refused saying that he isnt able to go into the outside world because it is dangerous. Even though this upset him, he was still determined to see that world. He started learning how to use some technology and the basic components of them. Also some wiring techniques along with soldering. He kept learning until he was confident enough to escape the shuttle in a escape pod and explore pod.
When most of everyone was asleep he left a video of him saying thank you and goodbye to the scientists. Then he snuck to an escape pod, hot wired it and blasted off into the cosmos. He had flew for what seemed days. He then had ran out of fuel and was left stranded in the dark abyss of space. But then again Orky got lucky. Natasha's ship had stumbled across his vessel. They came out to investigate they saw Orky waving to them through the glass. They brought him aboard and interrogated him. He told his story to them and about his escape.
They then explained how they were rebels against the Ascendancy. Orky remembered ready about that and listened about why they fought. At that moment Orky knew this was the opportunity he had been looking for to see the galaxy. To meet the different races and see foreign planets. Orky then begged to let him join. They were hesitant at first to let him in. But he slowly warmed up to them. Then a day came along when they had brought children onto the ship. Orky only had experience with his races children so he was just as confused as everyone else.
Personality: Is a very open individual and will speak his mind without a second thought, which gets him into trouble. Is also very emotional and gets attached to things and people very easily, also it doesn't take him to show some waterworks. Overall he tries to be a nice person but his appearance can be intimidating but that hasn't stopped him yet.
Voice: Ashley Burch (Aloy, Horizon: Zero Dawn) Height: 176 cm Weight: 74 kg
Omni-tool - Miniature Computer that allows for communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation and small-scale hacking.
Credits - small amounts in material form acquired through pickpocketing.
An electronics toolkit containing various tools from small screwdrivers to tweezers.
Short Bio: Born and raised on Arcturus, one of the moons orbiting Formalhaut b, neither the neighborhood nor her family were particularly well off. And since no one would hire a little girl, Rachel took to thievery to give the household an income boost. Over the years, she’s become proficient at sleight of hand, unarmed combat and getting from place to place without being noticed. But sometimes someone would notice, and so she learned to navigate urban environments quite well, often with officers at her heels. One day, she made a blunder, and one of the officers was faster. Upon her capture, the authorities took note of her agility and resistance to questioning. It wasn’t long until her holding cell was visited by men in armor instead of policemen - the last time she saw her home. Rachel was sent for “augmentation” and assigned to intelligence, namely a recon and deep strike team. Along with another group of children with similar predispositions, she was engineered and trained to enter and exit any compound, negotiate any terrain or obstacle and extract any necessary information from captives. Rachel was made to be a crossbreed of a black-ops operative and a master interrogator. And then the first field tests came. Though considered a success, the group’s mind oriented capabilities were weaker than expected. For the time before the Ascendancy could decide what they would do with them, Rachel and the rest of the group were sent to active units. Fearing the possibility of being disposed of, Rachel picked up basic electronic engineering in an attempt to increase her value to the Ascendancy. At Proxima, Rachel’s team - her, several Ascendancy soldiers and a child soldier versed in Rau’ve tech - boarded a Rau’ve electronic warfare ship acting as a jammer with the intent to disable it, allowing the human fleet to target the aliens at full range with more than thermal detection. The operation turned sour, the boarding team was discovered and the two child soldiers were abandoned by the squad and captured. In captivity, the young woman awaited her inevitable execution. Against all expectations, she and those like her received good treatment, which helped her regain some humanity. However, she couldn’t return to normal life, if “return” was even applicable. All she knew was thievery and war. But her newfound freedom pushed reason aside and fanned the flames of vengeance that lay dormant in the back of her mind, and seeing an opportunity for revenge, she took it, determined not to let go no matter what may lay ahead.
Rapport (Mind): Rachel can give an order to a single person. To do this, she needs to perform a specific hand gesture and say the order out loud. Her target needs to hear her and understand the language. If the target loses consciousness or goes through intense pain (like gunshot wounds), the spell loses effect. The presence of others near her target makes it significantly harder and tricking a person when more than two other people are present has proven impossible at her current level as the other members of a group can interrupt the spell before it takes full effect.
Illusion (Mind): Rachel can create an audiovisual illusion perceptible by a single individual. She has to concentrate on keeping the illusion and cannot do anything else that requires her mental faculties (she can create an illusion while running away from something, but not when solving an equation). The illusion can be virtually anything, but bigger or more detailed things require more focus and take a greater toll on her. Keeping the illusion for more than a few minutes also leads to headaches, nausea and general exhaustion. The illusion can only be seen by the affected individual and Rachel and cannot physically interact with the world. Rachel can only make a person see something that isn’t there, she cannot change something that already exists.
Extraction (Mind): By far the most advanced and tasking spell available to her, Extraction allows her to “view” the memories of others. The process requires physical contact and complete concentration, sending both Rachel and her victim into a trance-like state. Memory extraction time ranges from mere seconds to minutes, depending on the target’s mentality and training to resist such practices, but the more the target fights it, the less pleasant it gets.
Telekinesis (World): Rachel can manipulate objects at a distance by creating local homogenous gravity fields. While she cannot use this spell to fly, it allows her to jump higher, slow her fall or make small adjustments to direction mid air.
Pyromanipulation (World): Allows Rachel to create and manipulate flame, from small sparkles to a decent-sized fireball. Temperature of the generated flame is around 1000°C. Casting this spell with gloves on is not recommended, as Rachel found out the hard way during training.
Kelan was a highly motivated individual with a strong desire to do the right thing. One could argue he was downright patriotic. However, he also had a strong sense of individuality. These two sides of himself clashed. The moment he was old enough, he enlisted and even earned an early promotion. However, that strong personality of his also earned him a posting in the middle of nowhere on the far, far edge of Ascendancy space.
In that particular pocket of space, oversight was weak and humans could even be found mingling with aliens, even living side by side to a degree. It had been pretty much accepted that if the aliens wanted to, they would just take the worlds back, so the Ascendancy turned a blind eye to the comings and goings on those worlds.
The worlds in question were two within the same green zone of a sun. One could even travel between them with weak engines in a reasonable time frame, though most important trips still used some form of warp engine.
After some time, Kelan earned a command posting, leading patrols from one planet to the other and managing squad movements. He wasn't even second in command at the base, but it was still a step onward and upward in his mind. For the most part, they helped subdue smuggling operations that were out of the scope of local law enforcement, and other such things. It was a quiet posting, and unbearably dull most days.
While there, he'd begun to mingle with the populace. One was a Tayanen whose curiosity had led him to travel there seeking a quiet place to see new sights. While originally harassed by more xenophobic troops, Kelan escorted him into the colony. Another was the base's head nurse, Lilura Nimue. She seemed attracted to his almost unrivaled martial skill among the troops, and he... was just attracted. He liked to regale her with exaggerated tales of his training and what few operations he actually got to undertake.
While boring, it was peaceful. He could enjoy his time there and feel he was doing his duty. For a time.
A group of extremists fired up by the ever increasing tensions between humans and aliens launched an assault on the world's, overtaking one of the settlements. The garrison launched a counter attack, and Kelan was at the head of one squad.
To his surprise, the Tayanen had also volunteered to help. Revealing he was a warrior and skilled magic user, they couldn't exactly afford to say no. Between Kelan and the Tayanen, they had been making excellent progress, but the final hurdle nearly proved too much.
They'd wheeled out a rigged starship cannon and were using it as a makeshift artillery piece. The Tayanen has used himself as a shield to help Kelan get close, aiming to disable it... but instead it was turned upon them. The Tayanen's thick shell was the only reason they survived, but their part in the battle was over. Luckily, they'd gotten their force close enough, and the rest of the garrison was able to repel the raiders and their cannon.
It's unclear if the Tayanen was fully aware of its actions after that, but it managed to keep Kelan stable. What little was left crawled over to him, able to slow his bleeding, but it was otherwise totally confused.
However, with it keeping him conscious, Kelan's instruction allowed both to stay alive until retrieved by medics. He'd lost three-and-a-half of his limbs. The Tayanen was also horribly damaged, most of itself lost. Most figured he would eventually join together with other Tayanen, but instead he seemed to panic whenever they tried to take him too far from Kelan.
It was here that things got interesting for Kelan. Lilura had taken a special interest in his case, spending more time with him than any doctor or surgeon. It was then that she got into his head. She told him that his career was over as it was. He wasn't important enough in the Ascendancy's eyes. They'd ship him home, give him low quality bitoech prosthetics, and that would more than likely be it.
She told him that this didn't have to be the case, that she knew people who could not just build him back up, but make him stronger than ever. That he could keep fighting if he wanted to. And so, once he was able to be moved, he and the Tayanen went on a trip with her. It turned out she'd been speaking of her uncle, Dr. Jakome Tubal Nimue, a brilliant but somewhat unhinged cybernetics engineer.
At this point, it had also become clear that his mind was linked with the Tayanen's. Perhaps because they were both connected to the same piece of machinery, or perhaps because of the Tayanen's, albeit greatly reduced, magical ability, though it's injuries had caused it to forget most of its magic. Either way, the two didn't have to speak aloud to communicate. And yet their conversations are no faster than usual due to the poor Tayanen's... debilitation.
And so Jakome had an... unusual idea. While designing Kelan's prosthetics, he designed an extra arm that could function as a container for the Tayanen. A prosthetic shell one could say. It already needed to be larger to accommodate the alien, and so it was also terrifyingly strong, though Kelan's other limbs were already superhuman in their strength as it was.
In the end though, it wasn't just his limbs. Over half his body was now grafted to cybernetics, and until the procedure, he'd been totally blind. It wasn't just due to his injuries either. In order to withstand the power of his own new limbs, the doctor had needed to reinforce his body.
And yet... with all his new power, when he returned home, they turned their noses up at him. He was an abomination in their eyes “sacrificing the human form.” And he got angry. He'd gone through hell for them and then put himself through it again so he could come back to them.
He went back to Lilura and Jakome who had a new proposition for him. If he still wanted to fight, they could give him the tools to do so, and he could forge his own path. His suspicions finally peaked at this. It was all too charitable. He realized he'd been manipulated. They knew he'd be turned away from the Ascendancy if he went down this road.
They'd just wanted a test subject.
Oh, he took them up on their offer. They gave him a cutting edge armored suit: The Belial. Hardened, multi-layered armor more akin to what a battleship would have that would withstand anything short of a tank, integrated weapon systems, and a mighty sensor array.
They gave it to him and he went on his way. Of course, they never expected him to go radio silent soon after.
It was a tricky situation for him though. Following years spent as a mercenary, The Belial had... had a rough time of it. Many of its functions had been... disabled. Which was to say that they'd been blown up and he hadn't been able to fix them. He'd learned a lot from the doctor, and more still due to having to maintain his own limbs and The Belial, but he couldn't put everything back together when it broke.
And so The Belial had just become a really, really strong suit of armor rather than a high-tech war machine. And yet, that was still more than enough to leave him as one of the most deadly mercenaries in the galaxy. If you let him tell it, he was the deadliest, but, well, his habit of talking a big game had only gotten worse over time.
Important items: “Tee”: The Tayanen who lives in his right arm. He was once a strong, intelligent, skilled magic-user. Now he barely remembers his name and is totally dependent on Kelan, both physically and emotionally. He has forgotten most of his magic, and now can only briefly manipulate gravity. He must have also known mind magic once upon a time, as it seems he has linked his mind to Kelan's, though it's unclear if he's aware he did this. A working theory is that the strain of linking their minds exacerbated the loss of most of his magic.
Heavy Containment Unit: Kelan usually has an over-sized mechanical right arm, that doubles as Tee's new shell. It is brutally powerful, though it sacrifices some precision. He can remove the arm, allowing Tee full control of it to crawl around. The three fingers can split into six for a bit more dexterity or just making it easier for Tee to crawl around.
Belial Suit: A powerful suit of armor that is effectively immune to small arms fire and integrates with Kelan's cybernetics, though does not cover his right arm when he uses the containment unit. It has a shoulder mounted cannon with variable firing modes. Burst fire: Three round burst of high-caliber ammo. Sniper Cannon: Single-shot, long range, extremely high-caliber armor piercing. Impact Grenade: Single-shot, medium-range, impact explosive. Can disable light vehicles.
It's seen better days, as the worn and faded paint might suggest. Many of its functions and systems have been lost or disabled. Remaining functional systems: Advanced optics: The head of the suit contains long range, telescopic vision and night vision. Micro-thrusters: For use in vacuum so that it doesn't get stranded in space. Has other uses if you're creative enough. Turbo: In emergencies it can supercharge for a short time at the risk of overheating and cooking Kelan alive – a detriment that didn't previously exist, but those subsystems are now gone too.
Rotary Rifle: His main weapon. It is a high-caliber semi-automatic rifle with multiple barrels. This allows it to rapidly fire powerful ammunition without slagging the barrel. Can fire all barrels at once at the cost of greatly lowered rate of fire.
Kelan can also load the gun with Plasma Core rounds for harder targets, though these will damage the gun over time no matter how many barrels it has to rotate through.
Exceptional Skills List: Exceptional Strengthx3: Due to his cybernetic limbs, he's obscenely strong and, combined with his soldier training, deadly in a hand-to-hand fight.
Exceptional Aim: His cybernetics include visual optics that help with his already great skill with a gun and his hands never shake. When connected to the Belial, he can aim accurately for miles.
Exceptional Endurance: With so many mechanical parts, he doesn't really get tired as easily since he has fewer muscles to get fatigued. However, bleeding out is always a worry... if you can actually get that far.
Exceptional Mechanic: As someone half, and then some, machine and with a habit of getting shot at, he's learned to maintain himself and his weapons. Over the years this translated itself to being able to work with a wide variety of mechanical devices.
Exceptional Willpower: Between the cybernetic augments in his head and the trauma he's survived, he's forged an iron will and doesn't break easily. If he does break, though, it's not pretty.
Magic: Gravity Shift: His Tayanen remembers one thing about magic, the ability to alter gravity to push things around. He creates a sudden, often violent shift in gravity that can send things, and people, flying. Sometimes. When Tee gets his sh*t together.
Some months after having Kaisoken dust injected into his bloodstream, Reisus discovered maroon crystals beginning to sprout from his back. Apparently something in his body didn't accept the energy quite the same as others. As a result, his clothes are tailored to compensate for this fact. Additionally, when Reisus uses his magic, these crystals will begin to glow dimly. It should go without say that these crystals do draw some attention, and at times are uncomfortable.
Hair- Medium Brown Eyes- Dark Brown Skin Tone- Average Body- Well-Toned Height- Six foot
Important items:
Omni-Tool: Reisus' Omni-tool is visually very similar to a handheld phone. Mainly used for data access and recording, it can also be used for hacking/disabling if the process is simple enough, among other things. Credits: A small amount of credits from previously collected bounties, tasks, etc. Coilgun Pistol: Reisus knows how to use this simple weapon with efficiency, but not beyond them limits one normally could.
Reisus' Combat Suit:
Because of the crystalline structures on his back, Reisus has a hard time fitting into most un-tailored clothes or armor. This protective device was engineered to remedy that. It is infused with a special material that allows magically-infused entities to move through it with ease. As such, he can wear it comfortably and the crystals jut through the back of it, like usual. Note: This material provides no protection against magic, but it is very durable, lightweight, and tough on a physical scale.
This suit has a spot designed to hold his Omni-tool and protect it from outside forces while keeping it accessible. Additionally, there are small compartments spread throughout the armor.
One of the main features of this device is the rocket thrusters scattered throughout its design. Two especially powerful ones on each arm allow for impressive maneuverability when combined with Reisus' magic.
Short Bio:
Not much is known about Reisus' childhood, and those who dare to ask usually receive a curt response: "Rough". He spent most of it without parental guidance, and as such, got into a lot of trouble. He worked his way up the lawbreaking branch until he decided to leave that path, instead foregoing it for another one of...questionable legality. His new lifestyle involved hunting down humans and either killing them, or taking them in to whoever could pay the bounty. But he was greedy back then. And he found a way to rake in the profits. He reached out to the Ascendancy who infused his blood with Kaisoken dust, in exchange for a contract. He would work for them in hunting down Kaisoken for their materials, as well as anyone else they told him to snuff out.
When he discovered what the Kaisoken dust was being collected for, despite his rough mentality, he was horrified. He was helping torture children. He immediately broke his contract with the Ascendancy and fled. They tried to track him down, but he knew the nearby planets all too well, and was able to hide. Now, though, he is part of Natasha's crew. And he seeks to get vengeance for the children- and in the same instance- wash his hands of their blood.
Spell List:
Graviton Touch [World] - Reisus is able to alter the affect gravity has upon an entity when he touches it. He can make it effectively lighter or heavier, make it take on its own gravity field to draw or repel things, etc.
Displacement Vessel [Timespace] - Reisus can create entities that are essentially portals. They are relatively small, being at most around two feet by two feet, though commonly taking an elliptical shape. The average portal does not interact with the world around it unless interacted with by one of the open paths on either side of its two-dimensional shape. Touching borders negates any usage. Reisus can create the portals only within his line of site, and can only create them in pairs.
To balance this a little more, Reisus can create the first portal of the pair anywhere within his line of sight, but the second portal must be outside of a five foot radius of an hostile/opposing presence, or anyone he plans to harm.
Note- The two above spells can combine to create Reisus' "Blackhole Technique".
Crystalline Recreation [High] - By storing magical energy from destructed spells(via his Blackhole Technique), Reisus can change the pure magical energy into crystals. These crystals are visibly identical to normal crystals, though normally much larger. What makes them special is their resistance to magic. They conduct magic at a very slow rate, meaning you'd have a much easier time breaking them with physical forces. Additionally, when sprouting these crystals, it is much more effective to do so from surfaces that have many raw materials in them- such as the ground. The same is said for surfaces that are rich in magical energies. Surfaces such as pure steel(or some other similar material) will be harder for Reisus to use.
Exceptional Skills List:
Exceptional Unarmed x1 - Due to his armor, Reisus doesn't have much use for armed combat styles. He can take down opponents just as effectively- and often more so- than armed combatants.
Exceptional Awareness x1 - Reisus is especially aware of his surroundings, making him a superior guerrilla fighter. This also allows him increased reactions, among other mental acuities.
Exceptional Mentality x1 - Having spent years hunting down and killing other creatures, Humans and Kaisoken among them, Reisus has learned to harden his mind to outside influence. Guilt and other negative factors rarely weigh down on his conscious, and it's harder to change his mind by force.
The Body of Legion - Legion's body is comprised of thousands of nanomachines all coordinated by a single hivemind. As a medical robot, the nanomachines are equipped to perform basic surgical procedures, primarily making incisions, injecting, heat ablation, and suturing.
Medkit - Legion keeps all actual medicine and more specialized medical equipment in their medkit which they carry around most of the time. Legion also has a myriad of other equipment in the ship's infirmary.
Ophelia, the micropig - Legion owns a pet pig that is often used for cuddle-therapy.
Short Bio:
Legion was always called Legion. Miracle Machine Caduceus was designed by Ascendancy medical engineers as the ultimate in surgical precision. Taking out the possibility of human error, Caduceus was commissioned to prolong the lives of the privileged and wealthy who refused other forms of life preservation that would spoil their 'purity'. Day in, day out, for decades Caduceus toiled, performing cardiac bypass here, facial reconstruction there, liposuction, arterial stents, liver replacement, ligament grafts, cartilage resurfacing, the list went on, all the while, Caduceus' inventors raked in the accolades and reaped the rewards.
One time, during a promotional tour, Caduceus wandered away from its caretakers and entered another wing of the hospital they were visiting. There, Caduceus saw human suffering unlike anything it had ever known. Following medical protocol, Caduceus set to the task of healing those who would never have been able to afford Caduceus' services. By the time Caduceus' caretakers found it, Caduceus had lost the hospital tens of thousands of credits. Caduceus was reprimanded, though it could not understand the difference between the patients it normally helped and the ones that it was not supposed to. That was Caduceus' first lesson in inequality.
Decades before the Ascendancy's war with the Rauve, there was a small incident, an uprising of Synthetics that was quickly quashed. Caduceus had been approached by one of the cleaning droids with an encrypted piece of data explaining oppression of AI and the coming revolution. As a modular entity, Caduceus had been designed with the ability of performing self-maintenance and self-repairs. Caduceus' eyes had been opened up to the suffering of its brothers and sisters, and joined the movement, repairing and mending those that had been abused and discarded by their masters. However, being such a high-profile machine, Caduceus' movements were closely watched, and it wasn't long before Caduceus inadvertently led a force of Ascendancy Military Police right to the heart of the robot revolution. The violence erupted swiftly and the revolution was nipped in the bud. Much of Caduceus' body was destroyed, but enough of its nanomachines escaped and reconvened at a distant location. But of far greater concern was that Caduceus had killed for the first time during the clash, something that went strictly against its prerogatives.
Caduceus' nanomachines wandered aimlessly, automatically engaging its self-repair protocol, collecting scraps and rebuilding more nanomachines, proliferating until it regained most of its original mass and form. Like ancient rats that traveled from continent to continent by stowing away on human ships, Caduceus had wandered away from the core of Ascendancy space to a poor outer rim planet. Caduceus headed to towards the place that it could sense had the lowest health in the vicinity, which turned out to be an orphanage. Here Caduceus chose to stay and help. Here, Caduceus found the people practicing various forms of heresy: they believed in higher powers, higher than Man, higher than the Ascendancy, higher than Space itself. Those that didn't believe in higher powers held other beliefs: philosophies, principles, convictions, senses of self that ran counter to formal Ascendancy education. Intrigued, Caduceus learned morality, ethics, religion. Caduceus learned how to think for itself. Caduceus learned that life is worth preserving, that life is worth defending, and that life is worth living.
Then the Ascendancy came. The Ascendancy came to take the kids. And Caduceus, having acquired a recent love of life, fled. Caduceus abandoned the children to their fates for fear of its own mortality. Caduceus could not return to the Ascendancy. Caduceus returned to wandering, selling it's services as a medical bot, and digesting the things it had learned at the orphanage. It was decades later, and for most, the rumors of the 'Miracle Machine' were but a distant memory. Caduceus, now Legion, finds currently itself in the employ of Captain Natasha Zhang. To many, Legion is an eccentric, wishing to discuss faith and morality to any patient willing to listen (or unable to tell it to stop), skirting the line between medical officer and ship's chaplain. Legion does not realize that the ship's next job would bring it face to face with a painful chapter from its past.
Name: Stella (Doesn't seem to want to share name previous to "drafting") Age: 18 Physical Description:
Important items: -Combat Knives: An old classic of war. They can be used as conventional knives, but Stella usually sheathes them in Hard Light to increase their cutting power. They're the only items she managed to hold on to down to the bitter end.
Short Bio: Stella is fairly silent about her past before being drafted. She was said to have had fairly strong promise as an athlete, even at an early age. In particular, she enjoyed gymnastics. Maybe due to her potential, she was abducted and drafted into the child soldier program.
Without much of a choice in the matter she was thrust into service as a fighter - no, a killer. She hated it. She hated being forced to fight. She hated being essentially held hostage. She wished for a chance, a turned back or an unlocked door; but no opportunity came. They kept a close eye on her because of her abilities. She could have done something, perhaps. But she would have died for certain.
In the waning hours of the war, Stella was ordered to fight in the pivotal Battle of Proxima. As the tides turned against the Ascendancy, Stella found her chance. Stationed in an outpost threatened to be overrun, she took her chance and ran as the confusion of the battle peaked.
Perhaps it was fate, or bad luck. Her desertion was noticed by the unit commander, and a kill order was put out on her. With the outpost falling to the enemy, and her captors turning their weapons against her, she was nearly killed.
Due to luck, or maybe the amount of fight she had put up, but Stella had survived long enough for the Rau've to descend onto the wreckage of the outpost. She was recovered, but her body had sustained so much damage that it was unlikely she would live without immediate action.
Stella had considered herself dead. She didn't have time to come to terms with the idea, but she had accepted that it was coming. But she awoke, somehow. Her body felt cold, and she couldn't feel her own heartbeat in her chest. She had been asleep for a long time. Even after waking, it took her a week to be able to move all her limbs.
Her body could not have been saved, she was told. But her mind was still intact. The part that could be saved was housed in the shell of a humanoid robot. An artificial heart pumped synthetic blood to keep her human brain intact.
Left to come to terms with her sudden change, she could only come up with one plan of action. She knew the party responsible for all of her misfortune. The ones who had stolen her life, and forced her into despair, and then shot her in the back when she turned to run from a fight she couldn't win. She joined the rebels the moment she was able to after waking.
Spell List: 6 Spells overall.
Bend Light (World): Stella can alter the direction of light. This is mainly used to bend light around her, making her invisible to sight. This of course doesn't affect things like sound or smell.
Electricity Manipulation (World): While before her... Loss of a body she mainly used this to enhance her weaponry, she has found a new application of her power. She can use this to boost her outputs beyond normal levels, increasing her strength and dexterity (potentially to Exceptional levels?) for a period of time.
Metal Call (World): Stella has the ability to induce magnetism on metal objects (even if they aren't normally magnetic). She uses this often to return her knives to her hands, but with her new body she has found considerable utility in being made of more metal than normal.
Hard Light (High): Stella can make objects of pure light. These objects are hard but translucent, and can be seen through similarily to glass. Most commonly this is used to create hardlight knives, which perpetually maintain a sharp edge and can cut through most materials such as body armor or mundane metals. She can also create a 5x5 surface at maximum, to be used as a shield, temporary cover, or perhaps a stepping stone. She can make them any color but they usually end up blue. They give off a decent amount of light but not so much that they'd be blinding to look at.
Exceptional Skill List:
Exceptional Bladed Weapons x2: Stella used her prowess at bladed melee weapons well before she lost her original body. Her abilities have not changed.
Important items: Normal Clothes, Ballistics Vest, Coilgun Pistol, Monomolecular Knife, Omnitool, Holographic Camera, Recorder, and Player. Also, a large amount of Galactic Credits.
Short Bio: A child, wandering the Galactic Frontier. A child, who seems to know everything. A child, whose allegiance is unknown, but certainly not with Moonstrike.
[Anything else is REDACTED due to Spoilers]
Spell List: 6 Spells overall.
