Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 8 days ago

Mamoru just let out a small breath of air as Reina thanked Mamoru for helping her. ”I didn’t do anything to help cept give you some positive words, Reinbow! Literally everyone does that. Your improvement, and your strength, is all on you.” Hearing about how many times Reina had been denied by other schools bothered Mamoru a bit. Not because she understood the struggle; Komei was the only school she applied to and was practically a shoe in. Comparing their quirks, Reina was obviously stronger, but she lacked confidence unlike Mamoru. ”You need to take more credit for yourself Reinbow. Sure the heroic thing to do is be humble and stuff, but don’t try to flatter everyone just because it’s polite! Have some pride as a hero! A hero needs to be confident in themselves so that others can be confident in them.”

Mamoru took a slice from the watermelon and chewed it for a bit, pondering to herself. She flexed her hands, which still felt a bit sore from training, but at least she could move them now. ”Honestly, I have to push myself pass the limit just to keep up with everyone else who aren’t even going all out. If this is what happens to you guys when you’re up against a real villain, what chances do I stand if I can’t going beyond? So you shouldn’t look up to me as someone who could actually give you advice, Reinbow. Instead you should consider me something like a bottom line; if I can beat you somehow, then you’re slacking off!” Mamoru smiled as she said this. It was just a joke to her but one that helped ease the pain. A hero has to always smile after all, no matter how much it hurts.

Smiling confidently Mamoru was certain that Reina could handle herself. Her confidence certainly need improvement and Mamoru would try her best with that. Considering the recent situation however Mamoru wasn’t too sure how to approach it. She didn’t know what happened and wasn’t sure if it was okay for her to ask. But at the same time could she really afford not to know? This wasn’t just another training accident at school. Actual villains attacked. It felt serious enough that Mamoru wanted to ask instead of just ignoring it like she does with most of her problems. However she didn't want to spoil the mood either. Reina seemed happy. Even Mamoru could see that. For now she'll just have to wait and ask at a more appropriate time. ”Anyways I can't wait to see you two back in class! It feels weird having so many students out of class at once. Not to mention with less students around, the teachers call on me more! It's hard trying to remember everything throughout the day.”


With the cheese grated and the dough ready, Donny made the pizza. Or rather, he laid it in the oven. It’d be a while before the pizza was done so they had some time to kill. He took off his hat and his apron and pondered what they should do the pass the time. Donny really didn’t have any ideas so he just figured he’d go shopping. Hopefully Nia would be interested. ”S-S-So uh, want to g-g-g-go shopping with me? S-S-Shouldn’t take long. Just some groceries.” It’ll be quick. Just a train ride down to the local supermarket, pick up some groceries for tomorrow, make some small talk, and by the time they’re back the pizza would be done. What’s the worst that could happen?



Fujino rolled her eyes as the very animesque scene played out with Lysander and Persia. She couldn't help but crack a smile though; this is the first time she’s seen it play out in genuine accident instead of cringey rehearsal. Still she didn’t really want to deal with a crowd so at Lysander’s request she got straight to the point. ”Well, I just wanted to let you know that while you made a request to transfer back to 1A, there’s already a student who’s suppose to transfer into 1A before you. Hector Alexander. From our class even. I’m supposed to bring you to the student council so we can discuss this, but I guess the cat’s out of the bag.” Fujino sighed as she started walking away.

”Originally Hector was suppose to transfer to 1A around the same time you came to 1B, but one thing lead to another and Hector’s transfer was postponed. Now is the best time for the transfer to occur, and of course that is complicated even further because you want to transfer back too. In any case I’m suppose to bring you back to class so we can come up with a compromise, but I can see you have…” She glanced back at the trio with a small smile before continuing on her way. ”Company. The student council is usually in 1B after school if you want to talk about this in more detail. Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow, Mordred-kun. Koizumi-chan. Hayashida-san.”

@Silver Carrot@Experiment 249@pkken
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Riegal
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Reina Mori

Reina couldn't help but blush lightly, bringing her good hand up to gently play with her ear as she listened to the two's words. The implied positive expectations they seemed to have of her was something that'd take some getting used to--it made her nervous, but in an excited kind of way for now. Reina wanted to prove them right--and herself wrong--and the Komei-lympics was certainly the best place in sight to do that.

"It's not flattery, Mamoru-chan. I'm really thankful for you. I know I've been hard to talk to and deal with--I've been told as much by everyone I know the past few years. You and Take-kun, and the rest of the class though... you've been pushing past that, and I can tell it's already been helping me a lot. I guess I shouldn't have ever been surprised, though; there's a reason you're all attending Komei. For a school like that, being an amazing person is as much a requirement as being talented is." Reina smiled again for the two, glad she had expressed her gratitude for them in at least some capacity. "And I'm still going to look up to you, Mamoru-chan. I... might have a powerful quirk, but I really don't... don't think that's everything. That might sound kind of biased, coming from me, I guess--but like I said, I couldn't get into any hero school at all until a string of lucky incidents and a connection to Komei got me here."

Reina's smile had faded as she spoke. Though her expression was still soft, just beneath were hints of the insane determination housed inside her that had surfaced slightly a few times since the school year had started already.

"I want to deserve this quirk. I want to wholly own it, and I want to use it and push it to its absolute limit." The girl's hand moved to gently hold one of her orbs that had floated in front of her chest. "I want to see just how far I can take it."

She flicked her wrist to send the orb on its way, the extra momentum quickly making it complete a full orbit around her before it started to slow down.

The girl was clearly going to continue speaking, but seemed hesitant on her next words.

"I'm... I'm lucky... to have been born with it." The words appeared to be extremely difficult for her to manage. "I've never thought that before. Not until... these villains attacked. My quirk's been nothing but a nuisance at best, and a... tragedy at worst. But for the first time, it did some good. I was able to use it to help save Michiko-chan.

