Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gaming Room -> Courtyard
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 4

Given the options before him, the decision was actually quite an easy one. On the one hand, there was one of the other masked guests wandering about the hallways and unexplored rooms of Shadowell Manor, calling for him by a pseudonym stacked upon a pseudonym, for purposes quite unknown despite the fact that they had never spoken whatsoever. Not so much as a furtive glance in common. Intellectual curiosity might very well have been the only possible motivating factor for Swamp to wish to speak with the man, but in this instance he found that he was lacking, due in part to the fact that the man could not bring himself to use a working title in place of "Chair Man". It was insulting. The Doctor would be damned if he would be addressed in such a manner, particularly as it seemed that this person wanted something from him. Thank you, but no. Besides, an emergency would have invoked more of a sense of urgency. Chair Man indeed.

On the other hand, there was the Chanteuse. Just that. It was enough of an explanation for him to work with, ergo obviously the proper option for him to take. When she slipped away with sheet music and her violin in hand, Swamp gave the creepy, unwavering musicians a curt nod, followed by a quick snap of, "Gentlemen." He shifted his cane to the side to assist in a quick turn and followed Amaranthine from the warmth of the Gaming Room into the less illuminated chill of the unknown. The dim of the new space took a moment or two to lift, or rather for his eyes to adjust to what little lighting was present. From beneath his beaked mask, inquisitive glances were cast all around, attempting to take in details and put them into a workable series of conclusions.

The Chanteuse came into this room, to his estimation, because she did not wish to remain with nor pass too closely to the musicians upon her egress. Perhaps she knew them personally. Perhaps they were not nice people. Rather than address the situation that obviously bothered her, Swamp chose to comment about their new location and let her talk about the other in her own time. "This is a curiously built courtyard. Fine enough for respite during the day, but at nighttime... the lighting suggests that one might spy into the surrounding rooms with total privacy on this side. Shall we see what we might see, if only for a moment?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gun Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4
Walnut's eyes widened slightly and she laughed slightly despite her better judgment. The man was without a tongue - and she had no doubt it was due to his employers, the Shadowell. The treatment of servants spoke volumes of their employers, something that Walnut was personally familiar with. She then raised an eyebrow at Titian's rather simple and basic humor. "You have the air of a father," she mused to him. She made a mental note not to say I am hungry to him unless she wished to be greeted with a Hi Hungry, I'm Titian in response.

Unfortunately, she doubted that the servant could read and write. Not very many people could, which would make questions and communication difficult. "Are you willing to answer some yes or no questions?" Walnut asked, ignoring the dinner bell. She could eat when she was ready to in her mind and this was much more interesting. If she asked the correct questions, she could learn vital information about this household and perhaps why they had been taken here. Though she did doubt this servant's tongue was on the menu - his stub had looked to her like it wasn't fresh. He certainly would have been displaying a lot more pain if it was.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Master Plum
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room (Couch Left)
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 5

A tolling of the bell. Surely not the somber ringing urge of an iron bell singing dirge, of tidings grim and dire as they prepare your graven pyre. Once more the bell of yore rang its knell to summon forth these visitors from and into hell, for as far as they can tell, twas neither home or home known well. What mysteries lurk in shadows deep, and by the tolling of the bell invites you to the keep? More visitors, More strangers, more inquisitors and danger. More pieces to be added to the board, here comes the gathering horde, of which the games grow greater and grander there. To keep tabs on who is who, and who is where, of secrets revealed to hide and share.

But for Plum had other urgent matters to attend. His foot still kept in the unbound pressure at his distress, his hands getting quite the ruby crusting of dried blood, by now perhaps a pint has been spilled? No estimate had Plum to his mind, too much was all he knew at the time. This evening had so far been a sham, yet with Mauve's treachery lurking the corners, and the Lord's Men to shoot if he should try to flee. Then alas more blood would be lost, and the chances of Plum flee on foot in the cold dead of winter? He had no choice but to endure and weather this night. Perhaps if Mauve were to be eliminated from the equation, then there would be some relief to spare.

