Mamoru just let out a small breath of air as Reina thanked Mamoru for helping her. ”I didn’t do anything to help cept give you some positive words, Reinbow! Literally everyone does that. Your improvement, and your strength, is all on you.” Hearing about how many times Reina had been denied by other schools bothered Mamoru a bit. Not because she understood the struggle; Komei was the only school she applied to and was practically a shoe in. Comparing their quirks, Reina was obviously stronger, but she lacked confidence unlike Mamoru. ”You need to take more credit for yourself Reinbow. Sure the heroic thing to do is be humble and stuff, but don’t try to flatter everyone just because it’s polite! Have some pride as a hero! A hero needs to be confident in themselves so that others can be confident in them.”
Mamoru took a slice from the watermelon and chewed it for a bit, pondering to herself. She flexed her hands, which still felt a bit sore from training, but at least she could move them now. ”Honestly, I have to push myself pass the limit just to keep up with everyone else who aren’t even going all out. If this is what happens to you guys when you’re up against a real villain, what chances do I stand if I can’t going beyond? So you shouldn’t look up to me as someone who could actually give you advice, Reinbow. Instead you should consider me something like a bottom line; if I can beat you somehow, then you’re slacking off!” Mamoru smiled as she said this. It was just a joke to her but one that helped ease the pain. A hero has to always smile after all, no matter how much it hurts.
Smiling confidently Mamoru was certain that Reina could handle herself. Her confidence certainly need improvement and Mamoru would try her best with that. Considering the recent situation however Mamoru wasn’t too sure how to approach it. She didn’t know what happened and wasn’t sure if it was okay for her to ask. But at the same time could she really afford not to know? This wasn’t just another training accident at school. Actual villains attacked. It felt serious enough that Mamoru wanted to ask instead of just ignoring it like she does with most of her problems. However she didn't want to spoil the mood either. Reina seemed happy. Even Mamoru could see that. For now she'll just have to wait and ask at a more appropriate time. ”Anyways I can't wait to see you two back in class! It feels weird having so many students out of class at once. Not to mention with less students around, the teachers call on me more! It's hard trying to remember everything throughout the day.”

With the cheese grated and the dough ready, Donny made the pizza. Or rather, he laid it in the oven. It’d be a while before the pizza was done so they had some time to kill. He took off his hat and his apron and pondered what they should do the pass the time. Donny really didn’t have any ideas so he just figured he’d go shopping. Hopefully Nia would be interested. ”S-S-So uh, want to g-g-g-go shopping with me? S-S-Shouldn’t take long. Just some groceries.” It’ll be quick. Just a train ride down to the local supermarket, pick up some groceries for tomorrow, make some small talk, and by the time they’re back the pizza would be done. What’s the worst that could happen?
Fujino rolled her eyes as the very animesque scene played out with Lysander and Persia. She couldn't help but crack a smile though; this is the first time she’s seen it play out in genuine accident instead of cringey rehearsal. Still she didn’t really want to deal with a crowd so at Lysander’s request she got straight to the point. ”Well, I just wanted to let you know that while you made a request to transfer back to 1A, there’s already a student who’s suppose to transfer into 1A before you. Hector Alexander. From our class even. I’m supposed to bring you to the student council so we can discuss this, but I guess the cat’s out of the bag.” Fujino sighed as she started walking away.
”Originally Hector was suppose to transfer to 1A around the same time you came to 1B, but one thing lead to another and Hector’s transfer was postponed. Now is the best time for the transfer to occur, and of course that is complicated even further because you want to transfer back too. In any case I’m suppose to bring you back to class so we can come up with a compromise, but I can see you have…” She glanced back at the trio with a small smile before continuing on her way. ”Company. The student council is usually in 1B after school if you want to talk about this in more detail. Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow, Mordred-kun. Koizumi-chan. Hayashida-san.”
@Silver Carrot@Experiment 249@pkken