"With such a quirk, I feel like I owe it to the world to not waste it. It's hard to not think it should've have ended up in someone else's hands. Someone more like you, I've always thought, Mamoru-chan. But it's not. It's with me. That's why I want to learn from you. I want to improve myself so I can utilize it to its full potential, because even though it feels like an obligation to me, it's still something I want for myself at the same time. I want to be strong enough that nothing and no one can ever threaten people I care about." The girl's gaze glanced to Takeshi's missing arm for a moment, the briefest flash of hatred coursing through her.

"I'll make myself strong enough to protect everyone." Another moment passed before Reina realized she was staring at the wall, her thoughts somewhere darker as her expression had changed further into one of contained turmoil and cold determination. The girl blinked twice, managing to smile again as she went back to playing with her ear and looking away towards the window. "Or at least, that's the impossible ideal I think I want to work towards--giving off that 'All Might' kind of feeling to the public, you know?"

She quickly grabbed another piece of watermelon and began to munch on it, her newly formed blush slowly fading.

"I'm anxious to get back to class too. I can't stand being monitored and told to stay in bed. Not that resting after, you know... not that it's bad, but I just start feeling so restless so quickly when I'm not doing something." Reina gave a giggle at the admission. "I can handle not moving around, I guess, but I've always really needed something to keep my mind busy at the very least. Hospitals aren't very stimulating, and playing games on my phone is kind of hard with one hand. It doesn't help that the one thing I really want to do right now is to get stronger--reading and phone games are fun, but they aren't scratching that particular itch," Reina went on before taking another bite. "I can't imagine it'll be much longer until I'm discharged, though. I'll walk out the door if it takes too long."

@Aerandir@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 2 days ago

Acion Nakamiji

Acion knew by the very nature of this whole condition was like putting a person on a half-sunken boat. He had never been in a relationship before this, but he knew the feeling of anticipation and the disappointment of rejection. These aspects come hand-in-hand unfortunately, and, as Acion witnessed first-hand as Hitomi's breathe disappearing as he spoke, it could have made him doubt his own decision. Those guys in class did have a code of their own to never say these things after all, regardless of circumstances. But to Acion, it would just be disingenuous. Even if it hurts, Acion knew that the consequences of a lie exposed is a lot greater than the bitter truth.

"Hey, even if it didn't work out now, I wouldn't let you out of my life either." He said as gently as possible to sooth the heavily pouted girl in front of him. A girl with two adorable sheep horns that he liked dearly. "Since for the record, I like you too...I've liked you since that outdoor picnic outside the dorm."

It was his turn to grow red from all this romantic talk. But it was true. It was an unfortunate time to be kicked out of the dorm, and not even entirely his fault. And nobody even cared about it. Nobody but her who was willing to spend her time with him outside in the blazing sun. A random act of kindness that captured his feelings clean.

With slight initial hesitation, Acion leaned in to take Hitomi's arm, holding her gentle palm with his two.

"It's official now, do you agree?"
@Silver Carrot
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mia Haven

She smirked seeing her blush at the comment. That's it, she knew she had a thing for Jett. Also the fact she didn’t freak out saying she would never do such a thing. But simply asked what he said. She winked, Oh you know, STUFF. She said with a wink. She chuckled to herself. Kinda wanting to leave it at that, but decided to add. “Something about being so smoll and adorable. I don't remember, I stopped paying attention when my sisters came in the room. She looked over to the other girl curled up at the table alone, her head cocked to the side...or was it her? She looked adorable in that cloak and she was small as well. Could it be her?

Glancing at Ruby as she asked if she was good. She Gave an amused chuckle. She reached up and scratched just at the base of her left ear twice. ”Better now sitting here She said squeezing her more towards her in a half hug with a smile. She then looked up to Yukari who was standing nearby but not wanting to intrude.

Noting that the tall girl left, she looked again at the girl sitting by herself. ”Yu-kar-i! Come sit down you silly girl!” She scooted closer to Ruby giving room between her and Mina. Patting the chair a few times so she could hear where it was. ”Come on! Girl talk.” She then said towards Kaida, ”You as well cutie! Sorry I didn’t catch your name! She padded the chair just opposite of ruby when she made eye contact.

”You are all so glum and quiet! We need to talk about girl stuff, do the girl bonding. Since there are no boys here. Who is the cutest? EH!? I’m sure all of you got a crush on someone here. COOOOOME ON GIVE ME THE DEETS.

When Yukari would sit next to her she would wrap her arm around her. ”Esspecially you sista. Who’s caught your attention?”

Takeshi sat there, not really knowing what to say, he could feel himself slip figuratively into the shadows of the conversation as Reina and Mamoru began to have the conversation between themselves. He was never one to really push himself into the conversation honestly. Though he wanted to, he could think of nothing to say at the moment. So he stood there, glancing between them silently as they ate watermelon and spoke about the fact they have so much to learn. How they want to become better and push past their limitations.

He lowered his gaze to his stump of an arm. Speaking of quirks, his own quirk was impressive as it was, but weak. Now that he only had one hand, only made it weaker as he couldn’t make motions with his left arm anymore. He always knew he had much to learn, but now as they spoke; he felt more of a connection to their words.

He pulled himself from his thoughts and opened his mouth to say something, but he realized they were now on another subject of getting back to school . He quickly shut it as he looked to Reina and Mamoru. Reina mentioning she would walk out if it takes too long.

”I understand that feeling...But doing so might be counter productive to your goal.” He said softly. “I don't want you to hurt yourself more than you have already. If you want to grow stronger, you have to give your body enough rest to accomplish that. I'll tie you to that bed though If I have to. He said with a small hint of a smile...but a tone that sounded quite serious.

”Physical strength is not the only thing you can make stronger. “ He said tapping his head. Trying to hint to the mind, realizing himself that's what he needed to focus on right now for himself. “Take this time to think on what you need to do and make plans...It could possibly help pass the time. That way you’re back in class with m...us.