Still bleeding from the gushing veins, all efforts so far lost in vain. And should this potent injury remain, perhaps Plum ought to borrow that doctor's cane? Walking tonight would be a pain, though his strength he should feign to cover the weakness to be gained. Or should he, mused and deigned, play the crippled lame? Shallow his pride and show off his shame? Yes, another act for those who came, all a part of this wildcard's game. Catching fools for unawares.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

π•Žas 𝕋hat π•Šupposed 𝕋o ℍappen?

The front door bell rang again as Jasper looked over towards Creme. His brow rose slightly as he was informed that there was an incident that could mean that someone needed medical attention. "Incident? Not accident?" he asked but it was more of an accusatory tone than one of concern. The bell rang again and Jasper gritted his teeth but slowly relaxed his features as Captain Moss offered to give a hand. "Yes, that is an impeccable idea. If you would, please check on the man and inform me if assistance is needed," Jasper said before turning his attention back towards the door. Turning he addressed the woman known as Penance. "If there are any supplies needed, so alert Oliver in the next room, young lad. He will be able to retrieve them."

The staff of the house kept doing their jobs. There was a cruel expression on the things lips of Jane but she had not said anything or shown her face to those in the room with her. Keeping her back to them as she added another log to the fire and stoking it with a poker, the tip of the iron implement becoming red hot. Over in the Red Library Envy quirked a brow but said nothing as Rave left, just shutting the door as she did and leaving her and the other man in the room alone without disruption. Tact looked around the other library before walking out and heading back into the corridor. "Hello?" he called out, still looking for Swamp. "Is there a doctor in the house?" he yelled. Anyone in the west wing would hear him, the voice seemed to carry.

The four men left the Game room and entered the Joyous corridor once again. "That way," they said in unison as the blonde pointed towards the doorway they had just come out. The man in the gun room looked at Walnut and gave a simple nod. Whether he would answer truthfully was yet to be seen but it did appear that he would at least be willing to shake or nod his head if she asked him a question or two. For now at least. How long that would last was anyone's guess.

Jasper opened the door and it didn't appear there was only one there but it was hard to see who it was. Jasper stepped outside and closed the door behind him. It seemed whoever was there wasn't getting let in just yet. Or maybe there was something else going on. One couldn't be sure.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 21 days ago

Miss Creme
Location: Grand Vestibule
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Miss Creme took a step back at Jasper's response to her, and turned her head down a tiny bit. Perhaps she could have chosen her words more carefully, but she doubted the man was stabbed on accident, though she could be wrong. She liked to assume the best in people, and while the Madame had put her off, she didn't want to think she would hurt anybody on purpose. She regretfully admitted to herself, however, that that was, in all probability, the case.She didn't have a good response for Jasper, so she counted her lucky stars that he was quick to be off, evidently having more important things to attend to.

Drawing breath, she turned to the two others who had joined her on this endeavor, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "Um, I could go find that Oliver man." She offered, hoping to be able to help. She made a face though, "I'm not quite sure about what he'd need past bandages though, if you can give me some directive, I'll do my best to follow it!" She added on. To her, that'd be the best way for her to help. It'd speed up the process of giving the man the help he deserved, while keeping herself safe and away from the situation proper. She moved her gaze between them, hoping they'd appreciate her plan and take her up on it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Courtyard -> Central Hall
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Looking around the room Amaranthine slowly stepped towards one of the windows that looked into another room. "I wonder if someone was watching us," she commented as she glanced into the Breakfast room. She had seen the windows when she was in that very room before but in there, through the windows, everything was dark. It did seem like an effective way to spy on people. The fact they entered through a door that was not clear normally made her feel a bit uneasy and it showed clearly on her features as she looked back over towards Dr. Swamp. "This entire situation is unnerving," she admitted quietly as she started looking around some more.

