@Metatrooper Ye can. However, it should be noted that the Ex. SKills and magic system is undergoing a re-work in all likelihood. So that part of ye sheet should probably be left mostly unstructured, so that it can fit into the new system that is in the works.
@Metatrooperdiscord.gg/JTs8Uh Here's the Discord link where we hold the vast majority of our conversations. If you would like to join that it would be beneficial to the group's communication.
-Also, for the most part the mechanical fairs are handled. In part, here is what was decided, in our Discord, via The Jest(New GM, also called Red Sabath)'s rulings:
"Ok, so after a few days of pondering between me and others, we have gotten down what we're going to do regarding magic.
I'll start with what I believe I pointed out before: I'm not allowing Time. Space is fine, but Time is a definite no-no. I should probably eliminate Space as well, but at least one character seem to have Space magic on them (coughreisuscough) so I feel it wouldn't be fair to that character if I removed that as well. All the other classes of magic, (High, Mind, World, Underworld, Change) will remain intact.
Now onto something else I feel I should prepare you all for...Specifically those among you with a Child Soldier...
After some consideration, we have decided that the Child Soldiers will be slightly nerfed. Not for meta-reasons like they're too powerful, but because of story reasons, reasons of logic involving the predicament these children were placed in.
It's not really a big nerf in that respect, but simply put: Out of all the spells you have, only one or two of them you can safely say you've "mastered", by the time this RP starts. The rest of the spells will not be as good, need it be for reasons of a lack of a mentor, knowledge, or skill. Hopefully this will create a sense of Growth to these characters, that they're not necessarily powerful as they are, but can grow strong over time."
-It should be noted, Space magic was also removed because I (the controller of "reisus") am using a different character.
"Now, for everyone who ISN'T making a Child Soldier. I'm about to explain my case regarding the E-skills.
...I'll be honest, I'm on the fence about E-skills being a thing. There should be a certain quality to players who are not using Magic like the Child Soldiers, but I can't at the moment figure out how.
I will say this though, if I do add the E-skills, the Stacking is gone We are not dealing with stacking e-skills.
Also, if I do add E-skills, the Array of strengths and weaknesses like with Magic, will apply to these as well. Basically meaning that, like before, some skills you are heavly talented with, and some you're not. So I guess a negative stack in a way.
Moreover, whether or not I use E-skills for this, either way, I am adding an additional section to the CS:
Misc. Abilities:
Cause honestly? I find it much easier to simply explain what characters can and can't do, explaining properly their strengths and weaknesses, rather than simply defining their quality and their existence by a list of talents."
Name: Miko Lu Age: 27 Physical Appearance: Height: 6 feet Weight: 154 lbs Appearance under armor:[DATA REDACTED]
Important Items:
Suit of Armor: Miko's armor sacrifices protection for mobility, being able to take one or two direct hits before expiring. It is instead very mobile, allowing Miko to move with greater ease. It offers better protection against glancing shots and bits of flying shrapnel. Underneath the armor, he wears a reinforced armor mesh/flight suit that disperses kinetic impacts and further insulates him from the elements. The suit is able to lock with the helmet, sealing it from the outside, allowing him to survive in the vacuum of space for up to 3 hours with the suit's oxygen supply.
Helmet: One of Miko's most prized possessions, his helmet features various features that aid him in his job. The helmet is constructed out of the same material as his armor. It possesses sound and motion sensors, along with night vision. The helmet can lock with his suit to completely seal him off from the outside world. He also embedded a modified, high-performance omni-tool into his helmet, making it even more versatile. It also has a HUD and a retractable drinking straw.
Cloak: An ordinary black cloak he likes to wear, sometimes used to conceal his weapons or actions.
Galactic credits: 50,000 galactic credits in physical and digital form, however, he keeps most of his wealth in a secure area.
Utility Belt: A belt which serves as storage for several items, such as his credits, explosives, and others. It is also attached to the holsters of his pistols.
HK-173 plasma pistols: Miko's favourite firearms are his dual HK-173 plasma pistols, which are designed to fire powerful barrages of plasma fire at a rapid speed. However, the pistols can overheat rather easily if overused and must rely on the user regulating its use. The weapon is better suited for close range and mid-range engagements, while being ineffective at longer ranges.
Dual monomolecular wrist blades: For close quarters combat, he prefers using his custom-made wrist blades, sharpened to a molecule-thin edge. He uses two pairs of parallel blades, each located on one arm. Although they are relatively short compared to regular swords, they are still light, quick and deadly. They can be hidden in the holding chambers, located on his forearms, when not in use.
Ordnance: Miko also carries several explosives with him depending on his mission, such as frag grenades, flashbang grenades, poison gas grenades, and remote explosive charges.
When he served under the Commonwealth's special forces, Miko was trained and specialized in close to mid-range combat, infiltration, and sabotage.
He is quite skilled in CQC, having been trained by both his father and the Commonwealth military. He is fluent in a several forms of martial arts, his favourite being Taekwondo. Although he has not learned swordsmanship, he has been trained in handling a combat knife during his time in special forces training.
He is also adept at infiltration and sabotage, capable of sneaking past defenses and wreaking havoc behind enemy lines, wether it be through explosives, reconnaissance, or even slicing through enemy tech.
Miko's greatest skill is his gunslinging ability. His weapon of choice are his dual HK-173 plasma pistols, which he wields with deadly speed and accuracy. He is also capable of using rifles and shotguns, although with less skill compared to his primary weapon. He is least skilled in operating heavier and longer-ranged weapons, such as sniper rifles and rocket launchers, claiming that he barely knows how to use them and much prefers using his pistols.
While serving in special forces he was also trained to operate starships and speeders. He actually has decent skill in piloting a starship, eventually acquiring his own ship after he defected.
Despite his apparent skill and talent, he is largely inexperienced at some tasks due to his young age. He had only started being a mercenary around 1 year ago, and thus is still largely inexperienced in some tasks, such as wielding weapons other than his pistols and piloting starships, along with the proper behaviour when meeting with clients. Despite these flaws, he continues to improve everyday, training harder and obtaining more knowledge.
Personality: Miko is calm, cool and relaxed, sometimes too relaxed. He has a casual demeanor even when in combat, and periodically quips and pokes fun at his situation. He is also quite reckless, throwing himself into difficult or even unwinnable situations before realizing his mistake later. Despite his apparent carelessness, he can become serious, such as when he is angered or during particularly dangerous and high-risk missions.
His favourite hobby is cooking, and he's one competent chef as well, since he's been practicing since he was a child. He appreciates food and is open to try many different kinds of food, however, he can be easily angered if he's disturbed while eating a meal. His favourite meal is a grilled steak, medium rare, with a side of garlic fried rice.
Miko is rarely seen without his helmet on, and he claims that he does not like revealing his face to people. This actually stems from his inability to truly connect or open up with people he does not trust, despite what his outward demeanor may seem. He can also be awkward in situations he has little to no experience or knowledge of, such as romance.
Even though he worked as a special forces operative in the past, and works as a mercenary and bounty hunter now, he still has a good heart. He wishes to protect and help those he cares about, and is even willing to risk his own life to save those close to him.
Bio: Miko was born on Xin'Kas, a remote planet made up of several large archipelagos surrounded by water on the fringes of Commonwealth space and was trained from birth by his father in the ways of combat, such as hand-to-hand combat and gunslinging. Tragedy struck when he reached the age of 14, when his city was attacked by raiders. The raiders quickly overwhelmed the city and massacred the population. His father had sacrificed himself so that he and his mother could escape with a close family friend, and together, they escaped to the capital to recover. About two years later, his mother died of illness and after mourning her death, he went on to enlist in the Commonwealth's military.
He performed extremely well, eventually being sent to special forces training where he learned more skills such as stealth operations and piloting starships. He served for a few years before defecting from the Commonwealth for a variety of reasons, such as going against his corrupt and cruel commanding officers, the loss of his comrades due to tactical oversights, and the knowledge that the Commonwealth had resorted to using children to fight their wars for them.
After defecting, he resorted to becoming a mercenary and bounty hunter. With help from the family friend, he secured a customized suit of armor, weapons and a ship. It was only one year after his desertion when his hate towards the Commonwealth was reignited when he received a message from Moonstrike, offering him a contract to work for them as an agent. And thus started his own campaign against the Commonwealth, sabotaging bases, gathering information, and aiding rebel splinter groups are just a few of the tasks that he does. Recently, he had received a new contract from Moonstrike, aid a small crew of rebels and renegade child soldiers in their fight against the Commonwealth.
Voice: Ashley Burch (Aloy, Horizon: Zero Dawn) Height: 176 cm Weight: 74 kg
Omni-tool. A miniature Computer that allows for communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation and small-scale hacking. Perhaps most importantly, because she's been kidnapped halfway through second grade, it contains several textbooks of Rau've and Korta origins. Taking on the government is hard when you barely understand what a square root is.
Credits. Small amounts in material form. Don't ask her where it’s from. And check your wallet, just in case.
An electronics toolkit. Meant for dismantling and repairing computers. Also works for bypassing locks and simpler alarms on the hardware level.
Weapons: None.
Rapport (Mind): Rachel can give an order to a single person. To do this, she needs to perform a specific hand gesture and say the order out loud. Her target needs to hear her and understand the language. If the target loses consciousness or goes through intense pain (like gunshot wounds), the spell loses effect. She may also intentionally cancel it.
Illusion (Mind): Rachel can create an audiovisual illusion perceptible by a single individual. She has to concentrate on keeping the illusion and cannot do anything else that requires her mental faculties (she can create an illusion while running away from something, but not when solving an equation). The illusion can be virtually anything, but bigger or more detailed things require more focus and take a greater toll on her. Keeping the illusion for more than a few minutes also leads to headaches, nausea and general exhaustion. The illusion can only be seen by the affected individual and Rachel and cannot physically interact with the world. Rachel can only make a person see something that isn’t there, she cannot change something that already exists.
Memory Bridge (Mind): By far the most advanced and tasking spell available to her, Memory Bridge allows her to relive the memories of others or share hers with someone else. The process requires physical contact and complete concentration, sending both Rachel and her victim into a trance-like state. Memory extraction time ranges from milliseconds to minutes, depending on the target’s mentality and training to resist such practices, but the more the target fights it, the worse their headache will be when she’s done.
Telekinesis (World): Rachel can manipulate objects at a distance by creating small, homogenous gravity fields. Applying its effects to herself allows her to jump higher, slow her fall or make small adjustments to direction mid air, but does not allow flight.
Due to its versatility both on and off the battlefield, she devoted a lot of time to practicing control and pushing the boundaries of this spell, giving her very precise control over the fields.
Pyromanipulation (World): Allows Rachel to create, extinguish and manipulate flames, from small sparkles to decent-sized fireballs. Utilizing the spell in certain ways with gloves on is not recommended, as Rachel found out the hard way during training.
Much like with Telekinesis, Rachel gave a lot of time to practice and improvement of this spell due to its on and off the field versatility.
Deflection (World): Summon's a rapidly shifting, head-height gravity field in a 90° angle in front of Rachel to shield her from attacks. Unlike telekinesis, Rachel cannot influence the strength, direction, shape or location of the field, but it's strong enough to alter the direction of incoming projectiles. Physical contact with the field is not recommended.
Aural implants: During training, Rachel’s ears have been severely damaged by an explosion. To restore her hearing, she was given cybernetic audio implants that can pick up and amplify distant or quiet sounds as well as lower the volume of loud sounds to protect what little remains of her biological ears, effectively making them better than before. When paired with an Omni-tool, the right ear implant can play audio files and receive transmissions, allowing incoming voice communication inaudible to others.
Without her implants, Rachel is for all intents and purposes deaf. Her left ear is severely damaged and her right inner ear has been completely replaced with cybernetics. As a side effect of this, disabling it will also make keeping balance much more challenging.
Ocular implants: Biotech implants in Rachel’s eyes mimic the tapeta lucida found in nocturnal animals, granting her better vision in low-light conditions. With the implants active, Rachel can only see grayscale and bright shades of green. The implants react to incoming light intensity and only work under a certain threshold to avoid interference with daytime sight. The implants only amplify existing light, therefore she will still be blind in a completely dark environment and the do not protect her eyes from bright light.
Polyglot: Due to her many forays into alien minds, she has become fluent in both written and spoken, albeit heavily accented, form of Rau've, Korta and Gill languages. The accent is caused by the differences between human and alien vocal cords, mouth structure and other body parts.
Fingersmith: Rachel's been stealing things since she was six. While the dark and crowded environment of Tranbiran habitats and the ability to move through crowds quickly helped, the main ingredient to that was a lot of hand-to-eye coordination practice and dexterity.
Swimming: Tranbir has no hydrosphere, it’s not going to happen. The first time she came into contact with swimming was a Commonwealth training camp. Once she can’t see, or at least reach the bottom, she’s not going in unless there is absolutely no other way. Being suddenly immersed in a volume of water larger than a tub will also likely cause no small amount of panic.
Firearms: The closest Rachel ever got to firearms, aside from being shot at, was watching others at the range. She’s never operated, let alone fired even the most humble coil pistol. She may try, but it just occupies her hands and wastes ammunition. The most lethal way she can use a gun is to send it flying at some poor bastard’s head with telekinesis.
Thief: She can’t help it. Whether it’s for practice or because an old habit is an iron shirt, when she enters a large crowd, there’s a good chance she’ll be a bit richer by the time she emerges on the other side. While that may not sound like a bad thing, as mistakes are usually few and far in between, picking the best target wastes precious time, not to mention it will draw attention should she get careless. At least she’s not a complete kleptomaniac, as she has enough sense about her to refrain from stealing from friendlies.
Short fuse: Due to the loud, free-spirited culture, patience isn’t the most common trait on Tranbir, and some may call Rachel one of the worst. While she’s learned to bite her tongue during her Commonwealth service, that only makes her worse when she doesn’t have to sit and take it quietly. Her way of dealing with bad mood only compounds this issue, as few have been known to bear with the snarky comments she uses to get over her personal lows and insecurities.
Short Bio: Born and raised in the capital of Epsilon Theta, Longannet, neither the neighborhood nor her family were particularly well off. And since a little girl couldn’t be employed, Rachel took to thievery to give the household an income boost. Over the years, she’s become proficient at sleight of hand, unarmed combat and getting from place to place without being noticed. Well, most of the time. Sometimes someone would notice, and so she learned to navigate urban environments quite well, often with officers at her heels. One day, she made a blunder, and one of the officers was faster. Upon her capture, the authorities took note of her agility and resistance to questioning. It wasn’t long until her holding cell was visited by men in armor instead of policemen - the last time she saw her home.
Rachel was sent for “augmentation”, which lead to a fear of needles, and assigned to intelligence. Along with another group of children with similar predispositions, she was engineered and trained to enter and exit any compound, negotiate any terrain or obstacle and extract any necessary information from captives. Rachel was made to be a crossbreed of a black-ops operative and a master interrogator. And then the first tests came. Though considered a relative success, the group’s mind oriented capabilities were weaker than expected. Fearing the possibility of being disposed of, Rachel picked up basic electronic engineering in an attempt to increase her value to the Commonwealth.
Sent to a recon and deep strike team for further training, her outer-colony origins certainly didn’t make her the team’s favorite. Fortunately, there was one other person, a child soldier on tech support duty, in a similar predicament - a Venerian girl named Lucinda Cain. Though Sol-born, Lucinda was nonetheless shunned due to her extensive cybernetics that, in combination with mind magic, allowed her to interface with and rewrite almost any computer system she had previously familiarised herself with. The two quickly formed a sister-like bond, keeping each other’s spirits up in face of the hostile squadmates in addition to the standard horrors of war.
At Proxima, the team was sent to board a Rau’ve electronic warfare ship acting as a jammer with the intent to disable it, allowing the human fleet to target the aliens at full range with more than thermal detection. But before they got even halfway through to their objective, Lucinda tripped a silent alarm she wasn’t familiar with. The boarding team was set upon by the Rau’ve shipboard security, the two child soldiers were abandoned by the squad and Rachel was captured.
In captivity, the former thief awaited her inevitable execution for the horrid things she was forced to inflict upon captured aliens at the Commonwealth’s orders during her training. Against all expectations, she and those like her received good treatment, which greatly aided her recovery. However, she couldn’t return to normal life, if “return” was even applicable. She didn’t know much besides thievery and war, despite the efforts of some of her alien captors, or rather saviors. All of this pushed reason aside and fanned the flames of vengeance that lay dormant at the back of her mind, and seeing an opportunity for revenge, she took it.
Personality: While her Commonwealth file describes her as 'distrustful, abrasive and hard to work with' due to spending her childhood as a thief, she wouldn’t go that far. She’d call herself 'careful when dealing with people'. Though she does usually prefer to stay unnoticed, she recognizes she will need a few friends to get back at those who took her life away. To this end, she is willing to put her distrustful careful attitude aside, in spite of her fear of losing yet another person close to her. Though it may take a while for her to overcome it at first, it’s not impossible, as sometimes she may be heard fondly reminiscing of 'a dear friend' from the war. Once she warms up to someone, this fear of losing the people close to her drives her to be a little overprotective of these people, often to a fault.
She’s about as cheerful as someone who grew up just above the poverty line and got kidnapped by the government to fight in a war can be, adopting a cynical worldview, gravitating towards dark humor. While she still has no problems with theft, she draws the line at needless killing. Having already killed so many during the war, she’ll try to solve problems in a non-lethal way if possible now that she has a choice.
Planetary Bodies: Tranbir - A gas giant comparable in mass to Jupiter and the only noteworthy feature of the Epsilon Theta system. Tranbir has a belt made up of rock fragments and ice, suspected to be the remains of a moon similar to Enceladus, in addition to over eighty moons. The second largest of which, Tranbir-IX, is the only inhabited body, not counting several orbital refineries, and serves as the system’s capital.
Location: Epsilon Theta is a border system on the inner edge of the outer worlds. It borders a few other Commonwealth systems near the outer edge of colonized space, far from any other powers.
Name: Tranbir-IX
World Type: Tranbir-IX, shortened to T-IX or just Tranbir for convenience, is a barren rock with no hydrosphere and a dense Nitrogen atmosphere. Due to its heavy core, the gravity is quite comfortable to human life. Prior to being stripped of resources, T-IX was rich with copper and gold. Now, only countless shafts crisscrossing T-IX’s crust remain.
Classification: Class K
The Civilized Populace: Terran
Population: Last prewar estimate states around 25 million, but high death rate among the poor and unchecked migration during the war leaves its accuracy in question.
Tourism: Epsilon Theta is a glorified gas station. The only people that ever go there are either immigrating workers, freighter pilots hauling ice from the belt away or warships coming in to refuel.
Society: Tranbir-IX’s entire population lives in subterranean “habitats” dotted around the terminator line - former gold and copper mines that were widened and converted into underground cities, all of which are separated into different levels. While the layout and number of strata of each habitat differs by depth and population, they all follow the same general pattern:
Strata A - Being closest to the surface, Strata A contains spaceports, fuel storage and cargo spaces. It has no habitation modules.
Strata B - Strata B contains high-class housing and entertainment, and the only place where the inhabitants can own their homes. Only people who live or work there are allowed to enter this strata.
Strata C - Strata C contains rental housing of decent quality, as well as all educational facilities.
Strata D - The middle ground between lower and middle class, this strata of the moon’s capital was Rachel’s home. The biggest difference from Strata E are private bathrooms and kitchens for every apartment.
Strata E - A low-income strata with shared habitation modules. The bottom of society.
Strata F - A desolate strata inhabited by lowlifes and the homeless, but watched over by the best guards to keep the shaky peace. Generally not a good place to be, no matter if you're a thief or a model citizen.
Each strata is further divided into sublevels following the same convention - the upper ones are more affluent than the lower ones. There is another strata below F, an unofficial “Strata G” where all of the waste from the habitat is dumped. Strata G is inaccessible due to its toxic environment with the exception of HAZMAT geological teams regularly checking the integrity of supports and the occasional black market smuggler. Due to the mining origins and nature of the entire system, the local dialect incorporates many mining and geology terms. As all Tranbirans live underground, schools include mandatory safety lectures dealing with geology, air quality and other hazards.
Name: Drakenians (Other name: Draconians or Dragons)
Status to Humans:
1. Friendly - The humans, which live on Draken’vina their whole lives. The Drakenians are very friendly towards, mostly because of the fact the war between the clans were ended by the most unlikely of candidates. They are now called the Draken’vinans. Before they were unified nature of the humans, they called themselves the Vinans since the Drakenians are the most dangerous creatures on the planet. They trade with the Draken’vinans, is the only reason why they have a friendly relationship. 2. Neutral - The humans, which are tourists or are military personnel from the Imperials, which that don’t live on Draken’vina. They are neutral to them, mostly because they see no real point in involving themselves with the greater Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity.
Life Expectancy:
The Drakenians live very long lives. The longest lived Drakenian is called the Great Wyrm Dekriem, which is rumored by the Draken’vinans to be 35,000 years old. He lived through multiple generations of humans, which landed on the homeworld of them, and they decided to colonize it. He watched them grow into what they are today, which is the united Za clan. The Drakenians only can live these unnaturally long lives because of the fact, which they can tie themselves to a human family, which lives on Draken’vina.
The longest a Drakenian can live for if he/she doesn’t attaches himself/herself to a Za Clan member or any human for that fact, is at least 2,500 years at the most. However, they do live very long times compared to humans anyway.
The Drakenians are outright a gendered society. The genders they have are male and female. They have similar gender roles that human societies have for the specific genders in question. However, with even more freedoms than what’s in the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity.
Magical Attunement:
The Drakenians are attuned with multiple forms of magic. They are only a master of a total of three spells at max, even though their arsenal of spells are pretty lengthy. It's mostly because of the fact in their two forms they are wielding their civilian and battleform is pretty much unique.
The Battleform completely disables the ability to use their mind magic, which gives access to their magical school, which they are attuned to fight for the justice and peace around them. However, they are told their magical school when they turn 12 years old via the Magical Attunement Scanners. In terms of what breath attack their battleform gets if it is a soul crushing attack, alike the Soul Destroyer.
Two of the spells, which are mastered is for their Civilian form and the other one is the one locked behind their Drakenian Battleform. The Drakenians only keep their civilian form hidden by their mind magic to make people not realize certain things. They aren't doing it out of spite or anything, it's they want to keep Draken'vina peaceful as possible. They love their planet.
Full Description:
The Drakenians have two specific forms. The form that is usually hidden from the humans living on the homeworld, which they call Draken’vina alike the humans would later call it as. Is the most shocking of the two forms, since it is hardly seen outside of their culture or society. This form is their ’true’ form and they are highly secretive of what they truly look like.
The form is more or less alike the people who colonized their homeworld all those years ago, the humans who migrated from their cradle to colonize the stars. They specifically are very similar to humans with a few exceptions. They have horns growing out of their head above their ears and usually can grow at any shape or size. However, when a Drakenian is born, they don’t have horns at birth, it takes awhile for the horn to take shape.
The Drakenians grow their horns in, when they reach a sufficient age in this case, when a child turns 14 years old. Their horns start out small but it looks like bumps on their head and it goes into a more defining feature when they turn 16 years old. The shape of the horn is defined by the specific parents, the boy/girl was born from. The birthing cycle of a Drakenian is a total of a year, which is three months longer than a human. The other highly distinctive features of a Drakenian is they have the rare hair hair colors for humans, which means there’s a bit more redheads or gingers. The hair color sometimes go through a change, naturally instead of having to dye your hair constantly.
If a Drakenian child was born with black hair, they can have any hair color under the sun, which means they could have rainbow colored hair, which would match if they one of their parents was a Rainbow Dragon for instance. The rainbow hair color gene from Rainbow Dragons is dominant gene compared to other parent. They have dragon scales of their birth mother on their back. The Drakenian eyes are quite unique, which they are complete dragon eyes in shape at all times. There’s no need for biotech upgrades to get these eyes, alike the humans, which live on the planet. The unique colors of the eyes usually are get from the father or mother, it’s just whoever had the most dominant of traits. In the case of it, you can have golden eyes with dragon slits for eyes as a Drakenian humanoid.
In addition, the height range of the two genders that are the Drakenians. The female’s height range is 5’0” to 6’5”, while the male height range is 7’0” to 8’5” since the Drakenian males are always two feet taller than the Drakenian Females. The other thing that stands out on a Drakenian is a special necklace around their neck, which allows them to use their more dangerous form. However, they are easily able to use their Drakenian Battleform Abilities in their civilian form easily.
The Drakenians are highly considerate of another person’s feelings and they give boons that make them see that not all humans are born to be cruel. It is how they are raised. The Drakenian Females are paler and whiter than their male counterparts. A very rare few have a different skin color, in terms of the Drakenians Female, every five out of a million births. The Drakenians have two names, the first is their ’birth given name’ and the other is the Dragon name they pick out; which would fit them perfectly.
The Birth given name is similar to the same way that any humans name their kids. While their Dragon name is specifically given a terrifying twist to what they should do if they are threatened or needed to defend themselves from the Unveiled or humans, which threaten them. The Dragon name is what they use only in their dragon form. It gives every single Drakenian pride to be what they were along time ago, before they evolved into what they are today, humanoid dragons that look very eerily similar to humans.
The Drakenians in their civilian form have slightly better hearing, and better eyesight compared to humans, in terms they are all 20/20 perfect vision. They can see perfectly in the dark since their eyes glow of a shadow of the eye color they have. If you ignore the important features on a Drakenian female, which is their shape of their irises and having horns on their side of the head. They would look like literally a 16 year old female human, which is a very hormonal mess of a teenager. The most painful thing a Female Drakenian can do is literally trying to ’cut’ off their horns. If they do that they can pretty easily pass for a human, all they have to do is buy biotech upgrades.
A Female Drakenian, who’s beautiful with red hair. Her primary features are she has horns and her eyes look like a dragon. Most female Drakenians are a bit more likeable than their male counterparts. When they speak, they are soft spoken and are highly kind to anyone who needs or want help. The Female Drakenians are the only ones that usually trade with the Draken’vinans most of the time.
They are more imposing and have more draconian features than their female counterparts. To show they are the right person for the job in terms of specifically defend female drakenians from any harm. Their usual role when the female Drakenians try to go trade with the Draken’vinans are usual bodyguards. They have imposing auras emitting from their bodies, which usually can tell someone to not fuck with a female Drakenian.
The Drakenians second form is literally their Dragon Battleforms. It is the ore vicious and terrifying form of them since there was plenty of legends on Terra. They have vast teeth, claws, two vast wings, which can move them all over the skies. They have terrible breath attacks of their specific magical element, they are born with. In that case, the most deadly of these Drakenians is Dekriem, the Soul Destroyer. Which he can destroy a person’s soul, just by using his breath attack on them, which has a color similar to him being a half Black and Holy Dragon, which makes his breath attacks the color of Gray. If he is able to get off that breath attack. He will utterly destroy the Soul and leave the body an empty shell.
There’s multiple different Drakenian species on Draken’vina, the most exotic variances. The humans usually call them Dragons. There is multiple different dragons in question, all different shapes and sizes. The Drakenians don’t correct any of the humans, which what they call them. Mostly because, Dragon, Draconians or their actual name of Drakenians is correct in their mind. The Drakenians in their Dragon Battleform can see two times further the distance than a human, without biotech upgrades. They can see in multiple different spectrums in their dragon forms.
The Biotech upgrades, which humans can get, which they can match the Drakenian Dragon Battleform’s sight. However, it usually costs an untold fortune to get those upgrades specifically.
The Dragon Battleform can have immense size compared to the civilian counterparts. And their wingspans of usually cap around 65 ft to 85 ft, which is mostly between the male and female. The females have smaller wingspans while the more larger intimidating males have larger wingspans.
The Drakenian History has always been the most intense history of all the races in the known universe. The planet they resides on is called Draken’vina, and they were a vast Interstellar Republic of freedom and prosperity. The reason why they left their planet to explore the stars as this interstellar republic was because of some very valuable information. This information came from an interesting form of life, which wants to gain as much knowledge as possible on the planet. They are called the Unveiled Shadows, which helped the ones, who became the Interstellar Republic to leave the planet.
They were told about the many different creatures, which have are the Underveiled. The Shadows and another type of them are peaceful or friendly towards the Drakenians. While the rest are monsters, which desire one thing population control on the planet of the propagation of their kind or the complete elimination of civilization as the Drakenians know it. This caused the space program of the United Republic to go into overdrive. They explored the entirety of their solar system in a span of six years. In those six years, they put outposts and other such things into space, further and further from their homeworld.
Until, they reached a solar system, which had a similar sun classification of theirs. They scanned the entire solar system and saw in the order of the furthest to the sun. The planetary system was classified as in the Interstellar Republic’s classification system as able to handle life on two planets. However, one of the two planets in question had to be terraformed. Their starships were highly advanced compared to most things in this solar system.
The planets were catalogued in terms of what they think the names of the planets are. However, one of the planets within the system they catalogued was in an ancient prophecy, when the Drakenians were only a tribe along time ago on Draken’vina. There’s a planet within a System, which is called Earth and it’ll bring the great destruction to their way alive. The name of what these humans would call themselves would be the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity. However, they didn’t understand the technology level of the humans on the planet.
This caused them to be utterly terrified but the curiosity outweighed their fear for right now, they scanned the humans, which terrified them more. They had a similar structure to them, but didn’t have any of their distinctive features on them. However, this caused a select few to fly on the planet as their Drakenian Battle Forms, which are called Dragons. They caused a great shock to the humans, when dragons actually flew in the skies of their planet. Then as soon as the dragons appeared, they disappeared. The Drakenians felt the gravity of the planet and it was less than their homeworld.
The Drakenian Battleforms scouted the planet but only scouted about three of the seven continents on the planet, in the skies, which they didn’t know but they were Europe, Asia and Africa. The Drakenian Interstellar Republic did the one thing it was great at, retreating without leaving a trace they even entered anywhere in the known galaxy. Because they was worried about an reprisal or an outright destruction of their world for invading the territory that was in the firm grasp of the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity. However, their so called fear caused them to completely move their capital, and two of their other cities to the other side of the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range in the Vagus Plains.
They initiated their planned disappearance of the galaxy scale by single handedly making their side of the Ricoh’nar continent and all of the other continents on the planet look like that side of the planet is completely uninhabitable. While the only place that is Inhabitable Colonized territory for the humans is literally the Solis Reaches. Ricoh’nar Continent is the largest continent on the planet, which is why there’s only 2 oceans and 4 continents.
It only took about ten years for this entire plan to come to furination, which was one Elder Voice’s full 9 years worth of a term and one year of another. All their spaceship technology was locked up in an Isolation Bay Number 5, including their Sublight drives and Faster than Light technology. The project was called the Uninhabitable Wasteland Barrier Project. Underneath the Barrier, was the utterly the opposite of whatever scanners, which the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity could muster at any point.
The rapid technological development of the barrier technology & Stealth technology helped them be able to control the weather on the entire planet of Draken’vina. They don’t want to harm the natural balance of things, which causes the awakening of the Unveiled evil creatures. That are worse than the Unveil Wyverns, which they deal with most of the time in the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range. The Solis Reaches is one of the most sacred areas on the entire planet for the United Republic after they disbanded the Interstellar Republic Council. Which had similar goals for the entire colonization and terraforming of their entire system but they were stopped because of the location of the Cradle of Humanity.
However, many many ages pass after they went into their governmental isolation from the stars. And they completely forgot about the prophecy about the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity and the end of their civilization. However, all this changed when Human Colonizers entered the Draken System’s Holographic Scanner refreshing. These Human Colonizers entered the no go zone, which was called the Hellscape Region. They had no idea, what the human colonizers were doing in the Hellscape Region. However, they saw what the Space Fortress Ulo did, it fired fireworks for the humans. This made the Drakenian Scanner Officer confused, since Fireworks are only for special occasions on Draken’vina.
The Scanner Officer, however, scanned the weapon systems on these Colonizers, which had different names on them. They had no weapons, they were unable to fight back if they were shot at, which felt a bit strange. However, it took them awhile to reach Draken’vina. They’re scanners couldn’t penetrate the stealth field barrier and saw the Solis Reaches as the best place to colonize for the human colonizers. However, the Scanner officer in question was a bit confused on what the names meant on the side of the ships, the Ka, Za, and Fa. The scanner officer was approached by one of her superior officers, which was a bit annoyed at the scanner officer eating while on the job. The Superior Officer asked certain things about what was going on and she outright told her superior officer, which what they feared the Humans have arrived. However, they weren’t in planetary bombardment spaceship but in very old Colonizers, which have no defenses.
Her superior officer sat down next to her and started to eat something and drink as well. Because the superior officer was also an female Drakenian who dislikes seeing the ‘SCOs’ being lazy. She looked at where they were going to land, which was the Solis Reaches. That was plainly the best place for the humans. However, her title is ESCO, which is Elder Scanner Cutler Officer, since most of the Drakenians, which are in the Scanner Room are very well at cooking and sword wielding or firing weapons that the Drakenians use. The three ships landed in three different locations in the Solis Reaches.
The Human Colonizer, which had Za on it colonized near the Solis Grand Lake, which had bountiful harvests of fish. The Human Colonizer, which had Fa on it landed near the largest single mountain peak called Lanrun Peak. And finally the last colonizer landed directly where the previous location for the United Republic’s capital was, which is called Shining Dragon Beacon. It is a vast forest called Vetch Forest. They learned pretty quickly what the three names on the colony ships meant, they were three different clans of humans. The whole idea of three clans of humans not being unified kinda made them a bit terrified for the future. Therefore, they went to the Elder Voice to do something to make sure these clans would unite.
However, now onto the cities of the United Republic. The Capital City was already mentioned but its called the Shining Dragon Beacon. This is where the Shining Dragon Tower is located, which is the Primary Building of what was called the Interstellar Republic Council and the Elder Voice. The Interstellar Republic Council dealt with the Space Forces of the Interstellar Republic and where to deploy its holographic scanning network, repair docks, and multiple different kinds of space stations. However, they were about to start Planetary Terraforming on a system scale before they were disbanded. The Elder Voice of the Drakenian People dealt with the day to day lives of all United Republic Citizens, which didn’t want to join the Space Forces.
The Space Forces of the Interstellar Republic was called the Peace and Prosperity Keeper Force. However, since the only starship that wasn’t dismantled, which is called the Eternity. The Eternity is the flagship of the PaPKF. The One thing that the Interstellar Republic is great at was their complete strategies around Carriers and the other starships in their fleet supporting them. They took this doctrine literal on the seas of their homeworld, when they moved their trading port called Victory Dragon Port to the Vagus River. Which made their vast convoy escort fleets terrifying. However, the other two Drakenian nations on the planet only had a technology that made them think back when they first encountered Earth. Which was now classified as Middle Ages Technology.
However, with their doctrine of never invading a planet without a purpose, the humans were spared the Drakenians Wrath. The doctrine is classified as observation and not invasion, they wanted to allow the population of Earth to reach the stars, to see if their prophecy was true or false. In the sense, the Elder Voice called this the Drakenian Peace and Prosperity Act.
The populations native to the worlds they live on will be spared the exploitation of the Drakenians since they see all worlds alike Draken’vina sacred places to be protected instead of exploited. And they have a quite a beef with Empires and Dictatorships, which outright remove the freedoms of their people. However, they can’t really be asked how to deal with Religious Fanatics of the Isolationism Religion. Because it baffles them since the Theocracy of Learning doesn’t want to know anything that the Drakenians of the United Republic does other than ways to kill the Xeihr. The United Republic was more than able to help.
The last city, which is the agriculture and commercial powerhouse of the Drakenian United Republic is called the Star Dragon City. There is smaller cities in the middle of the bigger ones that specialize in things that the Drakenian United Republic needs more of or requires more housing and what not. They are grateful they have much breathing room before they literally need to do anything of note like pay attention to the humans that landed in the Solus Reaches.
More time passes, which feels like a short time to the Drakenians since they live a long time. However, they saw on their holographic scanners, that the three distinctive human tribes or clans, they would call them now. Was building up for a war, and they didn’t know who started this said war, but the Elder Voice of the Republic decided to want his people to volunteer and find out what is going on. The Eldest Son of the Elder Voice literally volunteered and asked what he must do. The thing he must do is literally use the birthright he was given and choose his Dragon name after all this time. The Dragon name he chose was Dekriem, the Soul Destroyer. All the Drakenians that volunteered at the sametime were put under Dekriem and be called ‘the Dekriem’s Brood,’ to keep with traditions of what humans think of dragons.
Dekriem went to the three clans, in question to see what was going on. However, he met a young girl at the time, who was around 14 years old, who was apart of the Ka Clan, she was a headstrong young kid. He saw much of his sister in her, the Great Wyrm asked the child’s name. The human child, told him her name is Vina L. Kahrin. That hit the Great Wyrm hard, since his sister died because of complications during childbirth but the name was exactly the same. However, he didn’t show signs of being hurt or angry at the human child having the same first name as his dead sister. He confidently told her, he would join her clan as the Great Wyrm, and his name is Dekriem, the Soul Destroyer.
However, it took awhile to figure out what was going on, the two clans that were going to war was against the Za Clan, a very powerful clan that wields swords and have great tactics unmatched against the two clans when they were doing two different battles and not unified. However, the Za Clan lost its first battle against, which were true legends all along, there are dragons on the planet and terrifying scary ones. The most scary one killed the leader of the Za Clan, but they had about three replacements set up from the onset of the war.
It took about while later, to finally figure out what was truly going on. The Fa Clan was the one that initiated the war between the two by saying the Za Clan was demons. This was when Vina was old enough to be on the battlefield, she was 26 at the time, however, the leader of the Za Clan was no other than Nikolas A. Zahrin. Dekriem fought with that Swordmaster, at least three times and he knew a fourth would be the death of one or both of them. However, Nikolas shocked him and targeted the reason, why they were fighting and that was because of Vina, if it wasn’t for her allying with a dragon’s brood the Za Clan would have annihilated the Fa Clan.
He thought he would have to save Vina, but what happened next made him laugh a bit and flew away. Since Dekriem saw that Nikolas was in love with Vina and made her surrender on a fluke of love. However, he acted like he was clueless when Nikolas & Vina came to him and told him everything he needed to here. Therefore, he gave the Zahrin Family as a whole included Vina a Boon. Which the boon in question would help Dekriem live for an even longer time. The honorable nature of Nikolas showed that not all humans are bad like what the Drakenian United Republic saw in the past.
Type of Society:
The Drakenian Society has regressed much. However, that’s mostly because they are a republic, which doesn’t vote their leaders in via mob rule. The leader of said republic are called the Elder Voice of the Drakenian People. He speaks for all the people, even though some of the Drakenians are sick and tired of the system in place that disallows the Elder voice from running more than three terms of three years each. The Incumbent Elder Voice has a slight disadvantage in the polls, if they didn’t keep their promises. All Elder Voices keep their promises, the latest Elder Voice is a Male Drakenian of the Draken Family, which wants to keep the people protected and usually keeping his policies of outright only trading with the Draken’vinans of the Za Clan.
The Republic in question is called the Drakenian United Republic. They were classified as an Interstellar Republic but regressed where they no longer want to explore the stars. Because of a certain thing, which they hardly talk about anymore because they don’t want to mention any of it. The entire society of the Drakenians have two names and they are proud when they finally pick a proper Dragon Name. Everyone within the Drakenian United Republic has a festival in the honor of the one who picks a dragon name. The Military Branch of the Drakenian United Republic is called the Drakenian Brood Defense. They only ever use their military technology for better and better technologies to hide themselves on the planet. They don’t feel right to show themselves in how they ’truly’ are to the Za Clan.
However, there’s many people within the society, which has been getting a bit itchy to explore the known reaches of space once again. To this end, they have been leaving the safety of the United Republic’s lands in the Vagus Plains and joining up with the Draken’vinans of the Za Clan. The Za Clan don’t really notice the influx of humans coming from the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range since they treat every single person on the planet of Draken’vina as human.
The Draken’vinans never really looked too deeply into the people, in question since it was free help for their space program, which was barely getting off the ground. However, when they got a highly intelligent Drakenian by the name of Sarah R. Vagus, which is from another well known family of Drakenian United Republic. They are the scientists, which mapped out the entirety of the Draken System. She helped the humans get back into the stars, really quickly with great sub-light blueprints of tech predating even the Interstellar Republic. The Starship in question was called the D.P.S Progress of Unity, Draken’vina Planetary Shuttle, which was a bit bulky compared to the colonizers of the humans, which arrived on the planet.
However, Sarah learned of her mistake a bit too late, when the DPS Progress of Unity reached the outskirts of their planetary system and were found by the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity. All the Drakenians, from the onset of the news of the meeting of the humans with the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity completely vanished from the Solis Reaches and went back to their side of the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range in the Vagus Plains.
They were happy to hear that the humans of the Za Clan were able to rejoin their brothers and sisters in the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity and be a Core Sector Planetary System. With the Zahrin Family as the Planetary Governor for the planet, even though there was only the Solis Reaches but it was a beautiful tourist trap for the humans who wished to visit it. The Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity rapidly developed the technology of the Draken’vinans to their technology, even though the sub-light engines on the Progress of Unity was highly curious technology. But the blueprints were lost somehow via a databank wipe, which was caused by a human, which was made an example of by Zahrin Planetary Governor for doing that.
However, the super advanced technology of the United Republic protected them from any and all scanning technology of the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity. They had ten times advanced technology compared to the Imperial Commonwealth in terms of Stealth and barrier tech. The Drakenians are very highly sophisticated and can enjoy casual fridays too. However, that’s mostly because of the fact they have a full free market and don’t crush competition and innovation in their area on the planet. Which usually equals opportunity because of the jobs are pretty much very competitive. They don’t get outside workforce since they are pretty much solely only Drakenians in the Vagus Plains. In turns, most humans don’t want to risk dying a horrible death by Dragons if they try to go to the other side of the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range.
The Isolationist stance in their society is the main reason, why they haven’t tried to awaken up and become a force in the galaxy once again.
Technological Advancement:
The Drakenians have technological advancements in spaceship technology, however, they can’t use those advancements mostly because they forbade its use. Their last bio-organic/metallic starship is in a underground vault under lock and key, which includes their FTL. They have made great strides in starship technology to make them leagues ahead of any spacefaring faction in the known, Milky Way. However, they have multiple different ways in recreating their space fleets easily but the Elder Voice of the Drakenians have been telling them not to release this starship in question. He wants to keep the Isolation Bay operational.
The Drakenians have given the Draken’vinans a very unusually old and ancient Sub-light Drive System of something that predates even the Interstellar Republic. The only gift they could think of, since they needed to repay the generosity and kindness of the ancestor to clan leader of the Za. The Ancestor in question is named Nikolas A. Zahrin to no other than Nikolas R. Zahrin, who is not the Clan leader right now since his parents are the Planetary Governor on the planet. It is the most advanced technology that the Draken’vinans own but only has one ship that has it since they lost the blueprint to manufacture more by a saboteur, which remembered why the Za, Ka and Fa clans left Earth. However, this saboteur on the planet, who belonged to the humans was punished correctly by the Planetary Governor of the Draken’vina World; who was Nikolas R. Zahrin’s great-grandfather called Yuri L. Zahrin.
The Drakenians have advanced much further in their holographic scanner technology, which is top notched. It is able to see the entire Draken system and there’s still markers in there that says the Hellscape Region, do not disturb. More or less meaning, it can see any and all Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity Fleets in the System. Their fleet size and every single detail of their technology and little descriptions of their FTL, in terms of Spacewarpers.
It can even see ‘magically’ attuned humans, which have been infused by Kaiosken crystal dust. In terms, they have been able to protect themselves via using the trick on the rest of the planet and only really letting the humans be able to use the Solis Reaches as their only territory. Because they are protecting the humans from the Unveiled. The most dangerous creatures on the planet.
The Drakenians secondary most advanced technology is no other than their Barrier Tech combined with their Stealth Technology. Which made the Vagus Plains, and all the other continents on the planet minus the Solis Reaches look completely uninhabitable wasteland. The barrier stealth technology reflects scanners of Imperial Commonwealth Starships in orbit only read an uninhabitable wasteland, even though underneath the barrier field isn’t an uninhabitable wasteland. A Perfectly brimming and beautiful landscape, which has many of the anmenties that a human city would have on Earth or Mars.
The Drakenian Building Technology is about three times better than the Draken’vinans of the Za Clan, when they first arrived on the planet. Mostly because the Drakenians lived on this planet for a long time. They are still three times better even with the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity’s infrastructure upgrades. The Housing technology is highly able to protect themselves via any and all weather phenomena or tsunamis.
The Drakenian have a unique technology at their disposal, which is classified as a Weather Control Device. That makes natural disasters completely vanish, which are Tornadoes, Hurricanes. They have complete control of the weather with their technological advancements. The only natural disasters that aren’t affected is flooding, ice storms, blizzards, or etc. Since all of the Drakenian Houses can handle these specific weather.
The Drakenians have a slight problem in all their technological advancements, have forgotten one specific advancement. The Advancement of the Communication Infrastructure, which they haven’t built a new communication center in ages. They have no form of communication, which is necessary for a society to live in. However, the only two societies on the planet, which would require this communication backbone are on different sides of the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range. That is because the other two Drakenian Nations on the planet are way below the technology level of the United Republic. They are still in the Middle Ages or in the Gunpowder era of the Middle Ages; which is a far cry from the utopia that is the United Republic.
The Drakenians of the United Republic has been the forerunners of most technological advancements and they are the ones that most of this technological advancement is from. That is why they use carrier pigeon or really a Drakenian Battleform Ambassador to fly to the other two Drakenian Nations, which are on two separate continents.
However, they don’t really care about the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity, as long as they are peaceful with the Draken’vinans of the Za Clan. They might change their isolationist stance if anyone tries to harm the Za Clan humans.
There’s multiple families within the Drakenian United Republic, which allowed the entire population to reach the stars and completely map out the Draken System. The first of these families is the one who’ve been one of the most well known scientific families, which completely mapped out the Draken System. And was the one who told the Elder Voice of the Drakenian People to outright disallow any of the Starships of their Interstellar Republic to not enter the Hellscape Region.
The Vagus Family - The family who outright explored the Draken System and found the Hellscape Region. The last three planets are classified as no go zones, since their is still an active Heavy Dreadnought and a Large Shipyard Drydock, which is armed to the teeth. The Heavy Dreadnought fires upon anyone with a warning shot of extremely potent and long range firepower, it can shoot at anyone approaching any of the Debris fields, or structures of ancient tall black structures. Ala, it has been found out that this one ship can shoot all the way to the Draken II of the System to protect the technology on that planet.
The Vagus Family’s Lead Science Ship called the Researcher found this out first hand, when it tried to approach Draken II, it was fired upon by the Heavy Dreadnought in the Hellscape Region over Draken XV. They were disabled by the Heavy Dreadnought’s weapon systems, however, all Interstellar Republic Starships respond with an emergency distress beacon when disabled. The Researcher was rescued by a Cruiser Class Starship, and dragged to a repair dry dock in orbit. Since the portion that was damaged was the metallic side of the Scient Ship and not the organic bits. This caused the Science Council to contact the Elder Voice of the Drakenian People and told them what happened.
Sarah R. Vagus, was a descendant of that family member, who was terrified of their lives, they would been killed and not be able to continue the Vagus Family. However, they were allowed to live and all Hellscape Region protected zones were marked, which is the Draken XII and the first moon around the Gas Giant and all other locations in question. To never go near them ever again, if they were allowed to go back into space. She’s the one who gifted the humans on Draken’vina with an ancient sublight drive, which is able to reach the outskirts of the system in 30 to 90 seconds.
The Draken Family - This family has always been a Political family in the Drakenian United Republic. However, they allow other families to be the Elder Voice since everyone needs to have a chance at leading the Drakenian People to greater prosperity. They have one of the greatest people within this family, he’s called Dante Oliver Draken, his father is the Elder Voice during the Human crisis on the planet. Ala, during the Clan Wars. His father’s name is called Aquarius L. Draken. The Elder Voice saw it as a crisis and was surprised his son wanted to take a Dragon name and become an ambassador of sorts to the humans.
The Draken Family have always been underestimating humans or other creatures and what not. However, they got that completely wrong when Dekriem, the Soul Destroyer killed Nikolas A. Zahrin’s father and was immensely surprised at the fact Nikolas was able to end the clan wars easily by marrying the Dragon Sorceress of the Ka Clan. He saw that these humans were different from the prophecies, which they would be utterly cruel and wanting to destroy everything. That means, these were wrong and Dekriem, the Soul Destroyer, the first of many Drakenians bind their souls to the Draken’vinans.
