Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Lunar Ballroom.
Skills: N/a
Hit Points: 6

Rave stared at the darkness for a while more. There was just something primal inside that kept her both fascinated with it and scared. It was probably the natural fear of the unknown that might be lurking just outside her perception. She sighed and reached into her coat pocket and petting the ferret she had in it. It was a big pocket. She felt the little guy and her heart calmed somewhat, she was not alone, after all. Her ferret buddy had her back as it showed it's head out of her pocket to look about.

Suddenly she heard Moss's question and she frowned. After a moment she shook her head and turned her back to the darkness outside." Nothing... it's too dark outside to spot anything." Rave replied and looked at the man. Now in the Ballroom there were more people. The Penance woman had joined them also. She wasn't quite willing to trust that woman. Then again could she really trust anyone in this crazy Manor? Every last one of them could be a danger as they had already proven. Two had tried yo stab each other, now there was a scream and a gunshot earlier. Who knew what else might happen within these walls.

She close her eyes for a moment to steel herself and remind that she had a reason to be here and couldn't quite leave anytime soon anyway, so might as well try to do what she came for. Then she turned her attention back to moss." When do you think this will start? We've been in the manor for a while now." She asked, throwing looks at Creme and the others by the piano, wondering what they were talking about too. So far this seemed like the safest place, mostly cause you could see anything cause of the room's size and openness. Then again if this place was packed with people?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 10 days ago

Miss Creme
Location: Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

She nodded, noting that his name, in all probability, was not actually Maestro. That was interesting, so perhaps all guests were given some kind of nickname. If that was the case, she had to wonder about what was special about this group of early arrivals. She smiled back at the man though, "Oh, I didn't realize you knew her, she seems nice." While the woman had left shortly after speaking with Creme, it wasn't in her nature to harbor any kind of ill thoughts of a person for long. Though, with the way the night was going, she considered that that might be challenged.

She thought for a moment about how to articulate a response to the mans question, "Well, it's some kind of Gala isn't it?" Surely, she didn't know much of what tonight actually had in store, but that was the best she could assume. Guests and food and entertainers, all those things sounded like that kind of event to her. She hoped the man would correct her if she was wrong, he seemed to be a nice enough person, so she assumed he would. She was about to ask about what kind of performances they did, but she opted to hold her tongue, hoping to illicit some kind of response about her presumption.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 2

The shriek was noted and summarily ignored. Were the Doctor less concerned with the uncomfortable hunk of metal embedded in his torso, he might have plugged an ear, winced, and continued with his evening. But he was concerned. And shot. And only found the continuing exchange irritating. "Don't try to sound so surprised. He has been 'playing dead' since the beginning of this social abortion, I suspect by design just prior to you shooting me." Swamp looked distastefully to Plum, "Your puppet has been sitting on the fence this whole time, fully awake, playing for an advantage. Regardless, he still requires medical attention." Probably as much now as Swamp did, himself.

Gathering this little foray into what the houseman, Jasper, had very justly referred to as "fuckery", Swamp would just as soon remove himself from the event altogether. Why he decided to attend in the first place was fast becoming a mystery to him. But so long as he was stuck in this quagmire, he may as well try to see it through. Speaking to Jasper's very tall associate, "Please, I am anxious to be done with this. If I might be candid? I have a leg that requires support, and I have very recently been shot." He gestured to the blood darkening his clothing. I will cooperate with your search (and fully), though I would ask latitude with my limitations." It could be argued that, were he to have a weapon, the Doctor might have used it by now. Nonetheless, he appeared to be very willing to submit to a search.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Unknown
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

The passage that Cobalt found himself in was disorientating, despite the regular torches along the walls. The girl seemed to vanish suddenly, and Cobalt started forwards, eyes straining for another hidden doorway, before realizing she had simply turned a corner. She turned another, and then seemed to rise up into the air! Cobalt almost tripped over the bottom of the stairs that the girl had started to ascend. Cobalt tried to shake his head clear. Maybe it was the sense of the unknown, or maybe it was something more sinister, but Cobalt still didn't feel quite like himself.

