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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

Batman / Bruce Wayne
Master Bruce

Black Panther / T'Challa
Star Lord

Blue Beetle / Jaime Reyes

Captain America / Steve Rogers
Eddie Brock

Doctor Fate / Kent Nelson

The Flash / Iris West

Heroes For Hire
Adrian Chase / Misty Knight

Byrd Man

The Huntress / Helena Bertinelli

Iron Fist / Daniel Rand

Martian Manhunter / J'onn J'onnz

Moon Knight / Marc Spector

Mordred Pendragon

Ms. Marvel / Carol Danvers

The Punisher / Frank Castle / Fang Chu
Simple Unicycle

Reed Richards / Susan Storm / Johnny Storm / Ben Grimm
Morden Man

Spider-Woman / Gwen Stacy

Superman / Clark Kent

King Thor / Blake Donaldson
Lord Wraith

Vigilante / Greg Saunders / The Spirit Of Vengeance

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

“We are caught in war, wanting peace. We are torn by division, wanting unity. We see around us empty lives, wanting fulfillment. We see tasks that need doing, waiting for hands to do them. To a crisis of the spirit, we need an answer of the spirit. And to find that answer, we need only look within ourselves.” -- Richard Nixon

Character You're Applying For:

The Fantastic Four

Reed Richards – Mr Fantastic
Sue Storm – The Invisible Woman
Johnny Storm – The Human Torch
Ben Grimm – The Thing

Powers And Abilities:

The Fantastic Four’s powers and abilities are unchanged from last season – in that they are almost identical to most traditional depictions of the team. Ben suffered a facial wound in his fight with Hector Hammond at the end of last season which has left him slightly more vulnerable than we are used to. Otherwise, Johnny, Reed, and Sue remain pretty much the same, other than a change of scenery for the four of them.

Season One Recap:

Since arriving in the Ultimate One Universe, Reed has used science as a coping mechanism. Having failed to fulfil his promise to return the Fantastic Four home, Reed throws himself into science once again as a means of coping. Even more so than in his own universe, UOU Reed Richards was held up as a saviour of sorts – a visionary that would chart mankind’s way out of the darkness – and this season we’ll see Reed take that mantle on with both hands. Having “lost” his family, Reed seeks to construct a new one, all the while refusing to humour that his relationship with Sue might be a thing of the past.

Having tried her best to hold the Fantastic Four together last season, Sue embraces the newfound freedom the team’s breakup presents. Away from her brother and husband for the first time in years, Sue trades in New York for a completely new environment, and finds herself mired in a world of politics and intrigue that require her to rely on her wits more than her power – with the fate of millions resting on her shoulders.

The end of last season was particularly traumatic for Ben. Mind-controlled by a power cosmic-imbued Hector Hammond, Ben was forced to beat Guy Gardner within an inch of his life and then suffered a facial wound that he still bears the scar from. But a life on the sidelines is not the Grimm way – and when presented with an opportunity to help change the world in a more direct, impactful way by an old friend, Ben takes it. Though he soon learns that his new field is decidedly more murky than the one he left behind.

Johnny has perhaps struggled most of all. His first few months in the UOU were marred not only by sadness, but a deep, impotent anger towards anything and everyone, as he failed to process the loss of his world – and most of all his close friend Spider-Man. An encounter with Spider-Woman last season managed to help Johnny pull through the worst of his pain, but the destruction of the timecraft has plunged Johnny into despair once more. He, more than the others, is lost without the meaning the Fantastic Four lends to his life. Yet he may be on the cusp of discovering new meaning in his UOU counterpart’s past.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

The end of UOU Season One saw the destruction of the timecraft that brought the Fantastic Four to the Ultimate One Universe. Without a means to return home, Maria Hill (now Acting Director of SHIELD) presents them with a choice: assume the places of their dead UOU counterparts or be resettled under new identities and commit to never using their powers again. The Fantastic Four begrudgingly agree to the first option and SHIELD announce their “successful” return to distract from the fallout from the breakout at The Raft. Within weeks the strain of the facade gets too much for Ben, Johnny, Reed, and Sue, and they shock SHIELD – and the world – by announcing that the Fantastic Four are no more. Reeling from the trauma of losing their way back to their world, each member sets about carving out a new life for themselves away from the ghosts of their old life.

Post Catalogue:

1. Future Foundation
2. Poseidon Is My Witness
3. Better Late Than Never
4. Jim Hammond
5. Ka-Zar's Last Stand
6. First Class
7. Drowned
8. The Old Warhorse
10. Storm's End
11. Latveria Calling
12. Xebellian Vermin
13. The Condiment King
14. A Fool's Bargain
15. The Lake of Refuge
16. Attack on Amnesty Bay
17. Burn Notice
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 16 hrs ago


Iris West as

Character You're Playing: Iris West - The Flash

Powers And Abilities:
Connection to the Speedforce - Iris West is the main conduit of the Speedforce in our world but she is not the source of it. This connection grants her many different abilities, the main one is her Superhuman Speed. So far she can break the soundbarrier though Barry Allen, her confidant, believes that she can surpass that if she tries harder. Most of her abilities relate to her being able to travel at high speeds. From her body being more durable, to increased reflexes.

Journalist - She's an investigative Journalist, and good at what she does. Sure, Superspeed helps that. Though even before she became The Flash she was the best reporter in Central City (in her opinion).

Season One Recap:

Iris started Season One with the Revelation that in some future timeline she wasn’t the Flash. Despite being haunted by the ease at which Professor Zoom dispatched her and the news that this maybe wasn’t her destiny, she continued to be the hero that Central City needed her to be. Fighting multiple metahumans the first true test of strength for her was in the Silver Surfers arrival. Claiming to be on Earth to ‘test’ the mettle of Earths Heroes Surfer almost completely destroyed Iris. It took all of her skills and survival instincts to stay alive. Supermans arrival tipped the scales, and when the Surfer teleported Iris away she dug deep, going far faster than she had ever been before she punched the Surfer and the threat ended.

While Iris underwent some other minor adventures the biggest was the revelation that the man she had fought to be released from prison, Henry Allen, was the Reverse Flash, a.k.a Professor Zoom a.k.a Eobard Thawne. He had used his speed to kill Barry Allens mother and get away with it, with sufficient evidence he had planted. Try and she might Iris could not beat the Reverse Flash, who stole the speed of Jay Garrick - A speedster from World War Two. Giving the speed to Barry, Iris saw a flash of a life that could have been. As soon as she saw it however, it vanished. Barry killed Henry to save her, before turning to dust before her very eyes. Leaving her alone, the sole heir to the mantle of The Flash.

Heatwaves return, and the subsequent fight with the Surfer took its toll on Iris. She realises the necessity of the heroes having some form of cohesion, but at the same time. With her vision of Jay in an unknown place, she has more questions than answers. As Heatwave is broken out of a prison transport. Chaos is about to reign on Central City, and there’s only one who can stop it.


Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

Season one for me was really a proving ground. I wanted to take forth the idea of Iris as the Flash and run with it. I went with a storyline (Eobard Thawne) where I could have Iris fight my own, and other people's, misgivings about her holding the mantle of Flash. With her being deemed unworthy, she wasn’t meant to be the Flash… etc. As Iris moves past this, I want to go on to building Central City into a very real place. Like everywhere else there is crime, there are criminal elements that the Flash can’t deal with. At least not while also maintaining some form of normal life.

Iris in this season, now that she accepts her responsibility of the Flash is going to be struggling with what that really means. What it entails, how she has to be one of Central Cities finest reporters, and report on her alter ego without letting anyone know about it. Not only that but how it affects her personal life. All this is going to be going on when a very real and present threat is going to be lurking around the corner. Leonard Snart, the renowned criminal mastermind is back to claim his turf. Central City is his, and he has a plan on how to deal with the Flash.

Supporting Characters:

Jay Garrick: Until recently Jay Garrick was an old Speedster also known as the Flash - at least back in his hayday. Robbed of his speed Jay has resolved himself to helping Iris as a mentor, even going as far as renting an old office space to use as their ‘HQ’.

Joan Garrick: Jays wife.

Phillip J. Coulson: Phil Coulson, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Somewhat ally of The Flash. The two have had brief encounters in the past, with Iris assuming that he (and subsequently S.H.I.E.L.D) knows her secret identity.

William West: Her father, and rolemodel. William is a police officer in CCPD, and was formerly in the Army until his wife passed away from a drug overdose.

Harrison Wells: Harrison Wells was the first to learn about Iris' identity as the Flash. Known as the 'smartest man in central city' Iris' father brought him in to help her when she was hit by lightning. He disappeared when Iris needed him, going to help the Fantastic Four and since returning has been strangely obsessed with her speed. With his vocal disapproval of her use of her abilities Iris has seen less and less of him over the past three months, seeking more the help of Jay Garrick.

Heatwave/Mick Rory: Mick Rory is an arsonist, criminal and a danger to society. Most recently he was imbued with the power cosmic in a way that allowed him to generate flames at will. This left him with serious burns over most of his body. This hasn’t halted his love for fire, if anything it’s renewed his desire to be brought back to the flame.

Captain Cold/Leonard Snart: As of yet Leonards true motives are unknown. His skills, unknown. All that’s known is that Mick Rory owes him, and he’s after the city.

Weather Wizard/Mark Mardon: Weather Wizard was the first foe she faced. He used a piece of technology in order to rob banks and other establishments, the device was capable of controlling the weather. Currently residing in Iron Heights penitentiary.

Trickster/Unknown: The Trickster is actually the second iteration, and despite foiling his plans at destroying much of the city in what would be a 'trick' Iris has been unable to catch the Trickster and put him away for good.

Hydro-man/Morris Bench: Hydro-Man was the first Metahuman Iris ever faced. Currently serving in a glass box in Iron Heights he awaits relocation to the newly refurbished Raft outside of New York City.

Atom Smasher/Manfred Mota: Manfred Mota is an older villain, recently released from prison for serving his prison time he has been seeking out the one who put him away. The Original Flash - Jay Garrick. Iris faced him once, however was unable to defeat him. He’s still out there, somewhere.

Post Catalogue:

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Master Bruce
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Master Bruce Winged Freak

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

Character You're Playing: Batman/Bruce Wayne

Powers And Abilities: Having once trained around the world to hone his mind and body to the limits that made him capable of taking on the mob, Bruce Wayne is now twice as strong, agile, and keen in his abilities following a laborious three months of nightly training under his unconventional drill sergeant, Slade Wilson. As such, his abilities as a detective have grown, he's twice as formidable in hand-to-hand combat, and he's picked up a few new tricks along the way, such as utilizing a variety of disguises to seamlessly blend in, utilizing various means of distraction, and pinpointing the weak points of an enemy just through sheer physical contact.

As billionaire philanthropist, Wayne also has unparalleled access to discard military technology, giving him an array of gadgets and vehicles that are essential in his neverending war on crime. He uses these methods to effectively strike fear into his enemies, appearing as though he is a supernatural creature of the night.

Season One Recap: Feared by the mob and hunted by the police alike, Gotham City's mysterious Batman saw his reputation go from unlikely hero to unhinged enemy of the public at large after a series of violent attacks against the controlling sect of Carmine Falcone's empire, The Five Families, set the stage for a framing that made The Dark Knight look to be responsible for an attempt on the life of District Attorney Harvey Dent. The assassin was, in reality, a mind-controlled Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot, whom Batman brought to justice before coming into conflict with the puppet master behind the plotted assassination - metahuman drug trafficker and self-proclaimed queen of the underworld, Poison Ivy. But all evidence of Batman's innocence in the crime were wiped clean by a reluctant Captain James Gordon, under the advisement of a morally ambiguous and well connected criminal profiler by the name of Edward Nashton.

With The Batman and the police coming to blows as the vigilante attempted to save the life of Deadshot's daughter, targeted by Ivy in retaliation for his botched hit on Dent, the vigilante gained some unlikely allies willing to take charge of the situation when he was seemingly brought to his mental breaking point - the enigmatic Oracle, secretly the wheelchair bound daughter of Captain Gordon, and superpowered private investigator Jessica Jones, whom Batman helped overcome Ivy's influence. While the villainess ultimately vanished into the night, her return seems not only likely, but inevitable.

Complicating matters further were the allegeances of Selina Kyle, once Bruce Wayne's trusted friend and link to the elite of Gotham's night life. Revealing her true colors as a member of The Five Families loyal to her father, Carmine Falcone, Selina unknowingly made herself an enemy of both Wayne and his alter-ego when attempting to murder the latter during an attack by a cryogenic madman calling himself Mr. Freeze. While Bruce's trust in The Roman's daughter was ultimately shattered, aswell as his heart being broken from lingering romantic inclinations that neither would admit to possessing, the result of this betrayal has left Wayne with a newly refocused purpose to step forward as Gotham's public benefactor. With The Batman having been all but tarnished in the public eye, billionaire Bruce Wayne is determined to be the beacon of hope that his masked persona could never be.

After an encounter with Metropolis' own protector, Superman, where the two heroes taught eachother a lesson about their respective limitations, it became apparent to Batman that he would have to expand upon his training to become smarter, tougher, and overall more formidable in the field. And only one person was capable of giving Bruce what he needed - former mentor and legendary mercenary-for-hire, Slade Wilson. But with Wilson's ruthlessness striking firmly against Batman's rigid code of ethics, how long will it be before Bruce succumbs to his own lingering madness enough to allow the man known the world over as "Deathstroke" to mold him from dark protector to sadistic killer?

All of this comes at a crucial point in time, as Gotham has just been thrust into a major metahuman street war by Oswald Cobblepot, aka The Penguin, seeking to publically overthrow The Five Families - who themselves are looking to counter Cobblepot's coup with the help of a deadly group of allies and the recently revealed fifth controlling family, The Court Of Owls. Agent Nashton's true identity has also been revealed by his two closest confidants, making it clear that not only was he never truly a government official in any capacity, but that the cyber terrorist Edward Nigma possesses a machine capable of bending Gotham to his will. With the murder of Peyton Riley carried out by his loyal right-hand man signifying the start of a growing group of loyalists, Nigma's plan to pit The Batman and The GCPD against eachother is about to bring the city itself into his crosshairs.

And in the midst of the chaos, a grinning man of mysterious intent has just entrapped Dr. Harleen Quinzel into a scheme that threatens to unravel it all. Before 'Jack' is done, all work will lead to deadly play as Gotham City may fall to the deadliest hand in the deck - a Joker.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

I've gone on record in saying that Season One was very much table setting. Virtually all of it was unplanned and flying blind to establish this world. Now that it's established and I've got my toys out to play with, I get to delve into these characters. What makes this world tick, why certain people are the way they are, how some relationships are going to develop what we know as the proper Gotham City of any given superhero universe, and most importantly of all, how Bruce Wayne himself moves past being a borderline psychotic vigilante out to terrorize the mob into a relatively stable hero capable of saving Gotham from the many threats to come.

Obviously by the way things ended, his resilience is going to be tested in alot of different ways. The Penguin just made his power move and is going to bring about the paradigm shift in Gotham City from being mob controlled to being terrorized by what will become Batman's infamous rogues gallery. Deathstroke's introduction into the fold also makes things alot more complex, as Bruce has to strictly follow the orders of a man who openly kills in order to remake himself into a better, more formidable Batman, putting the lengths that he's willing to go for the crusade into question. And ontop of it all, Gotham's finally got itself a Joker. Nuff said.