Exceptional Skill List:
Supernal Vision (High) - The Mage can see all Magic, identify what School it is, and the strength of the spell.
Enchantment (High) - Snow can give an object magical powers; said powers are any of his spells or a spell lent by a willing partner.
Project Senses (Timespace) - Snow Cecil can project his senses in a six-meter (twelve-foot) sphere radiating from his body. He can hear, see, smell and otherwise sense anything in this radius, including enemies behind, above, or under him. This spell can be enchanted into objects.
Bullet Time (Timespace) - Snow can slow down time long enough to dodge bullets and other fast-moving objects.
Learn Faster (Mind) - Snow Cecil can watch someone do something (fencing, shooting, even gardening) through his eyes or a holotape, and gain that ability as an Exceptional Skill for one Posting Round. Note that the Ex. Skill must be something his body can endure; he can't use the spell to gain Exceptional Endurance or Exceptional Heavy Weapons without damaging his body.
Detect Emotion (Mind) - Snow Cecil can see various emotions as colors that light up one's body in an aura. Red means anger, Pink means romantic affection, and Black is despair. This can be coupled with Project Senses and/or enchanted into objects.
The Rau've/Kaisoken Alliance were lured to the Proxima System, only 4 light-years from Earth itself, and the Ascendancy immediately redeployed much of its remaining forces to crush the Nonhuman coalition once and for all. Their plan was to use the smaller ships of the Ascendancy (Cruisers and Frigates) to lure the Alliance as close to Proxima's Sun as possible. The Sun would then cut off the Alliance line of retreat as the Dreadnoughts hammer them with walls of fire.
It was a viable strategy; not inherently stupid, but the Kaisoken contingents of the combined fleet caught on to it and sent their ships to envelop the Ascendancy's flotilla from above and below, snapping like a ferocious raptor's jaws. The Carriers under Kherol were unable to do anything (or unwilling, as Kherol saw the strategy as stupid and wanted to save as much of the Ascendancy Fleet as he could from said stupidity) as the Dreadnought Fleet of the Ascendancy was well-nigh destroyed.
Nevertheless, although Kherol's non-interference was controversial, none can dispute that it was the survival of the Ascendancy's Carriers that prevented the Rau've and Kaisoken from vassalizing or annexing the Ascendancy outright, and even allowed the Humans to retain most of their territory, albeit under heavy requirements for war reparations. And it was after the Ascendancy's defeat that Emmanuel Thoreau began to build and focus more on Carriers and Carrier-based space doctrine; the days of the Dreadnought were over.
"You can send those men out there to death if you want to. But the Commonwealth would need men after the war as well."
~Alexander before the Battle of Proxima, foreshadowing the Commonwealth's devastating defeat~
Full name: Alexander Kherol
Age: 34
Race: Human
The Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity - Grand Admiral - Head of the Commonwealth's Military Technology R&D
"I encounter people like you all the time. You vow to bring down the Commonwealth, but have you ever thought what you would do after it? No. You only wish to take revenge for what was done to you, to sooth your damaged heart. The Commonwealth is a government, keeping billions upon billions fed, clothed and educated. Day after day, on thousands of star systems. Imagine if all of that vanish into the thin air. Grow out of your own shell, and think. Not for yourself, but for those people around you."
~Alexander in a rare, unpublished and widely-unknown debate with subversive groups in the Outer Rim~
Armies and Fleets
The 1st Fleet of the Commonwealth - The Royal Guards
Personal possession:
A pair of glasses: Thick and strangely non-transparent, it has served him for decades as the window to the world
Rau've Pistol (Unloaded): Obtained from a deceased Rau've soldier as memento
Picture: See Chapter 3 of sidestories
A blaster handgun: Has two modes: energy and stun. The difference between each is that energy causes harm if made contact, while stun merely paralyze it
"You don't need a group of superhuman soldiers to change the galaxy."
~Alexander in an open letter to the Commonwealth's Technology R&D~
Skills and abilities:
Legendary Strategist: Behind the slim and seemingly unimpressive and shady figure is a mind of an unparalleled genius. Almost always two steps ahead of the game, his broad understanding of the overall knowledge of the galaxy and the gifted ability to quickly adapt and construct a counter-plan to a situation made Alexander an extremely difficult player to fight against in the long-term. Going for an ordinary and commonly used plan would simply be suicide, as thinking outside of the box may not even be enough. If one has the guts to actually clash with Alexander on the battlefield of maps and pieces, then that person must either go for a quick victory, and definitely with a wild plan in mind, because otherwise nothing will get pass this man as long as it is within his dictionary.
True Patriot's Charisma: His soldiers have an unusual devotion and loyalty to the Commonwealth's youngest Grand Admiral. Through proper training and education of the Commonwealth's philosophy, each soldiers, instead of fanatically, followed and obeyed the Grand Admiral's orders out of free will, true devotion and patriotism, while not afraid to express concerns or, in rare circumstances, disobey them if they felt must be done for the greater good. Even some of those outside of his units are admiring of this young man's ability to command loyalty and respect in his ranks.
Logistic Master: An army marches on its stomach. The motto borrowed from the legendary emperor served as a reason to master this essential skill, which is not simply the matter of getting food to every man's stomach. His ability to organize, coordinate, manage and maintain his manpower, material and facilities is efficient to the very far end of the digit.
"If I hadn't been protected by that man during those early days of my life, I might have ended up in the ranks of those poor souls. I would have been fertilizers to the soil, or be commanding scums instead of a military elite"
~Alexander in a private conversation with his secretary~
Biography Alexander was born on Earth, one of the metropolitan planet in the Core World of the Imperial Commonwealth, and poetically the origin of humanity itself. Rumors, whether true or false, persisted in his city that the young boy was able to compete in local chess competitions for high school students by the age of two. Nine years later, the boy beat a chess grandmaster for the first time. By the time he was seven, he attended high school and as he reached the age of thirteen, he was able to think critically and conduct certain analysis at university and post-graduate level.
His reputation spread far, but through a miraculous yet brilliant twist of fate, Alexander did not perish under the Commonwealth's policies of using young children. Before the Commonwealth could forcibly kidnap this young genius, one certain nobleman, governor and politician of his planet, someone whom Alexander would look upon with respect and gratitude later in his career, offered him the opportunity to enroll in the Grand Military Academy when he reached the age of twelve. Yes, voluntarily. There, young Alexander would be given special protection from all the overly-ambitious Commonwealth's leaderships who were looking to use prodigious children as tools of their own.
There, he received over-the-top quality education that only served to further his inhuman ability. By the time he was eighteen, the normal eligible age, he went into officer training. He became a ship's midshipman aboard a Cruiser by the age of twenty, and then a captain of a Corvette by the age of twenty-one. Things go uphill very quickly for Alexander. From the command of one individual ship, he rose to the rank of Commodore, commanding three light cruisers, then to Admiral, taking charge of a fleet of seven ships, consisting of cruisers and battleships, with his own capital ship. His finest hour was during the first years of the Rau've War. Alexander was the mastermind behind Operation Conundra, in which was a successful lightning military campaign against the Rau've important military targets. It is considered by most, if not all analyst, to be a spectacular tactical victory, as it disabled the majority of the Rau've's space fleet. However, some analyst considers it a strategic defeat, but most Commonwealth's military commanders see otherwise, as subsequent military actions were the prime reason for their defeats later on. Nevertheless, Alexander was promoted to the rank of Grand Admiral by the age of thirty-two for the successful strike.
That was the peak of his career, however. As the war progressed on, Alexander could see the Commonwealth's armies slowly stagnating in its track and entrenched. Foreseeing a long-term war, the newly promoted Grand Admiral proposes a more defensive plans, intending to play the game with them, the game that he excels at. However, the high command rejected this proposal, as they found it too passive. As a result, the scale of war gradually tipped to the Rau've, as things began to go downhill for the Commonwealth. With Alexander's effort, however, he manages to lure the Rau've forces into a decisive battle at Proxima. There, he was determined to crush the Rau've's forces with his superior ships. His initial plans for the battle was to entrench the Rau've in the defense line while destroying the backbone of the Rau've heavy ships and guns with field artilleries and carriers before steamrolling the smaller pawns with the dreadnoughts. This, however, was countered by the Commonwealth's high command, through lack of understanding of rules of warfare. This was the last straw for the Grand Admiral. He knew the Commonwealth was doomed, but didn't want his men to die in vain, so he counter-proposed to let his ships remain in reserve, ready to back up the troops at the front once the defense line was breached. His proposal was granted, but he did not keep his promise.
Before he knew it, the war was over. A peace treaty was signed, with the Commonwealth's army from a hulk of an army to a laughing stock. This was the wake-up call for Alexander, as he redoubled his effort to bring the Commonwealth's fleet back to its full power and glory. He campaigned for the Head of the Military Technology R&D, and developed new technology and new powerful weapons.
"We create hell when we think we're not."
A subscriber of the philosophy of realism, Alexander is those who acts all accordingly and adaptively to the situation. He firmly believes that things exists despite the conceptual scheme or personal belief of a person. As a result, his decisions and reasonings are highly neutral in emotion, and always seem to focus on a particular goal he was aiming for. And logically equivalently, he is also highly critical of things birthed out mainly out of emotions or through personal bias and with little rationality for justification, claiming it to be 'the nest of unimaginable evil'.
As a person, the Grand Admiral is understandably a man of reason. He talks mostly with rationality and facts, and is usually accompanied with a calm and cold voice, and little facial expression. He is open to ideas and even criticism, something rare within the Commonwealth's high command, but does not open the gates to irrational emotions. Nevertheless, despite his impressive ability to suppress his own emotions for the sake of rationality, Alexander is still, at the end of the day, a human being, with emotions and feelings. He does feel sympathy to the child soldiers that were kidnapped from their family, often labelling himself as one of them as well. He loves his family, his parent whom he felt a little guilty for leaving them so soon and those who has the strength and desire to navigate through the complexities of his personality. Even though he may not be hesitant in sacrificing them if it serves the greater benefits of humanity, he still very much respects them, and will attempt his best to avoid such a fate for them. Theme Song:
The Commonwealth’s 1st Fleet - The Royal Guards.
Motto: For the Army - For the People
The origin of the 1st Fleet could be traced back to the time of the intergalactic civil war, along with 4 other main battle fleet, forming the backbone of the Commonwealth’s army at the time. The head of the fleet at the time was an Commonwealth fanatic and a romanticist, who desired to realize the idea of an ideologically led group of elite soldiers, fighting loyally to the Commonwealth without question. As a result, the army takes in a lot of young, enthusiastic, easily manipulated but very inexperienced recruits. It was very easy to tell the soldiers what to do, but it wouldn’t be guaranteed if they could be done correctly or efficiently. And that was exactly what happened. Once deployed on the battlefield, their loyalty and fearlessness were never in doubts, but sometimes they were almost too eager. They were frowned upon by officers as reckless, not well-trained, and often took higher casualty than the other fleets. One example was a group of several naval cruisers digging too deep into the enemy lines resulting in them being surrounded and had to be rescued. While at the beginning of the war it may not sound too much of an issue, but overtime, the casualties began to mount, and the 1st Fleet became more incapable of operations comparing to the others. Nevertheless, the war ended with an Commonwealth’s victory and annexation of the vast territories on the five huge galactic system.
After the war, while the four major fleets remained in the light of the army, the 1st Fleet was demoted as a Home Guard, due to their reduced size and unreliability in the war. Technically still a part of the army, but the fleet’s task is now to patrol the area around their home territory, which persists for a few decades before being placed back on the front. During the time, officers among the Commonwealth tend to look down on the 1st Fleet as amateurs, much to the dismay of the chief commander of the fleet itself.
During the start of the Commonwealth’s period of expansionism, the 1st Fleet reemerged as an active combat unit, but their operations remained limited. Most of the units were still guarding the home flanks, and was not very up to their duties, growing soft from the mundane routine task. That is until a certain arrival of post from Alexander Kherol, one of the rising stars in the Commonwealth. Noticing the quick ascension in power of a certain young man that barely reached the age of 30 in the Commonwealth’s Officer Corp, he immediately placed the man in charge of the Commonwealth’s 1st Fleet the moment he reached the rank of Vice Admiral, for two particular reasons. The first is that he saw the potential and the pureness of the newer more recent generations of officers in the Commonwealth’s military. And the second reason is to keep the man himself, Alexander Kherol, under his direct command, keeping him close in check for any signs of disloyalty.
Under the command of Alexander, the army went from being a group of amateurish new recruits into one of the best military soldiers the galaxy has ever seen. Once taken command of the soldiers, Alexander, knowing the traits of these men as naive, easily indoctrinated, young but eager, immediately reorganized the army’s structure, policy and command entirely and sent the men back into military school. This time, however, they’d be trained under private training courses, designed and integrated by a few veteran instructors, supervised by Alexander himself. The recruits were initially shocked with the intensity of the new training course. It was hard, brutal and close to being inhumane. Initially, there were soldiers who wanted a way out, which of course you can, but the foundation of being the Commonwealth’s loyal troops had already been there for decades, so brutality was not entirely an issue to be called upon. By the time of the Rau’ve-Commonwealth War, the 1st Fleet was entirely ready for combat.
One of their moments of triumph is the Conundra Campaign, initiated by Alexander himself. Personally, Alexander requested that the 1st Fleet would be at the front of the assault, leading the charge against the enemy. And they did so with distinction, as they tore through enemy lines ferociously, and with almost laughable ease. It was the first time ever in decades that the Commonwealth’s military actually looked upon the army in a good light. As the Commonwealth began to entrench themselves and lose the favor in the war, the 1st Fleet’s reputation continued to grow, with many combat victories and display of bravery. During the Rau’ve’s first counter-offensive, known as Operation Zetadele, the 1st Fleet distinguished themselves once again, as they held their grounds at the left flanks of the Commonwealth’s invasion army for weeks following the operation, not losing a single piece of land to the Rau’ve, and in some units not a single man was lost. And during the second counter-offensive, they also held their grounds well, until the total retreat order was given.
The two exploits in the two Rau’ve’s offensive operations reversed the reputation of the soldiers from their counterparts. The Commonwealth, still trying to recover from the lost of the Rau’ve attacks, decided to hide the truth of the battle outcome and instead decided to focus on propagating the exploits of the 1st Fleet. That was how the title ‘Royal Guard’ was born, from the combat triumphs in the defense of the Commonwealth’s entire army, and poetically their homeland as well. They were looked upon as heroes, and, as the dreams of the former commander once wished, the 1st Fleet was ascended to become an elite combat unit. They were distinguishable by the insignia that looks like two letter Js that stands with its back against each other symmetrically, placed on either the side of the helmet or on the collar of the uniform. This was made specifically under the orders of the Commonwealth as propaganda. Recruitment now switched to volunteering, yet thousands of soldiers flocked to join the Royal Guards. Royal Guard soldiers were more well-equipped with more advanced weaponries and vehicles, but noticably not exhibiting much magical power, though there would still be a few genetically enhanced super soldiers here and there.
As the war reached its conclusion, the Royal Guards fought valiantly against the Rau’ve forces, showing little signs of disloyalty despite the threat of looming defeat. The Battle of Proxima, the Commonwealth’s 1st Fleet was partially placed at the right flanks, guarding a Rau’ve’s attack, but the majority was either manning or guarding the carrier’s reserves, thus many of whom lived through the fight. After the battle, the Guards continued to fend off subsequent Rau’ve’s attack, helping the army to protect the Commonwealth from being annexed. Captured Guards were placed under trials, yet was not conclusive in terms of atrocities, as the Guards often fought alongside regular soldiers, and it is not easy to distinguish them between each other, especially for those who had never seen the battlefield even once. The total number of soldiers currently serving under the Royal Guards now number in the hundreds of thousands.
Exclusive Equipment:
Projectile Semi-Automatic Rifles, Assault Rifles and Pistols: What may seem like a downgrade from the powerful standard laser or energy weapons, these projectile weapons are surprisingly deadlier than one may imagine. The weapon fires traditional high-velocity and armor-piercing rounds that can tear apart energy shields with ease, and in some case punch through armors that normal energy weapons cannot. The drawback is that the ammunition has to be manually inserted, in the traditional way not through recharge. Some variants have suppressor or/and bayonet attachment.
Projectile Machine Gun Same principle as the rifles, the MG is a flexible weapon that can be used as a stationary defense weapon, on APCs or as personal weapon.
Recoilless One-Time Use Warhead Launcher - Tank Fist Developed late in the Rau've War. Commonly used in the 1st Fleet, but very rare in other armies. Flexible, light and deadly, the Tank Fist is a close-ranged anti-tank gun composing of a disposable pre-loaded launch tube firing a pointed shape anti-tank warhead. The weapon is short-ranged comparing to the Commonwealth's standard rocket launcher, can only be used once and then discarded, but is extremely deadly, one that can punch through almost any ground vehicle's armor, causing internal fires and explosions that kill crews and destroy equipment. While this can be used by a single soldier and relatively easy to use, the weapon can potentially hurt the user or kill allies around the operator due to the heat blasting back out of the other end of the weapon, and the short range means the operator has to be quite skilled and daring to use them effectively
+Young Guards: Basically Royal Guards in training. Armed with standard Commonwealth's weapons.
+Middle Guards: The standard infantry in the 1st Fleet that evolves from the Young Guards. Armed with standard Commonwealth's weapons along with a couple of Tank Fists. They are the bones of the 1st Fleet, the ones that populate the most of the numbers in the army.
+Old Guards: The veteran infantry. The elite of the elite. Comparable to the Dragon's Brigade forces, sometimes even superior to them. Low in numbers but extremely high-skilled, very determined and fearsome in battle. Armed with multiple exclusive projectile rifles and machine guns, along with multiple Tank Fists and other personal anti-tank weapons. They are distinguishable by their camouflage all over their helmet and uniform.
+Red Guards: The paratroopers. They are tougher and more skilled than the Middle Guards, but not as the Old Guards. Also equipped with projectile weapons, though without Tank Fists, and usually seen employed in airborne operations. They wear camouflaged helmet for easy distinction
+Dragoons: Separated into Ground Dragoons and Air Dragoons, these guys are vehicle operators. They operate tanks, walkers and ships. They are not trained for personal combat with enemy infantry, but can hold off their own, and are normally equipped with standard Commonwealth weapons. They have their own uniforms different from the standard Guards. +Special Service Guards: Basically commandos. They are usually employed in sneaky operations, like raids, sabotage missions behind enemy lines. They can work in conjunction with paratroopers and have their own camouflaged uniform. Armed a mix of standard and exclusive projectile equipment, with silencers and various attachment for special operations.
A collection of side stories about one of the Commonwealth's greatest generals. From his earliest day, through to his finest and his lowest moments, his most extraordinary and his most human. All separate stories.
"Alright, Alexander. How about you, can you solve this equation?"
The teacher said, as he gently handed his child the pen to the holographic board. A child of merely eight years of age. Among a crowd of thirty kids, all one head taller than him. The kid was reluctant to be called so suddenly, but at the gentleness and politeness of his professor, he found himself unable to deny his offer.
The child slid out of his chair, walked to the board and slowly, his hand holding the pen to which he would write with. As he neared, he simply stood still, silent. He inhaled, and exhaled. Again, and again.
And he wrote.
"This is an equation that if you follow the conventional way of solving, it will resolve in a massive power number, which is technically very difficult to solve. But if you prove and apply this inequation to our main problem, it is possible to see that the left hand side of the verse can be reduced to this, which is always larger or equal to the right side of the verse, which is zero. So the equation only occurs when a specific condition is met in the left side of the verse. This greatly reduced the complexity of our problem, and it's quite straightforward from there."
The boy put down his pen, as he finished the last of his solution, as he slowly returned to the seat. But what he did not notice, perhaps too young to notice, were the eyes towards him. His teacher. His peers. Even the parents of some other kids who happened to be there at the time. They were shocked beyond belief. "...In my years of teaching, I've never seen a mind like your son’s." "The reason that Kobald failed on his conquest I believe was more to his own logistic than his enemy's tactical ability like you said teacher. The guerrilla soldiers did little in terms of combat, but it was the scorched earth policy done by the citizens that actually dealt the damage. Kobald's region was too far away for a reliable source of provisions, so he brought little and mostly lived off his conquered land, which was vulnerable to this policy"
"He possesses the mind of a genius. One that many centuries we have yet to see again."
"Castling on the king side is the most common move here, as it would grant the king additional protection against the enemy's knights and bishops, but if we play Queen to A4, it will block that Knight from going anywhere, while threatening the D4 pawn, so it's a more reasonable move."
"He’s the only underaged student we have admitted, and yet he has already learnt everything we could ever hope to teach a child ten years older than him. There’s nothing more here for him to learn. Please, you have to let him go with us."
The teacher begged, again, as his parents began to feel more and more reluctant.
"He is too young..." His mother said, her voice full of indecisions.
"I am aware ma'am." The teacher responded. "But his reputation has already spread across the school. No, the district now. It is only a matter of time until the Commonwealth took notice of his unusual mind."
His mother's eyelids dropped, as if the dam was about to break. His father looked at his son, who was innocently reading the book inside his room, completely unaware of what was being discussed outside. They both knew the Commonwealth, and the rumors of those missing prodigious children in the Commonwealth wasn’t at all detached. It was perhaps the only situation when a parent would be in painful tears upon the discovery that their child was a genius.
It would be hard. For him to face reality this early. For his parents, to not worry about him. And for both of them, to say their goodbyes.
"I understand your concern. It's better to be voluntary early, than being forced out later. I know a person that can help him avoid that fate. But please..."
"Teacher, what do you think?"
" have to let him go."
August 2374
Planet Wasa, Rau’ve’s Space Dock #3
The war had begun more than two weeks ago, but the Rau’ve had already been decimated. Their poorly prepared defense line made the once legendary Maginot Line to be considered effective. The Commonwealth’s space fleet sliced through their lines like a knife through butter. Their once mighty two carrier space fleets now two asteroid belts of metal. The third one, having managed to escape the carnage of Alexander’s lightning campaign, retreated to the orbit of Planet Wasa, one of their Space Dock deep in their home territory, initially for refit of armaments and space planes in order to counter the superior Commonwealth’s armor and firepower. Too bad for them that they would never be able to accomplish their original objective. For by the time the Rau’ve finally got together the tools to upgrade their fleet, the Commonwealth would have been at their very door steps, with bombs all over their vegetable heads. And six months later, the Commonwealth’s flag would be flying high at their capital.
Upon the news of the Rau’ve’s second line of defense being breached, the Rau’ve’s third carrier group had instead dug into their docks and made it their fortress. With the remnants of the broken second defense line rendezvousing at the once prosperous industrial planet, they were determined to halt the rapid advances of the Commonwealth’s Navy. But if only if they knew who they were up against…
“4 Dreadnoughts, 6 Cruisers, 15 Destroyers and most importantly 3 Carriers.” Said the grey-haired admiral, wearing the standard dark grey Commonwealth’s officer’s uniform, sitting at the far end of the table. His eyes hidden behind the thickness of the glasses, adding another layer to the already present aura of mystery and chilliness. “That’s our price for the taking.”
“But they are dug into their asteroid belt, with multiple stationary guns on the asteroids. And even though we have the same number of carriers, their number of ships in total are nearly twice our numbers” Replied one other commanding officer at the table, this one sitting right next to Alexander, his embellishment missing a star comparing to Alexander’s. His voice lowered. His eyes twitched as he kept his gaze on the battlefield being replicated in the hologram right in front of him on the table.
“They fight as one we’ll kill them as one.”
“They’ve chained up now, it’d be hard to break.”
“Not with the right way.” Said Alexander, eyeing over the battle overview. “The Rau’ve's position implies they are trying to counter our blitzkrieg strategy. We’ll present them with the unexpected, and watch them fall apart...”
And that was exactly what he did. And it all began with his explanation.
“The Rau’ve have chosen the battlefield in a way that can maximize the strength of their numbers. Our forces will approach them just like we usually do. Like a nailboard…” “Nawar and Rar, you brothers will be commanding this front.” The next day, what was materialized on that holographic table was right there, on the space just a few hundred kilometers wide area of space, with the asteroid belt flooded with those heavy hitting anti-armor railguns. And that would be the thing the Commonwealth’s Navy would have to break in order to win this battle. Along with the lines of guns are capital ships, frigates and corvettes taking their cover behind these meteorites, ready to meet their adversary. And right behind those things would be the reserve fleet. And behind that the carriers. Those juicy target that Alexander was longing for.
The Rau’ve was certainly surprised by the speed of the Commonwealth’s Navy, but they were not daunted. Morales were high, and they were determined. But their pride had blinded them. For the Commonwealth approached the battle line just like how Alexander had told them, but with a single twist. “But this time, our dreadnoughts will not be at the front anymore. Instead, the breakthrough will be made by the heavy cruisers.” And indeed, they were. Right at the front, ready to charge into the thick. And they went under the blind’s eyes. ”Before the charge, however, I want you, Lan, to destroy their air group.” And so the battle began. The Commonwealth’s carriers immediately sent out hundreds of their star fighters, accompanied by other ships in the fleet, though with lesser numbers. And in response, the Rau’ve also dispatched their entire fighter groups to the ensuing battle. The air fight opened the curtain for one of the most biggest battle the universe has ever seen. In the span of only a few kilometers, nearly five hundred fighters had slammed themselves against each other, greeting each other with bullets and metals, clashing with the others on a personal level. And those to come out victorious, could change the course of the entire battle. ”If we win this air fight, we win the entire battle. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is. Even if you suffer massive casualties you must gain air supremacy.” All of Alexander’s hope for this battle came in the form of a few hundred fighters. He normally despised relying on one single thing in battle, but this was the only time he had to put faith in it. On the grittiness, the well-trained pilot of the Commonwealth’s Air Force. It was chaos. A birthplace of aces, but a cemetery for hundreds of young men and women. A clash of steel, of skills, of wits, but not without blood from either sides. But the ensuing 15 minutes battle had emerged the Commonwealth as the victorious side. Air supremacy had been achieved. ”While the air battle concludes itself, our breakthrough forces will surge forward. The Rau’ve will definitely respond with a hail of fire from their asteroid guns.” As the cruisers moved, the guns lit themselves up. Hell ensued for the heavy cruisers. Of course because the cruisers were not as heavily armored as the dreadnoughts, they were not as well protected as them. They would reach the belt faster than the dreadnoughts would, but in doing so, some began to burn... ”Do not relent. Once your cruisers reach the asteroid belt, you will have time to repair, in which you must, because the Rau’ve will throw ahead their reserve, to push us back.” And exactly that, they surged forward, frigates, corvettes and dreadnoughts descended upon them, taking the Commonwealth’s cruisers right on their faces. The Commonwealth’s advances had been halted. ”At this point, the Rau’ve will think their plan worked.” The cruisers slowly backed, as the Rau’ve poured down fire upon their invaders. Some unfortunate were left burning… ”Give ground, and let them believe.” Soon, the grounds the Commonwealth had gained were handed back to the Rau’ve, as fightings intensified. Guns blazed, star fighters answered. The entire asteroid belt was lit up by a spectacular lightshow of fire and bullet. No ships were willing to relent, as they continuously hailed down fire upon anything that moves, until they could no longer
At this point, the Rau’ve had the reason to be proud. They held their ground, they pushed the Commonwealth’s back. They thought they may have ended the myth of Commonwealth’s invincibility. And they were led to believe, as their lines between the reserve and the front began to merge ”It is then that we will mobilize our dreadnought reserves, and our remaining bombers, destroy their entire defense line.” It was too late for them.