He said with a slight red on his cheeks. “There all three of us can help each other with obtaining our goals.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Maeda Hitomi


His reply to her outburst got her to stop, and blush, and get mad at herself for getting mad at him. He just confessed to her. He seriously just confessed to her. And then he boldly took her arm and held her hand, and asked her if this was official! After a few seconds she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, and beamed an incredibly radiant smile.

"Yes! It's official! We're dating now!" she exclaimed, before looking around to make sure there was nobody she was disturbing while they were recovering in the nurse's office, before turning back to Acion. "It's so strange to say, but...I'm your girlfriend! And...you're my boyfriend!" she added giddily, with a sheepish giggle.

Mako Akane


Mako chuckled as Jean started talking about how both of them might not be who they are now. It was true of course, but that was spoken just like a man who hadn't spent a large chuck of the time since in prison. Of course Mako didn't actually regret a thing, but she'd had a very long time to think, and 'what if-?' was the beginning of many of those thoughts. That said, that was then, and this is now, and now, she was sitting outside with a handsome gentleman, about to have a French picnic. One thing that stuck out as he buttered her up was that he mentioned a niece.

"Oh? You have a niece that just started here? There aren't many French first-years so that narrows it down a little. It was awful, what happened to her and the others. The people who did this; It almost makes me not so proud to be a Supervillain, having to share a label with scum like that, who hurt and even attempt to kill children," she spoke. Her eyes were open and there was a danger to her irritation that hinted that she was deep down still partly Madam Obsidian despite the apparent maturing and mellowing.

Kasuke Mina

Girl's Common Room

Of course Jett said that. That sounded just like him. For all his swagger and success with the ladies, even the other boys of 1-A weren't as dense with it came to girls, and there was some stiff competition! She tutted and leaned back in her chair. Well, that was dissapointing. "Thanks, anyway," she added, as she was still genuinely grateful to Mia for bringing this to her attention. If only there was a discreet way to ask, while said person is in earshot, if he'd ever mentioned Beaumont.

Unfortunately, Mia then decided Yukari (which wasn't so bad) and Beaumont (which was) to their group. At least Beuamont wouldn't like this any more than Mina did, so there was some solace in that. Mina hid her true feelings from her face, and looked merely disinterested. When Mia tried to get them to talk about boys, Mina shared a look with Kaida, and it wasn't one of hatred either, as long as Kaida didn't talk about Jett. That might change things. No, Mina actually felt in the same boat as once, and hoped that her glance would convey that neither of them talk about Jett right now and just try to brush off this conversation.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


@Lucius Cypher

"Hmm, well I suppose garbage wouldn't taste bad if you ate it regularly. It is just a concept of another taste right. Just like trying new food I suppose. Half of that must be true at least!"

Nia grinned softly as she grater away at the cheese. She made sure they had plenty of cheese. It was one of the key ingredients to pizza so you needed a bunch.

Donny told her how he would stay calm when he was cooking and put his focus on that skill. Nia knew about herself that she had the same with her plants. It helped her be at ease just like Donny had with his cooking.

"She, I suppose I have that with plants but I can't cook as good as you. I'll have to prepare first before I start. When I miss something I'll freak out and burn everything. It is honestly kind of stupid and talentless but if I take my time it'll taste like normal."

Donny was cooking like it was nothing the whole time, he looked more focused on her then the pans at times. A born chef perhaps? Nia was take by swift dough spreading. It wasn't as good as the Italian chefs in restaurants but for a hobby chef it was great.

"Hmm, I suppose I have been growing plants since kindergarten. I was more obssesed with plants then other kids I suppose. N-not that I d-didn't have friends o-or something! It is fun to watch them grow in all shapes and forms, you never know what the combination of plants will grow next. That is the fun part about it."

Elina was so busy with talking that she grater her own finger. Unbelievable, Elina dropped the grater in the sink as she yelped and put her finger in her mouth. It was only a small cut, it surprised her more then it hurts, her fingers were quite robust anyway from the gardens anyhow. It wasn't the first cut that was on her hands.

"G-good thing I'm next to t-the sink I suppose hehe."

She washed of the blood and bandaged it. Donny had asked her afterwards after finishing the pizza and all if they could go grocery shopping together while the pizza was baking. Nia happily shyly nodded her head and strode up next to him.

"Hmm, yes that is fine."

Tomoe Kishitmoto


When Kenichi put his thumb up and gave her a reasured reaction that he already said it was gonna be fine Tomoe averted her eyes and shyly smiled. He was right, she was happy he was right.

However when he mentioned getting something for her friends and going back to them she froze a little. Anxiety rose to the roof when she heard that. Tomoe awkwardly twiddled her thumbs while she bit her lip. It was a rare sight for the girl to be so unsure about her actions. She knew Kenichi was right to do something like that yet, it wouldn't just do itself. When she was somewhat more sure Tomoe softly nodded her head and stepped closer to him while still looking down and averting her gaze from him.

"I should. Thanks..."

Shyly she followed after his back, her hands clutched to her chest as the feeling of unease wouldn't go away. It will only get worse the more she waited and the closer the moment would get, but she had no choice. This horrible feeling would go away as soon as she apologised.

The feeling of water splashing her socks brought her out of her state of dreaming and back to reality.

"Hey! What are you doi- oh."

Almost shouting she spoke at Kenichi without realised what happened at first. She looked towards him, blushed, covered her mouth and hid her face. With a muffled high pitched voice she spoke towards him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say that. I wasn't paying attention."

Tomoe poked her head outside the door towards the cafeteria with a curious look to see who Kenichi was talking too. Oh, it was the weird one. Tomoe groaned softly and pulled her head back before stepping into the wet floor with both shoes. This annoyed guy didn't sit her right. He was too down and lazy for her taste and with the big mouth of her she had to say something.