But there's some light to add to the darkness. Oracle's still going to be doing her hacker thing, and if anyone liked my version of Kate Kane, just you wait. Kate's evolution this season is going to be something to behold. Especially in light of another young future protege that's currently out there, waiting for the hand of fate to put him on a path that leads to the origin of a certain Dynamic Duo. I'm not saying that this season will end with an up and running functioning Bat-Family, but... it might come close.

Feeling teased yet?

Supporting Characters:

Alfred Pennyworth: Former Agent Of SHIELD turned bodyguard and legal guardian of Bruce Wayne. Offers expertise and navigates the field with Bruce from The Batcave. His daughter, Julia Perry, has followed in his footsteps as a SHIELD operative. In the month of Bruce's absence, Alfred has overseen expanding Batman's influence through going back to work as a spy specifically seeking to gather intel on The Five Families. Undertaking the identity of Matthew 'Matches' Malone, Alfred has seamlessly found himself within the inner-circle of Capo Italiana.

Captain James Gordon: Enemy of The Batman, top cop of The GCPD. Despite his manipulation at the hands of 'Agent Nashton' in turning public opinion against the vigilante, he's still committed to ripping the police out from under the thumb of Sal Maroni and bringing justice to the streets. But as he works to combat against The Penguin's open declaration of war against the mob, Gordon's going to find that taking more desperate measures may do him more good than strictly following the letter of the law.

Catwoman/Selina Kyle: Socialite and daughter of mobster Carmine Falcone by day, thief by night. Having played both sides of the morality scale by simultaneously posing as Bruce Wayne's socialite confidant and the dutiful liason to The Five Families as led by her father, Selina has recently supplanted these roles in favor of a new one inspired by The Batman: The Catwoman, who will stop at nothing to steal what remains of The Roman's crumbling empire out of revenge for Falcone's murder of her mother. Whether Bruce Wayne or his alter-ego can ever trust her again remains to be seen.

Deathstroke/Slade Wilson: Bruce Wayne's cunning, completely merciless mentor. An ex-member of Special Forces, Wilson defected to the life of mercenary work under The Guild Of Assassins, sworn enemies to the terrorist cell known as The League Of Shadows. Earning the name 'Deathstroke', Slade has adopted a reputation of fear that even The Batman can respect - despite his lethal methods. In a desperate bid to hone his skills, Wayne entrusted Slade to help him in exchange for early release from a Bhutanese prison. For one long month, Wilson put Bruce through some of the most grueling training of his life, and Wayne emerged as a better warrior. But now that Slade's out, Deathstroke's not going to let his star pupil go that easily, as Batman has yet to learn the most important lesson of war: there are always casualties.

Oracle/Barbara Gordon: Proven ally of The Batman, daughter to Captain Gordon. Despite being wheelchair bound, the eighteen year-old is dedicated to bolstering Batman's crusade by enlisting the help of other aspiring vigilantes. Calling her recruitment drive 'Project Outsider', Barbara's looking to help shape a budding number of low-level vigilantes into a team capable of picking up the torch should The Dark Knight fall.

Kate Kane: Bruce Wayne's cousin, a troubled but good hearted seventeen-year-old struggling with her own sense of identity in more ways than one. While unaware of her billionaire relative's double life, she has recently taken an interest in the exploits of The Batman, leading to some ideas beginning to form about how to utilize her father's strict military training for the good of Gotham.

Edward Nigma: Sociopath looking to pull the strings. Under the alias of Agent Eddie Nashton, the sadistic hacker-turned-master manipulator seeks to elevate Gotham's intellectual standing by thrusting it's opposing "protectors", Batman and the GCPD, into a conflict that'll allow him to usurp them both and overthrow the established order. Nigma is seeking to build his own group of loyalists willing to carry out his extreme ends, and the worst part is, he has just the means to do it.

Harvey Dent: District Attorney of Gotham and Bruce Wayne's closest friend. After suffering a bullet wound to the temple that left him with a permanent scar on one side of his face, Dent has gone from neutral force for good into an almost obsessive opponent of The Batman's methods, leading the charge to bring the masked vigilante to justice with a task force of specially trained officers studying The Caped Crusader's every move.

Jason Todd: One of many spokes to the wheel of Batman's crusade, Jason acts as both a skilled mechanic and promising technological wizard aswell as the vigilante's occasional eye on the street. Recently, Todd has engaged in a dangerous solo mission for his mentor that has led him to join The Royal Flush Gang as a spy, led by anarchist The Red Hood.

Season One Post Catalogue:

Volume 1: Ninety-Six Hours

1. Signal In The Sky
2. Terrorized And Terrorizing
3. Shall We Play A Game?
4. Shot In The Dark
5. Deadly Influences
6. Motives Unclear
7. Roads Paved With Good Intentions
8. A New Player In Town
9. Allies In The Field
10. Temperate Toxicity
11. Roman's Holiday
12. Life Or Death
13. Out Of Your Element
14. A Fight You Can't Win
15. Desperate Measures
16. Rock And A Hard Place
17. Out Of Control
18. The Impressionable
19. When All's Said And Done

Volume 2: Dark Before Dawn

1. Second Chance
2. Matters Of Family
3. Cold Realities
4. Seeing The Light
5. Gathering Intelligences
6. Through The Mud
7. Fist Of Clay
8. Black And Blue: Part 1 (w/ AndyC)
9. Black And Blue: Part 2 (w/ AndyC)
10. Black And Blue: Part 3 (w/ AndyC)
11. Black And Blue: Part 4 (w/ AndyC)
12. Black And Blue: Part 5 (w/ AndyC)
13. Black And Blue: Part 6 (w/ AndyC)
14. Black And Blue: Part 7 (w/ AndyC)
15. Black And Blue: Part 8 (w/ AndyC)
16. Black And Blue: Finale (w/ AndyC)
17. Cards On The Table
18. The War Will Carry On
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

Clark Joseph Kent


Powers & Abilities

Season One Recap:

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

Clark has grown from being a down-and-dirty scrapper to a full-fledged superhero at this point, and his relationship with Lois has blossomed from partners-in-crime with a mutual crush to a genuine romance, so now I want to take the opportunity to develop some of the other denizens of Metropolis. I’m hoping to bring out some more of Superman’s rogues gallery, have some more newsroom hijinks with Jimmy and Perry and the like, and most importantly, establish the full-on enmity between Superman and Lex Luthor, developing their rivalry from two influential figures who dislike each other in the abstract, to the eternal nemeses they will eventually become.

Supporting Characters:

Post Catalogue:

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 6 days ago

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

The Unflinching Traitor to Mankind...Blue Beetle!
"Great. Just great. My psychotic Jiminy Cricket comes with an error message. Terrific."

Full Name

Jaime Reyes


Blue Beetle


Synaptic Symbiosis Interface: The Scarab Parasite has embedded itself within the genetic code of the human being known as Jaime Reyes. It's fused together with his internal structure seamlessly, altering his physiology on a molecular level to make Jaime a more perfect host body for the Scarab unit. These changes make Reyes far more robust, even in his 'ordinary' form, and his energy consumption has been made two hundred times more efficient for added endurance at less of a cost. Most importantly, however, it is what allows the Scarab to communicate with Jaime telepathically.

Technological and Biological Assimilation: There is no singular race in the entire universe that can be described as perfect. Each has flaws- gaps in it's knowledge that can be exploited. The Scarab was designed to circumvent this flaw. It's body is the perfect blend of technology and biology, forged with the express purpose of assimilating and absorbing any and all tech it encounters deemed to be useful in the pursuit of perfection. Thus far, the Scarab has encountered nothing it cannot absorb within itself and make use of. Assimilated parts are typically 'upgraded' using other bits of technology already installed in the Scarab.

Season One Recap

Jaime Reyes's life was turned on it's head when he encountered a piece of alien technology in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History that, when activated, crawled down his throat and took control of his body, using him to slaughter nearly twenty innocent people. He was captured by the international organization known as SHIELD and interrogated by one Jasper Sitwell. The interrogation went south, ending in the deaths of several SHIELD agents and Jaime fleeing from the scene with the dubious assistance of the alien squatting inside of his body. He returned to Washington, D.C, intent on discovering the truth when he found himself assailed by an unknown force.

He was kidnapped and brought to a facility owned by Doctor Niles Caulder, a paraplegic telepath with one of the greatest minds the world had ever seen, squandered by ambition and cruelty. The good doctor had spent his life chasing after ancient aliens and unearthly artifacts, bleeding himself and everyone around him dry in his attempt to change the world with his discoveries. He lost his legs in his chase for knowledge, though he gained much more: he and two of his colleagues were granted power beyond their own understanding, and it was with these powers that they pursued Jaime and the Scarab. Niles revealed that he was the one responsible for the Scarab attack; his attempt to communicate with the alien had apparently sent it into a blind rage.

For all of the doctor's attempts to coerce, persuade and force Jaime to give up the Scarab, Niles was unsuccessful in his operation. He had his lackey cast Reyes away, vowing that he would return to take the alien from him when the time was right.

A ragged, wounded and tired Jaime was then dragged into the world-spanning test of the Silver Surfer. Despite his sour state, the boy's conviction carried him to New York City, where he attempted to do battle for a world that had turned it's back on him. He did little in the grand scheme of things, but it gave him a taste for heroism, let him make critical connections with fellow metahumans, and even gave him his new alias...

The Blue Beetle.

Three months have passed since. Jaime lives out of the back of a van with his close friends and allies, Paco and Brenda. They've been dodging SHIELD and working to find the supposed second Beetle that Niles spoke of. Thus far, they've had little luck in the matter; most days the trio is too occupied keeping out of the law's watchful eye to continue pursuing their only lead.

It's far from a glamorous existence. The only money they have for food and gas come from care packages sent in by Brenda's aunt, and even then it often isn't enough to get them through the week. Local police tend to hound them for 'squatting,' and Jaime only attracts more negative attention when he 'suits up' to do nightly patrols. Both Paco and Brenda tell him it's moronic, but he doesn't care. The exhaustion he feels when he comes back helps him sleep.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

Season One was about laying out the groundwork for Jaime as a character, and teasing the rest of the story I wanted to tell. Now that we're in Season Two, though, I can really kick it into full gear. Whereas before I was working in a vacuum to build up the mythos and tell Blue Beetle's Origin, this time around I'm looking to introduce him to the rest of the world and hopefully leave an impact on it by the end.

To that end, I've crafted a villain with a very specific motive that'll drag Jaime across the country and beat him to his knees worse than last season's villain ever could. This'll be the biggest threat that Reyes faces, and there's no chance he's going to be able to do it alone. His growth as a hero and as a person are both vital to learning to triumph over what lies ahead, and that includes learning that he can't handle everything on his own.

Many of the threads left unfinished from last season will find conclusions as well. In particular there'll be a focus on the guilt that Jaime has wrestled with, and revealing the ugly ways he's been attempting to absolve himself of it. If I could nail down the themes for this seasons, they'd definitely be redemption and triumph despite (or through) suffering.

Supporting Cast

Paco Tejas: Jaime and Paco have stuck together through thick and thin. They met all the way back in Kindergarten, and haven't spent more than a week apart from one another since. Paco's one of many middle children in a family of eight. He loves his family to death, but by God if he can't stand how crowded his tiny house is.

Despite his great size, Paco is generally a timid person. He has no room for violence in his heart, and could even by described as somewhat cowardly on his worst days. Still, he's proven himself to be invaluable his companions over the last three months with his technical skill and knowledge of all things mechanical. He wants to be supportive of Jaime's endeavors, but he can't help the feeling that something terrible is going to happen to him if he keeps it up; that armor of his doesn't make him invincible, after all.

Brenda Del Vecchio: The coolest person willing to associate with Jaime, Brenda's been part of the gang since seventh grade. Both her best friends were made aware of her...less than ideal home life a long time ago, and they've done their best to support her through her personal struggles.

Brenda's always had a fire in her that few could tame, but the recent months on the run have only seemed to fan those flames. Hunger and exhaustion has made her temperamental, and the constant need for vigilance against SHIELD has only exasperated her more. She often finds herself forced to keep the leash on Jaime and Paco, who don't seem to understand the danger they've put themselves in. To make matters worse, her aunt grows less and less supportive of her 'road trip' with each passing week, insisting that Brenda return home to El Paso where she can be safe. She's held steadfast thus far, but as the months drag on and their attempts continue to bear no fruit, Brenda's beginning to believe they'll never find this 'alien' Jaime insists they chase.

Ted Kord: Ted Kord is the owner and CEO of Kord Industries. Based out of Metropolis, the tech company is best known for it's advances in nanotechnology- it's one of a handful that's managed to avoid being devoured in the ever-growing titan that is lexCorp. Ted has always fashioned himself as a self made man, and he'll be damned if he sells his soul to anyone.

The Brotherhood of Evil: Led by Dr. Caulder, AKA The Brain, the Brotherhood is a group of metahumans and hired goons meant to assist Caulder in his attempts to capture and study Jaime Reyes. Though they haven't made an attempt on the boy since they dropped him off in Warpath, Caulder continues to keep a watchful eye on his activities, all the while mustering the strength needed to take what rightfully belongs to him.

The current members of the Brotherhood include The Brain, Warp and the deceased(?) Plasmus.

Baran Flinders: A mutant born with an incredible capacity for growth, Baran was an easy target for bullying as a child; he was far too tall for a boy his age, and due to his X-gene, he was often overweight. The cruelty continued as he grew older, seemingly only getting worse as the abuse turned physical. Driven to the edge of his sanity, Baran retreated into himself and began on a path toward self-improvement. He took advantage of his mutant abilities and packed on pounds upon pounds of muscle, cutting down his diet and transforming himself from an awkwardly shaped loser to a paragon of strength. His former bullies treated him quite differently afterward, and that only empowered Baran to exact his revenge against them. He began his own form of torment that escalated in cruelty and violence until he found himself behind bars.

Now, after twenty years, he's returned from prison, though felony assault charges have made life...difficult for him, to say the least.

La Dama: A faceless crimelord and the queen of Texas's underground. Real name unknown. Influences stretch all the way down to various Cartels in Latin and South America. After the Punisher tore his way from her territory and over to Los Angeles, she's grown paranoid and defensive over her holdings, fearing that New York City's Reaper would return to deal out his brand of lead-based justice. She's invested heavily in arming her gangsters for what she perceives as the coming storm.

Jasper Sitwell: The agent assigned to interrogate Jaime after the Smithsonian Incident, Jasper has suffered setback after setback in his search for the boy. More often than not, his own team has been responsible for the escalation of conflict with Jaime; no part of Sitwell enjoys leading a manhunt against a teenager, but the power Jaime wields is far too much to be left in the hands of someone that young. The massacre committed by his hands (whether accidental or not) proves that.

Issue #1

The Blue Beetle Series:



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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DocTachyon
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DocTachyon Teenage Neenage Neetle Teetles

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You think I'm brave because I carry a gun? Well, your fathers are much braver, because they carry responsibility — for you, your brothers, your sisters, and your mothers. And this responsibility is like a-a big rock that weighs a ton. It bends and it twists them until finally it buries them under the ground. --- The Magnificent Seven

Character You're Playing:

Greg Saunders
AKA Vigilante
AKA Host of The Spirit of Vengeance

Powers And Abilities:

The Spirit of Vengeance - Vigilante has learned to work hand in hand with The Spirit, lending him the powers of The Spirit of Vengeance. In a burst of flame he can transform into a skeletal version of himself, complete with hellfire-infused guns and lariat. Vigilante can bring on this transformation through concentration, or when forced into it through a life threatening situation. In this form, Vigilante is extremely durable, fast, and strong. He is slowly learning how to project blasts of hellfire, both from his hands and the maw of his skull, but it is still a learning process. The last ability this form affords him is the Penance Stare, allowing him to finish a weakened opponent by forcing them to suffer for all their sins for eternity.

