"Alright brain, you don't like me and I don't like you, but let's just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer." Homer Simpsom
CAN YOU SAY HAPPY HOUR??? . NO ITS HAPPY NIGHT! So.. well its time to be foot loose and fancy free. Across the city for one special night all drinks are half price! Be it beer or bourbon. Wine or Whiskey and more. Bring your best, maybe you could get lucky tonight or just get hungover for half the price. either way its better than normal!
Have fun, interact, have a laugh maybe cause some drama, romance, or just get hammered and see what drunken adventures you can get into.
So, pretty simple. A roving herd of Drama Llama have been spotted from our Art adventures so please do give them a pet, and maybe a bottle of wine and book.
All Locations are open as normal.
Please be clear where you are posting from etc, but you all know the drill :) Any questions, musings or problems feel free to message, PM, Discord or Post and we will do bet to help.
SOL source of News since 1895

FRONT PAGESpecial Report by Rita, An artful DramaHello Readers!! Rita from Sol Spills here and boy do I have a treat for you. So this reporter got a press interview at the show for Siobhan Murphy. If you recall a few episodes ago we debated who was dating whom. Well if you can believe Maria Olympus her daughter was dating Mr. Nicolosi. Here is a direct quote from Olympus herself. “As for the current rumors it seems we have a classic situation, one person sees things differently to the other and had a different idea what the relationship was…” Sounds to me like she’s calling Nicolosi out that he was dating her daughter and that her daughter is the innocent in this tale.
But that’s not all she went on to say “Things failed as many do and what one saw as a friend the other a boyfriend. And well. Misunderstanding has escalated quite badly. Sorry folks. No love triangles today.”
That seems rather misleading does it not? Why not give a firm yes or no? She goes on to give particulars about either her daughter’s relationship with her current girlfriend. “No they met recently, but both have my approval and wish them well as a couple. And no, I just want to see my daughter happy with a supportive partner.”
Wow talk about harsh. If she claims that they were in a relationship then says he wasn’t supportive isn’t that confirming that they were. On top of all this the impression that was given in the press conference, tiny as it was, was that we were not to take comments from Olympus’ daughter. So naturally we all asked Siobhan Murphy. To which we were told. “Mr. Nicolosi has not dated anyone prior to myself for quite some time, meaning more than a few years. If you were told otherwise it is a complete fabrication and you need to consider the source. I have had nothing but support from him even before we started dating. He isn’t here tonight due to commitments that were made prior to this event.”
All this juicy news but I left the kicker for last, an unplanned pregnancy is in the offing for Ethan Aster. His new girlfriend will hopefully they will be enjoying the little patter of tiny feet. That's all for now in Sol Spills.
Sol City PD Fights Crime Underwater With Sneaky SubmarineSol city Police have anounced their latest acquisition in the fight against crime that has blighted the city in recent months. Police Captain Marko Ramius of the proudly revealed the military-surplus diesel powered underwater crime fighter to a large crowd at the Sol City docks. “I want to emphasize that this submersible craft came at no cost to taxpayers,” Ramius explained. “With the blessing of the City Council, we requested such a watercraft last year under a federal program to outfit local police departments with surplus military equipment.”
“While the craft reached the end of its usefulness for the U.S. Navy, the civilian applications of this submersible are numerous,” Ramius continued. “You never know what’s out there and we’re here to protect the citizenry from the worst case scenario,” he added in a phone call Tuesday. “Imagine the horror people would experience if a large military craft passed beneath their boat or emerged from depths within view of the beach—we’re here to stop that from happening. This sub will make a strong statement about our power and might,” Hirsch continued. “The people want to know their police will do whatever it takes—whatever it takes—to maintain order and control,” he said. “They want to see us as an unstoppable force beyond the reach of sleazy criminals’ lawyers and legal loopholes.”
Jaws VIII by SCPD, the submarine will be deployed to patrol the shoreline on weekends only leading up to Fourth of July, when patrols will be stepped up to seven days a week through Labor Day.
SCPD marine patrol officers will be on the lookout for swimmers, surfers and boaters in distress, and will issue tickets to unlicensed operators of motorboats and to operators of all boats that are not carrying personal flotation devices. “We could even depth charge a large shark, should the need arise,” Ramius said.
Along with the submarine, SCPD has recently acquired a “whole slew” of military equipment, Ramius revealed. “As we speak, my men are doing various drills and practice engagements, including Free-for-All, Team Deathmatch, Mercenary Team Deathmatch, Headquarters, Capture the Flag, Team Tactical, Kill Confirmed and Search and Destroy scenarios,” he said.
Special report on Sunday evening at 9PM, Sol City News Network, when our reporter is joining the submarines first trial patrol and duties.
WEATHERSOL CITY is has a cool but very clear winter evening, no chances of rain and not a cloud in the sky. Temperatures are not high so wrap up and make sure you have a coat or a good beer jacket. Take care and make sure to dress for the weather.
For a more detailed and up to date report on the go, download our app, SOL CITY WEATHER 24/7 on most popular app stores.
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