"Oi, blue Monday janitor-san. You really shouldn't be sitting on your phone while you're cleaning the floor. It will make you lazy if you take long breaks! And you made my socks wet so you own me at least a coffee!"

Tomoe gave a grumpy look towards Amane as she put both her hands in her waists expecting somewhat of a reaction. Well at least she wasn't so down about the whole incident anymore.

"Oh, why are you here in the first place?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yukari Yozakura

Yukari happily joined Mia where she had patted the seat. It was a bit awkward fitting in between her and Mina, but only because Yukari didn't know Mina too well. She was smart but didn't seem the type to talk to anyone in class. Whenever Yukari notices her is either during class or at the training room. Finishing off the crab ragoons Yukari got herself settled in as Mia wanted to gossip. "Eeeeh? Boys? Bleh." She pouted as she was reminded of boys and that spat that happened earlier today. Just about every guy there seemed like an idiot to her, but Yukari knew she was just being harsh because it was still fresh on her mind. "I don't know, no one really seems my type. They're... Brave enough, but they need to check their ego. I don't want to hook up with some muscle head who can't handle a lady, you know?" She didn't want to call anyone out though so Yukari tried to change the subject a bit.

"Really what I'd like from a guy is someone who's considerate but not condescending. Like, personally, they help me with things but doesn't have that 'I have to protect all the girls' attitude. That's just lame. At the same time I wish some boys would be a bit more empathetic. Being all stoic and broody is just so old school it's like, backwards." Turning her head in Mina's direction, Yukari tried to engage in a bit of conversation with her. "Of course if you had to choose a guy as a partner, who'll you look for Kasuke-san? I doubt you'll settle for just any guy who treats you nice. Nice guys is baseline, they need to have a bit more to them than that."

@Silver Carrot@Aerandir@Heartfillia@Melpaws
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago



"Alright, was just askin'. Sheesh..." Kenichi turned back to the vending machine, fishing in his pocket for a handful of yen. He started a bit as Tomoe suddenly shouted behind him, and he looked down as she splashed about a bit before she realized what she had stepped into. She blushed, apparently embarrassed by her own outburst, and when she apologized her voice was tiny and squeaky.

"Careful, Kishimoto-chan." he said, reaching out to steady her a bit by the shoulder. But then she laid into "blue Monday janitor-san," and Kenichi withdrew his hand with a slight grimace. An exaggerated sweatdrop would have fit right in with his expression. What happened to being embarrassed? With her tiny fists on her waist like that, Kenichi didn't know whether to be intimidated or to just think d'aaaaaw, wook how angery she is! Still, while the emo kid looked like he was trying way too hard to be broody, Kenichi had seen enough of the school thus far to know how short people's tempers could be. And all they wanted was a couple of drinks.

"He's here cause he's cleanin'. Although, I kinda thought he was done...Take it easy though, Kishimoto-chan." The bluette scratched the back of his head as he faced the dour boy again. "She's a bit of a firecracker, pal, but you really should put a wet floor sign down or somethin' if you ain't finished."

Ultimately he wasn't really bothered by the fiasco, so long as Tomoe hadn't slipped and hurt herself. He turned back to the machine and started to count out coins, without even paying attention as to whether the brooding wannabe had some kind of snarky response prepared.

"Hm...think that's the least sugary..." he muttered to himself as he decided on his own drink. "Yo, Kishimoto-chan, I don't think he's gonna buy you anything. You still want a coffee?"

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 8 days ago

Mamoru was quiet as she listened to Reina. She was honestly surprised; for as long as Mamoru knew the girl, she’s never heard her say so much. Frankly it made Mamoru feel rather insensitive; this whole time she just figured Reina was just shy. Sure everyone had problems with their quirks starting out but all things considered Reina seemed to have a great control of it. It was certainly different than how Mamoru felt about her own quirk, and it made it a bit hard for the pinkette to know what to say. Still Reina felt more driven to improve and that was good enough for Mamoru.

Of course Mamoru would never show it. She looked considerate so she could hide her confusion. Takeshi had some words of encouragement too but some of the things he said, or rather what he tried not to say, Mamoru picked up on. Her education might be bad but she could spot some juicy gossip worthy material when she sees it. Of course it wouldn’t be hard for Mamoru to figure out Reina and Takeshi might be a thing; their powers thematically fit, they had the whole color scheme thing going on, and Takeshi did approach Reina to train her instead of the other way around. Mamoru wondered if it would be best to let the two lovers have their privacy.

”Weeeeell I can certainly see where you’re coming from, Reinbow. Even when I broke my arms I couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. But I’m stupid and you’re not, so you need to rest!” Suddenly Mamoru had an idea. A brilliant idea, or at least brilliant for her. ”I know! While you two are still resting up, we can do research!” Mamoru took out her cell phone and looked something up. When she found it she showed it to them. ”Tada! Tokyo’s Most Wanted! A list of all sorts of bad guys both active and on the lamb. You need to rest your body but that doesn’t mean you can’t work your brain! I’ll go buy the latest issue of TMW so we can brainstorm strategies about how we’ll deal with different baddies, maybe we’ll even be able to find out those guys who attacked you!” That last bit was a slip of the tongue. Mamoru didn’t want to bring it up in case they still felt scared of what had happened. She didn’t know a thing about PTSD or anything, but even she knew it was in bad taste to question victims about their attacker when they’re still recovering. But Mamoru would try to play it off.

”Ah, experience is the most important thing for a hero, so a big step towards being the best hero is learning from it! I’ll go buy the book, if there’s anything else you want just text me!” Just in cast they don’t have her number Mamoru wrote it on a note before dashing off. Before she did she winked at Takeshi. ”Don’t do anything naughty now!” With that she left.