On the bright side, with every step he took, he could sense the air becoming clearer. They seemed to be moving away from the choking smell of earth that had filled the strange chapel, and going upwards could only be a good thing. Cobalt stopped himself. Should only be a good thing. From what he'd already seen in this house, assuming he was even still in the house at all, he knew that nothing should be assumed, and that nothing was what it seemed. Cobalt almost stumbled again, and he snapped out of his wandering daydreams. Lowering his eyes, Cobalt focused on his feet. One step at a time. That, at least, he could trust.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Sword Room -> Grand Corridor -> Green Drawing Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush was a bit disappointed that her last search yielded no fruit. Granted, she had discovered some useful things and information and started piecing together things in her head. She decided she had enough of upstairs for now. The others would surely miss her and she didn't want to keep them in suspense a moment longer. She exited the room, giving it one last brief glance in case she missed something. Satisfied she didn't, she entered the corridor.

She didn't know the layout easily, so she backtracked. She made her way back to the Green Drawing Room and entered that, the goal to go through it and back to the stairwell. At least going down would be easier than going up. Surely a man with means to obtain a house like this would have something in his home to easily transport people from one level to the next. Unless it was meant to deter people from going up, in which case she could see that working.

But she was determined and eager. After all, she had managed to find some secrets already.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Hearing Moss' words, she thought for a moment. Maybe she had been a bit too hasty when she had decided to walk away, Moss certainly had been a bit of an interesting person, and definitely more entertaining than everything around her. Aside of course from the loud shooting and screams coming from the other rooms. She was a bit curious still about the scream, but Penance still didn't think that it was worth the time to go investigate. Surely someone would come by and let them know if it was something of major importance.

"Apologies Moss for what seemed like a somewhat hasty exit of sorts, I was wondering if anyone else in the room was doing something interesting, but that certainly does not seem the case... As for when this will start, I have no idea Rave, but as we were a few uninvited guests, it does not surprise me at all that it might take a little while... Especially given the commotion that occurred not too far from here," she said, giving a smile to Rave and Moss.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Captain Moss
Location: Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss looked towards Rave and gave a slight shrug, he wasn't sure when everything was actually going to be starting, he just wanted to get all of this over with and get on with his life. "I'm not really sure to be honest." Captain Moss said as he looked towards those within the room once more, wondering who the others were still without their masks and what they actually looked like. "Hopefully none of this will be anything extremely exciting." Captain Moss said, as he looked back outside of the window for a little bit wondering what would happen if he just got up and left if the snow cleared up.

"Do you think anyone else died?" Captain Moss had to ask, after seeing the rocket chair earlier he certainly didn't want to see another body turning up at all either. Still the gunshot going off, and the scream from earlier was a bit unnerving for him to actually hear as well, then looked over towards the piano. "Also should we talk to the people over by the piano?" Captain Moss asked, both Rave and Penance as well.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Grand Vestibule -> Music Room (Doorway)
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

Perhaps it would have been well to listen to the large man who had told her it was best not to get mixed up in everything that was going on but she was compelled to keep pushing forward. There were plenty of reasons not to, both personal and other, yet her little legs kept carrying her through the Grand Vestibule. While her stride was nothing compared to that of Quinton's or even that of the average heighted person she was managing well, very well indeed did she manage as she entered the Breakfast Room and saw the mess of the table that had once been so pristinely arranged when they had arrived. Dishes and food were smashed and turned over. Drips of tea and wine fell to the floor below and her rush to keep up increased as she spotted the broken door.