There was a voice that carried into the room and her head snapped to the side, looking back at the door she and Dr. Swamp had entered the courtyard though. "It seems you are being summoned." Her lips thinned a bit and there was a look of resolution that came to her features. "Perhaps you should check, I should seek out the ballroom." She had said she would perform. Taking a breath she opted to leave the room through the door yet traveled and found herself looking at the young boy standing at the base of the stairs as she entered the Central Hall.

"I beg your pardon but where might the Ballroom be located?" she asked in a meek voice.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gun Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Titian looked over to Professor Walnut and laughed heartily. "I do?" he chuckled and stepped away from her as he started to take a closer look around the room. It seemed that the man was willing to answer questions for the woman he was escorting around so he would try to keep quiet and give her time but it seemed that others were not content to keep things down as he heard someone yell in their part of the manor. Quirking a brow he took several long strides to the door and peeked a head out, but only his head. Why leave the room?

Spying a person or two down the hallway a bit he took note of which masks were present before pulling his head from the corridor and continuing to look around. He kept to the far side of the room, not stepping between the Professor and the man she was speaking to but keeping an eye on him just in case. Every so often he would cast a direct glance in the mans direction before going back and examining the many weapons in the room. So far they had seen a trophy room and now the gun room. What other rooms did this manor hold? If these were the ones on display, what wasn't? Looking up towards he ceiling he grinned a bit to himself before looking back over to Walnut to see if she was getting anywhere from the tongueless man.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Joyous Corridor β†’ Music Room
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 6

Rave more or less stormed into the Music room in haste as she looked over at Plum. The guy looked just as hurt and in pain as when she left him moments earlier.” Just hold a little while longer!” Prima Rave called out to Plum as she looked at the foot where he was injured. Damn this place and it's lack of proper utilities to bandage a man out. The guy in the Library room had pointed her out to the most obvious source of something to bandage Plum with in order words the linens in the Breakfast room. Even a single white linen handkerchief from the room with the food, should be enough to neatly wrap the foot and bandage him up!” I will be right back!” She added and stormed through the room towards the Breakfast room door.

β€œWill get a big linen from the other room to bandage you up! Just a moment!” Rave repeated herself in hurry as she moved." Try to take off your shoe, so we can wrap your foot properly!" She added and looked back to the door.

A thought crossed her mind, her hands still freshly dyed by Plum's blood. This was not how she imagined this to go. She might have been nervous and cautious about this event and coming here, but she didn't expect to be running around trying to find something to bandage someone with a bleeding foot. There was one death already... this was luckily not the second one, but still. Feeling the sticky blood on her hands, she couldn't help it in the end and pondered her own mortality. What if this was going to be her blood before long...?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Central Hall -> Third Story Balcony
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush continued to climb the stairs, eager for this trek to end. Seriously, who in their right mind constructed these many stairs in their home? Why would you do that to yourself and anyone who ventured into your home? Sure, it was big, but it was rather annoying to have to climb just to reach the third floor and who knows what lay beyond that? Blush took a deep breath, unwilling to show that it was starting to get to her. She hoped wherever she was being led to, it was worth it.

"Worry not about me. I am fine and made of sturdier stuff than most. Let us press on and continue." She let the woman's other words wash over her. She had similar thoughts ever since she had arrived. She had been carefully constructing thoughts in her head about why they were here. She knew why she came, of course, and she assumed those with her had similar reasons. Which meant this night was going to be very interesting. She clutched her necklace as a matter of concern. No, she was right. There was time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Captain Moss
Location: Grand Vestibule -> Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss listened to Sister Penance and started to listen to her seeing that the matter was urgent as his attention turned back to look at Jasper. He gave the man a slight nod, Moss wasn't sure what he could do to help, but he was more than willing to help whoever got injured as soon as possible. "Alright will do." Captain Moss said as he started to turn and made his way over towards the Breakfast room, as he took n the room once more. He mentally hit himself, and should have asked where he was in the first place, as Captain Moss looked around.