Donny and Nia left the dorms and would head to a nearby supermarket. They’ll have about two hours to kill, so there wasn’t any rush. Donny was at a bit of a lost for what to talk about now though. Quirks and cooking was about the only two he felt he had much of an opinion about. Maybe anime too, but he liked the really old school stuff like way back in the early 2000’s to 2020’s. That would be real dorky. He supposed he could talk to her about school and stuff. ”Ah, b-b-b-by the way, what class a-a-a-are you in? I’m in A1. H-H-Hero course!”

Soon they’d have to stop at a railroad track as the bars went down. A train would be arriving soon, hopefully it won’t be a long one. As Donny and Nia would wait, a familiar face was nearby. A purple-haired, shark toothed girl who seemed to be enjoying a drink around the corner while her friends were having a little chat with someone around the bend. Donny didn’t notice since he was looking at Nia, but Nia might recognize her from class.

Retsu Goroshi.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Dulga Tarata

Dulga laid her rifles down on her bed and looked at what she had. She had the same weapons as before, her Dragunov, MTs255, TT-33, Stechkin APS, the last one which had been destroyed but now Dulga thinks it should be functional again. She'll take it to the range to make sure there aren't any defects and everything is calibrated. Dulga's guns were due for an upgrade anyways, so she made sure to use some newer parts made of better alloys. This would make sure they're tougher to wear and tear and won't jam up as much even if she handles them roughly, which she will do.

Next was the new weapons she got from her home. There was the PTRD, a single-shot anti-material rifle. Her mother was a big believer of one shot, one kill, and this was her weapon of choice. Upgraded to handle larger caliber bullets to punch through even harder modern alloys, really it was it's own gun now, and merely the PTRD in origins only. Then there was her mother's personal side arm, a Mauser. Dulga never liked this weapon; it looked silly and the fact it had to be loaded via stripper clip just felt awkward for Dulga, who preferred magazine fed. The only upside was that her mother's Mauser held more bullets than the other two pistols. And finally, the one weapon that Dulga intends to use more often, and likely one that she has to keep a secret from the school. It was a classic; anyone with a vague idea of guns would've heard about this weapon. Dulga was surprised that her mother would have such an antique but considering she married a swordsmith, maybe she just had a thing for old school. But at least it was practical. The AKM, commonly but mistakenly known as the AK-47. An original one at that. It seemed almost entirely unmodified beyond updating it's parts to modern material so that it could function just as well as it would've back when such weapons were put into the hands of professional soldiers. The only rifle Dulga had that had a full-auto mode; her APS also had full auto but was chambered for 9mm rounds, which as Dulga learned, wasn't strong enough for the enemies she'll be facing.

Working on these weapons made Dulga wonder more about her mother and why she had such an interest for these old fashion russian guns. They were good, no doubt about it, but between her weapons of choices, or fairly mysterious pass, and her choice to settle in Hokkaido, it made Dulga wonder if her mother was ever a government agent or something. Even though she doesn't care much for Japanese politics Dulga knew about the tensions between Japan and Russian for those northern islands. But Dulga put these thoughts aside as she put the guns away into their cases. Now that her old ones were repaired and the new ones were clean she was going to go put them to the test. Well, after a break. She still felt emotionally drained after the spat in the gym and she really didn't want to go back there while she had the weight of the stupidity hanging over her. She needed to take her mind off of it.

The best way to do that was TV.

Once Dulga put her guns away she headed down stairs to the common area. She lounged on the sofa as she turned the TV on to her favorite crime dramas. While their blatant disregard to actual law and procedures annoyed Dulga sometimes, crime dramas were one of the few entertainment tv series were the protagonists had to rely on their wits and gunplay instead of just quirks. Sure they had quirks and often the villains had quirks that made them so dangerous, but they at least try to show "normal" people solving abnormal issues. It helped Dulga think about how to deal with her problems if she ran into enemies who relied on their quirk a lot, or knew they could be effectively bullet proof.

But really Dulga just watches it for the guns.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Melpaws
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Melpaws Envoy of the First

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ruby Mamoru

Almost in an idle way, Mia scratched Ruby's ear. Now of course it was one thing to be so touchy to someone she had barely met and it felt a bit agressive for Ruby, but that wasn't exactly the problem that the neko had with it. What Mia couldn't know was that Ruby's cat-ears on top of her head were very sensitive. To the point where just being scratched there almost paralyzed her from the sensation. If she were asked to describe the feeling, Ruby would describe it feeling like someone touched your neck but you are also very ticklish and it is 100x more intense. While it could be a nice thing to do for a loved one, like her mother always did, or her partner in the future as a romantic gesture, having an acquaintance like Mia do it almost felt a bit inappropriate.
In her usual demeanor, Ruby tried to react as little as possible, to not make it so apparent why it was such an awkward situation.

The neko's cheeks blushed somewhat visibly and she quietly waited for Mia to stop while staring into basically nothing intensely.
Yup; That was her way of dealing with it. She felt that it'd be rude to interrupt the conversation and she also didn't want to make Mia feel embarrassed, which she probably wouldn't anways. So for now, Ruby just endured it quietly.

Besides, listening in on the conversation was more interesting! And... even if by someone like Mia, being scratched behind her ear was somewhat comforting as it reminded her of back home where her mother would always do the same while Ruby grew up. Though maybe saying that would make it a bit... weird.
The conversation about boys was not one Ruby could really join in on, but just being there felt kind of nice. It wasn't a very meaningful conversation topic-wise for Ruby, but just being there was important. Since she never really had friends, Ruby always kind of felt isolated in a way. However, being here in the middle of a conversation between girls about boys and the likes made her feel... included. Like she was not an outsider, but rather part of the group; Even if she was just more or less present without adding any comment. It was a warm and kind feeling inside of Ruby.

Besides, she wouldn't be able to add much anyways. After all, Ruby neither had a crush currently, nor could she really properly judge the boys that were part of her class. So far none of them particularly stood out to her... though she hadn't had much interaction beforehand anyways.