The Silver - Vigilante’s motorcycle, The Silver, is a souped up chopper, painted a slick cherry red. It’s faster than most normal bikes have any right to be, and packed with a much sturdier frame than most bikes can attest to. It has two saddlebags on either side, typically packed with extra guns and ammo. In his Spirit form, the bike elongates, trading its metal architecture for a skeletal look, as if a skeleton had grown from the gas tank and began spewing hellfire. When enhanced in this fashion, the bike becomes stupendously fast, allowing him to make cross-country roadtrips at speeds comparable to jet aircrafts, though its much more difficult to get up to such speeds in tight spaces.

Gunslinger - Vigilante is a master gunslinger, likely one of the best pistoleros in the world. He has proficiency with other weapons, though mostly those of the ‘cowboy’ type; double barrel shotguns and level action rifles. Vigilante typically carries a half dozen six-shooters on him at any one time.

Whipfighter - Vigilante is a master of the lariat, able to consistently grab and throw objects with it, as well as disarm opponents.

Greasemonkey - Vig is an ace greasemonkey, with a love for modding and tricking out motorcycles in particular, though he is able to work with cars and other comparative machinery if the need arises.

Season One Recap:

Season One saw Vigilante and his team, The Seven Soldiers, returned from Hell and splitting up to chase various leads across the world, with Vig and Jonah Hex left in Warpath, Texas, to keep watch over the townsfolk and protect them from demonic incursion. Unbeknownst to the two, in New York, crime lord Roman J. Solomano, AKA The Hand, made arrangements with the Demon Lord Mephisto such that he would send metahuman assassins after Vigilante, lest his soul be taken.

The first of these assassins was The Dummy, an italian hitman empowered by Solomano. Vigilante was tricked by The Dummy on his arrival, allowing the villain to turn all the denizens of Warpath into living puppets, damned to an unmoving, unfeeling state of existence. Vigilante burst from his own state of dummification on account of The Spirit of Vengeance, allowing him to fight and kill The Dummy in the pitched battle, but leaving the townsfolk petrified.

After some time alone, caring for the wooden townsfolk and repelling the occasional daemonic attack, Vigilante found himself in contact with The Council of Riders, a collection of the previous holders of The Spirit of Vengeance. They warned him his next threat was on the horizon, a band of vengeful spirits known as The Bounty Hunters was inbound for Warpath, coming for Vig’s head. With the aid of The Punisher, Vigilante was able to defeat the swathes of attackers, only to discover that they had been sent by Solomano.

Eventually, Vig found himself challenged by The Silver Surfer. With Jaime Reyes at his side, Vigilante squared off with supervillain Black Star, empowered by the power cosmic. After coming to terms with The Spirit in his mind, the pair took off to New York to do battle with The Silver Surfer alongside Earth’s mightiest heroes. In return for his efforts, the town of Warpath now has a dedicated SHIELD Regiment within, to aid in the protection of the townsfolk and study the demonic energies of the town.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:

Last season was very introspective and slow and ways that I didn’t necessarily intend. Vig found himself alone, fighting a war in Warpath and wrestling with The Spirit. This season will flip the script, pairing Vig up with all of his supporting cast and sending him on a rollicking journey across America. With SHIELD posted up in Warpath, The Soldiers are free to leave the town and scour the US for all manner of magical artifacts they need for their ultimate showdown with Mephisto. They’ll find themselves pitted against demons, Gods, magical folks, and regular metahumans looking to give them a rough go of it. Further, this season will explore Vig’s relationships with each of the Soldiers, their pasts apart and together as a team, and just how their time in Hell changed each of them. But most of all, this season will ask of Vig to make sacrifices, and in going so, really explore what makes the ranchero of Miracle Mesa tick.

Supporting Characters:

Shining Knight- Sir Justin, a medieval Knight trapped in Hell for untold centuries. Over the past several months he searched for and ultimately was reunited with his flying horse, Winged Victory.

Jonah Hex- 1800s Cowboy and member of the Seven Soldiers. Currently trapped in a petrified state after his encounter with The Dummy.

Johnny Frankenstein- Frankenstein, amalgam man of the 1800s. Frankenstein has long been a hunter and researcher of the supernatural, but is no longer “up on things” after spending centuries trapped in Hell. He spent the past several months looking for the current Doctor Occult, and refreshing himself on whatever magical knowledge he could accrue.

Crimson Avenger - The first man Vig met in Hell, transported there after searching for the Miracle Mesa in the 1940s. Vig considers The Avenger one of his best friends and closest confidants. Over the past few months, Crimson Avenger aided The Shining Knight in his hunt for his horse.

Star Spangled Kid and Stripsey - The Kid and his sidekick Stripsey spent the bulk of the past few months trying to accrue SHIELD’s aid, only to come up woefully dry, until Vig came through for them.

Billy Gunn - Old family friend and current Sheriff of Warpath. Currently a petrified dummy in his own living room.

Doctor Occult - Latest in a long line of “Doctor Occult”s, a highly studied magical expert, he is the holder of the Mystic Symbol of The Seven and one of the world’s foremost scholars on the magical arts.

Mephisto - Technically, Mephisto is Vigilante’s current Boss. The demon is responsible for his Ghost Rider abilities and his escape from Hell.

Nebula Man - Herald of The Miracle Mesa, and representation of its power incarnate.

The Council of Riders - A sort of construct within The Spirit of Vengeance, an assembly of every past holder to give advice to the current bearer. Notable members include Johnny Blaze, El Diablo, and Grak.

Agent Meskin - Primary SHIELD Liaison in Warpath.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Gwen Stacy

Powers And Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, dexterity, agility, flexibility, balance, and coordination. Precognitive warning system known as “Spider Sense”. The ability to stick to any surface.

You know, the Spider-Man stuff. Only with a woman.

Season One Recap: Spider-Woman burst onto the scene in New York shortly before finding herself in the middle of a gang war between the Maggia and the South American Silk Cartel. Black Tarantula, leader of the cartel, wanted to add New York to his criminal empire. When Spider-Woman presented a problem, he turned to rogue AIM scientist Otto Octavius to help him neutralize the threat. Octavius was happy to help, believing that Spider-Woman was the key to curing a disease he had.

Gwen, meanwhile, struggled to keep her private and civilian lives separate when the increased metahuman activity in New York forced her father to lead a task force charged with capturing her. Gwen found comfort and understanding in her best friend turned boyfriend Peter Parker, who was her tech man as well as her guide when need be. Still, she felt guilty knowing it was he fault that Peter’s Uncle Ben had been killed.

As the Tarantula got more and more frustrated, he sent his hit squad known as the Enforcers after her. Spider-Woman was able to stop them eventually, which led to the dissolution of the group. In response, Octavius sent the Firefly to cause a distraction at Stryker’s Island and help them escape. Otto also turned heavy Flint Marko into the Sandman to try and stop Gwen.

As the gang water heated up in the city, Spider-Woman came in contact with the vigilante known as Punisher, as well as The Flash, who helped her take on the Sandman. Eventually, the Tarantula tired of waiting, and drew Gwen out by taking a hospital hostage. Spider-Woman faced him, unaware that Octavius had enhanced him with his Lizard Serum. The Tarantula, thanks to his power and fighting prowess, overwhelmed Gwen. She was saved, however, when her father arrived and killed the cartel leader. Gwen was then forced to tell her father her secret identity in order to escape.

Finally, she was present at the Raft when the Silver Surfer attacked it. She fought the Surfer but was ineffective, before helping to evacuate people from the heavily damaged facility. In response to the destruction of the Surfer's attack, Norman Osborn debuted his Goblin patrol robots, and put his support behind anti-superhuman mayoral candidate Calvin Cassidy.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?: While Gwen had to deal with a few super powered individuals last season, she’s going to be thrown into the deep end with them this season. She’ll be struggling to keep up with the ever changing criminal landscape of New York that will become deadlier and more dangerous by the day. She will also find it harder to juggle her personal life with her secret one, and will find someone to give her confidence in fights.

Supporting Characters:

Family, Friends, and Allies
Peter Parker - Boyfriend. Best friend. Tech wiz. Oscorp Intern
Captain George Stacy - NYPD detective and Gwen's father. Disgraced after letting Gwen go after she revealed her identity to him.
Mary Jane Watson - Best friend, bandmate, and spit fire.
Harry Osborn - Best friend, burgeoning anti-Spider-Woman leanings
May Parker - Peter's aunt, and surrogate mother to Gwen
Dr. Ashley Kafka - Gwen's mentor at Ravencroft Institute
Jean DeWolff - Member of NYPD anti-metahuman taskforce

Norman Osborn - Creator of the Goblin robots, Mayor Calvin Cassidy's biggest donor, attempting to unlock the secret behind Spider-Woman and the Lizard Formula
Curt Connors - Creator of the Lizard Formula. Peter's remaining mentor.

Octopus’s Gang
Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus - Vengeful super scientist and master criminal with a terminal disease. Wants to destroy Norman Osborn, AIM, and unlock the Lizard Formula in order to cure himself. He needs Spider-Woman to do so. Dead or alive.
Felicia Hardy/The Black Cat - A mysterious femme fatale that works for Octavius for unknown reasons. A master thief and martial artist.
Flint Marko/The Sandman - Octavius's muscle

AIM Agents
Mac Gargan/The Scorpion - Former mercenary placed inside a scorpion battle suit.
Aleksi Sytsevich/The Rhino - Former mob muscle placed inside a rhino battle suit.

Midtwon High
Betty Brant - Bandmate
Glory Grant - Bandmate
Flash Thompson - Bully. Kind of an idiot. Has a crush on Spider-Woman.
Liz Allen - Bully. Hates Spider-Woman

Denizens of New York
J Jonah Jameson - Hot headed radio host and Spider-Woman's self-proclaimed arch nemesis
Mayor Calvin Cassidy - Anti-metahuman mayor of New York

Lonnie Lincoln/Tombstone - Leader of a local gang in the Bronx. More than meets the eye. Will make Gwen question her motivations.
Richard Dragon - A mysterious martial artist in New York for an unknown mission.

Post Catalogue:

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

Origin And Backstory:

Fang Chu was born in Gotham City to a pair of Chinese immigrants on February 16th, 1990. He lived in a rather destitute area during his childhood, where he frequently got into fights with delinquents around the neighborhood and was lucky to survive with his head still on his shoulders. He had hated the poverty and crime he was surrounded by, but nothing disgusted him moreso than his father, an abusive drunk who eventually drove Fang's mother to suicide.

When Fang became an adult, he moved to New York and joined the police force there. The first thing he did was save up enough cash to change his name to Frank Castle, in order to distance himself from his father. At the age of twenty-four he met Maria Conway, the woman who he'd eventually marry and have a pair of twins with. Up until two months ago, life was good, with Frank quickly rising through the ranks of the department and the family looking for a nice suburban home on the Jersey side of the city.

But one day, when the family had a picnic in a park, they witnessed a mob killing happening not too far away. Before Frank could react, gunfire was erupting, and his family was gunned down in front of him by the gangsters. Frank survived, and the assailants were caught not long after the shooting only to be let off due to the weight their boss held.

Frank, disgusted by the ineptitude of the judicial system, has decided to take matters into his own hands. Enlisting the help of a friend in the cyber crimes division, David Lieberman, Frank has taken it upon himself to track down the men who murdered his family and bring down their boss in addition to the two of them. Not to achieve some twisted sense of joy in taking his revenge. He was going to make sure they got punished.

Season One Recap:

Frank's path to damnation began with a shootout at a night club called the Stardust, where he eliminated one of the men who murdered his family. He followed that up with a raid on The Royal Palace hotel, owned by Silvio Manfredi, where he killed the other man responsible for his family's deaths along with dozens of mobsters who were staying and working there. This might've satisfied most, but Frank wasn't through: he was going to topple Silvio Manfredi's organization or die trying.

But things didn't go too smoothly. The police uncovered Frank's identity and raided his apartment. He managed to escape, but only after accidentally killing two cops. From there, he was attacked by Spider-Woman, and the two got into a fight that resulted in an abandoned apartment building coming down. From then on, Frank operated quietly and stealthily, taking out Manfredi members one at a time, until he finally hit Manfredi himself at his manor. There, Frank learned that his family's death wasn't an accident, but rather done in order to prevent Frank's wife from spilling secrets she had learned while working at the DA's office. Frank executed Manfredi, and decided it was time to move on with his life.

But he was in for a rude awakening a month later when he was trying to do laundry. A group of thugs began causing a ruckus outside of the laundromat he was at, and when he killed them he realized that he had the chance to do something more than just wait to die. He took on his alias of the Punisher once more, and began to travel the country, where he met the likes of Vigilante and (unknowingly) John Constantine. From there, he made his way back across the country and began to form a network of vigilantes in the cities that didn't have them, all going by his alias of the Punisher. His group began with Rachel Cole-Alves in Bludhaven, and he's returned to New York while he has Micro look over reports of similarly ruthless vigilantes in nearby cities to recruit.

Powers And Abilities:
('Powers', he says)

Living Weapon - Frank has trained himself in the use of firearms and has also developed a hand-to-hand combat style mixing elements of boxing with down and dirty street fighting. From a semi-automatic pistol to a pencil, he's able to kill with anything. Needless to say, he's a dangerous man that's fully capable of taking on most (non-powered) people who get in his way.

Unbreakable Will - He will stop at nothing (short of killing innocents) to complete his goal and punish those who make a living off of other people's pain. It doesn't matter if he's stabbed, poisoned, shot, he will keep going until he's dead as disco. Couple this with the fact that he has nothing to lose anyway and the skills he already possesses, and it just manages to multiply his potential for violence.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:
Aside from the race lift and change in background from Castle being a soldier to a police officer, this version of Frank Castle will be played in a style that's heavily influenced by the works of John Woo. A Better Tomorrow and Hard Boiled are the two biggest influences. Expect lots of flashy gunplay and body counts in the hundreds by the time he punishes those responsible for his family's death.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:
It should be noted that I'm only planning on playing Frank for one crossover with DocTachyon. From there on, I'll retire him. However, it should also be noted that he's set up a few other Punishers in nearby cities, and plans on expanding his vigilante network. Potential storylines for people if they want them.

Supporting Characters:
David Lieberman/Microchip - A friend of Frank's since his days in the academy, Lieberman is a rather portly white man a year older than Frank who was assigned to the cyber crimes division due to his proficiency in technology. He helped Frank uncover the names of the men who killed his family, as well as the man they work for. He has stuck around as Frank's source for whenever he needs information.

Rachel Cole-Alves/The Punisher - The Punisher of Bludhaven and an ally of Frank's. An ex-marine whose husband was murdered in a botched robbery, Rachel fell into depression and didn't know what to do with herself... That was when Frank came along and gave her a reason to keep on living by punishing the type of people that killed her husband.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

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// PEAK PHYSICAL CONDITION| Having undergone several kinds of rigorous training across his lifetime, Matthew has achieved a human body at peak physical performance, with his strength, speed, stamina, endurance, agility, and reflexes all at the absolute upper limits of human capability.

