Sally & Mr. Pierce Collab
Location: Secret Medical Facility & Hallway
Interactions: @BoyMom69035

Adam rushed passed Cleo with a thankful nod. He thought about his options. Did he take Sally up to the nurse’s infirmary? No. She would be treating other students by now, and not only did he not want to take her attention away from them but he also knew that given her condition Sally should be the priority. In that moment he made up his mind; he’d take her to see the Nightingale. Ashford was going to be livid. His feet skipped two steps at a time as he hastened his pace towards the right floor. He took a quick left at the door and stopped at what appeared to be a solid wall. He shifted Sally’s weight to his left arm as he pulled his key-card from his pocket. Holding the card up to the wall produced a beep as it shifted and revealed an undisclosed entrance. He stepped inside as the hidden door closed quickly behind him. Motion activated lights flashed on to reveal a brightly lit medical facility with impossibly white walls. An array of high tech equipment was scattered about the room, but Adam headed straight towards the centerpiece. He gently laid Sally down on a strange hovering surface that shifted to her posture and size like water to a glass. The large computer next to him powered on, and a feminine, computerized voice erupted in the silence.
“Mr. Pierce. What seems to be the problem?” The machine asked quizzically with convincing emotion in its voice.
“I’m not sure Florence. She unleashed an aspect of her mutation and then fainted. Check her vitals and do whatever you have to do make sure she’s okay.” Adam looked down at Sally, masking his obvious concern.
“Can you wake her up?” “I most certainly can try Mr. Pierce.”
The sleep was so warm. So welcoming; painless. Sally's hand twitched and her face started to twist into pain, but quickly faded, her features smoothing back out. She was starting to wake up now, and that's when the pain slowly started to come back tenfold. And then, everything that happened flashed through her mind. Like a movie clip stuck in fast forward. It played up until Isaac attacked her, and then it stopped. Sally's eyes popped open and she gasped, quickly sitting up.
"What happened l? Where's Isaac? Is he Ok? What about everyone else?" She fired her questions off without pause while she reached her hand up to hold her head. Her heart began beating to faster, her breathes coming quicker. Sally groaned and went to slide her legs over the... that's when she noticed she was somewhere else. And someone else was with her. Slowly bringing her hand back down, Sally winced and let her eyes travel from the person's feet, all the way up. It was Professor Pierce. After staring at the man for a moment, she finally broke eye contact and looked around the room. She hadn't seen this one before, or even remembered being told about it. And it definitely wasn’t the infirmary. With a quick, dismissive shake of her head, Sally looked back to Pierce.
"What is this," she asked softly, her head hurting too much to speak any louder.
“ a room that you’re not supposed to be in, but here we are. Sally, meet Florence Nightingale.” He motions towards the startlingly high tech machine.
“Not the Florence Nightingale, but an artificially intelligent medical computer that was designed by Dr. Ashford himself. She’s going to make sure you’re okay.” Adam attempts a calming smile in hopes to alleviate any fears the young woman might have. He realized the strangeness of this situation and didn’t want any escalation.
“Everyone is okay. Isaac has been dealt with. You’re safe. Your powers protected you, but I think it overwhelmed your body so we’re simply making sure your vitals are okay and that you’re good to go.”
Again, Sally looked around the room, then to the machine that he had introduced her to. Why was she here, instead of the infirmary? Couldn't the nurse check her vitals just as well as... Florence could? He then mentioned that Isaac and then others were alright. Sally released a relieved sigh and nodded, looking back up to Pierce. He still hadn't answered her question.
"Professor Pierce," she began as she started to get up off of the thing she was on, but stopped,
"What happened?" She had never had something like this happen and it was actually starting to scare her. She gets attacked, blacks out, then wakes up in some strange room where some computer, machine, whatever, was going to make sure she was Ok?
"What happened," she repeated, feeling the fear escalate, despite her somewhat calm exterior.