@Silver Carrot @Aerandir @Ryonara
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Roy Kusayanagi

As the three were making their way towards the dorms, Eva looked over to him, her eyes narrowed, wondering why he suddenly wouldn’t look at them . “Is something wrong?" She asked quietly.

Emma looked to her left to see Mako sitting at a table with a handsome man, but she only smiled slightly as she looked back to Roy to see what he said...thinking back to how he changed at the mention of Yukari she narrowed her eyes. “Are you…..dating Yukari?” She asked simply.

Roy kept walking forward without a peep as he didn’t know what to say since he didn’t know the two girls very well, he felt bad replying to Eva’s question with an unsettling answer. “I’ll be alright”
, he didn’t want to lie to her and say he is fine because he was far from it if anything. It’s been a fucking stressful week.

That was when Emma ask if I was dating Yukari and his face turned as a red as a tomato, the boy was flustered as he threw his hands into the air frantically trying to make a case for himself.

“N-no me and Yukari aren’t dating what makes you think that! N-not that anything is wrong with her I’ve just never had a conversation with her like that.” Realizing that he was overreacting made his face turn even redder out of embarrassment, the blonde inhaled deeply before continuing as he regained composure. “Where did that come from?”

Eva raised her eyebrows at his words, and pulled her head back at Emma’s question. Roy certainly didn’t make his case as he quickly tried to deny it. She could see Emma smirking as she folded her arms while he tried to explain. “Uhhuh…” she said simply She moved passed Roy, as if to continue to the dorms but she didn’t know exactly where she was going she stopped. "It just when we mentioned her your whole demeanor changed. Not as flirty as you were just minutes ago.” She turned around and raised a finger. “Argo, you like Yukari… maybe you haven’t talked with her. BUT you think she’s cute. Which is ok cause she’s adorable.”

She leaned forward with a wink. “I can help you with that if you want.” She gave a grin all too similar to her older sister.

Roy face palmed as these girls seemed dead set on teasing him, “I assure you nothing is going on between Yukari and me so don’t get ahead of yourselves.” Roy continued forward, “Since you guys are intruding on my personal life then I’m going to do the same. Any cute guys you two are interested in? Maybe I could give you some advice perhap on how to capture their heart.” He said as he tried to flipping the table on the situation, Roy gave a sly grin as he turned towards the girls. “Don’t be shy we’re all friends here aren’t we?”

The girls looked at each other and laughed between themselves, following him once again. “There are a few boys who have my attention…” Emma starts. Eva raises a finger and Emma plops a hand on top of her head, as if turning the mute on.

“But I think we are good. We were just trying to see why you suddenly changed your demeanor when talking about the adorable Yukari. “ Emma continued. Sensing clearly there was more to what he was telling. “Or was there a fight between you two?”

Roy smirked as he managed to flip things around somewhat, “Yeah I made her upset along with pretty much every girl in my class” he said a bit dejected, he didn’t even look them in the face when he spoke.

Both girls gasp and pull their arms over their chest and in unison they asked, “Are you a perv?!”

Roy’s face went flat, before he raised his voice a bit, “W-What?!NO!” He cleared his throat realizing he was being loud, “I treat everyone with respect, plus I’m a hero. I wouldn’t never do something like that, the reason why my demeanor changed was because I made her upset, so when you mentioned her I was unsure if she was prepared to see my face again so soon.” Not only that but the thought of basically walking into a lion's den since she was most likely with all the other girls.

After a moment and them looking to each other after he explained himself.They looked at him with narrowed eyes of judgment, trying to see if he was lying. They lowered their arms and continued to follow him, Eva asked in a very innocent voice as she raised a finger. “But if you’re a hero...why did you make every girl upset in your class?”

Roy shuddered a bit as their eyes analyzed his body language, finally they asked the question why they were mad and he let out a sigh. At this point he had to let the cat out of the bag considering the fact that they’ll find out anyways once he apologizes, “So I got into a little altercation with another kid that didn’t really end well and they got mad at me and him because we were fighting.”

Emma narrowed her eyes, her arms folded as she questioned his story. But only for a moment as she shrugged. “Ok.” was all she said as she looked towards the dorms they were walking towards. “ Did either of you have to go to the Nurses after? Like was either of you hurt really bad?”

Soon enough the 3 were approaching the dorms meaning do or die time was slowly impending. “I know how to treat my own wounds so I’m fine , I don’t know if he went to the nurse or anything.” Not like Roy cared much either, he wish he had got a couple more licks in.“I’m surprised you guys didn’t immediately hound me for fighting someone else, maybe you two really are good girls.” Roy as they came up upon the steps towards the door of the dorm. He placed his hand upon the the handle, preparing himself to hold the door open for the two girls.

The girls nodded as they listened and laughed at the fact of the good girls. “ How does that make us good girls? “ Emma said, Eva then added, “Our mother wasn’t like most mothers lets just say that.” She said with a innocent smile.

“I mean, everyone gets angry and fights. It’s pretty bitchy to judge others for doing something we all have done.” Emma shrugged. “As long as you weren’t trying to Kill him, sometimes that's just how things get worked out.”

A tear nearly came to Roys eye when they said they understood him, “Yeah they didn’t take to kindly to us fighting and they all verbally blew up on the two of us”, the boy completely ignored what Emma said about trying to kill him, perhaps it was best he didn’t bring that up.Roy held the door open for the girls to pass through. “So naturally, of course I’d be off put by knowing that I’ve upset your friend but I guess I didn’t account for being blessed by the presence of two angels today.” He said with a sincere smile.