// PEAK MENTAL ABILITY | Matthew is incredibly gifted, having studied hard and achieved great academic success in his civilian life, and honed that intellect into some more practical talents for his vigilantism. Skilled in detection and problem-solving, Matthew also has a fantastic working knowledge of criminology and psychology. Furthermore, Matthew is able to detach himself from emotional response when necessary, able to turn to logic and rationality and focus entirely on his goals, suppressing emotion completely.

// SUPERHUMAN SENSORY SYSTEM After the accident that caused Matthew's blindness, his other senses began to compensate far past what was expected of them, and with Stick's later training, Matthew has honed these remaining senses into the superhuman, unlocking extraordinary abilities.

SUPERHUMAN TOUCH | Matthew's sense of touch is so acute that his finger can feel the faint impressions of ink on a printed page, allowing him to read by touch. The rest of his skin is equally sensitive, enabling him to feel minute temperature and pressure changes in the atmosphere around him. Even with his senses of smell and hearing blocked, he can feel the presence of a person standing five feet away from him simply by his or her body heat and disturbance of air, which he can use to predict the movement of people nearby.

SUPERHUMAN HEARING | Murdock's sense of hearing enables him to detect an acoustic pressure change of one decibel at a pressure level of seven decibels. He can hear a person's heartbeat at a distance of over twenty feet, or people whispering on the other side of a standard soundproofed wall. He is also able to focus on a particular sound, however quiet, and block all others out. Matthew's hearing also allows him to use incoming acoustic information to map out his environment in 360 degrees.

SUPERHUMAN SMELL | Matthew's sense of smell is so acute that he can distinguish between identical twins at twenty feet by minute differences in smell. He can detect odors from even the smallest concentrations in the atmosphere. Furthermore, his ability to remember smells enables him to identify nearly any person by their natural odor alone, and he can use this to track a mark across a large distance, even through a crowd.

SUPERHUMAN TASTE | Matthew's ability to identify and remember tastes in incredibly tiny quantities enables him to determine every ingredient of a food or drink he tastes, and even taste particular vapors in the air.


Born to a nameless mother, Matthew grew up with his father, Jack Murdoch, a semi-pro underground boxer for Hell's Kitchen and its underbelly. Jack had a penchant for getting back up off the mat despite however many broken bones he'd picked up, and this trait seemed to pass to Matthew, who would treasure it in later years; for most of his childhood, however, Jack tried to keep his only family hidden from the violence that plagued the downtrodden Manhattan neighborhood and instead directed Matthew's attentions to his studies, making sure he kept up in school until Matthew started to excel by himself. Jack was proud that such a bright child could be called his, and he foresaw an escape from Hell's Kitchen for his son - an escape that would not find Matthew; at nine years old, Hell's Kitchen put in its claim to the child. A traffic accident and a courageous, reckless act, caused a truck hauling chemical waste and toxic run-off to crash and overturn, spilling its cargo across the road and onto several bystanders - including Matthew. Caught in the spill, the chemicals burnt his eyes irrevocably. Jack and Matthew's lives changed forever - Matthew bound to the abilities that would reveal themselves over the next few months and years, and Jack bound to dealing with a disabled son who displayed abnormal reflexes and sensory overload.

Matthew spent his formative years learning his new place in the world, refining the senses he had left and continuing his studies. Jack continued boxing, losing and winning when the local mob told him to, until eventually - as he realized Matthew's abilities and intelligence were beginning to pull him to greater things - he took a final stand, winning an against-all-odds boxing match in Round 9 against 'Crusher' Creel, despite being instructed to stay down in the fourth. Jack Murdock never made it home. Matthew fled Hell's Kitchen the same night, cursing the criminals that had shaped his life and ended his father's. He found refuge in an nun's orphanage for a time, until his abilities took the notice of a blind man who called himself 'Stick'; Matthew left with Stick to train his mind, senses, and body, and he never (figuratively) looked back.

Many years later, Matthew returned to Manhattan to pick up where he had left off in his education; securing a place at Columbia, where he met Foggy Nelson, and going on to secure a Summa Cum Laude Law Degree from Harvard Law, with Foggy attaining a Cum Laude Law Degree alongside him. Taking a cue from Harvey Dent, an admired peer Murdock had met at university, Murdock moved back to Hell's Kitchen with Foggy to become New York's newest ADA, a high profile judiciary position that gave Murdock quick access to the information he needed to start cleaning up his home. However, Matthew soon found that courtroom law was far from the 'justice' he sought for the people of Hell's Kitchen. At first, it was those in his immediate vicinity; a blindfold and dark clothes for the domestic abuser in the next building over, the cop taking bribes from the local dealer to keep him operating on student corners. Beyond that, Matthew moved his scope to the broader picture, donning padded athletic wear and a more stylized 'mask' to take on gambling rings and amateur human trafficking. Soon enough, Matthew saw too much in court to stand by without action any longer. It was time for the suit, to combat the massive crime organisation that underpinned the criminal everyday of Hell's Kitchen.

It was time for Kingpin. It was time for Daredevil.


FRANKLIN 'FOGGY' NELSON | Matthew's partner in law as Assistant District Attorney and lifetime best friend, the two met at Columbia Law and have been inseparable ever since. Foggy is Matthew's walking conscience and moral compass, always there to guide Murdock back towards the light when the Devil strays too far into the dark.

KAREN PAGE | A beautiful blonde hired by Foggy to be his and Matthew's assistant, Karen is tenacious, intelligent, and a little too morally upstanding to be safe in Hell's Kitchen. She enjoys a fiery chemistry with Murdock, although he refuses to let anything come of it.

STICK | A martial arts master with supersensory abilities even more advanced than Murdock's, he recognized Matthew's condition at the orphanage and took him away for training. He is mysterious, stoic, and guarded, but nonetheless a strong ally of Matthew.

JACK MURDOCK | Matthew's father, a semi-pro boxer in Hell's Kitchen who raised Matthew as a single father. He did well, teaching Matthew to be a kinder and better person than Jack was, and after Matthew's accident, still encouraged him to pursue his studies. Tragically, he eventually crossed the mob of Hell's Kitchen while Matthew was still young, and Matthew has been trying to do his father proud ever since.

ELEKTRA NATCHIOS | Matthew's girlfriend, a New York socialite with deep coffers of family money and an alluring enigmatic nature that Matt finds irresistible. The two challenge and electrify each other daily and though their relationship is difficult, they both find it fulfilling.

HARVEY DENT| The zealous and enthusiastic ADA of Gotham City, Murdock met Dent at Columbia Law and the two immediately formed a strong respect for each other. They rarely talk anymore, but Murdock keeps tabs - Gotham is a difficult city, and allies there are hard to come by.

THE KINGPIN | The unquestioned head of nearly all organised crime in New York, with an iron grip on Murdock's neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen, and an intellect to match his physicality. Ruthless, violent, intelligent - there is no criminal in New York who would cross the Kingpin. But there is a Devil waiting to face him.


Due to a late entry and slow posting (sorry!), we were only just getting to know Murdock in Season One; he's angry, frustrated with his double-life and the seemingly-lacking capabilities of New York's judicial system to deliver actual justice. He works as New York's Assistant District Attorney with DA Katherine Spencer, seeking guidance from his friend, Foggy Nelson, and his secretary, Karen Page. He's involved in a rocky (at best) relationship with Elektra Natchios. He's following a mysterious lead from a mysterious man that has left two men (not necessarily innocent men) dead. And when we last saw him, he had just discovered that Kingpin, his arch-nemesis and undisputed lord of New York's criminal underworld...knew his secret identity. Oh boy.


Well first of all I'm going to finish Matthew's initial arc, dealing with Kingpin's discovery of DareDevil's civilian identity and what that means for Matt, for Matt's friends, and for the city at large. He'll work on protecting himself and those he cares about, and then dealing with the fallout of such a monumental and dangerous revelation. After that, Matt will have to question whether the civilian life is even worth retaining, and come to terms with the relationships lost, changed, or struck up anew. He may find that his actions have inspired others in ways he'd rather they hadn't; or have vilified him from surprising circles.

It'll be fun!


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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eddie Brock
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Eddie Brock

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Rogers, Steven G. (Designation: Captain America)

Despite Captain Rogers' advanced age, he retains the strength, speed, agility, and coordination of an Olympic-level athlete. Rogers retains endurance and durability that border on metahuman levels. Advanced cellar regeneration grants him extreme stamina and a limited healing factor. His mastery of countless fighting styles remains intact, as does his command and leadership. In short, he continues to be a peak physical specimen.

On the orders of Director Nicholas J. Fury, contact was made with Captain Rogers in Wyoming. Rogers was briefed on growing situation in Qurac -- i.e. the rise of the 'Liberators' behind Colonel Abdul al-Rahman, an extremist and recipient of unsanctioned Super-Soldier treatment. Owing to his existing relationship with Director Fury -- and his personal involvement in the events in Qurac (see CF92.08.17) -- Rogers assented to return to Washington and resume suspended status as active S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

Rogers was introduced to Team 7. (Director's note: Rogers and D. Prince have preexisting relationship. Monitor carefully.) Following introductions, Team 7 was deployed in Quraci capital, Al-Doha. After subduing the insurgency in the capital, Rogers and team advanced on retrofitted munitions factory outside town. There, Rogers encountered Colonel al-Rahman and engaged target. Rogers was defeated, and Colonel al-Rahman escaped with small force of Liberators; remaining insurgents were taken into custody by Team 7.

Upon return to Washington, Rogers was placed on medical leave under the order of Director Fury. Team 7 conducted reconnaissance missions abroad in search of Colonel al-Rahman, but were unsuccessful. Washington came under attack by the remaining Liberators under the direction of Colonel al-Rahman; experimental resonance generators were used to generate destructive shockwaves in attempt to level the city. With Director Fury's blessing, Rogers returned to the field and orchestrated tactical response from available Team 7 members. Meanwhile, Rogers confronted Colonel al-Rahman at the Lincoln Memorial and again engaged target. With the help of S. Wilson (Designation: Falcon), Rogers subdued Colonel al-Rahman and brought end to immediate threat.

Fury, Nicholas
Bordeaux, Sasha
Hill, Maria
Prince, Diana (Designation: Hoplite)
Wilson, Samuel (Designation: Falcon)
Barton, Clinton (Designation: Hawkeye)
Yamashiro, Tatsu (Designation: Katana)
Stone, Victor (Designation: Cyborg)

Pending Director approval, Rogers may return to active duty with Team 7. Recommend continuation of field commander status, despite reservations of certain team member(s). Additionally, Rogers must be evaluated as potential asset for S.H.I.E.L.D.; his unique capabilities and extensive experience make him an excellent candidate for field work. With Rogers in the fold, S.H.I.E.L.D. can address problems and situations left unresolved by previous Director.




ERRO-- Initiating 'Assemble' protocol... /

Beginning message... /

I don't have much time. There's more to this story than SHIELD is going to tell you. You may have already heard that what happened to Director Fury was the work of a "renegade agent." Don't listen. SHIELD is under attack, even if they're not ready to realize it. The enemy has eyes and ears everywhere -- even trusting you now is a big risk. But if you ARE one of the good ones, know that we're taking the fight to them. Together with Captain Rogers and the others, we ARE going to find justice for Director Fury. The enemy relies on fear. They know the power of a name.

Before this is done, they'll know our name, too.

Breach contained... /

Resuming transmission... /

CF01.01: An American Ghost Story
CF01.02: Old Friends
CF01.03: Birth of an Extremist
CF01.04: New Friends
CF01.05: Simpler Times
CF01.06: Assault on Qurac
CF01.07: The Calm
CF01.08: Assault on Washington
CF01.09: Assemble
CF02.01: Cut Off One Head...
CF02.02: New Orders
CF02.03: Reckless Endangerment
CF02.04: A Night to Remember

Transmission complete.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 2 days ago

“Well, I’m not the tooth fairy.”
Helena Bertinelli

Character You're Applying For
Helena Bertinelli, otherwise known as The Huntress.

Helena lacks a metagene, though that has not stopped her in training and conditioning herself for a career of revenge in the guise of vigilantism. She's an expert marksman (with bow or gun) and hand-to-hand combatant, a well-studied expert on psychology, an astute investigator, and an expert driver.

When it comes to equipment, Helena has a decent arsenal due to her financial situation as the heiress of the Bertinelli family fortune and corporate holdings, her connections with Tony Angelo, and her own capacity to acquire things that are smuggled into Gotham. Her primary weapon is a battle-staff of Symkarian design, a collapsible crossbow, a collection of stolen ammunition, and a retrofitted prototype for a “utility belt” based on Harold Allnut's original design. Helena also has a preference for motorcycles in terms of transportation.

Character Origins
Helena Bertinelli is the daughter of Franco Bertinelli and Maria Panessa, who was born into a world of infinite possibilities as well as a world of crime given her father’s role as the boss of the Bertinelli Crime Family or as it was known in the criminal underworld: the Cosa Nostra. Descended from Sicilian immigrants that set sights on Gotham City as the next “New York” in the nineteen-thirties, the family has been in operation for a lengthy amount of time and was said to be the biggest threat to Gotham’s orderly infrastructure until the appearance of what is now referred to as the “Roman Empire”. But the days of Guiseppe and Alfredo Bertinelli were long passed by the time Helena was brought up in the world as the simple state of the crime family was not second but third banana to Gotham Organized Crime. In spite of this, Franco wished Helena to have a healthy childhood. Unfortunately, we all don’t get what we wish.

Franco Bertinelli’s ultimate weakness in Gotham was a lack of utter ruthlessness that was held by his grandfather, Guiseppe Bertinelli. Following in the illusion that their business should be clean, honorable, and still efficient, Franco attempted to lead a socially-minded organization. However other crime families had thrown out old concepts of honor amongst thieves and began to peddle (as well as torment) whoever they pleased. This was evident as Roman influence began to conquer the political infrastructure whilst Maroni introduced European Sex Trafficking to Gotham’s unfortunate citizens. However, this did not conquer Franco’s ideals and virtues. During Helena’s childhood, Franco Bertinelli called a meeting of the families and arranged a sort of mob truce that should’ve inspired a white peace and for a good while it worked. That is until greed and intrigue filled the eyes of said rival families and Helena witnessed her parents' assassination when she was twelve years old.

Ignited by a hate as strong as her faith, Helena found herself troubled and orphaned. Though she wouldn't be alone forever. Following her dismissal from Gotham General she attended her parent's private funeral and soon found herself assigned as a ward to her father's best friend: Tony Angelo. Seeing the dangerous situation they would be if they remained in Gotham, Tony immediately saw it in their best interests to leave New Jersey and start up a new life where the assassins could not find them as easily. Though he knew that should they find them he needed to advance Helena's practical skills beyond competitive archery and gymnastics. This would be the first instances of her learning martial arts and as she went to school overseas, Helena's desire for retribution for her parent's murder never ceased.

By the time she was seventeen years old she was enrolled in a University in Eastern Europe where she studied forensic science, psychology, and foreign language. Years after that she disappeared, though Tony knew where she had gone. Helena traveled through Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas in search of people known by the Bertinelli Crime Family as associates and assets. This included detectives, martial artists, spys, mercenaries, and thieves. Helena did whatever it took to get them to mentor her, calling up all the favors her family name had left to seal the deal. What followed was a rigorous, unrelenting experience where she met each challenge with unrelenting motivation. She returned to Tony years later and challenged him to a duel “without the kid's gloves”. She won and with that victory realized she was confident that she had collected all she needed to return to Gotham and track down every last person who was involved with her family's demise; she was finally ready to begin the final stage of a plan that was over a decade in the making. A plan to avenge her parents, whether Gotham could handle two vigilantes at the same time or not.