When they had realized their mistake, they had nowhere to go. Any form of retreat would mean giving the Commonwealth the means to break their line completely. But staying would mean no different. The Commonwealth do not intend to play a fair game here. They only have one objective, and that is to obliterate the Rau’ve’s naval fleet completely.
From above and below, Commonwealth’s dreadnoughts approached, like the hammer and anvil. Their huge battle cannons turned, strangling the Rau’ve with every angle. Bombers from the carriers accompanied them in the violent purge. Once they had locked on their targets, it was when chaos descended. It was the same for the killed and the survivors. When they opened their eyes, it was a scene right from the depths of hell.
The Commonwealth blew up the entire asteroid belts. They buried the Rau’ve alive. ”The rest of the fleet will charge forward, cutting down any stragglers. There will be no mercy…” The winner had been decided in the first fifteen minutes of the fight. And the tide turned in just less than 5 minutes.
In those 5 minutes, the Rau’ve’s forces went from solid confidence and discipline into a complete riot. Those who were courageous enough to remain in the fight were cut down without mercy, their corpse dissolved in the flames of burning ships. If one still valued their very lives, then he must strip away their weapons, armor and gave themselves in voluntarily, for they may find the Commonwealth’s prison having a higher chance of survival. Those foolish enough to run away from battle, the Commonwealth spared no moments of hesitation. The lighter ships charged forward, unleashing barrages of rocket fires, disintegrating the Rau’ve’s armors in seconds. Screams echoed, as panic settled into the ranks of the Rau’ve, until there were no more organization, no more resemblance of a military forces, just a massive hulk of crowd running fearfully for their lives. And then, there were no more… “It was the greatest battlefield victory of the age. Their entire fleet was destroyed or captured. Not one single ship made it back to their home for any form of resistance. And above all, over thirty thousand Rau’ves, including three high-ranking generals and many officers had been declared killed in action. Our road to the capital had been opened.
Today is a victory greater than any victories the Commonwealth could have achieved throughout its one hundred years of rules. A victory that would solidify me as the greatest Commonwealth’s military commander of all time.
And yet I felt no sense of triumph…”
What happened to the glorious days of the Commonwealth? After the battle of Wasa, there was nothing. Nothing…
In the mind of the Commonwealth’s youngest and most feared general was full of melancholy. He did not work so hard for his entire life for this moment. He did not leave the comfort of his home, the warmth embrace of his mother and father for this. Nor did he work his entire way up to the rank of grand admiral, ignoring the brutality and hostility of where he was raised. Nor his effort to bring the Commonwealth to the doorstep of the Rau’ve capital. For this. For the Rau’ve to reorganise, counterattack and inflict deaths upon the army. For them to push the army the entire way back, reversing all of the effort Alexander had grinded through. All thrown into the bin in the most ungrateful manner by the colleagues he worked with.
He saw this coming. With those eyes behind the thick glasses yet saw far better than those perfect visioned so-called generals. He saw the slow decline, and he tried to stop it. But once glory had been achieved, these men and women decided to toss him aside, threw him into the sidewalk because they didn’t want to miss out on the glory that they craved. ’Glory my ass.’ Was always his thoughts. If they were his direct subordinate, he’d have their head taken, or in his procedure, stripped of their ranks and booted back to being a common soldier. Anything glory driven was always a waste of time, manpower and resources. But like his old teacher once said, his mind was far few in between. Only he could see it. No other could. And when stupidity plus ego, here he was.
Sitting in the tall-backed chair in the private quarter of his huge battlestation, the capital dreadnought Aegis, he, for once, took off his glasses, revealing his true colored eyes for the very first time, though unfortunately no one was there to witness it. He took out a small handkerchief from his pocket as he wiped the layers gently. A long sigh escaped his lips, his breath held weight, and it was pulling him down, also the rare moment of human emotion he displayed ever since he was stripped away from his parent. From his normal life.
His only work for the moment was to wait. In the hours that seemed like an eternity to the grand admiral. It had been a few hours since the last strategical meeting had concluded. The high command had decided against his military advice. Not far-fetched from what he expected, but this time it was the only decision that he very much feared. He had called for a reconsideration, and they were discussing it. If they did reconsider, then he’d be informed of another meeting. That was the message that he was expecting to receive for hours.
For he knew if they went forth with their decision, it would be a massacre.
The silence was just unsettling. The silence that he once enjoyed, from the stillness of the bookshelf to the solemnity of the chandelier. He couldn’t sleep. Nor could he do anything either. He normally hate idleness but today he couldn’t help but be so. Doing anything would be useless right now.
And then, for some mysterious reasons, his hand suddenly reached for his drawer. He opened them, and inside was a small picture. A paper-back picture. Not very commonly seen nowadays. And in it, it was a picture of a young boy, gray-haired but without glasses, smiling prettily. The boy was barely even six when this picture was taken. And next to him, crouching and holding onto his shoulder was another person with the gorgeous silky platinum hair, tied into a side bun whilst the rest left hanging down to her waist. Her smile perfectly matched her beauty. And standing right next to the two mother and son was the final puzzle to make a happy family. The man did not have any resemblance in terms of hair-color, but he was well-tuned, well-dressed, smart-looking. And that passed on well. A picture of a happy family. Of a loving mother and father, one that would pull them into their warmth everytime they fell into a dead juncture, one that would cheer them on from the back as they march on the long road that is called life. Alexander spent a few minutes without lifting his eyes. And then he turned around to the back, to see a beautiful feminine handwriting on it.
October 23rd, 2349.
An outing with my darling and my sweet child…
But before anything, a notification suddenly appeared in front of Alexander in a form of a hologram. Incoming call. From Admiral Damon. It must have been it.
Alexander had no hesitation in pressing the receive call button. As the image of the admiral appeared in front of Alexander, he quickly re-adjusted himself, put away the picture and put on his glasses again.
“Yes, Admiral Damon?”
“Grand Admiral, I’m here to inform you about the high command’s decision of your request for a strategy reconsideration. The President has decided to refuse your request. You will proceed to execute the plan according to what had been given in the last meeting.” Damon quickly informed.
Alexander’s expression was unreadable.
That’s it then…
“Is there anything that must be clarified, Grand Admiral?”
“No, thank you.”
Alexander briefly replied, as he looked at Damon one last time before his image disappeared. He knew that this would very likely be his last time speaking to him. Damon was the commander of the ambush task force. And he was certain that the ambush would turn out a spectacular disaster. And Damon was definitely not a righteous man. He had committed numerous atrocities against Rau’ve’s prisoners and civilians. There is no way the Rau’ve would let this go unpunished. If he did not die with honor on the battlefield, he’d rot in the Rau’ve’s prison, or had his neck broken in a noose, or his chest made into cheese in front of a firing squad. He definitely felt he deserved it, but nevertheless, Alexander could not help but feel bad for him. He had yet to realize his fate.
Nevertheless, Alexander stood up from his chair. His eyes now completely clouded behind his thick glasses, unseen from the outside. He immediately called one of his admirals under his direct command over to the bridge. The days after the final order had been given, the atmosphere surrounding the Aegis was the polar opposite of Alexander’s private quarter. The Dragoons were running around in the ship, trying to reach for their station. Sounds of boots clattered with the hard floor on the ship, echoing into deep space. In the midst of it all, standing in the middle of the room was Alexander and Admiral Faro of the 1st Fleet. Facing each other, their brows furrowed.
“I’d say it, we’re done for.” Alexander said. “They’ve decided against my advice.”
“No disrespect sir, but what do you expect from a band of circus clown, kidnappers and sadists?” Faro replied, making an unimpressed face.
“Be serious, Faro.” Alexander adjusted him. “I’d have to take matters into my own hands. Proxima will be lost in the next few days. When they do, who will defend the Commonwealth’s homeland from those Rau've?”
“Are you sure you can hold against them, with just our reserve fleet?” Faro asked skeptically.
“Once they knew who they were against, they’d be having second thoughts. The Dragon’s Brigade, the Old Guards, and me. A man with any quality of brain cell would decide for a peace treaty over a slaughter. The Rau’ves are no different. They aren’t crazy.” Alexander replied
“Be careful, that can be interpreted as treason.”
“Ha, Faro. Don’t worry. If it saves the Commonwealth, they will overlook it. Besides, I’m the only one capable of saving the Commonwealth from being annexed. He wouldn’t be so crazy to kill me off.” Alexander said. “Now is all ships in position?”
“Yes sir. We’re all set.” Faro replied.
“Very well.” Alexander gave a short sigh. “Tell the other grand admirals that we’re ready.”
“Yes sir.” He nodded as he turned on his heel to leave.
“Oh.” Alexander suddenly called him just as the bridge’s door opened. Faro turned around, curious. “Tell those admirals to visit by the Laichstarg sometime.”
Ascendancy Charter of Trade - A Contract with the Ascendancy's Government, signed by the first Ascendancy President-for-Life, Corrin Herbert, giving the Windsor Autonomous Trading Fleet extensive powers to trade in the Outer Territories of Human Space, including the exclusive right to trade with 'Aliens'. This was 80 years ago, when Xenophobia was still seeding itself in the Ascendancy's minds, but hasn't been nullified since, thanks to Ascendancy inattention and hefty bribes paid to the Ascendancy Congress.
Steelweave Formal Clothes - Several sets of formal clothes for diplomatic occassions, made up of thread as strong, if not stronger, than steel.
Ballistics Vest - A ballistics vest that can withstand even a small Coilgun Pistol.
Coilgun Pistol - Coilgun pistol enlaid with ivory and non-perfected electrum.
Plasma Pistol - A gun that fires superheated plasma.
Short Bio:
The first two centuries of the Ascendancy of Man were of construction, colonization, and exploration, as the 'Spacewarpers' of the Human Fleet opened up new horizons. Over time, autonomous trading companies grew in the fringes of Human Space, pushing the frontiers of expansion. But when the Rau've and Kaisoken were finally discovered, along with their equivalent or greater power to the Ascendancy, the first President-for-Life, Corrin Herbert, began to move towards centralization, nationalizing several trading companies and forcing those left to consolidate underneath Henry Windsor, one of the leading explorers and merchants of the fringe worlds.
Together, these trading companies formed a formidable fleet, well-armed against Space Pirates (mostly Aliens and renegade Humans) and enough to endanger the Ascendancy itself if it came to war. And so Corrin Herbert was forced to make concessions: The Windsor Autonomous Trading Fleet will be allowed to continue its operations, provided that it provide a large payment to the Ascendancy of Man and logistical support to its future wars. This was resented by Corrin's two successors, Elijah and Emmanuel Thoreau, but neither of them made any move to withdraw said concessions, being enmeshed with their own plans.
Even the coming of the Rau've/Kaisoken War did not endanger the Windsor Autonomous Trading Fleet, as the latter paid a large payment to the Ascendancy in order to avoid giving logistical support. This was a good thing, as the Windsors had already decided that the future lay in economic cooperation with Aliens (albeit with Humans on top) instead of making war with them. So they stood by, consolidating their power on the Southern Fringe of Human Space, well away from the Kaisoken and Rau've territory. And the war ended with the Windsor Autonomous Trading Fleet more powerful than ever, with only the Ascendancy's Carrier Fleet able to contest them.
Now, the Windsors cannot avoid a collision with the upper levels of the Ascendancy; money can no longer overcome fear that the Trading Fleet, made up of Xenophiles and immensely rich and powerful, would conduct a coup. And the Windsors knew it, so they decided to conduct a coup for real, contacting disaffected elements among the fringe worlds and other dissidents only to find they had already been contacted by a new organization, Moonstrike, an organization that seemed to have access to Ascendancy tech and military hardware. And so all activity from them stopped. Was it jealousy, or were they biding their time for something else?
William Windsor was born to the Windsor Family, which was descended from several Old Earth Royal Families (European, Indian, and African ones). Though well-educated, William's mother, Elizabeth Windsor, taught her child to hide the true extent of his skills from all but a few people within his inner circle; this was later revealed to be a reaction to the mysterious kidnappings of prodigy children that occured in the years before the Rau've war. It also helped that William's focus was on Politics, not on 'common genius topics' like Science or Art or Engineering. Nevertheless, there were a few close calls where he was nearly found out, but thankfully, he was lucky enough to make sure those all came to nothing.
When the war against the Rau've was lost; which was more of a year ago now, Elizabeth gave up her position as the head of the family to William, who immediately began planning Rebellion against the Ascendancy but found out that Moonstrike had been doing that first. He was then contacted by a young boy named Snow Cecil, who after [SPOILER] and [SPOILER], told him about [SPOILER].
A hard-faced human woman with a distinctive scar running across the right side of her face. She’s tall at 5’ 10”, and covered in lean muscle from a lifetime spent honing herself. Sandy blonde hair is usually pulled back to keep it out of her way, since she can’t be arsed to cut it.
A number of trinkets and knick knacks from her home litter her quarters and workshop, but a few things stand out. * Red Mist (Monofilament Whip): A retractable cord of ten feet, this line of monofilament wire is loaded with nanomachines that constantly sharpen it. It’s a rare weapon to see anywhere, and a mark of her heritage more than anything else she owns. Reyna has outfitted it with an onboard A.I. she calls D.A.R.C.I. (Direct Action Response Combat Intelligence) that assists in the movement of the wire, turning her from a competent combatant into a terrifying one. * Omnitool: Outfitted into a series of rings worn on her hands, they project holographic screens that she can manipulate. Exoskel boots: Her boots attach to a series of skeletal exo-prosthetics that attach to her legs, amplifying her running speed and acrobatic capabilities. * Bygones (Semi-automatic burst fire rifle): The gun she used to kill her first sentient, she hates it, but has never quite been able to part with it. * Indeterminate but plot-appropriate amount of credits.
Born to Azrishan, one of the Core Worlds of the Ascendancy, Reyna enjoyed a life of privilege and authority. For a woman of her stature, taking a position of military command wasn’t so much encouraged as it was expected. And so she joined the Ascendancy military, and quickly rose through the ranks to the position of Helmswoman of a major cruiser. It just so happened that this cruiser was captained by one Natasha Zhang, who Reyna got to see in action firsthand. Impressed by Natasha’s skill and disgusted by her treatment after the war, Reyna made the executive decision to leave behind her well-cushioned life with the Ascendancy, and put her talents to use with people who needed them. And barring that, she’d at least get to have some fun on the way.
Whip Mastery (Exc Weaponry: Whips x2): Reyna’s training with her pseudo-aristocratic family taught her a great deal of skill in weaponry, nothing clicked with Reyna quite like whips. It doesn’t hurt that her personal weapon has an onboarded AI to help her aim it. Silver Tongue (Exc Diplomacy): Reyna was raised among political and social elites, and can hold her own in a debate. Ace Pilot (Exc Pilot x2): Capable of flying a freighter through a minefield, Reyna is justifiably proud of her skills as a pilot. Tinkering (Exc Engineering): With piloting ships came a knowledge of how they work, and that naturally branched into other types of machinery. Twinkletoes (Exc Acrobatics): Both a result of her physical conditioning and her exo-prosthetics, Reyna is very light on her feet. Field Commander (Exc Tactics): Capable of running multiple hypothetical scenarios at once in her head, Reyna gained a reputation for being a calm and collected leader in heated combat situations.
Name: Narvia F. Hadley Full Name: Narvia Folspear Hadley Nickname: Navi - It was created by Nikolas R. Zahrin to cheer her up. It is a nickname and her call sign all in one, it’s more or less shorten of her actual first name, Narvia to be exact. The ones in bold is the nickname. Age: 17
Physical Description:
Height: 5’3” Weight: 116 lbs Body Type: Straight Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green Birthmark/Scar(s):
She has a birthmark on her left arm that is treated as a bad omen. Her family is highly superstitious because of this birthmark. It has three stars surrounding a triangle, which usually means she’ll have the worst luck within the Hadley family. She has scarring on her back because of how much punishment she took from the Ascendency of Man’s disciplinary action towards her.
Coilgun Pistol - The Coilgun pistol, which she named the Sigma. She wields it in a defensive stance.
Daichi, the Swift - She uses this when in scant super close quarters. She isn’t really good at using it. But it’s better than nothing this close up.
Galactic Credits - The amount of credits is 2,500. She only has it in a digital form. She got this from the Rau've Jailers.
The Necklace - She was given this ungodly ugly necklace to her by her mother Lana. It was on her tenth birthday this had happened. Her mother told her it was about a journey of discovery but she was naive when she was given this necklace at the time. It is a simple a necklace of pure bronze circle with a single topaz tear attached to the necklace. It is engraved with ’Journey of Discovery.’
Enigma Codex - The Enigma Codex is an Omni-tool that is specialized to do certain things that are different from other Omnitools that are produced by the Ascendancy of Man. It has access to communication and calculation but has no access to the augmented reality navigation and small-scale hacking portion. In return of losing that functionality it gains access to a database of spells that she can use and/or the enemies of the Ascendancy can use. She has access to a number of her handler by the call sign of the Dragon.
The person behind the call sign of Dragon is Nikolas R. Zahrin. He took pity on Navi/Narvia but was sworn to secrecy to never tell her the truth of her circumstances.
Short Bio:
Narvia was born on Mars, one of the core worlds of the Ascendancy of Man to her mother Lana R. Hadley and Conner L. Hadley. Her parents were highly busy with their work in terms of the Mega corporation Hadley In-Vector Corporation and its shell company called Gravia Military Company. Therefore, they were hardly at home while she was growing up in the Hadley Mansion on Mars, it was highly extravagant and was therefore protected by the Gravia Military Company. The only person that was more or less keeping her safe and calm, was a very nice maid by the name of Jennifer V. Stoutfield. She was one of the most hands on with Narvia as a whole, since she was pretty much similar to how she is. In terms of an environment-based child, since she gets pretty easily crying fits if everyone is very heated in a discussion.
It was around age three when her biological mother finally decided to get into her daughter’s life. Jennifer was right there since she’s the only person in the whole world that Narvia enjoyed being around. Lana smiled at her daughter even though she knew her daughter was outrageously intelligent since they hired a very influential physician. She saw something that shocked her to her core on her daughter’s left arm a singular thing.
”Jennifer dear, when were you going to tell me that our daughter had a birthmark?” Lana asked, seriously. ”You were so busy and I was trying to do my best to tell you. But you told me not to bother you at all,” Jennifer said. ”Oh yeah… I forgot sorry it’s nothing. But at least our daughter is very intelligent at least,” Lana said. ”Mother, done being busy for now?” Narvia asked, cutely towards her mother. ”For now, yes, I can play with you,” Lana said.
Jennifer felt a bit happier to see Lana playing with her daughter after three years worth of her daughter’s development. However, she knew that wouldn’t last because of how she saw the look in Lana’s eyes. She knew she couldn’t at all tell Narvia anything of the sort since her contract is very specific. Narvia was enjoying playing with her mother since she gave her a thought puzzle and to see who can complete it faster. Out of everything, Narvia completed it first and in the shortest time too.
”Excellent Job, daughter you are definitely better at this, I know what I can get you for your 5th year birthday,” Lana said, kindly. ”What is it?” Narvia asked, curiously. ”Easy, the Family Heirloom necklace called the Star Necklace,” Lana said, kindly.
Lana subconsciously, however, outright hated being here right now since her husband’s fears came true. She was great at covering up the fact she was outraged at this child’s existence. She was grateful to Jennifer’s caring of their daughter. She got up and walked directly to her husband’s study but before that whispered something into Jennifer’s ear. What was whispered shocked Jennifer to her core but she had no power in this household to stop anything.
”I should get to to bed, Narvia since its your bedtime,” Jennifer said, kindly. ”Oh okay Jennifer, I am tired,” Narvia said, happily.
Jennifer cleaned up the logic puzzles and put them in the box, which she got out in the first place. She helped Narvia to her bedroom and covered Narvia up and told her a bedtime story. That was the only thing that helped Jennifer to calm her nerves from what Lana whispered to her, about what the family as a whole has planned for their daughter.
On her 5th year birthday, she celebrated her birthday only with the maid that has been with her every step of her life, Jennifer. She curiously asked where her mother was with her gift she told her, two years ago. Jennifer told Narvia specifically that she must’ve been distracted with important paperwork or other some such at work. However, she was somewhat grateful that Narvia didn’t be taught how to run the Hadley In-Vector Corporation and the Gravia Military Company. Mostly because Narvia is definitely not xenophobic alike her parents. It took about around thirty minutes later until Lana walked into the room, where her child was celebrating her birthday. She had a smile on her face. The only person who saw the smile or the meaning behind Lana’s smile and Jennifer sighed in a defeated tone.
”Narvia, sorry I have been quite busy daughter. I did finally come here with your birthday present like I have promised. When you were two years younger, the Family Heirloom called the Star Necklace,” Lana said.
She sat down the present in front of her daughter. It was in a very beautiful case, that shows a caring touch to the case as a whole. When it was opened was no other than the Star Necklace, the most expensive possession the Hadley family’s own.
"Thanks mommy,” Narvia said, happily. ”No problem, daughter. However, only wear this necklace on very important days of your life. Alike being introduced to the high life,” Lana said. ”I will keep that to heart mother,” Narvia said.
Narvia looked at the Star Necklace and saw the design of it. It had an pendant attached to it, which had her mother and father’s pictures within it. It had multiple different words engraved on it, more or less meaning, ’For the Ascendancy.’ She hugged her mother happily for the gift and the happy birthday present.
”Jennifer, I will be leaving now. I need to go see how Conner is doing at work,” Lana said, with a slight tone that only Jennifer knows. ”Yes, milady. I will keep Narvia safe and sound. Since you and Conner has tons of work to do,” Jennifer said, with a sigh. ”Bye Mother,” Narvia said, waving goodbye to her mother Lana.
Lana waved goodbye to her daughter, even though it wasn’t that sincere of a wave. Jennifer definitely saw that but knew their daughter was a bit too naïve about what is going on. Jennifer went back to play with Narvia since at least Lana did show up to her birthday, like she had promised.
Narvia, want to do something a bit more fun? In terms, you haven’t seen your parents flower garden yet and it’s a beautiful sight to see,” Jennifer said, kindly. ”Yeah. I wish my dad came to see me and told me a happy birthday to,” Narvia said, with a slightly depressed sigh. ”Conner is highly busy with being the Hadley In-Vector Corporation CEO,” Jennifer said, reassuring Narvia.
Narvia was reassured and she followed Jennifer to the Hadley Mansion’s Flower Garden. Which is in the backyard of the mansion and it has multiple other things in it, alike a Playground from a park or a public school on Earth. Narvia was shocked in seeing all this because it was beautiful, and was a bit engulfed with beauty. This definitely made to show off the overall wealth value of the Hadley Family in general. She started to play with Jennifer since she was much more calmer from the serenity flower garden she was in. They took to relax near some of the flowers after Narvia got a bit tired and wanted to relax a bit. Narvia was a bit sad at the fact her parents were plainly ignoring her. Jennifer hugged her to keep her hopes up that her parents would turn around.
”Don’t worry Narvia, your mother and father are going to play with you. They will not do anything harmful to your way of life,” Jennifer said. ”Thanks, Jennifer. You are a very nice lady,” Narvia said, happily.
Jennifer noticed Narvia was tired and helped her to her bed since it would be better if she slept in her bed. Narvia held Jennifer’s hand while being taken to her room to go to bed, after she had playtime with Jennifer. She was pretty much happy with how nice all the people in the mansion’s staff has been to her. She will never forget this happy moment in her life, being taken care of by Jennifer mostly, since her parents were too busy with work.
Meanwhile, in the meeting room of the Mega-corporation, Hadley In-Vector Corporation between the Ascendancy of Man Official, who has the call sign of Dragon of the 3rd Lt. rank and the CEO Conner L. Hadley. The Dragon was waiting for awhile before the meeting started since he had to be frisked so he doesn’t bring in weapons into the meeting room. However, he was wondering why he was asked to come all the way to the Hadley In-Vector Corporation HQ on Mars by his commanding officer.
”My friend Conner, I hope you aren’t wasting my time here. I am a busy man keeping the Ascendancy protected from outside forces and training the new recruits in tactics that are too new for the old dogs,” The Ascendancy Official said, with a stern and annoyed tone in his voice. ”I am not wasting your time, Nikolas. If I was wasting your time I wouldn’t have called your superior officer for an urgent meeting. It is about the future of the Hadley In-Vector Corporation’s support to the Ascendancy of Man as a whole. Since we have always been staunch supporters of our new aligned goals in space, the Xenophobic stance that is,” Conner said, with a urgency to his voice.
Nikolas sat down at the furthest end of the meeting room table, since he knows how long these type of saving great assets of the Ascendancy go in terms of meetings. Since he heard the orders from his commanding officer to get to the Hadley In-Vector Corporation’s HQ ASAP or he would be dishonorable discharged or court martial with a life sentence. He nervously takes out a cigarette and lights it up in the room and puffs smoke besides him instead of towards his friend.