The Clan War Crisis ended really quickly and no humans or Drakenians died during that war after the death of Nikolas A. Zahrin’s father. Who lost the bet he would have died to a dragon.
The Sol System had been catalogued by no other than the Interstellar Republic in the Middle Ages on the 3rd planet from the sun. They picked names specifically based on what they thought the names were and not what the people living on Earth called them. They scanned the entire planetary system and only named the actual planets in their naming conventions.
Planet Victoria
The 9th Planet in the Sol System, they called it Victoria since it was discovered by the Captain of their flagship, who’s named Victoria Sera Ariela-Star. The Biggest ship in their military fleet is called the Vagus Eternity Class Superiority Carrier. They never got to learn the name of this planet since they didn’t really want to know it.
Planet Skyria
The 8th Planet in the Sol System, which they called it after Victoria’s sister Skyria. She was a wing commander of a squadron of Vagus Veil Superiority Fighters. They never got to learn the name of this planet since they didn’t really want to know it. Skyria was a bit confused on why she had a planet named after her.
Planet Soul
The 7th Planet in the Sol System, which they called it Soul, after all it looked like a soul from their outlook. They were pretty much still in a debate in allowing religion to spread on their homeworld or not.
Planet Kaius
The 6th Planet in the Sol System, which they called it Kaius. Which means planet with rings in their language, which has a good ring to it. However, Kaius also has a different meaning to, it means God of Destruction, within their culture as a whole.
Planet Eternal Storm
The 5th Planet in the Sol System, which they called it Eternal Storm. In terms it means literally what it says, there’s a constant storm on the planet and will never let up. And it has crushing gravity didn’t help too.
Planet Alexa
The 4th Planet in the Sol System, they called it Alexa named after the most hot headed of the female Drakenians, which breathe fire and has a temper of the sun. Alexa is one of the only people, which didn’t come with the Expedition of Expansion. She is a highly popular singer in the Capital of the Interstellar Republic, which is called Shining Dragon Beacon.
Planet Terra
The 3rd Planet in the Sol System. They called it Terra, which was ironic enough one of the other names that people call it living on the planet. They named it after a kind and gentle female Drakenian, which is a Earth Dragon that loves growing trees everywhere. However, there was something unusual about this planet, it was populated with people, which they called Terrans.
However, they investigated further and found out these people living on the planet were called Humans and this was the Fabled planet of Earth from, which their prophecy told the End Times would come for the Drakenians as a whole. The Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity would conquer the galaxy. However, they didn’t understand the technology level of the humans on the planet at this time. Mostly because they never encountered a tech level that low.
Planet Lurius
The 2nd Planet in the Sol System. They called it Lurius, which is the God of Knowledge. This planet wasn’t able to support life, but they remember the planet in their planetary system, which had a strange ancient black structure on it, which was still powered.
Planet Ancient
The 1st Planet in the Sol System. They called it Ancient since it would look like one of the ancient dragons of the olden days, when the Drakenians were evolving and they had a much longer life span before they evolved to their Civilian forms.
Sol System
They called it the Sol System or planetary system after they learned, this is the cradle of humanity, even greater their fear of this mythical empire that would conquer the galaxy in their name. Which made them highly terrified of everything.
Planet Name: Draken’vina World Type: Continental Class: M-Class - It has an Earth-like Atmosphere. With 0.5% more gravity than on Earth since it is 2 times larger than Earth itself. It is classified as a Super Earth. Moon: It has two moons, which orbit around Draken’vina. The first moon’s name is Favila and the second moon is called Darvo. Favila & Dravo are considered as a myth of legend surrounding two lovers that have to constantly chase each other forever. Around a beautiful world of wonder and splendor.
The moons affect the tidal currents on Draken’vina. Only one of the moons bring in high tide and the other brings in Low Tide. It’s basically one of the moons is lighter than the other. The tides recede and squall pretty easily. It is a balance that only Draken’vina has been having for centuries. The Civilized Populace: Drakenians & Draken’vinans (Humans) Population: 8.05 Billion
The total numbers is as follows, the Draken’vinans have 4.5 Billion Population while the Drakenians are at 3.55 Billion people. It’s only because of the fact the Drakenians have a longer birthing cycle than humans by an extra three months. The Humans haven’t been needing to build more cities because the three cities are basically not at their capacity yet. Tourism: Yes, it is a tourist trap for Imperial Commonwealth citizens who want to see the culture of the Draken’vinans, the humans within their Empire. However, they are very ignorant on the culture as a whole.
System Name: Draken Star Class: G Class Star - This is the same classification as the Sol System’s star Planetary Bodies: The Draken system itself has a total of fourteen planets other than Draken’vina within it. The Homeworld of the Drakenians is the 3rd planet from the sun, which is the only planet within the Goldilocks Zone. If the Drakenians actually tried to terraform any of the planets in the Draken system. They could terraform Draken IV and Draken V, which are a similar size to Earth and Mars respectively. There’s an Asteroid Belt that separates Draken V & Draken VI from each other. Draken VI is the first of many Gas Giants within the Draken System.
Draken I and Draken II, the closest planets to the G Class Star are completely uninhabitable since they don’t have anything to protect them from the sun’s radiation and heat. Draken II, however, has a strange tall ancient black metallic structure on it. This is an odd detail to a planet that is completely uninhabitable and there’s some very powerful Anti-Spaceship Plasma Grade Missile Silos on the surface next to the structure. The structure itself is still powered, however, the silos on the surface are open and have no missiles in the silo anymore.
Draken VI - Draken XII are Gas Giants of differing shapes, sizes, features alike multiple moons surrounding them and large rings around them. One of the moons of Draken XII, which is called Lorna or Draken XIIa. It has a large amount of space debris surrounding, the moon. And there seems to be a ruined ancient black metallic structure on it as well, it had something horrible to it. Whatever happened to this specific structure is a mystery since it looks like ancient battle damage via the scanners. This entire thing is odd, however, there’s a terrifying sight in the next area of the planets of Draken XIII - Draken XV.
Draken XIII - Draken XV within the Draken System are nicknamed the Hellscape Zone by the Drakenians. These three planets within the zone are cold barren worlds, which have unknown ancient tall black structures, which enter the upper atmosphere of these worlds. All over the Hellscape Zone has ancient battle debris of a very highly advanced warfleet all but destroyed. However, there’s still one starship intact over the Hellscape Zone #15 - Draken XV world. It has heavy battle damage, with a direct center of what it looks like a Capital Ship Fleet of whomever was protecting these planets. It is a very big starship, which sends out an untranslatable language and species tag towards any approaching vessels or it will fire upon them. The Starship looks like a Heavy Dreadnought in size, but it has hangar bays as well. It is slightly larger than other spacefaring faction’s Dreadnought Class of vessel.
The Scientific Team of the Interstellar Republic was completely confused in why this one spaceship is able to fire at any starship approaching at any of the other planets within the Hellscape Zone, from where it is. It’s weapon systems must be optimized for super long ranged firing, if it is able to send warning shots across the bow of a starship approaching a planet or any of the space debris in the Hellscape Zone. In terms of the reasons, they have forbid anyone in the Interstellar Republic from exploring the Hellscape Zone or they might be actually fired upon or damaged. The last Heavy Dreadnought is one of the most dangerous ‘ships’ in the system, which vehemently defends the planets and space debris from any outside influence.
The Cold Barren worlds have been scanned by the Interstellar Republic and they saw all the planets have been bombarded from space. However, the structures are still standing and there’s a singular space structure hovering over a moon, near the Hellscape Zone #14 - Draken XIV planet. It is a vastly large spaceship dock, which is completely alien and unknown in why it is still intact. It is defended by a large array of multiple different sizes of weapon mounts on its entire hull plating of upper, mid and lower. It has all of its bases covered, in terms of defense.
If all the weapon systems fire upon a ship trying to approach it, it’ll eliminate the target without prejudice. It gives off an automated message, ’Do not approach. You will be eliminated on entering the firing range of the Space Fortress Ulo.’ It’s tone is uncaring and wanting to complete its mission of whatever it is doing. There is a super large weapon mount that is active and is shooting out a green looking beam that is touching the Heavy Dreadnought specifically from the Space Fortress Ulo. The Interstellar Republic think Ulo is the name of the moon or the name of Draken XIV in actuality.
The Hellscape Region has been left alone for as long as the Interstellar Republic was flying in the stars. However, that all changed when the Interstellar Republic vanished from view. This caused the Space Fortress Ulo to do something strange. The next time someone, who would enter the Draken System, they will see a similar Ancient Black Structure on the surface of the moon, which the Space Fortress Ulo is orbiting. However, the Hellscape Region helped the Human Colonizers to find the only world within the Draken System that is colonizable. Since the Human Colonizers contacted the Space Fortress Ulo.
Space Fortress Ulo had an annoyed tone in its voice pattern, however, it was relieved at the same time. ’Travelers from another star? If you seek a world to colonize, you better go to the 3rd World of the Draken System. The 3rd World is a beautifully lush planet that will suit your needs more than these wastes out here in the Hellscape Region.’ The Lead Colonizer, which had the Za name on its side was grateful of the advice. The Space Fortress Ulo sighed. ’We don’t want to ever be disturbed by you ‘lessers’ than our great Imperial Commonwealth. That was around way longer than you have ever existed. However, I, Ulo have been lonely.’ The Space Fortress scanned the ‘lessers’ via its powerful scanning technology and it started to laugh, at what it saw. It couldn’t believe what it was seeing. However, it did scan a spaceship of the Interstellar Republic, way before these colonizers came. It knew where the ‘refugees’ went from its commonwealth. The Lead Colonizer agreed to what the Space Fortress said, mostly at the fact it didn’t want to piss off a talking space fortress, which would be able to annihilate them in an instant.
Space Fortress Ulo, gave exact coordinates to the Human Colonizers to where they could find the planet of their dreams or whatever the humans in those coffins. The Colony ships in the eyes of the Space Fortress looked too outdated to make a trip back to wherever they came from, so it was probably a one way ticket. The Space Fortress Ulo moved all its weapon systems up to the left and fired a insane volley of Fireworks, in response to the Human Colonizers wanting to see something unique in space. This was definitely unique.
The Human Colonizers took their time to get to Draken’vina the only planet in the goldilocks zone. However, that was the last time the human colonizers saw the Hellscape Zone, until they were thrusted into space once again. Took them a long time to reach the stars again. The Hellscape Zone was completely dead silent, even though there is still a singular greenish looking beam hitting a Heavy Dreadnought in a massive debris field. The name Space Fortress Ulo gave, was something the humans could recognize, even though it’s true name has been lost a long time ago after the extinction event that caused the end of this precursor civilization, which its descendants are living on Draken’vina to this day.
Location: It is 2.5 light years from the Sol System. Which makes it inside of the Core Sector of the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity.
Continents: 1. Ricoh'nar - The Continent of Ricoh is the largest continent and the most developed of the three forms of governmental systems on the planet. The United Drakenian Republic was the only one of the three to reach the stars and was able to tame the weather of the planet and use it in a benevolent nature compared to what other races would use their weather control tech for. This continent was named after one of the greatest Elder Voices by the name of Emerald Starfield Ricoh’nar, the founder of the United Drakenian Republic.
It is the only continent that has one of the largest mountain ranges called Vanguard. It completely separates the Solis Reaches and the Vagus Plains from each other. The only way through the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range is guarded by dangerous creatures called Underveil Wyverns and the Brood of the Soul Destroyer. There’s a bit of it that reaches into the northern sea and southern ocean. The Northern Sea is called the Veil Seas. The Southern Ocean is called the Coral Ocean.
The Solis Reaches have the most beautiful of any phenomenon within its area. The night sky under certain circumstances is the most wild and beautiful thing you can see. A city with all its lights on cannot block out the phenomenon of seeing the night sky at all. The Vetch Forest has three unnatural phenomenon attached to it. It can heal your wounds, get rid of disease, and make you feel the world around you in terms it makes you more magically attuned to the planet but it’s only on the planet.
The Lanrun peak has a singular phenomenon called regrowth, any and all minerals mined from the peak regrows in a few weeks of mining stopping. None of the humans, know why this is, since they are the ones that are primarily next to the Lanrun Peak. Lanrun Peak is similarly in size to the largest mountain on Earth’s surface.
The biggest lake in the Solis Reaches is called Solis Grand Lake/Zaveil Lake. It is the only way you can reach the Vandis Continent and the Vandis Gulf.
The Drakenian United Republic lives on the other side of the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range, in the Vagus Plains. There is three cities they hold dear to their hearts, the Shining Dragon Beacon, Victory Dragon Port and finally Star Dragon City. The Capital, the trading port and the agriculture and commercial power house.
The United Republic went up into the stars mostly because it learned of what the Unveiled are from a unveiled, who was highly friendly and wanted to know more about their belief systems before and after they went into the stars. The one that talked to them from these unveiled is called Ophelia L. Shadow-Ranger, which was a pretty Obsidian skinned female. She shared insight in what the Unveiled are, and that absolutely terrified the United Republic, which became the Interstellar Republic by the name of the Drakenian Interstellar Republic.
2. Ho’van - The Ho’van continent was named after the creator of the Drakenian Theocracy of Learning by the name of Mia L. Ho’van. The Theocracy is trading with the most advanced nation on the planet, the Drakenian United Republic. They haven’t shared ideas or anything since the accepted trade treaty tells both sides to never tell of what the other side has done. Even though there’s some of the more learned Theocracy members, know one thing the Drakenian United Republic’s trade goods are very well sought after, in terms of scanning technology to find any demons among them.
The Xeihr is the demonic entities they absolutely hate. They get taught how to use the tech, but they usually allow a Drakenian from the United Republic to keep maintenance on the thing. Since the only thing that advanced in the Theocracy is literally, their religious doctrine and the outright wanting to learn about the Tower of Eternity. The Continent of Ho’van is in the middle of Vandis & Ricoh’nar Continent in terms of size. There’s a lot of outrageously different biomes compared to the Ricoh’nar continent. However, there’s no deserts on this continent, which the Vandis Continent is completely covered in.
The capital of the Theocracy is called the Walled Dragon Garden of Knowledge. It has the biggest cathedral known to all Drakenians. It worships the Goddess of Isolation and many different gods and goddesses. This place is wanting to know things via their own hand, it is where all the 50 million Theocracy citizens live. They only travel outside of the Capital to reclaim lost territory from the Xeihr. They do tons of crusades against the Demons living on their continent. They aren’t really able to explore their continent with the constant threat of the Xeihr. They have been getting better in detecting and killing the Xeihr in their capital. With the technological help of their brothers and sisters in the United Republic.
3. Fro’ani - The Fro’ani continent was named after the creator of the Imperial Empire of Protective States by the name of Steven I. Fro’ani. This continent has wanderlust to all of its people since they want to search for treasures within the caves and deep places of the world. They are tough skinned of any of the Drakenians on the planet. However, they have troubles with the Unveiled Hospant but get help from the Unveiled Eternity Dragons.
The Imperial Empire of Protective States, used to be called the Drakenian Imperial Empire Bloc but it was changed to be a bit different. They heard from their trading partners of the Theocracy of Learning that the United Republic hates empires. They made some reforms to literally give their people more freedoms. Which is why its called Protective States now. That’s the status of all their citizens, the Protective status. In terms, the caste system was utterly destroyed. The Capital of the Imperial Empire is called the Fro’ani Vocal Imperial Dragon, it is one of the more important places on the continent. There’s protective states around it under protection by the Imperials themselves who rule from the Capital.
The biggest of these protective states is called the Alphius Matriarchy, it is primarily ruled by females but they are forced to give equal rights to the male drakenians in their state. As long as they want to be apart of the Protective State Act.
4. Vandis - The Continent of Vandis is the only continent that is unexplored on the entire planet. No one has explored it, in terms of the other three continent inhabitants, since the Ricoh, Ho’van and Fro’ani Drakenians don’t really speak to each other often. However, there’s one feature on the continent that can be seen from Vagus Plains, which is called the Tower of Eternity. It’s a complete mystery in why an legendary myth on the planet would be so real to the Drakenians, which live on Draken’vina. The myth is the reason for all the Isolation on the planet when it involves the Drakenians themselves.
The Vandis Continent is the desert continent. Before the Tower of Eternity was put in its place where it stays, is a Chasm that goes super deep into the planet and is the weakest point on the planet to reach a domain of a terrifying creature by the name of Navina. Who lives in a realm called the Underveil Chasm. However, none of the people of Drakenian know of this specific truth of the Vandis Continent. The Underveil Shadows know of it, however, since it has been passed down for generation in their people.
The Waterways/Lakes:
1. The Coral Ocean - The Coral Ocean is named that way because of the vast coral reefs that cover the entire ocean floor. This ocean connects the Ho’van Continent with the Rioch Continent via using seafaring vessels to trade with the other. The seafaring vessels of the Rioch Continent are so much more advanced than the Ho’van continent. 2. The Veil Seas - The Veil Seas is the coldest sea on the continent. It has an unnatural barrier surrounding it and cannot be reached by normal means. Anyone who want to check out the northernmost part of the Draken’vina will have to fly via plane or wings. 3. Solis Grand Lake (Zaveil Lake) - Solis Grand Lake is the largest body of water in the Solis Reaches. It connects all of the Solis Reaches via rivers, to the forgotten sea called the Vandis Gulf. This is the only way to reach the Continent of Vandis, through the rivers of the Solis Grand Lake or Zaveil Lake. Either saying works. 4. The Vandis Gulf - The Forgotten Gulf on the planet. It connects the Ricoh’nar Continent specifically with the Vandis Continent. However, most people forgotten how beautiful this gulf is, it has a phenomenon surrounding it that makes it always look beautiful no matter how dangerous it is. It has the most dangerous creatures guarding the Vandis Gulf’s Beach called the Underveiled Goliath Serpents. These creatures are massive sea serpents, which control the water without any equal. The Underveiled Creatures on the planet are highly dangerous and must be avoided at all costs. 5. The Veria Ocean - The Veria Ocean is in between the Ho’van Continent and Fro’ani Continent. It doesn’t even lead into the Vandis Gulf, however, it does get its waters from the Veil Seas. It is slightly lower than the Coral Ocean. The primary feature of this ocean is, it has a massive trench that connects the two continents together. In terms, there used to be a land bridge to the Ho’van and Fro’ani Continents. Something caused its collapse and now there’s the Veria Trench instead. 6. The Vagus’ River - This river is the waterway which connects the Trade port of the United Republic with the Theocracy and the Coral Ocean. It is a vast dock or port that is on the Vagus River, it has two different ports one for the ships that the United Republic uses and the other for Wooden ships of the Empire and the Theocracy. If they ever feel like coming here. They are slightly more tolerated since they are slowly reforming. Notorious Creatures:
1. Underveiled Goliath Serpents - There’s two versions of this Sea Serpent. One that is completely covered in Lava and the other is able to match the ocean’s color, which is blue. These Serpents are highly intelligent and able to control their element with ease. However, they aren’t as territorial as the Underveil Wyverns. However, they will easily trick any human or Drakenian to walk into their mouth and get eaten. By playing mind games on them.
They are tricksters but they are highly overprotective over their young. They have an instinctual protection of the Vandis Continent, no one knows why. Not even the Goliath Serpents know why either. The intermingling of the two variants of Underveiled Goliath Serpents, the Lava and Ocean Serpents. No one understands them, when they are speaking in their own language.
2. Underveil Wyverns - The Underveil Wyverns are large dragon-like creatures, which have an unrelenting hatred towards the Drakenians and Za Clan Humans for the only reason it’s highly territorial. The Underveil Wyverns can breath fire, ice, water or lightning breath. They have a diamond shape tail and two wings, two feet.
The Underveil Wyverns are so territorial, which they usually fight amongst each other. A Firebreather Wyvern hate a Icebreather Wyvern or a Waterbreather Wyvern. As long as you don’t invade their territory, which is the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range, they will leave you alone. They respect the Drakenian Battleform more than their ‘true form.’ They are highly intelligent creatures and they only speak to someone telepathically.
3. Underveiled Eternity Dragons - The Underveiled Eternity Dragons live next to the Tower of Eternity. They are vast large dragons, which even make the Drakenian Battleform look pathetic in comparison. They defend the outside world from what’s within the Tower of Eternity. They have never told anyone what is within the Tower. Everyone wouldn’t want to know what it is. The Underveiled Eternity Dragons are the only breed of Underveiled that protects the mortal races and would attack the other underveiled over joining any of the underveiled in annihilating the mortal races.
However, they will kill anyone who’s foolishly enough want to fight them. They speak similarly to the Underveiled Goliath Serpents, Underveil Wyverns, in terms they use mind abilities to speak to others. The Underveiled Eternity Dragons task themselves with the decrease of the population of the Underveiled Hospant. The utter abomination of these creatures make them annoyed of their existence and go on a killing spree to make them manageable for the Drakenian Imperial Bloc on the Fro’ani Continent.
4. Underveil Xeihr - The Underveil Xeihr is a Notorious Creature, which was found living on the Ho’van Continent. They completely mimic, the mortal race, the Drakenian in every single thing including their battleform. The Xeihr is a terrifying demonic entity, which prays on the female Drakenians to control completely and breed with. This is the only creature that has to mate with a Drakenian female. The Underveil Xeihr only gender is male. They can make anyone that look at their real form die from an heart attack.
However, when they are in their original form in front of a female Drakenian, it’s eerie. But not outright killing the female in question that sees them. The Xeihr has been keeping the population of the Drakenians on the continent of Ho’van in check. They aren’t able to fly, the one thing that makes the mimic battleform different to the Drakenian Battleform in general. They usually deal with the Drakenian Theocracy of Learning and all the Drakenians here are highly religious.
5. Underveiled Hospant - The Hospant is one of the most dangerous of the Underveiled. It is a unrelenting killing machine. It has half a body of a female Drakenian, and the lower part is a body of a Spider. The Hospant are the only Underveiled on Draken’vina that makes massive hive shaped webs in caves and other such dark and damp places. They use their voice as an siren to get ‘explorers’ within their caves so they can do untold horrible things to them. No one ever returns from the caves on the continent of Fro’ani.
The Hospant are the only Underveiled that would outright try to kill the other Underveiled because they are highly arrogant. They think they are the only Underveiled that deserve to kill the mortal races. The Hospant is in the same boat as the Xeihr. They can’t fly. They get thinned by Underveiled Eternity Dragons hatred of these abominations of a mortal race and a Underveiled.
6. Underveiled Dreadbark - The Dreadbark is one of the most unusual of the Underveiled. It is a single sentient tree on the continent of Ricoh’nar. It is the largest of all the trees, it gives off an unnatural mist and is able to spawn the Dread. The Dread is a minion of the Dreadbark, it is a mindless hunter of anything that moves in the Dreadbark Forest. The Dread is an undead dragon, which wanders as long as the Mist is going. The Dreadbark has multiple different states of mind. The Dread usually go after any and all Underveiled or mortal races.
7. Underveil Shadows - The Shadows are a underveil creature that worships the Tower of Eternity from a distance. They outright attack any and all Underveiled. They are curious about the mortal races and usually gain information about the three different continental differences of the Drakenians. The Drakenian United Republic, The Drakenian Theocracy of Learning and the Drakenian Imperial Empire of Protective States are completely different from one another. They all share the same beliefs, complete isolation. However, how they got to the isolation part was completely different.
It fascinates the Shadows to no end. They wonder if the beliefs of the isolation is because of what the creator of the Underveil sought much in their life. The Shadows know of their creator’s name, which is a highly knowledgeable Drakenian, a mortal race, which created them. However, they don’t know if she has died or still lives within the Tower of Eternity. Etera is her name, that’s why the tower is called Eternity. The Shadows were the first of the Underveil, they share closest of what Eterna was, since they have male and females. They have a primarily female hierarchy though. The female Shadows have pure obsidian skin with bluish green eyes, which glow a power of wanting to know more. The Male Shadows have pure obsidian skin with reddish silver eyes, which glow with power of wanting to know more and protect the female variants.
The biggest difference compared to the Drakenians and the Shadows. Is their height difference, both male and female shadows are similar in height to humans than Drakenians. They have no such features that make them stand out, besides their obsidian skin color and their eyes. The Shadows are completely capable in having children, the children will be closer to the Drakenian than their own bodies, if a female shadow gets pregnant by a Male Drakenian. They tell the Drakenians, they approach, they are sanctified vessels for their children, when they speak to the Theocracy only.
The Female Shadows have the same birthing cycle as the female Drakenians, which is 12 months.
8. Underveil Tyrants - The Tyrants is a specifically nasty Underveil. These creatures are abominations of unmeasured will and strength. They can even fuck with the natural balance of order if one is to awaken. The Tyrants sleep underneath the grounds of the continent of Vandis. They only awaken if an mortal touches the soil of Vandis. One of these tyrants can destroy the mind of the unfortunate soul that touched the Vandis. The only reason they are still sleeping is because of the Underveiled Eternity Dragon’s are using their unnatural auras to keep these sleeping. They are natural created beings of the Underveil, they are monsters of the mind and fuck with your perspectives.
The Tyrants are the only ones of the Underveil creatures that outright only protect Vandis. They have never left Vandis and probably never will.
9. The Underveil Chasm Navina - There’s a creature called the Underveil, it created all the natural formed creatures of the Underveil. The Eternity Dragons and the Tyrants. It is in an alternate plane of existence called the Underveil Chasm. Never venture to the Chasm. The plane of existence holds a terribly dark secret, the creature in question is named after the religion of Isolation, called Navina. If the Theocracy learned they are worshipping the literal creator of the Underveil Chasm and the Underveil Notorious Monsters.
She’s quite pissed that Eternity Tower exists. It sealed, the only place where the Underveil Chasm energies are released on the untold numerous mortals and cause them to go passive and docile so she can feed off them. Navina is no other than a Drakenian Goddess that was banished to the realm of the Underveil Chasm since she was drinkin’ the magical energies and blood of mortals. She is satisfied out of the three continents, only one still worships the Isolation Goddess or now Demoness as she is now.
She looks like a female Xeihr, but plainly much more scary and ridden with contradictions. However, she’s not getting any stronger or weaker since her Chasm on Vandis was sealed. It was a massive hole that reaches into the center of Underveil Chasm Dimension.
Level of Development:
Ricoh’nar - The Most developed continent in terms of the people who live here. The Drakenians of the United Republic and the Za Clan are the most developed. The Drakenian side of the continent protects the other continents from human exploitation. Via their barrier technology, which in turn is also their stealth technology as well. It turned most of the planet besides the Solis Reaches into an uninhabited land.
The Drakenians of the United Republic live in highly advanced cities. They have the most advanced seafaring technology on the planet. Every single form of their ships are half-metallic and half-organic, in terms their seafaring or spaceships can heal themselves via regenerative abilities. The Seafaring vessels have massive weapon systems onboard, in terms they have 25.2 inch cannons, which are triple barreled turrets and there’s four turrets. The Displacement is non-existent since they travel the waves of the Coral Ocean. The high technology made their seafaring vessels to displace about 200 times less than the largest seafaring vessels on Earth. It is because of their miniaturization technology is top notch.
They have a single spacefaring vessel left from their interstellar republic. It is locked underneath about twenty-five layers of super reinforced Drakenium, in an Underground Bunker called Isolation Containment Bay 5. That containment Bay also holds their FTL system as well. The Starship in question is called, the Eternity, mostly after the Tower of Eternity. The story that is told to every single child of the United Republic to keep themselves from getting in trouble most of the time.
The Port town has docks for their advanced seafaring vessels and the seafaring vessels of the Theocracy of Learning. The one thing the United Republic hasn’t developed properly is communication. The Quality of Life on Ricoh’nar, in the Vagus Plains is the highest of all the other Drakenian governments, which are separate from the United Republic.
The Scanner technology is top notch and they have protected the entire planet with this scanning tech. They have been trading this technology with the Ho’van Continent. Mostly because they want to keep their people safe from the Xeihr, who are an Unveiled. The Drakenians as a whole no matter the continent outright hate demons. And that’s definitely what the Xeihr are unquestionably. The United Republic is completely secular, they don’t really have a state religion or really believe in a religion. However, they do have their traditional beliefs of prophecies and other such things.
They trade with the humans of the Za Clan, or really the Draken’vinans as they are called now. The leader of the Za Clan, the Zahrin Family have dragon tattoos on their backs. They give boons to the Draken’vinans only to keep themselves from dying of old age. The one who gave a boon to the Zahrin Family is no other than Dekriem, the Soul Destroyer. Dekriem the Soul Destroyer is really the Son of the Elder Voice, in charge of the United Republic as of now. Dante Oliver Draken has been gaining influence so he can run as a Elder Voice.
All of the people in the United Republic has many societal differences to other government systems. They don’t really get well with dictatorships or Empires. The Dictatorships mostly lessen the people’s freedoms. They want to keep their freedoms of their people fully. They wholeheartedly believe in the free market, and the equal opportunity stance of life. It’ll take a long time for their stagnancy to stop since they are afraid of the humans. The only real reason why they completely isolated the Drakenians from the Draken’vinans and other Humans.
They have many planetary to space weaponry, which are a more advanced form of railgun but they use plasma weaponry primarily. Plasma Bolt Technology, which is what it is called. They primarily use plasma weaponry with a mix of conventional missiles and laser beams, which are used as cutting beams. The universal ship name of all the organic ships is called Vagus. The largest of these ships is the Eternity, a carrier version of the Vagus universal ship name. In terms it’ll have Vagus in front of the actual ship class name.
Vagus Eternity Class - The Superiority Carrier and has roles of primary capital ship. Deploys the Vagus Veil Superiority Fighters and Vagus United Torpedo Bombers. Vagus Lanrun Class - The Multirole Carrier, it deploys defense screens, while the largest carrier deploys Vagus Veil Superiority Fighters. Vagus Solis Class - This is the light carrier that supports the Eternity Class. Vagus Coral Class - All Coral Classes are Dreadnought Vessels, which support their carriers in combat operations.
There is other Vagus starships within their fleet but this is a example of what each ship does and what the classes are. The universal ship name of Vagus definitely helps their naming conventions.
On the other end of it, the Draken’vinans technology level is that of the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity. Since the Imperial Commonwealth allowed the Draken’vinans to join their Core Sector, really easily. This planet is considered a tourist spot for humans, but if they knew how beautiful and dangerous it really was, they would have think it wouldn’t be worth it. The people who lived on this planet wanted to leave it.
The Draken’vinans’ infrastructure is similar to Japan/Russia on Earth. With slight twists here and there, in their construction methods. That was when they first arrived on Draken’vina. The Draken’vinans aren’t getting any visits from any of the Unveiled, however, they have met the Unveil Wyverns and they were utterly terrifying. It made one of the council members on the Za Council shiver down their spines. However, the leader of the Za Clan, of the Zahrin Family wasn’t really terrified of the Unveil Wyverns.
The Zahrin Clan fought Dekriem and won without killing him or the Sorceress of Dragons. They have belief systems that are highly headstrong and determined in never leaving anyone behind. It’s mostly their culture and they enjoy talking about the Soul Destroyer, the tourists are confused most of the time when they talk about Dragons. Since that’s what the Soul Destroyer is, a Dragon. However, none of the Draken’vinans know they are really humanoids, with battleforms.
There’s about a total of 4.5 Billion Draken’vinans living on the planet. There’s so much more room for even more humans to live in the Solis Reaches. The Draken’vinans have no real rules on breeding programs since there’s no need since they are all a united human clan. The Solis Reaches can fit even more than what there is right now. And all that population is literally in the three cities of the Za Clan right now. The Infrastructure was the first thing that the three human clans built before they were unified under one.
The Cities of the Za can hold at most 5 billion people before they have to build new cities. However, these three cities are near the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range, it takes about an hour from the Central City, which is in the Vetch Forest to reach the range. The furthest city which is called Lanrun City, and it takes an two hours tops to reach the Mountain Range.
Ho’van - This continent is in a war stance all the time since they are trying to get rid of the Xeihr completely. The Theocracy of Learning, is a religion basically about learning about the universe and the Tower of Eternity. Without learning it from anyone else. They get a boost in warriors from the Unveiled Shadows who showed they are quite compassionate for the Drakenians that are constant in fear of the Xeihr.
Their progress is very slow, they are still with medieval weapons with high tech scanning technology to find the Xeihr. They have wooden ships, and they wouldn’t be smart in pissing off the technological superpower that is the United Republic or the humans that live next to them. All of the Ho’vanians are more powered by the holy light. In this case, their battleforms are that of Holy Dragons or White Dragons. The women have been forbidden to go to war since they have to stay in the home and take care of their children. The Quality of life is twenty-times lower than the QoL of the Ricoh’narians in terms of the Drakenians that live there.
They’re religious doctrine is isolation, since they are following the Holy Word of their greatest female bishop by the name of Etera. However, this society is highly sexist compared to the United Republic or Imperial Empire of Protected States. They punish anyone who goes outside of their norms with lashes. The males have to protect the females no matter what.
Out of the three continents, the Ho’van continent is the smallest population of the Drakenians. In terms there’s around of 50 million. The largest number is the United Republic with 3 billion people. The Fro’ani continent is dealing with a total of 500 million people. The only reason for the lack of people, is how often the Xeihr Attack the population to thin their numbers. They even kidnap female Drakenians of the Theocracy to do untold things with. The Xeihr numbers are unknown to the Drakenians living on the continent. However, whatever the numbers are they need to stop them at all costs so they can start growing again.
The help is when they get sanctified vessels of Unveiled Shadows females who are willingly wanting to get pregnant with them. The desperate nature of the Theocracy is defined as insane. They treat the sanctified vessels better than their own kind. Which is odd to say the least, though the sanctified vessels are throwing out consent to everyone to get them knocked up.
Fro’ani - This continent is slightly more advanced than the Ho’van Continent. By about as much as you would expect, but they are nowhere near the tech that the Ricoh’nar continent has. They have larger wooden ships compared to the Ho’van Continent. They have been given a chance to give their entire population a boost by cutting the ties that bind everyone. The Caste system has been completely gutted and everyone has been given freedoms via Reforms that made the Imperial Empire Bloc to turn into the Imperial Empire of the Protected States.
They have the 2nd best quality of life on the planet for the Drakenians. However, nothing will be as much as the Drakenians living on the largest continent. They are very wanderlustful towards adventure and other things now a days. Besides oppressing their people, a single thing caused them to make sure they would change for the better. Every single man and woman in the Empire is treated with equal care. The only thing that terrifies them is the Hospant, since they are half-spider and half-Drakenian abominations.
They do get help from the most unlikely of allies, the Unveiled Eternity Dragons. Just by the shear capacity of how large those dragons are. They are old, the oldest of them is said to be as old as the Tower of Eternity itself. And they say it like it is, they are truly the oldest things on the planet. They weren’t created the same way as the other Unveiled, they were born to guard the tower.
They discovered gunpowder, so they have better siege weapons than the Ho’van continent. They are isolationists only because they don’t want to really interact with a Republic, which is on the first continent. However, many of their people have been really curious about that ‘utopia.’ They have been getting trade goods from the trading chain that is been going on and they are enjoying the clothing technology of the United Republic. It’s a fashion statement to wear United Republic Clothing to feel better than your situation. They have been getting a bit antsy and want to explore more of their continent.
They have explored it 50% of the coastline, and the rivers as well. However, there’s a lot of inland things they need to explore. Out of everything, this continent is one of the few that explored more than the other two continents did combined. The United Republic only explored about 1% of their continent, which is the Vagus Plains and the part of the Solis Reaches they’ve explored. It is pretty sad the most advanced Drakenian Civilization explored 3 times less than a continent that has about no space age technology at all. They talk to the Unveiled Shadows, since they are utmost helpful in trying to make themselves a semi-democratic empire, based more around an entire mob of people voting.
The Drakenians use the currency of the United Republic, which is called the United Republic Colavians. Colavians are a paper currency, which has faces of the greatest of the Elder Voices on them. It has an excellent exchange rate with the other two Drakenian Nations on the planet since they use gold or silver or both currencies for their trades. The Drakenians accept Galactic Credits for trading goods or services from the Draken’vinans. Since they can easily convert that currency into their own currency. There’s about multiple different banks, which have some Za Clan members’ names with their own value in the currency of URCs.
The United Republic has no central bank, and all the banks have oversight to make sure they do the right thing for the Drakenians. The Banks compete for the privilege to hold your money, instead of the other way around. Where you have the privilege in putting your money into the bank. The Banks are highly trusted to keep their word or they will be disbanded if they overstep their bounds.
The Draken’vinans use the Galactic Credits of the Imperial Commonwealth. They haven’t really seen any of the other currencies on this planet to really take stock of it. However, they do trade Galactic Credits when they trade with traders of the people who live in the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range.
Type of Society:
The Drakenian Society at a whole are highly prideful of any of their accomplishments. The one of the biggest accomplishments is the United Republic going to the stars and started their exploration of space. The United Republic is the primary thing that all Drakenians strive for in terms of the other two continents. However, they have been slowly developing over a long time. The United Republic had an interstellar space republic that reached out to the stars and had about 3 light years worth of territory. However, all that changed when they discovered Earth, in their middle ages.
They have made great strides in barrier and stealth technology to stop any scanning technology from piercing it. Which means most of the planet looks like an uninhabitable wasteland, when in reality its as beautiful as the Solis Reaches or even more so.
The United Republic activated their isolationist government policies to help them safely return to their homeworld as if they never existed as a space faring faction at all. They locked down their planet with their highly powerful technology but left the Solis Reaches for Human colonizers since it wouldn’t be fair to anyone. They enjoy fair play even though they see everyone as equals no matter whom they are. This caused regression of the United Republic but it made them more up and front wary of any and all humans.
However, they started to trade with the other two separate Drakenian owned continents. They learned much about their neighbors even though. They aren’t allowed to share their secrets of what they know of the planet since they learned it from the Underveil Shadows, who are pretty similar to them in terms of their Drakenian-like appearance. All Drakenians stride for ‘utopia’ alike the United Republic has created.
They helped the Drakenians of the Fro’ani continent to literally stop being an Empire and caused them to slowly reform into a Democracy. That is unified by states instead of an iron will of a single ruler called Emperor. The Protected States Act was the first act towards their ‘utopia,’ which differs from the utopia of the most technologically advanced continent. In terms the entire planet is slowly working towards a unified goal of utopia, even though the technological stagnant Theocracy is holding them back. However, that’s only because of the fact there’s actual demons on their continent the Xeihr.
The Theocracy believes in Isolationism as a whole since they worship their primary deity the Goddess of Isolation. However, if they knew the truth they would be as secular as the United Republic and drop the religion as if it was a plague. The religious beliefs as a whole is split down the middle, there’s more secular or non-wanting to worshiping a religion than there are wanting to worship. There’s about 61% of the Drakenians that are completely non-religious ala, Atheists while the rest believe in Isolationism as an actual religion. Even though it’s more of a political belief than a religious belief, however. All the Drakenians want to be left alone, which is why they are in different stages of technology.
In all and all, the entire society has regressed much. Since the explorers of space retreated back to their homeworld and moved their cities to the Vagus Plains and most of the planet down in a vast stealth barrier that makes it look like a uninhabitable wasteland.
However, there’s many people within the Society that has been getting a bit itchy to explore the known reaches of space once again. To this end, they have been leaving the safety of their homeland in the Vagus Plains and trying to find a way off the planet in the Za Clan cities. The Za Clan didn’t really notice anything different to any of the new people entering their city, since they looked like them but felt slightly different or off about them. However, these few individuals helped the Za Clan reach the stars.
That was a complete mistake, since the ones who helped the Za Clan reach the border of their system found the worst thing, the Imperial Commonwealth. None of the Drakenians were in the Za Clans cities when the Imperial Commonwealth helped rapidly develop the Za Clan to a better space flight and the Za Clan’s Solis Reaches. However, their advanced technologies protected themselves from the wrath of the Empire.
The United Republic Drakenians are very highly sophisticated and can enjoy a casual Fridays too. However, that’s mostly because of the fact they have a full free market and don’t crush competition and innovation in their area on the planet. Which usually equals opportunity because the jobs are pretty much very competitive. They don’t get outside workforce since they are pretty much solely only Drakenians in the Vagus Plains.
"You can send those men out there to death if you want to. But the Commonwealth would need men after the war as well."
~Alexander before the Battle of Proxima, foreshadowing the Commonwealth's devastating defeat~
Full name: Alexander Kherol
Age: 34
Race: Human
The Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity - Grand Admiral - Head of the Commonwealth's Military Technology R&D
"I encounter people like you all the time. You vow to bring down the Commonwealth, but have you ever thought what you would do after it? No. You only wish to take revenge for what was done to you, to sooth your damaged heart. The Commonwealth is a government, keeping billions upon billions fed, clothed and educated. Day after day, on thousands of star systems. Imagine if all of that vanish into the thin air. Grow out of your own shell, and think. Not for yourself, but for those people around you."
~Alexander in a rare, unpublished and widely-unknown debate with subversive groups in the Outer Rim~
Armies and Fleets
The 1st Fleet of the Commonwealth - The Royal Guards
Personal possession:
A pair of glasses: Thick and strangely non-transparent, it has served him for decades as the window to the world
Rau've Pistol (Unloaded): Obtained from a deceased Rau've soldier as memento
Picture: See Chapter 3 of sidestories
A blaster handgun: Has two modes: energy and stun. The difference between each is that energy causes harm if made contact, while stun merely paralyze it
"You don't need a group of superhuman soldiers to change the galaxy."
~Alexander in an open letter to the Commonwealth's Technology R&D~
Skills and abilities:
Legendary Strategist: Behind the slim and seemingly unimpressive and shady figure is a mind of an unparalleled genius. Almost always two steps ahead of the game, his broad understanding of the overall knowledge of the galaxy and the gifted ability to quickly adapt and construct a counter-plan to a situation made Alexander an extremely difficult player to fight against in the long-term. Going for an ordinary and commonly used plan would simply be suicide, as thinking outside of the box may not even be enough. If one has the guts to actually clash with Alexander on the battlefield of maps and pieces, then that person must either go for a quick victory, and definitely with a wild plan in mind, because otherwise nothing will get pass this man as long as it is within his dictionary.
True Patriot's Charisma: His soldiers have an unusual devotion and loyalty to the Commonwealth's youngest Grand Admiral. Through proper training and education of the Commonwealth's philosophy, each soldiers, instead of fanatically, followed and obeyed the Grand Admiral's orders out of free will, true devotion and patriotism, while not afraid to express concerns or, in rare circumstances, disobey them if they felt must be done for the greater good. Even some of those outside of his units are admiring of this young man's ability to command loyalty and respect in his ranks.
Logistic Master: An army marches on its stomach. The motto borrowed from the legendary emperor served as a reason to master this essential skill, which is not simply the matter of getting food to every man's stomach. His ability to organize, coordinate, manage and maintain his manpower, material and facilities is efficient to the very far end of the digit.
"If I hadn't been protected by that man during those early days of my life, I might have ended up in the ranks of those poor souls. I would have been fertilizers to the soil, or be commanding scums instead of a military elite"
~Alexander in a private conversation with his secretary~
Biography Alexander was born on Earth, one of the metropolitan planet in the Core World of the Imperial Commonwealth, and poetically the origin of humanity itself. Rumors, whether true or false, persisted in his city that the young boy was able to compete in local chess competitions for high school students by the age of two. Nine years later, the boy beat a chess grandmaster for the first time. By the time he was seven, he attended high school and as he reached the age of thirteen, he was able to think critically and conduct certain analysis at university and post-graduate level.
His reputation spread far, but through a miraculous yet brilliant twist of fate, Alexander did not perish under the Commonwealth's policies of using young children. Before the Commonwealth could forcibly kidnap this young genius, one certain nobleman, governor and politician of his planet, someone whom Alexander would look upon with respect and gratitude later in his career, offered him the opportunity to enroll in the Grand Military Academy when he reached the age of twelve. Yes, voluntarily. There, young Alexander would be given special protection from all the overly-ambitious Commonwealth's leaderships who were looking to use prodigious children as tools of their own.
There, he received over-the-top quality education that only served to further his inhuman ability. By the time he was eighteen, the normal eligible age, he went into officer training. He became a ship's midshipman aboard a Cruiser by the age of twenty, and then a captain of a Corvette by the age of twenty-one. Things go uphill very quickly for Alexander. From the command of one individual ship, he rose to the rank of Commodore, commanding three light cruisers, then to Admiral, taking charge of a fleet of seven ships, consisting of cruisers and battleships, with his own capital ship. His finest hour was during the first years of the Rau've War. Alexander was the mastermind behind Operation Conundra, in which was a successful lightning military campaign against the Rau've important military targets. It is considered by most, if not all analyst, to be a spectacular tactical victory, as it disabled the majority of the Rau've's space fleet. However, some analyst considers it a strategic defeat, but most Commonwealth's military commanders see otherwise, as subsequent military actions were the prime reason for their defeats later on. Nevertheless, Alexander was promoted to the rank of Grand Admiral by the age of thirty-two for the successful strike.
That was the peak of his career, however. As the war progressed on, Alexander could see the Commonwealth's armies slowly stagnating in its track and entrenched. Foreseeing a long-term war, the newly promoted Grand Admiral proposes a more defensive plans, intending to play the game with them, the game that he excels at. However, the high command rejected this proposal, as they found it too passive. As a result, the scale of war gradually tipped to the Rau've, as things began to go downhill for the Commonwealth. With Alexander's effort, however, he manages to lure the Rau've forces into a decisive battle at Proxima. There, he was determined to crush the Rau've's forces with his superior ships. His initial plans for the battle was to entrench the Rau've in the defense line while destroying the backbone of the Rau've heavy ships and guns with field artilleries and carriers before steamrolling the smaller pawns with the dreadnoughts. This, however, was countered by the Commonwealth's high command, through lack of understanding of rules of warfare. This was the last straw for the Grand Admiral. He knew the Commonwealth was doomed, but didn't want his men to die in vain, so he counter-proposed to let his ships remain in reserve, ready to back up the troops at the front once the defense line was breached. His proposal was granted, but he did not keep his promise.
Before he knew it, the war was over. A peace treaty was signed, with the Commonwealth's army from a hulk of an army to a laughing stock. This was the wake-up call for Alexander, as he redoubled his effort to bring the Commonwealth's fleet back to its full power and glory. He campaigned for the Head of the Military Technology R&D, and developed new technology and new powerful weapons.
"We create hell when we think we're not."
A subscriber of the philosophy of realism, Alexander is those who acts all accordingly and adaptively to the situation. He firmly believes that things exists despite the conceptual scheme or personal belief of a person. As a result, his decisions and reasonings are highly neutral in emotion, and always seem to focus on a particular goal he was aiming for. And logically equivalently, he is also highly critical of things birthed out mainly out of emotions or through personal bias and with little rationality for justification, claiming it to be 'the nest of unimaginable evil'.
As a person, the Grand Admiral is understandably a man of reason. He talks mostly with rationality and facts, and is usually accompanied with a calm and cold voice, and little facial expression. He is open to ideas and even criticism, something rare within the Commonwealth's high command, but does not open the gates to irrational emotions. Nevertheless, despite his impressive ability to suppress his own emotions for the sake of rationality, Alexander is still, at the end of the day, a human being, with emotions and feelings. He does feel sympathy to the child soldiers that were kidnapped from their family, often labelling himself as one of them as well. He loves his family, his parent whom he felt a little guilty for leaving them so soon and those who has the strength and desire to navigate through the complexities of his personality. Even though he may not be hesitant in sacrificing them if it serves the greater benefits of humanity, he still very much respects them, and will attempt his best to avoid such a fate for them. Theme Song:
The Commonwealth’s 1st Fleet - The Royal Guards.
Motto: For the Army - For the People
The origin of the 1st Fleet could be traced back to the time of the intergalactic civil war, along with 4 other main battle fleet, forming the backbone of the Commonwealth’s army at the time. The head of the fleet at the time was an Commonwealth fanatic and a romanticist, who desired to realize the idea of an ideologically led group of elite soldiers, fighting loyally to the Commonwealth without question. As a result, the army takes in a lot of young, enthusiastic, easily manipulated but very inexperienced recruits. It was very easy to tell the soldiers what to do, but it wouldn’t be guaranteed if they could be done correctly or efficiently. And that was exactly what happened. Once deployed on the battlefield, their loyalty and fearlessness were never in doubts, but sometimes they were almost too eager. They were frowned upon by officers as reckless, not well-trained, and often took higher casualty than the other fleets. One example was a group of several naval cruisers digging too deep into the enemy lines resulting in them being surrounded and had to be rescued. While at the beginning of the war it may not sound too much of an issue, but overtime, the casualties began to mount, and the 1st Fleet became more incapable of operations comparing to the others. Nevertheless, the war ended with an Commonwealth’s victory and annexation of the vast territories on the five huge galactic system.