He decided to reach over and grab some cheese that was on the table as well, he hadn't eaten to much yet as he looked around before making his way across the room. Moss tried to look for something that he could use to maybe help out, but he couldn't find anything at the moment right then. He looked over at the door that led to the music room, figuring that it was in there where the incident had occurred and started to wonder what else he would end up getting into tonight as well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Madam Mauve
Location: Shadowell Manor - Billiards Room
Skills: Wisdom
Hit Points: 3

Mauve caught the downward descent of Cobalt's eyes, and she followed its trajectory as his words washed over her. She finally took note of the object of his attention, the blood staining her sleeve. Master Plum's blood. "A fool tried to stab me, but his first mistake was thinking I was easy prey. His second mistake was having such godawful aim," she explained as her dark blue eyes flicked back up.

Her head tilted ever so slightly to the side. "The poor thing stabbed his foot instead," she added. Her voice sounded a bit more distant this time. She searched his gaze once more, trying to decipher his true emotions beyond that façade of his, and she seemed a bit more satisfied with what she saw. A glint came to her eyes, before her gaze flitted past Cobalt to the doorway. She rolled her eyes as Master Tack's voice carried down the corridor. He was requesting the help of a doctor, was he now? "I'll be damned if I help the man," she commented, her attention returning to Cobalt.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Billiards Room
Skills: Wisdom, Charisma
Hit Points: 6

Mauve seemed to follow Cobalt's gaze, and realise what he was referring to. The answer she gave was a sign of some trust between the two at least, although it wasn't far from what Cobalt had been expecting. She hadn't killed anyone at least, and from what she was saying, it had only been in self-defence. Cobalt met her gaze as he pondered her proposal. She could clearly handle herself, judging by her story, and if guests were going to be running around attempting to stab one another, then it certainly made sense to have some semblance of an ally. As a call for help echoed through the door, and Mauve made it clear she was in no mood for helping the wounded man she had left in her wake, Cobalt made his decision. An easy smile crossed his face, his eyes not leaving Mauve's as he spoke.

"I'm shocked that anyone could find it in themselves to try and hurt you, Madam, but I'm glad that his aim left so much to be desired. I would certainly enjoy a companion for the evening, and there are none I would choose over you. The only tragedy is that your beauty is hidden behind that mask, but perhaps we can remedy that in time."

As he finished, a bell rang through the house again, but Cobalt's eyes didn't leave Mauve, watching for any reaction from the woman standing before him.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gun Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4
Walnut's hands fidgeted slightly. There had not been nearly enough excitement after the entire chair debacle. As much as she wished to question this man and uncover secrets or at least brewing tension against the Shadowell Family (she could only hope), she was growing weary of merely exploring rooms. Titian was a pleasant distraction, but she was not one to be entirely won over by a display of physical prowess. It was a shame that the hunt had been cut short as well. Yet as someone called out for a doctor, her ears perked up slightly. Was someone about to die? Now that, that was interesting!

"Did your current employers remove your tongue?" Walnut asked. It was a decent place to start and would help her gauge the character and resolve of the Shadowell Family. If it had been them, then it lined up nicely with the assumptions she had made about the family thus far and would give her license and leave to... Well, to entertain herself more freely. Her eyes darted over towards Titian. She assumed that he had to have been blackmailed as well into this affair, but for what crime? She hoped it was something violent and dark. If he had merely stiffed someone and wished to hide it, well, then that would be a disappointment.

"And my second question," Walnut said, having waited for the tongue-less man to either respond or fail to respond to the first before speaking again, "is if we might borrow one of these weapons?" She then looked at Titian once more. "We need to be well armed for a proper hunt."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Courtyard -> Gaming Room
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 4

The Chanteuse made a point that he has already given silent consideration, himself. Were they indeed under some manner of unseen scrutiny? Would their actions be catalogued for later blackmail, if in fact this group of less-than-sterling individuals found themselves getting into trouble? It was enough to invoke an indifferent shrug, and nothing more. The indiscretions of the others were of no concern to Swamp unless they chose to inclide him.