Quickly she had moved around the front of the table to the doorway to the Music Room. (Successful Dex Check to move 2 rooms.) Yet she did not go any further and despite the fact she had moved quickly she hadn't moved at a speed fast enough to over hear what was going on as of yet. She couldn't see Dr. Swamp, for he was against the wall. Nor Plum, as he was next to Swamp. She did however see another large man on the other side of the room, a woman who was similar in height and weight to her but that was where the resemblance ended. This woman, Walnut, was more her mirror. Porcelain skin to her warmed ivory. Platinum hair to her deep cinnamon. Stopping behind Jasper she spotted the bits on the floor and bit her bottom lip. Maybe she hadn't heard a child scream. Maybe it was this woman? It was the only thing that made sense right then. "Oh my, what happened?" she asked, her voice could be heard in the room.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Professor Walnut
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 3
Walnut could tell that they weren't messing around. While Dr. Swamp seemed determined to keep up a certain willful pettiness, as if he had not attempted murder, Walnut was attempting to remember the situation at hand. She had just seen something positively horrifying, only to now find out the man she had attempted to defend did not dare return the same courtesy to her. She should have allowed him to die. And then, of course, there was the irritating matter of Titian. He had run off and was yet to return. It was too bad that he was stupid and unreliable, as he was rather pretty.

"Yes, he does require medical attention - he's dead," Walnut pointed out to Swamp. "You are, and I say this candidly, perhaps the worst doctor I have ever met," she told him bluntly. Perhaps she herself was being a bit petty, but she didn't care for the tone he was taking with her. She knew better than to mess with the servants, especially since they were now all under suspicion of some violence. However, she just couldn't help herself when it came to berating Swamp. She gave no indication of being unwilling to be searched. She had nothing to hide, after all.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

π•Šome 𝔽uckery

Maestro grinned towards Creme and shrugged. "It is to me but from what I am hearing, that isn't the reason for you folk," he said with a bit of a chuckle. Turning his head he glanced over his shoulder towards the door of the Ballroom as Lord Bardolf entered the room and looked around. He took a mental count of those that were there in masks. He didn't look exactly pleased. Whether that was because of their presence or the fact not everyone was there, that was up for debate. Yet it turned out to be for another reason, one they would soon be informed about as he entered the room more fully and cleared his throat. "Apparently what plans I had for this evening have been cast to the way side. You all will have to remain here for the unseen future. The bridge that connects my home beyond the walls has been blown. No one is leaving," he said frankly as he stood there looking terribly vexed.

Jasper glared at the offending parties and held up his hand as Quinton whispered in his ear. The mans brow rose and he looked towards Quinton. "So he was the one responsible for the malfunctioning seat? I see..." he said before turning his attention back towards those in the room. "Seems this isn't his first attempt on someone's life," he said turning and looking towards Swamp before his eyes went over to the body of Plum. Stepping over to Plums body, he began to search the corpse. Finding on it an ocarina and an amulet. "Bohemian... Figures..." he muttered under his breath. "Heathen lot." Reaching over he pulled the mans mask off and stared at the face. "Well one less in this world and we are no worse for it."

Standing back up he dropped the mans mask on his body and dusted his hands off. "Search them," he told Quinton and Jonas and they did. Jonas going over to Walnut and Quinton to Swamp, who picked up the man easily. Nothing of extreme interest seemed to come from it. "Fine, take them to bind their wounds. We have more important matters at hand. I will not waste anymore of my time worrying about an internal conflict. And send someone to dispose of that body, preferably in the pit." Jasper sighed as he looked towards Amaranthine. "You there, help get these two cleaned up since you decided to poke your nose into things," he added before brushing passed her.

Turning he glanced back over his shoulder and scoffed. "You two will just have to deal with each other. The bridge has been blown, you will remain here until either you are dead or until it can be repaired," he said before continuing on his way. "It matters not to me which it is."

(Cobalt and Blush will get pm's shortly. Character's Unmasked has been updated.)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

Mr. Titian
Location: Shadowell Manor: Starry Salon -> Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

The large man seemed to be in a world of his own as he munched on the grapes he had taken from the Breakfast room. Looking back around the Starry Salon while the Lord of the Manor walked ahead of him and entered the Ballroom. He would have been happy to just sit down on one of the couches in the Starry Salon and get comfortable, perhaps even take a nap but the look on the man's face did make him a bit curious. Granted that might not be a good thing all things considered but he figured what the hell and finished off his last grape. Only having the stem remaining in his hand. Setting it down on the arm of a couch he wiped his hands on his pants legs and followed the man into the ballroom. Glancing around over the mans shoulder to see that there were far more people in there than had been when he and Walnut had been in there earlier.