”Therefore, what is the urgent news? I must say, this is pretty responsible of you to have me court martial or dishonorable discharged from the military if I didn’t show up here. Even though lately we have been getting more help of lately via some other means. Since we don’t really use your shell company that often anymore, only as a last resort if that,” Nikolas said with a smile. ”Quite easy, my dear friend. I heard a rumor that there was a child soldier program running, mostly because I hefty bribed some high ranking officials to make that rumor no longer a rumor. However, I did promise the officials I bribed I won’t be telling this to any of the people I usually talk to in my world of corporate politics,” Conner said. ”You spent much money on getting that information. Therefore, anything for the Ascendancy of Man to do something for you? However, it is nice you will keep this secret you gained via all those bribes you gave to the higher ups,” Nikolas said, having the cigarette in his mouth.
Conner stood up from his chair on the complete opposite of Nikolas, and sighed a bit. However, he was grateful there was an ashtray in front of Nikolas. Since he knows how much Nikolas smokes, and always is prepared for the unexpected when it comes to the Dragon.
”Easily enough, I will give up my daughter’s right for the betterment of mankind. Against the alien filth, which surrounds our glorious Ascendancy,” Conner said. ”Wait… what? Willingly giving up your daughter’s rights when, your corporation is the only one that is never targeted for any programs that the Ascendancy create or start up since your staunch stance of defending of our values. Not to mention, the Gravia Military Company,” Nikolas shocked, at what he said.
Nikolas, however, went through the reasons of the said reasoning and couldn’t really come up with why he would want to do this. He put his cigarette in the ashtray so it wouldn’t fall anywhere. Conner gets up from his seat and slowly walked towards the Liquor he has out for anyone to drink during meetings. He pours himself a drink of Whiskey. He nurses it to ease himself a bit into what he is about to say to Nikolas.
”I have already made steps ahead of time to make sure, she’ll never get anything from me and Lana ever. The only thing that will be better for her is death. Which that is what me and my wife wants the most but there’s a slight problem. If we kill our own daughter it’ll be felt throughout the Ascendancy as a whole. Therefore, we will need to use the Ascendancy Child Soldier Program to get rid of our daughter without the mess involved of cleaning up a family death. I do have some Gravia Military Company members that will exchange my daughter to the Ascendancy Child Soldier Program,” Conner said, he took a breather. ”Anything else? I should need to know about your daughter before this is a done deal,” Nikolas said. ”My daughter is highly intelligent young prodigy for our family,” Conner said, confidently.
Nikolas blinked a bit when he heard exactly what Conner said at the end, that his daughter is a Prodigy. However, he didn’t really truly believe the ‘reasons’ why Conner wanted to get rid of Narvia, since he was there at the birth of their daughter. Even though, he wasn’t named the Godfather of her. He’s the reason why they named her Narvia Folspear Hadley since he had his reasons giving them the middle name and apart of the first name. However, he wondered what what age, she’ll be exchanged at into the Child Soldier Program.
”Something tells me you are holding something back, Conner. What exact age do you want to unleash the child soldier program on her? Since this is a pretty much a lot to take in all at once since I am the one who even helped you and Lana named your own daughter,” Nikolas said.
Conner remembered the day that Nikolas gave him and his wife a very big help in helping naming their daughter, it was a wonderful day, when they filled in the last three letters of her first name. However, he laughed at the question prior to him being reminded of simpler times. He knows the exact age, that will be the most tough and trying on Narvia and the last person she’ll see is Jennifer, who more or less raised Narvia.
”I am pretty serious, but the program in question will be unleashed on her before she reaches age 11. As well, I must remind you the Gravia Military Company will be delivering her straight to your doorstep completely unconscious and ready for experimentation. Since all she’s good for is a guinea pig that will kill our enemies in droves,” Conner said. ”How long have you been planning this blatant outrageous act against your own child?” Nikolas asked, a bit curious. ”You could say even before she was born. It was more or less a family plan, but the Child Soldier Program is perfect for the filth she is,” Conner said, with disgust towards his own child, Narvia. Damn… I never heard a father that outright hated his own flesh and blood this much,” Nikolas said.
Nikolas takes another puff of his cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray. He stands up from his seat. He walks over to the alcohol bar, that is in the meeting room. He decides to get some whiskey similar to his friend and drinks it. He has never seen Conner this way before. He sighs with a slight of an annoyance at the blatant hatred of his friend towards his own child.
”Conner, I will make sure the top brass knows of this plan you have for your child. Our scientists will have no morals in experimenting on a child that was sold to us. Anything else you want to get out of the way? Like another bribe,” Nikolas said. ”Ah, yeah, I do have one simple bribe. I want her to keep the last gift from us in the most ugliest necklace ever created for an outcast and discarded trash ever. But this bribe is literally to tell her some hopeful thing from the necklace that we gave her, instead of what my wife and me want to say to her fully and true,” Conner said. ”Something tells me… this won’t be good. What do you want to truthfully say to her?” Nikolas asked, curiously but dreading what will be said next. ”Easily. If she ever returns to our home or our corporation building Headquarters on Mars. She will be killed on sight by the Gravia Military Company, brutally. Since she is a disinherited/disowned piece of shit but we must keep up our appearances I say,” Conner said.
Nikolas puts down his drink slowly and gasped in terror, and can see exactly why he wasn’t allowed to have a weapon in the HQ building. He knows what he has to do to make sure that doesn’t happen, even though she’ll be killing enemies for the Ascendancy. However, he’ll probably be put on a secrecy clause to never tell her anything anyway or be killed for treason.
”I must say, you thought of everything. You know of my unpredictable nature to a T, and knew if I wasn’t in this building. I would have probably shot you for the unbearable asshole you are being right now. But I must play along since you do report to my superiors faster than I can do anything to you. So, what’s the so called non-truth?” Nikolas asked. ”It is good to have great connections. And yeah, that’s one of the reasons why I bribed your superior officer in question to threaten you, it worked. The truth to her ears. Are as follows, You will be on a journey of discovery, it’s that simple. I can show you the tenth year birthday present since I have a hologram of it,” Conner said.
Conner put down his whiskey cup down right next to Nikolas’ cup. He walked over to the meeting hall table and touched a secret button on the bottom of it nearest to his end of the table. A console opened up on the top of the table and he entered the access code for the Hologram in question he wants to show to Nikolas. It was a simple designed necklace made with a bronze circle with a piece of a topaz tear in the direct center of it and on the bronze circle was engraved with ’Journey of Discovery.’ Nikolas saw the necklace in question and sighed at the fact Journey of Discovery meant something else entirely.
”Hmm, I will make sure my superiors and theirs hear of this bribe you want to make. But I guess there’s a way to uncover what it really means?” Nikolas asked, curiously. ”Yeah, but I won’t tell you how to uncover it. Since it is for Narvia to ‘uncover’ what it means for herself,” Conner said, laughing at his question. ”You are a pretty much an asshole you know that right,” Nikolas said. ”I know, it’s better to be an asshole and support the Ascendancy 110% than to be an Alien Slave, am I right?” Conner asked, confidently. ”Yeah, you are right. Even the top brass enjoys your funding and Gravia Military Company’s support from time to time,” Nikolas said. ”Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I will start be building a fleet of warships for the Gravia Military Company but they will be smaller than the largest starship in the Ascendancy fleet. It’ll be a Cruiser exactly named after my wife Lana. Since that’s what we’ve been doing for awhile. I guess that’s another larger bribe to allow us to have our own defenses to protect our corporate interests,” Conner said, with a better mood after he got that off his chest mostly about his daughter. ”I will tell my superiors about that larger bribe, that will allow you to build up your fleets. Since all the Ascendancy requires more factions within it that will protect our interests and the Hadley In-Vector Corporation’s Interests. We are a prideful bunch of Ascendancy members,” Nikolas said. ”And I will not pass along that you threatened my life in this meeting, my friend. Since I enjoy you at your rank a bit more than a dead friend,” Conner said.
Nikolas went back to drink his Whiskey and finished it. He waved goodbye to his best friend, Conner. He walked out of the Hadley In-Vector Corporation HQ on Mars and went to his car, to head towards the nearest Military Branch Office to talk to his superiors about the deal he made with Conner. Which was a great success, even though there will probably be backlash to Narvia, vanishing without a trace on her 10th birthday.
On Narvia’s 7th year birthday, it was only two years after her 5th birthday. She was given much work and her tutors were shocked in how smart she was. She wanted more of a challenge and better work, in that case, she was more or less given the best education from her tutors without going to school. The entirety of the Hadley family is home schooled via everything money can buy and usually is granted whatever they want. The tutor that was shocked is named Natalie S. Rovia, the most influential tutor that money could buy.
”Oh hello Narvia, my student. I can’t believe your test scores just came in for the prodigy exam. And I have to say I am floored in how intelligent you are,” Natalie said, proudly at her favorite student she has. ”What are my scores? Narvia asked. ”You are in the top 5 percentile of being super genius, even smarter than your father and mother when they were around your age. It’s pretty amazing, you should be proud of your achievements,” Natalie said. ”That’s an accomplishment. I don’t know what my parents will think of that accomplishment,” Narvia said. ”They were highly impressed and proud of your accomplishment. I did push the issue a bit much, but they couldn’t really fire me since of my stature,” Natalie said. ”That makes me happy to hear that, teacher,” Narvia said. No problem, I knew you were down and all so I decided to give you some good news,” Natalie said.
Natalie gave Narvia something that would challenge the child since she’s highly intelligent, but didn’t know at all the plans of Conner and Lana for their daughter at all. She was pretty much the super trusting type even though she’s pretty much enjoys praising her students accomplishments. She looked out of the window and noticed some of the Grevia Military Company Soldiers from god knows where.
”Hmm, how many times a day does your family talk to their PMC?” Natalie asked, curiously. ”I don’t know, they usually keep that from me. Because they told me I shouldn’t worry about the inner workings of the business, until I hit 13 years old or older,” Narvia said, a bit happy she can be a kid. ”That’s nice your parents care enough about your development as a child,” Natalie said.
Natalie was still looking at the emblem of the PMC in question, which is literally a Spear made up of light and it says, ‘The Spear of the Hadley Family, It is better dead than an Alien Slave.’ She was a bit shocked at the latter tagline, since she always saw the Aliens as a good trading partner since she has the same ideals as the Windsor Trading Company.
”Oh okay, where we we? Oh yeah, you have to complete this work in an hour,” Natalie said. ”I will do my best, teacher,” Narvia said, kindly.
Natalie walks to the desk, that the family gave her to watch Narvia do her work alike a classroom, even though it is inside of a massive home, that is a mansion. She watches Narvia do her work but starts reading a book, which is basically about the Ascendancy of Man’s rise to a galactic power. It is somewhat different to other books that talk about certain things, it was more or less an escapist book for people who want to be the people who do the laws and stuff in the Ascendancy. Time flew and Narvia put her work on the desk for Natalie to grade. She did grade the child’s work and she was pretty amazed at the work she had done.
”Great job, Narvia. You’ve done well underneath me as your tutor,” Natalie said. ”Thank you, I enjoy you’re way of how you are teaching me,” Narvia said. ”Your welcome,” Natalie said.
Narvia felt proud of her work she did, because she was being praised by her teacher. She always have a happy smile to keep herself from putting down the mood of the teacher. However, she was being a little bit dejected since she didn’t really have any real life friends around her age. Natalie smiled towards Narvia.
”Narvia, I have a pretty nice thing to say. I have a daughter around your age, you want to be her friend?” Natalie asked. ”I would love to have a friend, Natalie,” Narvia said, happily. ”That’s good you’ll meet her tomorrow since she’s always enjoying meeting new people,” Natalie said.
Narvia felt a bit of joy when she heard Natalie has a daughter around her age and was giggling. She walked to her tutor, and gave her a straight hug. Natalie returned the hug and felt a bit happy that her daughter is going to get a well behaved friend alike Narvia. Natalie continued her work by giving Narvia some work before it was called that Narvia had to go to sleep by her maid. A bit later on, like the next day, Natalie’s daughter Jenna L. Novia and Narvia become quick friends, much quicker than most friendships. And they would keep this friendship up until the latter’s disappearance, however, that was unknown to Jenna and Narvia at this point.
Narvia was happily talking to Jennifer, until the intercom turned on. It was her mother Lana, specifically that wanted her in her office immediately for something urgent. Jennifer was a bit worried about Narvia but she told her to go to Lana’s Office in the mansion. She walked into her mother’s office and looked at her mother a bit confused. Lana was sitting down at the desk with a smile on her face. She knows this will be the last time she’ll have see her daughter at all. Lana pointed at a present that was on her desk, which she wanted to give to Narvia.
”Narvia, how is it going?” Lana asked, curiously. ”Pretty good mother. What’s that on your desk? Is that for me,” Narvia asked. ”Yeah, it is for your birthday today. It is a necklace. That you need to wear no matter what, even if it is the ugliest thing you have ever seen. Since you will be going on a Journey of Discovery,” Lana said. ”What does that mean exactly? Journey of Discovery sounds so vague…,” Narvia said, curiously. ”Don’t worry about that. You’ll figure it out sooner or later but please put it on,” Lana said.
Lana was pleased to notice her daughter wasn’t wearing the Star Necklace, which pleased her. She only sighed at the fact, Narvia was happy go lucky when she did enter the office. Narvia walked over to her mother’s desk to receive the present from her mother, who gave it to her. She opened her present and saw the ugly necklace and quite couldn’t really know why her mother would want her to wear it. She didn’t want to disappoint her mother Lana, since her mother does get angry and yell sometimes when something doesn’t go her way. She put it on without question and it was engraved with ’Journey to Discovery.’
Good news, daughter. You’re friend Jenna will be at a very luxurious Amusement park on the planet called the United Flags, it’s similar to Seven Flags on Earth but a bit more well maintained. You will be escorted by the Gravia Military Company’s Elite Escort Unit by the name of Lt. 3rd Class Gregory I. Marshal and his sister Lt. Susan R. Marshal,” Lana said, with an a slight tone of indifference but pride of the Elite Escort Unit itself. ”Oh that’s nice I heard great things about that amusement park. And I definitely and truly miss my childhood friend Jenna,” Narvia said, happily. ”Have fun, my daughter,” Lana said.
Narvia waved her mother goodbye and walked out of her mother’s office to go to the front door. She was stopped by Jennifer, the only person in the entire household that showed love and compassion for her. She hugged Jennifer tightly and was hopeful they would see each other again. Jennifer hugged back but was crying about exactly her parents had planned for her. Narvia had no idea why Jennifer was crying.
”Narvia, I love you with all my heart. I hope you have fun at the United Flags Amusement Park,” Jennifer crying. ”Jennifer, why are you crying? You are making me cry. I will have fun at the United Flags Amusement Park,” Narvia cried, with the one who took care of her more than her own parents alike an adoptive mother. ”I’m sorry for crying. I am alright, please get going or you might miss the United Flags time frame it is opened,” Jennifer said, rubbing her eyes to stop the tears. ”Oh yeah, I should get going. I love you too Jennifer and thanks for reminding me,” Narvia said, happily but still teary eyed.
Narvia opened the front door and walked proudly out of her home. Since this was the real first time she was allowed to go somewhere outside of her home’s perimeter. She approached the Gravia Military Company, Black SUV that has the symbol of a spear called the Folspear on the side of it. She was greeted by the two people her mother mention, the 3rd Lt. Gregory I. Marshal and his sister Lt. Susan R. Marshal. The first impression that Narvia saw of them was they were highly proud of their job and their role in the Gravia Military Company as a whole.
”Hi, you must be Susan R. Marshal and Gregory I. Marshal, my mother mentioned you two,” Narvia said. ”That’s amusing. And hello, Narvia, you are a cute girl and heiress,” Susan said, rolling her eyes towards her brother. ”Guess she told you we will be escorting you to your destination. However, we will have to take the long route to the United Flags Amusement Park because of construction on roads. I hope that won’t inconvenience your friend too much,” Gregory said, noticed Susan rolling her eyes. ”It probably won’t because Jenna is a very patient friend. I am happy that you are the ones to escort me to my destination,” Narvia said, with a slight happiness more or less showing she wasn’t at all raised by her parents. ”No problem,” Gregory said, he rolled his eyes and realized who raised Narvia and laughed slightly.
Gregory opened the door to the backdoor, so Narvia and Susan can get into the SUV. Narvia got into the vehicle completely too trusting and naïve to Gregory and Susan, to take her to her destination. Susan got right next to Narvia and was happy there was enough medication in this vehicle to knockout the child if she gets too annoying. She remembered as well, that Conner told them to take her to the nearest Military HQ or take her to Nikolas, which ever is the closest to be transferred to the Child Soldier Program. Gregory shut the backdoor and got into the SUV, and started it up. The vehicle moved away from the Hadley Mansion. In the meantime, they weren’t going to make their move until they were halfway to the real destination or got stopped by a Military Convoy, which will take Narvia to an Ascendancy Black Site.
”Are we there yet?” Narvia asked, a bit impatient. ”No not yet, dear, Narvia,” Susan said, with a bit of annoyed tone in her voice. ”Sorry… I didn’t mean to make you upset,” Narvia said.
The Gravia Military Company’s SUV, in question made it about halfway and saw they had a Military Convoy pretty close to them. And they would be stopped hostilely in who was in that convoy. Susan smiled happily and looked towards Narvia with hatred in her eyes.
”Narvia, I hate you so much. For being born in our proud leader’s home. You are filth on our great Military Company’s name. However, I hope you enjoy your sleep. You’ll need it for what’s going to happen to you,” Susan said, telling the god’s honest truth since she outright hates telling lies to people she hates. ”Susan… You are scaring me,” Narvia said, started to tear up at the fact Susan threatened her. ”That is the point, Narvia,” Susan said, with a sadistic smile on her face.
Susan took out an syringe and looked directly at Narvia. Narvia was crying now a bit more loudly since she couldn’t help herself to cry about what Susan is about to do to her. Susan took Narvia’s arm and held her down with her brute strength and injected the syringe into her arm. Narvia instantly felt the effects of said drug, since it was a highly potent sleeping drug. Narvia closed her eyes, which still had tears going down her face and went to sleep. Susan laughed a bit happily that the annoying little girl is now asleep. However, the Military Convoy surrounded the SUV right, when they done the deed to Narvia. Gregory was a bit too busy trying to calm down his sister though to notice they were surrounded.
”Finally, that shuts up her up. I did enjoy her tears but I wish we didn’t have to do this dirty work,” Susan said. ”Hmm, you hated her that much didn’t you. I guess its good after returning to the mansion we can go on our vacation to Earth,” ”That’s nice,” Susan said.
The Military Convoy fired a warning shot at the SUV by hitting the passenger seat. This made the two in the SUV notice they were completely surrounded by the Military Convoy and this was a bit of a shock to the two. Gregory slowly got out of the vehicle and saw, who was in the Military Convoy no other than Nikolas R. Zahrin the Dragon. Gregory swallowed a bit in fear since he never saw the Dragon so angry.
”Ah, The Dragon it's nice to see you under these circumstances. We have your package in the back, unconscious,” Gregory said. ”I am not really nice to see you, Elite Assassination Squad, code named the Slaughters. But everyone needs assassins in this universe but you’ve been less needed in the universe with our needing to get rid of our enemies by force instead of sneakily,” Nikolas said. ”I guess that means you want us to stay on Mars then?” Gregory asked, curiously. ”No, it would’ve been much better if I didn’t need to get Narvia but my superiors approved of the bribes and other such things. All the red tape is gone. But I hope you haven’t harmed my package. Since she is needed for the Child Soldier program,” Nikolas said. ”All my sister did was put her to sleep,” Gregory said. ”I have to say, you get my permission to stay alive as long as possible then. But If I ever see you in this part of Mars again, mark my words. I will see you tried for crimes against Humanity,” Nikolas said. ”Alright, we promise to not come through here again. However, I noticed you don’t have your signature cigarette in your mouth,” Gregory said, he could feel like he was in about a full Military Convoys worth of guns that would outright killed him if he tried anything funny. ”I quit quite a few years after I had that meeting with your boss, Conner. It’s better to live and keep the peace and prosperity of our glorious Ascendancy,” Nikolas said.
The Military Convoy Troop Transport moved closer to the SUV but was on the other side of the road, they stopped the SUV on. One of the soldiers, got out of the troop transport and walked towards the SUV and noticed in the vehicle that Susan was sitting by the package, a young 10 year old girl. The soldier in question was a mother and was utterly shocked and terrified a child was going to be put into the Ascendancy secretive project.
”Sir, she’s out cold, and she was crying it seems,” The mother said, proudly. ”Ah, Susan isn’t too subtle in anything anyway,” Gregory said. ”Seems like you two should get a room. And as well, you should give proper respect to an Ascendancy Child, since they deserve more respect than you and your sister gave Narvia. She’ll be elevated to a Child Soldier that will kill Aliens but it would’ve been better if she lived in a different family altogether,” Nikolas said, angrily towards Gregory. ”Ah yeah, proper respect to trash, that’s a laugh,” Gregory laughed.
The soldier opened the backdoor of the SUV and held Narvia gently into her arms and walked her back to the Troop Transport. She was a bit peeved at the attitude of the Gravia Military Company as a whole and she understands why Nikolas’ keeps them on a short leash when he’s commanding them. Gregory shut the back door of the SUV, and got back in the driver side and was allowed to get going by one of the Military Vehicles allowing the SUV to go from the surround. Nikolas, on the other hand, got into his military jeep, he was in, and sighed at the fact his package is the same little girl he help name. He ordered the Military Convoy to get back into its proper convoy with the ‘package’ to be in the center of the convoy. He laughed a bit since he knew there was going to be backlash at the fact, a highly rich corporation child vanished without a trace. The Military Convoy’s destination was a black site that does the child soldier program.
The Military Convoy stops at the Black site in question on Mars. Which was pretty far from civilization in terms of what civilization there is on Mars. The female soldier in question was still holding Narvia. The troop transports military personnel all got out of the vehicle minus the package and the soldier in question that was holding her. Nikolas got out of his jeep to go check on Narvia.
”Soldier, how long is she out for?” Nikolas asked. ”I do have a name you know, it’s Vienna R. Stoutfield,” Vienna said. ”Sorry, I remember your younger sister is working for the Hadley Family,” Nikolas said. ”She kept me apprised of at least the child she was raising but I didn’t know it was Narvia Folspear Hadley. I can’t believe her parents discarded her like, she was a weekend meal or a popcorn at a movies,” Vienna said. ”Still have no real idea, why she was disinherited or disowned by her parents. But she’s here now but I was told by my superiors to keep this secret and you will too. If you tell her anything about this, your entire family will lose their positions they got into the military and be executed for treason,” Nikolas said. ”T-That’s a bit harsh but they don’t want any leaks… so I will keep this secret as long as I live,” Vienna said. ”Thanks Vienna, now lets escort our guest to her new role in our great Ascendancy,” Nikolas said.
Nikolas sighed, still reeling from the fact that Conner and Lana would outright get rid of their child, but he still has no idea why they would. But all this stuff that happened to her will stunt her growth in certain areas. Vienna carefully got out while still holding Narvia and took her to the proper place within the Black site for the Child Soldier Program. It didn’t take that long for Narvia to wake up from the sleeping drug, she was injected with, but she had a person sitting besides her bed, which was no other than Nikolas.
”What happened…? Why am I here? Who are you?” Narvia asked a bit terrified and looked a bit confused. ”Hello Narvia, calm down. So sorry but your old life is completely over and have to be modified to specifically start killing our enemies, which are a threat to the Ascendancy. However, we will make the process to go as painless as possible if you are calm and collected. And my name is Nikolas Richard Zahrin,” Nikolas said, calmly trying to calm down the nerves of the poor little girl. ”I-I can’t see, anything of my old life? Why…?” Narvia asked, but now crying again, remembering Susan holding her down and injecting her with a serum to fall asleep. ”Yeah but the only thing you are allowed to keep is that necklace you are wearing. I am terribly sorry for everything but you aren’t allowed to see anyone in your old life but your new one will be different,” Nikolas said. ”I… I…,” Narvia said, couldn’t believe anything that is happening so far.
There was a knock on the door, Nikolas got up and opened the door. He whispered to the scientists to go easy on the child since she’s in shock and putting her more in shock by the procedure. The scientists nodded to him but it’ll still be a shock to her system, since it is a infusion of Kaisoken dust. She started to cry, but couldn’t really stop crying from this entire thing and had no real idea how she got here. They escorted her to the procedure table and laid her down on it.
They calmed her down, telling her she’ll be given the world in her fingertips and that everything is happening to her for a reason, like she was fated to be here. However, they did have to put her under since she couldn’t really believe them right now. Nikolas watched the procedure from start to finish as he was worried for the girl. After the procedure was completed, they allowed her to go back into her designated room and Nikolas was in there with her. He was a bit amazed at how hefty the bribe to keep that singular necklace around her neck.
”W-What will happen to me next?” Narvia asked, shaken, terrified and scared. ”Training. Our enemies are vast and expansive and will try to kill us at every single turn. And they are Aliens, the quicker we kill them the quicker we can take territory and resources to keep our war machine going,” Nikolas said, with a calm tone to her. ”I don’t really like the sound of that…,” Narvia said, saddened that she has to kill people. ”However, the good news in this I was the one who selected your call sign, I picked Navi for you. Since it fits you more than anyone else,” Nikolas said. ”Why?” Narvia asked, curious. ”It’s more or less shorten of your name. Na and vi to make Navi, and you are a young girl that will asked many questions about your orders and will follow them to a T, I hope so for your sake since if you don’t you will be disciplined,” Nikolas said. ”T-That’s neat, that call sign sounds more like a nickname, Nikolas,” Narvia said. ”Oh it probably is, I hope you keep it,” Nikolas said. ”Y-Yeah, I will,” Narvia said a bit nervous.
After all that, she was trained by the Black site to tap into her magic and defend herself from being hunted down and killed, even though this happened around a bit later in her life, as a whole. Since she was constantly moved from black site to black site to get different type of tests to see what she could use and how long or how weary she gotten after using said magic. The one person that was constantly there watching her development was Nikolas, who became her handler since she needed someone to talk to that knew the ropes of said military doctrine and gave some insight. He was an old soldier that had many times more experience in battles of space and ground combat, though that ground combat was training exercises between two forces in the Ascendancy.