The character of Helena Bertinelli has had many incarnations. I struggled on deciding if I wanted to go with an origin that made her a veteran assassin or a worldly loner and you can pretty much see which one I thought resonated with me better. Ultimate One Universe's Helena Bertinelli is a woman who has sworn an oath of vengeance upon the men and women who ruined her childhood for their own petty, self-serving greed. After being ushered out of the country by her guardian, Tony Angelo, at the age of twelve she's only had one goal in mind. I suppose in a lot of ways this isn't all that different from classic Helena Bertinelli – but I've tried to create something that stands a little different than my last go with the character, though admittedly she just kind of seems like a mobster parallel of Ultimate Bruce Wayne.

But after thinking it over a few days, I think that's what makes her work within the confines of a Year One Gotham. Not only is she closer in age to the Caped Crusader (rather than the Boy Wonder), she's a reflection of a more vicious, ruthless, and burdened character. I think that brings a dynamic in earlier than Bruce usually gets to deal with. I mean, he's already had a punch to his moral centre thanks to Superman, but how much does seeing someone that has methods that mirror both his own and Ultimate Frank Castle's? A woman on the warpath. Mobsters ending up dead. I think that has value.

In addition to kind of making this mirrored Punisher/Batman concept, Helena traditionally doesn't have much of a supporting cast or connections of her own. There's not a lot I thought could make feasible sense so I picked one supporting member of the Birds of Prey, a member of the Outsiders, one of the supporting characters from “Mystery of the Batwoman”, and a re-imagined version of the Batman villain called the Crime Doctor; or at least I think that was his name. At any rate, Helena has been in Gotham gathering intelligence for awhile and now here she is ready to act on it. I'm still debating on how much actual custom equipment she'll have, but a bow and arrow, a handgun, and a quarterstaff is all she really needs to clean up Gotham her way if the Bat finds himself a bit flabbergasted with taking on the real enemies.

You dig?

Supporting Cast
Dr. Bradford Thorne: In a previous life, Bradford Thorne was a childhood friend that Helena believe to be her second closest friend. Since her parent's murder at the hands of mob-bought assassins, Bradford has become a national treasure as the finest surgeon to come out of Gotham City in years. His specialty in orthopedic and maxillofacial surgery has ensured Helena an asset in case she is in need of some “off-the-books” medical care, though Helena isn't the only one who considers this.

Brian Durlin: An international espionage agent who has been hunting a particular terrorist for the last decade-and-a-half. The Bertinelli's once provided information to him about said individual, which is how Helena came to meet him. He trained Helena in subterfuge and espionage.

Kathleen Duquesne: Kathleen Duquesne is the daughter of Carlton Duquesne, a former associate of Franco Bertinelli and a member of the Gotham Crime Families. In her youth she and Helena Bertinelli were childhood friends – though she hasn't seen Helena since tragedy claimed the life of Helena's parents. She studied at the University of Gotham as an artist and is currently part of an artistic Renaissance among Gotham's elite.

Geoffrey Barron: An inventor and weapons expert that Helena met while she was studying in a university in Markovia – later she used her financial influence to finance his inventions and ideas, which is where her staff and crossbow owe their development to.

Victoria "Vicki" Vale: An investigative reporter working for the GCN-affiliated Gotham Gazette. A bit unorthodox in her methods to drum out the truth, Victoria reports on all manners of crime in Gotham City including the "vigilante problem". She has been recently promoted from puff pieces to what she has been driven to do since she was a student at the University of Gotham.

Character Picture

Sample Post

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

| M O R D R E D |
"Whatever else I am, I am your son - your most wretched son. If you do not hate me, try to love me a little, Mother; it is lonely never to have been loved, only devoured."

| Character You're Applying For |
Mordred Pendragon

| Powers And Abilities |
Mordred is a homo magi, having an innate talent for accessing and manipulating the mystical energies which pass through the multiverse. These energies can be formed into spells through the application of will, or focus. More powerful magics may inhabit objects or words, but in both cases those merely serve as foci to off-set the physical toll on the body caused by channeling the mystica arcana. Mordred is both the wielder and the victim of magic, being under a spell cast by Morgan le Fey which grants him both eternal youth and eternal life.

| Origin And Backstory |
Mordred is the illegitimate son of King Arthur Pendragon, conceived by means of a liaison with his half-sister, Morgaine. Like Arthur, himself, Mordred's conception was the product of both magic and deception, as Morgaine wielded Merlin's own tricks against him in escalating political schemes aimed at ousting the magician from Camelot. Merlin saw the coming of a bastard born on May Day and convinced Arthur to put to death all infants who were born at that time. Morgaine knew that this royal command would seed division among the Knights of the Round Table, but safeguarded Mordred by entrusting him to Sir Brian of Kent, the Silent Knight. As he grew into a boy, Mordred served as page to Sir Brian and, for a brief period of time, Camelot was everything that people today believe it to have been.

Then it all went wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong. Lancelot's betrayal of Arthur's trust shattered the unity of the Knights of the Round Table. The knights turned on one another, as Lancelot fled the kingdom and Arthur's rage set forth in a warpath that promised no peace for so long as either Lancelot or Arthur yet lived. It was at Camlann that all was revealed. Sir Brian's betrayal of his king's command. Mordred's true parentage. Morgaine's role in the fall of Camelot and Merlin's massacre of Sir Jason's family. Arthur moved to kill the bastard, but Sir Brian intervened. In the subsequent fight between them, Arthur slew the Silent Knight - the only father that Mordred had ever known - in front of the young squire's eyes. Taking up his knight's arming sword, Mordred dealt Arthur a mortal wound before being slain by the dying Arthur. Mordred died at the hands of his father, his body lying beside the Silent Knight, the man that he had loved as his dad.

But Mordred's story didn't end there. Instead, it had only begun. Morgaine made a deal with Morpheus, the primordial "Elder God" of the Dreaming, which enabled Mordred's spirit to retake corporeal form as his story was told and re-told. As part of Morgaine's plan, with each re-telling, the story changed with subtle nuance that shifted the roles of the people involved. Morgaine's duplicity was obfuscated as her character became confused, even divided into separate roles -- Morgause and Morgan -- while blame for Arthur's dead cast Mordred as the penultimate villain. Compared to Mordred, the villain who never was, Arthur became the magnanimous man, the once and future king. From Geoffrey of Monmouth to Cretien de Troyes to Thomas Mallory and E.B. White, the story of Sir Mordred became the story of Mordred the Evil, and Morgaine's role that of no more than a minor witch.

A thousand years later, a book is stolen from out of the House of Mystery. The Libellus Sanguinis, a tome of forbidden knowledge said to have been authored by Mary, Queen of Blood. As people start to go missing across Europe, it becomes clear that the Cult of the Blood Red Moon may be rising once more. The quest to recover it brings Mordred back to a reality that has forsaken him for the memory of a great king who never was.

| What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'? |
This version combines aspects of both the DCAU Mordred and Marvel Comics' Mordred, leveraging the varied storytelling of the Arthurian Legend to return to the heroic Sir Mordred of the earliest known accounts. This version of Mordred also combines magical elements of both Marvel's "Masters of the Mystical Arts" and DC's "Justice League Dark" in order to arrive at a narrative that combines aspects of both to create a story of British superheroes both old and new.

Nina Skorzeny (Scream Queen)
A young Romanian girl kidnapped and turned into a vampire by the Tenth Circle.

Squire (Cyril Sheldrake)
A boy whose father was killed by Springheeled Jack. The Black Knight's squire.

Dane Whitman (Black Knight)
A descendant of Arthur Pendragon and the current champion of the Lady of the Lake. Wields the Sword of Light and the Shield of Night.

Jericho Drumm (Brother Voodoo)
A member of the Masters of the Mystical Arts, the protector of the London Sanctum.

Lord Crucifer
A powerful and ancient vampire, Crucifer leads the sect of the vampire nation that has come to be known as the Tenth Circle.

One of Vlad Dracul's children and Crucifer's lieutenant.

Springheeled Jack
A lesser demon from Limbo who has plagued London since at least 1837.

Klarion the Witch-Boy
A resident of Limbo Town.

Morgan le Fey
A mother's work is never done.

Thomas Cassidy (Black Tom)
A modern Irish highwayman, currently working with Morgan le Fey.

| Locations |
Jordan Tower (The London Sanctum)
Built upon the ruins of an ancient keep dating back to Roman London, the Jordan Tower lies at the intersection of ley lines crossing the Earth. Home to Brother Voodoo.

Limbo Town
A city on the edge of forever, founded by witches from Roanoke, and gateway to Limbo. Located underneath the city of New York.

The House of Mystery
A convergence where the physical realm and the Dreaming cross over.

| Post Catalogue |
"Life is But a Dream"
Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ErsatzEmperor
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ErsatzEmperor Polemically Sent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

Character You're Applying For: Dr. Stephen Strange

Powers And Abilities:
Doctor Strange has been trained in the Mystic Arts, allowing him to channel and manipulate extra-dimensional energies to affect change in the physical realm. His connection to this energy allows him powers limited only by his imagination and his ability to harness them. Some common manifestations of his magic include: teleportation, illusion, levitation, energy blasts, telekinesis and matter manipulation. In addition to this, his studies in the mystic arts enable him to leave his physical form as an astral projection. In this form he is unbound by physical laws and is undetectable unless he chooses to be.

On top of this, Strange possesses a number of magical artifacts that provide him with further abilities. These include but are not limited to: the Amulet of Agamotto, the Axe of Angarruumus, and the Cloak of Levitation.

Season One Recap:
Thanks to my meagre Season opening with Doctor Strange, I have had to fill in some of the blanks here.

At the start of the Season, Doctor Strange arrived at the Sanctum Sanctorum following a battle with Baron Mordo at Kamar Taj that lead to the death of his teacher, The Ancient One. The loss of his teacher deeply affected Strange. He discovered that as well as various mystical artifacts, he had also been bequeathed a mentor's stone, a sentient library of mystical information which would come to be known as Wong. With Wong as his teacher, Strange started to get to grips with the new weapons entrusted to him as well as the depth of his responsibilities.

He helped people as a mystical consultant, including a chef known as Miles Garland, who had attempted to renege on a deal with a demon that had afforded him a successful television career and following. Shortly after this case, the Vishanti appeared to him. They tasked him with venturing to the N'Garai realm where a civil war threatened to affect the multiverse as a whole. At the end of the Season, this is where I planned to leave Strange, returning somewhat stronger and more confident in his abilities. This would also factor in to his progression to Sorcerer Supreme.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?:
Following up his last appearance in Season One, Doctor Strange was tasked by the Vishanti to intervene in a civil war in another dimension. He has just returned, having spent what felt like days in the conflict. In truth four months had passed when he returned. Being thrust back into a world that has massively changed, having been host to a number of alien attacks and city-level events, is something that I will try to explore here and try not to skirt over. I will carve out his presence in the world as an authority on the Mystic and a defender of the Earth.

Predominantly, I will aim to take Strange out of the Sanctum. In the last Season I failed to properly utilise the brilliant mystical world on offer to Strange in any meaningful way, instead spending three posts having him languish in his house. I know that's not what I read Doctor Strange for. I have a number of arcs I would like to follow up on, including the fate of Dormammu following his defeat at the hands of the Ancient One.

Other threads I had meant to examine, such as the introduction of Deadman, the true nature of the Amulet of Agamotto, the fate of Mordo and the threat posed by other entities such as Nightmare and Shuma-Gorath are all ideas I still want to explore if given the time to do so. I regret not being able to give any of these ideas time in the previous season.

Supporting Characters:
The Ancient One: Doctor Strange's former master and the last Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, the Ancient One lived for nearly half a millennium, keeping malevolent magical forces at bay for much of his life.He chose to make Stephen Strange his apprentice, shaping him into a man worthy of the honour in the process. He died at the hand of his former student, Mordo, all of his accumulated magical artifacts passing to Strange.

Wong: Before his death, the Ancient One foresaw its coming. Knowing that his apprentice had much left to learn before he would be ready to take on the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme, he entrusted to Strange the Mentor Stone. Containing the combined knowledge of Sorcerers Supreme of the past, for Strange it manifests in the image of Magister Wong, a magical construct patterned after one of the earliest Sorcerers of their order. In Wong, Strange finds a teacher and a companion.

Baron Mordo: A disgruntled former apprentice of the Ancient One, his desire for power and willingness to engage in the most sordid of magical practices led to his banishment from Kamar-Taj. He was responsible for the death of the Ancient One. His current status is unknown.

Shuma-Gorath: An Elder God who desires conquest of all the multiverse. In terms of raw power, he far outclasses Earth's other mystical threats.

Dormammu: The ruler of the dreaded Dark Dimension, Dormammu is a powerful being intent on expanding his influence to all realms. He is the kind of malevolent entity The Sorcerer Supreme is charged with combating. Strange has only caught glimpses of his realm thus far, an inhospitable wasteland populated by beings known as the Mindless Ones. Dormammu's gaze turns to Earth once more.

Nightmare: The Master of the Dream dimension. Not yet encountered by Strange.

Kierrok: Kierrok is an high ranking Demon and master of the N'Garai realm. Doctor Strange ventured to his realm at the request of the Vishanti to intervene in a civil war between his forces and the rebelling Ru'Tai. Strange defeated Kierrok, ending the war and securing the realm.

Knight Nurse: A demon trained in medicine. Available for summoning.

Mephisto: A multidimensional being of immense power, Mephisto oversees a hellish realm of his own. He lives to torment others and enjoys entering into diabolical pacts with mortals.

The Vishanti: The Vishanti are a trio of God-like beings that serve as the supernatural patrons of Earth's sorcerer supreme. They are Oshtur (the Omnipotent), Hoggoth (the Omnipresent) and Agamotto (the Omniscient). They have appeared to Strange once. Having completed their task he gained their favour.

Other Prospective Characters (Characters not from Strange-lore):

Boston Brand / Deadman: I would plan to dedicate an arc to solving his murder.

Brother Blood: Sebastian Blood would be the head of a cult known as the Church of Blood dedicated to summoning the Dread Dormammu to Earth.

Others: There are other DC characters who due to their popularity I would entirely expect to be seized as player characters and in no way wish to reserve (such as Shazam, Etrigan/Jason Blood, The Spectre, Trigon, Raven etc.) They comprise a large chunk of the DC mystic universe that would be interesting to utilise, if only on a mention to mention basis.

Post Catalogue:
An Introduction to Magic Vol. 1
An Introduction to Magic Vol. 2
Demonology 101
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

T'Challa was born in the isolated kingdom of Wakanda to King T'Chaka and his wife N'Yami. Wakanda was an isolationist kingdom located in Africa that survived for a thousand years. Thanks to their isolation, the country was never affected by outsiders that invaded and conquered the continent. The reason for their isolationist policy was to protect the sacred metal known as vibranium, a nearly indestructible metal stronger than steel. And as a result of vibranium, Wakanda secretly became the most advanced country in the world. To the rest of the world, however, the kingdom is just a third world country. T'Challa was taught royal and national duties when he turned five. Then, he learned about vibranium and its origins at the age of six. Eventually, he found out about The Black Panther when he was ten. T'Chaka told him that the Black Panther was the protector of Wakanda and Vibranium. The few outsiders that knew of its existence wanted to steal the metal for their own selfish goals. When T'Challa asked to become a Black Panther, it was when his training begun. He spent weeks in the jungles learning to live off of the land like an actual Black Panther. Then, he was taught the basics of fighting and stealth thanks in part to the Dora Milaje, Wakandan royal bodyguard made up entirely of women.