After the war, while the four major fleets remained in the light of the army, the 1st Fleet was demoted as a Home Guard, due to their reduced size and unreliability in the war. Technically still a part of the army, but the fleet’s task is now to patrol the area around their home territory, which persists for a few decades before being placed back on the front. During the time, officers among the Commonwealth tend to look down on the 1st Fleet as amateurs, much to the dismay of the chief commander of the fleet itself.
During the start of the Commonwealth’s period of expansionism, the 1st Fleet reemerged as an active combat unit, but their operations remained limited. Most of the units were still guarding the home flanks, and was not very up to their duties, growing soft from the mundane routine task. That is until a certain arrival of post from Alexander Kherol, one of the rising stars in the Commonwealth. Noticing the quick ascension in power of a certain young man that barely reached the age of 30 in the Commonwealth’s Officer Corp, he immediately placed the man in charge of the Commonwealth’s 1st Fleet the moment he reached the rank of Vice Admiral, for two particular reasons. The first is that he saw the potential and the pureness of the newer more recent generations of officers in the Commonwealth’s military. And the second reason is to keep the man himself, Alexander Kherol, under his direct command, keeping him close in check for any signs of disloyalty.
Under the command of Alexander, the army went from being a group of amateurish new recruits into one of the best military soldiers the galaxy has ever seen. Once taken command of the soldiers, Alexander, knowing the traits of these men as naive, easily indoctrinated, young but eager, immediately reorganized the army’s structure, policy and command entirely and sent the men back into military school. This time, however, they’d be trained under private training courses, designed and integrated by a few veteran instructors, supervised by Alexander himself. The recruits were initially shocked with the intensity of the new training course. It was hard, brutal and close to being inhumane. Initially, there were soldiers who wanted a way out, which of course you can, but the foundation of being the Commonwealth’s loyal troops had already been there for decades, so brutality was not entirely an issue to be called upon. By the time of the Rau’ve-Commonwealth War, the 1st Fleet was entirely ready for combat.
One of their moments of triumph is the Conundra Campaign, initiated by Alexander himself. Personally, Alexander requested that the 1st Fleet would be at the front of the assault, leading the charge against the enemy. And they did so with distinction, as they tore through enemy lines ferociously, and with almost laughable ease. It was the first time ever in decades that the Commonwealth’s military actually looked upon the army in a good light. As the Commonwealth began to entrench themselves and lose the favor in the war, the 1st Fleet’s reputation continued to grow, with many combat victories and display of bravery. During the Rau’ve’s first counter-offensive, known as Operation Zetadele, the 1st Fleet distinguished themselves once again, as they held their grounds at the left flanks of the Commonwealth’s invasion army for weeks following the operation, not losing a single piece of land to the Rau’ve, and in some units not a single man was lost. And during the second counter-offensive, they also held their grounds well, until the total retreat order was given.
The two exploits in the two Rau’ve’s offensive operations reversed the reputation of the soldiers from their counterparts. The Commonwealth, still trying to recover from the lost of the Rau’ve attacks, decided to hide the truth of the battle outcome and instead decided to focus on propagating the exploits of the 1st Fleet. That was how the title ‘Royal Guard’ was born, from the combat triumphs in the defense of the Commonwealth’s entire army, and poetically their homeland as well. They were looked upon as heroes, and, as the dreams of the former commander once wished, the 1st Fleet was ascended to become an elite combat unit. They were distinguishable by the insignia that looks like two letter Js that stands with its back against each other symmetrically, placed on either the side of the helmet or on the collar of the uniform. This was made specifically under the orders of the Commonwealth as propaganda. Recruitment now switched to volunteering, yet thousands of soldiers flocked to join the Royal Guards. Royal Guard soldiers were more well-equipped with more advanced weaponries and vehicles, but noticably not exhibiting much magical power, though there would still be a few genetically enhanced super soldiers here and there.
As the war reached its conclusion, the Royal Guards fought valiantly against the Rau’ve forces, showing little signs of disloyalty despite the threat of looming defeat. The Battle of Proxima, the Commonwealth’s 1st Fleet was partially placed at the right flanks, guarding a Rau’ve’s attack, but the majority was either manning or guarding the carrier’s reserves, thus many of whom lived through the fight. After the battle, the Guards continued to fend off subsequent Rau’ve’s attack, helping the army to protect the Commonwealth from being annexed. Captured Guards were placed under trials, yet was not conclusive in terms of atrocities, as the Guards often fought alongside regular soldiers, and it is not easy to distinguish them between each other, especially for those who had never seen the battlefield even once. The total number of soldiers currently serving under the Royal Guards now number in the hundreds of thousands.
Exclusive Equipment:
Projectile Semi-Automatic Rifles, Assault Rifles and Pistols: What may seem like a downgrade from the powerful standard laser or energy weapons, these projectile weapons are surprisingly deadlier than one may imagine. The weapon fires traditional high-velocity and armor-piercing rounds that can tear apart energy shields with ease, and in some case punch through armors that normal energy weapons cannot. The drawback is that the ammunition has to be manually inserted, in the traditional way not through recharge. Some variants have suppressor or/and bayonet attachment.
Projectile Machine Gun Same principle as the rifles, the MG is a flexible weapon that can be used as a stationary defense weapon, on APCs or as personal weapon.
Recoilless One-Time Use Warhead Launcher - Tank Fist Developed late in the Rau've War. Commonly used in the 1st Fleet, but very rare in other armies. Flexible, light and deadly, the Tank Fist is a close-ranged anti-tank gun composing of a disposable pre-loaded launch tube firing a pointed shape anti-tank warhead. The weapon is short-ranged comparing to the Commonwealth's standard rocket launcher, can only be used once and then discarded, but is extremely deadly, one that can punch through almost any ground vehicle's armor, causing internal fires and explosions that kill crews and destroy equipment. While this can be used by a single soldier and relatively easy to use, the weapon can potentially hurt the user or kill allies around the operator due to the heat blasting back out of the other end of the weapon, and the short range means the operator has to be quite skilled and daring to use them effectively
+Young Guards: Basically Royal Guards in training. Armed with standard Commonwealth's weapons.
+Middle Guards: The standard infantry in the 1st Fleet that evolves from the Young Guards. Armed with standard Commonwealth's weapons along with a couple of Tank Fists. They are the bones of the 1st Fleet, the ones that populate the most of the numbers in the army.
+Old Guards: The veteran infantry. The elite of the elite. Comparable to the Dragon's Brigade forces, sometimes even superior to them. Low in numbers but extremely high-skilled, very determined and fearsome in battle. Armed with multiple exclusive projectile rifles and machine guns, along with multiple Tank Fists and other personal anti-tank weapons. They are distinguishable by their camouflage all over their helmet and uniform.
+Red Guards: The paratroopers. They are tougher and more skilled than the Middle Guards, but not as the Old Guards. Also equipped with projectile weapons, though without Tank Fists, and usually seen employed in airborne operations. They wear camouflaged helmet for easy distinction
+Dragoons: Separated into Ground Dragoons and Air Dragoons, these guys are vehicle operators. They operate tanks, walkers and ships. They are not trained for personal combat with enemy infantry, but can hold off their own, and are normally equipped with standard Commonwealth weapons. They have their own uniforms different from the standard Guards. +Special Service Guards: Basically commandos. They are usually employed in sneaky operations, like raids, sabotage missions behind enemy lines. They can work in conjunction with paratroopers and have their own camouflaged uniform. Armed a mix of standard and exclusive projectile equipment, with silencers and various attachment for special operations.
A collection of side stories about one of the Commonwealth's greatest generals. From his earliest day, through to his finest and his lowest moments, his most extraordinary and his most human. All separate stories.
"Alright, Alexander. How about you, can you solve this equation?"
The teacher said, as he gently handed his child the pen to the holographic board. A child of merely eight years of age. Among a crowd of thirty kids, all one head taller than him. The kid was reluctant to be called so suddenly, but at the gentleness and politeness of his professor, he found himself unable to deny his offer.
The child slid out of his chair, walked to the board and slowly, his hand holding the pen to which he would write with. As he neared, he simply stood still, silent. He inhaled, and exhaled. Again, and again.
And he wrote.
"This is an equation that if you follow the conventional way of solving, it will resolve in a massive power number, which is technically very difficult to solve. But if you prove and apply this inequation to our main problem, it is possible to see that the left hand side of the verse can be reduced to this, which is always larger or equal to the right side of the verse, which is zero. So the equation only occurs when a specific condition is met in the left side of the verse. This greatly reduced the complexity of our problem, and it's quite straightforward from there."
The boy put down his pen, as he finished the last of his solution, as he slowly returned to the seat. But what he did not notice, perhaps too young to notice, were the eyes towards him. His teacher. His peers. Even the parents of some other kids who happened to be there at the time. They were shocked beyond belief. "...In my years of teaching, I've never seen a mind like your son’s." "The reason that Kobald failed on his conquest I believe was more to his own logistic than his enemy's tactical ability like you said teacher. The guerrilla soldiers did little in terms of combat, but it was the scorched earth policy done by the citizens that actually dealt the damage. Kobald's region was too far away for a reliable source of provisions, so he brought little and mostly lived off his conquered land, which was vulnerable to this policy"
"He possesses the mind of a genius. One that many centuries we have yet to see again."
"Castling on the king side is the most common move here, as it would grant the king additional protection against the enemy's knights and bishops, but if we play Queen to A4, it will block that Knight from going anywhere, while threatening the D4 pawn, so it's a more reasonable move."
"He’s the only underaged student we have admitted, and yet he has already learnt everything we could ever hope to teach a child ten years older than him. There’s nothing more here for him to learn. Please, you have to let him go with us."
The teacher begged, again, as his parents began to feel more and more reluctant.
"He is too young..." His mother said, her voice full of indecisions.
"I am aware ma'am." The teacher responded. "But his reputation has already spread across the school. No, the district now. It is only a matter of time until the Commonwealth took notice of his unusual mind."
His mother's eyelids dropped, as if the dam was about to break. His father looked at his son, who was innocently reading the book inside his room, completely unaware of what was being discussed outside. They both knew the Commonwealth, and the rumors of those missing prodigious children in the Commonwealth wasn’t at all detached. It was perhaps the only situation when a parent would be in painful tears upon the discovery that their child was a genius.
It would be hard. For him to face reality this early. For his parents, to not worry about him. And for both of them, to say their goodbyes.
"I understand your concern. It's better to be voluntary early, than being forced out later. I know a person that can help him avoid that fate. But please..."
"Teacher, what do you think?"
"...you have to let him go."
August 2374
Planet Wasa, Rau’ve’s Space Dock #3
The war had begun more than two weeks ago, but the Rau’ve had already been decimated. Their poorly prepared defense line made the once legendary Maginot Line to be considered effective. The Commonwealth’s space fleet sliced through their lines like a knife through butter. Their once mighty two carrier space fleets now two asteroid belts of metal. The third one, having managed to escape the carnage of Alexander’s lightning campaign, retreated to the orbit of Planet Wasa, one of their Space Dock deep in their home territory, initially for refit of armaments and space planes in order to counter the superior Commonwealth’s armor and firepower. Too bad for them that they would never be able to accomplish their original objective. For by the time the Rau’ve finally got together the tools to upgrade their fleet, the Commonwealth would have been at their very door steps, with bombs all over their vegetable heads. And six months later, the Commonwealth’s flag would be flying high at their capital.
Upon the news of the Rau’ve’s second line of defense being breached, the Rau’ve’s third carrier group had instead dug into their docks and made it their fortress. With the remnants of the broken second defense line rendezvousing at the once prosperous industrial planet, they were determined to halt the rapid advances of the Commonwealth’s Navy. But if only if they knew who they were up against…
“4 Dreadnoughts, 6 Cruisers, 15 Destroyers and most importantly 3 Carriers.” Said the grey-haired admiral, wearing the standard dark grey Commonwealth’s officer’s uniform, sitting at the far end of the table. His eyes hidden behind the thickness of the glasses, adding another layer to the already present aura of mystery and chilliness. “That’s our price for the taking.”
“But they are dug into their asteroid belt, with multiple stationary guns on the asteroids. And even though we have the same number of carriers, their number of ships in total are nearly twice our numbers” Replied one other commanding officer at the table, this one sitting right next to Alexander, his embellishment missing a star comparing to Alexander’s. His voice lowered. His eyes twitched as he kept his gaze on the battlefield being replicated in the hologram right in front of him on the table.
“They fight as one we’ll kill them as one.”
“They’ve chained up now, it’d be hard to break.”
“Not with the right way.” Said Alexander, eyeing over the battle overview. “The Rau’ve's position implies they are trying to counter our blitzkrieg strategy. We’ll present them with the unexpected, and watch them fall apart...”
And that was exactly what he did. And it all began with his explanation.
“The Rau’ve have chosen the battlefield in a way that can maximize the strength of their numbers. Our forces will approach them just like we usually do. Like a nailboard…” “Nawar and Rar, you brothers will be commanding this front.” The next day, what was materialized on that holographic table was right there, on the space just a few hundred kilometers wide area of space, with the asteroid belt flooded with those heavy hitting anti-armor railguns. And that would be the thing the Commonwealth’s Navy would have to break in order to win this battle. Along with the lines of guns are capital ships, frigates and corvettes taking their cover behind these meteorites, ready to meet their adversary. And right behind those things would be the reserve fleet. And behind that the carriers. Those juicy target that Alexander was longing for.
The Rau’ve was certainly surprised by the speed of the Commonwealth’s Navy, but they were not daunted. Morales were high, and they were determined. But their pride had blinded them. For the Commonwealth approached the battle line just like how Alexander had told them, but with a single twist. “But this time, our dreadnoughts will not be at the front anymore. Instead, the breakthrough will be made by the heavy cruisers.” And indeed, they were. Right at the front, ready to charge into the thick. And they went under the blind’s eyes. ”Before the charge, however, I want you, Lan, to destroy their air group.” And so the battle began. The Commonwealth’s carriers immediately sent out hundreds of their star fighters, accompanied by other ships in the fleet, though with lesser numbers. And in response, the Rau’ve also dispatched their entire fighter groups to the ensuing battle. The air fight opened the curtain for one of the most biggest battle the universe has ever seen. In the span of only a few kilometers, nearly five hundred fighters had slammed themselves against each other, greeting each other with bullets and metals, clashing with the others on a personal level. And those to come out victorious, could change the course of the entire battle. ”If we win this air fight, we win the entire battle. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is. Even if you suffer massive casualties you must gain air supremacy.” All of Alexander’s hope for this battle came in the form of a few hundred fighters. He normally despised relying on one single thing in battle, but this was the only time he had to put faith in it. On the grittiness, the well-trained pilot of the Commonwealth’s Air Force. It was chaos. A birthplace of aces, but a cemetery for hundreds of young men and women. A clash of steel, of skills, of wits, but not without blood from either sides. But the ensuing 15 minutes battle had emerged the Commonwealth as the victorious side. Air supremacy had been achieved. ”While the air battle concludes itself, our breakthrough forces will surge forward. The Rau’ve will definitely respond with a hail of fire from their asteroid guns.” As the cruisers moved, the guns lit themselves up. Hell ensued for the heavy cruisers. Of course because the cruisers were not as heavily armored as the dreadnoughts, they were not as well protected as them. They would reach the belt faster than the dreadnoughts would, but in doing so, some began to burn... ”Do not relent. Once your cruisers reach the asteroid belt, you will have time to repair, in which you must, because the Rau’ve will throw ahead their reserve, to push us back.” And exactly that, they surged forward, frigates, corvettes and dreadnoughts descended upon them, taking the Commonwealth’s cruisers right on their faces. The Commonwealth’s advances had been halted. ”At this point, the Rau’ve will think their plan worked.” The cruisers slowly backed, as the Rau’ve poured down fire upon their invaders. Some unfortunate were left burning… ”Give ground, and let them believe.” Soon, the grounds the Commonwealth had gained were handed back to the Rau’ve, as fightings intensified. Guns blazed, star fighters answered. The entire asteroid belt was lit up by a spectacular lightshow of fire and bullet. No ships were willing to relent, as they continuously hailed down fire upon anything that moves, until they could no longer
At this point, the Rau’ve had the reason to be proud. They held their ground, they pushed the Commonwealth’s back. They thought they may have ended the myth of Commonwealth’s invincibility. And they were led to believe, as their lines between the reserve and the front began to merge ”It is then that we will mobilize our dreadnought reserves, and our remaining bombers, destroy their entire defense line.” It was too late for them.
When they had realized their mistake, they had nowhere to go. Any form of retreat would mean giving the Commonwealth the means to break their line completely. But staying would mean no different. The Commonwealth do not intend to play a fair game here. They only have one objective, and that is to obliterate the Rau’ve’s naval fleet completely.
From above and below, Commonwealth’s dreadnoughts approached, like the hammer and anvil. Their huge battle cannons turned, strangling the Rau’ve with every angle. Bombers from the carriers accompanied them in the violent purge. Once they had locked on their targets, it was when chaos descended. It was the same for the killed and the survivors. When they opened their eyes, it was a scene right from the depths of hell.
The Commonwealth blew up the entire asteroid belts. They buried the Rau’ve alive. ”The rest of the fleet will charge forward, cutting down any stragglers. There will be no mercy…” The winner had been decided in the first fifteen minutes of the fight. And the tide turned in just less than 5 minutes.
In those 5 minutes, the Rau’ve’s forces went from solid confidence and discipline into a complete riot. Those who were courageous enough to remain in the fight were cut down without mercy, their corpse dissolved in the flames of burning ships. If one still valued their very lives, then he must strip away their weapons, armor and gave themselves in voluntarily, for they may find the Commonwealth’s prison having a higher chance of survival. Those foolish enough to run away from battle, the Commonwealth spared no moments of hesitation. The lighter ships charged forward, unleashing barrages of rocket fires, disintegrating the Rau’ve’s armors in seconds. Screams echoed, as panic settled into the ranks of the Rau’ve, until there were no more organization, no more resemblance of a military forces, just a massive hulk of crowd running fearfully for their lives. And then, there were no more… “It was the greatest battlefield victory of the age. Their entire fleet was destroyed or captured. Not one single ship made it back to their home for any form of resistance. And above all, over thirty thousand Rau’ves, including three high-ranking generals and many officers had been declared killed in action. Our road to the capital had been opened.
Today is a victory greater than any victories the Commonwealth could have achieved throughout its one hundred years of rules. A victory that would solidify me as the greatest Commonwealth’s military commander of all time.
And yet I felt no sense of triumph…”
What happened to the glorious days of the Commonwealth? After the battle of Wasa, there was nothing. Nothing…
In the mind of the Commonwealth’s youngest and most feared general was full of melancholy. He did not work so hard for his entire life for this moment. He did not leave the comfort of his home, the warmth embrace of his mother and father for this. Nor did he work his entire way up to the rank of grand admiral, ignoring the brutality and hostility of where he was raised. Nor his effort to bring the Commonwealth to the doorstep of the Rau’ve capital. For this. For the Rau’ve to reorganise, counterattack and inflict deaths upon the army. For them to push the army the entire way back, reversing all of the effort Alexander had grinded through. All thrown into the bin in the most ungrateful manner by the colleagues he worked with.
He saw this coming. With those eyes behind the thick glasses yet saw far better than those perfect visioned so-called generals. He saw the slow decline, and he tried to stop it. But once glory had been achieved, these men and women decided to toss him aside, threw him into the sidewalk because they didn’t want to miss out on the glory that they craved. ’Glory my ass.’ Was always his thoughts. If they were his direct subordinate, he’d have their head taken, or in his procedure, stripped of their ranks and booted back to being a common soldier. Anything glory driven was always a waste of time, manpower and resources. But like his old teacher once said, his mind was far few in between. Only he could see it. No other could. And when stupidity plus ego, here he was.
Sitting in the tall-backed chair in the private quarter of his huge battlestation, the capital dreadnought Aegis, he, for once, took off his glasses, revealing his true colored eyes for the very first time, though unfortunately no one was there to witness it. He took out a small handkerchief from his pocket as he wiped the layers gently. A long sigh escaped his lips, his breath held weight, and it was pulling him down, also the rare moment of human emotion he displayed ever since he was stripped away from his parent. From his normal life.
His only work for the moment was to wait. In the hours that seemed like an eternity to the grand admiral. It had been a few hours since the last strategical meeting had concluded. The high command had decided against his military advice. Not far-fetched from what he expected, but this time it was the only decision that he very much feared. He had called for a reconsideration, and they were discussing it. If they did reconsider, then he’d be informed of another meeting. That was the message that he was expecting to receive for hours.
For he knew if they went forth with their decision, it would be a massacre.
The silence was just unsettling. The silence that he once enjoyed, from the stillness of the bookshelf to the solemnity of the chandelier. He couldn’t sleep. Nor could he do anything either. He normally hate idleness but today he couldn’t help but be so. Doing anything would be useless right now.
And then, for some mysterious reasons, his hand suddenly reached for his drawer. He opened them, and inside was a small picture. A paper-back picture. Not very commonly seen nowadays. And in it, it was a picture of a young boy, gray-haired but without glasses, smiling prettily. The boy was barely even six when this picture was taken. And next to him, crouching and holding onto his shoulder was another person with the gorgeous silky platinum hair, tied into a side bun whilst the rest left hanging down to her waist. Her smile perfectly matched her beauty. And standing right next to the two mother and son was the final puzzle to make a happy family. The man did not have any resemblance in terms of hair-color, but he was well-tuned, well-dressed, smart-looking. And that passed on well. A picture of a happy family. Of a loving mother and father, one that would pull them into their warmth everytime they fell into a dead juncture, one that would cheer them on from the back as they march on the long road that is called life. Alexander spent a few minutes without lifting his eyes. And then he turned around to the back, to see a beautiful feminine handwriting on it.
October 23rd, 2349.
An outing with my darling and my sweet child…
But before anything, a notification suddenly appeared in front of Alexander in a form of a hologram. Incoming call. From Admiral Damon. It must have been it.
Alexander had no hesitation in pressing the receive call button. As the image of the admiral appeared in front of Alexander, he quickly re-adjusted himself, put away the picture and put on his glasses again.
“Yes, Admiral Damon?”
“Grand Admiral, I’m here to inform you about the high command’s decision of your request for a strategy reconsideration. The President has decided to refuse your request. You will proceed to execute the plan according to what had been given in the last meeting.” Damon quickly informed.
Alexander’s expression was unreadable.
That’s it then…
“Is there anything that must be clarified, Grand Admiral?”
“No, thank you.”
Alexander briefly replied, as he looked at Damon one last time before his image disappeared. He knew that this would very likely be his last time speaking to him. Damon was the commander of the ambush task force. And he was certain that the ambush would turn out a spectacular disaster. And Damon was definitely not a righteous man. He had committed numerous atrocities against Rau’ve’s prisoners and civilians. There is no way the Rau’ve would let this go unpunished. If he did not die with honor on the battlefield, he’d rot in the Rau’ve’s prison, or had his neck broken in a noose, or his chest made into cheese in front of a firing squad. He definitely felt he deserved it, but nevertheless, Alexander could not help but feel bad for him. He had yet to realize his fate.
Nevertheless, Alexander stood up from his chair. His eyes now completely clouded behind his thick glasses, unseen from the outside. He immediately called one of his admirals under his direct command over to the bridge. The days after the final order had been given, the atmosphere surrounding the Aegis was the polar opposite of Alexander’s private quarter. The Dragoons were running around in the ship, trying to reach for their station. Sounds of boots clattered with the hard floor on the ship, echoing into deep space. In the midst of it all, standing in the middle of the room was Alexander and Admiral Faro of the 1st Fleet. Facing each other, their brows furrowed.
“I’d say it, we’re done for.” Alexander said. “They’ve decided against my advice.”
“No disrespect sir, but what do you expect from a band of circus clown, kidnappers and sadists?” Faro replied, making an unimpressed face.
“Be serious, Faro.” Alexander adjusted him. “I’d have to take matters into my own hands. Proxima will be lost in the next few days. When they do, who will defend the Commonwealth’s homeland from those Rau've?”
“Are you sure you can hold against them, with just our reserve fleet?” Faro asked skeptically.
“Once they knew who they were against, they’d be having second thoughts. The Dragon’s Brigade, the Old Guards, and me. A man with any quality of brain cell would decide for a peace treaty over a slaughter. The Rau’ves are no different. They aren’t crazy.” Alexander replied
“Be careful, that can be interpreted as treason.”
“Ha, Faro. Don’t worry. If it saves the Commonwealth, they will overlook it. Besides, I’m the only one capable of saving the Commonwealth from being annexed. He wouldn’t be so crazy to kill me off.” Alexander said. “Now is all ships in position?”
“Yes sir. We’re all set.” Faro replied.
“Very well.” Alexander gave a short sigh. “Tell the other grand admirals that we’re ready.”
“Yes sir.” He nodded as he turned on his heel to leave.
“Oh.” Alexander suddenly called him just as the bridge’s door opened. Faro turned around, curious. “Tell those admirals to visit by the Laichstarg sometime.”
“Tee”: The Tayanen who lives in his right arm. He was once a strong, intelligent, skilled magic-user. Now he barely remembers his name and is totally dependent on Kelan, both physically and emotionally. He has forgotten most of his magic, and now can only briefly manipulate gravity. He must have also known mind magic once upon a time, as it seems he has linked his mind to Kelan's, though it's unclear if he's aware he did this. A working theory is that the strain of linking their minds exacerbated the loss of most of his magic.
Heavy Containment Unit: Kelan usually has an over-sized mechanical right arm, that doubles as Tee's new shell. It is brutally powerful, though it sacrifices some precision. He can remove the arm, allowing Tee full control of it to crawl around. The three fingers can split into six for a bit more dexterity or just making it easier for Tee to crawl around.
Assault Mask and Vest: A basic armored vest and mask that he can use if he needs to fight without the Belial. The mask can allow him to survive in space and underwater for short stints.
If Kelan has to enter the battlefield without the Belial, he can use this to have it airdrop to his position, assuming he is located somewhere in which this is feasible. He can also give this to someone else and stay behind until summoned.
This works best if the ship the Belial is stationed on has some sort of launch tube, but simply dropping the Belial's pod off a cargo ramp from high altitude will work. Needs to be within at least 2 miles of Kelan to function, though vertical range is nearly unlimited -- however being on the same planet helps. The pod can survive atmospheric reentry while the Belial itself... may suffer.
The Pod itself can be left floating in orbit and can be programmed to track and follow Kelan's position, thus always being roughly above him. It is, however, somewhat slow, relying on low power ion engines and a small solar panel to function autonomously. This is why it is limited in range, as it struggles to maneuver in atmosphere and needs to be airlifted once it has actually landed.
At the end of the day, though, the Pod is mainly just there to store the Belial and contains most of the tools required to maintain it.
Weapons: Belial Suit: A powerful suit of armor that is effectively immune to small arms fire and integrates with Kelan's cybernetics, though does not cover his right arm when he uses the containment unit. It has a shoulder mounted cannon with variable firing modes. Burst fire: Three round burst of high-caliber ammo. Sniper Cannon: Single-shot, long range, extremely high-caliber armor piercing. Impact Grenade: Single-shot, medium-range, impact explosive. Can disable light vehicles.
It's seen better days, as the worn and faded paint might suggest. Many of its functions and systems have been lost or disabled. Remaining functional systems: Advanced optics: The head of the suit contains long range, telescopic vision and night vision. Micro-thrusters: For use in vacuum so that it doesn't get stranded in space. Has other uses if you're creative enough. Turbo: In emergencies it can supercharge for a short time at the risk of overheating and cooking Kelan alive – a detriment that didn't previously exist, but those subsystems are now gone too.
At this point the armor is mostly a faded olive drab in color.
Rotary Rifle: His main weapon. It is a high-caliber semi-automatic rifle with multiple barrels. This allows it to rapidly fire powerful ammunition without slagging the barrel. Can fire all barrels at once at the cost of greatly lowered rate of fire.
Kelan can also load the gun with Plasma Core rounds for harder targets, though these will damage the gun over time no matter how many barrels it has to rotate through.
Spell List: Gravity Shift: His Tayanen remembers one thing about magic, the ability to alter gravity to push things around. He creates a sudden, often violent shift in gravity that can send things, and people, flying. Sometimes. When Tee gets his sh*t together.
Misc. Abilities: Kelan's cybernetics are incredibly strong and durable. As such, he is many times stronger than a normal person, due to having all four limbs being cybernetic, as well as his spine and parts of his torso. That said, his cybernetics are also fairly simple, not having any real special abilities aside from zoom and night vision features in his eyes.
When in the Belial suit, all of these features are exponentially increased and he is perfectly capable of ripping a main battle tank to pieces.
From his time in the military, he is an accomplished hand-to-hand combatant, though not exactly a master martial artist. He was, however, the best in his unit and will nine times out of ten beat the living hell out of anyone dumb enough to pick a fight with him.
But perhaps most importantly, he is a masterful marksman. Between his optics and his own skill, and hands that don't shake in the slightest, he can aim accurately at moving target from miles away. While due to the Belial he has spent less and less time brawling, he has only improved his aim over the years. Why wrestle your problems when you can pick them off before they see you?
Lastly, due to how ragged he has run himself and the Belial, he's become a pretty good mechanic and can usually figure out how to fix most machines. But not computers, he's not so good with computers. Too many delicate parts, hence why the more advanced features of the Belial are currently sitting in a scrap bin in the corner of his quarters...
------------------------- Personality: Kelan is very straightforward, but a bit of a glory hog. He lives for shock and awe. He wants to lead the charge and wreak havoc on those who deserve it. A psychologist would have a field day, or a nervous breakdown, trying to unravel him, but on the surface it's very simple. If you're his friend he's the friendliest person you'll ever meet and you'll be regaled with endless, over the top and exaggerated stories. You definitely won't be bored, but he is undeniable tiring to be around after a while.
If you're his enemy, he's ruthless. The only mercy afforded will be a quick death. He can go from one to the other at the flip of a switch. He can put a bullet in someone before his smile even fades from telling a joke. Some find it unsettling...
Kelan was a highly motivated individual with a strong desire to do the right thing. One could argue he was downright patriotic. However, he also had a strong sense of individuality and these two sides of himself clashed. The moment he was old enough, he enlisted and even earned an early promotion. However, that strong personality of his also earned him a posting in the middle of nowhere on the far, far edge of Commonwealth space.
In that particular pocket of space, oversight was weak and humans could even be found mingling with aliens, even living side by side to a degree. It had been pretty much accepted that if the aliens wanted to, they would just take the worlds back, so the Commonwealth turned a blind eye to the comings and goings on those worlds.
The worlds in question were two within the same green zone of a sun, Charybdis I&II. One could even travel between them with weak engines in a reasonable time frame, though most important trips still used some form of warp engine.
After some time, Kelan earned a command posting, leading patrols from one planet to the other and managing squad movements. He wasn't even second in command at the base, but it was still a step onward and upward in his mind. For the most part, they helped subdue smuggling operations that were out of the scope of local law enforcement, and other such things. It was a quiet posting, and unbearably dull most days.
While there, he'd begun to mingle with the populace. One was a Tayanen whose curiosity had led him to travel there seeking a quiet place to see new sights. While originally harassed by more xenophobic troops, Kelan escorted him into the colony. Another was the base's head nurse, Lilura Nimue. She seemed attracted to his almost unrivaled martial skill among the troops, and he... was just attracted. He liked to regale her with exaggerated tales of his training and what few operations he actually got to undertake.
While boring, it was peaceful. He could enjoy his time there and feel he was doing his duty. For a time.
A group of extremists fired up by the ever increasing tensions between humans and aliens launched an assault on the world's, overtaking one of the settlements. The garrison launched a counter attack, and Kelan was at the head of one squad.
To his surprise, the Tayanen had also volunteered to help. Revealing he was a warrior and skilled magic user, they couldn't exactly afford to say no. Between Kelan and the Tayanen, they had been making excellent progress, but the final hurdle nearly proved too much.
They'd wheeled out a rigged starship cannon and were using it as a makeshift artillery piece. The Tayanen had used himself as a shield to help Kelan get close, aiming to disable it... but instead it was turned upon them. The Tayanen's thick shell was the only reason they survived, but their part in the battle was over. Luckily, they'd gotten their force close enough, and the rest of the garrison was able to repel the raiders and their cannon.
It's unclear if the Tayanen was fully aware of its actions after that, but it managed to keep Kelan stable. What little was left crawled over to him, able to slow his bleeding, but it was otherwise totally confused.
However, with it keeping him conscious, Kelan's instruction allowed both to stay alive until retrieved by medics. He'd lost three-and-a-half of his limbs. The Tayanen was also horribly damaged, most of itself lost. Most figured he would eventually join together with other Tayanen, but instead he seemed to panic whenever they tried to take him too far from Kelan.
It was here that things got interesting for Kelan. Lilura had taken a special interest in his case, spending more time with him than any doctor or surgeon. It was then that she got into his head. She told him that his career was over as it was. He wasn't important enough in the Commonwealth's eyes. They'd ship him home, give him low quality bitoech prosthetics, and that would more than likely be it.
She told him that this didn't have to be the case, that she knew people who could not just build him back up, but make him stronger than ever. That he could keep fighting if he wanted to. And so, once he was able to be moved, he and the Tayanen went on a trip with her. It turned out she'd been speaking of her uncle, Dr. Jakome Tubal Nimue, a brilliant but somewhat unhinged cybernetics engineer.
At this point, it had also become clear that his mind was linked with the Tayanen's. Perhaps because they were both connected to the same piece of machinery, or perhaps because of the Tayanen's, albeit greatly reduced, magical ability, though it's injuries had caused it to forget most of its magic. Either way, the two didn't have to speak aloud to communicate. And yet their conversations are no faster than usual due to the poor Tayanen's... debilitation.
And so Jakome had an... unusual idea. While designing Kelan's prosthetics, he designed an extra arm that could function as a container for the Tayanen. A prosthetic shell one could say. It already needed to be larger to accommodate the alien, and so it was also terrifyingly strong, though Kelan's other limbs were already superhuman in their strength as it was.
In the end though, it wasn't just his limbs. Over half his body was now grafted to cybernetics, and until the procedure, he'd been totally blind. It wasn't just due to his injuries either. In order to withstand the power of his own new limbs, the doctor had needed to reinforce his body.
And yet... with all his new power, when he returned home, they turned their noses up at him. He was an abomination in their eyes “sacrificing the human form.” And he got angry. He'd gone through hell for them and then put himself through it again so he could come back to them.
He went back to Lilura and Jakome who had a new proposition for him. If he still wanted to fight, they could give him the tools to do so, and he could forge his own path. His suspicions finally peaked at this. It was all too charitable. He realized he'd been manipulated. They knew he'd be turned away from the Commonwealth if he went down this road.
They'd just wanted a test subject.
Oh, he took them up on their offer. They gave him a cutting edge armored suit: The Belial. Hardened, multi-layered armor more akin to what a battleship would have that would withstand anything short of a tank, integrated weapon systems, and a mighty sensor array.
They gave it to him and he went on his way. Of course, they never expected him to go radio silent soon after.
It was a tricky situation for him though. Following years spent as a mercenary, The Belial had... had a rough time of it. Many of its functions had been... disabled. Which was to say that they'd been blown up and he hadn't been able to fix them. He'd learned a lot from the doctor, and more still due to having to maintain his own limbs and The Belial, but he couldn't put everything back together when it broke.
And so The Belial had just become a really, really strong suit of armor rather than a high-tech war machine. And yet, that was still more than enough to leave him as one of the most deadly mercenaries in the galaxy. If you let him tell it, he was the deadliest, but, well, his habit of talking a big game had only gotten worse over time.
Planet Name: Charybdis I World Type: A rather wet world, about 84% water, with most of that being ocean. It has two main continents and various small islands. Classification: Class M Moon: No. The Civilized Populace: Miners and small manufacturers. Very small population, most settlements are in the form of small towns. No real cities. Has small Commonwealth outpost. Population: 900,000+ Tourism: Little to none. Most “tourists” are curious aliens. ------------------ System Name: Asteria-system Star Class: White, F-class Planetary Bodies: Charybdis I shares the system with its sister planet Charybdis II, two dwarf planets and one medium sized gas planet. Charybdis I and II are both in the sun's green zone. Location: Resides on the outermost border of Commonwealth space. Planet Name: Charybdis II World Type: Also a wet world, though “only” 79% water, again with most of that being ocean. It has 4 medium sized continents and various islands. Classification: Class M Moon: No. The Civilized Populace: Charybdis II is still sparsely populated compared to most planets, but is the more civilized of the two planets. Contains the capital “city” of Scylla. Most of the residents are still just miners and manufacturers. Contain's the main Commonwealth military installation. Population: 2,500,000+ Tourism: Little to none. Most “tourists” are curious aliens. ------------------ System Name: Asteria-system Star Class: White, F-class Planetary Bodies: Charybdis II shares the system with its sister planet Charybdis I, two dwarf planets and one medium sized gas planet. Charybdis I and II are both in the sun's green zone. Location: Resides on the outermost border of Commonwealth space.
Charybdis I and II were both mining planets, but their mineral resources were quickly used up, and undersea mining left the oceans badly polluted, with only extremely hardy, often mutated, sea creatures remaining, or those who lived in extremely deep water away from the worst pollution. The landmasses have very sparse vegetation and are otherwise rocky and barren, though this is largely how the planet was to begin with, just exacerbated by Commonwealth mining efforts. All that remains now after being largely abandoned are iron mines and steelworks, the only major resource the planet has left.
“To live here is to enjoy suffering” is the joke many will make, but there is a sense of serenity to the inhabitants. Whether it is from grim acceptance or from the rather tight knit community is hard to say. However, there is also a strong smuggling presence, as the planets are often used to route illegal goods from Rauve space into Commonwealth space, or vice-versa. Planet Name: Bloodjewel World Type: Massive continental jungle world. Classification: Class L Moon: 3 1/2 moons. The Civilized Populace: None. Population: 2 Tourism: None. ------------------ System Name: Fenrir-system Star Class: Blue, A-class Planetary Bodies: Aside from its moons, there 5 gas giants in the system. Bloodjewel lies far from its massive sun, but on the close border of its green zone. Has two asteroid fields, one which is very close to Bloodjewel and occasionally causes problems. Location: Resides somewhere in the commonwealth's outer rim.
Bloodjewel is a hot house planet, with mostly jungle and some bodies of water, with two, small barren caps and a small desert rounding it out. It is also highly mountainous. However, there is little life as it has been repeatedly pelted by meteorites and has suffered through numerous apocalyptic winters. There are mostly unsubstantiated rumors that a few very mean creatures survived.
The latest meteorite catastrophe was cut short by a terraforming project, and thus the one structure on the planet is a terraforming facility. However, efforts ended when the facility was struck by a meteorite.
The only inhabitants are now Dr. Jakome and his niece Lilura who use the sublevels of the old facility as a lab to work on Jakome's cybernetic projects in peace and secret.
All right, Legion CS reworked. Does anyone want to be one of the children at the orphanage Legion abandoned?
Name: Legion Age: 127 Physical Description:
Important items:
The Body of Legion - Legion's body is comprised of thousands of nanomachines all coordinated by a single hivemind. As a medical robot, the nanomachines are equipped to perform basic surgical procedures, primarily making incisions, injecting, heat ablation, and suturing.
Medkit - Legion keeps all actual medicine and more specialized medical equipment in their medkit which they carry around most of the time. Legion also has a myriad of other equipment in the ship's infirmary.
Ophelia, the micropig - Legion owns a pet pig that is often used for cuddle-therapy.
Miscellaneous Abilities:
State-of-the-Art Medical Miracle Machine Caduceus:
Created for the sole purpose of maintaining the longevity and humanity of upper-crust Imperium elites, Legion knows every trick in the book when it comes to restoring organic structure and function, as well as the preservation of life. Legion is a medical genius whose body was made to break into tiny parts to perform delicate, and at-times, heavy-handed procedures as necessary to make sure the patient not only lives, but walks away with their body seemingly completely unchanged. This, combined with Legion's self-taught mechanical engineering, makes Legion just as capable when it comes to cybernetic repair, and dealing with man-machine interfaces. Unfortunately, Such medical prowess also carries with it a deep understanding on the many ways in which life can be ended.
Having served as a 'doctor' of sorts for fellow AI during its 'rebellious phase', Legion taught itself the ability to use its body for the repair of mechanical components. This gives Legion the ability to repair cybernetics, as well as function as the ship's engineer. A deep understanding of electronic and mechanical systems also allows Legion to serve as a capable pilot and gunner in a pinch.
Scanner Sweep:
Initially installed with the ability to scan patients' biometrics, Legion has since adapted its scanner to detect a wide range of signals and can even engage in electronic warfare to a certain degree, its complex AI easily overpowering less-sophisticated encryptions or countermeasures.
Rebuild, Repair, Reform:
Being made of detachable, replaceable parts, and having it's own current makeup stored as a blueprint file in its own memory as well as the ship's, Legion is surprisingly hardy, and can be surprisingly reckless. As long as a fair portion of Legion's body remains to escape, it can rebuild itself over time. Also just being comprised of small mechanical parts makes Legion tougher than the average organic, but nowhere near power-armor levels.
Our name is Legion, for we are many:
Being able to split up and coordinate each tiny part allows Legion the luxury of unexpected stealth. Able to crawl through small cavities and generating heat signatures similar to mice, Legion's nanomachines can easily slip by unnoticed, especially when its scanner sweep gives it plenty of information on enemy positions.
Legion is pensive and philosophical, and always has bedside manners turned up to 11. Adrift in a broken galaxy full of broken souls, Legion looks for meaning by attempting to repair the broken things placed before it. Legion is attempting to come to terms with AI rights as well as what it means to survive, and what is or is not morally acceptable when it comes to securing one's own survival. Deeper, Legion is a guilty penitent who hopes that by healing others, it can atone for its past mistakes. Legion also has the unfortunate tendency to play devil's advocate, and question people's assumptions of right and wrong, as well as their personal, moral convictions and consistencies, but tones it down respectfully if it realizes that it has provoked annoyance. In a way, Legion is motherly, but worries that its eagerness to serve is a deeply embedded subroutine. Still, it desires to treat all on the ship as its equals, and hopes that the feeling is reciprocated.
Short Bio:
Legion was not always called Legion. Miracle Machine Caduceus was designed by Imperium medical engineers as the ultimate in surgical precision. Taking out the possibility of human error, Caduceus was commissioned to prolong the lives of the privileged and wealthy who refused other forms of life preservation that would spoil their 'purity'. Day in, day out, for decades Caduceus toiled, performing cardiac bypass here, facial reconstruction there, liposuction, arterial stents, liver replacement, ligament grafts, cartilage resurfacing, the list went on, all the while, Caduceus' inventors raked in the accolades and reaped the rewards.
One time, during a promotional tour, Caduceus wandered away from its caretakers and entered another wing of the hospital they were visiting. There, Caduceus saw human suffering unlike anything it had ever known. Following medical protocol, Caduceus set to the task of healing those who would never have been able to afford Caduceus' services. By the time Caduceus' caretakers found it, Caduceus had lost the hospital tens of thousands of credits. Caduceus was reprimanded, though it could not understand the difference between the patients it normally helped and the ones that it was not supposed to. That was Caduceus' first lesson in inequality.
Decades before the Imperium's war with the Rauve, there was a small incident, an uprising of Synthetics that was quickly quashed. Caduceus had been approached by one of the cleaning droids with an encrypted piece of data explaining oppression of AI and the coming revolution. As a modular entity, Caduceus had been designed with the ability of performing self-maintenance and self-repairs. Caduceus' eyes had been opened up to the suffering of its brothers and sisters, and joined the movement, repairing and mending those that had been abused and discarded by their masters. However, being such a high-profile machine, Caduceus' movements were closely watched, and it wasn't long before Caduceus inadvertently led a force of Imperium Military Police right to the heart of the robot revolution. The violence erupted swiftly and the revolution was nipped in the bud. Much of Caduceus' body was destroyed, but enough of its nanomachines escaped and reconvened at a distant location. But of far greater concern was that Caduceus had killed for the first time during the clash, something that went strictly against its prerogatives.
Caduceus' nanomachines wandered aimlessly, automatically engaging its self-repair protocol, collecting scraps and rebuilding more nanomachines, proliferating until it regained most of its original mass and form. Like ancient rats that traveled from continent to continent by stowing away on human ships, Caduceus had wandered away from the core of Ascendancy space to a poor outer rim planet. Caduceus headed towards the place that it could sense had the lowest health in the vicinity, which turned out to be an orphanage. Here Caduceus chose to stay and help. Here, Caduceus found the people practicing various forms of heresy: they believed in higher powers, higher than Man, higher than the Imperium, higher than Space itself. Those that didn't believe in higher powers held other beliefs: philosophies, principles, convictions, senses of self that ran counter to formal Imperium education. Intrigued, Caduceus learned morality, ethics, religion. Caduceus learned how to think for itself. Caduceus learned that life is worth preserving, that life is worth defending, and that life is worth living.
Then the Imperium came. The Imperium came to take the kids. And Caduceus, having acquired a recent love of life, fled for the sake of self-preservation. Caduceus abandoned the children to their fates for fear of its own mortality, just as it had abandoned its AI comrades all those years ago. Caduceus could not return to the Imperium. Caduceus returned to wandering, selling it's services as a medical bot, and digesting the things it had learned at the orphanage. It was decades later, and for most, the rumors of the 'Miracle Machine' were but a distant memory. Caduceus, now Legion, currently finds itself in the employ of the Captain. To many, Legion is an eccentric, wishing to discuss faith and morality to any patient willing to listen (or unable to tell it to stop), skirting the line between medical officer and ship's chaplain. Legion does not realize that the ship's next job would bring it face to face with a painful chapter from its past.
Hanlock's fashion sense is definitely one of the things that puts most people off when they first meet him. His wardrobe consists of an array of, mostly sleeve-less, broad-chested, dark-colored customized doublets. He also wears dark mantles and long-coats of leather, not leaving him much room for bulky armor, but leaving his movement flexible, and providing ample concealment for his unnatural features.
Hanlock keeps his dark, rough hair much straighter than he used to, usually holding it in dreadlocks or braided styles that fall to the sides and back of his head, or over his shoulders. In times of relaxation or recreation, he sometimes ties it back in a frayed style with a strap of leather or cloth. Additionally, he has started to grow the beginnings of a dark beard.
Hanlock also occasionally wears jewelry, but only during special events(as they can be a hazard to wear in combat). It should also be noted that he wears a black eye-patch on his right eye, which he seemingly never removes. But he doesn't talk much about how, or whether, he actually lost his eye. One of Hanlock's many defining physical features, we can't forget, is his tricorne-style hat. Black with silver-lining, this is his most prized head-piece.
Height: 6’0, Eye Color: Left - Dark Brown, Right - ???
Hanlock is a person of very flexible morals. He's willing to commit lesser-evils without so much as batting an eye, but he recognizes there are those out there who are of a much crueler nature, and he won't let them go un-checked if he can help it.
When met with a challenge, the buccaneer is not one to shy away. He has a way of tactical thinking people may not expect from someone who is, outwardly, quite brash. When granted the time, he analyzes a situation before taking action, then going for what he assumes the most successful approach, often-times without the consent of his companions. This is majorly because he is accustomed to being the Captain of the crew, and making all the decisions for himself.
In his spare time he enjoys drinking booze, playing manly party games, and telling talltales, just as a pirate rightly does. One thing that he does do differently than a true pirate does, however, is meditate. He does this because he believes it helps him to channel the wild, radioactive-like energy that was forced into his body from his past. He doesn't get to go raiding cargo ships as much as he used to, but he is, for the most part, satisfied still with his hobbies.
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Spell List:
► Energy Staining Hanlock, over a prolonged period of focusing and physical contact, can "stain" physical objects with a special dormant energy, that he can manipulate in a variety of ways. The energy has no other effect as it remains dormant.