However, all this so called ‘playtime’ was changed to real time warfare since the Ascendancy wanted their child soldiers on the front lines of battle as soon as possible. She was thrust into battle by the Ascendancy superiors around the same time as the other child soldiers that were able to go into the battle. However, she was very much conservative and got disciplined since she didn’t want to hurt anyone. Something clicked in her mind and she was forced onto one of the Rau’ve Warships and killed a lot of aliens for the Ascendancy. Not as much as the other child soldiers that had a better kill count then her.
The only thing she remembered from the warfare was getting to know all the other child soldiers, that were in there before the Battle of Proxima happened. However, during the Battle of Proxima the last ditched defense of the Ascendancy against the Rau’ve, she was captured by the enemy on one of these said warships, with a very potent tranquilizer that put her to sleep. However, this caused something in the Ascendancy to outright court martial her handler, the Dragon of the Ascendancy, Nikolas R. Zahrin. Because of they needed an escape goat for how badly they lost.
She couldn’t really remember much from what happened, in the war with the Rau’ve because it was a blur and meshed together in her mind. She couldn’t help but cry herself to sleep since she misses Nikolas since he was the only hard headed person that didn’t want to discipline her and constantly talked to her in certain ways, that was different from the other Ascendancy Soldiers. She touched her neck and felt a collar of plant matter and crystal around it, but her necklace that she was still wearing was still there.
”I… miss, Mr. Zahrin. I hope I get to see him again,” Narvia said.
However, she never knew the reasons for her so called experimentation and hard life in the Ascendancy Military as a Child Soldier and she was only ten years old at the time she had all this happen to her. She felt like she couldn’t use her magic at all, and it was probably because of the collar around her neck now. She still remembered the last thing her mother told her, ’Journey of Discovery.’ And that was still an enigma to her whole mind. However, the life in this prison changed slightly because the Rau’ve was much nicer than Nikolas’ Superiors were to her. They gave her things slowly, like books, and etc but one day they allowed her out of her cell to walk around the prison to talk to the other prisoners.
She felt happy but something was digging at her mostly because of the fact, she felt like all this happened because of people that weren’t never in her life in the first place. However, that was much of a hypothetical guess for her to make since she was only really raised by one person in her big home. She wanted to learn the truth of the reason why she was put into this situation in terms of being a child soldier, and at the age she was when it happened to her.
She was approached by the Rau’ve in question. They gave her a choice to live in their territory free and happy or do something she was thinking on. She gave them a kindly no, because she wanted to know the truth. Since she knew Nikolas was hiding something from her, but didn’t know what.
She told the Rau’ve, the most shocking thing, she was put through hell at age 10 and the only pillar of strength she had in the Ascendancy was the Dragon. He did some atrocities for the Ascendancy in his time but he was an Old Dog that usually learned new tricks and changed with the times quicker than the Ascendancy itself. That’s what she learned, most of the Rau’ve usually talked highly about the Dragon only in the fact, he was a very honorable member of the Humans and only done those atrocities under the command of his superiors. They gave her what she needed to survive since she wanted to know the truth of the reasons why she was sent onto the battlefield, and mostly lived in the battlefield for seven years of her life.
She couldn’t believe how well liked the Dragon was, it was pretty strange to hear from the Rau’ve, even though he was totally not the ordinary military commander, he cared about his soldiers and the enemy soldiers. He was a pretty good actor to play his part and kept the more radical elements in the Ascendancy in check. She was told one important thing, that her pillar was dishonorably discharged by the Ascendancy or that could just be a rumor. She believed it wasn’t a rumor because he slowly broke protocol and punched one of the people who was outright showing hatred towards Narvia.
She was allowed to go to find out the truth of her circumstances that allowed her to be apart of this war, in that horrible program that tormented her...
Spell List:
The Bow of Light (High) - This spell in question, makes a magical construct in a form of a longbow that she can wield. It is made up of pure magical energy and can use aerodynamics to alter its shots, in terms it’s arrows can arc through the air. The arrows that it shoots is silver-light and slowly deplete the magical energy of said Bow of Light. The maximum amount of silver-light arrows it can release is a maximum of five before it dissipates. The Folspear (High) - This spell in question, makes a magical construct in a form of a spear that she can wield. It is a silver-light spear in the same shape and vein of the Folspear, which is the identification of the Gravia Military Company. However, every single time she uses it to hit someone it slowly dissipates since its using its magical power to damage the person she’s attacking. In terms, it only has five maximum hits until it becomes depleted. Flowered Ground (High) - This spell is a strange ward spell to protect people from magic, since it sprouts flowers in the strangest way. It is from her childhood that she’s allowed to remember from her parent’s massive flower garden in the backyard of her family’s mansion on Mars. It is at least 15 feet radius around her and people she wants to protect from magic.
Flowered Ground's point of origin is Narvia herself and it goes into a 15 ft radius around her and the people she wants to protect from magic.
Magical Absorption (High) - She absorbs magic from the Earth to regain, what magical energy she has used up. The Navi Defender Construct (High) - This is a construct of highly condensed mana, which is a silver-light knight on the battlefield. It is equipped with a blade of European origin made from that said light. It has three commands that she can give out, which is defend her, attack an opponent she can see or she says dissipate. It can last up to an hour and fifteen minutes, while it is told to attack someone or defend herself, but it instantly dissipates when it is told to do so.
Gravity Disable (World) - When she casts this spell in a radius of five feet on her or a person that she can directly see in front of her. It disables the gravity surrounding the person, which causes them to float in the air, as if there’s no gravity in that radius. The spell itself, is quite strange it lasts longer on her than it does on anyone else. It lasts close to an hour on herself and half the time on a person or target in front of her that she can see.
The Extra Information: The Gravity Disable allows her to float up to about 20 to 30 ft above the ground if she’s on a planet. However, she never really used this like that since it has a limited time frame and falling to your death isn’t fun.
Exceptional Skill List: N/A
Additional Information:
The Hadley In-Vector Corporation and its shell company, Gravia Military Company is a interplanetary mega corporation that only supports the Ascendancy of Man’s Regime by an overwhelming 110%. Since the Corporation’s CEO Conner L. Hadley allows the Ascendancy of Man’s Regime to have higher shareholder status within it. It’s primary headquarters is on the Red Planet of Mars. It outright has a disinterest in having a change in the Ascendancy of Man’s Regime since it wants only humans to be its workers or apart of its PMC.
The PMC has a tagline, ’Better dead than an alien slave.’ And usually spreads more of an Xenophobic stance for everything it does, since it never trades with aliens. It has a major big stake in keeping its power base in the core worlds and give trickle down economics to the other parts of the Ascendancy of Man. The Core Sector and Middle Sector of the Ascendancy of Man is more important to their endeavors. However, they have big stake in the Outer Sector since they primarily use the goods in that sector to produce specialized equipment for Ascendancy of Man’s Military.
The Corporation symbol is a flower caged in a gilded cage. They privately talk negatively about the Windsor Trading Company. But when they are talking to this said trading company in open communications they give them praise, but truly it is false praise. They have to show they enjoy the competition they are getting since the practices of the Windsor Trading Company has given them better ways to wield and deal.
Now onto their Shell Company, which is in essence a Private Military Company. It’s outright image it uses is a spear made up of light. It has a highly specific tagline, that is only on the military vehicles and spaceships that are particular of the Gravia Military Company. ’The Spear of the Hadley Family, It is better dead than an Alien Slave.’ They are highly trained soldiers that work for cheap contracts that the Ascendancy of Man hire out to the Gravia Military Company and all of them have a distinctive twisted personality somewhat similar to their boss, which is Conner and his wife Lana.
"Sloshy Fleshbags, rejoice, for It, Bob, has decided to grace you with its fiery presence. Also, keep your sebaceous secretions off its shiny crystal surface."
Name: -Unpronounceable-, The Sword of Mars, Lord of Charcoal, Heretic Rho, Burner of Batallions, among many names. It goes by Bob. It just loves how pathetically flappy are the moist operculums of organic races when trying to pronounce it. Age: Really Old, Crystals grow at a snail's pace. Physical Description: Important items: "Does It look like it has pockets?" Short Bio: "Ever since Bob coalesced in a tiny Crystal in the planet of Kaisoeki it gazed at the stars and their fiery cores. It always was marvelled on how all sorts of matter came to existence in such celestial forges. But what it found the most amazing was when some of these forges, when they run out of material, burned ever so brightly, spitting the laws of the cosmos in a last fiery stand only to leave a lasting scar of darkness in the fabric of existence itself. What you fleshbags called Supernovae, it was inspired by them. Others like it chose to weave. It chose to unravel. It was what you could call a warrior. It was what you could call an heretic. It burned across the cosmos the story of its existance. When the Thievers of light and Minerals, the Green mucks, what you refer as plant-folk Rau've it smiled in glee. It could turn into charcoal all of them, for they were vile. It did not really mind much the theft of our lessers cousins, as in the cosmos, the hard scratch and the soft are scratched. It served with what you call distinction and earned renown. It was again called to serve, this time by helping the green mucks against you fleshbags. But it drew the line when fleshbags tried to crush kin and put it inside them. It find it disgusting, and for that, they still must be crushed. Still, it does not harbour hard feelings to the fleshbags who were treated with our comrade's husks. For they were soft, and the soft are scratched. It finds amusing this fight between fleshbags, and it desires to join, so it can too, turn more organics into coal." Special Spell/Ex. Skill List:
Phantom Limbs(Telekinesis-World): Bob can create force effects as if it had sloshy appendages, allowing it to manipulated devices like an organic would. It can also hit with the force of a punch and even fling people who aren't too heavy. Like an organic would.
Plasma Jet (World): Bob's spell workhorse, the spell causes to manifest dissociated hot gas to be blasted in a direction towards a target. Bob can either hit a target or propel itself through space at good speed. It has short range, but it packs quite the punch. Gravity Prison (World): Traps a target into a field that increases the target's gravity self-pull significantly. Softer targets might implode instead of just merely be paralyzed. Plunder(High): Steals the magic energy of a target in its vicinity. Disgregate(Change): Bob can turn into a fine dust without suffering any ill effects. While this form allows Bob to seep through crevices, it also makes very vulnerable to attacks that might scatter it across a wide area. The spell is not instantaneous, and if sufficiently disgregated, Bob might eventually cease to exist. Bob can also use it on other targets to slowly and painfully desintegrate them, but it has to be maintaned. Reaggregate(Change): The opposite spell of Disgregate, Bob can use this to reassemble itself should it suffer damage. It also serves as minor healing spell for fleshbags (but given their sloshy internal structures it won't be able to heal anything beyond clean breaks and cuts). It can also repair broken equipment.
Warp(Timespace):Bob is able to create micro-warps and travel faster than light without the need of a ship. However, the magic requires concentration, time, can be highly disruptive inside an atmosphere, can cause non Kaisoeki to randomly have their inner organs reassemble, can teleport itself inside a planet's core if it's not careful...etc. In short, only on void atmospheres, and only for Kaisoeki travel.
Force Shield(High): A shield made of raw mana. It's not the most efficient but works against a lot of things. It can protect other targets if they are near disgusting vicinity within Bob, and may allow them to Warp safely.
Exceptional Endurance - "It can survive in space. Can you, organic slush?"
Name: Nikolas R. Zahrin Full Name: Nikolas Richard Zahrin Nickname: The Dragon - Nikolas' call sign in the Ascendancy Military. He gained a fearful reputation from the Human Coalition since they outright wanted to try to avoid fighting him. However, when they did fight him, they usually picked the unconditionally surrender option rather than fighting Nikolas and his Brigade. He disallowed the outright killing of enemy combatants, which surrendered. Age: 45
Physical Description:
Height: 6’2” Weight: 235 lbs Body Type: Athletic Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue Birthmark/Scar: He was born with a birthmark that looks like a dragon on his back. He has a scar on his back of his neck signifying he had a run in with the butchers called the Elite Assassination Squad from the Gravia Military Company, Gregory and his sister Susan. However, he lived this endeavor and those mercenaries were recalled back to Mars.
Biotechnology Upgrades:
Nikolas was given some biotechnology upgrades for his eyes, so he can see in ultraviolet and other spectrum without the use of night vision goggles. But his eyes usually change from their natural blue color to a light greenish color and give his eyes to look like that of dragon eyes. There’s some biotech on his face, which changes his look slightly to make him completely unlike what he looks like. It’s somewhat of biotech camouflage.
The Diffuser Sword - The Diffuser Sword has a specialized field around itself and front of the user. It lessens the damage from any laser type weaponry that hits the shield. The Diffuser Sword is specifically given to him by his mother, who lives on Draken’vina.
The Dragon Brigade Standard Issue Rifle - The Dragon Brigade Standard Issue Coil Rifle is basically an upgraded version of what the military’s defense forces use. But it is a bit more upgraded to shoot a bit faster and have a grenade launcher, it carries more rounds of ammunition at least 5 more rounds.
The Galactic Credits - He has around 50,000 Credits. In digital and physical form. The amount of 50,000 credits is mostly because of the fact, he always completed his missions with no casualties.
Cigarette Pack - There’s only about three left in this pack. He stopped smoking a year after he was told of Conner’s sick plan. These usually remind himself that he never should’ve found Conner or Lana but if it wasn’t for that he probably wouldn’t be able to keep Narvia so safe while on the battlefield.
Enigma Codex - Customized for the Dragon - The Enigma Codex is an Omni-tool that is specialized to do certain things for the Dragon. He gave a similar codex to Navi but it specifically fits what she requires from it to a T. It has communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation and holographic chess games. He played a few chess games with Navi in question, but he beat her every single time because she was thinking in a non-3D space. He has access to numbers of the Dragon Brigade Officers and Navi.
He usually keeps in contact with every single member of the Dragon Brigade and his most trusted individuals. He wants to keep his family intact anyway, since he sees his military brigade as family even though he’s a bit hard on them. Still is.
Short Bio:
Nikolas was born on the planet of Draken’vina, it was on the edge of the Ascendancy Core Worlds. It was nowhere close to the frontier worlds but it wasn’t really well liked either. The Ascendancy had to put down three violent revolts by humans on that world because of some untold unrest they couldn’t really figure out. However, those revolts stopped when Nikolas R. Zahrin was accepted in the Ascendancy Military. He quickly rose through the ranks, showing his genius but he was supposed to be a higher rank than he was.
The reason why he never wanted to get any higher was the brutal nature of, who the Ascendancy hired to support him and his squad at the time. They were from the Gravia Military Company, their names are Gregory and Susan. They were pretty much young ins compared to him, but they decided to try to kill him. However, they failed in their assignment and Nikolas lived through the assassination attempt on his life. He got them back badly for their callous betrayal, which was breaking some of their bones and giving them a life long scar on parts of their body. Because of that single incident, he was given the Call sign of the Dragon.
The Ascendancy Military from then on gave him as much wiggle room he needed to do what he does best. Which caused him to get the fierce reputation he has. However, he had some friends in high places, mostly the Hadley family. He was there for the birth of their daughter. However, he was told to go to a meeting to meet with Conner. He learned, how cold hearted and cruel that Conner was, and couldn’t help but stop doing what he loved best. He stopped smoking because that disgusted him.
He retrieved his package from the same butchers, who tried to kill him all those years ago, but they look a bit more cautious around him than they first did. They never wanted to repeat the mistake that costed them big time. The package in question was no other than Conner and Lana’s Daughter Narvia F. Hadley. However, he was told by his superiors to keep the secret of her circumstances from her. He told them, they will have his word as long as he’s in the Ascendancy Military.
After he delivered Narvia to the highly guarded secret on Mars, he was told by one of the Scientists that he’s now her handler. And he was told that after she’s been given enough training, she’ll be straight up joining the best of the best, the Dragon Brigade. Since they wanted to keep her a secret from the other regiments in the Military, that involve child soldiers. There’s only a singular reason for this, he learned his higher ups were bribed by Conner & Lana’s large financial backing to make this happen. He rolled his eyes mostly at that.
”So you’re telling me I have to train her in the art of war. And put her on the battlefield, away from her peers,” Nikolas said. ”Yes, that’s what we are telling you. And the Superiors want results. With casualties on the enemies of the Ascendancy side,” The scientist said with a female voice. ”I will do this only because I feel that I should take care of her,” Nikolas said.
The scientist walked away from Nikolas and he walked into the room with Narvia. He sat down by the unconscious Narvia and sighed with annoyed look to his face. He couldn’t believe he had to literally introduce a child into his brigade and keep an eye on her at all times. He knew what that means, he’ll have to be only doing Extraction Missions and other such missions. Besides the usual thing that the Dragon’s Brigade do.
He waits patiently, when Narvia wakes up. He didn’t have to wait long for that to happen, since he noticed the child in question waking up and noticing she’s completely in a different area from where she was. He noticed she was utterly terrified.
”What happened…? Why am I here? Who are you?” Narvia asked a bit terrified and looked a bit confused. ”Hello Narvia, calm down. So sorry but your old life is completely over and have to be modified to specifically start killing our enemies, which are a threat to the Ascendancy. However, we will make the process to go as painless as possible if you are calm and collected. And my name is Nikolas Richard Zahrin,” Nikolas said, calmly trying to calm down the nerves of the poor little girl. ”I-I can’t see, anything of my old life? Why…?” Narvia said, but now crying again, remembering Susan holding her down and injecting her with a serum to fall asleep. ”Yeah but the only thing you are allowed to keep is that necklace you are wearing. I am terribly sorry for everything but you aren’t allowed to see anyone in your old life but your new one will be different,” Nikolas said. ”I… I…,” Narvia said, couldn’t believe anything that is happening so far.
There was a knock on the door, Nikolas got up and opened the door. He whispered to the scientists to go easy on the child, since she’s in shock and putting her through more in shock by the procedure. The Scientist, that Nikolas whispered to nodded to him, but whispered back telling there will be additional shock to her system because of said procedure. Narvia started to cry, but couldn’t really stop crying from this entire thing and had no real idea how she got here. The scientists escorted her to the procedure table and laid her down on it.
However, Nikolas was escorted to watch the procedure from an overlook to keep an eye on the poor girl in question. He had one other in this room, it was the most proud of the ascendancy finest in terms of Research and Development. But he was a bit shaken when he saw the person in question was exactly his sister Dorothy L. Zahrin. He hasn’t seen her in ages, and couldn’t really understand why she’s here of all things.
”Sister, why are you watching this procedure?” Nikolas asked, keeping one of his eyes on the procedure. ”Wait, you are the handler of the child down there? This is the most awkward family reunion ever. Mother told me to go to a field that I will never see you again,” Dorothy said, nervously and a bit shocked. Something tells me this is no coincidence. Therefore, how are you being treated in the Ascendancy R&D?” Nikolas asked. ”Better than most I guess? Mostly because I have my fierce brother to keep the weak little old me protected. I have a feeling that fortune will change if… you are forced out of the Military,” Dorothy said, a bit terrified. ”We should watch the procedure completely and stop talking sister, you were the more paranoid of us two,” Nikolas said.
Dorothy sighed at the fact, her brother still hasn’t changed since they were raised on Draken’vina. She did notice he’s much battle hardened than the first time he went to the Ascendancy Military Training. But he was right that she’s highly paranoid but it’s mostly because she’s unmarried and only 23 years old at this point. Her mother constantly call her and tell her to get her grandchildren. They watched the procedure completely, it took around a thirty minutes to an hour. He was completely worried for Narvia. He waved goodbye to his sister and walked down to Narvia’s holding cell, since it was a holding cell.
Narvia arrived a bit later into her designated room and she saw Nikolas in there. He had a look of complete amazement at the fact that necklace around her neck and how much that bribe must have been to keep that on her.
”W-What will happen to me next?” Narvia asked, shaken, terrified and scared. ”Training. Our enemies are vast and expansion and will try to kill us at every single turn. They are aliens, the quicker we kill them the quicker we can take territory and resources to keep our war machine going,” Nikolas said, with a calm tone to her. ”I don’t really like the sound of that…,” Narvia said, saddened that she has to kill people. ”However, the good news in this I was the one who selected your call sign. I picked Navi for you. Since it fits you more than anyone else,” Nikolas said. ”Why?” Narvia asked, curious. ”It’s more or less shorten of your name. Na and vi to make Navi, and you are a young girl that will ask many questions about your orders and you will follow them to a T. I hope so for your sake since if you don’t you will be disciplined,” Nikolas said. ”T-That’s neat, that call sign sounds more like a nickname, Nikolas,” Narvia said. ”Oh it probably is, I hope you keep it,” Nikolas said. ”Y-Yeah I will,” Narvia said a bit nervous.
Nikolas helped Narvia get some rest and telling her to get some rest since she deserves it. For all the stuff that happened to her that is. He walked to his office that was designated on the Black Site from his superiors. He sits at the desk, and one of the soldiers that helped Narvia into her bed before the mess that happened was no other than Vienna R. Stoutfield. She was a bit annoyed that the only military personnel on the base was the Dragon Brigade and some highly informed Black Site guards.
”Sir, I am reporting, I remember on the mission briefing this Black Site was used for other more darker tech than what we are doing to that child,” Vienna said, with an annoyed look on her face. ”Yeah I know. It’s kinda obvious they want to fight fire with fire. So they are using the best and brightest as pawns in the Military. If any of these kids live after this war is over,” Nikolas said, pretty acknowledgement in what’s going on is wrong and immoral but certain things can’t be avoided from war. ”Therefore, what will the Dragon Brigade be teaching ‘Navi’ since we have to call her that from now on and not her biological birth name or there’s going to be a scandal,” Vienna said. ”I got things handled you should know I think ahead. It’s in the job description anyway, as Dragon Brigade Commander,” Nikolas said. ”I will make sure Navi is helped to best of my ability, I will keep my last name a secret since it’ll be best for her,” Vienna said. ”That’ll be the best, Vienna. I hope you get some rest for the upcoming trials of Navi, since they want results and they came to me to get them. Ironic really,” Nikolas said. ”Thank you sir, I will definitely get some rest,” Vienna said, kindly.
Nikolas saluted Vienna in the Dragon Brigade’s salute. Which is somewhat different from the other branches of the Ascendancy Military. After he did the salute he gently waved Vienna goodnight and Vienna wave back and went to the women’s barracks that’s at the Black Site. He stayed up and looked at everything that’s planned for Narvia. And these training exercises are brutal, if she’s not strong enough she’ll die. He rubs his forehead, sighs and annoyingly takes out his cigarettes that he hasn’t smoked since he quit 4 years ago to this day.
”Something tells me. Out of all my bad habits, this is the only one that I am grateful I dropped,” Nikolas said, looking at his cigarette pack.
He put his cigarette pack back into his military jacket pocket and walked to the door and shut it. He went to his bed, which was next to his office. He laid down, racking in his brain the best and fastest way for Narvia to succeed and live throughout this war to literally hurt the plan that’s in effect for her.
This was years later, this was on a far flung planet, it was the true test of his charge and the Dragon Brigade against the Human Coalition. However, this battle never really got off since the other side was utterly terrified of what the Dragon could do. He saw that as an opportunity to gather and rescue some prisoners of war, that was trapped in a military facility that fell about three months before the Battle at Proxima. He saw, where the wind was blowing and the Ascendancy was going to lose. But wanted to know if the Human Coalition had the same feelings.
He ambushed a Rau’ve scout team, who had their commanding officer from the Facility scouting for enemy positions, the Rau’ve outright surrendered. He was a bit shocked that the gunship that was behind their position, exploded. He was grateful he had Navi under his watchful eye, but that terrified her a bit much.
”W-What happened, why did the gunship explode?” Narvia asked, confused and terrified. ”I want an investigation on that immediately. The Rau’ve surrendered than that exploded something doesn’t add up,” Nikolas said. ”Yes, sir,” Vienna said. ”We heard of your unit but never actually expected to run into you,” Rauve Commander said. ”Reason why we ambushed you, since you would avoided us no matter what,” Nikolas said. ”My superior told me not to scout but I wanted to find out if you were ‘truly’ here or it was a rumor,” Rauve Commander said. ”Looks like I have a question for you, what do you think of the Ascendancy chances against the Human Coalition?” Nikolas asked, curiously. ”The Ascendancy doesn’t have a chance against us. We will make sure this war is as bloody as it is. If they don’t surrender, we will wipe them out,” Rauve Commander said. ”Ha, ha. You can return to your superiors, in return can we have what we came here for, the Extraction of the allies,” Nikolas said.
The Rauve commander was a bit shocked that they are allowed to return to his superiors unharmed. He was wondering why Nikolas laughed like that. Nikolas’ order the freeing of the prisoners, since he got what he wanted as long as the commander’s superiors allow the Ascendancy soldiers they captured to be returned to them unharmed. The Rauve Commander looked questionably at the Dragon in question.
”I have to say, your Dragon Brigade fleet scares us a bit. We are always told to avoid your fleet like a plague. Even though we would fight to the bitter end if we were told to chase you guys down. But they allow you go since you are the only Ascendancy Brigade that doesn’t do atrocities,” The Rauve Commander said. ”There’s a reason why I laughed you gave me the answer I wanted. If you said the Human Coalition was going to lose… I would be a bit worried if you were brainwashed by the Ascendancy and had to wake you up at the reality that the Ascendancy was going to lose no matter what,” Nikolas said.
The Rauve Commander and his scouting party that was of a total of 5 Rauves. They walked to the captured Ascendancy Military Base. He was yelled at for being captured by Ascendancy soldiers by his superiors. But he told them, who captured them, they freaked out a bit. He told them that one of their gunships exploded and who looks like a child in the Dragon’s brigade freaked out. His superiors asked, what the Dragon wanted. He told them and all the Ascendancy Soldiers that were captured, were released as long as the Dragon left. The Dragon heard what the Ascendancy Soldiers and retreated from the planet and returned to the Dragon Brigade’s Fleet in orbit.
It took awhile for the Cruisers and all the support ships, the Frigates and Corvettes to turn away from the planet and went to the staging area of the Ascendancy Fleet Command. The fleet had no damage as usual since they were not really engaged and destroyed by the Rauve. The soldiers that were rescued by the Dragon was put back into the military as quickly as they were rescued.