The two girls nodded as he explained some more. As they passed through he added the angels part. They giggled “Oh thats so cheesy…” Emma said with a laugh. “You must have picked that up from my brother!” she continued to chuckle as she looked around the room seeing a bunch of girls sitting on the couch and talking. Mia of course in the middle with Yukari. She turned back. “Most girls just don’t understand boys like that. You have to remember to sometimes we need it laid out in front of us. “ She said with a wink.

“Cheesy but it made you smile.” he said laughing as well.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amane Kishimoto


The janitors changed to an annoyed expression real quickly after pinky’s little outburst. Who the hell did she think she was coming in and tracking dirt from the outside after he JUST cleaned the floors. Then she had to nerve to say that HE owed her coffee, this girl was completely delusional.

“You will receive nothing from me, and have you been under a rock for the past couple of days? I’ve been placed on academic probation for nearly destroying your class, this is just one of the few punishments I’ve been given.” Amane grabbed his mop once more and prooceded to clean the area in which Tomoe had tracked mud through. After in which he pulled a wet floor sign that was next to the table into sight. The boy then rolled his eyes out of annoyance as they were now just going to end up getting in their way.

Watch your step ,there was venom behind his tone as he 'warned' the small pinkett, the boy returned back to where he was previously sitting, Whats taking so long?
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kaida watched as Yukari’s visitor dropped herself right between everyone and invited her over. Her legs still scrunched up on the chair to her chest and arms hugging them towards herself. She lifted her head up and quickly said, ”It’s K-Kaida…” Mia had smiled at this and turned to the other girls to speak to them. Her heart leaped when she was invited over by the outgoing girl. She was not one to really be in a situation like this. Without moving, her eyes darted back and forth between the three other girls and Mina. Did she want to go over there? She groaned inwardly, not wanting to be near that girl, but wanting to make friends with the outgoing Mia.

She stood up and pulled the cloak around her as she moved over slowly, listing as she listened to her wanting to talk about boys… She looked to the side, the scene of Roy and Jett fresh on her mind. But she sat down next to Ruby, pulling her legs up again to her chest. She rested her cheek on her knees as she looked to the three girls.

Mina gave her a look as if knowing her answer, almost telling her not to mention him. Acting like she wanted nothing to do with the conversation. When Yukari started, she mentioned ego… ”someone else needs to check theirs” she thought to herself, her eyes flashing as she looked at Mina.

She turned red with embarrassment when Yukari mentioned she didn’t like boys who had the ‘protect all girls thing.’ She knew she could handle herself….she was stronger than most of the girls here, and boys… but she always wanted that ‘white knight’ to come save her, from her father.

She looked to the side to see Dulga come back down in more relaxed clothing, turning on the tv and watching some tv drama with guns. She definitely wasn’t like most girls. She looked to Ruby next to her who was silent as well, keeping to herself.

But Yukari asked Mina a question, she looked at her, wondering what she would say.

It was then she heard some laughter coming from the front door. She glanced over to see a set of twins coming in. One in a wheelchair, and the other following her. Laughing at something. She perked her head up. wondering who they were. Then she saw the one walking turn behind her and wink at someone, She then heard roy from all the way over here. Then seeing him when the sun behind him didn't blur him out any longer.

He was flirting with these girls?! She narrowed her eyes into a glare. He was literally in a fight a few minutes ago, and now he's flirting with other girls. She didnt know why she just got more angry, she tightened her knees to her chest and tucked her nose between her knees so only her eyes could be seen from under the hood of her cloak.

She turned back towards Mina, she would much rather deal with Mina right now than Roy.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Kasuke Mina

Girl's Common Room

Mina raised eyebrow when she was asked about boys first. Why was she asked? Maybe Yozakura thought it would be entertaining to watch Mina of all people talk about boys. Or maybe she knew that Mina had a crush on Jett and was trying to stir trouble. Either way, it riled Mina up. But it's fine. She was above it. She'd play along. She smiled, entering 'lady mode' again though not being quite so fake as she was with Asuna. She was much more natural this time. It was as if part of her was glad to thaw out, open up to others and act like a girl.

"What I look for? I haven't really been looking but I suppose...you're right about being nice being the baseline. Hmm...they'd have to be confident, and have enough of a personality to be fun to be around. Also stubborn. I mean, not in an 'they always insist they're right' kind of way, more like 'they will not stop trying to help or talk to you even if you think you don't want to', you know?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yukari Yozakura

"Hmm. So you like those types of guys huh?" Yukari nodded as she thought about what type of guys fit Mina's category. Really just about all of the boys except maybe Acion and Donny. They seem reticent enough to back off when then not wanted. "I don't know, a guy who doesn't know how to take a hint and is super pushy... Not really cool. Now maybe if they were a bit subtle about it you know, like they're helping but not bothering you, I think that's the best. That's considerate without being condescending." Clasping her fingers together Yukari felt she contributed enough to the conversation. But even she could tell that there was some sort of underlining tension with the girls here, talking about boys. Yukari was blind but not stupid. She knew Kaida didn't want to talk about boys, Mina seemed like she was just talking for the sake of talking, and Ruby hasn't said anything at all. Yukari needed to think of something else they could talk about.

That's when she heard Dulga come down and turn the TV on to some crime show. That gave Yukari the perfect idea for a new topic as she clapped her hands together lightly. "You know we've been at school for what, a few months now? All we've done is train and go to class, I really want to go do something fun that's not just more training or something. But honestly I've never done anything except training. What do you girls want to do for fun?" This should be a good topic. It'll certainly be better than anything Yukari could talk about, she really doesn't do anything except training and maybe her circus act. She doesn't even do much of that anymore.

@Silver Carrot@Aerandir@Heartfillia@Melpaws
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago



"You will receive nothing from me, and have you been under a rock for the past couple of days? I've been placed on academic probation for nearly destroying your class, this is just one of the few punishments I've been given." Kenichi's fingers stopped a minute from putting the yen coin into the vending machine. Clinking the coins in his hand, he slowly turned back towards Amane. The stillness of a cloudy day began to build in the air.