Sure, he had dodged a bullet with her, that was still making him chuckle to himself a bit but perhaps the information he had dropped had helped. Maybe it hadn't. He didn't know. He figured he would find out sooner or later, or perhaps not at all. That thought didn't stay in his mind for long as the Lord of this shit show started to speak. The more that man spoke the more this shit show was turning into an absolute fuctangular engagement. They had to stay here? Because a bridge was blown? Even the apparently dimwitted Titian was not buying that. "What, this whole place surrounded by a fucking moat?" he said frankly to the mans back.

The man spun around and eyed Titian. "If you wish to brave the snow, the cold, and my forest, feel free," he said with a bit of a snicker before turning back around.

"Well fuck...." Titian muttered under his breath.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Justice Cobalt
Location: Shadowell Manor: Gun Room
Skills: Charisma
Hit Points: 6

After what felt like moments, but could just as easily have been hours, the girl reached the top of the stairs. Without hesitating, the girl pushed open a door, and stepped through it, more light flooding into the staircase. Taking a deep breath, and preparing himself for what would inevitably be another twist, Cobalt followed after her, stepping out into a room. He glanced around, not sure what to expect, and he was almost disappointing to see that the room seemed fairly ordinary. There was a window though, and although the weather outside had clearly not improved, Cobalt was relieved to see that he was no longer underground.

He watched in silence as the girl closed the door, and Cobalt made sure he made a mental note of the hidden door. He didn't relish the idea of descending to that strange chapel again, but considering what had already occurred since he had arrived at the manor's gates, he didn't know what shred of knowledge might potentially save his life. The girl seemed even more nervous now that she was above ground, almost ushering Cobalt out of the room. He moved to the doorway, as instructed, but with one hand on the door handle, he hesitated, and turned back to her.

"I am in your debt, m'lady. Might I know the name of my guide?"

"My name is Analia."

Cobalt smiled, bowing his head slightly.

"Thank you, Analia. I hope we can meet again in less unusual circumstances."

With that, Cobalt turned, and pulled open the door, taking Analia's advice to hurry.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Lunar Ballroom.
Skills: Wisdom
Hit Points: 6

There was a lot of weird stuff going on, and this surely wasn't her forte. She looked at Moss and at Penance and back at Moss. He was hoping nothing exciting happens." Well... too late for that hope, I think." Rave said with a slight concern in her voice as she noted what her unexpected companions were saying." Excitement happened the moment we arrived... I feel sorry for that poor woman." She mumbled, recalling the scene of a chair skyrocketing and then a falling body. She closhed her eyes and gulped at hte memory." I just hope no one else dies, but it seems like people are itching to get into danger here... I still cannot understand why they were trying to stab each other back then and now this gunshot." She added.

She was just about to respond to Penance's and Moss's statements when the Lord of the Manor arrived. He wasn't a happy person right now by the looks of it and she hoped they wouldn't be the stress relief. Then her started speaking. Rave sat the big fella arriving too just after the Lord. At first she was nodding silently as she made notes of what the Lord said and then she froze as the words sank in. 'Wait, what?' Her mind was shocked at the revelation that they were stuck here now. What the hell was going on here?

"Ehhh... hmmm?" Her mind blanked for a little there as she was trying to think up a reason why a Bridge would be blown so they cannot leave. Or rather even where the blown bridge would be or rather was there even such a bridge? Racking her head hard, she it suddenly came to her as she took on a rather surprised expression. There was that stone bridge in the forest. It looked old so it did catch her attention for a few moments back then. Was that what the Lord was referring to?

She turned to the Lord and after a quick bow she started speaking." Please excuse my interruption, Lord Bardolf, but even if the weather holds better tomorrow, are there any estimations on how long would such a repair take?" She asked.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 10 days ago

Miss Creme
Location: Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 3

Creme tilted her head, smiling back at Maestro, "Well, if you would be so kind, would you mind telling me why I'm here?" She asked sweetly. He seemed to know what the reasoning behind her appearance here tonight was, which was odd. She felt like that might have some kind of implication about whatever her role was to be, but she didn't have any idea what that might be. They were, apparently, special in some way, which was new for her. She never really felt like she mattered before, and this was as close to that as she'd gotten in a while. It was exciting, she considered, for her presence to have some more weight than normal.