▼ Energy Implosion This Stain-manipulating technique takes the least amount of energy to apply. Activating the dormant energies within one of Hanlock's "stains" will cause the object it is applied onto to implode, or partially implode, depending on the strength of the stain and size of the object.
▼ Energy Displacement/Energy Anchor The "stain" latches on to the material, and teleports itself to Hanlock's side. The size of the object limits the duration required of this power, and it can reliably teleport things about the size of a freezer. Another use for this power is to moor an object to a single spot- despite whether it is possible via physics. This also takes more time based on the size of the object. These techniques will normally take longer than the one before them.
▼ Ethereal Enchantment This is Hanlock's most powerful form of magic, but also takes the longest time. Months, actually. By fusing his life essence and energy into an object over a period of several months, or years, he can give the object abilities only limited by his imagination. He has to meditate with the object touching his hands each day, thinking deeply on the effects he wishes to bestow upon it. He can only afford to miss a few days, with ample time in-between, and missing too many will make the effect much weaker than intended. Afterwards, the object will be permanently enchanted with Hanlocks desired effects.
• Curse-Catcher: Hanlock's enchanted Cutlass, Curse-Catcher, can cut through magic. Not only that, but it can intercept and drag magical energies along its path, or coat itself in the energy. Besides this power, the only distinguishable factor between this broad blade and another of the same design, is its apparent indestructibility.
• Spell Piercer: This abnormally long, black-tinted flintlock is one of the pirate's few ranged tools. Spell Piercer serves well to protect the Buccaneer from magic and sometimes the environment. It is capable of magically absorbing nearby entities(for example fire, smoke, energy, etc.) and loading them into the barrel to be fired with the next shot. Depending on the absorbed material, the attack may vary widely in power and effect. Hanlock reloads this weapon quicker than one would expect him to, seeing the nature of the weapon; whether this is accredited to magic or skill, one can't tell. Notably, Spell Piercer is indestructible, however, just like a regular flintlock, it can misfire, jam, and is nearly useless against armor if the weapon is not empowered. However, it is much more accurate than a weapon of its design should be.
Multiple Sets of Magnetic Throwing Knives: Used in conjunction with a minute controller somewhere within Hanlock's possession, the pirate can use these knives to emit a strong magnetism in a direction he desires, either pulling the knives towards, or propelling them straight away from the target.
Standard Issue Rapid-fire Coilgun [Handgun]
Omnitool: A very standard Omnitool. Hanlock is not the most familiar with in-depth electronics, but an Omnitool is almost, if not, a necessity. It can make calls, take notes, record audio/video, as well as an entire roster of other functions Omnitools commonly have. Hanlock’s Omnitool is similar to a high-tec phone, in design, and he usually keeps it in an inner pocket of his long-coat.
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-Skills: Combat Living in a world of violence, Hanlock obvious has picked up a few skills along the way. ◌ Bladed Weapon Combat: Hanlock is well-versed in the art of fighting with a sword, knife, or any other type of blade. He is very likely to cut himself, or to perform an attack incorrectly. His skill is much higher than most people he would likely meet. ◌ Firearms Combat: In this day and age, not being able to engage your enemies at a distance is not a good idea. Hanlock can fire single-handed firearms with great accuracy, and can utilize long-arms efficiently as well. He also can reload them faster than the average space-dweller. ◌ Unarmed Combat: Sometimes you get caught off-guard. Being able to defend yourself without any weapons is a good insurance plan. ◌ Brawling: Hanlock's prowess extends to using multiple, or all, of these combat capabilities at the same time- and he is great at focusing on multiple targets at the same time. ◌ Guerrilla Combat: Hanlock's favorite way of approaching a fight, Guerrilla Tactics are something he is well-versed in. Ambushes, sneak attacks, army-kiting, etc. are some of the many skills that come with this war-fare style. Social ◌ Bartering: Sometimes, when you don't have that extra buck, it would do you well to know how to barter. ◌ Intimidation: Or, you could just throw the rest of their merchandise across the room and demand your prize. His mannerisms and odd behavior accredit to this. ◌ Flirting: This isn't really a skill because he isn't especially good at it, but he does it a lot. Turns out not a lot of chicks dig the pirate persona. Incompetencies ◌ Politics: Hanlock is not well-versed in politics. He doesn't keep up with the governing trends, nor does he wish to. This leaves him nearly entirely incompetent on the subject, and unlikely to learn about it. ◌ Foreign Magic: Hanlock is completely inept on the subject of magic outside of his own. He knows basically nothing, and is very unlikely to be able to utilize any. He may learn about them, however. ◌ Fear: Nobody has ever seen Hanlock show an ounce of fear. He shows hesitation, an analytical pause, but never fear. This isn't to say he is incapable. But he will not show it.
The Experiment - Aftermath After the experiments performed on him by the unidentified scientist(s), Hanlock has some irregular, to say the least, new aspects about him. As a results of said experiments the pirate - extremely painfully - developed a set of extra appendages, and several patches of crystalline materials over his body. His extra set of fully-crystalline arms is placed only a couple of inches below his normal set- and are only a few inches less in circumference than his fleshy arms. It should be noted that Hanlock almost always tries to conceal the presence of these crystal parts, and does a fine job in most cases, due to his clothing.
The teal, crystalline patches cover these spots, and have varying levels of prominence(1-5): Right Eye/Temple area (2) Left Outer-Upper Arm (3) Right Shin (4) Upper-Back (2) Besides these spots, Hanlock also has a rib-cage like structure of crystal inside of his chest and other cavities, truly making him one with the mineral.
”I want to make a name for myself but my parents are crushing me with their overprotectiveness.” Name: Debra K. Amberdine Full Name: Debra Kayla Amberdine Nickname: Lucky Queen
This nickname was given to her by some people, which she was gambling with that saw how lucky she was. There’s a reason why you don’t ever want to face the Lucky Queen because you’ll be owing her and not the other way around. She knows a thing or two and tries to stay away from people, which are indeed better at whatever she is doing at the time. It could be poker or any of the such games that can involve gambling. She’s still young and that gives her a slight advantage over certain people. Age: 20
Birthdate: July 6th
Debra’s hair goes past her mid back, which is insanely long for a female sniper to have. It’s color is blonde, which is specifically usually in a straight hair style. However, she does sometimes change it up when she feels in a good mood specifically. It’s only when she’s not wearing her sniper armor, which is a bit odd to not allow her hair to fit her sniper armor helmet properly. She’s a bit too haughty for her own good, which is primarily caused by her parents. It usually causes her to give it her all, because her parents are trying to make her something she isn’t.
Her smile is a very rare sight to see, however, when she does smile it is usually a fake. It’s mostly because of the stress her parents give her, which she hardly ever smiles truly. When she has a weapon in her hand and firing it, which you get to see her true smile. Her entire body looks like a supermodel, which is saying much about her as a whole. It’s that reason why she’s the poster child for the TLI Research Institute. The most embarrassing thing, which her parents did was her modeling in the Sniper Armor to show off to certain higher ups in the Commonwealth Military. It was mostly to show off how good the armor for combat and what not.
The accent she speaks with is a British one, but she’s blatantly not British in how she acts. She can give the best death glares this side of Percival Three, which only happens if you are a bit too annoying or if you are a complete asshole. The way you can tell when she’s relaxed is when she’s not talking about how overprotective her parents are. Her humor, which when she tells jokes is has a definite ring of a dark sense. It’s only because of the fact her parents are so overprotective.
The way she walks is definitely like she owns the place, which happens only if it is in her home or the TLI Research Institute Headquarters. It’s a pretty obvious sign of the two of her parents are super protective of her and it makes her feel like she’s being crushed. Her body language shows a definite problem with her, which she’s a bit lonely and has a giant flake on her shoulder most of the time. This flake only goes away when she can truly relax by herself and chatting to people who have a like mind in certain things, which she likes.
TLI 0505 Nanoweave Casual Clothes
This is the most comfortable clothes, which the TLI Research Institute has ever created. It is only specifically made for Debra, which is for because of the fact she’s allergic to real silk. The other reason why she never wore a dress is because of the fact it embarrasses her a bit too much and doesn’t want to think of the consequences of looking beautiful. In terms, these clothes are usually for when she’s not wearing the TLI 2000 Long Ranged Sniper Armor. She wears these casual clothes to make her feel more comfortable and relaxed. These casual clothes are usually underneath her sniper armor, because it’s always better to wear something comfortable. The TLI Research Institute created a specialized Nanoweave silk, which doesn’t activate her allergy to real silk since it was manufactured in the TLI Research Institute. It doesn’t do anything to protect her in a real sense, but it was made for comfort and wearing casually.
The additional benefit of wearing the TLI 0505 Nanoweave Clothes, which allows her to camouflage her entire body with the help of biotechnology. The biotechnology field of TLI Research Institute is close to one of the best in the business. The person, which created these clothes was Frederick von Steiner before he was fired from TLI Research Institute. It was mostly because of the fact he had enough of Debra’s attitude.
Height: 5’6” Weight: 133 lbs Body Type: Top Hourglass Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue Eyes
Debra’s natural eye color, which shows a burning fiery passion of determination. Her eyes, which also show she’s quite bored of her situation because of how overprotective her parents are. There’s a glimmer of hope, her parents will stop pushing her to do what they want to do sooner or later.
Silver Eyes
Debra’s eye color changes to Silver, which only happens when she is completely wearing the Sniper Armor in question. The armor was created by her father, which helps her out in the role of a sniper. The eye color reverts back to her natural eye color in four minutes. The helmet is specifically is the reason for this change in her eye color.
Debra’s birthmark is on her back, which is in the form of two shooting stars right besides each other. It signifies, which her family is wishing for something more than the life they have and want to strive for all of humanity to get rid of petty differences. She got two scars, which she gotten by Sarah Riley Marshal, which attacked her because of her self-importance and prowess at gambling. It didn’t help that Sarah wasn’t in the best of moods since she was still reeling from something, which Debra didn’t help the situation by pushing the right buttons. The biggest of the two scars is on her back specifically from Sarah’s knife and she got a precise gash on her left leg on her thigh.
She got these injuries at a high class bar, which is on Lamorak Four and it was owned by the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. It happened when she was thirteen years old, when her father and her was visiting Lamorak Four.
Important Items:
TLI 150 Medical Kit, Improved
This medical kit was improved by Angela K. Amberdine, which allowed it to have more medical supplies and is lighter as well. It cannot weigh down someone if they are running. It’s specifically for injuries when the person in question is far away from a medical facility. It has easy instructions, which can be accessed by Debra’s omnitool for anyone to use to make bleeding go down. However, it isn’t as good as a medical doctor or a professional paramedic. It has a biotech treatment, which she saw her mother do, which can lessen the effects of scarring on the targeted area. However, the areas, which she applied this treatment are still sore and it still causes her pain since she’s not a professional medic or doctor.
TLI 2000 Long Ranged Sniper Armor
She wears the TLI 2000 Brand of Long Ranged Sniper Armor, which includes biorhythmic heartbeat and DNA locked to only her. It sends signals directly to her Omnitool when someone tries to steal her armor or tries to wear it. It deploys a stealth field, which activates when she’s trying to reach a good sniping position to support her comrades or fire on enemies from a distance. The stealth field in particular activates and it makes her camouflage within any scenery. The TLI 4000 Archveil Sniper Rifle reinforces the stealth field of the Armor, which can make her heat signature go away. It is useful on any planetary combat missions, however, all her planetary combat missions are testing the armor for her parents and people who want to start buying the armor. The testing area is in a highly secured testing ground, directly underneath the TLI Research Institute Headquarters, which is called Aliaster Heights on Percival Four.
The armor can handle space based combat but only if she is boarding a starship, however, not all things can survive contact with the enemy. It is definitely clear with this armor. The helmet has a HUD, which changes her natural eye color from Blue to Silver. This is a form of augmentation, which is similar to biotech enhancements but doesn’t have long lasting effects alike biotech implants. As long, as she’s in the full sniper armor, her eyes will go to silver and it’ll last four minutes in total. Her natural eye color will return as if she wasn’t even in armor.
TLI 900 Augmented Ammo Pouch
This ammo pouch was augmented with a way to able to recharge a singular energy cell, which will take more time than its really worth. It is designed to hold ammo for the TLI 4000 Archveil Sniper Rifle and the TLI 3000 Arc Railgun. It can hold three cartridges total for the Railgun and about eight non-based magazines for the Archveil Sniper Rifle. In addition, which it can hold about two laser-energy cells and one plasma-energy cell for the same sniper rifle.
The TLI 7000 Semi-Automatic Coilgun Pistol has four magazines within this ammo pouch. There’s a way for her to get more ammo, which she has to request it from a TLI Research Institute Rep for her weapons. It helps that the representative from the TLI usually enjoys chatting with Debra and protects her from her parent’s constant protectiveness. TLI Research Institute made everything, which she owns that is from her parents.
TLI 500 Poster Child, Holographic Image Pedestal
This is a specialized holographic imaging pedestal, which was created by Angela from its experimental research division. It is for Debra K. Amberdine, which because of that it has a DNA Lock to keep it out of anyone’s hands. The holographic image when it activated shows on a cup holder sized pedestal. It shows a representation of what Debra’s parents see her as. As a precious child, which needs to be protected from all dangers within the Commonwealth. However, she can definitely defend herself even though she does kinda act distance sometimes.
In all of the time she’s been alive, which she had never got harassed in her life until she met Sarah R. Marshal of the Gravia Military Company. It only gave her more reasons to try to distance herself from her parents, because her father was furious with what Sarah did. However, Debra wanted him to stop harassing Sarah, which is an odd thing for her to do. It made her father realize that her daughter wasn’t so defenseless. Debra didn’t forgive or forget the incident but it was a definite reminder she has to force her parents to change fast.
The Thea League created a specifically unique Omnitool for Debra, which is DNA Locked to only her. It also has a biorhythmic sensor within it, which allows herself to understand what is wrong with her in a moment’s notice. The idea of it telling her what is wrong is a bit just like her parents, which are overprotective. However, the convenience of knowing what is wrong is better than being in the dark and bleeding to death. The UEIC Accessible part of the omnitool, which allows Debra to access the Uniformed Esc Information Center directly from anywhere within the Commonwealth. It is basically the network of the entire Thea League Intelligence Research Institute, which the deeper areas of the network can only be accessed by a Amberdine Family member.
The Omnitool has her mother’s voice attached to it, which will give advice and counsel on certain aspects of maintaining her weapons. It gives her a gentle reminder that she will always be the poster child of the Amberdine Family, however, this just irritates her. She enjoys one specific feature of this omnitool, which allows her to know where the local gambling den, who’s a high roller, who’s the easy target for her and many other quirks of certain people. It’s pretty obvious she stays away from people who are really good at whatever game she wants to gamble, make money and hold that over someone. She only uses the people who owe her money for information about certain dangerous jobs, which she can easily get a hold of. It’s mostly because she wants to make a name for herself and get out of her parents shadow that is ever present, which she cannot shake.
As long as, they give her information that is helpful to her she’ll forgive their debts. However, if it is a trap she’ll won’t hesitate to show them the hard way of not crossing her. Something you don’t want to do is piss off a Sniper like her, which can snipe you from a long distance. The other thing, which are is how much stress is on her weapons so she can repair them it wouldn’t be good to have your weapon break on you.
The TLI Research Institute’s motto, ’The Thea League always see people trying to scrap by but we are here to help you out. The one thing you shouldn’t do is hurt the poster child’s feelings. She is our precious child, Debra Kayla Amberdine will keep this institute going.’ It’s an odd motto to say for the least, it’s definitely the people whom own the TLI Research Institute are overbearing and overprotective of Debra.
One of the biggest differences of this omnitool compared to others within the Commonwealth is it can activate certain features specific weapons, armor and what not. The Omnitool can blend in with its surroundings very easily. It even has a minimum powered electric shock similar to a stun gun, which is only powerful enough to stun for a few seconds at most. It can access specific sections of the UEIC, which gives it better communication, calculation and augmented reality navigation. There is eight different forms of unicomplex structures, which will have to be built by Debra whenever she goes into augmented reality it is a bit annoying. She has only completed one of the unicomplex structures so far, which is a perfect sphere.
It has multiple different subset information on what the weapon modules specifically do when they are equipped to the TLI 3000 Arc Railgun and the TLI 4000 Archveil Sniper Rifle. The one thing, which it can do is request replacement weapon modules if needed. The Omnitool itself can rebuild weapon modules via its Nanite Reprocessing Self-Efficient System, which activates only if Debra needs a replacement. It can activate the specifics of the TLI 2000 Long Ranged Sniper Armor. It is locked by her biorhythmic heartbeat and DNA Locked as well. In terms of the specifications on the armor, which she wears when walking into a local establishment to gamble with people she usually doesn’t like or already owes her money. The TLI 2000 Long Ranged Sniper Armor is specifically designed to create a stealth field, which makes it look like she’s a rock or field of grass.
TLI 9000 ’Dogma’ Starfighter
Dogma is the experimental starfighter that the TLI Research Institute is working on for defensive purposes. It was a response to the aggressive actions by the Gravia Military Company and its better to be prepared than not. However, the first Dogma Starfighter was completed before the Debra went off in search of an organization to make a name for herself. It had no specific negatives, it flew like a dream and its launching/landing systems are vertical. If it is on a planet, which it does have planetary afterburners to be able to fly in a planet’s atmosphere.
It was equipped with a fighter sized spacewarper, which makes it one of the most useful starfighters in the Commonwealth. The other weapon systems on the starfighter are, two twin mounted plasma cannons that are wing mounted cannons, a singular quadcannon coilblaster mounted in the nose of the fighter. It has two missile launchers on each side of the wings, however, they have to be deployed before they can fire their missiles. Additionally, it has a single torpedo launcher, which deploys a torpedo from the direct bottom of the craft.
It’s color scheme is similar to all TLI Research Institute spacecraft with blue stripes, white and green with the symbol of the institute on it. The serial number of this starfighter is 95845-93A, which is underneath ’Dogma’ with whom owns the starfighter on the side of Dogma. It like all weapon systems and personnel weapons in the TLI arsenal. It has Biorhythmic attunement, DNA Locked and voice activation all attached to it, which only Debra K. Amberdine can fly it. When it is voice activated, it can and will fly towards Debra’s location and get her to a safer location.
The Semi-Automatic Coilgun Pistol is a standard issue pistol specifically designed for anyone’s use, which is made by the TLI Research Institute. This is the only weapon series, which only has an DNA Lock for the person, which it was designed to use it or in the other case buy it. The name, which Debra calls her pistol is ’The Wild’ because of the fact it was designed with how she likes brighter colors more than darker colors. The black parts on the pistol was replaced with a light red or blue and the silver parts stayed the same. Debra’s name is on the side of it, underneath it is the name of the Pistol itself.
The real reason for the Wild name is because it has an additional function, which packs a punch similar to a magnum. However, it can only switch to this mode at the cost of its Semi-Automatic settings. In its semi-automatic setting, which it fires three shots in succession. It gains more wear and tear every time it fires a larger round out of its barrel. If Debra equips the singular weapon module onto her pistol, which completely disables the wild function until it is unequipped.
There is a single weapon module for the TLI 7000 Semi-Automatic Coilgun Pistol. The weapon module adds a silencer, when she wants to defend herself without causing noise.
TLI 7001 ’Silence’ Weapon Module
This weapon module adds a silencer onto the pistol, which completely silences the shot. It disables two functions on the pistol, the first is the Semi-Automatic Function and the second is the ’The Wild’ and only turns it into a single shot pistol as long as it’s attached. The Paralyzation Serum is the top of the line as the most advanced serum, which is TLI 0005 Numbing Serum it induces paralyzing effects. TLI 0005 Numbing Serum is coated in a thin membrane on a bullet, which activates on piercing the body of a target. There’s a slight glow on a bullet, when it is coated by the Numbing Serum it is a slight light green color.
TLI 3000 Arc Railgun was designed and constructed by Richard Lyle Amberdine. It is the only one of its kind, since it is only supposed to be used by Debra. The Arc Railgun is sleeker than most railguns and holds slightly more rounds per insert cartridge, which is four more rounds than other railguns. 12 rounds is the maximum amount per cartridge. There’s a DNA Lockout and Biorhythmic attunement to her heartbeat, which it’ll not be used by anyone but Debra.
It takes about ten seconds between shots, which it has a massive kickback, which its similar to the kickback on a shotgun or a high powered rifle. It shoots only one type of Railgun Ammo, which it is a blue energy laser. The direction of the round goes in one direction towards the target, which is completely straight. She can only use this weapon with her sniper armor specifically since it’ll break her bones otherwise it has superior shock absorption compared to not wearing armor.
It takes about one hour and forty minutes in total to fire all twelve rounds per cartridge, unload and reload the cartridge/battery. The railgun’s cartridges have to be properly disposed of since they cannot be recharged at all but they do leave a bit of residual radiation within and on the weapon. The weapon has to be cleaned properly before it is allowed to be used again since the residual radiation hurts the fine mechanical parts within the weapon.
The Arc Railgun has been customized to be different shades of blue, which has her name and the weapon’s name on the side of the weapon’s barrel. This was gifted to her on her 14th birthday with the other two one of a kind weapons, which are the Archveil Sniper Rifle and Archaeal Bow. The Shades of blue change to white when it isn’t being held. However, there’s weapon modules for this weapon, which alter what it can do.
TLI 3000 Arc Railgun has two specific weapon modules, which alter what it can do. The Arcer specifically alters the shots to a specific arc to hit targets, which are hiding from a regular straight shot of the Railgun. The other weapon module, which decreases the effects of the residual radiation inside of the weapon, which allows her to fire an extra shot. You have to pick, which weapon module you want to equip since you cannot have both.
TLI 3001 ’Arcer’ Weapon Module
The Versatile ability of this weapon module, which allows it to arc its shots in a 45 degree angle or 90 degree angle. It will increase the shot consumption of the weapon, which is usually at most two per one shot. This basically makes the Arcer Weapon Module consume more shots than regularly firing the weapon. However, it can be only used a total of three times since it will need to cool down before it is allowed to be used again. Three hours and forty minutes is the maximum length for its cool down length, which will allow it to fire the last six shots within a cartridge another three times. The maximum capacity of the cartridges is 12 shots.
TLI 3002 ’Cleaner’ Weapon Module
The Cleaner weapon module cleans the residual radiation within the weapon, which allows it to fire an additional shot from a Cartridge. The cost of this useful effect is it being overheated and cannot be used for an hour and twenty minutes extra. It helps Debra in helping her clean the residual radiation, which builds up within the Arc Railgun. She rarely uses the 13th shot, which she gets by using this weapon module. If she does use the thirteen shot, which will cause her third degree burns on her hands, which only happens if she was using her bare hands.
TLI 4000 Archveil Sniper Rifle was designed and constructed by Richard Lyle Amberdine. It is the only one of its kind, since it is only supposed to be used by Debra. It has a technological stealth field, which is called a veil surrounding it, which causes an illusion barrier that will make it and its wielder look like the terrain. It has an ammo indicator on itself to show how much ammo is left. The long-ranged sniper rifle, which has a DNA Lockout and a Biorhythmic attunement to her heartbeat. It can miniaturize it’s ammo if it is using non-energy based ammo.
If it is using laser or plasma based energy cells, which it has a maximum carrying capacity of 25 ammo while it can only carry 14 non-energy based ammo with its miniaturization ability. Every time it fires it will require about a few seconds before it fires its next shot mostly because it doesn’t want to overheat when it is using energy-based ammo. It has a minimum artificial intelligence to tell Debra, which it is out of ammo or needing to cool down from firing too much energy-based ammo.
Debra’s name was put on this weapon via her father Richard in the TLI Research Institute’s primary complex, which was put on via their hi-precision tool. She got this on her 14th birthday with the other two one of the kind weapons in the mix. It is a reminder of her family’s name. It has weapon module points on the sniper rifle, which alters its abilities a bit.
There is three specific weapon modules for the TLI 4000 Archveil Sniper Rifle. The first weapon module alters the Rifle’s veil ability to do something else. The second weapon module, allows the Sniper Rifle to carry more rounds of non-energy based ammo by double. The third weapon module, adds a rapid fire ability on the weapon when its only using non-energy based ammo.
TLI 4001 ’Charger’ Weapon Module
This weapon module alters the veil ability of the sniper rifle itself to mimic any defensive structure or an immobilized vehicles, which include tanks. It can be highly risky to use the weapon module’s mimicry because it will be easier for people to locate Debra. Since a defensive structure or an immobilized vehicle in the middle of nowhere is a bit suspicious. Debra knows the risks of this module more than most, which is why she must use it when she’s trying to target things that need to be destroyed.
TLI 4002 ’Extra’ Weapon Module
This weapon module adds another fourteen rounds of non-energy based ammo able to fire from it. The Extra weapon module is definitely handy in those situations, which require more covering fire from a distance. When its extra rounds are fired, which it’ll take about thirty minutes to reload the weapon module before it can be used again. The rounds from the extra weapon module are used before the fourteen rounds within the weapon itself.
TLI 4003 ’Rapid’ Weapon Module
This weapon module disables its need to fire every few seconds that is around three seconds at the most. It only affects non-energy based ammo only and turn the Sniper Rifle into a highly potent weapon, which is alike an automatic rifle. The weapon will start to overheat, which will decrease the accuracy of her shots to about around less than twenty-five percent missing the target. This will only happen when using the Rapid Weapon Module.
TLI 7500 Archaeal Bow was designed and constructed by Richard Lyle Amberdine. It is the only one of its kind, since it is only supposed to be used by Debra. It has a defensive mechanism within it, which will give a shock of worth of 1,000 volts. It induces extreme pain in the person whom touches it, if they are human that is. There’s a DNA Lockout and Biorhythmic attunement to her heartbeat, which it’ll not be used by anyone but Debra.
The bow is coated in a shield, which protects the wielder from attacks from the distance, which dissipate after every hit and will break after it takes at least ten hits. The shield will need to recharge within three to five minutes when it breaks. She wears a specific shiny quiver with the symbol of the two Research Institutes, which the Amberdine Family owns. The quiver is reddish blue with white stripes, which can hold a total of 200 arrows. She can order more of any of the arrows, in question from specifically TLI Research Institute or ALI Research Institute if she runs out in her stockpile.
There is a stockpile of specifically another thirty-three Plasma-Laced Arrows, twenty Laser Cutter Arrows, ten Pulsing Arrows, sixteen Heat Arrows, six Netting Arrows, nine Explosive Arrows and around 2,000 ALI 350 Plasma Arrows. The location of the stockpile is in a location that only Debra knows of but she always has to restock whenever she over uses these arrows. The TLI/ALI 7510 Specialty Quiver gives Debra knowledge in how many arrows are within it, which has the same minimum artificial intelligence on the Archveil Sniper Rifle.
TLI Research Institute has created some highly specialized arrows, which are for the Archaeal Bow. It has specifically seven different arrow types for the Bow itself. These arrow numbers are specifically for the Quiver, which she puts arrows within.
TLI 80 Plasma-Laced Arrows
The TLI 80 Plasma-Laced Arrows, which are an experimental arrow, which is coated in a plasma-laced membrane. When the target get hit by this plasma arrow, which the membrane shatters and causes superheated or supercooled plasma to go over the target’s armor or what not. The number of these arrows is around like sixty-one arrows.
TLI 85 Laser Cutter Arrows
The TLI 85 Laser Cutter Arrows, which hit targets with a tealish laser beam and it can cut through armor like butter. There is a very limited number of these arrows, which she has on her since they are specifically for armored targets. These targets are tanks, heavily armored battle suits, etc. They can’t do any significant damage to a starship’s hull, however. The number of these arrows is around like five to seven arrows.
TLI 90 Pulsing Arrows
The TLI 90 Pulsing Arrows, which is another experimental arrow. It usually makes a deafening pulsing sound, which echoes throughout the area when it is flying towards wherever it is fired at. This usually makes certain people not able to handle the noise and it can make your ears bleed if you aren’t ready for the Pulsing Arrow. It uses a high pitched sound wave, which can also target the inner ear as well. The number of these arrows is around like two to four arrows.
ALI 100 Explosive Arrow
The ALI 100 Explosive Arrow, which is an explosive tied to an arrow’s shaft. It will explode on contact of the target or a wall. The damage isn’t as good compared to the Laser Cutter Arrows, which is okay for Debra’s needs most of the time. The number of these arrows is around like two to three arrows.
ALI 200 Netting Arrow
The ALI 200 Netting Arrow, which is made specifically for capturing targets. It can cover an entire person in a specific net, which is the ALI Research Institute’s specialty is mainly how hard it is to break out of their nets. It is highly reinforced nets, which is made of a nanoweave that is built for withstanding knives that is made for cutting nets. The number of these arrows is like two arrows.
ALI 300 Heat Arrow
The ALI 300 Heat Arrow, which is specifically made for creating distractions via starting fires or heating up an area that Debra needs to stay warm. When it is heating up an area, which makes the entire arrow into a small campfire. In its distraction form it makes uncontrollable fires, which requires to be put out before it gets any worse. The number of these arrows is like three arrows.
ALI 350 Plasma Arrows
The ALI 350 Plasma Arrows aren’t anything special but they are able to be mass produced compared to the rarer TLI 80 Plasma-Laced Arrows that take a much longer time. The composite bows, which these arrows come with. The plasma arrows of the ALI Research Institute is different colored compared to the TLI Research Institute’s plasma arrows to show that they aren’t with a membrane. It is slightly darker green for the ALI Research Institute’s plasma arrows. The number of these arrows is around close to one-hundred twenty arrows
Misc. Abilities:
Biotechnology Cloaking Field (Biotech Upgrade)
Debra’s own mother Angela gave her surgery, which was one of the tenants of the overprotection they have for their only child. The fact that Angela is a big expert on biotech, which gave her an edge in giving her daughter the best biotech upgrade. It allows Debra to act like a chameleon, which makes her able to camouflage to her surroundings. It is only useful when she is not using her sniper armor and sniper rifle combination. The only clothes, which can camouflage with her have to be created with TLI Research Institute’s nanoweave silk. It is used as a way to be left alone and to think or read something, which she wants to do.
The only downside to the cloaking field, which she has to keep focus on it or it will drop. It is what her mother Angela told her to use it very cautiously or it’ll strain her physically and mentally. The only way to recover from overusing this biotech upgrade is rest. Her mother told her specifically need eight hours of rest if she ever tries to overuse the biotech upgrade or she will faint into unconscious.
Organization (OCD)
Debra keeps her life very structured and organized, which is the reason why she has OCD levels of organization. When her parents ask her to organize the papers, documents, folders in the TLI Research Institute HQ, which she is very frustrated at it. It is pretty messy business since her parents won’t do it since they are pretty disorganized and worry about her more than their own workplace. She keeps track of every single thing via a simple A to Z system, which is definitely required for a business alike the TLI Research Institute. However, her parents are geniuses and require a bit of gentle care when it comes to their organizational skills or the lack of them.
Her eyes usually twitch most of the time when she sees the messy TLI Research Institute HQ structure. It gives her a major headache as well, since its so disorganized. This frustrates her to no end and usually caused her to be quite rude in some cases, however, she tries to not show her frustration in front of her parents most of the time.
Debra’s sharpshooting is incredible, which is nothing to sneeze at since she’s one of the most patient snipers on Percival Three. The skill of her sharpshooting is insane, which is more than 1,250 meters. She can cause people to dance with her sniper rifle, which usually target people who she hates or organizations. It makes her a bit annoyed when Conner L. Hadley is angry at her achievement of shooting further than he did even with help. However, it’s not much of a feat since he’s literally a CEO playing as if he was apart of the military when he definitely isn’t.
TLI/ALI Weapon Knowledge (Expert)
Debra was raised specifically by her family, which craft their own weapon systems, schematics and has knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses. It only takes a glance to understand any form of weapon schematic, which makes her highly knowledgeable on these things. She can pick out a TLI/ALI personnel weapon or starship based platform by how it moves, fires and functions. The Research Institute’s distinctive construction of its weapons are unique to most manufacturers in the Commonwealth itself. However, she enjoys personnel based weapons more since they are made for use by regular humans.
She has a bias for her family’s research institute’s creations, which make her more for the TLI based philosophy. Her father’s weapon creations are definitely the reason for this bias since she enjoys using them more than others. The Imperial Commonwealth has many different corporations, manufactures and others that create their own style of weapons. She can definitely tell the differences but doesn’t know the in and outs of them alike the TLI/ALI weapon systems as a whole.
Weapon Maintenance (Average)
Her weapon maintenance skill is quite average since it only pertains to her own personal weapons only. She’s able only to clean her own weapons, since they have double protection in the form of DNA Lock and Biorhythmic Attunement to her heartbeat. Because of this only really she can use her weapons since they have heavy restrictions on the weapons. There’s only a very select few people, which can do maintenance on her weapons without causing them getting a terrible shock. It’s only because they have to be expert in crafting weapons and better at weapon maintenance than her.
Debra is a bit out of her league if she has to do maintenance on weapons, which aren’t from her parent’s research institutes. The TLI/ALI weapons, on the other hand is able to be maintained by her at the very least. She’s highly knowledgeable on the weapons, but that doesn’t always coincide with fixing them up fully. Anyone who’s better at said maintaining weapons, which would have to teach her a few tricks in helping in the maintenance room.
Debra is completely sick in how overprotective her parents are. It makes her hotheaded at that fact, which her parents are pushing her to extremes. She is trying to get away from them because of their overprotective natures. However, she’s happy for their accomplishments as the TLI/ALI Research Institute Founders. It just frustrates her they still treat her alike she still a young little child when she’s a grown adult. Her frustration mostly comes from she’s twenty years old, which is compounded by she only gets hit on by complete assholes. However, most of these assholes are people in specific organizations and the Gravia Military Company when they travel to Lamorak Four. She’s constantly reminded of her post as poster child of her parent’s Institute, which highly embarrassed by this fact.
The one thing she is, is considerate to other people’s feelings as long as they try not to give her reasons to hate them. However, the Gravia Military Company is ran by a person that is jealous of her talents Conner L. Hadley. She couldn’t really give a shit about the Gravia Military Company as a whole. She feels trapped at home, which she usually gives off a super outgoing personality to anyone that is willing to get to know her personally, instead of using her to get closer to her parents. The one thing she gives is a smile towards people, when they give her a compliment or hitting on her, which are weak pick up lines. It loosens her up and makes her much more comfortable around them.
Her greatest strength is her knowledge of weapons, it is a bit of a sweet tooth since she can talk for hours about weapons that she hasn’t seen or TLI brand weapons. She likes to know about the firepower and other parameters it can do. She usually can get into conversations about these things much more easily if it doesn’t involve talking about her family life. She, however, is pretty friendly and kind nonetheless, which usually includes of people being considerate of her personal space. She gives the other people’s their own personal space as long as they need it.
Debra has a strange quirk from her mother, which is quite embarrassing to her. It is the random compliment out of the blue after giving them a quick look over. When she does this, hardly insults the person who she gives a compliment out of the blue to them. It’s a definitely because of the DNA makeup of her mother and herself are definitely equal. These compliments involve, their weapon, their personality, or even their choice of clothing, which usually gives her pause and completely start blushing and try to change the subject to something else. Her embarrassment happens pretty easily nonetheless in how someone approaches her with a friendly tone of voice and has a story to tell. The likelihood of her stopping this habit of randomly complimenting people is very slim, which shocks her a bit. It means she has to try to be a bit harsh, however, that isn’t in her nature.
Her entire life is organized to a specific obsessive compulsiveness in keeping it that way, which makes her quite frustrated in how disorganized her parents are. She complains much underneath her breath when she has to fix and organize their lives for her parents since they’re lazy. She didn’t want to be a secretary for her parents, which is a bit much for her. Her real goal is becoming a sniper, which can snipe people from a long distance. She has picked up on a bad habit from her parents, which is gambling. Her parents have many other bad habits but gambling is the worst. Their betting is usually tame compared to what she does, however. She went to a high class bar, which is owned by the Hadley In-Vector Corporation on Lamorak Four. It is the reason her mind changed on the Gravia Military Company, towards a highly negative because of the one who caused her injuries in that bar. It caused her to hate the Marshals and Conner’s family because most of the Marshal’s worked for the Hadley Family. The entirety of the whole situation wasn’t really helped at how her father reacted to her being injured, which annoyed her a bit more. She curses like a sailor about the Hadley, Marshals and the Gravia Military Company has a whole.
Debra is a natural at cursing people out, when she hates them. In terms of how she gambles, which she usually plays it safe and only bets against people whom are bad at it. This makes her win big, which certain people owes her many credits. These people whom owe her credits she will be a bit merciful by forgiving their amount of money they owe her. This requires her to feel wanting to give them a second chance in giving her some information and/or what not. However, the biggest way to get her forgiveness is literally tell her sorry on whatever that made her hate you in the first place. She is a bit terrified in how dangerous the world is because of what happened to her, in the high class bar on Lamorak Four. The fact she doesn’t want to be classified as a damsel in distress, which makes her not want anything bad happen to her parents. It doesn’t help how overprotective they are of her, which makes her tough herself up a bit.
Her imagination is quite wild, which usually causes her to have a slight darker interpretation of events or what’s going on around her. She feels like her parents should’ve been cruel to her, which would include not loving her. However, she self-inflicts mental and physical torment on herself by how wild her imagination can get. It makes her a bit afraid of the Research Institute’s survival in the world with how highly aggressive the Hadley In-Vector Corporation is. She already thinks its owned by the Hadley In-Vector Corporation but snaps out of it when her parents notice something is wrong with her. The biggest thing she thinks is she’s a slave of some horrible man, however this is just in her own head. In her imagination, she lives in a tiny shack somewhere constantly being abused, forced to breed with him and what not. However, this causes her parents to contact her and ask what’s wrong or how she is doing.
The knowledge, which she holds is the fact Sarah contacted her because she felt frustrated in failing her father in an Assassination mission against Nikolas. This shocked her, which made her learn from Sarah by the fact that the Hadley Family Mansion is a maximum security prison of a home. She made her greatest helpful request, which was she would help Sarah and her brother if things go south and they would be allowed a place in her mansion. It was a bit insane, to be honest she never thought she would give her word to someone that she hated that they would be protected. She felt like her parents were rubbing off on her because of what she had said. There was many things that confused her, how or why Conner tried to assassinate Nikolas R. Zahrin, the Dragon. He is a rear admiral and the most terrifying person that was in the war between the Coalition/Commonwealth. The feats he has done were amazing and he was one of the most bad ass officers. However, he did become a Liaison to a specific research division in the Percival system. That she has no real idea on whom it is, which is he is a liaison too
Debra writes on her omnitool, which usually only happens on her break. She writes as an elegant of a girl who has many thoughts that she wants to write about something. She does this on her spare time when she’s not busy with organizing her parents lives for the Research Institute. There’s a lock within the Omnitool, which only allows her to access her diary. She keeps a record of everything, which has annoyed her or how she’s doing. It is mostly a day to day event list of what’s really going on instead of her specialized sub-diary of what she wants to happen. It’s mostly because of the fact her parents are so overprotective of her.
Debra has a gambling addiction problem, which is from the fact her parents are gamblers and it helps her from going completely insane by how overprotective her parents are. She goes to any place, which has a license to gamble on her homeworld of Percival Three. The lucky nature of her is, she is able to win against anyone who isn’t as good as she is. However, she knows to never try her luck to play against who is better at her, which would lose most definitely. She doesn’t ever want to ruin her lucky streak since she is nicknamed the Lucky Queen. All the times she won against any of the sore losers, however, she went to Lamorak Four and met Sarah Riley Marshal. She attacked her because she was frustrated because of something but she didn’t lose to that sore loser.
Short Bio:
Debra was born on Percival Three, which is a planet in the Percival System. She was born in a high tech medical hospital in the Alistair Junction District, which has the Amberdine Family owning the entire district. On this district has the Headquarters, their family mansion, three specifically differently specialized medical hospitals, weapon testing grounds and a Starport. Their Research Institute’s headquarters, which stands about 25 stories tall. Their mansion is slightly behind their Research Institute Headquarters, which is a modest home of 2,800 square feet that have four stories. Alistair Junction District’s defenses aren’t as insane to the degree of level that the Hadley Family goes to defend their mansion. They have large underground weapon emplacements, which are supposed to go on cruiser sized starships. These emplacements are only able to fire at starships in orbit, which are hostile to the Amberdine Family. Alistair Junction District’s defenses are all throughout the district as a whole and keep them protected from orbital bombardment.
Alistair Junction District also boasts the top of the line infrastructure on Percival Three, which will increase the speeds of wheeled, tracked based vehicles by twenty mph faster. It makes going through Alistair Junction so much faster and is considered a shortcut on Percival Three. The entire district is heavily guarded only because of the vast amounts of weapons, which goes from this district into space, which it was assigned to the Amberdine Family since they founded their Research Institute here. They only want to work for the betterment of humanity, which is a large task at the onset. Debra’s Mother Angela was 19 years old when she gave birth to Debra. Richard was also 19, the Amberdine Family has a long history of being researchers for the greater good of humanity. TLI Research Institute has to build up a large array of Starship weapon systems, personal weapons, which will help on their upkeep on the expensive underground weapon emplacements that had to be given permission by the Planetary Governor. The Amberdine Family usually only gives their talents to the entire Commonwealth Military or civilian sectors, which pay them and give them oversight for their weapon projects.
This family throughout the years have been getting offers of millions and millions of credits to sell to the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. However, they have refused everyone of those offers to buy their family’s work in the Research and Development of weapons and civilian technologies. It is obvious they don’t really like the reality of selling their hardwork to thieves. They can’t be intimidated by the obvious scare tactics of the Gravia Military Company. Richard loves Percival Three because of the fact its were his family lived for along time before he became the head of it, with his beautiful wife Angela. He doesn’t really enjoy the interference and hostility from the Private Military Company, which is owned by Conner L. Hadley. He has been able to deal with the Imperial Commonwealth’s Perfected Electrum and make weapons based on its unlimited potential. He has made great strides in creation of a perfected Electrum weapon but it’ll take development and time to create it.
The Amberdine Family’s mansion has many different facets within it. It requires at least a workforce of maids, butlers and cooks, which are highly qualified for the tasks. There’s more people employed by the Amberdine Family than in the Hadley Family Mansion. However, they pay three times as much in credits to their house staff than the Hadley Family pays. It is mostly because of the fact they are much more helpful to communities, which would require a job.
Angela returned home from the Medical Hospital, which are specialized in childbirths with her brand new addition Debra in her arms. Her midwife, which is named Apikalia R. Lanefield smiled happily when she noticed the baby girl in Angela’s arms and next to her husband. It was a special time for the family, however the Midwife asked Angela if she could put the little girl in the crib, in her own room, which is right next to her parent’s bedroom. Angela nodded to the midwife since she was still a little bit tired from giving birth to her daughter. Apikalia wanted to be the anchor to the Amberdine family because of how nice they have been ever since she lost her family on Lamorak Four. The people whom killed them are the Private Military Company, which Conner owns. Angela was always so generous and wanted to show that no one should suffer getting their revenge on the people who don’t deserve to die by people’s hands. However, Conner deserves his own special little hell for indoctrinating children into his Gravia Military Company.
Angela looked at Apikalia, with a gentle smile as she gave her sweet little daughter Debra to her midwife. She wanted to say something to Apikalia, which involves the hate she feels. “So, Apikalia do you still hate Conner for what he did? I remember he took your daughter from you, what was her name again?” Angela asked curiously to Apikalia, which made her curious. It would be quite impossible to rescue Apikalia’s little girl from that terrible place since the Loyalty of the Overseer outweighs loyalty to their parents.
Apikalia deeply sighed at Angela’s two questions because she loves her daughter, but her daughter murdered her father in cold blood because of an order. It was to get rid of any family ties the child had, however, she was away from the house when her daughter did the deed. “Ma’am… I will always hate Conner for brainwashing my daughter Zeta N. Lanefield. If it wasn’t for him, I would still be on Lamorak Four. But I am grateful to you for protecting me from being murdered by my brainwashed child.” Apikalia said, with a heavy heart at the whole ordeal. It was always a hard ask in trying to forgive and forget what Conner has done but it isn’t going to happen. Her family would still be intact if it wasn’t for what Conner did, however her family wasn’t rich nor famous on Lamorak Four. They were barely making it as it is, under horrible living conditions, which is probably how Conner was able to get to her daughter so easily.
Angela was a bit shocked at what Apikalia had said, which she knew of the Gravia Military Company’s practices. It wasn’t a not big secret, which certain people whom knows about it can really tell that Conner is a bastard that brainwashes people to do his bidding. She shakes her head but knows how hard Apikalia’s family were doing before their family been taken apart by Conner’s Private Military Company. “Your daughter’s name is beautiful Apikalia. At least you’ve remembered the good over the terrible with your daughter. I am grateful as well, if it wasn’t for you me and my husband would probably had never had a child. You pushed us to get one since you told us how wonderful having a kid was.” Angela said with a look of outright happiness while looking at her daughter. Debra was the one thing, which the two of them actually took a chance on, it paid off, and will continue to pay off in dividends. However, they will protect their only child to the best of their abilities as heads of the TLI Research Institute.
Apikalia smiled happily with the compliments, which she was grateful for. She walked away with Debra to her crib in her own room, which is on the second floor of the Mansion. It was going to be a hassle in helping Debra in be as nice as her parents have been. Children don’t really enjoy being coddled so much, which she learned the hard way with Zeta. It felt like she failed her only daughter Zeta. Angela walked to her room, which her husband Richard was waiting for her. They chatted about what Apikalia told her and it was definitely true then, if they hadn’t saved Apikalia she would have been killed too. Most of the people who work for the Amberdine’s are highly grateful to them for saving them out of their debts, giving them a second chance and what not. However, the one thing that Richard was excited about was his daughter Debra, in terms of everything that happened at the Hospital. Angela told her that Debra is a healthy baby girl of 9.3 pounds when she was born. A bit chubby but better than underweight, at least. However, her daughter will probably definitely not be chubby when she gets older. It was a nice chat, at least since they are the basically the Institute’s Founders they can take time off or what not without even breaking a sweat. Debra’s parents both went to bed after awhile since their baby girl is sleeping too. Five years later, which is when Debra is five years old. It was a week after her five year old birthday, which was a pretty fun time. Her parents basically gave her everything she wanted, which spoiling their daughter but they also constantly coddle her too. She was sitting down at the kitchen table, while Apikalia was teaching her something important. Debra always enjoyed being taught by Apikalia, which are important lessons in not making mistakes against your beliefs. Apikalia’s way of tutoring is different than the other tutors, which Debra has anyways. Debra carefully watched Apikalia in terms of what she was trying to teach her. However, she couldn’t help but speak up in a slight confusion in why she’s trying to teach her these things. ”Api-Apikalia… I don’t quite understand what you are teaching me?” Debra questioned, with a confused tone in her voice. She understood the basics and some other things but this teaching style is definitely different compared to the tutors, which she got. However, she’s a highly intelligent girl and can pick up on things easier than most. Her organizational skills are highly recognized as top notch, mostly because both of her parents had problems in that area.
Apikalia smiles and looks gently towards Debra, which came with a slight giggle. It was a bit of a surprising thing to hear Debra interrupting her with a question of all things. She heard from the tutors that she’s a pretty quiet girl, which usually does her studies without any trouble. It took her a bit to cross her arms only to be a bit proud of Debra, but she wasn’t mad at all at the child. “It is simple in what I am trying to teach you. You have to be more talkative and talk with your tutors. You have a bright mind, Debra, but keeping quiet won’t get you anywhere in the Commonwealth. Your tutors want to interact with you, while helping you with your studies.” Apikalia responded to the child’s question. She wondered, with what would be Debra’s response to the answer, which was given. Apikalia isn’t a rocket scientist but she was hopeful this would open her up. Growth of one’s self is better than staying hidden behind a quiet wall of protection, which Debra’s parents can’t always be there for her at all times.
Debra had a weird look on her face, which made her a bit intrigued in what she met. However, she was enjoying the non-interactions with the tutors because of the fact she liked being quiet. She didn’t want to be like other children that asked questions every five seconds. It didn’t really help that she didn’t really have any friends, which probably doesn’t help her situation. ”A-Apikalia… Somethings are better left unsaid… Because some of my tutors are a bit high strung and a bit too erratic for their own good. Because one of them, is so fucking annoying god damn it… It makes me wonder why they were ever my parent’s friends.” Debra responded to Apikalia, with her own brand of not enjoying illogicality. She is definitely alike her parents in terms of the intelligent behavior she has. However, she didn’t really understand that she was a bit harsh in what she exactly said towards one of her tutors.