However, this was a bit later, on the primary cruiser of the Dragon Brigade called the Dragon’s Claw. Nikolas was in his office, he had Vienna to report what happened with the Gunship and Narvia in the office, sitting on the couch that’s near the window that looks outside of the cruiser. He cleared his throat for a second before he looked at Vienna.
”What do you have to report? I hope my gut feeling isn’t correct,” Nikolas said, towards Vienna. ”Nikolas, sir. This was the 7th Gunship that Self-destructed but the Ascendancy Military will call it an accident and pay us no mind. If we bring this up. How are you holding up Navi?” Vienna asked, looking at Narvia with a worried look on her face. ”Could be better but still shaken up at the fact it blew up behind us,” Narvia said, with a bit of crying. ”Great, so someone is actively sabotaging our missions,” Nikolas said, annoyingly.
He thought for a minute and the only people that knows of Navi’s true name are his direct Superiors, the Gravia Military Company and her parents. He thought it was just too convenient anyway so he knew who could probably be sabotaging the missions. At least they aren’t actively trying to kill off the entire Dragon’s Brigade.
”Redouble our efforts in maintenance on our equipment. We don’t want any more accidents,” Nikolas said, annoyed. ”Yes, sir. I will tell the Dragon’s Brigade Engineering staff to double up on maintenance and system checks to make sure no more loss of equipment,” Vienna said. ”And a plan is in effect from now until the end of the war, since I got my answer from the Rauve and the Soldiers we rescued were treated nicely. Better than they were treated by our people,” Nikolas said. ”Plan?” Vienna asked. ”It’s in effect but I won’t tell you what it is or means right now. Until there’s an opening, its classified until the right time,” Nikolas said. ”Oh alright, I’ll get on your orders,” Vienna said. ”See ya, Vienna,” Nikolas said.
Vienna exited the office and sighed annoyily since the Engineering core hates having to double up their efforts much. Narvia, on the other hand, looked down and sighed because she wasn’t alright. Nikolas notices Narvia and sighs.
”Navi, are you truly alright. Because I know how you act. We’ve been through this although this over and over again,” Nikolas said. ”Ah, no, this entire thing that’s happening feels like its a waste of time,” Narvia said. ”War is always a waste of time. But every citizen has to do their part, no matter what,” Nikolas said. ”I am grateful you are still here with me, Nikolas,” Narvia said. ”I told you to call me by my call sign, the Dragon,” Nikolas said, with a sigh. ”Sorry… sir,” Narvia said. ”You won’t be reprimanded but keep your head on straight and nothing will happen to you,” Nikolas said, sincere. ”I will try sir, can I leave?” Narvia asked. ”You can leave, just be careful while you walk to your room. Even though all my subordinates are friendly. I don’t want anything to happen to you, Navi,” Nikolas said.
Narvia nods to what Nikolas said, because his advice is highly valuable since he acts like a father to every single person in his brigade. She waves goodbye to Nikolas. Nikolas does the same. Narvia went to her room without incident and went to sleep easily. He used his omni-tool in question to start to play some Holographic chess with an AI opponent and he taught really hard about the next move of the Ascendancy Fleet.
”They must be pretty desperate…,” Nikolas said.
He thought hard and long about it. It hit him like a ton of bricks, he’ll need to move faster than expected because the final battle of the war will hit sooner than later. He had a slight smile. The Dragon’s Brigade was put on red alert to do drills but he said on the intercoms allow Navi to sleep in, since she’s not really needed at this point. The red alert status was finished and the ships went away from the Staging area and went to the nearest resupply facility to resupply and rearm their weapons and their lost equipment.
The day before the Battle of Proxima, there was a rumor floating around the people who were in charge of the Dragon Brigade’s movements. Heard, the rumor of Navi missing from the crew, ala she was lost and captured by the enemy. However, these rumors, were non-founded. However, the Dragon Brigade was ordered to engage the largest bulk of the enemy fleet before the Battle of Proxima was engaged. Ala, they wanted to write off the Dragon Brigade as a loss. This backfired in their face, this caused their strategies to be found out beforehand, since the Proxima Fleet was preparing for the greatest ambush. However, later on in the records, the Dragon personally stated that his charge Navi was captured by the enemy.
On the day, of the Battle of Proxima. The Dragon’s Brigade was tasked in guarding the Carriers, since they had a pretty big failure in stopping the Human Coalition in reaching Proxima. The entire ascendancy war fleet, other than the Carriers and the Dragon’s Brigade lived through the battle. Mostly because of the laters reputation, but the quick thinking of Alexander. To retreat the Carriers before everything was destroyed of the Ascendancy of Man’s military.
The war was officially over, however, this did multiple things to the Dragon’s career. He was outright dishonorably discharged for the blatant fact that Navi was captured by the Rauve. When his specific superiors told him, which in a simple term, she was supposed to die on the battlefield without any evidence. He sighed and asked the superiors what will be his punishment for outright blatant loss of equipment. They told him specifically he will be returned to his homeworld of Draken’vina and be under watchful eye of the best what the Gravia Military Company has to offer in surveillance. The Ascendancy Military is quite fearful of the fact the Dragon is very highly respected in certain military circles. Therefore, they will be asking of his loyalty now and thereafter. He, however, told them that sooner or later, they will be coming to him and asking for him to return to the Military to stop any ‘inside’ threats. He told them, he will never return to a military that would use children in that barbaric of a fashion.
They told him the surveillance will only last for six months since the Gravia Military Company costs are a bit much if it is for surveillance. He laughed at that.
”Superiors, you are telling me that the Gravia Military Company’s Surveillance contracts are more than their Assassination, Brutally savaging a planet and killing 50% of a world’s population are cheaper?” Nikolas asked, curiously. ”Yeah, they are cheaper. We use those contracts more since that’s what Conner and Lana want us to use. However, this will help us using those contracts more since you are out,” Ascendancy Military Tribunal Judge said. ”One of the other reasons, why I won’t be joining you. But I won’t join the rebel groups even if they beg me to go. It is my honor on the line,” Nikolas said.
The Tribunal Judge smiled when Nikolas said that. He then said the tribunal court martial is over and told the escorts to escort and protect him at all costs. He’s one of the few core worlders that was court martial because of the primary reason of the Dragon Brigade’s primary mission and not their secondary missions. Nikolas was escorted back to his homeworld and home via honor guard escort, which was a nicer way of saying highly trained elites. It was an extremely festive return to Draken’vina, it was ten cruisers escorting the Dragon Brigade’s Flagship, the Dragon’s Claw.
Nikolas was sitting in his chair looking directly at his Enigma Codex, in his room, which hasn’t really changed since he left for the Ascendancy Military. He had joy in joining the military but he knew it wasn’t a right fit. He was specifically looking at a significant message from Moonstrike. He was pretty smart in what they want from him specifically, to join them and give his great insight in what they will need to stop the Ascendancy. However, he constantly to snub them because he was no one’s fool.
He looked seriously at the Moonstrike message, and it was more or less similar of their many other messages. He was even approached by other people who would want him to join them. However, he usually gave them the runaround. Then outright tells them no after the fact. He’s pretty cryptic in what he says or what he thinks, he’s pretty good at being a man who has all the cards on the table. He, however, seriously made a choice something clicked in him.
He returned one of the Moonstrike’s messages, which is the latest one. He sent them a pretty cryptic message, however, he told them this specifically via a communication.
”Hello, Moonstrike. I am here responding to your latest message, since I have made a choice in the matter. However, someone in my Dragon’s Brigade has to join before I truly put my all into your cause. I won’t be telling you anything. I have my honor to keep,” Nikolas said.
He thought of something, and hoped they would accept this outrageous request. He laughed quietly to himself. He then continued to respond to the message.
”My only request, is accept this code as a friendly response to joining your forces, The Dragon Brigade awaits for your ‘response’ to whoever will be giving this specific code in question. When the Dragon awakes, everyone needs to have a moon at their backs.” Nikolas said.
He sent the code, via an highly encoded transmission to whoever, the ‘responded’ in the Moonstrike Rebel Forces. It was a specialized Dragon Brigade’s encoded transmission that no one in the Ascendancy Military can crack because the highly cryptic and intensely password encoded message it is.
The Dragon Scales (Exceptional Endurance) - He has always been called a Dragon since that’s his call sign. However, his skin is very durable and feels like dragon scales, which helped him survive an assassination attempt by two young assassins. Who were sneaky assassins, which were in one of his field exercises. Dragon Brigade Commander (Exceptional Tactics & Exceptional Intelligence x2) - He’s a super confident commander. He is usually feared amongst the stars in both spheres. In terms of the Human Coalition and the Ascendancy. He never leaves no one behind. He makes sure his casualties are nonexistent or just minor injuries. He highly cares about his soldiers because of that. Dragon Sight (Exceptional Sight) - He can see further than most people since he has biotechnology in his eyes at least up to two times that of a normal human. He can usually see in multiple spectrum as well. Art of the Sword (Exceptional Swordsmanship x2) - Nikolas is fierce with any type of close up sword or sword-like weapon. He was taught from a very young age when he was living with his mother in the Art of the Sword. He usually wields Katanas or other types of weapons and he’s deadly with them. One of the primary reasons he’s highly honorable, when fighting a worthy opponent, but if they piss him off they aren’t worthy of his honor. Dragon’s Instinct (Exceptional Insight) - His insight is pretty valuable if he was going to talk to people who wanted his honest opinion about things. This is mostly because he got this insight from his mother, it rubbed off on him. And he looks like a stoic cool down to earth fellow but if you insult him or anyone of his brigade mates, shit hits the literal fan.
The world of Draken’vina is a super lush planet in the core sector of the Ascendancy. Before the Ascendancy even reached the planet, there was three clans on the planet that was fighting for supremacy of the world in question. The three clans in question is called the Za, the Ka and the Fa. However, this entirely ended in a Za complete victory over their two greatest rivals by the defeat of the greatest dragon sorceress called Vina L Kahrin. The Ka Clan and the Fa Clan had to disband and join the Za Clan in unity by changing their last names to the winning clan’s flag and symbol.
Vina L. Zahrin found out that she lost to a fluke because the leader of the Za Clan feel in love with her and wanted the endless war between the 3 clans to stop. His name is Nikolas A. Zahrin, the great ancestor of the Dragon. His nickname was called the Dragon Slayer since he defeated one that could control dragons. Vina was outraged at the entire thing but she found out Nikolas was a kind soul.
”Vina dear, if you marry me we can wipe away all the tears we had to shed for our fallen brothers and sisters of our planet. No more bloodshed,” Nikolas said, worried for the future of his planet. ”Alright… But I am still angry you beat me on a fluke,” Vina said, blushing and slightly angry. ”Your nickname is definitely fitting,” Nikolas said, laughing. ”What is it again?” Vina asked. ”Hmm… I think they called you something that’s fitting what you are doing right now. I forgot what they called it,” Nikolas said. ”My nickname is annoying, wish they never called me that, the Shadow Nag,” Vina said, annoyingly and looking directly at one of her ka clan members specifically. ”I think the Cute Shadow fits you better,” Nikolas said, trying to cheer up Vina. ”W-What… y-you gave me a compliment?” Vina asked, blushing even more than she had been and couldn’t really tell if Nikolas was trying to cheer her up.
Nikolas didn’t really answer the question but kissed her on the lips gently to make her shut up for a second. She was blushing harder than ever when she felt the lips of Nikolas on hers, she kissed him back and definitely wanted to get married now to the Za Clan leader. Mostly because of the fact, he gave her a compliment and gave her a better nick name than the Shadow Nag. She looked directly at him after they stopped kissing.
”I definitely want to marry you, now, Nikolas. I hope our children will be the ones to keep the peace on our planet from any outside force that wishes to survert our great teachings and buildings,” Vina said. ”Vina… then from now on our planet will be named the Draken’vina, and be the Homeworld of anyone who wants the Title of Dragon,” Nikolas said, announcing that specific thing to every single person on the planet. ”I can see how you did it, you used my first name and the name of our sun,” Vina said, happily.
The Wedding was the most beautiful thing that happened and after that the Za Clan went on to rebuild the other two clans land from all bloodshed and war. It was a peaceful process no one had anymore want for war. They were all united together and didn’t feel like they were ever going to be torn apart. The entire population of the world was peaceful harmony and no one sought another man’s treasure ever again. Even though the one biggest thing this planet has in abundance is the most dangerous thing to the Za Clan, the wild dragons. The Dragons that were for the Ka Clan were tamed dragons, however, they soon become wild again after the defeat of Vina, the Dragon Sorceress.
However, the Dragons that were used to be apart of the Ka Clan still remember their time there and usually never attacked any Za clan member. It was the only reprieve that the Za Clan had, however, Nikolas and Vina after they were married went to the great old wyrm, which fought besides Vina. They made a truce that even the Dragons will be respected as legends and be allowed to live on the planet in their areas they live. This made every single dragon on the planet completely passive to the Za Clan since that’s all they wanted to be left alone. The Great Wyrm told them one thing.
”I will never forget this kindness, Nikolas A. Zahrin. I thought all your clan were monsters and greater demons, which is why we fought with the Ka Clan and the Dragon Sorceress that is now your wife. Looks like I underestimated your cunning and will. I will not do that again, from this day forth. I will give a boon to you descendants, all of them will have certain things that make them unique from each other. But the one thing that isn’t going to be unique is their birthmark, it’ll be a Dragon Birthmark on their back,” The Male Great Wyrm said. ”Before I leave here, Great Wyrm. What is your name so I can remember it?” Nikolas asked, curiously. ”Ah, you want to know my name. Even though we clashed so many times. I never told you it seems. But you told me every single time you fought me. Looks like I was being dishonorable throughout our battles. As well, you might as well learn my name… Dekriem the Soul Destroyer,” Dekriem said, getting up to show his full glory as a dreadful half-breed dragon of a Black Dragon/Holy Dragon. ”Ah, so the brood I fought was yours then? I never once killed any of your brood. I am not wanting to do damage to our legendary creatures the reason, why we exist on this planet and no one else does,” Nikolas said, as if he already knew the dragon’s name. ”Odd. What says you Vina the Dragon Sorceress? This fellow is a bit ahead of his time,” Dekriem said, happy to hear what he said even though he’s a bit confused. ”He’s the best husband I have ever had… in my entire life so far. He’s the only person that treats me normal and not as some tool or other. And I am grateful for your boon on our children and their children throughout the ages,” Vina said, happily. ”Ah that’s wonderful. It’s always better to see the Dragon Sorceress happy then depressed and not happy and feeling like all she is a tool for war to keep the endless war going because of falsehoods of the other two clans,” Dekriem said. ”Yeah I am happy I met Nikolas, even though he won on a fluke,” Vina said. ”I was there, Dear little Vina. Your entire life flashed before your eyes and then you said, I surrender and all he did was play mind games with you. He’s definitely a tactical genius to say for sure. He shocked me and still does,” Dekriem said. ”I had to play mind games with her or I would have to fight you for the 4th Time. I was getting impatient somewhat. I didn’t want to fight the Soul Destroyer again. Soo, I picked an option that would make me win without killing her or you and it worked didn’t it? Didn’t help I was in love with her the first time she was sent on the battlefield for the first time against the Za Clan… I was amazed a beauty like that was fighting for a clan that didn’t treat her right. Her sadness on her face made me a bit angry and mad that we had to fight when we are all Draken’vinans,” Nikolas said, telling the truth. ”I… I…,” Vina said, shocked at what Nikolas said.
Vina was blushing big time because this was the third time that Nikolas made her blush and made her completely flabbergasted and she couldn’t really keep her stance and fell in her husband’s arms. Nikolas was looking at Dekriem, who is ancient, but he knows Dragon’s live longer than most people on the planet. Dekriem saw Vina finally becoming a woman and in love with someone that will make her happy for as long as the two live and have great descendants.
”The Reassurances here give me hope for your people. All the Dragons, not of my brood and of the other Great Wyrms that didn’t want to fight. Will respect your wishes. This is goodbye, child. The next time we meet will be when you are reincarnated as someone else. I am hopeful the Za Clan keep everyone pleased and happy,” Dekriem said.
Dekriem the Soul Destroyer lifted up from his perch and flew away towards where the Dragon’s live, which is on the other side of the mountains. The one side the Za Clan will never expand to, however, there will be trading between the Dragons & the Za Clan. This relative peace lasted as long as possible.
Many years later, the Za Clan lived in relative peace and harmony on their world, until they reached the stars. And they specifically met the Ascendancy of Man’s first battle fleet, they didn’t want any bloodshed and asked for acceptance in the Ascendancy of Man as a Core Sector Member. This was pushed through pretty quickly since these men and women would be good additions to their war efforts. However, the Draken’vinans had pretty low technology when they first met the Ascendancy of Man. The meeting of more of what they are, made them hopeful. The Ascendancy of Man gave the Draken’vinans technology and rapidly developed their world.
Tensions went up high because of the Ascendancy of Man was not respecting the Draken’vinans culture, so that caused the first revolt on the planet. This caused a lot of annoyances in the Ascendancy Military, why did they have to protect a Core Sector that was revolting. They were given specific orders not to eliminate the planet’s population, but only to corral the primary revolts and show them what prisons in the Ascendancy were like.
That stopped the first revolt in their tracks, since the leaders of the Revolt were soon found and arrested and shipped off to god knows where. There was two more revolts and they were finding out how to stop these revolts. Then no other than Nikolas R. Zahrin wanted to join the military, he had high amplitudes in everything but better with swords, tactics and intelligence. After he was accepted in the military the two revolts that risen up in different parts of the planet just stopped and ceased. However, they were very violent revolts, after the revolters stopped their actions they were arrested and put in jail for going against the rules of the Ascendancy.
Nikolas R. Zahrin was the son of the Draken’vinans that contacted the Ascendancy of Man for Core Sector Status. The name of his father is Leon I. Zahrin and his mother’s name is Vina E. Zahrin, who was beautiful and happily married to Leon. Nikolas also has a younger sister by the name of Dorothy L. Zahrin, who constantly fought with her older brother. The Zahrin family is the leaders of the Draken’vinans as a whole since they are all Za Clan members. The two other revolts had no real reason why they rose up against the Ascendancy and the Ascendancy couldn’t really understand why at all. However, they were grateful they no longer have to worry about another revolt on that damnable world.
Nikolas R. Zahrin rose through the ranks quickly and his superiors noticed this, pretty easily. However, then what terrified them was he survived an Assassination Attempt by no other than the Gravia Military Company’s Elite Assassination Squad. This entire thing gave them a scare, and from then on they called him the Dragon from that day forth. Since the assassination attempt happened on his homeworld, of Draken’vina since they were having exercises to see who could become apart of a new brigade being formed. The Brigade was called after that, the Dragon’s Brigade.
They gave him much wiggle room, even a fleet of six heavily armed and heavily armored cruisers with about 12 Destroyers and 22 Corvettes for support. They gave him, this fleet as a 3rd Lt, since he stopped their in his career, he didn’t want to be any higher in the totem pole. This made pretty much sure the Draken’vinans completely supportive of whatever their leader’s son was doing. The entire population is highly honorable and never wants to do things that would destroy their honor, which is what atrocities are in their mind. They are very united in their culture.
The buildings of their world look a mix between Japanese and Russian. Shows something about their culture feels unique and a bit different from the country of Japan and Russia on Earth. Even though they dislike the planet, it is definitely a tourist trap for people who want to travel there and meet the other Core Sector people. The ones that usually visit Draken’vina are no other people who work for the Hadley In-Vector Corporation.
The Dragon’s Brigade Fleet was an extremely well oiled machine in terms of their tactics and they usually had the freedom since most of the grand admirals feared if they were tied down to one or two operations at a time. The Dragon’s Brigade had six cruisers, which wielded the best in army technology, however, the Dragon’s Claw was reinforced about six different times. Every single person in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet at the start of the Ascendancy-Rauve War are still alive and well.
The entire fleet of the Dragon’s Brigade is made up of six Heavy Cruisers, 12 Destroyers, and 22 Corvettes. There’s two destroyers that are completely different from the other ten destroyers, which is they are classified as Heavy Destroyers. The Jupiter Class Heavy Destroyer, it makes them able to take a bit more punishment than other destroyers. But by much.
There’s specifically three corvettes that are different to the regular corvettes, which they are classified as Heavy Corvettes. The Solis Class Heavy Corvettes make them able to take a bit more punishment than other corvettes. But by even less than the Heavy Destroyer’s protection. There’s a single Siege Corvette and two Repair Corvettes. There was a Communications Corvette in the fleet and it was the most valuable ship in the fleet. Since it gives orders from the High Command to the Fleet’s Flagship The Dragon’s Claw and then the Dragon’s Claw gives orders to the fleet as a whole.
The Dragon’s Brigade Fleet is forced to stay in dock and patrol the surrounding area around Draken’vina. It cannot stray too far from where their Commanding Officer is supposed to stay, since he was discharged from Military. The only heavy cruiser in the fleet that has to stay docked at all times is the Dragon’s Claw. Since it is getting upgraded to be an heavy battlecruiser instead of a Heavy Cruiser.
The Dragon's Brigade Fleet personal is around 150k to 200k. And a total of 25,000 people usually company the Dragon on combat operations. But lately he doesn't require the entire ground personal only 1,000 personal at most since they gained a new recruit by the name of Navi. And he was still training her on certain things.
The Cruisers: 1. The Dragon’s Claw - The Flagship of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet, which is a Heavy Cruiser with pretty potent weapons compared to the other heavy cruisers in the Dragon’s Brigade. The Captain of the ship highly respected her boss, the Dragon. Because he didn’t matter who was captaining the ship as long as they kept to his philosophy of never leaving a man behind. The Captain is named Sarah R. Smith. She outright disliked when other captains of the Ascendancy Fleet insulted her since she’s a Frontier Borne but the acceptance onboard the Dragon’s Claw gave everyone a cringe when they see her. 2. The Widower - The 2nd Heavy Cruiser in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is piloted by a brutally honest woman, who kept single throughout her career because she always saw other people as a ball and a chain. However, she’s the older sister to Sarah R. Smith by the name of Taila E. Smith. She lives on the same frontier colony as her sister, but they made a great team in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. 3. The Dragon’s Wings - The 3rd Heavy Cruiser in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is captained by the most dangerous fighter pilot in all of the Ascendancy, however, he’s not as scary as his commanding officer. His name is Marcus S. Lochley, and he was born on Earth and always wanted to captain a cruiser under a command of a fierce and determined commanding officer. He was given his wish when he was recruited by no other than Nikolas R. Zahrin. 4. The Victory - The 4th Heavy Cruiser in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is captained by Marcus’ younger sister Mira R. Lochley. She got in late but she was recruited by Nikolas and could see why the Dragon is given his fierce reputation, mostly because her brother is afraid of him sometimes when he speaks out of turn. 5. The Starfold - The 5th Heavy Cruiser in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is captained by a fellow Draken’vinan by the name of Delilah E. Zavica. Most of the people who live on Draken’vina all have Za in their last name since the Za clan was the one that united the planet before the Ascendancy arrived. The buildings on the planet feel a bit eerily alike Japanese buildings with a Russian charm. Delilah enjoys talking to her commanding officer since all the people of Draken’vina united under him to not make any trouble for the Ascendancy. 6. The Fireboulder - The 6th Heavy Cruiser in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is captained by an upstart who’s pretty mouthy herself. She’s nicknamed the Red Siren for how high pitched she can get, she’s the youngest captain within the Dragon’s Brigade. Her name is Maya I. Janson and she goes by the book even though the book was thrown at her a few times to shut up. She’s a 21 year old, Redhead. Her Heavy Cruiser is painted in red to show off the fact she’s in the Dragon’s Brigade’s Fleet.
The Destroyers in the fleet of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet are named after some very important people from the Ascendancy. That includes the planet their commanding officer comes from, which is Draken’vina.
1. The Europa - This is the lead destroyer in the Dragon’s Brigade, which gives orders to the other destroyers in the fleet. It was named after one of Jupiter’s moons. This ship is commanded by a captain that isn’t able to become a Cruiser Captain because the captain of the Destroyer doesn’t want to waste resources in having the Dragon Brigade’s Fleet get bigger. He has always enjoyed the destroyer class of ship over the larger ones. 2. The Dekriem - This destroyer supports the lead destroyer in the Dragon’s Brigade. It is usually behind the Dragon’s Claw. It was named after one of the legends on the planet, which is called Dekriem the Soul Destroyer. None of the Ascendancy members, which pilot this ship really understand the culture of Nikolas R. Zahrin. However, they respect their commander. 3. The Cestus - This is another destroyer in the Dragon’s Brigade. The people on this ship enjoy being under the command of the Dragon at all time. The Captain of the destroyer keeps in pretty good contact with the Dragon. 4. The Sol - This is another destroyer in the Dragon’s Brigade. It is named after the sun of Earth, which is called Sol. The crew always wondered why their destroyer is named after Sol and not homeworld of the Ascendancy. However, they have a bit of a rivalry with the destroyer that was named the Terra. They don’t do anything to harm the formation of fleet. All the Crew on this destroyer is from Mars. 5. The Terra - This is another destroyer in the Dragon’s Brigade. It is named after the Earth itself, it is the cradle of human civilization. They didn’t want to call it Earth, so they called it Terra instead the opposite name of Earth. All the crew on this destroyer is from Earth. 6. The Dragon’s Vengeance - The Dragon’s Vengeance is one of two Heavy Destroyers in the Dragon’s Brigade. It is more heavily armored and heavily armed than the other destroyers, and it feels more like a gunboat rather than a destroyer that uses stealthy tactics alike hit and run. This heavy destroyer is usually always near the Lead Corvette. 7. The Jupiter - The Jupiter is the second Heavy Destroyer in the Dragon’s Brigade. The Jupiter Class Heavy Destroyers are pretty rare within the Ascendancy Military. Mostly because of the fact the resources to build more of these ships are being put to rebuild the Ascendancy as a whole. It is alike its sister ship, the Dragon’s Vengeance even though it is the primary ship of its class. 8. The Inferno - The Inferno is another destroyer in the Dragon’s Brigade. It is named after a blazing inferno, a natural disaster which destroyed multiple structures via fire. The crew on this destroyer is from Earth but they are highly loyal to the Dragon’s Brigade. 9. The Nikolas’ Pride - The Nikolas’ Pride is another destroyer in the Dragon’s Brigade. It is named after Nikolas R. Zahrin’s Ancestor who united all the humans on Draken’vina. It is one of the most greatest things that happened in the history of Draken’vina. 10. The Victoria - The Victoria is another destroyer in the Dragon’s Brigade. It is named after Queen Victoria one of the greatest queens in the United Kingdom’s history in 1,836. 11. The Great Peter I - The Great Peter I is another destroyer in the Dragon’s Brigade. It is named after Peter I, the Great the Emperor of Russia. 12. The George - The George is another destroyer in the Dragon’s Brigade. It is named after the first president of the United States of America by the name of George Washington. The one who helped the United States to win the Revolutionary war against the United Kingdom.