The bluette only watched as the other boy mopped up again--noting the tension in his movements and the look in his eyes. Kenichi noted the huff with which Amane pulled out the wet floor sign, and the roll of his eyes before the boy glared at them again.

"Watch your step." he 'warned.' With narrowed eyes, Kenichi put a hand in front of Tomoe and stepped forward. He didn't have any mud on his shoes, but the water still puddled on the floor rippled outward between him and Amane. Where the vibrations from their steps collided between the two boys, the water splashed quietly to draw a line between them.

"Alright, edgelord. We get it. You're in detention." he said in a low voice. "We're getting a couple drinks and we'll leave ya to your brooding, so turn it down a notch." He then turned around, pushing gently on Tomoe's shoulder to try and get her to do the same, and approached the vending machine again. He only had one last thing to say, over his shoulder, before he did his best to ignore the angsty youth.

"My name's Yoshida Kenichi, by the way. 'Destroying my class' doesn't hold much stock with me--Cause it musta been during the time I was absent. So let's put that aside. Next time I see ya, 'Janitor-san,' let's put better feet forward."

The coins clinked into the machine...
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jean nodded, with a smile. I twas clear who his niece was. But when she mentioned what had happened a few days before he sighed, looking down. For somereason he felt that remark directed at him. He was once apart of that world. Though now he was nothing like he was before when they met all those years ago in the market. He was one of those super villains. If it wasn't for his wife...

He looked up to her and said softly. "You...Madame... are not even close to being lumped in with those people, they are far below you." He gave her a smile, he thought it cute she thought she was a super villain. She was a master Theif for sure, but she didn't have a shred of evil in her. She was just a mischievous Fox, at least in comparison with what he had seen.

Raising his glass, "But enough about that Miss Mako, tell me about yourself, what is it...from a woman who can get anything she wants 'quite literally' what is your goal in life now." He took a sip of his wine and placed it on the table, leaning forward and ignoring his food, despite the rich and mouth watering smell that came from it. His eyes focused completely on her.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tomoe Kishitmoto


Amane didn't take Tomoe's remark of the wet floor too kindly. Or any other statement that she made. Instead of a sorry or excuse from him about the wet floor he scoffed after her with a mop to clean her footsteps giving a clearly annoyed reply. He wasn't giving her coffee which was fair enough, that was only a stupid joke and he gave away why he was mopping the floor in the first place. Apparently he was in academic probation for destroying her class. Tomoe dropped her hands past her side looking at him with a unbelievable expression.


She balled up her fist angrily watching him as he mopped after her. How dared he. How could he talk like this so simply like it was no big deal. How was he the one that was angry, he should have already been long expelled. A student that hurts most of her class in the first week? Unbelievable. Tomoe scoffed back at him as reply.

"I've been asleep so. No, no I don't know."

She traced the boy with her mad glare all the way till he sat down. He had the dare to warn them about dirtying his floor again. Tomoe tilted her head to him as she turned towards the vending machine giving Amane a wide eyed killer glare.

"You should watch your step as well..."

Kenichi put his arm in front of Tomoe to hold her back. Tomoe was rather short tempered from time to time and seeing how the last time she heard her class was hurt made her activate her clone, this situation wasn't any better. Kenichi spoke his words to the edge-lord and came back to Tomoe facing away from the man. She was clenching her fist as hard as possible, nails digging into her skin as she felt a hand on her shoulder. He was trying to calm her down from her previous outburst, she sighed, bit her lip and waited for Kenichi to get the drinks.


@Lucius Cypher

They walked past the station together to get to the nearest grocery store. The last time she went to the grocery store it was only half an hour walk. So it was a bit of a walk but doable. It was rather awkward between the two now since they had been done talking about hobbies and school. They had to find something they could talk about, something that they had done or seen alike. When they arrived at the station Donny asked her what class she was in. Nia became a little red at that question, they had been talking to each other about it for a while now but somehow they missed that point.

"U-um, I'm in c-class o-one B her c-course. I-I'm sorry I h-haven't said y-yet."

They arrived at the rail track as soon as the bars went down. Nia clutched a hand by her chest as she took a step back giving a somewhat frightened response. The trains would always so loud when the rode by, she prepared for the worst in advance. While waiting she noticed her classmates by the barrier as well. Softly she spoke to herself at the sight of her classmate.


Nia awkwardly watched the girl not knowing how to approach her. She remembered all her classmates names but she was too bad at approaching them in any way. She was the sort of loner that couldn't make friends. Donny was her first 'friend' if you could already call them that much. She twiddled her thumbs and lowered her head to the ground slightly contemplating how to talk to her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 2 days ago

Acion Nakamiji

She said yes.

Acion didn't hear it wrong. She said yes.

How in the world did that happen? Everything else before that felt like distant memories. It's so blurry to him at this moment. But now he had just moved to being in a relationship, in a split second that he never saw it coming. The movies and all that drama clichés had got a little too far into him; one that perhaps did not serve him really well in this scenario, but probably would not hinder his progress. But all in all it was there. He is now in a relationship.

"It feels...new, I'd say. But it feels good."

It really does. Having someone care for you is such a bliss to think about. The dull pain in his leg all felt insignificant to the moment. His worries also blurred into unconsciousness. For a moment, he just enjoyed the silence, internally turning upside down inside, while whatever questions asked at him his subconsciousness had already taken over for him. Who knew how long it had taken both of them before reality came back down to him. Relativity is an amazing thing.

But when reality actually came back to him, he remembered what happened before all of that confession. It was Tomoe crying on his bed, that Acion hadn't had the chance to ask what was going on.

"Anyway, you may want to check on your roommate. She was venting stuff before you came. It may be something unpleasant." Acion said. "Or we can do that together. I wanna know if that's related to that fight earlier."
@Silver Carrot
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