March 24th, 1823

Two Carriages Passing: The Lady Kirkpatrick looked at William and rolled her eyes. "Of course you cannot speak for the lady. No one said you should. Such presumption, the woman is capable of answering for herself, that unless you hold her tongue. You spoke more of her than yourself and gave me no answer truly. Crossed paths and joined in? Will I have to have teeth pulled to get a straight answer?" she snipped towards the man before looking over at Maeve and nodding sharply.
"Yes, out with it lass, we haven't much time before we are bombarded by buffoons."
Millicent slowly looked up and then around, her eyes peering out of the carriage for a moment before looking back at them. "That is my business but as payment for the momentary moment of separation from the heathen above I will say I am only ensuring that my path, however dark, is not my siblings. Sometimes you have to sell your soul to free your families." Her voice was even as she spoke before she went silent again and looked back out of the window. The Lady Kirkpatrick rose a brow and smirked slightly.
"That sounds like a worthy sale."
Two Ships Passing: Silvio nodded and started to prepare some plates. Only two, since he was not himself hungry at the time and had eaten soon before this coming together had occurred. "So, please, if ye dun't mind. Tell me, what brings you out to dark waters? Must be quite the tale and I could sorely use one after so many months on sea. What brings two land lubers such as yerself to be traveling so swiftly away from where you came?" he asked as he continued to get the food together. It was nothing much, cheeses and sliced meats with some hard bread, served with a wine. Placing the plates in front of them he sat down and leaned against the back of his chair.
Regalia listened to what all that Vlad had to say and nodded as he spoke. That was until he reached the end and she shook her head slowly. Then she finally responded to what all he had to say. "Нет реальных вопросов. Мы предложим нашего помощника, но только на воде. Наш вид не преуспевает на суше. Жизнь была дана, чтобы быть на море, новая жизнь действительно приносит нам неприятности, если мы слишком далеко уходим от глубоких вод. Есть и другие. Те, которые совет не счел целесообразным представлять. У них есть свои причины, чтобы оставить каждого из вас. Нам, с другой стороны, это более личное. То, что я собираюсь вам сказать, вы можете не чувствовать себя хорошо, но если мы собираемся работать вместе, даже мимоходом, это вы должны знать. Мы не то, что мы появляемся. Теперь, если вы хотите, чтобы я подробно рассказал об этом, я могу, но если нет, вы можете поговорить со своим немецким другом, он знает нашу историю." She waited to see just how he would proceed from there.
Carlisle: "Oh, oh, interesting question indeed," he said as he looked over to her. Then he looked up towards the sky as if he was in thought as he kept walking. "Hrm, yes, oak. Hard, ling lasting, beautiful, many colors and shades. One for each day of the week. Oh yes, very nice. From the dark forest of home. It would far out last me, ahh yes, fine idea. Fine idea. Two hundred years from now, one could go 'that was the leg of the legendary Wagner.' Oh yes, fine idea. Make it oak," he said and a rough smile came to his lips before he looked back at the girl.
"Oh ho! Ahh yes, circus, well organized, tight knit. Like silk weaving, not like wool. Too many loop holes, none with them, fine, yes fine. Good choice, good choice," he added as he kept walking. "Oh Virginia, Virginia. The virgin, the maiden. The stars were made for you, in memory, by dear sweet Parthenos while she resided in Bubatus. IN the heavens you lie and wait, last of the greats to leave us mortals to fend for ourselves. Oh dear sweet Virginia, how they twist your tale to make their own. Take the road you wish to travel or all roads lead to Rome," he mused to himself even if he was vocal about it.
"Dear sweet Virginia, Nymandus VonLitchel Wolfgang Wagner. You may call me Ny," he chuckled.