She turned her head as the lord of the manor entered the ballroom, and made his announcement. The bridge had been blown? That was concerning for sure. She didn't recall the weather being quite so horrible as to cause that, which made her think that something nefarious may be afoot. A look of worry crossed her face, hoping that the fortifications of the manor would stay them from any dangers that might wish them harm. Rocking back and forth in her chair a touch, she turned back to Maestro, the brief flash of excitement cleanly wiped from her psyche in light of this news.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Dr. Swamp
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: Intelligence
Hit Points: 2

The sound of the Chanteuse's voice in the room caused Swamp's head to perk up. She was supposed to be performing as accompaniment with the four creepy musicians somewhere across the building. Her being here was unexpected. The Doctor narrowed his eyes, contemplating what it could mean. It was perhaps a dangerous position for her to be in. Then again, a half second of consideration cemented the undeniable truth that being anywhere near this manor was indeed a dangerous position to be in. Still, another had demanded response from him first. He would hate to disappoint. "Perhaps, Professor." he conceded, stepping gingerly away from the wall upon which he had been leaning, readying himself to submit to a search from the much larger man in the room. "But you haven't met me yet." The capacity for smiling sarcasm was much reduced thanks to the seeping injury upon is side; reduced but not altogether gone.

Nevertheless, Walnut was correct, as was revealed for all to see (as well as his face) with the removal of his mask. He was a very dead man. Was that how they were all to be identified? In death-by-intentional-misadventure? It seemed such a waste, at face value and for other, more edifying reasons to the good Doctor. "This was all quite unnecessary." he spoke with audible lament, wincing from his injury all the while.

After being manhandled by the much larger Quinton and given a clear verdict, he addressed Amaranthine more directly. "The Professor is a dangerous woman, Chanteuse. Some of her ammunition decorates my ribcage as I stand. You should stay clear of that one." He kept his voice cool and nodded knowingly in the direction of Walnut. A sudden sense of clarity sparkled in his eyes, as if puzzle pieces formed of icy fact suddenly clicked together in the recesses of his mind for form a more cohesive image of possibility. "I would be wary where you are seated in her presence, as well." There was no accusatory look on what little showed of his face. If anything, his voice actually sounded a little impressed. "Perhaps we should go, Amaranthine."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Debutante Blush
Location: Green Drawing Room -> Second Floor Stair Landing
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Blush made as much haste as she could muster. She came on to the stairs and was thankful she did not need to hike up them again, at least for a while and she hoped she would have more food and beverage in her as well as some rest. She descended quickly, coming upon the landing. Before she could go further down, she heard voices. Blush glanced towards the open doorway to see who was speaking.

A woman about the same age as the Lord was talking. Blush deduced she was probably the lady of the house. Blush really couldn't help herself, especially given the conversation. Did they appear to be waiting for someone? And it was a lady. But who? Was it one of the guests that came with her or were more coming to this mansion.

Blush sidled up to the side of the door, eager to hear more. She could feign ignorance with the best of them if caught. After all, she was invited to be up here.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sister Penance
Location: Shadowell Manor: Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

"That is quite true Rave, everything that has happened tonight has been a bit... Interesting to say the least, but perhaps things will calm down somewhat from now on. One can only hope," she said with a smile. It was true, that one could only hope that nothing more interesting or concerning could happen this evening, but it felt to her that the odds of that are slim. Guns normally weren't fired within a building without a need or reason, so what had happened before was still in the back of her mind.