Apikalia was outright shocked at what she heard from Debra’s voice, which feels logic filled. Even though, her behavior changed in hearing the child curse out loud about one of her own tutors. She couldn’t believe this child would be so blatant in cursing about a tutor. However, she was seeing a side in Debra, which her parents probably will never see. Apikalia deeply sighed, which is because she was trying to nip this in the bud but it looks like something is afoot with Debra. In terms, she gasped and sat down right by Debra. “Debra, why did you curse? As well, why did you say that about them… It’s a bit rude to be honest. Is there an underlying thing you haven’t told your parents?” Apikalia said with a calm and slightly bit annoyed look on her face. Her annoyed look was mostly because of Angela and Richard’s coddling of their daughter. She gently put her hands onto Debra’s hands and looked directly into the child’s eyes. She saw a determination in them and could see a barely a hint of boredom as well, which she saw in her daughter’s eyes as well. However, she didn’t know what her daughter Zeta was so frustrated about until what happened.
Debra heard what Apikalia said, which a bit shocked her, was a bit embarrassed and looked directly down for cursing. She never knew that cursing up a storm was a negative reaction. However, she couldn’t help but feel like she has to tell someone about her troubles with her parents. She deeply sighs with a bit of relief in finally telling someone the reason why she’s so frustrated. ”I-It’s my parents. They are driving me nuts with their overprotectionism. It’s very irritating me, but they don’t see me for who I am… They see me as a perfect little girl who cannot do anything wrong. I wish they allow me to be for what I am and not someone else. I am not a dress up doll for all these silk clothes they try to put on me… I’m even allergic to regular silk… They don’t even see it… C-Can you tell them to stop giving me clothes that I am allergic too.” Debra responded with her grievances against her parents. She has never been this annoyed at anyone like ever but her parents aren’t definitely giving her any breathing room. She did see the hologram her parents were designing of what she will look like, in the future, when she’s definitely not that. It is frustrating, which her parents outright ignore her plight only because they see the image of something else.
Apikalia was shocked that it was that bad, which she was always wondering why Debra had hives all over her body alike she was allergic to something. It’s a bit shocking the thing she was allergic to was regular silk, which are in the form of clothes. She gave a gentle smile towards Debra with a reassuring look in her eye. “Debra, thank you for telling me, why you were getting those hives all over your body. I saw you crying a lot because they hurt and was insanely itchy. Your parents will definitely have to manufacture specialized clothes, which aren’t your… allergy. Basically having to craft Nanoweave Silk, more or less. I see you for who you really are, Debra. And please don’t try to harm your relationship with your parents…” ]Apikalia responded to Debra, which she hinted that what her parents are doing is alike what she and her husband did with her own daughter. She wanted to make sure that Richard & Angela knows how complex their daughter truly is. However, she doesn’t want to see the poor child, crying from those hives she got ever again. It hurt her big time from hearing that problem that Debra had.
Debra was definitely much happier when Apikalia told her she’ll tell her parents so she doesn’t have to wear the terrible clothes anymore. She smiled happily, which she is definitely grateful to Apikalia for telling her that she sees her as what she is and not some perfect child of her parents. However, the sadness in Apikalia was talking about, made her know she won’t be alike whatever happened to Apikalia’s family. She hugged Apikalia since she always enjoyed Apikalia’s presence, when she was in the kitchen fixing something to eat, which was cookies usually. It was fun watching the cookies cool down and be able to be eaten, she loved the cookies that Apikalia baked. However, the two of them went back to their lesson, which Debra did ask a bit more questions. It took awhile longer before Debra yawned and needed to go to sleep, which Apikalia helped her to her bed and tucked her in. Apikalia kinda felt relieved that Debra hugged her, which makes her hope that she can get back her daughter sooner or later. Eight years pass, which marks Debra being thirteen years old. She was traveling with her father to Lamorak Four, which was some of his colleagues were at. It was a long trip from her Percival three to Lamorak Four, which was quite annoying to her. However, she was wearing the very comfortable TLI 0505 Nanoweave Casual Attire her parents made. It didn’t give her hives since it wasn’t actual real silk. She was told to go to one the high class bars, which was called Delilah’s Gazelle High Rise Bar. It was owned by no other than the Hadley In-Vector Corporation, which had a sense of pride in the bar. It was an extremely luxurious bar since it wasn’t missing any of the amenities a regular bar would have been missing. She basically felt a bit helpless if something would go wrong, however, she did have a biotech patch injector on her so she can heal any injuries. If it comes to that anyways, which she hope she doesn’t have to use. However, she did notice a poker game going, which was between Sarah Riley Marshal, and two others. It was gambling, which she was hopeful she could win some money from these people. She smiled gently to the group, which she noticed the Gravia Military Company’s logo on Sarah’s shoulder. ”Hello, I see you are playing poker, how about I join you? Unless you are scared of a 13 year old taking your money...” Debra said towards the group, specifically stating it towards Sarah. She had a smile on her face because of it, however.
Sarah tried to ignore Debra, however the challenge made her a bit angry. She did roll her eyes at her, which made her definitely realize that Debra is apart of the TLI Research Institute. That institute is diametrically opposed to the Gravia Military Company and the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. She sighed slightly, which didn’t help her frustrations. “What is your name, child? I’m not afraid of you. My name is Sarah Riley Marshal… Why are you even here? It’s nice you followed the rules to this establishment about bringing no weapons into it.” Sarah said with an ounce of frustration towards this thirteen year old girl that just walked up to the table. However, she hadn’t really figured out why she looks so familiar, which is a bit odd to her. In the back of her head, this child will tell her the answer that she seeks and hopefully she won’t curse at her. She doesn’t need anymore frustrations on this world or she might snap really heavily.
Debra sat down at the table, which Sarah and two others were playing poker. She could tell by something was bothering Sarah, which felt like a good idea not to set off. However, her parent’s research institute and Conner’s PMC were at odds coming close to a shooting war constantly. If it wasn’t for the Military Interference by the Commonwealth’s most terrifying Rear Admiral Nikolas they would be at war. ”I have to respectably ask one thing, what’s bothering you, Sarah? But my name is Debra Kayla Amberdine. However, I know statistically I am better than you at gambling. My odds of winning against you is around close to 99%.” Debra said with a definite edge in gambling. However, she did want to be polite in asking, even though she wanted to curse up a storm to Sarah for Conner’s actions. It was hard for her to act all nice to Sarah mostly because the Gravia Military Company is trying to provoke her parents. She sighed a bit at what she wanted to say but didn’t say it.
Sarah couldn’t help but be a bit shocked to see the poster child of the TLI here in this high classy bar wanting to gamble. It didn’t help she asked a question about what’s bothering her, however. What pissed her off was her blatant saying she’s going to win against her and the other two at the table. At least the other two people at the table were also women or this would become a bit awkward. It made her realize, which was this child’s nickname, Lucky Queen. “You’ll find out later, not today why I am so frustrated. But I can’t believe the Poster Child of the Thea League Intelligence Research Institute is here of all things. You’re lucky streak ends today, Sweetie.” Sarah said, with a definite feeling of a threat. However, she decided to show that she wants to really threaten Debra via getting out her knife and stabbing it onto the table. It’s a bit much for her to deal with a smug know it all with skills to win against people who are worse than her. She wanted to know what Debra would do, however whatever she does would be slightly sweeter.
Debra’s eyes go wide in seeing Sarah’s knife stuck in the table, which made her cringe a bit. However, she was a bit irked at the fact Sarah called her sweetie and poster child. The latter is true but she won’t be insulted by Sarah, however, its good that there’s only females at this table. She wanted to be her own person and not go running to her father to protect her. However, she won’t regret what she will say to Sarah now since she’s a bit peeved off now. ”I-I will not be intimidated by that knife, Sarah. You aren’t that scary you know… Let’s get this thing started you bitch. I want to get playing so I don’t have to go to my father empty handed.” Debra responded to Sarah’s threat. However, it was obvious she was terrified at the threat but she was trying to act tough without her father here. She doesn’t want to be a damsel in distress, which her father will rescue her.
Sarah got really angry at that Debra called her a bitch, however. She smiled happily at the fact she did intimidate Debra. However, with what she said made it obvious she came to Lamorak Four with her father, it was good to know. She stared at the other two women at the table to see what they wanted to do, which they gave a simple nod. It was obvious they all wanted to start the game and didn’t really care if it was the Lucky Queen. “Yeah, right… you are terrified. How much money do you have on you, Sweetie? Since you do know the game already...” Sarah responded, with a definite tone of annoyance at Debra calling her bitch. It wouldn’t take that long to make her snap at Debra, which will cause her to hurt this little brat. She didn’t really know how much Debra would be allowed to hold on her person. She leered at Debra for a bit to see if she would cough up the value required. It would be only for the fact she wanted to laugh at Debra for making her lose her title as Lucky Queen.
Debra felt like she couldn’t fool Sarah, it was obvious she is terrified. She is still a child after all and this is the first time she faced an adult with a knife before. However, she had tons of digital credits on her for this gambling table. She could feel like that Sarah was starring into her soul or something it was a bit creepy to her. However, she felt like she won’t be giving any of this money to anyone at this table because of her skills at gambling. She takes out of her pocket, which is a digital credit holder that has a number flash up a bit but changes to her name again. It’s a good thing her parents basically gave her a top of the line TLI Credit Stick. ”Y-You got me… I am afraid but I won’t back down from something I enjoy. I have a total of 450,000 Credits on this. I hope you will be disappointed in losing.” Debra responded to Sarah with a slight fear in her tone. She had a slight smile on her face, which was a given to how good she is compared to the other three at the table. It would take luck to not allow herself to get injured by Sarah, however she kept her eyes on the knife just in case. In the back of her head, she’ll have to make sure that Sarah doesn’t snap at her and attacks her or her father will be furious.
Sarah and the other two women at the table were a bit had their mouths agape because of how much credits this kid had on her. It was compounded that she was afraid, however. She wanted to at least do something so her father would be proud of her. The one biggest thing, they started the poker game with the Lucky Queen. However, every single hand Debra with straight flushes or better than their hands. It somewhat pissed Sarah off that the rumors around Debra were true that she is better than anyone who’s bad at gambling. In the back of her head, she wanted to teach this girl a lesson to show that your luck won’t get you out of bad situations. Debra said one thing that was so flippant, which pushed her over the edge and couldn’t really hold back anymore. It was the overconfidence in her voice of her victories and everything that made Sarah do the unthinkable to Debra. Sarah picked up her knife and slowly walked over to Debra on the other end of the table. She didn’t want to lose anymore money or favor with her father caused her to put the knife right across Debra’s neck. “...Debra do you know what I am going to do to you? You should’ve kept your mouth shut and not talked about winning so easily.” Sarah said, with a definite angry tone in her voice. She moved the knife slowly from Debra’s neck but she picked up Debra by the gruff of her shirt and threw her angrily to the ground. It was obvious, she was just picking on the young girl but she was indeed stronger than Debra. She slowly walked towards Debra in a way of wanting to punish the girl of making her feel like she failed her father yet again.
Debra couldn’t help but be terrified at what was happening, she felt Sarah’s knife on her neck. However, after what Sarah had said and tossed her onto the ground it was a bit of a conclusion she was going to die here. She was emotionally crying and couldn’t really move from her position because she was unable to protect herself. It was obvious if Sarah wanted to kill her she would’ve done so already but wondering why she wasn’t was a mystery. She wanted to be saved by her father even though it would cause her to be forever what her father sees of her and not what Apikalia sees in her. It would be humiliating to her, however her dying would be not a great idea either. ”P-Please… don’t kill me. I am so sorry about my overconfidence… please take my money as payment...” Debra said, with her voice cracking under the pressure of what Sarah wanted to do to her. She didn’t want to be hurt or killed by someone who is just allowing their frustrations go onto her. It would make her parents even more overprotective of her than they were already are. Her fear is that her parents wouldn’t even allow her to leave her home or Percival Three. However, in the back of her mind the biotech treatment injection would heal any injuries on her body but the side effect would be she would have permanent scars.
Sarah stopped in a bit of a shock to hear Debra said, which she never would thought to hear from the Lucky Queen. However, she didn’t want to stop punishing Debra and would allow her to take her money and hopefully the Poster Child would stay on Percival Three permanently. She didn’t want to kill her, however it would look bad for the Gravia Military Company. It would cause Nikolas R. Zahrin show them no mercy since he did threaten them big time if they ever try to kill anyone else. She decided to injure Debra to make sure that Debra knows not to fuck with her again. Her knife pushes into the left leg on Debra’s thigh, a precise gash. It made her smile in hearing Debra scream in pain, when she was stabbed in the leg. She wanted Debra to break down and just grant her some fun before acting like she was going to finish her. It would be the only time she would had a life in her hands other than her own. “You made me a bit excited when you screamed in pain, Debra. However, I won’t take your TLI Credit Stick because I know how overprotective your parents are with their equipment. DNA Locks and Biorhythmic attunement to heartbeats, it’s very annoying to be honest. And I have a feeling if I did take it, I would be on the ground stunned for a very long time. I promise to you, I won’t be killing you.” Sarah responded with a slightly intrigued look on her face. She giggled at the whole situation because she wasn’t done with Debra. She pulled the knife slowly from Debra’s left thigh, which she saw the blood of hers. However, she forced Debra on her stomach via softly moving her via her hand. She cut a large straight line on Debra’s back to show that it’s a warning from her to never piss her off again. However, she noticed Debra’s clothes were repairing themselves it was a bit odd guess it can self-repair any form of damage. It was amazing in all actuality, which kinda wished she had clothes like that. She licked her blade and giggled at the taste, it was a bit sweet. However, she wasn’t going to tell her that. She got up from what she had done and walked out of the high class bar and went back to where she lives on Lamorak Four.
Debra couldn’t stop crying after she was cut on her back, which it hurt much. The wound on her leg was the biggest problem area, which she had to take out that injector quickly to stop the bleeding. It was the only thing she brought with her just in case. She injected herself with it, which it made her scream louder than the wounds on her body since it was an experimental biotech treatment injector. It did heal the injuries quickly but she couldn’t help but feel a bit dozy from the whole thing. However, she wondered where Sarah went and the other two women shrugged at her eyeing the area. ”I-I… shouldn’t have pissed Sarah off… She was on edge and I had to open my big mouth to make her snap.” Debra said a bit nervously and regretful. It was her own fault for being injured by Sarah. She got up, and tried to walk but she couldn’t. However, the two other women in the bar, helped her since she needed to get to her father. It caused her some problems, these two women were friends with Sarah and her twin brother. She learned somethings about Sarah but none of them were the reasons she punished her. However, the one thing she did learn was Sarah is the daughter of Conner Leo Hadley and Shelly Lina Marshal. It shocked her that the woman who attacked her is literally related to Conner. She would never forgive or forget what Sarah did to her since she’s apart of the evil that is Conner. Debra’s 20th birthday, had an interesting communication from the one who attacked her seven years earlier. It was a bit odd to hear from Sarah, which was Conner’s daughter of all things. She’s happy she wasn’t one of the children, which vanished without a trace from their homes and what not. However, what shocked her was the information that she wanted to know all those years ago about why Sarah was so frustrated. Sarah failed a mission that her father Conner gave her, which was the Assassination of Nikolas R. Zahrin with her twin brother Gregory. Her father had a smile on his face when they told him they didn’t kill Nikolas, however it was like Conner knew that it would be quite impossible to do so. Conner was proud that his children came back to him alive, which is a quite a feat since Nikolas is merciful compared to most upcoming officers in the Commonwealth. Nikolas is a Rear Admiral for the Commonwealth Navy and a Liaison to a powerful organization within the Commonwealth. The Dreaded Dragon’s Brigade Fleet is only dreaded since it is a highly secretive black ops fleet that was feared in the Commonwealth vs Coalition war. It was feared on both sides of the battlefield since it never had any scratches and don’t ever piss off the Dragon or you’ll get his claws. However, he was quite honorable and never back down from a fight that seemed impossible, which he would do the impossible and win.
Debra can’t believe what she was hearing from Sarah. It was a bit too outrageous, however, the next thing shocked her a bit much. Conner outright got rid of his youngest daughter Narvia by volunteering her to a program that would kill her. However, Sarah didn’t want to escort Narvia to the drop off point and just watched Narvia leave the property. It happened right after their encounter and her hurting Debra, seven years ago. She felt sorry for what happened to Narvia F. Hadley, which hurt her a bit more than normal. Sarah was crying over the communication since she wanted her parents to stop the hate but they can’t. They absolutely hate anyone who has the blood of the one who murdered Conner’s mother Rena. It would be a miracle if her parents aren’t in a conspiracy, however, the likelihood of it happening is very high. Sarah saw Narvia as a kind girl and what not. Even though the biggest shock that Debra heard was that the Hadley Mansion is technically a maximum security prison that held Narvia’s older sisters as prisoners. However, the only thing that terrifies her more is how Lana is reacting to the whole situation of losing her youngest daughter.
Lana is much more stable and what not, however definitely scary when wielding her scythe. It was a TLI Research Institute creation, which is odd to give to basically an enemy. Sarah herself was too terrified to tell Lana where Narvia went to or whom took her. However, Lana knew exactly where Narvia went to, however she basically couldn’t tell Sarah anything for that matter. It was how Lana was acting, which made her never to trust a word from Conner ever again. The Hadley Family is self-destructing at the seams and sooner or later it’ll end up with the deaths of millions of people, if not more. Debra couldn’t really handle all this information all at once, however the TLI Research Institute knew of somethings with the Hadley In-Vector Corporation’s goals. Sarah didn’t tell Lana about her relation to Conner since it would devastate Lana, which would end up killing Sarah and her brother Gregory. This was the one information, which she told Sarah stop telling me these things please. It was too much for all at once, however this made her have an idea. She only got Sarah to shut up about everything when she told her that she forgives her but will never forget what she had done. It took much convincing to get her to stop talking over the omnitool.
Debra decided to do something that would be much better than staying at home. She wanted to show off the weapons of the TLI Research Institute in a live firing test. However, she is the poster child of said Institute, which still annoys her. She had one singular goal in mind to show her parents that she is a woman and not a young little scared girl to be protected. It took her a bit to figure out what she will do in terms of what type of organization or what not to join. She’s definitely has a cursing problem, which is highly considerate of everyone’s feelings. It would be obvious she would have to join a third side of whatever is going on in the Commonwealth to help that side achieve something better. ”I wonder if there’s organization or group out there, which would want me? Alike a third party in whatever is going on in the Commonwealth. Since I’ve been hearing reports of a… rebellion. But my parent’s lives would still be an unorganized mess and helping them is a pain in the ass. Boredom of staying on Percival Three is a bit… of a chore now a days.” Debra thought to herself, which she decided to finally leave the coup by herself with or without her parents permission. She is old enough to decide for herself finally, she’s no longer an infant or their perfect image of her.
However, she was in shock when she walked out of her home to seen an outrageous thing sitting there. It was the Experimental Space Fighter, the TLI 9000 series of space fighters, which have a spacewarper within it. Dogma Space Fighters were equipped with twin plasma cannons on the wings, a singular quadcannon coilblaster on the nose, twin missile launchers for Space Superiority and a singular torpedo launcher for harder targets. These fighters weren’t supposed to be ready for another five years since they were in development stages. However, there was one of them in front of her eyes all ready and what not. It made her tear up a bit since she had a feeling her parents were responsible for this. The shocker got more real when she got into the cockpit and saw a letter on the dashboard, which was from her parents of all things. The basic gist of it was that they knew she was frustrated of their constant overprotectionism, however. They thought it was for the best since Debra is their only daughter, which only was for Apikalia encouragement to have a child. If it wasn’t for their kindness to save Apikalia’s life they would have never had Debra in the first place. They were sorry for all the wrongs they caused in their lives, however please make sure that Conner pays for his deeds. It is pretty much hinted at in the letter they knew of all the wrongs that he has done. The Dogma Space Fighter is a way to gift Debra in the most special way possible that she should be her own person and do whatever it takes to stop Conner’s ambitions.
Debra couldn’t stop but to cry at the gesture of her parents. It was a bit too much for her to be honest, however, she knew to find some organization which can help her. However, she’s still a bit angry at her parents mostly for the fact they coddled her for too long. At least she’ll get to use a starfighter of her parents institute to show off its capabilities to the Commonwealth. It is only because of the fact she is the poster child of the institute. She started up the starfighter and vertically took off from its location into space, however, she doesn’t know how long it would take to find a suitable organization that gives her the freedom of what she wants to do. The only requirement is it a bit fashioned to be a pirate organization since she didn’t really want to join the Rebels. She went out to the stars to find the pirate organization, however searching for pirates in the Commonwealth will be hard.
Extra Information:
Thea League Intelligence, Research Institute is founded by the Amberdine Family, which is ran by Richard L. Amberdine and Angela K. Amberdine. They run this institute for the betterment of humanity, which involves them to spread their wings into multiple technological fields or different branches. They separate each technological research group into the basics of what a human would require to survive; this are as follows, defense, medical, power generation, etc. If it doesn’t follow in the line of these technological advancements, which they will be put into an experimental development stage.
Angela primarily runs the civilian medical research group of medical and power generation. Medical Research Group primarily deals with advancements in Biotechnology and Cybernetics. However, cybernetics are only deployed on worlds, which aren’t the core worlds but need more of it. It’s mostly because everyone else that isn’t the Amberdine Family sees adding cybernetics on the human body as dehumanizing and disgusting. However, Angela sees everyone as humans no matter if they are living longer with biotechnology or Cybernetics. It’s mostly because of the core principles of the Thea League Intelligence, Institute knows what they are doing in this field of medical research, development and knowledge.
Richard primarily runs the weapon development programs within the Thea League Intelligence Institute, which falls into the defense of humanity by means of weaponization. Oversight required for these projects are from reputable organizations within the Commonwealth since all they require is funding. It is to help their development of military weapon technologies, which are unique from the usual weapons in the Commonwealth. They create the most exotic weapons to date, which they have multiple weapon series with the abbreviation of TLI on each weapon. It is a form of branding since saying Thea League Intelligence Research Institute is a mouth full.
TLI 8000 Scythes are the latest weapon series, which use Perfected Electrum and a specific magic type that they deemed perfectly applicable to the wielder. Thea League Intelligence’s personnel weapons are modified with protective uniform technologies that protect the wielder’s weapon from being used by others. These are a DNA Lock and biorhythmic attunement to the heartbeat to the wielder of these weapons. This Research Institute allows other institutes or corporations to use their DNA Locked/Biorhythmic Attunement technologies for a royalty fee of at least 1 million credits a pop. However, they will not allow the Hadley In-Vector Corporation nor Gravia Military Company to use this technology since that corporation is highly hostile to them.
There’s specific weapon series, which haven’t been mass produced at all. It is only because there is only one weapon of each series. Debra is the owner of these rare weapons, which was created by Richard L. Amberdine. The weapon series numbers are classified as TLI 4000, TLI 3000, TLI 7500. They were specifically built to keep their precious daughter safe on Percival Three or in the greater Commonwealth. Amberdine Family despises the Gravia Military Company only because of what one of them did to their daughter, Debra when she was 13 years old. This caused a tipping point of their relations to become worse with the defection of Frederick von Steiner to the Hadley Family’s side.
The Gravia Military Company tries to cheat in weapon development competitions or causing trouble of incidents in space over Percival Three with TLI Research Institute Transports. It is mostly in the form of heated dusting called weapon fire across their bow at the transports, showing that the Gravia Military Company could destroy the TLI Research Institute but doesn’t. It is mostly because of the fact the Dragon’s Bridge Fleet involves themselves in those altercations, which were started by the Gravia Military Company. The oddest thing is because of the fact the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet only warns Gravia Military Company starships to not test his patience with Conner’s trickery.
Athena League Intelligence, Research Institute was opened specifically with a difference compared to what the TLI deals with. It was created to specifically target recreational activities like archery tournaments. They only specifically work on the field of any type of pistol or will help anything their sister institute requires. The leader of the Athena League Intelligence is named Johanna I. Hera, which wanted to prove herself to the Amberdine Family that she isn’t alike the traitor scientist, which was her ex-husband Frederick von Steiner. She outright hated him anyways, since he was never happy working with TLI for certain reasons that she never really understands.
It was probably because he wanted to use their daughter, Debra. However, it is very hard to figure out what he wanted. This Research Institute deals with Plasma Based weaponry, which is basically their only way they make money from their Military Contracts. The latest plasma based weapon, is a Quad-Turret, which can shoot down fast firing torpedoes from torpedo bombers. They created a reinforced armor type, which takes less damage from plasma weapons by absorbing it. It causes the starship’s systems to be able to supercharge, which can cause the engines to increase the speed of the ship only for three hours total.
TLI/ALI is the abbreviation of both Institutes. The two institutes are based around Greek Myths or in reality, cities that the Greek State controls. They shorten them only so they don’t have to have a mouth full on certain technologies, which they create.
The Amberdine Family are highly wealth scientists, which are pretty much upstanding citizens to the Commonwealth. They seek the betterment of humanity as a whole in all forms of development standards. It is to increase the quality of life on all planets within Commonwealth space. They are patriotically loyal to the Commonwealth, which gives them boons of military grade contracts they can sell their own weaponry to the military if they are reputable at least. They don’t really like cruel admirals, which there is at least one known in the Commonwealth’s military.
The biggest rival, which has becoming a threat to their security is no other than the Gravia Military Company. They are threatening their money making potential in Percival System to Military Contract Deployment Points or just straight being hostile. It is all because of the fact Debra, their only child was injured by a single Dedicated, which is named Sarah R. Marshal the bastard daughter to Conner. Conner is jealous of Debra’s skills as a sharpshooter, which her longest range she has hit was 1,250 meters. However, they get help from an unlikely source, which wants to keep the peace in the Percival System with at least his capital ship. Nikolas R. Zahrin, the Dragon who’s a Rear Admiral and Liaison to one of the planets in the system. They are grateful to Nikolas but don’t want to know anything about whom Nikolas is in league with. Percival Three is the homeworld of the Amberdine Family, their mansion is right next to their first Research Institute they opened on the planet.
If it wasn’t for Nikolas’ interference, the two sides in this rivalry would have gone to shooting each other in open space. The relationship has gotten worse ever since Frederick von Steiner’s defection to the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. The quality of life, which the Amberdine Family’s TLI/ALI wanted to reach is at stake of falling down to ashes because of Conner L. Hadley’s jealousy. However, now onto the Amberdine Family as a whole.
Richard Lyle Amberdine
He’s one of the two founders of the TLI Research Institute, which the other one is his wife Angela. The specific thing he does within the Institute, is to research and develop military weapon of all different kinds and creates a stable form of military hardware. He allows any of the Admiralty in the Commonwealth to oversee their military hardware development as an oversight committee. He wants to work with most of them to make sure their military hardware can have a fast and easy deployment. The most prideful field is showing off his poster child of a daughter, Debra in using said technologies that will help the Commonwealth in the field of combat. He has been invested in keeping his daughter protected as the best of his abilities, which is a recourse of the hostile actions of Conner’s Military Company towards his Institutes.
He created three one of a kind weapons specifically for Debra’s tastes. Only two of those three weapons use a new type of modular based system called Weapon Modules. He’s a workaholic he at least keeps update with his daughter with regular check ups via the TLI Network. She lives in the Amberdine Mansion, which is right next to the TLI Research Institute HQ. It is not as large as most mansions, which people are used to.
The TLI network is called the Uniformed Esc Information Center, which all omnitools created by his institute can access the information center. He has 125 IQ and he is 39 years old. He loves his world of Percival Three. He doesn’t really want to see anything bad to happen to any Commonwealth world, since they are all precious to his goal of quality of life at the highest. Angela Kayla Amberdine
She’s one of the two founders of the TLI Research Institute, which the other one is her husband Richard. As the head of one of the most important endeavors for quality of life in the entire Commonwealth, which includes all of humanity. She does this on Percival Three in the TLI Research Institute HQ. It is the civilian branch, which researches technologies of medical, energy generation, and other such important civilian based technologies. She has a love for all of humanity no matter if they have cybernetics implants or use biotech implants. She has no real qualms in giving people the treatment they deserve. The betterment of humanity outweighs any racism, which she outright dislikes.
She created her daughter’s specific omnitool, which is called Thea League 800 Omnitool UEIC Accessible. It has her voice encoded in every single thing it’s about. The omnitools of the TLI boast the highest calculations compared to any of the other brands of omintools. She has a 123 IQ and is also 39 years old like her husband. She is hopeful the Omnitool she created will be helpful to her daughter Debra.
Debra Kayla Amberdine
The Poster Child of the Thea League Intelligence Research Institute, however, she doesn’t look like what her parents made her out to be. She’s pa pretty much a bit rough around the edges and gained a particular habit for gambling but has incredible luck. It usually causes people around her to call her a cheater by people whom owes her money. It’s mostly because she’s an only child to her parents. She thinks her parents have given her not as much care but its only because of her imagination is wild. It’s mostly because she has been constantly overprotected throughout her entire life. She is always frustrated and tries to not talk about her parents much because of how overprotective they are. The only thing she does like from them is when she got presents from them.
She respects her parents and wishes that humanity would stop so single minded about the betterment of the Elites but focuses on the betterment of all humanity. It’s a bit of an idealistic about how she acts but she doesn’t voice her opinion that loudly. She wants to show the world that she can make a name for herself without the backing of her parents. However, its kinda hard not to be backed by her overprotective parents, which keeps in contact with her most of the time. Her ire is set on the Gravia Military Company mostly because of their Overseer and the Dedicated, which is in charge of them. The ultimate evil in the Commonwealth, is Conner L. Hadley it is mostly because of how he treats his wife and daughters. The Hadley Mansion is basically a prison, which is terrible. It feels like sooner or later the Hadley Family is about to self-destruct in the worst way possible but he deserves it.
"Sloshy Fleshbags, rejoice, for It, Bob, has decided to grace you with its fiery presence. Also, keep your sebaceous secretions off its shiny crystal surface."
Name: -Unpronounceable-, The Sword of Mars, Lord of Charcoal, Heretic Rho, Burner of Batallions, among many names. It goes by Bob. It just loves how pathetically flappy are the moist operculums of organic races when trying to pronounce it.
Age: Really Old, Crystals grow at a snail's pace.
Physical Description:
Important items: "Does It look like it has pockets?"
Weapons: N/A
Spell List: Being a Kaisoken all of his spells are Master level.
Phantom Limbs(Telekinesis-World): Bob can create force effects as if it had sloshy appendages, allowing it to manipulated devices like an organic would. It can also hit with the force of a punch and even fling people who aren't too heavy. Like an organic would.
Plasma Jet (World): Bob's spell workhorse, the spell causes to manifest dissociated hot gas to be blasted in a direction towards a target. Bob can either hit a target or propel itself through space at good speed. It has short range, but it packs quite the punch.
Gravity Prison (World): Traps a target into a field that increases the target's gravity self-pull significantly. Softer targets might implode instead of just merely be paralyzed.
Plunder(High): Steals the magic energy of a target in its vicinity.
Disgregate(Change): Bob can turn into a fine dust without suffering any ill effects. While this form allows Bob to seep through crevices, it also makes very vulnerable to attacks that might scatter it across a wide area. The spell is not instantaneous, and if sufficiently disgregated, Bob might eventually cease to exist. Bob can also use it on other targets to slowly and painfully desintegrate them, but it has to be maintaned.
Reaggregate(Change): The opposite spell of Disgregate, Bob can use this to reassemble itself should it suffer damage. It also serves as minor healing spell for fleshbags (but given their sloshy internal structures it won't be able to heal anything beyond clean breaks and cuts). It can also repair broken equipment.
Sonic Armor(World): After a particularly pitched Battle, Bob found out that the fleshy beings were particularly resistant to the dreaded vibrations that would shatter many crystals. Having become acquainted with fleshy humans due to the sheer number of them it has unraveled, Bob can created a flesh facsimile who is supposed to be a mockery of its foes and strike terror on them. Results may vary, However. The armor requires material components to be summoned, and when encumbered with it, Bob loses the omni-directionality of its scanning senses (but gains human senses), and the ability to float and perform Telekinesis.
Force Shield(High): A shield made of raw mana. It's not the most efficient but works against a lot of things. It can protect other targets if they are near disgusting vicinity within Bob.
Misc. Abilities:
Kaisoken Biology: Bob is a durable crystal filled to the brim with mana. As a result he is exceptionally durable against abrasions, piercing attacks and cuts, while being susceptible to massive damage from blunt and sonic weapons. Heat and Cold have very, if little noticeable effect in its structure (though extremely hot temperatures might still melt him) and Kaisoken are resistant to vacuum. Kaisoken do not have traditional front or back, and their senses are more attuned to feel structures and mana. They also move by hovering. This means they do not have a back when sensing, but they're unable to detect chemical smells, and they can fail to detect subtle visual cues. They're able to perceive different frequencies than humans throughout their bodies (and replicating them is how they speak). While they can gauge structures and different materials, they also lack a fine sense of touch as well.
Personality: Bob is a being of principles and absolutes most of the time. Loyal to its species and its species only, it finds that most of the known universe is horribly and disgustingly non-crystalline, which makes it be apprehensive of almost any kind of being. Fiercely protective of its kin, it also shows an unhealthy obsession with stripping all that is not perfectly crystalline of form and shape (which makes it be viewed as a dangerous lunatic by other species). A daredevil and proactive by nature, Bob usually lacks a sense of fear. While capable of sound judgement and reason, it has been betrayed and disgusted too many times to not lash back. It may have a soft spot for fellow victims of betrayal.
Short Bio: "Ever since Bob coalesced in a tiny Crystal in the planet of Kaisoken it gazed at the stars and their fiery cores. It always was marvelled on how all sorts of matter came to existence in such celestial forges. But what it found the most amazing was when some of these forges, when they run out of material, burned ever so brightly, spitting the laws of the cosmos in a last fiery stand only to leave a lasting scar of darkness in the fabric of existence itself. What you fleshbags called Supernovae, it was inspired by them. Others like it chose to weave. It chose to unravel. It was what you could call a warrior. It was what you could call an heretic. It burned across the cosmos the story of its existance. When the Thievers of light and Minerals, the Green mucks, what you refer as plant-folk Rau've it smiled in glee. It could turn into charcoal all of them, for they were vile. It did not really mind much the theft of our lessers cousins, as in the cosmos, the hard scratch and the soft are scratched. It served with what you call distinction and earned renown. It was again called to serve, this time by helping the green mucks against you fleshbags. But it drew the line when fleshbags tried to crush kin and put it inside them. It find it disgusting, and for that, they still must be crushed. Still, it does not harbour hard feelings to the fleshbags who were treated with our comrade's husks. For they were soft, and the soft are scratched. It finds amusing this fight between fleshbags, and it desires to join, so it can too, turn more organics into coal."
Hanlock's fashion sense is definitely one of the things that puts most people off when they first meet him. His wardrobe consists of an array of, mostly sleeve-less, broad-chested, dark-colored doublets. He also occasionally wears dark mantles and/or long-coats of leather, not leaving him much room for armor, but leaving his movement flexible, and providing ample concealment for his weapons and other gear/electronics.
Hanlock keeps his dark, rough hair straight, usually holding it in dreadlocks or braided styles that fall to the sides and back of his head, or over his shoulders. In times of relaxation or recreation, he sometimes ties it back in a frayed style with a strap of leather or cloth. Additionally, he has the beginnings of a dark beard.
Hanlock also occasionally wears jewelry, but only during special events. It should also be noted that he wears a black eye-patch on his right eye, which he seemingly never removes. But he doesn't talk much about how, or whether, he actually lost his eye. One of Hanlock's many defining physical features, we can't forget, is his tricorne-style hat. Black with silver-lining, this is his most prized head-piece.
If Hanlock were a man, you could say he is one of flexible morals. The artificial intellect in him is aware of the negative implications of stealing and disrupting the peace...but his previous programming, which never was expelled from his system, tugs at his better half. Always looking to get him in trouble.
Being that his mind is borne of artificial intelligence, empathy is not the android's strong-suit. He has, however, tried to conform somewhat to society's norms. As in, what feelings he could not upload from the universal internet - he made from scratch. This leaves Hanlock in an odd place between caring and - something else? It's hard to tell, with Hanlock. Just know that he's not always as cold as his carapace is.
When it comes down to raw ability to analyze technology however, Hanlock is king. With the touch of a finger or a few moments of visual study(seeing it in action helps a lot), he can normally determine the constituents, purpose, and mechanical features of a piece of technology - and enjoys doing so greatly when it comes to forms of ordnance.
In the face of opposition, Hanlock isn't one to easily back down from combat. Even when analyzing a situation, if he finds it to be an unfavorable one, he will work to turn the tides in his and his allies' favor.
Hanlock's story is an odd one. A very odd one.
He is the issue of a very fortunate, or unfortunate, if you're a member of The Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity, event. Although Hanlock can't remember this himself too well, his body was once that of a simple animatronic pirate - a greeter for children at a super-sized, high-tech amusement park. Sadly for the children, their favorite eye-patched character would soon be taken from them.
Upon the main ship of an arms convoy traveling past Hanlock's home planet, rested an experimental, weaponized unit of living metal. Obviously, this sort of cargo is quite coveted. In fact, a group of well-informed raiders tried to access this technology by attacking the convoy, causing the main cargo ship to embark on a violent descent, which led to the ship plummeting to crash directly into the amusement park.
Said crash left the hull breached in multiple places, and the containment features of the vessel powered-down. The weaponized metal sought a vessel of its own as it parted from the ship. This is where Hanlock's animatronic self comes in. The experiment fused itself with the comparatively human-looking machine, joining the cheap iron carapace and crude programming with a specimen of boundless worth and advanced artificial intelligence. And from there - he ran.
Hanlock has lived his days since his "second creation" on the outskirts of society, really creeping people out with his outlandish behaviors. Until he met Captain Sophitia Aristoros, who took him into her crew, despite his odd nature.
∽ ╌ ∽ ╌ ∽ ╌ ∽ ╌ ∽ ╌ ∽ ╌ ∽
No Magic, No Equipment
Mass Melding: Hanlock is capable of bending metal slowly to his will when coming into contact with it. When touching any metal-esque material directly with his body or his cables, he can move it slowly, or reshape it - he may also change the temperature, tensile strength, and a multitude of other factors. This effect is quickened, though not much, when he uses his body and his cables on the same object. Notes: • If the object is somehow directly connected to someone, he cannot bend it - such as a machine being directly connected to someone's consciousness. • If Hanlock uses less than four cables to meld something, he will do so extremely slowly. • He is restricted to masses roughly thrice the volume of himself, or less. He can indeed use this on himself.
The Kraken: Hanlock's preferred method of combat is using a series of eight cables to assault his target(s) from a distance. He can move these cables with a simple thought, and can stretch them up to about 50 feet long(16.7 yards/15.24 meters), though he cannot change the volume of the cables. However, as long as the volume is retained, he can shape them in any form he pleases. Notes: • Hanlock draws these cables from a small "pack" that rests on his back, and as such they actually pierce through holes specially-made on his clothes. • Hanlock is capable of extending the cables as far as he can see if he is using a metal structure as a conduit - he essentially borrows it's mass. However, the cables still follow their original volume rule when he is using them to make weapons through other objects.
Living Metal Anatomy: Being an organism of living metal has its perks. But also its downsides aswell.
Matter of Form In an unattended or unconscious state, Hanlock's "flesh" is somewhat similar to a very hard pudding. It can be cut and pierced, but with more resistance than a human's flesh would offer. This is how he usually walks around. However, he can change the solidity of his entire body, besides his core. He can harden himself completely and become very durable, but he will become completely immobile. Conversely, he can go into a nigh-liquid state, allowing him to squeeze through space that he normally couldn't, but his mechanical core must still fit through.
This "pudding-like" body is good at absorbing attacks that use force as their main destructive tool - for example unaltered punches, bullets, swords, etc, will be less effective than against a human. Lasers, energy weapons, altered attacks(such as searing ones) from the previous list, or some other forms of attacks will be just as effective. Note: Hanlock consciously gives his body the texture and look of a human's body - however he forgets the warmth and the pulse/other small features.
Regenerative Mass Hanlock can regenerate the destroyed mass of his body by sitting still and absorbing metals from his vicinity. This does take some time, depending on the missing mass. Any wound bigger than the size of one's hand may take an hour or more. Any less than this can be a matter of several dozen minutes or less.
Elemental Weaknesses Hanlock does not fare well with the elements, unless it's the cold. Fire, Acid, Electricity, and oftentimes water, are all hazards to him. If he is attacked by either fire or acid, his "flesh" will be burnt away until he can recuperate and absorb more metal into his system. As for electricity - applying a high enough voltage will send the android packing, possibly knocking him out-cold for a time. He also cannot swim, and he will heavily malfunction if hit by water while his innards are exposed.
◌ Weapon/Technology Knowledge: Hanlock is capable of analyzing equipment, especially of a technological variety, by making contact with it, or visually studying it for a few moments. Seeing the equipment in action helps. He can analyze the components, functions, and various other facets of the gear. This is especially useful for equipment that is unrecorded or never seen before. ◌ Superior Cognizance: Hanlock has a very large bank of information to draw from - the internet. And he can access this information expeditiously. Whether it be Physics, Anatomy, Battle Tactics, Fighting Styles, or more, he can acquire this information very quickly, and use it to his advantage. This also provides him with almost perfect memory storage.
Social Cues: Hanlock is not the best at noticing social cues in regular conversation. It's difficult for him to tell if someone is embarrassed, scared, confident, angry, etc., unless he is specifically told to look for physical signs of such feelings. Magic: He is completely oblivious to the use of magic. It somewhat confuses him, as by all logic, magic shouldn't even be possible. He has no understanding of the art, nor does he particularly want to learn about it. Fear: Hanlock may or may not be incapable of fear. But he has never shown even an ounce of it. He may take pauses, or hesitate to think, but not once has he displayed a sense of fear. EMP Durability: Hanlock does not work well under the affects of EMP devices. He is limited to little more than basic movement - on the floor, mind you - and his memory may me wholly or partially wiped throughout the duration of the signal.
Nikolas’ created this nickname from her actual first name, Narvia. It was because he saw her so cheery and happy with her mother Lana and her older sisters. He wanted to give her own birthday gift, which was a nickname. Narvia will never forget this time when she was given a nickname from her funny cryptic Godfather, which is a Rear Admiral. It was of simpler times, which was taken from her, she looks on the past much to keep herself intact.
Age: 17
Birthdate: October 21
Narvia’s hair is super long, which it goes past her lower back. She wears her hair in a ponytail most of the time, which is tied up with a white hair tie that her mother bought her. Narvia has long hair bangs in the front of her head, which sometimes gets in her eyes if she’s not too careful. Her green eyes show a vibrant innocence, cautiously living her hectic life, and a fire of determination in wanting to reconnect with her family. She hasn’t lost this innocence not even throughout all the revelations she learned about her biological father Conner, it scared her mostly. He hated her no matter what she tried to make him love her, it was impossible. She has massive daddy issues from the constant father working and not paying attention to her.
Her appearance, which she wears was specifically crafted by ShadowOps. It has a small embroidery about what specific page, which she is ’Ars Goetia.’ The circle patch is on her right arm, which is simple designs. However, on the back of her shirt is slightly bit more armoring to protect from not high caliber bullets, with an inscription of ’Reunite with your family, Goddaughter. I believe in you, Nikolas.’ It is kinda hard for her to see the inscription since its inscribed directly on the extra armoring on her back.
She has a definite good looking figure for a girl her age, which she enjoys. It is definitely because she looks like a younger version of her own mother, Lana. She’ll probably grow up to be a beautiful woman, however, it’ll take awhile for that to happen. The one thing is her body language, which is from where she was raised, which gives her access to a more elegant way to walk or run. She only wears skirts in a casual outfit setting, which is her favorite casual outfit only because of the fact the blue color of the clothes bring out her eyes. She tries not to be wearing skirts in a serious setting alike a war zone, it would be a bit hard for her.
Narvia has bit of a nervous look to her whenever someone stares at her for too long, which causes her to heavily blush because of embarrassment. Her smile is breathtakingly sweet for someone who desperately misses her family and godfather. She has a modified dress uniform for military exercises in a sense, which comes with a skirt. At least she gets to wear combat boots because heels would be a pain to walk in a combat setting. It shows her that most people who are women who don’t like skirts wouldn’t enjoy the military or otherwise.
How she speaks is highly cute and undoubtedly sweet with the tone in her voice. She has a thick accent, which shows her to be from a Corporate Family, which only belong in the Lamorak System. However, you cannot really tell what Corporate Family she is from. She’s highly nervous around most people who don’t get to know her, however, she’s highly innocence so she’ll take your word at face value. It’s pretty much obvious she doesn’t really curse that much, if she does its only because she’s frustrated at herself. As if she failed someone even though all she has failed is just herself. If you see her in deep thought she’s thinking about her next move. It takes her a bit to think properly about since of all the things that caused her to have magic.
Height: 5’3” Weight: 116 lbs Body Type: Straight Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green
She has a birthmark on her left arm, which is treated as a bad omen. Her father’s side of the family is highly superstitious because of this birthmark. It has three stars surrounding a triangle, which means she’ll have the worst luck within the Hadley Family. She has a tattoo on her back, which is directly alike her mother’s birthmark of a non-bloomed flower. Her mother gave this tattoo six months before her tenth birthday.
Important Items:
Galactic Credits
Narvia has about 5,000 Credits on her before her incarnation on an Imperial Commonwealth Military Prison Ship headed towards Gaheris 66. Where people who are dangerous to the Imperial Commonwealth go to disappear. She has five million credits able to be accessed on Draken’vina / Bedivere Six. Under the honorary name of Narvia F. Hadley-Zahrin, since she and her older sisters are honorary members of the Zahrin Family. However, she cannot really gain access to those assets because they are on lock down. It’s mostly because the government is very good at locking down assets to assess if any of the assets can be used for other means. Her credits on her are only in a digital form.
The Journey to the Stars Necklace
Narvia was given this necklace by her mother Lana. It is made out of rudimentary silver and bronze mixed into a specific creation, which is called a Journeying Star Cross. The Journeying Star Cross are made for people, which are forced out of their homes by one of their parents. Lana was outright disheartened and had to lie to her sweet daughter. Which is ’You will always be welcomed back to the 4th planet of Lamorak, Narvia.’ Lana was utterly distraught when she said those words alike she was reading from a script. Only her mother knows what will happen if Narvia ever tries to return to her home.
Godfather’s Token – Memoir of Innocence
Nikolas gave Narvia this letter to tell her to keep her innocence intact and never lose sight of her goals. There’s a cryptic recognition code called Innocence0556-835Navi specifically, which she can access it via her omnitool whenever she enters that code. However, it shows Narvia that her Godfather will try at everything to reunite her with Lana, Freya and Ashley. But it will take Narvia to reach that step in her life to take it for her own possibility.
Additionally, there’s another message basically telling her she’s accepted as an Honorary Dragon, which is the Honor Guard position for the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It will take her a long time before she actually can see everyone within the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. Mostly because of whatever fate has in store for her. It even tells her even the amount of Credits that are secured on Draken’vina and/or Bedivere Six, its either or name. There’s around a total of close to five million credits in bank accounts under her name with -Zahrin attached to it. Since it tells her she’s also an honorary member of his family as well.
The Enigma Innocence Omnitool is an enhanced variant with slightly less features than that of the Enigma ES1S56-5500 Model Codex. It helps Narvia in keeping herself occupied during when she needs sometime to think. There’s certain recognition codes, which she can enter to access certain databases, which isn’t already unlocked on this omnitool. On the corner of this omnitool has the symbol for the ShadowOps and the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is mostly because this was a gift from Nikolas R. Zahrin during one of his training sessions because its might dangerous to be unprepared.
However, the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet symbol doesn’t activate any tutorials until a specific recognition code has been recognized. There’s very cryptic messages all over the HUD of the Omnitool, which can be ominous or telling the truth. But these are from when the ShadowOps symbol is activated in terms of the truths or ominous mysterious nature of the entire organization. She was apart of before her capture at the hands of the Rauve at the battle of Proxima. However, she has certain contacts she could contact but she doesn’t. It’s a bit scary of her trying to contact the people whom experimented on her. She needs time to figure out what she wants to do with the contacts on her list, however. One of the messages on the screen says, ’We are always listening into any and all conversations.’ It is a bit daunting and makes her very cautious in even trying to contact any of her contacts.