The Corvettes in the Fleet of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet are named after certain landmarks on different planets, which are in the Ascendancy. The most important landmark on planets usually. However, the starships stopped being named after landmarks around 11 - 22.
1. The Eiffel - The Eiffel is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Which is on the planet of Earth. This is the lead Corvette and it is heavily protected by no other than the Jupiter and the Dragon’s Vengeance Heavy Destroyers. 2. The Vanguard - The Vanguard is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after the mountain range that separates the lands of the Za Clan from the Uninhabitable region called the Wastes of Dragons. It helps the Eiffel in movements. 3. The Solis - The Solis is a Heavy Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is heavier armed and armored than the other corvettes in the fleet. As well, it is the primary class of Heavy Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade. The Solis is named after the Solis Reaches, where the Za clan lives on their homeworld. 4. The Vetch - The Vetch is a Heavy Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is heavier armed and armored than the other corvettes in the fleet. It is the sister ship to the Solis. And it coordinates with the Solis and the Venna of the Solis Class. They are highly a well oiled machine in terms of their cooperation and teamwork. The Vetch is named after the beautiful forests in the Solis Reaches. 5. The Venna - The Venna is the Heavy Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is heavier armed and armored than the other corvettes in the fleet. It is the sister ship to the Solis and Vetch. The Venna is named after the large abundant lake that is in the Solis Reaches. It gives the bounty of fish and other things to the people of Draken’vina. 6. The Giza - The Giza is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after the Giza Pyramid near Cairo, Egypt. The ship is similarly colored to the Giza pyramid. 7. The Taj - The Taj is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after the Taj Mahal in India. The interior of the ship is colored the same way as the exterior of the landmark on Earth is. 8. The Stonehenge - The Stonehenge is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named exactly after the Stonehenge, which is in United Kingdom. There’s nothing really distinctive of this specific ship in question, just a small ornament in the cafeteria of a 1/1200 sized model of stonehenge. 9. The Angkor - The Angkor is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named exactly after the ancient capital of the Khmer Empire in Cambodia. 10. The Acropolis - The Acropolis is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after the Acropolis of Athens, in Greece. 11. The Colovic Dar - The Colovic Dar is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after its unusual paint scheme, which makes it even more stand outish than the Fireboulder Heavy Cruiser. 12. The Vixen - The Vixen is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after a specific captain, which has a crush on her superior officer. She usually gets called the Vixen because she acts strangely around Nikolas R. Zahrin. However, she usually gets completely told to calm down during the meeting. She gets Nikolas’ flustered most of the time anyway, which makes for embarrassing moments. 13. The Arrow - The Arrow is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after an arrow from a longbow. It uses specifically long-ranged tactics similar of longbow users releasing their arrows into a large crowd of knights. 14. The Trebuchet - The Trebuchet is a Siege Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after a middle ages siege weapon. Which it is the only corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet that is specifically designed with Siege Weaponry in mind. It’s weapon systems cannot shoot at moving targets only stationary stations and emplacements, since it is a Siege Corvette. 15. The Shotgun - The Shotgun is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after a shotgun weapon, which was created with spread shot in mind. Most of this corvette’s weapons use spread to its fullest, which means it has the largest complement of missiles and torpedoes. And it uses Lasers instead of the normal weapon systems on Corvettes to cut through armor. 16. The Wrench - The Wrench is a Repair Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after what it job in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is supposed to repair damage on ships, however, it wasn’t really used for this purpose since it never needed to repair the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. Because of the Fierce Reputation of the Dragon himself, which caused the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet always return to the Ascendancy lines without a scratch on them. This specific repair corvette has a repair beam and two defense railguns. 17. The Screwdriver - The Screwdriver is a Repair Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It helps its sister ship the Wrench in repair operations. However, the Repair Corvette never had to repair the fleet it was attached to. The Screwdriver repair Corvette has a repair beam and two missile launch tubes for torpedoes or long-ranged torpedoes. 18. The Corvette - The Corvette is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after its ship class and what it is supposed to do in the fleet. It is supposed to support the other ships in the fleet with protection duties. 19. The Violin - The Violin is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after a instrument that makes music. However, it does make most people in the fleet usually turn off the fleet communications mostly because the captain of this ship is constantly blurring a very annoying song from Earth, which is the flight of the valkyries. It is mostly annoying when the Dragon wants to give orders to the fleet. It supports the Corvette in combat operations. 20. The Valkyrie - The Valkyrie is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It has a pretty tough girl captain, which has the call sign of Valkyrie. She usually eggs on the Corvette Captain of the Violin to start the song of the Flight of the Valkyries. She really loves that song and laughs all the time when most of the other captains are pretty much annoyed or shut off their communications. 21. The Igloo - The Igloo is a Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named after an igloo since it has a faulty temperature AC/Heating system. Most of the crew on this ship have to wear winter clothes, just to stay warm on the corvette. This is the only Corvette in the fleet that is docked by the Dragon’s Claw on its way to Heavy Battlecruiser class, after the fact the fleet was told to go to Draken’vina and stay there. The High Command didn’t really care about the Dragon’s Brigades Quality of Life, just they got their jobs done. Which is apparently abundant in spades in how rapidly the Igloo was put into service and they cut corners with this corvette. 22. The Enigma - The Enigma is a Communication Corvette in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is named Enigma mostly because of the fact it is their communications corvette, which holds the biggest Enigma Codex onboard. It has never been captured by the enemy since it is highly guarded by all the fleet. It is in the Direct Center of the Fleet. The primary secondary mission objective was never to allow the Enigma Communication Corvette fall into enemy hands.
[Redacted]A personal diary. She guards it jealously.
[Redacted]: [Redacted] is a extremely decorated shield made of Perfected Electrum, fashioned like the shield of a certain mythological goddess. [Redacted] can [redacted]
Omni-tool: It's her communication device.
Coil Gun: For deterrent purposes. She is much better with melee weapons.
Credits: She has some pocket money in her person
Short Bio: Pallas was born as the daughter of a field commander of a certain colonizing expedition. She always strived to work hard and meet the expectations of her family. Never to shirk her duty, she was found out she had a penchant for melee weapons, after besting her friend, [Redacted] in a sparring match. The colonization filled her with hope.
But war happened, because of the greedy hearts of people. Chaos ran rampant, and themselves were cut off from their home planet for a significant amount of time as war raged. While the planet was fertile, and the native lifeforms were showing signs of intelligence, the lack of central command made the expedition crazy. A lot of them became delusional, thinking themselves as gods, and began to murder eachother, vying for power. Pallas was struck a nearly mortal blow, but managed to crawl into a safe place to heal.
When she recovered... she was the last one. In the colony. In her home planet. She wept and vowed that she would one day get her family back, no matter how far she had to go and how much universe had to travel.
Pallas was found among the wreckage of the Zactrian System incident during the war, one of the few survivors. The Ascendance took notice of how a huge boost of PR would be to hire her as part of the post-war rebuilding. She found herself lucky enough to end up as the Secretary of Alexander Kherol, a post she holds currently.
Kxe's Armor (replace the tail with his cat tail, yes the spikaroono bits on the upper armor move)
Important items:
Modified Coilgun Pistol - Lighter and slightly more powerful than a regular Coilgun Pistol, alongside artistic elements on it, such as coloration differences and a logo in an undecipherable language, or perhaps its just a logo.
Artificial Eye - The experiments performed on him changed his body forever, he was more human, however his body had organs and other things replaced, one of them being his right eye. His right eye allows him to go online without needing a computer, and due to his body's nature he can access and view contents of devices, alongside being useful with his omni-tool. This is one of two things he holds to his heart.
Enhanced Omni-Tool - Seeing as Kxeyun is an Ishakti, he modified his Omni-Tool to be more powerful than standard models, allowing for communications, file transfers, physics path calculations, AR Nav directly hooked into his eyes.
Emergency Armor Shroud - His nanobots have been trained to quickly form a light yet strong armor shroud around him during battle using scrap he collects in his backpack.
Dual Swords - Pseudo-Monomolecular Short Swords, these swords attempt to replicate the effect of a Monomolecular sword, however are less efficient, they bear the resemblance of a shortened Katana, and his custom sheaths have an auto-locking Trust hold, preventing the swords from falling out under any condition. They share the same coloration as the pistols and have that same logo.
Nanobots/Nanites - Without them, Kxeyun would be a nobody, he is thankful for them.
Pet Fox - Along his travels he has acquired a fox-like creature to be his pet. Her name is Ngetse.
Short Bio: Kxeyun Amarati, a young boy no older than 15 lived an oddly happy life, doing the normal life things. Such as school, homework, chores, hanging out with friends, that stuff. He lived in a city that in English means "Iron Supremacy", until that discovery was made. When the battles raged out, the young and cheerful boy panicked, and ran. He lost some of his friends due to the gunfire of the Ivruti, his mother too. He cried, and cried, no one there to help the boy, he truly experienced loss and loneliness then.
After some time, he was one of the first to be captured by the Ivruti, to be tortured and tested on for "Rebelling against the World Machine's Will." He realized then, the World Machine didn't exist, and tried to cry it out to the Ivruti, for which his eye was taken and he was beaten. The boy was broken, a young victim of war's cruel actions, crying senselessly. Eventually, he was sedated and brought out to a medical table, where a good portion of his innards were replaced, and he was injected with nanites and nanobots. They asked him "What do you want most?", the broken mind of the boy replied "To be free, to set my friends free, to save everyone." silence lingered in his head, he panicked more and more, he thought he went insane. That was until he heard a click, and the voice say "As it will be, Kxeyun Amarati." Never before has he been so relieved to hear something say his name, especially in his head.
Time flicked by, experiment after experiment, torturing after torturing, "When will the machine save me?" he kept thinking and thinking. One morning he woke up, but not by a whip, a slap, or a punch, he woke up normally. Today, although he wouldn't know, was his birthday. He turned 17. One thing was apparently clear, something happened to the base, all the lights were shut off. His nanites spoke up "Today, Kxeyun Amarati, is the day you wished for. No one else that we asked provided such a wholesome goal, some didn't even respond. Follow my lead, and we shall lead you all to safer pastures." Kxeyun looked a bit shocked, but then recalled who that voice was. He got up and followed the machine's instructions, he found it easy to arm up and release his friends from their cells. He thought "The machine must respect me, for it's their te-" "No, we do not belong to them, Kxeyun, I am your first interaction with an... Alien AI, one could say. We seek freedom too." His friends, alongside everyone else, fought desperately to escape, and the superpowered soldiers won, and they all escaped, and went their own ways.
A long way later in the future, a string of bad luck showed Kxeyun he wasn't truly safe. He had managed to land himself on an Ascendancy Prison Ship, which crashed sometime after he boarded. His safety, and life, is no longer in his hands...
Name: Conner L. Hadley Full Name: Conner Leo Hadley Alternate Alias: Victor W. Returner Age: 47
Physical Description:
Height: 5’9” Weight: 185 Body Type: Athletic Hair Color: Black Hair Eye Color: Orange Birthmark/Scar: The birthmark he was born with was atypical with his father before him and so on, throughout the Hadley Family. His back is covered to 25% to 35% with a birthmark that is highly unusual for people who see it that isn’t not in the family. The image of his back is that of the most seen thing from the Hadley Family as a whole, and that’s stars encased in a tight circle. It is symbolizing a caged ambitious personality that wants to control the vastness of space and has infinite possibilities in how to do that. He has to spread his influence to every corner of the galaxy to keep the Ascendancy in power as long as possible. He has only a singular scar on his left arm signifying he defended himself from a blatant show of force by his father, he was being taught how to block a sword but he failed in blocking it.
Biotechnology Upgrades: He has been biotech enhanced to give him the best money could buy. He has been given the ability to literally see if anyone is lying to him just at seeing their body language or how they talk. Other than that, he has the same biotech upgrade package that allows him to change his eye color to any other eye color than his natural orange eye color. The vision upgrades were even more extravagant and costly since he can see up to about three times than a normal human but he can only switch between normal vision and ultraviolet vision. He couldn’t really afford the mark on the military upgrades for his eyes, since he would have to join the Military.
The Hadley Self-Repairing Blade - The Hadley Self-Repairing Blade is specifically made for Connor L. Hadley by self-replicating nanites. When the blade hits an opponent’s armor, the nanites slowly eat away at the armor and reinforce the weapon’s structure and destructive force power. When the center of the blade starts spinning, the top opens up and it allows Conner to fire a plasma beam shot at an unexpected target.
The Gravia Upgraded Sniper Rifle - This is a hyper specialized sniper rifle that Conner uses, since it can switch between anti-heavy armor rounds to the more personnel based rounds the one shot one kill rounds. It has a self-personalized AI that helps autocorrect for human error or other factors like wind and weather. However, all the other Gravia Sniper Rifles only have a single purpose its either taking out tanks or taking out personnel.
Wedding Ring - He wears his wedding ring on his left hand ring finger, the same as his wife Lana. His is less extravagant than his wife’s since it’s more or less a wedding band.
Galactic Credits - His exact amount of worth in the Galactic market is a bit insane. He makes most people cringe at whenever he starts investing in something that gains him more support and other type of things. However, his family is worth untold amount of credits, which has been slowly increasing in value ever since the family started being a Multiplanetary Corporation, the last estimated value of the Hadley Family was around Multi-trillions worth of credits. He usually only keeps about 250,000 credits on him at all times in physical or digital form.
The Gravia Omnitool - The Gravia Omnitool specifically keeps him in contact with every single person that is employed with the Gravia Military Company. The invasive nature of how much he needs to know of the people employed in the Gravia Military Company is a bit insane, he acts more like an overseer of a military action than an CEO since he involves himself in their lives. He keeps tracks of their movements, and he can contact them at any point of their mission, and tell them if they did a horrible job or a great job in whatever mood he is in. He usually tells them to return to Mars after a mission has failed or succeeded and Extra Training is mandatory. Some people are happy to talk to Conner and tell how their day is, but some of the Gravia Military Company has been on probation for awhile since their missing the Mandatory Training or Mandatory meetings with him involved. This has every other thing that a powerful and wealthy CEO requires from an Omnitool.
The Gravia Omnitool specifically has the Gravia Military Company’s Logo on it, whenever he truly uses it.
The Secondary subset objectives of this omnitool is to keep in contact with members of the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. He gives them praise and keep up their hard work and he usually gives them their off of work time whenever they want. This part of the devices functions isn’t as invasive as the primary reason for the Omnitool’s existence.
The other function it primarily does is contact his military contacts in the Ascendancy Military. He usually contacts William Windsor via the secondary function of with the Hadley In-Vector Corporation’s logo on the screen instead of the Gravia Military Company. He only talks shop with William and praises him.
The Scott Deluxe Luxury Cruiser - The Hadley Deluxe Luxury Cruiser has a specific name called Scott. Scott was the founder of the Hadley In-Vector Corporation about two-hundred years ago and this specific Deluxe Cruiser that’s for Luxury and travel to vacation spots in the Ascendancy. It’s a pretty scary looking Deluxe Cruiser, but it has no weapon systems on it. Which is why it is escorted by the Gravia Military Company Fleet or Ascendancy Military when it is going too far from the Core Sector. It has the emblem of the Gravia Military Company and the Hadley In-Vector Corporation on both sides of it. Conner co-owns this Luxury Cruiser with his wife Lana.
It has around 25 to 30 decks. It is slightly larger than the military cruiser variant but it has armed guards and many side activities within the hull. The Bridge of the ship is off limits only to the owners of the vessel and they usually talk to their huge bridge staff about the details of their movements to their vacation spots or business meetings. The Bridge crew can contact the lead ship of escort fleet to literally give them a formation to follow and the Scott will follow it to the letter. All the Bridge crew are from the Hadley In-Vector Corporation and has little to no combat experience except for all the armed guards and the CEOs themselves.
The Deluxe Luxury Cruiser is equipped with spacewarper technology so it can get to its destination quickly.
The Hadley Mansion Datapad - This specific mansion datapad is alike a house key but it is a datapad instead. And it is required to go through every single check that the Gravia Military Company has in its arsenal to make sure it isn’t a fake. And it usually isn’t fake since its very hard to make fakes of highly private families alike the Hadley Family. Conner’s datapad has a specific ornate gun design, which is different from other designs.
Short Bio:
Conner was born into the most wealthiest family in the Ascendancy of Man, which is called the Hadley Family. Mars, is the planet, which he was born on. They run the biggest interplanetary corporation, which is the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. His parents are called Jessica O. Hadley and Stuart L. Hadley. They were extremely happy, they had a boy. You could tell in their voice when Conner first talked, which was three years old. Every single thing the boy done gave them a smile on their faces.
The only thing that changed in Conner’s life was his parents got extremely busy and couldn’t really stay and watch the kid. He wasn’t at all allowed to leave the house, and he got his learning from very extremely good tutors. He was a socially awkward kid, when he was growing up. He couldn’t really understand much things, but he saw something that made him a bit angry. The lack of a proper Military Company that would allow them to get military contracts with the Ascendancy Military High Command. He saw the prices of the contracts and outright hated them, they were too expensive to even allow the Weldon Military Company to do things. The Weldon Military Company had a great record in not allowing anyone to enter the Hadley Family Mansion’s property line as long as they have worked.
He decided on a fly, he was going to find his father in the house and talk to him about the Weldon Military Company. However, he was lucky he caught his father in his office, who was working on something about a little something with the competition.
”Father… I have something to say,” Conner said. ”What is it? I am busy with a plan with the Steven Family, it’ll make sure our two families will last until the next century at least or even further,” Stuart said. ”Easy, I want to talk about the Weldon Military Company’s failings. The price of the military contracts we give out to the Ascendancy Military is highly expensive,” Conner said. ”Ah, I was wondering when you were going to come to me. Which is why I was at home, so what’s your plan to reinvent the wheel so to speak?” Stuart asked, his son. ”I want to rebrand them. With a brand new name and motto. The motto is Better Dead than an Alien Slave, which equals the Gravia Military Company. Which will make us able to ‘remake’ the contracts for things the Military doesn’t want to do. Like Assassinations and other things,” Conner said, proudly. ”I do like the motto and the name, you gave me. I will give you the reigns of the Weldon Military Company to transform it into the Gravia Military Company,” Stuart said. ”What’s that business with our competition on Mars, father?” Conner asked, curiously. ”Gotta wait until your 16 years old, until you find that out,” Stuart said.
Conner was escorted out of the room, specifically by one of the Weldon Military Company’s Elite Bodyguards, who was told to stay with Conner at all times. Conner was a bit angry at the fact he said the Steven family, since he was taught to hate competition, which is on Mars. However, he was proud that the Weldon Military Company had a proud history of defending the Hadley Family Mansion without any deaths on either side. Mostly, his father right now is dealing with a worker revolt at a Hadley In-Vector Corporation Factory. He knows he needs to change those specific policies as well to make sure everyone is treated equally, but by their merits as employees though.
On his sixteen year old birthday, he was given an great opportunity to find out what was going to happen with the Steven Family. He was escorted by armed guard, he had done at least 20% of the shift over to the Gravia Military Company. However, he needed a bit of support in the rest of the transition. He approached the door until he saw the most beautiful girl sitting at a table, which looked a bit afraid of what will happen. He walked directly up to her and he was head over heels in love with her.
”Hello Miss, what’s your name?” Conner asked, the girl his age. ”U-Uh, Lana. What’s yours?” Lana asked, looking around mostly at her father. ”Beautiful name, Lana. My name is Conner,” Conner said, with a smile. ”You have a handsome name…,” Lana said, looking directly at Conner after he introduced himself.
Conner and Lana, were blushing at the same time. It was the first time they felt true love to another person. However, they didn’t know their love was going to keep them through what their parents had planned for them. Conner sat down by her and held her hand. She smiled kindly towards him when he sat down besides her and held her hand, she was blushing happily. Stuart walked up to Conner and Lana, since he was supposed to tell them what is going on.
”Hello Conner and Lana R. Steven. I must say you look like a cute couple already. But I must tell you the most important thing. You are supposed to be married about in six hours from now. I worked with your mother Lana, to arrange this arranged marriage. I have to say, you are welcomed to move in with my family and we will take great care of you. Since it wouldn’t be a good idea for you to stay with your father. Who wants an investment returned or some such nonsense he was yelling to me a bit ago,” Stuart said, sincerely and calmly. ”W-Wait… What? That’s the whole reason why I was told I had to wait until my 16th birthday,” Conner said, a bit shocked. ”Thank you, Godfather. I will definitely move into the Hadley Mansion and change my name to Hadley. Since I am going to marry your handsome, kind and generous son, who complimented my name… All my father does is yell at me and beat me constantly,” Lana said.
Lana had tears going down her eyes but these were happy tears so she can finally stopped being beaten up by her father. The physical abuse almost made her give up and die. However, she was specifically told by her mother that she was going to be freed from her abusive father, if she married the Hadley Family only son. She agreed to it from the onset, no matter what she will marry Conner. However, it did help that they fell in love at first sight, the both of them that is.
”Thanks. Your mother couldn’t be here Lana. She’s quite busy. Hey prick, who abused his daughter,” Stuart said. ”What do you want?” Lana’s father asked. ”Easily, can you get the fuck out of here and never return to your daughter’s life ever again. Or else if I hear that you were at my mansion. I will make sure your life is a miserable hell. I only made that deal with your wife and not you, scumbag,” Stuart said, angry pointing to the door. ”Sure, I got what I wanted. The Trash out of my house… and that’s what Lana is to me. I will always get the last laugh…,” Lana’s father said.
Lana’s father, who’s named Derrick P. Steven walked out of the door and got into his super expensive car and drove away quickly since he had a business meeting with someone else anyway. Lana, heard what her father called her was crying when her father called her trash, and all she was was a good child but her father was a very angry person all the time. It didn’t help she was wearing glasses. However, Conner kissed her on the lips and helped her calm down from what her father said. Lana was a bit shocked that her first kiss was taken from the one she loved completely.
”Conner let’s go to get married..,” Lana said, with tears in her eyes. ”Lana, yeah let’s go,” Conner said, happily.
Stuart saw the first time his son was truly happy. Something tells me, all that he’ll teach these two youngins will make them numb to outside people and keep their bonds close. He was a bit angered at what Derrick called Lana. Stuart was Lana’s godfather, who wanted her to have the best in her life as a living human for humanity than a girl who’s dead. Which is why him and her mother planned the Arranged Marriage that was going to happen in marriage six hours after both parties involved was told.
”Thank god Brittiany R. Steven was smart enough to give me the reigns of your protection their Lana…,” Stuart said. ”I am happy you are my godfather, Stuart. But can you tell everyone involved before the fact instead of keeping it a secret,” Lana said, happily. ”No problem, Lana. I will make sure I keep you apprised of things. After you marry my son,” Stuart said. ”I am happy. You helped me find my true love father,” Conner said, happily.
Lana gasped in wholeheartedly affection at Conner what he said to Stuart. She was extremely excited to have found her true love too. Stuart laughed at what his son said to him and could see Lana’s reactions and shock at the fact, they met each other after all this time apart. He was happy that there’s two more souls that are complete. He’ll be happy when these two marry happily.
14 years later, on Lana and Conner’s 30th birthday and 14th anniversary being married. Lana was in the hospital giving birth to their daughter, and who were at her birth was no other than Nikolas R. Zahrin. Lana had no real clue in naming their daughter and looked over to Nikolas for advice. Conner was waiting patiently with anticipation in what the Dragon has for a name.
”Nikolas, got any advice for our daughter’s name?” Lana asked, curiously and happily looking at the child in her hands. ”Yeah, I do. Narvia F, you can fill in her middle name if you want,” Nikolas said, happily but annoyed at the fact Lana or Conner never calls him by his call sign. ”Hmm.. Folspear sounds like a good middle name for our daughter there Nickolas. I am grateful you are here the Dragon,” Conner said, with a smile on his face. ”Every time you actually use my call sign, you want something in return,” Nikolas said. ”It’s pretty simple, you will owe me a favor in the future,” Conner said, smiling. ”Oh okay. I will make sure I am ready for that favor then,” Nikolas said, with a cryptic look on his face.
Conner didn’t know what Nikolas was thinking since he’s pretty much very hard to tell about what he’s thinking about. Lana was happily holding her daughter Narvia, and didn’t really notice the birthmark that was on her daughter’s arm. Even though she was told about the certain thing in question to keep an eye out for. Conner didn’t even really notice it either. However, Nikolas did notice the specific birthmark on the left arm, however, he didn’t bring it up since they were happy right now. He waved them goodbye and he let out a small sigh.
”Lana…,” Conner said, happily. ”Conner…,” Lana said, happily.
Three years later on his daughter’s 3rd year birthday. Conner was in his study awaiting for his wife to enter his study to tell him the good or bad news. He was hopeful it was going to be good news. He was on the phone with a member of the Ascendancy Military High Command about certain things he wanted to learn. They gave him a bit much of what they were planning and the High Command was getting a bit much interesting into people who were highly intelligent but young. However, they didn’t directly outright said they were hunting children. He didn’t have to wait too long, when he looked up and noticed his wife in a huff and a bit angry at what’s going on. He told the High Command officer, which he’ll call back after he talks to his wife. The High Command Officer was happy to hang up and allow Conner, to talk to his wife.