When T'Challa was almost sixteen, some outsiders entered Wakanda with the intent to steal Vibranium. One of them was Ulysses Klaue, the relative of Firtz Klaue and famous black-market arms dealer and hired assassin in South Africa. T'Challa was made protector of Wakanda and almost became the new Black Panther; however, he still needed to do one thing. He needed to beat his own father and six of the greatest warriors in Wakanda. The fight lasted for hours, but T'Challa was the victor. With honor, he was officially made protector and given a Heart-Shaped Herb. With all of his training, he used it against Ulysses during the night time in South Africa. However, he was caught off guard and knocked out cold. T'Challa was beaten and tortured for days until T'Chaka and the Dora Milaje found him. It had turned out that Ulysses was training a private army to invade Wakanda in order to steal vibranium and he tried to get information out of T'Challa. Of course, the private army was technologically outmatched and lost to the Black Panther and his friends; however, Ulysses had hired help. The assassin distracted T'Challa while T'Chaka dealt with Ulysses. Despite taking the Heart-Shaped Herb, he wasn't any match for the young Ulysses and got stabbed.

Consumed by vengeance and anger, T'Challa pounced on Ulysses and started attacking him. He took the sword and cut off Ulysses' arm before leaving a massive claw mark on his face. Okoye was the one to stop T'Challa for striking the killing blow. He couldn't believe that his father was gone because he let himself get captured. Returning to Wakanda with the body of the former king was hard for everyone. However, the world kept spinning around and T'Challa had to step up. He was crowned King of Wakanda and became the official Black Panther shortly after. As for the world, they only know that King T'Chaka died of natural causes. T'Challa spent his first years as ruler understanding the Tribal Council and dealing with the White Gorilla Cult. M'Baku, the greatest warrior in the Jabari Tribe, led an attack on the royal palace to force T'Challa to give up the throne. He had managed to kill a rare white gorilla living in the jungles and bath in its blood. Then, he ate the gorilla's flesh and developed superhuman strength. M'Baku became known as the White Gorilla and challenged T'Challa to a duel. He was nearly beaten to death before being declared the victor. T'Challa was left to die in the jungle and visited the ancestral plane. He was able to meet with his father and expressed his regrets for failing. T'Chaka helped him move forward with his life as ruler and the Black Panther.

Then, he woke up. The Black Panther spent days wandering the jungle until he eventually got out of there; however, he realized that he wasn't in Wakanda. Instead, he ended up in the small country of Zambesian, a neighboring country. He stumbled upon stories of a woman with the ability to mimic animals like a lion or an elephant and that she was delivering justice to poachers. T'Challa knew that someone with that power was enough to match M'Baku in strength and tracked her down. That was when he met Vixen. She knew that he was the King of Wakanda and wondered why he was here. After explaining the situation to her, she expressed sympathy because her father, President Richard Jiwe, was killed in a coup d'etat. Vixen agreed for T'Challa to stay at her place to prepare to take back his nation. The Black Panther was rightfully cautious about revealing the truth of Wakanda to a stranger. However, there wasn't any choice and needed her help. Once they arrived and landed in the city of Birnin Zana, Shuri and N'Yami met up with them and went to the Royal Palace. All of them fought against the White Gorilla and his supporters. Vixen joined shortly with the Black Panther and managed to finally beat M'Baka. He respectfully accepted his rule and withdrew for the throne. The fighting had ended and Vixen confronted the Black Panther about the reason to hide all of this for the world.

Supporting Characters
N'Yami - T'Challa's mother. She is currently living a peaceful life since her husband's death as the king's close advisor.

Shuri - T'Challa's young sister. She has a gifted intellectual mind with a vast knowledge of Wakandan science and technology. She was the one that updated the Black Panther suit and several gadgets for the new modern age.

Okoye - General of the Dora Milaje. She is the one that protects the Royal Family especially T'Challa for any threats. And she would often assist Black Panther with planning and giving advice.

Vixen - A friend of Black Panther that helped him when he needed it the most. Her necklace gives her the ability to mimic any animal in her mind. She was the one that questioned the isolationist policy that dominated Wakanda for hundreds of years to him. And as a result, made him want to reveal everything to the world. Now, she is looking for Black Panther to help her in a personal matter relating to her home country of Zambesi.

M'Baku - The White Gorilla. The warrior of the Jabari Tribe fought against T'Challa for the throne and won. Eventually, he was beaten and gave the throne back to T'Challa; however, he has a newfound respect for the king. T'Challa knew the potential of the White Gorilla and offered to hone his skills to have extra protection besides the Black Panther.

Ulysses - Black Panther's arch nemesis. He was the one that killed T'Chaka. According to War Dogs, he was last seen in the United States with a new arm. Some agents have been tasked with tracking and watching him for any possible moves against Wakanda.

Powers And Abilities
Thanks to the Heart-Shaped Herb, T'Challa was given enhanced speed, agility, strength, endurance, durability, healing, and senses. The Panther Habit gives him additional protection against firearms and collisions, but the suit doesn't protect him from electrocution and magic. He wears a pair of sound absorbing sneakers that T'Challa personally requested and his claws can break down most metals at ease. And it is capable of absorbing and manipulating energy for various purposes; however, it's a prototype that no-one has tested yet. All of the suit is stored in the teeth of a ceremonial necklace. In order to wear it, he has to be mentally command it. The one weakness that the herb has is that bright lights, loud noises, & strong smells can overwhelm him if he isn't wearing special products designed to deal with the problem.

But, his suit isn't the only important thing about T'Challa. He was taught by the best martial artists and acrobats in Wakanda in order to be worthy of becoming the Black Panther. Thanks to his father, King of Wakanda, he was taught to become the next leader. Eventually, he became one of the best tacticians in the country thanks to Okoye. And he was taught English along with various languages.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?
I want to focus on the political aspects in a world filled with super powered individuals. King T'Challa, ruler of Wakanda and the Black Panther, is the perfect character to explore that aspect. And with that, I am planning on using elements in a nation roleplay game. If you don't know what are nation roleplays, it is where a person creates and controls a country and they will interact with other countries. And if you are still confused, then I suggest taking a look at Precipice of War to understand what I am doing.

Of course, you will still see the Black Panther kicking ass and taking names. I want to explore the politics in a world where there are superheroes. With the Silver Surfer attacking the Raft, people are demanding the governments of the world to react. Wakanda will offer some comfort to those worried thanks to that shiny metal known as Vibranium. As a result of their isolationist policy, the hidden capital city of Birnin Zana will be revealed to outsiders for the first time. And they will offer their advanced technologies and vibranium to the world in preparation of another Silver Surfer situation.

Meanwhile, T'Challa will have to deal with his ruling his country while protecting it as the Black Panther. He doesn't want people to think that the Black Panther is like Superman. He just wants to protect Wakanda and only Wakanda. And he doesn't trust outsiders, especially those with super powers besides Vixen (sort of). Season Two, however, will show him that he can't live forever like that. He has to put faith and trust in the outsiders to face new threats and challenges. And Vixen is the only outsider to guide him towards success.

Sample Post

The Black Panther was crouching to bend with the jungle scenery during the night. He was watching a camp that traffickers had set up on the side of a dirt road. There were at least a dozen men with AK-47s and two machine guns mounted on jeeps with several captives in one of the trucks. After a few minutes of observing the camp, the Black Panther hopped down and went further into the jungle until he met with the White Gorilla and Vixen. They were waiting for the Panther's return.

"What did you see?" Vixen asked.

"A dozen men with weapons, two machine guns mounted, and the captives in a truck northwest of the camp." the Black Panther answered. "When you hear the signal, come in and join. Got it?"

Both of them nodded and the Black Panther went back towards the edge of the jungle. He then noticed two guys nearby as one of them was zipping up his pants. They were talking about the payment for giving the captives and what they were going to spend it on. Suddenly, they heard something hitting a tree and turned in panic. Their guns aimed at the jungle. One of them turned on his flashlight and went to investigate the noise while the other one decided to head for camp instead. Then, he heard noises in the tree and pointed his flashlight up there. And the Black Panther was sitting on the bench like an actual panther. Before the man could react, the Panther pounced on him.

After returning to camp, the guy noticed that his buddy wasn't with him and asked the captain to check on him. The captain annoyedly grabbed his radio and questioned the man's location. But he didn't get an answer. A second later, they heard one of the vehicles getting hit by something. Everyone ran towards the source of the sound and found the man nearby a vehicle with the right side crushed. Immediately, the captain ordered everyone to defend the captives while telling two men to use the machine guns. One of the men ran towards the machine gun and was about to get on. However, he felt a swift kick that caused him to fall to the ground.

The Black Panther landed in front of two men and they opened fire. Thanks to the suit, their guns were useless and he easily knocked them out cold. He grabbed the AK-47 and threw it towards the other gun running to the jeep. For there, it was an easy fight. The captain watched in horror as his men were getting beaten one by one and ordered a man to help him get out. They got into the car and saw that the keys were ignition. With a simple turn, the car started up and drove away without the captives. After knocking the final guy out with a car door, the Black Panther watched as a car was leaving the camp. He placed his fingers on his communicator and simply said, "Stop them."

As the car turned into the dirt road, they were horrified about the event that took place seconds ago. Then, a woman appeared in front of them as she placed her hand on her necklace. The aura of an elephant appeared as the woman struck her hands out to stop the car. The driver laughed at her attempt and stepped hard on the pedal in the hopes of running her over. Unfortunate for them, she was able to stop the car as her hands pressed against the car hood. Out of nowhere, a guy dressed as a white gorilla rushed towards the car. Before they could respond with gun fire, they saw some kind of disk landing on the hood and shutting the car off. Another man dressed like a black panther torn off the car door and grabbed the driver. The captain watched as the driver was thrown far away from the dirt road. Before he knew it, he was knocked out by the White Gorilla and pulled out of the car.

Vixen walked towards the captain to make sure that it was him. The White Gorilla looked at her and asked, "Is this him?"

"Yes." she answered with a satisfying tone. She went to freed the captives while the Black Panther went as the White Gorilla was dealing with the captain. After telling them that they were free in their native language, she looked up at the sky to see that the aircraft had arrived. The Black Panther and the White Gorilla (who is carrying the captain) arrived as the captives were smiling at their freedom. Then, they all looked up at the ship as it flew away and faded into the night sky.

Post Catalogue
Prologue (Issue #0)

WIP (Issue #1)

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

Character You're Applying For: Daniel Rand | The Iron Fist

Powers And Abilities:

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):

Born to Wendell and Heather Rand, Daniel Rand was born to opulence and wealth. His father was the CEO of Rand Incorporated, a multi-billion dollar company selling insurance and dealing in construction and real-estate under sub-companies. Daniel spent his young life spending time with his close friend, Joy Meachem, the daughter of his father’s CFO. So it was not uncommon or unusual when Daniel and his parents went on a three month trip during Danny’s summer vacation when he was nine. They travelled throughout Europe, briefly visited South Africa, and then were slated to visit China and Japan.

The plane never made it to China. A freak storm crashed the plane in the Himilayas. In the crash, Danny was separated from his father and Harold Meachem for a short while. They seemingly reconnected, but only as Wendell was dangling precariously from a cliff’s edge with Meachem looming over. Meachem stepped on Wendell’s fingers, and the remaining Rand family members ran in horror at the sight. Daniel and Heather attempted to navigate their somewhat frozen environment, but soon found themselves surrounded by a pack of wolves. They ran as fast as they could, finding a rope bridge across a dangerous chasm. Heather told Danny to run across it before cutting the rope, saving Danny but dooming herself.

The bridge Danny had crossed turned out to be the nexus point to K’un-Lun. He was welcomed there as an orphan and an outsider. With no family and no remaining purpose except revenge, the young Daniel Rand trained under Lei-Kung the Thunder. The immortal Martial Arts Master trained all those who wished to fight to become the Iron Fist. For 10 years, Danny Rand trained to gain that title. And on his 20th birthday, the time came for him to fight for that right. He challenged five opponents, one of whom was Lei-Kung’s own son. He won every fight, and was sent to fight Shou-Lao the Undying Serpent. Victory was achieved through Daniel’s mastery of martial arts and his cunning. He was therefore able to absorb the Shou-Loa’s heart and become the next Iron Fist.

Daniel sought revenge, and therefore abandoned K’un-Lun. He returned home to much fanfare only 2 months ago. He developed the lie that he had managed to hide away at a monastery in the area for years before gaining the means of travelling home. Due to his father’s last will and testament, Daniel was able to regain his father’s shares in the company. As majority shareholder and having a role on the board of now Rand-Meachem Inc., Daniel started up a charity arm of the company that began to attempt to set up homeless shelters in undeveloped countries. Daniel has been waiting and planning for his confrontation with Harold Meachem. Blood will have blood.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:

The character is mostly consistent from his portrayal in the comics, with a few exceptions. While not laudable, the Iron Fist series did something interesting in making the conflict with Davos more personal. This version of Daniel Rand is someone who does not shy away from killing at this point in time, and is heavily focused on revenge rather than peace. Daniel is also an interesting character to have in a world where the more Oriental and Mystical parts of the DC universe are up for grabs as well. Danny is someone who can fit in with magical, street-level, or militaristic heroes as well, making him an interesting fit for a Year One universe.

Supporting Characters:

Colleen Wing: A recent friend of Danny’s, Colleen Wing is the daughter of a professor of Oriental Studies at Columbia University. Their meeting was happenstance at Daniel’s “Welcome Back” party, and Daniel has given her the task of leading Rand-Meachem Inc.’s humanitarian efforts.

Joy Meachem: Childhood friend of Daniel Rand, and member of the Board of Rand-Meachem Inc. She is slated to be the new CEO following the retirement of Ward Meachem, her uncle. She has an electric personality, possessing overflowing charisma and is known for solving conflicts in Board Meetings.

Lei-Kung: Daniel’s mentor. While the two exist currently in separate universes, the two share a powerful connection that can be accessed through deep meditation. Lei-Kung acts as a surrogate father-figure for Daniel.

Davos: He left K’un-Lun with Daniel, and the relationship has remained falsely amicable. In Daniel’s mind, the two are still allies and Davos has started up a dojo in New York called the Thunderer Dojo. It is being funded in part by Daniel personally.

Character Picture:

Sample Post:

Post Catalogue:

Volume 1: Big Trouble in Little Chinatown
0. Blood Will Have Blood
1. Winter of Our Discontent
2. Something is Rotten in the State of Chinatown
3. To Thy Law...
4. My Services are Bound
5. A Christmas Gambold
6. Methinks you are my Glass
7. That Dreamers do Lie
8. Nothing will come of Nothing
9. The Reveal

Volume 2: Towerfall
10. Setting Up
11. The Constrictor
12. Cool Million
13. Red Dart
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 8 days ago

"There isn't much Justice in this world. Perhaps that's why it's so satisfying to occasionally make some"

Martian Manhunter

| B I R T H N A M E: |
J'onn J'onzz - Light to the Light

| A L I A S ( E S ): |
The Martian Manhunter
The Green Nomad

| C A S T : |
M'yrnn J'onzz, Father, Deceased.