“Isaac attacked you after the fight. You emitted a shock wave of sorts that protected you and sent the idiot flying. It was impressive. I’ve read up on everyone’s capabilities and I’m pretty certain you were unaware of the fact that you could do that. Isaac is fine but detained. Some of the others, including Nathan, were headed to the infirmary. I didn’t want anyone to have to wait for medical assistance so I brought you here. Our nurse is incredible but nothing I’ve seen can do the things this machine can.” Adam looked up at Florence in awe.
“Our mutations can take a toll on our bodies...especially when they evolve or activate. I just didn’t want to take any chances. I am more than happy to go get Tabby or Ms. Everose if you would be more comfortable with that. I understand that this is an abnormal situation.” At this point the machine spoke up.
“I do not mean to interrupt your conversation Mr. Pierce and Ms. Hendricks. I can tell that young Sally here is confused and afraid. I simply want to ensure you both that her vitals are perfectly normal given this situation. She has a few scrapes that I would be happy to help with, but otherwise she is medically normal. Ms. Hendricks, if you are in pain I would be more than happy to administer non-narcotic painkillers to help ease your discomfort.” Florence spoke with a voice that was obviously computerized, but still somehow...motherly.
Sally stared at Pierce for several moments as he spoke of what she had done. She had done what? Her eyes darted around the room while she tried to remember what had happened. Anything. Just a quick flash of an image... but there was nothing. It was aggravating that she had done something, and had no idea how or what it was. Her thoughts were interrupted when Pierce spoke again, asking if she preferred that he go and get one of the female professors. Sally quickly shook her head, an action that made her head hurt even more.
"No. No, it's fine." And then Florence updated them on her vitals, stating that she was fine. Sally nodded her head and looked up at Pierce, smiling weakly, but genuine nonetheless. The computer then said something that perked Sally up right quick and in a hurry. Painkillers? Good God Yes! Sally looked over at Florence and grinned, nodding her head slowly.
"I will love you forever if you get rid of this headache, Florence," she quipped as she glanced back to Pierce, then Florence again.
Florence let out a human-esque laugh as a robotic arm of liquid metal appeared cautiously from the side of the platform Sally had been laying on. The arm was cupping a small container with pinkish liquid inside as it slowly nudged for Sally to take it.
“Liquid Ibuprofen.” Florence explained. “A perfect dosage calculated on the level of pain I’m reading from you as well as your measurements and other vitals. Your headache should disappear in a jiffy. Is there anything else you wish of me Mr. Pierce? If not I’ll return to sleep mode until I am needed again. I’m glad to be of service.”
“No Florence, I think with that we are good. Thank you for your help as always.” Adam turned his attention towards Sally.
“I know that you’re medically okay, but are you okay okay?” He smiled at the simple idiocy of his question as he rubbed his fingers through his beard. Put him in a combat situation where chaos ensues all around him and he can command a unit of troops without the slightest doubt or hesitation, but put him in a room where he has to be a bit vulnerable and he doesn’t have the slightest clue how to conduct himself.
The sudden appearance of the robotic arm startled Sally, causing her to jump a bit as she examined it, and the container it held. She lightly bit her lip and took the container as Florence explained what it was. With a shrug of one shoulder, and a quirk of her eyebrow, Sally lifted it to her lips and drank it, making a face as she did.
"Yuck," she groaned as she set the container down beside her and looked up at Pierce as he spoke to Florence. His question made her grin and chuckle a bit before she quickly cleared her throat and nodded her head.
"Yes, Professor Pierce. I think I'll be alright," she responded with quick glance at the man.
"Thank you for uhm.. helping me." Sally looked around the room again before slowly climbing off of the platform. Looking up at Pierce, she moved her arm out in a slow sweeping motion.
"After you, sir."
Adam was relieved to see her smile. He hadn’t even thought about the potential awkwardness of the situation until after they were already in the room. When she stood to leave he realized that there was more he needed to say. He looked down to the floor as he spoke.