Her Omnitool is assigned to piggy back off on other signals to see certain things. As long she activates certain omnitool recognition codes. She’s just trying to learn about what happened after she was captured by the Rauve. If anyone can help her get back to her mother and older sisters. It’s a long journey but she’s willingly to take the risks to reunite her with them. In addition, there’s many things the Additional features will touch on but the one most important thing is how good this omnitool is at spying.
The Innocence Model has unique features to it that compare differently to the other Enhanced Omnitools in the Imperial Commonwealth. It has access to communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation, and about multiple different other features that help it hide better while searching for information. The primary thing it has access to recognition codes all based around her name or nickname. These codes unlock certain features that are locked behind a recognition code. These codes usually mean activating the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet Mascot Tutorial and other type of things. There’s a specific code that she hasn’t tried out only because of it has the same name as the model in question. This is the code ’Innocence0556-835Navi,’ however she doesn’t really know what it has on it.
There’s an accessible data bank on the information of spells, which she mastered and ones she hasn’t. Basically it shows a scale to how powerful it is compared to actual real weapons. However, it has information creatures that you should avoid like the plague or you’ll die a painful death. The first one is Dekriem the Soul Destroyer and the other thing is the Kaiosken. There is another data bank, which has access to all the names of the Pages of Lemegeton within it and what their specialty is as well, in terms of magic they primarily use. Ars Goetia is what she’s apart of since five of the six spells she uses is High Magic. It shows her fond memories within the ShadowOps Base, which feel much better than most things. Including the interactions with Dr. Alice, since she felt like a second mother to her. Since she cherished each one of the pages as if they were her own children.
It does help she was volunteered to the project instead of sold someplace else. The cryptic nature of the ShadowOps and her Godfather’s Fleet is a bit much for her. At least there’s 18 cartoon, 9 different cooking channels and certain strategy games as well. She can create a diary for herself and write down recipes in a recipe book on the omnitool itself. The Recipe book has around eight different dishes so far written down on it.
The Recognition Code: Narvia-Ars65321 – It will only recognize Narvia’s voice and no one else’s. However, in the ShadowOps/Dragon’s Brigade Fleet she’s registered as a Page of the Ars Goetia division. In addition, this code cannot be overwritten by anything since it was preemptive inputted by ShadowOps. Narvia is stuck with this code for the rest of her life.
Coilgun has a name engraved on it, which is ’The Sigma’ was placed on top of the weapon itself. The weapon’s name is colored by different color paint than the weapon itself, since it will contrast very nicely. The coilgun is colored in a silverish blue paint, while the name was colored in red. She usually holds this pistol in a defensive stance, which is usually pointed down. However, that’s only if she’s in a combat situation.
The Sigma comes with six special coilgun rounds, which turns this pistol into a stun gun. The potency of the stun isn’t that much better than stun guns from the police forces. It is pretty obvious she’s not that really that good with firearms. She’s a novice, it will take her a bit of time to finally get out of her defensive stance and be a bit more offensive.
The Swift was crafted on the Nikolas’ homeworld by his own mother Vina E. Zahrin, which means she’s one of the greatest blade crafters in the world. It was gifted to Narvia by Nikolas’ since she needed a melee weapon that was much more elegant than a tactical survival knife. She was able to train with this weapon to learn its abilities, however she’s not that great with the weapon. It didn’t take anything out of her learning how to use her magic properly at least close enough to what was required. Her eyes instantly caught with how beautiful the blade is since it starts with blue parts but starts shimmering and glowing in multiple different colors as a rainbow. She uses this when she’s in close quarters combat. However, she’s not that great in using this mastercraft of a weapon since its a bit hard to understand the concept of the Art of the Sword. It didn’t help she started a bit later than her Godfather.
This weapon has two abilities, which the first one is its name sake the Swift. It makes her more nimble on her feet, which increases her hand to eye coordination so she doesn’t trip. Daichi is a pretty unusually potent melee weapon, which can be as gentle and light as the wielder’s personality or nature. She learned pretty quickly its better to have more than one weapon than not at all. It’s in a seethe on her waist, which has decorations on it. Similar to the legends of her Godfather’s homeworld, which has dragons everywhere on the seethe itself. It is nicknamed the Elegant by Narvia since its so beautiful and brightens up her day.
This knife is basically on her right arm, which is in its seethe attached to her more combat focused attire. It’s basically a survival knife that’s tactically focused but she uses it for most tasks only because her magic can’t do literally everything. She enjoys the slip resistant handle at least. However, that’s all it is about.
Spell List:
The Bow of Light (High)
This spell in question makes a magical construct in a form of a Longbow, which she can wield. The Longbow’s look, which has flowers that are blooming constantly on either end of the bow proper. It is made up of pure magical energy and can use aerodynamics to alter its shots slightly, which makes its arrows arc through the air. The arrows are made of silverlight and every one slowly depletes the magical energy of the Bow of Light. The maximum amount of silverlight arrows, which it can release is a total of two arrows before it dissipates.
Narvia cannot reform the Bow of Light since she needs to recover her magic. If she pushes herself and tries to reform the Bow of Light before she completely recovers her magic. It will cause her to feel dizzy and have a high probability of fainting from trying to focus on reforming the weapon.
The Folspear Construct (High)
This spell in question makes a magical construct in a form of a spear, which she can wield. The spear is in the same exact shape of the Gravia Military Company’s symbol, which is a spear made of silverlight surrounded by flowers. It has a flower brooch on it, which the silverlight flowers are blooming constantly while tied to the spear. When it hits an opponent, it deplete the magical energy of the Folspear Construct slowly. The maximum amount of hits, which the Folspear can handle before it dissipates is two.
Narvia cannot reform the Folspear since she needs to recover her magic. If she pushes herself and tries to reform the Folspear before she completely recovers her magic. It can cause her to feel dizzy and have a high probability of fainting from trying to focus on reforming the weapon.
Innocence Sword Construct (High)
This spell is a construct of highly condensed mana, which causes a silverlight blade to appear in Narvia’s hand. The silverlight blade is of European Origin, which is a rapier with a flower design attached to the handle. It has the same exact features as the other constructs, which Narvia can make. However, it is limited since its made for thrusts and jabs over what other swords are usually used for. The maximum amount of hits, which the Innocence Sword can handle before it dissipates is around three.
She cannot reform the Innocence Sword since she needs to recover her magic. If she pushes herself and tries to reform the Innocence Sword before completely recovering her magic. It will cause her to feel dizzy and have a high probability of fainting from trying to focus on reforming the weapon.
Magical Absorption (High)
The only way, which she can regain her magical energy is by this spell. Magic is absorbed from only the ground. Her limiter is primarily because she absorbs magic more slowly than someone who has access to both ways of absorption, which are sky and ground. However, there is stressors that can be applied to this spell. It usually makes her absorb magic even slower from the ground, which usually because it takes tons of concentration and doesn’t help if she is exhausted too. Which limits, how much time she has on the magical recharge time.
Flowered Ground (High – Mastered)
Flowered Ground is a warding spell, which invokes a protective barrier against magic. It sprouts silverlight flowers from the ground, which they are constantly in the blooming state. The flowers are in the same shape and sizes of the flowers in her backyard garden of her family’s mansion on the 4th planet of the Lamorak System. The field’s origin point is from her and it goes out to 15 feet (4.57 m) radius around her, which is the barrier of protection from magic. You cannot use magic within the barrier, however.
In addition, Flowered Ground has a calming effect of people within the barrier, which are being protected from magic. It’s her innocence, which wants her to reunite with her mother Lana and her two older sisters that is keeping her hopeful.
Gravity Disable (World – Mastered)
This spell is cast in a five feet radius on her or a person, which she can directly see in front of her. It disables the gravity surrounding the person, which causes them to float into the air, as if there’s no gravity in that radius. The spell lasts longer on Narvia than on a person she specifically targets with it. It lasts close to an hour on herself and half the time on a person or target in front of her that she can see.
Additionally, the spell in question can allow someone to float up to twenty to thirty feet above the ground, only if the target or her is on a planet. However, she never really used this feature of the Gravity Disable since it has a limited time frame and she doesn’t want to have broken bones or die. As well, it gives a person, who has been targeted by gravity disable a feeling of wanting to say ’Woooo!’ or in Narvia’s case, ’Hey Listen!’ It is a bit of a fun feeling, which is saying something.
Misc. Abilities:
Narvia has kept her innocence and naivety throughout everything, which she had been through for the seven straight years. All the hardships, which included every single minuet detail of her life up to this point. She had one primary goal in mind for herself, which is to reunite with her older sisters and her own mother. Being with her mother and older sisters have been the only reason why she is continuing to move forward and never giving up on that one goal.
Dragon Eyes (Biotech Upgrade)
She was given biotech upgrades, which are called the Dragon Eyes. She was given this implant at age twelve. These exact eyes are the staple of Nikolas R. Zahrin and the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. This is one of the most important gifts, which he gave Narvia as his goddaughter and much more. However, the doctors that implanted the Dragon Eyes were much more careful. The age for the implantation of the Dragon Eyes is 15 for boys and 16 for girls, which she was four years younger than. Every time she uses the eyes, which can only be used at most ten minutes because of immense strain on them. Her eyes weren’t ready for the implantation, however, you can get trained to use the implant properly. However, the maximum amount of time if she was trained would be at most thirty minutes.
Firearms (Novice – Pistols and Submachine Guns)
She has a slight more understanding in Pistols and Submachine Guns, while being a novice at using them as well. It doesn’t help that she doesn’t understand to properly maintain the weapons, which she would usually need help with it by other people. She only got the basics of how to point these two specific weapons and shooting them to hit non-moving targets. However, she only uses her personal pistol the sigma the most, which has a stun gun option. The last resort measure is using her pistol as what it is made for shooting enemies.
Additionally, she is also a novice using any other firearm, which isn’t Pistols and/or Submachine Guns. Even though there’s a bit more kickback with using other firearms over pistols and submachine guns. However, she doesn’t really have access to a Submachine Gun.
Way of the Sword (Novice – Whelp Rank)
Nikolas R. Zahrin, her godfather taught her how to wield melee weapons slightly better than usual. It does help he is a master at using the Way of the Sword techniques. She was taught the super basics with wielding the Swift, Daichi or ’Elegant’ as its nickname. It allows her to activate its special abilities because of her personality and kindhearted nature. However, to completely able to unlock its true potential will need additional training in the Way of the Sword. It gives her knowledge on different types of melee weapons, which only Nikolas’ taught her to remember. This training happened in between of her page training, which was needed because of not able to defend yourself against enemies if they defeat your magic would only end in disaster.
Nikolas is a master at Close Quarters Combat, which makes it very hard understand the advanced techniques he was showing her. However, he did taught her how to defend against people who go in close for the kill. It’s a bit of a trick he learned nonetheless but it works in disarming the opponent easily.
Acquired Tastes (Intermediate – Cooking)
Her Acquired Tastes are a bit different from most people tastes when cooking a meal. It does help that she has a bit of an acquired taste for healthy, well balanced food that keeps the stomach from grumbling. She’s a bit of a creative when it comes to cooking dinner. It does help she imitates her mother’s cooking style very well and/or whoever was cooking at the time. She knows how to cook any type of dish intermediately well. It is better than a complete and utter waste of space on cooking, however, she’s not as great as the greatest chefs in the Imperial Commonwealth. She wanted to be a cook when she grew up but that wasn’t able to happen.
Narvia has a very gentle and kind outlook on life, which is due to the fact her mother and older sisters were always there for her. However, she is scared easily since the onset of joining the war against the Human Coalition on the side of the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity. She’s a bit emotionally scarred by being experimented on by Imperial Commonwealth Scientists. However, her outlook towards the people she now calls family, which is called the Dragon’s Brigade is similar to her outlook on her two older siblings and mother. The protection the Dragon’s Brigade in assigning her very easy tasks, even though the training was a bit harsh in finding out her magical abilities.
She has a soft spot for the commanding officer, Rear Admiral Nikolas R. Zahrin because of how much he protects her from the battlefield. She is a Page of Goetia, which is primarily what magic type she uses most of. She’s deathly afraid of being punished by people who aren’t in the Dragon’s Brigade, alike the 11th Fleet Admiral Barkley R. Jensen, which has a younger sister in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. However, which she knows they have completely different different personalities. He brutally whipped her as punishment for showing off her spell in front of him, which causes her to be afraid of punishment by the whip. She cries uncontrollably at the mention of punishment or disciplinary action against her.
The biggest thing that was taken from her was when she was separated from the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet and Nikolas R. Zahrin. In the case of the entire thing, it was when she was captured by the Rauve, when she boarded one of the ships during a fleet action. Since her commanding officer Nikolas outright disobeyed a Direct Order from 10 of the 11 Fleets, which was to deep strike into Rauve Territory to do a damaging blow to them. The one thing she realized, which was her commanding officer would be dishonorably discharged from the military for the brashness of his disobeying of orders. She was heartbroken, the family, which was the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet was going to be broken up.
Narvia had an interesting run in with people, which wanted to have her join their rebellion against the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity. They were similar to her in terms, children, which were given magical powers. However, all she wanted to do was rejoin with the Dragon’s Brigade fleet. The only real reason she joined these people in arms, because she felt a bit left out of a family setting. Because she was outright taken from the only family she had known for most of her life, which was the military and her biological mother and two sisters. She misses Nikolas R. Zahrin much, however, something bad happened. She never realized, the one thing that caused her into this new predicament, which was the betrayal of one of the Pages.
She trusted way too easily and kept her innocence throughout all these years. However, she has never known a single betrayal in her life. Her mind cannot fathom the single betrayal, which caused her to be captured by no other than the Imperial Commonwealth again, which in a worse state than the first time. It constantly goes through her head, with what was going on in the background she couldn’t really figure it out.
The one thing that outright terrifies her, which is where she is going, the Maximum Security Prison Planet called Gaheris 66. Right now she’s in a prison ship heading towards that planet, with the other pages in the same predicament they are in. However, her mind remembers a singular person, which was named Miko Lu, since he was onboard Nikolas’ Flagship the Dragon’s Claw before a boarding action. The armor, which he wore definitely made her confused and constantly asked questions in, why he wears it. She was always the child of many questions, which is why her nickname definitely stuck out.
The thing that broke her into tears was the one single thing, which she was expecting from an armed personnel guard, which was in front of her cell. He told her that her biological father Conner, sold her to the Military. Nikolas is her father and guardian to her now, she couldn’t stop crying from hearing those words specifically. This means she needs to be reunited with him much more, however. The only reason so she can ask him why he kept it a secret for so long. And hug him tightly for protecting her from all those jerks in the Gravia Military Company. She always felt an underlying love for Nikolas because he knew how to take care of her while she was growing in the Brigade. Treated her more like a child than a soldier, helped her not have a stunted growth like most scientists, which saying to her.
Short Bio:
Narvia was born on one of the core worlds of the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity by the name of Mars. She was the third child of Lana R. Hadley and Conner L. Hadley, who lived in a vast highly secure mansion on the planet. It had defenses out of the ass, which it was nicknamed the Fort Knox of Mars. It can even survive planetary bombardment if people decided to do that. The home was armed for bare and it felt like a maximum security prison, which was defended by the Fanatical Gravia Military Company. Lana and Conner were the only ones able to leave the home since they have proper identification to enter their home. However, their children, on the other hand, don’t have proper identification to leave the home at all.
None of the kids knew this, but they weren’t able to leave the home since Conner didn’t want to make more data pads for the home. For his children to explore outside of the home. However, Lana decided by herself, which was the only thing she could do to make her children happy has been to stay at home mother and work from home. Conner allowed her to do this said task, since he had more important things to do with the Gravia Military Company. Lana had a smile on her face when she talked to the two children in question, before Narvia was able to walk and talk, Ala when she was sleeping in her crib.
”Freya and Ashley. What do you think about our newest addition to the family?” Lana asked curiously to her two daughters. She looks gently at her two daughters, which she felt happy to be here with them since she felt an honest connection being with them than not. She looks at Narvia and her face, has a gentle smile on it.
Freya was looking at her new little sister, and she was happy to see her. ”Mom, my new little sister is adorable, so what’s her name?” Freya asked curiously. She loves teasing her younger sister Ashley. She was messing with her younger sister’s hair right now, while looking at her mother.
Ashley tried to stop her older sister from messing with her hair but fails and flails around a bit. She calms down and looks at the little girl sleeping in the crib peacefully. ”I agree with my older sister Freya.” She spoke beautifully and with a bit of a sigh at the fact her sister is messing with her hair. She hugs her mother since she wants her older sister to stop messing with her hair.
Lana giggles at her two daughters shenanigans and stops her eldest daughter from teasing her youngest. She thinks for a second since her husband told her to never tell where she got the name, which is their godfather Nikolas R. Zahrin. ”Your little sister’s name is Narvia Folspear Hadley. Everyone’s names are beautiful.” She spoke trying to say she came up with the names even though she didn’t.
Freya and Ashley was happy to hear their new addition’s name. They both hugged their mother and giggled kindly. ”We will take good care of our little sister, mother. We will keep our unity for the betterment of our family and the Imperial Commonwealth.” The two said in unison proudly. Freya’s eyes was a bit tearful since she was crying happy tears since she has another little sister. Ashley heard her older sister to start crying, which made herself started to cry.
Lana nodded at her two children and lead them away from Narvia, which was sleeping quietly, however she didn’t know that Narvia had a predestined fate. Conner had a predetermined plan with Narvia, which was highly against with what is going on in here. Lana wanted to keep everything like it is, which was her heart mostly.
On her 5th year birthday, she celebrated her birthday with Jennifer V. Stoutfield, her older sisters, and her mother Lana. It was a fun time, her mother showed her daughter a specifically pretty necklace, which she was going to make for her tenth birthday. It was a long process since making the Journey to the Stars Necklace takes time. This was a fun time, even though Lana couldn’t really figure out where her husband was. She was a bit lost without him since they were happy before they started having children that is. However, that didn’t matter right now. She was playing with her three daughters and enjoying Jennifer’s company even though her husband outright hated her for being from the outer sector of the Imperial Commonwealth. However, she had no cybernetics on her to be that outright hateful towards her.
Time flew as they were having fun, it was pretty much peaceful and what not. Nothing could really separate them from this idyllic scene. However, they didn’t know Conner at this very moment was in a meeting with Nikolas R. Zahrin, the Rear Admiral of the Deep Strike Force called the Dragon’s Brigade. And hashing out a deal to outright destroy the unity between Lana and her daughters. However, everyone in this one scene was a bit too ignorant and naive that anything like that would happen to anything like that.
Narvia looked at her mother happily while sitting down on the floor and smiled happily. She didn’t want to have anything change from this day. She smiled gently towards her mother. ”M-Mommy, I love you so much. W-Where’s daddy though?” She questioned cutely her mother with a gentle smile and other things. She wanted to know where father was a bit worried about him he never looks happy around them.
Lana looked at her cute daughter and giggled at her. She smiled gently and knew he was at the primary HQ of the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. She knew what to say since she hasn’t been really that busy lately. “He is a workaholic. He’s working right now so don’t worry about your father, but he’s only grumpy because he works late.” She said with a sudden certain of where her husband is. However, that was much of what her daughter wanted to ask. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, and she put Narvia to bed and told goodnight.
Meanwhile, in a meeting room of the Hadley In-Vector Corporation, which had a lawyer, seven security guards and Conner L. Hadley sitting on one end of the meeting room. They were chatting about certain things basically talking about, which was basically going to go on within this meeting with Nikolas R. Zahrin. He was a highly busy man within the Imperial Commonwealth, a Rear Admiral of the one of the greatest deep strike fleets of all time. The Dragon’s Brigade, which is equipped with TLI Research Institute weapons. Conner’s face was slightly annoyed at that the TLI Research Institute get hired to help projects more than the Gravia Military Company. “I can’t wait for Nikolas to get here. Somethings never change with my ‘friend’ don’t they guy?” He asked the crowd of his most loyal of his corporation. They just nodded, one of the security guards walk up to Conner and whispered that Nikolas R. Zahrin is here. They stood back where they were and looked directly at the door.
Nikolas walked in with his honor guard, which was a single soldier of his fleet the ever reliable Vienna R. Stoutfield. He was highly annoyed with why he was called all the way from the frontlines of war just on an errand by his higher ups. However, he knew it had to do something with the most the cruelest program in history that was conceived using children as weapons. ”What do you want Conner? I haven’t got all day you know.” He asked, with his hand on his forehead with a quite irritating look on his face. However, he did want to know how was Conner’s family. He scanned the room and saw about seven armed guards, a lawyer, which was pretty cute nonetheless since she was highly nervous around Conner. He sat down at the other end with his honor guard right next to him standing.
Conner was highly irritated when he saw Vienna and knew what he wanted to do to her younger sister that worked for him. He smiled a bit about that specifically. However, he can wait on that since there’s more important business to attend with here. “It’s pretty simple it involves my youngest child, your goddaughter Narvia Folspear Hadley. There are certain things I had planned but this feels like the best idea I had in my head. I hate the little whore. She’s not right in the head she’s too kind and generous to people who don’t deserve it alike your honor guard Vienna and her younger sister Jennifer. Because they should be shot for their crimes of existing in the emperor’s pure humanity. And your idealistic bullshit is getting on my nerves but you do get results that only one other actually gets.” He said with disgust while looking at Vienna. He saw all non-core sector worlds as garbage, which are deserving needed to be thrown out for putting the cybernetics on their bodies. He looked directly at Nikolas, since he kinda hates his idealistic behavior of having a family instead the elite of elite troops.
Nikolas had a bit of a shock to his system when he heard Conner say many things, which was on his chest. However, he can now understand why he had seven armed guards, even though he’s a great swordsman he can’t kill Conner without getting injured or dying of those injuries. He sighed and looked at his honor guard, which was highly affected by what Conner said. ”You are highly intelligent for having all these guards. If they weren’t here and we were alone. I would have killed you on the spot. For insulting how I treat my family. However, you insult your child is disgusting. I guess there’s something you want from me if you outright hate the one I named all those years ago.” He said with a resolve if he meets Conner again, they will be enemies from now on. He doesn’t take too kindly to insulting his family, which has been shaped to be the most elite of all the elite troops in the Imperial Commonwealth. However, there’s one single military officer in their he respects Alexander Kherol himself.
Conner laughs a bit nervously since he knows that if Nikolas gets his hands on him in the future, he’s deader than a doornail. He looks over to the Lawyer and raises his hand more or less telling her it’s turn to speak. She stood up nervously and looks directly at Nikolas who had a death glare directed towards her boss. “Sir, my name is Catherine I. Saline and I have a custody form for you to fill out. If you sign it, it’ll mean Narvia F. Hadley will no longer be called Narvia F. Hadley. She’ll be Narvia F. Zahrin from now on. And lose her rights to the large sum of money, which would’ve been granted to her if her mother Lana died. However, she would’ve had to replace her mother and be Conner’s wife? So, what do you think would be the best for that child now, who’s only 5 years old right now.” Catherine said in an orderly tone trying to get Nikolas to look at her some more. She had a nervousness to her since she outright hates being Conner or Stuart’s lawyer since they use her as they see fit but only in a sense of hashing out their dirty plans for Conner’s children.
Nikolas heard what Catherine had said and was appalled at what exactly said. It gave him the scare of his life since he saw it clear as day, which was horrifying from Catherine’s facial expression. He saw that Narvia’s two older sisters are literally going through hell because of what he had planned for Narvia. He knows specifically, Lana won’t enjoy this plan, but he only talks to her sometimes and feels a bit out of touch with reality. Nikolas eyed Conner again with a face, which would kill him and all his guards right now, but he tried to stay composed. ”Conner, I hate you. For what you are doing to your children and your wife. I have a feeling on this piece of paper you got Lana to sign it without realizing what she was signing because you fucking brainwashed her. But I will sign it and protect Navi better than you have ever done in your miserable existence. The next time we meet I will rescue, your children, your wife and release them from that fucking prison you call a home. It makes Gaheris 66, look like a wonderful place to live in comparison.” He said quite hateful towards Conner. He couldn’t believe the hatefulness from Conner, however, he was grateful he is the godfather to them. He signs the piece of paper releasing Narvia from the terrible clutches from her father but at what cost.
Conner laughed at what he said. Not like anyone could break people out of a maximum security home like his, which is highly impossible. Since it had the similar function, which Gaheris 66 is but for his children instead of a big full of prisoners. That needed to disappear, however, he took the threat serious enough since Nikolas is one of those idealists that see everything in multiple colors than the one it is. He smiled when Nikolas signed the paper though. “I don’t really see any point in keeping a happy family. They are just tools to be used properly. The one thing I like about this whole arrangement to break the unity that my wife, and three daughters have is the sweetest thing I have ever came up with. The weaknesses of women is so fun to use against them.” He said as if he was blatant enough an asshole and doesn’t care for his children or wife at all. He can’t wait for his wife to break her mind control to see what really is going on around her. He already had planned Sarah and her brother to deliver the child to Nikolas.
Nikolas looked at him with a bit of like, he knows of whom will be hand delivering Narvia. The two brats of the last name Marshal, which were highly evil assassins, which were given the name of ’Plant Cutters.’ He sighed exactly this and got up. ”Therefore, I guess I should ask before I return to my fleet with Vienna. What age will be Narvia’s fate to be a part of the program that I hate more than anything else?” He asked, curiously even though he wished not to know it since it is a heartbreaking thing. He wished Narvia wasn’t born in Conner’s family since he’s an evil as fuck father, which only cares for himself. The child will be forced to be a part of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet by that same man being smug by his armed guards.
Conner laughs again and looks directly at Nikolas’ back. He knows the Dragon is tougher than he looks, so he’s not going to push any more buttons than he already has. He looks at his schedule and laughs. “Simple, Narvia will be hand delivered to you by Sarah R. Marshal and her brother Gregory I. Marshal at age ten. I am so grateful you bought your meal ticket with signing that. If she dies on the battlefield, I won’t have to ever see that whore again. I’ll release your sister from her services without killing her, just breaking her legs.” Conner responded towards Nikolas. However, his tone in his voice was highly joking about the breaking Jennifer’s leg part. He wasn’t going to kill her since he doesn’t want to muddy himself in Outer Sector Blood since it is dirty to him. He was going to force her back to her rat hole in space via an armed escort of the Gravia Military Company.
Nikolas put his arm around Vienna, so she wouldn’t do anything stupid in the presence of Conner. But he knew that Conner wouldn’t kill Jennifer. Since Vienna is doing all she can in the military without seeing her younger sister Jennifer because she works for Conner, which he is highly a prick. He got out of there as quickly as possible since if he was fully armed to the teeth, which he would’ve killed Conner. Even though he hates Conner now, because of what he did to piss him off, anything involving his Brigade is grounds of being destroyed. However, the one thing he always wanted to do is quit smoking and this is the best thing for him to do. Mostly because of what Conner did and said directly towards him.
On Narvia’s 7th birthday, it was only two years after her 5th birthday. She was given much work by tutors specifically Natalie since she was the only person allowed to come over. Natalie S. Rovia are great friends with Lana, and she’s a bit shocked at how intelligent Narvia is. She couldn’t help but be proud of Narvia’s accomplishments. However, she’s happy to help Narvia, since she’s not allowed to talk to the two older daughters for some odd reason. She definitely noticed Ashley’s odd behavior though. “Hey Narvia, I have a question for you, why is Ashley acting strange? I remember seeing her when she was your age, and she was pretty cute and nice.” Natalie spoke to get Narvia’s attention since she was busy doing her work. However, she was looking outside and noticed tons of movement by the Gravia Military Company. She always wondered why this place felt like a Maximum Security prison.
Narvia looked up from her desk and smiled kindly to her tutor. She did notice it but didn’t want to say anything about Ashley’s odd behavior to her mother. She sighed a bit in relief since there’s another person that noticed Ashley’s odd behavior. ”Y-Yeah she’s being odd… I don’t know why though. She told me to get out of her room and started crying after she shut the door on me.” Narvia said cutely, a bit nervous that her older sisters didn’t love her anymore. However, that couldn’t be the case since she did hear Ashley tell her name and wished her luck in her journey.
Natalie looked at Narvia oddly and instantly realized what was going on, Conner was being horrible to everyone in this household because they are women. She gulped at that since she didn’t want to die to the Gravia Military Company or whatever horrible thing they have planned. “Ah, thanks for that. You are in the top 5% of being a super genius at least. You should tell your mother about Ashley’s behavior. It’ll probably be better to tell her when she’s crying though.” Natalie said, which she was trying to change the subject even though it wasn’t much of a change. Her entire body was shaking at the thought of being horribly maimed by that company. They are called the Butchers after all, since they are a part of the 11th Fleet of the Imperial Commonwealth, which is ironic enough her brother’s fleet. She always hated her brother for being the cruel sadistic bastard he was.
Narvia smiled at her tutor who said that. She looked out the window and saw the Gravia Military Company moving around things again, like the third time this week. She didn’t know what it was for. ”U-Uh… I like the Gravia Military Company’s symbol it is a silver light spear surrounded by white flowers. I have, the same middle name as the spear on the symbol.” She spoke cutely even though she hasn’t really figured why they are moving around like that. All she really knows it is a drill they have to do constantly by all matters of things.
Natalie sighed a bit when she heard what Narvia had said. She looked at her and had an idea. She was going to introduce her daughter to her. Natalie smiled happily at the idea and hopeful her daughter wasn’t going to be used as a trick to trick this sweet little girl. “Want to meet my daughter Jenna L. Novia? Jenna always wanted to meet new people. Jenna’s alike you in every single way.” She spoke towards Narvia. She wanted her daughter to have a friend badly.
It was a new time for specifically Narvia since she never had a friend outside of her older sisters and mother. She shook her head yes at the question. She met Jenna and became fast friends and didn’t know that there was a plan to get rid of her by her father at all. Narvia was happy and all that she met someone new and told her mother about Jenna. Jenna even met Lana and it was a pretty much happy time but because of that meeting she remembered what Natalie told her until her mother was crying.
Lana was in her office looking over something that was making her cry, which she saw a specific piece of paper, which she has to read word for word. It was a heavily detailed out plan for their daughter Narvia. It shows that she’ll no longer be with them at all. Her children’s godfather Nikolas will be taking care of Narvia as a daughter instead of a goddaughter. He saved her from a fate worse than replacing herself. She couldn’t help but cry that her husband had all this detailed planned from the get go. ”Conner you bastard… I will get you for this. One of these days. I will get you.” She thought with her tears going down her face, which was something she had never had before. She had her own thoughts again, she always got dazed or confused when she tried to think about things. The freedom to think is back in her ballpark. She had noticed her elder daughter’s change but couldn’t do anything to stop it. Freya was now even more of a plaything to her husband’s whims.
Narvia walked into her mother’s office and saw her mother Lana crying constantly. She, however, saw a case on the table, which was the Journey to the Stars Necklace her mother promised her and it was in a beautiful case. She had a smile on her face since her mother remembered that. Narvia couldn’t find Jennifer at all, which worried her. ”Mother, why are you crying? It’s nice to see the Journey to the Stars Necklace right there.” She said kindly and gently and had a slight of a bit of naivety in her voice. She walked to her mother’s desk and sat down in a chair in front of her mother’s desk. She couldn’t understand why her older sister Ashley was acting the way she was. It wasn’t alike her and it was like her eldest sister Freya was completely out of it. She didn’t understand what was happening to her family at all.
Lana snapped out of what she was feeling, the first feeling that popped into her mind was hate towards her husband, Conner. All he wanted to do was hurt her daughters in the most unspeakable of ways. However, she enjoyed when Narvia her bright shining star was here. She saw important print on the bottom of what she’ll have to say to her daughter. And it shocked her to the core of her being, the weapon systems of their prison will shoot to kill Narvia. Since it shows that the only places she can go freely are the Gravia Military Company’s HQ and Hadley In-Vector Corporation, then back home. Nowhere else, she was terrified her husband outright stripped her of rights she had before she married him. “N-Narvia… I love you dear. Please wear the necklace and be proud of your heritage and your future before you. You will be always welcome back on Mars.” She spoke with a broken heart in her tone, which she can’t believe she has to lie to her own child. Lana knew this was plainly not the case, which is why she was crying.
Narvia picked up the case and opened it and put the necklace around her neck. She was proud of her family even though she’ll never be told of what happen to people alike her in the military. She smiled at her mother trying to cheer up her mother. ”Mom, Ashley is been acting very strangely. You should talk to her. Therefore, I should get going I was told my father I had to go somewhere to a theme park to meet my friend Jenna.” She responded to her mother’s worried voice or broken heart. However, she had a smile on her face no matter what.
Lana heard what her daughter said and was wondering that herself. However, that means her husband is a crueler bastard then he lets on. She wanted to tell her daughter not to go but something stopped her, it was on the piece of paper telling her if she tells Narvia, the entire house will go on lockdown, and she’ll have to watch her children get horribly butchered by the Gravia Military Company. “Be careful dear, it’s dangerous. To go outside alone. I hope you are going to be safe out there.” She responded to her daughter more or less in a defeated tone of voice. She couldn’t help but feel a bit regretful about this whole thing. However, she did get Richard’s gift sooner than expected, which is a Scythe that’s Electrified. The TLI knows how to deliver on their promises.
Her daughter left the room, wearing her necklace, and then she knocked out outside of the house, taken by the two specific people in question, which were told to take her to the Dragon’s Brigade and the specific black site in question. They didn’t know that Lana outright didn’t want this to happen, they were following their overseers orders to the letter. They were a bit rough with the package, since they saw her as trash but something inside of Sarah felt regret for delivering her to Nikolas. ”Get the fuck out of here now, Assassins. Why did you have to hurt Narvia? I am her father now since he gave her to me via custody rights. As a daughter and I treat everyone in my force as daughters and sons a family.” He said a bit peeved. He was furious, he was wielding his diffuser sword in front of him and was about to kill them until he was stopped by no other than Vienna. He putted his Diffuser sword away.
Sarah was shocked to hear what she heard directly from the Dragon’s mouth. Narvia was now Nikolas’ child and all this feels a bit terrible. She wanted do something (else) than deal with this, but she was grateful for Vienna. “T-Thank you Vienna… for saving me from the Dragon’s Wrath. I am so sorry for roughing up Narvia. I was told to do anything in my power to harm her. It seems like I made a terrible mistake in judgment. O-Oh yeah, I have something to tell you. Jennifer V. Stoutfield was badly beaten to close an inch of her life but arrived at your parents space station in the Outer rim and is recovering nicely. I hadn’t anything to do with what happened to her.” She said with a bit of a back step since she might die to Vienna or actually be killed by Nikolas. She bowed her head completely and waited her punishment for being a messenger.
Nikolas’ looked a bit shocked at what happened to Jennifer but it seems like Conner was lying about, she was going to be conscious when she reaches her home. He looked at Vienna who was crying a lot from, the truth, her parents didn’t tell her anything but said her sister is back at home. He just pointed to the vehicle they came in, Vienna was holding Narvia in her arms, and they walked their separate ways since it would be best to do that. Nikolas had a headache and was a bit annoyed at the whole ordeal. However, he had a smile on his lips since that means he can tell Lana about Sarah and Gregory’s mistreatment of her daughter Narvia. But he could wait.
At the Black Site, which the certainty happened. Narvia was experimented on via the Imperial Commonwealth’s scientists, which was a terrifying time for her. She couldn’t stop crying from it, however, she was cheered up specifically by Nikolas R. Zahrin. He gave her the callsign and nickname, which she was going to be called by Navi. It was a rough time for her even though she did know of one thing, her life with the Hadley Family was over. And all that came up was no other than the seven years of hell in the Imperial Commonwealth Military. However, Nikolas showed much care specifically for Narvia. He taught her the ropes of defending herself with the sword and a pistol specifically. She felt an affection towards her commanding officer, Nikolas. Since he treated her like a daughter and one that had to be guided through life.
She was given care since she did get to them beaten up by Gregory and Susan specifically. She couldn’t really understand all her training would be for Military action. Her kind nature caused her to specifically tie to the spells of Flowered Ground and Gravity Disable. The Dragon’s Brigade were happy for her even though she was told often to not use her magic in front of people who would hurt her. Because there was many bad apples within the Imperial Commonwealth Military specifically the 11th Fleet. Narvia didn’t really change much her unbridled innocence was protected and helped to grow.
In terms of the entire thing, she was given the rank of Private First Class specifically by Nikolas R. Zahrin after the weeks to months worth of training she was given. It was a total of six months, since that was how much time they were allowed to train their newest recruit. After that they were put back into service as specifically the Deep Strike Fleet. However, Nikolas knew how the war was going with the Human Coalition it was getting bad to worse. Sooner or later, the Imperial Commonwealth will be destroyed or it’ll be at least a Pyrrhic victory at best to have an Armistice with the said coalition. He didn’t know where would be the final battle just yet since it’s basically a forgone conclusion.
The Battle of Proxima was bloody had a dire consequence for her and the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. Which was in her subsequent capture at the hands of the Rauve, since she boarded with an elite force of boarders one of those boarders, which was named Miko Lu. Before that boarding action, she always asked him questions about his armor and what not because she was a highly curious kid. Narvia got separated from Miko, when she went closer to the Bridge of the Rauve Ship, which they boarded, she tried not to slaughter many Rauve in the process. She had regret and tears on her face, while she was killing them. However, she heard from the comms, before she was captured that the Rauve Fleet was retreating by the stunning work by the Defense at Proxima. However, that was the last time she heard Nikolas’ voice.
In that case, she hoped all the other people who boarded with her were not alone onboard the Rauve Ship. She got surrounded by Rauve, and they noticed she surrendered and just laid down her arms since she didn’t want anymore bloodshed. The Rauve put a collar of plant matter and crystal around her neck, which drained her magical energy. This war would teach many Rauve, which was that the battle of Proxima was a bloody battle that the Imperial Commonwealth phyrrically won. In terms of everything, she was put into a prison cell, which the Rauve wanted to protect the Pages from the more bloodthirsty of their kind and the Kaiosken. They constantly came in and questioned her about many things, since they wanted to know the weaknesses of Nikolas R. Zahrin. However, she didn’t know them since he gives very cryptic advice or orders. This is only to people who are below Captain Rank.
The Constant interrogation was a bit annoying, but after awhile they stopped doing that and started showing her the friendlier side of things. They gave her everything she wanted besides the one fact she wanted to see Nikolas R. Zahrin, since they didn’t even knew where he was. In the case, this caused her to have more and more freedom while in the prison of a Rauve. She never really saw the torments, which that the other Pages got to see minus the asshole named Berkeley R. Jensen. She never felt happier being free from that prick, however, then some Pages approached her about a plan to get back at the Imperial Commonwealth.
It took her about a whole year to finally come around and join the so called plan, even though all she wanted to do was rejoin with the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet and Nikolas R. Zahrin. She kept on saying, which was ’I am only joining this group on the fact I get to rejoin with Nikolas.’ It was pretty much obvious, she didn’t really have that much ill will towards the Imperial Commonwealth. It’s probably because she saw the kinder side of the military since she was apart of a hyper idealistic military family of differing ages.
They finally were allowed to leave and were captured by an Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity recapture team. However, she didn’t realize they were betrayed because of her innocence and a bit too trusting of everyone. The other Pages were a bit heated in how they were betrayed, she couldn’t believe it not at all. It was too hard for her to believe. She was put into a Prison Cell onboard a Prison Ship, heading towards the most terrifying place the Gaheris 66. The constant badmouthing by the prison guards towards her especially made her hurt. ”I-I only wanted to see Nikolas again… and the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet.” Narvia spoke, with tears in her eyes.
One of the guards, which was in front of her cell, told her to shut the fuck up or else he was going to shut it up for her. This made her a bit scared and she did what he asked since he was wanting to make sure they were ready for never being released. However, he did say something under his breath alike, the Pages shouldn’t have been created in the first place. He had disgust for Narvia mostly because of how naive and utterly ignorant of the world around her. He then said one thing, which shocked her to silence. He said her last name, isn’t what she thought it was, it was Nikolas’ last name since she was sold to the military as a pet project by her biological father Conner. He never took the oath, which was that highly expensive bribe.
Extra Information:
Scott Noreen Hadley is the founder of the new age of prosperity of the Hadley Family, it only took him ten years to form the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. This happened around 200 years ago, exactly when the Megacorporation owned by the Hadley Family was formed. The 4th planet of the Lamorak system had many underdogs within its boundaries the biggest of them was the Hadley Family. However, Scott was called the Maddening among his family because of his outrageously skeptical prophecies, which came true with each and every single step forward for the family.
He was a visionary compared to his other competition, which made him one dangerous man to deal with in anyway. The visions he got was all written down in a tome called the Prophecies of the Maddening One. Scott’s primary vision saw the fall of the Hadley Family by one born into the family via a foreboding, omen bearing birthmark, which has a three stars surrounding a triangle meaning the child in question will have the worst luck within the Hadley Family. This is the biggest secret within the Hadley Family, which only members of the Hadley Family can know it. That means no one outside of the family can know this secret or it’ll cause panic within the Hadley Family itself. It has only been passed down to the Eldest or Only son throughout the two-hundred years under the Maddening’s Prophecies. However, most family members are highly skeptical about this omen bearing birthmark. It hasn’t really shown up so far within the family.
The Hadley Family is now ran by Conner L. Hadley & Lana R. Hadley. They have three children together by the name of Freya, Ashley and Narvia. All three of his children was named by their godfather Nikolas R. Zahrin, which made him a bit annoyed most of the time when dealing with him. Stuart contacted his son Conner one day to drop the sorrow, hate and plans of his to make sure the Hadley Family would continue to exist. Conner responded with a bit of an annoyed tone and told his father if he didn’t thrust the Military Company onto him at 13 years old, but he did. Stuart finally realized after all the time, he is an idiot, his grief got to him after Rena’s death. He decided to basically tell his son Conner, if your choices end up in destroying our family you will have to live with it. Afterwards, he learned that his father was correct about the omen bearing birthmark by being told by one of his loyal maid staff. Narvia had the birthmark specifically in the spot where it was supposed to be.
Conner has a very strong control over his wife Lana, which came from a broken family. Lana was the catalyst to unite the families because of her father Derrick and Stuart. It made her very spectacle to brainwashing that Conner employs for the Gravia Military Company. The thorn in his and the Commonwealth’s side was no other than Derrick, which was killed by Maria. Lana was close to her sisters but closer to Maria. It didn’t help when she heard her sister was executed for the crime of patricide and death of a nobleman. Conner never thought it would be so easy to control Lana, who was still basically grieving over her elder sister Maria and her father Derrick. It was odd that she was grieving for that bastard, whom beat the living shit out of them for most of their childhood.
He has many plans in getting rid of Narvia, and using his older daughters as tools in his schemes. It was primarily he genuinely kinda had feelings for Lana when he first met her, it was love at first sight but… two people influenced his decision to do what he must to keep his family pure without any chaff alike his daughter Narvia.
Conner L. Hadley
The Head of the Hadley Family, which gives him full access to the history of his family. Able to continue the work of his ancestor Scott Noreen Hadley, which caused him to kick his father out of ever returning to the Hadley Family Mansion. It was mostly because of the fact Stuart and Leon ambushed him at the party that all Corporate Elites enjoy because of a child becoming an adult. This specific event happened of him being forced to allow his children to know their Godfather, which was Nikolas R. Zahrin. He knew that Nikolas was maddeningly in love with Lana, however. After the party, he married Lana and felt happy for a bit until he remembered his hatred for Lana’s DNA flowing in her genes. It was because of a woman named Natalie, which is an advisor to him. Conner had access to the Gravia Military Company and Natalie was there every step of the way. She saw in him greatness all she saw out of Conner’s father was stupidity and what not.
Natalie is also the mother of Shelly L. Marshal but she helped Conner find someone that thought the same as him. Wanting revenge on the one who took away their angel of Lamorak Four, however he was long dead so the next best thing was Lana’s children. Conner was basically told by Shelly to be by Lana’s side so she wouldn’t have anything known. It did help that he basically brainwashed Lana to make her constantly go over in her head, how and why her older sister Maria killed Derrick. In terms of her reasoning, he enjoyed messing with the mind more than physical abuse. He has brainwashing as an art form he always shows his talents pretty well. Since all of his Gravia Military Company other than his daughter Sarah and his son Gregory are Dedicated in the organization.
He has a fascination with creating non-thinking machine artificial intelligence, which are basically holographic to show him. The one person in the whole world he misses the most is his biological mother Rena I. Hadley, which was an angel and a very nice mother. The AI in question, which he created is just for the Hadley In-Vector Corporation and the Gravia Military Company’s locations. It is programmed with the words of his religious mother, what she would say anyway. However, one specific thing happened, which was Freya trying to read a prophecy and than being segmented and rebuilt into a maid. He usually slaps her across her face because of the fact its because of brainwashing. Ashley on the other hand, he basically forced her to become addicted to hardcore drugs via being injected. It made Ashley basically definitely get a massive high for being injected into her.
Narvia was volunteered by having a secret meeting behind Lana’s back. It was with Nikolas who is a ShadowOps Liaison. It went pretty smoothly, which he can finally get rid of that trash once and for all. However, he never really punished Narvia for entering his study and reading something she shouldn’t have. He was highly curious in what she was reading and kinda regrets not being here for that moment. Conner is 47 years old, which is the same as his wife.
Lana R. Hadley
Lana was outright in love with Conner L. Hadley because he was a mysteriously nice guy. It didn’t help she was still suffering from the trauma of losing her father Derrick and her older sister Maria. This constantly made her cry uncontrollably and caused her to mostly stay at the Mansion after getting married. However, the one support she had throughout the whole time being married was Nikolas R. Zahrin, which was her daughter’s godfather. It was nice that Nikolas was around chatting to her children while she was going through one of her uncontrolled crying fits. Her husband Conner stayed in his study guarding something that she has no idea about or at the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. Freya changed drastically it was a bit odd, she was wearing a maid outfit and calling her mistress. She couldn’t really tell why or how she changed so quickly, it was a bit odd. However, she didn’t realize herself she was acting the same way but just going through the paces.
It took one large breaking point to realize what Conner had done to her, her daughters and her family unity. She met a very important person in the Imperial Commonwealth, which is Dr. Alice Amara Mahgen. However, this made her realize and free herself from Conner’s brainwashing. Since this doctor was here for her youngest daughter when she was only 10 years old. It made her hyperventilate, which made her cry about the whole situation. This was ten times worse of losing her father and older sister by being dead. Basically she would never see her daughter again and was wearing the Journey to the Stars Necklace. She had to basically lie to Narvia to tell her ’You will always be welcomed back to Lamorak Four, Sweetie.’ It hurt her to lie to her, however, she felt like she was being pulled on a string.
After that meeting, it basically told her that her husband went completely behind her back. It felt like an utter betrayal to the love she felt for him. However, she learned something particularly annoying that the 27 year old girl by the name of Sarah Riley Marshal is Conner’s child. She didn’t want to murder Sarah since she had nothing to do with what happened to Narvia and not being able to return to her. It caused her to look more into her daughters that are still here and learned Ashley felt like a copy of her younger sister Natasha. However, much much worse since she was forced into being a druggie and a failure. While not having an inferiority complex, it’s mostly because Ashley is completely afraid of her father. At least her children will try to think on the simpler times, when they were a big happy family.
Lana basically told Ashley that whatever hope of seeing Narvia is long gone because of the fact Conner went behind her back. However, she didn’t really tell anyone about the details of that meeting since Dr. Alice seems like a woman you don’t want to piss off. She only knows that Dr. Alice will take care of Narvia as her own flesh and blood. It is the only assurance she got, which Dr. Alice was genuine in what she was saying. Lana is 47 years old, the same age as her husband Conner.
Freya P. Hadley
The firstborn daughter to Lana and Conner in the Hadley Family. Freya learned a horrible truth about her father Conner, which he is a monster. It was all because she tried to read the Prophecies of the Maddening One Book, which is in his study. This book was opened on page 50, which told her a strange prophecy but she didn’t really get it. However, her father walked into his study and caught her red handed and decided to brainwash her. There was a rule in the Mansion never enter Conner’s Study or else. He segmented her mind into a million pieces and transformed her into a maid, which can only say mistress or master to the people living in the house. However, she would never respond to Ashley at all basically ignoring her.