Sha'sheen J'onzz, Mother, Deceased.

M'yri'ah - Wife, Deceased
K'hym - Daughter, Deceased.

Jemm Of Saturn - The Last Son Of Saturn and longtime friend of J'onn. The Saturn people were annihalated by the White Martians thousands of years ago, Jemm being it's sole survivor. He provided J'onn with the means to fulfill his banishment.

NOVA CORPS - The cops of Xandar and truly, the people who appreciate the Martian Manhunter the least.

Jazinda - Romantic interest - accepts J'onn for the guarded individual he is. Their romance sparked from them having shared shape shifting abilities.

Knowhere; A hub of all kinds of intergalactic low lives and the place J'onn calls home.
Tartan Quarantino - Slumlord, 'businessman' and keeper of Bounties. He is J'onn's primary employer.

Jack: He frequents the Bar called "The Vestibule" owned by enigmatic Businessman called "The Fulcrum". The bartender's a humanoid named Jack and he's J'onn closest thing to a confidant and friend since his exile.

M’gann M’orzz - A young green Martian who testified to J'onn's innocence in his trial and is the sole reason J'onn isn't in a psionic prison along with his brother.

Johnny Cash - Human, Artist, Legend. A man J'onn never met, and in fact the only one of his species he's ever heard off, it might seem strange that J'onn would call the American Outlaw an ally, but Johnny's been there for him at times when nobody else could've. His songs have provided him with countless hours of peace and quiet.

Ma'alefa'ak J'onzz - Darkness in the Heart - aka Malefic, Brother, Alive. Manhunter, best friend, betrayer The Architect of the Fire Plague that sparked the war on Mars and killed J'onn's wife and daughter. Imprisoned in the Psionic Cube in the core of Mars.

Warriors of Apokolips - An early invasion attempt upon the planet of Mars, some 20 years ago left J'onn an orphan, as his parents were tortured and killed by the Apokolyptian invaders. The attack furthered his brother's decent into darkness.

The Cult Of Despero - A Cult of intergalactic telepaths who are devout to the praising of the demi-god Despero and his incredible psychic powers.

Despero - The Demigod, dictator and all powerful Telepath.

The Phoenix Entity - An ancient Burning Martian who has ascended into Godhood, said to bring ruin to the universe upon it's return.

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

J'onn's appearance is technically ever changing. He can look like anyone, be anything. His physical being is not so important to him, it's more so a vessel for opening up opportunities.

| A B I L I T I E S: |

Martian Physiology:
J'onn is a Green Martian, which means he's of incredible physical but more so mental fortitude. His body is nigh indestructible from force trauma. His race's bodies are amongst the strongest in the universe, perhaps only beaten out by the likes of Kryptonians under the power of a yellow sun and the most powerful members of New Genesis. He's a shape shifter, an ability he is a master off, using it to enhance his other abilities whenever the need arises. His shape shifting is thusly not just a matter of disguise or the like, but rather a redistribution of his physical attributes. He needs to be faster, he molds his body into a more aerodynamic shape. He needs to be stronger? He changes his body's shape from one optimized for speed and telepathy into one with more muscles. He needs more horsepower for his telepathic or telekinetic powers? He enlarges his cranium and brain to allow for this. Due to this redistribution he's incredibly versatile and serves quite excellently as a Jack Of All Trades who can forgo his versatility for specialization.

J'onn's physical prowess is further enhanced by his abilities of Tactile Telekinesis, generating a nigh impenetrable forcefield around his skin, shielding him from harm. This allows him to easily withstand the pressure of Space without a suit, combined with his powerful lungs he can last in space for several hours. There are a few ways to get through the forcefield, the most obvious one is with enough force. A foe far more powerful than the Manhunter can penetrate it with brute force.

A powerful telepath who gets into his brain can deactivate the field by disrupting his seventh sense that governs the field - this is the prime way Martians commit murder on one another.

Unknown to J'onn, a sufficient burst of energy is also able to disable the forcefield, leaving his body vulnerable.

Lastly, and perhaps the most effective way is with fire. Martians have a ingrained both physical and psychological Pyrophobia. The fear of fire makes them let their defense down when cornered by fire and enter a state of defenselessness. Their bodies are also incredibly susceptible to fire once it penetrates the skin, and a Martian who has been put on fire is almost certainly facing a death sentence.

Physical Abilities:
J'onn's a heavyweight in every measurable way. His race is one of the physically most resilient, powerful and hard to deal with beings in the known universe. He's strong, fast and extremely durable. The Martians have very little interest in measuring their physical prowess and thus, his actual numbers are impossible to know. So far, he's never been hurt by someone who isn't a Martian and even then, a Martian on Martian brawl is almost futile as their bodies will take so long to take serious damage that a physical confrontation has no meaning. He's able to fly as fast as a spaceship and is more than capable of lifting one.
J'onn possesses incredible regenerative abilities thanks to his shape shifting and incredible physique. Short of being lit on fire, the Manhunter is virtually immortal.

Mental Abilities:
The Martian's true talent comes from their minds. They are incredibly powerful telepaths and it's their primary way of communicating with each other. J'onn took on his brother's telepathic abilities before they were born - giving him twice the power of an average Martian, leaving his brother with none. He's able to read other people's thoughts, communicate directly into people's psyche. He's able to be a relay between other people even without himself taking part in the conversation. He's even able to imprint ideas into someone's subconscious effectively controlling their mind. This is however an incredibly Taboo thing to do in Martian culture, and is only ever done against very dangerous criminals after they've stood trial. With his incredibly telepathic abilities comes almost as powerful telekinetic abilities. J'onn is able to move, manipulate and alter matter with nothing more than his mind exerting an equally great amount of force onto things this way, as he can with his fists, this also includes his innate Tactile Telekinesis and his forcefield projection, both of which are generated on a subconscious level. J'onn is able to enlarge the size of his field to protect others at the cost of making the field weaker as it stretches.

Density Manipulation:
Technically a part of his shape shifting, but Martians are able to alter their molecular structure with such finesse that they can phase through solid objects or appear completely invisible to the naked eye. When phasing only energy based attacks can hurt him, such as electricity or magic, as Plasma, ion and the like would just pass through him. He can utilize his powers in such a way to create intense heat around his body much the same way as he can create heat beams from his eyes, this is usually done around his hands to burn something.

Martian Vision:
Martians are able to project beams of energy from their eyes, either concussive or with heat, the heat vision is heresy in Martian culture and is a massive taboo. Martian Scientists have theorized that it's the remnant of an older evolutionary trait. They are able to see things at incredible distance and there's no such thing as a Martian with a vision impairment that isn't caused by an injury. They are not just able to see far, but also able to see small details rendering a microscope redundant.
Lastly, but not least, they are able to see the entire electromagnetic spectrum and use infrared vision, making it nigh impossible to sneak up on a Martian, even for another Martian with their invisibility.

| S K I L L S: |
Analytics - J'onn used to be in law enforcement, but he wasn't ever truly a Manhunter on Mars, not like his father or brother. He worked the files. A master of the red tape and the reach around of the Bureaucracy.

Fighter - J'onn is not much of a fighter. He joined the guerrilla at the start of the Burning Plague to fight against the White Martians, but even then he never really learned many skills when it came to the practice of hand-to-hand combat. As a bounty hunter his skills are slowly building but due to the sheer force held within his powers, he's got quite a wide buffer against many foes.

Investigation skills - J'onn's father was a Manhunter of the highest calibre, which in the Martian tradition means he was half police detective, half spy and half diplomat. J'onn is not the man his father was, nowhere close, but he is still an excellent detective.

Empathic Therapeutic Abilities - Very few have the natural ability to connect to another being the way J'onn can. It's not just because he can plug himself into someone else's mind, but thanks to his personality as a whole that makes him a man with a incredibly big heart who's bottom line is always to help.

Technology - J'onn is a bit of a dunce when it comes to tech. Well, compared to the average human, he's a super genius, but compared to the average martian, he's a bit of a grandpa. This leaves him often perplexed when faced with advanced technology on Mars. On planets less advanced than Mars, or even earth, J'onn's average-ness makes him look like a genius.

| U L T I M A T E I S M: |

He's gonna be Space-bound for all of the Season 2 episodes. He's not an Alien protecting Earth. He's a disgruntled survivor from a terrible fate on Mars. He's an exile, a freak and an outcast.
J'onn is a pacifist at heart, but has due to a cruel twist of fate been forced into violence. My iteration of the character lives up to the name of Manhunter, and his stories will predominantly be focused on hunting people and / or things. The stories I'm going to tell with be partly epic battles of good and evil, part nuanced stories where J'onn will have to test his convictions and his morales and part detective tales. He's by large a bounty hunter, one with more finesse than say, Lobo. Yet he's still a young being who's been thrown out of his home and has no more sense of belonging, desperately searching for a place to belong.
I want to tap into the essence of the character. Keeping him an idealist and a good heart while still putting him into some pretty epic conflicts. To keep him a stoic in a world that's, at times, a bit on the silly side - channeling a lot of Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy.
He's a being as powerful as Superman or Green Lantern, yet, he's often written as a mix between Professor X and Beastboy and I want to change that.

His arc will be very focused on him trying to deal with being away from his home and the memories of his loved ones. Eventually driving him back home to face what he fled on Mars and, if all goes well, become Earth's First Line Of Defense against it's greatest foe yet.

| E Q U I P M E N T: |
While J'onns clothes are made out of his biomass, he still carries a handful of pieces of equipment that his body cannot replicate

Bottle Of Xandar - A flask that holds 2 liters of water in it - about half a years ration for the Martian Manhunter. The water never goes bad while in the bottle.

Walkman Casette player - A Gift from his father, his brother had a matching one. Given to them by their father when he returned from a mission on Earth. J'onn was given two Johnny Cash albums, The Mystery Of Life and a non licensed "Best Of" collection, notable for containing the fabled 'Ring Of Fire' track. His brother, Ma'al got a copy of Appetite For Destruction By Guns N Roses.

M.4.R.V.1.N - A pursuit spaceship, a decommissioned police cruiser on a nearby planet to The Nexus. Jack gave it to him after J'onn beat him in a bet regarding the Martian's mind-reading capabilities.

Communication device - a tiny earpiece that let's him communicate via radio waves with those far away without having to impose his telepathy upon them.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
J'onn was born 114 years ago on Mars, Ma'aleca'andra in the native's tongue, deep within the crust of the planet. He was a twin - something that only occurs once in six generations - approximately 4,000 years since the last. Ma'alefa'ak was his other half, Ma'al was a deformed baby, not just looking quite freakish, but he was born completely without psychic abilities, not unheard of in Martian culture, but certainly rare. J'onn on the other hand was born with incredible psychic powers, leaving biologists to theorize that J'onn sapped the powers from his twin before they were born, nothing was ever proven, leaving only speculation and a bitter taste in his brother's mouth.

J'onn and Ma'al grew up to be Manhunters, like their father, whom they lost somce 30 years ago in an attack from a small armed force from Apokalips whom attacked Mars, killing hundreds and torturing more Martians with their fire based weaponry. Ma'al and J'onn joined a joint military action between the Green and White martians, that laid the foundation for the Martian's ability to fight off the forces of the Warlord, Darkseid. After this, J'onn chose a life of peace. He joined the Telepathic Victim's Unit in the Manhunters, working behind a desk and with people, gathering information in order to solve Telepathic crimes on Mars. His brother however, went deeper and deeper into violence, for what he lacked in telepathic compassion, he made up for in physical violence.

J'onn married and had a daughter 10 years ago and for a time, life was good. Sure, he had lost contact with his brother whom had been on a off-world mission into the furthest deeps of the galaxy, but he was content and happy with life. This all changed when his brother returned to Mars. Ma'al brought with him talks about closing Mars's connection to the outside, shutting down their diplomatic efforts with Saturn and to completely close the planet off from making new contacts. He had seen proof that Apokalips was coming back, and they weren't stopping until all of the Milky Way was theirs. Mars had to take care of itself from now on and it would have to be the first and last line of defense against the flames of the hellish planet.

This caused an unrest in Martian society. It literally sparked into flames when a strange disease started spreading, killing hundreds of people everyday. A fire plague where a person's mind would be infected with vision's of fire, so severe they would burst into flames, burning till nothing but ash remains. J'onn tried to find the culprit behind it, but not even with all of his telepathic might could he find any trace of the source of the virus - the weapon. The use of fire helped Ma'al narrative about arming the world and the White and Green martians started an arms race in order to protect each race from the invading forces - the Fire Plague was certainly a weapon used by the invaders to dwindle their forces before an attack. J'onn came home one day from work, finding his wife and daughter under duress. Crying, their heads hurting, nausea and fading usage of their telepathy all signs of the curse. J'onn held them in his arms as they both burst into flames and he thought he'd join them soon. Once there was nothing more but ash left of the ones he loved, a clapping of hands came from behind him. His brother explained how he had orchestrated the whole thing - he had created the virus and he had given it to J'onn, to spread through martian society and destroy it from within, while making sure that their unique genetic makeup would be immune to the virus Why? Because J'onn took the one thing that's the most sacred to a Martian away from him - his telepathy. And now, Ma'al had done the same to his brother - he had taken the ones he loved, as the other Manhunters swarmed J'onn's house, arresting the two brothers. They would both be tried for conspiracy to commit genocide, 8006 different counts of murder in the first degree and Mars's biggest, most heinous act of terrorism. Things looked bleak for J'onn, and he looked like he'd end up joining his brother in the Psionic Prison, where their minds would be torn apart and put back together again for eternity. Thanks to a brave young girl who had had a direct insight into J'onn's mind, could testify that he knew nothing about his brother's treachery, and he was just as much of a victim as everyone else - J'onn got a different fate.

He was banished, never to return. Leaving a world at the brink of war - him not facing true punishment from his crimes pissed off many within the White martian's faction, causing a lot of civil unrest.
The Martian Manhunter has been alone for 18 months now and he's made his way to the furthest reaches of space. This, is where his story starts. In a little place called Knowhere.

| S A M P L E: |

"You know, life's not all roses and sunshine, right, J'onn?"

"So I've been told." The green Martian replied to the smiling bartender, prancing around behind the bar as if he had a pocket full of sunshine. "Like, for instance, today, Mok'Bar came in, drank four bottles of Raan Ale, and didn't pay me a single dime! The guts on the guy!"

"You want me to catch him?" J'onn asked, raising an eyebrow
"I couldn't afford your fee, pal." Jack said, laughing, J'onn doing the same. Jack poured two glasses of alcohol for them, handing the one glass to J'onn. "You do realize, this does nothing for me." He said, taking the drink.
"Hey, I like to keep trying to see if I can't make you a happy drunk." The bartender said with a smile.

"So, how did the last job go?"

"The man hopped his trial on Xandar, was on the run. I found him in a hotel room armed with enough firepower to take down an entire Police squad." J'onn spoke, with each word he painted a picture in Jack's head. It wasn't a infiltration or anything sinister - a passive telepathic link for J'onn to share his experience with Jack with as few words as possible.


Jack saw the salmon skinned man pull a gun on J'onn. Fire at him four times - neither of them connecting, as J'onn held out his hand to him.