“I know this is going to sound strange, but I’m going to have to ask you to not mention this place to any of the other students. I’m sure it’ll be revealed to the others eventually, but Dr. Ashford has requested that we keep it to a need-to-know minimum.” He raised his eyes to hers.
“I’m technically breaking a lot of policies by bringing you here and would appreciate it if you kept it between us.” He let a genuine smile out as he began running his fingers through his beard nervously.
“Normally I’m a very by the book kind of guy, but you worried me there Ms. Hendricks.” He took the lead as she motioned for him to do so, but instead of heading towards the door he walked over to a side cabinet and pulled out what appeared to be a black sleep mask; the kind that is used to block out light.
“You’ll have to put this on before we leave I’m afraid. That way you won’t even know where this place is located.” He grinned at her with a chuckle.
“The less you know the better.”
Pierce suddenly became a bit more serious, catching Sally's attention. She too, became serious, wondering what it was that he was going to say. As he began telling her that she needed to keep her knowledge of this place and Florence on the down low, Sally drew her lips into a thin line, her brow furrowing. She nodded her understanding. It was a good thing she was good at keeping secrets. Sally noticed that he ran his fingers through his beard again, and raised an eyebrow. Maybe something he did when he was nervous? On edge? Uncomfortable? His next comment left her kind of speechless. How was she supposed to respond to that without sounding less than grateful?
"I'm sorry I worried you," she stated as she glanced down.
"I don't even remember it happening. It just... did." Sally shrugged and offered a lopsided grin. Her grin slowly faded as she watched Pierce walk over to a cabinet, instead of the door. She furrowed her brow in curiosity, then raised one. What was he getting? Moments later, when he turned, Sally noticed the sleeping mask. She tilted her head a bit as she eyed the mask, then looked up at Pierce. He then explained what they were for, and she huffed a chuckle.
"Yeah," she began as she took the mask from him and slipped it over her eyes.
"Just don't run me into anything." Of course, she knew he wouldn't, but felt the need to make a joke about anyways. Why? She wasn't entirely sure.
"Ready when you are Professor."
Adam stood behind her a couple of feet. He reached his arms out to place his hands on her shoulders without getting too close. A male teacher and a female student alone in a secret room together. It was the thing modern, clickbait headlines dreamed of, and so he wanted to be cautious. He knew the Ms. Hendricks was an adult, but it still warranted discretion. He caught himself looking over her body for a split second before forcing his eyes to the path ahead of them. Sometimes he cursed his more
base desires. He led her through the door and down the stairs, making sure no one was around to see him leading a blindfolded student as he went. Once they were back to the foyer of the building he gently pulled the blindfold from her head and smiled at her.
“Here’s our stop. I hope this hasn’t been too overwhelming for you Ms. Hendricks.” His smile turned into a look of caring relief.
“I’m glad you’re alright.” He knew that he’d have to get with all of the students involved in the incident soon...but now he just wanted to help.
Sally had to focus to keep her breath steady. Yeah, she was a student, he was a teacher, but damnit.. he was an extremely attractive teacher. What was wrong with her? He was what... 16-17 years older than her? It was so taboo. She cleared her throat when she felt his hands on her shoulders, pushing the bizarre thoughts to the back of her mind. While the pair walked through the school, Sally couldn't help but grin, feeling like she was being led to a surprise. Her hands had gone out several times, instinctively wanting to touch a wall or anything to help her feel more secure; like she wasn't going to trip going down a stair or anything else she couldn't see. When they finally made it to their destination, she felt Pierce apply pressure to her shoulders, indicating she needed to stop. As she did, Sally felt the blindfold being removed from her head. The sudden light made her squint her eyes until they adjusted accordingly. She turned and faced Pierce, shaking her head in response to his question.
"No, not at all," she responded with a soft smile. Letting her eyes remain on his for just a moment longer, Sally looked down, feeling her cheeks blush a bit.
"Thanks again Professor. I'll see you tomorrow." With that, she offered a wave and walked away from the man, shaking her head at herself.
"What a fuckin' day"