Freya is subconsciously crying every time she is forced to say mistress to her mother and ignoring her sister Ashley. She wants to scream at the fact her father is a cruel bastard to her specifically, however. When she learned that Narvia is basically forever not coming back it made her start crying. It was the first time she could properly cry after all the torment that she went through. She feels pretty unsafe around her father because of how much of an asshole he is. It is mostly because of the fact her father beats her since she’s still not fully broken from the brainwashing.
Her age is 27 years old, which is five years older than Ashley and ten years older than Narvia. The brainwashing fully ended after her father said the safe word to turn her back into his daughter and not a maid. Basically the safe word was ’I don’t love you. I have a better daughter than you. Not one that is corrupted with that demon’s blood who killed my mother Rena.‘
Ashley R. Hadley
The second born daughter to Lana and Conner in the Hadley Family. Ashley learned an important lesson, which was she should’ve kept Freya from Conner’s Study. Because it is a rule in the household to never enter it, even if Conner is in it. However, Freya’s curiosity won out but that caused the slowly shattering of Lana’s unity with her daughters. She was definitely afraid when she was forced to be someone else but ten times worse than that person. Natasha is the person, whom she has to be, however it is horrible. Her father usually gets his fanatically loyal Gravia Military Company to hold her down and give her an injection of one of the most addictive drugs on the black market. Basically forcing her to become a lazy drug using female. She had lost her heart but still thought her family was still going to be held together.
Ashley did notice something heavily wrong with her mother Lana as if she was brainwashed alike Freya. She was the only one that’s forced into a role she doesn’t want but has been trying to keep herself looking back to a simpler time. However, what completely made her heartbroken was what Lana told her about her younger sister Narvia. She will never be able to see her younger sister and if she ever returns, which will include her death. Lamorak Four is one of her least favorite planets but she cannot really do anything but be apart of internet message boards. However, she met specifically Lana’s younger sister Natasha on one of these message boards.
Her age is 22 years old, which is five years apart from Freya and Narvia. Since she is the middle child in the family. She constantly cries and is a complete wreck and only tries to calm her nerves with chatting with her mother Lana. It isn’t the same without her younger sister Narvia, she was the glue that held together this family. However, that did cause her mother Lana to basically break her bonds against Conner’s Brainwashing. The Gravia Military Company stays very far from her ever since Lana is wielding a highly deadly weapon that she’s very adept with. If it is going to be the last thing, she’s going to help her daughter Ashley to fully detox from all the drugs that was injected into her.
Narvia F. Hadley
The third born daughter to Lana and Conner in the Hadley Family. In terms of Narvia’s aspirations was to have a perfectly healthy family dynamic with a loving father, mother and older sisters. However, that was shattered when she had to leave her mother and older sisters. Because she was volunteered by her father Conner to become apart of a project called Lemegeton. The unity her family had was all gone with certain things. However, her father was very good at hiding his true feelings from her, even though he did love her at one point. It all changed when he learned of the birthmark on her left arm.
Narvia never knew this at all. However, the only good thing is she got to know her Godfather Nikolas R. Zahrin, which is bit cryptic. As well as giving her a wonderfully good nickname for herself when she was around four years old. It was because she was curious, asked many questions and was utterly adorable. However, when she was five years old she was called into her father’s study by a strange disembodied voice. It showed her an off the wall prophecy, which she had never really know what it truly means. This prophecy was on the final page of a book that reeked of death. It was directed to her specifically since this prophecy had her exact name in it. There was a letter as well, but her mother put it into a safety deposit box since she had to understand the Prophecy before opening it.
Narvia was prodded for information in what she saw but also given a strict warning to never do that again. She promised Conner to never go into his study, which helped their relationship a bit without her ever knowing about her leaving the family. She desperately wants to reunite with her mother Lana, Freya and Ashley. At least she got to see Nikolas R. Zahrin in person, since he did train her in fire arms training and his own special type of sword training. Her age is 17 years old, which is a total of 5-10 years younger than her older sisters.
Name: Stella (Actual name scratched out with hardlight knife)
Age: 18
Physical Description:
Stella has a primarily robotic body, though at the core she still is a human. She has messy brown hair that goes past her shoulders. Her robotic body is easily betrayed by the exposed joints of her various points of articulation. She usually carries an expression of disdain on her face, though she is not really aware of it.
Some aspects of her were changed to help make her harder to identify at a glance, but overall she looks about the same as before Proxima. Her hair is much longer than it used to be and her skin tone is much less pale.
While operating, she wears her sneaking suit. In reality, she prefers to wear it all the time, as it covers most of the robotic joints that betray her true nature.
Pardon the art. Probably will get a less rough image down some day.
Important items:
Sneaking Suit: This skintight suit is customized to be similar to the type that Stella used during her "service." It was designed to cover her joints and minimalize any noise from movement that her new body may have given. On certain spots there are formed pieces of metal giving a slight bit of armor that can be further enhanced with Stella's Hard Light spell. It also features sheathes for her knives and pouches for other tactically relevant items.
Combat Knives: While they can be used as conventional knives, these sturdy weapons are usually enhanced by Stella's Hard Light spell. It was said that they were the only things that she managed to keep until the bitter end.
Spell List:
Mastered Spell: Cloak - Stella is able to use magic to render herself invisible to the unaided eye. This only affects the visual senses.
Mastered Spell: View - Stella's affinity with energies allows her to see things that would normally be impossible. Stella can see electric currents and signals with a large degree of precision - even down to living being's biological electricity. This sight can penetrate most non-magical materials up to 30 feet. Stella can switch this on and off at will, and works even in zero-light complete darkness.
Spell: Hard Light - Stella can create temporarary barriers of hardened light. These objects are hard but translucent, and can be seen through similarily to glass, as well as giving off a bright light. However, Stella is unable to create them without an achoring point of metal, and only at a thickness of a few inches max. Hard Light is as hard as high-level armor plating, and offensively features a self-maintaining edge that can cut through most mundane metals and body armor. These barriers will shatter similar to ceramic armor when stressed, and must be re-made. Because this captures existing light, this spell cannot be used in total darkness.
Spell: Pull - Stella can magnetize metallic objects, even if they are not normally magnetic. However, she must be touching the object in question to mangetize it and cannot control what is attracted to it magnetically. The strength of the magnetization is enough to hold her weight even if she is upside down or on a wall. Due to her metallic skeleton, she can use this skill to walk on metal walls or ceilings.
Spell: Spark - Stella can manipulate and generate electricity. However, this control is fairly weak and cannot be excercised for more than a few inches away from her body. However, she can use this ability to temporarily boost her body's power output, massively improving her strength, agility, and reaction times. However, this cannot be sustained for more than a few seconds at a time before exhausting her electricity reserves. She can also use it to deliver non-lethal shocks to anything touching her.
Spell: Flash - Stella can catch and disperse light into a blinding flash of light. However, this requires a light source of some kind, similar to Hard Light. The light is powerful enough to blind anyone caught off-guard for a minute or two, while those prepared for it will only have impaired vision for a few seconds. Technology or magic that screens bright lights can ignore this entirely.
Misc. Abilities:
Full-Body Cyborg: Stella is only 10% human. This has many implications. Due to this Stella has: -Reduced heat signature -Reduced nutritional needs (about 20% of what a normal human would need) -Metal skeleton (affected by magnetism such as her spells) -Ability to charge off of standard pattern robot charging stations -Ability to regulate her senses manually -Modular body parts that can be replaced if broken or destroyed -Vulnerability to EMPs (They don't kill her outright, but it disorients her significantly) -Increased chance for existential crises
Weapons Training: Stella is trained in use of most standard issue military weapons. In addition, she has mastery in fighting with knives.
Stella is shaped by her loss of a childhood. She never really had a chance to develop as an individual, so now that she is given her freedom she is unsure of herself. Her method of coping with her situation as a child soldier was to retreat within herself behind a guise of an emotionless killer.
The irony of acting like a cold robot all of her life up until Proxima is not lost on her. Now that she is free from the Commonwealth's child soldier program, she turned her focus towards revenge. Her suppressed anger at what was done to her has manifested into a cold and cruel agenda to kill every individual that had a hand in her lost childhood. While she tries to bring back her old emotionless guise while fighting, her emotions now have a habit of slipping out.
Her grim outlook stems from a life marked by fighting, pain, and death. Perhaps she could be taught about the other things life could offer her, in time.
Short Bio:
Stella is fairly silent about her past before being drafted. She was said to have had fairly strong promise as an athlete, even at an early age. In particular, she enjoyed gymnastics. Maybe due to her potential, she was abducted and drafted into the child soldier program.
Without much of a choice in the matter she was trained to fight. During the entire time she was trying to find a way to escape - but there was no opportunity at all. She would end up killed if she even tried.
In the waning hours of the war, Stella was ordered to fight in the pivotal Battle of Proxima. As the tides turned against the Ascendancy, Stella found her chance. Stationed in an outpost threatened to be overrun, she took her chance to slay her captors and desert - though she sustained horrific injuries as a result.
Due to luck, or maybe the amount of fight she had put up, but Stella had survived long enough for the Rau've to descend onto the wreckage of the outpost. She was recovered, but her body had sustained so much damage that it was unlikely she would live without immediate action.
Stella had considered herself dead. She didn't have time to come to terms with the idea, but she had accepted that it was coming. But she awoke, somehow. Her body felt cold, and she couldn't feel her own heartbeat in her chest. She had been asleep for a long time. Even after waking, it took her a week to be able to move all her limbs.
Her body could not have been saved, she was told. But her mind was still intact. The part that could be saved was housed in the shell of a humanoid robot. An artificial heart pumped synthetic blood to keep her human brain intact.
Left to come to terms with her sudden change, she could only come up with one plan of action. She knew the party responsible for all of her misfortune. The ones who had stolen her life, and forced her into despair, and then shot her in the back when she turned to run from a fight she couldn't win. She joined the rebels the moment she was able to after waking.
(I could go line-for-line with this song but I feel like that might be going overboard. But to summarize: Stella witnessed what a real war is, and doesn't have much hope for the future. All of the Acheron album has a lot of thematic overlap with Stella's character but this one is probably the most dramatic.)
”I will be happy when Conner L. Hadley is dead and buried in hell. Then I can be with Lana Riley Steven after all these years. I have never once told her... However, I have a feeling she knows deep down I love her.” Name: Nikolas R. Zahrin
Full Name: Nikolas Richard Zahrin
Nickname: The Dragon
Nickolas’ callsign in the Commonwealth Military. It was given to him via an enemy within the Coalition’s forces by the name of Alnus Glutinosa the Gentle Giant. Alnus Glutinosa commanded a fleet of 90 warships bombarding Darius Prime. Nikolas’ tactics were far ahead of Alnus’ that put him at a massive disadvantage of always three steps behind the Dragon. The terrifying power behind the Dragon was his Black Ops Fleet called the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It caused Alnus Glutinosa and the entire Human Coalition to try not to engage the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet because of fear. Do not fuck with the Elder Dragon of the Zahrin Family, which caused the Battle of Darius Prime to be a total victory for the first test of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. You will regret your actions against the Dragon.
However, his reputation is merciful and fierce. He disallowed the outright killing of enemy combatants, which surrendered to him. Alnus surrendered to him four total times, which he was forced to retire after couldn’t defeat Nikolas’ outrageous tactics. Under Nikolas operations, which were the antithesis of the 11th Fleet’s atrocities to the Rauve. His mercy allowed the Rauve to fear his might but also accept his mercy as a fleet within the Commonwealth to not break their honor code. Honor Codes are important to Nikolas and he doesn’t break them at all.
Age: 45
Birthdate: April 18th
Military Rank: Black Ops Rear Admiral – Dragon’s Brigade Fleet / ShadowOps Liaison
Nikolas’ has a pretty immense presence, which is kind and gentle towards people he respects or sees as apart of his fleet. However, it can be quite intimidating towards people who have gotten on his bad side, which have pissed him off to an extreme degree. His body emits a slight radiance, which surrounds him it’s mostly because of his family’s history on his homeworld. His eyes are very caring and blue towards his family, which is in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. He treats everyone as if they are his sons and daughters. The one person, which he would care as his own flesh and blood would be Narvia since he does love her mother deeply. He gets easily flustered when talking about Lana, which would’ve been better in the Zahrin Family than in the Hadley Family. Narvia is an honorary member within the Zahrin Family. He dreams one day he can free Narvia’s family from their tormentor, which is Conner L. Hadley. It’s mostly because he is their godfather but would love to become their stepfather instead but it would require Conner’s death.
He has an idealistic ideal in his stance, which has gotten him to the rank of Rear Admiral of the most Elite Black Ops Fleet ever. The Dragon’s Brigade Fleet, which he prides himself on this elite unit he respects them and treats them as equals. His homeworld is Draken’vina or Bedivere Six, which would make him basically a core worlder in the Imperial Commonwealth. He doesn’t have any of the hatred or biases that other Core Worlders have against being a frontier colonist or having cybernetic implants. He has the ’Elder Dragon’ rank on his uniform, which is in actuality Rear Admiral. It looks like a dragon on his color, when he is wearing his Black Ops Dress Uniform or his military uniform. His hair is normal length for a human male, which lives on his homeworld. He has a sword seethe on his waist, which holds his Diffuser Sword it was made on his homeworld, which he handcrafted.
How he was raised gave him an appreciation on the strict nature of Military Life. It was how he risen through the ranks in the Military, which he was content at Rear Admiral of a Black Ops Fleet. His family life was so familiar to the military, which gave him a great understanding on how to treat his subordinates and made their transfer to his command an easy one. Dorothy on the other hand, gives him a headache because of her being super paranoid of people trying to rape her but not. He usually helps her out of her psychosis but it’s a bit more annoying to deal with. However, he’s grateful she’s trying to fix her life by getting on their mother’s good side by joining the TLI Research Institute. He is very good with children even though his job demands much from him. Because of that reason, he doesn’t want to get married unless its with the one who he is in love with, Lana.
Height: 6’2” Weight: 235 lbs Body Type: Athletic Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Nikolas was born with a dragon birthmark on his back, which glows in the dark with a slight pulse of multiple different colors. The pulsing colors are a rainbow. He has battle scars are all over his body, which are on his back, face and chest. These battle scars are from the trial by fire battle against Alnus the Gentle Giant in the Darius Prime System. He will live with these scars for the rest of his life since he never backs down from a battle. His honor code disallows him to do so, which involves his many decisions throughout his life.
Important Item(s): The Galactic Credits
He has a large amount of credits from his excelled service in the military. He carries about 80,000 credits, which are in a digital and physical form it is in half. He has around four million credits for all the successful missions and constantly never leaving a person behind. His career is very successful for all the times he has ever went on a mission.
Cigarette Pack
There’s only three cigarettes left in the pack. He stopped smoking after Conner so generously volunteered Narvia F. Hadley behind Lana’s back. It was only because he was a ShadowOps Liaison, which allowed him the opportunity to learn of Conner’s plans for Narvia. It heavily disgusted him, which he knew the reason for the hatred in Conner’s voice talking about his own daughter in that way. It was specifically because of the Birthmark on Narvia’s left arm. He didn’t know the context in why Conner was so disgusted with Narvia but it must be because of the birthmark. There was many things in what he was thinking about but the one thing he learned it would be better if he wasn’t the one that killed Conner.
The Giant’s Sabre
This is the trophy, which Nikolas R. Zahrin got when Alnus the Gentle Giant gave him after his first time surrendering. It is a saber, which is covered in magical runes of the Rauve. The magical runes cannot be activated by anyone who isn’t magically inclined, which Nikolas definitely lacks. It looks pretty on his weapon’s rack in his room on the Dragon’s Claw, which is the flagship of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. Alnus the Gentle Giant was never able to regain his weapon since he did retire from Military Service in the Rauve. It was mostly because of the fact he lost a total of four times.
This is a specialized omnitool, which is a military enhanced model to the specifications of Nikolas’ for his specific fleet. E50S56-5000 is the model number of the Enigma Codex, which he is using. This helps Nikolas in giving his fleet their assigned orders and other arrangements, which are top priority for proper security. It gives times for the Dragon’s Meetings with his Adult Dragons and the Honored Dragons, which are within the Brigade. This doesn’t include the honorary member of the Honored Dragon, which is his goddaughter Narvia. Enigma Codex has precision compared to other military models, which gives off a form kindness that most people whom uses this omnitool doesn’t get otherwise.
The Logo of the Dragon’s Brigade is a dragon’s head breathing some fire up in the air, which is on the display. It is pretty strange, however he has altered his voice somewhat when it comes to the tutorials and advice on these set of omnitools. He is the voice of the mascot for the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet, which is a baby dragon nicknamed Draggy. Since he’s the owner of the original omnitool of the Fleet, which allows him to not require a recognition code. However, other people within the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet have their first name or nickname with some numbers at the end to be their recognition code.
He has access to every single reason, why he handpicked the captains, commanders and all other personnel within his fleet. It’s because of their reasons or circumstances that caused them to want to join a fleet that had certain respective in what they are allowed to do. He treats everyone within the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet as equals no matter where they came from. Mostly because he sees everyone within the Brigade as his family. If you are from a colony or frontier outpost in bum fuck nowhere and he’ll treat him as if they lived on his homeworld for half of their life. He knows all the people who were forced to join the military and the ones who willingly joined it. It doesn’t help Nikolas’ is definitely cryptic and gives his orders in a fragmented state, however the Adult Dragons get the most clear picture of the orders. There are around ten thousand of his brigade that is in the forced to join the military, while the rest were ones that willingly joined. It’s the reason why he handpicked them to join his fleet to be apart of a family.
Nikolas’ outright goal is to get Lana out of the grasp of Conner L. Hadley if it isn’t the last thing he does. He has a plan within his head, which is called the Retuner. It’s basically all about Narvia F. Hadley-Zahrin’s return to her mother and elder sisters. Without her father being alive since he’s the bastard that volunteered her for the Lemegeton Project. When she wasn’t able to defend herself at ten years old. No one within his Brigade knows of this plan, however they do know he cares for his Goddaughters in the Hadley Mansion. However, the defenses of the Hadley Mansion are definitely built protection from orbital and ground based seizure.
The Feature Set of the codex makes it pretty much unique compared to the other military or enhanced models in the Imperial Commonwealth. Its primarily for the use of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet and gets boosted by the Enigma Communication Corvette, which holds a massive data terminal within it. It acts as the primary center of the fleet, its the only way for the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet to get their orders from anywhere in the Commonwealth’s territory from High Command in the Military or the ShadowOps’ Leader Dr. Alice. These orders are disseminated throughout the omnitools, which the soldiers in the Brigade are wielding. However, they are given these orders in segmented cryptic graphs of what they need to know.
Nikolas’ Omnitool has these features, communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation, limited data transfer and decoding encrypted data files that are only for his eyes. Augmented Reality Navigation has two subsets, which he has access to they are Strategy Game Tournaments and music channels from his homeworld. The first music channel, which he tries to avoid is D-Pop, which is influenced by K-Pop and J-Pop, it’s interpretation is the worst of the highest portions. It’s literally dragons singing songs, which is pretty insane to him, who would want a female dragon singing to them. He usually keeps the D-Pop Channel deactivated on his Omnitool because its insults the culture of respecting the dragons. However, his homeworld is called Bedivere Six, which is a gambling parlor so, some insensitive music has to be blasted on some of the gambling parlors. The other music channels are basically the norm for the entire Imperial Commonwealth. It even has some patriotic military music channels and propaganda to go with it.
The Data Transfer feature allows him to keep knowledge on three specific subjects he wants to keep track of. The first subject is the Hadley Family, which includes all their previous exploits in the past, who was the founder and the rumors of Scott’s Ascension. It is mostly talking about the 200 years of history of the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. However, the rumors don’t go much into how he ascended but it was probably cruel in how he ascended as the Hadley Family’s Head. It doesn’t even talk about the details on certain other things he has done since he died way before now, however his nickname in the family was the Maddening. The oddity of that nickname is a bit odd to Nikolas, which is why he was given that nickname he will never know. But it feels like Conner L. Hadley is the second coming of Scott Noreen Hadley in how he is acting.
The Magical Knowledge database has information on how to counter magic and things to avoid like the plague. The first entities you should avoid like the plague is the Kaiosken, which are sentient crystals that outright will kill you in anyway possible because they hate what the Imperial Commonwealth done to one of their own kind. The second entity you should avoid pissing off is no other than Dekriem, the Soul Destroyer, which lives on Nikolas’ homeworld of Draken’vina. Even though he hasn’t been spotted for centuries ever since his world’s entry into the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity as Bedivere Six. However, it is said he’s able to completely destroy one’s soul via breathing out a silvery white cone breath attack only leaving the body completely lifeless. He is the most dangerous of all the dragons living on Draken’vina. However, there’s Underveil Wyverns living in the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range. But they aren’t that dangerous compared to Dekriem, the Soul Destroyer.
The last database is on what is specific to Nikolas’ Fleet. He keeps a detailed list of everything in this database. In terms of their movement and what not their assigned tasks, even though he’s a bit cryptic nonetheless. The lower the rank you are the less information you get in your assigned missions and what not but they all have a specific thing of never leaving anyone behind no matter what. Therefore, so far the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet has been trying to keep the Percival System peaceful but its hard with the Gravia Military Company stepping on the TLI Research Institute’s toes. However, its good that the Gravia Military Company’s overseer is scared of him or they’re will be consequences of his actions later. He’s been annoyed at the ever presence of the Private Military Company of Conner’s constantly trying to start things with the Institutes that don’t want to be apart of the Corporation’s bloody wars. However, it’s probably because of the fact Lana R. Hadley was given a Scythe from Richard Lyle Amberdine. That’s probably the cause of the hostile actions of the Gravia Military Company in all honesty.
The Diffuser Sword was crafted on Draken’vina by his mother and him. It was mostly because of the fact to know your sword in the Art of the Sword, you must craft your own weapon, which he got pointers from his mother. His mother specifically taught him how to best diffuse a situation with the least amount of trouble. It means this weapon has two abilities, which are the Diffuser Field and the Regenerative Field. The Diffuser Field, which protects the user in a frontal cone. It lessens the damage from any laser type weaponry, which hits the shield. The Regenerative Field uses what hits the Diffuser Field to help the regenerative abilities of humans by increasing their natural regenerative abilities by at least two times.
He was given the weapon after he fully mastered the Art of the Sword, which his mother taught him to use. It was on his birthday, which showed his mother Vina Etna Zahrin was proud of him. She was even more proud of him over his younger sister Dorothy. It’s mostly because Dorothy is a complete an utter fool in only want people to protect her. This is a weapon, which he uses that shows he is a definite swordmaster.
This is the Standard Issue Rifle of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is a coiled rifle, which is an upgraded version of what the Black Ops Divisions in the Imperial Commonwealth Military uses. It’s upgraded in three distinctive ways, it carries a grenade launcher, fires much faster and able to pierce harder targets with a heavier hit. It carries more rounds of ammunition, which is twenty more rounds.
On the rifle has the initials of the person of the person wielding it. Meaning, this is Nikolas’ personal rifle, which he wields and has his initials. These weapons are upgraded with the TLI Research Institute’s Biorhythmic attunements and has a DNA Lock to their wielder. It’s mostly because he knows Richard Lyle Amberdine, which was happy to upgrade all the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet’s Rifles.
The Automatic Coilgun Pistol is a slightly upgraded pistol from the 7000 series weapons in the Thea League Intelligence Research Institute. This weapon only has a DNA lock for Nikolas’ DNA. He got It since he ordered a pistol from the TLI Research Institute, which was automatic and not Semi-Automatic. This is when he met Debra K. Amberdine while he was there but he was camouflaged so she doesn’t really know that she did meet him or even remember. Nikolas’ name is on the side of it.
There is only a singular weapon module for the pistol but Nikolas’ isn’t a coward. He doesn’t see a need for a Silencer on the pistol. There is a semi-automatic mode on the pistol, which means it can fire a single shot, three shots or keep on firing until it runs out of bullets from the magazine.
Misc. Abilities:
Art of the Sword (Master – Grand Dragon Rank)
Nikolas wields his Diffuser Sword, which he has a mastery of swords that his mother taught him. This is a family tradition, which has been passed down from generation to generation within the Zahrin Family as one of the greatest sword techniques. It is called the Art of the Sword, he was taught by his mother at a very young age in this technique. He can wield any type of melee weapon with a sense of finesse and mastery that not many people can wield them. However, his bread and butter is the Diffuser Sword, which is a Katana since his homeworld is of mixed between Japanese and Russian culture. Nikolas learned how to be honorable in the face of fighting a heavily cunning or cowardly opponent but was worthy of his attention. However, they aren’t worthy of his honor if they piss him off to an extreme degree. Two people in the world has even pissed him off so much he almost came close in killing them, because of the fact they insulted his family or godchildren.
Conner L. Hadley’s outright disdain and hatred for Narvia F. Hadley made him come close of killing him where he stood. However, it was a visit to accept Narvia F. Hadley into the Project, which Conner so graciously volunteered her. The second person was Berkeley R. Jensen, which is the husband to Maya I. Jensen one of his Heavy Cruiser Captains. Berkeley is the 11th Fleet Admiral of the Dreaded ‘Butchers’ who enjoy massacring civilians. He saved Maya from that horrible convenient marriage by helping her break ties with her husband, which ended in a divorce. She regained her original last name of Stoutfield but still is in the Dragon’s Brigade. These two in specific don’t deserve any honor for how they treated their loved ones, other imperial citizens and enemy civilians. In the case, they don’t deserve to live in any case. He is outright a master at close quarters combat, which in terms him and his sword is outright dangerous.
Assault Weaponry (Skilled)
The Assault Rifle in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet, which Nikolas knows how to use it. He doesn’t know how to use it alike some of the highly masterful rifle users in the Imperial Commonwealth Military or just regular civilians. He prefers being close ranged combat more, which is a bit odd he uses an assault rifle nonetheless. The way he got the Assault Rifles is via a commissioning them via the Imperial Commonwealth Quartermaster. He upgraded them via going to the TLI Research Institute to give them security so no one steals his assault rifles. The demonstration of showing these weapon’s capabilities were to his family, which is the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet themselves. He’s much better with any melee weapon but swords are his expertise, which is an understatement. He knows everyone has their quirks in battle and what type of weapons, which they would rather wield. He wouldn’t be the Dragon’s Brigade Commander if it wasn’t for his training in this specific field of weapons.
TLI Research Institute Pistoleer (Trained in TLI Research Institute Pistols – Average)
Nikolas was trained by TLI Research Institute in their pistols, which he’s average at best in using them. The one person, which helped him was no other than Richard L. Amberdine when he was visiting the TLI Research Institute to upgrade his Assault Rifles. His family and the Amberdine family are quite close since they have an interest in their ideology of being idealists. However, he doesn’t like the silencer weapon module, he’s honorable and not a coward like most of his enemies he despises. Pistols are meant for one thing in particular, self-defense purposes or quick firing at a person who’s trying to kill you. It’s not for sneaking up on someone and killing them in the back of the head. However, he did meet Debra K. Amberdine during this visit but she didn’t know that he was there because of his camouflage, which is different than hers. Dragon’s Eyes (Biotech Upgrade)
This biotech upgrade was given to Nikolas when he was 20 years old, which is five years older than males usually are given it. Nikolas’ eyes can see in ultraviolet, and multiple different other spectrum of light without the use or need of nightvision goggles. His eyes usually change from their natural blue color to a light greenish color and gives them the look of dragon’s eyes. He can see up to two times that of a normal human. This biotech upgrade has no drawbacks because of the implantation age is older than 15 for males and sixteen for girls. If anyone is given this implant any younger it’ll cause some side effects and cannot be used for that long as well because it strains your eyes.
All members of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet have this biotech upgrade for them to have the same capabilities as their commanding officer. This was given to the honorary member within the Honored Dragons at twelve years old, which does strain her a bit if she uses it. However, her natural eye color stays the same, the person who was given this gift was Narvia F. Hadley-Zahrin, which is his goddaughter. It was implanted on her via professionals on the ShadowOps Base in the Merlin System. It is only because the age was four years younger than what females were supposed to be given it.
Dragon’s Camouflage (Biotech Upgrade)
These biotech upgrades are on his face, which changes it to match any/all people he could meet with. It doesn’t change his voice or their patterns, which doesn’t help really to impersonate anyone. This usually helps him to look any age of a sixteen year old to an old man, which is so he can more relate to people within his brigade of certain ages. It doesn’t change how he thinks since he has a bit of an idealistic way of thinking. He only uses this during visits to the TLI Research Institute or trying to not be noticed by his sister Dorothy as much. It does help that his sister Dorothy is a bit naive in her own way, which is good for him. She doesn’t really understand biotech upgrades, even though she works in the TLI Research Institute that perfected certain biotech upgrades. It’s only because of her background of being a Perfected Electrum Researcher and Researching her psychosis. He doesn’t really have to act like he knows his sister. However, this is definitely a great thing to keep him from being recognized by at least Debra K. Amberdine. It doesn’t help him against Richard nor Angela since this biotech upgrade was introduced by the TLI Research Institute.
It uses basis of what a Dragon can do in myth, which can change their entire appearance into a human-like appearance to be more friendly. However, Nikolas is much more friendly than those myths in the Imperial Commonwealth’s databases about Dragons. The Dragon’s Scales (A Boon from Dragons)
Nikolas has an unnatural endurance as if he has dragon scales. It is mostly because he has a boon from a Dragon, which gives his skin a dragon scale feel and it takes much more to kill him. It gives him a higher chance of survival against individuals, which would want to kill him. He has never had an assassination attempt on his life but if he did, which would cause the individuals great trouble. Ironic enough, two children actually tried to assassinate him but they failed because of his skin being alike dragon scales. They weren’t adept enough in assassination, all they were trying to do was to please their father, Gregory and Sarah were their names. He threatened their lives to not try this again, however, it made him pissed to realize that Conner L. Hadley was the one that ordered his assassination.
There’s battle injuries on his body, which he gained during the battlefield against Alnus the Gentle Giant’s forces. It showed his resilience and gave him his callsign or nickname a new meaning in everything.
The Dragon’s Instinct
Nikolas’ insight is highly valuable to the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet, which he constantly gives them his honest opinion about their distinctive lack of acting like a family. His idealistic nature of his insight shows a bit of his mother within him, which the honesty he shares with his family in his Brigade. He’s stoic down to the Earth type fellow but if you insult him or any of his family, which he’ll show you a different side of him. It would be him about throwing down and killing the person, which insulted him, his family or his godchildren or his love of his life. However, he knows the consequences of doing so, therefore he doesn’t follow through with his threats to people who outright piss him off. He’s so frustrated in not following through with it towards Conner L. Hadley when he was right there in front of him. He so wanted to kill that bastard for insulting Narvia F. Hadley like that. However, he decided not to for the sake of Lana R. Steven, which he still loves. It’s kinda obvious he was highly frustrated at what Conner said. Dragon’s Brigade Commander (Tactical Genius)
The Dragon’s Brigade Fleet’s victories in the Human Coalition and Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity War, which owe to his strategies and distinction through it. It does help that his fleet is a Black Ops Deep Strike Fleet, which is still feared throughout in and out of the Imperial Commonwealth’s territory. Additionally, it does help that this fleet is equipped with ShadowOps technology, which makes it have high autonomy. However, it first task in gaining this autonomy was the battle of Darius Prime against a fleet of Alnus Glutinosa the Gentle Giant. Darius Prime was a lost cause in the overall strategy of certain Admirals in the Admiralty. However, that was against Nikolas’ idealistic morals of never leaving anyone behind, which includes planets that are under attack by enemy fleets. This battle would decide in a trial by fire if Nikolas’ strategy could go against a fleet of 96 ships to his 40, which was a 2 on 1 in the favor of the Rauve Fleet.
Alnus the Gentle Giant made a fatal flaw when fighting the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet, which was insulting Nikolas’ honor. In the end that battle was costly for only the Rauve since they lost 89 starships out of 96, which were captured by the Dragon. Alnus surrendered, which allowed him to keep his soldiers since Nikolas’ honor and morals don’t allow him to harm people that had surrendered in war. Alnus’ gave Nikolas’ his magic runic sword as a trophy of being able to defeat the one that is used to planetary bombarding planets. Imperial Commonwealth’s Military was shocked at the victory that Nikolas’ pulled out of his hat, which gave him a medal for winning against overwhelming odds. He was even given his so deserved autonomy, which awarded him with a mission by the ShadowOps.
It involved need to know information, which led him to have a leave of absence from the War for only a bit since he was called to Lamorak Four. This made him annoyed, which means he was only called here because of Conner L. Hadley’s message, which the ShadowOps intercepted. However, he strategically planned for anything that Conner will do to him since earlier in his military career. He will never forget or forgive Conner for trying to kill him with his bastard children. If it comes to it, he will kill Conner, however that was a contingency plan he had. He got into a meeting with Conner and was utterly disgusted with what was talked about. It was the fact Conner was going to volunteer his daughter Narvia F. Hadley to get rid of her. He didn’t want to kill her himself but would rather allow her to die by other means. This is when he decided to allow Narvia to kill Conner since it would be a waste of a coffin if he did it. When she’ll be up to the task, however, that’ll take along time since she’s only five years old. Nikolas realized that Conner wants Narvia to be sent into the ShadowOps’ Lemegeton Project at ten years old. However, Nikolas only hinted that someone of the people he’s Liaison too will pick up Narvia F. Hadley at ten years old, if he isn’t busy he will but the likelihood he will be.
Nikolas’ is a very caring person out of the Admiralty, he cares more about if you are skilled rather than where you were born. You could be a vagabond trying to make it in the world, however, he’ll still give you generosity no matter what. However, if you are an asshole or an extremist in terms of massacring civilians he will hate you. The fact he also cares for Lana and her children is something else, which it is said he’s more married to his career than anything. He is in fact Conner and Lana’s children godfather. Nikolas knew of one thing, however, the battle at Proxima was even more suicidal than the battle in Darius Prime. It would be a do or die situation for the Imperial Commonwealth, however he was on the same page as Alexander Kherol. He got there more cryptically than Alexander, since he is always a bit cryptic when it comes to orders and what not. It was a miracle that the final battle of the Imperial Commonwealth vs Human Coalition ended in a treaty fair to both sides. However, if it wasn’t for his or Alexander’s work it would have ended in disaster.
Draken’vina Culture (Tour Guide – Old Fashioned Traditionalist)
Nikolas’ has a fascination in helping anyone within his fleet with directions and popular destinations on his homeworld of Draken’vina or Bedivere Six. He can tell about the culture it was before it joined the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity, which he has an innate knowledge on it. It’s obvious he’s the most cultured apart of his family, however, he would properly add that his sister’s psychosis is a bit annoying to him. The other reason for the tour guide persona is because he’s the planetary governor’s son, which is named Leon I. Zahrin.
He informs people that the culture on his homeworld is the reason for people coming here as tourists. It has very good prices in living on the planet, which is cheaper than other planets or systems in the Imperial Commonwealth’s Territory. He has pride of his planet and his father as planetary governor. It is a habit of most people living on the planet to call it Draken’vina instead of Bedivere Six. The distinction is they survived a pretty long time before they joined the Imperial Commonwealth.
Personality: Nikolas’ pride isn’t arrogance like it is within most people in the Imperial Commonwealth. This pride sees everyone within the Imperial Commonwealth as equals no matter if they came from a poor family or an incredibly rich one. It doesn’t matter if you specifically have only cybernetic implants or biotech implants. He gives everyone equal opportunities as long as they aren’t an asshole. The biggest accomplishment he is most proud of is becoming Rear Admiral only at 27 years old, which gave him a bit of an idealistic morality of never leaving anyone behind. Nikolas has two people he deems doesn’t deserve his pride or idealism, which are Conner L. Hadley and Berkeley L. Jensen. In terms, he sees Berkeley as a control freak with a slight genocidal tendencies, it probably doesn’t help he was apart of the Krillian Drive Force, Mercenary Company. This Merc. Company is owned by the Jensen family, which are extremely wealthy and only had opportunities for the fairer sex into their service.
There is one person he loves more dearly than his parents, which is Lana R. Steven before she married into the Hadley Family. He outright hates Conner for what he had done to Lana’s family structure, which was the unity of his godchildren with Lana. It frustrates him to no end that he cannot right now do anything for Lana ever since he fell in love with her at 14 years old. However, he is always happy to chat with Lana when she usually contacts him since he was the one that named all three of her daughters. He takes pride in the family he created, the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet, which is the most elite of the Black Ops Forces in the Imperial Commonwealth Military. It is a bit odd but he takes pride in being apart of the ShadowOps as a Liaison. This gives his fleet an insanely large amount of autonomy compared to if he was only a Military Officer and he uses this power to not blind him from the larger goals he has in mind.
Nikolas respects Alexander Kherol by a large amount, since he’s a youngling that showed his genius every time he got into a battle or a strategic game of chess. He is highly intelligent, however a bit cryptic in how he denominates information and missions to his subordinates. The Dragon is loyal to the Imperial Commonwealth Military and the ShadowOps, which are the two organizations he does stay in contact with. All the people within his brigade he sees as his sons, daughters, brother and sisters in terms of how old they are in question. Most of his subordinates are younger than him only a very few are the same age as he is. He is definitely much wiser and can tell if they are showing malice in their body language or voice. It’s alike he can see their true self just by starring into their eyes since it shows much about them, since the eyes are what their soul is.
The one organization, which he despises is the Gravia Military Company. There is two reasons why he hates this organization; the first is the support or basically being hired by the Butchers, which is the 11th Fleet under Berkeley L. Jensen as the admiral. The second reason was the failed assassination attempt on his life by Gregory I. Marshal and Sarah R. Marshal, when they were sixteen years old. It happened two years after he was already a Rear Admiral but before his becoming the Liaison to the Shadow Ops. However, Sarah slipped out that they were children to Conner L. Hadley, which made him furious and told them in no small part of basically threatening their lives if they ever try Assassination again. Nikolas was correct in being slightly paranoid in allowing two Gravia Military Company personnel into one of the training fields, which the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet trained at. He knew they weren’t up to no good and was great at hiding what he was thinking or telling them until they showed their hand. It showed he was merciful and also showed he could be merciless to those he deems unworthy of his honor code.
There is another reason why he despises Gravia Military Company by trying to cause an incident in the Percival System by attacking the TLI Research Institute. His Brigade protects the peace in that system, which is paramount to his morality. No civilian must be harmed under his watch, if they are harmed the culprit must be sentenced and sent to the Prison World. He knows certain plans are quite insane, which would involve a massive loss or defeat to the Imperial Commonwealth. It was the only real reason why he supported Alexander Kherol’s command at the Battle of Proxima. Better to create a miracle than have everyone die in the Imperial Commonwealth. However, he was annoyed at whom caused the loss at Proxima but in the end the treaty was favorable to both sides.
The person in question that was at fault of that defeat was no other than Admiral Sophitia Aristoros, however, she does deserve a second chance. It’s not that he had any power to help her out in her situation mostly because he was slightly peeved off at the loss of Narvia and the other pages. Since they were captured by the Rauve, which made it the third time Narvia was basically a prisoner in a place where she feels slightly safe. The Hadley Mansion, the Merlin System and now the Rauve Homeworld, however, he has no idea when he’ll be able to see her again. He misses her since he was the one, which gave her full name to her mother Lana, how and why he did so. She’s too innocent to even really tell what is going on with the people. However, his choice feelings of Dr. Alice is much better since she is very good with children no matter what happened to them or how they became apart of the Lemegeton Project.
Short Bio:
Nikolas was born on the Draken’vina planet or what it is called in the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity as Bedivere Six. The Za Clan unified the entire human population under one clan, which there used to be three. Bedivere Six’s latest planetary governors are Nikolas’ parents, which are Leon I. Zahrin and Vina E. Zahrin. There was a planetary revolt along time ago, before the Imperial Commonwealth accepted Draken’vina into its commonwealth as Bedivere Six. This revolt destroyed highly technological blueprints of sublight speeds, which thought would be impossible by the humans living on Draken’vina. No one knows what or whom gave the Draken’vinans this technological marvel, however, the traitors were put to death by Yuri N. Zahrin. Yuri is Leon’s Great-Great Grandfather, which were in talks with the Imperial Commonwealth to join it. This caused some mistrust by the Imperial Commonwealth but not much since Bedivere Six became a great haven for legalized gambling that the Commonwealth promotes.
The Za Clan told the Imperial Commonwealth there won’t be anymore rebellions as long as they are the Planetary Governors of the world. It was agreed, which helped relations be less tense than it was. There was a strange culture on the planet, which included ties with actual dragons alike in Earth’s history or mythology. These dragons are real, however and the most dangerous one is named Dekriem the Soul Destroyer, which doesn’t harm anymore alike it did in the past of the planet. Dekriem shaped the planet’s culture to be more welcoming and accepting of no matter their circumstance, culture, implants that are cybernetic or biotech. It is has a high moral compass, which will never leave anyone behind or kill a single civilian since everyone who lives on Bedivere Six or Draken’vina is easily disgusted about mass slaughter on a large scale. However, they usually keep quiet about such atrocities unless you brag about what you’ve done to everyone.
They do have a booming industry, even though its only for melee weapons, which you can handcraft since they have Gambling Parlors with Blacksmiths on the side. It is a bit odd to have these such things next to Gambling Dens, Casinos and what not but its usually a prize if you beat the house at its own game. Even though it is very hard to beat the house, since the house always wins. The specializations on the planet is mixed between making profits via casinos or manufacturing melee weapons of the culture’s preferences. The Culture’s preferences is Eastern Swords since the Za Clan is basically Japanese-Russians. Japanese weaponry or Russian weaponry is usually typical of what they wield as a melee weapon. All of the planet’s structures are basically the capitals of Russia and Japan, which is Moscow and Tokyo respectably. It’s a unique mixture of architecture, which shows they’re handicraft is excellent. The Planetary Governor Building is a mix of a Palace from Japan and the Kremlin from Russia. It feels a bit of an ole world, which is nice aesthetic to some highly futuristic buildings. The greatest feature of the planet is the largest casino called the Shogun, which is inspired by Japanese Emperors in history.
Leon I. Zahrin is very charismatic compared to most people visiting the world from the greater Imperial Commonwealth. He helps diffuses the situation with the people trying to gamble their hard earned credits at the many casinos and other type of gambling dens. However, he has been having a trouble raising his children Nikolas and Dorothy mostly because of he’s a workaholic. He has to keep the planet running smoothly, which is a good thing he has a wonderful wife. Leon has vast many different contacts within the Imperial Commonwealth Territory, which is apart of the Amberdine Family. He knows many things within certain families, he was a bit shocked at what happened to the Steven Family, however he contacted the Hadley Family’s head at the time Stuart. It was because of sooner or later, his son would need a wife and they would require a godfather for their children. However, Stuart basically told Leon that its always nice to have a backup plan nonetheless, which this is a great plan even though it’ll make Conner a bit peeved. It’s only for the children’s safety, which they will know of their godfather. Leon wasn’t stupid, however, he knew that Stuart was going through much grief because of his wife died at the hands of Derrick P. Steven. It was a bit stupid of him to give Conner L. Hadley the Private Military Company at 13 years old.
Additionally, he knew of his son’s greatest what he would achieve when he joined the Imperial Commonwealth Military. It’s mostly because of the aptitudes of the Za Clan is hard to duplicate or beat, which is impressive. The Flag of the Za Clan is basically tied to their friendship with the Dekriem the Soul Destroyer. It is a half holy dragon and half black dragon, which shoots up grayish soul destroying fire. This flag flies on all of the buildings on the planet, with the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity’s Flag flying next to it. It shows the unity between the Za Clan and the Imperial Commonwealth as a whole.
Nikolas was primarily raised by his mother Vina E. Zahrin because of his father being extremely busy being a planetary governor of Bedivere Six or Draken’vina. Everyone on this planet excel at close quarters combat since they are of the Za Clan, which unified the planet under one clan. She taught him everything about the culture, Dekriem the Soul Destroyer and most of all never lose your humanity in a war or you’ll be treated as a monster and not a savior. These were very easily picked up throughout his life on his homeworld, which is mostly because of the fact he is true to idealistic nature of his homeworld. However, his mother taught him specifically the Art of the Sword Technique, which there is four titles within it. Whelp, Drake, Dragon and Grand Dragon are these ranks, the final one is Master. He was legendary in how quick he reached Master Rank, which took him only his twelve year birthday to become Grand Dragon Rank of Master. His parents were highly impressed of his skills, which made him a very hard person to beat since no one has ever done that good at the Art of the Sword. It took his parents to hit Grand Dragon rank at 17 years old, however most people usually take longer time to hit Grand Dragon.
As a reward, he was given a chance to see the Imperial Commonwealth’s vast territory, which caused him to travel to Lamorak Four. It was because of his father Leon arranged him to be there since he was two years younger than the corporation ball participants, which are Conner L. Hadley and Lana R. Steven before they got married. He was only 14 years old at the time, which was a great time for him, while not so much for the one in question. This event he has never let go in his heart since he saw the woman of his life, however, it broke his heart when he heard she had to marry Conner.
He constantly has dreams of this day, which she was definitely hurt at the fact the Steven family lost Derrick and Maria basically on the same day. However, the Corporation Ball was the only way these two could meet since it was on their sixteen birthday. It was only because of this, which caused him to want to protect her and any of her daughters alike a true Godfather would even though right now he’s only 14 years old.
Nikolas approached Lana, who was talking to Conner in the middle of a large ball room, with many different people in it. It was a bit of a hassle but the people in the room knew who were the guests of honor, in terms of Nikolas and his father that is. He was greatly in love with Lana but he couldn’t really tell her at this time. ”Hello, how are you two doing today? My name is Nikolas R. Zahrin by the way.” Nikolas asked kindly towards Conner and Lana. He wondered what the two’s response would be to him introducing himself like this. As well as trying to break the ice so to speak.
Conner rolled his eyes when this two year younger male walked up to the table, which introduced himself. He could tell specifically that Nikolas was in love with his soon to be wife, Lana. He laughed a bit at Nikolas’ name since he never really heard of the Za Clan before. ”I could be better if it wasn’t for my father’s unnecessary ball but I heard there’s some guests of honor… It is nice to meet you Nikolas, my name is Conner Leo Hadley.” Conner said, with an annoyed look on his face but has a slight smirk on his face. He always knew he was going to have to keep his enemies closer than his friends, which he somewhat felt Nikolas would be the earlier.
Lana smiled kindly towards Nikolas, while she was wearing beautiful glasses on her face. However, she had a definite depression on her hands because her father and older sister’s death. It’s a bit hard to smile or talk most of the time. But she could feel a bit better if she tried to talk to people, which she felt like Nikolas is going to be a good friend to her. It felt like she could trust Nikolas and Conner. ”I’m still trying to get over… my father’s death… and my hyper controlling older sister Maria’s death after being arrested for killing him. It’s my pleasure to meet you, Nikolas. My name is Lana R. Steven. Guests of honor? Who are they...” Lana said kindly, however the Guests of honor did kinda confuse her. It was a very crowded ballroom, which was the biggest one on Lamorak Four, since it is the Delilah’s Gazelle High Class Bar’s sixty floor.
Stuart heard his son and Lana’s question of Guests of Honor, which caused him to walk to the table. He was always a bit feeling a bit like giving his son full access to the Private Military Company at 13 years old was a mistake. However, he cannot really take it back since you cannot really go back in time to fix your mistakes and have to live with them. He had a smile that Nikolas and Leon got the invitation to this event before their marriage. “Ah, you want to know the guests of honor to this ceremony of you two finally getting to live your lives together? You just talked to the first guest of honor, the second one is Nikolas’ father Leon.” Stuart said, basically telling his son Conner whom are the guests of honor. He had wondered what his son would say at this outrage since Conner is very vocal about certain things that don’t go to plan. However, it would be to have a counter to Conner’s plans in the form of the Zahrin’s themselves. His mistakes will only ever be fixed if Conner has an enemy or friend to change his path.
Leon moved to his son’s side and looked exactly at Conner’s reaction of hearing his father telling him these two people are the guests of honor. He knew specifically that Conner isn’t going to enjoy the next announcement in why he and Nikolas is here. However, he knows his son’s true feelings a bit easier and it seemed like Conner does too. Lana on the other hand, wasn’t right now interested because of her heart ache at losing her father and older sister. It only happened a year before the day, they would move on with their lives and get married. Lana was too sweet and a bit innocence even though she had many problems in her life because of what Maria had done. “There’s a real reason why me and my son is here for. To help Lana and you Conner with your children. However, you must promise me that they will know Nikolas is their godfather. Nikolas is a great with names and could help you name all your children.” Leon said, with a slight smirk on his face towards Conner. He didn’t show what he was truly thinking about this farce of a marriage since he knew specifically that Conner is downright evil. However, he knew of the reconciliation that Stuart and Derrick were trying in terms of marrying the two of their children in increasing their bonds.