Parting company with Amaranthine was not a pleasant notion, either. He had to admire the woman; she was clearly uncomfortable with the whole setting, perhaps visibly more than anyone else. Yet a spark of determination could be glimpsed in her face and in her voice. There was nothing to be done but what had to be done, and in her case it was perform with those offputting musicians. "Very well. I shall locate you after my duties are concluded." The Doctor gave Amaramthine a curt bow, and after her departure walked in the other direction to re-emerge in the Gaming Room.

For whomever it was calling after him, Swamp allowed his presence to be known with a terse call of, "Doctor, here!" He may as well get this over with, even if there was not much he could do without his trade's supplies on hand.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule -> Breakfast Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

She listened to Jasper speak to Creme, figuring that the woman could probably handle herself, well, more of handle the job of potentially getting bandages for the man who had gotten injured. That was a simple job really, so hopefully she didn't mess it up too badly. The other man, the one who had offered to help, he went on ahead, but they had never told him where it was that they were actually going. Though it shouldn't be too difficult, the room they were heading for was just on the other side of the room he had entered, so even though they hadn't told him, he could probably find his way.

Still, she decided to follow after him anyway, perhaps he would walk right by the one in need of assistance, it wasn't very likely, but still, it was possible. "If I might be of some assistance, I do not believe that we had told you where to go, or where assistance was potentially required. Well, it is rather simple really, doubt you'd have missed him, it is simply in the next room over," she said, giving him a smile as she walked over.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

𝕋hat ℍappened

Oliver looked over towards the woman speaking and nodded. "Right through there ma'am," he said in a bright voice as he motioned to the doors behind him that lay between the stairs. Meanwhile Rave would remain where she was until she was responded to by Plum over in the Music Room. (I will respond for Rave as called for and needed until Riv returns.) Above the rest of them, Margarete nodded towards the woman she was leading up the stairs.

"Of course, this way, it won't be much more," she said as he hand gripped the rail and she continued her way up the stairs until they reached another floor. (Map will be sent via pm shortly.) The woman in the room with Mauve and Cobalt continued to tend to the fire and cleaning up loose ash that had fallen onto the bricks that lined the opening to the fireplace.

The man in the Gun room with Titian and Walnut looked at the Professor and shook his head, giving a no for the answer to her first question. At her second, if the man could have laughed he might have but instead he just lifted a brow and gave a second shake of his head, signalling a no to the second question at hand. His stance seemed to firm up as he did and he continued to watch both of them quite intensely.

Tact came around the corner to the gaming room and spotted Dr. Swamp. There was a brief explanation of an incident involving an attempt on the birds life and the subsequent accidental self stabbing, as well as a few details of how he was not sure how bad the stabbing was but apparently not enough to actually check before people were sent off running to find help. He told that he last knew the man was in the Music room.

Jasper came back in, rubbing his face a bit as he shut the door and headed to the back of the Grand Vestibule where he summoned Oliver over. The boy left his place and rushed over to the man. The old man whispered against his ear and the boys brows sharply the more and more the man spoke quietly to him, nodding every so often.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Master Plum
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room (Couch Left)
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 5

Hold a little while longer? Not as if he had any choice but to hold. Indeed his hands held on, a slow seepage of blood. Had Mauve not added injury to insult up on injury, perhaps by now the clotting factors would have stopped the blood in the frantic seconds ticking each round. It was as if time slowed for Plum, and for the rest of the guests the essence accelerated. Rave's return was greeted with a half smile, expectant in aid only to be dashed away as they too dashed away. Where were the other with that doctor? Where has he gone off to now? Is there not a Doctor in the House? Aghast Plum's mind distracted itself with such musings in the precious seconds passing. To which the nearly missed podophilic request was met with a quizzical raise of a brow. Take off his shoe? How quaint of you, Sir or Madam, suggesting for someone to undress.