Penance turned when Lord Bardolf spoke and addressed them. So, it would appear that they were trapped within the manor for the time being. It would give her some time to get to know the other guests perhaps, though whether that was a good thing or not she could not yet say. "Conversing with those by the piano might be beneficial, since it would seem that we are going to be stuck with each other for a while," she said to Moss, turning back to look at him.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Captain Moss
Location: Lunar Ballroom
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 6

Captain Moss nodded a little bit towards Rave a little bit, he did feel bad for whoever that woman was who was launched up from the chair letting out a slight sigh. "Yeah, we probably wont have anything boring while we are here." He said calmly as he turned his attention towards the door. And noticed that it was the Lord of the Manor, Lord Bardolf from earlier, and then his heart sank when he gave the news that the bridge to the manor was now apparently destroyed somehow which was a really bad thing now as well. "Looks like we are trapped here then.." Moss said more to himself than the others.

He looked over towards Sister Penance and nodded a bit towards her. "Sounds like a good idea to me." it was probably a good idea to try and get to know the others, then he noticed Titian again as he entered the room. He started to wonder if he knew what had happened with the gunshot from earlier, before turning his attention over towards Lord Bardolf. "Any estimated time when the bridge will be fixed?" Captain Moss asked him, if he had any kind of information on that.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

Chanteuse Amaranthine
Location: Shadowell Manor: Music Room
Skills: N/A
Hit Points: 4

Amaranthine watched and slowly stepped into the room and against the wall. A desperate look of worry etched on her face and while her mask kept most of it from being seen it was clearly evident in the way her shoulders trembled and her eyes widened as she heard more and more. "The bridge?..." she had whispered and half whimpered. This was not good. Not with everything else considered. Her look went from worried to shocked when Swamp told her that it had been the professor that had shot him, her eyes widening even more in surprise. "Oh dear..." she said once Jasper was gone. This was not good, not good indeed.

"Yes, of course, let's get you bandaged up," she said to Swamp before looking over towards the men that were in the room. "Is there somewhere we can take them?" she asked as she stepped over to Swamp. Making sure he had his cane and then slipping an arm around his waist as she got on the side of him that wasn't shot. "I'll help him," she said quietly but there was a firm look of determination through the worry in her eyes. She wasn't sure where they should go from this point so the two could be patched up but she did at least figure that staying in a room with a corpse was not the place to be and she desperately wanted to get out of there.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

β„™lans β„‚hange

The man turned his head and looked over towards the woman whom was speaking to him directly first. "If it were spring the repairs themselves would take at least a week but with it being winter and the first snows setting in, I sadly do not have an estimate. It does appear we are stuck with each other for the time being though I doubt that was without design considering the circumstances in which you all arrived in my home," Lord Bardolf said in a dry voice. He did not seem pleased at all over the current situation, though could one blame him? Many were invited to his home without his permission and now the connection bridge to the outside world had been demolished. It was enough to make even the most joyous angered. Turning and looking towards Moss he shook his head. "Indefinitely are the estimates at this point. A winter storm is breaking. We could be held here within the manor itself for days."

That was the way of Rutas Mu, the winder storms were a time to hunker down and try to just stay alive. A single storm could cause those within a single building to be stuck for days at a time, and if the weather didn't permit the snow could stop all travel and work for weeks until Spring was there. This was the beginning of winter, they were barely two weeks in. It could be a long few months. "Though we will do what we can, for I do not wish you here any longer than is absolutely necessary as I can imagine the lot of you are eager to leave," he said pulling out the invitations that Jasper had handed over to him from the unwelcome guests. "Looking at these it seems though we have a common enemy. This Ardad Lili," he said looking down at each of the invitations before looking back at the group. "Any thoughts?" he asked as the Maestro moved from the piano over to the others he had arrived with.

The Joyous corridor was empty and all the doors save the one to the Music Room further down the hallway were closed. In the Gun Room, the woman had vanished back behind the false wall and it closed behind her, leaving Cobalt alone. In the music room, Quinton eyed the small woman helping Dr. Swamp. He took a step back and nodded. "Sewing room," he stated dryly as he pointed up. "I'll take over when you can no longer aide that ones climb," he added before motioning towards the door and heading into the breakfast room. Jonas grunted slightly and pushed on Walnut's shoulder, urging her forward and motioning with his other hand to follow Quinton.

(Blush will receive a pm shortly.)
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