Caesar & Keystone
Location: Chicago (Outside of Grimaldi Books)
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A
"Business. Working a case personally." responded Caesar in his usual gravelly tone.
"The woman who owns the bookstore is some kind of researcher." Both statements were factually correct, though spoken without the context that would bring them away from the objectivity that he was implying. Never a fan of coincidence, Caesar was a touch suspicious of the presence of these two women, doubly so if Keystone was correct and the lady who had stared at him just earlier was involved with the incident at his Justice site.
"I don't want to hold you two up from a funeral. We can do this some other time." He had his own business to handle right then, anyway. Coincidence or not, the safety of is family (what remained of them) was more important than catching up or chasing a lead right away.
"I'm not sticking around Chicago for very long today, but maybe we can figure something else after. With your permission, who died? Anyone else from our neighborhood?" It was probably a little insensitive to say, but with the rampant deaths taking place in or near Boston Heights it was within the realm of believable possibility. Like a very localized curse that made one wonder why the whole block hadn't moved away years ago.
Meanwhile, Keystone was busying himself doing exactly as his boss instructed him to do. He took down the specifics of the truck that the southern belle had exited, including tag number and any identifying features. It was likely a dead end as a rental, though a basic description of the vehicle could be useful in determining a tie-in if it was involved with anything reported later. And a good habit to keep in the industry. As he was finishing this up, he heard Claire call for Caesar. The big man tilted his head in the direction of the bookstore just next to him and took in the sight that his Chicago associate pointed out.
"Yeah um, Boss?" he repeated, backing up Claire's vie for attention.
Caesar looked up from his conversation with Mali. He also saw what was going on inside of the building, but made no move toward it. He was given the solid command to leave the premises by the owner, and unless there was an emergency that brought the Chi-Town equivalent of the Good Samaritan Law into play, he was going to sit this one out. The last thing he needed was to be picked up by local cops over something stupid and avoidable when the situation could, at any moment, become life and death. Getting stuck in "The System", such as it was, led to many a premature demise, be it police custody, hospitals, jail, etc. Even his company site was the scene of a few grisly murders all behind the supposed protection of his people. It's not like it was his doing, either, though it was one hell of a fiasco that caused MSS to tighten down
Something clicked in the older Mexican's features, like a realization coming to the surface. Wentworth. The old man's son was murdered, like his daughter. The company held the account at Queensguard,
like his did now. Wentworth took a beating for it in the news, just like his people did. Maybe the two incidents on site weren't related, or
were in some way that he hadn't considered yet. Caesar looked to Mali and pointed inside of Grimaldi Books, indicating that she take a look.
"Your friend might need you." "We good, Boss?" This from Keystone in his roguish Cockney accent. He wasn't about to go back in either, not without an okay from his employer or the business owner.
"Si. Good." Short and sweet from Caesar. Maybe it was time that he began playing a different angle with this investigation.