Conner couldn’t help but feel a highly bit annoyed at what Nikolas’ father told him, however. It would be better to keep your enemies closer than your allies. This would be a big wrench in his plans but not as much as outright disagreeing to the plan. ”Father, seriously? You will not be allowed to come to the Hadley Mansion for this shit. However, I agree to what you say Leon. It is true that I am not much for naming children.” Conner said, with a bit of malice towards his father. However, he was calm and happy to at least try to be friends with Nikolas R. Zahrin right now. Nikolas will be a definite obstacle to his plans, nonetheless since he pre-planned his firstborn through third children with Lana already. However, there isn’t no names with those daughters or sons he will have with Lana since he doesn’t really care much.
Lana smiled happily towards the announcement of having a Godfather for her children. It does help that Conner basically agreed to allowing her children to know of Nikolas R. Zahrin’s responsibility towards them. She had an idea of her firstborn’s name but would want a second opinion on it. ”Nikolas, what do you think we should name our firstborn child? I was thinking of if we had a son by the name of Quentin Divan Hadley.” Lana said with an obvious leaning towards a son. However, she would need a second opinion of a beautiful girls name since that’s a bit out of her league right now. It’s the only thing that is keeping her going after her father and older sister’s death.
Nikolas had a bit of a shock to his system in terms of Lana’s pain and suffering from losing her father than older sister. However, it was pretty much obvious how much the whole thing hurts. He smiled a bit slightly towards Lana’s son suggestion, however. It was a bit more obvious she would love a daughter’s suggestion even more than what she had said. The one thing that was ironic was the name that Lana picked for her son, would be what he would want as a son. ”I have to say, I feel sorry for your loss Lana. It’s hard losing someone you loved and feeling like you are being played by someone that was just using you. However, Freya Pauline Hadley would be a great girl’s name to be honest. I feel like you are only going to have only daughters, it’s just my gut feeling.” Nikolas said with a heavily surely in the whole thing. He already had names for the other two daughters, which she’ll have as well. It was a beautiful name nonetheless, which shows he’s a bit of a dramatic. He always wanted to be anything to someone that would need a shoulder to cry on and that’s Lana in a nutshell.
Lana was shocked when she heard that Nikolas had a gut feeling that she’s going to give birth only to daughters, which made her a bit endeared to him. It’s the first time anyone saw her to get what her mother had, three children all daughters. She definitely agreed on what he said, being used by her sister was the worst thing ever. ”T-That’s a wonderful name for a little girl, Nikolas. T-Thank you. I am going to never forget this kindness… I still wish I could’ve joined the military but… my older sister Maria and the fact my father was an Anti-Propagandist didn’t help my chances.” Lana said, with tears in her eyes. It showed she was still hurting from the whole thing, it is very hard for her to stop herself from crying peacefully about the whole situation. She couldn’t stop crying it’s like Nikolas and Conner will help her forget what her older sister tried to do for her. A bit of a sick way of helping when all she was doing was hurting the Steven Family.
Stuart was happy about the whole thing, minus what Conner said to him. It was a bit annoying but after this wedding, which will happen soon he’ll be cut completely off from the Hadley Mansion. He looked directly at his son, with a definite understanding but a bit angry. “Conner, I do hope you know I shouldn’t have given you the Gravia Military Company at 13 years old. I’m sorry for that mistake, you can say. But this decision isn’t something I am going be regretful on, since I never gave anyone a chance to help raise you after your mother Rena died.” Stuart said truthfully about the whole thing. He is going to have a definite hopefulness that his son doesn’t make any mistakes unlike he had. However, the likelihood of him loving Lana and her three daughters is not very likely. Because of the pain of losing Rena is too much to bear, however. It doesn’t help that woman in the Gravia Military Company, Natalie is a definite bad influence. He rolls his eyes at the fact that Natalie finally gets her wish after all this time for the new era of the private military company.
In terms of that, Conner showed his rage towards his father for the first time. It was a bit much for Lena, which was crying already and tried to calm everyone down. Nikolas stepped in and basically protected Stuart since his son was out of control, which didn’t feel like it was correct. However, Brittiany that is Lena’s mother came up to everyone and totally helped Lena be slightly more mentally stable. Brittiany shocked everyone that Derrick was the one that caused this entire thing to happen, which Conner was flabbergasted a bit. The adults knew what was exactly going on but Lena never knew that her father wanted her to marry Conner to fix the relations between the two families. Lana did definitely was happy about the encouragement from her mother, which gave her a happy smile. Conner reaction to the whole situation just sighed and hugged Lana to go finally to their wedding. Nikolas told them a little proverb of happiness is always found in the littlest places.
Three years later, Nikolas joined the Imperial Commonwealth military at 17 years old. His parents were definitely happy at his joining the military. He was one of the few military personal, which showed his idealism of leaving no man behind. Military High Command, were shocked at his high aptitudes scores in strategies, commanding, melee combat, treating everyone as equals. There was many other aptitudes, which he excelled at including disseminating orders with only the high ranking officers under him knowing the full picture. It basically called Nikolas highly cryptic, which made him definitely unpredictable since no one who’s a private will ever know the full picture. He gained one bad habit while in the military, which was smoking. It stayed his only bad habit, which wasn’t that bad since he needed something to calm him down from the stressors of dealing with military life from his family. He saw Lana and Conner as family too even though he knew of the fact Conner stayed away from the Mansion most of the time.
Nikolas in ten years became Rear Admiral, which helped Military High Command to give him his greatest challenge. He had to create his own Black Ops Fleet, which they wanted him to be a deep strike fleet. His 27th birthday was the most exciting thing he had to deal with, the rank of Rear Admiral on his shoulders. It showed sooner or later the Imperial Commonwealth will be going to war with their neighbors as stupid as that is. However, he accepted the challenge with whatever will be coming to Humanity even though there’s some things you don’t want to meet in deep space. He handpicked everyone within his brigade and he never once showed them any animosity toward where they came from. This is because he saw them as family, he was given an unproven callsign called the Dragon. The name of his fleet became the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet, which he changed certain ranks to be based around dragon ages. These ranks are called the Elder Dragon, Adult Dragon and Junior Dragon, which respectably replace Rear Admiral, Captain, Commander in that order. He has honor guards, which are called Honored Dragons. They are leaded by Vienna L. Stoutfield, which has a two other sisters and one of them is in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet.
The Dragon’s Brigade Fleet size was only at a total of six starships, which were all Carina Dragon Class Heavy Cruisers. They weren’t fully crewed or equipped for anything but training drills, however at least they had their captains at least. It would be basically up to full strength later in his life, which would take awhile. The maximum amount of personnel, which would be assigned to Nikolas is a total of 205,000. He would train it to become basically an untested Elite Black Ops Fleet, which would need a trial by fire victory against overwhelming odds to become feared. Since he never wants to leave a man behind, which would basically go against his honor code. He was a bit amazed in getting two Stoutfields within his brigade, both Captains in their own right but one of them was married to one his his rival. Berkeley L. Jensen is a rival of his because he outright hates where he came from, which is a Mercenary Company that is a bit genocidal to his liking. Berkeley was given access to the 11th Decimation Fleet Ira, which is nicknamed the Butchers because he is definitely Admiral material.
It would take him about three years of trying to convince Maya I. Jensen, marrying Berkeley was a terrible deal. However, him opening her eyes to the truth via defending her honor from her husband definitely helped. The greatest step in Maya’s growth in her family, which was divorcing Berkeley with her commanding officer’s help in divorcing him. She was much happier with the whole thing, she no longer had to deal with being hit, insulted and constantly degraded by her so-called husband. Nikolas is happy for her too, since Vienna was the one that caused him to basically help her younger sister out of that awful marriage. However, Jennifer is the youngest of the Stoutfields and Nikolas knows more about her situation but Vienna and Maya need to learn it for themselves.
Before fully convincing Maya, he had a very annoying time, which was on sometime after his 29th birthday during a training exercise with the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. An Assassination attempt on his life was foiled by himself since he was facing 16 year old twins, which weren’t that great. It was an ungraceful act to try to assassinate him, however he learned of their names. The twin girl was named Sarah R. Marshal and the twin boy was named Gregory I. Marshal. He was furious, with the whole thing, which he decided to yell at them. ”...You are so lucky I am being merciful right now or I would kill you both were you stand. Without you telling your mother and father that you love them.” Nikolas said, with a slight aggressive tone in his voice. It was definitely hilarious in how Sarah basically screamed bloody murder when all he did was cut into their skin not even deep enough to make them bleed to death. He could’ve done so much worse to them but he chose to be merciful.
Gregory looked at his twin sister, which was definitely not feeling safe in this situation. He knew that she’ll feel utterly frustrated and as if she failed her father in this assignment. It made him a bit frustrated too, however, it was their own choice in doing this assignment. However, it was obvious that Nikolas’ head was on a snivel only because of the fact they are from the Gravia Military Company. ”I am grateful to your mercy, I can tell why you are called the Dragon now. Be damned, this was an impossible task, Sarah. Why did you talk me into this, sister? Should’ve picked the other option… instead of getting our hands dirty.” Gregory said, with a slight regret in picking assassinating Nikolas. However, he hoped Sarah wouldn’t spill the beans about their relationship with Conner. It was definitely a bit annoying to say the least.
Sarah was on edge with everything, what her brother said didn’t help her nerves. However, all he’s doing is blaming her only because they thought they could kill Nikolas. She was heavily nervous and crying at the fact, which she’ll have to live with a scar on her back. ”I-I never thought getting an assignment from father would… be so difficult. Nikolas, why you never let down your guard against us?” Sarah questioned towards Nikolas, however. She didn’t really realize that she blurted out basically something that Nikolas was waiting for. It took her a minute to notice Nikolas’ was pissed off from what she exactly said.
Nikolas was definitely pissed off, it meant that Conner had cheated on Lana with a Mercenary by the name of Shelly L. Marshal. It’s pretty obvious that Sarah and Gregory are Conner and Shelly’s kids. He didn’t really enjoy the fact he learned this from one of their bastard children. It made him definitely worried for Lana’s safety if Sarah and Gregory are basically secrets within the family. ”...Sarah and Gregory. If you try this shit ever again, you are deader than a doornail on the firing line and you won’t be killed by a firing squad. You’ll be killed directly by my own hands and I will ship you in a box in tiny pieces or your dead bodies to Conner and your mother Shelly to show them not to ever fuck with me again. Because I have to say, I am going to make sure he’s terrified of me even more so than he thought he should be.” Nikolas said, furiously towards Sarah and Gregory. He wasn’t taking anymore of this shit, the proverb of keeping your allies close but enemies closer was basically used on him. It’s going to make sure that Conner never breaks anymore promises or else, which he is going to get it. By him or his own children since they so deserve to kill their bastard of a father, which never loved them once.
Sarah opened her eyes wide, when he said those words and fell down on the ground, which she was crying up a storm. She didn’t want to be brutally murdered by Nikolas, which probably means she shouldn’t ever try to piss him off anymore. It felt like if they touch any of his godchildren they would be even worse off than they are now. ”P-Please do-don’t kill me… I-I’m a-a f-failure… I’ll never get anything ever again from Conner… I am so sorry Nikolas for trying to assassinate you.” Sarah said, completely in fear and couldn’t really help herself from crying. She didn’t want to be shipped in a box in tiny pieces to her father or mother it would devastate them. However, she didn’t want to tell her father that she basically blurted out that it was Conner whom assigned them to kill Nikolas.
Gregory was going to try to show false bravado, but couldn’t since his sister was an utter mess trying to apologize to the one they tried to assassinate. It didn’t help that his twin sister’s crying and pleas were very much heard to him. He walked in front of his sister anyways and stared directly at Nikolas. ”I don’t want to die but I wouldn’t want to die a coward either. Isn’t it a bit harsh to threaten the lives of… two children?” Gregory asked, however it was his sister’s fault for basically causing this. It was definitely in his interest to get far away from his sister and anything, which could cause them an untimely end. Since it was rumored that Nikolas was interested in becoming a ShadowOps Liaison, however, that’s definitely guaranteed now.
Nikolas smiled slightly at seeing the false bravado from Gregory, however hearing Sarah’s words gave him something to say. He couldn’t help but feel like giving Sarah the fright for her life, was definitely invigorating for her brother and her since they will be both doing things that aren’t assassinations. ”It’s pretty simple I threatened you because that’s how you two spoiled little brats will learn that the world isn’t such roses and rainbows. However, I won’t be killing you for now unless you piss me off again. Alike harming any of my god children, which are definitely a priority for me to protect. However, what the hell is your rank in your father’s Military Company by the way, I kinda need to know. Because I can send you off this planet to your father’s location easily since you need to report to him.” Nikolas said, with a definite knowledge now that they are definitely spoiled rotten by their father Conner. However, he was willing to give them a single chance, however if they fuck this up they will be given the treatment they so deserve. Basically being murdered in the most horrible way possible for how spoiled rotten they are.
They both told him they are Dedicated, which is one rank below their father. Basically meaning they aren’t brainwashed and order the brainwashed underlings to do what they mean. This was the last time they will want to meet Nikolas together, which he kept under tabs in what they are doing now. Ala, Sarah became a guard for the Mansion and Gregory became a surveillance agent basically going their separate ways but staying in contact. Nikolas a bit after became apart of the ShadowOps as a Liaison, with only one single caveat to protect the Merlin System with his Deep Strike Fleet. It was the only good thing he finally decided on since he was on the fence nonetheless. He was no longer a fence sitter for ShadowOps Liaison, it would give him many missions and able to keep in contact with contacts that want to volunteer their children to certain projects.
Nikolas had a meeting with Conner L. Hadley because the ShadowOps intercepted his not so encrypted messages. It was a bit odd to get a message from Conner, however, this happened on Narvia’s 5th birthday, which was definitely not good. He wasn’t not really that happy in going here but he was basically told to see what the meeting was about and gain any necessary information. It would be good for the Lemegeton Project nonetheless. This meeting was at the Hadley In-Vector Corporation’s HQ on Lamorak Four, which would be in the office of Conner L. Hadley. This felt a bit annoying to deal with since Lana wasn’t here at all basically behind her back alike he planned this in advanced. However, he did notice that one birthmark on Narvia’s left arm before whomever gave Conner the information told him. He kept it to himself since he felt it would hurt Lana more than Conner.
Conner saw Nikolas’ face and saw his favorite honor guard with him, ala, Vienna. He couldn’t help but smile a bit, however this room was covered in people from his military company. It was obvious he was a bit happier to see Nikolas’ face. ”I have to ask you a question Vienna? Are you and your sister in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet wondering what happened to your younger sister Jennifer. It’s quite simple I tossed her to the curb after she told me something a bit much for me to handle. I didn’t really believe a frontier outpost woman like her.” Conner said, with a slight smile since he is definitely vindictive. It was mostly payback for threatening his children, which felt like a good trade.
Nikolas sighed, at hearing that Jennifer was the one that told Conner and looked at Vienna to make sure she doesn’t pull anything. Even though he so wanted to kill Conner right this second. However, he wanted Conner to get to the point already, he was sick and tired of this game. He knew he was here for basically Narvia’s freedom or something akin to that. ”Conner, can you please just get to the point of this meeting? Instead of trying to punish the Stoutfield Family for something I did. However, I am still grateful I did that to your bastards. I would never change what I told them ever. Shouldn’t let a child do a man’s job, next time you should come after me yourself, Coward.” Nikolas said, he wasn’t in the mood for the back and forth alike Conner was good at. Before the Assassination attempt, they were both trying to pry in the other’s plans and what not, however. Neither got that far so far, however, Leon was definitely correct on everything so far.
Conner sighed and didn’t really want to deal with the Honorable Dragon or the Dragon’s whining for much longer anyways. He looked directly at the two, cleared his throat and started to bring out a piece of paper. It was obvious he was going to read from something since he had the look of concentrating on something. ”It involves the little whore of a daughter Narvia F. Hadley. The purity of form and knowledge of what I know is she’ll have the worst luck in our family. The Steven Family is a stain in this Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity and must be purged. I am volunteering Narvia Folspear Hadley for any and all projects that will kill her off so I don’t have to feel regret in not killing her with my own hands. Prisons are great things… since that’s what my mansion is.” Conner said, truthfully and honestly with every ounce of his being. Nothing was going to stop him hating wife or his children that aren’t from Shelly. He’s already been going on this course for awhile now and doesn’t care for the consequences now.
Nikolas started to shake in anger at what he is hearing, however. He knew of a single project that would be great for the Innocent young little girl to be apart of. It definitely annoyed him that he basically had to help Conner to get what he wants. In his mind, he wanted Narvia to kill her biological father. ”I so want to kill you right now for that insult to Lana’s youngest daughter. However, there is a project that is up to your needs, which is the transfer of Narvia to the organization I am a Liaison to. I have a feeling your Bastard children will ignore any and all escort duty to Narvia since they were definitely know if they hurt her will have happen to them.” Nikolas said, basically hinting that Sarah and Gregory would be definitely killed. However, he knew of how protective Dr. Alice is to any and all of the children who are volunteered to her for the Lemegeton Project. It would be her duty to kill Sarah and Gregory if they try anything with Narvia.
Conner nodded at the fact his children only likes doing things together, which means Sarah and Gregory would rather live than die. He was happy to hear there’s a project that is available for his daughter Narvia. However, he did wonder what the project was in question but it wouldn’t be a good idea to pry. It’s only because of the fact Nikolas’ is honorable and never would leak anything that is tip top priority of keeping secret. ”This volunteering won’t happen when she’s 5 years old. It’ll be when she’s ten years old. However, she’ll be expunged from the Hadley Family Database alike she’s a ghost even though she’s real and alive. She’ll be wearing the Journey to the Stars Necklace, which her mother will give her. Cruelty? Yeah, probably. But Lana is so under my control that she hasn’t even realized that Freya P. Hadley is brainwashed as a house maid.” Conner said, with a bit of a hint of hating everything about this family. Just giving it out in a full tell all since Nikolas and him will never be friends ever again since they both hate each other. He laughs a bit at the whole situation since he was definitely happy about brainwashing his eldest daughter.
Nikolas got a bit more angry with this whole thing he was about to snap and kill Conner. However, he calmed down before he did the one thing he wanted his goddaughter to do. ”I’ll tell the ShadowOps’ Leadership that the planned pick up is at Narvia’s tenth birthday. However, I do hope you have a great day.” Nikolas said to him with a bit grinding his teeth in frustration. However, something changed in Conner’s face an alarm happened, which caused Nikolas to be a bit confused.
Conner looked at his datapad and sighed, which the alarm was coming from his study. It was a definite pain in the ass. Who would’ve went into his study. He smiled a bit hopefully it wasn’t Narvia or he’ll be angry about it. ”Looks like I have an emergency to attend to, someone went into my Study without my permission. Guess someone is going to be yelled at for breaking the rules I laid down. It’s the only reason why I brainwashed my eldest daughter Freya because she broke the one rule.” Conner said, with a sigh, however. He would probably would mean that his wife and Narvia would meet the mysterious’ Leader of the ShadowOps. Since Nikolas would be heavily busy with military operations.
Conner and Nikolas went their separate ways after that alarm that was set off. Nikolas stopped smoking after that meeting, which he would have been easily able to kill all those brainwashed soldiers of his. However, it would probably still mean he would die and not be able to be with Narvia. Vienna was cursing under her breath, while they went back to the Dragon’s Claw. The first order of business was making Narvia F. Hadley an honorary member of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet as an Honored Dragon. Since all she will be having happened to her is being transferred from one prison to another, in terms of how they are. Never able to leave and return to her family, because she’s a project candidate.
Proxima was going to be the final battle’s location for the War between the Humans and Anti-Human Coalition. He knew it was going to be suicidal in the battle since the Human Coalition had much more forces than the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity. His highly disciplined fleet was going to definitely be at the final battle. He wouldn’t dare betraying the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity in anyway. Since if he does this he’ll be able to get rid of 11th Decimation Fleet Ira and their Admiral Berkeley, which had been completely brutal in his campaigns. However, he was told to be positioned in between Admiral Sophitia Aristoros and Fleet Admiral Kherol’s First Fleet. Two of the people he got along well with, while the 11th Decimation Fleet Ira was separated throughout the entire fleet as backups for the Blockade. Berkeley’s Flagship was the Heavy Dreadnought Nora, which was from the Krillian Drive Force Mercenary Company.
Nikolas knew of the cruiser, which held the secret weapons even though one of them was his own goddaughter Narvia. They are called Pages, which he kept that secretive no one really needed to know the importance of Narvia and the other Pages in this battle. Narvia is whom he keeps tabs on mostly since he is worried about her innocence and whatever she learned is going to be useful in this battle. They blockaded the best they could until one person fucked up the whole thing, however. It wasn’t Berkeley like he thought but it was Sophitia Aristoros, which was in command of cruisers. However, the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet stayed where they were, however. It took him basically to see the situation at hand and decided to move his fleet closer to Alexander Kherol’s flagship at that time.
It took him to realize as well that the Cruiser that had the pages on it, indeed were captured by the Rauve. He took a deep breath but couldn’t help but curse up a storm without saying anything to the commander who did that. However, it took him much later in his life to basically forgive Sophie for losing his goddaughter to the Rauve. He wants to see Narvia again more than anything but he is staying defending ShadowOps HQ, which is the Merlin System. The greatest thing was when the treaty happened, since the final battle ended in a fairer treaty for both sides. However, if it wasn’t the Fleet Admiral’s tactical genius that would have been much much worse. It did help that the Rauve were still afraid of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. But the Blockade was an utter failure, which was awful. The only good news in this whole thing was that Berkeley L. Jensen was sent to Gaheris 66 for war crimes. Nikolas was grateful the Decimation Fleet Ira was no more. It did help that the Jensen Family’s Flagship was destroyed in disgrace, however Berkeley lived via abandoning ship before the Nora exploded. This was like an early birth present basically for him, since Berkeley basically is a craven and betrayed his duty to go down with the ship.
It showed one thing that the best asset is something you can fear, which the Dragon’s Brigade has in spades. Nikolas’ after the war assignment was basically keeping the Percival system peaceful and protecting the secrets of the ShadowOps. The one agent he was shocked to meet one day, was no other than the so called dead Maria. However, all he did was told her basically a word of advice don’t ever fuck with me. It’s basically if she makes one mistake, she will truly dead. However, her family already thinks she is dead. He never really felt sorry for one that basically was sick in the head that was holding back her sisters only for her own self interest. Basically reminded him of Berkeley just ten times worse. He made sure no one in his brigade knew of what is going on in the system they are protecting, which would keep his family protected. It’s always better to be ignorant of what you are guarding than knowing every single detail. Vienna is his bodyguard, which means she had to become a ShadowOps Liaison as well. The only two people that know what is going on in ShadowOps. It is much to deal with but better than the alternative.
There’s many rebel groups that are rebelling against the Commonwealth. However, he’s a bit annoyed that the so-called Dreadnought that was destroyed at the battle of Proxima wasn’t the real Nora. It means the Krillian Drive Forces, Merc Company is still working for Hadley In-Vector Corporation. The leader now is no other than Berkeley’s younger sister Heather R. Jensen whom was the Rear Admiral of Decimation Fleet Ira. Nuisances, but at least they aren’t no longer in Military Positions, which is a good thing. However, if it has to do with his goddaughter’s rescue he will definitely risk saving her. She deserves all the courage she will get.
Extra Information:
This family are planetary governors of the Draken’vina planet, which had its name changed to Bedivere Six because it had more in common with Bedivere than the Tristan System. The Za Clan lives in the Solis Plains, which are beautiful and can be expanded upon to put more Gambling Dens on the planet. There’s a massive mountainous region called the Vanguard Regional Mountain Range, which is barren on one side of the planet. However, there’s humans living within the mountain range to trade resources with people living on the world. The people still use the old planet’s name since its culture is pretty hard to change and incredibly stubborn.
The planetary governor’s name is Leon Ion Zahrin, which is the planetary governor specifically of Bedivere Six or Draken’vina. Either of the names works on the world, since they’ve always been a bit hard to change their belief structures. The reign of Leon is quite wonderful and haven’t ever tried to steal from the top of the gambling dens or parlors since that would be against the Commonwealth’s rules. It is impossible to bribe Leon in anyway. The people living on the planet themselves live an unnaturally long lives and have an incredible hardiness. All people living on this planet has a dragon birthmark on their back signifying the unification of the planet. The Banner the planet uses has a Dragon on it similar to The Dragon’s Brigade Fleet, which Nikolas R. Zahrin controls.
The other family members within the Zahrin Family are as follows, Vina Etna Zahrin, Nikolas R. Zahrin and Dorothy Lyndis Zahrin. Nikolas is the eldest son and one of the most idealistic pupils of his mother’s art of the sword. Dorothy on the other hand, is the black sheep of the family because she has a trouble understanding no one is trying to rape her. Vina herself is the mother of Nikolas and Dorothy and is happily married to Leon. Vina upright abandoned her daughter since she can’t really handle dealing with her anymore.
The people living on the planet are peaceful and there isn’t no revolts on the planet. However, the blueprints of an ancient sublight technology was lost before the time of Draken’vina returning to the Imperial Commonwealth’s Fold. The people living on the planet are descendants of people whom came from specifically Russia and Japan multiple years ago. The people on the planet forgave and forget the past of a younger and more reckless Imperial Commonwealth.
Leon I. Zahrin
Leon is 61 years old, however, his physical age is around 28 years old. He got the best biotech upgrades, which makes him much younger than he actually is. He’s the planetary governor of Bedivere Six or Draken’vina and usually deals with everything on the planet. He dresses up as a Samurai or a shogun, which either works for him. He tries to keep out of his wife’s way. He is the one who introduced Nikolas to Lana R. Smith before she married Conner L. Hadley. It was god awful of a relationship he saw miles coming, however he knew of a way to keep this relationship from going to badly. He wouldn’t want Lana R. Smith to end up dead one day because of his inaction.
He outright disliked Conner L. Hadley, however he knew he wasn’t be able to have true corporate connections like Lana’s Mother or Stuart. However, he knew a thing or two that the Hadley Family is hurting from the lost of Conner’s mother Rena. Stuart gave ownership of the Private Military Company to his son at 13 years old. He was grateful at the introduction, which him and Stuart told Conner and Lana that Nikolas had to be their children’s Godfather. It was a bit funny to see Conner’s reaction of the idea, like he was pissed off. He knew from the get go, which his son would’ve learned was that Conner L. Hadley was evil.
He saw how Conner acted around Lana, which was a pure innocent girl at the time, which was hurting pretty badly. It was because of Derrick P. Smith and Maria’s deaths, which are Lana’s father and older sister respectably. The innocence would’ve been grown and loved in his family but not in the Hadley Family. Conner wanted to badly hurt anyone who had Derrick’s blood flowing in their veins, which would mean Lana and her children. Nikolas fell in love with Lana, which happened when he was 14 years old. Leon knew that Nikolas was mentally frustrated at this because of the look in his eyes watching Lana.
This made him smile because of the fact Nikolas was happy talking to Lana. However, the evil that Conner puts Lana through, which will make Nikolas and Lana closer. It would take Conner’s death before these two would become married, however. He pulled some strings with the TLI Research Institute, which would become friends with Lana. Lana’s aptitude with a Scythe is outrageously great. Leon became friends with Richard Lyle Amberdine, which would have to put his name on the weapon since he wouldn’t want Lana to die because of a mistake. Even though he’s the reason for the Scythe that Lana would get much later in her life. He was definitely leagues ahead of certain plans that Conner had. It was obvious that this was a marriage of convenience, which meant that Conner had no love in his voice in actuality. However, Conner was very convincing to be in love with Lana.
Vina E. Zahrin
Vina is 61 years old, however, her physical age looks around 30 years old at most. She got the best biotech upgrades, which makes her much younger than she actually is. Out of everything, she’s the wife to Leon, which is the planetary governor of Bedivere Six or Draken’vina. She wants to have a large extended family, which involves her two children having kids or them adopting them. It doesn’t really help that Dorothy’s psychosis is making her not able to have children since why would anyone want to marry a crazy person. She given up on Dorothy because of her constantly complaining about someone is going to rape her.
Her eldest child, Nikolas is basically the only one that can snap Dorothy out of her Psychosis. She loves Nikolas much, however, she’s the only blonde in the entire family. It’s mostly because of how the family’s dynamic is, or reality its mostly about the past. Her great-great-great ancestor, which is the Dragon Sorceress Vina married Nikolas A. Zahrin. There always has to be a person named Vina within the family, which has blonde and blue eyes. She knows who gave her this strange boon, whom is called Dekriem the Soul Destroyer. Dekriem is an ancient dragon, which lives on the planet with the humans.
She mentioned to her son via communication that Conner L. Hadley was planning something to do with his family. It is mostly because of the fact Nikolas is no other than Conner and Lana’s children’s Godfather. Lana should have married Nikolas since they were made for each other. However, that wasn’t possible because of the fact they weren’t born on the same planet. There were rumors of people’s children being kidnapped and what not, however. She couldn’t really tell if they were true rumors since that information doesn’t come likely to her. She was impressed of her son’s excellent career within the Imperial Commonwealth Military, becoming a Rear Admiral in only ten years. However, she was a bit shocked that he became a Liaison. Why would he do that, unless its because of his duty to help his godchildren in anyway possible.
She embarrassed Nikolas much by telling him, ’You should’ve married Lana, dear. You do love her don’t you?’ However, this causes him to stop talking to his mother because he doesn’t want to be flustered by his own mother. It is a bit hard to blame him, he’s a bit of a too much of a strategist to back down from a challenge. His father is the same way, when he proposed to her it was sweet and all but it took at least two years before he did. She waited for him, however, she doesn’t know if Lana will wait for Nikolas since her husband is still alive. Conner is a bastard, which is quite annoying.
Nikolas R. Zahrin
Nikolas is 45 years old, which is the favorite of the Zahrin Family. He shows an unbelievable culture heritage, detail and knowledge to everything he does. He knows every single thing to know about the cultural heritage of the Za Clan, which were influenced by the dragons. In terms, he is pretty much the primarily the one to ask about anything going on his homeworld and if you need a tour guide. Just ask him to take you around, which he’ll be happy to help even though the planet is apart of Bedivere system as the sixth planet. He keeps up on the news with Leon and Vina with what is going on the homeworld. He has an outright disdain for anyone mentioning Conner L. Hadley or his bastard children. It’s mostly because he hates the fact his father was basically right that Conner didn’t like having a Godfather to his children.
The reason he hates Conner’s Bastards was because of the fact they tried to assassinate him. He gave them a single warning, if they ever break this he’ll be merciless to them. He knows of the Hadley Mansion is a maximum security prison. He has named every single one of Conner & Lana’s children. He became a Liaison to the ShadowOps before Conner L. Hadley volunteering his youngest child Narvia F. Hadley to the Lemegeton Project. As well, he’s the Black Ops Rear Admiral of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet, which won many battles within the Human Coalition v Imperial Commonwealth war. He met the leader of the ShadowOps, which is named Dr. Alice Amara Mahgen. His fleet protects her system because of the fact his fleet never was damaged via the fact the Coalition was highly afraid of his tactics and what not.
Nikolas met Conner at his office, which was in his corporation’s headquarters on Lamorak four. It was because of the fact he wanted to volunteer Narvia to a project to get her out of his hair and what not. This was a very hostile meeting between them both since he outright basked in the fact he hated his children with Lana. This happened basically on Narvia’s fifth birthday of this meeting. However, on Narvia’s tenth birthday Lana learned that her husband Conner went behind her back because of the Dr. Alice paid her a visit. It was mostly because Nikolas was too busy to escort his goddaughter because he had important military business. The only saving grace, was the fact Sarah & Gregory declined to escort Narvia, which helped his nerves. Alice was really good with children, specifically Narvia’s turning into a Page of Lemegeton. Narvia was a bit too terrified and what not, it was very intriguing.
Dorothy L. Zahrin
Dorothy is 27 years old, which is 18 years younger than her older brother Nikolas. She constantly talks about being raped and what not, which has made her the literal black sheep of her family. Not her father nor mother could get her to shut up, only her brother Nikolas gets her out of her psychosis. Because of this their relationship has became really strained as brother and sister. He doesn’t really like interacting with her, but he doesn’t hate her. The only reason for this is because she joined the TLI Research Institute as a Researcher to help her to get rid of her psychosis without the help of her brother. However, it frustrates her to no end because of this psychosis that caused her not to have many friends or never have any boyfriends.
Angela saw her psychosis as a new unknown type of something to work over. It is nice she’s basically getting help by the most medical minds in the TLI Research Institute. However, it’s pretty hard to tell when she’ll be fully cured of this psychosis. The Research into it and the creation of certain cures haven’t worked out to the greatest degree. She is a bit frustrated at the side effects of these anti-psychosis medication. It causes her sometimes to literally black out and wake up in a strange and dangerous location in her room or in the Institute. She’s a bit afraid of how long it will take to find the perfect cure for her ailment so she can stop having this problem. It will help her relationship with her family be repaired, which would help her self-confidence by a lot.
Her entire life has been in the shadow of her older brother Nikolas. She hasn’t really told anyone about her inferiority complex to her own brother. It hasn’t been a really good life being under his shadow, which is the reason she didn’t want to learn her mother’s Art of the Sword. She isn’t really that good with combat type courses, she always forgets about the little details in combat. It makes her a definitely a pacifist that wants other people to protect her other than herself. She knows of her brother’s wanting to adopt Narvia F. Hadley. However, the likelihood of that happening is very slim. She has never discouraged her brother in that since Lana and her three daughters are super cute together. However, she would’ve liked if Nikolas married Lana instead of Conner. She hasn’t told her brother this either since she’s a bit afraid what his response would be. Narvia F. Hadley-Zahrin
Narvia is an honorary member within the Zahrin Family. Nikolas wants to adopt her from her cruel fates and what not. However, the likelihood of that happening has to be over Conner’s dead body. Conner volunteered his daughter Narvia to the Lemegeton Project since he wanted to get rid of her because of his true feelings. Narvia was deathly afraid of leaving her mother Lana, however, Dr. Alice calmed Narvia down by helping her through the emotions. Dr. Alice was really good with children, especially her.
She’s the youngest family member in both families, which is why she’s now 17 years old. However, when she left her family she was only 10. She wanted to return to her mother Lana, really badly, however had a feeling its going to be a terribly long road to reach that. It’s the one thing she wants the most, however, she’s basically an innocent girl who deeply respects certain people in her life. Dr. Alice was the one whom injected her with the Kaiosken Dust to become a Page. She kept her calm and everything so the magical powers of Narvia could awaken, which she was into creating constructs and what not.
The Dragon’s Brigade Fleet was given full autonomy throughout the war between the Human Coalition and the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity. It is an extremely well oiled machine in terms of their tactics, which is leaded by Nikolas R. Zahrin the Elder Dragon. The Elder Dragon is basically a Rear Admiral in the Imperial Commonwealth’s Military. Nikolas treats every single person within his fleet as family. He treats people who live anywhere within the Commonwealth as complete equal no matter what, which includes their birth, their circumstance or otherwise. It is also includes if you are equipped with Biotech Implants or Cybernetics since he doesn’t see the latter as a bad thing. The Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity is a human based organization. The Human Coalition is an alliance of races primarily the Rauve and Kaiosken are the prominent members of this coalition against the Imperial Commonwealth.
The Dragon’s Brigade Fleet of 40 Starships in total all heavily equipped in Black Ops Weaponry from the ShadowOps, which is from the Merlin System. The Dragon’s Brigade Fleet’s total personnel is at 205,000. It is a small elite force, which is incredibly expertly trained in any manner of contingency that the Dragon gives them. The Armor Upgrades on these vessels have given them a fierce reputation within the war. They are separated into three ship classes, Cruisers, Destroyers and Corvettes. The Cruisers are modified heavily to become the Heavy Cruiser Class, which there is six of them. Their are heavily modified Destroyers, however there is only two Heavy Destroyer Class out of a total of twelve Destroyers. Out of the twenty two Corvettes, three of them are Heavy Corvettes, two are Repair Corvettes, a single Siege Corvette and Communication Corvette.
They won at Darius Prime, which gave them the well deserved full autonomy against a much larger force of a fleet of the Gentle Giant. Alnus the Gentle Giant was humbled at this battle because of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet’s terrifying divide and conquer tactics. Didn’t help the Gentle Giant’s only goal was to destroy Darius Prime, which he failed at because he was captured. He was given his freedom since Nikolas doesn’t kill any enemy combatants, which surrender to him. Alnus was given a challenge from Nikolas if Nikolas can defeat him another three times. Alnus has to retire of being a Fleet Admiral in the Coalition’s forces. However, Alnus did retire since Nikolas’ tactics were much more developed from the first time they fought. They were definitely outrageous tactics, for only a fleet of forty ships, however, the Coalition was outright terrified of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet.
The Dragon’s Brigade Fleet made the Human Coalition to be more cautious around them. It helped with the tactical genius of Nikolas himself. The Dragon’s Brigade Fleet saw a boon of the Coalition’s blatantly ignoring their fleet, which made them the perfectly suited for their deep strike role. This role was given to them via a council in the Admiralty, however, the 11th Fleet would have rather seen no successes from the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. Accurate and detailed movements of the Human Coalition’s fleets, which were given to the Special Forces and the Admiralty of the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity’s Military.
This fleet even made deep strikes within Rauve space, which had no responses from the Rauve. It’s like they couldn’t care less about the whole situation. None of the Rauve part of the Coalition wanted to engage with the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet because of their reputation and the tactical genius of Nikolas R. Zahrin.
”I never once thought a Human from the Imperial Commonwealth would’ve been so honorable and never broke his code. He showed me that not all Imperial Commonwealth Citizens were monsters. I respect Nikolas to this day, I hope the next time we meet is at a bar instead of a battlefield.” ~ Alnus Glutinosa, the retired Fleet Admiral of the Human Coalition. The 8th Bombardment Fleet that engaged Nikolas at Darius Prime and lost miserably.
The Dragon’s Brigade Ranks
The Ranking structure of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet is anonymous with Dragons. The Dragon’s Brigade is a fully autonomous fighting force. The doctrine they spout is leaving no one behind since that is what Nikolas himself sees as the best course of action. There’s another doctrine within the Brigade of always showing honor in battle against their enemies and their tactics are always changing since their Elder Dragon is always cryptic enough to stay ahead of them.
Elder Dragon (Rear Admiral)
Nikolas created this replacement rank to Rear Admiral because his fleet is required to be differential to other fleets in the Imperial Commonwealth. The Elder Dragon is the oldest of all the dragons, which has the most wisdom and usually speaks in a very honorable tone towards people. There’s no one within the Brigade, which has a higher rank than him that makes him the only Elder Dragon in the Brigade. However, outside of the Brigade people will still call him Rear Admiral since it’s the rank he was given and he just created the Elder Dragon rank as a replacement for it.
Adult Dragon (Captain)
Nikolas created this replacement rank to Captain because his fleet is required to be differential to other fleets in the Imperial Commonwealth. The Adult Dragons are becoming able to understand what their Elder Dragon is telling them, however the cryptic nature of Nikolas is a bit much. There’s a total of 41 members of this rank, which are the 40 captains of each starship in the fleet and the Vienna, who’s an Honored Dragon. All Adult Dragons are called into meetings with Nikolas the Elder Dragon so they can talk about recent events or upcoming events in the Commonwealth.
Junior Dragon (Commander)
Nikolas created this replacement rank to Commander because his fleet is required to be differential to other fleets in the Imperial Commonwealth. There’s a total of 80 members of this rank, half of them are apart of the Honored Dragons. These Junior Dragons give advice to the Adult Dragons, which is sound only to help them in their family life, if they are having trouble with someone in it.
The Other Ranks
Imperial Commonwealth Ranking Structure continues after Junior Dragons within the Brigade. There is no replacement rank for anything below Commander. Nikolas was basically allowed to create three replacement ranks for his fleet.
The Honored Dragons
The people who are honored dragons are the honor guard of the Dragon’s Brigade Elder Dragon. The highest ranked officer within the Honored Dragons is an Adult Dragon, which is named Vienna L. Stoutfield. Vienna is the leader of the Honored Dragons, which try to help Nikolas in stop being so cryptic with his orders. The Brigade’s Elite Force, which they protect Nikolas R. Zahrin in any mission he does since they follow him. The biggest way you can tell you are apart of the Honored Dragons is the Brigade’s Logo on your back of an army shirt.
The rest of the Dragon’s Brigade wear their logo on their shoulders. This doesn’t mean the people within his Brigade are anything less everyone is family to Nikolas. That is why the Dragon’s Brigade is a very cohesive force compared to others. Their quality outshines quantity any day. He’s proud in having the Honored Dragons defend him.
There’s an honorary member of the Honored Dragons by the name of Narvia F. Hadley-Zahrin. It’s only in name but if she was able to join, she would be a Private First Class member of it. However, she does wear a t-shirt with the Dragon’s Brigade Logo on the back. It’s only because she’s an honorary member, is only the relation that Nikolas has to Narvia, he is her godfather. However, he wants to adopt Narvia since her bastard father Conner volunteered her to a project.
Carina Dragon Class Heavy Cruisers
There is six total Carina Dragon Class Heavy Cruisers, which are within the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. They are equipped with much bigger armaments with an ability to take much more punishment than light cruisers or regular cruisers. In terms of these heavy cruisers, they have a small squadron of starfighters, which are from the TLI Research Institute. These starfighters aren’t the Dogma Starfighters, which are being put into production and testing now. They are the last generation called the Garnia 8E500 Starfighters, which aren’t equipped with spacewarpers unlike the Dogma Starfighters are. Garnia 8E500 Starfighters are equipped with similar armaments to other Imperial Commonwealth Starfighters.
Jupiter Class Heavy Destroyers
The Jupiter Class is equipped with cruiser grade armaments with an ability to take much more punishment than regular destroyers. They also have three extra torpedo tubes in the front and rear, which makes it up to six torpedoes in total on each side.
Solis Class Heavy Corvettes
The Solis Class is equipped with destroyer grade armaments with an ability to take much more punishment than regular corvettes. These are specifically equipped with interception in mind, which will be able to protect larger vessels against torpedoes.
Sarah R. Wallace (Dragon’s Claw – The Dragon’s Brigade Flagship)
The Dragon’s Claw Captain, Sarah R. Wallace was handpicked by Nikolas R. Zahrin. Nikolas didn’t care for her being frontier borne, which makes his fleet definitely unique. Sarah showed her aptitude for captaining Cruisers and Heavy Cruisers, which the Dragon’s Claw is a new type of Heavy Cruiser. It is called the Carina Dragon Class Heavy Cruiser. She’s the younger sister to Talia E. Wallace, which captains the Widower. Sarah definitely respects Nikolas for giving her an opportunity were no one would give her and her younger sister a chance. She has a slight dislike for other Captains within the Imperial Commonwealth. It is mostly because of their insults to the fact she is frontier borne.
The philosophy of never leaving a man behind is stuck within the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is ingrained into the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet, which makes them have ideological differences to other fleets within the Commonwealth.
Talia E. Wallace (Heavy Cruiser named Widower)
The Widower’s Captain, Talia E. Wallace was handpicked by Nikolas R. Zahrin. Nikolas didn’t care for her being frontier borne, which makes his fleet definitely unique. Talia had an aptitude for being everyone’s friends while being able to captain a starship, however she needs help now and then. The Commander underneath her is very responsible and helps her in certain procedures, which she messes up. However, they are minor mess ups. Talia and her younger sister Sarah make a great team together, which is the reason why they were given access to the first two Carina Dragon Class Heavy Cruisers off the production line. The two of them lived on the same frontier colony before being assigned to the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet by Nikolas’ wanting them to be apart of his family.
Marcus S. Lochley (Heavy Cruiser named Dragon’s Wings)
The Dragon’s Wings’ Captain, Marcus S. Lochley was handpicked by Nikolas R. Zahrin. Marcus and his younger sister Mira were born on Lamorak Five. They are apart of a long known Megacorporation by the name of the Lochley Aerospace Engineering LLC. This corporation creates primarily starships for commercial, militarily and research use. Marcus’ line of work was a Fighter Pilot, which made him pretty reckless nonetheless, since he usually tested the Lochley Aerospace LLC Starfighters.
Marcus always wanted to be a captain of a Heavy Cruiser even though he does have a reckless streak. However, his temperament is cooled down because of the fact he’s under a fierce and determined commanding officer. It doesn’t help that Nikolas is a bit cryptic in some cases.
Mira R. Lochley (Heavy Cruiser named Victory)
The Victory’s Captain, Mira R. Lochley was handpicked by Nikolas R. Zahrin. Mira and her older brother Marcus were born on Lamorak Five. She’s apart of a long known Megacorporation called Lochley Aerospace Engineering LLC. It’s obvious she isn’t as reckless as her older brother Marcus since she decided to become a singer but that line of work wasn’t enough for her parents. Her parents forced her into Military Service to become apart of the Imperial Commonwealth Military. She was grateful to Nikolas to help her follow her hobby plus keep her parents happy with the military service.
Nikolas is a bit too cryptic for her tastes in terms of the strategy meetings and what not. However, she feels safe in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet mostly because she is with her brother Marcus. It was odd that an Heiress to a Megacorporation is in command of a Warship, when all she wanted to do was sing for the masses. However, she had to earn her place as a Captain in the Dragon’s Brigade and wasn’t given it alike many others. It’s mostly because of the military training she got was a bit highly confusing for her.
Delilah E. Zavica (Heavy Cruiser named Starfold)
The Starhold’s Captain, Delilah E. Zavica was handpicked by Nikolas R. Zahrin. Delilah was one of Nikolas’ best friends on their homeworld of Draken’vina, even though its called Bedivere Six. She’s a bit more old fashioned than most women in the Dragon’s Brigade and understands Nikolas quite well. Because they are both cryptic in their own ways. She’s a highly decorated officer alike Nikolas but she didn’t want to become a Rear Admiral or Admiral at all. It’s mostly because of the fact she would rather follow than lead a force and Nikolas is better at leading then following. Delilah’s self-confidence is quite rather the opposite of Nikolas’ its only because her parents are quite traditional and didn’t want her to become a Military Officer. Her parents wanted her to become a blacksmith and teach the children how to make their own melee weapons.
Maya I. Jensen (Heavy Cruiser named Fireboulder)
The Fireboulder’s Captain, Maya I. Jensen was handpicked by Nikolas R. Zahrin. Her real last name is Stoutfield, which she married into the Jensen family because she wanted to live a better life. The Stoutfield family has always been troubled with the fact they live on a far flung starbase in the Commonwealth’s outer territories. It’s a refueling station for Imperial Commonwealth fleets and has a large population of civilians. The family she married into is a mercenary company called Krillian Drive Forces. She hasn’t really kept up with her biological family, however, she was shocked to meet Vienna L. Stoutfield in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. She knows where Jennifer V. Stoutfield, which it is a bit of a degrading job since she works with the Hadley Family. Jennifer hasn’t really been able to keep in contact with Maya nor Vienna, which doesn’t help their information on their younger sister.
Maya is grateful to get out of Mercenary work since she was a captain of the Krillian Drive Force’s Capital Ship called the Nora. She feels much better in working with the Imperial Commonwealth Military as an official captain since her mercenary work was always unofficial. It’s great in that way to be apart of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. She’s worried about the Stoutfields since they have been going through a rough patch. However, when she contacted her parents she learned of Jennifer’s fate, which made her extremely angry at Conner. Jennifer is basically broken after being almost killed but being sent to the Stoutfield Refueling Station in the middle of nowhere. She wants to put Conner through hell for what he had done to Jennifer. Jennifer wants to apologize to Narvia F. Hadley for something she done to get praise from Conner. All Conner gave her was pain and torment while she is recovering slowly at her parent’s station.
Maya married Berkeley R. Jensen, which became the 11th Fleet Admiral of the Decimation Fleet Ira that was nicknamed ’The Butchers.’ Berkeley was a monster in their relationship and she never felt loved by him, it felt like it was a convenient marriage in his eyes. It was good that Nikolas defended her to help her break ties with him. He was a monster that leads a monstrous fleet, which is tied to a despicable Military Company called Gravia.
Theme Song:
Strategist: He became a Rear Admiral in only ten years of service