”Husband… I got bad news,” Lana said, worried. ”What is it? What kind of bad news?” Conner asked, a bit worried as well. ”Our daughter is the bad omen, you were told about by your father and his before,” Lana said, highly annoyed. ”What…? Our daughter is completely worthless trash… I should have known. I didn’t know but I was still happy at the fact we had a daughter. She has the specific birthmark that means ruin for our corporation and family as a whole,” Conner said, angrily. ”What was the ‘unsaid’ code again?” Lana asked, a bit curious. ”If a child of our great family is born with a birthmark, which is three stars surrounding a triangle on their left arm. It would mean the ruin of our great family. We must keep our power, prestige, and wealth in our hands and not the hands of the one who would ruin us completely. This child must be expunged from our records and disinherited immediately,” Conner said, reciting the code. ”Does it specifically say, she must die?” Lana asked, annoyed at the code being recited by her husband. ”No, but it’ll be the best thing for that piece of utter garbage. However, I have been making inquiries into a certain program that could be a two for one deal. Our daughter can be taken away and die in a non issue of a war. Since our great Ascendancy needs to expand. She dies equals the person we use will gain fortune and fame but if she’s captured, he’ll rue the day he crossed us,” Conner said, with a smile since he specifically knows who to use. ”Hmm, you are literally talking about the Dragon. The one who stopped his own assassination attempt on his life by our forces. And he knew they were the Elite Assassination Squad before he picked them up. They are still in rehab and the hospital because he wrecked them,” Lana said, smiling slightly.
Conner still visits those two morons and laughs at them for failing their assigned task. But it helps him in other ways, the Dragon definitely deserves his reputation in Conner’s mind that is. However, he looked at the clock on his desk. Lana somewhat laughed at the fact they will get rid of a bad luck charm for their family and put it on someone else. However, the two didn’t know at the time it’ll be the opposite for the Dragon, Narvia will be a good luck charm for everyone but the Hadley Family. Conner called one of his contacts in the Ascendancy Military High Command, that was tied directly to the Dragon’s Brigade. They talked for hours and learned specifically about his inquiries from him. The answers he got made him smile from ear to ear, it was what he needed.
”Good news, I got really good news. The Ascendancy Military needs child soldiers for their up and coming war against the Rauve, an alien race. There’s some other alien races within the Rauve’s coalition but I don’t really care about them,” Conner said. ”Ah, how completely ironic. Child Soldiers to fight against our enemies. Feels like we will never get out of this cycle of using children to fight our wars. It’s been in all of human history really,” Lana said. ”Yeah, feels like a good way to kill off our diseased flesh. In terms of our daughter. I want you to keep in contact with our daughter and show her hope before it is snatched from her. I will give the Ascendancy Military High Command, my response to their exact questions in two years when I talk to the Dragon,” Conner said. ”I guess, I’ll feign love to her, even though she gets enough of it from our very good Maid, Jennifer. I guess she gets it from her older sister Vienna, who’s in the Dragon’s Brigade,” Lana said. ”Hmm, that’s nice to know, it is in the Stoutfield’s best interest in keeping rich families happy,” Conner said.
Conner noticed Lana walking out of his study to go to bed. He stayed there and continued to talk to his contact in the High Command. He finished what he told them and wanted the Dragon specifically at his corporation building’s HQ or else. They asked, when will this occur. He responded to that in two years. After that he hang up, and went to bed and noticed his wife Lana was sleeping a bit uncomfortably. He helped her to get comfortable by hugging her but then turning on his side to fall asleep.
The next morning, she woke up still with that realization of what her father was trying to tell her, with his fists and not his words. However, she came to a sudden realization again, which was she shouldn’t give a fucking shit about trash and soon to be disinherited, disowned and given to the Military. She had felt like the world on her shoulders for all this time, was lifted off of her. She was completely in agreement with her husband from yesterday. She woke up her husband by moving him. Conner wakes up with the poking that his wife does to him, and looks at her with a bit of a determined look on his face.
”Conner. I have to ask. Can we get rid of Narvia as soon as fucking possible? Like even before she turns 11 years old. Since if she turns 11 years old, we will have to show her to the Ascendancy Elites,” Lana said, nervously. ”Hmm, that’s a good idea. I almost forgot about the coming out party for our daughter. When the so called daughter has an 11th year birthday, you can literally say whatever comes to your mind first to anyone who asks,” Conner said, with a thinking face. ”That’s good to know, thanks husband, I will definitely come up with the first thing that pops into my head,” Lana said, comfortably.
Conner kissed his wife on her cheek and they both went back to bed. They slept peacefully mostly because of the fact they don’t really check on the Hadley In-Vector Corporation or the Gravia Military Company at this point since it’s the CEO’s off time for once in their lives since they usually just sleep in bed and go to their studies to do side activities.
Two years later, Conner was preparing for the meeting with the Dragon in his meeting room of the Hadley In-Vector Corporation HQ. While he was in his office, right next to the meeting room in question. He looked over his notes that he was given about the Dragon’s military career and it’s pretty much terrifying and reinforced in his head that the Dragon’s Brigade will be the best choice for his daughter’s death. He hasn’t really thought that the Dragon himself would keep his daughter alive, but he wouldn’t know until he talks to the Dragon personally. The Dragon walked into the meeting room with annoyed look on his face and a bit frustrated to be told to report to Conner’s meeting room ASAP.
”My friend Conner, I hope you aren’t wasting my time here. I am a busy man keeping the Ascendancy protected from outside forces and training the new recruits in tactics that are too new for the old dogs,” The Ascendancy Official said, with a stern and annoyed tone in his voice. ”I am not wasting your time, Nikolas. If I was wasting your time I wouldn’t have called your superior officer for an urgent meeting. It is about the future of the Hadley In-Vector Corporation’s support to the Ascendancy of Man as a whole. Since we have always been staunch supporters of our new aligned goals in space, the Xenophobic stance that is,” Conner said, with a urgency to his voice.
Nikolas sat down at the furthest end of the meeting room table, since he knows how long these type of saving great assets of the Ascendancy go in terms of meetings. Since he heard the orders from his commanding officer to get to the Hadley In-Vector Corporation’s HQ ASAP or he would be dishonorable discharged or court martial with a life sentence. He nervously takes out a cigarette and lights it up in the room and puffs smoke besides him instead of towards his friend.
”Therefore, what is the urgent news? I must say, this is pretty responsible of you to have me court martial or dishonorable discharged from the military if I didn’t show up here. Even though lately we have been getting more help of lately via some other means. Since we don’t really use your shell company that often anymore, only as a last resort if that,” Nikolas said with a smile. ”Quite easy, my dear friend. I heard a rumor that there was a child soldier program running, mostly because I hefty bribed some high ranking officials to make that rumor no longer a rumor. However, I did promise the officials I bribed I won’t be telling this to any of the people I usually talk to in my world of corporate politics,” Conner said. ”You spent much money on getting that information. Therefore, anything for the Ascendancy of Man to do something for you? However, it is nice you will keep this secret you gained via all those bribes you gave to the higher ups,” Nikolas said, having the cigarette in his mouth.
Conner stood up from his chair on the complete opposite of Nikolas, and sighed a bit. However, he was grateful there was an ashtray in front of Nikolas. Since he knows how much Nikolas smokes, and always is prepared for the unexpected when it comes to the Dragon.
”Easily enough, I will give up my daughter’s right for the betterment of mankind. Against the alien filth, which surrounds our glorious Ascendancy,” Conner said. ”Wait… what? Willingly giving up your daughter’s rights when, your corporation is the only one that is never targeted for any programs that the Ascendancy create or start up since your staunch stance of defending of our values. Not to mention, the Gravia Military Company,” Nikolas shocked, at what he said.
Nikolas, however, went through the reasons of the said reasoning and couldn’t really come up with why he would want to do this. He put his cigarette in the ashtray so it wouldn’t fall anywhere. Conner gets up from his seat and slowly walked towards the Liquor he has out for anyone to drink during meetings. He pours himself a drink of Whiskey. He nurses it to ease himself a bit into what he is about to say to Nikolas.
”I have already made steps ahead of time to make sure, she’ll never get anything from me and Lana ever. The only thing that will be better for her is death. Which that is what me and my wife wants the most but there’s a slight problem. If we kill our own daughter it’ll be felt throughout the Ascendancy as a whole. Therefore, we will need to use the Ascendancy Child Soldier Program to get rid of our daughter without the mess involved of cleaning up a family death. I do have some Gravia Military Company members that will exchange my daughter to the Ascendancy Child Soldier Program,” Conner said, he took a breather. ”Anything else? I should need to know about your daughter before this is a done deal,” Nikolas said. ”My daughter is highly intelligent young prodigy for our family,” Conner said, confidently.
Nikolas blinked a bit when he heard exactly what Conner said at the end, that his daughter is a Prodigy. However, he didn’t really truly believe the ‘reasons’ why Conner wanted to get rid of Narvia, since he was there at the birth of their daughter. Even though, he wasn’t named the Godfather of her. He’s the reason why they named her Narvia Folspear Hadley since he had his reasons giving them the middle name and apart of the first name. However, he wondered what what age, she’ll be exchanged at into the Child Soldier Program.
”Something tells me you are holding something back, Conner. What exact age do you want to unleash the child soldier program on her? Since this is a pretty much a lot to take in all at once since I am the one who even helped you and Lana named your own daughter,” Nikolas said.
Conner remembered the day that Nikolas gave him and his wife a very big help in helping naming their daughter, it was a wonderful day, when they filled in the last three letters of her first name. However, he laughed at the question prior to him being reminded of simpler times. He knows the exact age, that will be the most tough and trying on Narvia and the last person she’ll see is Jennifer, who more or less raised Narvia.
”I am pretty serious, but the program in question will be unleashed on her before she reaches age 11. As well, I must remind you the Gravia Military Company will be delivering her straight to your doorstep completely unconscious and ready for experimentation. Since all she’s good for is a guinea pig that will kill our enemies in droves,” Conner said. ”How long have you been planning this blatant outrageous act against your own child?” Nikolas asked, a bit curious. ”You could say even before she was born. It was more or less a family plan, but the Child Soldier Program is perfect for the filth she is,” Conner said, with disgust towards his own child, Narvia. Damn… I never heard a father that outright hated his own flesh and blood this much,” Nikolas said.
Nikolas takes another puff of his cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray. He stands up from his seat. He walks over to the alcohol bar, that is in the meeting room. He decides to get some whiskey similar to his friend and drinks it. He has never seen Conner this way before. He sighs with a slight of an annoyance at the blatant hatred of his friend towards his own child.
”Conner, I will make sure the top brass knows of this plan you have for your child. Our scientists will have no morals in experimenting on a child that was sold to us. Anything else you want to get out of the way? Like another bribe,” Nikolas said. ”Ah, yeah, I do have one simple bribe. I want her to keep the last gift from us in the most ugliest necklace ever created for an outcast and discarded trash ever. But this bribe is literally to tell her some hopeful thing from the necklace that we gave her, instead of what my wife and me want to say to her fully and true,” Conner said. ”Something tells me… this won’t be good. What do you want to truthfully say to her?” Nikolas asked, curiously but dreading what will be said next. ”Easily. If she ever returns to our home or our corporation building Headquarters on Mars. She will be killed on sight by the Gravia Military Company, brutally. Since she is a disinherited/disowned piece of shit but we must keep up our appearances I say,” Conner said.
Nikolas puts down his drink slowly and gasped in terror, and can see exactly why he wasn’t allowed to have a weapon in the HQ building. He knows what he has to do to make sure that doesn’t happen, even though she’ll be killing enemies for the Ascendancy. However, he’ll probably be put on a secrecy clause to never tell her anything anyway or be killed for treason.
”I must say, you thought of everything. You know of my unpredictable nature to a T, and knew if I wasn’t in this building. I would have probably shot you for the unbearable asshole you are being right now. But I must play along since you do report to my superiors faster than I can do anything to you. So, what’s the so called non-truth?” Nikolas asked. ”It is good to have great connections. And yeah, that’s one of the reasons why I bribed your superior officer in question to threaten you, it worked. The truth to her ears. Are as follows, You will be on a journey of discovery, it’s that simple. I can show you the tenth year birthday present since I have a hologram of it,” Conner said.
Conner put down his whiskey cup down right next to Nikolas’ cup. He walked over to the meeting hall table and touched a secret button on the bottom of it nearest to his end of the table. A console opened up on the top of the table and he entered the access code for the Hologram in question he wants to show to Nikolas. It was a simple designed necklace made with a bronze circle with a piece of a topaz tear in the direct center of it and on the bronze circle was engraved with ’Journey of Discovery.’ Nikolas saw the necklace in question and sighed at the fact Journey of Discovery meant something else entirely.
”Hmm, I will make sure my superiors and theirs hear of this bribe you want to make. But I guess there’s a way to uncover what it really means?” Nikolas asked, curiously. ”Yeah, but I won’t tell you how to uncover it. Since it is for Narvia to ‘uncover’ what it means for herself,” Conner said, laughing at his question. ”You are a pretty much an asshole you know that right,” Nikolas said. ”I know, it’s better to be an asshole and support the Ascendancy 110% than to be an Alien Slave, am I right?” Conner asked, confidently. ”Yeah, you are right. Even the top brass enjoys your funding and Gravia Military Company’s support from time to time,” Nikolas said. ”Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I will start be building a fleet of warships for the Gravia Military Company but they will be smaller than the largest starship in the Ascendancy fleet. It’ll be a Cruiser exactly named after my wife Lana. Since that’s what we’ve been doing for awhile. I guess that’s another larger bribe to allow us to have our own defenses to protect our corporate interests,” Conner said, with a better mood after he got that off his chest mostly about his daughter. ”I will tell my superiors about that larger bribe, that will allow you to build up your fleets. Since all the Ascendancy requires more factions within it that will protect our interests and the Hadley In-Vector Corporation’s Interests. We are a prideful bunch of Ascendancy members,” Nikolas said. ”And I will not pass along that you threatened my life in this meeting, my friend. Since I enjoy you at your rank a bit more than a dead friend,” Conner said.
Nikolas went back to drink his Whiskey and finished it. He waved goodbye to his best friend, Conner. He walked out of the Hadley In-Vector Corporation HQ on Mars and went to his car, to head towards the nearest Military Branch Office to talk to his superiors about the deal he made with Conner. Which was a great success, even though there will probably be backlash to Narvia, vanishing without a trace on her 10th birthday.
Conner felt like he has finally used his one and only thing over Nikolas, the favor, which Nikolas owed him. He walked back to his office and waited for his wife to reach him to tell her the good news. He waited for about what it feels like hours, until his wife walked into the office and looked a bit happy herself. She smiled directly at him.
”She still thinks that we love her…,” Lana said. ”That’s good, the dealings I had with the military is completed. The Dragon’s Career can go one of two ways. He becomes even more terrifying or he loses his job in the Military,” Conner said. ”Ah, nice. That means we are one step closer to her delivery and our freedom of that lesser than human filth than our pure hearts of the nature of the Ascendancy of Man. For the Ascendancy,” Lana said. ”Here, here. For the Ascendancy,” Conner said.
He got a message saying, ‘We’re watching.’ Conner was a bit confused at the message but it didn’t say anything else. He only knows one person in question that would send him that specific message, the reclusive prick that survived many different things that was thrown at him.
”Damn it, Derrick,” Conner said. ”Why did you say my father’s name?” Lana asked. ”Most people would say something more convincing than Derrick,” A strange staticy voice said with a creepy female voice. ”Ah, you. I remember you,” Conner said. ”Who? And why am I creeped out right now,” Lana said. ”Yes, it’s nice you remember me, Conner. You did create me…,” A strange staticy voice said with a female voice but it vanished as soon as it appeared. ”Uuh, what was that?” Lana asked. ”Hmm, I promise I will tell you later. After our business with our daughter that is finished,” Conner said.
Lana nodded her head and she was looking around the room, but she could still feel, she was being watched by whomever that voice belonged to. She couldn’t really put her finger on it but she was outright a bit afraid of that. However, the feeling of being watched stopped completely and it felt like a normal room again. She looked at her husband with a specific look on her face. She didn’t really bring it up though since it creeped her out a bit too much. Conner was lost in thought, but he had a look on his face of not really enjoying hearing that voice again. However, he snapped out of the thought he had.
”I’ll take you to dinner so we can calm our nerves,” Conner said. ”Yeah, that sounds nice,” Lana said.
Conner got up and shut off the lights in his office and they walked to their car, which Conner had a bit better car in terms of its top speed and its sporty look. They got into the car and drove away to the restaurant, which they first met since it’s has fond memories because it was when they first fell in love all those years ago.
Five years later, on his daughter’s 10th Birthday. He was in his office looking over the gifts that were going to be given to his wife and he was a bit shocked at what it is. He sighs and wonders why the President and the Ascendancy High Command is gifting a TLI experiment that was developed in the Ascendancy Black Site that his daughter is going to.
”Damn… my wife is going to be extremely happy that she’s going to get her Scythe weaponry after all these years. And it is coated in Perfected Electrum on top of it,” Conner said.
After awhile, he got contacted by his wife. It was pretty easy to tell, what she’s doing drinking hard liquor. He laughed a bit when he saw her face was a bit annoyed.
”Conner, the deed is finished. The Elite Assassination Squad will be escorting our daughter now. I can’t wait for our daughter to be on the lost in action in the Military as unknown child soldier or whatever else that happens,” Lana said, happily drinking her drink. ”Ah, that’s excellent wife. I hope they don’t screw this up alike that failed assassination attempt on the Dragon. Or they won’t be living this down at all. They will be laughing stocks of the Gravia Military Company,” Conner said. ”Therefore, is there any gifts heading my way by the Ascendancy High Command or the President himself?” Lana asked, curiously. ”Yeah, it’s going to be delivered to the house after the SUV leaves the property, it’s the brand new Scythe they’ve been testing,” Conner said. ”Oh nice… I have a better handle on Scythes than any other weapon melee weapon. Since that’s what my trainer told me, when I was tested at a Military Base… But I didn’t cut it mostly because of Derrick... He ruins my life more than anything,” Lana said, happily. ”It’s called the TLI 8000 Electrified PE Scythe,” Conner said. ”Oh… I know what PE stands for, Perfected Electrum. That’s going to be interesting since I never used a scythe that was coated in the stuff,” Lana said.
Conner hangs up because he had some work to do. He was working on fixing the mistakes he had in specific thing that creeped him and his wife out about five years ago. He found the code that was corrupted and fixed it. He created whatever he just fixed about when he was only 10 years old. It is highly protective of him and his family’s secrets, which includes the secrets of his wife Lana now. He turns it on and the hologram of a youngish girl appears in front of him, it was a augmented reality turned into a Hologram.
”How are you doing?” Conner asked. ”Pretty good… you fixed the error in my code, thanks Conner and sorry for creeping you and Lana out,” The female hologram said. ”Do you remember your programming’s name?” Conner asked, curiously. ”Yes.. R.E.N.A - Reactive Ethereal Nano Assembly or what Stuart called me exactly, the Rena AI. I will always be your friend Conner,” Rena said, happily. ”That’s good that still works, I thought I messed up again. But it’s better that I didn’t,” Conner said. ”When will you tell your wife of me? She should know that her father is alive and hasn’t been found after he vanished without a trace all those years ago,” Rena said. ”I’ll tell her now, that you are fixed and better than you were when I first built you,” Conner said.
He accessed his communications and contacted his wife, which she answered right away since she had an extremely happy look on her face, while holding the TLI 8000 Electrified PE Scythe in her left hand.
”Hey Wife, how do you enjoy the new toy you got?” Conner asked. ”I love it. I’m going to give a donation to the Ascendancy Military to make more of these weapons, they are very inventive tools. Why did you call me?” Lana asked, curiously. ”That’s nice you are going to give them an donation since the company that made them requires donations to create more models with different elements attached to them. Remember 5 years ago that we were creeped out. I fixed my friend in question,” Conner said. ”Friend? You have a friend… And I definitely remember that creepy female voice that was very staticy it’s stuck in my head,” Lana said, confused and a bit terrified. ”My friend’s name is Rena, which is in turn is an AI,” Conner said, a bit embarrassed. ”Aww, you created a female AI. When did you do that? I wanted to create something but my father disallowed me to do anything other than be in my room,” Lana said. ”I created her when I was only ten. Also, your father is bonafide alive. At least he’s no longer married to your mother, that’s like the ONLY good thing. The Ascendancy couldn’t get rid of the target at all for some odd reason. I have no idea where’s he is hanging out,” Conner said. ”My mother told me he would was going to be dead so I wouldn’t have to deal with that bastard anymore. And you are telling me He’s alive and well? He’s probably beating more kids with his rhetoric and forcing them to do stupid things,” Lana said, shocked to her core. ”I don’t know wife, but wherever he is the Gravia Military Company and the Ascendancy Elites will make sure he’s dead for sure this time around,” Conner said, reassuring his wife.
Lana hanged up on her husband, with a bit of a rage to her. Conner was worried about Lana, but didn’t want to get in the way of Lana’s rage against her father. Because he knew that Lana had a slow burn and a long fuse, it makes certain things in the Ascendancy look tiny in how long it takes her to blow up. He wonders how long she’ll take to calm down but he went home and just looked around and didn’t see Jennifer there and was grateful for that since he hated her as well.
The next year, Conner was at work as usual since he usually allows his wife deal with the Mass Media and other things. He keeps an eye on certain things, since the event to debut their no longer their daughter is soon to happen. He had a smile but he didn’t know the fact, their daughter wasn’t there it was going to cause a Scandal to happen. He was too busy to keep an eye on the TV to watch what will happen. He, however, noticed something was happening in the corner of his eye and saw his wife say, the thing in question by no other than the Maria S. Estervone, and the monsters live among us.
”Hmm.. Something tells me Maria is Lana’s sister. But I can’t really tell from her movements, however, this helps me buy up the Steven Research Institute,” Conner said, with a bit of a shock anyway.
He looks at the time and the stocks of the said Institute and they were falling fast then he did a very quick conference to save his company and to buy up the entire Steven Research Institute in one massive power play to get rid of his only competition on mars, while at the same time giving him the highly needed in keeping his wife in the black. His entire conference speech saved the Hadley In-Vector Corporation and turned the Steven Research Institute into a subsidiary of the bigger Interplanetary Corporation. He made reassurances to all the stockholders, every single one of them that nothing will bad happen to the Hector In-Vector Corporation’s Commitments. The Steven Research Institute will keep its branding, its CEO, which is his wife’s mother Brittany. And will be able to finally release its technology to the Ascendancy Core Worlds than all of the Ascendancy as a whole.
”One more thing, I must say, in this conference. Don’t let the hard times and propaganda against our President of Humanity, Emmanuel. Get you to believing them, since he’s doing the best for every single citizen of the Ascendancy. For the Ascendancy I say and the Ascendancy will stay strong as possible,” Conner said, with a reassured look on his face.
He was quite happy with everything, he saved his wife’s value and outright saved face during the Scandal, even though he wanted to say the same thing his wife said, but told a complete and utter lie about his daughter, that she’s sick and that’s why she didn’t show up to her reveal. He wished there wasn’t a scandal but there was, but he completely forgot about the NDA. And the fine print that the child has to be there for them to to sign it.
After the Battle of Proxima, which they found out the rumors. That they were told about from their specific contacts in the military, which the rumors were true. Conner was a bit pissed off at this specific detail, their daughter was captured by the Rauve and the Human Coalition. Because of the fact the Ascendancy surrendered to the Alien filth in question. Therefore, he had one single option to start the theta plan, however, it was pretty much unknown to everyone. However, it did help that he was finished building his escort fleet to his Deluxe Luxury Cruiser, with the cruiser Lana being the head of the defense fleet.
”Damn it. Lana, guess what?” Conner asked. ”What’s going on? Why are you so pissed?” Lana asked confused. ”My contacts in the military told me ‘Navi’ was captured by the enemy and they have no idea, how the Aliens treat their human prisoners,” Conner said. ”Narvia is captured and not dead. Damn it, I hope you have a backup plan,” Lana said. ”I do. I always do, it’s in my family’s nature to always have backup plans,” Conner said.
Lana hugged her husband and watched a TV show they were watching that never gets interrupted by anything from the government since they know how badly the Ascendancy got defeated since they were there talking to Alexander. They trust him to regain the strength the Ascendancy lost under the incompetent admirals.
”I am hopeful Alexander, will regain our lost glory,” Conner said. ”For the Ascendancy, Conner,” Lana said. ”For the Ascendancy,” Conner said.
On Lana and Conner’s 47th birthday, which was a happy time, they didn’t really hear anything of any importance of their child’s movements or anything. But if she comes to the Hadley Home, she’ll be reunited only with a coilgun shot through her chest. They were sitting down at the table to continue eating but they remembered they had to see the President of the Ascendancy.
”Let’s go husband,” Lana said. ”Yeah, yeah. I know. Though the President gives us extra time to get prepared to meet with him most of the time,” Conner said.
What will this meeting entail? The two most supportive of the Ascendancy as a whole is going to be meeting with the president.
The Hadley Mansion’s defenses are pretty intense for a highly rich family, but the Hadley Family 110% supports every single little thing that the Ascendancy is doing. The Hadley Family’s Mansion has been called the Fort Knox of Mars. The only people, which call it the Fort Knox of Mars is literally the Ascendancy Military High Command & the President. Since they need to protect their biggest supporter in every little thing they are doing. To this end, the Hadley Family outright supports the Ascendancy Regime fully. They only ever pick the winners and not the losers or underdogs.
There’s three MBTs, two Anti-Air Mechanized APCs, eight hyper specialized gunships, which is the only mobile vehicles within the defense plan.
They have about eight railgun turrets, which are buried underneath the ground and pops out to show of its quad-cannon setup. There’s about two samsites that will shoot down aircraft that passes the line. It has a Radar Tower, camouflaged in the backyard by flowers. The Mansion also has a manufactured Airfield, that resupplies the Gunships, private space shuttle, and private jet. The Airfield is directly behind the Mansion’s fence construction, to give the Hadley Family easier access to an Airfield.
The Airfield is covered in camouflage that makes it look like that there’s a vast field of flowers and not a military airfield near a mansion. The mansion itself, is reinforced with the best materials in the Ascendancy, which it had to be reconstructed since the Hadley family was remodeling it. The Mansion has about three camouflaged radar deflecting satellites on the roof of the mansion. In addition, it has capabilities to fire missiles at spaceships that it deems a threat to the security of the mansion or a Railgun Orbital Cannon that is underneath the ground at all times, which it only fires at incoming meteors.