"Of course do bring such linens and things,
And I shall see about removing my shoe,
Return with your findings for foot bindings,
And I suppose they should suffice to make do!"

Not bad for a man bleeding, on the spot his tongue still twisted and turned his sing-song joviality. Perhaps his tone was mismatched for the situation he was in, but then again a jester laughed all the way to the grave. Now to remove his shoe to see the ugly truth of how deep the wound truly was. With a wince and grunt, the shone undone, the long fingers shrewdly pulling and pushing the damned thing off. Plum's efforts managed to remove the footwear without causing further injury, though the trickiness of keeping the pressure immediately on his foot there. Now a larger foot revealed, untrimmed and bare, sporting a bit of dorsal hairs. Not quite so hobbit feet, a goblin foot perhaps, yet in times like these who had the keep insight to maintain one's toenails pedicured? Surely anyone could pardon such a mess.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Central Hall -> Starry Salon
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Amaranthine nodded towards the boy and there was a slight smile on her lips as she walked over towards him. She wasn't much taller than the young lad. "Thank you kindly," she said in a gentle voice. At least she was on the right track. Looking around she glanced up and noted that there was no ceiling right there, at least not directly above her head now. It just kept going up, for several floors. She cringed outwardly before she heard something and turned to inspect what it was. It was Jasper apparently, standing in the doorway at the other end of the house. He seemed to be still in the Grand Vestibule and the young boy was rushing over to him.

Not wanting to appear to be eves dropping she turned and continued on her way. Walking into the Starry Salon and looking around. It was rather beautiful to her and she voiced it. "Stunning," she said to herself as she admired the chandelier above her and then the night sky painted on the ceiling. This was a nice change from the other rooms she had seen. Sure the room in part was still of dark woods and colors but half way up it brightened. Her attention was taken away from the room itself when she smelled saltwater and looked around more only to spot that she was not alone in the room and took a visible step back when she spotted the servant standing quietly on the other side of the room.

"Good evening," she said in a surprised voice.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 28 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gun Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Titian spun around and looked over towards Professor Walnut and let out a guffaw. "Oh that is a hell of a set of questions," he said in a happy voice. The woman had some balls on her that was for sure. She seemed to say and do exactly what she wanted when she wanted and too hell with whatever the consequences might have been. Granted, he kind of figured that out when they were still by the gate. The woman had skills that was for sure and the fact he had tagged along with her thus far seemed to have been a great decision in his mind. He was having a hell of a time just watching and waiting to see what she said or did next.

Looking over to the man he waited to see how he would answer. "Well shit, would like to know the story behind that," he said after finding out that the people of the manor hadn't been the one that cut the mans tongue out. Then again, the man could be lying. Though if he was lying about that Titian was pretty sure that he wasn't lying about the next answer. He hadn't expected them to be allowed to just take a weapon from the room. Too bad the lord of the manor hadn't cut the mans tongue out, he might have let them take a weapon or two then.

"Wonder why the hell they need a doctor," he said outloud before looking over towards Walnut and grinning. "Want to go find out?" he asked before eying the door. Seemed they weren't getting any weapons from this room, at least not right now. They couldn't guard the room all night now could they?
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Third Story Balcony -> Balcony
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush kept up the pace, assuming this woman was leading her to a just reward for all the effort she was putting into it. She had half a mind to go back down and give Jasper a piece of her mind. She was missing out on so much downstairs. Was going up here to an area the others would have no access to a strength or a weakness? After all, she was now susceptible and no one would hear her.

That being said, it would be foolish to think of her as defenseless. She may look one way, but roses often held thorns, did they not? "I hope so. I am fine with homes displaying their wealth and all, but this is a tad on the extravagant side. I've lost count the number of steps I've climbed."

"Do you mind if I ask you something, love? What is it like working here? I've seen a few workers milling about, but they are all straight-faced. Can't read them much."
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