"It didn't go his way." J'onn said, somberly, while Jack could still see the images of the man breaking down - crying as J'onn grabbed him by his unarmed hand. They spent a couple hours talking. He packed up his weapons and let J'onn take him into custody. A quick image of J'onn transferring half of his paycheck for the bounty into the account of a Lawyer he knew, one that was known for doing his best to make the sentence less harsh on Xandar.

"You're unbeliveable, J'onn. You keep spending all of the money you make catching bad guys on helping them. That's pretty bad business for you."

"Jack, I barely need food or drink. I've got little interest in worldly possession's. My only interest is in helping people. Protecting people from the ones rotten to the core, and helping those that need a second chance. Any money I spend on showing a broken soul there's still kindness in the world is a worthy investment."

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ultimate One Universe: Year One Application

Character You're Applying For: Adrian Chase & Misty Knight: Heroes for Hire

Powers And Abilities:

Adrian nor Misty have powers. They are both trained in the use of firearms and hand to hand combat. Misty is a veteran NYPD detective, where as Adrian is an ex-district attorney. Both are experts in investigative procedure.

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):

Adrian Chase was born into privilege. The youngest child of a wealthy Connecticut family, Adrian's early life was filled with nannies, boarding schools, and lacrosse matches. Misty Knight, meanwhile, was the daughter of the streets of Harlem. Chase attended six-figure prep schools while Knight attended P.S. 221. Adrian attended Yale and Yale Law. With no money for college, Misty joined the NYPD. After handing everything to him, Adrian's father demanded that he actually earn a spot in the law firm of Chase, Prescott, & Zucker. Using family connections, Adrian became a prosecutor for the New York District Attorney's Office.

On the streets of Harlem, Officer Misty Knight gained a reputation as one of the best patrol officers in the city. She soon found herself a detective in charge of her own Drug Enforcement Unit. Her four-man unit began to come in contact with more and more potent forms of heroin. Snitches on the street were saying that a new dealer was in town, muscling out the black and latino gangs that usually controlled Harlem's drug trade. After a few years of prosecuting low-level drug offenders, Adrian became a prosecutor for the PAB, the Professional Accountability Bureau, partnering with Internal Affairs to investigate and prosecute corrupt cops. A name came on his desk that would change his life: Detective Misty Knight. Accused of skimming drugs and money, Adrian and his chief investigator, Sgt. Rafael Scarfe, began to look into Knight. Based on just the evidence that had been collected by Scarfe, ADA Chase filed a recommendation that Knight be dismissed from the NYPD and arrested. Politics got in the way and Knight, proclaiming her innocence, refused to cooperate with the PAB's investigation. To make things go smoother, NYPD command simply fired Misty without charging her.

Two months after the case, Misty broke into Adrian's home and held him at gunpoint. She was innocent and Adrian had fucked up the case. After a fight between the two ended with Adrian getting a bloody nose, Misty explained the truth: She had done her own investigation and proved that the evidence the PAB had on her had been fabricated. Only one man would be able to do that: Scarfe. Chase and Knight confronted Scarfe. After trying to escape, Knight chased him down and forced him to talk. He'd been paid money by someone to frame her. After getting Scarfe to agree to testify to the information, Adrian took the information to the NYPD and requested that Knight be brought back into the NYPD. But before anything official could be done, Scarfe was killed in a seemingly random drive-by-shooting. Their proof died with Scarfe and the NYPD would not agree to bring Misty back.

Disgusted, Adrian quit the DA's office. His father had been paying attention of the case and he saw his son's maturity and conviction. He finally offered his son a spot at his law firm. But Adrian turned him down. Instead, he opened her own business with Misty Knight. Now the two operate the shoestring law firm/private detective agency as best as they can while working to unravel the mystery of who had hired Scarfe. Although they are two very different people from two very different backgrounds, they have one common goal: justice.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:

For starters, it's teaming up two characters from different companies. Adrian Chase isn't Vigilante in this game. Misty is pretty much the same. She doesn't have her robot arm just yet, but we'll see. Tone wise, I'm shooting for those mismatched partners type mystery movies and shows that were all the rage in the 70's and 80's. Think something like Simon & Simon. Adrian has to learn how to be a better person while Misty has to learn to not let that rage and need for payback control her life.

Supporting Characters:

Alfred "Trip" Chase III -- Adrian's dad. The Chase in "Chase, Prescott & Zucker."
Carl Knight -- Misty's dad. Ex-NYPD. Going blind.
Blake Tower -- Assistant District Attorney. Former co-worker of Chase's.
Jock Sturgeon -- Con-man, occasional snitch, and occasional client of Adrian's.
Angelo Campisi -- Low-level wiseguy and client of Adrian's.
Capt. Alex Stone -- NYPD commander, Misty's ex-boss.
Gladys Murphy -- Receptionist at Heroes for Hire. Knits in her spare time.

Post Catalog

"The Case of the Wronged Wiseguy" -- Pilot


"Pros & Cons"


"Blue Bloods & Black Hearts"

"Curtain Call"


Misty & The Whale

"Knight v. Chase" -- Finale
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

Character You're Applying For: Carol Danvers a.k.a. Ms Marvel

Powers And Abilities:

Human/Kree physiology: With her genetic makeup changed forever quite a few changes have occurred in her body with a wide variety of effects.

Toxin Immunity: Her Kree biology has made her immune to most forms of toxins and poisons. Only the most exotic and unique of venoms and poisons have any chance at damaging her enhanced cellular structure.

Superhuman Strength/Durability: Her new genetic makeup has enhanced her strength by leaps and bounds. With her power she can roughly lift up the weight of a small space shuttle which is a rather impressive feat. Her new biology greatly strengthened her cellular structure allowing her to tank heavy blows from super powered opponents, as well as a strong resistance to conventional weaponry and the ability to absorb and redirect energy.

Superhuman Stamina: Already in good physical condition from her time in the Air Force, her enhanced body allows her to work for hours straight without a break. This makes long-haul type assignments much more manageable as well easily outlasting most opponents in a fight.

Superhuman Speed/Agility/Reflexes: Her years of service plus her enhanced senses have easily pushed herself to the levels of an Olympian Athlete and this is all without using her power of flight.

Superpowered Flight: The exact method of propulsion is unknown though it is theorized she is manipulating a sort of energy field around her body that is invisible and only affects her unique physiology. While flying she can easily exceed speeds way past the sound barrier and can maneuver as smoothly as a fighter jet through the air. Her top speed is unknown but she has yet to have a need to try and go faster than that.

Seventh-Sense: A unique ability that connects her to the cosmos on a rather mundane level. It basically works was a sort of prediction mechanism that tells her what an opponent is most likely to do; however, it is only a prediction and can therefore be faulty or even useless in snap-decision type moments. Until she can figure out how to effectively make use of it, the sense is better left alone for now.

Energy Absorption: Like a rechargeable battery, Carol Danvers is able to absorb a wide range of energy types which has the effect of supercharging her body. If given enough energy she can reach heights not yet determined. All of her powers can be amplified in this manner and even gives her a few new tricks such as cellular regeneration allowing her to heal from most wounds, and even the ability to molecularize her clothes to change their look and shape.

Photonic Blasts: Perhaps a byproduct of her energy absorption abilities she is able to form and fire photon and stellar energies as powerful blasts. Their power are heavily dependent on how much energy she has absorbed so the more energy you feed her the more powerful the blasts. At normal levels she can easily break apart machinery and so much more.

Military/Pilot Training: She can pilot most aircraft and has the affinity to learn spacecraft rather quickly. Also training in both unarmed and armed combat like every military officer.

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):

Carol Danvers was the oldest child in a rather traditional but poor family. Due to monetary constraints her parents could only pay for some of their kids' college tuition and to give some of her brothers a better chance her father decided to skip her despite her good grades. Wanting to go to college but unable to afford it, Carol Danvers decided to join the military to help pave her way and entered the Air Force. She managed to rise to the rank of Colonel before deciding to join NASA.

During her time at NASA while on assignment she met the enigmatic Walter Larson and the two formed a close bond. Later it is revealed to her that he is actually Captain Mar-vell, a spy of the Kree Empire. Devastated by the revelation, Carol was easily tricked and kidnapped by Colonel Yon-Rogg who uses her to plan Mar-vell’s, ultimate demise by luring him into a trap.

Mar-vell, feeling responsible for the abduction, quickly flied right into the trap for the fight of his life. During that battle and some misdirected fire from Yon-Rogg, an explosion occurs which exposed the Kree Psyche-Megatron’s energies to Carol. Due to its strange powers and abilities, along with the exposure to Kree technology and genetic structure, the strange device proceeded to warp and meld Carol’s body with the surrounding Kree, The result gave birth to the new Ms. Marvel.

After gaining her new abilities S.H.I.E.L.D. quickly learned of the alien conspiracy and the creation of the new human/kree hybrid Carol Danvers. Captain Mar-vell managed to keep his involvement as Walter Larson a secret but now S.H.I.E.L.D knew of a Kree operative on earth. Due to the alien involvement in the incident, S.W.O.R.D., the extraterrestrial off-shoot of S.H.I.E.L.D., became involved and spearheaded by Agent Abigail Brand has been keeping an eye on the new Ms. Marvel as well as any more Kree activity.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:

This version of Ms. Marvel thankfully does not have to deal with the split personality from the Psyche-Megatron exposure and has had a fairly stable transition. All the power and changes to her body are still quite new to her so she is still getting a handle on her new situation. Due to the incident that created her she has developed some xenophobic tendencies. Despite this her friendship with Mar-vell, while rocky is salvageable because of his willingness to sacrifice himself and his reputation in the Kree Empire, she has somewhat forgiven him but maintains some distrust of him.

Due to a shaky start and her experience, this version of Ms. Marvel has already been semi-recruited by S.W.O.R.D. who is keeping a close eye on her. Trying to make sense of her new circumstances after essentially being expelled from NASA over the incident, she has only been doing the odd job here and there while she tries to figure herself out.

This Carol is someone who is confused about her current role in the world and the current rapid changes are forcing her to adapt quickly. Her identity as a hero hasn’t been defined yet and so this season more focuses on how she creates her new identity and steps into a strange, alien world.

Supporting Characters:

Captain Mar-vell/Walter Larson: A Kree spy on earth who took the identity of Walter Larson for his mission. Due to his time on Earth and getting to know earthlings, including Carol, he grew to like the planet and its people which has put him at odds with his mission. Due to his alien revelation to Carol, their relationship is rather strained at the moment.

Colonel Yon-Rogg: An aggressive and greedy member of the Kree Navy, he has always been somewhat of a rival to Captain Mar-vell and is always on the lookout for prestige and recognition. Catching wind of Mar-vell’s leaning allegiances, the Colonel took it as an opportunity to rat out a traitor and boost his own rank in the process. His kidnapping of Carol Danvers to lure Mar-vell into his trap was what started everything.

Abigail Brand: An agent of S.W.O.R.D. who has essentially been positioned as Carol’s new handler do to her expertise in aliens, though that expertise is limited of course. It is her duty to keep tabs on the new human/alien hybrid when she is not busy with her other duties, which is most of the time so mostly she just checks in from time to time. Her hair is a natural green which reveals some alien heritage.

Dr. Minn-Erva: A Kree scientist whose specialty is genetic engineering. Dr. Minerva has taken a special interest in Earth due to its unique genetics which has caused such a wide range of abilities to form. As the Kree have reached peek genetic homogeny where is very little genetic variability as a whole, so her aim is to find a way to adapt the human genome as a way to modify Kree genes and improve her race, or at the very least herself.

Joseph Danvers [Father]: Carol’s father, they don’t speak too much and are not on the best of terms. He can be blunt, crass, and downright disagreeable but he does care, though his sons take up more of his heart than Carol.

Salia Petrie: Carol met the red-headed Salia Petrie at Nasa where they started to work on projects together. Not very many women ended up in their section so they naturally started spending more time together than other co-workers. The two have a close bond and often confide in each other, though Carol now finds she is a bit limited in what she can say.

Character Picture:

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Torack
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Torack The Golden Apple

Member Seen 9 days ago

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

Doctor Fate | Kent Nelson

Powers And Abilities:
While a capable practitioner of mystical arts himself, with the helmet, those powers become something more. He can feel when magic is being used around him, sense it's presence and can tune himself with the cosmos. Along with that are a list of powers that are only limited by his imagination, ranging from mental abilities like telepathy, hypnosis, and others to mystical powers like necromancy, divination, eldritch blast, and astral projection.

Without his helmet however, his powers are severely limited. His magical capabilities giving him telekinetic strength enough to move a car whereas with the helmet he can potentially move an entire planet. He's also invulnerable to normal and most explosive weapons and can fly and use his mystical powers to enhance his strength.

His abilities include medical knowledge, basic hand-to-hand combat, and occultism.

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):
Kent was born to the archaeologist Sven Nelson, and a medical doctor Tracy Nelson. His early childhood was uneventful, living a life that would be considered average to most, save that his parents put a heavy focus on his studies and always made sure that he was on the honour roll every week. Then there was the added sublayer of both parents subtly trying to sway the young Kent to take their individual professions, as if trying to sell them on the merits of either becoming a doctor or an archaeologist. However, because his father often had to go overseas to some newly discovered dig site, his mother eventually managed to convince him to go into a medical field in his senior year of high school.

After four years, he went to Cornell Medical School where he got his medical degree and eventually specialized in cardiothoracic surgery. During those incredibly harsh years of trying to become a doctor, then becoming one and facing the rigorous internship and residency that came afterwards, he had lost most of the social graces that he had learned in high school and became somewhat awkward, sometimes even delving curiously into the occult out of curiosity. Things changed a little for him when he met Dr. Inza, one of the board members of his hospital, at a charity event. The two hit it off quickly, becoming fast friends and eventually got into a relationship with each other, the occult curiosities he had all but forgotten.

Then his father called, adamant that he fly over to Mesopotamia to help him uncover an ancient tomb that he'd discovered. Reluctantly, he booked a ticket and within a week he was deep in the desert with his father, who explained to him that many tombs like those were filled with dangerous traps and they needed a doctor around in case things went bad. Within several more hours, and after a few drawbacks, they reached the pyramid and delved deep into it, using the map that his father had acquired to traverse the maze. They eventually reached the main chamber with a large golden sarcophagus in the centre surrounded by gold coins and trinkets covered in a thick layer of dust and webs. And while his father was looking through one of the gold pieces on the floor, Kent's curiosity got the better of him and he pushed part of the sarcophagus's lid off releasing a cloud of dust.

When Kent came through he found himself in the hospital, his father next to him who gently broke the news to him that whatever toxins were in the sarcophagus were now rapidly killing him and after telling him that his mother would be visiting him in the next couple of days, he left behind a helmet that was found within sarcophagus and told him that he was sorry. Once alone, the helmet spoke to him, the eyepieces glowing with a bright light as a voice rang in his head and told him to put it on. Thinking himself crazy, he threw the helmet across the room but watched it float back to him telling him once more to put it on. Seeing no other choice, he grabbed it and placed it on his head.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:
This character is different in many ways than the original concept of Doctor Fate. For one, the poison from the sarcophagus didn't kill his father, but rather affected Kent, poisoning him with an unknown agent that is constantly threatening to kill him without his helmet. Another difference is that he's self aware when he wears the helmet, he remembers everything that he does and it's himself that controls his actions instead of Fate. And of course, he's much younger than the current Kent Nelson, being somewhere around thirty-eight.

Supporting Characters:
Inza Cramer
Sven Nelson
Tracy Nelson

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